Television Advertising and Online Word-of-Mouth: An Empirical Investigation of Social TV Activity

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Television Advertising and Online Word-of-Mouth: An Empirical Investigation of

Social TV Activity

Beth L. Fossen1

David A. Schweidel2

April 2015

Doctoral Candidate in Marketing, Goizueta Business School, Emory University. Address: 1300
Clifton Road Northeast, Atlanta, Georgia 30322, Email: [email protected]
Associate Professor of Marketing, Goizueta Business School, Emory University. Address: 1300
Clifton Road Northeast, Atlanta, Georgia 30322, Email: [email protected]

The authors thank Kantar Media and the Goizueta Business School research support for providing the
funds to acquire and build the dataset in this research.

Television Advertising and Online Word-of-Mouth: An Empirical Investigation of

Social TV Activity


In this research, we investigate how television advertising drives online word-of-mouth

(WOM). We first explore if television advertising (1) affects online WOM about the brand
advertised and (2) associates with changes in online WOM about the program in which the
advertisement airs. We further examine if the media context in which the advertisement appears
– the television program – impacts the relationship between television advertising and online
WOM. By investigating the integration of consumer social media participation with television
programming, known as social TV, we aim to improve the field’s understanding of the consumer
experience with television, advertising, and social media.
Using data containing television advertising instances and the volume of minute-by-minute
social media mentions, our analyses reveal that television advertising impacts online WOM for
both the brand advertised and the program in which the advertisement airs. We additionally find
that the programs that receive the most online WOM aren’t necessarily the best programs for
advertisers in terms of online engagement. These results suggest the need for social TV activity
to be viewed in terms of viewer engagement with both programs and advertisements. Moreover,
the results indicate that the program in which the advertisement airs affects the extent of online
WOM for both the brand and program following television advertising. Overall, this research
sheds light on how marketers, television networks, and program creators can (1) increase online
WOM for their respective brands and programs through media planning and advertisement
design strategies and (2) incorporate online WOM into the media planning and buying process.

Keywords: online word-of-mouth, advertising, television, social media, social TV


1. Introduction

Does television advertising drive online word-of-mouth (WOM)? Is an advertisement’s ability to

generate online WOM determined by the brand advertised, or does the context in which the

advertisement airs – the television program – also play a role? Furthermore, does television

advertising have the ability to affect the volume of online conversations about the brand

advertised and the program in which the advertisement airs? Research in the marketing literature

has established that online WOM matters and can increase new customer acquisition (e.g.,

Trusov et al. 2009), television ratings (e.g., Godes and Mayzlin 2004), and sales (e.g., Chevalier

and Mayzlin 2006; Moe and Trusov 2011; Kumar et al. 2013; Rishika et al. 2013). While the

positive consequences of online WOM have been identified, research into the drivers of online

WOM is still in its infancy, and the extant literature has yet to explore these questions. As the

rise of multi-screen media consumption has outpaced the field’s understanding of the activity

(e.g., Hare 2012; Poggi 2012; Copeland 2013), the relationship between television advertising

and online WOM is an increasingly important topic to investigate in order to assess the extent to

which marketers can leverage such multi-screen behavior.

In this research, we address these questions and investigate how television advertising

contributes to online conversations, bridging the gap in extant literature on online WOM and

television viewing. Specifically, we explore how primetime television advertising contributes to

online WOM about (1) the brand featured in the advertisement and (2) the television program in

which the advertisement airs. We further examine how specific brand, advertisement, and

program characteristics impact online brand and program chatter and assess the potential value

of social TV activity, defined as social media interaction with television programming (Hill et al.

2012), to marketers.

Nielsen (2014) estimates 84% of tablet and smartphone users engage in multi-screen

behavior while watching television. Joint work from Twitter, FOX, and the Advertising Research

Foundation finds that 85% of Twitter users active during primetime programming contribute to

online conversations about television and 90% of users exposed to this chatter have taken TV-

related action such as switching channels to watch a program or searching online for additional

program information (Midha 2014). Overall, the global media industry’s interest in social TV is

substantial as social-media related television businesses comprised a $151 billion industry in

2012; this number is estimated to grow to $256 billion in 2017 (Lomas 2012). Despite this rapid

growth in social TV activity, advertisers and networks are facing challenges trying to grasp the

value of this behavior (e.g., Hare 2012; Poggi 2012; Copeland 2013). With this study, we

contribute to research on online WOM and television advertising by advancing understanding of

social TV behavior and exploring the value of this activity for both advertisers and networks.

We construct a data set that includes television advertising instances on network

broadcasts, minute-by-minute social media data of Twitter conversations mentioning brands and

programs, and data on brand, advertisement, and program characteristics. We supplement this

data by coding the use of calls-to-action in each advertisement (e.g., does an ad feature a

hashtag?) to assess their impact on online WOM. Our data include over 9,000 ad instances for

264 brands across 15 categories that aired on 84 primetime network programs during the fall

2013 television season1.

We jointly model the immediate change in online mentions for both the brand and the

program following an advertisement’s airing. To assess if the context in which a television ad

airs influences its impact on online WOM, we incorporate a measure of brand-program fit based

on advertisers’ choices of which programs to air their ads during (Schweidel et al. 2014), which
Additional details of our data are presented in Tables A1 and A2 in the Online Appendix.

we refer to as brand-program synergy. We use this model framework to evaluate the impact of

brand and advertisement characteristics (e.g., calls-to-action) and program characteristics (e.g.,

genre, network) on online WOM. In doing so, our analysis sheds light on how advertisers and

television networks can encourage online WOM for their respective brands and programs.

We find evidence of increases in online mentions for both brands and programs following

advertisements, illustrating that television advertising has the potential to increase online WOM

about the advertised brand and the program in which the ad airs. This result reveals the potential

benefit of social TV for advertisers and also challenges the industry perspective that television

viewers are less likely to engage in online program chatter during commercials (Nielsen 2013).

We also find that the increase in online WOM from television advertising depends on brand-

program synergy, with online WOM increasing more for both brands and programs when there is

high synergy. This suggests that the context in which an advertisement airs influences online

WOM and could have implications for advertiser-network negotiations as it provides an

incentive for both parties to consider brand-program synergies in the media buying process.

Interestingly, we also find that brands that advertise in programs that experience higher

than expected online program chatter following television advertisements don’t necessarily

experience increases in online WOM for the brand. This suggests that the programs that receive

the most online WOM aren’t necessarily the best programs for advertisers seeking to generate

online chatter. Our results also shed light on the factors that influence social TV activity as we

discover that numerous brand, advertisement, and program characteristics impact online brand

and program WOM following television advertising. Of note, we find that advertisements

featuring digital calls-to-action can increase immediate online WOM for the advertised brand.

This effect, however, only occurs if the advertisement is shown in the first ad slot in a

commercial break. These results have implications for advertisement design strategies and the

importance that ad position should play in media buy negotiations for advertisers interested in

online WOM.

The remainder of this research is organized as follows. In the next section, we briefly

review related literature on online WOM as well as research on television consumption and

advertising. We then describe the data, present model-free evidence, and discuss the modeling

approach for jointly assessing the immediate impact of television advertising on online WOM for

brands and programs. We present our results and conclude with a discussion of implications of

our research, as well as opportunities for future research, in the contexts of online WOM, social

TV, and the media planning process.

2. Background Literature

2.1 Online WOM

Why would marketers, television networks, and program creators want to encourage online

WOM? Recent research on online WOM illustrates that online conversations matter. For

example, consumer participation in social media has been shown to increase sales and create a

positive return on investment (Kumar et al. 2013) and increase shopping frequency and

profitability (Rishika et al. 2013). Additional studies have shown that other forms of online

WOM, such as online reviews and ratings (Chevalier and Mayzlin 2006; Moe and Trusov 2011)

and social earned media from online communities and blogs (Stephen and Galak 2012), can also

impact sales. Online WOM has additionally been linked to increased online customer acquisition

(Trusov et al. 2009). A recent Nielsen survey with participants from 56 countries supports these

findings, discovering that 46% of survey respondents used social media to inform purchase

decisions (Nielsen 2012). Further research on online WOM also illustrates the value of online

chatter to television networks and program creators. Godes and Mayzlin (2004) show that online

WOM activity relates to television program ratings. A recent investigation by Gong et al. (2014)

also finds that Tweets from a program’s microblog account and influential re-Tweets can

increase program ratings. Industry reports from Kantar Media and Nielsen complement this

research by illustrating that Twitter activity during television broadcasts correlates with higher

program ratings (Subramanyam 2011; Kantar Media 2014).

Online WOM also can serve as a proxy for brand engagement. Hoffman and Fodor

(2010) argue that marketers can use customer social media interactions to measure engagement.

Recent research has operationalized various forms of online WOM as measures of engagement,

such as comments and replies on social networking websites like Facebook and Twitter (Kumar

et al. 2013; Rishika et al. 2013). This suggests that online conversations can serve as an indicator

that an advertisement (or program content) is engaging.

