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19th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Application

Topic Detection by Clustering Keywords

Christian Wartena and Rogier Brussee

Telematica Instituut, P.O. Box 589, 7500 AN Enschede, The Netherlands

Abstract define them. We end the section with a brief description

of the clustering algorithm used for evaluation. Finally, in
We consider topic detection without any prior knowledge section 4 we present an evaluation of topic detection on a
of category structure or possible categories. Keywords are Wikipedia corpus using clustering of keywords with differ-
extracted and clustered based on different similarity mea- ent distance measures.
sures using the induced k-bisecting clustering algorithm.
Evaluation on Wikipedia articles shows that clusters of key- 2. Related Work
words correlate strongly with the Wikipedia categories of
the articles. In addition, we find that a distance measure
based on the Jensen-Shannon divergence of probability dis- Much work has been done on automatic text categoriza-
tributions outperforms the cosine similarity. In particular, tion. Most of this work is concerned with the assignment
a newly proposed term distribution taking co-occurrence of of texts onto a (small) set of given categories. In many
terms into account gives best results. cases some form of machine learning is used to train an
algorithm on a set of manually categorized documents. A
lot of work has been done on clustering of texts (See e.g.
[14] and [12]) which has already found practical applica-
1. Introduction tions like the clustering of search results (see e.g. http:
In this paper we consider the problem of finding the The topic of the clusters remains usually implicit in these
set of most prominent topics in a collection of documents. approaches, though it would of course be possible to apply
Since we will not start with a given list of topics, we treat any keyword extraction algorithm to the resulting clusters
the problem of identifying and characterizing a topic as an in order to find characteristic terms.
integral part of the task. As a consequence, we cannot rely Like the work presented in this paper, Li and Yaman-
on a training set or other forms of external knowledge, but ishi ([10, 9]) try to find characterizations of topics directly
have to get by with the information contained in the col- by clustering keywords using a statistical similarity mea-
lection itself. The approach we will follow consists of two sure. While very similar in spirit, their similarity measure
steps. First we extract a list of the most informative key- is slightly different from the Jensen-Shannon based similar-
words. Subsequently we try to identify clusters of keywords ity measure we use. Moreover, they focus on determining
for which we will define a center, which we take as the rep- the boundaries and the topic of short paragraphs, while we
resentation of a topic. We found that this works fairly well try to find the predominant overall topic of a whole text.
in an evaluation with Wikipedia articles in which we com- Both our and their work are conceptually related to latent
pared human defined topic categories with keyword clus- semantic analysis (LSA) [3, 7] and even more so to proba-
ters. bilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA) [5, 6] and related
Clustering of (key)words requires a similarity or distance work by [15]. The input for both our methods and (P)LSA
measure between words. In this paper we consider distance is the word occurrence and co-occurrence data of terms.
measures between words that are based on the statistical dis- Latent semantic analysis now naturally leads to weighted
tribution of words in a corpus of texts. The focus of is to find sums of terms, with the crucial difference that in the PLSA
a measure that yields good clustering results. case only non negative weights with sum 1 are allowed
The organization of this paper is as follows. In section which have a natural interpretation as conditional probabil-
2 we discuss related work and the related problem of key- ities. In the latent semantic analysis approach the analogue
word extraction. In section 3 we discuss distance functions of clustering is finding (latent) conditional probability dis-
and introduce different probability distributions needed to tributions such that we can decompose the observed word

1529-4188/08 $25.00 © 2008 IEEE 54

DOI 10.1109/DEXA.2008.120
distributions into a few of these latent distributions and a These distributions are the baseline probability distributions
small “noisy” remainder. In this decomposition words with for everything that we will do in the remainder. In addition
strong mutual co-occurrence tend to have the same main la- we have two important conditional probabilities
tent components. In our work the word clusters are similarly
based on co-occurrence data. This is achieved by comparing Q(d|t) = Qt (d) = n(d, t)/n(t) on C
and clustering distributions of co-occurring terms. Thus, q(t|d) = qd (t) = n(d, t)/N (d) on T
the center of a cluster is the average distribution of the co-
occurrence distributions, and is in this sense comparable to The suggestive notation Q(d|t) is used for the source distri-
a latent component. bution of t as it is the probability that a randomly selected
occurrence of term t has source d. Similarly, q(t|d), the
3. Clustering Keywords term distribution of d is the probability that a randomly se-
lected term occurrence from document d is an instance of
By clustering we will understand grouping terms, docu- term t. Various other probability distributions on C × T ,
ments or other items together based on some criterion for C and T that we will consider will be denoted by P, P , p
similarity. We will always define similarity using a distance respectively, dressed with various sub and superscripts.
function on terms, which is in turn defined as a distance
between distributions associated to (key)words by counting Distributions of Co-occurring Terms
(co)occurrences in documents.
The setup in the previous section allows us to set up a
3.1. Keyword Extraction Markov chain on the set of documents and terms which will
allow us to propagate probability distributions from terms
We will represent a topic by a cluster of keywords. We to document and vice versa. Consider a Markov chain on
therefore need a set of keywords for the corpus under con- T ∪C having transitions C → T with transition probabilities
sideration. Note that finding a set of keywords for a corpus Q(d|t) and transitions T → C with transition probabilities
is not the same problem as assigning keywords to a text q(t|d) only.
from a list of keywords, nor that of finding the most char- Given a term distribution p(t) we compute the one step
acteristic terms for a given subset of the corpus. The prob- Markov chain evolution. This gives us a document distri-
lem of finding a good set of keywords is similar to that of bution Pp (d), the probability to find a term occurrence in a
determining term weights for indexing documents, and not particular document given that the term distribution of the
the main focus of this paper. For our purposes usable re- occurrences is p
sults can be obtained by selecting the most frequent nouns, X
verbs (without auxiliaries) and proper names and filtering Pp (d) = Q(d|t)p(t).
out words with little discriminative power (see section 4). t

3.2. Distributions Likewise given a document distribution P (d), the one step
Markov chain evolution is the term distribution
We simplify a document to a bag of words, terms or key- X
words, in the following always called terms. We consider a pP (t) = q(t|d)P (d).
collection of n term occurrences W. Each term occurrence
is an instance of exactly one term t in T = {t1 , . . . tm }, Since P (d) gives the probability to find a term occurrence
and can be found in exactly one source document d in a in document d, pP is the P-weighted average of the term
collection C = {d1 , . . . dM }. Let n(d,
P t) be the number of distributions in the documents. Combining these, i.e. run-
occurrences of term t in d, n(t) = d n(d, t) Pbe the num- ning the Markov chain twice, every term distribution gives
ber of occurrences of term t, and N (d) = t n(d, t) the rise to a new distribution
number of term occurrences in d.
We consider the natural probability distributions Q on
p̄(t) = pPp (t) = q(t|d)Pp (d) = q(t|d)Q(d|t0 )p(t0 )
C × T , a distribution Q on C and q on T that measure the d t0 ,d
probability to randomly select an occurrence of a term, from
a source document or both In particular starting from the degenerate “known to be z”
term distribution
Q(d, t) = n(d, t)/n on C × T
Q(d) = N (d)/n on C 1 if t = z ,
pz (t) = p(t|z) = ,
q(t) = n(t)/n on T 0 otherwise.

the distribution of co-occurring terms p̄z then is where m = 1/2(p + q) is the mean distribution and D(p||q)
X X is the relative entropy or Kullback-Leibler divergence be-
p̄z (t) = q(t|d)Q(d|t0 )pz (t0 ) = q(t|d)Q(d|z). tween p and q which is defined by
d,t0 d
This distribution is the weighted average of the term distri- X pi
D(p||q) = pi log .
butions of documents containing z where the weight is the qi
probability Q(d|z) that a term occurrence in d is an occur-
rence of z. Since the square root of the Jensen Shannon divergence is a
Note that the probability measure p̄z is very similar to proper metric [4], we have two distances
the setup in [10, section 3]. The difference is that we keep
track of the density of a keyword in a document rather than JSD simdoc (t, s) = JSD(Qt , Qs )
just the mere occurrence or non occurrence of a keyword in
a document. This difference is particularly relevant for long and
documents where a word may occur with very low density, JSD simterm (t, s) = JSD(p̄s , p̄t )
yet because it contains many words have a significant con-
tribution to the mean word distribution. Unfortunately p̄z is 3.4. Clustering Method
expensive to compute.

