Slab Details

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(For class held on 6th March 07)

By Dr. G.S.Suresh, Professor, Civil Engineering Department, NIE, Mysore

(Ph:9342188467, email: gss_nie@
3.1 Introduction:
A structural member used for covering spaces in the form of roof or floor is called a
slab. Slab may be supported on walls or beams or columns. Slab supported directly by
columns are called flat slab. Detailing of flat slab is out of scope in this syllabus.
Slab supported on two sides and bending takes place predominantly in one direction
only is called One Way Slab. On the other hand, when slab is supported on all four
sides and bending take place in two directions are said to be Two Way Slab. The
slabs having ratio of longer length to its shorter length (Ly/Lx) greater than 2 is called
one way slab otherwise as two way slab. In one way slab main reinforcement is
parallel to shorter direction and the reinforcement parallel to longer direction is called
distribution steel. In two way slab main reinforcement is provided along both
Slabs could be simply supported, continuous or cantilever. In two way slab the
corners may be held down by restraints or may be allowed to lift up. Additional
torsion reinforcement is required at corners when it is restrained against uplifting as
shown in Fig.3.1

Fig. 3.1

Thickness of the slab is decided based on span to depth ratio specified in IS456-2000.
Min reinforcement is 0.12% for HYSD bars and 0.15 % for mild steel bars. The
diameter of bar generally used in slabs are: 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm and 16 mm.
The maximum diameter of bar used in slab should not exceed 1/8 of the total
thickness of slab. Maximum spacing of main bar is restricted to 3 times effective
depth or 300 mm which ever is less. For distribution bars the maximum spacing is
specified as 5 times the effective depth or 450 mm which ever is less.
Minimum clear cover to reinforcements in slab depends on the durability criteria and
this is specified in IS 456-200. Generally 15 mm to 20 mm cover is provided for the
main reinforcements. Alternate main bars can be cranked near support or could be
bent at 1800 at the edge and then extended at the top inside the slab as shown in
Fig.3.1. Curtailment and cranking of bars and is shown in Fig. 3.2

Fig. 3.2

Torsion reinforcement shall be provided at any corner where the slab is simply
supported on both edges meeting at that corner and is prevented from lifting unless
the consequences of cracking are negligible. It shall consist of top and bottom
reinforcement, each with layer of bars placed parallel to the sides of the slab and
extending from the edges a minimum distance of one fifth of the shorter span. The
area of reinforcement per unit width in each of these four layers shall be three-
quarters of the area required for the maximum mid-span moment per unit width in the
slab. Torsion reinforcement equal to half that described above shall be provided at a
corner contained by edges over only one of which the slab is continuous. Torsion
reinforcement to be provided is shown in Fig. 3.3

Fig. 3.3

The drawing showing the detailing of reinforcement has a plan showing typical
reinforcement in both direction and sectional elevations. Typical detailing of slab is
shown in Fig.3.4 and 3.5

Fig. 3.4 One way slab

Fig. 3.5 Two way slab

1. Prepare a detailed structural drawing of one way continuous slab for a hall of
clear dimensions 7m wide and 11.77 m long, use following data
Centre to centre distance of supporting beams = 3.0 m
Span of the beams = 7.23m
Beams are supported on walls of 0.23 m thickness
C/s of beam = 230 x 450 mm
Grade of concrete : M20
Type of steel : Fe415
Clear cover : 20 mm
Slab thickness: 150 mm
Beam depth is inclusive of slab depth, The hall is having walls on all 4 sides
Main positive reinforcement @ end span = 8mm diameter @100 c/c
Main reinforcement in other interior panels = 8 mm diameter @ 200 c/c
Negative reinforcement @ all supports = 8mm diameter @ 200 c/c
Distribution steel= 8mm diameter @ 200 c/c

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