Thiru Report Full Final Draft

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Submitted By


(REG NO: 721421631054)

In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree






MAY 2023

Certified that this project report “An study on Employee job satisfaction at Alfa Flow
Control Components Pvt Ltd” is the bonafide work of “Mr K.Thirumoorthy ” who
carried out the project work under my supervision.


Professor & Director Supervisor
Department of Management Studies, Department of Management Studies,
Nehru Institute of Engineering & Technology, Nehru Institute of Engineering & Technology,
“Nehru Gardens”, “Nehru Gardens”,
Tirumalayampalayam, Tirumalayampalayam,
Coimbatore. Coimbatore.

Project Viva-Voice Examination held on …………………………..

Internal Examiner External Examiner


I K.Thirumoorthy, hereby declare that this project report titled “A study on Employee job

satisfaction at Alfa flow control components pvt ltd” is a bonafide work done by me is submitted

to the University of Anna University in partial fulfillment of the requirement of MASTER OF

BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION during the academic year 2022 - 2023. Under the supervision

and guidance of Dr.A.Vignesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Nehru

Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.



I also declare that this report has not been submitted fully or partly for the award of any degree,
title or recognition.


Assistant Professor
Department of Management Studies,
Nehru Institute of Engineering and


I have great pleasure in expressing a word of thanks of all those who rendered their help
and guidance to make my project a success.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to ADV. P. KRISHNA DAS, managing
trustee, Dr. P. KRISHNAKUMAR, CEO and Secretaryand Dr. P MANIIARASAN, Principal
Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology, for giving me an opportunity to do this project.
My heartfelt thanks to Dr P.T VIJAYARAJAKUMAR, Director, Department of
Management Studies, Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore for the valuable
instruction given to me.
I am heartly thankful to supervisor Dr.A.VIGNESH, Department of management studies,
Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore for his constant guiding and advice.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mr.DANIEL ANTO, Manager, Alfa flow
control components pvt ltd for giving me the opportunity to be the part of their department, for
his guidance, continuous encouragement and valuable suggestion at every stage of my project.
It is not possible to prepare a project report without the assistance and encouragement or
other people. On the outset of this report, I would like to widen sincere and warm obligation
towards all the person. Without their active guidance, direction, helps cooperation and
encouragement, I would not have made progress in the project.
I am very thankful the employees for their cooperation in the course of my study.
Finally, I would like to thank all my friends and family who have directly or indirectly
encouraged to completing this project successfully. Beside than all things, I thank the almighty



The study title “A study on Employee job satisfaction at Alfa flow control components pvt ltd
Employee Job satisfaction has a big impact on how an employee performs his job. Both elements
have an impact on job safety and employee perception of it. A satisfied employee devotes himself
to work, performs orders better, cares for others and for himself. He feels safe in the enterprise.
The aim of the paper was to assess employees' job satisfaction and their work performance with
use of simply survey. In order to achieve this aim, a survey was conducted among employees of a
chosen metallurgical enterprise who were asked to assess level of their job satisfaction. The
employees defined their job satisfaction by referring to 20 statements describing this satisfaction
and evaluating three factors that were used to compute the satisfaction index. The survey allowed
for indication the general level of employee satisfaction. Keywords: job satisfaction, work
performance, work safety


Chapter No TITLE Page No





1.1 Introduction about the project 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem 3

1.3 Objectives of the study 4

1.4 Scope of the study 4

1.5 Need of the study 4

1.6 Review of literature 4-7


2.1 Industry profile 8-10

2.2 Company profile 11-17

3.1 Research design 18

3.2 Sample design 19

3.3 Sample size 19

3.4 Population 19

3.5 Data collection methods 19

3.6 Statistical tools 19-20







Table.NO TITLE Page No.

4.1 Table showing the age group of respondents 21
4.2 Table showing the gender of respondents 22
4.3 Table showing the gender of respondents 23
4.4 Table showing experience of respondents 24
4.5 Table showing educational qualification of respondents 25
4.6 Table showing monthly income of the employees 26
4.7 Table showing fair compensation of the employees 27
4.8 Table showing employee’s opinion about noticing their performance by 28
their superior
4.9 Table showing respect and cooperation of respondents 29
4.10 Table showing care of employees by management 30
4.11 Table showing problem recognition of the employees 31
4.12 Table showing superiors’ involvement with the employees 32
4.13 Table showing aware of activities given to the employees 33
4.14 Table showing free flow communication of the employees at workplace 34
4.15 Table showing clear job description of the employees 35
4.16 Table showing that fellow employees know how to get the job done 36
4.17 Table showing that employees are responsible for their work 37
4.18 Table showing whether employees are feeling motivated at work 38
4.19 Table showing that whether employees are work in a team environment 39
4.20 Table showing that employees are feel stressed at work 40
4.21 Table showing that employees are deal with a manageable workload 41
4.22 Table showing whether employees are using professional skills 42
4.23 Table showing that whether employees are doing fair work assignments 43
4.24 Table showing whether employees are satisfied with the present working 44

4.25 Table showing the employees satisfaction with respect to their job 45
4.26 Correlation 46
4.27 CHI SQUARE 47
4.28 CHI SQUARE 48

Figure.No TITLE Page No.

