Controlling Project Integration and Work
Controlling Project Integration and Work
Controlling Project Integration and Work
7.1 Project Scope Control
• The construction project scope defines the
works that must be undertaken in order to
deliver a facility, a product or a service with
the specified attributes and features
• Scope control implies controlling the
performance of all the scope related processes
in the project life cycle.
• These processes include control of the work
designs, work quality, construction contracts
and the site performance of resources
productivity, scheduled time and budgeted cost
What is Project Scope?
Quality Control The operational techniques and activities which together sustain ISO 8402:
the product, service or quality to specific requirements. 3.5
Consider a masonry wall construction activity with the planned and actual performance as shown below:
Planned/ Actual
Planned Labor effort for = 8 men × 15 days = 120 Budgeted Performance
1200 M² man-days Performance
Actual Labor effort for = 8 men × 18 days = 144 Scope of masonary 1200 M² 1200 M²
1200 M² man-days work
Labor planned = 1200 M² / 120 man-days
Crew size 8 men 8 men
= 10 M² / man-days
Labor actual productivity = 1200 M² / 144 man-days
Construction time 15 days 18 days
= 8.33 M² / man-days
Labor productivity
= 8.33 M² / man-days - 10
M² / man-days
= – 1.67 M² / man days
Labor performance index
= 8.33 / 10 = 0.833
Factors affecting labor productivity
• Physical-organic, location, and technological
• Cultural belief-value and individual attitudinal,
motivational and behavioral factors;
• International influences
• managerial-organizational and wider economic
and political-legal environments;
• Levels of flexibility in internal Labor markets and
the organization of work activities
• Individual rewards and payment systems,
Typical Causes of Low Labor Productivity
(a) Un-productive time :
(b) Worker's low morale :
(c) Poor pre-work preparation by supervisors
(d) Directional failures of the project
Labor Productivity Improvement Measures
ACWPt Used for plotting the Used for plotting
Program S-curve the EVA S-curve
BCWSt COST VARIANCE Schedule Performed
Budgeted Cost (BC) BCWS BCWP
Actual Cost (AC) ACWS ACWP
Used for plotting the
Progress S-curve
Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP) Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP)
Actual expenses of work performed up to Cost per m3 of excavation = Rs. 10,000
monitoring date = Rs. 3,75,000 Performed work up to monitoring date = 40m3
Scheduled cost or Budgeted cost of work performed = 10,000 × 40
= Rs. 400000
[This is value earned from work performed]
© Er. Subash K. Bhattarai
• EVA is a way to measure the amount of work actually performed on a project (i.e to
measure its progress) and to forecast a project’s cost and date of completion.
• The method relies on a key measure known as earned value also known as BCWP.
This measure enables one to compute performance indices for cost and schedule,
which tell how well the project is doing relative to its original plan?.
• These indices also guides one to forecast how project will do in the future?
• The commonly-used budget monitoring parameters are:
• Budgeted Cost for Work Scheduled (BCWS). It represents the cumulative, time-
phased cost projections made in the budget for activities that are scheduled to be
performed. It shows what is planned for execution. It answers the question related
to “how much did we plan to spend as of this date?”
• Budgeted Cost for Work Performed (BCWP) or the value earned. It shows the
cumulative cost budgeted for the work performed. It answers the question related to
“how much work (progress) has been actually achieved ?”
• Actual Cost for Work Performed (ACWP). It represents the cumulative actual
cost incurred on date in accomplishing the work. It answers the question related to
“how much have we actually spent (amount of money)?”
Graphical presentation of Earned Value Analysis (EVA)