Pod Connect GUI Setup Manual-4.6.x
Pod Connect GUI Setup Manual-4.6.x
Pod Connect GUI Setup Manual-4.6.x
March 2019
Trafficware, LLC.
522 Gilliingham Ln.
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Software included in this product contains copyrighted software that is licensed under the GNU General Public
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ISBN-00: 000-0-000000-00-0
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Trafficware’s Pod Detection System™ uses patented technology exclusively licensed from
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) and has one or more features covered by one or
more of the following patents: U.S. Patent Nos. 6,662,099 and 8,855,902. Other patents
pending. The foregoing notice is intended to serve as a notice under 35 U.S. C. § 287(a).
GUI Menu: This is the main menu for the Pod Connect GUI (Graphical User Interface).
Map Pane: The center pane is the Map pane which contains the intersection layout and
icons of the PODS as well as the Base station and Access points.
Tree Pane: The left pane, displays the Map approaches, PODs and zone information in a
simple tree view.
Property Grid Pane: The right pane shows specific properties and data for each Base
Station, Access Point, POD, Zones, and server that the Pod system uses.
Spreadsheet Pane: The bottom pane displays properties of each POD, Base station
details, Pod RSSI information or zone volume occupancy information.
3) In order to begin using the Pod web interface first load the interactive site by using the
HTTPS protocol and the IP address of the base station, When using the
GUI for the first time it will be necessary to confirm security exceptions as they arise in the
browser. In Chrome, select “Show Advanced” and then “Proceed”. In Firefox click
“Advanced”, “Add Exception”, and “Confirm Exception”. In Internet Explorer select “Continue
to this Website.”
4) After confirming any necessary security exceptions, the login screen appears. Select the
username “Admin” and enter the password for this account. The default password is
“password” and should be changed after login by following the instructions in section entitled
“Resetting the Pod Connect GUI Passwords.”
The browser should automatically load the Pod Connect Interface, which is located at this
The Base station setup screen will come up. Notice that the serial number is invalid
because a RED X is displayed. NOTE: for all screens discussed in this manual, a RED X
will indicate invalid data.
Select the Next button and a screen will come up to enter the Alpha Numeric Name (25
characters Max) of the Base station. Enter a Name for the base station, or click Next to use the
serial number as the Base Station name.
Selecting BIU checkboxes enables the TS-2 interface and the Base Station will use the SDLC
connector on the Base station Front Panel. This connector will communicate to the controller
using BIU’s built into the Base Station. There are up to 8 Detector Facility BIU’s that the user
can connect to. As shown below.
P 2
Choose the Interface Type and the BIU’s that the POD detectors will communicate with.
The Communication ID is the 16 digit alpha-numeric number of the Zigbee module inside the
access point and can be found on the Access Point near the box label.
Enter Next
Keep the default Value. Now enter Next to program the Communications Type.
This screen allows you to choose the type of communications back to the Base station.
The selections are listed. Choose Wireless if you are wirelessly communicating back to the base
station or choose wired if you are directly connecting back to the Base Station using a RS-485
cable. We will choose Wireless and connect wirelessly to the Base Station.
Enter a description which will indicate the Location of the Access Point
Enter Next to get to the commit screen and then enter Finish to save these setting to the Base
Click Finish to confirm the update and you should go back to the Home Screen.
There is a drop-down selector for each Access Point. By selecting this, you can view and edit
the specific information for each Access point.
When the Access Point and the Base station are successfully communicating, they will be
display as “blue”.
Failsafe Mode = Always On will insure the Output of this POD is always turned on for logical
operations of that zone.
Failsafe Mode = Ignore State will insure the Output of this POD is always turned off for logical
operations of that zone. Leave the default setting Failsafe Mode On.
Each POD has to communicate to a Radio in the Access Point device. There are three radios in
the access point that can be used. Select the desired radio.
Enter Next to get to the commit screen and then enter Finish to save these setting to the Base
Once Finished the Pod will be added to the Map Pane, Tree Pane and Spreadsheet pane as
shown below.
Notice that on the Map pane the pod is golden in color. That indicates that the pod is setup but it
is not yet committed to the system or communicating to the Access Point or Base Station. You
can now go to the Property Grid Pane and View the Pod detailed information
Notice that both PODS are not communicating. The Gold color on the Map Pane will indicate
this. The Access Point must reload the Communications and Hardware configuration so that it
can begin communicating to the field units. Select the CONFIG drop down menu and select
Reload Config to begin communications.
The screen will gray out and show the following message while the Communications and
Hardware configuration takes place (approximately 5 minutes), as shown below:
When complete the PODs are added to the Map as well to the Tree on the Left Pane as shown
Color Description
Gold Not Communicating
Green Communicating but not detecting a vehicle
Now Select Add Zone to combine the PODS into a detection zone
This screen shows you the logical operation of the PODS in each zone. Below is a Boolean
Logic chart to reference:
The user can select either operation depending on what the result that they desire from the
detection zone. We will default to ‘OR’ so that if either detector is sensing a vehicle the detection
zone will detect a vehicle.
This screen configures the detector channel output that the zone will drive. In this example we
will choose Detector output 4 by using the slider bar.
Enter Finish to commit the changes. The zone is indicated on the Tree View and Map View as
shown below
It will also be shown on the Right Pane it you select the zone tab
Once the PODs are set on the map you should save the configuration. Select the Menu Item
Selecting the Clone Pod Checkbox in the Tree Pane allows you to place the same pod in
multiple Zones. Click the checkbox, then select and drag a pod from one zone to another, and
instead of moving the pod, it will be duplicated into the new zone.
This clone pod feature in combination with the Zone And/Or logic allows for a wide variety of
useful scenarios and configuration possibilities.
If logged in as Admin the user settings page allows setting the passwords for both the “User”
account and the “Admin” account. In order to change a password, enter matching passwords in
the two fields for either the “User” account or the “Admin” account and submit.
Enter and confirm new passwords for both accounts and click submit. Retain a record of these
passwords for future reference.