Midterm Portfolio ENG 102
Midterm Portfolio ENG 102
Midterm Portfolio ENG 102
Cole J. Hyatt
English 102
17 March 2023
Cover Letter
I have never been the best writer nor am I now. I do believe however that I am getting
better at writing. This course has added a new skill to my repertoire, researching. I am far from
perfect, but I seek to increase my ability to research during this course. Researching is far from
easy, but to do such for this course I first had to find a topic. I had to think of things I enjoyed
and found interesting and then after deciding a topic I had to go through a form of trial and error.
I had to see if the topic I wanted to pursue had enough information. To form a research
opinion you need research. This means more recent issues or those that are simply less prominent
will not have the information on the topic required for a paper. I found this to be an interesting
way to view the things I love, seeing how the world values them. The more information on them
the more they are known in the collective consciousness. When doing this form of trial and error
you see what things you value and how important they truly are.
My own values told me what to research and the world had to support that. This was the
new skill I learned. Research is about knowing where and how to look into what is important in
the world and how to advance your beliefs through others' work. This means that we show what
we know and tell others through research and as I cannot conduct research on such a level as the
best authors, I simply use their work to show how I think and why that is the way others should
see it as well.
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My Literacy Sponsor
When I was growing up my mom taught me that school was a game and the best players
got the best grades. I learned quickly that I was bad at the game. Having attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), school was always a challenge for me as sitting down and doing
work was always a challenge. I quickly learned one thing however, I love writing. Writing was
something that was a way to express my thoughts in an easily understood way. Growing up I had
a hard time explaining my thoughts as I was pretty scatterbrained, my dad also has ADHD and as
such could usually follow along to a degree, my mom would usually make me reexplain myself
after I finished a long statement. In elementary school I quickly learned that my writing could be
understood by others. This is when I developed a love for the medium, but because I knew it was
how I presented my writing. Overtime I became super worried about my writing, but my mother
then would read my writing. My mother is a teacher and a writer and this new writing I was
doing made us communicate better. My mother would then help me edit my writing allowing us
to communicate much easier and making me want to write more. This was my first experience
truly loving writing. My mother promoted my writing and made me want to continue writing.
She operated as my literacy sponsor, an advocate for my writing to increase. My mother helped
promote my literacy for college and helped me become prepared for the future.
A literacy sponsor makes you want to be a better reader and writer. A literacy sponsor
could be a person or an institution or anything in between. We all know that one person that
made us feel like we could conquer any challenge. For me this was my mother. This was due to a
multitude of reasons, but I felt it most when I had to take criticism. When a teacher would give
me harsh criticism I would blame the teacher and say they did not understand, but when that
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same feedback came from my mother I could not do the same thing. I knew that she had my best
interests at heart, I simply had to accept the truth that something was wrong with my writing.
literacy sponsor and shows how literacy sponsors can help a new reader. Brandt says, “Sponsors
are delivery systems for the economies of literacy, the means by which these forces present
themselves to and through individual learners. They also represent the causes into which
people’s literacy usually gets recruited” (Brandt). Brandt shows that sponsors make learners
learn. My mother made a point to always help me learn and increase my reading ability. She did
this a variety of ways, but one was through cutthroat criticism. This may sound bad saying my
mother was cutthroat when I was in elementary school, but this was more of a way of her telling
me what I could improve on point blank. She would sprinkle in compliments and help me
improve overall, but what was crucial was this criticism. This was one way my mother prepared
me for my future. I know I can take criticism and fix my work instead of how I used to feel
attacked and blame the teacher for any issues they saw.
After I entered high school I met a poor literacy sponsor, my high school history teacher.
In my history class writing was a large part of our grade. Whenever I turned in work I would
receive back a grade and nothing else. She would tell you why you had received that grade if you
spent our study block in her room talking to her. This may seem good on the surface, but in
practice we would go in and she would give you a short spiel as she was bogged down with
students that needed to know how to rewrite the paper for a better grade. This meant that you had
to sacrifice near an hour of time coming to her study block for maybe ten minutes of critique.
Worse than all, she would not tell those who either did not have the time or did not want to waste
their time what they had done wrong. Brandt states, “ Of course, the sponsor can be oblivious to
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or innovative with this ideological burden” (Brandt). This teacher I had falls into the oblivious
category Brandt describes. She did not know that this help she was providing was our fuel to
keep going and keep writing for her. This short meeting that was a sacrifice of other time became
a chore and would fall out of favor most of my classmates not choosing to continue attending her
study block. This meant she now was promoting not literacy, but simply doing just enough to
No writing is perfect, but criticism is what brings that writing to the next level. If you are
learning to play a sport and getting no practice. My mother gave me criticism that was to the
point and valued my time, while my teacher expected me to hunt it down and was satisfied not
helping her students. Brandt tells us a good literacy sponsor is someone who promotes literacy
and learning. This helped me become a better student, by having a good sponsor in my mother.
