Wavin Sustainable Drianage White Paper
Wavin Sustainable Drianage White Paper
Wavin Sustainable Drianage White Paper
White Paper Sustainable Drainage Systems
t is more than two years since
Wavin and New Civil Engineer
brought you the previous 1 April 2020
report in their series of white Date the Design
papers on sustainable drainage and Construction
systems (SuDS). Yet while so Guide was
much has changed in the world since launched allowing
2019, progress on the use of SuDS in SuDS to be
England has been frustratingly slow. adopted under
Construction research body Ciria sewer guidance
states that sustainable drainage has
the potential to reduce flood risk and
pollution while increasing amenity
and developing habitat to encourage
biodiversity. It is hard to find an
organisation that actively opposes
the use of properly designed and
thought out SuDS.
Indeed, the previous white paper,
reported that three major documents
published in the summer of 2018 gave
real optimism that political will would
drive the issue into the mainstream
the following year.
First the Department for
Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
(Defra) published Surface Water Water companies can adopt SuDS but progress is slow
Management: An Action Plan. This
told local planning authorities that setting out hard and fast rules on force until 1 April 2020,” he says.
strategic flood risk assessments what each party has to do to. “Sewers for Adoption 7 had to be
“must consider flood risk from all Such positivity. Yet as you read this rewritten to align with the code and
sources including surface water”. in 2021, it is unlikely you are sat by a that took longer than first anticipated.
Water firms were informed that swale or pond being used to capture “Water UK hosted meetings with
they must ensure that drainage surface water runoff and deliver the representatives from the industry.
and wastewater management plans four pillars of boosting water quality, We went to London regularly for a
were fit for purpose and delivered managing flood risk and creating nice day just going through the changes
“significant improvements to drainage spaces for people and wildlife. discussed and reviewing and reviewing
of wastewater”. Put simply, SuDS are still not until everyone agreed with it.”
Then ministers updated the coming through in the volumes that Even when the code finally went
National Planning Policy Framework were anticipated and that many live – effectively enabling water
requiring schemes in areas of flood people believe are necessary. So, companies to adopt any sustainable
risk to “incorporate sustainable what happened? drainage element that meets the
drainage systems unless there is “Although Water UK issued a criteria set out in the attached
clear evidence that this would be draft document with an intention, DCG – there was a grace period
inappropriate”. circumstances overtook it and Sewers for developers.
Completing the trilogy, water for Adoption 8 never saw the light of “There was a six month period
companies trade association Water day,” explains Wavin product manager where you could continue applying
UK released a draft version of the Martin Lambley. “Eventually it was for permission through the old
eighth edition of its Sewers for subsumed into a bigger project and rules,” says Gale. “And there was
Adoption booklet, which said it would became appendix C of Ofwat’s Code no requirement under Sewers
“give guidance, for the first time, for Adoption, becoming known as the for Adoption 7 to offer SuDS for
on the design and construction of Design and Construction Guide (DCG).” adoption.”
sustainable drainage systems”. Wessex Water development This meant developers did not
The previous white paper said engineering manager Mike Gale have to comply with the DCG until
that there is no doubt that Sewers was involved in the creation of the October last year, with the knock-on
for Adoption 8 represents a major Code for Adoption – and it was a effect, according to Gale, that “water
breakthrough for SuDS campaigners, lengthy process. companies may not be clear about
helping overcome the concerns of “The DCG is effectively Sewers for the procedures or charges they would
developers and water companies by Adoption 8 and it didn’t come into use to adopt SuDS” until that point.
White Paper Sustainable Drainage Systems
First, let us not forget why this
matters. The first NCE/Wavin white
paper on SuDS, published in 2017,
looked back at floods in 2014, 2010,
2005, 1998 and even 1952 to highlight
the fact that not enough had been
done in between these events to
prepare for the next crisis.
It looked at a National Needs
Assessment (NNA) report published
in 2016 by a panel chaired by
then Institution of Civil Engineers There is concern other parties against the prompt experts, as well as polling more than
president Sir John Armitt. This about a lack enforcement of SuDS legislation 500 attendees of a webinar they
declared that the annual £920M cost of long term meant Schedule 3 was never held on the topic, and reading all
previously cited by the Environment planning to implemented by Westminster. Instead the available documents. This has
Agency to provide “optimum” long manage flood a softer system was introduced enabled them to come up with the
term flood and coastal erosion risk through the planning system, which best analysis possible on what next
protection could be reduced by “land many felt had too many loopholes to for SuDS.
use and catchment-wide measures”. be effective.
A study by the cross-party
Environmental Audit Committee
published the same year found “a
Pressure for rapid and powerful
enforcement of SuDS in developed
spaces grew. A Business in the
Regulator Ofwat says on its website
lack of effective long term strategic Community report in 2017 used a that – following the lengthy process
planning about how to manage flood Ciria evaluation tool to calculate the of drafting and revising the text with
risk”, adding that the government potential benefits of a roll out across water firms – sewage sector guidance
“appears to be reactive rather than all schools and health centres in documents have been approved and
proactive” in this area. Greater Manchester. In the decade “form part of the Code for Adoption
Recommendations in the Pitt to 2028, a net present value of up to Agreements” from 1 April 2020.
