Large Format Cards

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1 1 1

Move 1 Square, Space Move 1 Square, Space Move 1 Square, Space

or Frame instead of or Frame instead of or Frame instead of
making a dice roll. making a dice roll. making a dice roll.
Reclaim an item you Discard for another Add 1 to any Chase or
lost for any reason Experience Card Battle Roll

1 1 2
Move 1 Square, Space Move 1 Square, Space Move 2 Squares,
or Frame instead of or Frame instead of Spaces or Frames
making a dice roll. making a dice roll. instead of making a
OR OR dice roll.
Add 1 to any Chase or Your Expedition may OR
Battle Roll Move 1 Extra space on Add 2 to any Chase or
the Lost World Map Battle Roll

2 2 2
Move 2 Squares,
Spaces or Frames Move 2 Squares, Move 2 Squares,
instead of making a Spaces or Frames Spaces or Frames
dice roll. instead of making a instead of making a
OR dice roll. dice roll.
Escape from a Chase. OR OR
Return to Camp but do Discard for Another Add 2 to any Chase or
not lose a turn. Experience Card Battle Roll
2 3 3
Move 2 Squares, Spaces Move 3 Squares, Spaces Move 3 Squares,
or Frames instead of or Frames instead of Spaces or Frames
making a dice roll. making a dice roll. instead of making a
OR OR dice roll.
Your Expedition may Your Expedition may OR
move an extra 2 hexes on move an extra 3 hexes on
Add 3 to any Chase or
the Lost World map. the Lost World map.
Battle Roll

3 3 3
Move 3 Squares, Move 3 Squares, Move 3 Squares,
Spaces or Frames Spaces or Frames Spaces or Frames
instead of making a instead of making a instead of making a
dice roll. dice roll. dice roll.
Add 3 to any Chase or Reclaim an item you Discard for Another
Battle Roll just lost for any reason. Experience Card.

4 4 4
Move 4 Squares,
Spaces or Frames Move 4 Squares, Move 4 Squares,
instead of making a Spaces or Frames Spaces or Frames
dice roll. instead of making a instead of making a
OR dice roll. dice roll.
Escape from a Chase. OR OR
Return to Camp but do Reroll once, any die or Add 4 to any Chase or
not lose a turn. dice just rolled. Battle Roll
4 5 5
Move 4 Squares, Move 5 Squares, Move 5 Squares,
Spaces or Frames Spaces or Frames Spaces or Frames
instead of making a instead of making a instead of making a
dice roll. dice roll. dice roll.
Discard for Another Discard for Another Reroll once, any die or
Experience Card. Experience Card. dice just rolled.

5 6 6
Move 5 Squares, Move 6 Squares, Move 6 Squares,
Spaces or Frames Spaces or Frames Spaces or Frames
instead of making a instead of making a instead of making a
dice roll. dice roll. dice roll.
Reroll once, any die or Reroll once, any die or Discard for Another
dice just rolled. dice just rolled. Experience Card

Move 6 Squares,
Spaces or Frames
instead of making a
dice roll.
Reclaim an item you
just lost for any reason.
Lost ! Instead of moving your A herd of Iguanodons The Indians have concocted a
expedition this turn, the player suddenly stampedes towards mixture of natural herbs with
on your right may roll one die you from out of the forest. miraculous healing powers
and move your Expedition that Lose one non-weapon tool from long extinct plants. If
many hexes (even if you are (selected by the player on your they share it with you, score
currently in an Adventure, thus right) getting out of the way. three victory points.
exiting that Adventure.) Play Play Immediately.
Immediately! They will share it with you
only if you play this card in the
[If playing solitaire, follow Indian Caves hex and are
Solitaire Creature Movement currently in possession of In-
Rules (17.4)] dian Allies. Play when
30 15

Apemen steal your provisions. Your guide has deserted you! You lose you compass fording
Return immediately to Camp You may not play an a stream. Henceforth, your
and lose a turn (but do not lose Experience Card on the Move- movement allowance on the
any tool.) Ignore this card if ment Track for the remainder Lost World map is always one
currently Allied with the of the game. hex less than stated on the
Apemen. Play Immediately! Movement Track (to a mini-
Play Immediately! mum of one. Move 0 hexes
spaces still prohibit
Play Immediately.

