Jaipur Service Company: Need of The Study
Jaipur Service Company: Need of The Study
Jaipur Service Company: Need of The Study
Raghav Mittal
Raghav Gupta B.Tech computer Science
B.Tech computer science specialization in AML
Specialization in AIML
Abstract: Today, people is move towards digital in on time with a minimum wages got an issue with an AC
world so they are used various E-commerce call and ear conditional expert who will fix your AC just a
application . our project is also a E-commerce few minutes near right by your location. with a minimum
service based application which has aim of provide cost a consumer has no problem regarding a finding a
on demand services to people available on smart worker to fix their applications. or their household
phone application and web based services . Our products similarly these apps help in fixing the problem of
aim is to design an application which helps a needy corporate house cleaning home Appliance and all other
people to find a service worker very easily in a cost household problems.
efficient manner. We will design a Jaipur Service
Company. It will provide a list of worker to a Keywords— On-demand services, consumer satisfaction,
particular selected category and use the will be sustainability, wages.
Workers are also available at their near locations.
and they can provide. if no worker is available near. I. NEED OF THE STUDY
the consumer do. finding worker radius or the area
is increased. gradually so that we will find a new Now people increasingly move toward the technology so
worker for the consumer help. Now a days Our they need a platform for their needs reaching. which includes
travel , eat , shop and even dating all has undergone a shopping, dining, even dating. Know the youth demand on
a tremendous change so we can design Interactive demand services platform, which provided. on demand
Android application. named as Jaipur Service services to the pupil according to their needs and help. in their
Company Love in the marketplace. for on demand common livelihood In this context, we are defining a Jaipur
service available. through a smartphone app. service. This company, which is easily accessible by all the
Today on demand solution have proven blessings to pupils, have efficiency to provide a service provision and it is
everyone. in all the environment condition . Our a localized problem. solution which focused on provided based
Jaipur based company provide the advanced solution to the human with the cost efficient way in their
livelihoods. The rapid evolution of technology makes a Jaipur
technology to the younger generation which fulfill
service company. a new term for adapting the human changing
the demands everything to happen instantly
demands behavior. and New South the customer experience
anywhere at anytime. Jaipur service company through which company has addressing all the demand and
provides everything Add their doorstep whether their needs for their own demand services platform named as
it’s in South Cleaning, or innovation, plummy Jaipur Service Company platform It’s a simple Pupil friendly
assistance, appliance repair or electric application platform in which user can. demand its basic needs like
of fitness coaches who come to them. method of plumbing, furnishing, carpentering, painting and Etc. services
providing services. is being changed as a result. in their local peoples.
Customer demand exchanges rapidly. Jaipur based
company involved in customer needs and technical
improvement on demand app development II. INTRODUCTION
emerged. The cost of a worker or an employee. is
checked. or calculated by our system dynamically Today is the world dependent on tech All we can say fully
after considering a different parameter, a final hi-tech world . As a group of the technologies, it increases day
causeway despite to the consumer for which the by day. So the concept of working is Exchanging and so is the
cost of the worker or helper is minimized. The main future of work and employment and production is also
idea behind this if two dynamic prices is applied on changes With this, we can introduce our project that is served.
the user order to overcome a left salary problems on service demand platform named as Jaipur Service
of the worker and also provided a cheap and the Company, which provided New trend in the market of on
best experience labor or helper to the consumer. demand application. The demand of home based services. is
increased day by day. to increase these demand. home service
As the name suggest, our company is a service based application will be rapidly the old age people are not going for
company, which provided a platform to the consumer for any worries anymore, The trusted cost efficient A home
which. a consumer can hire a professional for your service application with professional qualification and
household course at your fingertips. Jaipur service personal quality. and fixed everything. at your home in very
company is a local Jaipur based company which provided efficient way. Now the problem is with the growth of city and
a services in the Jaipur marketplace. Jaipur based urbanization. the problem of Abbudance of low cost worker
company provides on demand in build services. with all the and finding a worker for their used like painting.
essential features. For example, got a leakage issue at Carpentering. preparing. lumbering and Etcetera purposes. is
home. Higher a plumber near at your locality who will fix most difficult challenge in the urban or metropolitan city of
Global. World people are constantly in a hurry. and want to in such a way that it will help in. organizing ,Support
fix their program at any cost, immediately They do not have reasoning user friendly and behaviour of the system
time to find a labor for their work. They are busy with their
everyday calculus and their work life balance to maintain this IV.I. Architectural Design
problem. Jaipur service company is available in the Metro The architecture design of the Jaipur Service Company is a
City of Rajasthan. which provides a solution of this program. representation of the. working and its Organized way to To
enriched at their home or doorstep to help you with this. Jaipur make it user friendly for the people and work efficiently. with
Service company has aimed to implement a contract based that, the basic architecture system design a mobile app
model for the people in the Jaipur, the pink city of Rajasthan. application server which is client side on Internet service
Jaipur service company has the ability of the on demand provide For and which connect to the server in the database
services economy to make everyone happy, including service of the. of the architecture represent the design of the system
providing services. providers and customers happiness to and mobile application of the Jaipur service based company.
