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Review Article

Effect of SBS and crumb rubber on asphalt modification:

A review of the properties and practical application

Haibin Li a,*, Canyang Cui a, Ahmed Abdulakeem Temitope b, Zixuan Feng a,

Guijuan Zhao a, Ping Guo c
School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Xi'an 710064, China
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710061, China
Xi'an Highway Research Institute Co., Ltd., Xi'an 710054, China


 Performances of SBS modified asphalt, CR modified asphalt and composite SBS/CR modified asphalt are reviewed.
 Microscopic mechanism of SBS, CR and composite SBS/CR modifier is discussed.
 The future outlooks of composite SBS/CR modified asphalt is highlighted.

article info abstract

Article history: Owing to the environmental protection potential and the desirable high performance ca-
Received 8 August 2021 pabilities, asphalt rubber (AR) and styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) modified asphalt have
Received in revised form been widely used. However, the poor construction workability and segregation issues of
20 March 2022 AR, along with the exorbitant cost of SBS modified asphalt, are of the serious problems that
Accepted 30 March 2022 plague their application scope. Moreover, SBS/crumb rubber (CR) modified asphalt is
Available online 6 October 2022 gradually becoming widespread and it therefore becomes incumbent to find appropriate
ways to mitigate the issues that may limit its use. As a consequence, it becomes crucial to
Keywords: analyze the interaction between CR and SBS modifiers in the composite mixture, as well as
Asphalt rubber evaluate the influence of modifier dosage on the performance of the modified asphalt. This
Crumb rubber study presents a comprehensive review of the effects of SBS modifier, CR modifier and
SBS modified asphalt composite SBS/CR on the performance of modified asphalts. Macro analysis and micro
SBS/CR modified asphalt analysis, including analysis on the conventional physical properties, are carried out. It can
Basic performance uncover the interaction between modifier and asphalt, which reveals how the modifiers
Micro properties influence the properties of modified asphalts. This study will serve as a source of invalu-
able information to researchers, engineers, and designers, informing them the develop-
ment, potential and challenges of the CR, SBS and SBS/CR modified asphalts, the optimum
contents to attain the best performance along with the mechanism involved.
© 2022 Periodical Offices of Chang'an University. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on
behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-
ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (H. Li), [email protected] (C. Cui), [email protected] (A.A. Temitope),
[email protected] (Z. Feng), [email protected] (G. Zhao), [email protected] (P. Guo).
Peer review under responsibility of Periodical Offices of Chang'an University.
2095-7564/© 2022 Periodical Offices of Chang'an University. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co.
Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2022; 9 (5): 836e863 837

1. Introduction poor compatibility with asphalt, rubber asphalt is easy to

separate, and the modification effect is not obvious when
Asphalt pavements should be able to withstand traffic loads the content of rubber powder is low. When the content of
and stresses under different climatic conditions and stresses rubber powder is high, the modified asphalt becomes highly
(Li et al., 2021a). As a typical viscoelastic material, asphalt viscous, requiring a relatively high construction temperature
shows brittle viscoelastic behavior at low temperature and a with great difficulty during mixing (Brown et al., 1997;
contrasting flowing behavior at high temperature. This FHWA, 2014; Scofield, 1989). Therefore, in order to overcome
behavior is basically the cause of most asphalt pavement the aforementioned weaknesses which accompany polymer
defects. During hot seasons and periods, asphalt pavement material modifiers, researches have started focusing on
is more vulnerable to rutting, whereas during cold seasons modification technologies based on composite materials,
and periods, it shrinks with the decrease of temperature, such as SBS/CR, SBS/poly-phosphoric acid (PPA), SBS/nano-
resulting in cracks. With the determination, and the zeal to materials, SBS/high viscosity additives etc. (Zhou et al.,
mollify and surmount the distresses combatting asphalt 2019a). Compound modification has the potential by and
pavements, researchers have sought to figure out means of large, of making great strides in the enhancement of
altering the properties of asphalt binders and mixtures, by invaluable asphaltic characteristics. SBS/CR composite
adopting modifiers of various kinds (Behnood and Olek, modified asphalt reduces the use of SBS and reduces the
2017; Li et al., 2022a). cost; moreover, the addition of SBS modifier can also reduce
There are many additives and modification processes the amount of rubber powder on the basis of ensuring the
which are well recognized and employed in asphalt modifi- modification effect, reducing the viscosity of modified
cations, and of such additives are styrene-butadiene-styrene asphalt, facilitating construction, and the improvement of
(SBS), and crumb rubber (CR) (Mashaan et al., 2012). Naturally, the storage stability of modified asphalt system, which is
an ideal modifier helps to enhance the rutting resistance of conducive to industrial production.
asphalt during hot seasons when it becomes hot, while In this paper, the background, significance and current
maintaining its core strength in cold areas to prevent status of SBS, CR, and SBS/CR modified asphalt researches
brittleness of the asphalt pavement (Behnood and Olek, were explored comprehensively. Analysis was then conduct-
2017). Other alluring characteristics of polymer modified ed, covering the macro and micro aspects, from the basic
asphalts comprise more noteworthy wise, cohesive quality physical properties, to the rheology and morphology of the
and ductility, and prominence wise, viscosity and softening modified asphalts. Furthermore, the research results of
point, as well as higher elastic recovery (Yildirim, 2007). various researchers were meticulously investigated, as a
Modifier materials such as SBS are widely used modifiers means to better grasp the modification technique as well as
which are proven to be effective in the enhancement of the expected properties and performance standards of modi-
asphaltic properties at extreme temperatures. However, fied asphalts (Mashaan et al., 2012).
these pavements are expensive and can sometimes be
susceptible to aging and degradation during their service
lives (Zhou et al., 2019a). 2. Current status of CR, SBS and SBS/CR
CR, a low-cost material, is a commonly used modifier modifiers
because it possesses great resistance to aging and fatigue, and
is very effective at low temperatures (Zhou et al., 2019a). The 2.1. Crumb rubber and desulphurized rubber modifier
1840's marked the inception of rubber incorporation into
asphalts and France paved the first rubber modified asphalt 2.1.1. Crumb rubber modifier
road (Isacsson and Lu, 1999). During the late 1930's, rubber With the development of the world economy and the accel-
modified asphalts adopted as seam fillers, smudges, and eration of industrialization, the number of vehicles plying
layers began witnessing significant developments (Yildirim, roads is increasing, and about 1 billion waste tires are pro-
2007). In 1898, after the rubber modified asphalt technology duced every year (Pacheco-Torgal et al., 2012; Thomas et al.,
was patented, France had the honor of paving the first 2016), with a large number of waste tires currently stored or
rubber modified asphalt road (Mahrez, 1999), and this is buried. There are about 1 billion waste tires in the United
lauded as being the first rubber asphalt road using rubber States, and more than 300 million produced every year, of
modifier. Furthermore, in 1964, Charles McDonald of which 32.6% are stacked (Presti, 2013; Siddique and Naik,
Phoenix developed techniques to produce rubber asphalt. A 2004). In the European Union, more than 3 billion waste tires
test patch of his rubber asphalt whereby small sized ground require treatment, but the recycling rate is only 18% (Liu
scrap rubber powder was introduced into asphalt paved in et al., 2020). In 2018, the total number of waste tires in China
1964 and 1965, and the performance was adequate, thereby reached 765 million, weighing 15 million tons, and 20 million
urging the city to further the assessment of the material tons in 2020 (National Bureau of Statistics of the People's
(Masters, 1989). Republic of China, 2018).
CR being relatively cost effective and environmentally According to the development report of China's renewable
friendly makes it an excellent alternative or addition, and it is resources recycling industry in 2018, the generation and re-
already proven to be capable of improving the asphalt prop- covery of waste tires in China have increased steadily, but the
erties and durability (Hamed, 2010). However, due to the large recycling rate is still lower than 50% (Ministry of Commerce of
inertia on the surface of rubber powder, and its characteristic the People's Republic of China, 2018). CR is the product of
838 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2022; 9 (5): 836e863

recycled used vehicle tires, whereby the used vehicle tires are in rotational viscosity at high temperatures following CR
crushed and reduced to crumbs of approximately equal sizes. modifier addition. Travis (1997) pointed out that in the
Over the years, many researchers have proved that adding CR asphalt with high light-components content and relatively
as a modifier to asphalt is one of the important methods to small molecular mass, the modification effect is better.
effectively treat waste tires (Li et al., 2021b). At present, Researches such as Nahas et al. (1990) show that when
according to indoor research and engineering practice, 40 polymer modifiers are added to asphalt, it will expand in
mesh rubber powder is the most commonly used rubber volume due to the absorption of oil, and the modified
powder. Its macro and micro morphologies are shown in asphalt will thereupon display better workability as well as
Fig. 1 revealing how its particles show irregular spheres with storage stability. Furthermore, Labib et al. (2002) believe that
concave convex surfaces. adding an appropriate proportion of CR modifier can
Zumrawi (2017) found that CR modifier was able to effectively improve asphalts performance. Maccarrone et al.
enhance the basic conventional properties of asphalt, with (1995) suggest that the polymer and asphalt can be fully
viscosity particularly almost double the viscosity of virgin dissolved in order to achieve a better modification effect. If
asphalt. In their study, Bahia and Davies (1994) found that the rubber powder dissolves poorly in the asphalt, the
while the changes in the low temperature properties of the rubber powder will exist in the form of flocs and granules in
CR modifier modified asphalt remain negligible, it saw an the asphalt and may even produce layers. The study of
unfavorable rise in viscosity at pumping and mixing Sheth (1997) shows that, for every 1% increase in the
temperatures as well as increased values of rutting amount of rubber powder when preparing rubber asphalt,
resistance factors being observed, specifically at high the brittle point of rubber asphalt will be reduced by 1  C.
temperatures. Wang (2016) observed a continuous increase Lalwani et al. (1982) suggest that the virgin asphalt will have

