Applsci 14 00245
Applsci 14 00245
Applsci 14 00245
Atmospheric Charge Separation Mechanism Due to Gas Release
from the Crust before an Earthquake
Wen Li 1,2 , Zhibin Sun 1, *, Tao Chen 1, * , Zhaoai Yan 1 , Zhongsong Ma 3 , Chunlin Cai 1 , Zhaohai He 1 , Jing Luo 1
and Shihan Wang 1,2
1 State Key Laboratory of Space Weather, National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing 100190, China; [email protected] (W.L.); [email protected] (Z.Y.); [email protected] (C.C.);
[email protected] (Z.H.); [email protected] (J.L.); [email protected] (S.W.)
2 College of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3 Technology and Engineering Center for Space Utilization, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing 100094, China; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected] (Z.S.); [email protected] (T.C.); Tel.: +86-138-1019-5052 (Z.S.);
+86-139-1042-1558 (T.C.)
Abstract: In fair weather, the vertical atmospheric electric field is oriented downward (positive in the
earth surface ordinate system) in the global atmospheric circuit. Some researchers have revealed the
unique phenomenon whereby once an upward vertical atmospheric electric field is observed in fair
weather, an earthquake (EQ) follows within 2–48 h regardless of the EQ magnitude. However, the
mechanism has not been explained with a suitable physical model. In this paper, a physical model is
presented considering four types of forces acting on charged particles in the air. It is demonstrated
that the heavier positive ions and lighter negative ions are rapidly separated. Finally, a reversed
fair weather electrostatic field is formed by the above charge separation process. The simulation
results have instructive significance for future observations and hazard predictions and still need
further research.
Keywords: charge separation; reverse vertical atmospheric electric field; multiple forces
Citation: Li, W.; Sun, Z.; Chen, T.; Yan,
Z.; Ma, Z.; Cai, C.; He, Z.; Luo, J.;
Wang, S. Atmospheric Charge
Separation Mechanism Due to Gas
1. Introduction
Release from the Crust before an
Earthquake. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 245.
The concept of the global atmospheric circuit (GAC) is essential for the study of
atmospheric electricity. The atmospheric electric field is particularly important in the
app14010245 conceptual modeling process of the GAC and is an important characteristic parameter
in the fields of space and atmospheric physics. The GAC and related influencing factors
Academic Editor: Giuseppe
are shown in Figure 1, and it is revealed that the Earth’s ionosphere and the solid Earth
are favorable conductors. All positive and negative charges are distributed only across
Received: 4 December 2023 the surface of these conductors. On the one hand, many positive charges are located on
Revised: 22 December 2023 the surface of the ionospheric bottom. On the other hand, many negative charges are
Accepted: 26 December 2023 located on the Earth’s surface. Globally, 2000 lightning strikes per second provide a positive
Published: 27 December 2023 charge to the ionospheric bottom and may generate a 2000 A current at the surface of
the ionospheric conductor, i.e., a partly plasma-induced current. The ionosphere contains
the positive electrode of the air–ground capacity, while the ground provides the negative
electrode of the air–ground capacity. In fair weather, the current flows to the ground surface
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
from the bottom of the ionosphere (at an altitude of approximately 60 km). Therefore, the
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
daily curve of the atmospheric electrostatic field shows an absolute positive value around
This article is an open access article
100 V/m (at the lower right corner of Figure 1, and it is the daily variation curve of the
distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
atmospheric electric field observed in Beijing, which is just an example, the horizontal axis
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
is the UT time, and the vertical axis indicates the value of atmospheric electric field with V/m) [1–6]. Meteorological activities are closely related to the atmospheric electric field.
4.0/). Notably, galactic cosmic rays, high-energy particle precipitation and coronal mass ejection
Notably, galactic cosmic rays, high-energy particle precipitation and coronal mass ejection
potential. Underground radioactive gas release can also affect thethe
Underground radioactive gas release can also affect near-surface
near-surface atmos-
pheric electric
electric field. field.