3.3. Distance Measures We have used the induced bisecting k-means clustering
algorithm as described by [1], which is based on the stan-
An effective way to define “similarity” between two ele- dard bisecting k-means algorithm, see e.g. [14]. An infor-
ments is through a metric d(i, j) between the elements i, j mal description of the method is as follows. We start by
satisfying the usual axioms of nonnegativity, identity of in- selecting two elements that have the largest distance, which
discernables and triangle inequality. Two elements are more we use as the seeds for two clusters. Next all other items
similar if they are closer. For this purpose any monotone in- are assigned to the cluster closest to one of the two seeds.
creasing function of a metric will suffice and we will call After all items have been assigned to a cluster, the centers of
such a function a distance function. both clusters are computed. Here we need a representation
For clustering we use a hierarchical top-down method, of items that naturally allows to define a center which typi-
that requires that in each step the center of each cluster is cally is not an item proper but a weighted sum of items. The
computed. Thus our choice of distance function is restricted new centers serve as new seeds for finding two clusters and
to distances defined on a space allowing us to compute a the process is repeated until the two centers are converged
center and distances between keywords and this center. In up to some predefined precision. We have now found two
particular we cannot use popular similarity measures like clusters. If the diameter of a cluster is larger than a specified
the Jaccard coefficient. threshold value, the whole procedure is applied recursively
In the following we will compare results with four dif- to that cluster. The algorithm therefore finds a binary tree
ferent distance functions for keywords t and s: (a) the co- of clusters.
sine similarity of the document distribution Qt and Qs con- We also experimented with agglomerative hierarchical
sidered as vectors on the document space, (b) the cosine clustering, especially the single link algorithm. First results
similarity of the vectors of tf.idf values of keywords, (c) the suggested that this approach performed not as well as the k-
Jensen-Shannon divergence between the document distri- means algorithm, in line with similar findings by [14] and
butions Qt and Qs and (d) the Jensen-Shannon divergence [12]. Since our focus is to find an optimal distance measure
between the term distributions, p̄t and p̄s . and not to find the best clustering algorithm, we did not
The cosine similarity of two terms t and s is defined as investigate the agglomerative methods in more detail.

Σd∈C Qt (d)Qs (d)

cos simtf (t, s) = q P  P . 4. Evaluation
Q2 (d) Q2 (d)
d∈C t d∈C s

Since the arccos of this similarity function is a proper met- 4.1. Implementation
ric, (1 − cos)(arccos(cos sim(t, s))) = 1 − cos sim(t, s) is
a distance function. To test and compare the different strategies we have com-
The Jensen-Shannon divergence or information radius piled a small corpus of Dutch Wikipedia articles consisting
[11, 4] between two distributions p and q is defined as of 758 documents. In the analysis phase, 118099 term oc-
1 1 currences, and 26373 unique terms were found. The arti-
JSD(p||q) = D(p||m) + D(q||m) cles were taken from 8 Wikipedia categories: spaceflight,
2 2

