Modeling of The Phase Change Material of A Hybrid Storage Using The Finite Element Method
Modeling of The Phase Change Material of A Hybrid Storage Using The Finite Element Method
Modeling of The Phase Change Material of A Hybrid Storage Using The Finite Element Method
Lukas Kasper
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
(CC BY-SA 4.0).
This publication is a revision of the thesis Modeling of the Phase Change Material of a Hybrid Storage using the Finite Element
Method, written by Lukas Kasper at TU Wien on June 12, 2019. This thesis was published at TU Wien: https://permalink.catalogplus.
It was written in the framework of the Master programme Physical Energy and Measurement Engineering at the Department of Physics
of TU Wien. The thesis was supervised and graded by Univ.-Prof. Dr. René Hofmann (supervisor and reviewer), Dr. Alexander Schirrer
(co-supervisor) and Dr. Martin Koller.
When Lukas Kasper reached out to me and my colleague Priv.-Doz. Dr. techn.
Alexander Schirrer in 2018, looking for an interesting and application-oriented topic
for his diploma thesis, we seized the opportunity to include him in our recently
started research project, Hybrid Storage for Efficient Processes [HyStEPs]. The aim
of HyStEPs is to develop an all-in-one storage concept to increase the efficiency and
flexibility of industrial processes. This project provides interesting research questions
and work items that could be answered in the course of a thesis under qualified
supervision. The following thesis is the result of the successful symbiosis in the
course of this project between an engaged student and experienced scientists. At
the TU Wien, great emphasis is put on the participation of students in current
research activities. At the Institute for Energy Systems and Thermodynamics, we
try to involve students in our research groups as early as possible.
Experience has shown that the concept of research-oriented teaching provides con-
siderable advantages for students, researchers and teachers. Students can benefit
from research engagement through increased motivation, a great work environment
and direct interchange with colleagues with professional expertise. Students have the
unique opportunity to obtain the latest findings from research in teaching and can
gain valuable insights into ongoing work. On the one hand, this can lead to a broader
range of methodical results; on the other hand, it can also encourage application in a
wider variety of subject areas. Methodically, there is the option to deepen theoretical
or analytical investigations in related fields. Finally, diploma theses are a viable,
compact format for collaboration with industrial partners. These aspects not only
enable fruitful research work - they also raise the quality of teaching, with the goal
to develop scientific excellence and impart comprehensive competence. This diploma
thesis serves as an excellent example in that regard.
Lukas Kasper is currently working on his doctoral thesis, wherein he continues his
research in the area of modelling and optimization of industrial energy systems.
January, 2020
I am very grateful to my thesis advisor, Prof. René Hofmann, who gave me the chance
to engage myself in this research activity. It was a great experience to be involved in
this challenging topic. I wish to thank him for his invaluable advice, which has been
essential for this work.
Thank you to all my colleagues from the Institute for Energy Systems and
Thermodynamics for the fruitful teamwork and for involving me in the HyStEPs
project. I am particularly grateful for the assistance given by Dr. Martin Koller, who
also helped me proofread this thesis.
Special thanks to Dr. Alexander Schirrer for lending his expertise in MATLAB and
computer science in general.
The progressive decarbonisation process and the increased share of renewable energy
sources in the grid has increased the need for the development of new approaches
to store energy and to increase the efficiency of industrial processes. Increasingly,
latent heat thermal energy storage systems are being used, which exploit phase change
materials to store a large amount of energy during the phase change. A novel approach
to increasing the efficiency of the commonly used Ruths steam storage is currently
being investigated in the project HyStEPs, a project funded by the Austrian Research
Promotion Agency (FFG) with grant number 868842. In this concept, a container
filled with phase change material is placed at the shell surface of the Ruths steam
In this diploma thesis, and in contribution to the HyStEPs project, the phase change
material of this hybrid storage is modelled in two dimensions using the finite element
method. The apparent heat capacity method is applied in a MATLAB implementation
and considers heat transfer by both conduction and natural convection. Furthermore,
the developed code can handle any desired layout of materials arranged on a rectan-
gular domain. The model was successfully validated using an analytical solution and
experimental data, and a cross-validation showed corroboration with the results of
the CFD software ANSYS Fluent. A parameter study was conducted and the beha-
viour of di↵erent dimensions and orientations of the phase change material cavity was
investigated. The e↵ect of natural convection was found to cause significantly vary-
ing behaviour of the studied cavities with di↵erent orientation during the charging
process, while the e↵ect was found to be negligible during the discharging process.
Table of Contents
Nomenclature xiii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Theoretical framework 7
3 Numerical modelling 21
3.2 Discretization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Table of Contents
4 MATLAB implementation 39
5 Validation 51
6 Parameter studies 71
7 Conclusion 83
7.1 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Bibliography 91
Variables and Parameters
⇥ ⇤
↵ heat transfer coefficient W/(m2 K)
⇥ ⇤
↵L thermal di↵usivity m2 /s
linear thermal expansion coefficient [1/K]
lm specific latent heat [J/kg]
t simulation time step size [s]
x, y mesh resolution in x and y direction [m]
✏ mushy region temperature range [K]
St dimensionless parameter occuring in the solution of the Stefan
⇥ ⇤
f force density vector N/m3
⇥ ⇤
g gravitational acceleration vector m/s2
u velocity vector [m/s]
⇥ ⇤
µ dynamic viscosity (N s)/m2
⇥ ⇤
⇢ density kg/m3
⇥ ⇤
⇢0 reference density kg/m3
⇠, ⌘ transformed space coordinates [m]
am fraction of total mass
ar aspect ratio
c specific heat capacity [J/(kgK)]
capp apparent heat capacity [J/(kgK)]
cp specific heat capacity at constant pressure [J/(kgK)]
H enthalpy [J]
k thermal conductivity [W/(mK)]
m mass [kg]
n number of simulation/measurement values
⇥ ⇤
p pressure N/m2
Q heat storage capacity [J]
⇥ ⇤
q heat flux W/m2
s melting front location [m]
StL Stefan number
T temperature [K]
t time [s]
u velocity component in x direction [m/s]
v velocity component in y direction [m/s]
x, y space coordinates [m]
Xaluminium cavity aluminium containment width [m]
XP CM cavity PCM dimension in x direction [m]
Xsteel steel containment width [m]
Yaluminium cavity aluminium fin width [m]
YP CM cavity PCM dimension in y direction [m]
B derivative of shape functions N
N shape functions
0 initial
boundary value at the boundary
el number of elements
in input value
liquid material parameter of liquid phase
m melting point
max maximum value
n number of nodes
out output value
ref reference value
solid material parameter of solid phase
⇤ ⇤⇤
, intermediate solutions of the fractional step approach
h horizontal averaged/di↵erenced quantity
v vertical averaged/di↵erenced quantity
CFD computational fluid dynamics
CFL Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (condition)
FDM finite di↵erence method
FEM finite element method
FVM finite volume method
HyStEPs hybrid storage for efficient processes
PCM phase change material
RMSE root mean square error
RSS Ruths steam storage
finite di↵erence/Laplace operator = r2
r nabla operator: r = (@/@x, @/@y)
List of Figures
1.1 Schematic sketch of the hybrid storage design consisting of the Ruths
steam storage and the surrounding PCM modules . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1 Enthalpy H versus temperature T with (a) mushy phase change and
(b) isothermal phase change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5.1 Time evolution of the melting front of simulations with di↵erent val-
ues of the mushy region size ✏ compared to the melting front of the
analytical solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.2 Time evolution of liquid fraction for di↵erent aspect ratio values ar =
relative to the base case x = y = 0.5 mm compared to experi-
mental data with variable x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.3 Time evolution of liquid fraction for di↵erent aspect ratio values ar =
relative to the base case x = y = 0.5 mm compared to experi-
mental data with variable y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
5.4 Melting fronts of two simulations with di↵erent time step size compared
to experimental data, given at five time points . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
5.5 Melting fronts of two simulations with di↵erent mesh size compared to
experimental data, given at five time points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
List of Figures
6.1 Sketch of a typical PCM cavity fin section attached to the steel con-
tainment of the steam storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
6.2 Enthalpy per surface area of the simulated cases with fin width
Yaluminium = 5 mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
6.3 Enthalpy per surface area of the simulated cases with fin width
Yaluminium = 2.5 mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
6.4 Enthalpy per surface area of the simulated cases with di↵erent fin width
Yaluminium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
6.7 Evolution of the melted volume fraction during charging (a) and dis-
charging (b) of the cavity for di↵erent orientations . . . . . . . . . . . 82
List of Figures
List of Tables
3.1 Thermophysical material properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.2 Heat transfer coefficients ↵ occurring between the inside of the RSS
and its outer wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.3 Gauss points and weight factors of the used quadrature rules . . . . . 31
5.1 RMSE of melting front position for di↵erent values of mesh size or
number of elements compared to Stefan solution (analytical) and x=
0.1 mm simulation (convergence) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5.2 RMSE of melting front position for di↵erent values of time step size
compared to Stefan solution (analytical) and t = 0.1 s simulation
(convergence) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
5.3 RMSE of melting front position for di↵erent values of mushy region
size ✏ compared to Stefan solution (analytical) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
5.4 RMSE of liquid fraction for di↵erent values of mesh size or number
of elements compared to test case (experimental) and x = 0.5 mm
simulation (convergence) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.5 RMSE of liquid fraction for di↵erent values of the time step size com-
pared to test case (experimental) and t = 2 ms simulation (convergence) 59
5.6 RMSE of liquid fraction for di↵erent values of the mushy region size
compared to test case (experimental) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
6.1 Simulated parameter study cases and associated tags with fin width
Yaluminium = 5 mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
6.2 Simulated parameter study cases and associated tags with fin width
Yaluminium = 2.5 mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
List of code Listings
4.1 Listing of a typical input datafile input datafile.m . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Chapter 1
1.1 Motivation
Climate change and the management of the earth’s resources are two major challenges
of our time. The progressive decarbonisation process and the increased share of
renewable energy sources in the grid has increased the future demand for thermal
energy storage in existing industrial plants and processes is required in the future.
The efficiency of industrial processes could be increased by balancing steam production
and consumption. The Ruths steam accumulator is a well-established thermal storage
technology in a variety of industries, including the steel industry.
The basic approach of HyStEPs is to encase Ruths steam storages in innovative lat-
ent heat accumulators. Furthermore, a state of charge measurement for the hybrid
storage tank should ensure optimal control and operation of both storage types dur-
ing charging and discharging. This innovative solution is based on an AIT patent
Chapter 1. Introduction
Recently, the applications for latent heat thermal energy storages have increased sub-
stantially. The main advantage of these thermal energy storages is the high storage
density and the ability to store energy at a nearly constant temperature level, using
phase change materials (PCMs). This reduces thermal losses compared to sensible
heat storages, since energy can be stored at a lower temperature levels. A large
amount of energy is absorbed or released during the phase change of such materials,
most commonly between the liquid and solid state. The main disadvantage is the low
thermal conductivity of most PCMs, which necessitates various methods to increase
the heat transfer between the PCM and the heat transfer medium. One approach is
the addition of fins inside the PCM containing cavities built from materials with high
thermal conductivity, such as aluminium.
In the HyStEPs project, a number of di↵erent design options for encasing cylindric
Ruths steam accumulator with a latent heat material have been investigated and
are still open for discussion. The most promising of these options, and one that is
relatively easy to build, is that of PCM containers with aluminium fins in the plane of
the cylinder axis. A schematic illustration of this hybrid storage concept is shown in
Figure 1.1. It should be noted that a design optimization of hybrid storage concepts
for industrial applications was developed at the same time this thesis was conducted.
This optimization was published by fellow HyStEPs project researchers Hofmann et
al. [1].
Since heat is transferred in the PCM by both heat conduction and natural convection
in the liquid regions, the development of the melting front in the latent heat storage
cavity can take very complex forms. This leads to a rather difficult characterisation
of the charging and discharging behaviour of the hybrid storage. To determine the
position(s) of the melting front(s) in the cavity, a model must be developed which
helps to finalize decisions regarding dimensioning and placement of sensors.
test bench to the prototype in compliance with the corresponding safety regulations and must comply
with all regulations of the existing strength guidelines, as well as the construction and operating
requirements. In addition, the vessels manufactured must fulfil the requirements
Aim offor
work tests,
examinations, and inspections.
PCM container
Figure 6. Schematic sketch of the hybrid storage design consisting of the RSS and the surrounding
LHTES 1.1: [43].
modules Schematic sketch of the hybrid storage design consisting of the Ruths
steam storage and the surrounding PCM modules [2]
As mentioned above, one of the challenges in the HyStEPs project is the complex
charging and discharging behaviour of the PCM material in the cavities mounted
to the Ruths steam storage. As contribution to this project, a numerical model is
developed in the scope of this diploma thesis to simulate the evolution of melting and
solidification during possible operation scenarios.
The purpose of this model is, on the one hand, the prediction of the exact behaviour
of the latent heat storage for di↵erent operation scenarios and design options. This
aids the development of the final HyStEPs storage construction, as well as the choice
of PCM material, which should also have optimal characteristics in regards to the
operational cycle of the steam storage.
On the other hand, the model should provide a basis for developing a reduced order
model, which is part of the operation and control strategy of the HyStEPs project and
allows full exploitation of the potential of the latent heat storage. The approach for
Figure 7. Schematic sketch of the PCM container mounting: (a) front view. (b) top view. (c) sectional
view A-A. According to [43].
Chapter 1. Introduction
In this work, a preliminary parameter study was conducted to estimate the char-
ging/discharging speed of di↵erent PCM cavity designs and to study the e↵ect of
natural convection in this specific application.
The stated problem was analysed with regard to mathematical description, approx-
imation possibilities and numerical modelling options. To this end, a thorough study
of relevant academic literature was undertaken. A good review of these topics with
regard to phase change materials can be found here [3].
The chosen discretization method of the continuous model is the finite element method,
which is well established in applications in structural mechanics, as well as fluid- and
thermodynamics. After setting up the fundamental model equations, using temper-
ature as the dependent variable and the apparent heat capacity method to account
for the latent heat of phase change, the finite element approximation was derived.
The modelling of the problem stated in Section 1.2 was done in MATLAB [4], which
presented a numerical computing environment with very efficient matrix manipulation
operations. This is especially suitable for the finite element method.
Structure of this thesis
The model was then validated using an analytical solution for the heat conduction
problem and experimental data taken from literature for the problem considering
natural convection.
