Predictors of The Gap Between Program and Commercial Audiences: An Investigation Using Live Tuning Data
Predictors of The Gap Between Program and Commercial Audiences: An Investigation Using Live Tuning Data
Predictors of The Gap Between Program and Commercial Audiences: An Investigation Using Live Tuning Data
Journal of Marketing
Vol. 74 (May 2010), 1833
2010, American Marketing Association
ISSN: 0022-2429 (print), 1547-7185 (electronic)
David A. Schweidel & Robert J. Kent
Predictors of the Gap Between
Program and Commercial
Audiences: An Investigation Using
LiveTuning Data
Audience measures serve as the basis on which billions of dollars of television advertising are purchased each
year. However, these measures often fall short of providing marketers and media planners with information about
the size of the audience that has the opportunity to see advertisements during commercial breaks. Although
program audience measures remain relevant for product placement, the size of the gap between the audience
potentially exposed to programming and the audience exposed to commercial breaks has implications for
advertisers and networks, affecting decisions such as program selection and ad pricing. The authors use a full
television season of live tuning data to study variation across programs in the size of the program audience and the
size of the gap between the potential program audiences and the potential commercial audiences, which is found
to exceed 20% of the program audience in some cases. Across program genres, the authors find that dramas have
increased program popularity and reduced ad avoidance, whereas reality television experiences increased ad
avoidance. The analysis reveals the importance of incorporating show-specific random effects because their
omission can result in spurious attribution of differences in ad avoidance and program popularity to genre. The
authors discuss the implications for networks and advertisers.
Keywords: advertising, television, ad avoidance, media, marketing metrics
David A. Schweidel is Assistant Professor of Marketing, School of Busi-
ness, University of WisconsinMadison (e-mail: [email protected].
edu). Robert J. Kent is Associate Professor of Marketing, Department of
Business Administration, University of Delaware (e-mail: kentr@lerner. The authors thank TNS Media Research for providing the data
used in this research. The first author acknowledges the financial support
of the Center for Brand and Product Management at the Wisconsin
School of Business.
elevision advertising has traditionally been purchased
on the basis of program audience measures. These
metrics are used both to select the programs in which
to advertise and to negotiate the rates for billions of dollars
in advertising spending. While measures of the program
audience are appropriate for marketers considering branded
entertainment (i.e., product placement), program ratings
have shortcomings in advertising planning. Chief among
them is the discrepancy between measures of the audience
with the opportunity to see the program and measures of the
audience with the opportunity to see the programs com-
mercial breaks. Advertisers are not primarily concerned
with program audiences but rather with the audience that
particular commercials may reach.
According to Poltrack (2006), the relationship between
program audiences and commercial audiences was found to
be very stable over time and by program. If this is the case,
established program audience measures may be effective
proxies for the potential commercial audience. As such,
media planners and their clients can simply use these met-
rics to choose programs in which to place commercials.
However, the appropriateness of program audience mea-
sures for such decisions is more tenuous if the relationship
between viewers opportunities to see programs and their
opportunities to see commercial breaks varies significantly
across programs or within a given episode.
Steinberg and Hampp (2007) report that program audi-
ences may be approximately 5%10% higher than potential
commercial audiences. If the price charged for advertising
is based on the average program audience, this discrepancy
effectively increases the cost of reaching a given number of
viewers. As Ephron (2007) notes, given great programmer
competition and the billions of dollars spent annually on
television advertising, even small-sounding differences in
the audience size can have important effects on ad rates and
marketers satisfaction with ad buys: the networks would
have killed for five percent this year. Gloede (2006) argues
that advertisers will angle for lower rates and/or other com-
pensation, such as messages integrated into programming
or ad clutter reductions, if some shows are found to lose
more of the program audience when commercials appear
(e.g., Ephron 2006; Steinberg 2005; Steinberg and Barnes
With nearly $70 billion in television advertising spend-
ing in 2007 (Wilbur, Goeree, and Ridder 2009) and the
average price of 30-second spots in network programs rang-
ing from under $50,000 to more than $400,000 (Steinberg
The Gap Between Program and Commercial Audiences / 19
GroupM, Omnicom Media Group, and Starcom MediaVest
Group), and content providers (including CBS Paramount,
Disney Media Networks, NBC Universal, News Corpora-
tion, Time Warner, and Viacom), notes that examination of
the current and future potential of television measurement
through set-top box data is one of two key areas of interest
(Reuters 2009; see also Li 2009). As we discuss subse-
quently, using set-top box data to examine live tuning to
programs and commercials offers new insights and opportu-
nities for researchers and practitioners.
The need for a better understanding of commercial and
program exposure patterns goes beyond the television
advertising market. Marketers continue to increase advertis-
ing in mobile and online marketing. Cross-media cam-
paigns (e.g., Naik and Raman 2003) require comparable
metrics across different media. If the extent to which the
program audience declines during commercial breaks dif-
fers substantially across programs, program audience mea-
sures are more limited than they might appear. Moreover, if
there is considerable variation in lost opportunities to see
advertisements across the commercial breaks of a single
episode, measures of the average commercial audience
across a program may be misleading. Variation in the extent
of the program audience decline during commercial breaks
may also affect measures of advertising effectiveness and
wearout (e.g., Bass et al. 2007; Naik 1999) because pro-
gram audience measures will tend to overstate viewers
opportunities to see advertisements. In turn, this may affect
the optimal scheduling of advertising campaigns (e.g.,
Bruce 2008; Naik, Mantrala, and Sawyer 1998).
The intent of the current research is twofold. First, we
use a full season of set-top box data to examine and contrast
live tuning to programs and commercial breaks in prime-
time network television. While prior research has separately
examined program tuning and ad avoidance, these factors
have not been considered together. Comparing the live tun-
ing to programs and commercial breaks, our analysis
reveals considerable variation across programs and over the
course of the season, as well as variation attributable to
commercial break characteristics. These results call into
question the notion of a stable relationship between pro-
gram and commercial break audiences.
Second, we examine the impact of show-specific ran-
dom effects (colloquially, an X-factor) on program rat-
ings and ad avoidance. While previous research has often
used data from a short time frame and has not considered
programs X-factors, the use of a full season of data enables
us to identify the programs that are more (or less) popular
than their characteristics would suggest, as well the pro-
grams that experience more (or less) ad avoidance. The
findings reveal that the impact of these effects on both
aspects of tuning is substantial and may outweigh the pro-
gram genre effects that have been documented previously.