34 9

You find a discarded You have found the tallest tree Crevices offer refuge. Play
Plesiosaur membrane at the on the plateau. You may this card to avoid any attack
Indian Caves with which you climb the tree and privately while on the Rocky Tract hex.
can make a balloon to escape look at up to five Unexplored Play at your option but only
the plateau by ending the sites. Play Immediately. while on the Rocky Tract hex.
Geyser Adventure in the final
frame if you have 25 Victory
Points. Play at your option,
but only when ending your
turn in the Indian Caves. Keep
this card as an Escape Item.

23 31 25
Unless you possess an Apeman Regardless of whether you
Allies “weapon”, your Expedition Witness a Primeval Life and
have the Machete, if you start
has been captured by Apemen and Death Struggle at Triceratops
your turn in the Bamboo Brake
taken to Apetown. (if Apetown Hatchery. If you are attacked
has not yet been discovered, you may make a bow and ar-
at Triceratops Hatchery you
remain in you present hex). You row which allows you to add
may summon any other
may not move, draw a card, one die roll to you battle
attack, trade or take an Adventure creature within four hexes of
strength. Play at you option,
until you escape. You escape the Hatchery to battle your
but only while in the Bamboo
automatically whenever any attacker. If the Creature you
creature attacks you, or any player Brake instead of making a
summoned wins or ties, the
(including yourself) makes a Movement Track dice roll and
Attacker does not attack you.
Movement or Battle dice roll of 7 only if you have no ammuni-
or doubles. You may roll the dice
Otherwise, go to battle with
you original attacker. Play tion left for your Rifles. Your
on your turn to attempt an escape, new weapon can only be used
but if successful must move that before resolving the battle.
many spaces on the Movement Save until needed. twice and never in the same
track. 1 Battle. Play when needed.
20 28

The volcano erupts. All Faithful guide Zambo brings Indians are being attacked by a
expeditions within one hex of you a Tool from the base camp Creature in your hex. Roll two
the Lava Pit must immediately at the foot of the plateau and dice to determine the Creature on
return to camp and lose a turn. throws it across the Pinnacle the Creature Chart. You may
If the Lava Pit has not yet been chasm. You may add one Tool come to the Indian’s aid if you
wish by using one clip of Rifle
discovered this card has no (including a weapon) of your
ammunition, and adding one die
effect. Play immediately. choice to you equipment List
(never two) to the Indian’s battle
during any turn you end in the roll or using a Gas Bomb (for an
Pinnacle hex. Save until automatic victory). If you win,
needed. receive an Indian Allies
“weapon” If you lose or tie, pro-
ceed to the Chase sequence. If
you do not aid the Indians, Indian
[If playing solitaire, the next 11 or 12 roll will Allies are not available to you for
destroy the lost world]
the rest of the game.
16 7 26

Sneak up on any other You are not alone! Make a Capture Bothriolepis. Score 2
Expedition while they sleep choice: either return immediately VPs if you have a Fish Tank to
and steal any non-weapon to Camp and lose a turn, or roll a keep it in. Play at you option,
Tool, or an Escape Item of die and confront whatever but only when ending your
your choice. In addition, roll Creature is with you. Play turn at the Lakeshore or
one die and steal up to the Central Lake.
resulting number of Victory 1. Battle Tyrannosaurus
points. The losing Expedition 2. Discover Diadectes, score 1 VP
loses it’s next turn as well as 3. Battle Stegosaurus
the stolen items. Play only 4. Discover Morganucodon,
when in the same hex (other score 1VP
than CAMP) with another 5. Battle Phorusrhacos
Expedition. Play at you option 6. Discover Proaves, score 2 VPs
but only if out of Rifle
27 29 6
An Indian Prince has been captured You will complete your A member of your part
by the Apemen. You may rescue collection of extinct wanders off hunting for
him if currently allied with the
Apemen by going to Apetown and
Lepidoptera and Coleoptera rumored jewels. Lose one
losing a Tool of your choice in trade for four extra Victory Points if Experience Card of your
or, if not allied with the Apes, by you complete adventures in choice or return to Camp and
defeating the Apemen in Battle there. both the Aptosaurus Swamp lose a turn. Play Immediately.
If successful you gain an Indian and Rocky Tract. Play at you
Allies “weapon” and an Escape Map
option but only when ending in
which you can use to Escape from
the final frame of the Indian Caves a Lakeshore hex.
Adventure if you have 25 VPs or
more. Play at your option but only
when ending your turn in Apetown.
Keep this card as the Escape item
when completed.