Furthermore, to investigate di↵erent aspects of the latent heat storage cavity of the
HyStEPs hybrid storage, simulations were carried out in which certain geometry para-
maters are varied and their e↵ect on overall behaviour is analysed. Thus, qualitative
statements can be made and the here used methodology used can act as a reference
for future investigations.
After this short introduction into the thematics of the problem, this diploma thesis is
structured as follows.
The assumptions for the development of the computational model are explained in
Chapter 3, where the discretized equations and boundary conditions are also derived.
These were later implemented in the form of a MATLAB model, which is documented
in Chapter 4. Therein, the basic structure of the code and implementation approaches
are explained, and Section 4.3 acts as a guide on how to handle the final version of
the code. Detailed instructions on how to specify simulation parameters are available,
facilitating use of the code by unfamiliar users.
Chapter 5 deals with the validation of the developed model, which is presented in
three steps: The comparison of simulation results considering only heat conduction
with the analytical solution of the Stefan problem, the validation of the convection
model by experimental data [5], and the cross-validation of the full model with the
CFD software ANSYS Fluent. In this chapter of the thesis, very good agreement with
Chapter 1. Introduction
the comparative data was obtained and the developed model was therefore success-
fully validated. In addition, simulations were carried out for di↵erent values of the
computational parameters and subsequently analysed. The e↵ect of the chosen mesh
size, time step size and mushy region temperature range are discussed, as are possible
complications and how to avoid them.
Chapter 6 is a parameter study of the HyStEPs PCM cavity. Within the scope of
this thesis, a variation of di↵erent cavity dimensions was simulated and their charac-
teristics evaluated. Furthermore, the e↵ect of natural convection was investigated for
di↵erent orientations with respect to position on the steam storage.
The diploma thesis is concluded in Chapter 7, which includes a short summary of the
conducted tasks and the obtained results. The scope and limitations of the developed
MATLAB model, and of the assertions gained thereby, are discussed in Section 7.2.
Finally, improvements and future research objectives are suggested in Section 7.3.
Chapter 2
Theoretical framework
depends on the specific heat capacity cp at constant pressure p of the material, the
temperature di↵erence (Tf Ti ) and the mass of the storage material m, under the
assumption of constant cp .
Latent heat storage systems are based on the absorption or release of thermal energy
when the storage phase change material (PCM) undergoes a phase change. The heat
storage capacity is then given by
Z Tm Z Tf
Q= mcp,solid dT + mam lm + am mcp,liquid dT , (2.2)
Ti Tm
with the specific latent heat lm and the liquid fraction of the total mass am [6]. The
specific heat capacity at constant pressure cp will simply be denoted as c, or also as
csolid for the constant heat capacity of a solid medium and as cliquid for the constant
heat capacity of a liquid medium.
Chapter 2. Theoretical framework
latent heat and small volume changes and o↵er the advantages of less stringent
container requirements and greater design flexibility [7].
The phase change from solid to liquid (liquefaction) or liquid to solid (solidification)
is preferred for the use case in this thesis because the operating pressure is lower than
that of liquid to gas or solid to gas phase changes. From here on, this thesis discusses
exclusively the solid to liquid or liquid to solid type of phase change.
Basics of thermodynamics
Figure 2.1: Enthalpy H versus temperature T with (a) mushy phase change and (b)
isothermal phase change [9]
Note. L denotes the specific latent heat.
function of the temperature di↵erence (temperature gradient) in the medium and its
conductive properties. This basic law, also known as Fourier’s law, is expressed as
q= krT , (2.3)
where ~q is the thermal flux and k is the thermal conductivity of the medium [10]. In
a liquid medium heat is transferred both by conduction and convection. Convection
is the transfer of thermal energy via the movement of fluid, and is usually driven
by pressure di↵erences in the liquid. In the absence of outer forces, so-called natural
convection currents occur, due to temperature-triggered density variations. This leads
to a thermal flux
q = ⇢cT u , (2.4)
where ⇢ is the density of the liquid and u is the velocity of the liquid.
The energy equation for transient heat transfer by both conduction and convection
[11] is
@(⇢cT )
= r(krT ) r(⇢cT u) . (2.5)
Chapter 2. Theoretical framework
According to the literature, this equation is also called the convection-di↵usion equa-
tion or advection-di↵usion equation, depending on the context [12]. Aside from the
conservation of energy (2.5), conservation of mass and momentum must be fulfilled.
= r(⇢u) (2.6)
For an incompressible fluid with @t = 0, this continuity equation takes the form
r(⇢u) = 0 . (2.7)
The momentum balance, also known as the Navier-Stokes-equation, takes the fol-
lowing form for an incompressible Newtonian fluid with constant material properties
µ = const., ⇢ = ⇢0 = const. :
✓ ◆
⇢0 + (u r)u r (µru) + rp = f [13] , (2.8)
including the pressure p, the dynamic viscosity µ of the liquid and the external force
density f , which usually only consists of the density and the gravitational acceleration
Neumann boundary conditions prescribe a heat flux qboundary (t) at the bound-
ary. By using Fourier’s law (2.3) these can be written as
k | ⌦,t = qboundary (t) , (2.10)
Basics of thermodynamics
where n is the outward unit normal to the boundary surface [9]. For perfectly
insulated boundaries (adiabatic wall) this means
k | ⌦,t = 0. (2.11)
This type of boundary condition is often also called Fourier condition or con-
vective boundary condition [9].
It should be noted that there are more types of boundary conditions which are not
relevant for this thesis and will therefore not be discussed. One example would be
radiation boundary conditions when considering heat radiation e↵ects or periodic
boundary conditions, which are useful for symmetric problems. Combinations of the
boundary condition types mentioned are sometimes used.
The most common type of boundary condition for the velocity u(⌦, t) is the no-slip
u| ⌦,t = 0, (2.13)
which essentially prescribes that the fluid at the boundary has zero velocity relative to
the boundary, which implies zero velocity in case of a resting boundary. However, for
low pressure or high velocity, as well as for low viscosity fluids, a full-slip or partial-slip
condition could prove more accurate [13].
The analytical solution of the system of di↵erential equations given by (2.5), (2.7)
and (2.8) in combination with certain initial and boundary conditions can only be
found for a small class of problems. In general, this boundary value problem must be
solved numerically, as discussed in Section 2.2.
Chapter 2. Theoretical framework
The simplest form of a mathematical model describing phase transitions is the clas-
sic, one-dimensional Stefan problem. This problem describes the liquefaction of a
solid medium, initially at the solidification temperature T (x, t = 0) = Tm with the
boundary condition T (x = 0, t) = T0 > Tm . To acquire the analytical solution to the
classic Stefan problem, meaning the temperature distribution in the liquid phase and
the location of the melting front s(t), the heat equation without convection must be
solved. A standard form of the problem can be declared as follows [15]:
T (x, t) t, x s(t)
A similarity solution [15] of this problem can be found below, dependent on the Stefan
c(T0 Tm ) k
number StL = lm and the thermal di↵usivity ↵L = c⇢
T0 x
T (x, t) = T0 erf ( p ) (2.14)
erf ( St ) 2 ↵L t
s(t) = 2 St ↵L t (2.15)
2 StL
St e
St erf ( St ) = p . (2.16)
Here, St is a parameter defined by the transcendental equation (2.16), dependent on
the Stefan number StL . This solution for the location of the melting front (2.15) will
later be used to validate the developed numerical model of the one-dimensional heat
Numerical methods
To solve the system of di↵erential equations given by (2.5), (2.7) and (2.8), numerical
methods to accurately describe the phase change must be implemented. Furthermore,
the Stefan problem is complicated by the fact that, in general, more than one moving
phase boundary can occur in PCM ([16]).
Di↵erent approaches to this problem have been developed, the most common of which
are reviewed in the article [17] on which the following section is based.
One of the most popular approaches is the enthalpy method which can be illustrated
by considering a one-dimensional isothermal phase change problem controlled only by
heat conduction. The enthalpy function H is defined as the integral of the volumetric
heat capacity with respect to temperature:
H(T ) = H(T ) + ⇢f (T )a = ⇢c(T )dT + ⇢f (T )a (2.17)
The first term of the enthalpy function (2.17) accounts for the sensible heat of the
material, while the second term accounts for the latent heat of phase change. To
obtain the total enthalpy for a temperature T , the liquid fraction
> 0 , solid: T < Tm
a= ] 0, 1 [ , mushy: T = Tm (2.18)
: 1 , liquid: T > T m
and the function f (T ), describing the amount of latent heat at the temperature T ,
must be given. This leads to an alternate form of the energy equation (2.5)
✓ ◆
@ H @ @ H @f
= ↵L ⇢a , (2.19)
@t @x @x @t
with the thermal di↵usivity ↵L = c⇢ .
The enthalpy method leads to a simple phase change problem, since interface condi-
tions must not be taken into account [17].
Chapter 2. Theoretical framework
In the next sections the main discretization methods with respect to space will be
described, although most problems are also continuous in time and therefore also
Discretization methods
The first step in any finite element (FEM) simulation is to define a grid of the con-
tinuous computational domain. A grid consists of a finite number of non-overlapping
elements that cover the whole domain [19]. The most common geometries of elements
are triangular elements and quadratic elements, the latter of which are used in the
model developed in this work. The connection points between the elements, typically
located on the corners of the element, are called nodes. Of course, it is also possible to
define elements with more nodes, which enhances the accuracy of the approximation,
but requires more computational e↵ort.
Based on the defined grid, or mesh, continuous variables, such as the temperature T ,
can be decomposed by the shape functions [N ] = [N 1, N 2, N 3...] and temperatures
at the element nodes {T } = {T 1, T 2, T 3...}:
T = [N ] {T } . (2.21)
The general approach of the finite element method is to multiply the partial di↵er-
ential equation (PDE) with given boundary conditions (the strong form) by a test
function, or weighting function, and integrate over the whole simulation domain. Ap-
plying Green’s first integration theorem (partial integration) leads to a variational
formulation, also called the weak form [20]. To discretize this still infinite dimen-
sional equation, the approximation of continuous variables, as in (2.21), is applied
to the weak form. In the Galerkin procedure, which will also be used in this thesis,
the weighting functions are equal to the shape functions, which leads to a system
of equations with the same number of equations as unknowns, that is the number of
nodes [19]. In the case of a stationary problem, this is a system of algebraic equations,
otherwise this becomes a problem of ordinary di↵erential equations.
Although finite di↵erence (FDM) and finite volume schemes (FVM) are well estab-
lished in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) applications, including the well-known
Chapter 2. Theoretical framework
software package ANSYS Fluent, Nedjar [9] states that especially finite element meth-
ods (FEM) are able to handle complex coupled thermomechanical problems with vari-
ous and complex boundary conditions.
The finite di↵erence method (FDM) can also use the same grid as in 2.3.1. The
basic principle of FDM is that the derivatives in the partial di↵erential equation are
approximated by linear combinations of function values at the grid points xi . For first
order derivatives, the di↵erence quotient of a variable u(x) is by definition [21]
for an infinitesimal di↵erence x between the grid points. This leads to three types
of commonly used approximations:
@u ui+1 ui
⇡ forward di↵erence
@x x
@u ui ui 1
⇡ backward di↵erence (2.23)
@x x
@u ui+1 ui 1
⇡ central di↵erence .
@x i 2 x
Discretization methods
The derivative of a nonlinear term u(x, y) v(x, y) can be calculated via the product
rule thus
@uv @v @u
= ui,j + vi,j ⇡
@y i,j @y i,j @y i,j
ui,j vi,j
(vi,j+1 vi,j 1) + (ui+1,j ui 1,j ) . (2.28)
2 y 2 x
Although not implemented in the context of this work, it is worth mentioning another
important discretization method, the finite volume method (FVM). As in the finite
di↵erence and finite element methods, the first step is the discretization of the compu-
tational domain, which in this case means splitting it into non-overlapping elements,
or finite volumes. The partial di↵erential equations are transformed into algebraic
equations by integrating them over each discrete element, in other words, by tak-
ing the integral form of conservation equations and splitting the integrals into small
intervals. The finite volume method is strictly conservative, because, since two neigh-
bouring cells share a common interface, the total flux entering a volume is identical
to that leaving the adjacent volume [22]. This property makes the FVM the preferred
method in computational fluid dynamics problems (CFD) [23].
One of the most used methods for time discretization in numerical problems is the
so called ✓-method, in which the time derivative of a variable T (t) is replaced by a
simple di↵erential quotient
@T T n+1 T n
= . (2.29)
@t t
Here, T n = T (x, tn ) is the variable’s value at t = tn and t is the time increment
according to tn+1 = tn + t. The variable T (x, tn ) is usually assumed to be known
Chapter 2. Theoretical framework
and used as an initial condition to advance the solution to the next time level. The
solution T can then be written as
will be developed (discrete in space, continuous in time). In this equation, the square
brackets denote a matrix and the braces denote a vector of node point values.
If we consider this system of ordinary di↵erential equations and apply the backwards
Euler scheme, we evaluate the equation at the time t = tn+1 :
n o
[C] Ṫ + [K] {T }n+1 = [R] . (2.32)
The time derivative of the temperature vector {T } is approximated through the back-
wards di↵erential quotient
⇢ n o
@T {T }n+1 {T }n
= Ṫ = , (2.33)
@t n+1 n+1 t
Discretization methods
n o n o
[M ] Ṫ = ([C] + t [K]) Ṫ = [R] [K] {T }n . (2.36)
n+1 n+1
n o
We can therefore derive the value for Ṫ as
n o
Ṫ = [M ] ([R] [K] {T }n ) , (2.37)
if the matrix [M ] (equation (2.35)) is invertible and nonsingular [20]. The solution
for {T }n+1 can thus be found through equation (2.34) to be
n o
{T }n+1 = {T }n + t Ṫ
{T }n + t [M ]
([R] [K] {T }n ) = (2.38)
{T }n + t ([C] + t [K]) ([R] [K] {T }n ) .
Chapter 3
Numerical modelling
In this chapter, the underlying assumptions for developing a computational model of
the PCM storage are explained, and the discretized equations and boundary condi-
tions are derived.
Although a number of di↵erent design options are currently being discussed for the
PCM storage containers attached to the cylindric Ruth steam storage, one of the
most promising and easiest to build calls for PCM containers with aluminium fins
in the plane of the cylinder axis. For general fin arrangements, a three-dimensional
cavity simulation might be required. However, the geometry of the PCM cavities
regarded in this work, in which the depth of the enclosure parallel to the cylinder
axis is assumed large enough for wall boundary layer e↵ects to be negligible, suggests
symmetry reduction of the simulation problem to single aluminium fin segments and a
two-dimensional approach. In the hybrid storage concept in [25] this geometry relates
to an aluminium fin structure orientated in the radial-axial plane of an RSS.
