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Echoes of the Dead

A three part adventure for Four Against Darkness,

recommended for beginning characters

Written by Adron J. Smitley and Andrea Sfiligoi

Graphics by Andrea Sfiligoi and Nostalgia & Pixels (Iryna Boyko)
Additional Art by Caleb Engelke
Proofreading by Marty Costello
Introduction 1
Food & Water 1
Flint & steel 1
Healing 1
Secret Door 1
Clues and Secrets 2
A Note on Spells 2
Room Contents Table (2d6) 3
Treasure Table (d6) 3
Traps Table (d6) 4
Quest Table (d6) 5
Epic Rewards Table (d6) 6
Vermin Table (d6) 7
Minions Table (d6) 8
Weird Monsters Table (d6) 9
Boss Monsters Table (d6) 10

ADVENTURE ONE: Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? 12

Belt of Purity 13
Adventure One Conditions 13
Adventure One Special Room Table (1d6) 14
Adventure One Magic Treasure Table (1d6) 15
Adventure One Rewards 16

ADVENTURE TWO: Lady of the Damned 17

The Holy Pendant 17
Adventure Two Conditions 17
Adventure Two Special Room Table (1d6) 18
Adventure Two Magic Treasure Table (1d6) 19
Adventure Two Rewards 20

ADVENTURE THREE: The Battle for Brother Fallow’s Soul 20

Adventure Three Conditions 20
Adventure Three Special Room Table (1d6) 21
Rival Adventurer’s Hidden Loot Table (d6) 22
Adventure Three Magic Treasure Table (1d6) 23
Aftermath of the Oblivion Lich Battle 24
Results 24
Adventure Three Rewards 25
Introduction Flint & steel
Echoes of the Dead is a campaign This can be purchased before an
in three adventures. It is suggested adventure for 5gp (it is used for
that at least one of your party mem- relighting snuffed lanterns; see
bers is a cleric, and that your party the Lightreaper description on the
begins as L1. To play this campaign, Weird Monsters Table for more de-
you need the Four Against Dark- tails). A broken lantern may not be
ness (4AD) core rulebook. Tables relit.
for generating room contents, trea-
sure, traps and opponents are in this Healing
book. Monsters are described with Normally a Bandage heals 1 lost Life
the HCL rule so that the adventure point to a single character (a single
may be played with higher level hero can use only 1 bandage per ad-
characters if desired. venture). You may combine it with
medicinal herbs to create a poul-
Food & Water tice and heal 2 Life instead. A single
Every character begins with an character can use either 1 bandage
amount of food equal to their base or 1 poultice per adventure, unless
Life points minus one. special circumstances apply as de-
scribed in Adventure Three’s Special
For example, a L1 cler- Room Table for the Resurrection
ic starts with 5 total Life Pit.
points, and thus starts with As per normal 4AD rules, a sin-
4 Food rations. gle character can use one standard
Healing Potion (restores all lost Life
These beginning Food rations are points) only once per adventure,
free. Additional rations can be pur- unless they are resurrected using
chased between adventures at 1 the Resurrection Pit, then they are
gp per 2 Food rations (a ration is allowed the use of one additional
enough to sustain 1 character for healing potion or bandage or poul-
1 day and includes water or other tice upon revival even if they’ve al-
drinks). ready used any one of the three be-
Water alone affords no healing fore dying.
properties, only quenches a thirsty
adventurer’s parched throat, though Secret Door
special circumstances described lat- If you discover a secret door, you can
er apply to utilizing a food ration’s place it upon any one wall of the cur-
water according to this particular rent room; a secret door may con-
campaign. nect rooms and corridors previously
unconnected if any of their walls ad-
join. Alternatively, it can establish a and Adventurers) instead.
connection via one square between In this campaign, when a random
them as its ‘hidden passageway’ that scroll is found and it is a Sleep spell,
does not count as a separate corridor it has a 50/50 chance of being a De-
or room unto itself, it never requires stroy Aberration spell instead.
a Wandering Monster roll and it can
never be Searched.
Destroy Aberration
Clues and Secrets
A character gaining 3 Clues may im- With a successful spellcast-
mediately reveal a Secret and per- ing roll against the target’s
form an XP roll, and then the con- L, this spell inflicts 3 dam-
dition of the particular adventure age upon a Weird Monster.
applies as described in each Adven- It has no effect on monsters
ture Conditions section. of other categories (Ver-
min, Minion, Bosses). Dou-
A Note on Spells bling the target’s Level in-
Since the majority of the monsters flicts 1 additional damage,
in this campaign are undead, and not 3 additional damage,
undead are immune to the Sleep upon the target.
spell, you may take the Destroy Ab-
erration spell instead. If you play
with a druid, you could also take De-
stroy the Unliving (from Wayfarers

Room Contents Table (2d6)
2 Treasure; roll on the Treasure Table.
3 Treasure protected by a Trap; roll on the Traps Table then on the
Treasure Table.
4 If corridor—empty. Otherwise, roll on the Special Room Table.
5 Empty. Roll on the Special Room Table.
6 Vermin encounter.
7 Minions encounter.
8 If corridor—empty. Otherwise, roll on the Minions Table.
9 Empty.
10 If corridor—empty. Otherwise, roll on the Weird Monsters Table.
11 Boss: roll on the Boss Table, then roll 1d6. Add +1 for every Boss
or Weird Monster previously encountered. The first time the result
= 6+, or if the dungeon layout is complete, you meet the Final Boss.
12 If corridor—empty. Otherwise, treat it as #11, above.

Treasure Table (d6)

1 Choose: 1d6 gp or 1 rope or 1 dagger (light slashing weapon)
2 Choose: 2d6 gp or d6+1 edible mushrooms (each is equivalent to 1
Food ration).
3 1 scroll with a random basic spell from the core rulebook. If you have
Ominous Opus Of The Occult & Obscure, you may decide that the
scroll contains 2 Cantrips of your choice, if you prefer.
4 1 gem worth 2d6 x 5 gp.
5 1 item of sacred jewelry worth 3d6 x 10 gp.
6 1 random item from the Magic Treasure Table. If you have Twisted
Hoards, Twisted Daggers, Twisted Axes, Twisted Polearms, Twist-
ed Swords or Twisted Flails, you may roll on a Table of your choice
from those books instead.

