Auditing Model Risk Management 2018

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Auditing Model Risk Management

About the IPPF

The International Professional Practices Framework®
(IPPF®) is the conceptual framework that organizes
authoritative guidance promulgated by The IIA. A
trustworthy, global, guidance‐setting body, The IIA
provides internal audit professionals worldwide with
authoritative guidance organized in the IPPF as
Mandatory Guidance and Recommended Guidance.
Mandatory Guidance is developed following an
established due diligence process, which includes a
period of public exposure for stakeholder input.
The mandatory elements of the IPPF are:
 Core Principles for the Professional
Practice of Internal Auditing.
 Definition of Internal Auditing.
 Code of Ethics.
 International Standards for the
Professional Practice of Internal Auditing.

About Supplemental Guidance

Supplemental Guidance is part of the IPPF and provides additional recommended, nonmandatory
guidance for conducting internal audit activities. While supporting the Standards, Supplemental
Guidance is intended to address topical areas, as well as sector‐specific issues, in greater
procedural detail than the Standards or Implementation Guides. Supplemental Guidance is
endorsed by The IIA through formal review and approval processes.

Practice Guides
Practice Guides are a type of Supplemental Guidance that provide detailed step‐by‐step approaches,
featuring processes, procedures, tools, and programs, as well as examples of deliverables.
Practice Guides are intended to support internal auditors. Practice Guides are also available to
 Financial Services.
 Public Sector.
 Information Technology (GTAG®).

For an overview of authoritative guidance materials provided by The IIA, please visit‐guidance. Auditing Model Risk Management 1

Table of Contents
Executive Summary .......................................................................................................................... 3

Introduction ......................................................................................................................................4

Business Significance: Key Risks ....................................................................................................... 4

The Internal Audit Activity’s Role in Model Risk Management.......................................... 4

Model Risk Management Process .................................................................................................... 5

Model Governance, Policies, and Controls ........................................................................ 6
Model Development, Implementation, and Use................................................................ 7
Validation ........................................................................................................................... 9

Auditing Model Risk Management ................................................................................................. 11

Planning the Engagement ................................................................................................ 11
Testing and Evaluating Model Risk Management ............................................................ 18
Reporting the Engagement Results .................................................................................. 21

Appendix A. Related IIA Standards and Guidance.......................................................................... 22

Appendix B. Glossary ...................................................................................................................... 23

Appendix C. Diagram: Evaluating an Expert ................................................................................... 25

Appendix D. Testing and Evaluating Model Risk Management...................................................... 26

Appendix E. Overview of Key Regulations ...................................................................................... 32

Appendix F. References and Additional Reading ........................................................................... 35

Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................ 37 Auditing Model Risk Management 2

Executive Summary
Banks1 and other large financial services organizations rely extensively on mathematical models to
make business decisions and meet regulatory requirements. Models are inherently risky because
they apply statistical, economic, financial, or mathematical theories, which require the use of
assumptions based on judgment, to yield estimates of real‐world financial events. This process can
lead to imprecise or inaccurate results. Additionally, errors can be introduced throughout the life
cycle of the model from errors in input data to incorrect calculations and inappropriate application
of the model and its results.

The growing dependence of organizations on quantitative analytical models has brought increased
regulatory attention to effective model risk management (MRM). As regulatory scrutiny around
model risk management increases, the internal audit activity plays a key role in assessing an
organization’s MRM framework.

This guidance provides an overview of the internal audit activity’s responsibilities related to MRM
and describes methods and processes internal auditors can use to review the design,
implementation, and operation of their organization’s MRM framework.

1 Forthe purpose of this Practice Guide, the term “bank” refers to banks, bank holding companies, or other companies
considered by banking supervisors to be the parent of a banking group under applicable national law as determined to
be appropriate by the entity’s national supervisor. The term “organizations” is used throughout the guide to refer to
banks and other large financial services organizations, such as insurance companies. Auditing Model Risk Management 3

Model risk management has been incorporated into
financial services regulations promulgated by Note: Terms in bold are defined in
supervisory bodies throughout the world. Enhanced the glossary in Appendix B. This
capital, liquidity, and leverage rules aim to mitigate guidance contains a variety of
the negative effects that inadequately capitalized technical terms common in the
organizations may have on the economy. In response, financial services industry. If a
organizations across the financial services industry definition does not appear in the
glossary, please consult the
have adjusted and continue to adjust their operations
references and additional reading
to conform to such regulations.
sources appearing in Appendix F.
Because model output affects, and sometimes even
determines, certain decisions of senior management, model errors may expose an organization to
significant risk. Additionally, models are growing in importance, complexity, and variety. As a result,
organizations depend on systems of internal control to prevent, detect, and correct model errors.
The internal audit activity plays a key role in assuring senior management and the board that the
internal control system contained within the MRM framework is operating at optimal levels
throughout the risk modeling processes and that the results are interpreted accurately throughout
the organization.

Business Significance: Key Risks

Model risk is defined as “the potential for adverse consequences from decisions based on incorrect
or misused model outputs or reports.”2 Model risk occurs for two primary reasons: (1) fundamental
errors in model data, rationale, hypothesis, and methodologies may produce inaccurate outputs
when viewed against the design objective and intended business uses, and/or (2) the model or its
results may be used incorrectly or inappropriately. Further, aggregate model risk refers to
interrelated risk among models caused by shared inputs and/or assumptions or one model’s output
being another model’s input.3

The Internal Audit Activity’s Role in Model Risk Management

To assess an organization’s compliance, internal auditors must have a sound understanding of the
legislation relevant to their organization and jurisdictions within which it operates. Internal auditors

2Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FRS), Supervisory Guidance on Model Risk Management. SR 11‐7,
(Washington, D.C.: FRS, 2011), 4,
3 Ibid. Auditing Model Risk Management 4

are also responsible for understanding the organization’s model methodologies well enough to
assess model design and operation.

Internal audit’s role in the MRM process is to assess the effectiveness of the MRM framework,
including the governance, policies, procedures, and activities conducted to address the risk of
model error. Internal auditors are also responsible for understanding how the model output is used
and if it is appropriate to the model’s stated purpose. In addition, internal auditors should provide
insight on the design and operating effectiveness of MRM activities to aid management, the board,
and other key stakeholders in the commission of their duties, and to confirm that the organization
is abiding by direction from regulators.

Internal auditors are not accountable for performing or repeating any model risk activities. To fulfill
their responsibilities, internal auditors should be independent, possess relevant skills, report their
findings directly to the board, and appropriately consider MRM when developing and executing
the engagement plan.

Model Risk Management Process

The MRM process may be divided into three areas Figure 1: Model Risk Management Process
of activity:

 Governance, policies, and controls. Governance,

Policies, and
 Development, implementation, and Controls
 Initial and ongoing validation.4 Validation

The areas of activity are fluid and should not be

viewed as having defined starting and ending
points. Figure 1 depicts the relationship of each
area. Development,
and Use

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Supervisory Guidance on Model Risk Management,
3‐9. Auditing Model Risk Management 5

Model Governance, Policies, and Controls
Effective governance, policies, procedures, and controls are essential components of a successful
MRM framework. Without proper oversight and guidelines, it is difficult to ensure that the model
development, implementation, validation, and use processes are operating as intended.
Ultimately, the board is responsible for oversight of the MRM framework. However, the
development and detailed execution is delegated to senior management.

Organizations should formally document policies and procedures related to the MRM process.
These policies and procedures are typically drafted by senior management and approved by the
board and should meet the following criteria:

 Cover the entire MRM process.