Fig. 1 e Size 40 mesh CR powder. (a) Macro morphology. (b) Micro morphology (Li et al., 2019).
J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2022; 9 (5): 836e863 839

a significant improvement in its rheology performance after witnessed in CR modified asphalt mixtures; secondly, that
the addition of rubber powder. these aforementioned improvements however, may be
Tayebali and Natu (1999) observed that when the rubber accompanied by negligible decline in indirect tensile
powder content was 16%, it had better temperature sensiti- strength and other performance characteristics. Moreno-
vity, as well as becoming more resistant to ageing. Today, Navarro et al. (2016) revealed that, irrespective of the
many European countries, the United States, as well as Japan, application processes involved, CR is capable of inducing
South Africa and other countries, have conducted in-depth anti-fatigue cracking properties in CR modified asphalt
researches on rubber asphalt and its mixtures, and in their mixture pavements during their service life. Aljaberi (2019)
own roads, these mixtures have a lot of promotion and use demonstrated the relationship between source of CR and
(Florida, 2010). Khalili et al. (2019) carried out a critical viscoelastic and Marshall Properties, by classifying CR under
examination of ambient and cryogenic CR modifier. They the size of the vehicle tire it was sourced from, consequently
discovered that the better deformation resistance and the establishing the impact that CR source does have on CR
viscoelastic properties of asphalt witnessed were directly performance in CR modified asphalt. Irfan et al. (2018)
proportional to the higher CR modifier content for both types confirmed once again, the better anti-rutting deformation
of CR modifier, with 20% CR modifier being the optimum resistance possessed by CR modified asphalt mixtures over
dosage yielding the best result. Chen et al. (2019a) compared normal mixes, as well as the better surface consistency and
the performance of a rejuvenator and CR modifier þ stabilizer smoothness that ensures it has better driving feeling during
in rejuvenating aged asphalt. The results demonstrated its service life.
the superiority of the aged asphalt rejuvenated using CR
modifier þ stabilizer over that rejuvenated using the rejuve- 2.1.2. Desulphurized rubber modifier
nator at both extreme ends of temperature. Researchers used the desulfurization process to break part of
Duan et al. (2019) exposed the existence of special chemical the crosslink bond, CeS bond and SeS bond in the ordinary
reactions between the CR modifier and the asphalt which rubber powder without damaging the CeC bond, thereby
leads to better workability and storage stability in the shortening the molecular chain of the rubber powder, and thus
resulting CR modified asphalt. Chen et al. (2019b) turned to the desulphurized rubber modifier (Ma et al., 2016) was
surface modification of CR particles as a means to improving produced. At present, the common desulfurization methods of
the infamous poor low temperature performance of the waste rubber powder mainly include mechanical
modified asphalt. They concluded that indeed, surface desulfurization, thermo-oxidative desulfurization, desulfuri-
modification of the CR modifier led to a significant increase zation regeneration agent, microbial desulfurization and so on
in the low temperature characteristics of CR modified (De et al., 2007; Kabir et al., 2021; Kojima et al., 2003; Roberson
asphalt. Wang et al. (2017) established a principle regarding and Boron, 1998). The dispersion of desulfurized rubber
the low temperature performance of CR modified asphalt powder in asphalt is easier than that of ordinary vulcanized
and its mixtures. They characterized it as being contingent rubber powder, thereby improving the compatibility between
on the various preparation process parameters involved them (Fang et al., 2021; Li et al., 2019; Ma et al., 2017). This type
such as dosage, shearing time and shearing rate. Going of rubber is equipped with the right kinds of characteristics
further, they also established a direct proportionality which help it to overcome many of the few challenges facing
between freshness of asphalt as well as low penetration CR modified asphalt, such as segregation, poor storage
grade and better cracking resistance at very low temperatures. stability and poor workability at high temperatures due to
Poovaneshvaran et al. (2020) revealed from their excessively high viscosity. The macro and micro morphologies
investigations that all the conventional properties of CR of desulfurized rubber (DR) powder are shown in Fig. 2,
modified asphalt witnessed great improvements following showing its spherically shaped particles. Although there are
CR addition. And that generally, the higher the CR content, still a large number of concave and convex on the surface, the
the higher the tensile and shear strength of the CR modified surface burr structures are reduced, and the particle outer
asphalt. Razmi and Mirsayar (2018) found that the optimum diameter is relatively consistent presenting a fluffy feeling,
content of CR in CR modified asphalt was 15%, and that CR which can promote the adsorption and infiltration of asphalt
modified asphalt at this content had the best crack and desulfurization rubber powder. As a result, many
resistance, which considerably depended on the load mode. researchers have recently turned to DRM, as a means of
Sutanto et al. (2018) also concluded following various tests, making full use of waste tires in the asphalt production
that the conventional properties, viscoelastic properties and industry. However, the desulfurization process is complicated
anti-permanent deformation properties of CR modified and expensive, with the price often 50%e100% higher than
asphalt were outstanding, making them more suitable for that of ordinary vulcanized rubber powder.
road pavement applications. Del Barco-Carrio  n et al. (2016) In their study, Sheng et al. (2017) investigated the
found that, when compared to SBS modified asphalt, properties exhibited by different kinds of desulphurized
although the CR modified asphalt is more stable, it however rubber modifier asphalt (DRMA) while varying parameters
required a higher dosage of CR modifier to reach the such as dosage, shearing time, shearing temperature, and
impressive level reached by the SBS modified asphalt. shearing rate. The study shows the relationship between
Li et al. (2018) uncovered two major points in their desulphurized rubber modifier (DRM) dosage and the
research: firstly, that CR is responsible for the enhanced conventional physical properties. By controlling the DRM
dynamic strength, hardness and anti-bending resistance dosage at 20% (by weight), DRMA withy very satisfactory
840 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2022; 9 (5): 836e863

overall performance was achieved. Wang et al. (2020b) over the CR modified asphalt. Li et al. (2019) carried out tests
conducted an extensive research on DRMA and CR modified on the basic physical properties of asphalt such as
asphalt, after which they thoroughly compared the penetration, softening point, viscosity and ductility. The
performances of the two kinds of rubber modifiers. results are very important for comparison between CR
Although, CR modified asphalt still possessed the better modified asphalt and DRMA.
deformation and ageing resistance, DRMA as expected, had Ye et al. (2003) studied the two main methods of rubber
better storage stability, as well as a clear superiority in terms desulphurization namely, dynamic desulphurization and
of low temperature performance. high-speed agitation desulphurization. They reported that
Ma et al. (2016) analyzed DRMA in conjunction with CR during dynamic desulphurization, there is a temporary
modified asphalt, and concluded that the main reason for alteration of the volcanized bond that exists structurally in
differences in the performance properties shown by these CR modifier, leading to improvements in the DRMA's storage
two different kinds of asphalt is that the CR modifier stability. However, this alteration recesses overtime, thereby
undergoes a physical reaction with the asphalt in CR resulting in a poor dispersion of the DRM in the asphalt. The
modified asphalt, while the DRM on the other hand high-speed agitation desulphurization method on the other
undergoes both a physical and a chemical reaction with the hand, permanently destroys the volcanized bond while
asphalt in DRMA. This is the reason for the better storage preventing its recession, leading to better storage stability,
stability and the favorably reduced high temperature better viscoelastic properties, and better high temperature
viscosity observed in the DRMA, an advantage it brandishes performances.

Fig. 2 e DR powder. (a) Macro morphology. (b) Micro morphology (Li et al., 2019).
J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2022; 9 (5): 836e863 841