Traps Table (d6)
1 Dart (HCL+1): This trap targets a random hero, who must make a
Defense roll or lose 1 Life point; Halflings add +L to the Defense roll.
2 Mushroom Spore Spray (HCL+2): All party members must make
a Save against L3, or lose 1 Life point each; Barbarians and dwarves
roll at +L. Artificial, elemental and undead characters are immune to
the spores. Any character killed by the spores comes back to life one
turn later as a L3 mushroom monster with 4 Life, 1 Attack inflicting
1 Life damage, which immediately attacks the party, unless a Fire-
based spell is used to cremate the body. A cremated hero may not be
3 Trapdoor (HCL+3): Opens under the feet of the character leading
the marching order, who must Save vs. the trap's L. Roll at -1 if wear-
ing light armor, -2 if wearing heavy armor, and +1 if they are a hal-
fling or elf. Rogues add +L. A character falling through the trapdoor
loses 1 Life and requires help (or a rope) to climb out.
4 Bear Trap (HCL+3): Snaps closed upon the errant foot of the char-
acter leading the marching order if a Save vs. the trap's L is failed.
Halflings and Elves Save at +1, rogues Save at +L. The affected char-
acter loses 1 Life point and will have -1 to Attack and Defense rolls
until that lost Life point is recovered and the limping leg heals. A
limping character will Save at -2 against other bear traps or trap-
doors, and any other traps described as attacking a character’s legs
or feet.
5 Three Spears (HCL+4): Activated by the first character walking
past them, these steel-tipped spears shoot out from a wall and attack
three random heroes; characters failing their Defense roll lose 1 Life.
A rogue in position 1 of the Marching Order may Save vs. the spears’
L (add the rogue’s L to the Save) to warn the party and avoid the trap
altogether. A rogue or gnome can automatically recover the spears,
so that the party can use them as slashing hand weapons.
6 Falling Anvil (HCL+4): The last character in the Marching Order
must make a Defense roll vs. L5 or take 2 damage from an anvil fall-
ing on them; the hero’s armor Defense bonus counts but their shield
Defense bonus does not. The anvil is quite heavy (equivalent to 300
gp of weight) but can be resold for 50 gp if carried to town (60 gp if
there’s a dwarf or gnome in the party).

Quest Table (d6)
1 Bring Me His Head!: The creature asks the party to kill a Boss
Monster. Roll on the Boss Table to determine who is the target. The
next time the party meets a Boss Monster in a room, instead of rolling
it up, you may encounter the target Boss. Killing the Boss and bring-
ing its head to the creature’s room (the location where the quest was
given) completes the quest.
2 Bring Me Gold!: To complete the quest, the party must bring 1d6 x
50 gp worth of treasure to this room. If they already have that amount
available, the amount required to complete the quest is doubled. The
Epic Reward for this Quest cannot be any amount of Gold-- if you roll
Epic Reward 1 (The Hoard of Past intruders) there will be no golden
pieces in the loot, and if you roll Epic reward 4 (The Gold of Sham-
ron), you MUST choose the gadget points.
3 I Want Him Alive!: As 1, above, but the party must subdue the
Boss, tie him up with a rope, and take him to the creature’s room to
complete the quest. To subdue a monster, you must either use the
Sleep spell or fight with -1 on all Attack rolls (striking with the flat of
the blade or trying to knock out the Boss instead of killing).
4 Bring Me That!: Roll on the Magic Items Table to determine what
the object is. Every time the party kills a Boss Monster or a Weird
Monster, roll a 1 in 6 chance that the Foe will have that object in
addition to its treasure, if any. To complete the quest, the party must
bring the object in the room where the quest started.
5 Let Peace Be Your Way!: To complete this quest, the party must
complete at least three encounters in the adventure in a non-violent
way. This includes non-violent reactions such as bribing, getting help
from monsters, performing another quest (not this one!), or defeat-
ing a monster with the Sleep spell.
6 Slay All The Monsters!: To complete this quest, all the dungeon
rooms must be laid out and all the occupants slain, with the exception
of the creature who sent the party on this quest. As soon as these con-
ditions are met, the party can claim their Epic Reward.

When a quest is completed, roll on the Echoes of the Dead Epic Re-
wards Table (p. 6) to determine the reward gained by the party.

Echoes of the Dead Epic Rewards Table (d6)
1 The Hoard of Past Intruders: The party is given 1 Healing Potion, 1
vial of Holy Water, 1 Random Scroll, 1 Trinket of Luck, 1 Fool’s Gold, 1
Bandage, 1 Medicinal Herbs, 4 Food, and 4d6 x 10 gp.
2 Book of Souvros: This spell book belonged to Souros, a wizard who mod-
ified standard spells to make them more powerful, with some additional
risk to the user. This counts as finding one scroll of each of the six basic
spells, but with Destroy Aberration (see p.2) instead of Sleep. Spells cast
or learned through this book are cast as if the caster’s L were 1 higher (so,
for example, a L3 wizard could cast Lightning as a L4 wizard). However,
if the spellcasting roll is 1, the caster loses 1 Life. The book is destroyed
if the character carrying it is killed by dragon breath. If unused, the book
may be sold for 700 gp at the end of the adventure. A wizard who knows the
standard version of a spell may also learn the Souvros version, and decide
which to use at the moment of casting (decide whether to enjoy the +1 to
the spellcasting roll with the risk of losing 1 Life or casting the “safe” ver-
sion of the spell).
3 Enchanted Weapon: One of the party’s weapons is enchanted and can
now roll two dice for its Attack rolls, choosing the best result. The weapon
can also hit creatures hit only by magic. The enchantment lasts until the end
of the adventure.
4 The Gold of Shamron: The party is given the location of the treasure that
belonged to a gnome. As soon as the party searches a room and generates at
least 1 Clue, they may use that Clue to find a hidden chest containing 400 gp
or 3 Gadget points for a gnome character (these are one-use gadget points,
suitable for gnome characters from Wayfarers and Adventurers).
5 Miniature Dagger: This tiny pendant is shaped like a dagger. At any mo-
ment, with one action it can be transformed into a +1 dagger (slashing light
weapon +1, for a total modifier of +0). When carried in its miniature form,
the knife may not be disarmed, dropped or stolen by any game effect (for
example, it may not be stolen by invisible gremlins). The user can at any
time spend 1 action to transform it again into its miniature form. The min-
iature dagger can be sold for 50 gp. If you have Twisted Daggers, disregard
this result and roll on that book’s Table instead.
6 Fluffy Pink Bunny Slippers: These cute and comfy slippers keep the ad-
venturer’s feet warm and dry and allow a spellcaster with the available slots
to do so to cast 2 spells in a row during a single turn of combat once per ad-
venture. Once worn, they lose their magic if removed, and become normal
slippers. If not used, they have a resale value of 200 gp. They are automat-
ically destroyed if the wearer falls into a mud trap, quicksand or water, or
into any bear trap or any other trap that cuts the wearer’s feet.

