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Fine Dining
Restaurants - these - may be small and suited to
BEVERAGES establishments that the local area offering local
SERVICES offer very high delicacies
standards in all
2. Casual Dining Organizational Structure -
Restaurants- these the food and beverage
establishments that service department involves
serve moderately- various personnel
Lesson 1. Food & Device priced food in
Department casual atmosphere 1. Department Manager
3. Café- there are small - coordinate with the
Tourism industry - is one of social gathering kitchen in planning
the biggest industries places or shops that menus for various
worldwide contributing sell food and drinks service area
trillion of us dollars to the 4. Special Restaurants - 2. Restaurant, Bar or
global economy annually. emphasize on one Outlet Manager -
particular food conducts Inventory
- the goal
product or one type checking and
of the hospitality industry is
of ethnic in its menu purchases required
and marketing stock
- it is to 5. Bars - these 3. Room service staff -
ensure that the basic lodging establishments receives room service
and food and beverage needs allow guest to meet orders from guests
of a guest are well and socialize for 4. Head Waitstaff -
provided both business and assists the restaurant
pleasure manager in
- 6. Cafeterias- where performing his / her
hospitality industry , guests there is little or no duties
and their satisfaction are a table service 5. Executive Chef -
top priority - can be a does the planning
restaurant or a and organizes and
Food and Beverage can be
dining area in a supervises the work
classified as either ;
institution in which of the kitchen and
COMMERCIAL - which guest start their prepares reports of
aim to generate profit food at a counter staff and sales
6. Bar Staff - conducts
NON- COMMERCIAL - the inventory of bar
mainly subsidized and aim to 7. Fast Food Restaurant - supplies and
provide welfare more than to are establishments offering materials , assists
earn revenue limited services of popular guests in choosing
food random prices his / her beverage
Types of food and beverage
service establishments
7. Receptionist- be required for
welcome the guests interns or new staff FOOD SAFETY
and greets customers 4. SOPs , Policies and AND HYGIENE
upon arrival Manual - a set of PRACTICES
8. Sous Chef - instructions that
supervises the indicate the 1.1. Do not use or spit
preparation of food appropriate actions container when
9. Waitstaff- takes food refilling food
and beverage orders 1.2. Do not touch your
10. Line Cook - leads face and hair after
most of the cooking washing your hands
in his/her designation 1.3. Do not report to
station duty if you have any
11. Busser - clears dishes communicable
and beverage items diseases until
12. Commis - performs 1. Present yourself clearance from a
and maintain Mise - professionally and physician is secured
en- place maintain proper 1.4. Do not touch cooked
13. Dishwasher - hygiene - be at work or ready to eat food
maintains cleaning when scheduled with your bare
equipment 2. Demonstrate positive hands
attitude in the work 1.5. Do not wear your
KNOWING YOUR place - cooperate uniform in other
ROLE AS AN with your colleagues public places before
FOOD AND 3. Communicate coming to work or
BEVERAGE effectively - use after work
SERVICE STAFF correct and
appropriate verbal
1. Organizational and non - verbal
Structure- refers to UNIFORM AND
how members are ACCESSORIES
4. Perform assigned
situated in an task- attend in the  Do not wear loose -
organization daily orientation to fitting clothes
2. Contracts and Job know the specialty  Press cloths all the
Description - a for the day time
contract is a written 5. Participate in  Avoid wearing big
document that states workplace activities - jewelry
the description of maintain work area  Fasten your buttons ,
your job , the scope in proper condition clips name tags and
of your 6. Respond accordingly pins securely
responsibilities and quickly - request  Wear socks ( plain
3. On- the - Job - for assistance from socks )
Training - OJT can co-workers and  For women long hair
guests. should be tied back
 For men beards and  Hot food ( 57⁰C or Used items removal &
mustache should be higher ) transfer from service area
shaved neatly to the appropriate location
Servicescapes -  Slips ,Trips ,
- cooling and cold falls and strains
rationalize the holding for refrigerated food  Neck and back pains
behavior of the should be held at below 41⁰F  Burns and scalds