While the above literature highlights the importance of online WOM for marketers,

research on how the consumer generation of online WOM can be encouraged is still in its early

stages. Work in this area by Berger and Schwartz (2011) finds that more WOM is generated for

products that are publicly visible or cued by the surrounding environment. Research has also

begun to explore the drivers of online WOM including how content affects individuals’ decisions

to share news articles online (Berger and Milkman 2012). Additional investigations have

examined the dynamics in consumer decisions to contribute to online content (e.g., Godes and

Silva 2012; Moe and Schweidel 2012). This research, however, has not considered social TV

behavior. Thus, we have limited insight into how marketers, television networks, and program

creators can increase online WOM for their respective brands and programs, and our

understanding of the consumer experience with television, advertising, and social media remains


2.2 Television Consumption and Advertising

In addition to work on online WOM, our research also relates to investigations of television

consumption and advertising. Television viewing is still the most prominent form of media

consumption in the U.S. with Americans watching on average five hours of television a day

(Katz 2013). Marketers spent over $64 billion on television advertising in the U.S. in 2012 with a

30 second advertisement on primetime network broadcasts ranging in costs from $24,000 to

$545,000 with an average cost of around $121,000 (eMarketer 2013; Katz 2013).

Why might television advertising impact online WOM both for the brand advertised and

for the program in which the advertisement airs? Recent research on cross-media effects has

presented initial evidence that television advertising can influence online behavior as it has been

found to impact branded keyword search (Joo et al. 2014), shopping behavior in terms of website

traffic and online sales (Liaukonyte et al. 2015), and blogging activity for movies and wireless

phone services (Onishi and Manchanda 2012). Additionally, Gopinath et al. (2014) explore the

relationship between total advertising instances across all channels, online WOM, and brand

performance. They find initial evidence that advertising in one month can impact online WOM

in the next month. This research, however, does not consider the integration of consumer social

media participation with television programming.

Online WOM also may be influenced by television advertising in a more direct manner if

an advertisement includes a call-to-action. For example, an advertisement featuring a hashtag, a

keyword used to contribute to an online conversation about a topic, may increase online brand

WOM by informing viewers that an online dialog exists. Alternatively, featuring an offline call-

to-action such as a toll-free number may have the reverse effect, decreasing online brand WOM

by encouraging an offline action. This view is consistent with research on direct response

advertising that has shown that toll-free numbers in television advertisements can significantly

increase the number of incoming calls, an offline response (e.g., Tellis et al. 2000). In addition to

online WOM for brands, calls-to-action in television advertisements also may impact online

WOM for programs, as consumers that respond to an advertisement’s call-to-action may be less

likely to engage in online discussion about the program. We empirically examine these

possibilities and assess what impact various calls-to-action have on online WOM for both brands

and programs.

Television advertising also may influence online WOM for both brands and programs

because commercial breaks are natural pauses in program content, and viewers may be more

likely to engage in online conversations during natural breaks (Dumenco 2013). However,

Nielsen (2013) argues that television viewers are actually less likely to engage in online program

chatter during commercials. We empirically explore these contrasting viewpoints and assess if

television advertising is associated with increases in online WOM for both brands and programs.

Why might the program in which an advertisement airs influence the ad’s impact on

online WOM? Literature on media context effects evaluating the effect of media engagement on

advertising response has generally found that more engagement with a television program relates

to improved consumer response to the advertising (e.g., Murry et al. 1992; Feltham and Arnold

1994; Tavassoli et al. 1995; Wang and Calder 2009). While this literature does not address

online WOM and generally focuses on program engagement rather than advertisement

engagement, it suggests that the media context should matter when assessing consumer response

to advertising. Recent investigations in the marketing literature have called for further research

on how television content and television advertising interact (Wang and Calder 2009).

We expand upon this work on television consumption and advertising by exploring social

media interactions with television viewing to gain a broader understanding of the consumer

experience with television, advertising, and social media. Additionally, we contribute to research

on media context effects by extending this body of work into the online WOM context, exploring

online engagement with advertisements, and evaluating the potential interaction between

advertisement and television program WOM in social TV behavior.

3. Data Description

3.1 Television Advertising Data

Data on primetime television advertising during the fall 2013 television season (Sept. 1 – Dec.

31, 2013) were gathered from Kantar Media’s Stradegy database. Data were collected for

advertisements that aired in primetime (8pm-11pm) on broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, CW,

FOX, and NBC) during the initial airing of recurring programs2. We exclude advertisements that

are joint promotions, ads that feature two or more brands, from our analysis3. Our final data set

of television advertisements consists of 9,103 ad instances for 264 brands across 15 categories

that aired on 84 television programs.

3.2 Social Media Data

We combine the television advertising data with minute-by-minute level data of brand and

program mentions on Twitter. The data were accessed using Topsy Pro which, at the time that

data were collected, was a certified Twitter partner with access to the Twitter Firehose of

Recurring programming does not include programs that only air once, such as the Miss America competition.
Joint promotions made up less than 1% of advertising instances in our data.

comprehensive, real-time Twitter posts dating back to 20064. We focus our analysis of social TV

activity on Twitter posts because the majority of public social media chatter about television

occurs on Twitter5. We utilize the number of online mentions for brands and programs to assess

online WOM. A search of program mentions on Twitter was conducted by capturing Tweets that

contain a program’s name or nickname (e.g., Parks and Recreation, “Parks and Rec”), hashtags

featuring a program’s name or nickname (e.g., #parksandrecreation, #parksandrec,

#parksandrecnbc), or the program’s Twitter handle (e.g., @parksandrecNBC)6. We employed a

similar strategy to search brand mentions on Twitter, capturing Tweets that mention the brand, a

hashtag featuring the brand name, a hashtag included in the brand’s advertisement, or the brand’s

Twitter handle. Parent brand names were used as the focus of the search over product brand

names (e.g., “Colgate” versus “Colgate Optic White”) for almost all brands. The exceptions

include motion pictures (e.g., parent brand – Warner Brothers; product brand – Gravity), books

(e.g., parent brand –Little, Brown And Company; product brand – Gone by James Patterson),

tech products (e.g., parent brand – Amazon; product brand – Kindle), and brands that share a

name with a common word (e.g., Coach, Halls, Nationwide). For these exceptions, product brand

names were incorporated into the search of Twitter brand mentions. Tables A4 and A5 in the

Online Appendix present search terms used to capture brand mentions for a subsample of the 264

brands in our analysis.

3.3 Data on Brand, Advertisement, and Program Characteristics

We supplement the data set of television advertising instances and online WOM with additional

brand characteristics. We control for the category of the advertised brand as certain categories

Topsy Pro was acquired by Apple in late 2013 and is no longer available to the public.
Bluefin Labs estimates 95% of public social media chatter about television occurs on Twitter (Schreiner 2013).
Note that this search strategy does not double count conversations that include more than one of these elements.

may vary in their ability to generate online WOM7. We also account for if a brand does not have

a Twitter profile as it may reflect a brand’s indifference toward online WOM and may influence

consumer decisions to discuss the brand online. We additionally include a number of

advertisement characteristics in our analysis. Most notably, we code the use of calls-to-action in

each advertisement, indicating if an ad contains a phone number, Facebook page link or icon,

hashtag, and/or web address. We also control for ad length and ad position both in a commercial

break (first, middle, or last non-promo ad) and in a program (ad break position and if an ad airs

near a half-hour interval). This data were extracted from Stradegy. Lastly, we account for if an

advertisement runs in a simultaneous commercial break with another ad instance by the same

brand. We define simultaneous as an advertisement for the same brand airing within two minutes

(either before or after) of the advertisement of interest. This time window was chosen in

correspondence with our dependent variable, which will be discussed in the following section.

Finally, we account for program characteristics as they may influence how an

advertisement impacts online WOM. We control for network, program genre, Nielsen program

rating, day of the week the program airs, and time the program airs. This data were gathered

from the Stradegy database with the exception of program ratings which were collected from TV

by the Numbers. We further control for season premiere and fall finale episodes as these episodes

may generate more social chatter compared to other episodes.

3.4 Descriptive Statistics

Tables A1 and A2 in the Online Appendix display advertising instances by category, all 84

programs explored in this analysis, and the most advertised brands by category and program

genre. The most advertised categories are movies, beauty, and wireless providers which account

Table A1 in the Online Appendix shows the 15 categories utilized in our analysis as well as the number of
advertisement instances and top advertisers in each category.

for nearly 40% of the ad instances in the data. The most advertised brands are Apple, Microsoft,

AT&T, Nokia, Sprint, and Bank of America which account for 20% of the ad instances in our

sample. Table 1 shows summary statistics for the brand, advertisement and program

characteristics. Of note, the majority of the advertising instances in our sample (65%) are 30

seconds. Only 1% of ad instances are longer than 30 seconds in length. Additionally, 59% of the

advertisement instances in our data feature a web address, 17% include a hashtag, 6% contain a

phone number, and 5% include a Facebook page link or icon. We also see that nearly half of the

ad instances in our data (47%) air on Drama/Adventure programs, as about half of the programs

in our data are classified in this genre (45%). Lastly, the average Nielsen program rating for

episodes in our sample is 1.85, and the majority of ads (62%) air on episodes with ratings

between 1.00-2.49. Figure A1 in the Online Appendix shows the frequency of advertisement

instances by program rating, day of the week, and time block.

[Insert Table 1 about Here]

3.5 Model-free Evidence

Can Television Advertising Impact Online WOM about the Brand? Our model-free evidence

suggests that television advertising can increase online WOM for the advertised brand,

illustrating that social TV activity may benefit marketers. Figure 1 shows the average brand

mentions per minute on Twitter for brands in several categories from thirty minutes prior to the

advertisements’ airings to thirty minutes after the ads air8. This figure consistently shows

increases in online brand mentions immediately following the advertisements’ airings. This

increase in per minute mentions spikes very quickly, around two minutes after the

advertisements air. The lifts in online WOM from television advertising vary across categories

with movies on average increasing their Twitter mentions by more than ten mentions per minute
In all the model-free evidence figures, the bold, dashed center line indicates when the advertisement airs.

following an advertisement while other categories see smaller lifts. Across all brands explored in

our analysis, the largest average increases in online WOM for brands two minutes after an

advertisement airs (compared to two minutes prior) occur for movie brands with Mandela: Long

Walk to Freedom, Insidious 2, and Lee Daniels’ The Butler seeing increases of 329, 175, and 122

mentions per minute, respectively.