Vermin Table (d6)
1 3d6 Purple Rats, HCL animal Vermin. Any hero wounded by a rat has a 2 in
6 chance of losing 1 additional Life due to infection at the end of the encounter.
Haflings are immune to this infection.
Reactions (d6): 1-3 flee, 4-6 fight.
2 1d6+1 Miasmic Mites, HCL+1 undead Bug Vermin. Never test morale. Upon
encountering them, 1d3 Food rations belonging to a random hero become un-
usable, unless a Blessing is cast to prevent this. A hero with no Food rations
loses 1 Life instead. Heroes rolling a 1 on a Defense roll suffer itching and have
-1 on Attack and Defense rolls during their next turn.
Reactions (d6): 1-2 flee, 3-6 fight.
3 2d6 Gnobgoblins, HCL+1 Vermin. Goblin-gnoll hybrids armed with clubs.
Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 flee if outnumbered, 4 bribe (1 food or 5 gp
x gnobgoblin), 5-6 fight.
4 1d6+5 Swarming Scarabs, HCL+2 undead bug Vermin. Immune to Sleep
and poison. They bite at the heroes’ eyes. Any hero rolling a 1 on a Defense
roll is blinded in one eye until magically healed. If it happens twice, the hero is
blinded in both eyes. A one-eyed hero attacks at -1. A totally blind hero attacks
and defends at -2, and is automatically dead if only blind heroes remain in the
party. Automatically destroyed if hit by any Fire-based or Lightning spell.
Reactions (d6): 1-2 flee, 3-6 fight.
5 1d6+5 Ravenous Scorpulas (tarantula-scorpion hybrids), HCL+2 animal
Vermin. Any hero stung by a scorpula will be slowed down and unable to run
away from this encounter. If a hero dies, all the scorpulas will stop attacking
and devour his/her body in one turn. All the hero’s equipment is lost and he/
she may not be resurrected.
Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-4 bribe (all the party’s food, or 1 animal
companion), 5-6 fight to the death.
6 1d6+5 Carrion Crows, HCL+2 flying undead Vermin. Never test morale. He-
roes cannot flee or withdraw from this encounter unless they have flying move-
ment or use an Escape/teleportation spell or magic item. Every time a hero rolls
a 1 on a Defense roll, 1 additional carrion crow arrives. If at any moment there
are more than 12 carrion crows in play, increase by 1 the L of all carrion crows.
Reaction: Always fight to the death.
Minions Table (d6)
1 1d6+1 Bloated Pus Zombies, HCL+2 undead Minions, no treasure. Never tests
morale. Immune to Sleep and poison. Arrows hit them at +1. At the beginning of
every turn of theirs, roll 1d6: 1-2, one zombie explodes and all heroes must Save
vs. HCL magic (wizards Save at +L) or take Tier damage. On 3-6 nothing happens.
Reaction: Always fight to the death.
2 1d6+2 Hither Skeletons, HCL+2 undead Minions, no treasure. Never tests mo-
rale. Immune to Sleep and poison. Crushing weapons hit them at +1. Arrows hit
them at -1. Unless all are destroyed within 2 turns, 1d6 more skeletons will arrive
on the 4th turn.
Reaction: Always fight to the death.
3 2d6 Mortis Poppies, HCL+2 vegetable Minions, 1 treasure. Never tests morale.
Immune to Sleep and poison. Every time a single Mortis Poppy is destroyed with
a melee attack, it has the potential to explode and release a small cloud of spores
that is either poisonous or causes uncontrollable laughing. On a successful melee
Attack, roll 1d6 for that hero. 1 = poison, 2-3 = laughing, 4-6 no effect. A poisoned
hero is slowed down and unable to run away from this encounter. Laughing heroes
cannot cast spells, use potions or food magic during their next turn. Mortis Poppies
destroyed by any fire-based weapons or spells or Lightning spell release no cloud of
Reaction: Always fight to the death.
4 2d6+1 Cannibal Cultists, HCL+2 crazed human Minions, 1 treasure. 3 in 6
chance of surprise. Their L increases by 2 if they outnumber the heroes. They lose
this outnumbering bonus if fighting in corridors, or as soon as their numbers are
equal to or lower than the number of heroes. Any hero wounded by a cannibal cultist
has a 1 in 6 chance of losing 1 additional Life due to an infected wound. If a hero
dies, all the cultists will stop attacking and devour his/her body. All the hero’s equip-
ment is lost and he/she may not be resurrected.
Reactions (d6): 1-2 flee if outnumbered, 3 bribe (1 hireling), 4-5 fight, 6
fight to the death.
5 1d6+2 Bonethuggers, HCL+3 undead petrified skeleton Minions, 1+1 treasure.
Morale +1. Immune to Sleep and poison. No bonus for crushing weapons against
them. Arrows attack them at -2. At the beginning of the encounter, they will all
throw 1 dismembered bone each (ranged attack for 1 damage).
Reactions (d6): 1 offer mercenary services, 2 bribe (5gp each), 3-6 fight.
Mercenary services: If paid 10gp each, they will fight for the party in
their next encounter as HCL+3 warriors with 1 Life each, armed with
hand weapons.
6 1d6 Rabid Vexhounds, HCL+3 undead canine Minions, treasure: Special. Nev-
er tests morale. Immune to Sleep and poison. 4 in 6 chance of surprise. Mundane
attacks hit them at -1. Spells attack them at +Tier. Every rabid vexhound slain by
non-magical means has a 3 in 6 chance of returning to play 1 turn later.
Reactions (d6): 1-2 bribe (1 Luck point, 1 animal companion, or 1 hire-
ling), 3-6 fight to the death.