4.1 Figure showing the Age group of respondents 21

4.2 Figure showing the gender of respondents 22

4.3 Figure showing the gender of respondents 23

4.4 Figure showing experience of respondents 24

4.5 Figure showing educational qualification of respondents 25

4.6 Figure showing monthly income of the employees 26

4.7 Figure showing fair compensation of the employees 27

4.8 Figure showing employee’s opinion about noticing their performance by 28

their superior

4.9 Figure showing respect and cooperation of respondents 29

4.10 Figure showing care of employees by management 30

4.11 Figure showing problem recognition of the employees 31

4.12 Figure showing superiors’ involvement with the employees 32

4.13 Figure showing aware of activities given to the employees 33

4.14 Figure showing free flow communication of the employees at workplace 34

4.15 Figure showing clear job description of the employees 35

4.16 Figure showing that fellow employees know how to get the job done 36

4.17 Figure showing that employees are responsible for their work 37

4.18 Figure showing whether employees are feeling motivated at work 38

4.19 Figure showing that whether employees are work in a team environment 39

4.20 Figure showing that employees are feel stressed at work 40

4.21 Figure showing that employees are deal with a manageable workload 41

4.22 Figure showing whether employees are using professional skills 42

4.23 Figure showing that whether employees are doing fair work assignments 43

4.24 Figure showing whether employees are satisfied with the present 44
working environment
4.25 Figure showing the employees satisfaction with respect to their job 45



Job satisfaction is one's feelings or state-of-mind regarding the nature of their work. Job
satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or her job. The happier people are with
their job, the more satisfied they are said to be. Logic would dictate that the most satisfied
(“happy”) workers should be the best performers and vice versa. This is called the "happy worker"
hypothesis. However, this hypothesis is not well supported, as job satisfaction is not the same as
motivation or aptitude, although they may be clearly linked. A primary influence on job
satisfaction is the application of design, which aims to enhance job satisfaction and performance
using methods such as job rotation, job enlargement, job enrichment and job re-engineering. Other
influences on satisfaction include management styles and culture, employee involvement,
empowerment, and autonomous work position. Job satisfaction can simply be defined as the
feelings people have about their jobs. It has been specifically defined as a pleasurable (or
unpleasurable) emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job, an affective reaction to
one’s job, and an attitude towards one’s job. These definitions suggest that job satisfaction takes
into account feelings, beliefs, and behaviors.


“Job satisfaction is a general attitude towards one’s job: the difference between the amount of
reward workers receive and the amount they believe they should receive.”
P. Robbins
Job satisfaction defines as “The amount of overall positive affect (or feeling) that individuals have
toward their jobs.”
-Hugh J. Arnold and Daniel C. Feldman
“Job satisfaction is the amount of pleasure or contentment associated with a job. If you like your
job intensely, you will experience high job satisfaction. If you dislike your job intensely, you will
experience job dissatisfaction.”
By Andrew J DuBrins,
Job satisfaction is one part of life satisfaction. The environment influences the job. Similarly, since
a job is important part of life, job satisfaction influences one’s general life satisfaction. Manager
may need to monitor not only the job and immediate work environment but also their employee’s

attitudes towards other part of life. Job satisfaction is defined as, employee`s judgment of how well
his job on a whole is satisfying his various need.

While analyzing the various determinants of job satisfaction, we have to keep in mind that: all
individuals do not derive the same degree of satisfaction though they perform the same job in the
same job environment and at the same time. Therefore, it appears that besides the nature of job
and job environment, there are individual variables which affect job satisfaction. Thus, all those
factors which provide a fit among individual variables, nature of job, and situational variables
determine the degree of job satisfaction. The factors are:

Individual factors:

Individuals have certain expectations from their jobs. If their expectations are met from the jobs,
they feel satisfied. These expectations are based on an individual’s level of education, age and
other factors.

Level of education:

Level of education of an individual is a factor which determines the degree of job satisfaction. For
example, several studies have found negative correlation between the level of education,
particularly higher level of education, and job satisfaction. The possible reason for this
phenomenon may be that highly educated persons have very high expectations from their jobs
which remain unsatisfied.


Individuals experience different degree of job satisfaction at different stages of their life. Job
satisfaction is high at the initial stage, gets gradually reduced, starts rising upto certain stage, and
finally dips to a low degree. The possible reasons for this phenomenon are like this. When
individuals join an organization, they may have some unrealistic assumptions about what they are
going to derive from their work. These assumptions make them more satisfied. However, when
these assumptions fall short of reality, job satisfaction goes down. It starts rising again as the people

start to assess the jobs in right perspective and correct their assumptions. At the last, particularly
at the end of the career, job satisfaction goes down because of fear of retirement and future

Other factors:

Besides the above two factors, there are other individual factors which affect job satisfaction. If
an individual does not have favorable social and family life, he may not feel happy at the
workplace. Similarly, other personal problems associated with him may affect his level of job
satisfaction. Personal problems associated with him may affect his level of job satisfaction.

Nature of job:

Nature of job determines job satisfaction which is in the form of occupation level and job content.

Occupation level:

Higher level jobs provide more satisfaction as compared to lower levels. This happens because
high level jobs carry prestige and status in the society which itself becomes source of satisfaction
for the job holders. For example, professionals derive more satisfaction as compared to salaried
people: factory workers are least satisfied.

Job content:

Job content refers to the intrinsic value of the job which depends on the requirement of skills for
performing it, and the degree of responsibility and growth it offers. A higher content of these
factors provides higher satisfaction. For example, a routine and repetitive lesser satisfaction; the
degree of satisfaction progressively increases in job rotation, job enlargement, and job enrichment.


The study is conducted to assess the job satisfaction needs of the Employees in ALFA FLOW
CONTROL COMPONENETS PVT Ltd. This research attempts to understand if employees are
fully satisfied with their work within the organization, so that they are motivated to work
effectively in the organization.


 To find out the satisfaction level of the employees of Alfa flow Control components Pvt Ltd..

 To study and analyse the various factors that are affecting the employees satisfaction.

 To understand the problem of the employees and their working conditions.


