Shah 2022
Shah 2022
Shah 2022
Advances in Space Research xxx (xxxx) xxx
Received 18 January 2022; received in revised form 7 April 2022; accepted 8 April 2022
The recent advances in space-based ionosphere measurements provide more detailed information about transient ionospheric anoma-
lies associated with earthquakes (EQs). In this paper, we study the possible relation of EQs and ionospheric anomalies in a statistical
analysis by analyzing 534 EQs of Mw > 5.0 during 2000–2020 from Vertical Total Electron Content (VTEC) acquired from the Global
Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) of International GNSS Services (IGS) network. The selection criteria of these EQs was mainly sub-
jected to two conditions: (1) at least three or more GNSS stations around the Dobrovolsky region were present, (2) the EQs occurred
during quiet geomagnetic activity (Kp < 3, Dst -20nT). Particularly, we performed a statistical analysis on the basis of the median and
interquartile range (IQR) over VTEC for each EQ, and the positive/negative anomalies were analyzed in the form of cumulative count
for 20 days prior and after the mainshock day. Moreover, this study demonstrates that EQ induced VTEC anomalies occurred more
frequently with 3 or more GNSS stations around the epicenter in Dobrovolsky’s region within a 5–10-day window before the EQs. Fur-
thermore, the anomalies with a low deviation also initiated after the mainshock day within 5–10-day window. On the other hand, the
deviations are more clear for Mw > 6.0 EQs, where positive anomalies were observed after excluding false anomalies in the corresponding
IGS stations, showing a higher percentage of positive than negative anomalies and also more positive (negative) anomalies occur in solar
maximum (minimum) years of the solar cycles 23 and 24. The false anomalies were the ionospheric perturbations associated with geo-
magnetic storms (Kp > 3) and VTEC values beyond upper/lower bounds outside the 5–10 days anomalous window. This statistical anal-
ysis assists to support the lithosphere and ionosphere coupling for future EQ ionospheric precursors.
Ó 2022 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Shah).
0273-1177/Ó 2022 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: M. Shah, A. Abbas, M. A. Adil et al., Possible seismo-ionospheric anomalies associated with Mw > 5.0 earthquakes
during 2000–2020 from GNSS TEC, Advances in Space Research,
M. Shah et al. Advances in Space Research xxx (xxxx) xxx
perturbations, we conducted our analysis during active Here, R and H are the radii of the Earth and the height
(Kp > 3; Dst < -20nT) and quiet (Kp < 3; Dst -20nT) of the top ionospheric layer in atmospheric altitude, respec-
geomagnetic storm days, and the anomalies are distributed tively. Z is the elevation angle of the satellite for the iono-
as (i) before excluding storm days and (ii) after excluding sphere pierce point (Heki and Enomoto, 2013).
storm days. Since the geomagnetic activities are the major To identify the ionospheric anomalies associated with
drivers of ionospheric variabilities; it is important to study Mw > 5.0, we study the ionospheric scintillation from more
the geomagnetic storm time responses in the ionosphere. than 100 dual-frequency GNSS receiver stations within the
For this purpose, the geomagnetic storm indices were respective epicentral zones. From all the GNSS stations,
obtained from the International Services of Geomagnetic daily TEC with 1-second resolution was analyzed statisti-
Indices ( Fur- cally by the confidence bounds method. The confidence
thermore, this study includes multiple GNSS stations bounds were obtained by the median (X ) and associated
within the EQ preparation zone for each EQ. The GNSS interquartile range (IQR). For example, the confidence
stations data from the IGS network were obtained via bounds of the observed day were calculated from the med-
( ian and IQR of 15 days before and 5 days after the
guage=en). The available IGS stations falling within the observed day. Then, the upper bound (UB) and the lower
EQ preparation zone were also included in this study bound (LB) were the following.
