Vertiv BatteryReplacement DS EN NA PM 02 208

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Equipment Upgrades and Replacements


Planning for System Reliability

Facilities are dependent upon their
electrical power systems to maintain
the continuity of their processes and
meet production goals. The ongoing
reliability and integrity of an electrical
power system is based on an
established program of maintenance
for both the AC and the DC systems.

As an electrical system ages, the

DC system batteries are the most
vulnerable components and will
require an ongoing replacement
program. The actual service life of your
batteries is almost always shorter than
the design life indicated by the Ensure optimum electrical power system reliability and
manufacturer. They lose capacity over compliance with a proactive battery replacement program
time based on age, usage, and
operating environment. A proactive
Once a battery reaches less than 80 (NERC), and NETA requirements. Along
battery replacement plan will help
percent of its capacity, it is recommended with services customized to meet your
ensure your battery system is
for replacement. Batteries that are system needs, our experienced team can
never compromised.
beginning to fail cause an imbalance that provide capacity testing and battery
Benefits adversely affects the life of other batteries monitoring systems for ongoing
in the string. Investing in a battery assessment and replacement planning. We
yy Improve system reliability replacement program that measures also offer a mobile DC power solution to
available battery life and plans for ensure a safe and secure DC power system
yy Optimize power performance replacement before end-of-life will keep throughout the replacement process.
your power system running within
yy Reduce risk of system failure Our comprehensive battery replacement
specifications and reduce the risk of failure.
and unplanned downtime services include:
Vertiv’s Electrical Reliability Services team
yy Minimize emergency of highly qualified DC power technicians yyApplication engineering and evaluation
replacements have the knowledge and experience to
yyIndividual cell change-outs
help you manage your DC system
yy Ensure environmental
batteries and develop a dependable yyEnd-to-end battery replacement
replacement program.
yyStartup and commissioning
As an accredited company of the
International Electrical Testing Association yyRemoval and recycling
(NETA), we offer unbiased, third-party
battery system evaluation and replacement
solutions for industrial and commercial
facilities and power plants in accordance
with the Institute of Electrical and
Electronic Engineers (IEEE), the North
American Electric Reliability Corporation


Battery Replacement Services deliver an end-to-end replacement solution Battery Monitoring

A proactive battery replacement program including expert installation of new cells, Using the Albér® monitoring system
ensures that batteries are replaced before startup and commissioning, and proper to assess your battery strings' performance
end-of-life. The rate of deterioration is recycling of spent batteries. We are experts and detect problems will ensure system
difficult to predict and depends on many in meeting your special requirements, such reliability and help you know which
factors. An effective program should be as after-hours replacements and servicing batteries need replacement. We also
coordinated with routine maintenance difficult-to-access battery systems. Our provide 24x7 remote monitoring services
testing and monitoring that informs the technicians work on all major brands, and including monthly trending and reporting
replacement planning process. can leverage Vertiv’s extensive battery and emergency service for rapid
purchasing power to offer affordable, incident response.
Application Engineering effective battery replacements.
Mobile DC Power Services Unit
and Evaluation
Startup and Commissioning A mobile power solution that is safe and
A reliable DC power system starts with
New battery installations require startup secure is ideal for performing battery
selecting the right battery and engineering
and commissioning to ensure your DC power replacement services. With our Mobile DC
the optimal configuration for your facility’s
system has been correctly configured and Power Services Unit, our DC power
budget, space requirements and power
will perform as designed. Our team will specialists can confidently perform battery
needs. Our DC power system engineers
conduct testing to verify the DC power change-outs, inspections, tests, and startup
deliver customized application engineering
system’s ability to support critical loads and commissioning services eliminating the
and system evaluation services to ensure
and its integration with the total power risk of power dips or dropped loads.
your system design delivers the best
form, fit, and function based on your system. All testing is conducted in
facility’s requirements. accordance with manufacturer, NETA, and
IEEE testing specifications. Summary
Individual Cell Change-Outs
Battery failures account for roughly 50 Battery Removal and Recycling Your AC and DC power systems play
percent of unplanned downtime. A single As part of your battery replacement service, an interconnected and equally critical
cell can compromise the entire battery you can trust our team to properly remove role in ensuring the overall reliability of
string. Routine maintenance can identify and recycle your old batteries in accordance your electrical power system. Ensuring
weak cells to target for replacement. Our with all government and industry regulations. your DC power system is capable of
DC power specialists can perform both This includes the management of any delivering the capacity you need when
ongoing maintenance and replacement regulatory paperwork. you need it is your top priority. A
services. Our battery experts will identify proactive battery replacement
Battery Replacement Planning program ensures the availability of
problem areas and determine which cells Gathering timely and accurate information
can be replaced to restore the integrity of your total power system and the
on the status of your DC power battery reliability of your operation. Our team
the battery bank and extend its service life. system is critical to developing a cost
Whether you are replacing like-for-like of DC power specialists will deliver
efficient proactive replacement program. unparalleled expertise providing
batteries or switching to a new battery
type, our DC power specialists will consistent quality maintenance and
Capacity Testing replacement services while keeping
recommend the best replacement plan and Capacity testing can assist in the
perform all installation services to ensure you safe and compliant.
replacement planning process. It is the most
ongoing reliability. effective method for determining a battery’s Plug Into Our Expertise
End-to-End Battery Replacement ability to support the required load and To learn more about this service and
As your DC power system ages, it will estimate its remaining life. Our battery other Vertiv solutions, please contact
require upgrades and battery string specialists perform all capacity tests per your local sales representative office
replacement to maintain system integrity. IEEE standards and manufacturer for Vertiv’s Electrical Reliability
Battery capacity may also need to expand specifications. Tests include load testing Services or visit In the
to support your growing load requirements with individual cell monitoring to check United States, call 1-877-468-6384.
over time. Our DC power team can help battery bank capacity.
you design a replacement program and | Vertiv - Electrical Reliability Services, 1-877-468-6384

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taken to ensure accuracy and completeness herein, Vertiv Co. assumes no responsibility, and disclaims all liability, for damages resulting from use of this information or for any errors or omissions. Specifications are subject to change without notice.

PM-02-208 (05/18) 2

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