 Be written in a detailed manner to reduce the need for interpretation and increase
uniform execution throughout the organization.
 Establish documentation standards for all key activities in the three model risk
management areas of activity.
 Define MRM roles and responsibilities across the organization.
 Define the model risk assessment framework and process.
 Establish control standards for models.
 Require the creation and maintenance of an organizationwide model inventory.

For certain models, an organization may choose to outsource these activities; for example, when
the internal resources required to support development and/or validation are not available. In
these cases, management should establish guidelines for incorporating external resources and
purchased products (e.g., models, data, parameters, values) into the overall MRM framework.

Management should establish the roles and

responsibilities of each party involved with the MRM For more information on
process. Management may document these roles and developing an assurance map
responsibilities by creating a chart for insertion into the please see IIA Practice Guide
MRM policies and procedures document. At a “Coordination and Reliance:
minimum, it should include each level of employee Developing an Assurance Map.”
involved with the process, their assigned deliverables,
and any required reviews or approvals. As a best practice, organizations can use the Three Lines of
Defense5 model to build out the roles and responsibilities. Internal auditors may assist management
in this task by sharing the related areas documented in their assurance map if one exists.

5The Institute of Internal Auditors. IIA Position Paper: The Three Lines of Defense in Effective Risk Management and
Control (Altamonte Springs: The Institute of Internal Auditors, 2013). Auditing Model Risk Management 6

The Three Lines of Defense model is a best‐practice framework organizations may use to structure
business processes. The model helps management establish clear roles and responsibilities and
internal auditors can use the model to identify gaps or duplication in risk coverage, to identify
sources of information needed to plan engagements, and to help develop or enhance an
organization’s current MRM framework.

The first line of defense is operational management. In the context of MRM, it includes heads
of business or functional area and model users, owners, and developers. These roles are
primarily accountable for ensuring organizations identify, rate, and mitigate model risks. In
addition, the first line is responsible for the foundation of the MRM process; the development
of models; the implementation, execution, and oversight of model controls; and maintenance
of model documentation.

The second line of defense comprises other business oversight functions such as risk management
and compliance. Large organizations typically have designated model risk units within their risk
management or compliance departments. This line of defense may also include various board and
management risk committees. The second line of defense is responsible for:

 Overseeing, advising, and assisting the first line of defense.

 Supporting the mitigation of overall model risk through aggregation and analysis of
model information across business areas.
 Performing the initial validation as well as ongoing monitoring and validation and
ensuring any identified issues are addressed.
 Reporting model risk information to senior management, the board, and appropriate
oversight groups.

The internal audit activity is the third line of defense, providing the board and senior management
with comprehensive assurance based on the highest level of independence and objectivity within
the organization. In the context of MRM, internal auditors review the sufficiency of the MRM
framework (governance, policies, procedures, and controls) and provide an opinion on the overall
process. The internal audit activity is independent from the other lines of defense and reports its
results directly to the board or its delegates.

Model Development, Implementation, and Use

When a gap or deficiency in an organization’s model portfolio is identified, management must
decide to either build or purchase a new model. Management should formally document the
intended purpose of the new model and its decision to build or buy. If management decides to
build the model, it should assign knowledgeable and experienced developers to the project. In Auditing Model Risk Management 7

addition to building the model, developers must select appropriate data inputs to ensure that the
quality of the resultant data is high.6

There are numerous types of data developers may use:

 The most basic type is raw data derived directly from the source and not manipulated in
any way.
 If there are breaks in the raw data, developers may fill them with artificial data sets called
expansion data. This data is created by duplicating or applying simple rules to existing
data sets in an effort to approximate the missing data.
 In the event no data is available, the developer must use proxy data, which is a highly
correlated data set used to approximate unobservable or immeasurable data. For
example, the gross national product commonly serves as proxy data for a country’s
economic condition.
 Finally, developers may obtain data from other models. This is called sub‐model data and
refers to the output of a model being used as the input for another model.

Once the developers have built the model and

determined the data sets, they must test the model’s For more information on stress
functionality to ensure it is performing as expected. testing in organizations, please see
Thorough testing will cover a variety of scenarios, IIA Practice Guide “Auditing Capital
including extreme situations also referred to as stress Adequacy and Stress Testing in
testing. If the model does not function as intended Organizations.”
under these extreme situations, it may be necessary
to place limitations on the model and restrict its use. Organizations should formally document all
limitations. After the model has been tested by developers, business users should have an
opportunity to sample or test the model and provide feedback.

Once the developers and the business users are satisfied with the model’s functionality, it can be
moved into the initial validation phase, which involves testing by independent parties from inside
or outside the organization. If the model fails initial validation testing, it must go back through the
development process. If the model passes validation, it should enter the implementation phase for
production according to the organization’s information technology guidelines. Once this has been
completed, the model is available for the organization to use.

Throughout the model’s life, the business is responsible for maintaining appropriate processes and
controls to limit model risk and support accurate results aligned with the model’s intended use.
These include, for example, sufficiently documenting the model’s purpose, methodology,
assumptions, and limitations. Depending on the nature of the business and materiality of the model

6 Board of Governors of the FRS, Supervisory Guidance on Model Risk Management, 5‐6. Auditing Model Risk Management 8

to business operations, it may also be helpful to document deviations from industry standards and
the reason behind the differences.

The business is also responsible for promptly reporting any issues with model performance to the
appropriate level of management. Further, given the importance of the models’ outputs that
management will use in their decision‐making processes and in carrying out their other
responsibilities, models with material significance should be subject to ongoing validation.

Validation is the process of verifying whether a model is functioning as intended. Typically
performed by an independent party, validation is separate from the testing performed by the
developers and business users. However, there may be instances where it is impractical to use a
third party to validate (i.e., due to the size and/or nature of the business) and the developers or
business users must execute the validation testing. In this situation, an independent party, such as
the internal audit activity, should review the testing results to support the accuracy of the

The parties involved in the validation process should be able to effectively challenge the model.
The exact definition of effective challenge may vary depending on the expectations of an
organization’s regulators and other stakeholders. The Federal Reserve Board (FRB) and Office of
the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) provide a general definition of effective challenge as “critical
analysis by objective, informed parties who can identify model limitations and assumptions and
produce appropriate changes.”7 To effectively challenge a model, a person should be competent
and influential, and free from incentives. Specifically, a validator should satisfy the following

 Have no involvement in the development process nor any financial considerations tied to
the model (e.g., raises, bonuses, promotions, performance evaluations).
 Possess in‐depth knowledge about the model itself and about the line(s) of business
using it.
 Hold an appropriate level of authority to ensure corrective actions are taken to address
any model errors identified during the validation process.

According to the International Association of Insurance Supervisors’ Standard No. 2.2.7, before
models purposed for regulatory capital are placed in use, three tests must be performed. These
three tests are a good starting point for any model validation program:

1. A statistical quality test assesses the base quantitative methodology of the internal model.
As part of this test process, the model user should be able to demonstrate the

7 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Supervisory Guidance on Model Risk Management, 4. Auditing Model Risk Management 9

appropriateness of the methodology, including the choice of model inputs and
parameters, and should be able to justify the assumptions underlying the model.
2. A calibration test demonstrates that the regulatory capital requirement determined by the
internal model satisfies the modeling criteria specified by the supervisor.
3. A use test confirms that the internal model and its methodologies and results are fully
embedded into the risk strategy and operational processes of the model user. The
standard also iterates that the board and senior management should have the overall
responsibility to ensure that adequate governance and controls are in place related to the
construction and use of internal models.8

Monitoring and Revalidation

Initial model validation normally occurs before a model is made available for use, and ongoing
monitoring and validation continue throughout the life of the model. Where an organization relies
on numerous models, management may use a model risk assessment to determine the frequency
with which monitoring and revalidation should be performed.