Weird Monsters Table (d6)
1 Bitterwitch Ghost, HCL undead Weird Monster, HCL Life, 1 treasure.
Never tests morale. Immune to Sleep and poison. Every time a spell is cast
in its presence, the caster must succeed a spellcasting roll vs. the ghost’s L.
On a failure, the ghost gains 1 level and 1 Life.
Reactions (d6): 1 quest, 2-3 bribe (1 scroll), 4-6 fight to the death.
2 Dhampir, HCL+1 undead half-human/half-vampire Weird Monster,
HCL+1 Life, 1-1 treasure. Immune to Sleep and poison. At the beginning
of the encounter, roll 1d6. On 1-2, lower the dhampir’s L and Life by 1. On
3-4, nothing happens. On 5-6, increase its L and Life by 1. If the dhampir
kills a hero, its L and Life both increase by 1.
Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 bribe (1 animal companion or 1 hire-
ling), 4-5 fight, 6 fight to the death.
3 Gold-Digging Sedusa, HCL+2 chaos Weird Monster, HCL+4 Life, 2 at-
tacks, 2 treasure. Before the fight, all heroes must Save vs. L4 charm (spell-
casters add +1, clerics add +½L rounded down, paladins add +L, halflings
may reroll). Heroes failing the Save may defend but may not attack the se-
dusa (or other sedusas encountered) until Blessed. If all heroes are affected,
they happily relinquish all of their gold to the sedusa before she flees.
Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2 quest (Bring Me Gold!), 3-4 bribe
(200gp), 5-6 fight.
4 Cannibal Cultist Warlord, HCL+3 Weird Monster, HCL+3 Life, 3 at-
tacks, 1+1 treasure. Never test morale. Always roll for reactions at the be-
ginning of the encounter (you do not lose the initiative for this). Any hero
wounded by the warlord has a 1 in 6 chance of losing 1 additional Life due
to an infected wound. Any wounded character not immune to poison will be
slowed down and unable to run away from this encounter.
Reactions (d6): 1 ignore, 2-3 quest (I Want Him Alive!), 4 bribe
(1 Life as blood toll for all living characters), 5-6 fight to the
5 Lightreaper, HCL+3 undead Weird Monster, HCL+4 Life, treasure: Spe-
cial. Never tests morale. Immune to Sleep and poison. 2 in 6 chance of
surprise. Always attacks the lantern-bearer first. If the lantern-bearer is hit
twice, the lantern snuffs, and the party has -2 on all Attack and Defense
rolls and cannot use ranged weapons until the lantern is lit again, while the
lightreaper gains +1 to its L in the darkness. The lantern can be relit using
flint & steel as 1 action.
Reactions (d6): 1-2 bribe (1 Luck point, 2 Trinkets of Luck, or 1
lantern), 3-6 fights to the death.

Boss Monsters Table (d6)
1 Sentient Fog. No Level or Life, no treasure, may not be attacked but may be au-
tomatically destroyed by an Alter Weather spell. Never tests morale. Always roll
reactions when you encounter the Sentient Fog. On a “lost” reaction, the confused
party loses its way within the fog and must roll 3 times for a chance to meet Wan-
dering Monsters before returning to the current exploration map/path/area. Any
encountered Wandering Monsters do NOT automatically attack—roll reactions for
them because they are also lost.
Reactions (d6): 1 ignore, 2 bribe (1 magical item), 3-6 lost.
2 Garglodyte, HCL+3 undead gargoyle-troglodyte hybrid Boss, HCL+3 Life, 2 at-
tacks, treasure: special. Never tests morale. Immune to Sleep and poison. Slashing
weapons attack it at -2, and crushing weapons attack it at -1, because of its stone
skin. It swings two giant spiked clubs in a row. It always attacks a random char-
acter, using both attacks on that hero, and it keeps attacking the same hero until
the hero or the garglodyte are dead. If the hero dies, it will move its attention to
another random target. A garglodyte always guards a trapdoor that is the entrance
to a random sub-dungeon of 1d3+3 rooms, with 2 treasures in the last room.
Reactions (d6): 1 ignore, 2-3 bribe (1d6+4 food), 4-6 fight.
3 Bitterwitch, HCL+3 Boss, Tier+3 Life, 2 attacks, treasure: special. Every turn,
unless 1 Blessing is used, a hero of your choice takes Tier damage at the end of
your turn. When the Bitterwitch kills a hero, her Level and Life increase by 1 each.
Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 quest (Bring Me That!), 4-5 bribe (1 Luck
point, or 1 magic item, or 1 potion or poultice or scroll per character),
6 fight.
4 Miasmic Mummy, HCL+4 undead Boss, 4 Life, 2 attacks, 1 treasure. Never tests
morale. Immune to Sleep and poison. Upon encountering them, 1d6 food rations
belonging to a random party member becomes unusable, unless a single Blessing
spell is cast to prevent this. If the party member has no food rations, they lose -1
Life. Any character killed by a mummy becomes a mummy and must be fought by
the party. Mummies are hit at +2 by Fireballs and other Fire-based attacks.
Reactions: Always fights to the death.
5 Spider-Armed Fiend, HCL+4 undead Boss, HCL+4 Life, attacks: special, 2
treasure rolls. Never tests morale. Immune to Sleep and poison. It begins with 6
attacks per turn, but it loses 1 attack per turn for each point of damage taken (down
to a minimum of 1 attack per turn).
Reactions: Always fights.
6 See next page - the result depends on the adventure being played.

Standard 4AD Boss rules apply: When you roll a Boss Monster or a Weird
Monster, roll 1d6 and add +1 for every Weird Monster and Boss you have
previously encountered, including the Sentient Fog (result 1 above). If the
result is a 6 or more, you encounter the Final Boss. The Final Boss has +1
Life and +1 attacks per turn added to their usual stats, and always fights to
the death.

6-1. Final Boss for adventure 1, Floating Hundred Eyes, HCL+3,
HCL+4 Life, 2 attacks, treasure: special. Never tests morale. Slashing
weapons do an additional 1 damage. For each of its turns, roll 1d6 for the
specific attack on two separate random heroes:
1 Fireblast (1 Life point; a hero with Fire-based spells may sacrifice 1
Fire-based spell to avoid this damage, even from scrolls), 2 Lightning (2
Life points; a hero with Lightning spells may sacrifice 1 Lightning spell to
avoid this damage, even from scrolls), 3 Bewilder (the hero attacks and
defends at -1 during their next turn),
4 Hypnotize (the hero cannot attack or defend or otherwise act during
their next turn),
5 Poison (-1 Life point; a hero not immune to poison will be slowed down
and unable to run away from this encounter),
6 Life Drain (-1 Life to the hero and the Floating Hundred Eyes heal 1
Spell-casters add +L to Defense rolls.
Reactions (d6): 1 ignore, 2-5 fight, 6 fight to the death.
6-2. Final Boss for adventure 2: Lady of the Damned, HCL+4 Undead
Vampire Queen Boss, HCL+4 Life, 2 attacks, 2 treasure. Immune to
Sleep and poison. Magic Resistance 4 (any spell cast in the room must
beat L4 Magic resistance or fizzle). Before the fight, all heroes must Save
vs. L4 charm (spellcasters add +1, clerics add +½ L rounded down,
paladins add +L, halflings may reroll a failed Save). Heroes failing the
Save are mesmerized and may not defend or attack for 1d3 turns, or un-
til Blessed. Every time the Lady of the Damned slays a hero, she gains 1
Level and heals all Life lost.
Reactions (d6): 1-3 quest, 4-6 fight.
6-3. Final Boss for adventure 3: Oblivion Lich, HCL+5 Undead Boss,
HCL+6 Life, 2 treasure. Immune to Sleep and poison. Every time a hero
is wounded, the hero loses 1 Life and 1 ability use (barbarian rage, spell,
cleric’s Blessing or healing, luck point, gadget point, etc.). A hero with no
abilities to lose will lose 2 Life instead of 1. A Blessing or 1 week of rest
at home will restore all abilities lost on a single hero. When the Lich is
slain, the party must spend 1 Clue to locate its hidden heart and destroy
it. If this does not happen, the Lich comes back to full Life d3 turns later.
Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-4 bribe (2 permanent magic items or
4 potions/scrolls), 5-6 fight.
Reactions are listed for the sake of completeness, in case you want to use
these foes in other adventures. Final Bosses always fight to the death.

