Exploring How Grade 12 Physical Sciences Learners Make Sense of The Concepts of Work and Energy
Exploring How Grade 12 Physical Sciences Learners Make Sense of The Concepts of Work and Energy
Exploring How Grade 12 Physical Sciences Learners Make Sense of The Concepts of Work and Energy
(Science Education)
February 2016
I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the work contained in this thesis is my own original
work and has not previously in its entirety or in part been submitted at any university for a
Physical Sciences is one of the subjects in which students perform most poorly in the National
Senior Certificate examinations. For example, in the Eastern Cape in 2013, a mere 29.9% of
the candidates who sat for the Physical Sciences National Senior Certificate examination
managed to achieve a mark of 40% or above (Department of Basic Education, 2014).
According to the Chief Markers’ reports (ibid), questions on the topic of Work, Energy and
Power are amongst the most poorly answered in the National Senior Certificate examinations.
This fact triggered my interest to explore how grade 12 Physical Sciences learners make sense
of the concepts of Work and Energy with particular emphasis on the work-energy theorem and
its application in problem solving.
I carried out the study in a village school in the Queenstown district. The study adopted an
interpretive paradigm in which the case study approach was used. Data were generated using a
diagnostic test, focus group interviews, video-recorded lessons, analysis of learner journals and
a summative test. Analysis of the qualitative data involved identifying themes from the data
and using analytical statements that answered the research questions. The study was informed
by Vygotsky’s (1978) social constructivism theory, and in particular, the notions of the
mediation of learning and the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). Learners were given
tasks on the work-energy theorem and related concepts and these were designed in such a way
that they were situated in the learners’ ZPD, since this is where most powerful learning takes
place (Thompson, 2013).
The findings of the study revealed that grade 12 Physical Sciences learners do not have
sufficient prior knowledge on concepts related to the work-energy theory to successfully make
sense of the work-energy theorem. The other finding is that learners construct knowledge of
the work-energy theorem and its application collaboratively through group work. In the group
discussions learners used isiXhosa and this enhanced their sense making. A number of
challenges that make it difficult for learners to solve problems using the work-energy theorem
were identified.
This thesis is dedicated to my family. First to my daughter, Gina whom I hope will be inspired
to appreciate that education is not about preparing life but it is life itself (John Dewey). Second,
to the special lady in my life Hamunyare, for the patience and moral support during the final
stages of the drafting of this thesis when I almost ignored her completely as I worked on
finalising this thesis.
I would first like to acknowledge The Almighty, the giver of life and all intelligence for His
guidance and protection throughout the journey of this study.
To my able and patient supervisors Mr. Kavish Jawahar and the fatherly Dr. Kenneth Mlungisi
Ngcoza I give thanks for the guidance and professional supervision that made this thesis a
I give special gratitude to the principal, learners and staff at my research site for allowing me
to research at the school and for allowing me extra time to work with my research participants
when required.
This thesis would not have been a reality without the moral support, sharing of ideas and
comradeship from members of my fellow Master of Education (Science) students, namely,
Lineo Ramasike, Chris Mutanho, Tsepo ‘Ntathe’ Mostilili, Beatrice Musekiwa, Esther ‘The
Queen’ Arinola and Farasten Mashozhera.
As Dr. Ken always said, ‘if we want to walk far let us walk together’ indeed we walked together
all the way to the end.
DECLARATION ……………………………………………………………………………i
ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………………..ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................ v
LIST OF TABLES ………………………………………………………………………...viii
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................. viii
LIST OF APPENDICES ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
CHAPTER 1: SITUATING MY STUDY ..................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Rationale for this study ............................................................................................... 1
1.3 Research goal and questions ....................................................................................... 2
1.3.1 Research goal ............................................................................................................. 2
1.3.2 Main research question .............................................................................................. 2
1.3.3 Sub – Questions ................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Problem statement ....................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Potential value of my study ......................................................................................... 3
1.6 Case Study ................................................................................................................... 4
1.7 Theoretical framework ................................................................................................ 4
1.8 Data gathering techniques ........................................................................................... 4
1.9 Definition of key terms ............................................................................................... 5
1.9.1 Sense making ....................................................................................................... 5
1.9.2 Work-Energy theorem ......................................................................................... 5
1.9.3 Prior knowledge ................................................................................................... 5
1.9.4 Social constructivism ........................................................................................... 5
1.9.5 Mediation of learning ........................................................................................... 5
1.10 Thesis outline .............................................................................................................. 6
1.11 Concluding remarks .................................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................... 8
2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 8
2.2 South African Physical Sciences curriculum requirements ........................................ 8
2.3 Work and energy concepts .......................................................................................... 9
2.4 Sense making............................................................................................................. 11
2.5 Learners’ prior knowledge ........................................................................................ 11
2.6 Studies on the teaching and learning of work and energy concepts.......................... 13
2.6.1 International studies on the learning of the work and energy concepts ............. 13
2.6.2 Some South African studies on the learning of Work and Energy concepts .... 14
2.7 Language and learning science ................................................................................. 16
2.8 Theoretical framework .............................................................................................. 17
2.8.1 Social constructivism ......................................................................................... 17
2.8.2 Zone of Proximal Development ......................................................................... 18
2.8.3 Mediation and the Zone of Proximal Development ........................................... 20
2.8.4 Language and social constructivism .................................................................. 20
2.9 Concluding remarks .................................................................................................. 21
CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY ........................................................................ 22
3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 22
3.2 Research design and methodology ............................................................................ 22
3.2.1 Research goal and questions .................................................................................... 22
3.2.2 Methodology ...................................................................................................... 23
3.3 Research site and participants ................................................................................... 25
3.3.1 Rationale ............................................................................................................ 25
3.3.2 Participants ......................................................................................................... 25
3.4 Data gathering ........................................................................................................... 26
3.4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 26
3.4.2 Data gathering techniques .................................................................................. 26
3.5 Data analysis ............................................................................................................. 29
3.6 Validity ...................................................................................................................... 29
3.7 Ethical considerations ............................................................................................... 30
3.8 Limitations of the study............................................................................................. 30
3.9 Concluding remarks .................................................................................................. 31
CHAPTER 4: DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS ..................................... 32
4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 32
4.2 Phase 1: The Diagnostic Test .................................................................................... 32
4.2.1 Learner Performance .......................................................................................... 33
Figure 4.1: Analysis of diagnostic test distribution of marks ............................................ 36
4.2.2 Stimulated recall interviews based on the diagnostic test ................................. 40
4.3 Phase 2: Intervention ................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.3.1 Lesson observations ........................................................................................... 43
4.3.2 Learner journals ................................................................................................. 47
4.3.3 Summative test ................................................................................................... 49
4.4 Concluding remarks .................................................................................................. 57
5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 58
5.2 Answering research question1 .................................................................................. 59
5.3 Answering research question 2 ...................................................................................... 61
5.4 Answering research question 3: ................................................................................ 63
5.4.1 Identifying forces and drawing free body diagrams ................................................ 63
5.4.2 Calculating net work done ( 𝑾𝒏𝒆𝒕) .................................................................. 64
5.4.3 Lack of prior knowledge of basic concepts ....................................................... 65
5.5 Concluding remarks .................................................................................................. 65
CONCLUSIONS ………………………………………………………………………….67
6.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 67
6.2 Summary of findings ................................................................................................. 67
6.3 Recommendations ..................................................................................................... 69
6.3.1 Eliciting prior knowledge before teaching work and energy concepts at grade 12 . 69
6.3.2 Making use of translanguaging to allow learners to construct meanings of
scientific concepts using their home langauge ................................................................. 69
6.3.3 Development of units of work ................................................................................. 69
6.4 Limitations of my study ................................................................................................. 70
6.5 Areas for further research .......................................................................................... 70
6.6 My critical reflections ............................................................................................... 70
6.7 Conclusion................................................................................................................. 72
References ………………………………………………………………………….74
Appendices ………………………………………………………………………….79
Appendix A: Letter to principal ........................................................................................... 79
Appendix B: Letter to parents .............................................................................................. 80
Appendix C: Diagnostic Test ............................................................................................... 81
Appendix D: Diagnostic Test Memorandum ....................................................................... 85
Appendix E: Summative Test .............................................................................................. 88
Appendix F: Summative Test Memorandum ....................................................................... 92
Appendix G: Unit of Work................................................................................................... 95
Appendix H: Transcript Tr1 – Group Discussion 1 ........................................................... 117
Appendix I: Transcription Tr2- Group Discussion 2 ......................................................... 121
Appendix J: Interview Schedule for diagnostic test ........................................................... 124
Appendix K: Interview schedule for summative test ......................................................... 125
Appendix L: Transcription Tr3 – Interview D1 ................................................................. 126
Appendix M: Transcription Tr3- Interview with Zimbini ................................................. 127
Table 4.4: Performance of learners in the test questions as categorised in table 4.1 .............. 54
Figure 4.3: Extract of learner's responses to questions on force and energy ................... 39
1.1 Introduction
The main goal of this study was to explore how grade 12 Physical Sciences learners make sense
of the concepts of work and energy. The work-energy theorem explains the relationship
between work done on an object and the resultant change in its kinetic energy. As outlined in
the CAPS document for Physical Sciences, learners are required to apply the work-energy
theorem and related concepts to solve problems for objects lying on both flat and inclined
I provide the reasons for embarking on this particular study and follow this with the research
goals and questions that guided the process. The theoretical framework informing this study is
briefly discussed and the key terms that are used in this thesis are defined. A thesis outline
indicating the contents of each chapter is provided and the chapter ends with some concluding
A closer look at the TIMSS 2011 report reveals that within South Africa, the Eastern Cape
Province in particular, had the worst performance in both Mathematics and Science.
Furthermore, schools in the disadvantaged areas such as townships and rural areas fared much
worse compared to former model C schools. However, the overall performance of South
African learners as presented by the TIMSS gives an average which does not reflect the
performance of different schools. For instance, the fact that grade 8 learners are doing poorly
in the TIMSS is a pointer to the fact that that Physical Sciences learners enter grade 10 with a
weak Natural Sciences background. It is here in the Natural Sciences that most basic concepts
are introduced.
In South Africa, the subject Physical Sciences in grades 10-12 covers topics on chemistry and
physics. In recent years this subject in these grades has been the one which performed most
poorly. In 2013, for example, nationally only 67,4% of learners who sat for the National Senior
Certificate Examination managed to get a mark of 30% or more and in the Eastern Cape
Province this dropped to 55,8%. In the Eastern Cape in 2013 a mere 29,9% of the candidates
who sat for the Physical Sciences National Senior Certificate examination managed to achieved
a mark of 40% or above (Department of Basic Education [DBE], 2014). According to the 2013
Physical Sciences Chief Marker’s report (DoE, 2012) as well as from my own experience as a
Physical Sciences educator and National Senior Certificate Examination Paper 1 marker since
2008, questions on the topics of Work, Energy and Power are amongst the most poorly
answered questions in the National Senior Certificate Physical Sciences Paper 1 examinations.
