MBA Project Sample

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Reg. No.: 111911631062


Submitted to the


in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree




CHENNAI - 600 025

JUNE 2016


Certified that the project report titled A STUDY ON COMPETENCY MAPPING ON

Ms.SANGEETHA.G (Reg. No. 111911631062) who carried out the research under my
supervision. Certified further, that to the best of my knowledge the work reported herein does not
form part of any other project report dissertation on the basis of which a degree or award was
conferred on an earlier occasion on this or any other candidate.

Signature of Supervisor Signature of the HOD

Mrs.Alemalumangi Dr. Viji Rajesh

Asst., Professor Professor & Head of the Department

Submitted to project Viva Voce held on .

Internal Examiner External Examiner




Thiruverkadu, Chennai, hereby declare that the project entitled A STUDY ON
(TPI) submitted for the M.B.A. Degree is my original work under the guidance of
Dr.L.Vijay, Head of the Department, Department of Management Science, S.A.Engineering
College, and the dissertation has not formed the basis for the award of any degree, associate
ship, fellowship or any other similar titles.


Date: Signature of the student




AT TUBE PRODUCTS OF INDIA (TPI). The main objective of this study is to know about
the skills available with the employees of TPI to enhance their career and the management goals.

Through this project, I came to know about the importance of theoretical knowledge of
HR practices viz. training and development programmes, job upgradation, job positioning,
effective management of resources etc, thereby bringing about conceptual clarity.

This research study is Descriptive & Hypothesis research in nature. The size of the
sample is 300 and the sampling technique used is Stratified sampling (Probability sampling),
through the questionnaire method. Both the sources of data collection viz. primary and secondary
have been used in this report. The questionnaire has been conducted with many questions
concerning the skills available at Tube Products of India for the development of the career of the
employees and to achieve management goals. The tools which used are chi-square, one way
ANOVA, regression, one sample run test, H-test, correlation and weighted average. A thorough
analysis has also been done on the responses given by the respondents based upon which
conclusions have been drawn.

The research reveals that the skills available at TPI are more than handful to enhance the
career of the employees and even for organization. The research also exposes that there is
relationship between skills of the employees and maximum utilization of man power that makes
success rate in achieving management objective. The study also shows that there is significant
improvement in the efficiency of the employees because of the training programmes, job
positioning, and performance appraisal and even for promotions.


Foremost, I thank the almighty without whose grace anything is possible. We are
indebted to our Founder Chairman late Thiru.D.Sudharssanam, M.L.A., Chairman Thiru.
D.DURAISWAMY,Secretary Thiru. D.DASARATHAN and Dynamic Director, Mr. P.
VENKATESH RAJA for providing generous opportunity, excellent environment and
infrastructure at S. A. ENGINEERING COLLEGE, Chennai.

I express our sincere gratitude to our Principal, Dr. S. SUYAMBAZAHAN for his
enthusiastic support and enlightening guidance.

I extend my thanks to our beloved Head of the Department Department of Master of

Business Administration, Dr.Viji Rajesh, M.B.A, Ph. D, who also happens to be my internal
guide for this project, for his encouragement throughout the project. I would also like to thank
Mrs. Alamelumangi M.B.A, M Phil , for guiding me in all works in a kind manner and
Showing me the path to march towards the successful finishing of this project.

I would also like to thank all the teaching and non teaching staff of my institute for their
continuous support and encouragement.

I would like to express my thanks to Mr. LAKSHMANAN, PERSONNEL

DEPARTMENT, TUBE PRODUCTS OF INDIA(TPI), who has kindly permitted me to
undertake the project in the organization. I am also thankful to all the members of the
organization for their support and providing the required information.

My hearty thanks to my parents and friends for their continuous support and
encouragement in the successful completion of the project.



1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Scope of the study 3

1.3 Need for the study 4

1.4 Objectives of the Study 5

1.5 Research Methodology 6

2 Profiles

2.1 Industry profile 14

2.2 Company profile 17

3 Literature Survey

3.1 Conceptual and theoretical review 24

3.2 Research review 26

4 Data Analysis and Interpretation

Analysis Part I

4.1 Percentage Analysis 32

Analysis Part II

4.13 Chi-Square test 74

4.14 One Way ANOVA 77

4.15 Correlation analysis 79

4.16 One Sample Run Test ( T Test) 81

4.17 Kruskal Wallis test / H-test 82

4.18 Regression 84

4.19 Weighted average 86

5 Conclusions

5.1 Findings 88

5.2 Directions for further research 92

5.3 Limitations 93

5.4 Suggestions 94

5.5 Conclusion 8 95

Bibliography 96

4.1.1 Table Showing Distribution of Respondents by Educational 32


4.1.2 Table Showing Distribution of Respondents by Over All 33


4.1.3 Table Showing Distribution of Respondents by Age. 34

4.1.4 Table Showing Distribution of Respondents by Gender. 35

4.1.5 Table Showing Distribution of Respondents by Marital Status. 36

4.1.6 Table Showing Distribution of Respondents by Language 37


4.1.7 Table Showing Distribution of Respondents by Years Of 38

Experience in TPI.

4.1.8 Table Showing Distribution of Respondents by Years Of 39

Experiences Outside TPI.

4.1.9 Table Showing Distribution of Respondents by Department Of 40

Employee Working In TPI

4.2.1 Table Showing Employee Encourage For Open Discussion 41

Through Questioning.

4.2.2 Table Showing Employee Listen Carefully to Others And Try 42

to Help for Solving Problem.

4.2.3 Table Showing Employee Adopt Language And Style To 43

Their Colleagues.

4.3.1 Table Showing Employee Accepts Challenging Job 44

4.3.2 Table Showing Employee Identify Gaps in Jobs And 45

Overcome It.

4.3.3 Table Showing Employee Set Target And Monitor Efficiency 46

And Effectiveness.

4.4.1 Table Showing Management Lay Out Clear Standard And 47

Achievable Goal.

4.4.2 Table Showing Centralized Leadership Motives Employee to 48

Perform Job Better.

4.5.1 Table Showing Employees Seize Opportunities And 49


4.5.2 Table Showing Employee Forecast the Companys Future 50

Requirement Effectively.

4.6.1 Table Showing Maximize the Utilization of Available 51


4.6.2 Table Showing Employee Adopt And Apply Different New 52

Approaches to Situation Problem.

4.6.3 Table Showing Capability of Modifying Standard Approaches 53

for Effectiveness.

4.6.4 Table Showing Personally Encourage Innovation And 54


4.7.1 Table Showing Team Work Brings More Satisfactory Result. 55

4.7.2 Table Showing Collaborating Encourages And Support 56

Colleagues to Achieve Goals.

4.8.1 Table Showing Love To Sustain And Work for Long Hours. 57

4.8.2 Table Showing Maintaining High Performance Even Under 58

Enormous Stress Level.

4.9.1 Table Showing Develop Concept / Pattern Based Problem in 59


4.9.2 Table Showing Employee Immediately Identify Issues in a 60

Complex Situation for Solutions.

4.10.1 Table Showing Employees are Flexible And Adaptable to 61


4.10.2 Table Showing Role in Re-Engineering of Business Process 62

And Scope With the Change Management.

4.11.1 Table Showing Performance Appraisal are Evaluated From 63

Time to Time.

4.11.2 Table Showing Counseling Sessions Help to Solve the 64


4.11.3 Table Showing Coaching In-Basket Training Very Informative 65

And Useful.

4.12.1 Table Showing Measurement of Skills Done Periodically / 66

Regularly in the Organization

4.12.2 Table Showing Organization Provides Career Growth for 67

Their Competency.

4.12.3 Table Showing That Competency Mapping is Useful in the 68


4.12.4 Table Showing Training Really Increasing Skills of the 69

Employee in the Organization.

4.12.5 Table Showing Training Program is Important And Useful for 70

Career Development.

4.12.6 Table Showing Facilitates Competency Mapping With the 71


4.12.7 Table Showing Organization And Individual Goals are 72

Achieved in The Organization.

4.12.8 Table Showing Competency Development Program are Useful 73

for Employees.


4.1.1 Chart Showing Distribution of Respondents by Educational 32


4.1.2 Chart Showing Distribution of Respondents by Over All 33


4.1.3 Chart Showing Distribution of Respondents by Age. 34

4.1.4 Chart Showing Distribution of Respondents by Gender. 35

4.1.5 Chart Showing Distribution of Respondents by Marital Status. 36

4.1.6 Chart Showing Distribution of Respondents by Language 37


4.1.7 Chart Showing Distribution of Respondents by Years Of 38

Experience in TPI.

4.1.8 Chart Showing Distribution of Respondents by Years Of 39

Experiences Outside TPI.

4.1.9 Chart Showing Distribution of Respondents by Department Of 40

Employee Working In TPI

4.2.1 Chart Showing Employee Encourage For Open Discussion 41

Through Questioning.

4.2.2 Chart Showing Employee Listen Carefully to Others And Try 42

to Help for Solving Problem.

4.2.3 Chart Showing Employee Adopt Language And Style To 43

Their Colleagues.

4.3.1 Chart Showing Employee Accepts Challenging Job 44

4.3.2 Chart Showing Employee Identify Gaps in Jobs And 45

Overcome It.

4.3.3 Chart Showing Employee Set Target And Monitor Efficiency 46

And Effectiveness.

4.4.1 Chart Showing Management Lay Out Clear Standard And 47

Achievable Goal.

4.4.2 Chart Showing Centralized Leadership Motives Employee to 48

Perform Job Better.

4.5.1 Chart Showing Employees Seize Opportunities And 49


4.5.2 Chart Showing Employee Forecast the Companys Future 50

Requirement Effectively.

4.6.1 Chart Showing Maximize the Utilization of Available 51


4.6.2 Chart Showing Employee Adopt And Apply Different New 52

Approaches to Situation Problem.

4.6.3 Chart Showing Capability of Modifying Standard Approaches 53

for Effectiveness.

4.6.4 Chart Showing Personally Encourage Innovation And 54


4.7.1 Chart Showing Team Work Brings More Satisfactory Result. 55

4.7.2 Chart Showing Collaborating Encourages And Support 56

Colleagues to Achieve Goals.

4.8.1 Chart Showing Love To Sustain And Work for Long Hours. 57

4.8.2 Chart Showing Maintaining High Performance Even Under 58

Enormous Stress Level.

4.9.1 Chart Showing Develop Concept / Pattern Based Problem in 59


4.9.2 Chart Showing Employee Immediately Identify Issues in a 60

Complex Situation for Solutions.

4.10.1 Chart Showing Employees are Flexible And Adaptable to 61


4.10.2 Chart Showing Role in Re-Engineering of Business Process 62

And Scope With the Change Management.

4.11.1 Chart Showing Performance Appraisal are Evaluated From 63

Time to Time.

4.11.2 Chart Showing Counseling Sessions Help to Solve the 64


4.11.3 Chart Showing Coaching In-Basket Training Very Informative 65

And Useful.

4.12.1 Chart Showing Measurement of Skills Done Periodically / 66

Regularly in the Organization

4.12.2 Chart Showing Organization Provides Career Growth for 67

Their Competency.

4.12.3 Chart Showing That Competency Mapping is Useful in the 68

4.12.4 Chart Showing Training Really Increasing Skills of the 69

Employee in the Organization.

