8.ulster Plantation and The Growth of Towns Summary
8.ulster Plantation and The Growth of Towns Summary
8.ulster Plantation and The Growth of Towns Summary
The size of
estates was
capped at 2,000 The Plantation in Practice
-1607: Flight of the Earls;
acres, unlike -Started 1609. O’Neill and the Ulster nobility
the Munster fled to Rome.
-Fermanagh, Armagh, Tyrone,
plantation. Derry, Donegal and Cavan -The new king James I
were planted. confiscated their lands.
-Servitors (men who had served control of the (converted by John Knox) came to
in the English army during the London Trade Ulster at this time. Like servitors,
Nine Years War) were awarded Guilds. It was they would not be driven from
After; arable farming (growing -Irish labourers continued to work the land as they had
crops like wheat and oats) done before the plantation, but land ownership had
-Flax became a popular crop.
Later during the industrial -The native population lost control of the land and this
revolution this attracted industry created a level of resentment that would grow over the
Miss Stout centuries.
to 19th century Ulster.
What impact did the Ulster Planation have on identity?
Identity means the characteristics that define a person or place. The Ulster Plantation had a distinct
impact on the identity of the area.
How did the growth of towns influence identity on the island of Ireland?
Miss Stout