As stated in the 2013 Physical Sciences Chief Marker’s report, “Problem solving using the
work-energy theorem is really a challenge for learners” (DoE, 2012, p. 264). Although this
research places emphasis on the work-energy theorem, the theorem is not treated in isolation
since scientific concepts tend to be interconnected. Hence, the study focused on work and
energy concepts in general and the work-energy theorem in particular. Challenges faced by
learners in understanding and applying the work-energy theorem could be caused by any
number of causes, including most likely a lack of understanding of the basics of work and
energy concepts and/or related concepts.
2. How do grade 12 Physical Sciences learners make sense of the work-energy theorem
using lessons designed based on social constructivist principles?
3. What factors enable or constrain grade 12 Physical Sciences learners to solve
problems related to the work-energy theorem?
Using the TIMSS’s report and the Chief Markers’ reports it is evident that science education
in South Africa needs urgent and serious remediation. In order to improve the overall
performance of learners in examinations there is need to get to the root of the problem. As
highlighted above, questions on work and energy in Physical Sciences cause problems for
learners. In order to come up with a solution, my study sought to explore how learners construct
knowledge with the view of providing an enabling atmosphere for improved learning using the
idea of constructivist learning. The study also sought to explore the specific difficulties that
learners experience when they solve problems using the work-energy theorem. It is hoped that
my findings could be used to develop appropriate teaching approaches.
As alluded to earlier, Physical Sciences is one of the subjects in which learner performance is
weak, especially in the Eastern Cape Province, which traditionally displays poor science
education achievement. It is imperative that research aimed at improving the general
achievement of learners in this subject be conducted.
The diagnostic test can be used as a tool to ascertain learners’ prior knowledge
before teaching the topic Work, Energy and Power. Knowing learners’ prior
knowledge is important in preparing lessons which employ constructivist
teaching and learning principles.
It is envisaged that the unit of work that was developed during this study could
assist teachers and learners in teaching work and energy more effectively.
An understanding of factors that enable or constrain learners to solve problems
involving the work-energy theorem may also inform the work of other
teachers, subject advisors, curriculum developers, and textbook writers
thereby contributing to improved achievement by the Physical Sciences
Furthermore, exploring how grade 12 Physical Sciences learners make sense
of the concepts of work and energy might lead to a better understanding of the
problems learners face in understanding these concepts.
Finally, this study might provide all stakeholders involved in education with
an empirical foundation for addressing the problems being experienced in
teaching and learning of these concepts.
The data used to answer my research questions were gathered using a case study. A case study
was chosen in order to get an in-depth understanding of how in the particular context of
Physical Sciences learners in grade 12, make sense of the concepts of work and energy. As
stated by Ashley (2013), a case study allows the researcher to use multiple data gathering
techniques to investigate the case in-depth, to probe and get to its complexity.
To answer the research questions, data sets were gathered using a number of methods to allow
for triangulation. Triangulation involves using more than one method to gather data with the
aim of improving the validity (Cohen, Manion & Morrison, 2011). The following data
gathering techniques were used:
Diagnostic test;
Learner journals;
Summative test;
Stimulated recall interviews; and
Semi-structured interviews.
I now define some key terms in order to clarify their meanings in the context of this particular
1.10 Thesis outline
Chapter One which is titled, ‘situating the study’ introduces the study. The rationale for this
study as well as its potential value are outlined. This is followed by the research goal and the
questions that guided data gathering and analysis are also stated. The problem statement is
described. I then proceed by describing the potential value of this study before I justify why I
chose to use the case study methodology. The theoretical framework guiding this research is
outlined. Data gathering techniques employed are described. I finally define some key terms to
avoid ambiguity or misinterpretation of their meanings.
Chapter Two reviews some of the literature that is relevant to the study with a view to situating
the study within the body of knowledge gathered through research. The study deals with a
topic which is part of the South African grade 12 Physical Sciences curriculum so curriculum
requirements are therefore discussed. The notion of sense making in science is reviewed by
making reference to various readings. Prior knowledge on the concepts of the work-energy
theorem is also reviewed. I consulted both international and South African research studies
done on the learning of work and energy concepts. Social construction of knowledge involves
the use of language so the effect of learning science in a second language is also reviewed. The
chapter ends by describing social constructivism as the guiding theoretical framework.
Chapter Three describes the research methodology used. In this chapter I start by relating my
research questions to the data gathering techniques. The research designed is explained and the
research site is described. The data gathering techniques stated in Chapter One are described.
Ethical considerations made are also discussed. Finally, I end the chapter with a discussion of
the trustworthiness and limitations of the study.
In Chapter Four, I present and analyse the data gathered using techniques outlined in Chapter
Three. From the analysis of data I came up with themes which form the basis of the analytical
statements I construct and expand on in Chapter Five.
In Chapter Five I interpret and discuss my findings on how grade 12 Physical Sciences
learners make sense of the concepts of work and energy which I presented and analysed in
Chapter Four.
In Chapter Six, I make recommendations based on the findings presented. I also critically
reflect on the research process. Suggestions for further research inspired by this study are also
1.11 Concluding remarks
In this chapter I situated my study by outlining the rationale and potential value of the study.
The research goal and questions are stated so as to put the rest of the thesis in perspective.
Important terms are defined to reflect the way they have been applied in the thesis. Finally, the
thesis chapters are outlined.
2.1 Introduction
The main goal of this study was to explore how grade 12 Physical Sciences learners make sense
of the concepts of work and energy. In this chapter I thus review some literature on the teaching
and learning of work and energy with particular emphasis on the concept of the work-energy
theorem at grade 12. I explore the South African National Senior Certificate (NSC) Physical
Sciences curriculum requirements. Some studies carried out both internationally and in South
Africa in relation to the teaching and learning of work and energy concepts are reviewed.