This sort of design is modelled in this thesis, although the developed model can be
easily modified to suit similar problems. Unfortunately, it is not possible to simu-
late a design with fins oriented in a plane perpendicular to the cylinder axis. Heat
conduction and convection e↵ects would make this a three-dimensional problem and,
as such, this would require further extensions to a three-dimensional finite element
Chapter 3. Numerical modelling
3.1.1 Geometry
Although the fins are not exactly parallel, the diameter of the cylindric Ruths steam
storage is assumed much larger than the thickness of the attached PCM modules.
Therefore, it is reasonable to see the PCM container as rectangular. Also, it is possible
that the containers will later be constructed in a rectangular design, due to their
simplified construction. The underlying equations of the problem will therefore be
developed for a rectangular mesh of finite elements. PCM material, aluminium fins,
as well as containment or other materials can later be defined separately for each
Currently, several di↵erent PCM materials are being discussed for inclusion in the
application described in this work. A comparison of di↵erent PCM materials can be
found in [26]. Thus far, the most promising material considering the container geo-
metry and operating temperatures of this hybrid storage system is a eutectic mixture
of potassium nitrate and sodium nitrate (KNO3 -NaNO3 ). The properties of this mix-
ture, as well as those of a typical containment steel, carbon steel 1.0425, taken from
reference [27], are compared in Table 3.1. In this reference, it is noted that despite
the theoretical melting temperature of the mixture at 222 C, the onset of melting of
the technical grade material used was measured at 219.15 C. For the purpose of basic
evaluations in this thesis, an approximation of Tm = 220 C is used and is therefore
given as such in Table 3.1.
Model equations and assumptions
around 2.5 C. It was also noted that the results are in very good agreement with those
found in other literature and that neither subcooling nor thermochemical instability
have been observed [28].
⇢ c k Tm lm µ
Material 3 1 1 1 1 2
kg m J(kg K) W (m K) C kJ kg K N sm
For most simulations aiming to assess the behaviour of the potential PCM container,
a mushy region of 2 C was introduced, otherwise this will be declared. The e↵ect of
the mushy region with respect to possible numerical difficulties will be discussed later
in this thesis.
Also given in Table 3.1 are the well known properties of aluminium and air [29], which
are used for certain simulations.
Regarding the heat transfer from the RSS to the PCM containers, the choice of inner
heat transfer coefficient is not straightforward, since it is highly dependent on the
inner thermodynamic state in the RSS and therefore on the operating scenario. If the
RSS is charged, condensing steam dominates the heat transfer to the outer wall in
the vapour phase, while in the liquid phase, the heat transfer is dominated by liquid
water. During discharging, heat transfer through boiling water occurs at the outer
wall in the liquid phase, and heat transfer through dry steam occurs in the vapour
phase [30]. The respective heat transfer coefficients are listed in Table 3.2.
Chapter 3. Numerical modelling
In the parameter studies following in Chapter 6, heat transfer coefficients were as-
sumed that are within the range given here. However, the impact of di↵erent heat
transfer coefficients on the hybrid storage behaviour was not within the scope of this
thesis. A further investigation of this research topic was pursued in [31].
Table 3.2: Heat transfer coefficients ↵ occurring between the inside of the RSS and
its outer wall [32]
Operating mode Phase Dominating heat transfer e↵ect 2 1
Wm K
charging vapour condensing steam 5000
charging liquid liquid water 700
discharging vapour dry steam 10
discharging liquid evaporating liquid water 1000
Based on the theoretical framework explained in Section 2.1.2, the governing equation
for the conduction-convection-model can again be stated as follows:
@(⇢cT )
energy equation: = r(krT ) r(⇢cT u) (2.5)
continuity equation: r(⇢u) = 0 (2.7)
✓ ◆
Navier-Stokes equation: ⇢ + (u r)u r (µru) + rp = f (2.8)
By assuming a constant density ⇢ over the whole operating temperature range and
neglecting the time and space dependency of the heat capactiy c, which is often found
in literature for PCM studies using the apparent heat capacity method [11], the energy
equation can be written as
@(T )
⇢c = r( q) ⇢cr(T u) , (3.1)
Model equations and assumptions
with the flux q = krT . Assuming constant density also means freedom of diver-
gence of the velocity field, thus equation (2.7) is reduced to
ru = 0 . (3.2)
To account for phase change in the material, the apparent heat capacity method is
used, as introduced in Section 2.2.2:
> c , solid: Tm ">T
< solid
lm +csolid (Tm +" T )+cliquid ( Tm +"+T )
capp = , mushy: Tm " T Tm + "
> 2"
: c
liquid , liquid: T > Tm + "
For better readability, the apparent heat capacity capp is henceforth denoted only as
The Navier-Stokes equation (2.8) cited in the previous chapter is already in a particu-
lar form, that of an incompressible Newtonian fluid with constant material properties
⇢, µ = const. A further approximation is to assume constant pressure and only ac-
count for density di↵erences in terms of the force density f . This is known as the
Boussinesq approximation, where the buoyancy force
f= ⇢g = ⇢0 ( (T Tref )) g (3.3)
To successfully solve the system of partial di↵erential equations, certain initial and
boundary conditions must be given. An initial condition for the temperature in the
simulation domain must be specified, and the values can be fixed for each individual
node, if desired. Concerning the domain boundary conditions, the following types
have been implemented in the model:
Chapter 3. Numerical modelling
Robin boundary conditions (see (2.12)) have been applied to the east and west
domain boundaries:
Adiabatic Neumann boundary conditions have been applied to the south and
north domain boundaries:
q(x, y = 0) = 0 and (3.7)
q(x, y = Ly ) = 0 . (3.8)
The selectable thermal conductivities ↵in and ↵out and ambient temperatures Tin and
Tout can also be chosen to be dependent of time and x or y respectively. For the sake
of better readability, this is not explicitly depicted here. The values of Lx and Ly
denote the length of the domain in the corresponding dimension.
Regarding the velocity field u = [u, v]T , no slip boundary conditions are set for the
domain boundaries
and the velocity is also set to zero if the PCM is solid, as well as for every non-melting
u = [u, v]T = 0 , for T < Tm ✏. (3.10)
3.2 Discretization
In the following section, the energy equation (3.1) is discretized using the standard
Galerkin finite element method, as introduced in Section 2.3.1. The time discretization
implemented later is chosen as the implicit backwards Euler scheme, as explained in
section 2.3.4.
The Navier-Stokes equation (3.4) is treated separately via a finite di↵erence discret-
ization, which will be explained in Section 3.3.
T = [N ] {T } , (3.11)
v = [N ] {v} , (3.13)
where [N ] = [N1 , N2 , N3 , ..., Nnon ] is the vector of shape functions and the braces
denote a vector of node point values. In the notation used here, general matrices are
represented by square brackets.
q= k [B] {T } (3.14)
(⇠, ⌘) = N1 1 + N2 2 + N3 3 + N4 4 , (3.16)
Chapter 3. Numerical modelling
N1 = (1 ⇠)(1 ⌘) ,
N2 = (1 + ⇠)(1 ⌘) ,
4 (3.17)
N3 = (1 + ⇠)(1 + ⌘) ,
N4 = (1 ⇠)(1 + ⌘) [19] .
Figure 3.1: Four-noded bilinear element in natural coordinate system ⇠, ⌘ [19] with
node coordinates in brackets
Because of boundary condition (3.9), the surface integral over the domain boundary
is equal to zero and the third integral of equation (3.18) can be written as:
[N ] ⇢cr(T u) dV = r([N ] )⇢cT u dV . (3.20)
Similarly, inserting the flux q = krT into the second integral and applying the
divergence theorem leads to
[N ] r(q) dV = r([N ] )krT dV + [N ] q n dS , (3.21)
which is written as
[B] k [B] {T } dV + [N ] ↵out ([N ] {T } Tout ) dS+
V S1
Z Z Z (3.22)
[N ] ↵in (Tin [N ] {T }) dS + 0 dS + 0 dS
S3 S2 S4
when applying the boundary conditions for the boundary S, where the index S1
denotes the east boundary, S3 the west boundary and indices S2, S4 the south and
north boundaries, where zero flux is defined.
Finally, inserting the finite element approximations into equation (3.18) leads to the
system of ordinary di↵erential equations
n o
[C] Ṫ + [K] {T } = [R] , (3.23)
[K] = [B] k [B] dV ([B] )⇢cu [N ] dV
+ ↵out ([N ] [N ] dS ↵in ([N ] [N ] dS , (3.25)
S1 S3
[R] = ↵out Tout [N ] dS ↵in Tin [N ] dS . (3.26)
S1 S3
The system matrix [R] is of the dimension non⇥1, while the matrices [C] and [K] are of
the dimension non ⇥ non, when the velocity u = [u, v]T and the thermal conductivity
k = [kx , ky ]T = k [1, 1]T are evaluated. The time discretization of equation (3.23)
Chapter 3. Numerical modelling
{T }n + t [M ]
([R] [K] {T }n ) = (2.38)
{T }n + t ([C] + t [K]) ([R] [K] {T }n ) .
To numerically compute the system matrices derived in the previous section, the
integration is split into the finite domains of the defined elements. The integrals are
first transformed into the natural coordinate system 1 ⇠ ⌘ 1, which leads to
simple integration limits:
Z Z 1 Z 1
f (x, y) dV = f (⇠, ⌘) |J| d⇠d⌘ (3.27)
V 1 1
The factor |J| is the determinant of the Jacobian matrix of the transformation J [19],
which is defined by
2 @N 3 2 @x @y 3 2 @N 3 2 @N 3
6 @⇠ 7 6 @⇠ @⇠ 7 6 @x 7 6 @x 7
6 7 6 7 6 7=J 6 7 .
4 @N 5 = 4 @x @y 5 4 @N 5 4 @N 5 (3.28)
@⌘ @⌘ @⌘ @y @y
Now the numerical integration procedure known as Gaussian quadrature is applied,
which approximates a definite integral with a weighted sum over a finite set of points
Z 1 Z 1 ngp ngp
f (⇠, ⌘) |J| d⇠d⌘ ⇠
= Wi Wj f (⇠i , ⌘j ) |J| . (3.29)
1 1 i=1 j=1
Wi are the weight factors, ⇠i and ⌘i are the Gauss points and ngp is the number
of Gauss integration points, which specify that a polynomial of degree 2ngp 1 is
integrated exactly by the method of Gauss-Legendre [19].
This method, which is the most common form of Gaussian quadrature, is chosen for
the integration of the system matrices [C], [K] and [R], with the exception of the
velocity containing term Z
([B] )⇢cu [N ] dV (3.30)
Convection modelling
in the system matrix [K], where a three-point Gauss-Lobatto quadrature rule is ap-
plied. In this rule, two of the three Gauss points lie on the ends of the integration
interval. This was found to be more accurate due to the natural inclusion of bound-
ary conditions. This was not further studied in a mathematically rigorous way, but
rather, observed through testing. Because of the greater computational expense, this
was programmed in such a way, that the term (3.30) is only evaluated for u 6= 0.
Gauss points and weight factors of the mentioned integration rules are given in Table
Table 3.3: Gauss points and weight factors of the used quadrature rules [35]
Gauss-Legendre, ngp = 2 ±1/ 3 1
Chapter 3. Numerical modelling
At this point, it is necessary to point out that the methods in the following sections
are merely a summary of the mentioned documentation [36] and not the author’s own
work, unless declared otherwise.
The numerical approach to solving the time dependent problem is the fractional step
method [37], which splits the Navier-Stokes equations into equations that are signi-
ficantly simpler to work with. The solution is then found by following a three step
approach, which is outlined in the following, where ut denotes the solution at the time
t and ut+1 the final solution at the time t + 1, while u⇤ and u⇤⇤ denote intermediate
solutions of the respective split equations.
Convection modelling
t @pt+1
ut+1 u⇤⇤ = (3.42)
⇢0 @x
t @pt+1
vt+1 v ⇤⇤ = (3.43)
⇢0 @y
Chapter 3. Numerical modelling
The pressure pt+1 is only given implicitly and can be obtained by solving a
linear system of equations. Applying the divergence operator r on both sides
of equations (3.42) and (3.43), and taking into account the continuity equation
rut+1 = 0 leads to:
pt+1 = ru⇤⇤ (3.44)
The pressure correction step can therefore be implemented as follows:
When solving the Poisson equation, the question arises on the appropriate choice
of boundary conditions for the pressure p. In the documentation [36], it is
stated that a standard approach is to prescribe homogenous Neumann boundary
conditions wherever no-slip boundary conditions are prescribed to the velocity
field, which, in this case is on every boundary. This implies that the pressure
is only defined up to a constant. However, absolute pressure information is not
needed because only the gradient of p is needed in the pressure correction step.
It can be noted that combining equations (3.36), (3.40) and (3.42) again yields the
full Navier-Stokes equation system (3.33). The same is of course true for the velocity
component v in equation (3.34).
The spatial discretization of the Navier-Stokes equation is done via the finite di↵erence
method, as introduced in Section 2.3.2. A staggered grid (see Figure 3.2) based on
the finite element grid is used to solve the heat transfer problem, where the pressure
Convection modelling
p is defined in the element centers, u is placed in the middle of the vertical element
borders and v is placed in the middle of the horizontal element borders.
✓ ◆ (3.45)
@u ui+1,j ui 1,j
⇡ . (3.46)
@x i,j 2 x
This approximation for the first derivative can yield instabilities [36], but the centered
stencil ✓ ◆
@u ui+1,j ui,j
⇡ (3.47)
@x i+ 12 ,j x
is a stable approximation for between two grid points [36]. This aids the staggered
grid method, where this position is exactly the position of the pressure pi,j .