Background of the global
of the electric
global circuit
electric (“+”,(“+”,
circuit “-” indicate that Earth’s
“-” indicate surface
that Earth’s carriescarries
surface neg-
ative charges and ionosphere carries positive charges. Ez, j and σ denote the atmospheric
negative charges and ionosphere carries positive charges. Ez, j and σ denote the atmospheric electricelectric
field, air–earth current and conductivity along the vertical direction, respectively. The bottom-right
field, air–earth current and conductivity along the vertical direction, respectively. The bottom-right
corner is an example of the daily variation of atmospheric electric field.).
corner is an example of the daily variation of atmospheric electric field.).
Thereareare four
four types
types of of emissions
emissionsfrom fromthe thecrust
crustintointothethe atmosphere
atmosphere before
before an im-
an impend-
pending EQ: electromagnetic, acoustic, thermal and ionized
ing EQ: electromagnetic, acoustic, thermal and ionized emissions [7–9]. The spatial and emissions [7–9]. The spatial
and temporal
temporal scalesscales of these
of these fourfour emissions
emissions differdiffer in geospace.
in geospace. In general,
In general, precursor
precursor signalssig-of
nals of electromagnetic emissions emerge in geospace 1 to 40
electromagnetic emissions emerge in geospace 1 to 40 days before an EQ [10,11], precursor days before an EQ [10,11],
signals ofsignals
acoustic ofemissions
acoustic emissions
emerge inemerge
geospace in geospace
1 to 30 days 1 tobefore
30 days anbefore
EQ and anprecursor
EQ and
precursor signals of thermal emissions emerge in geospace
signals of thermal emissions emerge in geospace 1 to 30 days before an EQ [12]. Atmo- 1 to 30 days before an EQ [12].
spheric electrostatic field monitoring has recently become increasingly popular andand
electrostatic field monitoring has recently become increasingly popular has
beenbeen widely
widely studied
studied [13–20].
[13–20]. Precursor
Precursor signals
signals of ionized
of ionized emissions
emissions emerge
emerge in geo-
in geospace
2 to 482 to 48 days
days beforebefore
an EQ. anAtmospheric
EQ. Atmospheric electrostatic
electrostatic field field anomalies
anomalies priorprior
to EQs to EQs
widelywidely studied.
studied. SinceSince the Tangshan
the Tangshan EQ inEQ in 1976,
1976, China China has established
has established several several
atmospheric electrostatic
spheric electrostatic fieldfield monitoring
monitoring stations,
stations, and and
obvious obvious anomalous
anomalous casescases
havehave been
been observed
observed [14]. [14].
Omori Omori
et al. et al.noted
[20] [20] noted that anomalous
that anomalous radon radonemissions emissions
trigger trigger con-
decreasesdecreases in the atmospheric
in the atmospheric field of thefield
lower of the lower atmosphere
atmosphere (from the (fromgroundthe to ground
an altitudeto
2 km), asof observed
2 km), as observed
around the around
time the
of thetimeKobeof the
EQKobe EQ in
in 1995. 1995. Omori
Omori et al.
et al. [20] [20]
further suggested
suggested that thethat the behavior
behavior of radon ofin
termsinofterms of the atmospheric
the atmospheric electrostatic
electrostatic pro-
process could
cess could
explain explain
seismic seismic precursors
precursors observed nearobserved near theChoudhury
the ground. ground. Choudhury et al. [13]etdescribed
al. [13]
described the characteristics
the characteristics of the verticalof theatmospheric
vertical atmospheric
electrostatic electrostatic field as7–12
field as negative negative
h before7–
12 according
before an EQtoaccording
the statistics of 30
to the EQ events
statistics of 30of EQ
variousevents classes across northern
of various classes acrossIndia.
