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Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences 34 (2022) 388–397

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Original article

Experimental and statistical evaluation of rheological properties of

self-compacting concrete containing fly ash and ground granulated blast
furnace slag
Aseel Madallah Mohammed a, Diler Sabah Asaad b, Abdulkader I. Al-Hadithi c,⇑
Dams and Water Resources Engineering Department , College of Engineering, University Of Anbar, Anbar, Iraq
Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Kurdistan Hewlêr, Erbil, Iraq
Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University Of Anbar, Anbar, Iraq

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study examines an attempt to produce self-compacting concrete (SCC) containing fly ash (FA),
Received 9 March 2020 ground granulated blast furnace slag (S) and both (FA + S). The effects of these materials on the rheolog-
Accepted 9 December 2020 ical properties of the SCC mixes were studied experimentally. The study began with three groups of SCCs,
Available online 5 January 2021
each with 25% water binder (w/b) and 550 kg/m3 total binder content. Instead of superplasticizers (SP),
the chemical admixtures were lignosulphonates (LS), which replaced Portland cement (PC) at levels by
Keywords: weight of 10%, 20%, 30% 40%, 50%, and 60%. The fresh properties of the mixtures were examined exper-
Fly ash
imentally for slump flow diameter, T50 time, V-funnel time, and L-box height ratio. In the mixtures with
Ground granulated blast furnace slag
Rheological properties
FA alone, a continuous decrease was observed in compressive strength. Increases in strength ended at
Lignosulphonates 40% in the case of FA alone, and 30% for both the S and FA + S mixes. Statistical analysis was carried
Self-compacting concrete out to assess the effect of experimentally substituted materials FA and S, with results showing that S
had a greater influence than FA on T50 time, V-funnel, L-box height ratio, and compressive strength,
while FA had more effect than S on the slump flow diameter test.
Ó 2020 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

1. Introduction SCMs (Supplementary Cementitious Materials) that are by-

products of industrial processes (Karthik et al., 2017; Saidi &
Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is a very important advance in Hasan, 2020). Using admixtures in SCC, originally regarded only
building technology, its ability to resist segregation or bleeding, as micro fillers (Persson, 2001; Vejmelková et al., 2011), can
together with its superior flowability or rheology and better pass- increase fluidity of concrete and may reduce the need for super-
ing abilities has led to it being classified as HPC (high performance plasticizers (Kovler & Roussel, 2011; Ng & Justnes, 2016). In the
concrete). It is generally configured to use a lower water to cement design of SCC for specified implementation, the rheological param-
ratio and less coarse aggregate, and to use new generation plasti- eters of the mixtures should be adjusted to obtain a given profile of
cizers that assist in the production of very deformable concrete yield stress and plastic viscosity. Supplementary cementitious
(Okamura and Ouchi, 2003; Ganeshan & Venkataraman, 2020). materials (SCM) can be beneficial for this modification, in addition
However, there were issues of heat generation and high costs to their other advantages (Ahari et al., 2015).
because of the higher amount of cement powder (450–600 kg/ The research has therefore frequently focused on the use of S
m3) needed to compensate for coarse aggregates (Leemann et al., (ground granulated blast furnace slag) and FA (fly ash) and, more
2011). These issues can be solved by substituting cement with recently, on LS (Lignosulphonates)) as a result of the known supe-
rior engineering properties of the first two and the effect of ligno-
⇑ Corresponding author. sulphonates on concrete, which is known about but as yet is
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.I. Al-Hadithi). unexplained (Arel, 2017; Arel & Aydin, 2017; Li et al., 2014;
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University. Sekhar & Nayak, 2018; Zhao et al., 2015). Slag and fly ash affect
SCC’s properties in unique ways, for example reducing the heat
produced by the hydration process. The excellent performance of
SCC over ordinary concrete is mostly related to their ingredients,
Production and hosting by Elsevier compared with ordinary mortar mixtures the segregation resis-