4.12.5 Chart Showing Training Program is Important And Useful for 70

Career Development.

4.12.6 Chart Showing Facilitates Competency Mapping With the 71


4.12.7 Chart Showing Organization And Individual Goals are 72

Achieved in The Organization.

4.12.8 Chart Showing Competency Development Program are Useful 73

for Employees.


In the modern complex world, which is characterized by scarcity of resources, it has become
first and foremost object of every businessperson to use the available resources efficiently and in
best way. The different resources include Men (manpower viz... labors and employees), Material
(raw materials and fuel), Machinery (Plant, machinery and tools) and Money (Capital). To
maximize returns and minimize wastage all these resources must be properly synchronized. Man
power, both technical and managerial, is the most important resource of organization.
No other factor can be utilized efficiently without manpower. Thus, its mismatch with any of
the factor will give rise to wastage of time, money and efforts, leading to loss of efficiency. Thus,
it is very necessary to use this resource effectively. However, the most important resource is also
the most difficult to manage. The reason for this difficulty is that no two persons are similar.
Each person is been endowed with different qualities, skills, attitudes, motives, knowledge etc

Moreover, these factors have an imperative impact on their performance. Thus, concisely one
can conclude and come to a point that selection and recruitment of employees forms one of the
crucial functions of an Organization.
Human Resource Management performs the function of Recruitment, selection, training,
development and remuneration. In addition, among these recruitment and selection functions
seems to be the most difficult one as they deal with selection and appointment of employees. It is
the efficiency of HRM in performing these two functions, which leads to overall efficiency in an
organization. Thus, it is necessary to recruit the individual who is required by the organization. In
other words, the individual who is best suited to do the job must be selected. It will be wastage of
resources if a person who does not suit the job and cannot do the job efficiently is been selected.
Now, the question may arise that How it is possible to find which person is suitable to do a
particular job? To determine the most apposite individual for their suitability for different
functional tasks, currently most of the organizations are using different assessment techniques.
Some of the popular techniques include personal interviews (personal interaction which forms
means to identify skills and assess knowledge), Group discussions (with the purpose to discover
leadership skills, communication skills and behavior in-group and with peer) and some written
tests (these tests were conducted to assessing knowledge). Nevertheless, these methods have
been found to have severe limitations.
Different assessment approaches were developed and adopted including personality tests,
thematic tests, psychometric tests etc These tests have improved assessment of candidate but
still the reliability of the test result is not adequate to forecast effectiveness of the candidate for
the job. It was found by the research conducted by Industrial and Organizational Psychologists
that effectiveness of a person to carry out a job depends not only on a single or isolated factor
but on set of many different factors. Such set of factors that help the possessor to be proficient
in a particular job is termed as Competency for the particular job.


Competency mapping is the key to corporate success, since it determine the skill, attitude
and knowledge of the workers. Therefore corporations and institutions need to count on
periodic analysis of the employees competencies.
This study allows us to learn how the organization competes with one another and the
skills are used in order to get the job done on time.
It is used to analyze the required competency of the employees.
This study explores to the career development that prospect in the company and also
helps to bring about the best career development.
The study helps to understand the employees attitude and to understand the career
requirement of the employees.
It is used to find the competency level of the employees after the training program.


It helps to realize the talent potential of the employees and enabling them to give their
best by providing appropriate results effectiveness of training and development program.
It helps in empowering the vision and mission of the organization and main advantages of
carrying out the study is to figure out the Right person for the Right job.
This study also helps in identifying the behavior aspect of the employees to thus helping
him to change himself as per his job designation.
It helps to employees to know better about themselves and to find out the gap in their
jobs and fill them out by proper coaching by an expert.
It helps in role clarity and helps the employee to learn new things and perform them in a
better way every time.
To study how the employee are utilizing the career path in the organization. Finally, this
study is useful for the employee career growth and development as it layout foundation
for the employee job performance to the organization and their career opportunities.



To find out the competency mapping for employees.


To analyze the behavior mindset of the employees.

To identify areas in which employees would like to develop further.
To find out the factors that facilitates competency development of the employees.
To find out the steps taken by the management to increase the competency of the
To find out the effectiveness of competency development program offered by the
To measure skill gap on employees.


Research is defined as, it is often described as an active, diligent & systematic process of
inquiry aimed at discovering, interpreting & revising facts. This intellectual investigation
produces a greater knowledges application possible.

The research is also used to describe an entire collection of information about a particular
subject & finding solution.

Methodology is defined as, A body of method, rules & postulates employed by discipline.
A particular procedure or set of procedure. Or The analysis of the principle or procedure of
inquiry in a particular field.

The manipulation of thing, concept or symbols for the purpose of generalizing to extend correct
or verify knowledge, whether that knowledge aid in construction of theory or in the practice of


A research project conducted scientifically has a specific frame of research from the problem
identification to the presentation of the research project. This framework of conducting research
is known as the research design.

A research design is the arrangement of the conditions for the collection & analysis of data in
a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.

The study is based on. A research design is purely a framework & a plan for study that guides
the collection & analysis of data. It is a blue print followed in the completion of the study.



1 Data sources Primary & Secondary data

2 Research Approach Descriptive Research & Hypothesis Research

3 Instrument Used Questionnaire

4 Area of Interest Inside Tube Product Of India

5 Sampling Plan

a) Population Size 300 Respondents

b) Sampling Methods Stratified sampling

c) Method Used To Direct Contact Method

Collect Question

d) Type Of 1. Open-ended questions.
2. Closed -ended questions
Questionnaire Design
Dichotomous Scale ( Yes / No )
Likert 5 Point scale ( S.A, A, N, D.A,
S.D.A )

Category scales ( Multiple Item)

e) Method Of Analysis Chi-Square Method


Weighted Average Method

One Run Sample Test

K Test




Descriptive research, as their name implies are designed to describe something. Descriptive
research studies are those studies which are concerned with describing the characteristics of a
particular individual or of a group.

The researcher must be able to define clearly what he wants to measure & must find adequate
methods for measuring it along with a clear cut definition of population he wants to study. Since
the aim is to obtain complete & accurate information in the said studies, the procedure to be used
must be carefully planned. The research design must make enough provision for protection
against bias & must maximize reliability, with due concern for the economical completion of the
research study.


Hypothesis testing research studies are those where the researcher tests the Hypothesis of
casual relationships between variables. Such studies require procedure that will not only reduce
bias and increase reliability, but will permit drawing inference about causality. Usually
experiments meet this requirement.


The period of study is 6 months, which started from December to June 2013.


Data collection is the process of gathering information which is required for doing the analysis
of the study. There are various sources from which data can collect for the study.

The study is carried out with the help of the following methods of collection.

Primary Data Collection Method.

Secondary Data Collection Method.


The data which are collected fresh & for the first time & thus happen to be the original in
character is referred as Primary Data.

Primary Data Collection is the data which is collected by the researcher by himself. Primary
data may pertain to the social economic characteristics & opinion of people & other aspects.


The methods of primary data collection are;


Among these methods, survey method is the best applicable method for the study.

The method is the systematic gathering of data from the respondents. Survey is the most
commonly used method for collection of data. The main aspect for using this method is that,

Its extreme flexibility.

Its reliability.


Survey technique is the technique used for conducting the survey. This techniques used to
conduct the survey are

Personal interview.
Telephone interview.
Indirect interview.

Personal interview is the technique used for conducting the survey in the study.


These are the data that are gathered from journals, newspaper, annual report & web sites.


Questionnaire is the research instrument used in the survey. In this method, a per-printed list
questions arranged than used to elicit response & get the information.


Overall population for study is more than 1500 TPI.


A pilot study is a small scale replica of the main study. It is the rehearsal of the main
study. It covers the entire process of research which as follows:

Preparation of a broad plan of the study,

Construction of tools,
Collection of data,

Processing and analysis of data,
Report writing.


It is difficult to plan a major study or project without adequate knowledge of its subject
matter, the population it is to cover, their level of knowledge and understanding and the like. In
order to gain pre-knowledge of the subject matter of an extensive study, a preliminary
investigation is conducted. This is called a pilot study.


A survey is conducted from employees in TPI.


For this study sample size chosen are 300.



It is that part of statistical practices concerned with the selection of individual observations
intended to yield some knowledge about a population of concern, especially for the a purpose of
statistical inference. In particular, results from probability theory & statistical theory are
employed to guide practice.

The sampling process consists of different stages are;

Definition of population of concern.

Specification of a sampling frame, a set of items or events that it is possible to measure.
Specification of a sampling method for selective items or events from frame.
Determine the sample size plan.
Implement the sampling plan.

Review of sampling process.

If a population from which a sample is to be drawn does not constitute a homogeneous
group, stratified sampling technique is generally applied in order to obtain a representative
sample. Under stratified sampling the population is divided into several sub-population that are
individually more homogeneous than the total population and then we select items from each
stratum to constitute a sample. Since each stratum is more homogeneous than the total
population, we are able to get more precise estimates for each stratum and by estimating more
accurately each of the component parts, we get a better estimate of the whole. In brief, stratified
sampling result in more reliable and detailed information.


The questionnaire framed for the research study is structure questions are predetermined
before conducting the survey. The form of questionnaire is two types are;

Open-ended questions.
Closed -ended questions


The closed type of questions which is used in this study is;

Dichotomous Scale ( Yes / No )

Likert 5 Point scale ( S.A, A, N, D.A, S.D.A )
Category scales ( Multiple Item)


In this case, the respondents are offered two or more choices. The respondent has to indicate
which is applicable in this study



Considering the manner of data collection adopted, the study analyzed the data on qualitative
basis. Various options collected from respective respondents are analyzed separately.


The data from each & every user was analyzed & interpreted individually & then complied
together & presented in the form of tables & charts.

In each table, the total respondents answering for a particular question is noted. Among them
the alternate answer were given & traced, finally the percentage of each answer for particular
option is traced.



There are different types of statistical tools for analysis.

They are;
Simple percentage method,
Chi square test,
One-way ANOVA,
Weighted average method,
One run sample test.
In this study the researcher has adopted the following tools.


Tabulation is a statistical tool used for consideration of the data in a statistical process. Thus all
the data collected are tabulated for easy analysis


Percentage is refers to a special kind of ratio. Percentage is used in making comparisons

between two or more series of data. Percentage can also be used to compared the relative terms,
the distribution to be more series of data with a given table, it was difficult to interpret in table
with absolute figures but when, percentages are used, it is very easy to find the relative
differences in distribution.

Percentage= ( Unit/Total )*100




The automotive industry designs, develops, manufactures, markets, and sells the worlds
motor vehicles. In 2007, more than 73 million motor vehicles, including cars and commercial
vehicles were produced worldwide.

In 2007, a total of 71.9 million new automobiles were sold worldwide: 22.9 million in
Europe, 21.4 million in Asia-Pacific, 19.4 million in USA and Canada, 4.4 million in Latin
America, 2.4 million in the Middle East and 1.4 million in Africa. The markets in North America
and Japan were stagnant, while those in South America and Asia grew strongly. Of the major
markets, Russia, Brazil, India and China saw the most rapid growth.

About 250 million vehicles are in the United States. Around the world, there were about 806
million cars and light trucks on the road in 2007; they burn over 260 billion gallons of gasoline
and diesel fuel yearly. The numbers are increasing rapidly, especially in China and India.

