16 .03.23 Homework

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Home Learning: Year 1

Homework set on: Thursday 16th March 2023

Homework due in on: Tuesday 21st March 2023

Our home learning follows a ‘menu based’ task approach, where there
will be a ‘Main Course’ involving compulsory tasks and ‘Optional Extras’
if there are children who would like to be challenged further.

Main Course

Please continue to read for 15 minutes daily.

Please practise reading Level 5 phonemes. Recap split diagraphs: a-e/ i-e/ o-e
To support your child at home please practice reading and writing words containing the following
diagraphs: a-2 ( cake), i-e ( slime), o-e (broke)

Dear Mr Postmouse,

English Thank you for delivering

This week we focused on features of a letter and wrote thank you my lovely carrot. It is such a
notes to Mr Postmouse. Your task is to watch the video again and big carrot. I cannot wait to
write a ‘Thank you’ message to Mr Postmouse. You can choose one of
eat it. My family can have
the characters in the story and write your message ( see model)
pretending to be them. Ie Mr Rabbit, Mrs Mole, Mrs Turtle, Mr Wolf, some too.
Yeti, Mr Goat etc.
Yeti Tales | Full Episode: Here Comes Mr. Postmouse 🐭 | Tiny Pop - From Mr. Rabbit
This week we are starting to learn about measurement for length and heights. At home,
practise measuring the length and heights of objects around the home. Please choose from
the tasks below to complete your maths.
Optional Tasks

Geography: Please consolidate naming and locating the capital cities of the United Kingdom.
Use the link below or atlases to complete this task.

Science: Complete your Science Poster for the Competition.

Choose one of the experiments and complete it with an adult supporting you. We would love to
see the pictures and videos. Also, you could write your predictions (What do you think will
happen? – before you start the experiment) and your results (What happened after the

If you have questions /queries, please email your class teacher on the email below:
[email protected]

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Hongu and Ms Wilson

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