EGCSE English Language 2022 Question Paper 1-2
EGCSE English Language 2022 Question Paper 1-2
EGCSE English Language 2022 Question Paper 1-2
Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in blue or black ink.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Exercise 1
Read the following passage on Telecommunications and answer the questions that follow.
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(c) Give two ways in which people’s attitude to communication have changed over the
past 20 years.
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(f) In what way have mobile phones changed over the years?
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(g) Why do you think some people might need more than one mobile phone for different
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(h) Mention two ways in which human beings benefit from telecommunication apart
from socialising.
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[Total: 14 marks]
Exercise 2
Read the following passage on chaining dogs and then answer the questions that follow.
The new sciences of genome mapping and DNA and relieves its anxiety from being tied. On top of
interpreting are teaching us how similar we are to that it must be treated as a member of the family.
other mammals (such as dogs) not how different. Dogs like to stay close to their pack. If you need
We share the same emotions of pain and frustration, to restrict your dog’s movement, put up a running
fear, anger and affection. Just because they do not line – a wire between two posts with the dog tied
speak our mother tongue and their faces have fewer on a long leash to the running wire. It must be fed
muscles to define expressions does not mean that properly and receive plenty of love and attention
dogs do not feel anything. It only means we do not from its owners. The running line is a temporary fix;
understand them. it should not determine the life of the dog.
All dogs are descended from wolves with a territorial Some countries have passed laws banning
range of hundreds of kilometres. Their bodies tethering of dogs altogether. Among such laws is
are made for long distance movement; they are that tethering should be temporary and never more
physically and mentally programmed for plenty of than three hours at a time and that the animal is
outdoor exercise. Free movement is in their nature continually in the owner’s sight. It has also been
and chaining them is utmost cruelty. A chained stated that tying should be done only when the dog
dog cannot protect you or your property because is at least six months old and has access to fresh
intruders safely skirt the animal’s chain length, or food and water. The dog should be provided with
they attack the dog, which cannot escape but may shelter and should not be outside during extreme
choke to death trying. weather conditions like heat, storms and cold. It is
always advisable to connect the tether to the animal
Chaining is solitary confinement which, because by a leather or nylon collar or body harness which
dogs need frequent contact with their packs, should be five times the animal’s body, and does
ruins the dogs’ nature as social pack animals and not weigh more than one eighth of the animal’s
creates behavioural problems. It serves no purpose weight.
whatsoever, except to cause the animal such
torment that it does what we would do in similar If you want a guard dog, work with the dog’s
circumstances – loses its mind. It becomes vicious. inherent nature; dogs are territorial pack animals
An apathetic dog is of no use to anyone. A vicious that protect the pack and den. As a member of
dog is worse because its aggression is random and your human pack, the dog will protect your family
it presents a terrible danger to children and other and property. Some individuals and some breeds
innocent people. So, chaining dogs creates unsafe are better at this than others, but all dogs, large or
neighbourhoods. small, have the same inherent nature. Your status
as the leader of the pack and your relationship
Why chain a dog? If you want to stop it roaming, then with your dog will develop its protective instinct.
feed it a balanced diet so that it does not scavenge Chaining does the opposite. Even human beings
out of hunger. You can also sterilise it so that it does cannot stand such extreme conditions, so how can
not go looking for a mate. It is also important to dogs be exposed to such?
take it for a daily walk so it gets plenty of exercise
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[Total: 8 marks]
Exercise 3
Read the following article on Public Relations (PR) Practitioners who are sharing their experiences
of working in this exciting fast-paced industry, then answer the questions on the opposite page.
In 2008, while I was studying for a psychology In 1999 while studying fashion design, my friend
degree at the University of Cape Town, I attended and I started a record label and events company
an entrepreneurship workshop. That’s when I saw called Eargasm Records. He managed the artists
an opportunity to provide PR services to fashion and because I always had a knack for writing and
designers. In the same year, I registered a company dealing with people, I became the publicist. This is
called Lavish Industries. I then compiled proposals, how I began in this industry. Over the years I’ve
which helped me get a few clients. A year later, my worked for prominent PR companies like Prom
clientele increased. I decided to do a PR course to Multimedia and Louvres Corner. While I was
make sure I was on the right track. Since then I’ve employed by these companies, I worked with
never looked back. In 2012, I started Safari Public celebrities such as Lebogang Mathonsi and the
Relations where I am currently the managing legendary Thandi Mvakali. In 2010 I used my years
director. I am also the managing editor of an online of experience to start my own company, Tutane
culture publication called Moziak Magazine. My Communications. I enjoy this fast-paced industry
ability to spot an opportunity along with my self- because it keeps me on my toes. Despite the
belief have helped me carve a successful career. challenges, I’m excited about the growth.