In 2008, with rapidly rising oil prices, industries such as the automotive industry are
experiencing a combination of pricing pressures from raw material costs and changes in

consumer buying habits. The industry is also facing increasing external competition from the
public transport sector, as consumers re-evaluate their private vehicle usage.


Since the first car rolled out on the streets of Mumbai (then Bombay) in 1898, the automobile
industry of India has come a long way. During its early stages the auto industry was overlooked
by then Government and the policies were also not favorable. The liberalization policy and
various tax reliefs by the Govt. of India in recent years have made remarkable impacts on Indian
automobile industry. Indian auto industry, which is currently growing at the pace of around 18%
per annum, has become a hot destination for global auto players like Volvo, General Motors and

A well developed transportation system plays a key role in the development of an economy,
and India is no exception to it. With the growth of transportation system the automotive industry
of India is also growing at rapid sped, occupying an important place on the canvas of Indian

Automobile industry in India- 10th largest in the world with an annual production of
approximately 2 million units is expected to become one of the major global automotive
industries in the coming years. A number of domestic companies produce automobiles in India
and the growing presence of multi-national investment too, has led to an increase in overall
growth. Following the economic reforms of 1991 the Indian automotive industry has
demonstrated sustained growth as a result of increased competitiveness and relaxed

Today Indian automotive industry is fully capable of producing various kinds of vehicles and
can be divided into three broad categories: cars, two-wheelers and heavy vehicles. The industry
is estimated to be US $ 34 billion industry with exports contributing 5% of the revenues.

The growth of the Indian middle class with increasing purchasing power along with the strong
growth of the economy over the past few years has attracted global major auto manufactures to
the Indian market. Moreover, India provides trained manpower at competitive costs making India
a favored global manufacturing hub. The attractiveness of the Indian market on one hand

combined with the stagnation of the auto sector in markets such as Europe, US and Japan on the
other , have resulted in shifting of new capacities and flow of capital to the Indian auto industry.

The Indian automobile industry has been growing at the rate of 15-27 % over the past 5 years.
According to the United Nations Industrial Development Organizations, (UNIDO) International
Year Book of Industrial Statistics 2008, India ranks 12th in the list of worlds top 15 automakers.


Manufacturing is the production of goods for use or sale using labor and machines, tools,
chemical and biological processing, or formulation. The term may refer to a range of human
activity, from handicraft to high tech, but is most commonly applied to industrial production, in
which raw materials are transformed into finished goods on a large scale. Such finished goods
may be used for manufacturing other, more complex products, such as aircraft, household
appliances or automobiles, or sold to wholesalers, who in turn sell them to retailers, who then
sell them to end users the "consumers".

Manufacturing takes turns under all types of economic systems. In a free market economy,
manufacturing is usually directed toward the mass production of products for sale to consumers
at a profit.

In a collectivist economy, manufacturing is more frequently directed by the state to supply a

centrally planned economy. In mixed market economies, manufacturing occurs under some
degree of government regulation.

Modern manufacturing includes all intermediate processes required for the production and
integration of a product's components. Some industries, such as semiconductor and steel
manufacturers use the term fabrication instead.

The manufacturing sector is closely connected with engineering and industrial design.
Examples of major manufacturer in North America include General Motors Corporation, General
Electric, and Pfizer. Examples in Europe include Volkswagen Group, Siemens, and Michelin.
Examples in Asia include Toyota, Samsung, and Bridgestone.

Before the Industrial Revolution, most manufacturing occurred in rural areas, where
household-based manufacturing served as a supplemental subsistence strategy to agriculture (and
continues to do so in places). Entrepreneurs organized a number of manufacturing households
into a single enterprise through the putting-out system. Toll manufacturing is an arrangement
whereby a first firm with specialized equipment processes raw materials or semi-finished goods
for a second firm.



Murugappa group is a one of Indias leading business conglomerate which has business in
diverse area like engineering, abrasives, finances, general insurance, cycle, sugar, farm inputs,
fertilizers, plantations, bio-products and nutraceuticals.

Being a market leader in several of them it has a total of 29 businesses and has manufacturing
facilities spread across 13 states in India including seven listed companies actively traded in NSE
& BSE. Headquartered in Chennai, the major companies of the group include Carborudum
Universal Ltd., Cholamandalam investment and finance company Ltd., Cholamandalam MS
General Insurance companyLtd., coromandel engineering company Ltd., E.I.D. Parry (India)ltd.,
Parry Agro Industries Ltd., Tube investments of India Ltd and Wendt (India) Ltd.

The organization are employees a work force of over 32000+ employees. It has market leaders
in served segments including Abrasives, Auto Components, Cycles, Sugar, Farm inputs,
Fertilizers, Plantations, Construction, Bio-products and Nutraceuticals, the Group has forged
strong with international joint venture alliances with several international company including
Mitsui Sumitomo , Foskor, Cargil, Group Chimique Tunisieo.

The group is considered to be one of the fastest growing business houses in South Asia 2011.
The company has got the distinction of being called The TATA of South India due to its very
much diverse product.

The business has its origins in 1900, when Dewan Bahadur A M Murugappa Chettiar
established a money lending and banking business in Burma (now Myanmar), which then
spread to Malaysia, Sirlanka, Indonesia and Vietnam. In these 100 plus years, it has with stood
enormous vicissitudes, including strategically moving its assets bank to India and restarting from
scratch in the 30s, before the Japanese invasion of Burma in World War II.

Starting with a sand paper plant, the group forayed into making steel safes, and then into
manufacturing. It set up an insurance company, and bought a rubber plantation; making a small
but significant beginning. The rest is history.

Today, it is one of the countrys biggest industrial houses. Group turnover crossed the USD
1billon mark in 2003-04, with an impressive growth of 25 percent over Rs .4,206 crore in 2002-
03, a 40 percent jump in profit before tax over the previous year. Consolidated Group
turnover for 2004-05 crossed USD 1.44 billion, a growth of 20 percent over the previous year. In
2005-06, combined turnover increased by 17 percent to USD 1,630 million (Rs.7,340 crore) and
net profit (PBT) by 45 percent to USD 177 million (Rs.800 crore). The Group ended the year
2006-07, with a turnover of Rs.8,446 crore, and profit before tax of Rs.649 crore. The year 2007-
08 saw a turnover of USD 2.4 billion (Rs.9852 crore). Group achieved a turnover of Rs.13617
crore during 2009-10. Today, we have set ourselves to achieve a total turnover of USD 7.2 billion
by 2013-14.

The Group founders were aware of the importance and necessity of re contribution to the welfare
of the community they were operating in, from the time they began their journey in 1924. The

AMM Thrust was formed to set up and schools in Chennai and Pallathur, the native place of the

The Murugappa Group continues to build on the culture of philanthropy initiated by its founder.
Social commitment has always been the cornerstone of the groups ethos and it has been at the
forefront of eco-conservation, public health, and education in the communities where its
companies operate, since 1957.

It runs four schools, a polytechnic college and four hospitals. Besides, the group runs a research
and development centre for rural development, The Sri AM Murugappa Chettiar Research centre
(MCRC), which has been designing simple, cost-effective technologies for local artisans since

The Group has scaled each pinnacle consistently through its decisive and visionary response to
changing times. Its pioneering efforts, steadfast commitment to ethical business practices and its
dogged pursuit of new areas to extend its business acumen have brought unprecedented success
and several prestigious nation and international awards. But there is no stopping for Murugappa
Group; the journey is still on in search of scaling newer heights and finding greener pastures
beyond the horizon. Renowned brands like MSE, Hercules, Ballmaster, Ajax, Parrys, Gromor
and Paramfos are from the Murugappa stable.


Tube Investments of India Limited is the flagship Company of Murugappa Group. The
Company has 15 manufacturing/ assembly units spread across the country. These units are ably
supported by marketing offices that act as interface between customer requirements and
production team. The Companys shares are listed on the National, Mumbai and Chennai stock
exchanges within India and GDRs on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. The Companys product
segments are- Engineering, Metal Formed Products, E-Scooters, Fitness Equipments and Cycles.

TI is the market leader in precision tubes with 62 percent market share by virtue of its
quality and application engineering capabilities.

It is the market leader in the roll formed car doorframes with 76 percent market share by
virtue of its cost efficiency, association with key auto majors and roll forming
TI is a leading player in automotive chain with 35 percent market share by virtue of its
quality, cost and delivery association with two wheeler majors.
The company is also a leading player in bicycle segment with 34 percent market share by
virtue of its brand equity, product development capability and proximity to the markets.
Recently, TI acquired a controlling stake in Sedis Group, France.


TI Cycles.
BSA Motors.
TIDC India.
TI Metal Forming.
Tube Products of India.

Tube Products of India is one of the units of Tube Investments of India Ltd with its head
office in Chennai, India. Tube Investments of India is the flagship company of Murugappa

Tube Product of India was set up in the year 1955 in collaboration with Tube Product (Old
Bury) Limited, UK to produce Electric Resistance Welded (ERW) and Cold Drawn
Welded(CDW) tube also called as Drawn Over Mandrel tube. Although the manufacturing of
tubes was backward integration for the manufacture of bicycle, TPI is manufacturing Precision
Welded Tubes for all major automotive companies in India and abroad and providing tubular
solution to different user segments.

TPI is Indias undisputed market leader in CDW tubes to the automotive industry. It has also
significant market presence in power plant, boiler, textile machinery, general engineering. It is
the market leader in telescopic Front Fort Inner tubes for automotive segment. Other speciality

products include Rear Axle Tubes, Slide Impact Beams, Tie Rods, Drag links, Heavy thick
steering shafts and Hydraulic Cylinder Tubes.

TPI produces special extra deep drawing, high tensile, medium carbon and high carbon
CRCA strips that are used in industries such as bearings, automobile, fine blanking auto
ancillaries and general engineering. Investments are also being made for manufacturing dual
phases steels, hardened & tempered steels and highly spherodised steel for fine blanking

TPI has carved a niche for itself through innovation and product development. At the world-
class Material Research and Engineering Design Centre, application specialists work closely
with auto OEMs on various VAVE initiatives to reduce weight, enhance fuel efficiency and to
meet safety parameters. TPI worked closely with the TATA Nano team to develop the crash
members for meeting the safety norms. TPI is also a global supplier for cylinder tubes for shock
absorbers.TPIs list of demanding customers include Arvin Meritor, Delphi, Endurance, Gabriel,
HHML, Hyundai, JBML, John Deere, Mahindra and Mahindra, Munjal Showa, Omax Auto,
Rane, Suspa, Suzuki, Tenneco, TML, Toyota, TRW, Wipro Infrastructure and ZF. With its
expertise in material science, engineering design and product validation, TPI offers optimal
products meet the desired performance for its customers.

The International Business Plant of TPI has the capability to manufacture bright annealed
tubes for J525 applications, and has developed tubes for critical application like engine cam

To supplement its in-house expertise, TPI has technical tie-ups with a number of bodies,
including test houses like Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI) and SERC-CSIR;
academic institutions like the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, AU-FRG Center for CAD/
CAM, Indian Institute of Science and Colorado, School of Mines: and industry tie-ups with
LNP-GE Plastics, TVS Motors and M&Ms R&D divisions and various design outfits.