[Insert Figure 1 about Here]

We also use model-free evidence to explore how online WOM for brands may be

impacted by key advertisement and program characteristics. Figure 2 provides evidence that

using calls-to-action in advertisements may influence online WOM for brands and that the

magnitude of these effects may be driven by ad position in a commercial break. Utilizing

hashtags and web addresses in an advertisement that airs first or in the middle of a commercial

break appears to positively impact online brand WOM compared to using these calls-to-action in

an ad that airs in the last slot. Figure 2 also illustrates how program ratings may influence an

advertisement’s effect on online brand chatter, suggesting that ads airing in programs with higher

ratings generally receive a greater lift in online WOM compared to ads airing in programs with

lower ratings. This is most notable by the large post advertisement spikes in per minute Twitter

mentions for brands airing in programs with ratings above 2.00.

[Insert Figures 2 about Here]

Can Television Advertising Impact Online WOM about Programs? We find model-free

evidence that television advertising can encourage increases in online WOM for programs.

Figure 3 shows the average program mentions per minute on Twitter around the airings of

advertisements and illustrates that, across all advertisements in our data, per minute program

chatter spikes shortly after the ads air. The largest spikes are seen following advertisements that

air in the first position of a commercial break. In our data, the largest average increases in online

program WOM two minutes after an ad airs (compared to two minutes prior), regardless of ad

position in the commercial break, occur for ABC’s Scandal, FOX’s Glee, and CW’s Vampire

Diaries, which see average increases of 276, 120, and 111 in per minute mentions, respectively.

These findings are consistent with the viewpoint that television viewers are more likely to

engage in online WOM during commercial breaks, possibly because they are natural pauses in

programming content (Dumenco 2013), and challenges the belief advocated by Nielsen (2013)

that television viewers are not reserving online program chatter for commercial breaks.

[Insert Figures 3 about Here]

Does Context Matter? Figure 4 provides model-free evidence that the media context in

which a television advertisement airs influences the ad’s impact on online WOM and helps

motivate the need to account for potential brand-program synergy in our formal model. For

example, Maybelline on average sees increases in their online brand chatter following the airing

of their television advertisements on ABC’s Scandal and FOX’s GLEE but on average

experiences decreases in online brand WOM following their ads airing on ABC’s 20/20. As

another example, Microsoft sees immediate increases in online WOM after their advertisements

air on FOX’s GLEE but see immediate decreases in online brand mentions following their ads

airing on ABC’s 20/20 and ABC’s Scandal. Figure 5 also presents evidence that the relationship

between brand and program matters when assessing the effect of television advertising on online

WOM. This figure shows the impact of advertisements by Sprint and the movie Gravity on

online brand WOM across different programs that aired on Sept. 23, 2013, and illustrates that the

impact varies based on the program in which the brand chooses to air the advertisement.

[Insert Figures 4 and 5 about Here]


Overall, as suggested by Figures 1-5, we see evidence of substantial heterogeneity in both

online brand and program WOM across various brand, advertisement, and program

characteristics. However, as this model-free evidence does not account for multiple factors and

does not broadly explore the synergistic association between online brand and program WOM

following the airing of advertisements, a formal model is needed to explore the relationship

between television advertising and online WOM. Toward this end, we next describe our

modeling framework.

4. Model Development

4.1 Joint Model of Online WOM about Brands and Programs

We jointly model the immediate change in online brand and program mentions following the

airing of a particular television advertisement. We measure this immediate change using narrow

two-minute windows before and after the advertisement airs. We specify the dependent variables

of interest for our primary analysis as follows:

 log( PostBWOM i  PreBWOM i  1) , PostBWOM i  PreBWOM i  0

(1) Yi1  
 log(|PostBWOM i  Pr eBWOM i|  1) , PostBWOM i  PreBWOM i  0

where i indexes the ad instance in our data, PostBWOMi is the number of online Twitter

mentions for the brand in ad instance i two minutes after the advertisement airs, and PreBWOMi

is the number of online mentions for the brand two minutes before the advertisement airs. We

specify Yi2 in the same manner with PostPWOMi and PrePWOMi, the number of online Twitter

mentions for the program corresponding to ad instance i two minutes after and two minutes

before, respectively, the advertisement airs. We use log specifications as there is large variance

in these differences across brands. We attribute the differences between these pre- and post-

measures to the ad insertion. Narrow event windows have been employed in past research to

investigate the effects of television advertising on online behavior (e.g., Hill et al. 2012;

Liaukonyte et al. 2015). Furthermore, our model-free evidence consistently illustrates that almost

all of the immediate change in online WOM for both brands and programs occurs within two

minutes of the advertisement’s airing. Thus, we utilize the two-minute windows both before and

after the advertisement airs to assess the impact of television advertising on online WOM.

We consider a number of alternative specifications of the change in online mentions

brought about by television advertising. Specifically, we evaluate alternative models that

consider dependent variables that are not constructed as difference measures, account for WOM

valence, and utilize different pre- and post-advertisement time windows. The substantive results

for these alternative specifications do not differ from those of our main model. Detailed

discussions for these supplementary analyses are provided in the Online Appendix.

This narrow event window is also advantageous as it is key to the identification strategy

and alleviates endogeneity concerns that advertisers or television networks could choose a

certain time window to air an advertisement in order to impact online WOM. In advertiser-

network media buy negotiations, the specificity of timing when an ad will air is limited to the

quarter-hour level, and this timing is not stipulated in the advertiser-network contracts, 80% of

which are completed in the May up-front market several months prior to the start of the fall

television season (Liaukonyte et al. 2015). Additionally, television networks commonly order

advertisements across commercial breaks at random (Wilbur et al. 2013). Therefore, it is not

plausible to time an advertisement to air during a specific four minute period to influence social

media activity.

We model the immediate change in brand b’s online mentions (Yi1) and program p’s

online mentions (Yi2) from television advertisement instance i as follows:


 Yi1   Yˆ 
(2)   ~ N  i1 ,  
 Yˆ 
 Yi 2   i2 

 Yˆi1   brand    b[i ],1    p[i ],1   1  58 

 
(3)         BPSynergy b[i ], p[i ]    k1  X ik
 Yˆ    prog   b[i ],2    p[i ],2  
 i2         2 k 1  k 2 

where μbrand and μprog are respective intercepts. We account for brand-specific effects (αb.) and

program-specific effects (γp.) in each equation for the 264 brands and 84 programs in our data

and use them to explore (1) if a specific brand or program experiences changes in online WOM

following an advertisement’s airing and (2) potential cross-effects – that is if a specific brand

(program) influence online program (brand) WOM following an ad’s airing. Furthermore, the

brand- and program-specific effects αb. and γp. control for many of the potential unobservables

related to advertisers, networks, or program content that may influence Yi1 and Yi2 (e.g., audience

heterogeneity). a vector of ad instance-specific brand, advertisement, and program

characteristics described in the data section above. Additionally, Xi. includes measures to explore

if ad break position in a program has a non-linear relationship with online WOM and if the

effects of calls-to-action on online chatter are influenced by ad position in a commercial break,

as this could impact the perceived time a viewer has to respond to a call-to-action (Danaher and

Green 1997)9. Finally, to account for potential correlation between the two dependent variables

of interest, we allow for contemporaneous covariance in Τ.

BPSynergybp is a latent measure of brand-program synergy that we construct to assess if

the media context (i.e., the television program) in which a brand’s advertisement airs interacts to

impact online WOM. BPSynergybp can be thought of as a brand-program interaction as it

assesses if the synergy or fit between brand b and program p influences online chatter for both b

and p above and beyond the main effects associated with the brand (αb.) and the program (γp.).

A summary of the variables in Xi. is presented in Table A3 in the Online Appendix

We construct BPSynergybp using a proximity model (Bradlow and Schmittlein 2000; Schweidel

et al. 2014) of the brands’ choices of in which programs to advertise. By jointly modeling the

advertisers’ program choices with equations (1)-(3), our modeling framework not only allows for

the construction of a measure of brand-program synergy, but it also recognizes that advertisers’

program selections may be non-random (Manchanda et al. 2004; Schweidel et al. 2014).

We assume that the probability that brand b advertises in program p is a function of the

latent distance between b and p in a Euclidean space (LatentDistbp). We let Zbp=1 if brand b

advertises in program p during the 2013 fall television season and 0 otherwise, and let the

probability that b advertises in p be specified as follows:

(4) P( Z bp  1) 
1  ( LatentDist bp ) b

If λb > 0, it follows that brand b is less likely to advertise in program p as LatentDistbp increases,

which we find to be the case. LatentDistbp is constructed as the Euclidean distance between brand

b’s location and program p’s location in a latent space and is specified as follows:

(5) LatentDist bp  ( Bb1  Pp1 ) 2  ( Bb 2  Pp 2 ) 2

where Bb1 (Pp1) and Bb2 (Pp2) specify the location of brand b (program p) in the two-dimensional

Euclidean space10. We use the estimates of these locations to construct brand-program synergy

measures BPSynergybp, which we assume to be inversely related to LatentDistbp:

(6) BPSynergy bp 
LatentDist bp

4.2 Estimation

To avoid shifts and rotations of the axes during model estimation, we assume the locations for three brands in the
Euclidean space prior to estimation. We position brand 1 at the origin (B11=B12=0) to avert an axis shift, brand 2 on
the positive x-axis (B21>0, B22=0) to prevent rotation over the y-axis, and brand 3 such that B32>0 to avoid rotation
over the x-axis. The remaining brands and all programs locations are estimated from the data.