A model risk assessment involves:

 Identifying key risk factors associated with each model. Risk factors include the level of
model complexity, the criticality of model output, the nature of model calculations
(manual versus automated), etc.
 Assessing the inherent risk of each model based on the identified factors.
 Determining whether the model monitoring and ongoing validation activities align in
frequency (schedule) and nature with the inherent risk of each model.
 Assessing whether the frequency of model monitoring and ongoing validation aligns with
the overall risk appetite of the organization.

Model validators should monitor models of material significance regularly to assess high‐level
functionality and determine whether the historic validation activities remain sufficient. If the model
is not functioning properly, it should be adjusted and revalidated. If the model is functioning properly
but the historic validation activities are deemed insufficient by regulators or some other relevant
party, validators should perform a full or partial revalidation as appropriate.

Organizations should avoid long periods of time without revalidating models of material significance.
Some regulatory bodies and other key stakeholders may expect ongoing validation to occur at certain

8 Solvency and Actuarial Issues Subcommittee, “Standard No. 2.2.7: IAIS Standard on the Use of Internal Models for
Regulatory Purposes,” (Basel: International Association of Insurance Supervisors, 2008), 5,‐standard‐no‐227‐on‐the‐use‐of‐internal‐models‐for‐regulatory‐capital‐
purposes. Auditing Model Risk Management 10

intervals. For example, the FRB and OCC recommend that models of material significance be fully
revalidated on a routine basis, regardless of the results of regular monitoring activities.9

Auditing Model Risk Management

Planning the Engagement
IIA Standard 2200 – Engagement Planning For more information please see IIA
IIA Standard 2201 – Planning Considerations Practice Guide “Engagement
In planning an assessment of an organization’s MRM Planning: Establishing Objectives
and Scope.”
framework, internal auditors must identify the
policies, processes, and tools used to control the risks
and manage the environment related to models. Then, internal auditors must determine if the
MRM framework is included as part of a unified and cohesive, organizationwide governance

Engagement planning generally includes these steps:

 Understand the context and purpose of the engagement.

 Gather information to understand the area or process under review.
 Conduct a preliminary risk assessment.
 Form engagement objectives.
 Establish engagement scope.
 Allocate resources.
 Document the plan.
The following sections of this guide will help the internal auditor through the process of planning
and executing an assessment of the organization’s MRM framework.

Understand the context and purpose of the engagement

IIA Standard 2201 – Planning Considerations
In planning the audit engagement, internal auditors should consider the following elements:

 Models used by the organization.

 Size and sophistication of the organization and its MRM framework.
 MRM regulatory requirements/expectations relevant to the organization and the
jurisdictions within which it operates.
 Robustness of MRM roles, responsibilities, and activities across the organization.

9 Ibid. Auditing Model Risk Management 11

 Results of model monitoring and validation activities and any other model oversight
activities undertaken across the organization.

While developing the individual engagement plan, internal auditors gather information through
procedures such as reviewing prior assessments (e.g., risk assessments, reports by assurance and
consulting service providers), understanding and mapping of process flows and controls, and
interviewing relevant stakeholders. Because MRM is an organizationwide activity, newly acquired
information may affect the engagement objectives, scope, work program, and methods of analysis.
Thus, the information acquired throughout planning should be well documented, promptly
updated, and taken into account throughout the engagement. The information may also be useful
in the CAE’s long‐range planning for future engagements.

Gather information to understand the area or process under review

IIA Standard 2201 – Planning Considerations
Once internal auditors have identified the departments, functions, and roles in the organization
that are relevant to MRM, they should gather relevant documentation to support the preliminary
risk assessment. The following elements can help identify the risks facing the organization and the
strategies used to manage those risks in terms of the MRM framework:

 Charters, policies, and other mandate information for the governance entities
responsible for establishing the MRM framework.
 MRM policies, guidelines, and standards.
 Management’s model risk and control assessment.
 The organization’s model inventory and model risk assessment process and results.
 Any documents or personnel that can assist in understanding the types of models used.
 Documentation of all phases of the model development and validation processes.
 Model validation reports.
 Results of modeling for credit, market, liquidity, capital, financial reporting, and
operational purposes.
 Documentation of the process for designing and running normal and stress scenarios.
 Reports containing the results of stress testing.
 Results of prior regulatory examinations of the MRM framework and the individual
models used in the organization.

Conduct a preliminary risk assessment

IIA Standard 2210.A1 – Internal auditors must conduct a preliminary assessment of the risks
relevant to the activity under review.
Because any single internal audit engagement cannot cover every risk, internal auditors assess the
significance of the risks identified by management, validators, regulators, and during previous
internal audit engagements. Three primary sources contribute to model risk: Auditing Model Risk Management 12

1. Fundamental errors may produce inaccurate outputs when viewed against the design
objective and intended business uses.
2. Incorrect or inappropriate use.
3. Inaccurate or corrupted input data.

Internal auditors should examine all of the organization’s significant models for these sources of
risk and determine which specific risks are relevant to the models included in the engagement.
Internal auditors may want to interview model developers, validators, risk managers, and other
relevant personnel who may have technical knowledge that can assist in identifying risks
customized to a specific model or group of models. As previously mentioned, internal auditors may
obtain management’s assessments of the inherent risks of the models and incorporate that
information into their engagement‐level risk assessment as well.

An effective way to perform and document an engagement‐level risk assessment is to create a risk
matrix listing the relevant risks and then expand the matrix to include measures of significance. An
MRM risk matrix may be created using a spreadsheet or similar document, with or without an audit
software program. The format of the matrix may vary but typically includes a row for each risk and
a column for each risk measure, such as impact and likelihood.

Assessing likelihood is relatively straightforward; factors to consider include past risk

occurrences, risk occurrence data from proxy sources, the complexity of the model, and the
number of people involved in the process. Assessing impact is often more complicated because
it involves both quantitative and qualitative factors. Internal auditors should account for not only
the financial, operational, and regulatory impact of the MRM risks, but also the nonfinancial
impacts, such as damage to the organization’s reputation or relationships with customers or
vendors. For example, an error in a data stream for an upstream model may have material
impacts on downstream models depending on how the outputs from the upstream model are
used. Some risks may seem insignificant on their own but should be considered in the context of
the organization’s MRM program. Auditing Model Risk Management 13

The risk ratings from the MRM risk matrix can Figure 2: Heat Map
then be represented on a basic graph, such as a
heat map. By plotting each risk’s impact along
one axis and its likelihood along the other axis,
internal auditors clearly depict the risk’s overall
significance, or priority. Typically, the combined
significance of impact and likelihood is indicated
using a color system: red denotes the highest
priorities, orange denotes risks that are
significant enough to warrant consideration, and
yellow denotes risks that are not significant, as
shown in Figure 2. The heat map should be
included in the engagement workpapers
because it supports internal auditors’ decisions
about risk significance.

One limitation of heat maps is that impact and

likelihood appear to be equally important. While such equivalence might be true at times, impact
usually takes priority over likelihood. For example, in most cases, a risk rated high impact and low
likelihood (H, L) should be prioritized over a risk considered low impact, even if the likelihood of its
occurrence is high (L, H).

An additional limitation of heat maps is that only two measures can be considered at a time (in this case,
impact and likelihood). It may be desirable or necessary to also consider such measures as velocity,
vulnerability, volatility, interdependency, and/or correlation when determining the significance of risk.

Based on the completed heat map, internal auditors can easily visualize the risks that are significant
when no controls are in place. After internal auditors have identified the significant inherent risks,
they should determine which controls, if any, are in place to mitigate those risks. This allows
internal auditors to consider the residual risk levels and choose the risks to include in the
engagement for further testing.

