Citric Acid Cycle
Citric Acid Cycle
Citric Acid Cycle
The five coenzymes participating in this reaction, and the three enzymes that make up the enzyme complex,
• Coenzyme A (CoA). A hydroxyl group of pantothenic acid • Lipoic acid (lipoate) in amide linkage with a Lys residue. The
is joined to a modified ADP moiety by a phosphate ester lipoyllysyl moiety is the prosthetic group of dihydrolipoyl
bond, and its carboxyl group is attached to β- transacetylase (E2 of the PDH complex). The lipoyl group
mercaptoethylamine in amide linkage. occurs in oxidized (disulfide) and reduced (dithiol) forms and
• The hydroxyl group at the 3’ position of the ADP moiety acts as a carrier of both hydrogen and an acetyl (or other
has a phosphoryl group not present in free ADP. The — acyl) group
SH group of the β-mercaptoethylamine moiety forms a
thioester with acetate in acetyl-coenzyme A (acetyl-
Oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA by the PDH complex
Step 1 pyruvate reacts with the bound thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) of pyruvate dehydrogenase (E1), undergoing
decarboxylation to the hydroxyethyl derivative.
Step 2, the transfer of two electrons and the acetyl group from TPP to the oxidized form of the lipoyllysyl group of the
core enzyme, dihydrolipoyl transacetylase (E2), to form the acetyl thioester of the reduced lipoyl group.
Step 3 is a transesterification in which the —SH group of CoA replaces the —SH group of E2 to yield acetyl-CoA and the
fully reduced (dithiol) form of the lipoyl group.
Step 4 dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase (E3) promotes transfer of two hydrogen atoms from the reduced lipoyl groups of
E2 to the FAD prosthetic group of E3, restoring the oxidized form of the lipoyllysyl group of E2.
Step 5 the reduced FADH2 of E3 transfers a hydride ion to NAD+, forming NADH. The enzyme complex is now ready for
another catalytic cycle.
Citric Acid Cycle (CAC)
C-C bond formation to
Dehydrogenation to give NADH make citrate
Isomerization via
Hydration dehyd/rehydration
Oxidative decarboxylation to
Substrate level phosphorylation give 2 NADH
to give GTP
Products of one turn of the citric acid cycle
At each turn of the cycle,
• 3 NADH
• 1 FADH2
• 1 GTP (or ATP)
• 2CO2
are released in oxidative decarboxylation reactions.
• Biosynthetic precursors produced by an incomplete citric
acid cycle in anaerobic bacteria.
• These anaerobes lack a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase and
therefore cannot carry out the complete citric acid
cycle. a-Ketoglutarate and succinyl-CoA serve as precursors
in a variety of biosynthetic pathways.
Anaplerotic Reactions
A biochemical pathway that serves both anabolic and catabolic processe.
As intermediates of the citric acid cycle are serve as biosynthetic precursors, they are replenished by anaplerotic reactions.
CAC components are important Biosynthetic intermediates
• Vertebrates cannot convert fatty acids, or the acetate derived from them, to carbohydrates.
PEP → pyruvate → acetyl-CoA irreversible reaction.
• If a cell cannot convert acetate into PEP, so acetate cannot serve as the starting material for the gluconeogenic pathway.
• Without this capacity a cell is unable to convert fuels or metabolites that are degraded to acetate (fatty acids and certain
amino acids) into carbohydrates.
Anaplerotic reactions
Oxaloacetate + GTP → PEP + CO2 + GDP
• In many organisms other than vertebrates, the glyoxylate cycle serves as a mechanism for converting acetate to
Glyoxylate cycle
• In plants, certain invertebrates, and some microorganisms
(including E. coli and yeast) acetate can serve both as an
energy-rich fuel and as a source of PEP for carbohydrate
synthesis. So enzymes of the glyoxylate cycle catalyze the net
conversion of acetate to succinate or other four-carbon
intermediates of the citric acid cycle: