Nat Reviewer1
Nat Reviewer1
Nat Reviewer1
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Division of Eastern Samar
Dolores, Eastern Samar
General Directions: Read the questions carefully. Answer each item by shading the letter of the BEST answer./.km
A. Total dating B. Absolute dating
1. What process occurs if there are formation and C. Relative dating D. Comparative dating
movement of magma under the earth’s crust?
A. decompression melting B. flux melting 15. Which Era represents “ancient life?
C. heat transfer D. partial melting A. Cenozoic B. Mesozoic
C. Paleozoic D. Proterozoic
2. What term should be used to describe a semi-liquid hot
molten rock located beneath the Earth? 16. When did the Precambrian Era begin?
A. lava B. magma A. 4.53 billion years ago B. 4.54 billion years ago
C. rocks D. sand C. 4.55 billion years ago D. 4.56 billion years ago
3. In what part of the earth does magmatism happen? 17.Which of the following represents the longest time?
A. Asthenosphere B. Earth’s crust A. Precambrian B. Paleozoic
C. Earth’s core D. Lithosphere C. Mesozoic D. Cenozoic
4. What do you call the semi-liquid hot molten rocks found 18.It is the water present on the surface of the earth in the
on the surface of earth once the volcano erupts? form of oceans, rivers, lakes, and reservoir.
A. lava B. magma A. Ground water B. Surface water
C. sand D. rocks C. Tap water D. Rainwater
5. What are the two most abundant elements in magma? 19.It is the water present beneath Earth's surface in rock
A. oxygen and iron B. oxygen and magnesium and soil pore spaces and in the fractures of rock
C. silicon and aluminum D. silicon and oxygen formations.
A. Ground water B. Surface water
6. Where does upwelling process most likely occur? C. Tap water D. Rainwater
A. Abyssal plane B. Mid-oceanic ridge 20.Which of the following is the correct decreasing order
C. Seamount D. Trench of the types of coal based on the quality?
A. Anthracite, bituminous, subbituminous and lignite
7. Which of the following is the correct sequence of the B. Anthracite, lignite, bituminous and subbituminous
Wilson Cycle? C. Lignite, anthracite, subbituminous and bituminous
I. Young to mature mountain belts 6 D. Lignite, subbituminous, bituminous and anthracite
II. Narrow seas with matching coasts 2
III. Ocean basin with continental margins 3 21. How does ozone layer support life on Earth?
IV. Narrow irregular seas with young mountains 5 A. by providing significant insulation
V. Islands arcs and trenches around basin edge 4 B. by providing energy needed by organisms
VI. Complex system of linear rift valleys on continent 1 C. by protecting it from the sun’s harmful radiation
A. I, II, III, IV, V, VI B. VI, V, IV, III, II, I
C. VI, II, III, V, IV, I D. I, V, VI, IV, III, II
D. by giving protection against small to medium size
8. Which of the following is the best example of ocean
basin in Suturing stage? 22. Ozone layer is one of the compositions of Earth’s
A. Atlantic Ocean B. Himalayas Mountains atmosphere. What do you think will happen if the
C. Pacific Ocean D. Red Sea ozone layer completely depletes?
A. changes in weather
9.Which of the following is the deepest part of the ocean? B. solar wind will pass through
C. penetration of ultraviolet radiation to Earth’s surface
A. Abyssal plain B. Continental slope D. meteors will freely get through the Earth’s atmosphere
C. Seamount D. Trench
23. Which of the following are not a function of Earth’s
10.Which of the following refers to the seafloor mountain ozone layer?
system? I. It produces enough amount of rain.
A. Abyssal plain B. Continental slope II. It filters harmful UV radiation that reaches Earth.
C. Mid-oceanic ridge D. Trench III. It regulates the weather on Earth.
IV. It protects Earth from meteors and asteroids
11. Which is NOT true about the rock cycle? impact.
A. Rocks are recycled. A. I, II and III B. I, II and IV
B. It shows that rock is lost forever. C. I, III and IV D. II, III and IV
C. It shows the rock’s journey as it changes.
D. It is a summary of the processes that change rock 24. Oceans cover almost the entire Earth’s surface. How
from one kind to another. does it contribute to Earth’s habitable condition?