The above equations are estimated jointly using a Bayesian hierarchical regression and Markov

chain Monte Carlo techniques in WinBUGS ( We assume

that  b1 ~ N (0, 1 ) ,  b 2 ~ N (0,  2 ) ,  p1 ~ N (0,  1 ) , and  p 2 ~ N (0,  2 ) , with diffuse inverse-

gamma priors for the variances. We specify μbrand, μprog, η., and θk. with diffuse normal priors,

and Τ with a diffuse inverse Wishart prior. Additionally, we assume that b ~ N ( ,  ) ,

Bb1 ~ N ( B1 , B1 ) , Bb 2 ~ N ( B2 , B 2 ) , Pp1 ~ N ( P1 , P1 ) , and Pp 2 ~ N ( P2 , P 2 ) , with diffuse normal

priors for B . and P . and diffuse inverse-gamma priors for the variances. The above equations

are estimated from three independent chain runs of 40,000 iterations with the first 20,000

iterations discarded as a burn-in. Our inferences are based on the remaining 20,000 draws from

each chain. Model convergence is assessed through the time series plots of the posterior draws

for each parameter, and these plots provide evidence consistent with model convergence.

5. Results

5.1 Model Comparison

To assess the importance of accounting for both brand- and program-level effects as well as

brand-program synergy in our model of television advertising’s impact on online WOM, we

compare our proposed model to several alternative models in Table 2. Deviance information

criterion (DIC), a likelihood-based measure that penalizes more complex model specifications,

and the mean absolute error (MAE) are used to compare our proposed model to the alternative

specifications. Lower DIC and MAE indicate better model fit.

We first consider a baseline model that includes only the brand, advertisement, and

program characteristic variables in Xi. (Model 1). We then build upon this baseline model to

assess how model fit is impacted when only brand effects (Model 2) or only program effects

(Model 3) are included. Additionally, we consider a model in which no cross effects (Model 4)

are incorporated and models in which only brand cross effects (Model 5) or only program cross

effects (Model 6) are included. Finally, we consider a model in which BPSynergybp is withheld

from equation (3) (Model 7). Adding BPSynergybp to Model 7 gives us our proposed model

(Model 8).

The DIC and MAE estimates in Table 2 establish that accounting for brand- and

program-specific effects in our model of television advertising’s impact on online WOM

improves model fit. Furthermore, we find that a meaningful relationship does exist between

brand and program online WOM following an advertisement’s airing, as incorporating brand-

program synergy into Model 8 improves overall fit. Additionally, excluding cross effects – that is

not accounting for brand-specific (program-specific) effects in the model of advertising’s impact

on online program (brand) WOM – hurts model fit. These observations provide evidence that the

media context in which advertisements air matters when investigating the relationship between

television advertising and online WOM. As Model 8 is our best fitting model, we focus our

discussion on the results from this model estimation.

[Insert Table 2 about Here]

5.2 What Impacts Online WOM about Brands?

We begin by discussing the results pertaining to how brand and advertisement characteristics

affect online WOM about brands11. As seen in Table 3, we find that online brand chatter varies

across categories with movies experiencing larger increases in online WOM. Our results also

indicate that ad length affects subsequent online brand chatter, with shorter ads seeing less online

WOM. One potential explanation for why longer advertisements result in increases to online

Posterior mean estimates of the variance and heterogeneity parameters in equations (2)-(3) are presented in Table
A6 in the Online Appendix.

WOM about brands may be because they stand out to consumers; in our data, only 1% of ad

instances were longer than 30 seconds. Longer advertisements also may offer more opportunities

for consumers to be exposed to the brand name, which could also explain the increase in online

WOM that they generate. These potential explanations are consistent with Teixeira et al. (2012)

who find that ad length increases attention concentration and decreases zapping behavior.

[Insert Table 3 about Here]

We see that calls-to-action can impact an advertisement’s effect on online brand WOM.

Table 3 shows that including a phone number in a television advertisement actually reduces

subsequent online brand WOM. This call-to-action may decrease immediate online brand WOM

by encouraging an offline action (e.g., Tellis et al. 2000). In contrast, including a hashtag or web

address in an advertisement can successfully increase online WOM about the brand. But, this

effect only occurs when the advertisement airs in the first ad slot of a commercial break. This

suggests that digital calls-to-action can stimulate online brand engagement. The interaction with

ad position in a commercial break may occur because consumers feel as if they have more time

to respond to a digital call-to-action and engage in online WOM at the beginning of the

commercial break without interrupting program viewing (Danaher and Green 1997). This finding

highlights the importance of ad position in a commercial break for advertisers interested in

increasing online WOM about their brands.

Table 4 presents the results of the influence of program characteristics on online brand

WOM following television advertising. We find a positive relationship between program ratings

and an advertisement’s impact on online brand chatter. As higher program ratings indicate a

larger viewing audience that can be exposed to the advertised brand, this larger base may

contribute to more online WOM for the brand. We also see that advertisements airing on the CW

network, known for its younger audience base, see more subsequent online brand WOM.

[Insert Table 4 about Here]

5.3 What Impacts Online WOM about Programs?

The results in Table 3 show that brand and advertisement characteristics can impact

online program WOM following television advertising. We see evidence that online WOM about

programs varies across the categories of the brands that advertise in the program, with programs

experiencing higher (lower) levels of subsequent online program chatter following movie ads

(cable providers and non-profit/PSA ads). This result suggests that the selection of advertisers by

television networks has an impact on online program WOM. We also find that ad position in a

commercial break is associated with changes in online program mentions. More (less) online

program WOM is seen following advertisements that air in the first (last) ad slot of a commercial

break. Online program chatter following the first ad occurs early in the commercial break,

whereas such chatter following the last ad of a break occurs during the program content. Thus,

this finding is consistent with the argument that viewers are more likely to engage in online

WOM during commercials, possibly because they are natural pauses in programming (Dumenco

2013). Given the desire to avoid interrupting program viewing, such actions are more likely to be

taken earlier in a commercial break (Danaher and Green 1997). This finding further challenges

the argument made by Nielsen (2013) that television viewers are actually less likely to engage in

online program chatter during commercials as our results indicate that there is a substantial

increase in online program WOM two minutes following the first advertisement’s airing

(compared to two minutes prior).


We also find a non-linear relationship between ad break position in a program and online

program chatter following advertisements. We find that subsequent online WOM increases, but

at a decreasing rate, during advertisements that air in later ad breaks in the program. This finding

may reflect that online WOM increases as the program progresses but eventually tails off as

viewers become engrossed by the program content and disengage from their second screen.

Table 4 illustrates that program characteristics influence online program WOM following

television advertising. We see variation in online program WOM following advertisements

across program genres. Compared to Slice-of-Life/Reality programs, we see that Comedy,

Drama/Adventure, News/Magazine, and Suspense/Mystery/Police programs all experience more

online program chatter. These differences may reflect variations in characteristics of the program

in each genre or differences in characteristics of the viewers. In addition, we find variations

across broadcast networks with programs on FOX and NBC experiencing fewer online mentions

following advertisements (relative to programs on ABC). Finally, ads airing in season premieres

and fall finales are associated with more online program WOM than ads that air on episodes in

the middle of the season.

5.4 Brand-Program Synergy

From the model of advertisers’ program choices12, we find, as expected, that  > 0 based on the

95% higher posterior density (HPD) interval. This indicates that as the proximity between brand

b and program p increases, the probability that b advertises in p increases. As shown in Table 4,

we find that higher brand-program synergy is associated with increases in online WOM

following television advertising for both brands and programs. This suggests increased online

WOM for both the brand and program when they exhibit higher synergy. This illustrates that the

media context in which a television advertisement airs influences the ad’s impact on online
The full results from this model are shown in Table A7 in the Online Appendix.

WOM. Some examples of brand-program pairs with high synergy include Amazon-ABC’s

Grey’s Anatomy, Frozen (the movie)-FOX’s X Factor, Citibank-CBS’s Undercover Boss, and

Bank of America-CBS’s Amazing Race. Some examples of brand-program pairs with low

synergy include Microsoft-CW’s Carrie Diaries, Old Spice-FOX’s X Factor, and Elizabeth

Taylor-FOX’s Simpsons. Future research can explore potential explanations for these high and

low brand-program synergy pairs, which may be driven by the characteristics of the viewers

(e.g., demographics) and/or characteristics of the program content (e.g., product placements).

Using our estimates of αb. and γp., we can explore if brands that advertise in programs

with more socially engaged audiences also experience more online brand WOM. While

numerous studies on media context effects have found that more consumer engagement with a

television program relates positively to advertising response (e.g., Murry et al. 1992; Feltham

and Arnold 1994; Tavassoli et al. 1995; Wang and Calder 2009), other investigations have

argued that having an audience engaged with a program may actually hinder advertising

response (e.g., Danaher and Green 1997).

