Estudo 01
Estudo 01
Estudo 01
BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049041 on 17 August 2021. Downloaded from on March 26, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
with multiple sclerosis: a qualitative
study using interpretative
phenomenological analysis
Seada A Kassie ,1,2 Jannat Alia,3 Lynda Hyland 2
BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049041 on 17 August 2021. Downloaded from on March 26, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
practice.15 The model encourages attention to the refers to the provision of patient care using the BPS
complexities of interactions among physiological, psycho- model of health. By looking at person- specific factors
logical and social aspects of an illness in determining and the concept of health in more depth than merely
appropriate and effective responses to primary and viewing it as the absence of illness, an insight into how
secondary symptoms. Examples of psychosocial factors people navigate their lives with this chronic illness may
include mood, personality, behaviour, coping, social be gained. Through a phenomenological approach, the
support, family relationships and socioeconomic factors. study explored factors that may play a substantial role in
These factors contribute to the overall experience of determining the quality of life and overall adjustment of
patients diagnosed with MS. Various aspects of life with patients living with MS in the UAE.
MS have been examined through a BPS lens, including
pain,16 17 fatigue,18 19 resilience20 21 and quality of life.12
While the disease is consistently associated with reduced METHODS
quality of life, studies over several decades show that Design
disease severity alone does not fully explain this.12 22 23 This study used a qualitative, idiographic approach to
Such arguments are consistent with the BPS model of explore participants’ experiences of living with MS. A
health, which considers the simultaneous implication phenomenological approach informed all aspects of
of biological, psychological, and social aspects to fully the study, from conceptualisation to data collection,
understand and appreciate the patient’s subjective well- analysis and presentation of findings. Through this
being, quality of life and overall functioning.12 window into the subjective, lived experiences of partici-
Negative experiences of people living with MS have pants, it is possible to identify new meanings, which can
been identified across various BPS domains. These inform how these experiences are understood by health
include self- enforced social distancing as a means of professionals.45
protection,24 25 the impact of fatigue on communica-
tion,26 the disease’s impact on perceived dignity27 and Sampling and participants
personal relationships.28 Irvine et al29 discussed how iden- Researchers recruited a small, homogeneous, purposively
tity is redefined following MS diagnosis, and how initial selected sample as per the requirements of interpretative
functional challenges can ameliorate over time, with phenomenological analysis (IPA).46 The study included
adjustment to the condition. Similarly, Strickland et al30 eight participants diagnosed with MS (International Clas-
presented a phenomenological account of how people sification of Diseases (ICD-10: G35) using the McDonald
living with MS reflect on the transition from their predi- diagnostic criteria.47 They ranged in age from 25 to 56
agnosis to postdiagnosis selves and learn to live with their years and were representative of patients living with the
illness. The impact on one’s sense of self might not be same type of condition in the same geographic location.
inevitable31 32; it may depend on the extent to which MS In addition to a clinical diagnosis of MS, the inclusion
symptoms impact the daily roles that were integral to the criteria were that participants were over 18 years and did
person’s prediagnosis life.32 Interestingly, some positives not have other diagnosed neurological disorders. Demo-
have been shown to emerge from diagnosis with chronic graphic and clinical details of patients are given in table 1.
illness, including ‘post-traumatic growth’.33 In MS, this
includes diverse outcomes such as increased compas- Data collection
sion and mindfulness, improvements in family relations All participants provided informed consent. One-to-one,
and lifestyle,34 health gains and increased spirituality.35 semistructured interviews were conducted with partici-
Multiple studies have also examined quality of life,12 22 23 pants at their preferred location. Semistructured inter-
meaning-making31 and growth33 in individuals living with views are compatible with the chosen analysis,48 allowing
MS and other chronic illnesses. the participants and the researcher to explore new,
In the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the wider potentially unexpected discussion topics. Interviews,
Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, quan- lasting approximately 30 min, were audiorecorded and
titative studies focusing on illness management and were carried out by SAK, a clinical research professional
patient care services highlight the lack of a multidi- with background in psychology. The interviews consisted
mensional approach using multidisciplinary teams in of nine questions, allowing for prompts. The interview
treating neurological disorders and common comorbid- guide is provided in figure 1.
