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College ERP Using MERN Stack

A Project Report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements

for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science and Engineering
Specialization in
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Anukul Gangwar Raghav Gupta Raghav Mittal

201550032 201550109 201550110

Group No.19

Under the Guidance of

Dr. Nikhil Govil
Asst. Professor CEA

Department of Computer Engineering & Applications

Institute of Engineering & Technology

GLA University
Mathura- 281406, INDIA
Department of Computer Engineering and Applications
GLA University, 17 km Stone, NH#2, Mathura-Delhi Road,
P.O. Chaumuhan, Mathura-281406 (U.P.)


I hereby declare that the work which is being presented in the B.Tech. Project
“College ERP using MERN Stack”, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the award of the Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering
and submitted to the Department of Computer Engineering and Applications of
GLA University, Mathura, is an authentic record of my own workcarried under the
supervision of Dr. Nikhil Govil.

The contents of this project report, in full or in parts, have not been submitted to
any other Institute or University for the award of any degree.

Sign Sign
Name of Student: Ab\nukul Gangwar Name of Student: Raghav Gupta
University Roll No.:201550032 University Roll No.:201550109

Name of Student: Raghav Mittal
University Roll No.:201550110


This is to certify that the above statements made by the candidate are
correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief.

(Dr. Nikhil Govil )
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Computer Engg, & App.

Project Co-ordinator Program Co-ordinator

(Dr. Mayank Srivastava) (Dr, Rajesh Kumar Tripathi)
Associate Professor Associate Professor
Dept. of Computer Engg, & App. Dept. of Computer Engg, &App.


It gives us a great sense of pleasure to present the Project report undertaken during B.
Tech. This project in itself is an acknowledgment of the inspiration, drive and technical
assistance contributed to it by many individuals. This project would never have seen the
light of the day without the help and guidance that we have received.

Our heartiest thanks to Dr. Rohit Agrawal, Head of Dept., Department of CEA for
providing us with an encouraging platform to develop this project, which thus helpedusin
shaping our abilities towards a constructive goal.

We owe a special debt of gratitude to Dr. Nikhil Govil , Assistant Professor, Institute of
Engineering & Technology, for her constant support and guidance throughout the course
of our work. Her sincerity, thoroughness, and perseverance have been a constant source
of inspiration for us. She has showered us with all his extensively experienced ideas and
insightful comments at virtually all stages of the project & has also taught us about the
latest industry-oriented technologies.

We also would not like to miss the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of all
faculty members of the department for their kind guidance and cooperation during the
development of our project. Last but not the least, we acknowledge our friends for their
contribution to the completion of the project.

Sign Sign
Name of Student: Anukul Gangwar Name of Student: Raghav Gupta
University Roll No.:2015500 University Roll No.: 201550109

Name of Student: Raghav Mittal
University Roll No.:201550110


The dawn of the "College ERP," a transformative Online College Management System
(OCMS) built using the potent MERN stack, signifies a landmark shift in the landscape
of college administration. This robust system functions as a central hub for a multitude of
vital functions, encompassing student records, attendance tracking, academic performance
evaluation, fee management, library resources, and faculty schedules, all orchestrated to
enhance transparency and operational effectiveness.

Fuelled by MongoDB's flexible database model, College ERP leverages the speed and
efficiency of Express.js for backend development, while React.js orchestrates the creation
of dynamic, user-centric interfaces. Furthermore, Node.js ensures seamless server-side
operations and effective API integration, culminating in a robust and responsive system.

Students reap the benefits of streamlined access to their academic progress, effortless
assignment submissions, and clear fee details. Simultaneously, faculty members are
empowered to efficiently manage lectures, administer grades, and oversee student
progress with ease. Administrative staff, too, experience significant improvements as the
system facilitates streamlined admissions processing and efficient financial management.
This transition towards a paperless infrastructure not only relieves administrative burdens
but also fosters an environment that nurtures collaboration among all stakeholders.

By embracing this technological paradigm shift, College ERP empowers students to chart
their academic journeys with autonomy. This transformative approach not only minimizes
bureaucratic hurdles but also engenders a more dynamic and efficient learning
environment. The innovative spirit of the College ERP system transcends mere process
optimization; it cultivates a culture where students actively engage in their learning,
faculty members find greater meaning in their roles, and administrative tasks seamlessly
integrate into a centralized, cohesive platform, ultimately elevating the entire collegiate








Introduction vii.

Objective viii.

Aim and Objective ix.

Significance of ERP in Educational Institution x.

Literature Review xi.