Like the heat map, the risk and control matrix should be included in the engagement workpapers.
The information from the matrix is then incorporated into the preliminary risk assessment used to
establish the engagement objectives and scope. The IIA Practice Guide “Engagement Planning:
Establishing Objectives and Scope” provides detailed information about building upon the risk
assessment to develop the engagement objectives and scope. In addition, the heat map and risk
and control matrix will lend support to the engagement results and conclusions, in conformance
with Standard 2330 – Documenting Information. Auditing Model Risk Management 14

Form engagement objectives
Objectives of Assurance
IIA Standard 2210 – Engagement Objectives
The objective of an MRM assurance engagement is
typically to provide independent assurance over the  Reflect risks to the business
governance, policies, processes, and key controls objectives of the area or process
that support the implementation, execution, and that were assessed as significant
oversight of an organization’s MRM framework. during the preliminary risk
assessment (Standard 2210.A1).
When forming the engagement objectives, internal  Consider the probability of
auditors must identify the criteria that will be used significant errors, fraud,
to evaluate whether MRM‐related objectives and noncompliance, and other
goals have been accomplished. According to exposures (Standard 2210.A2).
Standard 2210.A3, internal auditors may use any of
 Identify appropriate evaluation
the following sources of criteria:
criteria (Standard 2210.A3).
 Internal (e.g., policies and procedures of
the organization).
 External (e.g., laws and regulations imposed by statutory bodies).
 Leading practices (e.g., industry and professional guidance).

In the end, the assessment should determine whether the MRM framework is functioning in
accordance with the expectations of supervisors and the board and as described in approved
policies and procedures.

Establish engagement scope

IIA Standard 2220 – Engagement Scope
Internal auditors should consider including the following in determining the scope of an
engagement to assess model risk management:

1. Sufficiency of the policies, procedures, and activities that support the models and MRM
framework, including alignment with the organization’s risk appetite, stakeholder
expectations, and industry standards.
2. Governance conducted over the policies, procedures, and activities that support the
models and MRM framework.
3. Inclusion of the following in the MRM framework:

 Defined roles and responsibilities for each of the three lines of defense and governing
 Definitions of a model, model risk appetite, and materiality.
 A model inventory, risk rating criteria, and risk assessment process.
 Expectations related to model controls, including input and result review, data
accuracy, balancing controls, security, and change controls. Auditing Model Risk Management 15

 Reporting requirements for model risk exposures.
 A risk‐based model review plan that includes independent review and testing,
including standards for definition and approval of the plan.
 Model validation standards including coverage of: conceptual soundness, data, IT
infrastructure, documentation, processes and controls, and model limitations.
 Processes for the classification, escalation, and tracking of findings that result from
model validation activities.

4. Operating effectiveness of model risk management activities.

Internal auditors should customize these elements to their unique organization; however, all of
these things should be present in some form.

Allocate resources
IIA Standard 2230 – Engagement Resource Allocation
IIA Standard 2230 – Engagement Resource Allocation states: “Internal auditors must determine
appropriate and sufficient resources to achieve engagement objectives based on an evaluation
of the nature and complexity of each engagement, time constraints, and available resources.”
Further, according to IIA Standard 1100 – Independence and Objectivity, internal auditors must
be objective in performing their work, and the internal audit activity must be independent, that
is, “free from conditions that threaten the internal audit activity’s ability to execute internal audit
responsibilities.” Standard 1130.A1 requires internal auditors to “refrain from assessing
operations for which they were previously responsible.” To be independent, internal auditors
should not be involved with the development, implementation, or use of the models (or MRM
framework) under review. However, internal auditors may be involved with the validation
process. If this situation occurs, the internal auditors who performed the validation work should
not be part of the MRM audit team.

Internal auditors leading an assessment of an MRM framework need skills and specialized
knowledge in addition to having a clear understanding of the regulatory requirements to which the
organization is subject. This should include both modeling concepts and their use in the relevant
lines of business. All internal auditors on the model risk team should possess general competencies
for auditing model risk, but they are not required to be model risk experts.

The engagement supervisor should ensure appropriate staff is assigned to each area of the
engagement. IIA Standard 1210 – Proficiency states: “Internal auditors must possess the
knowledge, skills, and other competencies needed to perform their individual responsibilities. The
internal audit activity collectively must possess or obtain the knowledge, skills, and other
competencies needed to perform its responsibilities.” To uphold these standards, more
experienced internal auditors with in‐depth business and modeling knowledge should be assigned
to the validation area. In addition, internal auditors who have proficiencies in the business,
modeling, and information technology should test the development, implementation, and use Auditing Model Risk Management 16

area. The remaining areas of the audit plan can be tested by less experienced staff with a strong
understanding of basic audit concepts and a working knowledge of the business.

On a routine basis, the chief audit executive (CAE) may perform a gap analysis to review the
qualifications and competencies of internal auditors on staff and to determine whether the internal
audit activity collectively possesses the appropriate qualifications and competencies. If the internal
audit activity lacks sufficient and appropriate competencies, Standard 1210.A1 requires that the
CAE obtain competent advice and assistance to perform all or part of the audit engagement.
Options include oversight, training, and outsourcing.

If the CAE finds gaps in the internal audit activity’s knowledge of MRM, it may be cost effective to
provide model risk training. This can be achieved by having in‐house experts develop training or by
hiring external trainers. If knowledge gaps are too great, time to provide training is insufficient, or
training is too expensive, then the audit engagement should be cosourced. Implementation Guide
2230 – Engagement Resource Allocation provides additional guidance on utilizing third parties.

When choosing an outside partner with whom to work on model risk assessments, the CAE must
ensure a qualified, competent, capable, and objective audit expert is hired. Once selected, all
agreed upon services should be formally documented. Standard 2050 – Coordination and Reliance
notes: “Where reliance is placed on the work of others, the chief audit executive is still accountable
and responsible for ensuring adequate support for conclusions and opinions reached by the
internal audit activity.” Therefore, even if testing is cosourced with an external third party, the
expert’s work product should be evaluated through corroborative procedures upon completion of
the engagement. Thus, the CAE and internal auditors who might evaluate the expert’s work must
understand MRM concepts and auditor responsibilities. When hiring an expert, the CAE or
delegated engagement supervisor may use the “Evaluating an Expert” diagram in Appendix C.

Document the plan

IIA Standard 2240 – Engagement Work Program
During planning, internal auditors document information in engagement workpapers. This
information becomes part of the engagement work program that must be established to achieve
the engagement objectives, as required by Standard 2240 – Engagement Work Program.

The process of establishing the engagement objectives and scope may produce any or all of the
following workpapers:

 Process maps.
 Model inventories.
 Summary of interviews.
 Preliminary risk assessment (e.g., risk and control matrix and heat map).
 Rationale for decisions regarding which risks to include in the engagement.
 Criteria that will be used to evaluate the area or process under review. Auditing Model Risk Management 17

For more details on how to plan and scope an engagement, see The IIA Practice Guide
“Engagement Planning: Establishing Objectives and Scope.”

Testing and Evaluating Model Risk Management

IIA Standard 2300 – Performing the Engagement
IIA Standard 2320 – Analysis and Evaluation
Testing governance and oversight
Internal auditors should design tests to confirm that senior management and the board have
primary responsibility for establishing and enforcing the MRM framework. Board minutes should
be reviewed to confirm the board is actively engaged in the MRM process. In addition, internal
auditors should obtain evidence that all aspects of the MRM process have been assigned to
appropriate parties and are being properly performed. When assessing the appropriateness of
assigned responsibilities, internal auditors may refer to The IIA’s Three Lines of Defense model.10
Appendix D offers more information.