In 2012, I enrolled to study Public Relations In 2015, while working full-time and studying part-
Management at the Cape Peninsula University time, I lost my job. Because of this, I had free time to
of Technology. After getting my qualification, I focus on my studies and register my company, Blue
volunteered for every opportunity that came my Jay Communications. I had media experience and
way in order to get experience. I’ve been in the had freelanced for small agencies before so I took a
industry for six years now and I have seen small leap of faith and started my business. My key focus
to medium-sized agencies shake things up. The is on training and development of small businesses
highest and boldest ideas no longer just belong so that people can grow their brands. With all the
to long-standing agencies. We are getting into changes in the industry, I try to maintain my position
boardrooms of large corporations and our ideas by observing what is happening around me. I’m
and strategies are being implemented. I can advise always searching for new tools and systems to
those interested in PR to get relevant qualifications apply in my business. I also follow industry leaders
and be prepared to work hard. It also helps to have who, on social media, have worked in this space
campaign evaluations to understand what worked longer than I have. Furthermore, I always advise
for the client and what didn’t. This helps both parties clients and businesses to buy into people because
establish a way forward. they are the consumers. And, with my decade of
experience in the customer services industry, I
ensure that this is the key driver in my business.
For each question, write the correct letter A, B, C, or D on the space provided.
(a) Which speaker ran a company alongside a regular job? ........... [1]
(c) Which speaker started a company with loads of experience in the field? ........... [1]
(d) Which speaker feels that all PR agencies have equal opportunities to
succeed? ........... [1]
(f) Which speaker is always aware of the trends in this industry? ........... [1]
(g) Who advises that education and hard work are key in the PR industry? ........... [1]
[Total: 8 marks]
Exercise 4
Read the following article about a female motorbike rider and answer the questions on the opposite
After years of driving cars, I decided to earnestly skirt, they are more lenient. I think it is because
pursue my interest in riding motorcycles. I had they can tell I am a woman, unlike when I ride
attended a couple of beginners’ motorbike riding with men. By allowing myself to explore the world
lessons in the past, but had never actually followed of 2-wheelers, I have since discovered many
through with biking on my own. This all changed in reasons to remain in the saddle. The ‘she-must-
2019 when I wrote a list of things I had, in previous be-rebellious’ hype around being a female biker
years, promised myself I would do, but let fall by the works to my advantage. Rather than explain myself
wayside. I then went about obtaining my learner’s to people who are determined to misunderstand
licence. I did not tell anyone, least of all my 75-year- my rationale, I proudly plaster the proverbial
old mother. This was mainly because the culture ‘rebel’ sticker on my forehead. I then use it as an
of motorbiking does not harmonise well with the excuse to push through self-imposed cultural and
traditional expectations of who I am predetermined societal limitations. Thanks to the world viewing me
to be and what society says I am destined to do differently, I have embraced the courage to become
with my life as a woman. more of the woman I have always been inside but
have never been encouraged to express for fear of
Sadly, motorbiking is still considered the domain of colouring out of the lines.
tough, fearless and, in some instances, rebellious
men – which is also not necessarily who male There are times when you would like to just leave
bikers are. Women, on the other hand, are raised everyone and everything behind and be completely
to be modest and delicate – characteristics that do on your own. Nothing gives you more cost-effective
not play out well with straddling a motorcycle. As a independence than being able to strap on your
result, my venturing into motorcycles had to do with helmet, crank up the engine and ride away to collect
silencing a loud voice within me that demanded to your thoughts. When I ride, I can feel the wind all
know why I was trying to fit into a societal mould. around me as my bike whistles along the road. I
am more in touch with nature than when in a car.
