Atomic Structure
Atomic Structure
Atomic Structure
Atoms, Elements,
and Molecules
What distinguishes
the minerals in
this mountain?
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Investigation 1 Investigation 2 Investigation 3
Atomic Structure The Periodic Table Chemical Bonding
Inquiry Launch Look at the image of the
mountain. What evidence might you need in
order to explain the bands of different colors?
GO ONLINE to Engage with real-world
phenomena by watching a video and to
PHENOMENON complete a modeling interactive worksheet.
What causes
the colors in
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a fireworks
Atomic Structure
Once you have viewed the Investigative Phenomenon video
and completed the modeling exercise to help explain the
phenomenon you observed, answer these reflection questions
about fireworks and a related phenomenon.
1 CCC Matter and Energy What colors are the fireworks in the photo? How
do you think the matter and energy of fireworks of different colors are
similar and different?
Investigative Phenomenon 5
Models of Molecules
How can models show the composition and structure of molecules?
4 SEP Develop Models Use colored pencils to draw models for a chlorine
molecule, Cl2, and for a hydrogen chloride molecule, HCl. Use the colors
and relative sizes from the atom key on the previous page.
GO ONLINE to Elaborate on and Evaluate
your knowledge of the properties of matter
PHENOMENON by completing the class discussion and data
analysis activities.
Modeling Atoms
GO ONLINE to Explore and Explain the makeup and properties
of atoms and isotopes.
The nucleus is made of protons and
neutrons. It accounts for most of an
atom’s mass. An atomic mass unit (amu)
is the unit used to measure the mass
of subatomic particles.
Electron Neutron
Symbol: e− Symbol: n0
Charge: 1– Charge: 0
Mass: about 0.0005 amu Mass: about 1 amu
9 CCC Scale, Proportion, and Quantity Which subatomic particles account for
most of an atom’s mass and volume?
The element fluorine helps prevent tooth The element iodine is often used to clean
decay and is found in many toothpastes. skin before surgery.
Atomic number: 9 Atomic number: 53
Number of protons: Number of protons:
Number of electrons: Number of electrons:
2 Modeling Atoms 13
The Periodic Table There are 118 elements, all with different atomic
numbers. They are organized into a table called a periodic table. A periodic
table is an arrangement of elements in which the elements are separated
into groups based on a set of repeating properties. The elements are
listed in order from left to right and top to bottom by atomic number.
The organization of the periodic table allows you to easily compare the
properties of one element (or a group of elements) to another element
(or group of elements). Elements above and below each other tend to have
similar properties.
Symbols With One Letter The Symbols With Two Letters The symbol for
symbol for hydrogen is H. Its helium is He. The second letter in a symbol is
atomic number is 1, so it is the first always lowercase. Helium’s atomic number is 2,
element in the periodic table. so it is the second element in the periodic table.
1 18
1A 8A
1 2
1 2
H 2
H He 13
3 4 Hydrogen Helium 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 Li Be B C N O F Ne
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
3 Na Mg 3
8 9
10 11
Al Si P S Cl Ar
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102
Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No
11 Infer Based on the organization and colors in the periodic table, which
two elements do you think are most similar in terms of their properties:
magnesium (Mg), barium (Ba), and gold (Au)? Explain.
Mass number is 22
Atomic number is 10 10
12 SEP Use Mathematics Complete the table by identifying the atomic number
and mass number for each atom and then using those data to determine the
numbers of protons, neutrons, and electrons.
Composition of Atoms
Atom Atomic number Mass number Protons Electrons Neutrons
11 Na
16 S
silver-108 47
gold-197 79
2 Modeling Atoms 15
All atoms of an element have the same number of protons. However, atoms
of the same element may have different numbers of neutrons. Isotopes
are atoms that have the same number of protons but different numbers of
neutrons. Since isotopes of an element have different numbers of neutrons,
they also have different mass numbers.
Piano Key to Piano If you measure the Electron to Atom Similarly, the mass of
mass of a piano with and without a piano an electron is negligible compared to the
key, you likely wouldn’t see a difference mass of a proton or neutron.
between the two masses. The mass of a
Each electron is essential to
piano key is negligible compared to the
mass of the whole piano. the properties of an atom.
Atomic Mass Unit An atomic mass unit (amu) is one twelfth of the mass of
a carbon-12 atom.
1 amu = × 12 amu 1 amu = about the mass of a proton or neutron
14 SEP Develop Models Each helium atom has two protons. Sketch models
of helium-3 and helium-4, which have approximate masses of 3 amu
and 4 amu, respectively. Label and differentiate protons, neutrons, and
electrons in your models.