Evaluating documented MRM procedures

Internal auditors should confirm that the organization’s MRM procedures promote good business
practices and are consistent with regulatory requirements. For example, internal auditors should
obtain evidence that the board or its delegates review and approve the procedures annually. In
addition, internal auditors should seek evidence that protocols are in place to trigger timely
procedural updates related to changes in products, regulations, organizational structure
(acquisitions), and similar events. Finally, internal auditors should verify that the procedures cover
the entire MRM process in detail and include the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved.

Maintaining a model inventory

Management is responsible for compiling a complete and accurate inventory of models that
includes all models in development, in use, and recently retired. Internal auditors should confirm
the existence of the inventory and validate that adequate controls are in place to confirm its
completeness and accuracy. In addition, internal auditors should assess whether the level of detail
in the inventory is reasonable given the complexity of the organization’s models and their level of
usage. Finally, internal auditors may use information from the model inventory to help determine
the level of employee adherence to the organization’s MRM policies and procedures. Appendix D
provides more information.

10The Institute of Internal Auditors. The IIA’s Position Paper: The Three Lines of Defense in Effective Risk Management
and Control, 2‐6. Auditing Model Risk Management 18

Testing the validation process
To begin building an opinion on the validation process, internal auditors should evaluate the
adequacy and comprehensiveness of the risk assessment methodology used by validators. The
following questions should be asked regarding the risk assessment methodology:

 Is it clearly defined?
 Is it documented?
 Is it followed?
 Does it consider all relevant characteristics that impact the level of risk?
 How often is the risk assessment performed?
 What trigger events would prompt a change in a model’s risk level?

Once the methodology has been assessed, internal auditors should evaluate the appropriateness
of the individual model risk ratings produced by the risk assessment. For large model inventories,
a sample may be used. Internal auditors should determine whether the control activities for each
level of risk (frequency of validation, etc.) are appropriate and should assure that models are not
intentionally “underrated” to escape additional scrutiny.

Internal auditors should perform high‐level testing to confirm that the validation process is
comprehensive and that the validators are reviewing all key risk areas. Substantive testing should
be performed on validation programs that involve a sample of models. Such testing should confirm
that the validators have reviewed the conceptual soundness of the models, including their inputs,
processing, and reporting components. Internal auditors should also confirm the validators met
the criteria for effective challenge, which may be defined as “critical analysis by objective, informed
parties who can identify model limitations and assumptions and produce appropriate change.”11

Internal auditors should verify that the level of validation activities performed was commensurate
with the model’s risk. For example, the validator should have reviewed the model’s ongoing
monitoring activities and analyzed the outcomes to ensure that the model’s output is
representative of actual results. Internal auditors should confirm that any deficiencies or limitations
noted during the validation process were logged, monitored, and addressed. As a last step, internal
auditors should verify that the data quality of the model was validated. This supports the internal
audit activity’s conformance with IIA Standard 2120.A1 – “The internal audit activity must evaluate
risk exposures relating to the organization’s governance, operations, and information systems
regarding the… reliability and integrity of financial and operational information.” Appendix D
provides additional information.

11 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Supervisory Guidance on Model Risk Management, 4. Auditing Model Risk Management 19

Testing model development, implementation, and use
Internal auditors should apply analytical procedures to a sample of models to substantively test
model development, implementation, and use. According to the Public Company Accounting
Oversight Board’s 2002 release AS 2305: Substantive Analytical Procedures, “Analytical procedures
are an important part of the audit process and consist of evaluations of financial information made
by a study of plausible relationships among both financial and nonfinancial data. Analytical
procedures range from simple comparisons to the use of complex models involving many
relationships and elements of data.” The IIA’s Implementation Guide 2320 – Analysis and
Evaluation provides more information on internal audit methods of analyses.

Internal auditors should obtain confirmation that the developers who created the models and
performed testing possessed sufficient, relevant skills and that all final modeling decisions were
properly supported. Detailed documentation of the entire process should be readily available for
internal audit’s review. Internal auditors should seek evidence to confirm that developers obtained
required approvals prior to implementation. Appendix D offers more information.

Model data
An organization’s MRM framework should establish control standards for models, including
controls over data inputs. Internal auditors should perform testing to confirm that data input
controls are assessed during model validations and could also check the quality of data inputs.
Controls should be in place to help ensure the data is complete, accurate, timely, and correctly
interpreted. When proxy data is used, internal auditors should assess the appropriateness of the
method used to develop the data. If the model uses data from another model, internal auditors
should assess the controls that are in place to ensure the accuracy of the sub‐model calculations
and output.

Use of third parties in development and/or validation

To support the effective ongoing use and viability of third‐party tools, the organization should obtain
results of each vendor’s ongoing monitoring and details of any modifications to models, as well as
performing its own ongoing monitoring using organizational inputs. Additionally, the organization
must have a contingency plan in place to prevent interruption of its activity if the vendor becomes
unable to support the model, perform ongoing monitoring, or make modifications.

Internal auditors should confirm that the vendor is performing according to any service level
agreements in place. If a vendor becomes unable to fulfill its obligations, internal auditors should
verify that management has executed the contingency plan timely and completely according to the
documented procedures. If an external party is hired to perform a validation, internal auditors
should confirm that the party meets the effective challenge criteria. Appendix D provides more
information. Auditing Model Risk Management 20

Reporting the Engagement Results
IIA Standard 2330 – Documenting Information
IIA Standard 2410 – Criteria for Communicating
IIA Standard 2440 – Disseminating Results
Upon completion of thorough testing, analysis, and evaluation, internal auditors will have
documented “sufficient, reliable, relevant, and useful information to support the engagement
results and conclusions,” in conformance with Standard 2330 – Documenting Information. Internal
auditors should follow their standard reporting procedures for all MRM engagements. However,
when disseminating results, a written report should be issued and the board should receive a copy.
If no material weaknesses were identified during an engagement and a satisfactory rating was
determined, providing a summary report to the board or its delegates is typically acceptable.
However, internal auditors should note that to conform with IIA Standard 2410 – Criteria for
Communicating and Standard 2410.A1, the final communication of engagement results must
include the engagement’s objectives, scope, results, applicable conclusions, recommendations,
and/or action plans. More information may be found in The IIA’s Practice Guide “Audit Reports:
Communicating Assurance Engagement Results.” Auditing Model Risk Management 21

Appendix A. Related IIA Standards and Guidance
Please refer to the Standards for the complete pronouncement. To assist with the implementation
of the Standards, The IIA recommends that internal auditors refer to each standard’s respective
Implementation Guide.

Related IIA Standards

Standard 1100 – Independence and Objectivity

Standard 1210 – Proficiency

Standard 2060 – Reporting to Senior Management and the Board

Standard 2200 – Engagement Planning

Standard 2201 – Planning Considerations

Standard 2210 – Engagement Objectives

Standard 2220 – Engagement Scope

Standard 2230 – Engagement Resource Allocation

Standard 2240 – Engagement Work Program

Standard 2300 – Performing the Engagement

Standard 2320 – Analysis and Evaluation

Standard 2330 – Documenting Information

Standard 2410 – Criteria for Communicating

Standard 2440 – Disseminating Results

Related IIA Guidance
Practice Guide “Audit Reports: Communicating Assurance Engagement Results,” 2016.
Practice Guide “Auditing Capital Adequacy and Stress Testing for Banking Institutions,” 2018.

Practice Guide “Auditing Liquidity Risk: An Overview,” 2018.

Practice Guide “Engagement Planning: Establishing Objectives and Scope,” 2017.

Practice Guide “Internal Audit and the Second Line of Defense,” 2016.