1018-3639/Ó 2020 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Aseel Madallah Mohammed, Diler Sabah Asaad and A.I. Al-Hadithi Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences 34 (2022) 388–397

tance of self-compacting mortar is more critical to small differ- 0.6% by weight of LS improved the cement paste’s viscosity com-
ences in properties such as gradation and moisture content of pared to the control mixture.
aggregates, type and potion of superplasticizer (Mahdikhani &
Ramezanianpour, 2015). Lignosulphonates (LS) are gaining popu- 2. Research significance
larity in concrete construction as they are regarded as more envi-
ronmentally friendly and a more robust admixture than other The main contribution of this study is to examine the effect of
water reducers, and therefore have the effect of reducing accumu- mineral admixtures on SCC mixtures containing LS to control the
lations of LS, with some 50 million tons of alkali lignin and Ligno- effects of such mineral admixtures as S and FA on high-
sulphonates being manufactured worldwide by paper makers performance self-compaction concrete (HPSSC)’s fresh properties.
every year (Reknes, 2013; Uchikawa et al., 1992; Xiao et al., Recommendations and results of previous studies were taken into
2001). Since mineral admixtures can result in some retardation account when choosing the percentages of LS, FA and S. In this
(Brooks et al., 2000), and the belief of the author is that LS incorpo- study, an experimental programme entailed comparing admix-
ration further increases the retardation, thus, using mineral admix- tures that would achieve HPSCC by combining a satisfactory level
tures with LS will result in increased construction time. of strength with the best fresh properties.
Several researchers have described the effect of S and FA on
SCC’s fresh properties, which include better rheology, longer set- 3. Experiments
ting times and reduced lateral pressure from formwork (Güneyisi
et al., 2009; Kim et al., 2010). In tests of 32 mixtures, Oner and 3.1. Materials
Akyuz (2007) found that the mixtures delivered the same consis-
tency with lower water to binder ratio than the reference mixture Cementitious materials used to produce SCC were Portland
(0% S). Topçu and Atesßin (2016) are among many researchers who cement type I 42.5 R complying with ASTM C150 (ASTMC150,
investigated the effect of high dosages of LS on concrete (up to 5%) C150M-18., 2018) (West Conshohocken, PA)), class F fly ash (FA)
and reported improvements of fresh properties, compared to the complying with ASTM C 618 (ASTMC618-17a., 2017 (West Con-
control mixture. Nagrockiene et al. (2013) demonstrated that shohocken, PA)), and ground granulated blast furnace slag (S) com-
plying with ASTM C989 (1999 (West Conshohocken, PA)). Table 1
provides a summary of the chemical composition and physical
Table 1 properties of the cement and mineral admixtures, and Fig. 1 shows
Chemical composition and physical properties of cement and mineral admixtures. the particle size distribution of FA, S, and cement. Ligno-
sulphonates (LS) were used as chemical admixtures.
Chemical analyses (%) Cement Fly ash Slag
Table 2 shows the chemical characteristics of the LS. The fine
CaO 62.58 4.24 34.12
aggregate comprised a crushed limestone and natural river sand
SiO2 20.25 56.2 36.41
Al2O3 5.31 20.17 10.39 mix, with a maximum size of 5 mm. The coarse aggregate was river
Fe2O3 4.04 6.69 0.69 gravel, with a maximum size of 16 mm. Table 3 shows the sieve
MgO 2.82 1.92 10.26 analysis and physical properties of the fine and coarse aggregates.
SO3 2.73 0.49 –
K2O 0.92 1.89 0.97
Na2O 0.22 0.58 0.35 3.2. Details of concrete mixture proportioning
Loss of ignition 3.02 1.78 1.64
Specific gravity 3.15 2.25 2.79 Nineteen SCC mixtures were prepared with water equal to 25%
Blaine fineness (cm2/g) 3260 2870 4180 of binder and total binder content of 550 kg/m3. As a control,

Fig. 1. Particle size distribution of cement, flyash, and slag.