I understand the concerns about motorbikes Riding allows me to be completely in the moment
depicted as being more unsafe than cars. But this – without distractions from my phone, radio or
does not mean that as a woman I went into riding talkative passengers.
blindly. I considered safety. I always make sure I
have a helmet and a jacket with protective padding Motorbiking has opened my world to people from all
on the shoulders and back. I also have riding pants walks of life. I have formed enduring friendships and
which include protective covering on the knuckles it has been interesting to share and learn from more
and, of course, boots with protective materials over experienced riders. The saying, ‘the only thing we
the toes, ankles and shins. I also wear a reflective have to fear is fear itself’ is absolutely true. I have
vest at all times and have recently started wearing discovered that what I had perceived as reasons
a pink tutu too – which increases my visibility to not to ride like weather, traffic, speed and others
others. are what make biking exhilarating. Motorcycling
has become a large part of my self-love process
Generally, motorists do not make way for bikers. and I wouldn’t hang up my riding boots for anything
However, since I started wearing my bright pink in the world!
(a) What advantage did the writer have when she decided to finally take up motorbike riding?
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(b) What first step did she take towards fulfilling her long-time interest?
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(c) What was the major reason for her not to take up motorcycling?
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(d) What is the writer’s attitude towards the view held by society on women bikers?
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(f) Explain the following words and phrases as used in the passage:
(i) ‘...for fear of colouring out of the lines’ (paragraph 4 lines 17–18)
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(ii) ‘...motorcycling has become part of my self-love process’ (paragraph 6 lines 8–9)
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(g) The writer has discovered many pleasures in motorcycling. Give two of these.
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(h) Explain how the saying, ‘the only thing we have to fear is fear itself,’ is true for the writer.
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[Total: 10 marks]
Exercise 5
Read the following article on money anxiety and write a summary on the opposite page highlighting
the symptoms of money anxiety and how to help someone out of it.
Your summary should be about 100 words (and not more than 120 words). You will receive up to 6
marks for the content of your summary and up to 4 marks for the style and accuracy of language.
One of the harsh realities for many people in publicly. An even worse sign of money worries is
developing countries is that money worries do being unable to have financial conversations with
not rear their ugly heads only in January but last your partner or close family members. This could
throughout the year. People are likely to worry be an indication of something that you need to
about money in their lives unless they are born address.
into a wealthy family or they happen to win a
lottery. Keeping afloat financially is a responsible The instinct to want to help family and close friends
and perfectly normal concern. However, in certain is normal. However, if you are paying for your adult
instances, it crosses over into real worry. Money children’s expenses or signing a friend’s surety for
worry is defined as an unhealthy attitude towards loans, then you are crossing the line. One needs
engaging with and administering personal finances to offer sustainable help like being a financial
in an effective way and it varies from person to accountability partner to the person in need. In
person. It can also be described as persistent theory, we all need to be fiscally responsible – save
patterns of self-destructive and self-limiting financial for emergencies, have a solid retirement plan and
behaviours. These are a result of distorted beliefs pay taxes regularly. Continually flouting these good
about money that were developed from childhood spending rules is a red flag.
and persist well into adulthood. This worry then
manifests itself in a number of ways that add up to Being frugal seems like a no-brainer when trying
symptoms, presenting a disorder. to save but if it crosses over into denying yourself
basic needs, such as healthcare or repairs to your
It is normal for money to be a concern as it dictates home, then it no longer makes sense. If money
what is possible in terms of living space, transport problems are the reason for your anxiety, first reach
options and leisure activities. People, therefore, for a financial advisor to help you with budgeting
have to be mindful of the level to which their anxiety and saving. Even people society considers
interferes with their daily functioning. If money is relatively well-off have money worries that manifest
the first thing you think about in the morning, and themselves in hoarding or excessive spending.
last thing at night, and takes up a lot of space in-
between that is probably a clue that something Since money worry can manifest itself in a multitude
larger is going on that you want to pay attention to. of ways, it is important to educate yourself about
Having a bit of money left at the end of your month it. Know more about the common symptoms by
happens to a lot of us. But if one is constantly short reading reputable articles or do some research.
of money in spite of regular income, then all is not All our journeys are different when it comes to
well. money. It can be easy to make assumptions from
the outside and you might have the urge to lecture
In some instances, there are additional the person who is confiding in you about his money
responsibilities like taking care of one’s parents and anxiety. We could berate them for not budgeting
siblings before taking care of oneself financially. better or for being so tight-fisted when we perceive
This greatly results in one not being able to save for them as being relatively well-off. Instead, try to
things like retirement. It is common that people hide make your conversations a safe space so they can
their financial status and will not discuss money feel comfortable talking to you.
[Total: 10 marks]
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