northern [18] reported
Smirnovthat [18] more
onemorehundredthan cases showedcases
one hundred negative
showedEz anomalies
Eapproximately one day in advance
z anomalies approximately one dayof inMs 4–6 EQs,
advance but4–6
of Ms thereEQs, wasbutnothere
was no relationship
between thebetween
relationship Ez valuethe andEzthe epicentral
value and thelocation,
epicentral similar to that
location, between
similar Ez and
to that the mag-
between Ez
and When largeWhen
the magnitude. amounts large ofamounts
gases areofreleased
gases are from the crust
released from into
thethe atmosphere,
crust into the
radioactive radioactive
atmosphere, elements such as 222 Rn
elements suchand 214 Th in these
as 222Rn and 214Th gases in these undergo alpha, beta
gases undergo and
gamma decay processes. For example, an alpha particle contains
beta and gamma decay processes. For example, an alpha particle contains 4.53 MeV of 4.53 MeV of energy, which
is sufficient
energy, which toisionize
sufficient1,500,000 gas molecules,
to ionize 1,500,000 gas because an atmospheric
molecules, because anmolecule
atmosphericonly needs
32 eV of energy for ionization. Therefore, large amounts
ecule only needs 32 eV of energy for ionization. Therefore, large amounts of positiveof positive and negative ions are
negative ionsin are
the produced
atmosphere by radioactive
in the atmospherematter originating
by radioactive from
matter the crust. from
originating Finally,thea
crust. polarized
Finally, electric
a unique field canelectric
polarized be formedfieldincanthebeatmosphere
formed in that can alter the that
the atmosphere direction
of the formal background atmospheric vertical electric field [21], as shown in Figure 2. Four
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 10
alter the direction of the formal background atmospheric vertical electric field [21], as
shown in Beijing
cases (the Figure Ms
2. Four cases (theMs
3.0, Rongxian Beijing Ms 3.0, Rongxian
4.7, Changning Ms 4.7,
Ms 6.0, and Changning
Wenchuan Ms 8.0MsEQs)
and Wenchuan Ms 8.0 EQs) of preseismic atmospheric electric field hourly scale anomalies
of preseismic atmospheric electric field hourly scale anomalies are shown in Figure 2, and
are time
the shown in Figure
scales for the2,advancement
and the timeofscales for the advancement
the atmospheric of the
electrostatic atmospheric
anomalies are 3.8,elec-
23.5 and 7anomalies are 3.8, 11, 23.5 and 7 h, respectively.
h, respectively.
Figure 2. Abnormal signals
2. Abnormal signals of
sunnydaysdays basically
basically emerge
emerge only
only 2–
48 h before
2–48 h beforean an
earthquake(panel (a) shows
(panel the Beijing
(a) shows Ms 3.0
the Beijing Msearthquake on 14 on
3.0 earthquake April
14 2019,
with locatedlocated
a station 40 km from
40 kmthefrom
epicenter, (b) shows(b)
the epicenter, theshows
Rongxianthe Ms 4.7 earthquake
Rongxian on 24 February
Ms 4.7 earthquake on
24 with a 2019,
February station located
with 30 km
a station from the
located epicenter,
30 km from the panel (c) shows
epicenter, the(c)
panel Changning
shows theMs 6.0 earth-
Ms 6.0 on 17 June 2019,
earthquake on 17with a station
June located
2019, with 50 kmlocated
a station from the50epicenter
km from and (d) showsand
the epicenter the Wenchuan
(d) shows
Ms 8.0 earthquake on 12 May 2008, with two stations located 50 and 55 km from the epicenter. The
the Wenchuan Ms 8.0 earthquake on 12 May 2008, with two stations located 50 and 55 km from the
data gap in panel (d) is due to a power outage. In the maps on the right, the stars denote the stations
epicenter. The data gap in panel (d) is due to a power outage. In the maps on the right, the stars
and the circles denote the epicenters) [21].
denote the stations and the circles denote the epicenters) [21].