and, the mainshock breed zone was calculated from the
Dobrovolsky formula (Dobrovolsky et al., 1979). Also, UB ¼ X þ1:5IQR ð5Þ
we separated the ionospheric anomalies of different EQs
having different GNSS stations within the Dobrovolsky LB ¼ X 1:5IQR ð6Þ
region. Equations (5–6) show the implementation of the upper
and lower bounds on normal VTEC distribution. Thus,
R ¼ 10 0:43M
the VTEC values beyond confident bounds manifest abnor-
Where M is the magnitude of the EQ and R denotes the mality associated with EQs. Also, the recorded EQ anom-
radius of the critical region. Eq (1) shows that the EQ crit- aly occurs statistically within the range of 95% confidence
ical region is dependent on the magnitude of any event; interval (Shah and Jin, 2015).
e.g., large magnitude EQs have large critical regions and Another method, differential VTEC (DVTEC) was uti-
vice versa. Finally, after a meticulous analysis, we selected lized to quantify EQ induced ionosphere anomalies. Partic-
534 EQs of Mw > 5.0 to investigate their relationship of ularly, we calculate the difference between the observed
ionosphere anomalies and EQs. VTEC and the UB for detecting positive EQ-induced
The slant TEC (STEC) from IGS permanent stations VTEC enhancements. The observed VTEC (VTEC obs ) was
around the epicenter within the critical regions was esti- subtracted from the UB to get the deviation in VTEC from
the normal distribution, as shown below:
mated by the total number of electrons in 1 m2 tube along 8
the ray path of the signal from the satellite to the receiver. < VTEC obs VEC UB
It is expressed in TEC units, where DVTEC ¼ 0 if VTECU < 0 ð7Þ
1VTECU ¼ 1016 electrons=m2 (Roma-Dollase et al., 2018). >
The STEC retrieved from dual-frequency GNSS receivers
was extracted using the following equations: Moreover, the deviation from normal VTEC distribu-
tion for every GNSS station was estimated in percentage
f 21 f 22 deviation, cumulative count, and increase/decrease per-
STEC ¼ ðL1 L2 þ k1 ðN 1 N 2 Þ k2 ðN 1 N 2 Þ þ eÞ
40:28 f 21 f 22 centages for different classes of the EQs. In Eq (7), positive
ð2Þ ionosphere anomalies occur due to overlapping of original
VTEC over upper bound and similarly negative iono-
f 21 f 22 spheric anomalies are original VTEC beyond lower bound
STEC ¼ ðP 1 P 2 ðd 1 d 2 Þ þ eÞ ð3Þ
40:28 f 21 f 22 during the analysis of all the EQs.
Fig. 2. The upper panels (a-b) are from geomagnetic Dst and Kp indices. Panels (c-e) showed GNSS TEC along with a red line for EQs day for the two
sequential Russian EQs. Stations include PETS, MAG0, and STK2.
Fig. 3. The top three panels show the seismic and storm anomalies with maximum DTEC, whereas bottom panels show the percentage deviation of VTEC
for two Russian EQs.
M. Shah et al. Advances in Space Research xxx (xxxx) xxx
tions with EQs are correlated clearly. Additionally, the different number of stations in the Dobrovolsky region, we
diurnal VTEC variations along with differential VTEC val- calculated the cumulative count and increase/decrease per-
ues are analyzed for all the EQs to integrate ionospheric centages of seismo ionospheric anomalies (Figs. 4-5). The
anomalies in the cumulative count. increase and decrease percentages in Fig. 4 were calculated
In this study, we include the case of December 2018 by the following method.