Moreover, the omission of these X-factors results in spuri-
ous inferences about the popularity of certain genres and
the levels of ad avoidance they are expected to experience.
Our analysis offers actionable insights for advertisers
and networks. The results suggest complementary use of
measures of program and commercial break tuning levels
for marketers using product placement and traditional
and Williams 2007), it is not surprising that more than 80%
of surveyed members of the Association of National Adver-
tisers expressed interest in obtaining precise measures of
viewers opportunities to see commercials (Hampp 2007).
The industry has responded to this call with metrics that
focus on the audience during commercial breaks. However,
the latest national audience metrics average across all com-
mercial break minutes within a program episode (e.g.,
Atkinson 2008), which may disappoint marketers that want
information specific to particular advertising units (Atkin-
son 2007).
While these commercial minute ratings are available at
a national level, audience measures for local markets are
reported as program ratings (McClellan 2008). Media plan-
ners have expressed a desire for commercial audience mea-
sures in local markets (e.g., Friedman 2009). As Kaul and
Wittink (1995) note, national and local advertising each
play an important role in a brands marketing strategy, with
local advertising primarily focusing on product availability
and price and national advertising primarily focusing on
brand positioning. In developing advertising and pricing
strategies, marketers must balance national and local mes-
sages (e.g., Ephron 2001; Popkowski-Leszczyc and Rao
1990). Thus, local measures of commercial break audiences
are of value to national brands, as well as regional brands
and retailers, because they provide information on the reach
of their local advertisements and allow them to add effi-
ciency to marketing activities (e.g., Abraham and Lodish
Program audience measures may include consumers
who avoid commercials, and thus these measures may over-
state the size of the audience with the opportunity to see
advertisements (e.g., Briggs and Stuart 2006; Ephron 2007;
Wilbur 2008b). Some media planners have also expressed
an interest in maintaining live-only audience measures
(which do not include digital video recorder [DVR] play-
back) in the interests of clients with time-sensitive advertise-
ments (e.g., Friedman 2009; McClellan 2008). For example,
retailers may time advertising buys and slot relevant ad
messages to take advantage of customers increased ten-
dency to shop on weekends (e.g., Fox and Hoch 2005).
Similarly, film studios may advertise new movies with tim-
ing designed to attract patrons during their critical opening
weekend (e.g., Krider and Weinberg 1998; Lehmann and
Weinberg 2000). Such advertisers may find diminished
value in the audience reached even a few days later.
While there continues to be discussion about the inclu-
sion of time-shifted viewing in audience measures, the
strong interest in and importance of commercial audience
measures for local markets is evident. Increasingly available
set-top box data offer a means by which to begin addressing
this concern (Arango 2008; Kang 2008).
Marketers and
media firms have expressed keen interest in using such data
to understand viewers opportunities to see programs and
commercials. The recently formed Coalition for Innovative
Media Measurement, a consortium of advertisers (including
Procter & Gamble and Unilever), agencies (including
We discuss set-top box databoth its advantages and limita-
tionsin more detail in our Data section.
advertising. Moreover, our analysis reveals that the impact
of program genre on the extent of ad avoidance and pro-
gram popularity found in prior studies may be more limited
than previously thought. Taken together, the findings offer
insight into the extent to which live program audience mea-
sures overstate the size of the audience with the opportunity
to see commercials, providing marketers with essential
information for choosing programs and negotiating adver-
tising rates. This information is also of value to networks in
setting advertising costs for different programs, potentially
reducing the need to deliver costly make goods as a con-
sequence of overestimating commercial break tuning levels
or the chances that they will undercharge advertisers as a
result of underestimating commercial break tuning levels.
In the following section, we briefly review related lit-
erature on television tuning behavior and ad avoidance dur-
ing commercial breaks. We then describe the data used in
the analysis and the modeling framework. We present the
findings and then discuss the implications of the results. We
conclude with a discussion of the limitations of this
research and directions for future work.
Related Research
Several models have been developed to understand viewers
tuning behavior. Rust and Alpert (1984) use a flow model to
capture viewers program choices in each half-hour interval.
Rust, Kamakura, and Alpert (1992) employ peoplemeter
data to understand the preferences of different types of
viewers. Shachar and Emerson (2000) identify a set of
viewer and programming characteristics (e.g., genre) to
model television-viewing behavior. Wilbur (2008b) pro-
poses a two-sided model that considers both the viewing
and the advertising markets and finds that the attractiveness
of programs for viewers and advertisers is related to show
characteristics. Wilbur, Goeree, and Ridder (2009) examine
the effects of product placement and advertising times on
program popularity. Such analyses have formed the basis
for purchasing advertising as marketers consider buying
commercial time in programs that are popular with their
intended markets. As Shachar and Emerson (2000, p. 177)
state, such data provide the standard of ratings for both
network executives and advertising agencies. However,
these studies focus on television program choices and do
not consider the extent of ad avoidance.
In addition to the literature on program choices, a sepa-
rate but related stream of research has addressed the gap
between program and commercial break audiences. Dana-
her (1995) uses second-by-second peoplemeter data to com-
pare program and commercial break audience measures on
three networks in New Zealand. In constructing his ratio of
the commercial break rating to the program rating, he aver-
ages ratings across the seconds of the commercial breaks,
comparing this average rating with the average rating of
programming seconds. He finds that the audience level
declines during commercial breaks by approximately 5%,
which is consistent with recent reports (e.g., Ephron 2007;
Steinberg and Hampp 2007). He shows that there is a con-
siderable range in estimates of the extent of ad avoidance,
which is related to the program type, program rating, and
20 / Journal of Marketing, May 2010
commercial break characteristics, such as the number of
advertisements in the break. Because the study uses data
from a single week, however, it does not consider the
impact of show-specific effects on the extent of ad avoid-
ance. Some programs may systematically maintain more (or
less) of their program audience during commercial breaks.
Although this may be attributable in part to program char-
acteristics, such as the genre, it may also be driven by a pro-
grams X-factor.