As a market leading and as a company that prides itself on precision, TPI aims to continue
innovating and expanding to provide tubular and CRCA solution to industrial grants across the

The reasons for the development of TPI are

Integrated tube manufacturing facility

Wide range of products
Wide manufacturing & distribution network
Conforming to international standards
Short product development cycle
Preferred supplier for national/ international auto manufacturers
Significant market presence in power plants, boiler, textile machinery, general
Self-certified boiler tube manufacturer
Operational excellence through TPM

To be a world-class source of precision tubes and CR strip ensuring stakeholder delight.

MISSION :( Strips)

To be a low cost speciality CR steel strips producer of global quality standards.

MISSION :( Tubes)

Achieve operational excellence through total productive maintenance to become the least cost
producer of precision tubes exceeding Rs.800 crores turnover with 50% export.


The fundamental principle of economic activity is that no man you transact with will lose: then
you shall not.

Adhere to ethical norms in all dealing with shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers,
financial institution and the government.

Provide value for money to customers through quality products and services.

Treat people with respect and concern: provide opportunities to learn, contribute and advance,
recognize and reward initiative, innovativeness and creativity.


An organizational climate conductive to trust, open communication and team spirit.

A style of operation befitting our size but reflecting moderation and humility

Manage the environment effectively for harnessing opportunities.

Discharge responsibilities to various sections of society and preserve the environment.

Grow in an accelerated manner, consistent with values and beliefs, by continuous

organizational renewal.


1955- Establishment of Tube Product of India.

1957- Cold rolling mill set up as a backward integration measure

1974- Installation of tube mill3

1986- Installation of tube mill4

1992- Commencement of thrust on exports

1993-1994 from engineering exports promotion

1994- Export award for achieving highest exports performance

1995- ISO 9002 certification for the main plant

1996- Aus $6 million plant set up near pune to cater to the needs of ERW and CDW tubes of
markets in western India Aus $6 million plant set up Chennai to exclusively cater to the global

1997- Aus $12.5 million plant set up at Avadi, Chennai to produce 1000 mm wide CR strips

1997- ISO 9002 certification for 100% export oriented unit

1999- Strategic alliance with Steel Tubes of India (STI) to utilize their Dewas and Bangalore
plant capacities

2001- QS 9000certification for TPI EOU TPM excellence journey at TPI, Avadi



Competency is defined as behaviors that describe excellent performance in a particular work
context (e.g. job, role or group of jobs, function, or whole organisation). In other words
competency means actual application of knowledge. skill and motives/attitude/temperament in
carrying out assigned tasks. A manager may be knowledgeable and skilled but he hardly applies
his/her knowledge and skill on assigned tasks, the said manager cannot be rated as a competent

Competency mapping is a process of identify key competencies for an organization and/ or a
job and incorporate those competencies through the various process (i.e. job evaluation, training,
recruitment, career and succession planning) of the organization.


Increased Productivity.

Improved Work Performance.

Training that is focused on Organizational objectives.

Employees know upfront what is expected from them.

Empowered Employees responsible for their own development.

Increase in Employee Retention Levels.

Develop situational leadership skills.

Manage at the rate of organizational change.

Measurement of human capital.

Talent retention

Help to appreciate human capital.

Help to properly utilize and manage HR.

The gap between current competency level and desired competency level can be identified at
three stages:
Immediate assessment

Continuous/ periodic assessment

Industry and technical assessment


Employee competency map is a very useful document and can be used for the following
Candidate appraisal for recruitment

Employee potential appraise for promotion.

Employee training needs identification.

Employee performance diagnostics.

Employee self-development initiatives

Retention strategy


1.Title: Competency

Author: Unido & Rankin

Edition: International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 2, Issue 8,

Year Of Publication: August-2011


A Competency is a set of Skills, related knowledge and attributes that allow an individual to
successfully perform a task or an activity within a specific function or a job. Competencies are
definition of skills and behaviors that organization expects their staff to practice in work. A

capacity that exists in a person that leads to behavior that meets the job demands within
parameters of organizational environment, and that, in turn brings about desired results.
Competencies are generic knowledge motive, trait, social role or a skill of a person linked to
superior performance on the job. Competencies are personal characteristic that contribute to
effective managerial performance.

2. Title: Strategic Competency Management

Author: Ianlen Holder

Edition: Gulf New (United Arab Emirates)

Year Of Publication: March 5, 2008


Competency is the capability to apply a set of related knowledge, skills and abilities
required to perform Critical Work Functions in a defined work setting strategic competency
management enable organizations to identify exemplary employees and discover their secrets to
success, and competency models spotlight stellar individual performance and use it as a yardstick
against which all performance is evaluated.

Strategic competency management starts with setting up of Competency

Development Unit and its scope / impact applies to more position across the organization. The
primary mandate is to ensure a solid foundation for job by defining key accountabilities.

3. Title: Competency Management

Author: R.C.Kiran Chandy

Edition: Hr Wishma Public ation

Year Of Publication: March 04, 2010


The competency framework serves as the bed rock for all HR processes like talent
induction; management development appraisal and training yield much better results. A HR
consultant point out that the competency movement has caught on much better in the non IT
sector than the IT sector that the IT sector. Only a few IT organization which are at the higher
end of the HR value chain are known to be doing some work in this area; most are busy handling
recruitment and compensation related matters.

Unless management and HR head holistic expectation from their HR department. Start with
small, discrete groups or team, ideally in two directions a Horizontal slice across the business
that takes in a multifunctional or multi site group, more or less at the same organization level and
A Vertical slice taking in one whole department or team form top to bottom. From that, the
organization can learn about the process of competency modeling.

4. Title: A Study On Perception Of Selection Personnel Director Of Competencies and

Skills OF Office employees

Author: Walker, Joyce Hayes

Edition: Uk Feitz Publication

Year Of Publication: 1991


Implications for training the job of tomorrow for personnel directors of bank, hospitals,
law firms & manufacturing companies Mississippi were randomly selected to determine the
competencies of college of junior community college office administration graduates as
perceived to be importance by selected personnel directors. The test results indicated significant
differences in perception of importance and the degree of preparation of these employees was
found in only 22 of the 63 competencies and skills perceived. These were found in the following
categories specific job skills, communication skills, machine operations, basic knowledge&
skills and personnel characteristics.

5. Title: A Study On Competency Assessment & Training

Author: Damodar Suar and Abhik Dan

Edition: Cambridge Review Journal

Year Of Publication: 2000


Competencies of the employees were found to be lower than required competencies.

Deficiencies or gaps in competencies were found in more number of behavioral skills compared
to technical skills. Deficiencies in three most important competencies for scales officers were
planning of work, listening to others and working with computers for office in charges were
business aptitude, business decision making and team player taking initiative and business
aptitude and for location heads were taking initiative managing a team and being a team player.
Implications of findings for designing training programmers are discussed.

6. Title: Role Of Competency

Author: H. Ranelalph Thomas

Edition: South Western Publishing councinna

Year Of Publication: January 2003


A seminars article published by John Flanagan in 1954 established criterias incidents

techniques as a processor is the key methodology used in regards competency studies based on
studies of US Air force pilot performance, Flanagan concluded that The principle objective of
job analysis procedures should be the determination of criteria requirements.

7. Title: Understanding, Designing and Implementing Competency Models in

Author: John S.S.Flanagan

Year Of Publication:1954


A seminal article published by John Flanagan in 1954 established Critical Incidents

Technique as a precursor to the key methodology used in rigorous competency studies. Based on
studies of Air Force pilot performance, Flanagan concluded that the principle objective of job
analysis procedures should be the determination of critical requirements. These requirements
include those which have been demonstrated to have made the difference between success and
failure in carrying out an important part of the job assigned in a significant number of instances.
From here, critical incidents technique was originally discovered. Critical incidents itself can be
defined as a set of procedures for systematically identifying behaviors that contribute to success
or failure of individuals or organizations in specific situations.

8.Title: Competency mapping

Author: Sapteshp


Year Of Publication: Retrieved 02, 2011,


Competency Mapping is processes of identifying key competencies for an organization

and/or a job and incorporating those competencies throughout the various processes (i.e. job
evaluation, training, recruitment) of the organization. It generally examines two areas: emotional
intelligence or emotional quotient (EQ), and strengths of the individual in areas like team
structure, leadership, and decision-making. Large organizations frequently employ some form of
competency mapping to understand how to most effectively employ the competencies of
strengths of workers. . Competency mapping can also be done for contract or freelance workers,

or for those seeking employment to emphasize the specific skills which would make them
valuable to a potential employer. These kinds of skills can be determined, when one is ready to
do the work. There are four major components of competency: Skill, Knowledge, attribute and

9.Title: "Competency based management: a review of systems and approaches",

Author: Fotis Draganidis, Gregoris Mentzas

Edition: Information Management & Computer Security, Vol. 14 Iss: 1, pp.51 - 64

Year Of Publication: 2006


Purpose Aims to review the key concepts of competency management (CM) and to
propose method for developing competency method.

Design/methodology/approach Examines the CM features of 22 CM systems and 18 learning

management systems. Findings Finds that the areas of open standard (XML, web services,
RDF), semantic technologies (anthologies and the semantic web) and portals with self-service
technologies are going to play a significant part in the evolution of CM systems. Originality/
value Emphasizes the beneficial attributes of CM for private and public organizations.

10.Title: Competency requirements for effective job performance in the Thai Public Sector

Author: Boyatzis

Edition: Contemporary Management Research

Year Of Publication: Pages 45-70, Vol.3 , No.1, March 2007


Once the key behaviors in a job have been identified they become the basis of the criteria
to be predicted. This allows the assessment tools subsequently used in the assessment centre to
be structured, that is, directly related to the competencies shown to determine effective job

performance. Almost always the job holders themselves are central to the process but frequently
it may involve peers, subordinates, superiors or even customers. The involvement of senior
managers especially can often pay dividends from the point of view of gaining commitment and
fostering a sense of ownership, this ties in with t he points discussed in module one in relation to
ensuring that senior personnel buy in to the project.

Key themes involved in securing the commitment of senior managers during the competency

1.Involvement of managers in the competency framework design.

2.Familiarization with competencies and the behavioral assessment process.
3.Application of the framework to solve pressing business/organizational issues.
4.Review of the competency framework on a regular basis as corporate strategy .



TABLE 4.1.1: Table Showing Distribution of Respondents by Education.


HSc 39 13%
ITI 90 30%
Diploma 105 35%
Bachelor Degree 45 15%
Master Degree 21 7%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 4.1.1: Chart Showing Distribution of Respondents by Educational Qualification.


From the above table, it is inferred that maximum 35% of the employees have completed
diploma, 30% of the respondents are ITI holder, 15% of the respondents are bachelor degree
holder, 13% of the respondents are HSc holder and minimum 7% of the employees are master
degree holder.

TABLE 4.1.2 Table Showing Distribution of Respondents by Over All Experiences.


Below 10 Yrs 60 20%
10 Yrs to 20 Yrs 45 15%
21 Yrs to 30 Yrs 75 25%
ABOVE 30 Yrs 120 40%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 4.1.2 : Chart Showing Distribution of Respondents by Over All Experiences.


From the above table, it is inferred that highest 40% of the respondents have above 30Yrs as
overall experiences in TPI, 25% of the respondents have 21 Yrs to 30 Yrs, 20% of the
respondents have below 10 Yrs and lowest 15% of respondents have 10 Yrs to 20 Yrs as overall
experiences in TPI.