IIA Position Paper: The Three Lines of Defense in Effective Risk Management and Control, 2013. Auditing Model Risk Management 22

Appendix B. Glossary
Terms identified with an asterisk (*) are taken from the “Glossary” of The IIA’s International
Professional Practices Framework® (IPPF®), 2017 edition. Unless otherwise noted, the remaining
definitions are taken from Federal Reserve, SR 11‐7: Guidance on Model Risk Management, 2011.

Aggregate Model Risk – Interrelated model risk caused by shared inputs and assumptions or one
model’s output being another model’s input.
Chief Audit Executive* – Describes the role of a person in a senior position responsible for
effectively managing the internal audit activity in accordance with the internal audit charter
and the mandatory elements of the International Professional Practices Framework. The chief
audit executive or others reporting to the chief audit executive will have appropriate
professional certifications and qualifications. The specific job title and/or responsibilities of
the chief audit executive may vary across organizations.
Inherent Risk – The risk before the quality of internal controls is considered.12
Materiality – What would be material to the reasonable investor when making an investment
decision in the company’s securities. Usually, this is 5 percent of the company’s pre‐tax net
income, but may be different when the company has losses or low profit levels; both
quantitative and qualitative aspects must be considered13.
Model – Quantitative method, system, or approach that applies statistical, economic, financial, or
mathematical theories, techniques, and assumptions to process input data into quantitative
estimates. A model consists of three components: an information input component, which
delivers assumptions and date to the model; a processing component, which transforms
inputs into estimates; and a reporting component, which translates the estimates into useful
business information.
Model Criteria – Set of definitions used to assist management in determining which tools or
processes are considered models.
Model Risk – The potential for adverse consequences from decisions based on incorrect or misused
model outputs or reports. Model risk occurs primarily for three reasons:
1. Fundamental errors may produce inaccurate outputs when viewed against the design
objective and intended business uses.
2. Incorrect or inappropriate use.
3. Inaccurate or corrupted input data.

12 Norman Marks, Sarbanes‐Oxley Section 404: A Guide for Management by Internal Controls Practitioners, (Altamonte

Springs: The Institute of Internal Auditors, 2008),‐

13 Ibid. Auditing Model Risk Management 23

Model Risk Management (MRM) – The process of building models, rating their risks, and managing
those risks.
Risk Appetite* – The level of risk that an organization is willing to accept. Auditing Model Risk Management 24

Appendix C. Diagram: Evaluating an Expert

•If the internal audit activity worked with the expert or firm in the past, were they
•Did the expert appear knowledgeable during preliminary discussions?
•Does the expert have certificates or licenses related to the subject matter?
Qualifications •Has the expert published guidance related to the subject matter area?
•If the expert is from a firm, does that firm have a rigorous quality assurance process?

•Inquire about the methods the expert will use and conduct research to determine if they are
accepted in the field.
•Gain an understanding of the data used by the expert.
Technical Expertise •Research any professional standards or legal requirements applicable to the expert's field.

•Agree on the scope of services that will be provided by the expert versus internal auditors.
•As a best practice, the agreement should be documented in an engagement letter.
•Establish confidentiality requirements and whether the internal audit activity will receive a copy
Services of the expert's workpapers.

•Perform analytics and recalculations.

•Review the expert's workpapers.
•Compare work performed to external, published data.
•Confirm key information with third parties.
Deliverables •Consult with another expert about the reasonableness of the conclusions.
•Review data inputs for accuracy and completeness. Auditing Model Risk Management 25

Appendix D. Testing and Evaluating Model Risk
Given the internal audit activity’s role in providing independent assurance that the organization is
managing risk in a way that is consistent with regulatory requirements and the achievement of their
objectives, the tables below comprise a framework for conducting an assessment of the MRM
framework. The internal auditor may need to tailor or create test steps for unique areas of an
organization’s specific framework, policies, and procedures. The internal auditor may also need to
refer to work programs for related areas (i.e., stress testing, liquidity risk management,
credit/market/operational risk management) to design a fully developed MRM engagement,
especially if the engagement is broken down into segments as mentioned in this guide.

Governance and Oversight Date
WP Ref


 MRM roles and responsibilities have been communicated.

 MRM organizational communications are accurate.


 Employees trained on the MRM process.

 Training documents are accurate.
 All required employees have completed the training.

Roles and Responsibilities

 Roles and responsibilities for compliance align with the Three Lines of Defense model.
 Roles and responsibilities include a detailed description of who performs each process,
the expected deliverables, and timing of required approvals.

Board of Directors and Senior Management

 Review of board minutes evidences board’s active involvement with the MRM process,
including consideration of the organization's risk tolerance.
 The board assesses model risk for the organization individually and in the aggregate.
 The board received all required MRM reporting during the year.
 The board is required to review and approve the policies and procedures on an annual
basis. A copy of the most recent approval has been obtained. Auditing Model Risk Management 26

Policies and Procedures Date
WP Ref

Completeness and Accuracy

 The policies and procedures are current and updated timely for any procedural changes.
Updates requested by the board during the most recent review were made properly.
 The policies and procedures cover the entire MRM process in detail. Specific areas of
importance are included:
- Documentation standards.
- Criteria for defining a model.
- Model and model risk definitions.
- Risk appetite statement.
- Materiality statement.
- Governance overview.
- Controls.
- Development standards.
- Implementation and use guidelines.
- Validation and ongoing monitoring.
- Risk assessment methodology.
- Data considerations.
- Change management.
- Processes/criteria for classification, escalation, and tracking model issues.

 All pertinent regulations have been incorporated into the policies and procedures (e.g.,
SR 11‐07/OCC 2011‐12, Basel III, Solvency II, SR 15‐18).

Development, Implementation, and Use Date
WP Ref

Assignment of Developers

 On a collective basis, the skills of the developers assigned to build the model appear
appropriate in terms of educational background, experience, and/or technical

General Documentation

 The decision to build or purchase the model was clearly documented.

 The model’s purpose was documented.
 All required reviews and approvals were performed.

Appropriateness of Model

 The technical development documentation is detailed enough for a third party to

understand how the model was built.
 Alternate theories were explored before deciding on the final version of the model.
 The rationale supporting all assumptions and estimates was documented and appears
 The treatment and controls regarding data used to develop the model are documented.
 For model(s) purchased from a vendor, detailed specifications were obtained and
reviewed and support for modifications to the model is available. Auditing Model Risk Management 27

Development, Implementation, and Use Date
WP Ref

Developer and End‐user Testing

 The developers performed detailed testing on the model to ensure it was functioning
 The developers tested the model input data for accuracy and completeness.
 Any limitations noted during testing were documented.
 Any errors noted during testing were logged and corrected.
 If the end users were given the opportunity to test the model, all relevant comments
were reviewed and addressed, as appropriate.
 If the model was implemented before testing was completed, the appropriate level of
authority was involved in the decision.

Model Changes

 Changes to the model were logged and documented according to the policies and
 All changes were reviewed and approved.


 The model code deployed was the same as the code that was tested and subject to
 The implemented version of the model contains the approved assumptions.
 The model and its inputs and outputs were implemented in an access‐controlled,
corporate IT infrastructure.

Access Controls

 The working version of the model is not stored locally on individual computers.
 Internal auditors have obtained a list of users with model access and have inquired
about those who have/do not have an obvious business need to access the model.
 Internal auditors have cross‐referenced an employee listing to a list of users with model
access and have inquired about nonemployees or terminated employees.

