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Organization of The Food and Beverage Department: Fbs Handouts

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Module 2


Topic Content:
A. Operating Units and Organization set-up
B. Functions of the Food Beverage Department
C. Manpower Requirements
D. Job Description of Personnel

After the module the students are expected to be able to:
1) Understand the Organization set-up of Food and Beverage Department
2) Appreciate the functions and responsibilities of the different positions of Food and Beverage Department
3) Know the manpower requirements for Food and Beverage Service
4) Familiarize the job description of personnel


Organization Chart

An organizational chart lays out the lines of communication and relationships between jobs. It also suggests lines of
authority, responsibility and accountability, which means that the job themselves must be structured and defined. Who is
responsible for? Who reports to whom? Who has authority for making what decisions? Who is accountable for what?

As the restaurant grows, specialization of functions become necessary. The owner/manager must delegate most or all of
the restaurant functions, except management, retaining responsibility for planning, overseeing, motivating and making major
decisions especially financial decisions. People are added and specialist takes on responsibilities for purchasing, for food preparation
and for food service.

Food and Beverage Department

The success of any food-service establishment depends on many factors including the quality of its operations. Most
restaurants are divided into two areas:
1) Front of the House is the area in hospitality establishments that guest view, such as the entrance and dining room. Its
operations focus on professionally servicing and satisfying the guest in QSR or fine dining establishment.
Food and Beverage service among hotels, resorts, restaurants and food outlets are handled by t-dining establishment. Its
service generally includes the following:
➢ Initial impression – exterior appeal, cleanliness, parking and valet
➢ Greeting – welcome greeting and fulfilling seating preference.
➢ Taking and transmitting orders – introduction and presentations of specials, upselling and confirmation of customer orders.
➢ Serving food – delivering meals, refilling beverages, and inviting the guest to return.
➢ Presenting bill – accepting payment, thanking the guest, and inviting the guest to return.
➢ Preparing for next guest – clearing table, resetting, and restocking.
2) Back of the House – the area in a hospitality establishment that guests usually do not view, including all areas responsible
for food quality and production, safety, sanitation, cost control, purchasing, storage and receiving and control of restaurant
such as the kitchen and receiving, office and storage areas. Back of the house staff performs these tasks:
➢ Plan the menu
➢ Prepare food and beverage
➢ Determine product specifications
➢ Develop purchase orders
➢ Select and contact vendors
➢ Store and issue products
➢ Evaluate service and products

Food and Beverage Service Department, under the command responsibility of the Food and Beverage Manager. Outlets with
voluminous and complex operations usually have expanded divisions of labor consists of subunits with specific functions to attend
to. Each unit is supervised by supervisors or section heads. Among the subunits are:
1. Bars – headed by the Bar supervisor or bar captain
2. Food Outlets – supervised by Outlet supervisors
3. Room Service – under the responsibility of the Room service supervisor or captain
4. Banquet service (both for in house function and catering) under the supervisor or supervisor
5. Kitchen – headed by the Executive chef

F & B Manager or

Captain Bar Captain


Waiter Food Attendant Busboy Bartender Barboy


The standard varies for each type of service and the capacity
of the dining personnel. A time and motion analysis is usually
undertaken to arrive at a realistic productivity standard.

The typical productivity ratio used by large and medium-sized

food establishments is:
✓ 1 waiter/attendant for every 15 customers (for
American service)
✓ 1 waiter for every table or 10-12 customers (for
The organizational set-up of the Food and Beverage Russian service)
Department varies depending on the size of the food outlets, ✓ 1 waiter for every 5 customers (for French service
the seating capacity as well as the complexity of operations. with table side preparation)

Responsibilities of the Food and Beverage Department: ✓ 1 waiter for every 20-25 customers (for Buffet
1) Plan menus that are compatible to the expectation service)
of the market segment. ✓ 1 waiter for every 20-25 customers or 4-5 tables for
2) Delivering food and beverage service to guests in all family or lauriat service
its outlets, guestrooms, function rooms and outside
catering in accordance with prescribed standards;
3) Maintaining the good will of patrons and guests
through effective guest relations, proper handling of
guest complaints, inquiries and requests;
4) Ensuring the attainment of sales forecast through
the administration of promotional strategies and
suggestive selling techniques;
5) Ensuring the consistent implementation of the
company’s internal control program which include
budget control, cost control, quality assurance and
other related areas;
6) Preparing drink and wine list;
7) Coordinating with the kitchen and other
departments on matters pertaining to food
preparation to food preparation and service.