 The study entitled “A study on job satisfaction of employees of Alfa flow components pvt ltd
analyses the job satisfaction level of the employees and their problems.
 To determine the relationship between work stress and employees job satisfaction


 The study is undertaken to measure the satisfaction of the employees towards their job .
 The study enhance the company interest in developing the works/staffs


Ferndale & Scullion’s (2013) articles explains the role and functions of function in MNC’s
company keeping the worldwide talent management within its major consideration. It also studies
the individual eagerness to be portable, especially in emerging markets, and the organizational
capability needed to manage this talent which in later stages helps the organization to motivate and
retain the talents.
Michela’s (2014) article mainly focuses on the employee and employer relationship,
understanding employees’ positive reactions to immediate superiors and what influences their
individual behaviors. Group of people in the organization taken as sample group which will also
forecast the employee obligation, turnover, work stress and its effect on behavior.
Jordan’s (2015) reports of a model of emotional intelligence projected by Maayer and Sallovey
Employee turnover intentions, this study reveals the emotion factors of individual , emotion factors
of others, managing individual emotion factors and managing the emotion factors of others. The
article studies the complementing the job of the employees of same platform have a strong effect
on emotions and later it effects the turnover intentions.

Lewder’s (2015) Article on Important Role of Workplace spirituality, concentrates of culture well
being in an organization, spirituality in an organization. The more focuses is given on the leader
of the organization, ethical issues and unethical issues in the organization. In the paper also helps
to focus more on the purity or spirituality of the work place.
Woodward’s (2016) paper says employee belief survey on the work place helps the employer to
have a strong policy on work redesign which not only enables employees to give their positive
output to the process.
Gennard’s (2016) article revels the financial crunches in the organization. Which not only effects
the profitable of the organization but also the employer and employee relation? Where the
employee do not have faith on the employer and starts thinking of career and the advancement of
the self career. In this case individualism comes in and failure of collectivism starts.
Cottrel’s (2017) study says that it tries to revel the importance of salary in motivating the
employees to be loyal. How the word of mouth is strongly effects the employee and its attitude
towards the company he is working for or dreaming to be part of that company in future. This deals
with Liberian and non Liberian of an institution.
JiwenSong’s (2019) article concentrate on Company form stages of collective and monetary trade
of affairs with their employees. In this study, it is revealed that, what is the employee’s reaction to
different level instrument of Managerial styles.
Skudiene’s (2019) Inputs describes the corporate social responsibility to motivate employee
internally the employees will be in very positive way because it is believed the good surrounding
helps to grow and sustain the growth for a longer tenure . The contribution of the organization
towards the people also helps the organization be achieve the number one position in the
competitive world. It also helps to build the healthy and social environment.
Regts and Mollema (2020) In this article it explains the personnel’s aim to depart the organization
hence the intention with turnover of co-workers through a steady study of peer relationship.
Different types of intention models are studied and the weight of sociable environment in regards
to the intention of leaving the organization.
Gregory’s (2020) Article inspect the past history and penalty of worker’ the risk of proving and
good appraisal while changing of an organization. Constructive modified point of reference and
modified linked to justice are checked as past history of danger and frequent figure of employees
withdrawing themselves from the job is the outcome. Absenteeism is always a result of

intimidation Appraisal and objective to quit is also an outcome of the threat and this also forecast
intentional turnover rate. Threat appraisals have degree of difference in dominating the property
of the associations between the past history and results.
ZhengWeiBo’s (2020) Article concentrate on Development in perspective of performance:- This
Article tries to express the different kind of a hypothetical impression of the various periods of
cause and sphere of influence or aim of retaining employees at all level. It further focuses on the
consequence of performance from the stage of public capital in research.
Banerjee’s (2020) Article says five leading steel mills in India are taken into consideration. The
study was conducted about the environmental reasons like lighting in the office, location
constraints, and general surrounding factors of the office can be the factor for the turnover. Maiya
& Umesh (2019) Article says that Critical Issues in Downsizing in India:- The article discusses
about the principled issues of downscale or employee turnover. And also discusses the human
relation touch in the organization, friendly nature with the respect to human being and self-esteem
to decrease the employee turnover.

Varma’s (2020) Article is to studies the co-relation among the climate of the organization or the
constraints of the job place creating a bottleneck in the employees motivation , and the main quality
of renovation of leadership, with employee’s effort or attitude toward the performance. Biswas’s
(2019) Article says that variety of factors that radically distress employees’ attitude towards their
performance it also studies the employee’s insight about their job atmosphere. This study put
forwards the two components of job satisfaction and job involvement are peace keepers between
psychological climate and intentions
Chendroyaperumal. (2019) In this article, Human capital is taken as an important factor for any
profitable organization. To retain such a costly capital, first organization should have a strong entry
point where only talented people are taken and jobs are assigned as per the qualification of
employee. It also discusses about the employer helpful nature towards the employee during the
time of crises, respect of the employee in the job place as an individual first. personal life . It
mainly deals with the negative effect of the stress on the employee life. The negative vibes in the
working environment is the main cause of stress. which has strong effect on work life satisfaction
and work and personal life balance employer, their influential behavior, attitude towards each
other. The Article also states that unhealthy relationship not only affects the productivity of the

organization but also the environment of the work place. It also discusses about the behavior of
the leaders which is the foremost platform to create believe and trust among the employee and
employer, which later stage in builds a kind of attachment and obligation of the employees toward
the organization. tackle this question, the article explains that the approach prevention character
traits real-time optimistic and unenthusiastic effects on job search attitudes of individuals who are
already working with corporate houses hanging down on goal importance’s, searching of job and
its self usefulness, professed job confront, exhausted at Job place , alleged monetary shortfall, and
work happiness.



Flow control is a part of the more comprehensive industrial sector, which consists of firms that
provide products or services concerning the management and control of liquids and gases. Such
products comprise pumps, valves, meters, and other related equipment. The Global Flow Control
Market is Segmented by Equipment Type(Pumps, Valves, Meters, and others), By Application
(Oil & Gas, Power, Marine, Mining, Electronics), and Geography.