Input Controls

 Internal auditors have observed an end user import of data into the model and have
reviewed applicable controls for accuracy.
 All date fields have a consistent format (mm/dd/yy, yyyy/mm/dd, dd/mm/yyyy, etc.).
 Data linked to upstream or downstream models was accurately transmitted.
 If the model has indicators to notify a user when incorrect information has been
entered, internal auditors have tested the functionality of the indicators by asking the
end user to enter erroneous data.
 Data coming from different sources is segregated and labeled.
 Internal auditors have traced back one set of imported data to the source file to confirm
its accuracy and completeness. Auditing Model Risk Management 28

Development, Implementation, and Use Date
WP Ref

Calculation Controls

 All cells or fields that do not require data inputs are locked and protected.
 Cross‐footing was implemented wherever possible. Internal auditors have performed
recalculations to verify accuracy.
 Internal auditors have independently performed the model's calculations to verify
 Values for formulas are pulled from data value entry sheets (best practice), not hard
coded into formulas.
 If pivot tables are used, the capture of all relevant data sets has been ensured.

Output and Management Review

 Management performs a variance analysis of actual model output to other known values
(e.g., prior periods, budgets, forecasts).

Validation Date
WP Ref

Policies and Procedures

 Templates and guidance around the organization’s standard validation procedures

include requirements that the validators are required to test all key risk areas.
 The organization has established a frequency for validation and ongoing monitoring
 Models are required to be validated prior to implementation.
 Detailed instructions for the scope and prioritization of validation testing have been
 The risk ratings of models are used to determine the scope and prioritization of
validation testing.
 Confirm that all identified model issues are required to be documented and tracked.
 The policies and procedures require testing and analysis of models.
 Targets and acceptable deviations for model accuracy have been established.
 Procedures for reviewing and addressing unacceptable deviations are in place.


 Validation schedules and timelines are presented to the appropriate parties for
 Models are subject to validation, whether built internally or purchased from a vendor.
 Validation documentation is detailed enough for a third party to understand the work
 Validation reporting sent to management is accurate and complete.
 Validators possess the criteria necessary for effective challenge (i.e., incentives,
competence, and influence). Auditing Model Risk Management 29

Validation Date
WP Ref

Conceptual Soundness

 Validator performed independent testing to evaluate the developer's choice of theories,

assumptions, inputs, data sources, etc.
 Validation included sensitivity analyses and stress testing wherever appropriate.
 Model breakdowns and/or limitations identified through the validation were logged,
monitored, and corrected or mitigated through additional controls.

Ongoing Monitoring

 Models are subject to an annual review process.

 Full or partial revalidations were performed if indicated by the latest annual review
 Models are subject to full revalidation on a routine basis, regardless of the annual review
 The validator(s) reviewed all overrides, and the proper override information has been
logged, approved, and supported.
 The validator(s) compared model output to alternative data or models and researched
any discrepancies (e.g., benchmarking).

Outcomes Analysis

 The validator(s) performed outcomes analyses to compare model outputs to actual

outcomes (e.g., parallel outcomes analysis and back‐testing).
 Discrepancies were researched and addressed, as appropriate.

Data Quality

 Management documented expectations around data quality, and the validator(s)

compared the data quality expectations to model data.
 The validator(s) reviewed controls around the validity, completeness, accuracy,
appropriateness, and integrity of the data. Errors identified via the controls were
properly addressed.
 The validator(s) assessed the process in place for refreshing and updating data.
 Instructions related to data flows, aggregations, and transformations were documented
and reviewed by the validator(s).
 The results of each data aggregation and transformation step were documented.
Internal auditors repeated the data aggregations and transformations and compared
each step to the business's results.

Model Inventory Date
WP Ref

Policies and Procedures

 The MRM policies and procedures require maintenance of a model inventory.

 The model inventory is accompanied by guidelines or a template.
 Criteria have been established to help management distinguish between models and
tools or processes.
 Criteria have been established to rate each model according to its risk and/or
materiality. Auditing Model Risk Management 30

Model Inventory Date
WP Ref

Completeness and Accuracy

 The models selected for validation and development, implementation, and use testing
are included in the model inventory and their information is accurately recorded.
 If management is required to certify the completeness of the model inventory, a sample
of lines of business evidences that all required parties submitted their certifications.
 If management has a mapping process in place to ensure completeness of the inventory,
internal auditors have obtained a copy and reviewed it for reasonableness (e.g., mapping
of models to financial statement line items).
 The model inventory has no blank fields.
 The model inventory is properly secured so that only approved individuals may make

Model Classification

 The models selected for validation and development, implementation, and use testing
meet the organization's criteria for being classified as a model.
 Nonmodel tools or processes are not included in the model inventory.
 A sample of nonmodel tools or processes appears to be classified appropriately, based
on the organization's model criteria.
 Expert judgment models are accurately classified and documented, according to their
unique aspects regarding validation, governance, and monitoring of models that are
based on expert opinions.

Model Ratings

 Internal auditors have used the model ratings criteria established by management to
independently assess the ratings on the model inventory.
 Model rating overrides (if any) followed the appropriate procedures to be supported and
 If the inventory contains a large number of low‐rated models, their aggregated risk is
being assessed.


 All models on the inventory were validated prior to implementation, unless otherwise
properly approved for implementation followed timely by validation.
 Based on a sample of models that did not pass initial validation, it appears that errors
were logged and corrected.
 Based on details in the model inventory regarding the level of validation performed,
models with similar ratings appear to receive commensurate levels of validation work.
 Changes to models were approved and validated.

Ongoing Monitoring

 All models on the inventory were subject to validation or monitoring through the annual
review process during the past year.
 Each model's most recent validation date or ongoing monitoring schedule matches the
timing approved by the organization. Auditing Model Risk Management 31

Appendix E. Overview of Key Regulations
European Union Regulation, Solvency II Directive
This three‐pillar directive establishes solvency capital requirement (SCR) for insurers in the
European Union, that is, capital levels that enable them to withstand their worst expected losses
for a given year within a 99.5 percent confidence level. Under the first pillar, organizations may use
a standard model, full internal model, or partial internal model to determine their SCR. The second
pillar requires an organization to complete its “own risk and solvency assessment,” which ensures
the SCR modeled in the first pillar is reasonable. The third pillar increases reporting requirements
to both supervisory agencies and the public.

If an organization wishes to use a full or partial internal model for its SCR estimation, it must submit
an application to the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA). Along with the application, the
organization must submit a model change policy for review and approval. Within the change policy,
the organization must establish criteria for defining major and minor model changes. If the PRA
accepts the model and change policy, the organization may begin using the internal model. Going
forward, the organization must obtain express approval from the PRA prior to making any policy
updates or major model changes.

Capital Requirements Directive IV (Directive 2013/36/EU)

Article 3 — Definitions: 1. For the purposes of this Directive, the following definitions shall apply:
[…] (11) ”model risk” means the potential loss an institution may incur, as a consequence of
decisions that could be principally based on the output of internal models, due to errors in the
development, implementation, or use of such models.

Article 85 — Operational risk: 1. competent authorities shall ensure that institutions implement
policies and processes to evaluate and manage the exposure to operational risk, including model
risk, and to cover low‐frequency, high‐severity events. Institutions shall articulate what constitutes
operational risk for the purposes of those policies and procedures.

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Basel III

Basel III proposes to globally strengthen the banking sector through capital reforms, liquidity reforms,
and general financial system improvements. There is a phase‐in period, and each country wishing to
adopt Basel III is responsible for implementing the reforms into its national laws and regulations.