How are hourly scale atmospheric electric field anomalies generated before earth-
How are hourly scale atmospheric electric field anomalies generated before earth-
quakes? WhatWhat forces
forces actually
actually cause
cause atmospheric
atmospheric charges
charges to
to separate,
separate, and
and how
how are
are these
positive andnegative
negative charges
separated? The
The separation
separation of
of positive
positive and
and negative
negative charges
in the atmosphere is essential for the physical mechanism of preseismic atmospheric
in the atmosphere is essential for the physical mechanism of preseismic atmospheric electric elec-
tric field formation. In this paper, we present simulation experiments conducted
field formation. In this paper, we present simulation experiments conducted based on based on
these queries.
these queries.
2. Physical
2. Physical Modeling
Earth serves
Earth serves as
as aa significant
significant source
source for
for the
the generation
generation ofof numerous
numerous gases
gases which
which areare
byproducts natural radioactive
radioactive elements
elements suchsuch as uranium,
as uranium, thoriumthorium and potassium.
and potassium. These
gases gases provide
crucial crucial
into theinto the Earth’s
Earth’s interior,
interior, the conditions
the conditions of the massifs
of the massifs in the
in the crust
upper upperandcrust
theand the geoecological
geoecological environment.
environment. More thanMore than of
60–70% 60–70% of the produc-
the general general
tivity of naturalofionization
natural ionization sources is
sources is provided byprovided by ground
ground radiation. radiation.
Through Through
ground-based measurements,
measurements, gaseous discharges gaseous discharges
of various of various
substances, substances,
including including
radioactive radio-
such as radon and its decay products, have been detected in the atmosphere
active elements such as radon and its decay products, have been detected in the atmos- prior to the oc-
currence of major
phere prior to theEQs. The concentration
occurrence of major EQs. of these gases experiences
The concentration a substantial
of these increase
gases experiences
of approximately 4–8 times over undisturbed levels preceding an EQ. A rise in the radon
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 10
formation velocity
approximately Q~16of ×
103 cm−3 s−1Q~16 . These × 10 3 cm−3 s−1. These variations persist for peri-
variations persist for periods ranging from
several hours to several days. Within the Earth’sWithin
ods ranging from several hours to several days. surface, theone
Earth’s surface,three
can identify one can iden-
tify three primary
ionization sources,ionization
namely, sources,
alpha, beta namely, alpha, beta
and gamma and gamma
radiation. radiation.
However, at aHowever,
at a1–2
of distance
m above of 1–2
the m above the
surface, the average
surface, intensity
the average of intensity
ion production of ion production
resulting from resulting
from these terrestrial sources does not exceed
− 3 − 3–5
1 cm −3 s−1. Notably, the radioactivity pre-
terrestrial sources does not exceed 3–5 cm s . Notably, the radioactivity present in the
air in the air contributes to the
to the intensity of intensity
ion productionof ion within
production within
the lower the of
layer lower layer of the
the atmosphere,
atmosphere, accounting for approximately
accounting for approximately 3–4 cm s [22]. − 3 − 1 3–4 cm −3 s−1 [22].
