Sismicidad Asociada: Frost Action, Permafrost and Frozen Ground

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946072 Temporal clustering of earthquakes - a fractal 946076 Algunas caracteristicas espectrales de la

approach sismicidad asociada a la actividad del Voican de Colima
R. S. Dattatrayam & V. P. Kamble, Current Science, (Some spectral characteristics of the seismicity associ-
67(2), 1994, pp 107-109. ated with Colima volcano)
Temporal clustering of earthquakes occurring in two dis- J. Lermo, J. Cuenca, T. Monfret, F. J. Hemandez & E.
tinct seismogenic provinces, viz. the BEAS network Nava, Geofisica lnternacional, 32(4), 1993, pp 683-697.
located in NW Himalaya and the MOBILE network located A temporary network of digital, three component seismo-
in Delhi and its surrounding regions (India), is modelled graphs was installed from 5th to 15th March in order to
using fractal approach. The earthquake sequences in these monitor the seismicity associated with the activity of the
regions strongly deviate from a uniform distribution and Colima volcano. The events recorded during these ten days
suggest a combination of scale-invariant clustering and were classified by their waveform and/or direct field obser-
random events. The fractat dimensions (D) obtained are vations. Four different types of events were observed: B
0.254 and 0.193 for the BEAS and MOBILE network low and high frequency, harmonic tremors and avalanche
regions respectively. The application of fractal approach to tremors. -English summary
seismic clustering is demonstrated to discriminate the tem-
poral distribution of earthquakes under different seismo-
genic provinces. -Authors
946077 Radon monitoring for earthquake prediction
on AI-Ghab fault of Syria
946073 Sismotectonique de la ride de Horn (lies de M. Al-Hilal & M. Mouty, Nuclear Geophysics, 8(3),
Futuna et Aloft), un segment en compression dans la 1994, pp 291-299.
zone de fracture Nord-Fidjienne (Seismotectonics of the Some recent data of radon contents in both groundwater
Horn ridge (Futuna and Aloft islands), a segment uplift and soil-gas in connection to earthquake activities on the
by compression in the Fiji fracture zone) Al-Ghab fault, are presented. Experimental details con-
M. Regnier, Comptes Rendus - Academie des Sciences, ceming radon measurements in groundwater and soil gas
Serie II: Sciences de la Terre et des Planetes, 318(9), are described. A radon monitoring network of ten sampling
1994, pp 1219-1224. stations was set up along the AI-Ghab fault which lies
A large earthquake (Ms = 6.5) occurred near Futuna and within the most active seismic zone in Syria. A correlation
Aloft Island (SW Pacific) in March 1993. The focal between radon data and the available earthquake records in
mechanism solution of the main shock and the seismicity the region has been investigated, and the possible associa-
pattern of the aftershocks indicate thrust faulting activity tion of radon variations with earthquakes has been dis-
beneath the ridge down to 20 km depth. The uplifting of cussed. Six small-to-moderate earthquakes with a magni-
the islands and the crustal thickening of the ridge by tude range from M = 3.29 to 4.2 occurred in the region dur-
thrusting are due to a local compressive regime related to ing the period of this study at various distances from the
an irregularity of the Pacific plate boundary along the left radon monitoring sites. The results show a fairly good
lateral transform Fiji fracture zone. -English summary correlation with radon data. -Authors

946074 Rupture process of large earthquakes in the

northern Mexico subduction zone
L.J. Ruff & A. D. Miller, Pure & Applied Geophysics,
142(1), 1994, pp 101-171.
The Cocos plate subducts beneath North America at the
Frost action, permafrost and frozen
Mexico trench. The northernmost segment of this trench, ground
between the Orozco and Rivera fracture zones, has rup-
tured in a sequence of five large earthquakes from 1973 to
1985. Body wave inversion for the rupture process of these 946078 Provision for bearing capacity of permafrost
earthquakes finds the best: earthquake depth; focal
mechanism; overall source time function; and seismic soils in conditions of climate warming
moment, for each earthquake. In addition, spatial concen- S. S. Vyalov, S. M. Fotiev, A. S. Gerasimov & A. I.
trations of seismic moment release for the Colima earth- Zolotar, Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering, 30(6),
quake, and the Michoacan mainshock and aftershock have 1994, pp 223 -228; translated from: Osnovaniya,
been determined. These spatial concentrations of slip are Fundamenty i Mekhanika Gruntov, 6, 1993, pp 2-6.
interpreted as asperities; and the resultant asperity distribu- Results are given from numerical calculations of the
tion for Mexico is compared to other subduction zones. change in temperature conditions of the permafrost layer
The body wave inversion technique also determines the and its strength properties with possible warming of the air
Moment Tensor Rate Functions, but there is no evidence temperature by 2-4°C in the next 60 years. The effect of
for statistically significant changes in the moment tensor these changes on the bearing capacity of permafrost soils
during rupture for any of the five earthquakes. and the associated stability of structures erected in the per-
-from Authors mafrost zone is evaluated. Measures that provide for stabil-
ity of these structures by using the natural cold of the
North are discussed. It is taken into account that the
946075 Application of calcite veins to study of newly- natural temperature of the permafrost layer changes in a
activated faulting meridional direction from north to south, and that, in con-
Liu Xing-Song, Shi Lan-Bin, Tang Han-Jun, Lin nection with this, the sensitivity of permafrost soil to a
Chuan-Yong & He Yong-Nian, Science in China, Series thermal action also changes. -Authors
B, 37(5), 1994, pp 613-624.
The study of period and chronology of fault activity in an
area with exposed basement rocks is quite difficult. The 946079 Swelling behavior of shales in cold regions
combinative techniques of field investigation, microscopic Z.W. Wang, S. L. Huang & R. C. Speck, Journal of Cold
observation and isotopic dating were applied to studying Regions Engineering, 8(1), 1994, pp 21-34.
the calcite veins filling fault zones in several regions. The In cold regions, the interaction of moisture with exposed
following conclusions are reached: I) The last period of shale strata is complicated due to the phase change from
strong activity of fault F~ in the Tianshengqiao Hydro- liquid to solid at temperatures below the freezing point of
power Station, Nanpan Ri,/er is 200 ka B.P., and there has water. In this study, a series of laboratory tests was per-
been no obvious activity since 150 ka. 2) The last period of formed to quantify the influences of moisture susceptibility
strong activity for 5 faults in Shixiali Reservoir, Yangyuan of rock, the tempering moisture, and temperature on swel-
County, Hebei Province is 200-300 ka B.P., and there has ling of shale, with a special emphasis on subfreezing tem-
been no obvious activity since 200 ka. The research peratures. Besides tempering relative humidity, sample
results provide a sound basis of engineering geology for
project designers. -Authorrs temperature, and moisture susceptibility of shale, changes
m air temperature are considered to be important in dealing

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