Flow control marketing trends

Oil and Gas industry is analyzed to hold major share

 In the oil and gas industry, the smallest leakages could cause a disaster; flow control plays a
critical role in safeguarding plants from catastrophe and maximizing the production of the
different products. Valves play a crucial role in the flow control of the processes. The oil and
gas industry is expected to dominate the end-user market. Treatment, production, distribution,
and processing of hydrocarbon fluids and gases are part of the oil and gas sector—the market
benefits from the rising demand for petrol and diesel in developed economies. The market is
also expanding due to the rising population and increased use of passenger automobiles and
cooking gas. Flow controls are utilized in various oil and gas applications, including upstream
production, pipeline detection, and gas processing.

 Schlumberger announced in March 2022 that Saudi Aramco had awarded it a substantial
contract for integrated drilling and well-building services in a gas drilling project. Drilling rigs,
technologies, and services, such as drill bits, measurement while drilling (MWD) and logging
while drilling (LWD), drilling fluids, cementing, and completing wells, are all included in the
integrated project scope. Schlumberger will use digital solutions to improve integrated drilling
performance, such as the DrillOps on-target well delivery solution, which employs data
analysis, learning systems, and automation to execute a digital well plan, resulting in increased
drilling efficiency, consistency, and performance.

 In January 2022, Indian Oil Corp. Ltd. (IOCL) announced plans to invest INR 7,000 crore in
its city gas distribution (CGD) business. Indian Oil Corp (IOC) announced an INR 1 lakh crore
investment in August 2021 to nearly triple its refining capacity over the next 4-5 years.

 In April 2022, the Japan Ministry of Oil and Gas stated that country plans to step up its
investment role in upstream projects for liquefied natural gas (LNG) to spur new development
and boost fuel offtake by its companies.

 Further, A different set of flow control requirements are needed for each kind of power
generation application. That so, a power plant's particular pipeline system may contain a wide
variety of valves. Industrial valves for power plants also need to play diverse roles depending
on the operations occurring in a specific area of the pipe system. In nuclear power plants,
control valves are frequently employed to control fluid flux, and the principal circuit of one
nuclear power plant contains more than 1500 control valves.

Asia Pacific is Expected to Register the Fastest Growth Rate

 In the market for flow control, Asia Pacific will emerge as a major region. Rapid
industrialization is increasing market growth in rising economies such as China, India, Japan,
and South Korea. The industry is being propelled forward by the region's growing
manufacturing sector and the increasing use of oil and gas. China plans to extend its giant gas
pipeline grids to 163,000 kilometers by 2025, necessitating a USD1.9 trillion investment.

 IBEF states that India is anticipated to contribute to global non-OECD petroleum consumption
growth significantly. Crude oil imports increased dramatically from USD 70.72 billion in FY17
to USD 94.3 billion in FY22 (April to January). India's oil refining capacity was 248.9 million
metric tonnes per annum (MMTPA) on September 1, 2021, making it Asia's second-largest
refiner. Private businesses controlled about 35% of the total refining capacity. With a capacity
of 69.7 MMTPA, IOC is the largest domestic refiner.

 In January 2022, Adani Total Gas Ltd (ATGL), a joint venture between the Adani Group and
TotalEnergies, acquired permits to expand its City Gas Distribution (CGD) network to 14 new
geographical areas with an investment of INR 20,000 crore.

 In September 2021, SK E&S, the natural gas arm of South Korean refiner and energy
conglomerate SK, set a target of producing 280,000 t/yr of mostly blue hydrogen, supplying 10
million t/yr of eco-friendly LNG, and operating 7GW of renewable energy by 2025, as part of
a plan to increase the company's value fivefold to KRW 35 trillion.

 Moreover, the significant demand from the power sector is also a driving factor for the market.
For instance, in 2021, China generated 8.11 trillion kilowatt-hours (KWh), an increase of 8.1
percent from the previous year. (National Bureau of Statistics (NBS))

Flow control industry overview

The Global Flow control market is moderately competitive, with a considerable number of regional
and global players, and moderately fragmented. The market vendors are focusing on expanding
their customer base across foreign countries. The companies are leveraging strategic collaborative
initiatives to increase market share and profitability.

 April 2022 - Following the completion of the merger between Neles and Valmet, the Flow
Control Business Line under Valmet will carry on Neles' operations. Neles has been dissolved
as a result of the registration of the Merger's completion.
 March 2022-TotalEnergies awarded Schlumberger an extensive contract for drilling,
completions, and production services for its Tilenga onshore oil development in Uganda. The
agreement covers directional drilling, upper and lower completions, artificial lift systems, and
wellheads for the Tilenga development, which consists of six fields with a total of 426 wells
spread across 31 well pads.

As Alfa flow control components PVT LTD faces the 28th year, the company takes pride in its work
by using the latest and updated technology available.

Alfa flow control components PVT LTD located in the main industrial area Of Coimbatore city
providing a wide range of ball valves and machined components, catering across the world by
adopting global quality standards.

Alfa flow control components PVT LTD specializes in manufacturing Plug Stem, Pressure Screw,
ball valves and general engineering industries as per customer specifications.


As Alfa flow control components PVT LTD faces the 28th year, the company takes pride in its work
by using the latest and updated technology available.

Since its start of operation (September of 1993) up to this day, Alfa flow control components PVT
LTD ., have been providing various machined metal components to various clients, serving the clients
according to their needs.

The company assures its clients of their satisfaction by addressing their needs and requirements in a
timely manner. At its early stage, ALFA was able to capture almost 75% of the total market
requirement. In this regard, it is thus projected, that it won’t take too long for AFCC to rise into
prominence and gain the stature as one of the most reliable and prestigious player in the
manufacturing industry.