ities.36 37 Unlike the western world, the MENA region
is still limited in providing holistic care to patients with Data analysis
chronic illnesses.38–44 The current study aimed to quali- The idiographic approach of IPA46 49 was used to analyse
tatively explore patients’ individual accounts and subjec- the data. This iterative process involved familiarisation
tive experiences of living with MS in the UAE. By doing with data, identification of descriptive, linguistic, and
so, the objective was to solidify the need for a multidi- conceptual codes, and the development of emergent
mensional approach to providing care in the UAE and themes and superordinate themes per case. These steps
the wider MENA region, which may enhance patients’ were repeated for each participant. Once completed, a
quality of life.36 37 In this study, the term multidimensional master table of superordinate themes was identified for
BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049041 on 17 August 2021. Downloaded from on March 26, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of participants
Time since diagnosis
Pseudonym Sex Age range Country of origin (in years) Comorbidities
Anna F 25–34 USA 3 Hypertension
Major depressive disorder
Generalised anxiety disorder
Panic disorder
Cognitive deficit
Vitamin D deficiency
Aliyah F 25–34 United Arab Emirates 8 Anaemia
Unspecified disease of the liver
Vitamin D deficiency
Maya F 35–44 United Arab Emirates 4 Anaemia
Generalised anxiety disorder
Mild cognitive deficit
Vitamin D deficiency
Lokesh M 55–64 India 13 Anaemia
Anxiety disorder
Vitamin D deficiency
Imad M 35–44 Iraq 6 None
Rashid M 25–34 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 10 Major depressive disorder
Vitamin D deficiency
Batool F 35–44 United Arab Emirates 1 Hyperthyroidism
Adjustment disorder
Mild cognitive deficit
Vitamin D deficiency
Killian M 25–34 Ireland 6 Major depressive disorder
Anxiety disorder
the group. Researchers adopted a data-driven analytical ensure that the participants’ voices were heard. Addition-
approach and findings were viewed in light of the BPS ally, rigour of this study was enhanced in consultation
model of health. Doing so allowed the researchers to with the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative
explore, in-depth, the lived experiences of participants.50 Research checklist.51
LH, a chartered psychologist, conducted data analysis in
Microsoft Word. The findings were subsequently audited Patient and public involvement
by SAK. The coconstruction of meaning and the double Patients and the public were not involved in the design or
hermeneutic of IPA (wherein the researchers make sense conduct of this study.
of how the participants reflect on their own experiences)
was intrinsic to this study. Both researchers engaged in
critical reflexivity to examine how their own experiences RESULTS
and expectations might impact the analytical process to Respondents spoke candidly about their experiences of
living with MS, discussing issues ranging from symptom
management to perceptions of quality of life, and the
types of support they received. Three superordinate
themes were identified—‘Acceptance and management’,
‘Counting one’s blessings’ and ‘Living differently’.
BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049041 on 17 August 2021. Downloaded from on March 26, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
change in their overall attitude towards their diagnoses. Even when benefits were evident, engaging in positive
However, others reported non- adherence with central health behaviours such as diet or physiotherapy was a
components of their treatment regimen, including not challenge for some. Aliyah admitted giving up on phys-
taking their medication as prescribed. One participant iotherapy, something that previously worked for her.
struggled with MS to an extreme extent, across physical, Indeed, she believed that physiotherapy outperformed
psychological and social domains, whereas several others medication in treating her balance issue, stating ‘it was
displayed adjustment and acceptance. Their varying REALLY good.’ Although she stated that she had no
experiences of illness management are explored in this free time after starting her postgraduate degree, she
section. also admitted intentional non-adherence to the recom-
Participants who had high expectations of their illness mended treatment.
management were self-critical when they believed they did
not reach this ideal. This was particularly evident among Aliyah: I never miss the pills. But with the injections,
those who actively researched their condition, poten- I used to (laughs).
tial treatment options, and who made lifestyle changes. Interviewer: You used to forget, okay.