As the theoretical framework adopted in this study is social constructivism, relevant literature
on the application of this framework in the teaching and learning of Physical Sciences is
reviewed. Since this study was carried out in a rural school with learners who are English
second language speakers, some literature on language and its effects on learning science is
also included.
The South African grade 12 Physical Sciences curriculum (Department of Basic Education
[DBE], 2011, p. 82) requires learners to be able to:
With respect to the work-energy theorem learners should be able to:
Know that the net work done on an object causes a change in the objects kinetic energy
– the work-energy theorem 𝑊𝑛𝑒𝑡 = 𝐸𝑘𝑓 − 𝐸𝑘𝑖 ; and
Apply the work-energy theorem to objects on horizontal and inclined planes
(frictionless and rough) (Department of Basic Education, 2011, p. 83).
The work-energy theorem and the curriculum requirements are explained in the next section.
As mentioned earlier, the Physical Sciences curriculum in South Africa includes coverage of
both Chemistry and Physics topics and each is divided into three knowledge areas (DBE, 2011).
The three Physics knowledge strands are assessed in the Physical Sciences examination paper
1 while the three Chemistry knowledge strands are assesed in the Physical Sciences
examination paper 2. Furthermore, work and energy concepts are included in the Mechanics
section of the Physics component of Physical Sciences in South African schools (ibid).
𝑊 = 𝐹. ∆𝑥. cos 𝜃
In the above formula, W is the work done by the force and θ is the angle between the direction
of force applied and that of displacement of the point of application of the force. From the
above formula for work there is an association between work, displacement and force concepts.
To a large extent, learning the concept of energy depends on the force concept, which is one of
the principal concepts of physics. For work to be done, a force has to be applied and therefore
an understanding of the concept of force is important in order to understand energy (Saglam-
Arslan & Kurzen, 2009). Saglam-Arslan and Kurzen (2009) report that studies have shown the
concepts of work, energy and force are often confused with each other and students cannot
state the difference between them.
In many examples used during Physical Sciences lessons and examination questions, it is
highlighted that more than one force acts on an object. Each of these forces does its own work
on the object. “The net work done by multiple forces on an object is equal to the product of the
net force on the object and the displacement of the object” (Jewett, 2008, p. 40). The net force
is the overall force on an object when all forces are added. The fact that displacement results
from work being done implies that there is kinetic energy involved. Kinetic energy is the energy
possessed by a moving body. It is calculated by the formula, 𝐸𝑘 = 𝑚𝑣 2 . In the formula, Ek
refers to kinetic energy, m to the mass, and v to the velocity of the object.
Moving an object from one point to another may result in a change in velocity of the object
and the kinetic energy of the object. In this case the work-energy theorem describes the
relationship between work done and change in kinetic energy. “The work-energy theorem
states that work done by the net force acting on an object is equal to the change in the kinetic
energy of the object” (Booster, Carter, & James, 2009, p. 27).
𝑊𝑛𝑒𝑡 = ∆𝐸𝑘
= 𝐸𝑘 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 - 𝐸𝑘 𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙
In the South African grade 12 Physics examination papers (e.g. November 2012, November
2013 & February 2014), learners were presented with questions involving bodies on inclined
planes. This presents a further challenge for learners answering questions on work and energy
concepts since forces have to first be resolved into components. In most of the examination
questions, it is only a component of applied force that causes the displacement. Hence,
knowledge of basic trigonometry is required for the resolution of forces.
2.4 Sense making
Audet, Hickman and Dobrynina (1996) contend that some of the activities that a learner does
during the sense making process include detecting patterns, asking focusing questions and
seeking explanations. Audet et al. (1996) further suggest that analysing what learners write can
give the teacher insights into the sense making processes that learners go through. In the same
vein, Crowder (1996) aserts that sense making in learners can be recognized in the way they
talk about scientific ideas. For instance, learners who are in the process of sense making present
their ideas in multiple stops, starts, and revisions. Such unpolished statements may signal that
learners are involved in actively constructing knowledge (Crowder, 1996). In order to gain
insight into learners’ sense making processes this study used video-recordings of learner talk
and an analysis of learners’ written work.
Driver, Osoko, Leach, Mortimer and Scott (1994) acknowledge that meaning making involves
a dialogue between persons. This is in line with the social constructivist view of the sense
making process which is my theoretical framework in this study (see Section 2.8). Lemke
(1990) emphasizes that meanings are constructed using language, mathematics, diagrams, and
techniques. According to Lemke (1990), meaning making can thus be detected in behaviours
such as talking, reasoning, drawing, and gesturing. Analysing learners’ talk and written work,
and observing their class discussions can therefore provide an awareness of their meaning
making processes.
One form of written work that can be used for analysis is learner journals. Audet et al. (1996)
suggest the use of learning journals as a way of enhancing sense making by learners. Analysing
these journals can provide a teacher with insights about the learners’ levels of understanding,
their thought processes, misconceptions, and other factors associated with learning. Writing in
journals which the teacher reads is a form of dialogue between the teacher and an individual
learners that is important in the construction of knowledge from a constructivist point of view.
For this reason journals were used as one of the data gathering tools in this study.
The concepts of work and energy that are examined at grade 12 level have their roots in
instruction received in earlier grades. Prior knowledge learnt in earlier grades is a requirement
for learners to be able to construct concepts correctly at grade 12 level. For example, South
African learners are introduced to force, energy and work concepts when doing the Energy and
Change content strand of the Natural Sciences learning area in the General Education and
Training (GET) phase. Roschelle (1995) contends that there is substantial evidence pointing to
the fact that learning tends to proceed from prior knowledge and learners are expected to use
this prior knowledge to construct concepts on work and energy when they get to the Further
Education and Training (FET) phase.
