Easter Art
Easter Art
Easter Art
Unit(s) / Topic(s)
Subject Area(s) Art Easter Pysanky Eggs
/ Strand (s)
Appreciation (taken from the 1985 curriculum, Grade 2)
General Learner - Students will interpret artworks by examining their context and less visible
Outcomes(s) (GLOs) characteristics.
(or equivalent)
Social Studies
Time and Place (Grade 3)
- Students explore how diverse people contribute to the identity of Alberta
- Settlers from Western and Eastern Europe, including Ukrainians.
A. Contextual information (geographical, historical, biological, cultural) may be
needed to understand works of art.
Specific Learner Painting
Outcome(s) (SLOs)
(or equivalent)
B. Use paint in combination with other mediums and techniques
Social Studies
- Students explore how diverse people contribute to the identity of Alberta
Settlers from Western and Eastern Europe, including Ukrainians.
Learning Objective
Students will show appreciation for a work of art by the hidden cultural message that lies within.
Students will learn how to combine 2 different mediums within the same artwork; paint and pastel.
Materials Needed
- Water colored paper with egg shape pre drawn on
- Pastels at each table, one package for every 2-4 students
- Black paint
- Paint brushes
- Water
- Paper towels
- Paint trays
- Example of artwork
From classroom
- Make sure students bring pencils
- Print out 7 of these and put them on the tables for students to reference
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zrNMIciPYvBheLRnwDM3L62O3xp3cvOGUrIJyftNzno/edit
- Bonus activity
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vXRpah7DqO9lpboeBbc0PeoZnRdvPEAw/view?usp=sharing
- 10 pages: Marking sheet
Smart Board
Introduction Time
Transition During recess set up a station for every 4 students with water, paint brushes,
paper towels, pastels, etc… 10:25 4 minutes
Transition from recess 10:40
Attention Intro 10:44
Grabber - Tell students about your heritage
- You are ukrainian catholic, grandfather's mother came over,
raised in catholic culture. I have painted these eggs with my
church community the traditional way with the kiska.
Pysanky eggs history
5 minutes
- Pysanky eggs were decorated in the spring time by Ukrainian people.
- They are also decorated my other surrounding countries too
Talk about
- The importance of surviving the winter.
- They have been made for thousands of years, even before the birth of
Activities Time
Learning Explaining the activity 10:49
Activity #1 You can pause source video at various places as you explain to help give a visual