Intro Thermo 2

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2nd & 3rd Law

/Spontaneity, Scale)

Q1=100 Non-EQ Q2=50

T1=10 T2=1
Q1/T1=10 < Q2/T2=50

Q1=100 Non-EQ Q2=20 Q1=100 EQ Q2=10

T1=10 T2=1 T1=10 T2=1
Q1/T1=10 < Q2/T2=20 Q1/T1=10 = Q2/T2=10
W=80 W=90
Carnot Cycle A

Temperature Scale

System System Same Mechanical

Q Effect Irrespective of
A at T B at T-1 Material Properties
Carnot Engine in Details (Assignment – Self Reading)

All steps are reversible, so maximum work is expected => Incorporation of Idealism

As General Case

𝑡1 𝑉3 𝑡2 𝑉1
Here, 𝐶𝑉. ln + 𝑅. ln = 0 & 𝐶𝑉. ln + 𝑅. ln =0
𝑡2 𝑉2 𝑡1 𝑉4

In Carnot cycle T1 & T2 are fixed => V2/V1 =V3/V4

Entropy: One of Most Used Terms
Continuing with Entropy
Both Statements (Clausius & Kelvin) & More….
Clausius: It is not possible to draw a certain amount of heat, say Q, from a cold body and
transfer it all to a hot body.

Kelvin: It is not possible to convert heat entirely into work.

Hot Hot Hot

Q2 Q2 Q1 Q1-Q2

1 1 2 3
Q2 Q2 Q2

Cold Cold Cold

Better Than Reversible Efficiency: Possible or not?

Q=10 Q=100

Better Than
W=90 Reversible Engine
Reversible Engine W1=91

Q=100 Q=9
W1 – W = 1 => This way we can
generate work for ever =>
Impossible Demand (Reversible
path is already in maximum ordered
energy path out of total energy) Cold

Qs Qloss
From source To sink

Uncompensated Transformation

Qloss (heat loss) is min. for reversibility

(Qs-Qloss)rev > (Qs-Qloss)irre dS is the difference between heats in
transit i.e. transfer and loss.
Entropy Change for an Isothermal Expansion of an Ideal Gas

Entropy: Extensive Property

Molar Entropy (Entropy per Mole): Intensive Property
Exothermic Reactions: Entropy Change for Surroundings

For an adiabatic reversible change: ∆Ssys = 0 and ∆Ssurr = 0

Some Essential Derivations
Entropy Balance

• Having directional property of a process

• Guided by a fundamental law (entropy can’t decrease: Which Law??)

• Definable non-zero generation term of a process

• Universally applicable state variable with physical significance

• Another balance equation (more access to a system)

Basic Ideas

Reversible Process

Irreversible Process
Basic Ideas A

Matter Exchange in the system + Irreversibility

Cyclic Process

Systems in Non-equilibrium
Basic Ideas

Rate of Entropy Generation =

Net change of entropy flow due to flows of mass in and out of the system +

Net change of entropy flow due to flow of heat across the system boundary +

Rate of internal generation of entropy within the system

Entropy Generation = 0 => at equilibrium

Entropy Generation > 0 => All non-equilibrium conditions

Entropy Balance Equation for Open System
Important Equation
Continuing A
One Problem
Another Problem
Continuing with the Solution
Continuing with the Solution
Statements of Second Law

For Irreversible Process Overall Entropy Increases:

Prove Mathematically: Assignment
Few Important Points A
Problem (from different Universities)
Another Problem
Third Law: Relooking The Definition

1. If a single process of reversible extraction of heat results in the reduction of the

temp. for a crystal to the lowest measurable temp. near 0K, then zero entropy at
0K remains an obvious extrapolation from that measured point.

2. What the 3rd law tells us in real life is that curves of many reasonable physical
quantities plotted against T must come in flat as T approaches 0. Kittel-Kroemer

3. The entropy of a system at absolute 0 is a universal constant, which may be taken

to be 0. Huang

4. The entropy of a system approaches a constant value as the temperature

approaches zero.

Molten SiO2 to Glass

Different S0 for same matter: Not Permissible Attaining T=0: Infinite Reversible Cycles
Third Law: Relooking The Definition A
Third Law: Relooking The Definition
Third Law & Beginning of Statistical Journey
Few Points

2nd law: The entropy of an isolated system never decreases.

S supercooled


residual crystal

  S (U ,V , N ,...) 
T   
 U V , N
Sample Problems (Assignments)

1. Derive the Relation

2. Drive the Relations

3. Follow any standard text books (preferably references) to see the solved problems
related to 2nd as well as 3rd Laws of thermodynamics and practice the derivations



Entropy & Information

Picking RedRed Ball
with Certainty
Certainty => =>
Knowledge Information
Definefrom left
System right, while
Decreasing is
from left
to right, while
entropy is increasing
Entropy & Information-2

Entropy & Information-3

Picking ‘A’ with

Certainty => Precise
Information to
Define the System
=> Decreasing from
left to right, while
entropy is increasing
Entropy & Information-4 A
Entropy & Information-5 A
Next Class

Quick Review – III

Some Concepts,
Definitions & Aspects

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