Aseel Madallah Mohammed, Diler Sabah Asaad and A.I. Al-Hadithi Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences 34 (2022) 388–397

Table 2 water. The aggregates were then left to absorb the water before
Properties of lignosulphonate admixtures. mixing continued for another minute after adding the powder
Properties LS materials of mineral admixtures and cement. The remaining water
Ingredient Sodium lignosulphonate with liquified LS was then added and the concrete mixed for
Color Dark brown another three minutes before being left to rest for one minute.
pH 8.21 Finally, the fresh state SCC was mixed for a further two minutes.
Solid (%) 39.3 All SCC mixtures were designed to give the desired slump flow
Density (g/cm3) 1.217
Insoluble matter (%) 0.043
by varying the LS dosages to produce trial batches for each
Average molecular mass (g/mole) 55 mixture.
Inverted sugars (%) 3
3.4. Test procedure

As Table 5 shows, control of slump flow, viscosity, and passing

Table 3
Sieve analysis and physical properties of the fine and coarse aggregates. ability classes were controlled by Limitations of the European Fed-
eration for Specialist Construction Chemicals and Concrete Sys-
Sieve size (mm) Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate
tems (EFNARC).
River sand Crushed sand
The tests previously mentioned were also implemented follow-
16 100 100 100
ing the procedures recommended by EFNARC (EFNARC 2002).
8 100 100 31.6
4 86.7 95.5 1.1
Slump flow diameter, T50 slump flow, V-funnel, L-box height ratio,
2 56.6 63.4 0.4 and L-box T20 and T40 flow time were used to test workability,
1 37.8 39.2 0.6 passing ability, viscosity, and setting time. Slump flow value is a
0.5 25.6 28.3 0.6 sensitive test that describes the flowability of fresh unconfined
0.25 6.8 16.3 0.5
SCC concrete. Trial batches were produced for all mixtures until
Fineness modulus 2.77 2.47 5.56
Specific gravity 2.56 2.55 2.82 the target 75 ± 5 cm slump flow diameter was achieved by adjust-
Absorption (%) 0.65 0.82 0.35 ing lignosulphonates volumes instead of a superplasticizer. The
T50 time test indicated SCC uniformity and resistance to segrega-
tion. Flowability and passing ability were examined by V-Funnel
ordinary Portland cement (PC) was used alone, with the other sam- and L-box tests. V-funnel flow time is measured by filling a V-
ples being binary and ternary mixtures PC + FA, PC + S and PC + shaped funnel with concrete and recording the time it takes to
FA + S. For both FA and S, replacement amounts were 10%, 20%, achieve full flow. Table 5 shows viscosity according to the T50 time
30%, 40%, 50% and 60% by weight of total binder. Table 4 shows slump flow and V-funnel. The passing ability of the SCC mixture is
the proportions of all mixtures by amount and type of admixture. its ability to flow through the narrow opening without segregation,
When preparing a ternary mixture, the amounts of FA and S were while the loss of uniformity can be measured by the L-box test. The
equal; for example, the mixture M19 (30FA30S), contains 30% FA results were then compared with the figures in Table 5. Compres-
and 30% S. sive strength after 28 days was tested on three cube specimens
(150 X 150 X 150 mm) following ASTM C39 (2018 (West Con-
shohocken, PA)).
3.3. Concrete casting

Duration and mixing sequences are significant in producing SCC 4. Results and discussion
(Khayat et al., 2000). To emphasise the uniformity and homogene-
ity of the mixtures, the procedures for mixing and batching were 4.1. The fresh density of SCCs
those recommended by Sonebi (2004). Coarse and fine aggregates
were homogenised for 30 s in a power-driven revolving pan mixer Fig. 2 shows the effects of mineral admixtures on SCCs’ fresh
and then for another minute after adding about half of the mixing density when FA and S admixtures are incorporated.

Table 4
Mixture proportions for SCC (Kg/m3).