Russian sequential EQs (Mw 7.3 and its aftershock of Mw
6.2) in order to highlight the induced ionospheric perturba- Increase and Decrease ð%Þ
tions of high intensity during quiet storm days of Kp < 3 single EQanomalies totalanomalies
(Figs. 2-3). Some moderate geomagnetic storm (Kp = 3– ¼ 100 ð8Þ
4) activities are likely to cause low magnitude TEC anoma-
lies but that was considered as storm time variations. The positive and negative ionospheric anomalies of a
Another key point is that the storm was far beyond the single event were subtracted from the all earthquake
time window of 5 days before/after the mainshock of Mw anomalies EQs in Eq (8) to get the increase and decrease
7.3. Thus, the main emphasis was on seismo ionospheric percentages. This analysis was conducted on different sta-
anomalies within a 5–10 day window before the mainshock tions depending upon the availability of GNSS stations
day and the subsequent days. The deviation in VTEC was within the Dobrovolsky region of an EQ. The cumulative
1.7447, 1.4571, and 2.7757 VTECU (for Mw 7.3) respec- count represents the total number of positive and negative
tively, and 1.1710, 1.9099, and 2.2381 VTECU (for Mw anomalies associated with all events. Fig. 4 shows the
6.2, respectively) for the analysis of three permanent GNSS cumulative counts and increase/decrease percentages for
stations (PETS, MAG0, and STK2). Furthermore, we 5.0 < Mw < 6.0 global EQs during 2000–2020 for different
observed abnormal positive variations in the data of three stations in the Dobrovolsky region. It is clear that the
GNSS stations from IGS within the vicinity of the abnormal peak of seismo ionospheric anomalies occurs
mainshock. with 2 and > 3 GNSS stations for 5.0 < Mw < 6.0 EQs after
To quantify the number of positive and negative anoma- excluding geomagnetic storm variations (second panels of
lies associated with the mainshocks of different EQs with a Fig. 4c-4d). Moreover, the increase and decrease percent-
Fig. 4. Cumulative counts and increase/decrease percentages for 5.0 < Mw < 6.0 global EQs during 2000–2020 having (a) 1-GNSS, (b) 2-GNSS, (c) 3-
GNSS, and (d) > 3-GNSS stations within the Dobrovolsky region around the epicentral region. The analysis was conducted for seismo ionospheric
anomalies before and after excluding geomagnetic storm (Kp > 3) anomalies. It is clear that ionospheric variations are abnormal for the EQs having
VTEC data from 3 or more than 3 GNSS stations during 5–10-day prior to the events and subsequent to mainshocks. The main shock occurs on the day
(0) in all the panels.
M. Shah et al. Advances in Space Research xxx (xxxx) xxx
ages showed the abnormal peak with 5–10 days before/ morphology of seismo ionospheric anomalies need to con-
after all EQs with all GNSS stations in case of Mw > 6.0 firm the reliable EQ-induced ionospheric precursor. In
events (Fig. 5). However, more clear variations occur with Fig. 7, one can see clearly more positive and negative iono-
3 and > 3 GNSS stations data of Mw > 6.0 events (second spheric anomalies associated with global EQs during max-
panels of Fig. 5c-5d). imum period solar cycles (23 and 24) and minimum peiod
The percentage variations of positive, negative, and false of solar cycles (23 and 24), respectively. This analysis is
anomalies (geomagnetic storm and anomalies outside of 5– only performed for the solar maximum and minimum peri-
10 days prior/followed by the mainshock) were studied for ods of the solar cycles during 2000–2020. Moreover, more
all the EQs during 2000–2020 (Fig. 6). This analysis was perturbations in ionosphere associated with global main
also implemented on seismo ionospheric anomalies before shocks occur within 2–5 days of the seismic breed day.