Van Meurs (1998) examines a panel of households using
peoplemeters in the Netherlands during a four-month
period. He decomposes channel switching during commer-
cial breaks into its two underlying components: panelists
tuning to a commercial break and those tuning away from
the break. He finds that commercial break and program
characteristics influence both types of channel-switching
behavior. As with Danaher (1995), however, Van Meurs
(1998) does not consider show-specific effects in his
Siddarth and Chattopadhyay (1998) also examine the
propensity for viewers to switch channels. They find that
previous exposure to commercials increases the propensity
for viewers to change the channel and decreases the time
until it occurs. They also find that viewers are more prone to
change the channel if the commercial occurs within two
minutes of the half hour or hour. Although the study reveals
the drivers of channel-switching behavior for specific com-
mercials, many of which the marketer can control, it does
not consider the impact of the program in which the com-
mercial airs. As such, it does not offer guidance for select-
ing programs (or genres) in which to advertise. Siddarth and
Chattopadhyay also do not consider the presence of com-
mercials on other networks, which may affect changes in
the audience level.
In studying the effect of DVRs on the advertising indus-
try, Wilbur (2008a) discusses the reasons that viewers may
avoid advertising. Among the reasons are the presence of
substitute activities, the lack of engagement generated by
commercials, advertising wearout, and a lack of interest in
the advertised products. He suggests the use of an adjusted
CPM (cost per thousand) to take into account ad skipping
that is facilitated by DVRs. More generally, advertising
decisions, such as pricing and program selection, should
consider the overall extent of ad avoidance, whether due to
ad skipping, channel switching, or other activities, as well
as the popularity of the program. In each case, there may be
variation across programs and commercial breaks.
In this research, we model the average program rating in
a half-hour period and the extent of ad avoidance during
each commercial break using live set-top box tuning data.
These two components play a central role in understanding
viewers opportunities to see commercials at the time they
are broadcast. While previous research has separately exam-
ined the drivers of program popularity and the relative audi-
ence levels during commercial breaks, we explore them
together to understand how factors may differentially affect
both aspects of tuning behavior, which can affect the selec-
tion of programs for both traditional advertising and prod-
uct placement (e.g., Karrh, McKee, and Pardun 2003). In
doing so, we demonstrate the applicability of increasingly
available set-top box tuning data to both media planners and
networks (see Arango 2008; Li 2009).
We employ tuning, programming, and advertising data pro-
vided by TNS Media Research. Tuning data were collected
from digital cable set-top boxes in a major metropolitan
area in the United States. The number of digital cable set-
top boxes tuned to each of five broadcast networks (ABC,
CBS, CW, FOX, and NBC) was collected for weekdays
(MondayFriday), second-by-second from 8 P.M. to 11 P.M.,
from September 2007 through May 2008. We also collected
the total number of set-top boxes in the area, which enabled
us to calculate second-by-second ratings (the fraction of all
set-top boxes in the area tuned to a particular channel) for
each network.
When we compare the data used in the current research
with that used in previous studies, two aspects are particu-
larly noteworthy. First, set-top boxes provide tuning data.
That is, they record the channel to which the set-top box is
tuned each second, thus providing an indication of opportu-
nity to see the programming and commercials at the time
they are broadcast.
Because this information is recorded
passively, data from a large number of set-top boxes can be
collected in local markets (more than 400,000 set-top boxes
were installed in the metropolitan area we examine).
Several previous studies have employed data from peo-
plemeters, in which participants must indicate that they are
present in the room once or twice per hour (e.g., Wilbur
2008b). Peoplemeters rely on the compliance of partici-
pants, which has been criticized recently (Schneider 2009).
Wilbur (2008b) employs data collected by audimeters,
devices that passively record the program to which a televi-
sion is tuned and report tuning behavior in 15-minute inter-
vals. Given the relative coarseness of such data, as Wilbur
notes, households may avoid advertisements but still be
counted as part of the audience. None of these means of
data collection (audimeters, peoplemeters, and set-top
boxes) directly measure viewers attention to or engagement
with the programming or commercial breaks. As such, tun-
ing data only enable us to draw conclusions regarding the
potential for exposurethat is, the opportunities to see pro-
gramming and commercial breaks (Ephron 2007). Although
this is a limitation, households cannot be influenced by com-
mercial breaks they do not tune in to, and thus the differ-
ence between the program and the commercial break tuning
audiences is important to advertisers and media buyers.
Second, the data we employ do not include DVR usage.
Although new streams of set-top box data may include
DVR usage, such data were not available at the time of this
study. As such, our conclusions regarding ad avoidance dur-
ing prime time are restricted to live tuning. In analyzing
TiVo log files, Bronnenberg, Dube, and Mela (2009) report
that more than 90% of watched shows were viewed live. Of
The Gap Between Program and Commercial Audiences / 21
the programs that were recorded, more than two-thirds of
commercials were skipped. Consistent with Bronnenberg,
Dube, and Melas findings, a Nielsen (2008) report found
that households watched an average of 142.5 hours of tele-
vision per month, and the amount of time-shifted television
was less than 10% of this total. With DVR penetration of
20%30%at the time of the study, homes with DVRs divid-
ing television use between live and time-shifted viewing,
and a high incidence of skipped commercials in time-
shifted viewing (e.g., Bronnenberg, Dube, and Mela 2009;
Wilbur 2008a), live tuning data reflect the majority of view-
ers opportunities to see programs and commercial breaks.
As we noted previously, the live audience is also of particu-
lar interest to advertisers with time-sensitive messages (e.g.,
McClellan 2008).
Although set-top box data do not provide information
on peoples presence in the room, accounting only for live
tuning, such data offer distinct advantages. In particular, we
are able to obtain tuning data at a granular level, which
enables us to examine observed ad avoidance of individual
commercial breaks. Thus, data from set-top boxes have the
potential to provide the metrics in local markets that adver-
tisers continue to request (McClellan 2008).
Our season-long data span a longer time frame than the
data employed in several previous studies. With multiple
airings of the same programs, we can examine variation in
program popularity and ad avoidance across programs due
to unobserved factors, the importance of which has been
documented in the marketing literature (e.g., Rossi and
Allenby 2003) but not considered in this context. The
results reveal the importance of incorporating show-specific
random effects when modeling program and commercial
break ratings. In particular, conclusions on program genre
effects are affected by the inclusion of these show-specific
X-factors, with important implications for advertisers and
The tuning data were paired with programming sched-
ules to identify the show that aired in each half-hour block.
