Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Colaba Bombay-400 005

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Magnetometrics in the Study of Sub-surface Structures of

Antarctica M a r g i n

B.R Arora, S.Y. Waghmare and L.A. D'Cruz

Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Colaba Bombay-400 005
During the second Indian Antartica expedition in addition to monitoring time variation in the
geomagnetic field components a preliminary ground based magnetic survey was conducted Magneto
metric data obtained along six 10 -15 km long profiles, after correction for transient and day- day varia
bility are examimed in the form of magnetic profiles and anomaly contour map . Qualitative interpretation of data suggests the presence of a north- south trending rift structure on the topographic ridge
between 10- 12 E. The structure appears to be northward continuation of rift valley mapped on the
continental margin of the Princes Astrid coast. The rift structure appears to terminate against a sharp
The study of continental margin has received the attention of several workers in the past two
decades. It is well recognised that in geological sense the coastal line is not the true boundary
between continent and ocean. The rocks and structures seen on land extend under the sea and hence
the real boundary between the continent and ocean must be looked for far out to sea. The average
equality of free-air gravity anomalies over both oceans and continents, established in the beginning
of century, suggested an isostatic balance between continents and ocean basins with either a
shallower depth to Moho and /or denser crust and upper mantle beneath the ocean basins
Subsequent seismic and gravity modelling have confirmed that the crust-mantle boundary rose from
30-35 km depth beneath the continent to a depth of 10 km beneath the ocean basins over a transition
zone of approximately 200 km wide. In some regions, the ocean-continent boundary appears to be
fairly easily defined as a sharp discontinuity while in other s there is no consensus on its position or on
the width of a possible region of transitional crust situated between true oceans and true continental
Magnetic anomalies have been particularly useful in locating edge anomalies between more
highly magnetized oceanic crust and continental crust with lower magnetization (Keen, 1969, Emery
et al, 1970, Keen and Keen, 1974) More recent analysis has suggested the value of both magnetic
anomalies and two dimensional local Any isostatic gravity anomalies as the key to locating the
ocean-continent boundary (Talwani and Eldholm, 1972,1973, Rabinowitz and LaBreque, 1977) On
average, the magnetic anomalies associated with such edge effect exhibit an increasing trend away
from continent reaching a peak over ocean-continent boundary, followed by a steady decrease and
have amplitude of several hundreds of gammas. Any geophysical study ot the morphology of Moho
at ocean-continent junction through its gravity and magnetic character is complicated by the
presence of topographic structures on continental shelf and slope bordering the continent.
In view of the geological and economic importance, continental margins of several continents
have been studied extensively. Studies of the continental margins of Australia, India, South Africa
and South America, which once formed single landmass, would be informative in providing better
understanding of the structural evaluation and rifting processes associated with the splitting of

Magnetometrics in Study of Sub-surface

Gondwana landmass. Our knowledge of continental margins, particularly of Antarctica, is still very
scanty and much more needs to be known. In the past two decades, several countries have carried out
geophysical surveys which are continuously filling the gaps in our knowledge about this continent.
In the first Indian expedition to Antarctica, several geophysical measurements, including
marine magnetometrics, were undertaken. The magnetometer sensor towed by the ship made
measurements throughout its voyage to Antarctica. The measurements during the onward and
return cruises from Goa to Antarctica, revealed several magnetic anomalies which could be
qualitatively associated with Mauritius island rises, Southwest Indian ridge, the Crozet plateau rises
etc. A magnetic anomaly of more than 1000 gammas was also observed in association with hitherto
unreported sea-mount, now named as Indira Mount. Within the Antarctica area (south of 60 0 S),
several strong magnetic anomalies were registered on the continental margin off the Dronning Maud
Land. This continental margin is characterised by the three prominent North-South trending
topographic highs. The eastern one at about 33-350E is known as the Gunner Ridge and the western
one between the 0 and 50E has been named as the Maud Bank. Between these two ridges lies an
unnamed ridge between 10-120E. A rift structure was mapped on this ridge. In some areas rift is
marked by magnetic lows of 150-200 gammas. The eastern flank of the Gunner Ridge was marked
by a broad anomaly of about 100-200 gamma and ridge itself has a broad anomaly. In addition, to the
further east, a broad-magnetic anomaly of about 400-500 nT is noticed on the continental slope of
Lutzov Holm bay.
The results of marine magnetometrics have clearly demonstrated the utility of magnetic
anomalies in delineating the structural features of Antarctica margin. In view of the usefulness of
magnetic data, the Indian Institute of Geomagnetism had planned and carried out a preliminary
ground-based magnetic survey during the second Indian Scientific Expedition to Antarctica. This
report presents the initial results of this survey.
Measurements were undertaken along six North-South trending profiles running parallel to
11 E longitude. Interprofile spacing was close to 500 m and interstation spacing was about 400 m.
The locations of profiles and observation points in relation to the Base Camp of expedition
(69059'03"S and 11055'28"E), are shown in Fig. 1. At each of these points spot values of total field F
were taken using sensitive Proton Precision Magnetometer (PPM). Base station in itself was
equipped with PPM and Fluxgate magnetometers which continuously registered the time variation
in total field F and in the three components (D, H and Z) of earth's magnetic field. These data

Fig. 1. Map showing the location of observation points along six North-South trending profiles across Antartica
continental margin. The magnetic field values alter suitable reduction are contoured to demonstrate the
influence of the sub-surface geology on magnetic measurement.