2.2. SBS modifier despite the common trend of poor low temperature
performances displayed by SBS modifier.
SBS belongs to a category of thermoplastic elastomers that Li et al. (2012) concluded that the softening point was the
possess the elastic ability to be displaced due to applied stress, most important index for measuring asphalt's high
and to return to its original form once the stress is removed. temperature performances. He also noted that the aggregate
They also flaunt thermo-elastic properties of softness and size was also influential in how SBS modifier improves
viscosity, as well as high temperature liquidation and room relationship with asphalt, as coarse aggregates tend to
temperature solidification. Moreover, it displays an amazing promote internal structural frictions which lead to better
balance between performance properties and handling, which rutting and anti-ageing resistance. In China, researchers are
has significantly drawn the attention of various researchers constantly faced with choosing between Chinese test
over the years, making it uniquely suited to asphalt modifi- methods and Superpave test methods when evaluating SBS-
cation. SBS displays excellent abrasion and anti-ageing resis- modified asphalt. With the aim to clarify the differences,
tance, which makes it perfect for inducing outstanding Zhang et al. (2019a) studied these two methods and reported
viscoelastic and high temperature properties when combined a great improvement in the high temperature properties of
with asphalt. SBS modifier can greatly enhance SBS modified asphalt following SBS modifier addition. However, it was
asphalt performance in hot regions, as well as considerably revealed that SBS modifier addition led to poor workability
reduce their temperature sensitivity. However, it is also due to very high viscosity witnessed at high temperatures.
known to raise viscosity of SBS modified asphalt at high Furthermore, during this evaluation, it was suggested that
temperatures, thereby bringing about difficulty in mixing and the BBR method of low temperature testing was better that
compaction of asphalt mixtures. The macro morphology of the low temperature ductility test, as the low temperature
SBS particles is shown in Fig. 3. SBS appearance is white or ductility values recorded showed it was error prone. In the
light yellow porous round bar or round flake shaped small end, because SBS modifier dosage in the 0e5.5% range saw
particles. It has the advantages of rubber and plastic, and notable increases, while the 5.5%e6.0% range saw no
has good low temperature resistance, air permeability and noteworthy increases, it was then decided that the optimal
wet sliding resistance, and is easy to be processed and formed. SBS modifier dosage was within 4.5%e5.5%.
Kim et al. (2013) conducted several laboratory tests in order Zhang et al. (2017) used different indoor ageing methods to
to establish the impact of SBS modifier on asphalt evaluate the ageing performance of SBS modified asphalt.
modification. They discovered that following 5% SBS They concluded that the ultraviolet (UV) ageing, of all the
modifier addition, the modified asphalt (MA) displayed better ageing methods, had the worst degradation effect on the
penetration index (PI) as well as high temperature and SBS modifier in the SBS modified asphalt. Airey (2003)
viscoelastic properties, although low temperature effects reported that SBS modifier had a significant influence on the
were relatively negligible. In addition, remarkable basic physical properties of asphalt as well as its rheological
improvements were seen in terms of rutting resistance characteristics. Lu and Isacsson (1997) portrayed the
factor, as well as crack and fatigue resistances going up in improvements witnessed in the rheological properties of SBS
the subsequent SBS modified asphalt mixtures tested. modified asphalt as being related to the SBS modifier dosage
Zhuang et al. (2017) were quite thorough in investigating SBS as well as type (linear, & branched). They however held that
modifier addition into asphalt. They revealed that as the improvements in the viscoelastic properties had no
expected, SBS modifier adequately improved the high correlation with SBS modifier dosage, with their optimal SBS
temperature properties of asphalt, its viscoelastic properties modifier dosage range falling within 3%e6%.
as well as its general temperature sensitivity at about 4% Dong et al. (2014b) held that their research proved that
dosage. However, they discovered that the SBS modifier also choice of asphalt, light weight components distribution of
actually improved the construction workability of asphalt, the asphalt, SBS modifier dosage, and SBS modifier structure
and even more surprising, its low temperature ductility, are all influencers on the performance of MA as well as the
adequate spreading and diffusion of SBS modifier within the
MA. Ding et al. (2019) finalized that there was significant
meliorations in the viscous flow characteristics of SBS
modified asphalt, as the SBS modifier adequately raised the
MA's temperature behavior as well as its flow characteristics
following its addition. Yan et al. (2019) revealed that the high
temperature short term ageing which occurred at the initial
stage of asphalt ageing was greatly responsible for SBS
modifier degradation, thereby seriously damaging the SBS
modified asphalt's rutting resistance. Bai (2017) stated that
ageing had a negative impact on the low temperature
characteristics of aged SBS modified asphalt.
Lin et al. (2017) proved that 4.5% SBS modifier dosage,
Sulphur, and some type of rubber at specific dosages had a
significant effect on the low temperature parameters of SBS
modified asphalt as well as on its performance. Karakas
Fig. 3 e SBS co-polymer material sample. et al. (2015) conducted a thorough experimentation of a road
842 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2022; 9 (5): 836e863

section made with SBS modified asphalt as well as one made clearly superior pavements which meet specified standards
with virgin asphalt. After the period of one year laden with in all areas (Zhang et al., 2019a). Be that as it may, it remains
various tests carried out at intervals, it was revealed that the yet to be established, the effects of factors such as rubber
SBS modified asphalt mixture pavement reigned clearly particle size and SBS structure, on the properties of SBS/CR
superior to the virgin asphalt in terms of the parameter modified asphalt. The SBS/CR modified asphalt is much
examined. And it was established that there exists a more complex unlike the SBS modified asphalt and the CR
correlation between the proposed pavement region and the modified asphalt, as there is a new kind of reactions among
strength parameters of the SBS modified asphalt mixture, rubber particles, SBS copolymers, and asphalt, which makes
thereby bringing out once again the high temperature it obvious that CR particle size and SBS structure, may affect
characteristics of SBS modifier. Hassanpour-Kasanagh et al. the composite modified asphalt in distinct ways.
(2020) compared SBS modified asphalt with some composite In their research, Qian et al. (2020) comprehensively
modifiers, and found that at high temperatures, the evaluated various properties of SBS/CR composite modified
composite modifiers had the better performance, but that at asphalt with various parameters. They found out that larger
intermediate temperatures, the SBS modified asphalt CR particle size combined with 20 wt.% styrene, showcased
performed better, with all the MAs improving the asphalt's the better the fatigue and anti-rutting performances, and at
resistance to deformation. the same time, the lower low-temperature cracking
Sengul et al. (2013) researched SBS modified asphalt, and resistance and storage stability. Ye et al. (2019) examined
concluded that SBS mixtures showed higher stability and some properties of aged SBS/CR modified asphalt. The
MQ values than virgin asphalt, showed better resistance to analysis revealed that the low temperature performance of
deformation, was less susceptible to moisture infiltration, SBS/CR modified asphalt was better than that of SBS
and demonstrated outstanding increase in fatigue modified asphalt and virgin asphalt after ageing. This
performance. While inspecting SBS modifier dispersion in confirms that the incorporation of CR and SBS into asphalt
SBS modified asphalt, Shan et al. (2020) found that SBS helps improve the performance and its resilience to ageing.
modifier has a unique ability to limit the flow ability of Zhou et al. (2019b) adopted the BBR test as well as some
asphalt, thereby leading to a favorable increase in energy indicators to ascertain the superiority of the low
viscoelastic properties of SBS modified asphalt. Yu et al. temperature performance of aged SBS/CR modified asphalt
(2019) discovered that UV ageing had a catastrophic impact to aged SBS modified asphalt. Ultimately, the SBS/CR
on SBS modified asphalt mixture. Internal volcanized bonds modified asphalt proved to be far superior to the SBS
in SBS modifier structure were broken, leading to obvious modified asphalt under various controlled conditions.
cracks in the SBS modified asphalt mixture pavement Dong et al. (2019b) investigated the dispersion and
following UV ageing. Zhao et al. (2010) made an important mechanism of SBS/CR modified asphalt, to which he
discovery about the discrepancy between the degradation of concluded that physically, as well as in rheological terms,
aged SBS modifier in air, and that when it is mixed into the properties of the modified asphalt were clearly
asphalt. It was found that the asphalt serves as a protective improved, but that there was no clear chemical relationship
layer shielding the SBS modifier from UV rays thereby between the modifiers and the asphalt (there was no
helping to extend SBS modified asphalt's service life and obvious swelling reactions, functional groups remain
performance. unchanged). As a consequence, they suggested the use of
Gao et al. (2013) reported that, as SBS modified asphalt bio-asphalt to ignite a chemical reaction which would
ages, it loses its fluidity due to loss of some of asphalt's light provide much more excellent performances. Dong et al.
components, making SBS modified asphalt more viscous and (2019a) following up on his suggestion in his previous
brittle in the process. And that overtime, some internal research, inspected the possibilities of chemical reaction
chemical changes occur which later jeopardizes the SBS brought about by the incorporation of SBS/CR into bio-
modifier's modification effect on SBS modified asphalt. asphalt. He subsequently reported chemical interactions
Zhang and Hu (2015) suggested the addition of a cross-linker between the modified asphalt and Bio-asphalt unlike the
and a plasticizer into SBS modified asphalt. They found that plain asphalt, which consequently led to remarkable
the overall performance of the SBS modified asphalt was performances been witnessed.
enhanced due to the new additions. Although they had Xiang et al. (2015) discovered that the SBS/CR composite
negligible anti-ageing effects on the SBS modified asphalt, modified asphalt showed outstanding anti-aging
they however made the SBS modifier more stable and led to performance mainly due to the SBS and CR modifiers. Tur
more positive structural changes and reactions. Rasool et al. (2017) incorporated highly reclaimed rubber
(HRR) into SBS modified asphalt to get composite modified
2.3. SBS/CR modifier asphalt that has better performances especially after ageing.
The results of their research reflected better storage stability
Nowadays, SBS/CR composite modification technology is as well as stronger chemical bonds being created in the
attracting the interest of various researchers, as a means to HRR/SBS modified asphalt. Jiang et al. (2019) found that
bridge and overcome the limitations of SBS modified asphalt compound modification of CR and SBS, improved the
and CR modified asphalt, thereby resulting in better and more damping performance of SBS/CR modified asphalt to a great
excellent modified asphalt (Li et al., 2022b). Moreover, many degree. Also, the large specific surface area of the fine CR
researches have shown that the combination of SBS and CR powder particles improved the contact area between the
into a composite modified asphalt leads to the production of asphalt and CR particles, which increased the interfacial
J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2022; 9 (5): 836e863 843

adhesion and improved the integrity and compatibility of

blend. Moreover, by altering the core asphalt characteristics,
it also managed to reduce the temperature sensitivity and
increased the integrity of the SBS/CR modified asphalt.
Tur Rasool et al. (2018) studied the combination of
degraded tire rubber (DTR) and SBS modifier in an asphalt
system. It was discovered that proper dispersion of the
rubber particles ensured they were very compatible with
each other, leading to a clear and obvious upsurge in the
conventional properties such as softening point,
penetration, ductility, and viscosity. An even more obvious
surge was witnessed in the high temperature performance
of the resulting modified asphalt as compared to plain
asphalt and even the revered SBS modified asphalt. Liang
et al. (2015) investigated the SBS/CR modified asphalt using a
special apparatus known as the ARES Controlled Stress
Rheometer. It was discovered that the combination of the CR
and SBS copolymer in an asphalt led to excellent anti-rutting
performances ensuring a longer service life for the asphalt. Fig. 5 e Typical effect of CR modifier on softening point of
However, it was observed that the modified asphalt is not so asphalt (Guo, 2008; Xia, 2009; Zumrawi, 2017).
easy to work with as it showed poor storage stability.
Dong et al. (2016) found that the SBS/CR modified asphalt's
delicacy when it comes to temperature changes was much compatibility between the modifiers, but that the CR had
more reinforced unlike the individual SBS modified asphalt, more positive impacts than the SBS modifier in the system.
the CR modified asphalt, nor the virgin asphalt. And that its Wang et al. (2012) studied the effect of SBS copolymer
viscosity as well as its elastic recovery, were much more introduction into rubber asphalt. They employed specially
improved. Fu et al. (2019) carried out a detailed assessment designed systems, using various predetermined parameters,
of the impact of CR and SBS modifier on aged asphalt. They in a controlled environment, to ultimately establish that the
discovered that these modifiers spark both a physical as well SBS was able to raise the grade of the rubber asphalt,
as a chemical reaction which then leads to a metamorphosis leading to the production of composite modified asphalt that
of a kind in the overall structure, this enable them to is capable of meeting all standard specified levels in the road
reinforce the asphalt with outstanding viscoelastic asphalt modification industry. Zhang et al. (2019b)
properties that help give the modified asphalt an edge under highlighted how some properties of asphalt degrade
high or low temperatures. Qian et al. (2018) analyzed the overtime in the asphalt pavement. They then conducted
high-cured CR modifier and the SBS modifier, and then specialized tests to reveal the effect a combination of SBS
evaluated their effects on the SBS/CR composite modified and CR modifiers will have in mitigating some of these
asphalt. They discovered a staggering high degree of inevitable drops in asphalt potency. They soon discovered
positive effects, which were solely contingent on the SBS
modifier's better viscoelasticity coupled with the CR
modifier's resistance to deformation, and resulted in better
composite modified asphalt.