22 13 11

A Pterodactyl swoops down on You have blundered into the Suffer a bout of malaria. Lose
your party and makes off with Sacred Burial Ground of the one Experience Card of your
a valuable specimen case. Roll Indians. Lose any Indian choice and return to camp and
one die and lose that many Allies weapon. The Indians lose a turn. Play Immediately.
VPs (down to a minimum of immediately attack you.
zero.) Play immediately. Regardless of the outcome,
you can never be allied with
the Indians again.
Play Immediately.

33 19 4

Witness a Primeval Life and Capture a Mesosaurus and Out of Water!!

Death Struggle at Stegosaurus score two VPs if you have a Unless you are currently in a
Meadow. If you are attacked fish tank in which to keep the hex containing water, you may
at Stegosaurus Meadow you creature. Play at your option not take an Adventure or enter
may summon any other but only when ending your an Unexplored site until you
creature within four hexes of turn at a Lakeshore hex or end your turn in a hex
the Meadow to battle your Central Lake. containing water. If currently
attacker. If the Creature you in a waterless Adventure, exit
summoned wins or ties, the from your current frame.
Attacker does not attack you. Play Immediately.
Otherwise, go to battle with
you original attacker. Play
before resolving the battle.
Save until needed.

2 14 24
One of the members of your Witness a Primeval Life and You may collect vines at the
Expedition is an Expert Geolo- Death Struggle at Iguanodon Carnivorous Plant Patch to
gist. On your next move in the Glade. If you are attacked at make into a rope bridge which
Lava Pit Adventure, you may Iguanodon Glade you may you may use to escape the
play this card to move any summon any other plateau by ending the Pinnacle
number of Frames up to six. creature within four hexes of Adventure in the final frame
Play only while in the Lave Pit the Glade to battle your once you’ve scored 25 or more
Adventure. Save until needed. attacker. If the Creature you VPs. Play at you option, but
summoned wins or ties, the only when ending your turn in
Attacker does not attack you. the Carnivorous Plant Patch.
Otherwise, go to battle with If without the Machete, the
you original attacker. Play Hazard penalty still applies.
before resolving the battle. Keep this card as the Escape
Save until needed. item.

8 3 21

A giant poisonous moth You are not alone! Make a Indians and Apemen war for control
attacks you. You drive it away choice: either return immediately of the Plateau in your hex. Unless
to Camp and lose a turn, or roll Allied to both sides, you may inter-
if you have the Pole. vene if you wish by using one clip of
Otherwise, you return to Camp two dice and consult the Creature
ammunition (never a Gas Bomb or
and lose a turn. Play Chart to discover what
other weapon) and add one die to the
Creature is with you. You must
Immediately. roll (never two) of the side of your
then battle that Creature. choice. If your side wins the battle
Play Immediately. you gain an Allies “weapon” of the
appropriate type. If your side loses,
lose a Tool, return to Camp and lose
a turn. You must participate in the
Battle on the side of a current Ally,
but may only add to the dice roll by
expending a clip of ammunition. Re-
gardless of the outcome, henceforth
you may never ally with the side you
fight against. Play Immediately.
18 10 17

There is a vent of poisonous

gas in the Marsh. If you have
a hose, you may make two Gas
Bombs there. Play at your op-
tion, but only when ending
your turn in the Marsh.


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