Bandolon Demo

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Jamisola st. Sta. Lucia District, Pagadian City

College of Education

Detailed Lesson Plan in English

Grade 4

Learning Competency

a. EN10WC-Ic-12.- Common Nouns and Proper Nouns

I. Learning Objectives

At the end of this discussion 80% of the students are expected to:

a) Recognized the difference between common and proper noun.

b) Construct sentences using common and proper noun.

c) Appreciate the use of common and proper nouns in our daily life.

Subject Matter

a. Topic: Common Noun and Proper Noun

 Identify the common and proper noun.

b. References


c. Instructional Material

✔ Power Point Presentation

✔ Laptop

✔ Cartolina

✔ Marker

d. Values Integration

✔ Rational thinking

✔ Participation
✔ Collaboration

II. Learning Experiences

Teachers’ Activities Students Activities

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer

“Hello Everyone Good morning class, I am

your teacher for today. I am John Ronald
Bandolon and you can call me Sir John. So as
we begin our class this morning may I request
everybody to please stand up for our morning

Who can lead our prayer for today?

Taculoy can you please lead the prayer? Taculoy: Yes sir

For those who are Catholic please do sign of For those who are Catholic please do sign of
the cross. the cross.

Heavenly Father, We have knowledge so will Heavenly Father, We have knowledge so will
you show us now how to use it wisely, and find you show us now how to use it wisely, and
a way somehow, to make the world we live in a find a way somehow, to make the world we
little better place, and make life with its live in a little better place, and make life with
problem a bit easier to face. Grant us faith and its problem a bit easier to face. Grant us faith
courage and put purpose in our days, show us and courage and put purpose in our days,
how to serve thee in the most effective way. show us how to serve thee in the most
That all my education, my knowledge and my effective way. That all my education, my
skills may find their true fulfillment as I learn knowledge and my skills may find their true
to do thy will. And may I ever be aware in fulfillment as I learn to do thy will. And may I
everything I do that knowledge is from learning ever be aware in everything I do that
and wisdom comes from you, Amen. knowledge is from learning and wisdom
comes from you, Amen.

“Now to wake up your brain cells and muscles

we will have a short energizer to be leaded by
Taculoy to at least spice up our morning.”

I request everyone to participate. Let’s all be

energized by dancing “Girl in The Mirror.”

“Before you take your seats kindly arrange your

chairs and pick up some pieces of papers.”

2. Checking of attendance

Ms. Secretary May I know who’s absent today?

Thankyou Sweetlalaine that’s great class
because everyone is present today! Then
everyone are really eager to learn. Sweet: Everyone is present today, Sir.

3. Classroom management

“I have here our classroom rules for you to


Everyone please read our classroom rules.

Classroom Rules

1. Raise your right hand if you

wish to answer.

2. Raise your hand before speaking

or leaving your seat. Classroom Rules

3. Focus on the lesson and actively 1. Raise your right hand if you
participate in discussions and wish to answer.
2. Raise your hand before
4. Respect others, their ideas, and speaking or leaving your seat.
their belongings.
3. Focus on the lesson and
actively participate in
discussions and activities.
Do you have any additional rules?
4. Respect others, their ideas, and
their belongings.
“Are all of our classroom rules clear?” Is there
any violent reactions?

Okay let’s proceed what was our previous

lesson? Yes, Gabule?

Okay thanks Gabule” All: None Sir

What have you learned from your previous

NOTE: Answers may vary
Anyone? Yes Ortaleza
Gabule: Our previous lesson is all about Past
Very good. It seems that you learned a lot from perfect tense, Sir.
our previous lesson. So now we will be learning
a new topic but before that I am going to read
you a story that is in connection to our topic for Ortaleza: I’ve learned how to properly use the
today, so our story is entitled “The Farmer”, past perfect tense and to identify the verbs and
and I want you to listen very carefully because I verb phrases in a sentence. (Answers may
am going to ask you some questions after I read vary)
the story.