Arora, Waghmare & D'Cruz

facilitated corrections to survey data in respecl of diurnal and disturbance variation as well as for dayto-day variability. Table I gives the dates and interval during which survey was conducted together
with the global magnetic activity conditions, as represented by the three-hourly magnetic index Kp,
prevailing at such times.
In the first instance, data along each of the six profiles is corrected for diurnal and disturbance
variations. A correction factor equivalent to the difference of base station's F reading corresponding
to the times, first when observation at survey point was made, and second the reference time to
which all observations are reduced, were worked out and subtracted from the respective survey
points reading. The reference time for each profile was taken to be the time at which first observation
on that profile was made. The variation of F along each profile after above correction shown in Fig. 2.
As the measurements along each profile are taken on different days, a further correction
corresponding to day-to-day variability was also applied to the data with the aid of base station
observations. To this end, simple departure of base station's F reading, at the reference lime of
individual profile, from the value corresponding to the quiet interval of survey period is taken as
measure of day-to-day variability. After applying suitable corrections to each observation point, the
residual field values at all points defined as departures from the base station value are used to form an
anomaly map. The resulting contour map is given in Fig. 1
The most salient feature of the magnetic profile shown in Fig. 2, is that the field increases
steadily from north to south, i.e., as one moves landward from ocean side. In two profiles, viz., DD'
and EE', a clear maximum is reached and then field decreases smoothly. This symmetric nature of
profile is suggestive of the presence of a sharp discontinuity or a block of rocks with contrasting
magnetic susceptibility. If this boundary was to be interpreted as ocean-continent boundary, one
would place the boundary on the landward side of the base station rather than on the ocean side. As
the base camp is hardly 50-60 km from the exposed continental rocks, it seems unlikely that oceancontinent boundary would be located so near to continent unless the transitional zone is abnormally
narrow along this region of continental margin. The magnitude of the anomaly near the peak also
Dates and interval of magnetic measurement along six profiles together with three-hourly magnetic
activity index Kv covering the duration of suivey.
S. No



Time Interval in



15 h 13 m -19 h 34 m






11 Ian '83


8 Feb '83

14 44 -16 08




8 Feb '83

17 OS -18 07





10 Feb '83

16 35 -17 57





16 Feb '83

14 37 -16 26





16 Feb '83

17 05 -17 56




Magnetometrics in Study of Sub-surface






2 0 nT







5 9


1 5 9
17 21
Point No along Profile

13 17

21 25

Fig 2 Geomagnetic field variations along six profiles after correction in

respect of diurnal and disturbance variation

being small, does not permit the interpretation in terms of the morphology of Moho. The other most
probable cause to account such anomalies may be related with the topography of the top of the
magnetic rocks under the ice-shelf.
The conspicuous feature of the anomaly map presented in Fig 1 is the presence of magnetic low
between profiles DD and FF'. The axis of this low runs approximately in the North-South direction
along the profile EE'. It is worthy to note that a seismic record and echograms of the 10-12 E ridge
obtained in first expedition had shown prominent NNE-SSW scarps with a relative height of 100400 m and a rift valley with depth down to even 500-1000 m and apparent width of 2-5 km. It, thus,
appears that magnetic low noticed on the anomaly map may be indicative of the continuation of rift
valley under the ice-shelf atleast for another 10 km from base stations in the southerly direction. The
magnitude of the anomaly suggests that anomaly may be related with the sediments infilling the rift
valley. The spatial extent of the magnetic low can be traced right upto a station where a peak value on
the profile DD and EE is registered. This sudden disappearance of low warrants that the path of
valley is blocked by a sharp vertical front. Such a vertical discontinuity by virtue of representing a
boundary of contrasting magnetization would also be able to account for a peak over this junction
noticed in profile DD and EE'.
The qualitative analysis of preliminary magnetic data collected during second Indian
expedition clearly suggests that magnetic data can be successfully employed for delineating

Arora, Waghmare & D Cruz

structural feature of Antarctica continental margin Quantum of the present data is however not
enough to enable quantitative interpretation. It is hoped, future expeditions to Antarctica would
provide opportunities for extensive surveys and would make it possible to map several structures of
We thank Department of Ocean Development Govt of India for giving us the opportunity to
conduct the geomagnetic field survey in Antarctica .We also thank Dr V.K. Raina Leader, Second
Indian Scientific Expedition to Antarctica for providing necessary facilities to conduct the
experiment Assistance of Dr G S Mittal, National Geophysical Research Institute, in the field work
is acknowledged with thanks.
It is our pleasure to extend our grateful thanks to Prof R G Rastogi, Director Dr B P Singh,
Professor and Dr D R K. Rao, Associate Professor of our Institute for their encouragement and
interest in the experiment.

Emery K O E Ochvpi J D Phillips C O Bowin ET Bonce and S T Knott (1970) Continental rise off eastern North
America Bull Am Assoc Pet Geol 54

44 108

Keen M J (1969) Magnetic anomalies of the eastern seaboard of the United States a possible edge effect Nature 22 7 2 74
Keen C F and Keen (1974) The continental margins of Eastern Canada and Baffin Bay. In The Geology of Continental
Margins C A Burk and C L Drake (Editors) Springer New York N Y 381 389
Rabmowitz P D and LaBreque (1977) The isostatic gravity anomaly Key to the evolution of the ocean continent boundary
at passive continental margins Earth planet Sci Lett 35 145-150
Talwani M and O Eldholm (1972) Continental margin off Norway a geophysical study Geol Soc Am Bull 83(12) 3575
Talwani M and O Eldholm (1973) Boundary between continental and oceanic crust at the margin of rifted contients
Nature 241 325 330


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