Getting Rid of-WPS Office
Getting Rid of-WPS Office
Getting Rid of-WPS Office
Many people right know are using cigarettes and one of it are
my father that's why I really what to get rid of it because it cannot
only cause problem in our health it can also become our addiction a
dangerous addiction.
As I was taking a walk I see some of students smoking outside
the campus so that's why I wanna take action on it I want to use my
voice to warn them on what can a single stick of cigarettes can
cause harm in their life. I'm not just only concerned about them but
also to those kids whom we can call a second hand smoker, I can't
just turn blind on it and do nothing.
The objective of our project is:
a. To be aware
b. To give warning
c. To remind
d. To teach and to discipline
Activities Expected Time Person Budgetary Funding
Outputs Frame Responsibl Requireme Source
e nts
Tarpaulin Providing 1 day Ssg officers, 2,000 pesos MOOE
for the taurpalin Teachers,
awareness Principal