Requirements Analysis xii.

Project Design and Modules xiii.

Technology Used xiv.

Conclusion xv.

Summary xvi.

References xvii.


4.1 DFD LEVEL 0 21

4.2 DFD LEVEL 1 22
4.3 DFD LEVEL 2 22
5.5 ABOUT US 28

1. Introduction:
The "College ERP using MERN stack" project introduces a web-based application
tailored to manage comprehensive information flow across all administrative tiers
within a college setup. Functioning as a pivotal information management system, it
facilitates efficient data handling and dissemination throughout the college's
organizational framework.

Administrators play a crucial role in creating login credentials, comprising unique

ID-password pairs, to grant access to students and staff, regardless of their technical
expertise. This access enables individuals to interact with the system, allowing them
to contribute by uploading or retrieving specific data stored within the system's
database, aligning with their roles within the institution.

Technically, the application encompasses a React-based JavaScript front end,

ensuring an intuitive, user-centric interface for seamless interaction. Meanwhile, the
server functionalities are managed through Node.js with Express.js, ensuring robust
server-side operations and swift request handling. The database infrastructure
leverages MongoDB's capabilities, adopting its efficient document-oriented
structure. Facilitating communication between Node.js and the database, Mongoose
optimizes data management and retrieval processes.

By integrating the MERN stack, this College ERP system guarantees a scalable,
agile, and unified platform for efficient information management across diverse

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college departments. Emphasizing accessibility, security, and streamlined data
handling, it empowers users to engage with the system for effective information
exchange and seamless management within the college ecosystem

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2. Objective:

Our college currently relies on a conventional manual system for its operations. In
today's society, education holds immense significance, contributing to a steady
decline in illiteracy rates and a notable rise in the number of educated individuals.
The transformative power of education is evident, prompting a growing pursuit of
higher academic qualifications. Consequently, there's been a noticeable surge in
admissions, leading to the establishment of new educational institutions. However,
this rapid expansion poses a significant challenge.

As our records multiplied, the limitations of our manual system became glaringly
apparent. Managing individual student data became increasingly burdensome. The
manual approach proved prone to errors and demanded substantial human resources
and extensive time commitments for record processing.

The increasing influx of students underscored the inefficiency of our current system.
The manual processes struggled to keep pace with the escalating volume of student
records, resulting in inefficiencies and inaccuracies. Recognizing the need for a
more streamlined and automated approach became crucial. Transitioning to an
automated system emerged as a necessity to efficiently handle the burgeoning
volume of student information, ensuring precision, reducing errors, optimizing
human resources, and expediting record processing for the benefit of our
educational institution.

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3. Aim and Objective:

The principal goal driving the development of the "College ERP using MERN
stack" project is the establishment of a robust, dynamic system characterized by
speed, precision, uniformity, dependability, and adaptability. This system aims to
evolve continuously, accommodating future enhancements seamlessly within its

Embracing computerized automation, this project aims to harness cutting-edge

technology to imbue information with greater flexibility, accuracy, and security.
This technological advancement not only optimizes the utilization of time and
manpower but also ensures that online information is easily accessible while
upholding stringent security protocols. It's a strategic move to empower users with
a user-friendly interface and facilitate easy access to information from anywhere at
any time.

The essence of this initiative lies in democratizing information access. Each user,
whether a student, faculty member, or administrative staff, gains unrestricted access
to individual student records online, thereby facilitating efficient interaction and
information retrieval at their convenience.

Transitioning from manual to automated processes through the MERN stack

integration isn't merely a technological upgrade; it's a paradigm shift in how
educational institutions manage data. This evolution streamlines operations,
reduces manual errors, and paves the way for a more secure, efficient, and

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accessible platform.

By optimizing the architecture of the MERN stack - MongoDB, Express.js, React.js,

and Node.js - the system ensures agility and scalability. This approach not only
fosters a more responsive and user-centric environment but also fortifies the
system's foundation, facilitating seamless integration of future advancements
without compromising its core functionalities.

Ultimately, this transformation aims to revolutionize the educational ecosystem,

offering stakeholders a system that's not only reliable, secure, and efficient but also
adaptive enough to accommodate the ever-evolving needs and advancements in the
educational landscape.

4. Significance of ERP in Educational


 Integration of Operations: Educational institutions function through

numerous departments, each handling specific tasks. An ERP system like
the College ERP using MERN Stack integrates these disparate operations
into a unified platform. This integration streamlines processes, minimizes
manual effort, and reduces the chances of errors, ensuring smoother
administrative workflows

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 Efficient Data Management: Educational institutions deal with extensive
data related to students, courses, faculty, and finances. A robust ERP system
centralizes this data, allowing authorized personnel to access
comprehensive and up-to-date information. This facilitates informed

decision-making and ensures data accuracy across various departments.