Fig. 4 e Typical effect of CR modifier on penetration of Fig. 6 e Typical effect of CR modifier on ductility of asphalt
asphalt (Guo, 2008; Xia, 2009; Zumrawi, 2017). (Guo, 2008; Xia, 2009; Zumrawi, 2017).
844 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2022; 9 (5): 836e863

above 300  C. Reduction of CR modifier particles from

crumbs to powder ensured up to 40% or higher can be added
into the asphalt. Right from the start, the method employed
by Zhai et al. (2017) bore fruits, with drops in viscosity and
softening point, as well as an increase in ductility following
20% CR modifier addition into asphalt. This effectively
solved the infamous stratified segregation and poor storage
stability problems witnessed in SBS/CR asphalts. They then
concluded that SBS/CR asphalt with 1.5% SBS, 30% CR
modifier can meet the requirements for high-grade
highways, with the technical requirements of the mixture
and technical indicators meeting the Asphalt IeC and Amer-
ican PG-82 standards respectively, and greatly improving the
technical problems of settlement and low ductility in common
Fig. 7 e Typical effect of CR modifier on viscosity of asphalt SBS/CR asphalts.
(Guo, 2008; Xia, 2009; Zumrawi, 2017). Jia (2019) stated that it proved difficult to obtain SBS/CR
modified asphalt with superior performance by using only
SBS and CR for compound modification. Epoxidized soybean
Dong et al. (2014a) found out that the conditions and oil (ESO) plasticizer was selected to enhance the composite
parameters surrounding CR addition into SBS modified modification effect. According to their result, the SBS/CR
asphalt such as dosage, mixing time, mixing rate and mixing after ESO addition was much more superior to both CR
temperature, directly influenced the conventional properties modified asphalt and SBS modified asphalt. From the
as well as the high temperature performance of the microscopic tests conducted, it can be seen that
composite SBS/CR modified asphalt, with little to no modification mechanism of SBS and CR is mainly physical
influence recorded on the low temperature end. Zhou et al. mixing, with almost no chemical reaction. However,
(2019a) highlighted the need for modified asphalt that could following ESO plasticizer addition, the SBS modifier and CR
be of better use in cold regions. After a thorough analysis of modifier in the composite SBS/CR became cross-linked and
the low temperature properties of several modified asphalts, also overlapped in the virgin, forming a stable structure,
it was concluded that the SBS/CR modified asphalt had the leading to significant improvements in the high and low
best performances, meeting the requirements for cold temperature performance of the asphalt.
regions. With finding an economic, yet environmentally Due to the well-known limitations of incompatibility and
friendly asphalt modifier as their objective, Qian and Fan poor storage stability, Ren et al. (2020) incorporated trans-
(2020) concluded that combining the proper proportion of CR polyoctenamer (TOR) to help with compatibility and high
modifier and SBS modifier, coupled with the right aromatic temperature properties issues. They found that TOR was
and asphaltene composition of the chosen asphalt will responsible for the better temperature related performances
result in cost efficient high grade modified asphalts. witnessed, as well as for the remarkable resistance to
Zhai et al. (2017) in a bid to solve some of the problems deformation demonstrated by the SBS/CR modified asphalt.
facing SBS/CR modified asphalt, decided to use CR modifier Although they noted that the low temperature ductility
partially decomposed by heat instead of the ordinary CR in following TOR addition was still not so good. Meanwhile,
the composite. The partial decomposition was achieved by they further stated that better viscoelastic characteristic
heating the bottom part of the CR modifier which was then effects in the SBS/CR asphalt was contingent on combining
reduced into powdered form in hot oil of surface the proper proportion of aromatic and asphaltene
temperature of about 175  Ce195  C in an electric furnace, at composition of the chosen asphalt.

Table 1 e Effect of CR modifier on the conventional physical properties of asphalt.

Parameter Optimum CR modifier content (%) Evaluation of modifier impact
(compared with virgin asphalt binder)
4e12 12e20 20e29 Penetration Softening Ductility Viscosity
(25  C) point ( C) (5  C) (cm) (135  C)
(0.1 mm) (Pa$s)
Relevant Ghavibazoo and Aljaberi (2019); Chen et al. (2019a); ⤓ ⤒ ⤓ ⤒
research Abdelrahman (2014) Bahia and Davies (1994); Duan et al. (2019);
Del Barco-Carrio n Poovaneshvaran
et al. (2016); et al. (2020)
Khalili et al. (2019);
Sutanto et al. (2018);
Zumrawi (2017)
J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2022; 9 (5): 836e863 845

Yin (2018) reported that, the compatibility and low-

temperature performance of SBS/CR modified asphalt
constantly improved following increase of preparation
parameters such as shearing temperature, time and speed.
However, when a certain threshold was exceeded, there was
excessive degradation and ageing of SBS polymer material
and rubber powder particles. A shearing rate of 4000 rpm for
80 min at 180  C was then recommended for optimal
performance. Ji et al. (2018) concluded that the optimum CR
content of SBS/CR modified asphalt was 15%, and that the
temperature range for SBS/CR modified asphalt mixture
Fig. 8 e Typical optimal CR modifier dosage. construction is 175  Ce185  C. In addition, when compared

Table 2 e Effects of CR modifier on viscoelastic properties of asphalt based on relevant research.

Relevant research Preparation parameter Optimum CR Major finding
modifier dosage (%)
Zumrawi (2017) 180  C; 60 min 20  Improved rutting and fatigue/reflection
Bahia and Davies (1994) 180  C; 60 min; 200 rpm 20  Positive increment in rutting resistance factor
 High correlation coefficient values indicative of
an acceptable level of consistency on rheology
Khalili et al. (2019) 177  C; 30 min; 700 rpm 20  Improved rutting resistance; improved high
temperature stability; improved toughness
Chen et al. (2019a) 170  C; 60 min 20  The molecular weight distribution of aged
RTFOT: 12.5 h; 185  C asphalt with the CR modifier was improved
slightly but did not return to the status of virgin
Wang et al. (2017) 177  C; 30 min; 700 rpm 12  All rubbers have good thermal stabilities at
normal mixing temperature
 Low temperature properties were improved
significantly after surface treatment
 Improved low and intermediate temperature
Poovaneshvaran et al. (2020) 160  C; 30 min; 1000 rpm 10  Increased G* parameter of asphalt binder,
reduced the d, and improved the resistance to
rutting through G*/sin d parameter, indicating
enhanced high temperature stability of asphalt
Razmi and Mirsayar (2018) Initial: 190  C; 30 min; 20  CR modified asphalt mixture showed higher
2000 rpm resistance against crack growth, particularly at
Final: 190  C; lower temperatures
45 min; 1000 rpm  Reduced stiffness
Sutanto et al. (2018) 2 h; 4000 rpm 8  Improved viscoelastic rheological properties at
tested temperatures
 Improved deformation and aging resistance
Li et al. (2018) 160  C; 60 min; 5000 rpm 15  Improved anti-rutting performance
Aljaberi (2019) 180  Ce200  C; 15 min; 1000 rpm 16  CR is an effective modifier suitable for use in
regions prone to severe rutting
Ghavibazoo and 160  C/180  C/220  C; 2/4 h; 10/20  Enhance (decrease) the stiffness at very low
Abdelrahman (2014) 600/1800/3000 rpm temperatures
 The enhancement intensifies by increasing the
CR dissolution
Al-Omari et al. (2020) (175 ± 5)  C; 60 min; 3100 rpm 9/12/16  CR has a negative effect on the stiffness of
asphalt cement
Keymanesh et al. (2017) 150  C; 90 min; 3750 rpm 2/4/6  Asphalt mixture of elastic recovery increases
with the CR increasing
Liu et al. (2021) 160  C; 40 min; 5000 rpm 15  Waste CR improved crack resistance at low
 Microwave activation is better than chemical
activation for crack resistance
Ding et al. (2017) e 20  m-value are close to SBS modified asphalt
Kim et al. (2014) 170  C; 30 min; 4200 rpm 10  Decreased stiffness and improved the low
temperature cracking resistance
846 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2022; 9 (5): 836e863

Fig. 9 e SEM view (magnified £ 500). (a) A typical CR modified asphalt. (b) Virgin asphalt binder.