Chapter 3. Numerical modelling
For the nonlinear terms, a combination of the centered di↵erencing and upwinding
approach is implemented, with a transition parameter 2 [0, 1] defined as
✓ ✓ ◆ ◆
= min 1.2 t max max |ui,j | , max |vi,j | , 1 . (3.48)
i,j i,j
The value of can be interpreted as the maximum fraction of a cell whose information
can travel in one time step, multiplied by 1.2, which is an empirical factor that brings
the approximation scheme more towards upwinding and is, from experience, more
accurate [40].
ui+1,j + ui,j
ūhi+ 1 ,j = and (3.49)
2 2
ui,j+1 + ui,j
ūvi,j+ 1 = , (3.50)
2 2
(equally for the component v) using the superscript h and v to indicate a horizontal
or vertical averaged quantity and denoting the di↵erenced quantities likewise with
ũh , ũv , etc., the nonlinear terms in equations (3.36) and (3.37) can be written as the
linear combinations
✓ 2 ◆
@u @uv @ ⇣ h 2 ⌘ @
+ = ū ūh ũh + ūv v̄ h v̄ h ũv and (3.51)
@x @y @x @y
✓ ◆
@uv @u2 @ @ ⇣ v 2 ⌘
+ = ūv v̄ h |ūv | ṽ h + (v̄ ) |v̄ v | ṽ v , (3.52)
@x @y @x @y
which are again approximated by centered finite di↵erence stencils.
The boundary conditions prescribed for the model were already stated in Section
3.1.4, but since a staggered grid was introduced, applying the correct boundary con-
ditions requires care, as some grid points lie on a boundary, while others have a
boundary between them. For the no-slip boundary conditions in place, we can obtain
the condition
ui,j = 0, if i = 1 and nx + 1 (3.53)
Convection modelling
at the south and north borders. To force zero velocity at the boundary, the conditions
pi=1,j = pi=2,j
pi,j=ny +1 = pi,j=ny +2 .
Although the basic structure, which was explained in Section 3.3 and documented in
[36], was used as foundation for the implemented code, much of it had to be modified
in order to adapt it the problem described here.
Chapter 3. Numerical modelling
The large number 108 was chosen to force the velocity to zero via the damping
term. The liquid fraction parameter is a = 0 in the solid phase and rises over
the mushy region to a = 1 in the liquid phase.
Phase boundaries
The boundary conditions defined in 3.3.4 are in place at the domain boundaries
and the phase boundaries. To ensure this, the existing velocity field is modified
to suit the conditions before the explicit time step is performed.
For the pressure p, this step is more complex, as the boundary conditions are im-
plemented in the Laplace-operator to solve the Poisson equation (3.44). There-
fore, the Laplace-operator must be assembled anew in every time step.
Chapter 4
MATLAB implementation
This chapter deals with the final form of the MATLAB implementation of the nu-
merical model described in Chapter 3. The basic structure of the code is outlined in
Section 4.1, while the main functions are explained in some detail in Section 4.2. The
code of these important code parts is also listed in the appendix A and referred to in
this chapter.
For those interested in applying the code to conduct simulations on their own, it is
highly recommended to look up Section 4.3. Therein, a detailed guide on how to
specify input data for simulations is given.
It should be noted that the herein documented code was created over a period of
several months. Many extensions to the initial version have been made, and the
code was significantly modified several times. Although the code was written in
a very comprehensible manner in the early development, measures to reduce the
computational e↵ort, such as preprocessing, vectorization and the usage of the sparse
matrix format, made it much more complex and probably quite difficult to read for
unfamiliar users. However, it should be stressed that readability was not of crucial
importance for this implementation, since this code was not developed for educational
purposes, but for a designated application.
For the sake of better readability, filenames, the names of MATLAB functions or
scripts and variable names are denoted by a di↵erent font: name.
The MATLAB program developed was built as one main function with numerous
sub-functions. The execution procedure is represented by the flowchart in Figure
Chapter 4. MATLAB implementation
4.1. The simulation program is executed by calling the main function PCMsolver and
passing the path to the input datafile, which specifies all simulation parameters as
input argument. This is discussed in detail in Section 4.3.
In preprocessing, input data is loaded to the workspace where all important paramet-
ers are saved in the structure variable param. The finite element mesh is created by
calling the function mesh2d (see 4.2.1). All data arrays are initialized, most notably,
the initial temperature array T old and velocity arrays U old and V old. The function
shape mat preprocesses the shape function values at the Gauss integration points.
This is useful here, because all elements are of the same size and therefore the values
do not change. The calculated values are stored in the structure variable gauss.
The function FEM preprocessor adds further information to this structured variable.
It evaluates the values of the density, specific heat capacity and heat conductivity for
every Fauss point of every element in the domain. Although the specific heat capacity
must be recalculated at every time step for the PCM material, this step saves work
on the time iteration. Furthermore, boundary informations are preprocessed and
the relations for the sparse matrix assembly, which is carried out by the function
heat2Delem new, are defined.
Time stepping
The time stepping is done in a for-loop, calling firstly the function heat2Delem new,
which calculates the finite element matrices [C], [K] and [R], defined by the equations
(3.24), (3.25) and (3.26). The equation system (3.23) is then solved by the function
solve euler back for the nodal temperature values at the next time step T new.
If the simulation is run without considering convection, the body of the for-loop ends
after saving the simulation results of the time step and reinitializing the arrays of
variables T old = T new, U old = U new and V old = V new for the next time step.
Otherwise, the velocities are updated as will be discussed below.
Structure of the program
) Load input data
) Call mesh2d(param) to generate mesh
) Initialize data arrays (T_old, U_old, V_old, ..)
) Call shape_mat to calculate shape matrices
) Preprocess FEM data arrays by calling FEM_preprocessor
Model with convection?
Max. number of time steps reached?
) Save results to output file
) Display information for user
Chapter 4. MATLAB implementation
Convection calculations
The velocity is updated in the function solve navierstokes, which essentially solves the
Navier-Stokes equations on a staggered grid by the finite di↵erence scheme explained
in Section 3.3. Although these updated velocity values are, at this point, close to zero
in solid domain areas, because of the force term introduced in the implicit viscosity
step (3.58), postprocessing must be performed. Therein, all velocity components,
enclosed in a completely solid finite element, are set to zero. The no-slip boundary
values are then newly prescribed to the updated velocities as stated by equations
(3.55) and (3.56). These steps are performed for the domain boundaries and also for
the liquid-solid phase boundaries, which can be observed in detail in lines 127 to 146
of listing A.1.
After the last time step is performed, the complete simulated data is saved to the
results file and optional user information is displayed.
In this section, the most substantial sub-functions of the main program are explained.
This is done by highlighting the basic principles of implementing the model in MAT-
LAB, as described in Chapter 3. The main function PCMsolver was already discussed
in detail in the previous section, its listing A.1 can be found in the appendix A,
together with the other key functions.
The finite element mesh is generated in the function mesh2d (A.2) by the call
Description of the key functions
Figure 4.2: Image of a 2x2 mesh, with numbered nodes and elements
Furthermore, this function not only generates the coordinates of element nodes, but
also those of the staggered grid points. Additionally, boundary elements are flagged,
which allows quick identification when calculating the heat flux at the boundaries,
and the array param.mesh.elem mat is created, which contains indexing information
about the element materials based on the geometry specifications.
The main purpose of the functions shape mat (A.3) and FEM preprocessor (A.6) was
already highlighted in 4.1. These are executed once in the simulation by the call:
Chapter 4. MATLAB implementation
In shape mat, all occurring terms of shape matrices [N ] and [B] in the system matrices
(3.24), (3.25) and (3.26) are evaluated for each Gauss integration point, as well as the
determinant of the Jacobian matrix (3.28). This very useful preprocessing method
is possible since, in this implementation, all elements are the same size and do not
change during the simulation. The shape functions are calculated by the sub-functions
NmatHeat2D and BmatHeat2D, which essentially contain the formulas (3.17) and
Function FEM preprocessor calculates further information for the FEM matrix as-
sembly. It evaluates the values of the density, specific heat capacity and heat con-
ductivity for every Gauss point of every element in the domain and preprocesses
boundary informations, as already explained in 4.1. In addition, sparse matrix as-
sembly relations are defined, to be used later in heat2Delem new. The sparse matrix
format in MATLAB provides efficient storage of data and speeds up the processing of
that data. A good example of how the element matrices are assembled to the global
matrix can be found in [42], for example.
The main FEM processing is done in heat2Delem new (A.7), where the matrices [C],
[K] and [R], defined by the equations (3.24), (3.25), (3.26) are evaluated by an im-
plementation of these equations. The function is called in PCMsolver by:
The heat conductivity and specific (apparent) heat capacities are evaluated at each
Gauss point, which is only done for elements containing PCM material. For the
remaining elements, the preprocessed data of FEM preprocessor is used, which also
included the preprocessed shape matrix terms. The global matrices are then assembled
using the relations defined in the aforementioned function. The apparent heat capacity
Description of the key functions
is calculated by the function c var (A.8), which implements definition (2.20) to account
for phase change in the PCM material.
Regarding the convective term in matrix (3.25), the integration is performed by the
Gauss-Lobatto quadrature instead of the common Gauss-Legendre quadrature, as
already explained in Section 3.2.3. The arrays containing the velocity values u and
v are in line with the scheme of the staggered grid (see Section 3.3) with already
implemented boundary conditions. These values are used to interpolate the values at
the Gauss points.
This is the MATLAB implementation of the applied backwards Euler step, yielding
the formula (2.38) for the updated temperature value. The sparse matrix format
allows very efficient evaluation of this step.
The convection modelling discussed in detail in Section 3.3 is performed in the function
solve navierstokes (A.12), which is called in the main function PCMsolver thus:
Therein, the force terms, which inhibit fluid motion in the solid elements, are pre-
processed, as are the temperatures that are needed for the Boussinesq approximation
terms. The remaining function consists primarily of an implementation of the code
documented in [36].
Chapter 4. MATLAB implementation
The main function PCMsolver must be run by passing a string as an input argument.
This string contains the path to the MATLAB file containing the simulation input
data. For instance, if the file is called input datafile.m the simulation is started by
PCMsolver ( i n p u t d a t a f i l e ) ;
All relevant simulation input data can be specified using such an input datafile. The
code Listing 4.1 gives an example of a typical declaration structure, which is recom-
mended. This file actually represents a typical input datafile used in the simulations
carried out for the parameter study discussed in Section 6.2. In the following, both
essential and optional input parameters are discussed in detail, referring to the re-
spective lines in code Listing 4.1.
Usage information
Chapter 4. MATLAB implementation
As mentioned above, all input parameters are specified in the structure array param.
For more clarity, the fields of param again contain structure arrays.
In line 6, the basic string for the filenames of the result files is declared. Line 9
contains binary information about whether the e↵ect of natural convection is to be
considered in this simulation.
Geometry specifications
The geometry specifications are defined in lines 11 to 30. The length of di↵erent
material domains is specified using vectors and the organisation can be easily under-
stood by looking at Figure 6.1. The field param.geom.mat mtrx contains a matrix
of indices specifying certain materials. These indices are to be defined arbitrarily in
param.geom.material, except for the fixed index 1, which refers to the PCM material.
The syntax of the matrix formulated material declaration chosen here can again be
best put into context by observing Figure 6.1.
Mesh specifications
Usage information
calculate a number of elements that is compatible with the material domains specified
in lines 13 and 15, in the means that no element contains more than one material.
Lines 45 and 46 contain the time step specifications, which are the total simulation
time and the time step size param.mesh.d t.
The possible values for initial and boundary conditions are defined in lines 49 to
60, which are the heat conductivities ↵in and ↵out and temperatures Tin and Tout
belonging to the Robin boundary conditions on the west and east side of the do-
main. The initial temperature field is prescribed for each element through the vector init.
Material properties
Material properties are defined in structure arrays and saved in fields of param, of
which the names must be declared in accordance with the definition of material spe-
cifiers in param.geom.mat mtrx. The basic thermophysical material properties for the
phase change material are defined in lines 64 to 71, and so is also the mushy region size
✏ in line 66. The same can be done for other materials, as given here for aluminium,
steel and air in lines 84 to 105. The convective simulation parameters are defined
in lines 73 to 76 and contain the thermal expansion coefficient param.pcm.beta, the
viscosity param.pcm.mue and the angle param.pcm.phi. This angle, which is defined as
the angle of the gravitational vector to the y-axis, was introduced for the parameter
study in Section 6.2 to study di↵erent domain orientations. For the intuitive case
that the y-axis is aligned to the gravitational force vector, this angle takes the value
zero. Other values can be defined in radian units in a clockwise manner, as given in
the example values in lines 78 to 81.
Chapter 4. MATLAB implementation
Data recovery
Some options are available regarding the recovery of the simulation data of the node
temperature values and velocity value matrices. defines the num-
ber of time steps between moments at which the mentioned quantities are to be saved.
This is useful to keep the amount of aggregated data moderate. Snapshots of the data
can be saved by setting the binary variable snapshot to the value 1,
at intervals defined by the associated variable int. This option
allows insights into the results of ongoing simulations.
Display parameters
With the binary variable param.display.waitbar, the display of a waitbar, showing the
progress of the simulation and remaining time until completion, can be switched on
or o↵. The corresponding variable param.display.update declares the time between
waitbar updates. However, this option comes with the disadvantage of significant
computational e↵ort for small update intervals, because of the rather slow MATLAB-
internal function draw. More visualization options are available in lines 118 to 120,
which can be enabled by setting them to the value 1 and disabled by setting them to
the value 0.
Chapter 5
In this chapter, the results of the model validation for the latent heat storage model
are presented. The validation was conducted in three steps.
The first validation step was to compare the results of a simulation where only heat
conduction was considered to those of the analytical solution of the Stefan problem,
introduced in Section 2.1.4.
The second test case is the classic problem described in [5], that is phase change in
a cavity filled with gallium with buoyancy forces. This test case aimed at validating
the convection model described in Section 3.3.
In the next step, a cross-validation with the CFD software ANSYS Fluent was per-
formed. As part of the parameter study, which will be discussed in Chapter 6, the
model results are compared to those replicated with the Fluent software package.
Another test case was performed which was lass a validation attempt than a test
of the model stability and feasibility in certain simulation scenarios. This test scen-
ario alternated between charging and discharging a PCM storage to see if numerical
problems arose and if the results complied with physical principles.
For the two validation attempts of the heat conduction model and convection model,
a mesh convergence analysis was performed to study the e↵ect of the discretization
parameters mesh size and time step on the numerical solution. Also, the e↵ect of the
chosen mushy region temperature range and possible complications are scrutinized,
as are the e↵ect of the aspect ratio of the chosen finite elements.