ADVENTURE ONE: seemingly interchangeable hive of
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? random labyrinthine catacombs.
“Before leaving out, I advise you to
“Welcome, adventurer! And thank visit the Adventurer’s Guild where
you for inquiring about this most you can purchase the services of oth-
grievous and highly sensitive mat- er willing participants to assist you
ter. in this important endeavor. Inform
“Troubling news arrived of an un- the interested parties that the Order
dead menace plaguing the far out- will reward them for their brave par-
skirts of the city. The clerical Order ticipation upon completion of your
dispatched faithful Brother Fallow services once you return.
to investigate, but alas he has yet “Though I am granting you the tem-
to return. Because our numbers are porary loan of my sacred Blessed
spread rather thin at the moment Belt of Purity to aid you, sadly our
due to unforeseen circumstances, coffers are... well, lacking their usual
we are left to seek outside help, and monetary abundance at present, so I
alas you stand before me. cannot provision you with anything
“Your mission is to infiltrate the else. You and anyone you hire must
wicked haven of these undead crea- make due with what monies your
tures and retrieve any evidence of own pockets can provide for any ad-
Brother Fallow’s current situation, ditional supplies before the outset.
albeit either the living man himself “Good luck, and godspeed.”
or proof of his demise. A high-rank-
ing member of the Order, Brother
Fallow took with him a spe-
cial artifact as protection. If
you cannot return the man
then return this precious
artifact as proof of Brother
Fallow’s sacrifice in service
to the Holy Cause.

“Unfortunately we cannot
provide you a map detail-
ing any specifics of the dun-
geon’s interior layout due to
the Sentient Fog that dwells
therein, for its dark mag-
ics make of the dungeon a

Belt of Purity Adventure One Conditions:
While wearing the Blessed Belt of You must obtain 3 Clues during your
Purity, a cleric can: investigation. As soon as the Clues
1. Spend a Blessing to turn 1 Food are spent, the next unexplored room
ration (via its included water) into 1 is the chamber wherein you discover
vial of Holy Water, which automati- the whereabouts of Brother Fallow.
cally inflicts 1 Life point of damage Escape the dungeon with Brother
vs. vampires, demons, and undead Fallow, or proof of Brother Fallow’s
when thrown. situation, and report back to the
2. Drink 1 vial of Holy Water as a clerical Order to complete this ad-
makeshift Healing Potion (this is in venture.
addition to their allowed one Heal-
ing Potion per adventure), which For this adventure, until you dis-
restores 1d6+L of lost Life points. cover the 3 necessary Clues, if a 6+
This healing cannot exceed the cler- is rolled on the Boss Table you en-
ic’s base Life points, only a cleric can counter a Spider-Armed Fiend but it
drink it, and only once per adven- is NOT the Final Boss.
ture unless the specific resurrection
circumstances listed later apply.

Adventure One Special Room Table (1d6)
1 Cursed Altar: As you enter the room, an eerie glow emanates from
a sinister altar. A random character is cursed and now has -1 on their
Defense rolls. To break the curse, the hero must either slay a Major
Foe (Boss or Weird Monster) alone, or enter a Blessed Temple (en-
try 6 of this Table), or have a Blessing spell cast on them by a cleric.
2 Hallowed Grounds: A safe-zone for the adventuring party amid
the dungeon that all monsters avoid. The party gains either +1d3
Food, +1d3 bandages, or +1d3 medicinal herbs (your choice); no
Wandering Monster rolls are made when backtracking into this
3 Wailing Banshee: All heroes must Save vs. L3 Fear or lose 1 Life
point; clerics add +L to the roll. Paladins and necromancers do not
need to test. A single wizard or cleric in the party may try to en-
gage the banshee in a battle of wills, performing a spell-casting roll
(adding +L) against L4. On a success, the hero gains 1 Clue from
the banshee’s wailing. On a failure, nothing happens. On a roll of 1,
the hero’s mind is weakened (the hero loses 1 prayer or 1 spell slot
-- if this is not possible because all prayers/spells have already been
spent, the hero loses 1 Life instead).
4 Armory: You hear a faint rattling upon entry. There’s a 3 in 6 chance
that a suit of heavy armor springs to life and surprises the party, at-
tacking as a L4 Weird Monster with 4 Life and 2 Attacks that fights
to the death. After the combat, the heroes can take a total of 1d6
weapons (light, 1- or 2-handed) or suits of armor (light or heavy)
or shields from the discovered reserves stored herein (subject to the
limits of the weapons, armor and shield allowed to their classes).
5 Blessed Fountain: Heals 1 lost Life point to all heroes, or 1d6 lost
Life to a single hero, or provides 1d3 vials of holy water (player’s
choice); each Fountain may be used only once per adventure.
6 Blessed Temple: Upon entering this room, all curses and condi-
tions (except lost Life points) are removed from all heroes, and a
hero of your choice gains +1 on Attack rolls against undead foes and
demons. As soon as the character kills one undead or demon, the
bonus disappears.