with SBS modified asphalt mixture, the high temperature it was the sinking of CR modifier particles that was
stability, low temperature resistance and water stability of responsible for dissociation. The intervention of SBS proved
SBS/CR modified asphalt mixture were obviously better. to be capable of delaying the dissociation of CR particles to
Yang (2016) established a basis for industrialized some extent, but the effect is not significant.
production and large-scale application of SBS/CR modified Yang et al. (2016) reported that the densely graded SBS/CR
asphalt in season long frozen regions. Through various modified asphalt mixture has good road performance and
mechanical properties tests, he verified that SBS/CR mixture mechanical performance, and that when compared with SBS
has good ability to resist permanent deformation and modified asphalt mixture, its high and low temperature
possesses good flexibility in low temperature conditions. performance as well as its water stability are obviously
Deng (2016) found that SBS, CR, and stabilizer content, all better improved. Moreover, under considerably high and low
had significant influences on the penetration, low temperatures, SBS/CR modified asphalt mixture has good
temperature ductility and softening point of SBS/CR mechanical properties such that it can improve the high
modified asphalt. In addition, it was reported that the elastic temperature rutting resistance as well as flexibility at low
recovery and penetration index (PI) maintained a relatively temperature. Bao (2019) revealed that the high and low
high level of volatility, and that the storage stability was temperature fluidity characteristics of SBS/CR compound
significantly enhanced. Xiang (2011) analysis of the modified asphalt mixed with 18% rubber powder, are better
dissociation behavior of modifiers in CR modified asphalt, than both SBS modified asphalt and CR modified asphalt,
SBS modified asphalt and SBS/CR modified asphalt showed while also noting that the anti-fatigue characteristics were
that the SBS modifier's state in and of itself was stable, while basically equivalent to those of SBS modified asphalt.
Moreover, rubber powder and SBS modifier produced a
partial chemical reaction leading to the forming of a dense
spatial network structure that makes the SBS/CR composite
modified asphalt's performance excellent. Liu and Hu (2019)
revealed that the SBS/CR modified asphalt could sufficiently
solve the problems of poor ductility at low temperatures as
well as excessive viscosity at high temperatures witnessed
in traditional CR modified asphalt and SBS modified asphalt.

3. The influence of CR modifier on asphalt


Relevant researches have shown the tremendous role that the

aforementioned modifiers play in improving the properties of
asphalt; here we explore the extent of the improvements
based on existing research and try to come up with a common
trend wherever it exists. This would definitely serve as an
Fig. 10 e SEM view of a typical DR modified asphalt invaluable source of guidance for new researchers looking to
(magnified £ 500). venture into the research of road materials.
J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2022; 9 (5): 836e863 847

Table 3 e Effect of SBS on the conventional physical properties of asphalt.

Parameter Optimum SBS content (%) Evaluation of modifier impact
(compared with virgin asphalt binder)
2.0e4.0 4.5e8.0 Penetration Softening Ductility Viscosity
(25  C) (0.1 mm) point ( C) (5  C) (cm) (135  C)
Relevant research Yu et al. (2019); Bai (2017); ⤓ ⤒ ⤒ ⤒
Zhang et al. (2017); Ding et al. (2019);
Zhuang et al. (2017) Karakas et al. (2015);
Kim et al. (2013);
Li et al. (2012);
Lin et al. (2017);
Lu and Isacsson (1997);
Shan et al. (2020);
Zhang et al. (2019a)

3.1. Effect of CR modifier on the traditional properties of obvious. Guo (2008) pointed out that due to the existence of
asphalt large CR particles in rubber asphalt and the large difference
between asphalt and rubber powder modulus at 25  C, it is
The results of the physical conventional properties of asphalt easy to produce large random errors. Liu et al. (2009)
tested by means of the penetration, softening point, ductility believed that the impact of CR particle size on penetration is
and viscosity tests by many researchers, are consistent with not significant, and the rationality of using penetration to
Figs. 4e7, and they generally reflect as follows. evaluate rubber asphalt needs to be further verified.
As crumb rubber modifier (CRM) content increased, the Due to the addition of CR modifier, the softening point of
penetration of the CR modified asphalt decreased, and its rubber asphalt was much higher than that of virgin asphalt.
resistance to deformation at normal temperature was thereby When the content of CR was 15%, the average increase was
enhanced. With the decrease of rubber powder particle size about 15  C. With the increase of CR content, the softening
and the increase of mesh number, the penetration further point of rubber asphalt increased, indicating that its high-
decreases. In addition, after adding 15% CR modifier, the temperature stability was continuously improved. This is
penetration of asphalt decreased by 10%e25%. This can be because when the amount of CR increased, the number of
explained from the modification mechanism of rubber asphalt molecules combined with the rubber structure
asphalt. After CR was added to the virgin asphalt, it absorbed increased. On the other hand, the spatial network structure of
light components and expanded, ensuring that the asphaltene colloid in asphalt colloid and rubber particles not dissolved in
content was relatively increased and the asphalt colloidal asphalt increased correspondingly due to mutual affinity,
structure was further developed. With the increase of the resulting in better modification effect (Xia, 2009). Therefore,
mesh number of CR modifier, the penetration increased or
increased first and then decreased, but the range was not

Fig. 12 e Typical effect of SBS on softening point of asphalt

Fig. 11 e Typical effect of SBS on penetration of asphalt (Kim et al., 2013; Lin, 2011; Zhang et al., 2019a; Zhuang
(Kim et al., 2013; Lin, 2011; Zhuang et al., 2017). et al., 2017).
848 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2022; 9 (5): 836e863

Fig. 15 e Typical optimal SBS modifier dosage.

amount of CR is, the larger the particle size is, and the more
serious the stress concentration is. Therefore, the ductility
decreased with the increase of CR content, as well as with
the increase of CR fineness. This shows that the finer the CR,
Fig. 13 e Typical effect of SBS on ductility of asphalt (Cai,
the larger the contact area between CR particles and asphalt,
2016; Lin, 2011; Zhang, 2011; Zhuang et al., 2017).
the easier the swelling reaction of CR in asphalt, and the
more obvious the modification effect (Xia, 2009).
The integrity of the high temperature resistance of the
the softening point of modified asphalt increased accordingly.
asphalt was enhanced due to CR modifier addition, and it
With the increase of CR size, the particle size decreased, and
increased as CR modifier content increased. The greater the
the softening point of rubber asphalt tended to increase.
amount of CR, the more oil in the asphalt phase was absorbed
This shows that the finer the rubber powder, the larger the
by the CR, making the remaining asphalt contains a higher
contact area between rubber powder particles and asphalt,
ratio of asphaltene, and thus the viscosity of rubber asphalt
and the more obvious the modification effect. However, the
increased. However, when the content of CR modifier was
increase is not obvious, indicating that the softening point of
more than 20%, the increase of viscosity of rubber asphalt
rubber asphalt is not sensitive to the particle size of rubber
slowed down. Meanwhile, the mesh of CR had no significant
effect on the viscosity of rubber asphalt (Guo, 2008; Liu et al.,
Rubber asphalt is connected with the gel film around the
2009). For example, the viscosity of 80 mesh CR modified
CR particles and does not form a mesh structure. In addition,
asphalt increased little compared to that of 60 mesh.
the contradiction between the large deformation capacity of
Table 1 shows how CR modifier addition into asphalt
free asphalt and the low flow ability of CR particles tends to be
affects it according to credible data from relevant
sharp, which induces the stress concentration of the interface
researchers as referenced. Also from Table 1, we can deduce
between rubber particles and asphalt, leading to the prema-
the frequency of the optimal modifier dosage which will
ture breaking of the specimen (Guo, 2008). The smaller the
help us to extrapolate a credible optimal CR modifier dosage.
This is illustrated in Fig. 8.
Fig. 8 illustrates the deduction that the optimum content of
CR modifier added into asphalt to yield the best performance
as various researches have shown so far, is recommended
within highest frequency region of 12%e20% by weight of
the asphalt.

3.2. Effect of CR modifier on the rheological and

viscoelastic properties of asphalt

3.2.1. Rheological and viscoelastic properties

This section, through rheological parameters of complex
modulus, phase angle, rutting resistance factor, creep stiff-
ness and m-value, which often determines the rutting resis-
tance of an asphalt pavement, analyzes the effects of CR
modifier on the rheological and viscoelastic properties of
asphalt. These are highlighted in Table 2.
CR modifier as depicted in Table 2 shows clear
improvements in the macro as well as the micro properties
Fig. 14 e Typical effect of SBS on viscosity of asphalt (Zhang of asphalt, although there were more obvious improvements
et al., 2019a; Zhuang et al., 2017). in the macro properties since the CR modifier undergo a
J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2022; 9 (5): 836e863 849