Several participants reported positive outcomes from Aliyah: Not forget. I used to intentionally miss it. I
attending physiotherapy or from self-directed exercise. hated it… I used an auto-injector, and every time I
Lokesh’s case illustrates this; discussing his engagement took the injection I used to be scared, even though I
in physical activity as providing therapeutic benefits, he did it so many times. I hated it…
criticises his consistency:
Interviewer: Have any of your doctors recommended
Lokesh: I should be doing more exercise. I do yoga, I a special diet to you?
do meditation. That helps in flexibility. Aliyah: Yeah, I actually, I've actually seen one of the di-
Interviewer: You’ve seen results? eticians here and she recommends a specific diet, but
Lokesh: I see results when I don’t do it for a while, I I have not, uh, I haven't like, uh… done it. You know
could feel that I’m much worse. why? Because I hate it when I have to think about it.
Interviewer: I see. How long have you been doing Aliyah did not share her diagnosis with work colleagues,
this? not wanting small mistakes she might make at work to be
Lokesh: Since the beginning. ‘blamed on MS.’ She further said that she hates it when
Even if self-critical, Lokesh’s MS management, which people ‘blame MS for everything’, suggesting that this
began at the time of diagnosis, demonstrates an active may be something she has encountered in other realms
coping style. Unlike some other participants, his early of her life. She believes that ignoring MS is a positive
focus on treatment and his beliefs about its effectiveness strategy in her illness management, stating ‘what I found
may have helped Lokesh come to terms with his diag- good about myself is that I completely ignore that I have
nosis. Throughout his interview, he projects an image of MS, like I completely ignore it, I think this helps.’ This
someone mindful of the illness’s demands, but who strives type of avoidant coping was evident to varying degrees
towards the best possible life with MS. among four of the eight interviewees. By choosing to not
This drive towards health is shown by others, for think about MS or adopt lifestyle changes recommended
example, Imad. The year following his diagnosis was char- by healthcare providers, they believed they retained a
acterised by anxiety about death. However, the health greater semblance of ‘normal’, old selves.
behaviours he initiated brought about a positive sense of Rashid’s experience was markedly different; he neither
self: ‘I went like freakishly healthy for about six months… coped actively nor was he able to ignore the physical and
I stopped smoking, I stopped drinking.’ His use of the psychological toll MS had on his life. By his admission, he
term ‘freakish’ alludes to his belief that he went too far, struggled to manage his MS:
although he suggested that this is a typical reaction after It almost feels like I'm helpless. I’m having a vision
MS diagnosis. While Imad notes that he does not exercise problem. I used to drive cars, but now I can't. The
as much as in his early postdiagnosis days, he continues to balance and the depression is like a big… it’s a big
engage in positive health behaviours. deal. And I’m just trying to live. The problems affect
I try to run three times a week. The only one I do con- me in a bad way… I don’t know what’s wrong, is it MS,
sistently is my long run on Friday morning because or… Even when I feel happy it just feels like seconds.
it’s Friday morning. I wake up, my wife and my kid
With marked deterioration in his health, including
are still passed out, and I go for my run. I think that’s
major depressive disorder and loss of sight and balance,
the best thing.