A single atmospheric negative satisfies the following:
= q− E − m− g − kv− + F (2)
m− = q− E − m− g − kv2− + F (2)
dt electrostatic field E can
Then, the average atmospheric be obtained as:
− α z E can be obtained as:
E = E efield
Then, the average atmospheric electrostatic
0 (3)
where m+ and m_ are positive and negative E = E0ion
e masses, respectively, q+ and q_ are the (3)
amounts of positive and negative ion charges, respectively, g is the gravitational accelera-
where m and m_ are positive and negative ion masses, respectively, q+ and q_ are the
tion, k is +the air drag coefficient and F is the upward thermal driving force. The above
amounts of positive and negative ion charges, respectively, g is the gravitational acceleration,
equations constitute a simplified fundamental model, where F is regarded as a constant
k is the air drag coefficient and F is the upward thermal driving force. The above equations
and v+ and v_ are the velocities of positive and negative ions, respectively. Accounting for
constitute a simplified fundamental model, where F is regarded as a constant and v and
the actual measured distributions of the atmospheric electric field with altitude, we+con-
v_ are the velocities of positive and negative ions, respectively. Accounting for the actual
sidered the background electric field E here as a quantity that only varies with height; it
measured distributions of the atmospheric electric field with altitude, we considered the
varies vertically downward under normal fair-weather conditions, and the change in
background electric field E here as a quantity that only varies with height; it varies vertically
height follows an exponential distribution [24]:
downward under normal fair-weather conditions, and the change in height follows an
The parameters in the quantitative model and their physical explanations are as fol-
exponential distribution [24]:
The parameters in the quantitative model and their physical explanations are as follows:
m+: 1.63 × 10−17−kg (the mass of positive ions including many molecules);
m+ : 1.63 × 10 17 kg (the mass of positive ions including many molecules);
m_: 4.08 × 10 −18 kg (the mass of negative ions including many molecules);
m_: 4.08 × 10−18 kg (the mass of negative ions including many molecules);
g: 9.8 m/s2(gravitational
9.8 m/s
qq+: :1.6 × 10 −18 C (the charge of positive ions including many molecules);
− 18 C (the charge of positive ions including many molecules);
+ 1.6 × 10
q_: 1.6
1.6 ××1010−C
−18 18 (the change in positive ions including many molecules);
C (the change in positive ions including many molecules);
k: 0.45
0.45 (drag
(drag coefficient);
EE0:: 100 V/m (average value of the atmospheric electrostatic field under fair weather
0 100 V/m (average value of the atmospheric electrostatic field under fair weather
a: 1.7
1.7 ××10
10− 5 /m.
Assuming that FF is
that is an exponentially decreasing
an exponentially decreasing quantity
quantity with time, substituting
with time, substituting
Equation (3) into Equations (1) and (2), with some constant values set asdescribed
(3) into Equations (1) and 2, with some constant values set as described above,
leads to to the
obtained within
obtained 300300
within s, as shown
s, as in
in Figure 4. 4.
Figure 4. Simulation results
4. Simulation results illustrating
illustrating the
the atmospheric
atmospheric charged
charged particle
particle process
process in
in which positive
and negative
negative ions
ions are
are rapidly
rapidly separated
separated over time
time (blue
(blue and
and yellow
yellow colors
colors indicate
indicate the
the movement
movement of
positive and
and negative
negative ions,
ions, respectively.).
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 10
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 245 7 of 10
Experimental evidence has
Experimental evidence hasrevealed
thethe mobility
mobility of negative
of negative ions ions is approxi-
is approximately
1.3–1.41.3–1.4 times higher
times higher than that thanofthat of positive
positive ions.ions.
ThisThis disparity
disparity in mobility
in mobility cancan likely
likely be
be attributed to the asymmetry in the energy needed to remove
attributed to the asymmetry in the energy needed to remove ions of opposite charges ions of opposite charges
from oxygen
oxygen atoms
atoms in in water
water molecules.
molecules. UnderUnderthe thecombined
combinedaction actionof of the
the electric
electric field
force, gravity, air resistance and thermal driving force, the upward movement speed
gravity, air resistance and thermal driving force, the upward movement speed of of
negativeions ionsisishigher
higher than
than that of positive
that of positiveions, andand
ions, the two formform
the two an upward
an upward electrostatic
field. the
When charge furtherfurther
the charge increases, the background
increases, field is reversed;
the background notably,notably,
field is reversed; the so-
called negative anomaly of the atmospheric electrostatic field
the so-called negative anomaly of the atmospheric electrostatic field occurs under fair occurs under fair weather
weather conditions.