Table 4 e Effects of SBS modifier on rheological and viscoelastic properties of asphalt based on relevant research.
Relevant research Preparation parameter Optimum SBS Major finding (especially related to rutting
dosage (%) resistance factor (G*/sin d) influences)
Kim et al. (2013) Employed mastic asphalt mix design 8.0  SBS modifier removed C]C bonds, thereby
enhancing SBS modified asphalt anti-aging
 SBS modified asphalt had better crack
resistance and an obviously improved fatigue
Zhuang et al. (2017) Shearing: 180  C; 40 min 4.0  Improved temperature sensitivity
Oven insulation: 2 h; 160  C  Improved low temperature ductility and tensile
 Improved anti-aging performance
Li et al. (2012) 170  C; 10 min 5.0  Improved high temperature stability and rutting
Zhang et al. (2017) 180  C; 40 min; 4000 rpm 4.0  UV aging degrades SBS copolymer, and is
directly proportional to SBS modified asphalt
 SBS modified asphalt aging degree also depends
on the asphalt type and grade
Airey (2003) e e  Swelling of SBS modifier through the absorption
of the light fractions of the virgin asphalt,
leading to the establishment of a strong elastic
network within the SBS modified asphalt
Lu and Isacsson (1997) 180  C; 2 h; 125 rpm 6.0  Improved rheological and viscoelastic
Dong et al. (2014b) 175  C; 60 min; 3000 rpm e  Styrene/butadiene (S/B) ratio affects dispersion
of SBS modifier in asphalt, thereby influencing
the overall performance
 Reducing SBS modifier dosage improves SBS
modifier dispersion, but limits SBS modified
asphalt performance
Ding et al. (2019) e 5.0  SBS modifier has obvious effects on
temperature stability of asphalt
Bai (2017) Initial: (155 ± 5)  C; 45 min; 800 rpm 5.0  Aging has a negative effect on the low
Final: (175 ± 5)  C; 60 min; 5000 rpm temperature performance of SBS modified
asphalt, but with a suitable rejuvenator, the
performance of SBS modified asphalt can be
Lin et al. (2017) Initial: 180  C; 30 min; 4000 rpm 4.5  Lack of m-value and reduced maltenes content
Final: 180  C; 60 min indicated poor low temperature performances
in SBS modified asphalt
 Sulphur addition and rubber processing could
remedy the poor low temperature performance
in SBS modified asphalt
Karakas et al. (2015) e 5.0  A linear relation exists between total
temperature index and stiffness modulus,
pavement stability, indirect tensile strength
and fatigue resistance
Hassanpour-Kasanagh Initial: (180 ± 1)  C; 15 min; 800 rpm e  SBS modifier was more effective than CM in
et al. (2020) Final: 2700e3000 rpm; 60 min; improving the performance of asphalt
Shan et al. (2020) Initial: (180 ± 5)  C; 500 rpm <7.0  SBS modifier has a tendency to increase the
Final: 4000 rpm; 2 h; nonlinearity of asphalt
Oven insulation: 2 h; (180 ± 5)  C  It also has an effect on the elastic proportion of
asphalt, and it has shown to reduce its fluidity
Yu et al. (2019) e 4.0  UV degrades SBS modifier
 SBS modifier improves SBS modified asphalt
rutting resistance
Liu et al. (2018) 180  C; 60 min; 4000 rpm 1.0e5.0  SBS is insignificant about intermediate-
temperature cracking resistance
 Higher SBS contents lead to a lower stiffness
under aging conditions at low temperature
Zhu et al. (2018) Initial: 180  C; 40 min; 4000 rpm 4.0  SBS modified asphalt showed a better ability to
Final: 2000 rpm; 2 h resist weathering aging
€ k et al. (2019)
Ko 175  C; 60 min; 1000 rpm 4.0/5.0/9.0  SBS increase the stiffness of pure binders
 SBS reduce the pure binder's m-value
(continued on next page)
850 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2022; 9 (5): 836e863

Table 4 e (continued )
Relevant research Preparation parameter Optimum SBS Major finding (especially related to rutting
dosage (%) resistance factor (G*/sin d) influences)
Zhang et al. (2019a) e 4.5e6.0  The influence of SBS modifier on stiffness was
greater than that of the ductility
 The low temperature ductility value of SBS
modified asphalt was small
Wang et al. (2020a) Initial: 150  C; 20 min 4.0  The low-temperature cracking resistance of
Final: 170  C; 40 min; 5000 rpm SBS-modified asphalt is better than that of CR-
modified asphalt before and after aging

majorly physical mix in asphalt. Particularly, the high the light component of the virgin asphalt, causing in the
temperature stability of asphalt is enhanced, and the rutting infamous swelling in the CR modified asphalt.
resistance and aging resistance are improved. On the other This gel-like film ensures the CR modifier molecules have
hand, problems such as poor low temperature cracking better integration with the asphalt, thereby improving its
resistance, poor consistency and workability attributed to CR properties accordingly. However, the smoothness of CR
modifier, including the very serious segregation, excessive modifier particles often leads to poor absorption of those light
viscosity and poor storage stability. components of asphalt, resulting in poor compatibility and
sometimes unstable CR modified asphalt system prone to
3.2.2. Morphology and functional groups phase separation and other setbacks (Bao, 2019). Moreover,
This section will use various microscopy and spectroscopy through infrared spectroscopy, it was proven that the
techniques such as optical microscope, scanning electron interaction between CR modifier and virgin asphalt is not
microscope (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectrometer through chemical reaction but by physical blending (Chen
(FTIR) and so on, as required, just as employed by researchers et al., 2019a). Notwithstanding these setbacks however, CR
to establish the mechanism of modifier and asphalt in a modified asphalt still stands as one of the leading modified
modified asphalt binder. Fig. 9 is an electron microscopic view asphalts in the road industry, and from the environmental
of the virgin asphalt. perspective, a great alternative to synthetic modified asphalts.
In general, when compared with the morphology of a virgin
asphalt binder as shown in Fig. 9(a) and (b), CR modified
asphalts differs from that as depicted in Fig. 9, and with 4. The influence of SBS modifier on asphalt
DRMA in Fig. 10. From observing these aforementioned performance
figures, we can deduce that the surface of the virgin binder
is smoother than that of DRMA followed by CR modified 4.1. Effect of SBS on the macroscopic properties of
asphalt, in that order. In Fig. 9(b), molecules of the CR asphalt
modifier interact to form a film gel-like in nature, and as
established by Shatanawi et al. (2012) through infrared The results of the physical conventional properties of asphalt
spectroscopy, this is as a result of the CR modifier absorbing tested by means of the penetration, softening point, ductility

Fig. 16 e Optical spectroscopy (magnified £100). (a) Typical SBS modified asphalt. (b) Virgin asphalt.
J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2022; 9 (5): 836e863 851

Table 5 e Effect of SBS/CR on the conventional physical properties of asphalt.

Parameter Optimum SBS/CR content: CR Evaluation of modifier impact
(9%e25%) þ SBS (1%e8%) (compared with virgin asphalt binder)
Penetration Softening Ductility Viscosity
(25  C) (0.1 mm) point ( C) (5  C) (cm) (135  C)
Relevant research Bai (2017); Ji et al. (2018); ⤓ ⤒ ⤒ ⤒
Jia (2019); Liang et al. (2015);
Liu and Hu (2019);
Qian and Fan (2020); Ren et al. (2020);
Wang et al. (2012); Xiang (2011);
Yang (2016); Zhai et al. (2017)

and viscosity tests by many researchers, are consistent with the asphalt. At this time, the interface property is different
Table 3 and Figs. 11e14. From the sourced data, the following from that of asphalt and SBS. Ultimately, due to the special
can be deduced. interface property of SBS, the performance of the modified
At the same temperature (15  C, 20  C and 25  C respec- asphalt was further improved, which is why the softening
tively), the penetration of SBS modified asphalt decreased point increased (Zhang, 2011).
with the increase in modifier content, but when the content is When the content of SBS increased from 0 to 4%, the
4%e7%, the decrease range of penetration value decreases ductility at 5  C increased significantly. When the content was
significantly. This is because the spatial network structure is more than 4%, most of the ductility tended to decrease or in-
formed after adding asphalt, which hinders the flow of asphalt crease slowly. The reason being that a small amount of SBS
and reduces the penetration. At the same time, the gradient of could fully swell in the asphalt after absorbing the light
the penetration-temperature relationship curve decreases components in the asphalt and form a sparse network (Lin,
with the amount of modifier, indicating that the temperature 2011). Under the action of external force, this network easily
sensitivity of asphalt decreases. In addition, the penetration of produced extension deformation, which made the
SBS modified asphalt did not change significantly at 15  C. longitudinal elongation, demonstrating that the ductility
The addition of SBS modifier increased the softening point increased. With the continuous increase of SBS content, the
of the asphalt binder, demonstrating that SBS modifier addi- network became more developed, the resistance to external
tion greatly improved the high temperature performance and force was enhanced, and the low-temperature ductility
stability of the asphalt (Zhang et al., 2019a). When the content showed a decreasing trend, indicating that the low-
of SBS modifier was small, due to the high content of temperature ductility of modified asphalt has been well
asphaltene, the SBS modifier could not fully swell and improved within a certain SBS content range. Also, the
diffuse. And moreover, the asphalt system is single-phased, higher the ductility, the better the low-temperature crack
so the softening point of modified asphalt increased slightly. resistance of asphalt binder (Zhang et al., 2019a). And
Furthermore, with the continuous increase of SBS content,
the SBS phase was continuously and evenly distributed in

Fig. 18 e Typical effect of SBS/CR on softening point of

Fig. 17 e Typical effect of SBS/CR on penetration of asphalt. asphalt.
852 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2022; 9 (5): 836e863

Fig. 21 e Composition of CR modifier and SBS modifier in

the composite modified asphalt.

Fig. 19 e Typical effect of SBS/CR on ductility of asphalt.

The integrity of the high temperature resistance of SBS
modified asphalt was emphasized by the viscosity test. The
according to gathered data in Table 3, the ductility of the viscosity of SBS modified asphalt was generally more
asphalt binder increased with increase in SBS modifier enhanced than that of virgin asphalt due to SBS addition, and
content, which means that SBS modifier addition can it increased as SBS content increased. This further implies
improve its low temperature performance (Bao, 2019; Xiang, that SBS modifier can improve the high temperature perfor-
2011). In other cases however, the improvement was mance of asphalt to meet standard workability requirements
negligible (Yu et al., 2019), and as a result, SBS modifier (Zhang et al., 2019a).
could be said to have an average effect on the low Table 3 shows how SBS addition into asphalt affects it
temperature performance of asphalt. according to credible data from relevant researchers as

Fig. 20 e Corresponding SBS/CR dosages in the SBS/CR composite modified asphalt.