he shared his perception of obstacles that impacted his
Recognising the physical and psychological well-being MS management. He no longer took DMT, citing the cost
benefits of lifestyle change, Imad advocates: ‘Nutrition, as prohibitive. However, he also alluded to side effects as
exercise is key. Exercise is key, I’m telling you. Anyone a reason for stopping both MS therapy—‘… it was almost
who has MS, get off your ass and work out.’ like giving me a heart attack, so it was not working’—and
BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049041 on 17 August 2021. Downloaded from on March 26, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
treatment for his clinical depression—‘…I was like killing She later elaborates on the redistribution of household
myself slowly.’ responsibilities:
At the time of his interview, Rashid’s only regular inter-
I have four kids, now I don’t do everything for them,
actions were with his sole supporter, his mother—‘She’s
okay, previously I was doing A to Z for them. Now I
my life actually. She’s my motivation, you know, to be
try to keep them independent as well, and align my
alive.’ It was evident that Rashid had lost hope. Indeed, his
husband with the activities that they have. It’s a re-
story was characterised by loss—the loss of a young man’s
sponsibility that we both have.
social life, truncated education opportunities, and an
ever-shrinking lifeworld. Describing himself as peaceful This form of instrumental support allows Batool more
and quiet, but also as helpless and without friends, there time to rest and take care of her health. Identifying
was resignation in his narrative. their ‘shared’ responsibility, she suggests that she and
Contrasting the concept of loss, other accounts demon- her husband are partners in their relationship and the
strated growth after diagnosis. Acceptance and manage- management of her illness. Moreover, she appears to see
ment may be initially challenging, but can improve over an additional benefit in relinquishing some of her child-
time. Anna shared encouraging feedback she received. care responsibilities; her children have become more
[The support group leader told me] ‘I've really seen self-reliant.
a change in you this past couple of years, seeing you It was apparent that family was not always a source of
blossom. Taking charge of, managing your MS, vs just support. Killian, one of the younger people interviewed
it being something that you were up against.” So, I in this study recalled his father’s immediate reaction to
can, I can say now, that I am doing a better job at his diagnosis as ‘you’re going to f***ing die, you’re going
managing it. But it’s not perfect, you know, it’s really to die.’ The detail with which Killian recalled his father’s
hard. words demonstrates the impact they had. There was an
acute absence of support in Killian’s family home in the
The support group leader’s words acknowledged 6 years following his diagnosis, which resulted in his devel-
Anna’s efforts and reassured her that she was on the opment of non-familial networks of support, comprising
right path. There was a sense that, for Anna, manage- colleagues and friends. Killian referred to himself as
ment was a process rather than an attainable, final ‘lucky’ twelve times during his interview; reasons included
state. She recognised that setbacks would happen, but his early diagnosis, the availability of effective medication,
that these would not defeat her. Anna’s change was not having a supportive work environment, and maintaining
merely in the shift from life before MS to life after MS, a positive attitude towards life with MS.
but rather in her incremental MS management improve-
I'm lucky, because, you know stuff like, you're work-
ments over time.
ing, there're a lot of people with this ailment who
are a lot worse. That in itself gives me some hope.
Counting one’s blessings Regardless of how anxious, what anxiety I have, I’m
Participants’ narratives touched on their outlook on life very lucky. That my treatment so far has been so good
with MS and the resultant changes in their interpersonal even through very tough times since my ailment, my
relationships. While all noted the impact of MS on their diagnosis. So, I think I’m just thankful that I’ve been
psychological well- being and relationships—new roles diagnosed when I was young, that’s it. I think I’m just
were undoubtedly negotiated with family and friends— lucky.
the changes wrought by MS were not always viewed
negatively. Killian’s maintenance of a positive outlook since his
Six participants viewed themselves as lucky in several diagnosis was not easy for him. He refers to his innate
ways and reported gratitude for ‘blessings’ in their lives. tendency to view the glass as half empty and acknowl-
Primarily, they appreciated support from family, friends, edges difficulties in maintaining an optimistic outlook.
work colleagues, healthcare providers and others living Viewing himself as fortunate relative to others with the
with MS. Participants juxtaposed their experiences of same condition perhaps offsets the negativity and lack of
those who support them with those who do not. Imme- hope he encountered at the time of his diagnosis.
diate family members (parents, children, siblings, One participant, Maya, reported being thankful for the
spouses) were often credited with being chief sources illness itself. She regarded her diagnosis as a turning point
of support. In Batool’s case, her husband is the central in her husband’s relationship with God. A silver lining to
figure in her support network. her MS journey, she credited her illness with resolving his
fractured faith.