An open communication policy is practiced throughout the company wherein the personnel are
encouraged to air their problems and resolve them at the earliest possible time. At the early stage,
ALFA’s production is strongly determined to lead in this industry by its new management style and
system of operation. Its simple organized structure, office procedures, and policies reflect a new
enterprising industry, but still concerned on work volume capacity and efficiency already reached a
level of about 3 to 4 tons per month with zero accident reported.


We, at ALFA FLOW CONTROL COMPONENETS PVT LTD., believe that the establishment of an
effective quality and environmental management system will help our company achieve its vision of
becoming a highly respected manufacturer of various machined metal components/items.


The company is strongly determined to lead in this industry by providing satisfaction to our customers
and complying with all applicable environmental laws and other requirements that we subscribe to.
We will achieve this by:

1 Addressing the needs and expectations of our customers in a timely manner

2 Continually improving our processes and manpower through innovation training

3 Continually raising quality and environmental awareness within the Company and our customers
& suppliers as well
4 Developing sound practices for effective waste management and proper consumption of electricity
5 It is imperative that all personnel understand this policy and that all relevant objectives/targets
formulated are for the continual improvement of the quality and environmental management system


Managing Director

Engineer development CEO

Engineer Costing Management


Manager operations
& customer Relations

` Marketing
Officer HR Manager

Quality Control Manager Production Planning Senior

Manager Executive

Inward Inspector Engineer Sub Contract

Stores Assistants
Final Inspector Packing & transport


ALFA FLOW CONTROL COMPONENETS PVT LTD Coimbatore city and has the state of art
manufacturing facilities at 2 locations.


Plug Stem, Pressure Screw and Ball Valve

Human resource- 128 members


HR Department, Purchase Department, Finance, Cutting, Machining, Packing and transport


Quality Standard

This Integrated Quality and Environmental Management System Manual documents Alfa flow
control components PVT LTD., quality and environmental system as a company engaged in the
manufacturing industry, to demonstrate the company’s commitment to consistently provide products
and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements prevent pollution and continual

This Manual establishes compliance with the standards listed in the applicable standards section of
this manual. This quality and EMS Manual applies to all processes and functions within alfa flow
control components PVT LTD., in its regional office/plant – manufacture of machined metal

Applicable Standards

"ISO 9001: 2015, Manufacture of machined metal components"


Flowserve, L&T Valves, Velan valves, AMPO Valves, CRI Pumps and JC Valves


Alpha and Omega Engineering, Stafford controls private limited, Sri Durga Engineering Works and
Integrated Valves & Fittings Pvt Ltd





Research as a scientific investigation and research methodology is a way to systematically

solve the research problem. It may be understand as a science of studying how research is done
scientifically. The research as to specify very clearly and precisely what decisions evaluate on it.
So the adoption of research methodology is an essential step in conducting a research study.


The term “research” refers to a critical careful and exhaustive investigation or enquiry or
experimentation or examination having as it aims the revision of accepted, conclusion in the light
of newly discovered facts research is essentially or systematic enquiry of seeking facts through
objectives verifiable methods in order to discover the relationship among them.


According to Clifford words “research defining and redefining problems formulating

hypothesis or suggested solution, collecting, organizing and evaluating data making deduction and
reaching conclusion to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis”.

3.1 Research design

A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a
manner that aims to combine relevance to research purpose with economy in procedure.

The type of research design used in the project was descriptive research, because it helps
to describe a particular situation prevailing in the company. Careful design of the descriptive study
was necessary to ensure the complete interpretation of the situation and to ensure minimum bias
in the collection of data.

A sample design is a frame work or road map that serve as the basis for the selection of survey
sample and affect many other important aspects of a survey as well. One must define a sample
frame that represents the population of interest from which a sample is to be drawn. The sampling
method used is random sampling.
The sample chosen to collect data consisted of 110 respondents. The data collected is used for final
tabulation and Interpretation.

Population taken for the study was mainly concentrated on all the employees of “Alpha flow
control components pvt ltd”.


Primary data:

Primary data is collected by a researcher from first hand sources using methods like surveys,
interviews, or experiments.
 Questionnaire: Questionnaire method is one of the common methods where a
questionnaire is submitted across people and they are asked to fill it with his/her opinions.
Secondary data:
Secondary data refers to data that is collected by someone other than the users. Common sources
of secondary data include journals, websites etc.


 Simple average
 Chi – Square test
 Correlation method



A chi-squared test, also referred to as test, is any statistical hypothesis test in which
the sampling distribution of the test statistic is a chi-squared distribution when the null
hypothesis is true, or any in which this is asymptotically true, meaning that the sampling
distribution (if the null hypothesis is true) can be made to approximate a chi-squared distribution
as closely as desired by making the sample size large enough.

2) Correlation method

Correlation research is a type of non-experimental research method, in which a researcher

measures two variables, understands and asses the statistical relationship between them with no
influence from any extraneous variables.

Correlation = R = (n (∑xy)- (∑x)(∑y))/(√ [n ∑x2-(∑x)2]√[n ∑y2– (∑y)2)



Table 4.1

Table showing the Age group of respondents Age No of Percentage

1 20 -30 40 36
2 31 – 40 23 21
3 41 -50 24 22
4 50 & 23 21
Total 110 100

Figure 4.1

Figure showing the Age group of respondents

Age groupe

20 -30
31 – 40
21% 41 -50
50 & above


From the above analysis it is understood that majority of the employees are belongs to 20-40 age
group, so the employees working in the metro are youngsters and middle age people.

Table 4.2

Table showing the gender of respondents

Sl. n o Gender No of respondents Percentage

1 Male 80 73
2 Female 30 27
Total 110 100.0

Figure 4.2

Figure showing the gender of respondents



73% Male


From the above analysis it is understood that majority of the employees are men who dominate
women in the organization.