Adventure One Magic Treasure Table (1d6)
1 Trinket of Luck: The wearer may reroll any die, but if the reroll is
1 or 2, the trinket’s power is depleted. Resale value: 100gp unused.
2 Fool’s Gold: These magical (but fake) gold pieces allow the user to
automatically bribe the next monster that requests a bride. No mat-
ter what the monster asks, the fool’s gold appears enough to satisfy
their greedy lusts. This is a one-use magic item. Resale value: 0.
3 Ring of Teleportation: Allows the user to automatically pass a
Defense roll by moving that character out of the room. That char-
acter may not take part in the current combat, but rejoins the party
as soon as the combat resolves. After one use, the ensorcelled ring
loses its powers and becomes a simple golden ring worth 1d6+1
gold pieces. Resale value: 50gp unused.
4 Holy Water: This single vial of holy water, if thrown, causes 1 Life
point of damage to an undead monster upon shattering impact. Re-
sale value: 5gp.
5 Cudgel of Mana (X): Allows its user to attempt to cast two spells in
a row during a single turn of combat, after which its powers are de-
pleted and it becomes a simple blunt stick of hardened wood (light
crushing hand weapon; -1 to Attack rolls) that affords its user +1 to
Attack rolls (thus negating its normal -1 penalty to Attack rolls for
a net bonus of +0). Resale value: 100gp unused, or 3gp if depleted.
6 Healing Potion: Drinking the contents of this vial, even in the
middle of an encounter, will restore a character’s Life to its initial
level. Drinking the potion is a free action (you do not need to spend
1 turn to drink it). Each character may drink a single Healing Potion
per adventure. Resale value: 50gp.

Once an item marked with (X) is taken from the Magic Treasure
Table for that adventure, replace it with a 50/50 chance of re-
ceiving 1 bandage or 1 bunch of medicinal herbs.
If you earn a Special Treasure, roll on the Magic Treasure Table
at +1/-1 to the result, player’s choice. A roll of 1-1 = 6, and a
roll of 6+1 =1.

Once three Clues are Only moments after
found, the next unex- opening the puzzle box,
plored room is Broth- a Floating Hundred Eyes
er Fallow’s Holding Weird Monster (see p.
Chamber. Within this 11) block the party’s exit.
torture room you dis- The party must fight it.
cover a mysterious puz-
zle box. After the battle, the char-
acters must manage to
To open the puzzle box, escape from the dungeon
the attempting charac- to return Brother Fal-
ter must Save vs. a L4 low’s Holy Pendant while
Puzzle. Wizards and reporting their findings
rogues add +L to the roll. Each back to the clerical Order.
failed attempt costs the character 1
Life point from dark energies ema-
nating from the puzzle box. As soon Adventure One Rewards
as a success is rolled, the puzzle box Upon escaping the dungeon and
opens to reveal a Holy Pendant that returning to the clerical Order for
once belonged to Brother Fallow. report, the party is rewarded with
50gp to split between them, and a
firm handshake.

ADVENTURE TWO: Adventure Two Conditions
Lady of the Damned Kill the Lady of the Damned and
return with her ashes. Upon her
“While you were recuperating, defeat, the Lady’s body will disinte-
more rumors arrived through var- grate into a pile of ash from which
ious sources. The dreaded Lady of you must take several handfuls and
the Damned, a former priestess of place them into a small metal con-
our Order who was expelled after tainer carried upon your person to
we discovered she dabbled in blas- return to the Order as proof of her
phemous dark magics that demise; the Order possess-
eventually turned her un- es magical means to test
dead, is at the source of these ashes for vampiric
this foul corruption. essence and spiritual resi-
“We are dispatching you due to confirm they are no
and your party back into ordinary ashes.
the dungeon to kill her
and hopefully end this Once three Clues are dis-
situation before it grows covered and spent, the next
out of hand. You may take unexplored room is a Boss
Brother Fallow’s Holy Monster encounter room.
Pendant to aid you in this Standard Boss rules apply:
dangerous endeavor. roll 1d6 then add +1 for
“Prepare yourselves, then all previously encountered
journey forth and report Weird Monsters and Boss
your efforts . . . if you survive. Monsters, and if the result is a 6 or
“Good luck, and godspeed.” better, then this is the Final Boss:
the Lady of the Damned. See p. 11
The Holy Pendant for game stats. Repeat this roll in
The Holy Pendant provides the each new room until the Lady is en-
wearer +1 to Defense rolls against countered.
undead and +2 to Defense rolls
against vampires. Since this pen-
dant is not magical but blessed with
the religious ‘power of faith’, it can
be worn by a barbarian character.

Adventure Two Special Room Table (1d6)
1 Cursed Altar: As you enter the room, an eerie glow emanates from a sinister altar.
A random character is cursed and now has -1 on their Defense rolls. To break the
curse, the character must either slay a Boss Monster alone, or enter a Blessed Tem-
ple, or have a Blessing spell cast on them.

2 Chained Monster: You discover a monster chained to the far wall and begging
for its freedom. If you decide to free it, roll 1d6: 1 = the scared monster escapes
to later join the Final Boss against you with the following stats (level: HCL, Life:
1d3+1, no treasure, fights to the death), 2 = the confused monster attacks you (with
the same stats previously listed), 3 = before fleeing, the thankful monster provides
the location of a stash that awards you with +1d6 Food rations, 4 = before fleeing,
the thankful monster provides you with a secret weakness that negates the Final
Boss having +1 Life, 5 = before fleeing, the thankful monster provides you with a
secret weakness that negates the Final Boss having +1 attacks per turn, and 6 = the
vengeful monster flees to later join you against the Final Boss (with the previously
listed stats). If you decide to ignore the monster’s pleas, the chained monster dies
in your absence then becomes an angry Bitterwitch Ghost (+1 to both L and Life of
its usual stats) that attacks you as your next Wandering Monster. This room may
appear only once per adventure. If encountered again, reroll for a different result.
3 Screaming Apparition: All characters must Save vs. L4 Fear or lose 1 Life; clerics
add +L to the roll.Paladins, artificial heroes, undead characters and necromancers
are immune.
4 Mystic Dwarven Forge: If a dwarf is in the party, they can use this forge to per-
manently buff a +1 Attack or Defense bonus to any normal (non-magical) single
weapon or shield or piece of armor vs. undead at the possible cost of -1 base Life
point to the dwarf (this base Life point penalty remains for the rest of the adventure
and cannot be healed but does restore between adventures). Roll 1d6: 1 = failure
and -1 base Life point to the dwarf, 2-4 = success and -1 base Life point, and 5-6 =
success and -0 base Life points. If someone other than a dwarf attempts the forge,
roll 1d6: 1 or 2 = the item is destroyed and -1 base Life point to the failing char-
acter, 3-6 = success and -1 base Life point. This room is a one-use per adventure
feature. If encountered again through backtracking and the forge was already used,
this is now a trapped room (roll on Traps Table). If encountered again through
backtracking and the forge was not previously used, it may be used now or ignored.
Otherwise, reroll for a different result.
5 Fountain: Heals 1 lost Life point to all characters, or 1d6 of lost Life points to a
single character, or provides 1d3 vials of holy water (player’s choice); each Foun-
tain can only be used once per adventure, and further fountains have no effect.
6 Blessed Temple: Upon entering this room, all curses and conditions are removed
from all heroes, and a character of your choice heals 1 Life and gains +1 on Attack
rolls against undead monsters and demons. As soon as the character kills two un-
dead or demon foes, the Attack roll bonus disappears.