My husband—he understands what I’m going
through. Not fully, but he tries his best. He already I’m so happy, I’m actually so, so, so happy that I got
let’s say (took) off some of my responsibilities, uh, MS. My husband has a ‘faith issue’, let’s put it that
and whenever he feels like I need rest he will say to way, and, because of MS, he got so much faith. Look,
me ‘just you go, I will do it.’ So, he’s really my main my husband loves me so much, and I love him so
supporter. much. He was so devastated and broken to pieces,
BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049041 on 17 August 2021. Downloaded from on March 26, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
and he realized ‘She got a disease that has no cure! terrible aphasia. Like, speaking as good as I am right
That nobody can do anything about.’ I couldn’t walk. now is a very good day for me (laughs), so, which
I literally couldn’t walk. He had to carry me up and is difficult when you’re trying to do something like
down the stairs… he was so broken apart and he real- class, you know, or talk to other people and things
ized the only one who could fix it is God! ‘I better get of that nature… On a bad fatigue day, I may spend
back to him! I better get back on track.’ I’m so happy, all day napping, crawled up with my cats, and I al-
you have no idea! ways really feel guilty because I'm not able to do any
housework or anything like that. But it’s also some-
This acknowledgement of her husband’s devastation
thing that I've come to accept, that every now and
at her diagnosis is jarring when viewed alongside Maya’s
then I'm just going to have a bad day like it’s just
happiness, particularly in the context of their loving rela-
going to happen.
tionship. However, ascribing a positive dimension to the
MS diagnosis may have allowed Maya to cope, see a ‘bigger Previously minor activities were celebrated: ‘Hey, I have
picture’, and make meaning from her new identity. the energy to go out and meet with my friends. That’s
fantastic, that means a lot to me.’ Although Anna reports
Living differently feeling guilty because of her inability to manage some
The contrast between participants’ lives ‘before’ and responsibilities, she shows a pragmatic acceptance of
‘after’, connected only by a liminal period of symptoms, what she can and cannot do.
was shared by five participants; they reported their lives Diagnosed shortly after completing high school,
had significantly changed since the diagnosis. Most Aliyah’s entire adult life has been impacted by MS. She
viewed their illness and the resultant lifestyle changes shared that she did not have the opportunity to experi-
as a burden. For some, the demands of symptoms, treat- ence early adulthood in the same way as her peers. For
ment regimen, and the pressure to conform to healthy example, she did not learn to drive, partially due to fears
but restrictive lifestyles, were incompatible with the daily regarding balance, her most prevalent MS symptom.
responsibilities that predated diagnosis. Despite asserting that she can still do the things she used
Batool explained how the demands placed on her did to, Aliyah acknowledges a need to ‘think’ about her activ-
not change after she was diagnosed with MS. She strug- ities: ‘Before I wouldn’t think about it I would just take
gled to reconcile the two ‘Batools’. the stairs, now I have to think about it, like okay, how is
I don’t want people to compare me with my previous my balance now, how is everything now? I have to, like,
life, when I didn’t have MS. I did lots of changes in think about it.’ Apart from curtailing the independence
my life to accommodate myself with the disease. I just associated with young adulthood, the absence of this rite
need people to understand that this is a new Batool, of passage differentiates her from her peer group (those
okay, that’s been trying to develop herself. But do not without MS) and others diagnosed with MS at a later age.