2 Modeling Atoms 17
Isotope Abundance and Atomic Mass In nature, most elements occur
as a mixture of two or more isotopes. Each isotope of an element has a
fixed mass and a natural percent abundance.
17 Cl
bromine–81 bromine–79
81 79 chlorine–35
35 Br 35 Br
35 silicon–28
17 Cl
14 Si
Assignment Weighted
Type Weight Score Score
Atomic Mass Atomic mass is calculated similarly. You can even set
it up in the same table format, if you wish. Here’s how to calculate
the atomic mass of magnesium.
17 Compare In what ways are final grade calculations and atomic mass
calculations similar?
2 Modeling Atoms 19
GO ONLINE to Elaborate on and Evaluate
your knowledge of the makeup of atoms and
PHENOMENON atomic mass calculations by completing the class
discussion and data analysis activities.
20 SEP Evaluate Models How can you revise your models to be more
accurate, given what you learned in this experience?
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21 SEP Analyze Data What is the identity of the element that
produced the unknown emission spectrum and what information does the
spectrum give about the source of the element? Explain your answer.
The amount of energy required to move an electron from one energy level
to another is a quantum of energy. This is why the energy of an electron is
said to be quantized. The size of a quantum of energy can vary. The amount
of energy an electron gains or loses in an atom is not always the same
because energy levels in an atom are not equally spaced. Higher energy
levels are closer together than lower energy levels.
Ground State The electron is in Excited State The electron has gained
the lowest possible energy level. energy and is in a higher energy level.
22 CCC Matter and Energy Each color of light has a specific amount of energy.
A hydrogen atom will absorb and emit red, blue-green, blue, and violet light
but not yellow or orange light. Explain this phenomenon.
H He O Ne
Bohr Models for Some Atoms These Bohr models
show how you can represent the electrons in atoms
of hydrogen (1 electron), helium (2 electrons), oxygen
(8 electrons), and neon (10 electrons).
23 CCC Patterns A fluorine atom has 9 electrons. Draw the Bohr model for
fluorine using the pattern you observe for the Bohr models for hydrogen,
helium, oxygen, and neon.
GO ONLINE to Elaborate on and Evaluate
your knowledge of atomic emission spectra by
PHENOMENON completing the class discussion and engineering
design activities.
Number of
Electrons Each
energy shell can 32 18 8 2
hold a maximum
number of
electrons, 2n2. 1s
2s 2p
25 SEP Use Models Why does the number of electrons in each principal energy
shell increase as the number of the shell increases?
s orbital Each principal energy shell has
an s orbital. All s orbitals are spherical.
z z z
y y y y y y y
x x x x x x x
Subshell Energies Subshells have different energies because Within a subshell, the orbitals have
the electrons in an atom repel each other. Electrons populate the same energy. All three 2p orbitals
the lowest possible energy subshells first. The zigzag line have the same energy. They have more
shows how energy increases from one subshell to the next. energy than the 2s orbital, but they
have less energy than the 3s orbital.
2s 2p
Increasing Energy
3s 3p
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4s 3d 4p
5s 4d 5p
6s 4f 5d 6p
7s 5f 6d 7p
26 SEP Use Models List the subshells that hold the 25 electrons in a
manganese atom in order of increasing energy.
GO ONLINE to Elaborate on and Evaluate your
knowledge of the quantum mechanical model
PHENOMENON by completing the class discussion and writing
Electrons in Atoms
GO ONLINE to Explore and Explain electron configurations
of atoms.
Electron Configurations
The ways in which electrons are arranged in various orbitals around the
nuclei of atoms are called electron configurations. The table shows the
electron configurations of the first eleven elements on the periodic table.
Notice the order in which the 1s, 2s, and 2p orbitals are filled.
Li 3 1s 2 2s1
A superscript
Be 4 1s 2 2s 2 represents the
number of electrons
in each subshell.
B 5 1s 2 2s 22p1
For example, the
1s orbital has 2
C 6 1s 2 2s 22p2 electrons in it.
N 7 1s 2 2s 22p3
Electrons pair only
O 8 1s 22s 22p4 after each subshell
is half full.
F 9 1s 2 2s 22p5
Ne 10 1s 22s 22p6
Na 11 1s 2 2s 22p63s1
5 Electrons in Atoms 33
Energy and Stability in Electron
Role of Energy in Orbital Filling Energy plays an important role in
determining how electrons are arranged, or configured, in an atom.