Figure 6 shows the posterior mean estimates of the program-specific effects on online

WOM about the program (γp,2) and about the brand (γp,1) following advertisements. We find that

twenty-five programs in our sample (30%) have positive posterior mean estimates for both γp,1

and γp,2 (upper right quadrant), indicating that these programs experience more WOM for the

program and for the brands that advertise in the program than one would expect based on other

model variables. Some examples of such programs include ABC’s Scandal, CBS’s How I Met

Your Mother, CW’s Vampire Diaries, FOX’s Glee, and NBC’s Revolution. We also observe

eleven programs (13% of our sample) that experience lower than expected online WOM for the

program and higher than expected online WOM for brands (upper left quadrant). Some examples

of such programs include ABC’s Revenge, CBS’s 2 Broke Girls, and FOX’s Family Guy. While

the current dominant focus of the social TV industry is on program engagement (e.g., Dumenco

2012; Lomas 2012), this result suggests that online program chatter is only part of the story and

that brands can experience increases in online WOM (all else being equal) even when they

advertised in programs with low online engagement.

[Insert Figure 6 about Here]

We also find that twenty programs in our data (24%) have higher than expected online

program chatter but that online WOM for brands is less than expected all else being equal (lower

right quadrant). These programs may be less attractive for advertisers seeking to amplify their

audience through social media. Audiences that engage online about these programs may be doing

so at the expense of online brand engagement. This finding illustrates that programs that receive

the most online WOM aren’t necessarily the best programs for advertisers. Some examples of

such programs include ABC’s Back in the Game, ABC’s Modern Family, CBS’s NCIS, FOX’s

Bones, and NBC’s Blacklist. Finally, twenty-eight programs in our data (33%) have negative

posterior means for both γp,1 and γp,2, indicating that these programs experience lower than

expected online WOM for both the program and the brands that advertise in the program given

the other model controls.

Overall, marketers interested in increasing online WOM following their television

advertising, all else being equal, may want to focus their advertising buys on programs that fall

into the top two quadrants of Figure 6 and avoid programs that fall in the bottom half of the

figure. Additionally, the results suggests that how engaged a program’s audience is online does

not necessarily indicate how the audience will engage with the advertised brands online. Some

programs that focus on being social shows online may miss the mark for advertisers while other

programs with low engagement may offer brands higher than expected online WOM. These

results highlight the importance of considering advertisement engagement in assessments of

social TV behavior as program engagement does not tell the whole story.

[Insert Figure 7 about Here]

In Figure 7, we investigate the relationship between program ratings and program-

specific effects on online brand WOM (γp,1). Program ratings currently dictate the cost

advertisers pay to air an advertisement during a program, with higher ratings equating to higher

costs. Marketers looking to capitalize on increased online brand chatter following their

advertisements without paying for higher ratings could look to advertise in programs that fall in

the upper-left quadrant of Figure 7. Brands that advertise in these programs, which have below

average ratings, experience higher than expected online WOM. Some examples of such

programs include CBS’s Hostages, CW’s Supernatural, FOX’s Glee, and FOX’s X Factor.

Lower ratings could be offset by higher online WOM, making these programs potential bargains

that may appeal to advertisers given that advertising costs are mostly driven by ratings.

Television networks and broadcasters could also leverage the findings in Figure 7 to negotiate

higher advertising rates in programs that offer increased online engagement for the brands that

advertise in these programs.

6. Conclusion

While the positive effects of online WOM on marketing outcomes have been widely discussed in

the literature, research on the drivers of online WOM is still in its infancy. In this investigation,

we examine if television advertising can contribute to increased online WOM for the brand

advertised and for the program in which the ad airs. Overall, our results suggest that television

advertising can impact online WOM for both the brand and program and that the media context

in which an advertisement airs (i.e., the television program) does influence the relationship

between television advertising and online WOM.

Our findings illustrate that social TV activity can be beneficial to marketers as it can

result in increases to online brand WOM following advertisements. Additionally, we find that

programs that receive the most online WOM aren’t necessarily the best programs for advertisers.

These are meaningful results because, given the current focus of the social TV industry on online

program engagement (e.g., Dumenco 2012; Lomas 2012), our findings suggest that advertisers

may misjudge the benefits of social TV for brands. Our results point to the need for social TV

activity to be viewed in terms of viewer engagement with both programs and advertisements.

Additionally, we find that online program WOM increases substantially following the

first advertisement in a commercial break. While increasing program engagement, this may hurt

consumer attention to advertisements airing early in the commercial break. This is relevant to

media buying strategies, as the first ad slot in a commercial break is considered to be the most

coveted ad position by advertisers (Katz 2013; Wilbur et al. 2013). Consumers’ multi-screen

behavior reveals a potential downside for advertisements airing in the first ad slot. However, we

also do find evidence that advertisers can increase online WOM for their brands following

advertisements airing in the first ad slot by incorporating digital calls-to-action, specifically a

hashtag or web address, into the creative. Thus, these results have implications for not only

advertisement design strategies but also for the importance that ad position should play in media

buy negotiations for advertisers interested in online WOM.

Our results concerning brand-program synergy further shed light on how online WOM

may be considered in the media buying process. Specifically, we find that increases in online

WOM from television advertising depend on brand-program synergy, with online WOM

increasing more for both brands and programs with high synergy. This finding provides an

incentive for both brands and programs interested in online WOM to consider brand-program

synergies in the media buying process. Networks may consider offering more program-specific

recommendations for marketers interested in finding the right balance between engaged program

audiences or program ratings and increases in online brand chatter.

Our analysis is subject to limitations which may be fruitful avenues of future research.

First, we do not observe if a television viewer actively sees an advertisement and subsequently

engages in online WOM. Such individual- or device-level data could allow us to attribute

changes in online WOM directly to television advertising. The narrow time window used in our

analysis helps us avoid potential unobservable influences of this limitation. Second, we focus on

the volume of online mentions. Analysis of the content of the online WOM could permit a more

nuanced investigation of the relationship between television advertising and different types of

online WOM (e.g., recommendation versus attribute-oriented WOM investigated by Gopinath et

al. 2014). Finally, while our investigation of social TV activity has focused on television

advertising’s role as a driver of online WOM, future research may build upon this foundation to

explore the relationship between television advertising, social TV, and other brand performance

measures, such as sales or brand health.



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Table 1: Descriptive Statistics for Brand, Advertisement, and Program Characteristics

Group Variable Description Frequency Mean (SD)

Brand % of brands that do not have a Twitter
No Twitter 18.40
Characteristics account
Ad break
Ad break position in a given program 3.30 (2.21)
Ad length Ad length in seconds 25.26 (8.14)
% of ads that are less than 30 seconds 33.90
% of ads that are more than 30 seconds 1.18
Ad position in % of ads that are the first non-promo ad
a commercial 17.83
in a given commercial break
break % of ads that are the last non-promo ad
Advertisement in a given commercial break
Characteristics Calls-to- % of ads that contained a phone number 6.22
action % of ads that contained a hashtag 17.18
% of ads that contained a Facebook icon
or URL to a Facebook page
% of ads that contained a web address 59.19
Half-hour % of ads that aired within 2 minutes of a
break half-hour break
Simultaneous % of ads that aired within 2 minutes of
ad another ad by the same brand
Genre % of ads on Drama/Adventure programs 46.69
% of ads on News/Magazine programs 7.37
% of ads on Suspense/Mystery/Police
% of ads on Comedy programs 18.86
% of ads on Slice-of-Life/Reality
% of ads that aired during fall finale
Fall finale 10.49
Network % of ads on ABC 24.33
Characteristics % of ads on CBS 23.97
% of ads on CW 14.35
% of ads on FOX 18.68
% of ads on NBC 18.68
Length of program in minutes 62.13 (25.11)
Nielsen program ratings - reflects % of
population of TVs tuned to a particular 1.85 (0.97)
program for 18-49 demographic
Season % of ads that aired during season
premiere premieres

Table 2: Model Comparison

Model Description What's Included DIC Brand MAE Program MAE

9.98 145.2
Model 1 Baseline μbrand, μprog, Xi. 96721
(9.93, 10.02) (144.9, 145.5)
9.88 145.1
Model 2 Brand effects only μbrand, μprog, Xi., αb,1, αb,2 96629
(9.82, 9.94) (144.8, 145.4)
9.96 144.6
Model 3 Program effects only μbrand, μprog, Xi., γp,1, γp,2 96568
(9.92, 10.01) (144.1, 145.0)
9.88 144.6
Model 4 No cross effects μbrand, μprog, Xi., αb,1, γp,2 96465
(9.82, 9.94) (144.1, 145.0)
9.88 144.5
Model 5 Brand cross effects only μbrand, μprog, Xi., αb,1, αb,2, γp,2 96451
(9.82, 9.94) (144.0, 144.9)
Program cross effects 9.85 144.6
Model 6
μbrand, μprog, Xi., αb,1, γp,1, γp,2 96533
(9.79, 9.91) (144.1, 145.0)
Main model without 9.85 144.5
Model 7
brand-program synergy
μbrand, μprog, Xi., αb,1, αb,2, γp,1, γp,2 96410
(9.79, 9.92) (144.0, 144.9)
9.82 144.6
Model 8 Main model Model 7 + BPSynergybp 96201
(9.74, 9.90) (143.9, 145.7)

Note: MAE estimates are presented with 95% highest posterior density (HPD) intervals from 20,000 draws of three
independent MCMC chains. The MAE estimates are in terms of the untransformed differences between PostBWOMi
(PostPWOMi) and PreBWOMi (PrePWOMi).