As shown
shown in in Figure
Figure 5, 5, when
when subjected
subjectedto to the
the natural
natural atmospheric
experienceaa downward downwardmovementmovementtoward towardthe theEarth’s
recombine.However, However,due duetototheir
relativelylow lowmobility,
mobility, aa spatial
spatial layer
layer ofof
formednear nearthe thesurface
contrast, negative
negative ions
ionsexhibit verti-
exhibit ver-
cal upward
tical upward movement
movement (neglecting
(neglecting the the
electronswithin the scope
within of this
the scope ofmodel due todue
this model theirto
low concentration at the Earth’s surface). Consequently, a near-ground
their low concentration at the Earth’s surface). Consequently, a near-ground electrode electrode layer is
established, characterized
layer is established, by a local
characterized byelectric
a local field (El),field
electric which(El),causes
whichthe natural
causes the atmos-
pheric electricelectric
atmospheric field tofield become negative.
to become The primary
negative. consequence
The primary of the electrode
consequence effect
of the electrode
the development
is the development of an uncompensated
of an uncompensated electricelectric
the ground surface.
the ground Tur-
bulent movements
movements andand regular
regular winds
winds cancan transport
transport thisthischarge
atmosphere, leadingto tothe
creationof ofan
electrodelayer layerover
However, in in reality, such situations typically persist for a short period
such situations typically persist for a short period since further tur-since further turbu-
lent movements
bulent movements tendtend to to
disrupt thethe
electrodelayer, mixing
layer, mixing all ions andand
all ions restoring electrical
restoring elec-
trical This physical
equilibrium. This physical process confirms
process the preseismic
confirms atmospheric
the preseismic electricelectric
atmospheric field hourly
scale anomalous
hourly scale anomaloussignal shown in Figure
signal shown 2.
in Figure 2.
Figure illustrationof ofthe
movementof ofpositive
anomalous electricfield
local ) that
) that
local is reversed
is reversed from
from fair-weather
fair-weather atmospheric
atmospheric electric
electric fieldfield
(Efair)(E fair )
andare “−consistent with the
” are consistent withinterpretation of Figure
the interpretation 1).
of Figure 1).
4. Discussion
Based onthe
forces: positive and negative ions are advancing but are rapidly separated, positive
forces: positive and negative ions are advancing but are rapidly separated, positive ions ions
form chargedlayer
layer. These
an opposite electric field in the atmosphere near the surface under clear weather
an opposite electric field in the atmosphere near the surface under clear weather condi- conditions,
tions, is the opposite of the electric
is the opposite field under
of the electric fieldclear
under weather conditions
clear weather depicteddepicted
conditions in Figurein1,
as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 1, as shown in Figure 6.
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 245
of 10
Figure 6. A reverse electrostatic field appears after atmospheric charges are separated due to gases
stemming from
stemming from the
(“+”, ““−”
−” indicate
indicate positive and negative
negative charges).
Based on the assumption that horizontal direction movement is neglected, the rapid
separation mechanism of a pair of differently charged particles with different masses
in the air depends on four forces: atmospheric formal vertical downward quasi-stable
electrostatic force, vertical downward gravity force, air drag force (reverse to the direction
of ion movement) and thermal convection (vertical upward thermal pressure) force F. It
could be logically concluded that after charges are separated, a corresponding macroscopic
polarized electrostatic field is rapidly established in the atmosphere. The resultant polarized
electrostatic field is oriented toward the sky and exhibits the opposite direction to that of
the daily atmospheric electrostatic field (vertical downward, as shown in Figure 4). This
phenomenon is particularly obvious under fair weather conditions. Therefore, the charge
separation mechanism could facilitate future EQ prediction.
Author Contributions: T.C. conceptualized this study. Z.S. and W.L. processed and analyzed the
model and prepared the original draft, with contributions from all authors. Z.Y., Z.M., Z.S., C.C.,
Z.H., J.L. and S.W. contributed to the discussion. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the Scientific Instrument Developing Project of the Chinese
Academy of Sciences (Grant No. YJKYYQ20190008), the National Key R&D Programme of China
under grants 2018YFA0404201 and 2018YFA0404202, the Strategic Pioneer Program on Space Science,
the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant Nos. XDA15016300, XDA15350201, and XDA17010303), the
Pandeng Program of the National Space Science Center, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the
Ground-Based Space Environment Monitoring Network (Meridian Project II).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The source code used in the model can be found on the github site: (accessed on 27 December 2023).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors have no financial interest to disclose.
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