painting, architecture, trees, monocots, aviation, pop mu- each cluster c ∈ C and cluster c∗ ∈ C ∗ we define a re-
sic, charadriiformes. Categories were selected for subjec- call measure rec(c, c∗ ) = |c ∩ c∗ |/|c∗ |, a precision measure
tive similarity, like spaceflight and aviation, and subjective prec(c, c∗ ) = |c ∩ c∗ |/|c∗ | and an F value
dissimilarity like pop music and monocots. Articles are
rec(c, c∗ )prec(c, c∗ )
equally distributed over the categories, but articles in some F (c, c∗ ) = 1 .
categories are significantly longer than in others. Moreover, 2 (rec(c, c∗ ) + prec(c, c∗ ))
homogeneity and specifity of articles differs significantly
Let F (c∗ ) = maxc∈C F (c, c∗ ) be the F -value of the best
between categories.
fitting found cluster and finally define the overall F-value
To determine a set of relevant keywords we have selected
the most frequent content words and filtered out a number X |c∗ |
of overly general terms. The latter was done by requiring F = F (c∗ )
|c∗ |
c∗ ∈C ∗ c∗ ∈C ∗
that a keyword has to be different enough from the back-
ground distribution q, as measured by the Kullback-Leibler A value of F = 1 therefore means that for each Wikipedia
divergence. We used a cutoff D(p̄t ||q) > 1 bit, that turned and rest category the topic detection algorithm found a cor-
out to give decent results. responding cluster.
Before extracting keywords we do some preprocessing Since the clustering algorithm can produce clusters of
using the GATE–framework [2]. The main analysis steps different size, the quality of the result depends on the only
are: lemmatization, multiword lookup and named entity input parameter of the algorithm, the threshold value to split
recognition. Lemmatization and tagging is done using the up a cluster. Its quality (in terms of overall F-value) is com-
Treetagger [13]. Tagging allows us to distinguish content pared between distance functions by varying the number
words from function words. After lemmatization all in- of clusters as controlled by varying the threshold values.
flected forms of verbs, nouns and adjectives are mapped Since there might be several clusters with exactly the same
onto their lexical form, substantially reducing the variation largest distance between two elements, we do not find val-
in the input data. For multiword lookup we used article ues for each number of clusters. In particular, for cos simtf
titles from the Dutch Wikipedia, since it is reasonable to as- and JSD simdoc there are no values that yield a clustering
sume that each title represents a single concept. Finally, into less than 14 and 11 clusters, resp. In the case of co-
some simple rules are applied to identify proper names. sine similarity there are in each of these clusters even two
While some of the components are language dependent, all keywords with completely orthogonal document distribu-
of the components are available for a number of languages tions. The overall F-values for clustering with the different
within the GATE–framework. similarities are given in Figure 1. Cosine similarity with
We selected the 160 most frequent keywords fulfilling tf.idf vectors performed in between direct cosine similarity
this criterion and clustered them with the induced bisecting and the Jensen-Shannon distance with the document distri-
k-means algorithm from section 3.4 using different distance bution
measures. The rest category in the reference categorization is not a
real cluster or category of keywords. Moreover, this cate-
4.2. Results gory is about three times as large as the average size of the
other categories. We have therefore tested how well the 8
To evaluate the implemented topic detection methods, positively motivated categories are detected, and computed
we have compared the results with topics known to be the overall F-values averaging only over these 8 categories.
present in the collection. We benchmarked against the 8 The results are given in Figure 2. Results for the cosine sim-
selected Wikipedia topics of the collection. Of course, it ilarity with tf.idf vector were slightly better than clustering
is conceivable that the collection has more topics that au- with JSD simdoc
tomatic methods might recognize as well. To define a ref-
erence clustering, we have clustered the 160 selected key- 5. Conclusions
words into a set of 9 categories C ∗ = {c∗0 , c∗1 , · · · , c∗9 }, one
for each Wikipedia category and a rest cluster c∗0 , using the The experimental results suggest that topic identification
following method. For each of the 8 Wikipedia categories by clustering a set of keywords works fairly well, using ei-
c∗i we compute the distribution qc∗i of words in the docu- ther of the investigated similarity measures. In the present
ments belonging to c∗i and we let qc∗0 = q. We assign a term experiment a recently proposed distribution of terms asso-
z to cluster c∗ if c∗ = argminc∗ ∈C D(qc∗ ||p̄z ). ciated with a keyword clearly gives best results, but compu-
Following [8], we now compare with the set of clusters tation of the distribution is relatively expensive. The reason
C of keywords found using the algorithm in section 3.4, for this is the fact that co-occurrence of terms is (implicitly)
different distance measures and different diameters. For taken into account. The document distribution for terms,

Figure 1. Overall F-Measure for clustering Figure 2. Overall F-Measure for clustering
based on 9 categories based on 8 categories

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