compare me please with the previous Batool that had The experiences of participants illustrated above
no MS in her life. contrast with those of Killian, Lokesh and Imad, who
acknowledge the challenges posed by MS, but refuse to be
This dichotomised self and Batool’s literal identifica- defined by their diagnosis. Killian reportedly experienced
tion as a ‘new’ person with a previous life illustrates the MS symptoms throughout his early life and was habitu-
extent of the change caused by MS. While she explicitly ated to what he termed as the ‘fuzzy’ or ‘sticky’ sensation
recognises this change, it is evident that she believes of MS. He did not indicate that the diagnosis changed
others do not. She suggested that continuous demands his life course. Having lived with symptoms for several
placed on her by others stem from a lack of awareness years before his diagnosis, he said ‘I don’t consider (MS)
about MS, an illness she refers to as ‘a monster in (my) a disability, I don’t consider that an anomaly, I know how
head.’ Despite pressure to be her old self, and live up to to go about my normal life. I stayed on a job, I went to
her old responsibilities, Batool listens to her body and the university with it, it was normal.’ While he identifies diffi-
physical implications of MS such as fatigue: culties in life with this condition, he did not believe that
MS should define his identity. He advises that others “…
I feel like my body is calling, I have to, you have to
don’t let the MS consume you. It’s, it’s partially life. You
get shut down, to go to sleep. Because I need energy,
have to manage it but it shouldn’t be the centre of your
so, people might not understand, like if, especially
you have family commitment, and, uh, like you are
Lokesh also references the concept of normality,
escaping from this responsibility, but for me, I try to
although a ‘new normal’, while acknowledging that his
ignore it.
life has changed since the diagnosis:
Although invisible to others, symptoms of MS, especially
Obviously you can’t do much, as much as you’d like
fatigue, impacted day-to-day activities. Like Batool, Anna
to, in terms of exercise, in terms of walking, in terms
regarded MS as resulting in an ‘enforced slow-down’.
of interacting with people. It’s not that I withdraw so-
Cognitively it’s had a huge impact on my memory cially, but I avoid too much interaction. I get tired. I
and my ability to focus. On a bad day I’ll get really feel like I need time for myself.
BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049041 on 17 August 2021. Downloaded from on March 26, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Even though the physical implications of MS were indispensable to their management of MS. Identity
apparent in his case (he had impaired gait and balance redefinition and self-prioritisation were noticeable in the
issues), he claimed ‘I don’t feel different. I behave and theme ‘living differently’, wherein participants, to varying
think normally. It’s just that physically you might not look degrees, came to terms with their new postdiagnosis real-
the same.’ Lokesh says that his physical appearance as ities. In some cases, participants had to carve out time
someone with an evident disability does not bother him, and space for themselves, previously dedicated to other
‘I don’t really care about what people think.’ priorities. Personal attributes helped in this transition to
Inner strength helps Imad, who views himself as a new life. Traits such as self-efficacy, self-acceptance and
someone who actively confronts life’s challenges. A self- adaptive coping seemed to counteract negative illness
professed optimist and extrovert, his attitude helped perceptions and, in some cases, non-adherence to treat-
him deal with the shock of the diagnosis and manage the ment plans. This was also evident in previous studies
condition in the longer term. wherein self-efficacy and locus of control were determi-
nants of health status, adherence to treatment, disease
I think I have a character of, you know, get things
management, adjustment and health-related quality of
done. Get knocked down, get back up, do it again.
life.52–56 Strober12 found that quality of life was positively
I’m an entrepreneur, you know I’ve started my own
associated with adaptive coping, perceived social support,
business. It’s not easy, it’s not my first business, so, you
self-efficacy and locus of control, and negatively associ-
know it’s a challenge that you have to take. You have
ated with primary and secondary symptoms. Psychosocial
two options, right? Either you’re going to sit there
adjustment to MS takes time; it is influenced by the self
and cry in the corner, or you’re going to go do some-
and by others, and it can impact the uptake of rehabilita-
thing about it, so I get up and do something about it.