Chapter 5. Validation
To validate the accuracy and convergence of the model without convection, the one-
dimensional Stefan problem was considered, as described in Section 2.1.4. The mater-
ial parameters used in this simulation are those of KNO3 -NaNO3 given in Table 3.1,
but to simplify the analytical solution, the specific heat capacity cl = cs and thermal
conductivity kl = ks were set to the values of the solid substance. The melting point
was defined as Tm = 220 C and the left wall input temperature as 235 C. The initial
temperature of the simulated domain was naturally set to Tinit = Tm ✏, with the
half width of the mushy region ✏. The heat conduction was simulated in a domain
with the length of 50 mm and over a period of five hours, 5 h, in which the melting
front could not quite spread over the whole domain.
This validation simulation was carried out for di↵erent values of the time step size
t, mesh size x and mushy region parameter ✏, where in each case the other two
parameters were held at a constant value. Therefore, the influence of the mentioned
numbers on the result was studied separately as given in the sections below.
were used to compare analytical predictions and simulation results, where s is the
position of the melting front and n the number of comparison points. The melting
front positions were evaluated and compared at n = 1800 points in time, spread
equidistantly over the five hours of simulation time.
To quantify the convergence of the solution with finer mesh and smaller time steps,
the melting front positions were also compared to the most precise simulation in that
regard. For this purpose, the values sanalytical in equation (5.1) are compared with
those of the most precise simulation.
Validation of heat conduction model
To study the e↵ect of mesh refinement, the Stefan problem was simulated for di↵erent
values of the mesh size x, while the time step size t = 1 s and mushy region
parameter ✏ = 1 C were held constant. The RMSE compared to the analytical
prediction and the RMSE compared to the simulation with x = 0.1 mm are given
in Table 5.1.
Table 5.1: RMSE of melting front position for di↵erent values of mesh size or number
of elements compared to Stefan solution (analytical) and x = 0.1 mm simulation
Mesh size 5 2 1 0.5 0.25 0.1
Number of elements 10 25 50 100 200 500
(analytical) 9.36 2.03 1.86 2.01 2.02 2.03
10 4 mm
(convergence) 11.0 2.07 0.76 0.07 0.02 -
10 4 mm
With the RMSE compared to the most precise simulation with x = 0.1 mm, we
can observe very fast convergence with decreasing mesh size. However, it can be
noted that, compared to the analytical solution, the simulation does not become
more accurate with decreasing mesh size after x = 2 mm. Obviously, the accuracy
limiting factor, in this case, lies in other simulation parameters.
In the next step, the mesh size x = 0.5 mm and mushy region parameter ✏ = 1 C
were held constant, while the simulation of the Stefan problem was carried out for
di↵erent values of the time step size t. Again, the RMSE values are given in Table
5.2, in the same fashion as in Section 5.1.
Chapter 5. Validation
Table 5.2: RMSE of melting front position for di↵erent values of time step size com-
pared to Stefan solution (analytical) and t = 0.1 s simulation (convergence)
Time step size 10 5 1 0.5 0.1
(analytical) 3.66 2.16 2.01 2.10 2.12
10 4 mm
(convergence) 4.34 2.19 0.33 0.08 -
10 4 mm
Again, the RMSE compared to the most precise simulation with t = 0.1 s indicates
very fast convergence with decreasing time step size. The error compared to the
analytical solution remains at a rather steady value for time steps t = 5 s and
smaller. This, however, can be very di↵erent for other mushy region sizes ✏. For
smaller values of the latter, the time step size should also be decreased. Otherwise,
the phase change is partly or completely skipped in certain finite elements, which is
a known problem of the apparent heat capacity method and which will be clearer in
the next subsection.
The e↵ect of the mushy region size ✏ on the simulation result of the Stefan problem
was examined under constant values of mesh size x = 0.5 mm and time step size
t = 1 s. The error values of the melting front position compared to the analytical
solution are given in Table 5.3.
Table 5.3: RMSE of melting front position for di↵erent values of mushy region size ✏
compared to Stefan solution (analytical)
Mushy region size 4 2 1 0.5 0.2 0.1
(analytical) 8.00 4.04 2.01 1.06 3.04 8.28
10 4 mm
Validation of heat conduction model
The quantities in Table 5.3 are best put into context by looking at the time evolution
of the melting fronts of these di↵erent simulations, given in Figure 5.1. The melting
front lags slightly behind the analytical solution for large mushy region size values,
which can be explained by the distinctly altered actual physical problem, the Stefan
problem, where no mushy region exists. Having said this, for small values of the
mushy region size, the simulation does not become accurate, due to the nature of
the apparent heat capacity method. As mentioned above, the phase change is partly
or completely skipped in certain finite elements if the mushy region is small and the
time step is large. This causes a higher RMSE value for the simulations with mushy
region size ✏ = 0.2 C and ✏ = 0.1 C, compared to the simulation with ✏ = 0.5 C.
In addition, the e↵ect of this error can be seen very clearly for the simulated melting
front with mushy region size ✏ = 0.1 C, which is plotted as a dashed red line in Figure
Position of the melting front [m]
analytical solution
0.01 = 4.0°C
= 2.0°C
= 1.0°C
0.005 = 0.5°C
= 0.2°C
= 0.1°C
0 1 2 3 4 5
time [h]
Figure 5.1: Time evolution of the melting front of simulations with di↵erent values of
the mushy region size ✏ compared to the melting front of the analytical solution
Chapter 5. Validation
Looking at Figure 5.1, we can obtain that the error values for the simulations with
mushy region size ✏ = 1 C and ✏ = 0.5 C given in Table 5.3 should be taken into
consideration with care. These small deviations from the analytical solution most
probably arise from two competing sources of error, which cancel each other out.
Firstly, phase change is partly skipped in some elements during the early stage of
the simulation with high temperature gradient, which causes the melting front to be
slightly more advanced, compared to the analytical solution. Secondly, the physical
problem is distinctly altered by introducing a mushy region, which causes a slower
progress of the melting front, which therefore cancels out the first mentioned error.
Based on the findings of the last section, it is suggested that the magnitudes of the
time step and mushy region size be chosen so that the mushy region always overlaps
its previous position, ensuring that no finite element skips the phase change. Due
to the nature of the apparent heat capacity method, these elements would not be
exposed to the e↵ect of latent heat. These parameters should thus be chosen with
care, and the findings of this section might help to give a basic idea of the necessary
A final 1D simulation was carried out, aiming for an excellent prediction of the Stefan
problem. For this, the mesh size was chosen as x = 0.5 mm, which was already seen
as a good approximation. The time step size t = 0.02 s was chosen very small to
easily handle a small mushy region of ✏ = 0.1 C.
The RMSE value compared to the analytical solution was found to be 1.08 10 mm
but the absolute deviation decreased with growing simulation time. Thus, the relative
error of the melting front prediction was well under 1 %, except for the early stages
of the simulation. On the basis of the above, it can be concluded that the developed
model gives an excellent approximation of heat conduction problems if the simulation
parameters are carefully chosen.
Validation of convection model
The validation of the convection model is based on the report [5], in which the role
of natural convection in solid-liquid-interface motion is studied during melting and
solidification of the metal gallium on a vertical wall.
The rectangular test cell (8.89 cm in height, 6.35 cm in width) was heated on one side
and a heat sink was located on the opposite side wall. The other walls were insulated
with Plexiglass, and the front and back sidewalls contained an air gap between two
Plexiglass plates. These sidewalls were assumed to be adiabatic in the validation
simulations. In the experiment used for this validation, the heat sink was held at a
constant temperature of 28.3 C, which is also the initial temperature of the gallium
in the domain, whereas the heated wall was held at constant 38.0 C. Since the
mathematical model of this problem is naturally described with Dirichlet boundary
conditions, prescribing a constant temperature at the walls, but Robin boundary
conditions are implemented in the FEM model, the thermal conductivity at the wall
was chosen to have a very high value ↵boundary = 1010 W/mK.
The gallium used in the experiments [5] had a purity of 99.6 % and a melting temper-
ature of 29.78 C. All material properties needed for the simulation of this test case
were extracted from the article [44], where a numerical investigation of exactly this
experiment was conducted. A total of 26 equally spaced thermocouples were installed
on the top and bottom walls and another 17 thermocouples along the center line, to
measure the horizontal temperature distributions and therefore allow for tracing the
interface of the melting front.
The shape of the melting front is given at nine di↵erent moments in the experiment,
namely at minutes 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 12.5, 15, 17 and 19 and was extracted from the
graphic in the paper. From these melting fronts, the melted fraction in the gallium
cavity was deduced and used as a quantity of comparison. Since the shape of the
Chapter 5. Validation
is used with the n = 9 time comparison points, where a is the liquid fraction in the
A convergence analysis was performed on the e↵ect of mesh resolution, timestep size,
mushy region temperature range and also aspect ratio on the simulation accuracy
compared to the experimental solution in the explained test case (see Section 5.2.1).
Thus, a validation for di↵erent values of these parameters is given.
To study the e↵ect of mesh refinement, the gallium test case, as described above, was
simulated for di↵erent values of the mesh size, while the time step size t = 25 ms
and mushy region parameter ✏ = 0.1 C were held constant. The mesh was chosen
so that x= y. Therefore, the particular mesh size is labelled only by the value of
x in the following. The RMSE compared to the experimental data and the RMSE
compared to the simulation with x = 0.5 mm are given in Table 5.4.
With the RMSE compared to the most precise simulation with x = 0.5 mm, we can
observe a significant improvement from the coarsest mesh to the mesh with x =
2.0 mm. From this value on, the convergence is very slow and the simulations do not
considerably increase in accuracy compared to the experimental data.
Validation of convection model
Table 5.4: RMSE of liquid fraction for di↵erent values of mesh size or number of
elements compared to test case (experimental) and x = 0.5 mm simulation (conver-
Mesh size 4 2 1.6 1 0.8 0.5
Number of elements 352 1408 2200 5632 8800 22528
(experimental) 4.72 2.32 2.26 2.31 2.16 1.95
(convergence) 2.84 0.53 0.39 0.38 0.25 -
The gallium test case was simulated for di↵erent time step sizes, while the mesh
size x = y = 1 mm and mushy region temperature range ✏ = 0.1 C were held
constant. The RMSE compared to the experimental data and the RMSE compared
to the finest simulation with t = 2 ms are shown in Table 5.5.
Table 5.5: RMSE of liquid fraction for di↵erent values of the time step size compared
to test case (experimental) and t = 2 ms simulation (convergence)
Time step size 50 25 15 10 5 2
(experimental) 2.62 2.31 1.87 1.50 1.12 1.34
(convergence) 2.77 2.63 2.22 1.65 0.94 -
Looking at the RMSE values, convergence of the simulation result with decreasing
time step size was found, although not quite as fast as with refinement of the mesh.
The same can be said about the improvement of accuracy compared to the experi-
mental data. Still, a root mean square error of below 2 %, which accounts to a relative
Chapter 5. Validation
The e↵ect of the mushy region size ✏ on the simulation result of the gallium test case
was examined under constant values of mesh size x = 1 mm and time step size
t = 25 ms. Again, the RMSE compared to the experimental data is shown in Table
5.6. The RMSE values in Table 5.6 are similar to the findings in Section 5.1. Again,
the melting front lags slightly behind the compared solution, which in this case is the
liquid fraction, for large values of the mushy region size, but it is not causing large
errors. For small values of the mushy region size, the simulation gets poorer, for the
same reasons already explained for the 1D validation. We can therefore conclude that
when using the apparent heat capacity method for isothermal phase change problems,
approximated by a very small mushy region, a very small time step size must also be
Table 5.6: RMSE of liquid fraction for di↵erent values of the mushy region size com-
pared to test case (experimental)
Mushy region size 0.5 0.25 0.1 0.05 0.02
(experimental) 1.58 1.14 2.31 2.52 9.70
Another question with respect to stability and convergence of the developed model
x y
was whether large aspect ratios y or x cause any problems for the simulation.
Such a choice of mesh might be convenient for simulation domains with large aspect
ratios, because of the reduced total number of elements. To answer this question, the
gallium test case was simulated for di↵erent values of the aspect ratio, while the time
Validation of convection model
step size t = 25 ms and mushy region parameter ✏ = 0.1 C were held constant. The
melted volume fraction of such simulations, where the aspect ratio was tested with
respect to larger values of x, is shown in Figure 5.2. The same analysis was done
for larger values of y, and the melted volume fraction is shown in figure 5.3.
legend, including RMSE
experimental data
ar: 1/1 : 1.95 %
ar: 1.6/1 : 2.23 %
ar: 2/1 : 2.38 %
melted volume fraction [%]
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
time [min]
Figure 5.2: Time evolution of liquid fraction for di↵erent aspect ratio values ar =
relative to the base case x = y = 0.5 mm compared to experimental data with
variable x
It can be seen that the deviation from the experiment gets larger with increasing
aspect ratio, but still does not exceed the range of error of the coarsest mesh x=
4 mm, y = 4 mm, which is denoted by the aspect ratio 8/8 in both figures mentioned.
Therefore, this approximation error can be traced back to the coarseness of the mesh,
and no complications that come with large aspect ratios have been found.
Comparing Figures 5.2 and 5.3, we can obtain that the refinement of x has the
same e↵ect as the refinement of y. Furthermore, it can be observed that reasonably
Chapter 5. Validation
fine meshes already produce good simulation results, which was previously stated in
Section 5.2.2.
It should be noted though, that it cannot be ruled out that complications during sim-
ulations with large aspect ratios of the mesh could occur for di↵erent domain designs,
and it is therefore recommended to test this in an analysis of mesh convergence, as
was conducted in this chapter.
legend, including RMSE
experimental data
ar: 1/1 : 1.95 %
ar: 1/1.6 : 2.15 %
ar: 1/2 : 1.84 %
melted volume fraction [%]
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
time [min]
Figure 5.3: Time evolution of liquid fraction for di↵erent aspect ratio values ar =
relative to the base case x = y = 0.5 mm compared to experimental data with
variable y
To conclude the validation of the convection model via the gallium test case, the shape
of the melting front for selected simulations is discussed here.
In Figure 5.5, the melting fronts of two of the simulations already described in Section
5.2.2, with di↵erent mesh sizes x= y, a time step size of t = 0.25 ms and mushy
Validation of convection model
y [m]
experimental data
simulation t = 5 ms
simulation t = 50 ms
3 min
6 min
0.01 10 min
15 min
19 min
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
x [m]
Figure 5.4: Melting fronts of two simulations with di↵erent time step size compared
to experimental data, given at five time points
Chapter 5. Validation
In spite of the peculiarities explained in this section, overall a good agreement of the
model predictions with the experimental results published in [5] was found.
y [m]
experimental data
simulation x = 0.5 mm
simulation x = 2 mm
3 min
6 min
0.01 10 min
15 min
19 min
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
x [m]
Figure 5.5: Melting fronts of two simulations with di↵erent mesh size compared to
experimental data, given at five time points
In the course of conducting the parameter study, which will be discussed in Chapter 6,
simulations were carried out in the developed MATLAB model and also run in ANSYS
Fluent. Thus, a cross-validation with the renowned CFD software is performed, a brief
illustration of which is shown here.