Table 3: Impact of Brand and Advertisement Characteristics on Online WOM following Television Advertising

Brand WOM Program WOM Brand WOM Program WOM

Variable Posterior Mean Posterior Mean Variable Posterior Mean Posterior Mean
Length - Less than
μbrand/μprog -0.19 (-0.65, 0.26) -2.66 ** (-3.76, -1.55)
30 Seconds
-0.25 ** (-0.35, -0.15) 0.11 (-0.09, 0.31)
Length - More than
Ad break position -0.04 * (-0.09, 0.01) 0.39 ** (0.27, 0.51) 0.41 ** (0.10, 0.72) 0.10 (-0.57, 0.78)
30 Seconds
Ad break position2 0.00 (-0.00, 0.01) -0.03 ** (-0.04, -0.02) No Twitter -0.03 (-0.18, 0.13) -0.00 (-0.28, 0.27)
Ad near half-hour -0.04 (-0.13, 0.06) -0.17 (-0.39, 0.05) Simultaneous ad 0.04 (-0.09, 0.16) 0.04 (-0.24, 0.31)
First ad -0.13 (-0.28, 0.03) 3.16 ** (2.83, 3.50) Category
Last ad 0.03 (-0.58, 0.65) -1.24 * (-2.54, 0.05) Apparel 0.19 (-0.21, 0.59) 0.36 (-0.40, 1.11)
Calls-to-Action Beauty -0.04 (-0.32, 0.25) 0.39 (-0.15, 0.93)
Phone -0.23 ** (-0.43, -0.04) 0.10 (-0.30, 0.50) Cable providers -0.12 (-0.60, 0.37) -1.32 ** (-2.18, -0.45)
Hashtag -0.02 (-0.16, 0.12) -0.12 (-0.40, 0.15) -0.31 (-0.71, 0.09) 0.16 (-0.60, 0.93)
Facebook 0.05 (-0.15, 0.26) 0.10 (-0.32, 0.51) notebooks, or -0.28 * (-0.60, 0.03) 0.35 (-0.23, 0.93)
Web -0.03 (-0.13, 0.07) -0.05 (-0.25, 0.15) Dental care -0.08 (-0.45, 0.29) 0.55 (-0.13, 1.25)
Phone X First ad -0.03 (-0.37, 0.32) -0.24 (-1.01, 0.52) Financial -0.21 (-0.53, 0.09) 0.16 (-0.41, 0.74)
Hashtag X First ad 0.36 ** (0.14, 0.58) -0.06 (-0.54, 0.43) Non-profit/PSAs -0.07 (-0.43, 0.30) -0.91 ** (-1.63, -0.19)
Facebook X First ad -0.05 (-0.44, 0.34) -0.66 (-1.52, 0.21) Hair care 0.01 (-0.35, 0.37) 0.24 (-0.46, 0.94)
Web X First ad 0.17 * (-0.01, 0.35) 0.02 (-0.37, 0.42) Insurance 0.15 (-0.18, 0.48) 0.08 (-0.56, 0.71)
Phone X Last ad 1.05 (-0.48, 2.56) -0.62 (-3.67, 2.42) Medicine/vitamins 0.03 (-0.26, 0.32) -0.16 (-0.73, 0.41)
Hashtag X Last ad 0.10 (-0.73, 0.95) 0.11 (-1.65, 1.88) Movies 1.49 ** (1.21, 1.77) 0.71 ** (0.17, 1.26)
Facebook X Last ad -0.65 (-2.49, 1.18) 2.14 (-1.36, 5.64) Phones -0.30 * (-0.64, 0.03) 0.35 (-0.27, 0.95)
Web X Last ad -0.06 (-0.74, 0.61) 0.69 (-0.73, 2.12) Wireless providers -0.05 (-0.41, 0.30) 0.46 (-0.15, 1.07)

Note: Table 3 presents posterior mean estimates along with the 95% HPD intervals from the 20,000 draws of the three independent MCMC chains.
We denote posterior mean estimates for which the 95% HPD interval excludes zero with a double asterisk (**) and estimates for which the 90%
HPD interval excludes zero with a single asterisk (*). The baseline for the category variable is other category.

Table 4: Impact of Program Characteristics and Brand-Program Synergy on Online WOM

following Television Advertising

Brand WOM Program WOM

Variable Posterior Mean Posterior Mean
Day program airs (Baseline: Monday)
Tuesday 0.06 (-0.10, 0.21) 0.64 ** (0.25, 1.04)
Wednesday 0.07 (-0.11, 0.26) -0.17 (-0.64, 0.31)
Thursday 0.12 (-0.06, 0.29) 0.31 (-0.13, 0.78)
Friday 0.08 (-0.11, 0.28) 0.19 (-0.29, 0.69)
Saturday 0.38 (-0.25, 0.99) 0.23 (-1.38, 1.90)
Sunday 0.16 (-0.05, 0.37) 0.58 ** (0.03, 1.14)
Fall finale -0.10 * (-0.21, 0.02) 0.30 ** (0.05, 0.54)
Genre (Baseline: Slice-of-Life/Reality)
Drama/Adventure 0.08 (-0.11, 0.27) 1.14 ** (0.60, 1.66)
News/Magazine -0.11 (-0.48, 0.27) 1.25 ** (0.19, 2.27)
Suspense/Mystery/Police 0.22 (-0.14, 0.58) 1.05 ** (0.10, 1.99)
Comedy -0.19 (-0.42, 0.05) 0.64 ** (0.02, 1.26)
Network (Baseline: ABC)
CBS -0.12 (-0.28, 0.05) 0.29 (-0.16, 0.75)
CW 0.22 * (-0.01, 0.45) 0.53 * (-0.08, 1.15)
FOX 0.14 (-0.04, 0.33) -0.95 ** (-1.47, -0.45)
NBC -0.05 (-0.23, 0.14) -0.54 ** (-1.06, -0.03)
Program length -0.00 (-0.00, 0.00) -0.00 (-0.01, 0.00)
Program rating 0.23 ** (0.16, 0.31) -0.16 * (-0.33, 0.02)
Season premiere 0.09 (-0.03, 0.21) 1.02 ** (0.76, 1.29)
Time program airs (Baseline: 8:00pm)
8:30pm 0.07 (-0.06, 0.20) -0.49 ** (-0.79, -0.19)
9:00pm 0.10 (-0.04, 0.24) -0.24 (-0.57, 0.08)
9:30pm 0.08 (-0.08, 0.24) -0.50 ** (-0.89, -0.11)
10:00pm 0.02 (-0.16, 0.20) -0.32 (-0.77, 0.12)
10:30pm 0.13 (-0.07, 0.34) 0.01 (-0.49, 0.50)
Brand-program synergy (BPSynergybp) 0.08 ** (0.02, 0.14) 0.15 ** (0.05, 0.27)

Note: Table 4 presents posterior mean estimates along with the 95% HPD intervals from the 20,000 draws
of the three independent MCMC chains. We denote posterior mean estimates for which the 95% HPD
interval excludes zero with a double asterisk (**) and estimates for which the 90% HPD interval excludes
zero with a single asterisk (*).

Figure 1: Change in Online Brand WOM following Television Advertisements across Brands in Different Categories

Figure 2: Change in Online Brand WOM following Television Advertisements across Ad and Program Characteristics

Figure 3: Change in Online Program WOM following Television Advertisements


Figure 4: Change in Online Brand Mentions from Television Advertisements Airing on ABC’s 20/20, FOX’s Glee, and ABC’s

Figure 5: Change in Online Brand WOM following Television Advertisements for Sprint and Gravity across Programs

September 23, 2013 Primetime Online Twitter Conversations about Sprint

September 23, 2013 Primetime Online Twitter Conversations about Gravity


Figure 6: Relationship between Program-specific Effects on Online Program WOM (γp,2) and Online Brand WOM (γp,1)
following Television Advertising

Figure 7: Relationship between Average Program Ratings and Program-specific Effects on Online Brand WOM (γp,1)
following Television Advertising

Note: The quadrant lines in Figure 7 are drawn at zero for γp,1 and the overall mean program rating in our sample (1.85).

Online Appendix

This Online Appendix presents summary statistics and empirical results from the main model as

well as empirical results from several alternative model specifications that were excluded from

the main text for conciseness.

A.1 Data Overview

Tables A1 and A2 present a detailed overview of the 15 categories and the 84 programs explored

in our analysis. These tables show the frequency of advertising instances by category and the

most advertised brands by category and program genre. Additionally, Figure A1 shows the

distribution of ad instances by day of the week, time block, and program rating. Finally, Table

A3 presents a summary of the fifty-eight brand, advertisement, and program characteristics

discussed in the Data Description section which are included in Xi. in equation (3).

A.2 Searching Brand Mentions on Twitter

Table A4 presents the search terms used to capture brand mentions on Twitter for a subsample of

the brands used in our analysis. Recall that we capture Twitter conversations that mention the

brand, a hashtag featuring the brand name, a hashtag included in the brand’s advertisement, or

the brand’s Twitter handle. Parent brand names were used as the focus of the search over product

brand names (e.g., “Colgate” versus “Colgate Optic White”) for almost all brands with the

exceptions being motion pictures, books, and tech products. For these exceptions, product brand

names were incorporated into the search of Twitter conversations for brand mentions.

Additionally, in some cases a brand shares a name with a common word, such as Halls or

Nationwide. For such brands, we also make use of product brand names to focus the search of

Twitter conversation on brand chatter. Examples can be seen in Table A5.


A.3 Additional Results from Equations (1)-(6)

Table A6 shows the posterior mean estimates of the variance and heterogeneity parameters from

equations (1)-(3). Table A7 shows the results from the model of advertisers’ choices of programs

shown in equations (4)-(6).