TABLE 4.1.3 : Table Showing Distribution of Respondents by Age.


Below 25 Yrs 30 10%
25 to 35 Yrs 75 25%
36 to 45 Yrs 120 40%
46 to 55 Yrs 45 15%
ABOVE 55 Yrs 30 10%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 4.1.3 : Chart Showing Distribution of Respondents by Age.


From the above table, it is inferred that maximum 40% of the respondents age lies between 36
to 45 Yrs in TPI, 25% of the respondents are 25 to 35 Yrs, 15% of the respondents are 46 to 55
Yrs and minimum both 10% of the respondents are below 25 Yrs and above 55 Yrs ages in TPI.

TABLE 4.1.4 : Table Showing Distribution of Respondents by Gender.


Male 237 79%
Female 63 21%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 4.1.4 : Chart Showing Distribution of Respondents by Gender.


From the above table, it is inferred that highest 79% of the respondents are male and 21% of
the respondents are female in TPI.

TABLE 4.1.5 : Table Showing Distribution of Respondents by Marital Status.


Single 114 38%
Married 186 62%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 4.1.5 : Chart Showing Distribution of Respondents by Marital Status.


From the above table, it is inferred that maximum 62% of the respondents are married in TPI
and minimum 38% of the respondents are single in TPI.

TABLE 4.1.6 : Table Showing Distribution of Respondents by Language Known.


English 66 22%
Tamil 90 30%
Malayalam 54 18%
Telugu 30 10%
All The Above 60 20%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 4.1.6 : Chart Showing Distribution of Respondents by Language Known.


From the above table, it is inferred that maximum 30% of the respondents are known Tamil
language in TPI, 22% of the respondents are known English language, 20% of the respondents
are known all the above, 18% of the respondents are known Malayalam language and 10% of the
respondents known Telugu in TPI.

TABLE 4.1.7 : Table Showing Distribution of Respondents by Years Of Experience in TPI.


1 to 5 Yrs 33 11%
6 to 10 Yrs 51 17%
11 to 15 Yrs 66 22%
Above 15 Yrs 150 50%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 4.1.7 : Chart Showing Distribution of Respondents by Years Of Experience in



From the above table, it is inferred that highest 50% of the respondent are above 15Yrs of
experience in TPI, 22% of the respondent are 11 to 15Yrs, 17% of the respondents are 6 to 10
Yrs and lowest11% of the respondents are 1 to 5 Yrs of experience in TPI.

TABLE 4.1.8 : Table Showing Distribution of Respondents by Years Of Experiences

Outside TPI.


Not There 30 10%
Below 1Yr 45 15%
1 to 2 Yrs 75 25%
3 to 5 Yrs 45 15%
Above 5 Yrs 105 35%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 4.1.8 : Chart Showing Distribution of Respondents by Years Of Experiences

Outside TPI.


From the above table, it is inferred that maximum 35% of the respondents are have above
5Yrs of experiences outside TPI, 25% of the respondents are 1 to 2 Yrs, both 15% of the
respondents are below 1Yr and 3 to 5 Yrs and minimum 10% of the respondents are doesnt have
any experiences outside TPI.

TABLE 4.1.9 : Table Showing Distribution of Respondents by Department Of Employee

Working In TPI


HR 120 40%
Finance 75 25%
Marketing 45 15%
System 30 10%
Logistics 30 10%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 4.1.9 : CHART SHOWING Distribution of Respondents by Department Of

Employee Working In TPI


From the above table, it is inferred that highest 40% of the respondents are HR department of
employee working in TPI, 25% of the respondents are finance department, 15% of the
respondents are marketing department and lowest both 10% of the respondents are system and
logistics department of employee working in TPI.

TABLE 4.2.1 : Table Showing Employee Encourage For Open Discussion Through


Strongly Agree 75 25%
Agree 105 35%
Neither Agree Nor Disagree 60 20%
Disagree 24 8%
Strongly Disagree 36 12%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.2.1 : Chart Showing Employee Encourage For Open Discussion Through


From the above table, it is inferred that maximum 35% of the respondents says agree to
encourage for open discussion through questioning, 25% of the respondents says strongly agree,
20% of the respondents says neither agree nor disagree, 12% of the respondents says strongly
disagree and minimum 8% of the respondents says disagree to encourage for open discussion
through questioning.

TABLE 2.2.2 : Table Showing Employee Listen Carefully to Others And Try to Help for
Solving Problem.


Strongly Agree 120 40%
Agree 60 20%
Neither Agree Nor Disagree 54 18%
Disagree 36 12%
Strongly Disagree 30 10%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.2.2 : Chart Showing Employee Listen Carefully to Others And Try to Help for
Solving Problem.


From the above table, it is inferred that highest 40% of the respondents says strongly agree to
listen carefully to others and try to help their colleagues with the problem, 20% of the
respondents says agree, 18% of the respondents says neither agree nor disagree, 12% of the
respondents says disagree and lowest 10% of the respondents says strongly disagree to listen
carefully to others and try to help their colleagues with the problem.

TABLE 2.2.3 : Table Showing Employee Adopt Language And Style to Their Colleagues.


Strongly Agree 60 20%
Agree 54 18%
Neither Agree Nor Disagree 114 38%
Disagree 45 15%
Strongly Disagree 27 9%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.2.3 : Chart Showing Employee Adopt Language And Style to Their Colleagues.


From the above table, it is inferred that maximum 38% of the respondents says neither agree
nor disagree to adopt language and style with their colleagues, 20% of the respondents says
strongly agree, 18% of the respondents says agree, 15% of the respondents says disagree and
minimum 9% of the respondents says strongly disagree to adopt language and style with their

TABLE 2.3.1 : Table Showing Employee Accepts Challenging Job


Strongly Agree 60 20%
Agree 120 40%
Neither Agree Nor Disagree 24 18%
Disagree 42 14%
Strongly Disagree 24 8%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.3.1 : Chart Showing Employee Accepts Challenging Job


From the above table, it is inferred that highest 40% of the respondents says agree to accepts
challenging job that are achievable in short and long run, 20% of the respondents says strongly
agree, 18% of the respondents are neither agree nor disagree, 14% of the respondents says
disagree and lowest 8% of the respondents says strongly disagree to accepts challenging job that
are achievable in short and long run.

TABLE 2.3.2 : Table Showing Employee Identify Gaps in Jobs And Overcome It.


Strongly Agree 54 18%
Agree 84 28%
Neither Agree Nor Disagree 108 36%
Disagree 30 10%
Strongly Disagree 24 8%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.3.2 : Chart Showing Employee Identify Gaps in Jobs And Overcome It.


From the above table, it is inferred that highest 36% of the respondents says neither agree nor
disagree to identify gaps in jobs and seek out for overcoming it, 28% of the respondents says
agree, 18% of the respondents says strongly agree, 10% of the respondents says disagree and
lowest 8% of the respondents says strongly disagree to identify gaps in jobs and seek out for
overcoming it.

TABLE 2.3.3 : Table Showing Employee Set Target And Monitor Efficiency And


Strongly Agree 60 20%
Agree 102 34%
Neither Agree Nor Disagree 24 18%
Disagree 30 10%
Strongly Disagree 24 18%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.3.3 : Chart Showing Employee Set Target And Monitor Efficiency And


From the above table, it is inferred that maximum 34% of the respondents says agree to set
target and monitor efficiency and efficiency and effectiveness of the employees, 20% of the
respondents says strongly agree, both 18% of the respondents says neither agree nor disagree and
strongly disagree and minimum 10% of the respondents says disagree to set target and monitor
efficiency and efficiency and effectiveness of the employees.

TABLE 2.4.1 : Table Showing Management Lay Out Clear Standard And Achievable


Strongly Agree 60 20%
Agree 111 37%
Neither Agree Nor Disagree 54 18%
Disagree 45 15%
Strongly Disagree 30 10%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.4.1 : Chart Showing Management Lay Out Clear Standard Ant Achievable Goal.


From the above table, it is inferred that highest 37% of the respondents says agree for
management clear standard and achievable goal, 20% of the respondents says strongly agree,
18% of the respondents says neither agree nor disagree, 15% of the respondents says disagree
and lowest 10% of the respondents says strongly disagree for management clear standard and
achievable goal.

TABLE 2.4.2 : Table Showing Centralized Leadership Motives Employee to Perform Job


Strongly Agree 54 18%
Agree 72 24%
Neither Agree Nor Disagree 90 30%
Disagree 48 16%
Strongly Disagree 36 12%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.4.2 : Chart Showing Centralized Leadership Motives Employee to Perform Job


From the above table, it is inferred that maximum 30% 0f the respondents says neither agree
nor disagree to the centralized leadership motives employee to perform job better, 24% of the
respondents says agree, 18% of the respondents says strongly agree, 16% of the respondents says
disagree and minimum 112% of the respondents says strongly disagree to the centralized
leadership motives employee to perform job better.

TABLE 2.5.1: Table Showing Employees Seize Opportunities And Challenges.


Strongly Agree 60 20%
Agree 105 35%
Neither Agree Nor Disagree 45 15%
Disagree 54 18%
Strongly Disagree 36 12%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.5.1 : Chart Showing Employees Seize Opportunities And Challenges.


From the above table, it is inferred that highest 35% of the respondents says agree to seize
opportunities and challenges in TPI, 20% of the respondents says strongly agree, 18% of the
respondents says disagree, 15% of the respondents are neither agree and lowest 12% of the
respondents says strongly disagree to seize opportunities and challenges in TPI.

TABLE 2.5.2 : Table Showing Employee Forecast the Companys Future Requirement


Strongly Agree 75 25%
Agree 90 30%
Neither Agree Nor Disagree 54 18%
Disagree 45 15%
Strongly Disagree 36 12%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.5.2 : Chart Showing Employee Forecast the Companys Future Requirement


From the above table, it is inferred that maximum 30% of the respondents says agree to
forecast the companys future requirement effectively, 25% of the respondents says strongly
agree, 18% of the respondents says neither agree nor disagree, 15% of the respondents says
disagree and minimum12% of the respondents says strongly disagree to forecast the companys
future requirement effectively.

TABLE 2.6.1 :Table Showing Maximize the Utilization of Available Technology.


Strongly Agree 63 21%
Agree 96 32%
Neither Agree Nor Disagree 60 20%
Disagree 51 17%
Strongly Disagree 30 10%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.6.1: Chart Showing Maximize the Utilization of Available Technology.


From the above table, it is inferred that highest 32% of the respondents says agree to
maximize the utilization of available technology, 21% of the respondents says strongly agree,
20% of the respondents says neither agree nor disagree,17% of the respondents says disagree and
lowest 10% of the respondents says strongly disagree maximize the utilization of available

TABLE 2.6.2:Table Showing Employee Adopt And Apply Different New Approaches to
Situation Problem.


Strongly Agree 36 12%
Agree 57 19%
Neither Agree Nor Disagree 63 21%
Disagree 90 30%
Strongly Disagree 54 18%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.6.2: Chart Showing Employee Adopt And Apply Different New Approaches to
Situation Problem.


