Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
5. Introduction
Many catastrophic failures in geotechnical engineering result from instability of soil masses
due to groundwater flow. Lives are lost, infrastructures are damaged or destroyed, and major
economic losses occur. In this chapter, you will study the basic principles of two-dimensional flow
of water through soils. The topics covered here will help you to avoid pitfalls in the analyses and
design of geotechnical systems where groundwater flow can lead to instability. The emphasis in
this chapter is on gaining an understanding of the forces that provoke failures resulting from
groundwater flow. You will learn methods to calculate flow, pore water pressure distribution, uplift
forces, and seepage stresses.
You will use the following principles learned from previous chapters and your courses in
Hydraulic gradient, flow of water through soils (chapter 3).
Effective stress and seepage (chapter 3).
Sample Practical Situation A deep excavation is required for the construction of a building. The
soil is silty sand with groundwater level just below ground level. The excavation cannot be made
unless the sides are supported. You, a geotechnical engineer, are required to design the retaining
structure for the excavation and to recommend a scheme to keep the inside of the excavation dry.
Seepage Stress is the stress (similar to frictional stress in pipes) imposed on a soil as water
flows through it.
Static Liquifaction is the behavior of a soil as a viscous fluid when seepage reduces the
effective stress to zero.
The flow of water through soils is described by Laplace’s equation. The popular form of
Laplace’s equation for two-dimensional flow of water through soils is
where H is the total head and kx and kz are the coefficients of permeability in the X and Z
directions. Laplace’s equation expresses the condition that the changes of hydraulic gradient in
one direction are balanced by the changes in the other directions.
If the soil were an isotropic material then kx = kz and Laplace’s equation becomes
In this chapter, we are going to emphasis in an approximate (graphical) solution technique for
Laplace’s equation called the flow net sketching. The flow net sketching technique is simple and
flexible and conveys a picture of the flow regime. It is the method of choice among geotechnical
engineers. But before we delve into this solution technique, we will establish some key conditions
that are needed to understand two-dimensional flow.
The solution if Eq. (5.1) depends only on the values of the total head within the flow field in the
XZ plane. Let us introduce a velocity potential (), which describes the variation of total head in a
soil mass as
where k is a generic coefficient of permeability. The velocities of flow in the X and Z directions are
The inference from Eqs. (5.4) and (5.5) is that the velocity of flow (v) is normal to lines of constant
total head (also called constant piezometric head or equipotential lines) as illustrated in Fig. 5.1.
The direction of v is in the direction of decreasing total head. The head difference between two
equipotential lines is called a potential drop or head loss.
If lines are drawn that are tangent to the velocity of flow at every point in the flow field in the
XZ plane, we will get a series of lines that are normal to the equipotential lines. These tangential
lines are called streamlines or flow lines (Fig. 5.1). A flow line represents the flow path that a
particle of water is expected to take in steady state flow.
Since flow lines are normal to equipotential lines, there can be no flow across flow lines. The
rate of flow between any two flow lines is constant. The area between two flow lines is called a
flow channel (fig. 5.1). Therefore, the rate of flow is constant in a flow channel.
A flow net is a graphical representation of a flow field that satisfies Laplace’s equation and
comprises a family of flow lines and equipotential lines.
An infinite number of flow lines and equipotential lines can be drawn to satisfy Laplace’s
equation. However, only a few are required to obtain an accurate solution. The procedure for
constructing a flow net is described next. A few examples of flow nets are shown in Figs. 5.2 to
Figure 5.3: Flow net under a dam with a cutoff curtain (sheet pile) on the upstream end.
Figure 5.4: Flow net in the backfill of a retaining wall with a vertical drainage blanket.
1. Flow Rate
The head loss (between each consecutive pair of equipotential lines is:
Whereis the total head loss across the flow domain and Nd is the number of equipotential drops
(number of equipotential lines minus one). From Darcy’s law, the flow through each flow channel
for an isotropic soil is
where B and L are sides of the curvilinear square. By construction B/L = 1, and therefore the total
flow is
where Nf is the number of flow channels (number of flow lines minus one). The ratio Nf/Nd is
called the shape factor. Both Nf and Nd can be fractional. In the case of anisotropic soils (different
permeabilities in X and Z directions), the quantity of flow is
2. Hydraulic Gradient
You can find the hydraulic gradient over each square by dividing the head loss by the length,
L, of the cell, that is
You should notice that L is not constant. Therefore the hydraulic gradient is not constant. The
maximum hydraulic gradient occurs where L is a minimum, that is,
Where Lmin is the minimum length of the cells within the flow domain. Usually, Lmin occurs at exit
points or around corners.
3. Static Liquefaction
Let us consider an element of soil at a depth z near the downstream end of a sheet pile wall
structure subjected to seepage forces with upward flow. As discussed in chapter 3, the vertical
effective stress is:
If the effective stress becomes zero, the soil loses its strength and behaves like a viscous fluid.
The soil state at which the effective stress is zero is called static liquefaction. Various other
names such as boiling, quicksand, piping, and heaving are used to describe specific events
connected to the static liquefaction state. A structure founded on a soil that statically liquefies will
collapse. Liquefaction can also be produced by dynamic events such as earthquake.
We can determine the hydraulic gradient that brings a soil mass (essentially, coarse grained
soils) to static liquefaction. Solving for i in Eq. (5.12) when , we get
where icr is the critical hydraulic gradient, Gs is specific gravity, and e is the void ratio. Since Gs is
constant the critical hydraulic gradient is solely a function of the void ratio of the soil. In designing
structures that are subjected to steady state seepage, it is absolutely essential to ensure that the
critical hydraulic gradient cannot develop.
1. Select a datum (for example, choose the downstream water level as the datum.)
2. Determine the total head at j: where is the number of equipotential drops at point j.
3. Subtract the elevation head at point j from the total head Hj to get the pressure head. For
point j below the datum (recall the datum is assumed to be the downstream water level),
let the elevation head hz is –z. The pressure head is then
4. The pore water pressure is
6. Uplift Forces
Lateral and uplift forces due to groundwater flow can adversely affect the stability of structures
such as dams and weirs. The uplift force per unit length (length is normal to the XZ plane) is
found by calculating the pore water pressure at discrete points along the base (in the X direction)
and then finding the area under the pore water pressure distribution diagram, that is,
where Pw is the uplift force per unit length, uj is the average pore water pressure over an interval ,
and n is the number of intervals. It is convenient to use Simpson’s rule to calculate Pw:
A dam, shown in Fig.E5.1a, retains 10 m of water. A sheet pile wall (cutoff curtain) on the
upstream side, which is used to reduce seepage under the dam, penetrates 7 m into a 20.3 m
thick silty sand stratum. Below the silty sand is a thick deposit of clay. The average coefficient of
permeability of the silty sand is 2.0×10-4 cm/s. Assume that the silty sand is homogeneous and
Strategy: Follow the procedures described in section 5.2 to draw the flow net and calculate the
required parameters.
The procedure to draw a phreatic surface within an earth dam, with reference to Fig. 5.5, is as
For , use Fig.5.7 and (a) measure the distance TF, where T is the intersection of the basic
parabola with the downstream face; (b) for the known angle , read the corresponding factor from
the chart; and (c) find the distance .
10. Measure the distance a from the toe of the dam along the downstream face to point G.
11. Sketch in a transition section, GK.
12. Calculate the flow using where k is the coefficient of permeability. If the downstream
slope has a horizontal drainage blanket as shown in Fig. 5.3, the flow is calculated using .