Manpower Requirements
The manning requirements of food and beverage
service depend on the volume of food orders and the seating
of the food outlet.
Each food outlet is usually manned by one captain,
assisted by waiters and busboys.
For the bar, the required manpower include a bar
captain, bar attendants, bartender and bar boys.
Each banquet function is usually supervised by a
banquet captain assisted by waiters and food attendants.
When a presidential table is set-up, one or two waiters are
assigned to serve the guest thereat. Likewise a waiter or
busboy is assigned as runner for the pickup of refill of foods
at the buffet table.
Room service in big hotels is under a separate
section, headed by a Room Service Supervision or Captain. In
smaller hotels or resorts, the room service is under the
administrative responsibility and supervision of the Outlet
Headwaiter or Supervisor.
The number of waiters or dining personnel is usually
calculated based on the productivity ratio. Said ration
depends on the productivity standard of each food outlet.




1) General - Oversee the whole restaurant/hotel business - Do the planning approval and action for the restaurant/hotel that will
Manager operation and do the final approval to any aspect of pay attention to financial assets and liabilities, staff customer needs
request from the business physical and facilities, marketing strategy and the like.

2) Executive - Alert, responsible, accommodation proficient in - An immediate assistant of the general manager to do all clerical task like
Secretary computer programs encoding, typing, faxing, photocopying, recording, upgrade all
appointments for any form of meetings and the like

3) Food & - Oversees the whole operation focus on Food and - Will approve request for the departments needs tasking and scheduling
Beverage Beverage department for staff in the department conduct regular meeting within the
Manager department and do recommendation for the promotion and demotion
the staff from his department

4) Accounting - The head of department who will make an approval - Checks and approves the payroll prepared from the payroll accountant.
Manager/Chief for the staffs payroll, supplies acquisitions, taxes and Does recommendation for the quality supplier to purchase, submits tax
Accountant benefits, and credit and collections from other reports and maintenance bills.
companies’ transactions.

5) Production - Responsible to see the whole operation of the - Inspect the whole performance of the production, screen suggested
Manager production area including cleanliness and ideas, and recommend food according to customer’s needs and request.
maintenance promptness of all staffs and maintain Does constant food invention and check the standard of menu cycle.
the standard recipes.

6) Maite - The host of all dining rooms in the hotel/restaurant - Approve the shifting, shuffling, day-offs and overtime by the staffs, do
d’hotel/Outlet both lounge and banquets and other function rooms. recommendation and sees to it that the outlet operation is meeting or
Supervisor exceeding guest expectations.

7) Chief Bartender - Supervise the bar section - Evaluate the hygiene and the performance of the bar staff, do request of
the additional manpower, do regular briefing, make weekly request of
materials and supplies.


8) Chief Steward - Responsible to supervise the cleanliness and - Approve request of the utensils, pots, and pans be upgraded, changed,
maintenance of the washing, steaming and treatment and added, evaluate all the staff from the said section.
area of the table appointments and pots and pans.

9) Executive Chef - Will supervise and check the production in cooking, - Does corrections, alterations, and improvements of foods prepared
mixing, baking and dispatching of food that is safe for before dispatching in order to maintain the restaurant menu standard,
consumption safeguard the food from food borne contaminants.

10) Sous chef - Responsible to assist the executive chef - Assists the chef especially during rush hours and demand production.

11) Saucier - Expert in cooking - Responsible to prepare, cook and garnish all kinds of sautéed food.

12) Poissoner - Expert in cooking - Responsible in preparing the cook fish dishes and garnish all kinds of fish

13) Rotisseur - Expert in cooking - Responsible in preparing cook roast dishes and garnish all kinds of roast

14) Grillardin - Expert in cooking - Responsible to prepare, cook, and garnish all kinds of grill and barbeque

15) Friturier - Expert in cooking - Responsible to prepare, cook and garnish all kinds of fry and deep fry
food recipes

16) Legumier - Expert in cooking - Responsible to prepare, cook, and garnish all kinds of vegetable and
salad recipes

17) Potager - Expert in cooking - Responsible to prepare, cook, and garnish all kinds of soups and sauces
and other thickening type of recipes

18) Patissier - Expert in cooking - Responsible to prepare, cook, and garnish all kinds of sandwiches,
burgers, snack foods and desserts.

19) Tourmant - A junior chef who assists the chef who needs - Assists the chef especially when the chef goes to the comfort room for
assistance personal necessity, takes break and attends guest complaints.