Programs were coded along the following dimensions: Pro-
gramming genres were coded according to the information
available at (e.g., Wilbur 2008b). When multiple
genres were listed, we used the first genre listed. Five gen-
res accounted for more than 90% of the half-hour blocks
during our observation period: drama (coded as GENRE =
1), reality (GENRE = 2), sitcom (GENRE = 3), news
(GENRE = 4), and game shows (GENRE = 5). The remain-
ing genres were aggregated and treated as an other genre.
Using the information available at, we also created
a dummy variable to indicate whether an episode was a new
airing (REPEAT = 0) or a repeat (REPEAT = 1).
Another aspect of the data we control for was the Writ-
ers Guild of America (WGA) strike, which ran from
November 5, 2007, to February 12, 2008. For each half-
hour block, we created a categorical variable to indicate
whether the period occurred before the strike (WGA = 1),
during the strike (WGA = 2), or after the strike (WGA = 3).
In addition to the respective main effects, we constructed an
interaction effect between REPEAT and WGA to allow for
the possibility that repeat episodes were more (or less)
popular among viewers during and after the strike. We
To account for cases in which a set-top box has not demon-
strated activity for a prolonged period, our data provider applies a
capping algorithm. This is similar to the practice employed in ana-
lyzing dwell times on Web sites (e.g., Montgomery et al. 2004).
denote these four programming characteristics (GENRE,
REPEAT, WGA, and REPEAT WGA), along with a net-
work-specific indicator variable, as X
To provide a summary of programs relative popularities
and explore the tuning data, we next examine ratings. We
calculate the half-hour program ratings by averaging the
second-by-second ratings across programming seconds in
each half-hour period (e.g., Danaher 1995). We present the
distribution in Figure 1.
Although the majority of half-hour program ratings are
in the range of 1%2% of set-top boxes, we observe some
that exceed 5%. We also observe variation across networks,
with ABC and CBS having the highest half-hour program
ratings (2.70% and 2.53%, respectively), followed by FOX,
NBC, and CW(2.25%, 1.80%, and .97%, respectively).
The programs with episodes tuned to by more than 5%
of set-top boxes included ABCs Dancing with the Stars,
Greys Anatomy, Samantha Who? and The Bachelor; CBSs
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and Without a Trace; and
FOXs American Idol, The Moment of Truth, and House.
From this exploratory analysis, we might conclude that
reality television and dramas allow advertisers to reach the
largest audiences in this market. However, this would be
premature for two reasons that we explore in greater detail.
First, the popularity of these programs may reflect the
appeal of particular shows rather than all shows of the
genre. Second, the half-hour program ratings do not con-
sider the level at which tuning changes during commercial
breaks, which may vary across programs.
To probe these issues further, we next present second-
by-second plots of the ratings for a selection of programs.
We first consider two reality television programs that air on
CW: Americas Next Top Model and Pussycat Dolls Pre-
sent: Girlicious. Figure 2, Panel A, exhibits the second-by-
second ratings for individual episodes of these programs.
Although both programs are reality television shows
that appear on the same network, Americas Next Top Model
draws a larger audience than Girlicious. As might be
expected, the observed tuning audience drops considerably
during the commercial breaks, evidenced by the declines in
22 / Journal of Marketing, May 2010
the second-by-second ratings. Comparing these episodes,
we find a difference in the observed levels of ad avoidance.
While this episode of Americas Next Top Model has an
average rating during commercial seconds of 1.51% and an
average rating during programming seconds of 1.78%,
resulting in a difference of 15% between the commercial
and the program ratings, this episode of Girlicious has an
average rating of .95% during commercial seconds and of
1.15% during programming, yielding a difference of 18%.
In Figure 2, Panel B, we present a similar comparison
between episodes of the FOX dramas Prison Break and
Bones. In this episode of Prison Break, the average rating
during programming seconds is 2.06%, compared with its
average rating of 1.85% during commercial secondsa dif-
ference of approximately 10%. This episode of Bones has
an average rating of 1.83% during programming, which
drops only 5% to 1.74% during commercials. While Prison
Break has a tuning audience during programming that is
12% larger than Bones audience, Prison Breaks commer-
cial audience is only 6% larger, demonstrating that the pro-
gram audience measure may not serve as an adequate proxy
for opportunity to see commercials. Note also that these
programs both experience an audience build over time, and
thus the audience levels during commercial breaks within a
single episode may vary.
As the two comparisons in Figure 2 reveal, the network
and genre may not fully explain the popularity of programs
and the extent to which the programs experience ad avoid-
ance. Although variation in the gap between the live pro-
gram and the commercial break tuning audiences that we
observe in these four episodes may simply be due to ran-
domness, after we control for program genre, some shows
(in these examples, Pussycat Dolls Present: Girlicious and
Prison Break) may systematically experience more ad
avoidance. If this is the case, when pricing advertising time,
networks should account not only for differences in the
popularity of programs but also for differences in the
amount of ad avoidance the programs experience. Advertis-
ers should also take these issues into consideration when
planning and buying television ad time.
Distribution of Average Half-Hour Program Ratings
1.00/ 18/
1.50/ 24/
2.00/ 21/
2.50/ 13/
3.00/ 8/
3.50/ 5/
4.00/ 3/
4.50/ 2/
5.00/ 1/
00/ 5/
.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50% 4.00% 4.50% 5.00% >5.00%
Average Half-Hour Program Rating
To complement the tuning data, we collected advertis-
ing schedules on the five networks. This data consist of the
time at which each commercial break started and ended.
From this, we constructed variables for the length of each
break in minutes (LENGTH), the number of breaks that
aired on the remaining four networks concurrently (CON-
CUR), and an indicator variable for whether the break
occurred within two minutes of the half-hour blocks chang-
We denote these three variables, in
conjunction with X
, as Q
, which are the descriptors we
use to model the change in audience levels during commer-
cial breaks.