A. It protects and absorbs solar radiation.
12. Which type of rock usually contains fossils? B. It protects and absorbs solar radiation.
A. all types of rocks B. igneous C. It absorbs and redistributes solar radiation.
C. metamorphic C. sedimentary D. It adsorbs and replenishes solar radiation.
13. What technique explains that the lowest layer is the 25. Analyze the given situations below. Which of it is an
oldest while the topmost layer is the youngest just like the interaction between geosphere and atmosphere?
clothes in the laundry basket? A. Bacteria converting nitrogen to ammonium
A. Dendrochronology B. Relative dating B. Plants undergoing the process of transpiration
C. Absolute dating D. Stratigraphy C. Rocks undergoing the process of weathering due
to flood
14. Which method evaluates the exact age of the sample? D. Water evaporating from the soil
Republic of the Philippines
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Division of Eastern Samar
Dolores, Eastern Samar
3. Who was the scientist discovered a multitude of tiny pores that named “cells”?
a.Robert Hooke b. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
c. Theodore Schwann d. Matthias Jacob Schleiden
4. Who was the scientist who saw cells using microscope containing improved lenses? He found motile objects named
a. Robert Hooke b. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
c. Theodore Schwann d. Matthias Jacob Schleiden
5. Who was these 2 scientists who postulated the three tenets of cell theory?
a. Hooke & Leeuwenhoek
b. Virchow & Schleiden
c. Schwann & Schleiden
d. Schwann & Hooke
8. Which of the following statement does NOT support the concept of ATP-ADP cycle?
A. ATP contains less energy than ADP
B. ATP alters the structure of the integral protein that functions as a pump.
C. ATP provides the energy to pull the myosin back, by hydrolyzing to ADP + Pi
D. ATP plays a role in the transport of macromolecules such as proteins and lipids in and out of the cell.
10. Which of the following inner tissue of a leaf thus photosynthesis occur?
A. Stomata B. Mesophyll C.Thylakoid D. Thylakoid Lumen
13. All of life can be divided into three domains based on the type of cell of the organism, they are ___?
A. Archaea, Bacteria, Eukarya
B. Archaea, Bacteria, Prokarya
C. Archaea, Bacteria, Animalia
D. Archaea, Bacteria, Plantae
14. The genitalia of the male damselfly vary in shape. Certain males can only hold onto & mate with females whose genitalia
fit. What type of reproductive barrier is this?
A. Behavioral isolation
B. Gametic isolation
C. Mechanical isolation
D. Temporal isolation
15.Which of the following describe how organisms are classified in the taxonomic classification system?
A. In the hierarchal model for the taxonomic classification system, from the point of origin, the groups become less specific.
B. The categories in the taxonomic classification system are organized from smaller, more specific categories to larger categories.
C. The taxonomic classification system uses a hierarchical model to organize living organisms. At each sublevel, the organisms are
more similar.
D. The taxonomic classification system uses a hierarchical model to organize living organisms. At each sublevel, the number of
organisms increases.
Republic of the Philippines
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Division of Eastern Samar
Dolores, Eastern Samar
17.The lava released by a volcanic eruption separates two populations of a species of monkey. What does this represent?
A. Behavioral isolation
B. Geographical isolation
C. Mechanical isolation
D. Temporal isolation
18.Catastrophism, meaning the regular occurrence of geological or meteorological disturbances (catastrophes), was Cuvier's
attempt to explain the existence of ______?
A. Evolution.
B. The fossil record.
C. Uniformitarianism.
D. The origin of new species
23. A type of reproduction wherein a single parentproduces new organism without fertilization.
A. Sexual B. Asexual C. Fission D. Budding
25. Which of the following refers to the result of twoor more separate fertilization events where the resulting zygotes
develop almost simultaneously?
A. Dizygotic twins; fraternal twins B. Dizygotic twins; identical twins
C. Monozygotic twins; fraternal twins D. monozygotic twins; identical twins
4) What is the term for a statement of two exactly equal 9) What is the name corresponding to the metric symbol
values? mL?