 Enhanced Collaboration: Effective communication and collaboration are

essential within educational settings. The College ERP fosters improved
collaboration by enabling seamless communication between stakeholders.
It provides a common platform for sharing information, announcements,
and updates, thereby promoting transparency and better interaction among
students, faculty, and administrative staff

 Data-Driven Decision-Making: The ERP system's analytical capabilities

provide valuable insights derived from the data collected. This empowers
educational institutions to make informed decisions about curriculum
planning, resource allocation, and performance assessment, thereby
improving the quality of education delivery.

 Resource Optimization and Cost Reduction: By automating processes

and reducing redundant tasks, the College ERP optimizes resource
utilization. This efficiency leads to cost reductions by minimizing manual
labor, preventing duplication, and ensuring better allocation of financial

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 Scalability and Adaptability: Educational institutions evolve over time,
requiring systems that can adapt to their changing needs. The MERN Stack-
based ERP system offers scalability, allowing for easy modifications and
expansions as the institution grows. It ensures the system's agility to
accommodate new requirements and technological advancements

 Competitive Edge: Institutions equipped with a robust ERP system gain a

competitive advantage. The streamlined processes, efficient resource
management, and focus on academic excellence become a magnet for
prospective students, faculty, and partnerships, elevating the institution's
reputation in the competitive educational landscape

5. Literature Review:
In recent times, the College Management System (CMS) held a prominent
position, but today, education stands as a pivotal force in society. There's a
steady decline in illiteracy rates and a simultaneous rise in literacy percentages,
marking education's profound influence across all societal domains. As
aspirations for higher professional degrees become widespread, admissions
surge, prompting the establishment of more colleges and schools. However, the
foremost challenge lies ahead.

Traditionally, schools and colleges relied on manual record-keeping for student

information. However, the growing volume of records posed significant hurdles
within the antiquated manual systems. Handling this expansion proved
challenging, leading to errors, demanding increased manpower, and consuming
excessive time for record processing.

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The surge in admissions exacerbated the inefficiencies of manual systems,
struggling to manage the expanding student records effectively. The manual
approach became error-prone, demanding more human resources and prolonging
record processing times.

Transitioning from manual to automated systems becomes imperative to address

these challenges. Automation promises accuracy, reduced errors, optimized
manpower, and expedited record processing, revolutionizing how educational
institutions manage information, ensuring efficiency and accessibility for

6. Requirement Analysis
We need the following software to accomplish our project

i. Writing Code (Sublime Text)

ii. MERN Stack

a. MongoDB: A cross platform document database

b. Express : A backend web application
c. React : A Javascript framework Library for building user
d. Node.Js : A cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment

iii. Web Browser for accessing the website

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Hardware Requirements
We will need the following hardware to accomplish our project.
a. Desktop or Laptop PC with Windows 10 64bit with 8GB Ram
and atleast 2GB of free space.
b. Android or iPhone that can run the latest version of web

browsers like Chrome, Safari or firefox.

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7. Project Design and modules :

Fig no 1.

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Fig no 2.

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Fig no 3.

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Fig no 4.

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DVD Level 0.

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DVD Level 1.

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DVD Level 2.

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8. Technologies Used :
i. HTML: The HyperText Markup Language, or HTML is the standard
markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web
browser. It can be assisted by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets
(CSS) and scripting languages such as JavaScript

ii. CSS : Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for
describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language
such as HTML. CSS is designed to enable the separation of presentation
and content, including layout, colors, and fonts. This separation can
improve content accessibility, provide more flexibility and control in the
specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple web pages to
share formatting by specifying the relevant CSS in a separate .css file
which reduces complexity and repetition in the structural content as well
as enabling the .css file to be cached to improve the page load speed
between the pages that share the file and its formatting.

iii. Javascript: JavaScript is one of the core technologies of the World Wide
Web. Over 97% of websites use it client-side for web page behavior, often
incorporating third-party libraries. All major web browsers have a
dedicated JavaScript engine to execute the code on the user's device . As

multi-paradigm language, JavaScript supports event-driven, functional,

and imperative programming styles. It has application programming

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interfaces (APIs) for working with text, dates, regular expressions,
standard data structures, and the Document Object Model (DOM)

iv. MERN stack: The MERN architecture allows you to easily construct a
3-tier architecture (frontend, backend, database) entirely using JavaScript
and JSON.