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2022; 9 (5): 836e863 853

Table 6 e Effects of SBS/CR modifiers on viscoelastic properties of asphalt based on relevant research.
Relevant research Preparation parameter Optimum SM Major finding (especially related to rutting
and CRM dosage resistance factor (G*/sin d) influence)
Wang (2016) Stirring: 160  C; 60 min 20% CRM  Composite SBS/CR modified asphalt meets all
Shearing: 180  C; 45 min; 7000 rpm 1.5% SM required specifications and serves as a
Oven insulation: 15 h; 140  C reference for researchers on how to prepare
and design SBS/CR composite modified asphalt
Duan et al. (2019) After CRM: 165  C; 5000 rpm; 3 min 10% CRM  Free radicals of CR form bonds with the styrene
After SM: 400 rpm; 60 min 4% SM butadiene polymer, which increase the
Oven insulation: 170  C; 2.5 h diameter of CR in asphalt, thereby enhancing
the development of SBS network structure
Qian and Fan (2020) After CRM: 10% CRM  CR and SBS copolymers positively affect
a. 160  C; 600 rpm 3% SM asphalt's rheological properties
b. 200  C; 2 h  Larger CR particles and SM with lower styrene
After SM: 4000 rpm; 1 h contents lead to better rutting and fatigue
 On the other hand, smaller CR particles with the
same SM parameters as stated above will
ensure better low-temperature cracking
resistance and stability
Ye et al. (2019) After CRM: 15% CRM  SBS/CR composite modified asphalt showed the
Stirring: 165  C 5.5% SM best post-aging fatigue & rutting resistance.
Shearing: 180  C; 30 min; This was partly due to the spontaneous
5000 rpm discharge of “carbon black”, which countered
After SM: 5000 rpm; 180  C the oxidation of SM molecules in the composite
Oven insulation: 30 min  Excellent low temperature performance
Dong et al. (2019b) After SM: 18% CRM  GPC chromatogram pointed towards a physical
Swelling: 150  Ce170  C; 40 min; 2.5% SM composite process between CRM, SM and
800 rpm asphalt
Grinding shear: 170  Ce175  C;  Morphological features demonstrated that SM
20 min; 5000 rpm and CRM swelling, as well as their 3D modifier
After CRM: network structure, were enhanced due to the
Swelling: 170  Ce175  C; 40 min; bio-asphalt's intrinsic properties
800 rpm
Grinding shear: 180  Ce190  C;
30 min; 5000 rpm
Oven insulation: 175  Ce180  C;
60 min; 800 rpm
Dong et al. (2019a) After SM: 18% CRM  Exceptional high and low temperature
Swelling: 165  Ce170  C; 30 min; 2% SM performances
800 rpm.
Grinding shear: 175  Ce180  C;
30 min; 5000 rpm
After CRM:
Swelling: 175  Ce180  C; 30 min;
800 rpm
Grinding shear: 180  Ce190  C;
30 min; 4000 rpm
Oven insulation: 175  Ce180  C;
60 min
Xiang et al. (2015) Swelling: 163  C; 60 min e  Excellent anti-ageing performance owing to
Grinding shear: 170  C; 60 min; composite modification, counteracted the
3000 rpm degrading effect and oxidation of CRM and SM
Tur Rasool et al. (2017) 180  C; 30 min; 3500 rpm 15% CRM  During vulcanization the CRM formed a
5% SM network with SM, improving consistency and
anti-aging ability
Jiang et al. (2019) 180  Ce190  C; 60 min; 4300 rpm 15% CRM  The integrity of the composite modified asphalt
3% SM was established (SM formed a cross-linking
polymer network; CRM improved adhesion and
reduced temperature sensitivity by absorbing
asphalt's light components)
Tur Rasool et al. (2018) After SM: 180  C; 30 min 10% CRM  CRM usage is economical and environmentally
After CRM: 180  C; 3500 rpm; 30 min 5% SM friendly
 CRM improves composite SBS/CR compatibility
with asphalt
 Improve asphalt's thermal characteristics
(continued on next page)
854 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2022; 9 (5): 836e863

Table 6 e (continued )
Relevant research Preparation parameter Optimum SM Major finding (especially related to rutting
and CRM dosage resistance factor (G*/sin d) influence)
Liang et al. (2015) Shearing: 170  C; 30 min; 4000 rpm 9% CRM  Recommended <1% for SM (the lower the better)
Stirring: 160  C; 2.5 h; 1200 rpm 1%e5% SM  Poor storage stability
Dong et al. (2016) After CRM: 200  C; 800 rpm -  Improved viscoelasticity and temperature
After SM: 200  C; 4500 rpm; 50 min sensitivity
 Positive phase changes occurred, followed by a
favorable chemical reaction
Fu et al. (2019) After CRM: 180  C; 5000 rpm; 20 min 16% CRM  Improved rutting deformation resistance
After SM: 180  C; 5000 rpm; 50 min 5.5% SM  Improved viscoelasticity and fatigue resistance
Insulation: 30 min after short-term aging
 Heightened elastic response of asphalt
Qian et al. (2018) Swelling: 180  C; 60 min -  Improved asphaltic properties similar to those
Shearing: 180  C; 60 min of SBS modified asphalt Grade C standard
Breeding: 170  C; 3 h
Wang et al. (2012) After CRM: 20% CRM  Curing led to the de-vulcanization and de-
Stirring: 200  C; 15 h; 600 rpm 3% SM polymerization of CRM, which in turn
After SM: enhanced the workability and storage stability
Shearing: 190  C; 4500 rpm of asphalt
Final stirring: 180  C; 3 h; 800 rpm  The properties of the chosen asphalt can
determine the extent of modification efficiency
Zhou et al. (2019a) e 16% CRM  Composite SBS/CR is highly recommended for
5.5% SM use in cold regions owing to its excellent low
temperature performance
Qian and Fan (2020) After CRM: 20% CRM  CRM had a bigger influence on performance
Stirring: 200  C; 15 h; 600 rpm 3% SM improvement than SM
After SM:  The composite asphalt had better rutting
Shearing:190  C; 4500 rpm; resistance due to the increase of G*/sin d
60 min parameter
Final stirring: 180  C; 3 h; 600 rpm
Zhai et al. (2017) After CRM: 25% CRM  Increased elastic ratios following both CRM and
Shearing: 200  C; 2 h; 4500 rpm 5% SM SM
After SM:  Improved low temperature performance
Shearing: 180  C; 4500 rpm; 2 h
Jia (2019) 190  C; 7000 rpm; 60 min 15% CRM  Although the composite is mostly a physical
2% SM mix rather than a chemical mix, it was found
that CRM and SM are evenly distributed in
asphalt, and that CRM dissolved as a node,
while SM molecules cross-linked with each
other forming a more stable network structure
different from those found in CR modified
asphalt and SBS modified asphalt, and this is
the reason for the considerable improvement
observed in the performance of SBS/CR
modified asphalts
Ren et al. (2020) After CRM: 10% CRM  Trans-polyoctenamer (TOR) addition further
Shearing: 200  C; 2 h; 1000 rpm 3% SM enhanced the already excellent performances
After SM: of composite SBS/CR asphalt
Shearing: 185  C; 4000 rpm;
30 min
Ji et al. (2018) e 16% CRM  Impressive low temperature anti-cracking
5.5% SM resistance

referenced. Also from Table 3, we can reduce the frequency of 4.2. Effect of SBS on the rheological and viscoelastic
the optimal modifier dosage which will help us to extrapolate properties of asphalt
a credible optimal SBS modifier dosage as illustrated in
Fig. 15. 4.2.1. Rheological and viscoelastic properties
Fig. 15 illustrates the deduction that the he optimum SBS This section, through the rheological parameters of complex
modifier dosage demonstrated to give the best result is modulus, phase angle and rutting resistance factor, which
evidently within the 4.5%e8.0% range. This is to say that, often determines the rutting resistance of an asphalt pave-
SBS modifier at little application dosages can adequately ment, analyzes the effects of SBS modifiers on the rheological
improve asphaltic characteristics. and viscoelastic properties of asphalt.
J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2022; 9 (5): 836e863 855

Fig. 22 e Fluorescence micrographs. (a) Typical virgin asphalt. (b) SBS/CR modified asphalt.

Although SBS modifier has undergone major physical However, to combat some of the limitations of SBS modi-
mixing in the asphalt, the SBS modifier shown in Table 4 fied asphalt such as SBS modifier degradation and phase
shows a significant improvement in the macro and micro separation (Ding et al., 2019), it is often necessary to further
properties of the asphalt. For example, the addition of SBS SBS modified asphalt further by introducing a cross-linker to
modifier enhances the high temperature stability and rutting enhance its low temperature performance and elasticity,
resistance of asphalt, and improves the rheological and a plasticizer to make the SBS modified asphalt more
properties and viscoelasticity. However, the lack of some stable (Zhang and Hu, 2015).
components in the SBS modified asphalt, resulting in its low
temperature performance is not good. At the same time,
aging has a negative effect on the low temperature 5. The influence of SBS/CR modifier on
performance of SBS modified asphalt, but with a suitable asphalt performance
rejuvenator, the performance of SBS modified asphalt can be
rejuvenated. 5.1. Effect of SBS/CR on the macroscopic properties of
4.2.2. Morphology and functional groups
Morphology observation (Fig. 16(a) and (b)) further confirmed The results of the physical conventional properties of com-
the result of the physical and rheological testing. Meanwhile, posite SBS/CR modified asphalt tested by means of the pene-
as experienced in CR modified asphalt, SBS modifier also tration, softening point and ductility tests by many
underwent swelling in asphalt following the absorption of researchers, are consistent with Table 5 and Figs. 17e19.
the light components of asphalt, leading to the establishment Unsurprisingly, the CR modifier and the SBS modifier
of a strong cross-linking elastic network within the SBS couldn't combat some problems in the asphalt. The most
modified asphalt (Fig. 16(b)). As a result, the morphology of prominent ones throughout the research papers were; negli-
SBS modifier in asphalt underwent significant change, gible to no improvements in the low temperature vicinity,
forming a strong polymer network chain in the process. asphalt segregation and excessive viscosity at high