20) Sanitation and - Supervise the whole area of the production especially - Conduct a regular checking of stocks, checks all the labels and expiry
Maintenance the food stocks and storage rooms dates, regular check-up of First-in-First-out (FIFO)stocks, unprocessed
Supervisor and semi-processed food items

21) Banquet - Supervise the banquet section according to prescribe - Responsible for whole operation of the Banquet section, supervise all
Supervisor standard of staff services and facilities performance the service staffs, attends all customer needs and complaints, suggest
and recommend a physical set-up for a certain function.

22) Captain Waiter - Oversees the restaurant operation and sees to it that - Monitor the necessary preparation, conduct daily briefing, and entertain
service is carried out according to prescribed customer’s special request and complaints, conduct s weekly meeting,
standards conducts monthly food and beverage forecast and looks after the
appearance and ambiance of the restaurant.

23) Receptionist - Alert, sensitive and attentive to customer’s needs and - Responsible in updating guests/customers function directory. Guides
complaints, patient, accommodating and must have the guest to their seats. Assist guest on full-house by accommodating
good communications skills. them in a temporary but entertaining waiting area.

24) Waiter/waitres - Alert, sensitive and attentive to customer’s needs and - Responsible on tasking orders, alter exchange and recommends orders if
s(food complaints and with good communication skills. not available. Put additional appointments and condiments if necessary
attendant) and put responsible to do mis en’ place

25) Bussers - Industrious, can work with less supervision, willing to - Responsible on cramming, dish-outing of soiled table appointments,
do extra task without information changing table clothes and install fresh ones.

26) Bartender or - Skillful in cocktail drinks, mixing and flair tending, can - Makes cocktail mixing with an entertaining presentation, responsible to
Bar maids manage customer’s needs and request and disposition follow the law of liquors disposition according to limit, sells and push
control products that are less saleable.

27) Sommelier - Must be good in communication skills and has skills in - Responsible on selling the bottle of beverage (liquor, liqueur,
selling champagnes and wines) to the guest preferably in group diners at the
table before or during any at the right timing.

28) Bar helper - Willing to work and assist the senior staff, alert and - Responsible on mis en’ place of the bar needs, refills food items to all
attentive, willing to do multitasking. immediate tools and equipment, and do errands inside and outside the
bar station.

29) Purchasing - A steward responsible for the maintenance of the - Responsible on checking, recording and conduct regular inventory of
Steward restaurant’s table appointments, tools and table appointments, pot and pans, tools and equipment, and do


equipments. recording of breakages, damage and losses. Make requests on needed
materials according to priority.

30) Dish Steward - A steward that is responsible for the cleanliness and - Responsible for washing and rinsing of soiled table appointments, sets
the maintenance of the restaurant’s table systematic strategy on sorting to avoid undesirable damages and
appointments breakages and recommends for the issuance of new items needed.

31) Sanitizer - Has a background of microbiology and HACCP - Responsible for the maintenance of tools and equipment free from
microorganisms, supervise the treatment of table appointments, and
conduct close monitoring of the production and for the adequate

32) Pot Steward - A steward that is responsible for the cleanliness and - Responsible for washing and rinsing of the soiled pots and pans, set
maintenance of the restaurant’s pots and pans. systematic strategy on sorting to avoid undesirable damages and
breakages, turnover and recommends for the issuance of new items

33) Night Cleaners - Will do all after cares - Responsible for the cleanliness and maintenance of the production area
after the whole day operation.

34) Cashier - Deals all the money matters from the restaurant - Responsible for accepting all the customers’ bill, screen customers credit
customers. cards, honors or rejects checks from customers or other company

35) Purchaser - A staff that occasionally proceed to the filed for - Responsible for cross checking of the appropriate item purchase
purchasing purposes. description, screen and accept bidding of different suppliers, continue
or discontinue purchasing of products according to quality standard

36) Custodian - Safekeeping of restaurant new items and old items for - Responsible for accepting, recording, safekeeping and safeguarding of
repair, reuse and recycle. all restaurant tools, equipment and other facilities

37) Beverage - Monitoring of beverages and requested and - Responsible for monitoring and recording of delivered beverage items,
Controller purchased maintain observe the FIFO systems of disposing beverage items
according to immediate request, monitor and record expiry dates,
labels, breakages and damages

38) Night Auditor - Monitors and receives the night income turned over - Responsible for the monitoring of cash register, receives the night
by the cashier income (after 5pm) and make financial report during the period and


submit on the following day.



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