Learners come to the grade 12 Physical Sciences classroom with some prior knowledge which
is both knowledge from the content learned in earlier grades and some everyday knowledge
relevant to science. Prior everday knowledge is also called intuitive knowledge. The use of
prior knowledge from earlier grades and intuitive learning is important in the contructivist
approach to teaching and learning as proposed by Roschelle (1995).
Intuitive physics knowledge is the knowledge about physical phenomena that students bring to
the learning of formal science (Sherin, 2006). This is knowledge learners acquire informally
either through their own experiences or from other members of the society. Learners have
experienced pushing things up or down ramps or played on slides, for example. These examples
are some of the everyday applications of what the grade 12 Physical Sciences curriculum
intends to expand on. Driver et al. (1994) contend that learners bring to the science classroom
informal ideas about scientific phenomena that are constructed, communicated and validated
within everyday culture. These authors argue that everyday representations of natural
phenomena are sometimes different from scientific represenations. Driver et al. (1994) report
that “there is a commonly held conception that a constant force is to maintain an object in
motion” (p. 8). This differs from Newtonian physics which associates force with acceleration.
This is an example of a case where the everyday understanding of natural phenomena differs
from the scientific understanding. Driver et al.(1994) further argue that if everday representions
of particular natural phenomena are very different from scienctific represenations, learning
may prove difficult.
Sherin (2006) supports this by saying that research has shown that these everyday experiences
form a substantial body of knowledge of the physical world that learners bring to the classroom.
Some of this knowledge may be in contradiction with scientific principles. In the teaching of
the topic on work and energy learners were provided with opportunities to share their intuitive
knowledge in order to build new concepts and provide explanations of their everyday
experiences. It was hoped that the sharing of intuitive knowledge would also assist in the
identification of those everyday representations of natural phenomena that differ from scientific
representations to help to mediate the learning of the scientific point of view.
2.6 Studies on the teaching and learning of work and energy concepts
Some studies on the teaching and learning of work and energy concepts carried out
internationally and from South Africa are discussed below. It is important to review these
studies so that my own investigation can identify gaps and make a meaningful contribution to
ongoing research.
2.6.1 International studies on the learning of the work and energy concepts
A study by Lawson and McDermott (1987) in the United States of America that involved
under-graduate students doing introductory courses in Physics revealed a lack of ability to
interpret the work-energy theorem as “a statement that doing work on a body produces an
increase in kinetic energy” (p. 816). Although this study involved under-graduate students as
opposed to my study which involves grade 12 learners, the findings are still relevant since it
involved the application of the work-energy theorem which is central to my study.
The study by Lawson and McDermott (1987) assessed students’ understanding of the impulse-
momentum and work-energy theorems by asking the students to perform tasks requiring the
application of these theorems in a real life motion situation. The students were asked to
compare the changes in momentum and kinetic energy of two dry ice pucks that were made to
move by the same constant force along a glass table. Many of the students involved in the study
failed to apply the work-energy theorem to the motion of a body experiencing a constant force.
From the study, Lawson and McDermott concluded that, “to develop a functual understanding,
most students need experience in interpreting the formal relationships of physics in a variety
of contexts” (p. 817). This finding from the study suggests that learners can remember formal
relationships such as the work-energy theorem without any real sense making as they fail to
apply it to real life situations.
Tang, Tan and Yeo (2011) carried out a study in Singapore to investigate how students
construct meaning of the work-energy concept through the integration of multiple methods
such as verbal, visual, mathematical, and gestural modes. Tang et al. (2011) explain that a mode
of representation is a sense making resource system that is formed and used over time. These
authors postulate that conceptual understanding is dependent on the multimodal representations
that are used in the teaching and learning process. The study by Tang et al. (2011) used data
from a group of learners working collaboratively to make sense of the work-energy concept
from a practical real life example.
One of the objectives of the study by Tang et al. (2011) was to investigate how students
construct meanings through intergration of different modalities. In their study, the authors
worked with small groups of learners who were guided in constructing knowledge by a
computer programme. Data were gathered from various sources including video-recorded
observations and online student journals.
Tang et al. (2011) observed verbal dialogue, mathematical symbolism and gestures as the
multimodal construction of the work-energy concept. For example, the learners managed to
identify correctly each of the abstract mathematical entities of the work–energy equation in the
case of a moving ball and related their meanings through spoken language. Tang et al. (2011)
further explain that “this dynamic juxtaposition of spoken language and written formulation
was crucial and necessary for them to overcome the linguistic difficulties of nominalisation
and abstraction that are prevalent in scientific text” (p. 1796).
International studies reveal some insights into the way learners make sense of work and energy
concepts as well as some of the difficulties they face in the process. I will now discuss a few
South Africa studies whose context and curriculum is similar to my own study.
2.6.2 Some South African studies on the learning of Work and Energy concepts
A study involving grade 10 Physical Sciences learners from four South African provinces,
namely, North West, Mpumalanga, Gauteng and Limpopo revealed that many grade 10 learners
do not have enough prior knowledge about the concept of energy from the GET phase for them
to be able to adequetly grasp the concept in the FET phase (Lemmer, 2011). In the study by
Lemmer (2011) learners were asked questions which sought to investigate their conceptual
undestanding of the concepts of work, force, energy and energy conversions. The question the
respondents answered were based on an everyday situation of a boy who pulls a cart up the
hill. The results from the study indicated that the learners lacked conceptul understanding of
the following:
As the cart is pulled up the hill both the cart and the boy who is pulling have energy;
Both the cart and the boy exert forces as the cart is pulled up the hill; and
The total mechanical energy of the cart remained constant throughout its motion.
