A11 - A12 - A13Dr. Suchetana Sadhukhan

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TERM END EXAMINATIONS (TEE) – December 2021- January 2022

Programme : B.Tech. [ BCE] Semester : Fall 2021-22
Course Name : Engineering Physics Course Code : PHY1001
Faculty Name : Dr. Suchetana Sadhukhan Slot / Class No : A11+A12+A13/ 0036
Time : 1 ½ hours Max. Marks : 50

Answer ALL the Questions

Q. No. Question Description Marks

PART - A ( 30 Marks)
1 (a) Find how work is done by a skater pulling in her arms during a spin. Identify the force 10
she exerts on each arm to pull it in and the distance each moves, noting that a
component of the force is in the direction moved. Why is angular momentum not
increased by this action?

(b) Give the physical significance of wave function Ψ. Calculate the minimum energy an 10
electron can possess in an infinitely deep potential well of width 4 nm.

2 (a) Explain the role of bottom up & top down approaches in nanotechnology? 10

(b) What is the role of metastable states? Elaborate it with any gas laser as example. 10

3 (a) Illustrate what is direct and indirect band gap semiconductor? Which semiconductor 10
among these two is more suitable for semiconductor laser and why?

(b) Compute the curl and divergence of vector field F⃗ = x3y2 i⃗ +x2y3z4 j⃗ + x2z2 k. 10

PART - B (20 Marks)

4 The wavelength of a photon and the de-Broglie wavelength of an electron have the 10
same value, λ. Deduce the relation between the kinetic energy of the photon and

5 Write down Maxwell’s equations with their physical significance. 10


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