From the above table, it is

inferred that maximum 30% of the
respondents says disagree to adopt
and apply different new
approaches to situation problem,
21% of the respondents says
neither agree nor disagree, 19% of
the respondents says agree, 18% of
the respondents says strongly
disagree and minimum 12% of the
respondents says strongly agree to adopt and apply different new approaches to situation

TABLE 2.6.3 : Table Showing Capability of Modifying Standard Approaches for



Strongly Agree 54 18% Source: Primary
Agree 96 32% data
Neither Agree Nor Disagree 60 20%
CHART 2.6.3
Disagree 54 18%
: Strongly Disagree 36 12% Chart
TOTAL 300 100% Showing
Capability Of
Approaches For


From the above table, it is inferred that highest 32% of the respondents says agree to
capability of modifying standard approaches for effectiveness, 20% of the respondents says
neither agree nor disagree, both 18% of the respondents says strongly agree and disagree and
lowest 12% of the respondents says strongly disagree to capability of modifying standard
approaches for effectiveness.

TABLE 2.6.4 : Table Showing Personally Encourage Innovation And Creativity.


Strongly Agree 36 12%
Agree 54 18%
Neither Agree Nor Disagree 90 30%
Disagree 60 20%
Strongly Disagree 60 20%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.6.4 : Chart Showing Personally Encourage Innovation And Creativity.


From the above table, it is inferred that highest 30% of the respondents says neither agree nor
disagree to personally encourage innovation and creativity, both 20% of the respondents says
disagree and strongly disagree, 18% of the respondents says agree and lowest 12% of the
respondents says strongly agree to personally encourage innovation and creativity.

TABLE 2.7.1 : Table Showing Team Work Brings More Satisfactory Result.


Strongly Agree 75 25%
Agree 105 35%
Neither Agree Nor Disagree 54 18%
Disagree 39 13%
Strongly Disagree 27 9%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.7.1 : Chart Showing Team Work Brings More Satisfactory Result.


From the above table, it is inferred that highest 35% of the respondents says agree to team
work brings more satisfactory result says from working individual,25% of the respondents says
strongly agree, 18% of the respondents neither agree nor disagree, 13% of the respondents says
disagree and lowest 9% of the respondents says strongly disagree to team work brings more
satisfactory result from working individual.

TABLE 2.7.2 : Table Showing Collaborating Encourages And Support Colleagues to
Achieve Goals.


Strongly Agree 102 34%
Agree 81 27%
Neither Agree Nor Disagree 42 14%
Disagree 45 15%
Strongly Disagree 30 10%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.7.2 : Chart Showing Collaborating Encourages And Support Colleagues To

Achieve Goals.


From the above table, it is inferred that maximum 34% of the respondents says strongly agree
to collaborating encourages and support colleagues to achieve goals on time, 24% of the
respondents says agree, 15% of the respondents says disagree, 14% of the respondents says
neither agree nor disagree and minimum 10% of the respondents says strongly disagree to
collaborating encourages and support colleagues to achieve goals on time.

TABLE 2.8.1 : Table Showing Love To Sustain And Work for Long Hours.

Strongly Agree 111 37%
Agree 60 20%
Neither Agree Nor Disagree 72 24%
Disagree 30 10%
Strongly Disagree 27 9%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.8.1 : Chart Showing Love To Sustain And Work for Long Hours.


From the above table, it is inferred that highest 37% of the respondents says strongly agree
sustain and work for long hours in the organization, 24% of the respondents says neither agree
nor disagree, 20% of the respondents says agree, 10% of the respondents says disagree and
lowest 9% of the respondents says strongly disagree sustain and work for long hours in the

TABLE 2.8.2 : Table Showing Maintaining High Performance Even Under Enormous
Stress Level.


Strongly Agree 21 7%
Agree 24 8%
Neither Agree Nor Disagree 114 38%
Disagree 81 27%
Strongly Disagree 60 20%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.8.2 : Chart Showing Maintaining High Performance Even Under Enormous
Stress Level.


From the above table, it is

inferred that maximum 38% of
the respondents says neither
agree nor disagree to maintain high performance even under enormous stress level, 27% of the
respondents says disagree, 20% of the respondents says strongly disagree, 8% of the respondents
says agree and minimum 7% of the respondents says strongly agree to maintain high
performance even under enormous stress level.

TABLE 2.9.1 : Table Showing Develop Concept / Pattern Based Problem in Hand.


Strongly Agree 27 9%
Agree 30 10%
Neither Agree Nor Disagree 105 35%
Disagree 75 25%
Strongly Disagree 63 21%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.9.1 : Chart Showing Develop Concept / Pattern Based Problem in Hand.


From the above table, it is inferred that highest 35% of the respondents says neither agree nor
disagree to try on develop concept / pattern based problem in hand, 25% of the respondents says
disagree, 21% of the respondents says strongly disagree, 10% of the respondents says agree and
lowest 9% of the respondents says strongly agree to try on develop concept / pattern based
problem in hand.

TABLE 2.9.2 : Table Showing Employee Immediately Identify Issues in a Complex

Situation for Solutions.


Strongly Agree 60 20%
Agree 96 32%
Neither Agree Nor Disagree 75 25%
Disagree 39 13%
Strongly Disagree 30 10%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.9.2 : Chart Showing Employee Immediately Identify Issues in a Complex

Situation for Solutions.


From the above table, it is inferred that highest 32% of the respondents says agree for
employee immediately identify issues in a complex situation for solutions, 25% of the
respondents says neither agree nor disagree, 20% of the respondents says strongly agree, 13% of
the respondents says disagree and lowest 10% of the respondents says strongly disagree for
employee immediately identify issues in a complex situation for solutions.

TABLE 2.10.1 : Table Showing Employees are Flexible And Adaptable to Change.


Strongly Agree 111 37%
Agree 81 27%
Neither Agree Nor Disagree 60 20%
Disagree 21 7%
Strongly Disagree 27 9%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.10.1 : Chart Showing Employees are Flexible And Adaptable to Change.


From the above table, it is inferred that maximum 37 % of the respondents says strongly agree
for flexible and adaptable to change in the organization, 27% of the respondents says agree, 20%
of the respondents says neither agree nor disagree, 9% of the respondents says strongly disagree
and 7% of the respondents says disagree for flexible and adaptable to change in the organization.

TABLE 2.10.2 : Table Showing Role in Re-Engineering of Business Process And Scope
With the Change Management.


Strongly Agree 45 15%
Agree 63 21%
Neither Agree Nor Disagree 102 34%
Disagree 60 20%
Strongly Disagree 30 10%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.10.2 : Chart Showing Role in Re-Engineering of Business Process And Scope
With the Change Management.


From the above table, it is inferred that maximum 34% of the respondents says neither agree
nor disagree for role in re-engineering of business process and scope with the change
management, 21% of the respondents says agree, 20% of the respondents says disagree, 15% of
the respondents says strongly agree and minimum 10% of the respondents says strongly disagree
for role in re-engineering of business process and scope with the change management.

TABLE 2.11.1 : Table Showing Performance Appraisal are Evaluated From Time to Time.


Highly Satisfied 81 27%
Satisfied 72 24%
Medium 90 30%
Dissatisfied 30 10%
Highly Dissatisfied 27 9%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.11.1 : Chart Showing Performance Appraisal are Evaluated from Time to


From the above table, it is inferred that highest 30% of the respondents says medium for
performance appraisals are evaluated from time to time, 27% of the respondents says highly
satisfied, 24% of the respondents says satisfied and lowest10% of the respondents says highly
dissatisfied for performance appraisals are evaluated from time to time.

TABLE 2.11.2 : Table Showing Counseling Sessions Help to Solve the Problems.


Highly Satisfied 63 21%
Satisfied 102 34%
Medium 81 27%
Dissatisfied 30 10%
Highly Dissatisfied 24 8%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.11.2 : Chart Showing Counseling Sessions Help to Solve the Problems.


From the above table, it is inferred that highest 34% of the respondents says satisfied for
counseling sessions help to solve the problems in the organization,27% of the respondents says
medium,21% of the respondents says highly satisfied, 10% of the respondents says dissatisfied
and 8% of the respondents says highly dissatisfied for counseling sessions help to solve the
problems in the organization.

TABLE 2.11.3 : Table Showing Coaching In-Basket Training Very Informative And


Highly Satisfied 54 18%
Satisfied 84 28%
Medium 93 31%
Dissatisfied 39 13%
Highly Dissatisfied 30 10%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.11.3 : Chart Showing Coaching In-Basket Training Very Informative And


From the above table, it is inferred that maximum 31% of the respondents says medium for
coaching in basket training very informative and useful for employees, 28% of the respondents
says satisfied, 18% of the respondents says highly satisfied, 13% of the respondents says
dissatisfied and 10% of the respondents says highly dissatisfied for coaching in basket training
very informative and useful for employees.

TABLE 2.12.1 : Table Showing Measurement of Skills Done Periodically / Regularly in

the Organization.


Source: Yes 270 90% Primary data
No 30 10%
TOTAL 300 100% CHART 2.12.1 : Chart
Showing Measurement of Skills Done Periodically / Regularly in the Organization.


From the above table, it is inferred that maximum 90% of the respondents says yes for skills
measurement done periodically / regularly in the organization and 10% of the respondents says
no for skills measurement done periodically / regularly in the organization.

TABLE 2.12.2 : Table Showing Organization Provides Career Growth for Their


Yes 243 81%
No 57 19%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.12.2 : Chart Showing Organization Provides Career Growth for Their


From the above table, it is inferred that highest 81% of the respondents says yes for their
organization makes career growth with the competency and lowest 19% of the respondents says
no for their organization makes career growth with the competency.

TABLE 2.12.3 : Table Showing That Competency Mapping is Useful in the Organization.


Succession Planning 33 11%
Career Growth 24 8%
Job Positioning 72 24%
Training 111 37%
Organization Goal 60 20%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.12.3 : Chart Showing Competency Mapping is Useful in the Organization.


From the above table, it is inferred that maximum 37% of the respondents says training is
useful for competency mapping in the organization, 24% of the respondents says job positioning,
20% of the respondents says organization goal, 11% of the respondents says succession planning
and minimum 8% of the respondents says career growth is useful for competency mapping in the

TABLE 2.12.4 : Table Showing Training Really Increasing Skills of the Employee in the


Strongly Agree 87 29%
Agree 81 27%
Neither agree nor disagree 54 18%
Disagree 48 16%
Strongly Disagree 30 10%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.12.4 : Chart Showing Training Really Increasing Skills of the Employee in the


From the above table, it is inferred that highest 29% of the respondents says strongly agree for
training makes increasing skills of the employee in the organization, 27% of the respondents says
agree, 18% of the respondents says neither agree nor disagree, 16% of the respondents says
disagree and 10% of the respondents says strongly disagree for training makes increasing skills
of the employee in the organization.

TABLE 2.12.5 : Table Showing Training Program is Important And Useful for Career


Professional Training 63 21%
Time Management Training 72 24%
Leadership Training 54 18%
Computer Software Training 90 30%
Motivational Training 21 7%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.12.5 : Chart Showing Training Program is Important And Useful for Career


From the above table, it is inferred that highest 30% of the respondents says computer
software training is important and useful training program for career development, 24% of the
respondents says time management training, 18% of the respondents says leadership training and
lowest 7% of the respondents says motivational training is important and useful training program
for career development.

TABLE 2.12.6 : Table Showing Facilitates Competency Mapping With the Employee.