In Physics, work, energy, force, and energy energy conversion are related. An applied force
that displaces a body does work and changes its kinetic energy. This relationship is the work-
energy theorem on which the current study is centred. This lack of prior knowledge by grade
10 learners further contributes to learning difficulties when the topic work, energy and power
is developed through to grade 12 (Lemmer, 2011). It is because of this gap in knowledge that
this study used a diagnostic test to explore prior knowledge from earlier grades as a starting
point to assess what grade 12 learners knew about the work-energy theorem.
In his doctoral thesis, Mchunu (2012) carried out a study in KwaZulu Natal province which
sought to identify the conceptual difficulties faced by grade 12 Physical Sciences learners in
the mechanics section of the curriculum (which is where the focal content in this study is
situated). With respect to work and energy concepts the study concluded that “learners
experienced conceptual difficulties with regard to (a) resolving the components of weight; (b)
the work concept; (c) work-energy theorem application; (d) the kinetic energy concept; and (e)
the principle of conservation of mechanical energy application” (Mchunu, 2012, p. 44). These
conceptual difficulties identified by Mchunu form some of the key concepts in my study.
These conceptual difficulties could be a contributing factor to learners not being able to apply
the work-energy theorem to solve questions of the kind set in National Senior Certificate
examinations. By investigating how learners make sense of these concepts I expected to gain
some insights into the underlying causes of the conceptual difficulties identified by Mchunu
(2012) in his study. It is recognised, however, that the contexts of the studies are different.
Another South African study related to my study was carried out in a village in the Northwest
Province by Rhankumise, Raphoto, and Maimane (2014). The study investigated the
alternative ideas grade 10 learners have on the principle of the conservation of mechanical
energy. Mechanical energy is the sum of the kinetic energy and mechanical energy of a body.
The problem Rhankumise et al. (2014) intended to address was how to treat and handle
learners’ alternative conceptions relating to conservation of mechanical energy. From the pre-
test they administered it was established that learners’ knowledge about energy and forms of
energy was obscure and confused. Learners in that study associated energy with motion, size
of the object and human activities. From the perfomance of learners in the post- test the authors
concluded that the ideas held by learners on the energy concept can be used to construct
scientific conception of energy. This should have a positive effect on the learning of the work
energy theorem. Tang et al. (2011) highlighted the importance of using both written and spoken
language in making sense of work and energy concepts. My study was done with learners
whose home language is isiXhosa whilst the language of learning and teaching (LoLT) used is
English. Some literature on the impact that learning science in a language other than one’s
home language will now be discussed.
The construction of the meaning of science concepts is mediated through language. Learners
in this study have isiXhosa as their home language and yet the official language of learning and
teaching (LoLT) at the school is English. Learners who are learning science in an additional
language have to simultaneously learn English and the language of science in order to
understand and explain the concepts. In order for the learners to develop their langauge skills,
teachers need to afford them opportunities for language usage and learning (Msimanga &
Lelliot, 2014). Group work is one way teachers can afford learners the opportunity to construct
meanings for scientific concepts as well as learn the English language. However, some research
findings show that in small groups learners revert almost entirely to their home language
(Msimanga & Lelliot, 2014; Ferreira, 2011; Probyn, 2015). Msimanga and Lelliot claim that
reverting to their home language helps learners who lack confidence in English to construct
understandings of scienctific concepts.
In bilingual classrooms such as the one in my study, teachers need to make use of both the
LoLT and learners’ home language to enhance conceptual understanding. In this regard,
Probyn (2015) advocates for translanguaging. According to Probyn (2015), translanguaging is
the practice of changing from the LoLT to the learners’ home language for an extended period
of time. This is unlike code switching which involves relatively short switches from LoLT to
learners’ home language. Probyn (2015) also contends that exploratory talk amongst learners
tends to be mostly in their home language whilst presentational talk and writing are then
translated to the LoLT.
Notwithstanding, the reality is that the language of assessment determines the language of
learning and teaching. In a study in KwaZulu Natal (KZN) province, Zuma and Demster
(2008) translated some questions used in the TIMSS study into isiZulu before administering
them to some grade 9 learners. Results from this study did not show any significant
improvement from the same test that was administered with questions in English. These
findings suggest that science concepts can be learnt and assessed in learners’ home language.
For this reason, learners in the current study were allowed to discuss and answer oral
questions in isiXhosa, their home language. The fact that the LoLT and formal assessment are
in English meant that the teaching was done in Engish as well as all written work.
In the teaching of concepts on work and energy I applied the social constructivist perspective
which proposes that meanings of concepts are constructed by individuals together with the help
of others. In the application of the principles of social constructivist emphasis was put on the
concept of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) (Vygotsky, 1978). Notions of mediation,
use of language and dialogue are discussed in connection with the ZPD and in relation to their
application in the teaching and learning of the work-energy theorem in grade 12 Physical
Sciences. I now discuss each of these below.
It is assumed that learners have to construct their own knowledge … individually and
collectively. Each learner has a tool kit of concepts and skills with which he or she must
construct knowledge to solve problems presented by the environment. The role of the
community … other learners and the teacher is to provide the setting, pose the
challenges, and offer the support that will encourage mathematical thinking (Davis,
Maher, & Noddings, 1990, p. 7).
Davis et al. (1990) are essentially acknowledging that learning is an individual activity and that
knowledge and ideas are constructed within an individual but during that process individuals
need assistance such as from more knowledgeable others.