Basel III proposes an increase in the quality and quantity of capital held by organizations. This is
accomplished through more stringent capital tiering rules and increased capital level requirements.
In addition, the proposal sets a maximum leverage ratio of 3 percent to prevent organizations from
being over leveraged. The proposal also introduces a 30‐day liquidity coverage ratio to ensure
organizations maintain adequate liquidity to withstand a stressed funding scenario. Calculating this
ratio requires modeling of expected cash outflows under the stressed scenario. Auditing Model Risk Management 32

Another ratio proposed by Basel III is the net stable funding ratio. It drives funding toward stable
sources by comparing the organization’s available stable funding to its required stable funding;
both must be modeled. Finally, Basel III includes guidelines for managing risk. Most notably,
organizations will need to use models for estimating their counterparty risk, which is the risk that
an organization will not pay its outstanding debts upon maturity.

FRB Letter SR 11‐7/Bulletin OCC 2011‐12

SR 11‐7/OCC 2011‐12 is a collaborative effort between the FRB and the Office of the Comptroller
of the Currency to provide MRM guidance to organizations across the entire model lifecycle. It
requires organizations to have documented policies, procedures, and controls around the MRM
process. In addition, models must be developed by qualified personnel, validated by an
independent third party, and continuously monitored after implementation. Finally, it places
ultimate responsibility for the MRM process on the board. Specific requirements of SR 11‐7/OCC
2011‐12 are explored in detail throughout this guidance.

FRB Letter SR 15‐18

In SR 15‐18, the FRB provides guidance on the capital planning and supervisory expectations of
firms subject to the Large Institution Supervision Coordinating Committee framework and to other
large and complex firms. Within this guidance, the FRB requires senior management to design and
manage an organization’s capital planning process. In addition, senior management is expected to
have a sound understanding of the institution’s capital planning models, along with any related
overlays (i.e., overrides), limitations, and assumptions. Furthermore, senior management should
be involved with the related stress testing and sensitivity analyses. On a quarterly basis, senior
management is expected to review the entire capital planning process. Results must be reported
to the board of directors so they can make a final decision on the organization’s capital adequacy.

To comply with SR 15‐18, organizations are also required to develop and document stress scenarios
that equal or exceed a severely adverse supervisory scenario established by the FRB. The effect of
the stressors on the organization’s capital level is projected using models or other estimation
approaches. To ensure the institution is adequately capitalized, the results are compared to the
post‐stress capital goals established within the organization’s capital policy.

Under SR 15‐18, institutions are required to have a strong risk management process and an internal
control framework that supports their capital planning process. The internal control framework
must include a model inventory, maintenance of detailed model documentation, and an
independent model validation process. Internal auditors must perform an overall evaluation of the
capital planning process and report the results to the board.

IAIS Standard 2.2.7

This standard mandates three tests to validate models used in determining regulatory capital
levels. Institutions are required to submit the results of these tests to the supervisor before the
use of internal models would be approved. These tests are mentioned in the text of this guide
and are listed here: Auditing Model Risk Management 33

1. A statistical quality test assesses the base quantitative methodology of the internal model.
As part of this test process, the model user should be able to demonstrate the
appropriateness of the methodology, including the choice of model inputs and
parameters, and should be able to justify the assumptions underlying the model.
2. A calibration test demonstrates that the regulatory capital requirement determined by the
internal model satisfies the modeling criteria specified by the supervisor.
3. A use test confirms that the internal model and its methodologies and results are fully
embedded into the risk strategy and operational processes of the model user. The
standard also iterates that the board and senior management should have the overall
responsibility to ensure that adequate governance and controls are in place related to the
construction and use of internal models.

Guidance on the issues to consider in the context of an internal model used for the purposes of an
insurer’s own risk and solvency assessment, but not for regulatory capital purposes, are discussed in
the IAIS guidance paper on enterprise risk management for capital and solvency purposes. Auditing Model Risk Management 34

Appendix F. References and Additional Reading
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. Basel III: The liquidity coverage ratio and liquidity risk
monitoring tools. Basel, Switzerland: Bank for International Settlements, January 2013.

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. Basel III: The net stable funding ratio. Basel,
Switzerland: Bank for International Settlements, 2014.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. SR Letter 11‐7 attachment: Supervisory
Guidance on Model Risk Management. Washington, D.C.: FRS, 2011.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. SR 15‐18 attachment: Federal Reserve
Supervisory Assessment of Capital Planning and Positions for LISCC Firms and Large and
Complex Firms. Washington, D.C.: FRS, 2015.

European Parliament and the Council of the European Union. “Directive 2013/36/EU of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013,” Office Journal of the European
Union. Document 32013L0036. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union,
2013. http://eur‐

Marks, Norman. Sarbanes‐Oxley Section 404: A Guide for Management by Internal Controls
Practitioners. Altamonte Springs: The Institute of Internal Auditors, 2008.‐guidance/Public%20Documents/Sarbanes‐Oxley_Section_404_‐‐

International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board. International Standard on Auditing 620,
“Using the Work of an Expert.” New York: IFAC, 2008.

Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Bulletin OCC 2011‐12, “Description: Supervisory
Guidance on Model Risk Management,” by Mark Levonian. Washington, D.C.: OCC, 2011.‐issuances/bulletins/2011/bulletin‐2011‐12.html.

Office of the Superintendent for Financial Institutions. “Enterprise‐Wide Model Risk Management
for Deposit‐Taking Institutions.” No. E‐23. Ottawa: OFSI, 2017. http://www.osfi‐

Organization of England, Prudential Regulation Authority. Policy Statement 2/15: Solvency II: a
new regime for insurers. London: PRA, 2015.‐
regulation/publication/2015/solvency‐2‐a‐new‐regime‐for‐insurers. Auditing Model Risk Management 35

Rao, Vasant, and Swaminathan Aiyer. “Models, Model Risk and Running Effective Model
Management Programs” (white paper). Cognizant. April 2015. Teaneck: Cognizant, 2015.‐risk‐and‐running‐effective.pdf.

Solvency and Actuarial Issues Subcommittee. “Standard No. 2.2.7: IAIS Standard on the Use of
Internal Models for Regulatory Purposes.” Basel: International Association of Insurance
Supervisors, 2008.‐standard‐no‐227‐on‐the‐use‐of‐
internal‐models‐for‐regulatory‐capital‐purposes. Auditing Model Risk Management 36

Guidance Development Team
Mark Carawan, CIA, QIAL, United States (Chairman)
Stacey Schabel, United States (Project Lead)

Global Guidance Contributors

Karl Erhardt, United States
Margaret Warianka, United States
Gloria DeSantis‐Stahl, United States

IIA Global Standards and Guidance

Jeanette York, CCSA, Director (Project Lead)
Lisa Hirtzinger, CIA, QIAL, CCSA, CRMA, Vice President
Debi Roth, CIA, Managing Director
Shelli Browning, Technical Writer
Lauressa Nelson, Technical Writer

The IIA would like to thank the following oversight bodies for their support: Financial Services
Guidance Committee, Professional Guidance Advisory Council, International Internal Audit
Standards Board, Professional Responsibility and Ethics Committee, and International Professional
Practices Framework Oversight Council. Auditing Model Risk Management 37

The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) is the internal audit profession’s most widely recognized advocate, educator, and provider of
standards, guidance, and certifications. Established in 1941, The IIA today serves more than 190,000 members from more than 170
countries and territories. The association’s global headquarters are in Lake Mary, Fla., USA. For more information, visit

The IIA publishes this document for informational and educational purposes and, as such, it is only intended to be used as a guide. This
guidance material is not intended to provide definitive answers to specific individual circumstances. The IIA recommends that you
always seek independent expert advice relating directly to any specific situation. The IIA accepts no responsibility for anyone placing
sole reliance on this guidance.

Copyright© 2018 The Institute of Internal Auditors, Inc. All rights reserved. For permission to reproduce, please contact
[email protected].

March 2018

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