Bandolon Demo
Bandolon Demo
Bandolon Demo
College of Education
Grade 4
Learning Competency
I. Learning Objectives
At the end of this discussion 80% of the students are expected to:
c) Appreciate the use of common and proper nouns in our daily life.
Subject Matter
b. References
c. Instructional Material
✔ Laptop
✔ Cartolina
✔ Marker
d. Values Integration
✔ Rational thinking
✔ Participation
✔ Collaboration
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Taculoy can you please lead the prayer? Taculoy: Yes sir
For those who are Catholic please do sign of For those who are Catholic please do sign of
the cross. the cross.
Heavenly Father, We have knowledge so will Heavenly Father, We have knowledge so will
you show us now how to use it wisely, and find you show us now how to use it wisely, and
a way somehow, to make the world we live in a find a way somehow, to make the world we
little better place, and make life with its live in a little better place, and make life with
problem a bit easier to face. Grant us faith and its problem a bit easier to face. Grant us faith
courage and put purpose in our days, show us and courage and put purpose in our days,
how to serve thee in the most effective way. show us how to serve thee in the most
That all my education, my knowledge and my effective way. That all my education, my
skills may find their true fulfillment as I learn knowledge and my skills may find their true
to do thy will. And may I ever be aware in fulfillment as I learn to do thy will. And may I
everything I do that knowledge is from learning ever be aware in everything I do that
and wisdom comes from you, Amen. knowledge is from learning and wisdom
comes from you, Amen.
2. Checking of attendance
3. Classroom management
Classroom Rules
3. Focus on the lesson and actively 1. Raise your right hand if you
participate in discussions and wish to answer.
2. Raise your hand before
4. Respect others, their ideas, and speaking or leaving your seat.
their belongings.
3. Focus on the lesson and
actively participate in
discussions and activities.
Do you have any additional rules?
4. Respect others, their ideas, and
their belongings.
“Are all of our classroom rules clear?” Is there
any violent reactions?
Time: 10 minutes
The Farmer
At the end of this discussion 80% of the At the end of this discussion 80% of the
students are expected to: students are expected to:
Yes John
Okay class, can you give me other examples of Name: the common noun is the word painter.
common nouns? Anyone?
Yes Ferdinand?
Very good, it is Tokyo and Japan are the Scil: Tokyo and Japan is the proper nouns in
proper noun. Next, “tomorrow is Saturday” the sentence.
Great job.
Very good!
All Students: Yes Sir.
Time: 5 minutes
Time: 5 minutes
1.) PN
2.) CN
3.) CN
4.) PN
5.) PN
6.) PN
7.) PN
8.) CN
9.) CN
10.) PN
11.) PN
12.) CN