Organization Goal 30 10%
Performance Quality of Work 60 20%
Innovation & Creation 54 18%
Compensation & Pay 96 32%
Employee Retention 60 20%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.12.6 : Chart Showing Facilitates Competency Mapping With the Employee.


From the above table, it is inferred that maximum 32% of the respondents says compensation
& pay for facilitates competency mapping with the employee, both 20% of the respondents says
performance quality of work and employee retention, 18% of the respondents says innovation &
creation and minimum 10% of the respondents says organization goal for facilitates competency
mapping with the employee.

TABLE 2.12.7 : Table Showing Organization And Individual Goals are Achieved in The


Fully Achieved 210 70%
Partially Achieved 60 20%
Not Achieved 30 10%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.12.7 : Chart Showing Organization And Individual Goals are Achieved in the


From the above table, it is inferred that highest 70% of the respondents says fully achieved for
organization and individual goals in the organization, 20% of the respondents says partially
achieved and lowest 10% of the respondents says not achieved for organization and individual
goals in the organization.

TABLE 2.12.8 : Table Showing Competency Development Program are Useful for


More Useful 105 35%
Useful 75 25%
To Some Extent Useful 63 21%
Less Useful 30 10%
Not Useful 27 9%
TOTAL 300 100%
Source: Primary data

CHART 2.12.8 : Chart Showing Competency Development Program are Useful for


From the above table, it is inferred that maximum 35% of the respondents says more useful
by conducting competency development program, 25% of the respondents says useful, 21% of
the respondents says to some extent useful, 10% of the respondents says less useful and
minimum 9% of the respondents says not useful by conducting competency development

4.13 Chi-Square Test

Let HO be Null Hypothesis & H1 be Alternative Hypothesis.

HO = There is no significance between gender of the respondents and factors that facilities competency
mapping of the employees.

H1= There is significance between gender of the respondents and factors that facilities competency
mapping of the employees.


Gender of employees

Observed N Expected N Residual

male 237 150.0 87.0
femle 63 150.0 -87.0
Total 300

Factors that facilities competency mapping with the


Observed N Expected N Residual

Organization a goal 30 60.0 -30.0
Performance quality of 60 60.0 .0
Innovation and creation 54 60.0 -6.0
Compensation and pay 96 60.0 36.0
Employee retention 60 60.0 .0
Total 300

Testing of Hypothesis

Gender of the respondents &

Factor that facilities competency mapping of

the employees

Chi-Square 12.6972
Df 4.00

2 Table value > 2 Calculated value.

HO is accepted, H1 is rejected.


Since calculate value is less than table value i.e., (9.488>12.6972). Hence null Hypothesis is
rejected, alternative Hypothesis is accepted. Hence, There is significance between gender of the
respondents and factors that facilities competency mapping of the employees.


Let HO be Null Hypothesis & H1 be Alternative Hypothesis.

HO=There is no significance between organization provides career growth for the competency &
Performance appraisals are evaluation from time to time.

H1= There is significance between organization provides career growth for the competency &
Performance appraisals are evaluation from time to time.

Descriptive Analysis

Skill measured periodically in organization

95% Confidence
Interval for Mean
Std. Std. Lower Upper Minimu Maximu
N Mean Deviation Error Bound Bound m m
highly satisfied 81 1.0000 .00000 .00000 1.0000 1.0000 1.00 1.00
Satisfied 72 1.0000 .00000 .00000 1.0000 1.0000 1.00 1.00
Medium 90 1.0000 .00000 .00000 1.0000 1.0000 1.00 1.00
Disagree 30 1.1000 .30513 .05571 .9861 1.2139 1.00 2.00
highly 27 2.0000 .00000 .00000 2.0000 2.0000 2.00 2.00
Total 300 1.1000 .30050 .01735 1.0659 1.1341 1.00 2.00

skill measured periodically in organization

Sum of
Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 3811 4 952.75 1.223 .050
Within Groups 3115 4 778.75


Table value of F =6.39

5% level of significance in the calculated value of F is < the table value of F.

Therefore Ho is accepted, H1 is rejected. Hence, there is no significance between organizations

provides career growth for the competency & performance appraisals are evaluation from time to

4.15 Correlations
Let HO be Null Hypothesis & H1 be Alternative Hypothesis.

HO= There is correlation between opportunities & challenges they arise and forecast the
companys future requirements effectively.
H1= There is no correlation between opportunities & challenges they arise and forecast the
companys future requirements effectively.


x Y X=60 Y=60 X2 Y2 XY
36 36 -24 -24 576 576 576
54 45 -6 -15 36 225 90
45 54 -15 -6 225 36 90
105 90 45 30 2025 900 1350
60 75 0 15 0 225 0
300 300 0 0 2862 1962 2106

Descriptive Statistics

Mean Deviation N
Opportunities and 2.6700 1.30644 300
challenges as they arise
Fore cast company 2.5900 1.32958 300
future requirements


opportunities fore cast

and company
challenges as future
they arise requirements
opportunities and Pearson Correlation 1 .178**
challenges as they arise Sig. (2-tailed) .010
N 300 300
fore cast company Pearson Correlation .178** 1
future requirements Sig. (2-tailed) .010
N 300 300
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Correlation = 0.178
Correlation for the significant at the 0.01 level=0.8167


Calculated value is less than table value. Hence, accept HO and reject H1. So there is
correlation between opportunities & challenges they arise and forecast the companys future
requirements effectively.

4.16 T-Test
Let HO be Null Hypothesis & H1 be Alternative Hypothesis.

HO= Samples are randomly chosen.

H1= Samples arent randomly chosen.

One-Sample Statistics

Std. Std. Error

N Mean Deviation Mean
Career growth for your 300 1.1900 .39296 .02269

One-Sample Test
Test Value = 0
95% Confidence Interval of
Sig. (2- Mean the Difference
T Df tailed) Difference Lower Upper
Career growth for your 52.452 299 .010 1.19000 -454.144 754.44


From the above analysis, upper and lower limit lies on the sample which researcher has
chosen, hence HO accept and H1 is reject. So samples are randomly chosen.

4.17 NPar Tests

Let HO be Null Hypothesis & H1 be Alternative Hypothesis.

HO= There is significant with Flexible and adoptable to change equally well on Plays vital role in
re-engineering of business process.
H1= There isnt significant with Flexible and adoptable to change equally well on Plays vital role
in re-engineering of business process.

Descriptive Statistics
N Mean Deviation Minimum Maximum
Flexible and adoptable 300 2.4600 1.24643 1.00 5.00
to change
Plays vital role in re- 300 2.4000 1.35133 1.00 5.00
engineering of business

Kruskal-Wallis Test
Skills plays vital role in
re-engineering of
business process N Mean Rank
Flexible and adoptable to Strongly agree 102 61.82
Agree 81 130.94
Neither agree nor 42 207.50
Disagree 45 244.70
Strongly disagree 30 283.70
Total 300

Test Statisticsa,b

Flexible and
adoptable to
Chi-Square 2.7**
Df 1
Asymp. Sig. .050

** The significant at the 0.05 level= 3.841


Calculated value is less than table value. Hence, accept HO and reject H1. So there is
significant with Flexible and adoptable to change equally well on Plays vital role in re-
engineering of business process.


Let X be the team work brings more satisfactory result from working individually.

Let Y be the collaborating encourages & support colleagues to achieve on time.

Null Hypothesis (HO) = There is no relationship between the team work brings more satisfactory
result from working individually and the collaborating encourages & support colleagues to
achieve on time.

Alternative Hypothesis (H1) = There is relationship between the team work brings more
satisfactory result from working individually and the collaborating encourages & support
colleagues to achieve on time.


X Y X2 Y2 XY

27 30 729 900 810

39 45 1521 2025 1755
54 42 2916 1764 2268
105 81 11025 6561 8505
75 102 5625 10404 7650
300 300 21816 21654 20988

Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std., Error of

the estimation
1 0.186a 0.035 0.029 4.33
a) Predictors : (Constant), months of the data

Descriptive Statistics

Mean Deviation N
Team Work 2.6700 1.30644 300
Encourages and support 2.5900 1.32958 300
from colleagues


Model Team Work Encourages and support Sig.,

from colleagues
Regression 5.41** 5.76** 0.10
Residual 0.34 0.42

**. Coefficient of significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Coefficient of significant at the 0.01 level= 2.921


Calculated value is more than table value. Hence, accept H1 and reject H0. So there is
relationship between the team work brings more satisfactory result from working individually
and the collaborating encourages & support colleagues to achieve on time.


TABLE 2.2.12: Calculation of weighted average method


pattern Strongly Agree Neither Dis- Strongly
based on Agree (4) Agree nor agree Disagree
problem (5) Disagree
(2) (1)
in hand (3)

Strongly 90 45 45 60 60 300

Agree 60 75 75 60 60 300

Neither 90 45 75 60 30 300

Disagree 120 60 30 45 45 300

Strongly 90 60 60 30 60 300

AVG 63 61 67 71 66

RANK 4 5 2 1 3


Weighted average= wixi / wi

Strongly Agree= 90*5+ 45*4+ 45*3+ 60*2+ 60*1

= 63

Agree= 60*5+ 75*4+ 45*3+ 60*2+ 60*1

= 61

Neither Agree Nor Disagree = 90*5+ 45*4+ 75*3+ 60*2+ 30*1

= 67

Disagree = 120*5+ 60*4+ 30*3+ 45*2+ 45*1

= 71

Strongly Disagree = 90*5+ 60*4+ 60*3+ 30*2+ 60*1

= 66


From the above table descript the rank given by the respondents Develop concept / pattern
based on problem in hand with respect to conceptual thinking using weighted average
method. This table inference that majority of the respondents have given more weight age to
Disagree, second weight age is given Neither agree nor Disagree, third weight age goes to
Strongly Disagree, fourth weight age goes to Strongly Agree, and fifth weight age goes to



Major Findings related to the objectives:

Most of the respondents are in HR department of employee working in TPI.

The research shows that most of the respondents prefer agree to encourage for open
discussion through questioning with respect to communication in TPI.
Most of the respondents prefer strongly agree to listen carefully to others and try to help
their colleagues with the problem with respect to communication in TPI.
Most of the respondents prefer neither agree nor disagree to adopt language and style
with their colleagues with respect to communication in TPI.
40% of the respondents says agree to accepts challenging job that are achievable in short
and long run with respect to results in TPI.
The research shows that most of the respondents prefer neither agree nor disagree to
identify gaps in jobs and seek out for overcoming it with respect to result in TPI.
The research shows that most of the respondents prefer agree for management clear
standard and achievable goal with respect to leadership in TPI.
30% 0f the respondents says neither agree nor disagree to the centralized leadership
motives employee to perform job better with respect to leadership in TPI.
Most of the respondents prefer agree to seize opportunities and challenges with respect to
proactive in TPI.
32% of the respondents says agree to maximize the utilization of available technology
with respect to technology / innovation in TPI.
Most of the respondents prefer disagree to adopt and apply different new approaches to
situation problem with respect to technology / innovation in TPI.
Most of the respondents prefer neither agree nor disagree to maintain high performance
even under enormous stress level with respect to stamina and adaptability in TPI.
37 % of the respondents says strongly agree for flexible and adaptable to change in the
organization with respect to change management in TPI.
Most of the respondents prefer neither agree nor disagree for role in re-engineering of
business process and scope with respect to change management in TPI.
The research shows that most of the respondents prefer medium for performance
appraisals are evaluated from time to time with respect to human resource management in
Most of the respondents prefer medium for coaching in basket training very informative
and useful for employees with respect to human resource management in TPI.
From this study it is found that 90% of the respondents says yes for skills measurement
done periodically / regularly in the organization.
From this study it is found that 81% of the respondents says yes for their organization
makes career growth with the competency.