tive opportunities.29 57 58 While the three identified themes
Participants’ subjective experiences highlight vari- are discussed separately, the biological, psychological
ability in life with MS. Most, irrespective of the myriad and social elements in the lives’ of the participants were
symptoms, were practical in their outlook, recognising found to interact and often even overlap. The close and
limitations but getting on with their lives. The psycho- often complex interaction of biological, psychological
logical, physical and social impacts of MS were evident and social factors in the participants’ journey is indicative
in narratives around change or, conversely, determined of the need for a multidimensional approach involving
allegiance to prediagnosis identities. multidisciplinary team efforts to support patients with
The BPS model proposes the simultaneous consider-
DISCUSSION ation of biological, psychological and social aspects of
This study explored the subjective experiences of patients illness to fully understand and appreciate the patient’s
living with MS in the UAE. An interpretative phenome- subjective well- being, quality of life and overall func-
nological approach49 was used to analyse participants’ tioning.14 15 As reported in previous studies,12 17 18 a
transcribed interviews from which three superordinate multidimensional approach with multidisciplinary team
themes emerged. These are ‘Acceptance and manage- efforts is optimal to alleviating symptoms experienced by
ment’, ‘Counting one’s blessings’ and ‘Living differently’. patients with MS, both primary and secondary. As evident
The themes exhibited the participants’ varied, subjective among the current sample, fatigue was a prevalent,
experiences of living with MS, but they also highlighted primary MS symptom.59 60 Fatigue can be debilitating;
commonalities in physiological, psychological and social although it can interfere with life in professional and
factors that characterise life with this chronic illness. personal spheres, participants report that this symptom,
Under the theme of ‘acceptance and management’, similar to other invisible symptoms of MS, is not always
participants touched on coming to terms with their diag- recognised by others.13 Indeed, according to Ayache and
nosis and dealing with the changes in their day-to-day lives Chalah,61 fatigue is frequently overlooked in clinical prac-
due to physiological limitations caused by MS.29–32 Some tice despite its high prevalence. While aware of the symp-
achieved benefits from attending physiotherapy sessions toms, clinicians may not fully appreciate the extent of its
to alleviate the physical symptoms, such as difficulties impact on patients.62 63 Secondary or comorbid symptoms
in balance and walking. All but one participant were on of MS include psychosocial factors such as depression,64
DMTs at the time of data collection, with some taking anxiety,64 unemployment due to physical dysfunction65
additional measures (eg, setting phone reminders for or cognitive impairment,66 67 reduced quality of life68–72
medication and implementing a strict exercise schedule) and reduced subjective well-being.12 Wollin et al70 found
to adhere to their treatment. The theme ‘counting one’s that depression, anxiety, self-efficacy, social support and
blessings’ showcases how MS affected participants in both stress explain 40% of the variance in quality of life when
family and social circles. The impact of having (or not disease severity and duration were accounted for. Depres-
having) family or social support was palpably seen in sion in MS is estimated at 30%, with anxiety around
almost all participants’ accounts, and is similarly evident 22.1%.64 The current sample included three people with
in previous accounts within Western contexts.33 34 Those a clinical diagnosis of major depressive disorder and four
who reported family and social support viewed this as with general anxiety disorder. Implications of psychiatric
BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049041 on 17 August 2021. Downloaded from on March 26, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
comorbidities include limited opportunities for employ- 65%–92% of patients.74–77 Given that chronic pain has
ment,65 signalling a clear need to optimise patient care been shown to impact self-identity and increase the likeli-
(eg, through provision of comprehensive psychological hood of self-isolation,76 it may negatively affect psycholog-
support). Additionally, patients with MS with cognitive ical well-being and MS management. Sleep disturbances
impairment may face difficulty in finding/maintaining are prevalent among those with MS,77 as is cognitive
employment and engaging in social activities.66 67 71 72 In impairment.67 67 The hidden nature of these symptoms
particular, two participants’ accounts of cognitive and can result in family members, friends and employers
physical impairment showed a stark impact on their social showing limited understanding of MS patients’ need to
and occupational functioning. Some participants in the ‘live differently’, postdiagnosis.13 73 Future research may
current sample expressed how much they value support explore potential bidirectional relationships between
from family and friends; often, a lack of MS awareness on psychosocial factors and such invisible symptoms, and the
the part of family members caused challenges for them. resultant impact on coping and quality of life.