Adventure Two Magic Treasure Table (1d6)
1 Trinket of Luck: The wearer may reroll any die, but if the reroll is
1 or 2, the trinket’s power is depleted. Resale value: 100gp (no value
if depleted). If you have Twisted Hoards, you may roll on that book
2 Flaming Dagger: Light slashing weapon, -1 on Attack rolls. On a
successful hit, it inflicts +1 additional fire damage, but on an Attack
roll of 1 or 2 its power is depleted. Resale value: 100gp unused, or
2gp if depleted.
If you have Twisted Daggers, you may roll on that book’s Table of
magic and special daggers instead.
3 Savior’s Ring: If the wearer is reduced to 0 Life during combat, this
magic ring absorbs the killing blow instead while the wearer remains
alive at 1 Life point. Once the ring absorbs the killing blow, it crum-
bles to dust. Only one Savior’s Ring can be worn at a time. Resale
value: 100gp unused.
4 Scroll of Bloodletting (X): Casting this spell causes the loss of 2
Life to the spell-caster but gives +1 Life points to all other characters
in the party; a wizard may opt to learn this spell (Bloodletting) and
add it as a permanent part of his/her repertoire (only wizards can
learn it, other casters cannot). The bonus Life point to others lasts
until the end of the current adventure. The damage suffered by the
caster can be healed with magical or mundane means, as normal.
5 Shield of Bully’s Bane (X): This blessed shield gives the user a +2
to Defense rolls, but only when the party is outnumbered, otherwise
it just gives a +1 to Defense rolls as a normal shield. Resale value:
6 Vial of Holy Water: This single vial, if thrown, causes 1 damage to
an undead foe upon shattering. Resale value: 5gp.

Once an item marked with (X) is taken from the Magic Treasure
Table for that adventure, replace it with a 50/50 chance of 1
bandage or 1 bunch of medicinal herbs.
If you earn a Special Treasure, roll on the Magic Treasure Table
at +1/-1 to the result, player’s choice. A roll of 1-1 = 6, and a
roll of 6+1 =1.

Adventure Two Rewards
Upon escaping the dungeon with the Lady of the Damned’s ashes and re-
turning to the clerical Order for report, the party receives 75gp to split be-
tween them, and a firm handshake.

ADVENTURE THREE: Fallow’s poor soul to rest, and quell

the Battle for Brother Fal- this problem before it is too late.
low’s Soul In order to ensure Brother Fallow’s
peaceful rest, after defeating him
“The dreaded Lady of the Damned is you must return the Holy Pendant
thankfully defeated, but her demise around his neck and seal him away
has not thwarted her initial plans of so he can never rise again.
commanding an army of undead to “Good luck, and godspeed.”
attack the city in the hopes of de-
stroying our Order and all we hold Adventure Three Conditions
sacred. Defeat the Oblivion Lich then lay
“With the help of the Magician’s Brother Fallow’s soul to rest before
Guild, we discovered through mag- escaping the dungeon and reporting
ical scrying that Brother Fallow was back to the Order.
mesmerized by the Lady then turned
into an Oblivion Lich to lead her un- Once three Clues are discovered, the
dead army. She has been slain, yes, next unexplored room is a Boss en-
but those treacherous plans will counter room (standard Boss Mon-
continue through the twisted abom- ster rules apply: roll 1d6 then add
ination she made of Brother Fallow +1 for all previously encountered
unless something is done to thwart Weird Monsters and Boss Monsters,
them. and if the result is a 6 or better, then
“Return to the dungeon, destroy the this is the Final Boss: the Oblivion
Oblivion Lich to finally put Brother Lich).

Adventure Three Special Table (1d6)
1 Rival Adventurer: Choose a random party member (roll 1d6 for each hero
and the highest result 'wins'). The chosen party member's stats and abilities
are the lone Rival Adventurer's stats and abilities (they are essentially a car-
bon-copy of that specific party member, though their weapons and armor
are non-magical versions of any magical weapons or armor that party mem-
ber may possess). The Rival Adventurer immediately attacks and fights to
the death, choosing their 'doppelganger' as the initial target.
Loot: The dead Rival Adventurer can be looted for 3d6 x 5 gp, 1 random
scroll and 1 flint & steel, as well their weapons and armor. A rogue in the
party can search the corpse rolling their Tier die+L vs. L6. If successful, roll
on the Rival Adventurer’s Hidden Loot Table on the next page.
2 Hallowed Grounds: A safe-zone that all monsters avoid. The first time
you visit this room, you gain one of the following (roll d6): 1-2)+1d3 Food
rations, 3-4) 1d3 bandages, 5-6) 1d3 medicinal herbs. No Wandering Mon-
ster rolls are rolled for this room when backtracking.
3 The Greedy Ghost: You meet the spirit of a deceased treasure hunter.
Appease it by sacrificing 100gp worth of treasure or it will curse you (all
cursed characters will be at -1 on their Defense rolls until a Blessing is cast
on them; 1 Blessing per person is required).
4 Wandering Alchemist: He gives you a chance to buy Potions of Healing
or Trinkets of Luck for 50gp each, vials of Holy Water for 15gp each, or flint
& steel for 5gp each (used for relighting snuffed lanterns). He also offers a
random quest (roll on Quest Table) for the cost of 250 gold pieces. You earn
no XP roll for completing this quest, but you do get a +1/-1 modifier that
can be applied to the result, player’s choice, of your roll on the Epic Rewards
Table; a roll of 1-1 = 6, and a roll of 6+1 =1.
The Wandering Alchemist can only be met once per adventure, so reroll for
a different result if you meet him again.
5 Fountain: Heals 1 lost Life point to all characters, or 1d6 of lost Life points
to a single character, or provides 1d3 vials of holy water (player’s choice);
each Fountain can only be used once per adventure.
6 Resurrection Pit: 1 dead hero submerged into the Pit's glowing waters
can be resurrected to 1 Life point, but at the cost of -1 level to the restored
character (a L1 hero cannot be resurrected, but a L2 hero can be resurrected
as a L1 character, and so on). Any equipment they carried before dying (gp,
items, weapons, armor, etc.) is also restored. This room is a one-use per
adventure feature. If encountered again and the pit was already used, roll on
the Traps Table instead. If encountered again and the pit was not previously
used, it may be used now or ignored.