and after excluding storm anomalies. The left panels of
Fig. 6 present positive, negative, and false anomalies 4. Discussion
(anomalies outside of 5–10 days window prior/followed
by mainshock), while the right panels of Fig. 6 have posi- Previous studies reported the occurrence of VTEC
tive, negative, and false anomalies (anomalies of storm anomalies within 5–10 days during the EQ preparation per-
and anomalies outside of 5–10 days window prior/followed iod (Kon et al., 2011; Shah and Jin, 2015; Ke et al., 2016;
by the mainshock). It is noteworthy to mention that iono- Sekertekin et al., 2020). For example, Liu et al. (2004)
spheric anomalies. On the other hand, positive and nega- investigated a decrease in VTEC anomalies within 5 days
tive seismic anomalies were more frequent than, before 20 6:0 EQs in the Taiwan region between Septem-
specifically positive enhance after excluding false anomalies ber 1999-December 2002, while according to Pulinets and
(right panels of Fig. 6), false anomalies for such EQs, where Boyarchuk (2004) VTEC anomalies can also be observed
the GNSS TEC values were retrieved from 3 or more up to 12 days before severe and strong EQs. The physical
GNSS stations (panels c-d of Fig. 6). This emphasizes the mechanism behind the generation of these anomalies is dis-
need to study ionospheric anomalies in more statistical cussed in many studies. For example, Kuo et al. (2011) sim-
analysis with different satellites to confirm the EQ iono- ulated the ionospheric electron density for the coupling of
sphere precursor. Furthermore, the characteristics and the lithosphere and ionosphere by numerical procedures
Fig. 5. The number of anomalies in the cumulative count and increase/decrease percentage for global Mw > 6.0 EQs by utilizing the data of (a) 1-GNSS
station, (b) 2-GNSS stations, (c) 3-GNSS stations, and (d) > 3-GNSS stations within the Dobrovolsky region around the epicenter within the seismic breed
days (mainshock day is on 0). The analysis was performed before and after excluding the storm-induced ionospheric and false anomalies and a clear
anomalous pattern is visible for the events after excluding storm anomalies.
M. Shah et al. Advances in Space Research xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 7. The cumulative number of EQ associated positive and negative ionospheric anomalies during solar cycles 23 and 24 in maximum and minimum
sunspots time.
M. Shah et al. Advances in Space Research xxx (xxxx) xxx
(2003–2004 & 2013–2014) of the solar cycles (23 and 24) and ionospheric anomalies with no EQ or storm events.
and negative ionospheric anomalies are prominent in min- However, the number of EQ-induced anomalies was
imum peiod years (2008–2009 & 2019–2020) of the solar more than all the observed anomalies.
cycles (23 and 24). In contrast, some other reports classified A strong tendency of EQ ionosphere variations was
the thermal heating of the ionosphere from the lower atmo- recorded in moderate geomagnetic variations during
sphere during quiet geomagnetic activities (Forbes et al., the analyzed period before and after the main shocks.
2000; Bilitza et al., 2004). Another interesting and unique These results suggested that seismo ionosphere anoma-
phenomenon associated with the EQs can be observed in lies may exist but the need for more dedicated ground
Fig. 6. Specially, it can be observed that a smaller amount and space observations will further clarify the
of false anomalies occur than EQ-associated positive and phenomenon.
negative anomalies. On the other hand, some reports
strongly rejected the existence of EQ ionosphere anomalies
with GNSS TEC (Afraimovich et al., 2004). However, Declaration of Competing Interest
more studies support the execution of EQ induce iono-
sphere anomalies with GNSS TEC. All these reports The authors declare that they have no known competing
emphasized more analysis of VTEC monitoring during financial interests or personal relationships that could have
Kp < 3 storm conditions with a well-equipped cluster of appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
the ground and satellite-based observations for EQ precur-
sors. Recently, more reports present different characteris- Acknowledgements
tics and morphologies of seismo-ionospheric and-
atmospheric variations in the lower atmosphere followed The authors are thankful to the IGS community for pro-
by the ionosphere (Rahman, 2020; Ahmed et al., 2021; viding GNSS-TEC data. We are also thankful to USGS for
Adil et al., 2021a). providing EQs information and the ISGI community for
providing geomagnetic storm indices. The authors are also
5. Conclusions thankful to the editor and reveiwers for their useful com-
ments and suggestions.
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