Time: 10 minutes

The Farmer

Mang Efren lives in one of the barangays in

Taragona. He is a farmer. He has five children
namely; Maria, Marta, Pedri, Juan and Kiko to
feed on that’s why he needs to work hard and
earn money. He gets up before sunrise while
the air is still fresh and cool to work on the
field. He lives the house to go to his farm by
walking, as soon as he arrives in his farm he
actively works by plowing, applying needed
fertilizers and pruning. Around 9 in the
morning, he takes a break, changes his sweat
clothes and takes his breakfast. At 9:30 he
returns, to finish his work. In the afternoon,
during the hottest hours of the day, Mang Efren
takes a rest at the shaded part of the farm.
Every late afternoon, he checks and monitors
the broth of his plants. While in the evening, his
spends his time with his family, and after a
week of hard work Mang Efren spends his
Sunday with his family and they go to church


Okay class did you understand the story?

That’s great! I have here few questions to ask,

first who is the main character of the story? Yes

All: Yes sir.

Very good, it is Mang Efren.

How many children does Mang Efren Have?

Yes, Gallardo? Clata: The main character of the story is Mang
So why does Mang Efren worked hard? Yes
Ms. Prete?
Gallardo: Mang Efren has five children.

Very good! That’s right Mang Efren works

hard to provide the needs of his family.
Prete: Mang Efren work hard to earn money
What day does the Family go to church? Yes for the needs of his family.

That’s correct, Mang Efren’s family goes every

Sunday to church.

So where does Mang Efren takes his rest? Yes

Pabuaya? Azucena: the family goes to church every
Pabuaya: Mang Efren takes rest of the shaded
part of the farm.

The story we had earlier has something to do

with our topic for today.

We will tackle about the Common nouns and

Proper nouns. But before that who can read first
our learning objectives? Okay Ortaleza please

III. Learning Objectives III. Learning Objectives

At the end of this discussion 80% of the At the end of this discussion 80% of the
students are expected to: students are expected to:

a) Recognized the difference between a) Recognized the difference

common and proper noun. between common and proper
b) Construct sentences using common and
proper noun. b) Construct sentences using
common and proper noun.
c) Appreciate the use of common nouns c) Appreciate the use of common
and proper nouns in our daily life. nouns and proper nouns in our
daily life.

Okay, thank you Ortaleza

What comes into your mind when you hear the

word common noun? Answers may vary
Anyone from the class Ace- Common nouns refers to general things
Okay very good! such as city or a mountain.

A common noun names a kind or type of

persons, places, things or events. It is usually
not capitalized unless it begins a sentence or is
a part of title. Lets see for an example Man,
Teacher, Doctor, Bottle, Mountain. Those are
examples of a common nouns.

Okay, I have here a list of sentences and you

are going to locate the common nouns. Are you
all ready? Okay, first sentence.
All: Yes sir.
“You broke my favorite mug.”

What is the common noun in the sentence?

Yes Anne

Very good, it is the mug. Next sentence.

“I really want to live in a city.” Anne: the common noun is mug.

What is the common noun in the sentence?

Yes John

Very good, a city is an example of a common

Name; the common noun is the word city.
“ I wish I could remember the name of that

What is the common noun in the sentence?

Okay class, can you give me other examples of Name: the common noun is the word painter.
common nouns? Anyone?

Yes Shane Answers may vary.

Very good, jeans is an example of common Shane: I really want a new pair of jeans

How about you Ace, can you give an example

of a common noun.

Very good, a woman is an example of a Ace: A woman is riding a bike.

common noun.

Let’s give yourselves around of applause.

Okay class, we will now proceed to the Proper


Proper nouns name a specific person, places,

things, ideas and events. And it begins with a
capital letter. Again it begins with?
All students: a capital letter

Very good, proper noun always begins with a

capital letter. So examples of proper nouns are
Dr.Cruz, Juan Dela Cruz, Mt. Pinatubo, Brgy.
San Jose, and Jupiter. And there are many
other examples of proper nouns.

