DEF STAN 05-135 Iss.2
DEF STAN 05-135 Iss.2
DEF STAN 05-135 Iss.2
DEF STAN 05-135 Issue 2
Section 1
Defence Standard Structure
Section 1 (Generated by the StanMIS toolset)
• Revision Note
• Historical Record
• Warning
• Standard Clauses
This Standard has been updated to Issue 2 in line with MOD policy to conduct reviews and reissue on a 5 year
cycle. Main changes to this Standard consist of updates to references and adding a paragraph to address
This standard supersedes the following:
Derf Stan 05-135 Issue 1
The Ministry of Defence (MOD), like its contractors, is subject to both United Kingdom and European laws
regarding Health and Safety at Work. Many Defence Standards set out processes and procedures that could
be injurious to health if adequate precautions are not taken. Adherence to those processes and procedures in
no way absolves users from complying with legal requirements relating to Health and Safety at Work.
a) This standard has been published on behalf of the Ministry of Defence (MOD) by UK Defence
Standardization (DStan).
b) This standard has been reached following broad consensus amongst the authorities concerned with its
use and is intended to be used whenever relevant in all future designs, contracts, orders etc. and whenever
practicable by amendment to those already in existence. If any difficulty arises which prevents application
of the Defence Standard, DStan shall be informed so that a remedy may be sought.
c) Please address any enquiries regarding the use of this standard in relation to an invitation to tender or to
a contract in which it is incorporated, to the responsible technical or supervising authority named in the
invitation to tender or contract.
d) Compliance with this Defence Standard shall not in itself relieve any person from any legal obligations
imposed upon them.
e) This standard has been devised solely for the use of the MOD and its contractors in the execution of
contracts for the MOD. To the extent permitted by law, the MOD hereby excludes all liability whatsoever
and howsoever arising (including, but without limitation, liability resulting from negligence) for any loss or
damage however caused when the standard is used for any other purpose.
Section 2
Avoidance of Counterfeit Materiel
1 Scope
1.1 This Defence Standard defines the arrangements that a supplier is required to establish to demonstrate
that they are actively planning and managing the risk of counterfeit materiel in their organisation and supply
chain to prevent delivery of such materiel to the MOD.
1.2 This Defence Standard may be applied to all materiel procured by the MOD.
Note: The MOD shall consider the inclusion of this standard in contracts where the AQAP 2100 series are
invoked (see 3.1 below). Where there are appropriate Sector Schemes or Standards for the avoidance of
counterfeit materiel in the supply chain they may be invoked in the supply chain as an alternative to this
Defence Standard.
DEF STAN 05-135 Issue 2
DEF STAN 05-135 Issue 2
DEF STAN 05-135 Issue 2
2 Warning
3 Referenced Documents
IEC/TS 62668-1 Process management for avionics - Counterfeit Prevention - Part 1: Avoiding the use of
counterfeit, fraudulent and recycled electronic components
IEC 62668-2 Process management for avionics - Counterfeit Prevention - Part 2: Managing electronic
components from non-franchised sources
BS ISO 12931 Performance criteria for authentication solutions used to combat counterfeiting of materiel
SAE ARP6178 Aerospace Recommended Practice. Fraudulent/Counterfeit Electronic Parts; Tool for Risk
Assessment of Distributors
SAE AS 6081 Aerospace Standard. Fraudulent/Counterfeit Electronic Parts: Avoidance, Detection, Mitigation,
and Disposition
SAE AS6462 AS5553 Counterfeit Electronic Parts; Avoidance, Detection, Mitigation, and Disposition
Verification Criteria
SAE ARP6328 Aerospace Recommended Practice. Guideline for Development of Counterfeit Electronic Parts:
Avoidance, Detection, Mitigation, and Disposition Systems
SAE AS6171 Test Methods Standard; General Requirements, Suspect/Counterfeit, Electrical, Electronic, and
Electromechanical Parts
SAE AS6174 Counterfeit Materiel; Assuring Acquisition of Authentic and Conforming Materiel
SAE AS5553 Counterfeit Electronic Parts; Avoidance, Detection, Mitigation, and Disposition
IEC TS/62239 Process management for avionics - Preparation of an electronic components’ management
DEF STAN 05-135 Issue 2
4 Abbreviations
5 Definitions
6 Requirements
6.1 Policy
6.1.1 The supplier shall have a defined and documented policy for the avoidance of counterfeit materiel,
including the requirement for an Anti-Counterfeiting Management Plan (ACMP), satisfying all elements of
paragraph 6 of this Defence Standard.