Rival Adventurer’s Hidden Loot Table (d6)
1 Prayer Beads: A rosary necklace with 1d6 beads, each bead is one use
only. When used while a cleric uses a Blessing or Healing prayer, roll 1d6;
on a 4 or more, the Blessing or Healing prayer is not “spent” and may be
used again in the current adventure. One bead is used up with each roll,
even if the 4+ roll fails. Resale value: 75gp. The beads may NOT be used
by clerics of religions that can use their Blessing of Healing prayers to
create other effects.
2-4 Trickster’s Coin: When flipped, this magic silver coin (one side stamped
with a smiley face and a big thumbs up, the other side stamped with a
frowning face and a big thumbs down) provides a Halfling with either +1
Luck point or -1 Luck point. The coin can be flipped only once per adven-
ture. If the result is -1 and the Halfling has no Luck points to spend, they
take 1 Life of damage instead. You, the player, should flip a coin when
using this item. Resale value: 150gp.
5-6 Chakram (ranged weapon): This is a hollow ring-shaped blade of thin
elven steel with the interior edge dulled to rest comfortably in hand and its
exterior edge sharpened keen for slashing. If thrown, it causes 1 damage
as a normal ranged Attack. The thrown chakram can be recovered after the
combat, though if the party flees combat then it is lost. If it hits, roll 1d6.
On a 1-3, the chakram falls to the ground. On a 4-6, the chakram ricochets
off its first target and the user may immediately perform 1 additional at-
tack against a single Minor Foe (Vermin or Minion). The additional Attack
roll uses the user’s Attack roll bonus as usual, but may NOT explode. Re-
sale value: 25 gp. The chakram may be used by any character.

New Expert Skill: Heroes that have used the chakram during an adven-
ture, upon reaching L4 or higher, may learn the Chakram Expert Thrower
expert skill with a successful XP roll. When using this skill, add +1 to the
d6 roll to determine whether the chakram falls to the ground or ricochets
onto another target.

Adventure Three Magic Treasure Table (1d6)
1 Ring of Avoidance: One use. Your party may envelop themselves
in it to ignore one encounter, stepping back whence they came. If
you return to that location later, the encounter will still happen, so
make a note of it. Resale value: 50gp.
2 Fool’s Gold: These magical (but fake) gold pieces allow the user to
automatically bribe the next monster that requests a monetary bribe.
No matter the amount of coin the monster asks, the fool’s gold ap-
pears enough to satisfy their greed. This is a one-use magic item.
Resale value: 0.
3 Dagger of Backstabbing (X): This Light slashing weapon allows
a Rogue or Assassin armed with it to use the backstabbing modi-
fier to all Attack rolls (adding the character’s L to all Attack rolls
vs. outnumbered foes) even against a Major Foe, not only against
Minor Foes as described in the class ability of Rogues. The Dagger
of Backstabbing also has a +1 bonus to Attack rolls, which balances
the -1 penalty for being a Light weapon for a net bonus of +0. Resale
value: 130gp.
If you have Twisted Daggers, you may ignore this result and roll on
that book’s Table of magic and unusual daggers instead.
4 Amulet of Warning (X): Wandering Monsters never surprise the
party but they appear on a 1d6 roll of 1 or 2 instead of the normal 1
when the party is backtracking through the dungeon.
5 Elfin Chain Mail (X): This suit of light armor affords +2 to the
wearer’s Defense rolls. It can be used by any character who can wear
light armor. This suit of armor is not considered magical and barbar-
ians may wear it. Resale value: 300gp.
6 Holy Water: This single vial of holy water, if thrown, causes 1 point
of damage to an undead foe. Resale value: 5gp.

Aftermath of the Oblivion rolls for this; the Amulet of Warning
Lich Battle does not affect these rolls.

After being defeated, the Oblivi- If a Wandering Monster is rolled,

on Lich releases a piercing scream, the kneeling and praying cleric can-
alerting the dungeon’s monsters and not participate in the combat while
drawing those nearest to your cur- the other party members fight back
rent location. the foe attempting to interrupt the
ritual. The praying cleric cannot do
You have 1d3 turns before a cleric’s anything else than performing the
required prayer ritual must begin— ritual -- so no healing of wounded
otherwise the Oblivion Lich will res- comrades is possible, or the ritual
urrect fully restored and immediate- will be interrupted.
ly attack the party.
You must place the Holy Pendant A. If all of the other party members
around the corpse’s neck and at- are killed, the lone cleric’s con-
tempt to finally lay Brother Fallow’s centration is automaticaly broken,
soul to rest via the cleric perform- the Holy Pendant shatters, and
ing an ancient prayer ritual while the Oblivion Lich resurrects ful-
the remaining party members stand ly restored and seeking immediate
watchful guard. vengeance—if the cleric somehow
survives and escapes the dungeon,
This ritual requires utmost concen- he/she may return with a new ad-
tration by the cleric and lasts for venturing party though by then the
2d6-L turns (a minimum of 5 prayer Oblivion Lich will have grown in
turns, and a minimum of 1 Wan- power (add +1 to its Level, Life, and
dering Monster interruption at the Attacks per turn), and will require
end of those prayer turns if no Wan- another Holy Pendant and prayer
dering Monster is rolled during the ritual to seal it away after its defeat,
prayer ritual). because the pendant it wears is now
Every prayer turn, roll 1d6 for a corrupted. If the cleric fails a second
Wandering Monster. All Wandering time yet somehow survives, escapes
Monsters will attack first and fight then returns again, the Oblivion
to the death, but no shield penalty is Lich’s stats will increase by another
applied to the party during the first +1.
turn of each combat because the
heroes are readily expecting possi-
ble interruptions; only the Miasmic
Mummy is the result of any Boss
B. If the ritual is completed success- exchange for another, albeit firmer,
fully, the surviving party members handshake, an additional 150gp and
seal the room before attempting to 1 additional XP roll.
escape the dungeon.

Because the dungeon’s denizens are

now on high alert, the party rolls
a Wandering Monster encounter
on a 1 or 2 instead of the normal 1
while backtracking; the Amulet of
Warning still provides the adven-
ture party the bonus
of attacking first and
no shield penalty ap-
plied during the first
turns of combat, but
it does not further in-
crease the chances of
encountering Wan-
dering Monsters.

Adventure Three
Upon returning to
the Order for report,
the successful par-
ty is rewarded with
100gp to split be-
tween them, and a
firm handshake.

You are allowed to

keep the Blessed Belt
of Purity as an extra
reward (resale value:
300gp), though you
may choose to re-
turn it to its rightful
owner if you wish in

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