guest within the or 5⁰C Leftover and
service environment
Disposable service
- minimum temperature of
3 dimensions of ware
13⁰F or 57⁰C
atmospheric or the  Composting
servicescapes Thermometer-  Anaerobic
 Ambient digestion or
 Shall be provided to biogas
check food internal technology
 Spatial Layout
temperature  Reduce.
 Functionality
 Reuse
Dinescapes - is the  Recycle
Cross contamination - the
man-made physical and
indirect transfer of bacteria , SOME OF THE
human soroundings
microorganisms etc. PROBLEMS
6 Dimensions of ENCOUNTERED IN
 Biological
 Facilities aesthetics  Physical SERVICE AREAS
 Ambient factors Contamination
 Lighting  Chemical 1.1. Spillage
 Layout Contamination 1.2. Breakages and
 Table Setting damages to
 Service Staff equipment, furniture
PRECAUTIONARY and furnishing
MEASURES AND 1.3. Incorrect lay-up
Time and SANITARY PRACTICES 1.4. Incorrect menu
Temperature information
Food poisoning  Handwashing 1.5. Pests
diseases are due to  Hygiene
the presence of  No bare hand contact Good management
microorganisms with the food will have the
such as bacteria ,  Cleaning following during
viruses  Warewashing those encountered
 Wiping Cloths problems
 Cold food ( 5⁰C or  Personnel belongings
below ) 1.1. Inform the staff of
the set of procedures
for the foreseen items usuall made of Direct Communication - is a
problems glass clear forthright , two way ,
1.2. Take complaints as  Cutlery - includes free flowing sharing of
an opportunity to the knives , forks, thoughts feelings and ideas
show care for and spoons
customers  Server - a person Indirect Communication - is
1.3. Identify the set of who provides service performing out rather than
procedures for to the guest at their straightly speaking what a
dealing with tables person is thinking or feeling
complaints and  Work flow - a series
difficult customers of steps that makes WORK FLOW
COMMON up a work process
1.1. Food Production
PROBLEMS  Bill - a printed record
1.2. Beverage Provision
ENCOUNTER of the amount of
1.3. Food and beverage Unfi ordered food and
nished beverage
work  Buffet - a type of Mise -en- scence refers to all
from assisted service activities involve in
colleagu where guest serve preparation
es themselves Cust  Cashiers person who Mise -en- place refers to all
omers handles the payment activities in putting things in
complain  Condiments - place
ts includes the spices , Misc sauce and other food
ommunic preparation QUALITY OF
among WARES
1.1. Table Service 1. Ambiance
the staff ( plate service ) 2. Speed and level of Hirin 1.2. Assisted Service efficiency
g the 1.3. NBN 3. Location and
wrong 1.4. Single -point service arrangements of the
people 1.5. Specialized or in- table Unde situ service 4. Presentation and
limit of cleanliness of the
authority menu
Verbal Communication - 5. Taking of orders
GLOSSARY refers to spoken words 6. Availability of the
 Cockery - includes Non- Verbal Communication 7. Quality of food and
the plates , dishes, - refers to unspoken thought beverage
cups , and similar and ideas
8. Courteousness of the The Chief cook - coordinates  Ensure and secure
staff the preparation, flavouring, the safety of physical
9. Obtrusiveness and making salads , soups etc... structure
attentiveness of the  Prevent and wipe
staff slippery floors
10. Handling of caused by spillage of
complaints liquids
11. Presenting and  Maintain orderliness
receiving bill  Kitchen at all times
12. Attentiveness  Store  Conform and disaster
towards the guests at  Pantry prevention
their departure  Restroom  Train workers on
CHECKING THE safe work practice
 Doneness
Mise -en- place a French
 Cooking method
culinary term which means
 Condiments
setting up all needed
ingredients  Toppings
 Side dishes or
Wine lists - a complete set accomplishments
lists of wines that the  Size
restaurants offer

Contamination - state of CHECKING THE

making foods uncleaned and QUALITY OF THE
contaminated SERVICE WARES

Diabetes - a disease 1. Service wares must

characterized by an impaired be handled with care
ability of the body and cleanliness
2. Glassware should be
Vegan - a short term from
clean and polished
free from chips and
3. Crockeries should be
The Cashier - a sensitive clean and polished
position of taking care of the free from chips and
money cracks
4. Cutleries should also
The Storekeeper - organizes be clean and polished
the storage of materials and
The Assistant Chef - In
charge of food preparation

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