A) exact equivalent B) exact value A) megaliter B) metroliter
C) identical equivalent D) identical value C) microliter D) milliliter
Republic of the Philippines
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Division of Eastern Samar
Dolores, Eastern Samar
10) Which of the following laws states that the total mass 18) Which of the following states that the pressure and
and energy before a chemical reaction is equal to the total volume are inversely proportional for a gas at constant
mass and energy after the reaction? temperature?
A) law of conservation of energy A) Boyle's law B) Charles' law
B) law of conservation of mass C) Dalton's law D) Gay-Lussac's law
C) law of conservation of mass and energy
D) law of definite composition
19) Which of the following changes decreases the pressure
of a gas?
11) What is the subatomic particle having a negligible A) increasing the volume
mass and a negative charge? B) decreasing the temperature
A) electron B) neutron C) decreasing the number of gas molecules
C) proton D) quark D) all of the above
12) What is the general term that refers to either visible or 20) What is the term for the valence electrons in a
invisible radiant energy? molecule that are not shared?
A) continuous spectrum B) emission spectrum A) bonding electrons B) core electrons
C) line spectrum D) light C) kernel electrons D) nonbonding electrons
13) What is the term for the minimum amount of energy to 21) Which of the following is held together by ionic bonds?
remove an electron from a neutral atom in the gaseous B) Mg3N2
state? A) AlCl3
A) atomic energy B) electron energy C) Cu2S D) all of the above
C) ionization energy D) nuclear energy
22) How many moles of chlorine gas react with 1 mol of
14) Which of the following is a representative element? hydrogen gas according to the balanced chemical
A) B B) Be equation?
C) Br D) all of the above H2(g) + Cl2(g) → 2 HCl(g)
A) 1 mol B) 2 mol
15) Which fourth period transition element has the highest C) 3 mol D) 4 mol
atomic number?
A) Ca B) Cd 23) What term expresses the ratio of moles of reactants
C) Kr D) Zn and products according to the coefficients in the
balanced chemical equation?
16) What is the term for the value corresponding to the A) mole ratio B) reactant ratio
number of atoms in 12.01 g of carbon? C) product ratio D) yield ratio
A) Avogadro's number B) atomic number 24)What is the total number of valence electrons in one
C) mass number D) mole number molecule of H2O2?
A) 2 B) 8
17) What is the theoretical temperature at which the C) 14 D) 18
kinetic energy of a gas is zero?
A) absolute zero B) -100°C
C) -273°F D) -273 K
2. Which process produced Star’s energy? 8. This element is produced through Big Bang
a. combustion b. decomposition Nucleosynthesis second most abundant element in the
c. nuclear fission d. nuclear fusion universe.
a. carbon b. helium
3. Which of the following will sun’s evolve when reaches c. hydrogen d. oxygen
the end of red giant phase?
a. black hole b. supernova 9. What object is formed from gas and dust particles
c. red super giant d. white dwarf which are pulled together by gravity and no nuclear
fusion has happened yet?
4. These are the biggest stars in the universe. a. nebula b. main sequence star
a. main sequence star b. red giant c. protostar d. red supergiant star
c. red super giant d. white dwarf
10. He successfully carried out a nuclear transmutation
5. Which of the following gases are major components reaction, a process of transforming one element or
of star? isotope into another element.
a. carbon and oxygen b. helium and carbon a. Chadwick b. Mendeleev
c. hydrogen and carbon d. hydrogen and helium c. Moseley d. Rutherford
6. Which of the following statements is FALSE? 11. In this process there’s a buildup of a VERY heavy
a. The core of red giant star is made up of carbon isotope, then as beta-decays occur, you march up in
b. The average star has shorter life span atomic number and produce heavy product.
c. The more massive the star is the faster it burns its fuel a. S Process b. Nuclear Fission
d. No elements heavier than Iron can be produced in a massive c. R-Process d. Proton-Proton Reaction
Republic of the Philippines
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Division of Eastern Samar
Dolores, Eastern Samar