A.4 Alternative Model Specifications

We estimate several alternative specifications of the joint model of the change in online WOM

for brands and programs following television advertising. First, we estimate our modeling

framework using dependent variables that are not constructed as difference measures. Next, we

evaluate our model when negative online brand and program mentions are excluded from the

data. Finally, we estimate sixteen alternative specifications utilizing different pre- and post-

advertisement time windows.

Non-Difference Dependent Variables. We estimate our modeling framework in which the

dependent variables are not constructed as difference measures but, rather, are specified as


 PostBWOM i   Yˆ 
  ~ N  i1 ,  
(A1)  Yˆ 
 PostPWOM i   i2 

 ˆ          PreBWOM i   1  58 
 k1 
(A2)  Yi1    brand    b[i ],1    p[i ],1    1      BPSynergy     X ik
 Yˆ    prog   b[i ],2    p[i ],2    PrePWOM    b[ i ], p[ i ]

 i2         2  i   2  k 1  k 2 

where PostBWOMi (PostPWOMi) is the number of online Twitter mentions for brand b (program

p) two minutes after b’s advertisement airs in p and PreBWOMi (PrePWOMi) is the number of

online mentions for brand b (program p) two minutes before b’s advertisement airs in p. We

jointly estimate equations (A1) and (A2) along with the model of the advertisers’ program

choices specified in equations (4)-(6) using the same estimation procedures detailed in Model


The substantive results from this alternative specification are consistent with those from

our main model estimation. We highlight a few key similarities and discuss two notable

differences below. To begin, the posterior mean estimates for φ. are positive (95% highest

posterior density (HPD) intervals exclude zero). Additionally, as found in our main analysis,

brand-program synergy (BPSynergybp) positively impacts online WOM for both brands and

programs. This result indicates that if brand b and program p have high synergy, both will

experience increases in online WOM (all else being equal) following b’s advertisement airing in

p. This further illustrates the robustness of the result that the media context in which a television

advertisement airs influences the ad’s impact on online WOM.

There are two key differences to note between the estimation results for the alternative

specification detailed in equations (A1) and (A2) and our main model estimation. First, the 90%

HPD interval for the interaction of featuring a web address in an advertisement and the first ad

position does not exclude zero in this non-difference dependent variable specification. Thus, in

this alternative specification, we find that only one digital call-to-action, hashtags, increases

online brand WOM after airing in the first ad slot of a commercial break. Second, given the

explanatory power of PrePWOMi, many of the control variables in Xi. no longer have significant

impacts on online program chatter in the program WOM model.

Excluding Negative WOM. We also estimate an alternative model in which we consider

the valence of the online conversations. In our primary analysis, we do not distinguish between

positive, neutral, and negative WOM since we are interested in the volume of conversations and

understanding how television advertising drives online WOM overall. However, we recognize

that some marketers and television networks may be interested in how television advertising

drives positive and neutral online WOM about brands and programs. To explore this

relationship, we leverage the valence coding of the online brand and program mentions provided

by Topsy Pro. Topsy uses a proprietary software to code Tweets as positive, neutral, or negative

by analyzing the weighted sentiment of words and phrases using an automated process which

they validate through manual checks of Tweet content. For this alternative model, we exclude

from the data brand and program Twitter mentions that Topsy codes as negative and use the

same modeling framework and estimation procedure discussed in Model Development.

The substantive results between this alternative specification and our main model

specification are the same. In general, the estimation results are nearly identical between these

two specifications. For example, only four (3.4%) of the posterior mean estimates for the 118

coefficients in η. and θk. change sign between these two specifications, and the 90% HPD

intervals for all four of these estimates include zero in both specifications. The only notable

difference between these two specifications is that only the 90% HPD interval for η1 excludes

zero in this alternative specification, while in the main model specification, the 95% HPD

interval for η1 excludes zero.

Different Time Windows. We estimate a series of alternative models with different pre-

and post-advertisement time windows to test the robustness of our results as time from the

advertisements’ airings increases. The modeling framework and estimation is the same as the

main model; only the length of PostBWOMi, PreBWOMi, PostPWOMi, and PrePWOMi is

changed. We explore the following time lengths for these four variables for a total of sixteen

alternative specifications: 3-15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, and 60 minutes. Recall that at

the most granular level, advertisers can aim to air their advertisements in specific quarter-hour

periods (Liaukonyte et al. 2015). Thus, for the alternative models in which PostBWOMi,

PreBWOMi, PostPWOMi, and PrePWOMi are eight minutes or longer (such that the total time

window would exceed fifteen minutes), it would be feasible for advertisers or television

networks to choose certain time windows to air advertisements in order to impact online WOM.

While feasible, we argue that this is very unlikely. To elaborate, 80% of the advertiser-network

negotiations are completed in the May up-front market several months prior to the start of the fall

television season, and timing of the ad is not stipulated in advertiser-network contracts

(Liaukonyte et al. 2015). Furthermore, television networks commonly assign advertisements to

commercial breaks at random (Wilbur et al. 2013). Thus, even as we explore the impact of

television advertising on online WOM as the time since the advertisement’s airing increases, we

do not think it is probable that the results from these alternative models suffer from the

endogeneity concern that advertisers or television networks could choose a certain time window

to air an advertisement in order to impact online WOM.

The results across these sixteen alternative specifications are very consistent, and we see

significant evidence that are substantive findings concerning the relationship between television

advertising and online WOM hold as time since the advertisements’ airings increases. In fourteen

of the sixteen alternative models (88%), we find that brand-program synergy (BPSynergybp)

impacts online WOM following television advertising. These effects are most persistent on

online chatter about programs, as BPSynergybp continues to have a positive influence (95% HPD

interval excludes zero) on online program WOM even sixty minutes after the advertisement airs

(compared to sixty minutes before). Additionally, in fourteen of the sixteen alternative

specifications (88%), we also see evidence that using digital calls-to-action in an advertisement

that airs in the first ad slot influences online brand WOM. The substantial impact of featuring

hashtags in the first ad of a commercial break continues to have a positive impact on online

brand chatter even sixty minutes after the advertisement airs (compared to sixty minutes before).

We additionally see other effects of utilizing calls-to-action in television advertising on

online WOM emerge as time since the advertisements’ airings increases. For example, as time

since the advertisements’ airings increases, we find that featuring a phone number in a television

advertisement no longer negatively impacts online brand WOM and that featuring a Facebook

page link or icon in an advertisement that airs first in a commercial break negatively impacts

online WOM about the brand on Twitter (95% HPD intervals for the posterior mean estimate

exclude zero). Additionally, we find that television advertisements featuring web addresses that

air in the last ad slot in a commercial break negatively impact online program WOM (95% HPD

interval for the posterior mean estimate excludes zero) as the time since the advertisement’s

airing increases.


Liaukonyte, J., T. Teixeira, and K. C. Wilbur (2015), “Television Advertising and Online
Shopping,” Marketing Science, forthcoming.
Wilbur, K. C., L. Xu, and D. Kempe (2013), “Correcting Audience Externalities in Television
Advertising,” Marketing Science, 32(6), 892-912.

Table A1: Advertising Instances and Most Advertised Brands by Category

Category Description of Category Most Advertised Brands by Category
Instances (%)
Cotton Incorporated, Fruit of the Loom,
Apparel Apparel, jewelry, and shoes 183 (2.01%)
Forevermark, Hanes, Skechers
Beauty care, makeup, fragrances, and Maybelline, L'Oréal, Neutrogena, Clinique/Cover
Beauty 1220 (13.40%)
toiletries Girl (tie)
Cable networks, satellite providers, and WIGS (Web Channel), DirecTV, Big Ten Network,
Cable providers 135 (1.48%)
internet webcasts Showtime, Fox Deportes
Computer accessories, components, and
Computer accessories 171 (1.88%) Microsoft, Intel, Google, Apple/Canon (tie)
Notebook, laptop, and tablet computers 950 (10.44%) Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Apple, Lenovo
notebooks, and tablets
Toothpaste, toothbrushes, whiteners,
Dental care 274 (3.01%) Crest, Colgate, Sensodyne, Listerine, Act
mouthwashes, and dental supplies
Non-insurance financial products, credit
Bank of America, Citibank, Capital One, Chase,
Financial cards, banking, retirement services, 937 (10.29%)
American Express
investments, and loan/credit products
Shampoos, hair color, hair styling, and hair
Hair care 216 (2.37%) Garnier/Tresemme (tie), L'Oréal, Clairol, Pantene
Automobile, medical, life, and homeowners Farmers Insurance, Geico, United Healthcare,
Insurance 508 (5.58%)
insurance products Progressive, State Farm
Digestive aids, cold/cough/pain/sleep
Medicine/vitamins 934 (10.26%) DayQuil/NyQuil, Tylenol, Advil, Zicam, Zyrtec
remedies, and vitamins/minerals
Gravity, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, The
Movies Motion pictures 1227 (13.48%) Counselor, Frozen, Captain Phillips/Last Vegas
Public service announcements and non- CBS Cares, FosterMore, Autism Speaks/Common
Non-profit/PSAs 243 (2.67%)
profit/U.S. Government announcements Sense Media/It Can Wait (tie)
Phones Phones 892 (9.80%) Apple, Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, LG
Wireless providers Wireless/internet telecom providers 976 (10.72%) AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, T-Mobile, Virgin Mobile
Pampers, USPS, Hallmark/NFL (tie),
Other Products not included in the above categories 237 (2.60%)
Dr. Scholls/Luvs (tie)