Okay here, “Alan is a good friend.” What is the

proper noun in the sentence? Anyone?

Yes Ferdinand?

Ferdinand: the proper noun is Alan.

Very good, the proper noun is Alan. Next
sentence, “Tokyo is the capital city of Japan.”

What is the proper noun in the sentence?

Yes Scil?

Very good, it is Tokyo and Japan are the Scil: Tokyo and Japan is the proper nouns in
proper noun. Next, “tomorrow is Saturday” the sentence.

What is the proper noun in the sentence?

Anyone? Yes Glen?

Class did you understand our lesson today?

Glen: the proper noun is Saturday.

Can you now identify the difference between a

Common noun and a Proper noun? All Students: Yes Sir.

Great job.

To make it clear, I have here additional All Students: Yes sir.

examples of Common nouns and Proper nouns.
For the type of person, the common noun is
girl and the proper noun is Sheila which is
basically a name of a specific girl. In the place
the common noun is street and the proper noun
is Lily St. Example of a thing in common noun
is Phone and the proper noun is Oppo which
refers to the brand of the phone. Next the idea,
the common noun is religion and the proper
noun is Christianity which refers to a specific

Can you now identify the difference between

the common noun and the proper noun? Is it
clear class?

Are you sure?

All Students: Yes Sir.

Very good!
All Students: Yes Sir.

Again class what was our topic all about?

Exactly we tackle about the common nouns Answer may vary

and proper nouns. All Students: our topic today is all about
What is a common noun? common nouns and proper nouns.

A common noun names a kind or a type of a Answer may vary

person, place, thing or event. Its starts with a All Students: common noun is a general name
small letter unless it begins a sentence or is
part of the title. For example: They are all of a person, place, thing or event.
waiting for us at the restaurant the common
noun in the sentence is Restaurant. Another
Example: I want to live in the City. The
common noun in the sentence is “The City”,
for sure common nouns are words use to name
general items rather than specific ones. When
you go to your living room, what do you see?
Okay in your living room you can see a lamp, a
window, a chair, a couch, a TV and many more
things. All of these items are name using
common nouns.

How about a proper noun. What is a proper


A proper noun needs a specific person, place,

things, idea and events. It starts with a
communal level and is very specific. For
example: He went to Rose Park to play
basketball. The proper noun in the sentence is
the the rose form. Another example: I finished
school last June. The proper noun in the
sentence is school.

Is there someone in the class who could give

another example of a proper noun?

Yes Ms. Clata?

Very good miss Clata.

Clata: Novel’s Fazzio is cute.
Class do you have any questions, additions,
clarifications in our topic? If none then we will
proceed to our activity.


Time: 5 minutes

I want you to group yourselves into five.

Please count 1 to 5.

Go to your respective groups and listen to the


Directions: Construct 10 sentences using

proper nouns and 5 sentences using common
nouns. Write it in a ½ sheet of paper.


Time: 5 minutes

Directions: Identify the underlined word in the

sentence. Write CN if it is a common noun and
PN if it is a proper noun.
1. The Lakers play basketball tonight.

2. The family will eat together at the


3. The bear climbed up the tree.

4. I live in the state of Washington.

5. We traveled down the Mississippi


6. The Texas Longhorns are a good

football team.

7. We will play soccer at the park.

8. I will walk home after school.

9. We saw a lion at the zoo.

10. We went to Lake Arrowhead for


11. The Boston Celtics won many


12. We need to prepare for going back

to school.


1.) PN

2.) CN

3.) CN

4.) PN

5.) PN

6.) PN

7.) PN

8.) CN

9.) CN

10.) PN

11.) PN

12.) CN

Directions: Observe around your community

and list down Common nouns and Proper
nouns, then use it in a one paragraph text.

Do you have any questions / clarifications

about your assessment?

Okay, if you don’t have any concern that’s all

for today, thank you for your cooperation. God
bless, keep safe and class dismissed.



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