6.1.2 The policy and ACMP shall be made available to customers upon request.
6.1.3 The supplier shall have arrangements in place to manage the risk of counterfeit materiel in their
supply chain.
The supplier’s top management shall ensure the policy for the avoidance of counterfeit materiel is available,
communicated, understood and implemented by relevant staff at all levels within the organisation.
The supplier shall appoint a management representative who, irrespective of other responsibilities, has
responsibility and authority within the organisation to:
a) ensure that the arrangements required to manage the risk of counterfeit materiel in both the supplier
organisation and supply chain are implemented and maintained.
b) report to top management any concerns regarding counterfeit materiel within the supplier organisation
and supply chain.
c) promote awareness of the risk of counterfeit materiel in the supplier organisation and the supply chain.
6.3.1 The supplier shall determine the awareness level requirements appropriate to each functional role,
the competence level required by each employee and how the training needs will be met.
6.4 Purchasing
6.4.1 The supplier shall assess and record the risk of procuring counterfeit materiel. This shall take account
of the criticality of the materiel in relation to performance and safety.
6.4.2 Where risk has been identified, the supplier shall flow the following requirement and information down
the supply chain:
DEF STAN 05-135 Issue 2
6.4.3 As part of the selection and evaluation of sub-suppliers, where final product integrity is considered
important due to the critical nature of performance and safety, the supplier shall be able to trace the source of
supply of the materiel through the supply chain to the manufacturer to reduce the risk of counterfeit materiel in
the supply chain.
6.4.4 Where the supplier does not procure materiel directly from, or cannot trace the source of supply of
the materiel through the supply chain to the manufacturer, this shall constitute an additional risk that the
supplier shall manage. As a minimum the supplier shall demonstrate that the materiel shall fulfil the acquirers
specified requirements. The materiel characteristics and level of information shall not degrade the safety and
performance of the deliverable materiel.
6.5.1 The supplier shall determine the rigour of inspection and test requirements for the acceptance of
materiel. This shall be commensurate with the risk of the materiel being counterfeit and the criticality of the
materiel in relation to safety and performance.
6.5.2 If materiel is suspected of being counterfeit at any point in production or service provision then
additional testing shall be considered to confirm if it is counterfeit materiel.
a) control suspected counterfeit materiel to prevent its unintended use or re-entry into the supply chain.
b) ensure suspected counterfeit materiel is not returned to the sub-supplier unless under controlled
circumstances for validation or testing.
c) ensure that materiel confirmed as being counterfeit does not re-enter the supply chain and is not returned
to the sub-supplier.
The supplier shall establish arrangements to ensure that occurrences of counterfeit materiel are reported to:
a) the customer.
d) appropriate information / data gathering organisations including, but not limited to:
2) Anti-Counterfeiting Forum
Note: In the UK the occurrences of counterfeit materiel are to be reported to the Police and Trading
DEF STAN 05-135 Issue 2
All Suppliers and Manufacturers shall consider positive action to prevent corruption within their organisation,
distribution and supply chains, including measures to avoid the misrepresentation of their materiel. Such
measures may include:
a) the use of indelible, encrypted or covert marks on materiel, documentation and packaging.
d) the recording of registered trade marks and designs on customs and law enforcement databases.