Fig. 23 e Fluorescence micrograph of a typical SBS/CR modified asphalt (magnified £ 400) (Dong et al., 2016).
856 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2022; 9 (5): 836e863

temperatures leading to poor workability, as well as poor Table 5 shows how SBS/CR composite addition into asphalt
storage stability (Airey, 2003; Dong et al., 2014b; Lu and affects it according to credible data from relevant researchers
Isacsson, 1997). However, from the conventional physical as referenced. Also from Table 5, we can reduce the frequency
properties demonstrated by the composite SBS/CR modified of the optimal modifier dosage which will help us to
asphalt, it is evident that the composite SBS/CR combines extrapolate a credible optimal SBS/CR modifier dosage. This
and retains the desirable high temperature stability of SBS is illustrated in Figs. 17 and 18.
modified asphalt and CR modified asphalt. Figs. 20 and 21 illustrate the deduction that the optimum
Furthermore, the low temperature deficiencies experi- content of composite SBS/CR modifier, added into asphalt to
enced in CR and SBS asphalt has been a real bottleneck to its yield the best performance as various researches have shown
usage in cold regions. However, as many of the studies here so far, is recommended within highest frequency region of CR
have shown, this is actually not a problem for the SBS/CR (9%e25%) þ SBS (1%e8%). However, for reasons more micro-
modified asphalt, as its superior low temperature perfor- scopic, the lower the SBS content within this range, the better
mances have earned it recommendation for use in cold re- the overall performance of the composite SBS/CR modified
gions by many researchers. As illustrated in Fig. 16, it is asphalt.
obviously noticeable that there are improvements in the
low temperature performance of SBS/CR modified asphalt, 5.2. Effect of SBS/CR on the rheological and viscoelastic
something which is not so improved with CR modifier or properties of asphalt
SBS modifier individually. This is mainly due to the
combination of two excellent modifiers (SBS modifier and 5.2.1. Rheological and viscoelastic properties
CR modifier), thereby creating a superior composite This section, through the rheological parameters of complex
modifier (SBS/CR). modulus, phase angle and rutting resistance factor, which

Fig. 24 e Infrared spectrum of SBS/CR composite modified asphalt (Dong et al., 2016; Ren et al., 2020; Zhou et al., 2021). (a)
FTIR of asphalt binders. (b) Detailed FTIR of asphalt binders. (c) Transparency of modifiers and asphalt binders. (d) FTIR of
virgin asphalt and composite modified asphalt.
J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2022; 9 (5): 836e863 857

Fig. 24 e Continued

often determines the rutting resistance of an asphalt pave- asphalt went through several pivotal reactions of which
ment, analyzes the effects of SBS/CR modifiers on the visco- desulphurization and thermal oxidative degradation stood
elastic properties of asphalt. out. These were directly responsible for the outstanding
As many studies have shown (Table 6), the situation in anti-aging performance witnessed.
sections 4.2.1 and 5.2.1 has been fully alleviated in the
composite SBS/CR modified asphalt, as its superior low 5.2.2. Morphology and functional groups
temperature performances have earned it recommendation Displayed in Figs. 22 and 23 are the fluorescence micrographs
for use in cold rejoins by many researchers. As highlighted of a virgin asphalt binder and that of composite SBS/CR
in Table 6, although the composite is mostly a physical mix modified asphalt respectively. Looking at SBS/CR composite
rather than a chemical mix, It was found that CR modifier modified asphalt as shown in Fig. 22(b).
and SBS modifier are evenly distributed in asphalt, and that CRM and SM have fluorescence, thus those flashy spots
CR modifier dissolved as a node, while SBS modifier observable in Figs. 22 and 23 emerged whilst under light ra-
molecules cross-linked with each other forming a more diation from the fluorescence micrograph, and these spots
stable network structure different from those found in CR can be used to discern the particle size and distribution
modified asphalt and SBS modified asphalt, and this is the modifiers in the composite SBS/CR modified asphalt.
reason for the considerable improvement observed in the It is observable that the swollen SBS copolymers are well
anti-rutting performance of SBS/CR modified asphalts. dispersed in asphalt and behave as round or spherical parti-
Furthermore, in regards to ageing, the SBS/CR modified cles. It is noteworthy that the more uniform dispersion and
858 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2022; 9 (5): 836e863

smaller particle size of SBS copolymers coupled with the more viscous at high temperature and inconvenient for
degradation of CR particles leads to better compatibility be- construction.
tween virgin asphalt and the compound modifier (Jiang et al., (4) Composite SBS/CR possessed better high and low tem-
2019). This accounts for the significant gap between the perature performances that helped mitigate cracking
composite SBS/CR modified asphalt and its individual and permanent deformation in asphalt. From both the
counterparts in SBS modified asphalt and CR modified macro and micro analysis, composite SBS/CR modified
asphalt, and this is consistent with the conclusions made asphalt had a better overall performance among the
from the physical and rheological deductions from earlier three modified asphalts. Replacing the SBS content in
chapters, and with the conclusions of various researchers. the modified asphalt with rubber powder was also
Based on infrared spectroscopy, Dong et al. (2019b) already conducive to reducing the cost which would lead to the
proved that no new absorption peak is found in the functional achievement of a more effective balance of natural
group of the SBS/CR modified asphalt during its preparation, resources.
as shown in Fig. 24(a) and (b). Ren et al. (2020) also compared
the infrared spectral characteristics of virgin asphalt and
SBS/CR modified asphalt, as shown in Fig. 24(c) and (d). In
the results, the infrared absorption of composite modified 7. Future work
asphalt is basically consistent with that of virgin asphalt,
indicating that the blending of SBS, CR and asphalt does not Although the SBS/CR composite modified asphalt can retain
produce new functional groups. Hence, the modification of the satisfactory properties, there are still many problems that
the SBS/CR modified asphalt was also proven to be just a need to be solved in the future research of modified asphalt.
physical process. (Dong et al., 2016; Erkus‚ et al., 2020; Fu On one hand, future researches should further expand the
et al., 2019; Gong et al., 2021; Yang, 2016; Yu and Chen, 2019; limits of the rubber powder content in the asphalt, increasing
Zhao and Dong, 2021). In addition, the light absorption the utilization rate of waste rubber materials. Desulfurized
characteristics of asphalt before and after modification by rubber powder is an effective way to increase the content in
SBS and CR have changed to some extent. After the asphalt. Its extraction and optimization should be further
modification, some absorption peaks of SBS and CR studied according to the requirements of low viscosity asphalt
materials are weakened or even disappeared in the rubber and convenient construction of asphalt mixture. To
composite modified asphalt. The research of Bao and Zhao achieve this, the molecular structures and chemical compo-
at el. proved this phenomenon (Bao, 2019; Zhao and Dong, sitions of different kind of rubber powder have to be clarified
2021). The solid-state nuclear magnetic test results of SBS/ and reveal the modification mechanism of single or composite
CR modified asphalt show that there may be a certain modifier. Therefore, it will truly improve the performance of
chemical reaction during the modification of rubber powder SBS/CR composite modified asphalt, reduce project cost and
(Yu and Chen, 2019), because the double bond structure of realize the whole process-structureeproperty enhancement.
rubber powder and SBS is not reflected in the composite On the other hand, rubber desulfurization can optimize the
modified asphalt. performance of rubber asphalt and make the road perfor-
mance of rubber asphalt better. However, excessive cracking
of rubber will lose its good elastic properties. If cracking is
6. Conclusions insufficient, the above problems cannot be solved. Therefore,
on the basis of improving compatibility, swelling effect and
This paper reviews the development history, material char- viscosity reduction, desulfurization rubber must retain its
acteristics, advantages, existing shortcomings and current elastic properties to make the modified asphalt have better
application status of CR, SBS and SBS/CR modified asphalts. high and low temperature properties and elastic properties.
Additionally, the macro and micro properties were explored Therefore, it is required to break SeS and CeS cross-linking
and compared from the perspective of the three modifiers. bonds as much as possible and less CeC main chain in the
The conclusions drawn are as follows. cracking and desulfurization process.
Meanwhile, the potential impact and mechanism of desul-
(1) On the basis of recovering rubber, CR also guaranteed phurized rubber at different stages of composite modification
the performance of asphalt rubber. In addition to the process should be analyzed and explored from the microscopic
disadvantage of high price, SBS modified asphalt had point of view. The high-temperature and low-temperature
satisfactory performance. SBS/CR modifier can improve properties should be balanced on the premise of increasing the
the shortcomings of both and retain the advantages. contents. Also, the emission of volatile organic compounds
(2) Asphalt rubber typically exhibited drawbacks such as should be focused and tested during construction process.
segregation, high viscosity and poor workability. The Based on the potential advantages of high content of desul-
longer shearing time, higher shearing temperature and phurized rubber powder, it is necessary to study the combi-
higher dosage were proposed in order to ensure the best nation of desulphurized rubber and SBS modifier in asphalt
possible compatibility with the asphalt. and then further explore the basic performance, chemical
(3) SBS modifier displayed a natural affinity for asphalt structure and physio-chemical characteristics of the compos-
modification, as it greatly raised the high-temperature ite modified asphalt. The future research will improve the
performance and reduced the temperature sensitivity. storage stability of asphalt rubber, reduce the cost of modified
However, too much SBS content will make the asphalt asphalt and give asphalt rubber a wider application range.
J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2022; 9 (5): 836e863 859

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Zhou, J., Chen, X., Xu, G., et al., 2019a. Evaluation of low
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Zixuan Feng, graduate student of Xi'an Uni-
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versity of Science and Technology, mainly
Construction and Building Materials 214, 326e336.
engages in road engineering research.
Zhou, J., Chen, X., Xu, G., et al., 2019b. Evaluation on low
temperature characteristics of SBS/CR modified asphalt
binder under different aging conditions. IOP Conference
Series: Materials Science and Engineering 652, 012019.
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Reports 35 (6), 6093e6099.
J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2022; 9 (5): 836e863 863

Guijuan Zhao, lecturer of Xi'an University of Ping Guo, senior engineer of Xi'an Highway
Science and Technology, mainly engages in Research Institute Co., Ltd., mainly engages
road engineering research. in road maintenance and materials

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