Introduction To Media Literacy
Introduction To Media Literacy
Introduction To Media Literacy
Literacy: The ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using
printed and written materials associated with varying contexts. Literacy involves a continuum of
learning, wherein individuals are able to achieve their goals, develop their knowledge and
potential, and participate fully in their community and wider society.
Media: The physical objects used to communicate with, or the mass communication through
physical objects such as radio, television, computers, film, etc. It also refers to any physical
object used to communicate messages.
Media Literacy: The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety of forms.
It aims to empower citizens by providing them with the competencies (knowledge and skills)
necessary to engage with traditional media and new technologies.
Information: A broad term that covers processed data, knowledge derived from study,
experience, instruction, signals or symbols.
Information Literacy: The ability to recognize when information is needed, and to locate,
evaluate, and effectively communicate information in its various formats.
Technology Literacy: The ability of an individual, either working independently or with others, to
responsibly, appropriately, and effectively use technological tools. Using these tools an individual
can access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create and communicate information.
Media and Information Literacy: The essential skills and competencies that allow individuals to
engage with media and other information providers effectively, as well as develop critical thinking
and life-long learning skills to socialize and become active citizens.
Print Media. Refers to paper publications like newspapers, books, magazines, newsletters and
journals. It also includes brochures, posters, flyers, banners & billboards.
Broadcast Media. Includes radio and television – media that initially used the airwaves to reach
their audiences.
New Media. Composed of media that use digital technologies like the Internet to distribute or
exhibit content. ex: social media, blogs, websites and streaming media.
Media acts as channels of information and knowledge through which citizens communicate with
each other and make informed decisions
Media facilitate informed debates between diverse social factors
Media provide us with much of what we learn about the world beyond or immediate experience
Media are means by which a society learns about itself and builds a sense of community
Media function as a watch dog of government in all its forms promoting transparency in public life
and public scrutiny (critical observation or examination) of those with power through exposing
corruption, maladministration, and corporate wrong-doing
Media are essential facilitators of democratic processes and one of the guarantors of free and fair
Media are a vehicle of cultural expression and cultural cohesion within and between nations
Media functions as an advocate and social actor in its own right while respecting pluralistic values
(relating to or advocating a system in which two or more states, groups, principles, sources of
authority, etc., coexist.)relating to or advocating a system in which two or more states, groups,
principles, sources of authority, etc., coexist.