Fig no 5.

v. React.js Front End : The top tier of the MERN stack is React.js, the
declarative JavaScript framework for creating dynamic client-side
applications in HTML. React lets you build up complex interfaces through
simple Components, connect them to data on your backendserver, and
render them as HTML.

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vi. Express.js and Node.js Server Tier : The next level down is the
Express.js server-side framework, running inside a Node.js server.

Express.js bills itself as a “fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework

for Node.js,” and that is indeed exactly what it is. Express.js has powerful
models for URL routing (matching an incoming URL with a server
function), and handling HTTP requests and responses.

vii. MongoDB Database Tier : If your application stores any data (user
profiles, content, comments, uploads, events, etc.), then you’re going to
want a database that’s just as easy to work with as React, Express, and
Node.That’s where MongoDB comes in: JSON documents created in your
React.js front end can be sent to the Express.js server, where they can be
processed and (assuming they’re valid) stored directly in MongoDB for
later retrieval. Again, if you’re building in the cloud, you’ll want to look
at Atlas. If you’re looking to set up your own MERN stack, read on

9. Conclusion :
The College ERP Management system, built on the MERN Stack, serves as a central
hub for diverse college functionalities, automating and streamlining processes for
administration, faculty, students, and guardians. This user-friendly platform boasts
remarkable reliability and time efficiency, providing a robust framework for
effective college management.

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A cornerstone of this system is its secure data storage and access control, ensuring
authorized users have seamless access to information anytime, anywhere. This
accessibility facilitates smooth information flow, contributing to the streamlined
operation of the institution.

The system encompasses a comprehensive range of modules essential for college

operations. These modules manage attendance, facilitate railway concessions,
oversee training and placement initiatives, and maintain comprehensive staff
records. Additionally, the system simplifies exploring college events like exams,
practicals, assignments, placement drives, and annual events, all communicated
through timely notifications.

By unifying these functionalities in a single platform, the College ERP Management

System significantly simplifies administrative and academic processes. It offers a
cohesive solution that enhances communication, streamlines operations, and
provides a user-friendly interface for all stakeholders.

Ultimately, this system empowers educational institutions by fostering efficiency,

transparency, and effective resource management. By creating an environment
conducive to learning and growth, it paves the way for a brighter future for students
and institutions alike.

10. Summary :
The "College ERP using MERN stack" project heralds a cutting-edge web-based
application designed specifically to streamline the intricate web of information
management within various administrative echelons of a college. Acting as the

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nucleus of information management, this system adeptly oversees and disseminates
data across the college's structural framework.

At its core, this system allows administrators to craft exclusive login credentials
for students and staff, fostering their seamless engagement with the platform.
Featuring a React-based frontend, it ensures an intuitive and user-centric
interface, while Node.js and Express.js orchestrate server

functionalities. MongoDB, with its document-oriented structure, serves as the

bedrock of the database, further fine-tuned by Mongoose for optimized data

The project's core objective is to fashion a system that is resilient, adaptable, and
expandable, primed to integrate future upgrades effortlessly. Leveraging
technological prowess, it pledges flexibility, precision, and data security, thereby
optimizing resource utilization and ensuring unfettered access for authorized

With a critical shift from manual to automated systems, the project seeks to
streamline processes, curtail errors, and expedite record management. By honing
in on the MERN stack - MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js - it cements
a framework that is agile, scalable, and poised for forthcoming advancements.

This College ERP system serves as a unified command center for seamless
information governance across multifarious college departments. It champions
accessibility, fortification of data integrity, and efficient data management,

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empowering stakeholders to navigate the college landscape seamlessly.

The substantial significance of ERP systems in academic institutions transcends

mere data management; it encompasses operational fusion, agile data handling,
enhanced collaboration, informed decision-making, resource optimization,
scalability, and a competitive edge.

In essence, the College ERP using MERN stack project is a revolutionary leap
in educational management, promising an efficient, impregnable, and adaptable
system. It propounds a centralized conduit that not only streamlines operations
but also empowers educational institutions with informed decision-making
capabilities, fostering an environment ripe for learning and development.

11. References :

 https://legacy.reactjs.org/docs/getting-started.html

 https://nodejs.org/en

 https://www.mongodb.com/

 https://www.w3schools.com/js/

 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/

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 https://material.angular.io/components/table/overview

 https://stackoverflow.com/

 https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4111869

 https://computerjournals.stmjournals.in/index.php/CTIT/article/view/197

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