receive essential service at their convenience is a major factor
of its success. The home services connect the local services to
the consumer while maximizing the benefits of a technology
with the cost efficient and less complicate manner With the
cost efficient method. Now the problem of finding a local
worker to help in their problem is very efficient with the
Jaipur service based company. Jaipur service company is the
IOS and app based application which is Which is commonly
used in Iphone And Smart phone Providing efficiency to the
human. it is designed. by HTML, CSS Javascript, angular
framework, Ionic framework, and firebase for its backend
The implementation of a Jaipur service company design
is a user friendly. so that a customer and a worker can
use according to. their work. the whole formal
description and the representation of system is designed
IV.III Modular Design
V. Result
in this page user can add services and after selecting the
services all the these services will show in their cart and
user can make a payment of their services
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Furthermore, the model integrates the CCTV Depending on the user's preferences, the completed model
camera using RTSP and delivers the detections to the
rest API in the JSON file format or telegram port,
which makes the process highly configurable and
easy to use. The resulting video canbe configured
as per the user's needs, and the frequency of different
categories of animals can be counted to provide
more insights.
The open source images, camera video clips of animals and E. IOU Implementation
openly available images of the animals were the major source We could not afford multiple notifications of the same detection.
for our model’s training, testing, and validation. The major Hence, we used the concept of IOU that marks the animal as the
problem with these images was their raw nature and unclear same till it is in the frame so that it does not awakes the system
motive. Most of these images were not fit for the training again. IOU if calculated on each successful detection to the
purpose or were of too low quality. The images were then to previous frame detections do thatthe warning signals are legit
be scrapped out. The quality images were left to around 10,000, and non-repetitive. The threshold value of the IOU can be
1300 for each class. The images were than annotated according modified according to the requirement.
to the required format of annotations for YOLOv5. The
annotation part was done through the Roboflow software. This The code to count the frames of the detection was self- developed
was the most crucial, time consuming and important part of the to ensure specificity in the program and to prevent any side
whole project as the quality of dataset determines the working cases. This ensured that the animal was really present at that
of the model in the long run. Open sources could only give us place for a certain amount of time. This was important to check
raw images but without data refining and image annotation the before sending out a warning signal. One can also set the no. of
training was not possible. So, the dataset was then converted to frames to be checked before the waring signal.
the annotation format of the algorithm used.
C. Image Annotation and Acquisition Overall, the multiple warning problem or the single frame
warning problems were addressed by the above techniques used.
Even after the refining of the images, without the proper tool There will be no warning on the basis of a single frame
for annotation, it is practically very difficult to annotate a whole detection and if the animal occurs in multiple frames, it will be
dataset of 10,000 images. Thus, we used Roboflow for the noted as only one warning.
annotation process. “Roboflow is a Computer Vision developer
framework for better data collection to preprocessing, and F. Integration with the Camera
model training techniques.” Annotation includes labelling of the RTSP protocol is a protocol that is used mainly for the
selected object in a bounding box that gets a class label. This connection of video surveillance systems to the computer
label is the actual way that the deep learning learns and
distinguish the classes. Using roboflow was a great advantage
for us and it helped us manage the dataset easily.
equal to 0.434. A further increase in the accuracy of the results
device, as live video stream is transmitted directly to the can be gathered by the refinement of the dataset and increasing
computer for live detection or other purposes. User are able to the size and quality of the dataset.
access the cameras remotely from anywhere and any devices,
being fixed or mobile. To further improve the accuracy of our proposed model, we can
After obtaining the IP address of the camera for the connection use transfer learning. Transfer learning is a machine learning
purpose to our systems, we connected the camera using RTSP technique where a pre-trained model is used asa starting
so as to avail all the available use cases of the above-mentioned point for a new task. It allows us to take advantage of the pre-
method of connection. The next step was port setup and existing knowledge gained by the model from a different task
creating username and password for the camera device. and apply it to a new problem.
RTSP protocol, unabled easy integration of the camera with the We can also experiment with different hyperparameters, such
system. We used the OpenCV library in Python to read the video as learning rates, batch sizes, and optimization algorithms to
stream from the camera and passed the frames to our object further improve the accuracy of our model. Another approach to
detection model for real-time detection ofanimals. improve accuracy is by using ensemble methods where multiple
models are combined to give a more accurate prediction. One
By using the RTSP protocol, we were able to seamlessly of the hyperparameters is the confidence interval of the given
integrate a wide variety of cameras into our system, making it prediction. Fig. 2 shows the different accuracy of the prediction
highly scalable and adaptable to different environments.This cum detection results according to the different values of the
also allowed us to remotely monitor and control the cameras, confidence interval.
enabling us to quickly respond to any potential threats or