Mix description w/b W (kg/m3) PC (kg/m3) FA (kg/m3) S (kg/m3) LS (kg/m3) Natural Sand (kg/m3) Crushed Sand (kg/m3) Coarse Agg. (kg/m3)
CM 0.25 137.5 550 0 0 23.4 606.3 259.8 866.1
10FA 0.25 137.5 495 55 0 23.4 599.8 257.1 856.9
20FA 0.25 137.5 440 110 0 22.3 594.2 254.6 848.8
30FA 0.25 137.5 385 165 0 21.7 588.1 252.1 840.2
40FA 0.25 137.5 330 220 0 20.9 582.3 249.5 831.8
50FA 0.25 137.5 275 275 0 19.5 576.8 247.2 824.1
60FA 0.25 137.5 220 330 0 18.7 571.0 244.7 815.7
10S 0.25 137.5 495 0 55 23.1 588.2 252.1 840.3
20S 0.25 137.5 440 0 110 22.0 570.8 244.6 815.4
30S 0.25 137.5 385 0 165 21.2 553.1 237.1 790.2
40S 0.25 137.5 330 0 220 20.1 535.7 229.6 765.3
50S 0.25 137.5 275 0 275 19.0 518.2 222.1 740.3
60S 0.25 137.5 220 0 330 18.2 500.6 214.5 715.1
5FA5S 0.25 137.5 495 27.5 27.5 22.8 594.3 254.7 849.1
10FA10S 0.25 137.5 440 55 55 21.5 583.0 249.9 832.9
15FA15S 0.25 137.5 385 82.5 82.5 20.6 571.3 244.8 816.1
20FA20S 0.25 137.5 330 110 110 19.5 559.7 239.9 799.6
25FA25S 0.25 137.5 275 137.5 137.5 18.4 548.2 234.9 783.1
30FA30S 0.25 137.5 220 165 165 17.9 536.2 229.8 766.0

Aseel Madallah Mohammed, Diler Sabah Asaad and A.I. Al-Hadithi Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences 34 (2022) 388–397

Table 5 fresh SCC contained FA was improved by implementing a binary

EFNARC limitations for Slump flow, viscosity, and passing ability classes [1]. system of S + FA. The author of this study considered this phe-
Slump flow classes nomenon to be the result of powder fineness rather than specific
Class Slump flow diameter (mm) gravity (Table 1), since the area covered by one-unit weight of S
SF1 550–650 was larger than the corresponding amount of cement and FA. Geso-
SF2 660–750 glu et al. (2009) observed the same results when replacing 20% FA
SF3 760–850 type F reduced the fresh density.
Viscosity classes
Class T500 (s) V-funnel time (s)
4.2. Workability of SCCs
VS1/VF1 2 8
VS2/VF2 >2 9–25
In this study, the workability of the SCC mixtures was fixed at a
Passing ability classes
slump flow diameter of 75 ± 5 cm by adjusting the amount of LS
PA1 0.8 with two rebar
rather than using super plasticizers. Fig. 3 demonstrated more reg-
PA2 0.8 with three rebar
ularly distributed SCC of concrete which contained 60% of S than
the CM.
The fresh density of the concrete was seen to decrease continu- It was also seen that a good correlation existed between the
ously in the case of FA replacement, while the opposite was true for replacement level of the mineral admixtures and the demand for
S replacement. Thus, replacing 60% of FA caused a decrease of LS, as demonstrated (see Fig. 4). This figure also showed that a con-
105.5 kg/m3 while a similar replacement with S caused a decline stant slump flow diameter required less LS as more mineral admix-
of 29.7 kg/m3. Conversely, the continuous decline of density of tures were substituted for cement. Thus, the 750 ± 50 mm slump

Fig. 2. Variation in the fresh density of SCCs.

Fig. 3. A typical slump flow of SCCs. (a) 60S Mixture (60% slag replacement), (b) CM (100% Cement).

Aseel Madallah Mohammed, Diler Sabah Asaad and A.I. Al-Hadithi Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences 34 (2022) 388–397

Fig. 4. Variation of LS demand with increasing mineral admixtures content.

