Untitled Document
Untitled Document
Untitled Document
Roll Number-05120603821
Submitted to- Mr. Amit Basoya
Subject code- LLB 306
A general transfer of interest flows from the transfer of property. Transfer of property takes place
by an act of the parties or by operation of law like insolvency, forfeiture or sale in execution of a
decree. The Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (TPA) relates to transfer by way of sale, lease, gift,
exchange or mortgage. Sale, gift and exchange deals with absolute title, while the lease and
mortgage convey limited interest. This transfer is intervolves i.e. between living persons only.
Transfer of property also takes place under ‘The Indian Succession Act, 1925’ (TISA). It
regulates intestate and testamentary succession i.e., when the testator makes a will before his
death for the disposition of his property or when he dies without making a will. A will comes
into operation only on the death of the testator.