In the cases which could be compared using the two simulation methods, a maximum
relative deviation of 13 % at any time step in the simulated liquid fraction was found
when compared to the prediction of Fluent. In general though, the observed discrep-
ancy was considerably smaller than that. As an example, the comparison for the case
of a standard PCM cavity (as will be described in Chapter 6) in horizontal position
Cross-validation with ANSYS Fluent
and heated from the left side, shall be given here. Figure 5.6 shows the phase structure
in the cavity at di↵erent times calculated by Fluent on the left side and calculated
by the MATLAB model on the right side. Not only the extent of the liquid phase,
but also the shape of the melting front, simulated by the developed FEM model, were
found to be in very good agreement with the results from Fluent.
Chapter 5. Validation
Test of a fluctuating charging/discharging scenario
It should be pointed out that, the CFL condition, which is introduced when the
nonlinear Navier-Stokes term is treated explicitly (see Section 3.3.2), is necessary for
the stability of the simulation. This condition implies that the maximum velocity
occurring in the domain must be smaller than the ratio of the spatial resolution to
the time step size.
The geometry and material properties used in this examination are those of the gal-
lium validation case, described in Section 5.2. The input temperature on the left side
wall of the domain was specified di↵erently, and in an irregularly fluctuating man-
ner, which is shown as a dashed line in Figure 5.7. The mean temperature in the
gallium cavity, as well as the maximum velocity appearing in the molten gallium, are
presented in this Figure as solid blue and orange lines respectively.
It can be found that the velocity in the cavity builds up very quickly to the max-
imum value and is later diminished by declining driving forces, namely, temperature
di↵erences in the domain. This reaction can be seen for examples at around 7, 27
and 37 minutes, when the gallium is fully liquefied, and when the input temperature
drops and a solid layer develops at the left side wall. Hence, no further adaption to
the model to slow down the convective motion must be made. Furthermore, no nu-
merical difficulties or ‘unphysical behaviour’ was observed during this test simulation
As to the development of separated liquid cells in the gallium cavity, no more than
two of them could be observed at any time in the simulation. The dynamic of the
Chapter 5. Validation
convective heat transfer leads to the separated zones merging very quickly and there-
fore makes more than two of these zones coexisting rather unlikely. Although these
improbable scenarios might occur in very wide and flat cavities, the shape of the melt-
ing front studied later in Chapter 6 leads to the assumption that they will not occur
in this kind of cavity with aluminium fins. An example snapshot of the temperature
and velocity field during the merge of two separated liquid cells is shown in Figures
5.8 and 5.9. The solid fraction can be easily obtained from the representation of the
velocity distribution in 5.9.
50 0.035
45 0.03
input temperature
mean temperature of gallium cavity 0.005
melting temperature
20 max. velocity of molten gallium
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
time [min]
Figure 5.7: Temperature and velocity evolution over time in fluctuating gallium test
case charging/discharging scenario
Test of a fluctuating charging/discharging scenario
0.05 44
temperature [°C]
y [mm]
0.03 38
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
x [mm]
Figure 5.8: Temperature distribution in the gallium cavity at the simulation time of
26 minutes during charging/discharging scenario
y [mm]
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
x [mm]
Figure 5.9: Velocity distribution in the gallium cavity at the simulation time of 26
minutes during charging/discharging scenario
Chapter 6
Parameter studies
As an example of what can be done with the developed FEM MATLAB model, a
parameter study conducted to investigate di↵erent designs specifics of latent heat
storage cavities is shown here. Also, the dynamics of melting and solidification for
di↵erent orientations of a selected PCM cavity were examined for the charging and
discharging mode. For this selected cavity design, the e↵ect of natural convection is
presented in contrast to simulations which do not consider convection.
As already mentioned in this thesis, a number of di↵erent designs are currently under
consideration for the PCM cavity of the HyStEPs hybrid latent heat storage. At this
point, the properties of the materials and operation parameters are not yet known.
The parameter study of di↵erent cavity dimensions discussed in this section was con-
ducted at a very early stage in the project. Many properties were still unknown
or open for discussion. Also, natural convection was not yet implemented into the
model, which is why this parameter study considers only heat conduction. There-
fore, the simulations conducted and the results obtained might not be of great value
for future considerations. However, some unique characteristics of the cavity design
discussed here could also be found for di↵erent dimensions of the cavity simulated
here. Furthermore, the methodical approach to accomplish first estimations of the
behaviour of chosen designs can be adopted in the future.
The basic design of the latent heat storage in consideration is that of an aluminium-
framed PCM cavity attached to the steel containment of the steam storage, while the
outward-facing side of the cavity is insulated. Of course, the real life implementation
will most probably look di↵erent due to engineering reasons, but nevertheless, should
Chapter 6. Parameter studies
be well approximated by this model. To enhance the heat transfer in the PCM cavity,
aluminium fins should be placed in the plane of the axis of the cylindric steam storage.
A sketch of such a fin section is shown in Figure 6.1.
Xsteel XPCM
The simulation domain of the PCM cavity was defined as shown in Figure 6.1, with
sections of di↵erent materials. The material properties are those shown in Table 3.1.
The width of the steel containment was assumed to be 10 mm, and the heat transfer
from the steam to the steel containment was described by the thermal conductivity
↵in = 100 mW
2 K . The heat transfer through the well insulated outwards facing wall
ers might be very di↵erent in reality and should be thoroughly discussed for future
Study of di↵erent cavity designs
190 C for a second hour, which should represent a simplification of a typical operation
cycle of the steam storage, where melting and solidification can be observed.
The aim of the conducted parameter study was to obtain an ‘ideal’ value of the geo-
metric aspects of a fin section, meaning the dimensions of the PCM XP CM and YP CM
and the width of the aluminium fins Yaluminium for this kind of storage operation.
The width of the aluminium between the steel containment and the PCM was set to
a constant Xaluminium = 5 mm and the steel containment width was set to a constant
Xsteel = 10 mm.
Table 6.1: Simulated parameter study cases and associated tags with fin width
Yaluminium = 5 mm
50 25 10 5
Chapter 6. Parameter studies
Table 6.2: Simulated parameter study cases and associated tags with fin width
Yaluminium = 2.5 mm
50 25 10 5
To analyse the simulation results and compare the di↵erent cavity dimensions, the
evolution of the enthalpy change per surface area was calculated, where A is
the surface area between the PCM fin section and the steam storage. The surface
therefore takes the value
In Figures 6.2 and 6.3, this quantity and the latent heat fraction of it is plotted for
the di↵erent simulated cases. In the parameter studies conducted here, the latent
heat fraction of the total enthalpy change H is evidently relatively small. This is
because the containment of 10 mm steel and 5 mm aluminium was also considered,
which o↵ers a larger storage of sensible heat.
It can be obtained that, for the selection of longer cavities (XP CM = 50 mm, 25 mm),
the lower cavities can store more enthalpy per surface area and the charging and dis-
charging process is also quicker. This di↵erence in speed of charging and discharging
between the cavity heights can also be obtained for the shorter cavities, as long as
Study of di↵erent cavity designs
106 106
8 8
total enthalpy total enthalpy
PCM latent heat PCM latent heat
7 7
enthalpy per surface area [J/m2 ]
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
time [h] time [h]
106 106
8 8
total enthalpy total enthalpy
PCM latent heat PCM latent heat
7 7
enthalpy per surface area [J/m2 ]
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
time [h] time [h]
Figure 6.2: Enthalpy per surface area of the simulated cases with fin width
Yaluminium = 5 mm
Note. The total enthalpy change H is plotted using solid lines, the latent heat
fraction using dashed lines.
the PCM is not fully liquefied. At that point, the higher cavities are able to store
more enthalpy because of the higher ratio of PCM to aluminium. After all, the di-
mensioning of the cavity is also a question of cost. If unused PCM material must be
Chapter 6. Parameter studies
106 106
8 8
total enthalpy total enthalpy
PCM latent heat PCM latent heat
7 7
enthalpy per surface area [J/m2 ]
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
time [h] time [h]
106 106
8 8
total enthalpy total enthalpy
PCM latent heat PCM latent heat
7 7
enthalpy per surface area [J/m2 ]
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
time [h] time [h]
Figure 6.3: Enthalpy per surface area of the simulated cases with fin width
Yaluminium = 2.5 mm
Note. The total enthalpy change H is plotted using solid lines, the latent heat
fraction using dashed lines.
Study of di↵erent cavity designs
Looking at Figure 6.4, we can conclude that the smaller fin width of Yaluminium =
2.5 mm should be preferred over the version with Yaluminium = 5.0 mm because the
over all storage capacity is higher and the charging/discharging speed is not dimin-
ished by the thin fins. This could of course be di↵erent for PCM materials with higher
thermal conductivity, in which case the heat transfer could be limited by the width
of the aluminium fins. However, convection, which leads to an e↵ectively higher heat
conductivity, could also provoke this e↵ect. Finally, constructive constraints must
also be considered, which generally include a lower limit for the minimum width of
aluminium fins.
106 106
8 8
total enthalpy total enthalpy
7 7
enthalpy per surface area [J/m2 ]
PCM latent heat enthalpy per surface area [J/m2 ] PCM latent heat
case 10v40 case 40v10
6 6
case 11v40 case 41v10
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
time [h] time [h]
(a) cases with constant XP CM = 50 mm and (b) cases with constant XP CM = 5 mm and
YP CM = 5 mm YP CM = 50 mm
Figure 6.4: Enthalpy per surface area of the simulated cases with di↵erent fin width
Note. The total enthalpy change H is plotted using solid lines, the latent heat
fraction using dashed lines.
Considering the width of the fins, it should be stressed that the results obtained in
this study should not lead to the assumption that thinner fins are always the better
choice. In fact, further investigations on the fin dimensions of a cavity, as described
Chapter 6. Parameter studies
in Section 6.2.2 with XP CM = 118 mm, showed a significant influence of the fin width
on charging/discharging speed. Although these investigations are not particularized
in this thesis, this should again emphasize the importance of further studies on the
dimensioning of the HyStEPs cavity.
In this section, the e↵ect of the orientation of a typical PCM cavity with respect to
its position on the steam storage is studied. The term ‘typical’ PCM cavity is of
course very subjective, in that it is problem-dependent and based on many di↵erent
assumptions. As mentioned earlier, the cavity dimensions studied in Section 6.1 were
later found to be of little relevance for future application. Based on an assessment of
fellow HyStEPs project partners, the amount of PCM needed to produce a desired
latent heat storage capacity for a designated application case could be estimated and
leads to a required PCM coating of the steam storage of around 120 mm thickness.
Thus, the geometry of an, at this point, more representative PCM cavity fin section,
described in detail in the following, is simulated in this section.
The simulations carried out here in the developed MATLAB model were also run in
ANSYS Fluent. This was done to double-check the results and to have a second tool
ready and parametrized for future simulations. In Section 5.3, the successful cross-
validation was already reported. As the simulations in Fluent are not essentially part
of this thesis, these will not be discussed in detail. It should only be noted, that all
results obtained from the two simulation methods were very similar (see for example
5.6) and can be interpreted the same way.
Another observation worth mentioning is the negligible e↵ect of small mushy regions
for the kind of phase change problems simulated. A comparison of a typical parameter
study case, as reviewed in this section and simulated in Fluent once with a mushy
Comparison of di↵erent cavity orientations
region parameter of 0.1 C and once with isothermal phase change (which Fluent can
handle), showed a relative di↵erence in the results of less than 1.5 %. This is a further
convenience of the developed MATLAB model with regard to the apparent heat ca-
pacity method, because it means that isothermal materials can also be approximated
fairly well by a very small mushy region.
The simulated domain still represents the PCM cavity fin section illustrated in Figure
6.1, except for the steel containment, which was not implemented in this study in
order to lower the computational e↵ort. This can be justified by the finding during
the preliminary parameter study, explained in Section 6.1, that the steel containment
has a negligible e↵ect on the transient behaviour of the whole cavity. The dimensions
of the fin section took fixed values in the simulations described here. The PCM was
defined by XP CM = 118 mm and YP CM = 23 mm, the width of the aluminium fins
was set to Yaluminium = 1 mm, and between the PCM and the steam storage an
aluminium layer of Xaluminium = 2 mm was defined.
The material properties used for these simulations can again be found in Table 3.1.
The heat transfer from the steam to the aluminium layer (via the neglected steel
containment) was described by the thermal conductivity ↵in = 700 mW
2 K . The heat
For the simulation of the charging process of the PCM fin section, the initial temper-
ature in the domain was set to 218 C and the input temperature was set to 230 C for
three hours of simulation time. For the discharging simulation, an input temperature
of 200 C was assumed and the initial temperature set to 230 C.
Chapter 6. Parameter studies
HyStEPs: Location of a Fin Section
The simulations for charging and discharging of the PCM cavity, which included
both the modelling of heat conduction and natural convection, were carried out for
five di↵erent positions on the steam storage with characteristic angles in relation to
the gravity vector. The five di↵erent orientations 0 , 45 , 90 , 135 and 180 are
illustrated in Figure 6.5.
The change of total enthalpy during the charging process, as well as the latent heat
fraction, are presented in Figure 6.6. Another representation of the simulation results
is shown in Figure 6.7, where the evolution of the melted volume fraction during the
charging and discharging process of the cavity is charted for the di↵erent orientations,
as is the case in which only heat conduction is considered.
The horizontal cavity (90 ) just reaches total liquefaction and, therefore, the fully
charged state, only at the very end of the three hour simulation time, while for
the upward facing cavities (0 , 45 ), this state is already reached at two and a half
hours. The downward facing cavities (135 and 180 ) could not be completely charged
Comparison of di↵erent cavity orientations
during the three hours of simulation time and a solid PCM fraction of more than 10 %
remained. Furthermore, these two downward facing cavities show almost the exact
same transient behaviour and only slightly outperform the charging process of the
simulated case, where natural convection was neglected.
enthalpy [J]
total enthalpy
PCM latent heat
2 0 degrees
45 degrees
90 degrees
1 135 degrees
180 degrees
conduction only
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
time [h]
Looking at Figure 6.7(b), it can be concluded that the orientation had no influence
on the performance of the discharging process and that the latter is e↵ectively the
same as for the case in which natural convection was neglected.