Fig. 5. Variation of T50 slump flow time of SCC respect to different mineral admixture contents.

flow target was achieved with reductions in LS by 25% for 60FA, Fig. 7 shows the T50 slump through V-funnel flow time for each
29% for the 60S, and 31% for 30FA30S. Moreover, a further decrease mixture according to EFNARC regarding viscosity classes.
in LS was needed in the binary FA + S group mixtures to maintain As Fig. 5 shows, the highest T50 slump flow times were
the same slump flow diameter, because the cementation materials observed in the control mixture (0% mineral admixtures), and low-
(cement, S and FA) are more regularly distributed and give better est in the mixture incorporating 60% FA. Replacing 10%, 20%, 30%,
flow. Previous studies of fresh SCC have produced the same result 40%, 50% and 60% of mineral admixtures led to slump flow times
(Gesoglu et al., 2015; Güneyisi et al., 2016). of 4.2 s, 3.2 s, 2.8 s, 2.3 s, 1.5 s, and 0.9 s for fly ash, 4.4 s, 3.5 s,
3.1 s, 2.6 s, 1.9 s, and 1.2 s for S and 4.7 s, 3.6 s, 3.3 s, 2.9 s, 2.2 s,
4.3. T50 Slump flow and V-funnel flow times and 1.7 s for a binary of fly ash + slag, respectively. V-funnel flow
time showed the same trend as T50 slump flow time, with flow
Figs. 5 and 6 show the SCC mixtures’ T50 and V-funnel slump times decreasing as more mineral admixtures were incorporated.
flow time when mineral admixtures are incorporated at different The lowest and highest flow times were shown by 60FA and CM,
replacement levels. with 7.1 s and 12.8 s, respectively. The reason SCC flow time

Aseel Madallah Mohammed, Diler Sabah Asaad and A.I. Al-Hadithi Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences 34 (2022) 388–397

Fig. 6. Variation of V-funnel flow time and viscosity classes of SCC at different mineral admixture contents.

Fig. 7. T50 slump flow time versus V-funnel flow time for SCC.

decreases is perhaps because their spherical shape helps particles simulate congested reinforcement. For SCC certification, the L-box
slide over each other more easily. T50 slump flow and V-funnel height ratio (H2/H1) must be equal or greater than 0.8; results
flow times iterations (see Fig. 7) showed that most SCC mixes were approaching 1.0 indicate perfect fluid behaviour. Fig. 8 shows the
within the limitations of VS2/VF2 viscosity specified in Table 5, result of this study and indicates that all mixes satisfied EFNARC lim-
where mineral admixture incorporation was 10%, 20%, 30%, and itations concerning SCC passing ability. Fig. 8 shows that using min-
40%. On the other hand, high-volume replacement levels like eral admixtures increased SCC’s L-box height ratio. The increasing
50FA, 60FA, 50S, 60S, and 30FA30S were within the VS1/VF1 vis- tendency reached a maximum in mixes containing 60% of FA, S,
cosity class. It can, therefore be concluded that such mixtures help and FA + S. The rise in the height ratio for the mineral admixture
improve resistance to segregation and limit formwork pressure was 0.98 for 60%FA, 0.95 for 60%S, and 0.93 for 30%FA + 30%S, mean-
(Saak et al., 2001). ing that FA replacement improved SCC passing ability more than S,
meaning that it was improved more than FA + S. This may be because
4.4. L-box height ratio and T20 and T40 flow time the spherical shape of FA particles improves passing ability more
than the irregular shapes of S particles. It is also possible, though,
To identify the passing ability of the SCC mixes, an L-box height that the decrease in L-box height ratio from combined FA and S is
ratio was determined using H2/H1 which contained three bars to due to the two types of particle interlocking.

Aseel Madallah Mohammed, Diler Sabah Asaad and A.I. Al-Hadithi Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences 34 (2022) 388–397

Fig. 8. Variation of L-box height ratio and passing ability classes of SCC at different mineral admixture contents.

Fig. 9. Variation of (a) T20 and (b) T40 L-box flow time of SCC with respect to different mineral admixture contents.