Particularly in the UAE and the wider MENA region, it
is pertinent to increase public awareness through educa-
tion/awareness campaigns and set up social support
groups in healthcare facilities to reduce misconceptions
This qualitative study offers a unique insight into
about MS36 39 and to indirectly facilitate illness manage-
patients' lived experiences with MS and a deeper under-
ment.73 These findings, along with previous quantitative
standing of the need for a multidimensional approach to
studies focusing on common primary and secondary MS
managing this chronic illness. Practitioners working with
symptoms affecting the general and health-related quality
patients who have MS may consider the transferability
of life, emphasise the importance of a holistic approach
of these findings. Within the clinical setting, a multidis-
to treating and managing MS.36 37 These and other similar
ciplinary team approach (from initial diagnosis to long-
studies highlight the importance of routine assessment
term management) is optimal to address primary and
and early, effective intervention in MS using the BPS
secondary symptoms experienced by patients with MS.
Clinical care providers could enhance existing provision
to accommodate the multidimensional needs of patients
with MS by enhancing patient care services, particu-
The study is not without limitations. Although the study
larly psychological/psychiatric treatments and supports.
team aimed for sample homogeneity, it became evident
Through such advancements, it is hoped that health
throughout the interview process that there were clear
outcomes and quality of life for patients living with MS
differences among the subjects in terms of both disease
can be significantly improved.
characteristics and individual circumstances that may
have introduced unforeseen heterogeneity to the sample. Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge and thank Dr. Alia
These differences include MS types, length of time since Ammar, Clinical Neuropsychologist at the American Centre for Psychiatry and
diagnosis, family dynamics, access to care and treat- Neurology for facilitating the interview process by giving the research team access
ment for comorbid conditions. For example, clinically to the MS support group.
diagnosed psychiatric and cognitive comorbidities were Contributors All authors have contributed to the study and the preparation
present in six out of the eight participants, including of this manuscript following the ICMJE authorship criteria. SAK contributed to
designing the study, preparing and submitting documents to the IRB and securing
general anxiety disorders, major depressive disorder, approval, collecting and transcribing data, auditing the analysis and writing up
adjustment disorder, mild cognitive deficit and mild the manuscript. LH contributed to designing the study, analysing data and writing
memory deficit. Some participants were already receiving up the manuscript. JA contributed to contacting the patients for the interviews,
pharmacological and psychological treatment for the arranging the interviews and critically reviewing the manuscript.
said comorbidities. As a result, we propose careful inter- Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any
funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
pretation of the results keeping such differences within
context. Nevertheless, the heterogeneity observed in the Competing interests None declared.
sample is also representative of the characteristics of MS Patient and public involvement Patients and/or the public were not involved in
as a chronic illness; no two individuals are the same, even the design, or conduct, or reporting, or dissemination plans of this research.
when carrying the same diagnosis. Patient consent for publication Not required.
Ethics approval The study was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review
Future research directions Board of the American Centre for Psychiatry and Neurology, UAE (reference number:
This study focused on a small sample of UAE-based people
living with MS. In light of how social support enhanced Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
the participants’ illness management, further research Data availability statement Data are available on reasonable request. Data will
not be shared, but reasonable requests may be directed to the corresponding
attention should be directed towards perceived social
stigma and invisible symptoms of MS, such as fatigue,
Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the
pain, sleep disturbances and cognitive impairment. Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which
While fatigue was the most commonly reported symptom permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially,
in the current study, pain is reported by approximately and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049041 on 17 August 2021. Downloaded from on March 26, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
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