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Works Cited
Writing Project
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Research Proposal
Introduction: Religion has been a mainstay in human life for as long as we have
recorded history. In recent history our world has been enveloped by technology and with
technology came “the media” this ever looming presence of something always watching. These
two meet in an odd way, creating an amalgam of the short term gain of media and the long term
Research Question: How does new age media affect the spread and effect of religion?
Review of Literature: “Media, religion and the marketplace in the information economy:
evidence from Singapore” takes a more informational and cynical approach. Seeing religion and
media as a business more than anything else. “Religion and Media: showing the full iceberg”
talks about news and media affecting each other in a corresponding dance. “Religion and Media,
Religious Media, or Media Religion: Theoretical Studies” talks about the barrier between media
and religion and the bridges being formed between the two.
Research Plan: I plan on using the library databases and specifically the database that
has religious documents. I then hope to find sources that show that the media can make religion
lose its purpose and become much more centered on money. I also want to show that not all
religious people are the ones you see on television and that some are not for the bastardization of
Project Timeline and Key Challenges: I need to have collected a good amount of
research by March 3rd for my annotated bibliography. Then I will start to really dig into each
part of my research seeing if my position is wrong or simply unfounded. I will then relook and
Working Bibliography
Contreras, Diego. “Religion and Media: Showing the Full Iceberg: A Review of Spiritual News:
Reporting Religion Around the World, Edited by Yoel Cohen.” Church, Communication
Hosseini, S. H. “Religion and Media, Religious Media, or Media Religion: Theoretical Studies.”
Journal of Media and Religion, vol. 7, no. 1-2, 2008, pp. 56–69,
Poon, Jessie P. H., et al. “Media, Religion and the Marketplace in the Information Economy:
Evidence from Singapore.” Environment and Planning. A, vol. 44, no. 8, 2012, pp.
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Annotated Bibliography
Issue Overview
Religion has existed for almost as long as humans, but recently it has faced a dilemma
with mass media and how to wield it for religion. Religious people disagree about whether or not
mass media can be used for religion or if it is responsible to do so. The real question is is it safe
to use media as a way to spread religion and does it keep the message the religion wants to
Contreras, Diego. “Religion and Media: Showing the Full Iceberg: A Review of Spiritual News:
Reporting Religion Around the World, Edited by Yoel Cohen.” Church, Communication
The author breaks down how people view religion used by the media into two categories.
tool or simply a means to an end. The second is an essentialist, essentialists see religion
as its own sovereign identity and history, this makes them weary of using media as it is
combining the history of pop culture with religion. The author delves deeper into looking
at how these relationships with the media inform religion. It works as a great baseline,
basically helping to explain how religious people see media then moving on and seeing
how that relationship affects the folks consuming the religious media.
Miller, A. R. (2015). Negotiating religious identity and mass media: Examining the relationship
Miller talks about how religion is spread throughout the media and how that relationship
is put forth by religious peoples. It focuses on mainly how some religious people see
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shows the other side of the argument of seeing other people showing how it can be a
good way to spread information. This works as a fantastic split argument and helps
support both sides and will help with my counterclaim as well as show an abundance of
Park, J. K. (2006). Media, religion, and culture in contemporary korea: Production and
This book shows how religion that is spread through media can be spread and how it is
when supported completely by a culture. Korea works as a microcosm for the world and
how it is that information can be spread or changed slightly. This issue was interesting
and will help as in the United States we see a separation of church and state and the
difference in Korea helps see how around the world we see different ways of the spread
of religion.
Hosseini, S. H. “Religion and Media, Religious Media, or Media Religion: Theoretical Studies.”
Journal of Media and Religion, vol. 7, no. 1-2, 2008, pp. 56–69,
This article denotes the two varieties of religious people and how they view religious
media. You have either those who see it as simply another tool and those who see it as
easily corruptible and that it loses the essence of connection that religion normally relies
on. The second group simply believes that the media and religion’s connection should be
limited, while the former sees that because of their noble cause it will not be tainted. We
also get to see how the connection and interactivity plays as well.
Poon, Jessie P. H., et al. “Media, Religion and the Marketplace in the Information Economy:
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Evidence from Singapore.” Environment and Planning. A, vol. 44, no. 8, 2012, pp. 1969–
85, https://doi.org/10.1068/a44272.
This is another look into how a country outside the US views these coming together, but
this focuses on an information economy. I do not believe this will help a lot in my paper,
but it helps me understand how other countries may view the two mixing and how we in
the US differ from that viewpoint. Overall religion and media mix in an odd way in our
very capitalist society so other cultures are key to seeing if we are doing it right.