In Figure 3, we provide the distribution of commercial
break lengths and the distribution of the number of concur-
The Gap Between Program and Commercial Audiences / 23
rent commercial breaks. Figure 3, Panel A, shows that the
majority of commercial breaks last between three and four
minutes. Longer commercial breaks provide viewers with
increased opportunity to switch channels without missing
the programming, while shorter commercial breaks limit
such activity. Figure 3, Panel B, shows that commercial
breaks tend to occur at the same times across networks.
This overlap may diminish the appeal of switching channels
during the commercial breaks. Of all commercial breaks
during the observation period, 27% aired around changes in
the half-hour blocks. We might contend that breaks near the
half hour are subject to more switching because programs
are concluding. However, they may exhibit a smaller
decline because viewers remain tuned to see the final scenes
or previews for next weeks episode.
Next, we examine the size of the observed commercial
break tuning audience relative to that of the live program
audience. We refer to the ratio of the commercial break rat-
ing (calculated each second and averaged across the sec-
onds of the commercial break) to the half-hour program rat-
To construct the CONCUR variable for commercial breaks on
network c, we examine the advertising schedules on the remaining
four networks and count the number of networks with a commer-
cial break that had any overlap with time at which the break aired
on network c.
Rating Comparisons
A: CW Reality Television Programs
B: FOX Dramas
10 20 30 40 50 60
Time in Program (Minutes)
10 20 30 40 50 60
Time in Program (Minutes)
10 20 30 40 50 60
Time in Program (Minutes)
Prison Break
10 20 30 40 50 60
Time in Program (Minutes)
Americas Next Top Model Pussycat Dolls Present: Girlicious
ing (calculated as the average rating of noncommercial sec-
onds of the program) as an adjustment factor and present
the distribution in Figure 4.
Although we expect that the potential commercial break
audience will be smaller than the audience of the program
in which it airs (indicated by adjustment factors less than 1),
we observe that approximately 4% of commercial breaks
24 / Journal of Marketing, May 2010
have ratings that exceed the program ratings (adjustment
factors greater than 1). Such commercial breaks may occur
early in programs that display strong audience build, and
some advertisers benefit from this effect. We also observe
considerable variation in the adjustment factors, with values
less than .80 reflecting more than a 20%difference from the
program rating. The average adjustment factor across all
commercial breaks was .90, reflecting approximately twice
as much ad avoidance as Danaher (1995) reports. We also
observe slight variation across networks (average for ABC =
.91, CBS = .92, CW = .88, FOX = .89, NBC = .90). How-
ever, these differences may be influenced by variation in the
adjustment factors across programs. Revisiting the programs
with high ratings reported previously, we observe that some
had higher-than-average adjustment factors (Greys
Anatomy = .93, and CSI: Crime Scene Investigation = .93),
while others did not maintain as much of their tuning audi-
ence during commercial breaks (Samantha Who? = .87, and
The Bachelor = .87).
To highlight the importance of considering both pro-
gram popularity and the change in audience levels during
commercial breaks, we provide a comparison of average
half-hour program ratings and commercial break ratings for
selected programs. Although Hells Kitchen (3.92% pro-
gram rating, 3.10% commercial break rating) draws a larger
program audience than Survivor: China (3.11% program
rating, 2.78% commercial break rating), the gap between
measures of the set-top boxes tuned to their commercial
breaks is considerably smaller. While Hells Kitchen draws
a larger average program audience than CSI: Crime Scene
Investigation (3.65% program rating, 3.35% commercial
break rating), more set-top boxes are tuned to the commer-
cial breaks during CSI. As we discuss subsequently, such
reversals (when program appeal is based on commercial
versus program ratings) offer opportunities to advertisers
and are relevant to networks. To systematically examine the
relationship between program and potential commercial
break audiences, as well as the drivers of each, we next
detail our modeling framework.
Distribution of Commercial Break Adjustment Factors
Commercial Break Adjustment Factor
>1 1 .95 .9 .85
Summary of Commercial Break Data
A: Distribution of Commercial Break Lengths
B: Distribution of Concurrent Commercial Breaks
30 60 90
Commercial Break Length (Seconds)
120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360
0 1 2 3 4
Concurrent Commercial Breaks
Model Development
We first describe a model for the program rating in a half-
hour period. We then describe a model for the commercial
break adjustment factor.
Program Rating Model
We begin with a model of the program audience rating in a
half-hour period on each of the five networks. On each day
d, we observe six half-hour measures of ratings from 8 P.M.
to 11 P.M. (which we denote by the subscript t) for channel
c, which we denote as R
. Because R
is a fraction of set-
top boxes, we model the rating R
as follows:
where A
indicates the attractiveness of the program airing
on channel c during half-hour t on day d. The fraction of set-
top boxes not tuned to one of the five networks that we con-
sider (i.e., the outside good) is then given by the following:
From Equations 1 and 2, we can express A
as follows:
To understand the factors that affect program attractive-
ness, we incorporate a set of descriptive variables (X
) to
explain the observed variation in the program rating and to
permit correlation among observations with common traits.
In addition, programs may have an unobservable X-factor
that makes them more attractive. For example, while Ameri-
can Idol and The Next Great American Band are both real-
ity programs that aired on FOX, American Idol is a stronger
show that dominates the nights on which it airs. To link
both observed and unobserved factors to A
(and, thus,
), we model A
as follows:
(4) A
+ X
, and
(5) A
= A
is a weekday-by-half-hour intercept to reflect dif-
ferent levels in the appeal of network television program-
is a program-specific random effect, and
is an
error term that follows a multivariate normal distribution
with mean 0 and covariance matrix .
Thus, at its core, our
program rating model is a multivariate regression with ran-
( ) . 2 1
c A
( ) , 1
( ) ln ln 3
ddtc dtc
( )
ln . 1
The Gap Between Program and Commercial Audiences / 25
dom effects, which can be replicated with ease and used
with any set of program characteristics X (e.g., a programs
target demographic).
Observed Ad Avoidance During Commercial
Given the objective of reaching the audience during com-
mercial breaks, media planners must understand the amount
by which the commercial break audience differs from the
program audience. While some researchers have suggested
that a fairly constant fraction of the audience tunes away
during commercial breaks (e.g., Steinberg and Hampp
2007), others find greater variation (e.g., Danaher 1995). To
examine the effects of program and commercial break char-
acteristics on the extent of observed ad avoidance, as well
as a programs X-factor with respect to ad avoidance, we
model an adjustment factor that allows for variation across
programs and within a single episode.