Electrons occupy the lowest energy subshells first. That is why the 1s orbital
is always filled before the 2s orbital. Once the 2s subshell is filled, electrons
are added to the three 2p orbitals. These three orbitals are of equal energy.
In subshells with more than one orbital, one electron occupies each orbital
before two electrons pair up in an orbital. To occupy the same orbital, two
electrons must have opposite spins; that is, the electron spins must be
paired. Spin is a property of electrons that may be thought of as clockwise
(spin-up) or counterclockwise (spin-down) orientation. A vertical arrow
indicates an electron and its spin orientation.
1s 2s 2p
List the subshells in order of lowest to highest
energy. Use the diagram of how subshell energy
increases as a guide.
1s 2s 2p
Pairs of electrons have opposite spins, written
as arrows pointing in opposite directions.
1s 2s 2p
Each orbital in a subshell needs one electron
before electrons are paired.
2 2 4
Write the number of electrons in each subshell as 1s 2s 2p
a superscript.
pole. When two electrons must exist in the same orbital, an opposite-spin
arrangement allows them to gain stability because the magnetic attraction
of the opposite poles cancels out some of the electric repulsion.
28 Apply Concepts Use the concepts of energy and stability as they relate to
orbital filling to write the electron configuration for iron.
1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d
5 Electrons in Atoms 35
Patterns in Electron Configurations
Blocks of Elements in the Periodic Table The periodic table shows a
pattern in electron configurations and is divided into blocks based on the
highest occupied sublevels. The two groups on the left are in the s block
because the highest energy electrons are in an s orbital in atoms of these
elements. The groups on the far right are in the p block, while the middle
groups are the d and f blocks. Because of the regular pattern in the way
sublevels are filled, you can use the periodic table to help you write
electron configurations.
An s subshell is the Within each block, electrons are added A p subshell is the
highest filled subshell to the subshell from left to right. The highest filled subshell
for all elements in group, or column, determines how many for all elements in
s1 s 2 the s block. electrons are in the subshell. For example, the p block.
1s all elements in the group labeled d6 have
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6
6 electrons in the outer d subshell.
2s 2p
3s d 1 d 2 d 3 d 4 d 5 d 6 d 7 d 8 d 9 d10 3p
4s 3d 4p
5s 4d 5p
f 1 f 2 f 3 f 4 f 5 f 6 f 7 f 8 f 9 f 10 f 11 f 12 f 13 f 14
6s 4f 5d 6p
7s 5f 6d 7p
Electron Configurations
The atomic number of the element osmium (Os) is 76. It is in the 6th period
and has 6 electrons in its d subshell, its highest subshell. Write the full electron
configuration of osmium so that all the subshells in each principal energy shell
are grouped together.
Determine the period and Osmium is in the 6th period and the
highest subshell. highest subshell is 5d.
Period 1: 1s2
Write the configurations for the full
Period 2: 2s22p6
subshells in the first five periods in Period 3: 3s23p6
order of increasing energy. Period 4: 4s23d104p6
Period 5: 5s24d105p6
5 Electrons in Atoms 37
Noble Gas Configurations Electron configurations can get quite long.
It is convenient to write them using a noble gas to represent the core
electrons. Core electrons are electrons in all the inner, or lower energy,
shells. Valence electrons are electrons in the outermost energy shell. In all
elements, the subshells for the core electrons are full. In noble gases, the
subshells in the valence shell are also full. Their electron configurations are
the same as the electron configuration of the core electrons in the elements
in the row below them in the periodic table.
Noble Gases The last group of elements
in the periodic table have full subshells. He
These elements are called the noble gases. 10 Neon (Ne) is a noble gas
Ne with an electron configuration
of 1s22s22p6. These are core
electrons for the next row in
Ar the periodic table.
16 86
S Rn
Og Valence
Noble Gas Configuration The noble gas
31 Apply Concepts Use the periodic table to write the noble gas configuration
for strontium (Sr).
Noble Gas Configurations and Electron Dot Structures for Period 3 Elements
Group 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18
Element Cl Ar
Noble gas
[Ne] 3s1 [Ne] 3s2 [Ne] 3s23p1 [Ne] 3s23p2 [Ne] 3s23p3 [Ne] 3s23p4 [Ne] 3s23p5 [Ne] 3s23p6
of valence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Electron dot
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
32 CCC Patterns Recall that elements above and below each other in the
periodic table have similar physical and chemical properties. What do you
think might account for these similar properties? Explain.
5 Electrons in Atoms 39
GO ONLINE to Elaborate on and Evaluate
your knowledge of electron configurations by
PHENOMENON completing the peer review and writing activities.
Assessment 41