Table 4.3

Table showing the marital status of respondents

Si. no Marital status No of respondents Percentage

1 Married 70 64
2 Unmarried 40 36
Total 110 100.0

Figure 4.3

Figure showing the marital status of respondents





From the above analysis it is clear that majority of employees are married who dominate unmarried
employees in the organization.

Table 4.4

Table showing experience of respondents

Si. no Experience No of respondents Percentage

1 0-1 yrs 31 28
2 2-3 yrs 31 28
3 4-5 yrs 16 15
4 5-6 yrs 17 15
5 6 yrs & above 15 14
Total 110 100.0

Figure 4.4

Figure showing experience of respondents







0-1 yrs 2-3 yrs 4-5 yrs 5-6 yrs 6 yrs & above


From the above analysis it shows that majority of employees are experienced between 0-3 years that
is both fresher and experienced employees are more in the organization.

Table 4.5

Table showing educational qualification of respondents

SL. no Education qualification No of respondents Percentage

1 SSLC 10 9
2 HSC 15 14
3 Under graduate 42 38
4 Post graduate 33 30
5 Others 10 9
Total 110 100.0

Figure 4.5

Figure showing educational qualification of respondents


9 9
Under graduate
Post graduate


From the above analysis it is clear that majority of employees are qualified with under graduate
and post graduate and there are employees working with the qualification of SSLC and HSC in
this organization.

Table 4.6

Table showing monthly income of the employees

SL. no Monthly Income No of respondents Percentage

1 15000 – 25000 37 34
2 25000 – 35000 30 27
3 35000 – 50000 30 27
4 50000 & above 13 12
Total 110 100.0

Figure 4.6

Figure showing monthly income of the employees

Monthly income

30 27 27


15 12

15000 – 25000 25000 – 35000 35000 – 50000 50000 & above


From the above analysis it is clear that the employees are getting salary with respect to their
experience and qualification, so here the more number of employees are paid with 15000 – 25000
salary in this organization.

Table 4.7

Table showing fair compensation of the employees

SI. no Factors No of respondents Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 33 30
2 Agree 34 31
3 Neutral 20 18
4 Disagree 12 11
5 Strongly Disagree 11 10
Total 110 100.0

Figure 4.7

Figure showing fair compensation of the employees

Fair compensation

11% 30%



Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


From the above analysis it is clear that organization is having fair compensation system for the
employees. Based on their workload, designation, experience, performance and education

Table 4.8

Table showing employee’s opinion about noticing their performance by their superior

SI. no Factors No of respondents Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 35 32
2 Agree 33 30
3 Neutral 17 15
4 Disagree 12 11
5 Strongly Disagree 13 12
Total 110 100

Figure 4.8

Figure showing employee’s opinion about noticing their performance by their superior

Employee’s opinion

11% 32%



Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


From the above analysis it is clear that employee’s efforts are noticed by the superior with that we
can understand that employee’s efforts are recognized which will make employee’s feel that they
have been observed for the performance and make employees work towards better performance.

Table 4.9

Table showing respect and cooperation of respondents

SI. no Factors No of respondents Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 32 29
2 Agree 39 35
3 Neutral 14 13
4 Disagree 12 11
5 Strongly Disagree 13 12
Total 110 100

Figure 4.9

Figure showing respect and cooperation of respondents

Respect and cooperation

11% 29%



Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


From the above analysis it is clear that there is respect and cooperation within the organization which
leads to employee motivation. Employees are satisfied in terms of emotional aspects.

Table 4.10

Table showing care of employees by management

SI. no Factors No of respondents Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 19 17
2 Agree 30 27
3 Neutral 35 32
4 Disagree 13 12
5 Strongly Disagree 13 12
Total 110 100

Figure 4.10

Figure showing care of employees by management

Care of employe by management

12% 17%


Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


From the above analysis it is clear that the employee’s are neutral in caring them by the
management but there are the employee’s who are strongly agree and also disagree, so the
management has to take care the employees for their satisfaction.

Table 4.11

Table showing problem recognition of the employees

SI. no Factors No of respondents Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 33 30
2 Agree 31 28
3 Neutral 12 11
4 Disagree 20 18
5 Strongly Disagree 14 13
Total 110 100

Figure 4.11

Figure showing problem recognition of the employees

30 28


20 18

15 13

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly


From the above analysis it is clear that most of the employees are strongly agree, but some of the
employees are disagree with this statement, so the company should recognize the problem and
make it solve which helps them to be more satisfied with their job.

Table 4.12

Table showing superiors’ involvement with the employees

SI. no Factors No of respondents Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 28 25
2 Agree 38 35
3 Neutral 19 17
4 Disagree 13 12
5 Strongly Disagree 12 11
Total 110 100

Figure 4.12

Figure showing superiors’ involvement with the employees

Superiors’ involvement
30 25
20 17

15 12 11
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree


From the above analysis it is clear that more number of employees are agree so the company
supervisors should continue the involvement with employees, which makes the employees more

Table 4.13

Table showing aware of activities given to the employees

SI. no Factors No of respondents Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 34 31
2 Agree 37 34
3 Neutral 15 13
4 Disagree 13 12
5 Strongly Disagree 11 10
Total 110 100

Figure 4.13

Figure showing aware of activities given to the employees

Aware of activities

12% 31%



Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


From the above analysis it clear that majority of employees are agree that the company is making
awareness to the employees about all their activities performing in the organization which makes
the employee motivation and better performance.

Table 4.14

Table showing free flow communication of the employees at workplace

SI. no Factors No of respondents Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 34 31
2 Agree 32 29
3 Neutral 19 17
4 Disagree 13 12
5 Strongly Disagree 12 11
Total 110 100

Figure 4.14

Figure showing free flow communication of the employees at workplace

Free flow communication

12% 31%



Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


From the above analysis it is clear that, majority of the employees are strongly agree, so there is
an open communication among the employees at workplace, to increase the satisfaction of the

Table 4.15

Table showing clear job description of the employees

SI. no Factors No of respondents Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 30 27
2 Agree 34 32
3 Neutral 17 16
4 Disagree 15 13
5 Strongly Disagree 14 12
Total 110 100

Figure 4.15

Figure showing clear job description of the employees

Clear job description



Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


From the above analysis it is clear that more number of employees are agree with the clear job
description in order to better performance with their job to increase the job satisfaction.

