CV - MSD4 9 2020
CV - MSD4 9 2020
CV - MSD4 9 2020
Department of Chemistry Mobile: +91 973126 5431
BMS College of Engineering
Bangalore- 560 019
Karnataka E-mail: [email protected],
INDIA [email protected]
Present status
Have obtained Ph.D degree from Materials Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore, India during 2005. The Ph.D thesis deals with the development, synthesis and
application of metalorganic complexes of Zr, Hf, and Cr for the deposition of oxide thin films by
CVD and other techniques. These films were characterized for their structural, electrical and optical
properties. The studies showed that the films are suitable for the application as alternate gate
dielectric materials (ZrO2 and HfO2) in CMOS circuits, and thicker coatings of these oxides obtained
by spin coating and dip coating are tested as protective coatings on mild steel and stainless steel
against corrosion.
Teaching Experience
Technical Experience
Ongoing Funded Research Projects
Fluoride removal in potable water using Zirconia based hybrid nanomaterials -A remedy
for the fluoride water treatment-VGST K-FIST (L2)/2017/269/GRD541 worth Rs. 40.00
General research interest is in the synthetic organic chemistry and synthesis of metalorganic/
organometallic complexes of different metals to use them as precursors for developing
nanomaterials, functional ceramics and oxide thin-films. The specific interests of application
research are dielectric oxides, solar cells, transparent thin film transistors, electro-chromic
display, LEDs and magnetic materials for memory devices.
26. E. Elangovan, M. P. Singh, M. S. Dharmaprakash and K. Ramamurthi, Some
physical properties of spray deposited SnO2 thin films. Journal of Optoelectronics
and Advanced Materials, 6 (2004) 197.
27. G. C. Deepak, M. S. Dharmaprakash, Navakanta Bhat and S. A. Shivashankar.
Electrical characterization of MOCVD-grown HfO2 thin films for gate dielectric
application. Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 1, (2004), 456.
28. M. S. Dharmaprakash and S. A. Shivashankar. MOCVD of ZrO2 thin films from
two different -diketonate precursors: Dependence of microstructure and growth
kinetics on the precursor. Journal Electrochemical Society, PV 8, (2003), 164.
29. Usha K. Urs, M. S. Dharmaprakash, S. A. Shivashankar and T. N. Guru
Row. Tetrakis(tert-butyl-3-oxo-butanoato)zirconium(IV). Acta Cryst., E 59,
30. Usha K. Urs, M. S. Dharmaprakash, S. A. Shivashankar and T. N. Guru
Row. Nitratotris(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptadionato)hafnium(IV). Acta Cryst.,
E 59, (2003),m95.
31. M. S. Dharmaprakash and S. A. Shivashankar. Effect of nature of the precursor on
the crystallinity and microstructure of MOCVD-grown ZrO2 thin films. Mat. Res.
Symp. Proc. V 745, (2002), N 5.14.
32. M. B. Sahana, M. S. Dharmaprakash and S. A. Shivashankar. Microstructure
and Properties of VO2 thin films deposited by MOCVD from
vanadylacetylacetonate. J. Mater. Chem., 12, (2002), 333.
33. S. Mahapatra, M. S. Dharmaprakash and S. A. Shivashankar. MOCVD of thin films
of transparent, p-type-conducting CuCrO2 with delafossite structure, using
acetylacetonates of copper and chromium as precursors. Journal Electrochemical
Society, PV 8, (2003), 186.
34. Anil U. Mane, M. S. Dharmaprakash, A. Chakraborty, V. Venkataraman and S.
A.Shivashankar. Atomic Layer Deposition of ZrO2 thin films: Study of Growth
kinetics and dielectric behavior. Journal Electrochemical Society, PV 11, (2002), 189.
35. CVD of thin films of cobalt and copper from different precursors: Growth kinetics
and microstructure. Mat. Res. Symp. Proc. V 614, (2000), G 6.11.
Conference Presentations
MOCVD experimental setup was constructed and was employed for the deposition of
thin films presented in the thesis work. The primary aim of the thesis work was to
develop, synthesize and characterize metalorganic complexes of various metals to be
used as precursors for deposition of oxide thin films by CVD and other chemical
techniques, on different substrates and characterize the films/coatings for their structural,
electrical and optical properties.
Deposition of carbon-free oxide thin films from these novel precursors at relatively low
temperatures. Thin films of ZrO2 and HfO2 on Si(100) substrate show excellent C-V
Sol-gel synthesis (spin and dip coating) of Coatings of TiO2, ZrO2 and HfO2 using some
of these complexes.