Table A2: List of Programs by Program Genre

Program Genre Programs (Network) Most Advertised Brands by Genre

Almost Human (FOX), Arrow (CW), Beauty and the Beast (CW), Betrayal
(ABC), Blacklist (NBC), Blue Bloods (CBS), Bones (FOX), Carrie Diaries
(CW), Castle (ABC), Chicago Fire (NBC), Criminal Minds (CBS), Dracula
(NBC), Elementary (CBS), Glee (FOX), Good Wife (CBS), Grey's Anatomy
(ABC), Grimm (NBC), Hart of Dixie (CW), Hawaii Five-0 (CBS), Hostages
Apple, Microsoft, AT&T, Nokia,
Drama/Adventure (CBS), Lucky 7 (ABC), Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (ABC), Nashville
(ABC), NCIS (CBS), NCIS: Los Angeles (CBS), Once Upon a Time (ABC),
Once Upon a Time in Wonderland (ABC), Originals (CW), Parenthood
(NBC), Person of Interest (CBS), Reign (CW), Revenge (ABC), Revolution
(NBC), Scandal (ABC), Sleepy Hollow (FOX), Supernatural (CW), Tomorrow
People (CW), Vampire Diaries (CW)
FosterMore, Citibank, Sprint,
News/Magazine 20/20 (ABC), 48 Hours (CBS), Dateline (NBC)
AT&T/Zicam (tie)
Apple, Citibank, Google, AT&T,
Suspense/Mystery/Police CSI (CBS), Ironside (NBC), Law & Order: SVU (NBC), Mentalist (CBS)
Chase/Microsoft/Nokia/Sprint (tie)
2 Broke Girls (CBS), American Dad! (FOX), Back in the Game (ABC), Big
Bang Theory (CBS), Bob's Burgers (FOX), Brooklyn Nine-Nine (FOX), Crazy
Ones (CBS), Dads (FOX), Family Guy (FOX), Goldbergs (ABC), How I Met
Your Mother (CBS), Last Man Standing (ABC), Michael J. Fox Show (NBC),
Microsoft, Nokia, Apple, Verizon,
Comedy Middle (ABC), Millers (CBS), Mindy Project (FOX), Modern Family (ABC),
Mom (CBS), Neighbors (ABC), New Girl (FOX), Parks and Recreation
Bank of America
(NBC), Raising Hope (FOX), Sean Saves the World (NBC), Simpsons (FOX),
Super Fun Night (ABC), Trophy Wife (ABC), Two and A Half Men (CBS), We
Are Men (CBS), Welcome to the Family (NBC)
Amazing Race (CBS), America's Next Top Model (CW), Biggest Loser (NBC),
Bank of America/Sprint (tie),
Slice-of-Life/Reality Dancing with the Stars (ABC), MasterChef Junior (FOX), Shark Tank (ABC),
Survivor (CBS), Undercover Boss (CBS), Voice (NBC), X Factor (FOX)
Microsoft, Nokia, Apple

Table A3: Brand, Advertisement, and Program Characteristics in Xik

Group Parameter Variable Description

Dummy variables for the categories listed in Table A1 (BASELINE: other
Brand Brand category Xi1-Xi14
No Twitter Xi15 Dummy variable for if a brand does not have a Twitter account
Calls-to-action Dummy variables for if ad contains a hashtag, Facebook icon or URL for a
(CTAs) Facebook page, phone number, and/or web address
Dummy variables if ad is less than 30 seconds or if ad is more than 30 seconds
Ad length Xi20-Xi21
(BASELINE: 30 second ad)
Dummy variables if ad appears in first slot in a given commercial break or if ad
Ad position in
Xi22-Xi23 appears in last slot of a given commercial break (BASELINE: ad in a middle slot of
commercial break
Advertisement the commercial break)
Characteristics Ad break position in Ad break position in a given program and quadratic of ad break position in a given
program program
Half-hour break Xi26 Dummy variable for if ad airs within two minutes of a half-hour interval
Dummy variable for if a brand's ad runs in a simultaneous commercial break with
Simultaneous ad Xi27
another ad instance by the same brand
CTA and ad position Interactions between the four call-to-action dummy variables and the two ad
in break interactions position in commercial break dummy variables
Program rating Xi36 Nielsen program rating
Dummy variables for if the program airs on CBS, CW, FOX, or NBC (BASELINE:
Network Xi37-Xi40
Dummy variables for if the program is a Drama/Adventure, News/Magazine,
Genre Xi41-Xi44
Program Suspense/Mystery/Police, or Comedy (BASELINE: Slice-of-Life/Reality program)
Characteristics Special Episodes Xi45-Xi46 Dummy variables for season premiere and fall finales episodes
Program length Xi47 Length of program in minutes
Day of the week Xi48-Xi53 Dummy variables for day of the week the ad airs (BASELINE: Monday)
Dummy variables for time the ad airs created in half-hour increments from 8:00pm-
Time Xi54-Xi58
11:00pm (Baseline: 8:00pm)

Table A4: Examples of Terms Used to SearchTwitter Conversations about Brands


Brand Name(s) Brand Hashtag(s) Hashtag used in Ad Brand Twitter Handle
"#Kindle" OR
Amazon Kindle Fire "#KindleFire" OR
Amazon "Kindle" "@AmazonKindle"
HDX: Tablet Computers "#KindleFireHDX" OR
"#ipad" OR
Apple iPad Air: Tablet
Apple "iPad" "#appleipad" OR
Aveeno Daily
Aveeno Moisturizing Body "Aveeno" "#aveeno"
DirecTV DirecTV "DirecTV" "#DirecTV" "@DIRECTV"
Hulu Hulu Plus "Hulu" "#hulu" "@hulu"
The Hunger Games: "Hunger Games" OR "#TheHungerGames"
Lions Gate Pictures "#CatchingFire" "@TheHungerGames"
Catching Fire "Catching Fire" OR "#HungerGames"
Old Spice Old Spice Toiletries "Old Spice" "#OldSpice" "@OldSpice"
Revlon Revlon Lash Potion "Revlon" "#revlon" "#CastASpell" "@revlon"
Special K Protein Meal
Special K "Special K" "#SpecialK" "@SpecialKUS"
Bar & Protein Shake
"T-Mobile" OR
T-Mobile Consumer
T-Mobile "TMobile" OR "T "#TMobile" "#Hate2Wait" "@TMobile"
Wireless Service
Tylenol Tylenol "Tylenol" "#Tylenol"

Table A5: Examples of Terms Used to Search Twitter Conversations about Brands that Share a Name with a
Common Word


Brand Name(s) Brand Hashtag(s) Hashtag used in Ad Brand Twitter Handle
Coach Poppy Blossom: ("Coach" AND ("@Coach" AND
Coach OR ("#Coach" AND
Women's Fragrance "Poppy Blossom") "Poppy Blossom")
"Poppy Blossom")
("Halls" AND
Halls Mentho-Lyptus: ("Halls" AND
Halls "#cough") OR ("#Halls"
Cough Remedy Tablets "cough")
AND "cough")
Luvs Disposable ("Luvs" AND
Luvs "#luvs" "@Luvs"
Diapers "diapers")
Nationwide Auto ("Nationwide" AND
Nationwide "#Nationwide" "@Nationwide"
Insurance "insurance")
"" OR
"#Outlook" OR
Outlook ("Outlook" AND "@Outlook"
Warner Bros ("Prisoners" AND
Prisoners "#theprisonersmovie" "#prisonersmovie"
Pictures "movie")

Table A6: Results of Television Advertising’s Effect on Online WOM

Brand WOM Program WOM

Variable Parameter Posterior Mean Variable Parameter Posterior Mean
Variance Variance
for Yi1
Τ11 2.39 (2.32, 2.46)
for Yi2
Τ22 11.83 (11.49, 12.19)

Covariance Τ12 -0.002 (-0.113, 0.108) Covariance Τ21 -0.002 (-0.113, 0.108)

Heterogeneity Heterogeneity
for αb1
τα1 0.07 (0.04, 0.11)
for αb2
τγ1 0.09 (0.03, 0.17)

Heterogeneity Heterogeneity
for γp1
τα2 0.04 (0.02, 0.07)
for γp2
τγ2 0.37 (0.22, 0.59)

Note: Table A6 presents posterior mean estimates along with the 95% highest posterior density (HPD)
intervals from the 20,000 draws of the three independent MCMC chains.

Table A7: Results of from Model of Advertisers’ Choices of Program(s)

Mean Posterior Heterogeneity Posterior

Parameter Mean Parameter Mean
2.28 2.15
Brand location on dimension 1 Bb1 τB1
(1.58, 3.24) (1.57, 2.86)
0.76 0.57
Brand location on dimension 2 Bb 2 τB2
(0.22, 1.24) (0.28, 1.02)
2.57 0.70
Program location on dimension 1 Pp1 τP1
(1.85, 3.58) (0.46, 1.05)
-0.57 0.36
Program location on dimension 2 Pp 2 τP2
(-1.14, -0.08) (0.23, 0.55)
3.73 4.32
Slope  τλ
(3.29, 4.22) (3.18, 5.79)
Mean (SD)

Summary Statistics for LatentDistbp 2.20 (0.77)

Summary Statistics for 0.54 (0.30)

Note: Table A7 presents posterior mean estimates along with the 95% HPD intervals from the 20,000
draws of the three independent MCMC chains.

Figure A1: Distribution of Advertisement Instances by Day of the Week, Time Block, and
Program Rating

Note: The times labeled in “Distribution of Ad Instances by Time Block” are in Eastern Standard Time

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