Table 4.16

Table showing that fellow employees know how to get the job done

SI. no Factors No of respondents Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 31 28
2 Agree 36 33
3 Neutral 17 15
4 Disagree 14 13
5 Strongly Disagree 12 11
Total 110 100

Figure 4.16

Figure showing that fellow employees know how to get the job done

Employees know how to get the job done

13% 28%


Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


From the above analysis it is clear that more number of employees are agree, hence all the fellow
employees are know how to get the work done, this makes better process in the organization.

Table 4.17

Table showing that employees are responsible for their work.

SI. no Factors No of respondents Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 35 32
2 Agree 32 29
3 Neutral 16 15
4 Disagree 15 13
5 Strongly Disagree 12 11
Total 110 100

Figure 4.17

Figure showing that employees are responsible for their work.

Responsible for their work activities

13% 32%



Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


From the above analysis it is clear that most of the employees are strongly agree with this, because
employees are responsible for their work activities in the organization for better satisfaction with
their job.

Table 4.18

Table showing whether employees are feeling motivated at work

SI. no Factors No of respondents Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 12 11
2 Agree 33 30
3 Neutral 35 32
4 Disagree 13 12
5 Strongly Disagree 17 15
Total 110 100

Figure 4.18

Figure showing whether employees are feeling motivated at work

Feeling motivated at work

35 32
20 15
15 11 12

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree


From the above analysis it is clear that more number of employees is neutral, so if company
provides good motivational training to the employees, it will increases the employees job

Table 4.19

Table showing that whether employees are work in a team environment

SI. no Factors No of respondents Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 18 17
2 Agree 32 30
3 Neutral 28 25
4 Disagree 15 13
5 Strongly Disagree 17 15
Total 110 100

Figure 4.19

Figure showing that whether employees are work in a team environment

Work in a team environment

15% 17%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


From the above analysis it is clear that employees are agree with the team work in the organization
for good environment, better performance and coordination between the employees.

Table 4.20

Table showing that employees are feel stressed at work

SI. no Factors No of respondents Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 30 27
2 Agree 34 31
3 Neutral 17 15
4 Disagree 13 12
5 Strongly Disagree 16 15
Total 110 100

Figure 4.20

Figure showing that employees are feel stressed at work

Feel stressed at work



Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


From the above analysis it is clear that more number of employees are agree that they are exposed to high
stress during working hours in the organization. This causes employee retention problems and more
absenteeism of employees in the organization.

Table 4.21

Table showing that employees are deal with a manageable workload

SI. no Factors No of respondents Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 29 26
2 Agree 31 29
3 Neutral 17 15
4 Disagree 19 18
5 Strongly Disagree 14 12
Total 110 100

Figure 4.21

Figure showing that employees are deal with a manageable workload

Deal with a manageable workload

30 26

15 12


Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree


From the above analysis it is clear that more number of employees are agree, the employees are the
person to manage the workload given by the company accordingly by the time given for their job

Table 4.22

Table showing whether employees are using professional skills

SI. no Factors No of respondents Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 19 18
2 Agree 30 27
3 Neutral 30 27
4 Disagree 17 15
5 Strongly Disagree 14 13
Total 110 100

Figure 4.22

Figure showing whether employees are using professional skills

Professional skills

13% 18%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


From the above analysis it is clear that equal numbers of employees are chosen between agree and
neutral, so during working hours the employees not only use job related skills but also they can use their
professional skills in their job for better performance.

Table 4.23

Table showing that whether employees are doing fair work assignments

SI. no Factors No of respondents Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 30 28
2 Agree 31 29
3 Neutral 18 16
4 Disagree 17 15
5 Strongly Disagree 14 12
Total 110 100

Figure 4.23

Figure showing that whether employees are doing fair work assignments

Fair work assignments



Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


From the above analysis it is clear that most of the employees are agree in doing the work assignments
fairly given by the management for better improvement and satisfaction with their work.

Table 4.24

Table showing whether employees are satisfied with the present working environment

SI. no Factors No of respondents Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 34 30
2 Agree 37 34
3 Neutral 15 14
4 Disagree 13 12
5 Strongly Disagree 11 10
Total 110 100

Figure 4.24
Figure showing whether employees are satisfied with the present working environment

Satisfied with the present working environment

12% 30%



Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


From the above analysis it is clear that the employees are agree with more response, it is understood that
the employees are feeling safety and comfortable environment in working in this organization.

Table 4.25

Table showing the employees satisfaction with respect to their job

SI. no Factors No of respondents Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 27 23
2 Agree 35 32
3 Neutral 19 17
4 Disagree 15 15
5 Strongly Disagree 14 13
Total 110 100

Figure 4.25

Figure showing the employees satisfaction with respect to their job

Satisfaction with respect to their job

13% 23%

17% 32%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


From the above analysis it is clear that majority of employees are agree and feel satisfactory due
to environment and other financial and non- financial incentives though there is a more stress
still other factors contribute for employee satisfaction.

Correlation Between work stress and job satisfaction.

HO: There is no significant relationship between work stress and job satisfaction
H1: There is a significant relationship between work stress and job satisfaction.

TABLE 4.26


job satisfaction work stress

job satisfaction Pearson Correlation 1 .968**

Sig. (2-tailed) .072

N 110 110

work stress Pearson Correlation .968** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .072

N 110 110

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).


The correlation table above shows that there is a strong positive correlation between work stress
and employee satisfaction at work, with the sign value of 0.072 which is greater than 0.05. so we
can accept null hypothesis. This means that there is no significant relationship between work stress
and job satisfaction


With the help of chi square, we can test the independence of attributes, whether the two
attributes are associated or not.

