DLP Math10 Permutations

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Detailed Lesson Plan


Mathematics 10

I. CONTENT STANDARD: The learners demonstrate understanding of key concepts of

combinatorics and probability.

II. PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learners are able to use precise counting technique
and probability in formulating conclusions and making decisions.

III. LEARNING COMPETENCIES: Illustrates the permutation of objects.


At the end of this lesson, the students can be able to:

a. Differentiate circular permutation from permutation with repetition.

b. Appreciate permutations as vital part of one’s life.

c. List all the possible circular permutations in a certain word problem.


1. TOPIC: Distinguishing Circular Permutation from Permutation with Repetition


3. MATERIALS: Laptop, TV

4. VALUES INTEGRATION: Hard work, Commitment,


6. WEEK #: 1




i. Prayer

Izzy, kindly lead the prayer.

Let us all stand.

Dear Lord and Father of all, Thank you for today.

Thank you for ways in which you provide for us
all. For Your protection and love we thank you.
Help us to focus our hearts and minds now on
what we are about to learn. Inspire us by Your
Holy Spirit as we listen and write. Guide us by
your eternal light as we discover more about the
world around us. We ask all this in the name of
Jesus. Amen.

ii. Greetings

Good Morning class!

Good morning ma’am!..

How are you today?

We are fine ma’am..

Well that’s good to hear!

So are you ready for our new discussion today?

Yes ma’am!

iii. Checking of Attendance

Okay cIass, I am going to check your attendance.

If your name is called, just say “ here”
Here ma’am…..
iv. Setting of Standard

Before we are going to our formal discussion, I

have here some classroom rules that you are going
to follow while I am here in front of you.


1. Respect each other.

2. Be on time.
3. Listen when your teacher’s speaking.
4. Don’t be shy to ask a question.
5. Don’t cheat.

Did you get me class?

Yes ma’am!
v. Review

Okay students, what was our topic last meeting?

Very good!
It is about factorial.
What is factorial all about? How are you going to
get a factorial of a number?

A factorial is about how you multiply all whole

numbers from our chosen number down to 1.
Very well said! Examples: 4! = 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24.

Factorial is the product of all positive integers less

than or equal to a given positive integer and
denoted by that integer and an exclamation point.
Thus, factorial seven is written 7!, meaning 1 × 2 ×
3 × 4 × 5 × 6 × 7. Factorial zero is defined as equal
to 1.


Let’s have first an activity. All you have to do is

guess the correct word and fill in the missing
1. CI_C_L_R


3. _B_EC_S

4. F_C_ORI_L


Very good students! All your guesses are correct.

Let’s give ourselves a round of applause.


I will divide the class into 3 groups, the entire

group will have the same word problem, and the
first group that can give the correct answer will be
the winner and will be given additional points. The
said activity will take up to 5 minutes.

“Write down all the possible circular permutations

of the object A, B, and C.


Congratulations to the group that got the correct



In the said activity, there are 6 possible circular

permutation of the object which is ABC, ACB,

So based on the given activity, what do you think

is our lesson for today?

Our lesson for today is all about circular

Very good! Thank you. permutations, ma’am.

So class, our lesson for today is about

“Distinguishing Circular Permutation from
Permutation with Repetition”


So, for this morning we will discuss about Circular

Permutation and how it differs from Permutation
of Repetition. But before we are going to start our
discussion, let us know what Permutations is.

Permutations refer to the different possible

arrangements of a set of objects. It can be
illustrated by:

 Systematic Listing
 Tree Diagram
 Two Way Table
 Fundamental Counting Principle

To better understand what Permutation is, let’s

have an example,

 Arranging 4 different shoes in a shoe rack

 Creating your password in your ATM card
 A combination lock in your closet

To better understand what Permutation is, let’s

have real life situation.

“A close friend invited Rosa to her birthday

party. Rosa has 4 new blouses, (stripes, with
ruffles, long-sleeved, and sleeveless) and 3
skirts (red, pink, and black) in her closet
reserved for such occasions. Assuming that any
skirt can be paired with any blouse, in how
many ways can Rosa select her outfit?”

So now class, how are you going to help Rosa

select her outfit?

Very good!
But how are you going to do that?

Very well said. Thank you.

We can help Rosa by giving her the possible list of
We can help Rosa by using the method of outfits.
systematic listing for her possible outfits.

We can use the method of systematic listing.

Here’s the possible list of outfits:

Method: Systematic Listing


1. Stripes
2. With Ruffles 1. Red
3. Long-sleeved 2. Pink
4. Sleeveless 3. Black

 Stripes- red
 Stripes- pink
 Stripes- black
 with ruffles- red
 with ruffles- pink
 with ruffles- black
 long-sleeved- red
 long-sleeved- pink
 long-sleeved- black
 sleeveless- red
 sleeveless- pink
 sleeveless- black

So, there are 12 possible outfits that Rosa could


So class, did you understand what Permutation is?