Lending support to this notion, Brooks and Brooks (1993) contend that “Constructivism is not
a theory about teaching… it is a theory about knowledge and learning … the theory that defines
knowledge as temporary, developmental, socially and culturally mediated, and thus, non-
objective” (p. vii). Constructivism puts more focus on the learner and how learning occurs
rather than on the teacher and their teaching. Brooks and Brooks (1993) are also alluding to the
gradual construction of knowledge and the influence of culture. The implication here is that
people in different socio-cultural settings do not necessarily learn the same way.
McRobbie and Tobin (1997) posit that from a social constructivist perspective learning is a
process of sense making by the individual learner through social interactions. Lending support,
Staver (1998) asserts that social constructivism centers its focus on the study of meaning
making through language. As Driver et al. (1994) contend, construction of scientific knowledge
happens when individuals engage socially in talk and activity about shared problems or tasks.
McLeod (2014) citing Vygotsky (1978) contends that much important learning by the child
occurs through social interaction with a skillful tutor. The skillful tutor may be the teacher or
more capable learners in the class or group. In this study learners were afforded opportunities
for social construction of knowledge through small group activities and whole class
Thompson (2013) further suggests that a learner’s development in the ZPD involves social
interaction, dialogue, and mediated activities between learners and the teacher and between
learners themselves. Mediation activities take various forms and Thompson (2013) identifies a
number of them, including direct instruction from the teacher; modelling of a behaviour or task
by the teacher or more capable peer; feedback, either verbal or written; and scaffolding of a
task, or part of a task. The metaphor of scaffolding was used by Bruner (1978). As McLeod
(2014) explains, scaffolding involves helping the learner in a structured manner with the aim
of helping the learner achieve certain goals.
The ZPD is intended to assist learners move from independent problem solving at a lower level
to a level where they can solve higher level or new problems with assistance of a more capable
other. This assistance takes the learner to a level where they can solve these high level problems
unassisted. Thompson (2013) suggests that the learner moves from his or her actual level
through the potential level to the realized level if his or her ZPD is identified and made use of.
Tharp and Gallimore (2013) caution that the transition from assisted performance to unassisted
performance is not abrupt. The authors define assisted performance as those activities or tasks
that a child can do with help or support of the environment, others or the self. Tharp and
Gallimore (2013) outline the four stages of the ZPD which I now discuss in the following
There are four stages of the ZPD. The first stage is where the learner’s performance is assisted
by more capable others. At this stage the learner has little understanding of the concepts. The
teacher has to offer modelling and direction whilst the learner imitates without much meaning
making or understanding. Gradually, as the learner progresses, assistance turns from modelling
and direction to leading questions and feedback.
From being assisted by the more knowledgeable others who include more capable learners,
textbooks and other sources of information such as the World Wide Web, the learner moves on
to the second stage where performance is assisted by self. At this stage the child is able to carry
out tasks unassisted but performance is not yet fully developed. The control of task
performance is transferred from the external to internal. Children can also remind themselves
what they learnt from the more knowledgeable others during the first phase (Tharp &
Gallimore, 2013).
Stage three is where the learner is emerging from the ZPD. Performance is now developed,
automatized, and fossilized. The learner in this stage has internalized the concepts or skills and
execution is automatized and can be performed without external assistance from the teacher or
more capable learners.
After sometime the learner may forget how to do what they could do without teacher assistance
as described above. This de-automatization of performance leads to recursion through the ZPD
and is considered as stage four of the developmental process. In this stage the learner can no
longer do what they could formally do automatically and the individual might revert back to
the self-regulation phase. Sometimes no form of self-regulation is adequate to restore capacity
to perform. This leads to further recursion to other-regulation. This is when the teacher needs
to repeat some aspects of earlier lessons. Class notes or written text can serve as a more
knowledge other that will play the role of other-regulation. The unit of work on work and
energy concepts becomes valuable when learners get to the de-automatization stage as learners
can refer to the notes and revise the concepts they would have forgotten.
Every function in the child’s cultural development appears twice: first, on the social
level, and later, on the individual level; first, between people (inter-psychological), and
then inside the child (intra-psychological). This applies equally to voluntary attention,
to logical memory, and to the formation of concepts. All the higher functions originate
as actual relationships between individuals (p. 266).
In the above quotation, Vygotsky is emphasizing the fact that learning starts on a social level
in which the learner interacts with others and negotiates meanings of concepts before the
internalization of the concepts. Dialogic discourse between the teacher and learners and
amongst learners themselves as they make sense of the work-energy theorem in the context of
this study and solve problems is the inter-psychological level according to Vygotsky (1978).
The use of inter-personal and intra-personal speech plays an important role in the development
through the use of the ZPD.
In this chapter I reviewed some of the literature that is related to aspects of my study. The study
is based on the topics work and energy as required by the South African Physical Sciences
curriculum and extracts from the curriculum were included. To locate my study within the
ongoing body of relevant research, some international and local studies were consulted. The
theoretical framework of social constructivism that informs this study was also reviewed.
In the next chapter I discuss the methodology employed to gather the necessary data to answer
the research questions.
3.1 Introduction
In order to explore how grade 12 Physical Sciences learners make sense of concepts of work
and energy, I analysed data from different sources. After reviewing relevant literature, I
decided to conduct a mainly qualitative case study, underpinned by the interpretive paradigm.
Although it is a qualitative case study, some aspects of quantitative data gathering and analysis
were employed, making its overall design a mixed-method one. Mixed-method design will be
explained in Section 3.3.3.
This chapter outlines the methodology used in this study. To begin with, I state the research
goal and the questions that guided the data-gathering and analysis processes. The interpretive
paradigm is then outlined, and the concept and use of mixed methods is briefly explained. A
description of the research site, the participants involved and how they were chosen, and the
rationale for choosing the site and the participants are provided. I go on to explain why I chose
to do a case study in order to gather appropriate data. The data-gathering techniques employed
are then described, followed by an outline of the data analysis and validation methods used. I
end with a discussion of ethical considerations and a note on the limitations of this study.
