The word “media” comes from the Latin medius, which means “middle.: Media is the plural form
of “medium” though in actual usage it is acceptable understood as a singular subject as well.
Thus, we could say, “media are responsible for the information that they disseminate.” And we
could also say, “Media is trying to influence us all.”
Functions of Media
1. Media are more than just channels of information and knowledge through which citizends
communicate with each other and make informed decisions
2. Media facilitate informed debates between diverse social factors.
3. Media provide us with much of what we learn about the world beyond or immediate
4. Media are means by which a society learns about itself and builds a sense of community.
5. Media functions as a watchdog of the government in all its forms promoting transparency
in public life and public scrutiny of those with power through exposing corruption,
maladministration, and corporate wrong-doing.
6. Media are essential facilitators of democratic processes and one of the guarantors of free
and fair elections.
7. Medial are a vehicle of cultural expression and cultural cohesion within and between
8. Media functions as an advocate and social actor in its own right while respecting
pluralistic values.
Media Literacy
It is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media messages of all kinds.
Today, many people get most of their information through complex combinations of text, images
and sounds we receive from:
1. Television
2. Radio
3. Newspapers
4. Magazines
5. Books
6. Billboards
7. Signs
8. Packaging
9. Marketing materials
10. Video games
11. Recorded music
12. The internet and;
13. Other forms of media
Media Literacy
1. Understand the significant role of media in our society and how largely it influences the
2. Able to discern which information is factual, the truthful and objective through critical
Information Literacy
1. Understand the significant role of media in our society and how largely it influences the
2. Able to discern which information is factual, truthful and objective through crtitical
- Is the skill that allows a person to recognize when information is needed and how he will
be able to access, locate, evaluate and use it effectively communicate information in its
various formats.
Technology Literacy
- Is the ability to acquire relevant information and use modern-day tools to get, manage,
apply, evaluate, create and communicate information
- This literacy skill is expected to be more complex and progressive as people demand for
faster and easier access to communication and information
“A set of competencies that empowers citizens to assess, retrieve, understand, evaluate and
use, create, as well as share information and media content in all formats, using various tools,
in a critical, ethical and effective way, in order to participate and engage in personal,
professional and societal activities”