e) the active enforcement of trade mark and design rights against manufacturers and suppliers of counterfeit
f) the publication of warnings when counterfeiting is discovered, including setting out distinguishing features
of original or counterfeit materiel where these are not covert.
g) the reporting instances of counterfeit materiel to customs databases. (Within the UK and EU, updating
'Applications for Action')
h) publishing a list of franchised distributors, or providing an alternative means of verifying the authenticity
of a prospective franchised distributor.
i) obligations to source Materiel only from the manufacturer or manufacturer franchised distributors.
k) the control of used packaging disposal to ensure that it is recycled in an appropriate manner to prevent
re-use and re-entry into the supply chain.
6.9 Obsolescence
Suppliers shall ensure that measures exist within the organisation and supply chain to prevent counterfeit
products entering the supply chain when managing obsolescence risks and issues. All suppliers are required
to actively implement and manage a robust Obsolescence Management Plan (OMP). This OMP shall align
with the requirements of BS EN 62402.
7 Contact details
DEF STAN 05-135 Issue 2
Section 3
Normative References
1 The publications shown below are referred to in the text of this standard. Publications are grouped and
listed in alpha-numeric order.
Note: Def Stan’s can be downloaded free of charge from the DStan web site by visiting
<> for those with RLI access or <> for all other
users. All referenced standards were correct at the time of publication of this standard (see 2, 3 & 4 below for
further guidance), if you are having difficulty obtaining any referenced standard please contact the DStan
Helpdesk in the first instance.
Def Stans
Number Title
Number Title
Allied Publications
Number Title
C Version 1 TEST
Other References
2 Reference in this Standard to any normative references means in any Invitation to Tender or contract
the edition and all amendments current at the date of such tender or contract unless a specific edition is
indicated. Care should be taken when referring out to specific portions of other standards to ensure that they
remain easily identifiable where subsequent amendments and supersession’s might be made. For some
standards the most recent editions shall always apply due to safety and regulatory requirements.
3 In consideration of clause 2 above, users shall be fully aware of the issue, amendment status and
application of all normative references, particularly when forming part of an Invitation to Tender or contract.
Correct identification of standards is as defined in the ITT or contract.
4 DStan can advise regarding where to obtain normative referenced documents. Requests for such
information can be made to the DStan Helpdesk. Details of how to contact the helpdesk are shown on the
outside rear cover of Defence Standards.
DEF STAN 05-135 Issue 2
For the purpose of this standard, ISO/IEC Guide 2 ‘Standardization and Related Activities – General
Vocabulary’ and the definitions shown below apply.
Definition Description
Counterfeit Materiel Materiel whose origin, age, composition, configuration, certification status or other
characteristic (including whether or not the materiel has been used previously) has been
falsely represented by;
b) misleading documentation; or
except where it has been demonstrated that the misrepresentation was not the result of
dishonesty by a supplier or external provider within the supply chain
Customer Organisation or person that receives materiel (as defined under counterfeit materiel).
Definitions Unless otherwise defined, the terms and definitions in BS EN ISO 9000 apply
Materiel Materiel refers to all equipment, parts, components, products, raw materiel or software
associated with the deliverable product or service
Supplier Organisation or person that provides materiel (as defined under counterfeit materiel).
Abbreviation Description
ACMP Anti-Counterfeiting Management Plan
AS Aerospace Standard
BS British Standard
CAWG, CAMM Counterfeit Avoidance Working Group, Counterfeit Avoidance Maturity Model
EU European Union
UK United Kingdom
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©Crown Copyright 2019
UK Defence Standardization
Kentigern House
65 Brown Street
G2 8EX
DStan Helpdesk
File Reference
The DStan file reference relating to work on this standard is 24/135.
Contract Requirements
When Defence Standards are incorporated into contracts, users are responsible for their correct
application and for complying with contractual and statutory requirements. Compliance with a Defence
Standard does not in itself confer immunity from legal obligations.