In the appendix B, some plots of the temperature and velocity distribution of the
simulation results for the five di↵erent cavity orientations are given, to illustrate the
discussion in this chapter.
Chapter 6. Parameter studies
100 100
0 degrees
90 90 45 degrees
90 degrees
80 80
135 degrees
melted volume fraction [%]
50 50
40 40
0 degrees
30 45 degrees 30
90 degrees
20 20
135 degrees
180 degrees
10 10
conduction only
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
time [h] time [h]
Figure 6.7: Evolution of the melted volume fraction during charging (a) and dischar-
ging (b) of the cavity for di↵erent orientations
Based on the results given in the previous section, we can conclude that the e↵ect
of natural convection on the charging process of the PCM cavity is highly dependent
on the respective orientation. It cannot be neglected for upward facing cavities and
is still a significant factor for cavities in horizontal position. For downward facing
cavities however, the e↵ect of natural convection is negligible and its behaviour can
be described by heat conduction only, although it may be possible to improve accuracy
by introducing a convective enhancement factor [47].
Chapter 7
This last chapter presents a short summary of the overall approach to the stated prob-
lems and the main findings during the work on this diploma thesis. The findings are
evaluated and put into perspective using previous research and possible applications.
Finally, future investigation objectives and extensions to the developed MATLAB
model are suggested.
7.1 Summary
The main task of this diploma thesis was the development of a MATLAB model,
preferably via the finite element method, to solve phase change problems in typical
latent heat storage geometries, considering both heat conduction and natural con-
vection. To this end, comprehensive literature research was conducted to search for
modelling techniques that are easily applicable to phase change problems, as occur
in the HyStEPs hybrid latent heat storage. The necessary theoretical framework to
understand the development of the numerical model was outlined in Chapter 2.
Chapter 3 explained the assumptions and discretization made to model the phase
change problem. The simple-to-use apparent heat capacity method (see Section 2.2.2)
was chosen to account for latent heat implementation in the material. To discretize
the energy equation (3.1), the finite element method was applied, using a rectangular
mesh of four-noded bilinear elements to approximate the simulated domain. For
the modelling of convection via the Navier Stokes equation (3.4), an existing finite
di↵erence approximation method, documented in [36], was implemented, adapted to
the problem and extended to fit the desired functionality. It should be noted though,
that this code was used after unsuccessful attempts to discretize the Navier-Stokes
equation by finite elements, using a penalty formulation for the pressure. In this case,
Chapter 7. Conclusion
Regarding the validation of the convection model, a good agreement of the model pre-
dictions with the experimental results published in [5] was found, whilst the results of
the mesh convergence analysis were not as promising as those for the one-dimensional
heat conduction model.
Finally, parameter studies conducted with the developed MATLAB model, are given
in Chapter 6. Di↵erent cavity designs were analysed with respect to total enthalpy
input per surface area on the steam storage, while sustaining a fast charging and
discharging speed.
Scope and limitations
Di↵erent cavity orientations were studied with respect to their position on the steam
storage, which, in the charging process, showed a significant influence of natural con-
vection for upwards facing cavities and horizontal cavities, but diminishing influence
for downwards facing cavities. During discharging, the e↵ect of natural convection
was found to be insignificant, regardless of the cavity orientation.
The developed MATLAB model has proven to be an e↵ective tool for modelling phase
change problems, considering both conduction and natural convection heat transfer, in
typical PCM cavities. This was shown by conducting informative parameter studies,
which provide an example of the methodology for further investigations.
The code can also be used as a basis for model order reduction, which will be carried
out by fellow research colleagues. This will ultimately lead to a reduced order model,
which is essential for the real-time operation and control of the HyStEPs hybrid latent
heat storage.
Having said this, some issues remain with the current MATLAB model. The nature
of the apparent heat capacity method brings some difficulties in handling isothermal
phase change problems. Although it could be obtained from Fluent simulations (see
Section 6.2.1) that isothermal phase change can be approximated well by a very small
mushy region, these simulations still require careful selection of computational para-
meters. As advised in the validation in Section 5.1, the magnitudes of the time step
and mushy region size should ensure that the area of the mushy region progresses
by overlapping its previous position. Otherwise, finite elements would skip the phase
Chapter 7. Conclusion
change and would not be exposed to the e↵ect of the latent heat. Even if these limit-
ations are considered, an approximation error still remains, which is not the case for
certain implementations of the enthalpy method, introduced in Section 2.2.1. Another
option is source-based methods, in which the latent heat evolution is accounted for
by the definition of a source term, instead of accounting for the latent heat in the
specific heat coefficient. Such an approach was followed for some time to further im-
prove the model capabilities, though it could not completely be put into practice, for
reasons of limited time during this work. However, it is highly suggested to take up
this approach again, which is outlined in more detail in the next section (see Section
The observed e↵ects can of course occur very di↵erently for another PCM mater-
ial or a modified cavity design. PCM materials with higher viscosity might lead to
larger di↵erences between the simulated cavity orientations, as will be opposite for
low viscosity substances. The aspect ratio of PCM cavities has a significant e↵ect on
the heat transfer performances, as shown in reference [48], where, based on computa-
tional results, it was obtained that the melting rate increases as the aspect ratio of a
rectangular cavity increases.
The reported e↵ect of natural convection during charging and the sufficient approxim-
ation of the discharging process by only considering heat conduction was also reported
in reference [27] for similar PCM cavity geometry.
Suggested future objectives
As mentioned before, the design of the latent heat cavities, which will be mounted
on a Ruths steam storage as part of the HyStEPs project, is not fixed at this time.
Therefore, the parameter studies conducted in this thesis may not be particularly
valuable for further investigations. Further parameter studies like the ones conducted
in this thesis are suggested for the final design decision and to thoroughly analyse the
characteristics of the chosen PCM cavity.
Building on the results of work, a more thorough parameter study is currently un-
derway to provide a detailed foundation for design optimization of the considered
PCM cell geometry [49]. Therein, varying aluminium proportions, varying fin spa-
cings and di↵erent orientations of the PCM cell were simulated and their impact on
charging/discharging speed was analysed.
Some improvements to the developed MATLAB model may help reduce computational
e↵ort while maintaining the same level of accuracy. One suggestion is to implement
adaptive time stepping, like for example presented in [50], instead of a fixed time step.
Choosing a lager time step automatically could help speed up simulations in which
temperature gradients are small and fluid flow is slow.
Another option is to specify separate fixed time steps or adaptive time step schemes
for the finite element heat conduction problem and the finite di↵erence Navier-Stokes
solution method. Since the time step is generally limited by the CFL condition and
not by the desired accuracy of the much faster FEM solution method, this would
probably only lead to slightly better computational performance.
Chapter 7. Conclusion
Source-based method
In the source-based method, the governing energy equation (2.5) for the apparent
heat capacity method is written as
@(⇢cT )
= r(krT ) r(⇢cT u) + S . (7.1)
In this form however, c takes a fixed value instead of the apparent heat capacity, and
the source term
S= H (7.2)
is added to the equation. Applying Galerkin’s method to this equation, as done in
Section 3.2.2, yields again a finite element system of the form
n o
[C] Ṫ + [K] {T } = [R] . (3.23)
Here, the source term is incorporated in the system matrices [K] and [R], and the
equation system (3.23) can be solved in each time step by an iterative scheme as
highlighted in the following:
Suggested future objectives
1. The source term (7.2) is approximated by using an estimate of the liquid fraction
field a.
The obtained solution for the temperature field will not necessarily be consistent with
the current liquid fraction field. For instance, a predicted nodal temperature T 6= Tm
would not be consistent with a liquid fraction a 2 (0, 1). That is why the value of the
nodal liquid fraction field is updated so that on subsequent iterations of step 1 and 2
the predicted nodal temperature is ‘driven’ to Tm , until a desired accuracy is reached.
Besides the approximation of the source term, the key to the source-based iteration
is the method of updating the liquid fraction a. Numerous schemes for this purpose
are found in literature, of which the reference [51] is emphasized here.
Enthalpy method
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Appendix A
Appendix A. MATLAB code listings
Appendix A. MATLAB code listings
135 U_new (: ,2: end ) = U_new (: ,2: end ) - U_new (: ,1: end -1) .*...
136 ( p_el (1: end -1 ,1: end -1) ==1 & p_el (1: end -1 ,1: end -1) ~= p_el (1: end
-1 ,2: end ) ) ;
137 V_new (1: end -1 ,:) = V_new (1: end -1 ,:) - V_new (2: end ,:) .*...
138 ( p_el (2: end ,1: end -1) ==1 & p_el (2: end ,1: end -1) ~= p_el (1: end -1 ,1: end
-1) ) ;
139 V_new (2: end ,:) = V_new (2: end ,:) - V_new (1: end -1 ,:) .*...
140 ( p_el (1: end -1 ,1: end -1) ==1 & p_el (1: end -1 ,1: end -1) ~= p_el (2: end ,1:
end -1) ) ;
142 % domain boundaries
143 Uwb = [ zeros (1 , ny +2) ; [ - U_new (: ,1) U_new (: ,:) - U_new (: , end ) ];...
144 zeros (1 , ny +2) ];
145 Vwb = [[0 - V_new (1 ,:) 0] ;[ zeros ( nx ,1) V_new (: ,:) zeros ( nx ,1) ];...
146 [0 - V_new ( end ,:) 0]];
148 else
149 U_new = U_old ;
150 V_new = V_old ;
151 end
153 %% waitbar update
154 if param . display . waitbar == 1
155 [f , timearray , up ] = wa i tb a r2 D _s i mp l e (f , param , timearray , toc ,t , up ) ;
156 end
157 %% dump variables
158 if mod (t , param . save . intervall ) == 0
159 Tt (: , s ) = T_new ;
160 if param . convection == 1
161 Ut (: ,: , s ) = U_new ;
162 Vt (: ,: , s ) = V_new ;
163 end
164 s = s +1;
165 end
166 if param . save . make_snapshot == 1
167 if mod (t , param . save . snapshot_int ) ==0
168 strFilename = sprintf ( results / dump_ % s_t %03 d . mat , param . save . name
169 if param . convection == 1
170 save ( strFilename , C , K , R , t , T_new , T_old , U_new ,...
171 V_new , U_old , V_old , H , Q_in , Q_out , H_l , param ) ;
172 else
173 save ( strFilename , C , K , R , t , T_new , T_old ,...