Review, published following the 2007 £65M was estimated, with a possible Titled Sector Guidance in Relation
floods, mooted a range of changes to benefit to cost ratio of 2:1. to the Adoption of Sewerage Assets by
boost the use of SuDS. The Landscape Institute said on Sewerage Companies in England, the
Following this, the Flood & Water its website that SuDS should be main sewer sector guidance paper,
Management Act 2010 was published part of every local plan: “All new published in October 2019, states that
by the Labour government. Within it developments should integrate SuDS sewerage companies are “obliged by
was Schedule 3 which required the and there should be a comprehensive the code to comply with the sewerage
formation of SuDS Adoption Bodies programme of retrofitting SuDS.” sector guidance” adding that
(or Sabs) by local authorities. These In 2018 the trilogy of policy papers “any failure to do so may result in
would approve and then adopt was published and optimism grew investigation and sanction by Ofwat
surface water drainage in all relevant but, as we now know, the Ofwat Code under its regulatory powers”.
development projects. for Adoption has only recently come It goes on to say that rules to be
However, as the second white into force in a bid to truly take this adhered to include one that says
paper explained, a change of forward. that “all sewerage companies will
government and a wealth of So here we are in 2021. NCE and adopt sewers complying with the
arguments made by developers and Wavin have spoken to a range of requirements of the DCG” and makes
White Paper Sustainable Drainage Systems
I am optimistic
that this could
be the mechanism
we’ve been waiting for.
It’s a positive start
White Paper Sustainable Drainage Systems
Developers are There are
questions about
still unclear who takes
how offering SuDS for for maintaining
White Paper Sustainable Drainage Systems
Gale said Wessex Water had “made
As ever it appears that despite the
industry’s best efforts to drive to its
own destination on this, all roads lead
members to be the right approach for
the country”.
Ayling says that he understands
it clear that we will adopt any SuDS back to Schedule 3 of the Flood & Defra is considering bringing forward
which qualify as adoptable” and that Water Management Act 2010. a fresh consultation on introducing
the utility would then “deal with any “This has been enabled in Wales the long-awaited Schedule 3.
issues as they come forward”. so SuDS there are not sewers, they Although the department denied
Lambley said reaction to the code are owned by local authorities,” it was looking at such a consultation,
was “very geographic”. says Ayling. “I would like to see this it confirmed it was planning for the
“In some water company areas we enacted in England.” implementation of Section 42 of the
White Paper Sustainable Drainage Systems
The government APPENDIX Q: Will companies move to adopt
more nature-based solutions
has not created WEBINAR Q&A
imminently or in the future?
legislation to enforce
Mike Gale: We can only adopt what
A number of questions were is offered, so this will rely on the
White Paper Sustainable Drainage Systems
Mike Gale: Yes, every year we have containing checklists to help with whether we agree these legacy
to provide Ofwat with the network adoption applications. SuDS are ours to maintain or not.
which we have adopted, broken down Nick Ayling: I will feed back this
into sewer lengths and assets such request and problem back to the Q: What is the life expectancy of
as outfalls, sewage pumping stations, Codes Industry Panel – I agree it underground plastic tank cages
flow control. SuDS will be added to would be sensible for them to be before they need to be replaced?
this yearly register. consolidated in one place. How are issues of resident rats/
Weil’s disease addressed?
Q: Would you adopt a Swale with a Q: Mike, what can you share Martin Lambley: The standard
French drain beneath? regarding the arrangements for a in the certification is 60 years, but
Mike Gale: Yes, I believe so, but we third party to own the land but the once they’re designed correctly
would need to see the design. water company being responsible and buried there is not a lot that
for the surface asset? can go wrong. They become part of
Q: Are costs of SuDS charged back in Mike Gale: Unfortunately nothing the sewers system so the measures
the general sewage charges to all in definitive yet, those arrangements taken to prevent rodents in the
the water company area or back just are still being finalised. standard system would be included
to the owners on the development? in the tanks.
Q: In Wales we are now geared up to Unfortunately, you won’t eradicate
Mike Gale: Post-adoption tackling SuDS with SuDS Approving vermin from the system.
maintenance is covered in an annual Bodies. Do you not think England
sewerage charge. should move to this model? Q: With increases in extreme
Martin Lambley: I agree. weather events and flooding, what
Q: Is the ignorance on site deliberate Mike Gale: There may be benefits steps are being taken to prevent
due to cost? to go that way but we have a suitable regular sewer overflow discharge
Mike Gale: I believe that cost is system in place which we can run with. into rivers and the sea if SuDS are
one of the factors, and until we can discharged into sewers?
educate the developers about the Q: Mike, how many SuDS features Nick Ayling: Water companies
overall benefits of investing in these did you inherit as a result of the have been charged with drawing up
features, there may be a reluctance to Private Sewer Transfer in 2011 drainage water management plans.
offer them for adoption. given that there have been no We are looking at what we need to
changes to the legal definition of a do more to model and monitor real
Q: There have been a few sewer since 1991? time sewer operations so we can act
references to SuDS policies and Mike Gale: Our SuDS panel is actively before a sewer is breached.
position statements of water discussing whether we need to go There is lots to do. More stringent
companies, but these do not seem to back and identify which assets could planning requirements are required
be readily available online. Are they have transferred and we’ve looked for on plot/source control SuDS or
available to the public and where at as-constructed drawings back to re-use to reduce volumetric off-site
can they be found please? 2011, Google Maps, anything we can discharge.
Mike Gale: Wessex Water has its do to identify ponds, swales, basins Mike Gale: Storage is required for
policy on our website. The final that could be our responsibility and a 1-in-100-year event plus climate
version will be published in March then we have to decide as a company change.