The relationship between age of respondents and dealing with manageable workload.

TABLE 4.27

Agree Strongly Neutral Disagree Strongly Row

agree disagree Table

20-30 4 11 15 7 1 38

31-40 2 19 8 1 3 33

41-50 1 1 6 1 2 11

50 & 10 14 2 1 1 28

Column 17 45 31 10 7 110


H0= There is no significant relationship between age of respondents and dealing with
manageable workload.

H1= There is significant relationship between age of respondents and dealing with manageable

The chi-square statistic is 35.9608. The p-value is .003. The result is significant at p < .05.


From the above chi square test the significant value is 0.03 which is less than the significant level
0.05. So we reject H0 and accept H1. There is significant relationship between age and dealing
with manageable workload.


The relationship between age of respondents and dealing with professional skills.

TABLE 4.28

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Row Table

agree disagree

20-30 10 12 10 4 2 40

31-40 5 9 8 3 1 28

41-50 6 4 12 2 1 26

50 & 3 3 7 1 1 16

Column 24 34 37 10 5 110


H0= There is no significant relationship between age of respondents and dealing with
professional skills.

H1= There is significant relationship between age of respondents and dealing with professional

The chi-square statistic is 7.6683. The p-value is .01. The result is significant at p < .05.


From the above chi square test the significant value is 0.01 which is less than the significant level
0.05. So we reject H0 and accept H1. There is significant relationship between age and
professional skills.




 In this company majority of the employees are youth and middle age people
 Majority of employees are married in this organization
 More number of employees are qualified in degree in this organization
 The employees are satisfied with their income in this organization
 Employees are agree that there is respect and cooperation within the organization
 Majority of employees are agree that supervisors involvement with them is good
 Employees are feel that company is making awareness about all the activities given to the
 Majority of employees are feeling stressed in doing their work in this organization
 The employees in this organization are satisfied with respect to their job, salary for better


 If the company provides increment benefit to the employees which makes them more
satisfied with their pay
 If there is respect and cooperation within the organization which leads to employee
motivation and employees are satisfied in terms of emotional aspects
 The company should recognize the employees problem and make it solve leads to be more
satisfied with their job and better performance
 The supervisors should continue the involvement with employees in all the department
which makes the employees job satisfaction
 The company should make awareness about all the activities given to the employees for
better understand and satisfaction
 There should be an open communication among the employees at work place makes them
more satisfied. If the company provide all necessary factors to the employees makes them
more satisfied with their job.
 The employees should be clear with their job description in the organization for better
 The fellow employees should know how to get the work done easily, which makes better
process in the organization
 The company should reduce the job stress given to the employees for their satisfaction


Job satisfaction is a key aspect for success of every enterprise, when employees are satisfied work
of performance will increase.

Job satisfaction of employees in any organization is of paramount importance to achieve the

targeted goals on a sustainable basis. The research on the subject has put that building of
employee’s competencies and self-confidence through training, feedback, and recognition should
be a permanent activity of the organization. It is noticed that high job satisfaction is closely related
to the feeling of effectiveness on the job

Finally, I would like to deduce that the representatives of Alpha flow control components pvt ltd,
Coimbatore are satisfied with their work and their association.

Michael J, David W.Marsland and Deborah Ulmer, “Job Satisfaction: Putting Theory into Practice”
- American Academy of family Physicion, October 1999.

M. Pestonje “Motivation and Job Satisfaction”

Uma Sekaran and Roger Bougie, “Research Method for Business : A Skill building approach”, Fifth

Aswathappa K – Human Resource Management – Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

Sheridan J. Coakes, Lyndall G. Steed – “SPSS: Analysis Without Anguish : Version 16.0 for

. Addis, S. (2008). Leading vs. managing. Rough Notes, 151, 230, 232–233. Available from
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No 237027569)

Austin, T. (2011). Relationship between nurse leader emotional intelligence and registered nurse
job satisfaction (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses
database. (UMI No. 893660244)





I, K.Thirumoorthy - MBA student of Nehru institute Of Engineering And Technology information

will be used only for study purpose. As a part of my degree, I am doing my project in the above
mentioned title. So I kindly request you to fill the questionnaire.

1. Age
a. 20 -30 years b. 31 -40 years c. 41 -50 years d. 50 & above
2. Gender:
a. Male b. female
3. Marital status
a. married b. unmarried
4. Experience
a. 0-1 year b. 2-3 years c. 4-5 years d. 5-6 years e. 6 & above
5. Educational Qualification
a. 10th b. PUC/ c. Degree d. Post Graduate
6. Income (monthly) in Rs
a. 15,000 -25,000 b. 25,000 -35,000 c. 35,000 -50,000 d. Above 50,000
7. I feel reasonably compensated for my work.
a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree
8. If I put exertion into my work, someone will notice.
a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree
9. I work in an atmosphere where there is respect and co-operation.
a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree

10. My superior cares about my private needs

a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree

11. Problems in the workplace are addressed promptly and effectively.

a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree

12. Supervisors are involved in the daily operation of my department.
a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree
13. Senior management is responsive of activities in my department
a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree
14. There is an free flow communication throughout the workplace.
a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree
15. I have a clear written job description.
a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree
16. My fellow employees know that how to get job done.
a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree
17. I am responsible for setting up my work activities.
a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree
18. I believe motivated at work.
a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree
19. I work in a team environment
a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree
20. I feel stressed at work
a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree
21. I deal with a manageable workload
a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree
22. I use my professional skills frequently.
a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree
23. Work assignments are assign fairly
a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree
24. I work in a safe and comfortable environment.
a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree
25. I am satisfied with the job
a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree


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