Okay let’s move forward to Circular Permutation.
What is Circular Permutation?

A circular permutation is a special case of

permutation where the arrangement of things is in
a circular pattern.
Yes ma’am.

The figure shows a circular permutation of X, Y,

and Z. If we count clockwise, the permutation can
be named XYZ, YZX, and ZXY. Note that these
three permutations are all similar.

Before we start analyzing the different

arrangements of a circular permutation, let us
identify how circular permutations differ from
linear permutations.

The objects A, B, and C are arranged in a linear

manner. Some of its permutations are shown above
and labeled as 𝑀1, 𝑀2, and 𝑀3. The permutation
𝑀2 is obtained from 𝑀1 by moving A to B, B to
C, and C to A. The same pattern is used to obtain
𝑀3 from 𝑀2.

The permutations for 𝑀1, 𝑀2, and 𝑀3 are ABC,

CAB, and BCA respectively. This means that the
three permutations are all different.

This time, the objects A, B, and C are arranged in

a circular manner. Some of its permutations are
shown above and labeled as 𝑃1, 𝑃2, and 𝑃3. The
permutation 𝑃2 is obtained from 𝑃1 by moving A to
B, B to C, and C to A. Note that it followed the
same pattern from 𝑀1 to 𝑀2 in the previous
example. The same pattern is used to obtain 𝑃3
from 𝑃2.

The difference of the circular permutation from a

linear one is that there is no starting point. We
just count either clockwise or counterclockwise. If
we count clockwise, the arrangement for 𝑃1 is
ABC, BCA, or CAB. The arrangement of 𝑃2 is
also ABC, BCA, or CAB. The same arrangement
is also observed for 𝑃3. This means that the three
permutations are all similar.

So class, there are TWO TYPES OF


1. Permutations with repetition

2. Permutations without repetition

 Permutation with repetition: This

method is used when we are asked to make
different choices each time and with
different objects.

 Permutation without Repetition: This

method is used when we are asked to
reduce 1 from the previous term for each

Since our topic is” Distinguishing Circular

Permutation from Permutation with Repetition” so
we are going to identify the differences of the two.

Let’s have an example,

Example 1: Construct three possible circular

permutations of A, B, C, D, and E.


Step 1: Construct the first circular permutation.

We can start by arranging the letters in order and
In naming this permutation, we will select an
arbitrary point and name it clockwise. In this case,
let us select 𝐴 and read the permutation clockwise.
Thus, this permutation is 𝐴𝐵𝐶𝐷𝐸.

Step 2: Construct the second circular permutation.

In order for us to create the second permutation,

we can swap two objects. It could be any object. In
this case, let us select B and C and swap them.

This permutation is 𝐴𝐶𝐵𝐷𝐸.

Step 3: Construct the third circular permutation.

To construct the third permutation, you can take

the second permutation and swap another two
objects. Just make sure that the new permutation is
not similar to the previous permutations that
you’ve had.

In this case, we can swap C and D to form a new


This permutation is 𝐴𝐷𝐵𝐶𝐸.

There are many more permutations that can be

formed in this figure, but the problem only
requires us to have three circular permutations.

The class will divided into 3 groups, each group
will solve different task. The students will be given
10 minutes to do the task.

Direction: Use a tree diagram or listing to illustrate

permutation for each situation.

Group 1: Write down all the possible circular

permutations of A, B, C, and D,

Group 2: List all the possible sitting arrangements

of Louie, Kim, and James in a row.

Group 3: In how many ways can the letters of the

set (M, A, T, H) be arrange to form ordered codes
of 4 letters?


So class, did you understand our lesson for today?

Yes ma’am.
That’s good to hear.

Now, what is Permutation?

Permutations refer to the different possible

Very good. arrangements of a set of objects.

How about Circular Permutation?

Circular Permutation is the possible arrangement

of objects in a circular manner.

What is the difference between circular

permutation and linear permutation?
The difference of the circular permutation from a
linear one is that there is no starting point.

How about Permutation with Repetition?

Permutation with repetition: This method is used
when we are asked to make different choices each
time and with different objects.

Very good students. It seems that you understand

our topic.
Now get ¼ sheet of paper for your quiz.


Direction: Write the correct answer on the space provided.

_______1. This method is used when we are asked to make different choices each time and
with different objects.

_______2. It refers to the different possible arrangements of a set of objects.

_______3. It is the possible arrangement of objects in a circular manner.

_______4. Give at least one method on how to illustrate permutations.

_______5. It is the arrangement of objects that has a starting point to end.


Study in advance about “Calculating Circular Permutations”

Prepared by:



Checked by:

Bryan R. Ancio

Cooperating Teacher

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