Most of the respondents prefer training is useful for competency mapping in the
Chi- Square analysis reveals that, there is significance between gender of the respondents and
factors that facilities competency mapping of the employees.
One way ANOVA analysis reveals that, there is no significance between organizations
provides career growth for the competency & performance appraisals are evaluation from
time to time.
Correlation analysis reveals that, there is correlation between opportunities & challenges
they arise and forecast the companys future requirements effectively.
One sample run analysis reveals that, the samples are randomly chosen.
Kruskal-Wallis analysis reveals that, there is significant with Flexible and adoptable to
change equally well on Plays vital role in re-engineering of business process.
Regression analysis reveals that, there is relationship between the team works brings
more satisfactory result from working individually and the collaborating encourages &
support colleagues to achieve on time.
Weighted average method analysis reveals that, more weight age is given to disagree for
Develop concept / pattern based on problem in hand with respect to conceptual thinking

Rest of the Findings:

Most of the respondents prefer diploma holder in TPI
35% of the respondents are diploma holder in Tube Products of India.
Most of the respondents are above 30Yrs as overall experiences in TPI.
40% of the respondents age lies between 36 to 45 Yrs in TPI.
From this study it is found that 79% of the respondents are male in the Tube products of
From this study it is found that 62% of the respondents are married in TPI.
30% of the respondents are known Tamil language in TPI.
The research shows that most of the respondents have above 15Yrs of experiences in TPI.
35% of the respondents are have above 5Yrs of experiences outside TPI.
Most of the respondents prefer agree to set target and monitor efficiency and efficiency
and effectiveness of the employees with respect to result in TPI.
The research shows that most of the respondents prefer agree to forecast the companys
future requirement effectively with respect to proactive in TPI.
The research shows that most of the respondents prefer agree to capability of modifying
standard approaches for effectiveness with respect to technology / innovation in TPI.
30% of the respondents says neither agree nor disagree to personally encourage
innovation and creativity with respect to technology / innovation in TPI.

Most of the respondents prefer agree to team work brings more satisfactory result from
working individual with respect to collaboration in TPI.
37% of the respondents says strongly agree sustain and work for long hours with respect
to stamina and adaptability in TPI.
The research shows that most of the respondents prefer neither agree nor disagree to try
on develop concept / pattern based problem in hand with respect to conceptual thinking in
Most of the respondents prefer agree for employee immediately identify issues in a
complex situation for solutions with respect to conceptual thinking in TPI.
Most of the respondents prefer satisfied for counseling sessions help to solve the
problems with respect to human resource management in TPI.
The research shows that most of the respondents prefer strongly agree for training makes
increasing skills of the employee in the organization.
Most of the respondents prefer computer software training is important and useful
training program for career development in TPI.
The research shows that most of the respondents prefer compensation & pay for
facilitates competency mapping with the employee in TPI.
70% of the respondents say fully achieved for organization and individual goals in the
Most of the respondents prefer more useful by conducting competency development
program in TPI.


The research report can be used as references & further study can be done. Due to some of the
limitation the research missed out some clarity like due to restrictions of collection of samples &
due to time constraints only 300 samples and single unit under Murugappa Group were used for
the study. So, the future researcher may increase the sample size & bring out more clarity.

Since the employees were busy at their work they have not spend much time to share their
views & feeling. So, the further study may try to involve the employees & bring out their views
towards the competency mapping. They can give some more ideas to increase the awareness
among employees.

This study enables to understand the current position of competency mapping in TPI. To
know the strength & weakness of measuring competency among the employees with the help of
management this study can be used. The further research may include some of the missed

strategies & carry out the project to find out the how the employees performances can be
evaluate them skills in an effective way in the organization.


Though the present study aims to achieve the objective on full earnest & accuracy, it has certain
limitations. Some of the limitations of this study may be summarized as follows,

TIME CONSTRAINTS: Since the time given for carrying out the survey is only 6 months
extensive work would nt be possible.

GEOGRAPHICAL BARRIER: The survey is limited to the geographical limit of Chennai

city. More number of respondents could nt be meet.

RESPONDENT REFUSAL OF BIAS: The responses given by the respondents may nt be

relied upon completely.

SAMPLE LIMITATIONS: The numbers of respondents were just 300 could nt represent
the entire population as I have done the survey for sun publication which is having in the text
books. Some of he provided by the respondents may nt be true to consider.

OTHER LIMITATIONS: Apart from above limitations, there are some other limitations in
this study. They as follows,

Sometimes the gap of communication comes in between the interaction

Lack of knowledge in management students were remained the major limitation.
The data collection was difficult from few employees.
The study is conducted considering the prevailing conditions which are subjected to
change in future.


The management should encourage & boost the employee proactivity and their
forecasting skills must be honed.
Workshops must be conducted from time to time based on new technologies & platforms
which will be useful for the employees. The employees must be encouraged to work
together in group which helps them to get job done faster.
New innovation ideas and creativity of the employees must be encouraged as they ought
to bring success to the company and they must be suitability appreciated and rewarded.
I like to suggest that the management should induce the change factor very slowly in the
organization. Since the change in something that cant be implemented all of sudden
enough time must be given to the employees for best results. The management must boost
the employees proactivity and their forecasting skills must be honored and encouraged.
If the employees have any problem and issues at hand, he must be provided with expert
and useful counseling separately and appropriate steps be taken to correct that way the
concentration on the job will increase, as well as loyalty to the organization.

Performance appraisal must be done only to encourage and boost the employees
performance and not to de-motivate them. So extra measures must be followed and care
must be taken when handling out their appraisal.


This research was carried out to provide a clear picture to identify the skills, knowledge,
competency of the employees and to match & map them as necessary with their
respective job designation. Considering all the tools, techniques method & procedures,
which are used to map the competency of the employee of TPI
Since competency mapping is the vital process in the current scenario of management.
Researcher started research work in the particular area of the organization, considering
almost all the factors that were found to be relevant to my topic.
This competency mapping is very useful for the workers and also for the management. It
is useful for evaluation the job, performance appraisal and training requirement to
improve the skills and knowledge of workers. It is found that the entire process is a huge
success & researcher
hope that research analysis will helpful for the implementation and growth process of the
Carefully taking into account all the theoretical, practical calculations and analysis.
Researcher concludes that TPI is very effective and efficient in all its operations and also
the employees are quite capable of handling any kind of situation.



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Unido & Rankin, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 2,
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I am pursuing my MBA from S.A ENGINEERING COLLEGE, Chennai. I would be

grateful, if you could read through the scale given below & provide your responses for each of
the statements by marking against each statement with an () mark. I request you to respond
to all the statements without leaving any item unanswered. These do not have right or wrong

All your responses would be kept in utmost confidentiality & would be used only for academic
purposes. Thanking you in advance for spending your valuable time & effort in providing me
with the input

1. Name (optional)
2. Qualification of the respondents.
Hsc Below ITI Diploma Bachelor degree Master
3. Over all years of experiences.
Below 10 Yrs 10 to 20 Yrs 20 to 30 Yrs Above 30 Yrs

4. Age of respondent

Below 25 Yrs 25 to 35 Yrs 36 to 45 Yrs 46 to 55 Yrs
Above 55 Yrs.

5. Gender Male Female

6. Marital status Single Married

7. Language known English Tamil Malayalam Telugu All the


8. Years of experience in TPI

1 to 5 Yrs 6 to 10 Yrs 11 to 15 Yrs Above 15 Yrs

9. Years of experience outside TPI

Not there Below 1 Yr 1 to 2 Yrs

3 to 5 Yrs Above 5 Yrs

10 . Indicate your department where you work in

HR Department Finance Department

Marketing Department System Department Logistics



1 Indicate your field of expertise with respect to SA A N D SDA
a) I encourage open discussion through questioning

b) I listen carefully to others and try to help my colleagues

with the problem.
c) I adapt my language and style to that of colleagues

2. Indicate your field of expertise with respect to result SA A N D SDA

a) I accept challenging job that are achievable in short /
long run.
b) I indentify gaps in my job and seek out to overcome
c) I not only set target but also monitor efficiently and

3. Indicate your field expertise with respect to SA A N D SDA

a) The management lays out clear standard and achievable
b) I not only set targets but also monitors efficient.

4. Indicate your field of expertise with respect to SA A N D SDA

a) I seize opportunities and challenges as they arise.
b) I fore cast the companys future requirement effectively.

5. Indicate your field of expertise with respect to SA A N D SDA

technology / innovation .
a) We maximize the utilization of available technology.
b) We adopt and apply different new approaches to

situation problems.
c) We are capable of modifying standard approaches to
obtain more effective
d) I personally encourage innovation & creativity in others.

6. Indicate your field of expertise with respect to SA A N D SDA

a) We believe that team works bring more satisfactory
result from working individually.
b) Collaborating encourages and support colleagues to
achieve goals on time.

7. Indicate your field expertise with respect to stamina SA A N D SDA

and adaptability.
a) I love to sustain and work for long hours.
b) I can maintain high performance even under enormous
steps level.

8. Indicate your field of expertise with respect to SA A N D SDA

conceptual thinking.

a) I try to develop concept / pattern based on problem in

b) I can immediately identify issues in a complex situation
to get an accurate solution.

9. Indicate your fields of expertise with respect to SA A N D SDA

change management.
a) I am quite flexible and adaptable to change.
b) I play a virtual role in re- engineering of business
process and scope with the changes that come along
with it.

10. Indicate your field of expertise with respect to HS S M D HD
human resource management.
a) I am very pleased about performances appraisals that are
evaluated from time to time.
b) I am happy with counseling sessions & they help to
solve my problems.
c) I find coaching in basket training very informative and
useful to me.


SA- Strongly Agree A-Agree N- Neither Agree Nor Disagree D- Disagree

SD- Strongly Disagree

HS- Highly Satisfied S-Satisfied M-Medium D-Dissatisfied

HD- Highly Dissatisfied


1. Does your skills measured periodically / regularly in the organization.

Yes No

2. Does organization provides career growth for your competency.

Yes No

3. What for competency mapping is useful in this organization succession planning.

Career growth Job positioning Training Organization goal.

4. Are you agree that training really increases skills of the employee in the organization.

Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly


5. Indicate which training program is very important and useful for career development?

Professional training Time management training Leadership training

Computer software training Motivational training

6. Which factor do you think that facilitates competency mapping with employee?

Organization goal Performance and quality of works

Innovation & creativity Compensation & pay employee retention.

7. To what extent organization and individual goals are achieved in the organization.

Fully Achieved Partially Achieved Not Achieved

8. Are you feeling that competency development program is useful to employees?

More Useful Useful To Some Extent Useful Less Useful Not



1.Suggest, how the competency development program can be connected with the development of
the organization


2. Suggest, how does competency mapping help to develop the organization as well as to achieve
their goal


3.Comment, how does organization measures can your competency mapping



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