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Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 61 (2022) 573e574

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Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology

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Chemotherapy adjuvant and chemotherapy-induced neutropenia

Chemotherapy may be one of the most frequently used tools for course in Dr. Tojima's study [13]. Additionally, 87% of patients did
the treatment of various kinds of gynecologic cancers, applied develop grade 4 neutropenia in their study [13]. All suggested that
either before the definite treatment or during or post the definite the doxorubicin-cisplatin is very strong myelosuppressive regimen,
treatment as well as used as purpose for a rescue or palliative treat- which raised the following question whether the doxorubicin-
ment, although many issues should be considered [1e4]. Among cisplatin regimen is a better choice as the first-line chemotherapy
these, chemotherapy-related adverse events (AEs) and/or side ef- for treatment of patients with uterine cancer or not. Although the
fects (SEs) are a critical factor, partly because of their occurrence answer may be debated, our response is “not”. The reasons are
in much frequency and partly because of the involvement of delay- shown below. The paclitaxel-carboplatin (CP) has been well accepted
ing the time of application on schedule and/or reducing therapeutic as the regimen of the therapeutic choice in the management of
dose as well as causing much bothersome problems of the patients women with uterine cancer who should be treated with chemo-
to deteriorate life of quality and face the life-threatening complica- therapy [2,7,14,15]. We are wondering why the authors use
tions [5e8]. Chemotherapy-related myelosuppression, especially doxorubicin-cisplatin in place of CP for their patients. As shown by
chemotherapy-induced neutropenia (CIN) may be one of the author [13], doxorubicin-cisplatin is associated not only with high
most frequently occurred AEs and/or SEs. Although many strategies hematologic, neurologic and cardiac toxicity, but also with higher
have been proposed to ameliorate the occurrence of CIN, such as costs, which required G-CSF support or cumbersome delayed treat-
the use of weekly dose dense paclitaxel and triweekly low-dose ment, reduced dose and potential risks of this regimen-associated
cisplatin regimen in place of the original conventional triweekly AEs and/or SEs to prolong hospitalization, hinting the development
paclitaxel and carboplatin or conventional dose-dense paclitaxel of new protocol is urgently needed, since the better regimen should
and triweekly carboplatin, there is no doubt that CIN cannot be take the following benefits, such as convenience, less myelosuppres-
totally avoided [9e11]. CIN, the decrease of immune cells (white sion, a better cost profile and less toxicity. In our previous study
blood cells), not only decreases the ability of host against the infec- enrolling 541 patients with the pathologically-confirmed Interna-
tion by micro-organisms but also impairs the tumor clearance tional Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) III-IV pure
[9e12]. All may compromise treatment efficacy and even result in endometrioid type endometrial cancer from 22-member hospitals,
patients’ death [9e12]. In a publication of the March issue of Taiwa- we found that combination of complete staging surgery, including
nese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (TJOG), we are happy to complete dissection of para-aortic lymph nodes and pelvic lymph
learn the researchers who would like to focus this topic to improve nodes and the following CP therapy could provide the better chance
the cancer treatment for patients with gynecological cancer [13]. to survive with hazard ratio (HR) of 0.27 (95% confidence interval [CI]
Dr. Tojima and colleagues using a long-acting granulocyte colony- 0.16e0.45) and 0.14 (95% CI 0.08e0.26) for progression-free survival
stimulating factor (GeCSF)e-pegfilgrastim as a prophylaxis for (PFS) and HR of 0.61 (95% CI 0.79e0.92), and 0.48 (95% CI 0.31e0.75)
chemotherapy-induced neutropenia in endometrial cancer pa- for overall survival (OS), suggesting that CP regimen should be
tients attempted to evaluate the effect of this strategy [13]. considered as the first-line adjuvant chemotherapy for women
This retrospective study enrolling a total of 48 women with with endometrial cancer, who need the further chemotherapy [14].
endometrial cancer who were treated with postoperative adjuvant Furthermore, a recent phase III randomized trial (protocol GOG-
chemotherapy by doxorubicin plus cisplatin [13]. Among these pa- 0261) evaluating the standard regimen for the therapy of women
tients, 23 women did not receive prophylactic pegfilgrastim with uterine carcinosarcoma (UCS), which is one of the subtype of
compared to 25 women did [13]. The results of the study showed uterine carcinomas concluded that CP regimen for UCS is a path to
that patients treated with prophylactic pegfilgrastim had a statisti- conclusion [16,17]. The study compared the standard CP regimen
cally significantly lower rate of febrile neutropenia (FN) and grade 4 typically used to treat epithelial gynecologic tumors with ifosfa-
neutropenia than those without (8.0% versus 34.8% and 12% versus mide/paclitaxel, a combination developed specifically for sarcomas,
87%, respectively), suggesting that the use of prophylactic pegfil- and the results showed the CP regimen presented a favor trend to
grastim effectively prevented FN in patients treated with doxoru- ifosfamide/paclitaxel regimen with the median OS of 37 versus 29
bicin plus cisplatin (doxorubicin-cisplatin) [13]. The Tojima's months, respectively (HR 0.87, 90% CI 0.70e1.075) [17]. Furthermore,
study is interesting and valuable and worthy of further discussion. CP led to significantly improved PFS (16 months versus 12 months
First, it is well-known that guidelines have recommended the use with HR of 0.735, 95% CI 0.58e0.93) for patients with UCS [17]. More-
of G-CSF as primary prophylaxis during chemotherapy if the risk of over, patients treated with ifosfamide/paclitaxel were more likely to
CIN is greater than 20% [8]. In fact, we found that 10 patients of 58 experience confusion and grade 3 neurologic toxicity, and all-grade
patients (near 20% of patients) had reduced doses from the first renal toxicity and genitourinary hemorrhage were also more

1028-4559/© 2022 Taiwan Association of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
Y.-T. Li, S.-T. Yang and P.-H. Wang Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 61 (2022) 573e574

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Taken together, based on the findings from Dr. Tojima's study Suppl):821e4.
and recent evidence, the choice of chemotherapy regimen for
women with endometrial cancer should follow the general princi-
Yiu-Tai Li
ple as less toxicity and no compromising therapeutic effect. There-
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kuo General Hospital,
fore, doxorubicin-cisplatin regimen is not recommended to be used
Tainan, Taiwan
as the front-line therapy for women with endometrial cancer who
need chemotherapy. Szu-Ting Yang
Institute of Clinical Medicine, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung
Conflicts of interest University, Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Taipei Veterans General
All authors declare no conflict of interest.
Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Acknowledgements Peng-Hui Wang*
Institute of Clinical Medicine, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung
This research was supported by grants from the Taipei Veterans University, Taipei, Taiwan
General Hospital (V110C-082; V111C-103; and V111A-009) and the
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Taipei Veterans General
Ministry of Science and Technology, Executive Yuan (MOST: 110-
Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
2314-B-075-016 MY3), Taipei, Taiwan. The authors appreciate the
support from Female Cancer Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan. Female Cancer Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Medical Research, China Medical University Hospital,
References Taichung, Taiwan

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[2] Su MH, Wu HH, Huang HY, Lee NR, Chang WH, Lin SC, et al. Comparing Taipei 11217, Taiwan.
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