Let B
denote the average commercial break rating
during the jth commercial break on channel c in half-hour t
on day d. If the premise of a constant level of ad avoidance
holds, the ratio B
would be constant, modulo ran-
dom error. Allowing for variation from commercial break to
commercial break would indicate the following:
is the zero-centered normal error and exp( +
) reflects the extent of ad avoidance. Larger values of
correspond to a larger difference between the program and
the commercial break ratings (i.e., increased ad avoidance).
To examine the effects of observable and unobservable
characteristics on ad avoidance, as an alternative to Equation
6, we consider an adjustment factor given by the following:
= Q
where captures the effects of program and commercial
break characteristics and
is a show-specific random
Live program and commercial break tuning audience
metrics are relevant to marketers and networks. For exam-
ple, program ratings can inform product placement deci-
sions, but they may offer limited insight into the size of the
audience that has the opportunity to see commercial breaks.
Some shows do not attract as large a program audience as
others, which may make them less appealing for product
placement. However, if they maintain a larger fraction of
the program audience during commercial breaks, these pro-
grams may be bargains for advertisers. Conversely, more
( ) log , 6
= +
( ) log , 7
jdtc jdtc
= +
is the log of the ratio of two fractions. Because this lies in
the interval (, ), we assume a multivariate normal distribution
for the error term.
We considered adding a weekday-by-half-hour intercept in
Equation 8, analogous to
in Equation 4. We did not find sub-
stantial variation in the values of this intercept or any differences
in our substantive findings. Therefore, we present the more parsi-
monious model that omits this term.
popular programs may be potential lemons if the audi-
ence size more sharply declines during commercials. By
examining the effects of observed program characteristics
(i.e., genre and network) and show-specific X-factors on
both program popularity (through ) and the extent of ad
avoidance (through ), we can identify the characteristics
related to such patterns.
These results offer practical implications for advertisers
and networks. Advertisers relying on program ratings, as is
the case in local markets, may discover that they are not
reaching their gross-rating-point targets because of the
extent to which certain shows experience ad avoidance.
They may also attempt to identify programs that represent
potential bargains. On the other side of the advertising mar-
ket, networks require an understanding of the popularity of
programs and the ad avoidance they experience. If relatively
popular programs experience considerable ad avoidance,
the use of commercial ratings may compel networks to
offer make goods. Networks may also find that other
programs are underpriced if they experience lower levels of
ad avoidance than would be anticipated from the shows
We employ a hierarchical Bayesian approach to esti-
mate the model presented in Equations 18. Uninformative
normal priors are assumed for the vectors of fixed effects
(, , and ) and an inverse-Wishart prior is assumed for .
We assume that
~ N(0,
) and that
~ N(0,
), with uninformative inverse-gamma prior distribu-
tions for
We estimate a series of models,
26 / Journal of Marketing, May 2010
detailed in the next section, using WinBUGS (http://www., freely available software that
draws from the marginal posterior distributions of the
parameters of interest using Markov chain Monte Carlo
(MCMC). We ran three independent chains for 25,000 itera-
tions, discarding the first 10,000 iterations of each chain as
a burn-in. We assessed convergence both visually and using
Gelman and Rubins (1992) F-test.
Empirical Analysis
We estimated a series of models to determine the specifica-
tion for which we would present detailed results and
demonstrate the applicability of our framework. We varied
the inclusion of show-specific random effects (
and the inclusion of commercial break characteristics
(length, concurrent commercial breaks, and proximity to the
half hour or hour), which resulted in four model specifica-
tions. We compare these models using the deviance informa-
tion criterion (DIC), a likelihood-based measure that penal-
izes more complex models (Spiegelhalter et al. 2002) and in
which smaller values of DIC indicate a better-performing
model. In the absence of show-specific random effects, the
model that includes commercial break characteristics
(Model 1; DIC = 33,814) provides a superior fit to the
model that lacks them (Model 2; DIC = 33,188). We
observe a similar pattern comparing the models with show-
specific random effects, with the model including commer-
cial break characteristics (Model 3; DIC = 41,481) per-
forming better than the model without commercial break
characteristics (Model 4; DIC = 40,884). Next, we discuss
the results of Model 3. To understand the implications of
ignoring the show-specific random effects, we provide a
comparison of these results with those that would be
reached under Model 1.
Model Results
In Table 1, we present the weekday-by-half-hour intercepts
from Equation 4) for the program rating model that
incorporates show-specific random effects. We observe a
fair amount of variation across weekdays and half-hour
periods. Of note, we tend to observe lower intercepts from
Our intention in discussing potential bargains and lemons,
based on measures of the tuning audiences during programs and
commercial breaks, is to caution against relying solely on program
audience measures. Advertisers may select programs according to
the target demographic, which may lead them to prefer programs
that we term lemons. We discuss how our approach can be
extended to incorporate demographics in the Conclusion section.
We considered a model in which the impact of show-specific
effects on program attractiveness (
) and on the commercial
break adjustment factor (
) were correlated and drawn from a
multivariate normal distribution. We did not find support for this
model and therefore assume that
are drawn from inde-
pendent normal distributions.
Half-Hour Program Rating Intercepts for Model 3
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:008:30 3.64 3.67 3.76 3.63 3.93
(3.76, 3.50) (3.79, 3.53) (3.89, 3.63) (3.76, 3.50) (4.05, 3.80)
8:309:00 3.57 3.60 3.67 3.56 3.89
(3.69, 3.43) (3.72, 3.46) (3.80, 3.54) (3.69, 3.42) (4.01, 3.75)
9:009:30 3.63 3.62 3.63 3.43 3.91
(3.76, 3.50) (3.74, 3.48) (3.76, 3.50) (3.56, 3.29) (4.03, 3.77)
9:3010:00 3.54 3.61 3.60 3.41 3.90
(3.66, 3.40) (3.73, 3.48) (3.72, 3.46) (3.54, 3.27) (4.02, 3.76)
10:0010:30 3.74 3.62 3.65 3.65 3.92
(3.86, 3.6) (3.75, 3.48) (3.77, 3.51) (3.78, 3.51) (4.04, 3.78)
10:3011:00 3.80 3.70 3.71 3.74 3.94
(3.92, 3.66) (3.82, 3.56) (3.84, 3.57) (3.87, 3.60) (4.06, 3.80)
Notes: The table presents the posterior means and 95% highest posterior density intervals from the 15,000 draws of three independent MCMC
10 P.M. to 11 P.M., as well as on Fridays, reflecting a dimin-
ished appeal of network television at these times. This
seems logical because there may be less tuning to television
later in the evening and on Friday nights.