Fig. 9 shows the time taken by fresh SCC to travel 200 and decrease, but the increase in strength ended at 40% S incorporation
400 mm (T20 and T40) from the L-box’s slide door. Increasing and 30% FA + S incorporation. It would, therefore, seem that the
the amount of mineral admixtures was seen to lower the T20 binary effect of FA + S is to be preferred over S for replacements
and T40 flow times. Replacing PC with FA improved L-box flowing up to 30%, while S is the preferred replacement starting at the
times more than replacing it with S, which was still better than a higher level of 40%. The highest compressive strength of
FA + S replacement. 85.9 MPa was seen in SCCs with 30% FA + S, reducing to
84.2 MPa for 40% S replacement. Any level of FA reduced the com-
4.5. Compressive strength pressive strength, but SCC continued to be within high-strength
concrete limits up to 50% incorporation according to ACI
Fig. 10 shows how different mineral admixtures by which Committee. (363 2010). A preference for binary over individual
cement in SCCs is replaced by FA, S, and FA + S affect the compres- mineral admixtures is likely due to the regular combination of dif-
sive strength at 28 days. FA substitution caused a continual ferent cementation particle sizes (cement, FA, and S). In addition,

Aseel Madallah Mohammed, Diler Sabah Asaad and A.I. Al-Hadithi Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences 34 (2022) 388–397

FA and S formed more C-S-H gel to fill pores during hydration All tests of SCC fresh property and compressive strength were cho-
which led to higher strength. sen as dependent variables; the independent variables were FA, S,
Gesoğlu et al. (2009) also reported the compressive strength of and FA + S. Table 6 shows the results of the statistical analysis. A P-
binary FA + S to be higher than S, which was itself higher than FA. value of less than 0.05 signifies that the parameter is an acceptable
significant test parameter of the fresh properties. Statistical analy-
5. Statistical evaluation of fresh properties sis showed, under the P-values generated by the two-way ANOVA,
that FA and S contents affected compressive strength as well as all
GLM-ANOVA (the general linear model analysis of variance) is fresh properties. Each independent variable was assessed by the
an important tool for statistical diagnosis and analysis of the effec- percentage contribution, so that highest percentage contribution
tiveness of the investigation test parameters. Minitab software was was directly proportional to higher parameter’s effectiveness. In
used to evaluate whether the test results were below the level of this way, the statistical analysis showed that S had a greater
0.05 to ensure that the parameters were statistically acceptable. impact than FA on compressive strength, while the latter had a

Fig. 10. 28-day compressive strength of SCC mixtures with respect to mineral admixture content.

Aseel Madallah Mohammed, Diler Sabah Asaad and A.I. Al-Hadithi Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences 34 (2022) 388–397

Table 6
Statistical assessment of fresh property tests for SCCs.

Dependent variable Independent variable Sequential sum of squares Computed F P value Significance Contribution (%)
Slump flow diameter Fly ash content 5721.7 336.57 0 Yes 84.54
Slag content 999.97 58.82 0 Yes 14.77
Error 46.4 – – – 0.69
Total 6768.08 – – – –
T50 Slump Flow time Fly ash content 8.45671 143.76 0 Yes 52.09
Slag content 7.62321 129.59 0 Yes 46.96
Error 0.15354 – – – 0.95
Total 16.2335 – – – –
V-funnel flow time Fly ash content 20.55025 61.65 0 Yes 63.53
Slag content 10.91125 32.73 0 Yes 33.73
Error 0.88425 – – – 2.73
Total 32.34575 – – – –
L-box height ratio Fly ash content 0.008757 30.65 0 Yes 60.69
Slag content 0.004902 17.16 0.001 Yes 33.97
Error 0.000771 – – – 5.34
Total 0.014429 – – – –
Comp. strength Fly ash content 484.44 30.28 0 Yes 19.2
Slag content 1998.41 124.9 0 Yes 79.1
Error 43.79 – – – 1.7
Total 2526.63 – – – –

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6. Conclusions 1084–1091.
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