174 H , Q_in , Q_out , H_l , param ) ;
175 end
176 end
177 end
179 %% initialize T ,U , V for next timestep
180 T_old = T_new ;
181 U_old = U_new ;
182 V_old = V_new ;
183 end
185 %% postprocessing
186 % delete waitbar
187 if param . display . waitbar == 1
188 delete ( f ) ;
189 end
190 % save data
191 strFilename = sprintf ( results / dump_ % s_t %03 d_final . mat , param . save . name , t ) ;
192 save ( strFilename ) ;
194 % plots after total time
195 if param . display . Tplot == 1
196 makeplot ( T_new , param ) ;
197 end
198 if param . display . Vplot == 1
199 makeplot_konv ( U_new , V_new , param ) ;
200 end
202 % show simulation time
203 strTimestamp = datestr ( now () ,30) ; % get timestamp
204 fprintf ( Simulation complete / timestamp % s \ n , strTimestamp ) ;
205 sim_time = toc ;
206 fprintf ( Total simulation time [ s ]: %5.0 f \ n , toc ) ;
207 end
Appendix A. MATLAB code listings
Appendix A. MATLAB code listings
Appendix A. MATLAB code listings
Appendix A. MATLAB code listings
16 %% preprocess data for 4 gauss points per element
18 % heat capacities and heat conductivities
19 % gauss point 1
20 T1 = gauss . N1 * T_old ( IEN (: ,:) ) ;
21 c1 ( elem_mat ==1) = c_var ( T1 ( elem_mat ==1) , param . pcm ) ;
22 k1 ( elem_mat ==1) = k_var ( T1 ( elem_mat ==1) , param . pcm ) ;
23 for m = 2: size ( param . geom . material ,1)
24 str1 = strcat ( param . , param . geom . material {m ,2} , . c_s ) ;
25 str2 = strcat ( param . , param . geom . material {m ,2} , . k_s );
26 c1 ( elem_mat == m ) = eval ( str1 ) ;
27 k1 ( elem_mat == m ) = eval ( str2 ) ;
28 end
29 % gauss point 2
30 T2 = gauss . N2 * T_old ( IEN (: ,:) ) ;
31 c2 ( elem_mat ==1) = c_var ( T2 ( elem_mat ==1) , param . pcm ) ;
32 k2 ( elem_mat ==1) = k_var ( T2 ( elem_mat ==1) , param . pcm ) ;
33 for m = 2: size ( param . geom . material ,1)
34 str1 = strcat ( param . , param . geom . material {m ,2} , . c_s ) ;
35 str2 = strcat ( param . , param . geom . material {m ,2} , . k_s );
36 c2 ( elem_mat == m ) = eval ( str1 ) ;
37 k2 ( elem_mat == m ) = eval ( str2 ) ;
38 end
39 % gauss point 3
40 T3 = gauss . N3 * T_old ( IEN (: ,:) ) ;
41 c3 ( elem_mat ==1) = c_var ( T3 ( elem_mat ==1) , param . pcm ) ;
42 k3 ( elem_mat ==1) = k_var ( T3 ( elem_mat ==1) , param . pcm ) ;
43 for m = 2: size ( param . geom . material ,1)
44 str1 = strcat ( param . , param . geom . material {m ,2} , . c_s ) ;
45 str2 = strcat ( param . , param . geom . material {m ,2} , . k_s );
46 c3 ( elem_mat == m ) = eval ( str1 ) ;
47 k3 ( elem_mat == m ) = eval ( str2 ) ;
48 end
49 % gauss point 4
50 T4 = gauss . N4 * T_old ( IEN (: ,:) ) ;
51 c4 ( elem_mat ==1) = c_var ( T4 ( elem_mat ==1) , param . pcm ) ;
52 k4 ( elem_mat ==1) = k_var ( T4 ( elem_mat ==1) , param . pcm ) ;
53 for m = 2: size ( param . geom . material ,1)
54 str1 = strcat ( param . , param . geom . material {m ,2} , . c_s ) ;
55 str2 = strcat ( param . , param . geom . material {m ,2} , . k_s );
56 c4 ( elem_mat == m ) = eval ( str1 ) ;
57 k4 ( elem_mat == m ) = eval ( str2 ) ;
58 end
60 % density of element
61 for m = 1: size ( param . geom . material ,1)
62 str = strcat ( param . , param . geom . material {m ,2} , . rho ) ;
63 rho ( elem_mat == m ) = eval ( str ) ;
64 end
66 % constants for enthalpy calculation
67 for m = 1: size ( param . geom . material ,1)
68 str1 = strcat ( param . , param . geom . material {m ,2} , . rho ) ;
69 str2 = strcat ( param . , param . geom . material {m ,2} , . c_s ) ;
70 calc_h ( elem_mat == m ) = eval ( str1 ) * gauss . detJ * eval ( str2 ) ;
71 end
73 %% preprocess boundary information
74 % flag boundary elements by one identifier
75 flag_el ( param . mesh . flag (: ,1) == 3) = 3; % left side element
76 flag_el ( param . mesh . flag (: ,1) == 1) = 1; % right side element
77 flag_el ( param . mesh . flag (: ,2) == 2) = 2; % upper side element
78 flag_el ( param . mesh . flag (: ,2) == 4) = 4; % lower side element
79 flag_el (( param . mesh . flag (: ,1) == 3) &( param . mesh . flag (: ,2) == 4) ) = 34;
80 flag_el (( param . mesh . flag (: ,1) == 3) &( param . mesh . flag (: ,2) == 2) ) = 32;
81 flag_el (( param . mesh . flag (: ,1) == 1) &( param . mesh . flag (: ,2) == 4) ) = 14;
82 flag_el (( param . mesh . flag (: ,1) == 1) &( param . mesh . flag (: ,2) == 2) ) = 12;
84 gauss . west = find ( param . mesh . flag (: ,1) == 3) ;
85 gauss . east = find ( param . mesh . flag (: ,1) == 1) ;
86 yr = param . mesh . y ( param . mesh . IEN (: ,:) ) ;
87 yr1 = yr (1 ,:) +( yr (4 ,:) - yr (1 ,:) ) *(1 -0.57735027) /2;
88 yr2 = yr (1 ,:) +( yr (4 ,:) - yr (1 ,:) ) *(1+ 0.5 7735 027) /2;
89 gauss . Tout1 = @( t ) param . icbc . Tout (t , yr1 ) ;
90 gauss . Tout2 = @( t ) param . icbc . Tout (t , yr2 ) ;
91 gauss . alpha_out1 = @( t ) param . icbc . alpha_out (t , yr1 ) ;
92 gauss . alpha_out2 = @( t ) param . icbc . alpha_out (t , yr2 ) ;
94 yl = param . mesh . y ( param . mesh . IEN (: ,:) ) ;
Appendix A. MATLAB code listings
Code Listing A.7: Code of FEM matrix assembly function heat2Delem new
1 %% heat 2 D element new
2 function [C ,K ,R , Qin , Qout ,H , H_l ] = heat2Delem_new (t ,T ,U ,V , p_el , gauss , param )
3 % Computes the finite element matrices
5 %% initialize variables and matrix cells
6 nel = param . mesh . nel ;
7 non = param . mesh . non ;
8 nx = param . mesh . nx ;
9 elem_pcm = gauss . elem_pcm ;
10 not_pcm = param . mesh . elem_mat ~= 1;
11 sp_mat = gauss . sp_mat ;
12 sp_vec = gauss . sp_vec ;
13 flag_el = gauss . flag_el ;
14 calc_h = gauss . calc_h ;
15 calc_h1 = gauss . calc_h ;
16 calc_h2 = gauss . calc_h ;
17 calc_h3 = gauss . calc_h ;
18 calc_h4 = gauss . calc_h ;
19 hl_1 = gauss . calc_h ;
20 hl_2 = gauss . calc_h ;
21 hl_3 = gauss . calc_h ;
22 hl_4 = gauss . calc_h ;
23 c1 = gauss . c1 ;
24 c2 = gauss . c2 ;
25 c3 = gauss . c3 ;
26 c4 = gauss . c4 ;
27 k1 = gauss . k1 ;
28 k2 = gauss . k2 ;
29 k3 = gauss . k3 ;
30 k4 = gauss . k4 ;
32 p_el_FEM = reshape ( p_el ,[] ,1) ;
33 % C_e = cell ( nel ,1) ;
Appendix A. MATLAB code listings
Appendix A. MATLAB code listings
Appendix A. MATLAB code listings
189 bsxfun (@ times , gauss . Nw1_q , permute ( left . * gauss . alpha_in1 ( t ) ,[3 1 2]) )
190 bsxfun (@ times , gauss . Nw2_q , permute ( left . * gauss . alpha_in2 ( t ) ,[3 1 2]) )
192 RB3e = - gauss . dS_w *( ...
193 bsxfun (@ times , gauss . Nw1 , permute ( left . * gauss . alpha_in1 ( t ) .* gauss .
Tin1 ( t ) ,[3 1 2]) ) +...
194 bsxfun (@ times , gauss . Nw2 , permute ( left . * gauss . alpha_in2 ( t ) .* gauss .
Tin2 ( t ) ,[3 1 2]) ) ) ;
196 % convection term
197 if any ( p_el_FEM ) == 1
198 KCe = KCe + bsxfun (@ times , gauss . NBc1u , permute ( p_el_FEM . * u1 , [ 3 1 2]) ) +
199 bsxfun (@ times , gauss . NBc2u , permute ( p_el_FEM . * u2 , [ 3 1 2]) ) +
200 bsxfun (@ times , gauss . NBc3u , permute ( p_el_FEM . * u3 , [ 3 1 2]) ) +
201 bsxfun (@ times , gauss . NBc4u , permute ( p_el_FEM . * u4 , [ 3 1 2]) ) +
202 bsxfun (@ times , gauss . NBc5u , permute ( p_el_FEM . * u5 , [ 3 1 2]) ) +
203 bsxfun (@ times , gauss . NBc6u , permute ( p_el_FEM . * u6 , [ 3 1 2]) ) +
204 bsxfun (@ times , gauss . NBc7u , permute ( p_el_FEM . * u7 , [ 3 1 2]) ) +
205 bsxfun (@ times , gauss . NBc8u , permute ( p_el_FEM . * u8 , [ 3 1 2]) ) +
206 bsxfun (@ times , gauss . NBc9u , permute ( p_el_FEM . * u9 , [ 3 1 2]) ) +
207 bsxfun (@ times , gauss . NBc1v , permute ( p_el_FEM . * v1 , [ 3 1 2]) ) +
208 bsxfun (@ times , gauss . NBc2v , permute ( p_el_FEM . * v2 , [ 3 1 2]) ) +
209 bsxfun (@ times , gauss . NBc3v , permute ( p_el_FEM . * v3 , [ 3 1 2]) ) +
210 bsxfun (@ times , gauss . NBc4v , permute ( p_el_FEM . * v4 , [ 3 1 2]) ) +
211 bsxfun (@ times , gauss . NBc5v , permute ( p_el_FEM . * v5 , [ 3 1 2]) ) +
212 bsxfun (@ times , gauss . NBc6v , permute ( p_el_FEM . * v6 , [ 3 1 2]) ) +
213 bsxfun (@ times , gauss . NBc7v , permute ( p_el_FEM . * v7 , [ 3 1 2]) ) +
214 bsxfun (@ times , gauss . NBc8v , permute ( p_el_FEM . * v8 , [ 3 1 2]) ) +
215 bsxfun (@ times , gauss . NBc9v , permute ( p_el_FEM . * v9 , [ 3 1 2]) ) ;
216 end
217 K_e = reshape ( KCe + KB1e + KB3e ,4*4* nel ,1) ;
218 R_e = reshape ( RB1e + RB3e ,4* nel ,1) ;
220 %% assemble to global matrices and vectors
221 C = sparse ( sp_mat (: ,1) , sp_mat (: ,2) ,C_e , non , non ) ;
222 K = sparse ( sp_mat (: ,1) , sp_mat (: ,2) ,K_e , non , non ) ;
223 R = sparse ( sp_vec (: ,1) , sp_vec (: ,2) ,R_e , non ,1) ;
225 %% calculate enthalpy values
226 H = sum ( calc_h1 ( elem_pcm ) + calc_h2 ( elem_pcm ) +...
227 calc_h3 ( elem_pcm ) + calc_h4 ( elem_pcm ) ) + ...
228 sum ( calc_h ( not_pcm ) . * ( T1 ( not_pcm ) +...
229 T2 ( not_pcm ) + T3 ( not_pcm ) + T4 ( not_pcm ) ) ) ;
231 H_l = sum ( hl_1 ( elem_pcm ) + hl_2 ( elem_pcm ) + hl_3 ( elem_pcm ) + hl_4 ( elem_pcm ) ) ;
233 Qout = gauss . dS_e * param . mesh . d_t * sum (...
234 gauss . alpha_out1 ( t ) .*( gauss . Tout1 ( t ) - Te1 ) .* right +...
235 gauss . alpha_out2 ( t ) .*( gauss . Tout2 ( t ) - Te2 ) .* right ) ;
237 Qin = - gauss . dS_w * param . mesh . d_t * sum (...
238 gauss . alpha_in1 ( t ) .*( gauss . Tin1 ( t ) - Tw1 ) .* left +...
239 gauss . alpha_in2 ( t ) .*( gauss . Tin2 ( t ) - Tw2 ) .* left ) ;
241 % old version
242 %{
243 for e = 1: nel
244 KB1e = zeros (4 ,4) ;
245 KB3e = zeros (4 ,4) ;
246 RB1e = zeros (4 ,1) ;
247 RB3e = zeros (4 ,1) ;
Appendix A. MATLAB code listings
Appendix A. MATLAB code listings
Appendix A. MATLAB code listings
Appendix A. MATLAB code listings
Appendix A. MATLAB code listings
78 %% pressure correction
79 grad = reshape ( diff ([ zeros (1 , ny ) ; U ; zeros (1 , ny ) ]) / param . geom . dx...
80 + diff ([ zeros ( nx ,1) V zeros ( nx ,1) ] ) / param . geom . dy ,[] ,1) ;
82 Lp_p = Laplace_p ( p_el , param ) ;
83 p = Lp_p \( param . pcm . rho / param . mesh . d_t * grad ) ;
85 P = reshape (p , nx , ny ) ;
86 U_new = U - param . mesh . d_t / param . pcm . rho * diff ( P ) / param . geom . dx ;
87 V_new = V - param . mesh . d_t / param . pcm . rho * diff (P ) / param . geom . dy ;
89 end
Appendix B
Additional plots
To illustrate the simulation results of the parameter study discussed in Section 6.2,
additional plots which show the temperature and velocity distribution in the simulated
cavities at six time points during the respective simulations are presented here.
For the sake of improving comparability of the given plots, the illustrations begin on
the following double page, so that each double page contains the temperature and
velocity distributions of a particular cavity orientation case.
Appendix B. Additional plots
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
Figure B.1: Temperature and velocity distribution at di↵erent simulation times for
cavity orientation 0
Appendix B. Additional plots
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
(i) temperature after 112 minutes (j) velocity after 112 minutes
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
(k) temperature after 135 minutes (l) velocity after 135 minutes
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
(m) temperature after 157 minutes (n) velocity after 157 minutes
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
(o) temperature after 180 minutes (p) velocity after 180 minutes
Figure B.1: Temperature and velocity distribution at di↵erent simulation times for
cavity orientation 0
Appendix B. Additional plots
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
Figure B.2: Temperature and velocity distribution at di↵erent simulation times for
cavity orientation 45
Appendix B. Additional plots
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
(i) temperature after 112 minutes (j) velocity after 112 minutes
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
(k) temperature after 135 minutes (l) velocity after 135 minutes
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
(m) temperature after 157 minutes (n) velocity after 157 minutes
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
(o) temperature after 180 minutes (p) velocity after 180 minutes
Figure B.2: Temperature and velocity distribution at di↵erent simulation times for
cavity orientation 45
Appendix B. Additional plots
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
Figure B.3: Temperature and velocity distribution at di↵erent simulation times for
cavity orientation 90
Appendix B. Additional plots
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
(i) temperature after 112 minutes (j) velocity after 112 minutes
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
(k) temperature after 135 minutes (l) velocity after 135 minutes
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
(m) temperature after 157 minutes (n) velocity after 157 minutes
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
(o) temperature after 180 minutes (p) velocity after 180 minutes
Figure B.3: Temperature and velocity distribution at di↵erent simulation times for
cavity orientation 90
Appendix B. Additional plots
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
Figure B.4: Temperature and velocity distribution at di↵erent simulation times for
cavity orientation 135
Appendix B. Additional plots
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
(i) temperature after 112 minutes (j) velocity after 112 minutes
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
(k) temperature after 135 minutes (l) velocity after 135 minutes
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
(m) temperature after 157 minutes (n) velocity after 157 minutes
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
(o) temperature after 180 minutes (p) velocity after 180 minutes
Figure B.4: Temperature and velocity distribution at di↵erent simulation times for
cavity orientation 135
Appendix B. Additional plots
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
Figure B.5: Temperature and velocity distribution at di↵erent simulation times for
cavity orientation 180
Appendix B. Additional plots
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
(i) temperature after 112 minutes (j) velocity after 112 minutes
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
(k) temperature after 135 minutes (l) velocity after 135 minutes
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
(m) temperature after 157 minutes (n) velocity after 157 minutes
temperature [°C]
220 222 224 226 228 230
y [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm]
(o) temperature after 180 minutes (p) velocity after 180 minutes
Figure B.5: Temperature and velocity distribution at di↵erent simulation times for
cavity orientation 180
To increase the efficiency of energy- mentation, considering heat transfer by
intensive industrial processes, thermal both conduction and natural convection.
energy storages can offer new possibi- This successfully validated code can
lities. A novel approach is investigated handle any desired layout of materials
in the project HyStEPs. In this concept, arranged on a rectangular domain.
containers filled with PCM are placed at
the shell surface of a Ruths steam storage, Furthermore, a parameter study of diffe-
to increase storage efficiency. rent dimensions and orientations of the
PCM cavity was conducted. The impact
In this work, a two-dimensional model of natural convection was found to lead
using the finite element method is to significantly varying behaviour of the
developed to simulate the PCM of the studied cavities with different orientation
hybrid storage as designed in the HyStEPs during the charging process, while it
project. The apparent heat capacity was found to be negligible during the
method is applied in a MATLAB imple- discharging process.
ISBN 978-3-85448-036-5