Next, we consider how programming characteristics
affect program ratings and the commercial break adjust-
ment factors in Table 2. For comparative purposes, we also
present estimates for the effects of programming character-
istics that would be reached when show-specific random
effects are ignored (Model 1).
We observe variation across networks with regard to
program ratings and the adjustment factors. In interpreting
the effect on program ratings, these parameters reflect the
increased popularity of programs on the network compared
with ABC. The baseline popularity of ABC programming is
reflected in the intercepts in Table 1. We observe that CW,
FOX, and NBC tend to have lower-rated programs than
ABC, mirroring our exploratory analysis. Notably, when we
incorporate show-specific random effects, comparing Model
The Gap Between Program and Commercial Audiences / 27
1 with Model 3, we do not observe a difference between the
baseline popularity of ABC and CBS programming.
Turning our attention to the coefficients for the adjust-
ment factors, we again observe variation across the net-
works. In particular, CW tends to experience more ad
avoidance than the other four networks, in addition to draw-
ing a smaller program tuning audience. Advertisers should
consider this double whammy when purchasing advertis-
ing time. Although measures of the program audience (still
used in local markets) will reflect the lower average rating
of the programs, they will not provide information about the
larger audience declines during commercial breaks.
As we expected, programming during the WGA strike
and repeat episodes are less attractive and thus should result
in lower ratings. Note that the effect of the period after the
WGA strike has a larger coefficient (in magnitude) than the
period during the strike, resulting in a larger decline in rat-
ings. As the positive interaction terms in the rating models
reflect, the adverse effect of repeat episodes diminished
Model Parameters
Program Rating Parameters () Adjustment Factor Parameters ()
Variable Model 1 Model 3 Model 1 Model 3
ABC .07* .07*
(.07, .08) (.06, .08)
CBS .10* .13 .07* .07*
(.07, .14) (.02, .27) (.07, .08) (.05, .07)
CW .87* .93* .11 .11*
(.91, .83) (1.12, .71)* (.10, .12) (.10, .13)
FOX .25* .37* .09* .09*
(.30, .20) (.53, .20) (.09, .10) (.08, .10)
NBC .28* .28* .09* .08*
(.31, .24) (.44, .14) (.08, .09) (.07, .09)
WWGA = 2 (during strike) .09* .11* .01* .01*
(.11, .07) (.13, .09) (.01, .01) (.02, .01)
WGA = 3 (after strike) .15* .20* .00 .00
(.17, .13) (.22, .18) (.00, .00) (.00, .00)
REPEAT .52* .51* .01* .01*
(.57, .47) (.54, .48) (.01, .00) (.02, .00)
REPEAT (WGA = 2) .16* .14* .00 .00
(.10, .21) (.10, .18) (.01, .00) (.01, .01)
REPEAT (WGA = 3) .21* .13* .00 .00
(.15, .27) (.09, .16) (.01, .01) (.01, .01)
GENRE = 1 (drama) .11* .17* .02* .02*
(.06, .15) (.03, .30) (.03, .02) (.03, .01)
GENRE = 2 (reality television) .10* .17 .01* .02*
(.05, .15) (.00, .34) (.01, .02) (.01, .04)
GENRE = 3 (sitcom) .19* .07 .01* .00
(.25, .14) (.24, .09) (.02, .01) (.02, .01)
GENRE = 4 (news) .09* .01 .01* .00
(.14, .04) (.14, .15) (.02, .01) (.01, .02)
GENRE = 5 (game show) .01 .01 .00 .01
(.07, .04) (.27, .27) (.01, .00) (.01, .03)
LENGTH (minute) N.A. N.A. .01* .01*
(.01, .01) (.01, .01)
CONCUR N.A. N.A. .003* .003*
(.004, .002) (.004, .002)
HALFHOUR N.A. N.A. .005* .005*
(.002, .007) (.003, .007)
Notes: The table presents the posterior means and 95% highest posterior density (HPD) intervals from the 15,000 draws of three independent
MCMC chains. We denote parameters for which the 95% HPD interval does not contain 0 with an asterisk (*).The shaded cells indicate
parameters for which 0 is contained in the interval under Model 3 but not under Model 1. N.A. = not applicable.
during the WGA strike. Although the WGA strike and
repeat episodes yielded lower program ratings, we observe
that these factors are also associated with reduced ad avoid-
ance. We hesitate to draw conclusions about the enduring
effects of the WGA strike because we cannot disentangle
this result from seasonality. However, further research could
examine this issue using multiple years of data.
Next, we turn our attention to the effects of program
genre. We find that only dramas are expected to be more
popular than the other genre. This is somewhat surprising
in light of our exploratory analysis, which revealed several
drama and reality television programs with high program
ratings, but this is explained by examining the genre effects
when show-specific random effects are ignored (under
Model 1). In the absence of show-specific random effects,
we observe that reality television is more popular than the
other genre, while sitcoms and news programs are less
popular. Thus, the omission of show-specific random
effects affects our inferences regarding differences that exist
in the popularity of different programming genres. While
dramas tend to draw larger live tuning audiences, the
remaining genres do not differ in this regard. Rather, as we
explore in greater detail, differences in programs X-factors
explain the variation in program ratings we observe.
Next, we examine the impact of program genre on the
adjustment factors to determine whether more popular gen-
res also maintain more of the tuning audience during com-
mercial breaks. In addition to being expected to have a
higher program rating, dramas also experience less ad
avoidance than the other genre. This is consistent with
previous research (e.g., Danaher 1995). We also find that
the reality television genre differs from the other genre
and experiences more ad avoidance. Comparing the results
from Models 1 and 3, we again observe the effects of ignor-
ing unobserved differences across programs. Although
Model 1 would lead us to believe that sitcoms and news pro-
gramming experience less ad avoidance, these differences
are not significant after we incorporate programs X-factors.
To provide a more intuitive interpretation of the
observed differences in ad avoidance between dramas and
reality television programs, we calculated the ratio of the
adjustment factor for an average drama (assuming
= 0)
to the adjustment factor for an average reality television
program on the same network. We calculate this ratio at
each iteration of the MCMC sampler and then compute the
average across iterations (e.g., Rossi and Allenby 2003). A
comparison of a drama and a reality television program
with the same program rating shows that the drama is
expected to have a commercial break audience that is 4.2%
larger than the reality program.
Examining the impact of characteristics that vary across
commercial breaks within the same episode, we observe
that the extent of the audience decline diminishes as the
number of concurrent commercial breaks increases. Though
significant, this difference is fairly small: When we com-
pare a commercial break with concurrent advertisements on
two other networks with a commercial break with concur-
rent advertisements on four other networks, the difference
in the commercial break rating is expected to be just .55%.
An explanation for this finding is that viewers will not see
28 / Journal of Marketing, May 2010
programming on other channels, making channel switching
less appealing. We also find that longer commercial breaks
are associated with a larger decline in the commercial break
audience. This is expected because longer breaks provide
more opportunities to change the channel without missing
programming. Although long breaks may allow networks to
air more commercials, they may reach a smaller audience; a
four-minute commercial break is expected to lose 1.3%
more of the program rating than a three-minute commercial
break. Commercial breaks that occur near the half-hour
block tend to exhibit slightly more ad avoidance, which
may be attributable to viewers tuning away to other pro-
grams or turning off the set-top boxes.
To understand the role of show-specific random effects,
we examine their significance in the program ratings model
) and the adjustment factor model (
). Of the 227 pro-
grams that aired during our observation period, 114 had a
significant effect for program rating model, and 53 had a
significant effect for the adjustment factor model. Further-
more, 31 programs had significant show-specific effects for
both model components. The results reveal that American
Idol has a higher program rating than is expected from its
program characteristics and experiences less ad avoidance,
both of which contribute to increased commercial break rat-
ings. In contrast, Big Brother 8 attracts a smaller program
audience than is expected and experiences more ad avoid-
ance, leading to lower commercial break ratings.
While these two programs illustrate the show-specific
complementing each other, we also
observe programs that have opposing effects, resulting in
potential bargains and lemons. For example, NASCAR in
Primetime and Aliens in America have negative posterior
mean coefficients in the program rating and the adjustment
factor models. Although these programs draw smaller audi-
ences than others with shared characteristics, they are
expected to experience less ad avoidance and may be
appealing to some media buyers. Conversely, programs
such as Hells Kitchen, Pussycat Dolls Present: Girlicious,
and Malcolm in the Middle have higher-than-expected pro-
gram attractiveness but experience more ad avoidance.
Advertisers should give pause when considering such pro-
grams because the larger program audiences may not signal
similarly high levels of opportunities to see commercial
In Figure 5, Panel A, we illustrate the distribution of the
posterior means of
for programs for which the 95% high-
est posterior density interval does not contain 0. Among the
programs with the lowest significant values of
NASCAR in Primetime and Nashville, while the programs
The Moment of Truth, Dancing with the Stars, and American
Idol have the largest values. Compared with the largest genre
effect (a posterior mean of .17 for dramas; see Table 2), all
the programs with estimates of
that significantly differ
from 0 have posterior means that are greater in magnitude.
In Figure 5, Panel B, we illustrate the distribution of
values of
, the show-specific random effect in the adjust-
ment factor model. Comparing the values of
that are sig-
nificantly different from 0 with the posterior means of the
genre effects in the adjustment factor model, we observe
The Gap Between Program and Commercial Audiences / 29
that 46 of the 53 shows have posterior means of
that are
greater in magnitude. Thus, in both the program ratings and
the adjustment factor models, the show-specific random
effects can outweigh the effects of genre.
To examine programs X-factors for program popularity
and ad avoidance together, we illustrate the show-specific
random effects for programs for which
cantly differ from 0 in Figure 6. For ease of interpretation,
we present the posterior mean of exp(
), which can be
interpreted as the percentage increase or reduction in ad
avoidance relative to an average program of the same
genre and that airs on the same network.
The programs depicted in the upper-left quadrant of
Figure 6 are expected to have lower program ratings than
their observable characteristics would suggest and experi-
ence more ad avoidance. Conversely, programs in the
lower-right quadrant will have higher program ratings than
expected and experience less ad avoidance.
Consider the remaining two quadrants of Figure 6. The
lower-left quadrant shows programs that draw smaller audi-
ences than would be expected but also experience less ad
avoidance. As such, these programs may represent potential
bargains for advertisers, particularly if pricing is based on
program ratings, because it enables advertisers to spend a
little less money and get a lot more delivery (Birchall and
Edgecliffe-Johnson 2009, p. 20). The programs depicted in
the upper-right quadrant are the mirror imagethough
more popular than the network and genre would lead us to
expect, they experience more ad avoidance. For such pro-
grams, advertisers need to exercise caution in relying on
program ratings because more of the program audience will
be lost during commercial breaks. In some cases, this will
Distribution of Significant Show-Specific Random
A: Program Ratings
B: Adjustment Factors
1.0 .75 .50 .25
.25 .50 .75 1.0
.04 .02 0 .02 .04 >.04
Show-Specific Random Effects Significant in Both Program Rating and Adjustment Factor Models
8lg 8rother 8
Super Juesoay Coverage
kalse \our volce
Welcome to the Capt.
Allens ln Amerlca
Jhe nsloer
Lntertalnment Jonlght
Most Cutrageous Moments
Jhe 8achelor
ussycat uolls resent
uance War
vS ashlon Show
0gly 8etty
A Charlle 8rown Chrlstmas
Jhe amlly Man
Jwo ano a al Men
Malcolm ln the Mloole
So \ou Jhlnk \ou Can uance
Samantha Who?
College ootball
Amerlca's Next Jop Mooel
ell's Kltchen
uanclng wlth the Stars
Amerlcan ool
-2 -1 0 1 2
Program Attractiveness (