The methodology and instruments used to answer the questions are also outlined.
In order to achieve this goal I attempted to answer the following main question and related sub-
22 Sub-questions
1. What prior knowledge about Work and Energy concepts do grade 12 Physical
Sciences learners have?
To answer this question I used a diagnostic test which explored the relevant prior knowledge
acquired in grades 8 to 11. The data gathered helped to expose certain patterns in respect of
what prior knowledge learners had or lacked. Analysis of the diagnostic test was both
quantitative and qualitative.
To answer this question I co-designed a unit of work on Work, Energy and Power with my
critical friend. At the time of this study, my critical friend was a Physical Sciences teacher who
was also studying for a Master of Education Degree at another South African university. He
was also a Physical Sciences grade 12 National Senior Certificate examination marker. This
unit of work was used as a mediating tool in the teaching and learning of concepts of work and
energy. Video-recorded lessons and learner journals were used as data gathering tools.
Particular attention was paid to the lessons or parts of lessons when learners were working
collaboratively to construct knowledge. These recordings were transcribed and analysed.
To answer this question, a summative test was given at the end of the teaching of the unit of
work. Summative test data were analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively.
3.2.2 Methodology Introduction
This study is guided by social constructivist principles. McRobbie and Tobin (1997) suggest
that from a social constructivist perspective knowledge is constructed by individuals in a social
setting, based on what they already know or have learned before. For this reason I started by
exploring learners’ prior knowledge so as to ascertain their level of readiness for the new
concepts of work and energy.
The diagnostic test outcomes informed the design of the unit of work. Aspects of prior
knowledge that were found to be lacking in the learners, such as the resolving of forces (studied
in grade 11), were included in the unit of work. Group exercises were designed to accord with
the evidence of prior knowledge obtained from the diagnostic test.
An analysis of recorded lessons afforded me the opportunity to see how learners construct ideas
on work and energy when they work collaboratively. The summative test included questions
similar to those set for the grade 12 National Senior Certificate examinations. The test results
enabled me to identify and analyse factors that enable or constrain learners in solving problems
using the work-energy theorem and related concepts.
3.3 Research site and participants
3.3.1 Rationale
The work-energy theorem is taught at the grade 12 level, and so a grade 12 class was a natural
choice to work with. I decided to conduct the research with my own learners as I considered
myself competent enough to provide adequate mediation and play the role of the more
knowledgeable other as described by Vygotsky (1978). The other reason for choosing to work
with my own learners was for convenience. I had limited time and resources for the research,
so researching at my own school with my own class allowed me to research and do my work
at the same time. And of course, most importantly, I wanted to improve my practice.
3.3.2 Participants Researcher
As stated earlier, I co-designed with my critical friend the main mediation tool, which is the
unit of work I used in the teaching of the content. I also played a mediating role during the
learners’ construction of knowledge. Learners
The learners who participated in this study were in grade 12 in 2015 at the research site. The
class had 37 learners. Of these 37 learners, 19 were repeating grade 12, either because they had
failed previously or wanted to upgrade their passes. In Phase 1 of this study, which involved
administering a diagnostic test, all 37 learners wrote the test. Using the test scores a focus group
made up of six learners was selected from the 18 non-repeaters. Repeaters were not included
in the focus group for the reason that they were not being exposed to the content for the first
time, so their performance could not be entirely attributable to their current learning.
Two top performers, two middle, and two bottom performers were selected. In addition, a
seventh learner, who achieved the highest score in the diagnostic test was chosen in order to
play a special role in the focus group. This particular learner had passed Physical Sciences at
level 4 (50–59%) in the previous year’s NCS examinations. During group discussions in Phase
2, which involved the teaching of the unit of work, this learner played the role of a more
knowledgeable other (Vygotsky, 1978). The focus group consisted of three girls and four boys.
The school is situated in a small village and all the learners speak isiXhosa as their home
language. The medium of instruction at the school is English, which is a second language to
all the learners. As suggested in Chapter 2, the issue of learning science in a second language
was pertinent in this study.
Phase 2 of the study involved teaching and learning using the unit of work. Video recordings
were made of group discussions among the seven learners.
After the teaching of the unit of work described earlier was completed, learners were given a
summative test which was analysed for the whole class. Stimulated recall interviews were
conducted with learners who gave answers which needed further probing in the diagnostic test
as well the summative test.
According to constructivist principles, learning is built upon prior knowledge, a view
emphasised by Roschelle (1995). Exploring learners’ prior knowledge is therefore important
in the use of constructivist principles in teaching and learning. Being aware of learners’ prior
knowledge helps the teacher, who is the mediator of learning, to design mediation activities
with an idea (although not a very precise one) of the learners’ Zones of Proximal Development
(Vygotsky, 1978). The outcome of the diagnostic test therefore informed the preparation of my
unit of work.
The purpose of the group tasks was to give learners an opportunity to socially construct
knowledge of work and energy concepts, as envisaged in Vygotsky’s (1978) social
constructivism. In order to analyse the interactions between learners, I video-recorded the focus
group in some of the lessons. My critical friend helped in checking the transcriptions for
accuracy, especially with the translations from isiXhosa to English as my isiXhosa is limited.
preparing for the NSC examination. The criteria used to construct the test items were extracted
from the Physical Sciences Examination Guidelines (DBE, 2014). These criteria are set out in
Section 2.2.
As proposed by Harlen & James (1997) if understanding is to be assessed the summative test
should include items that require learners to use their knowledge of work and the work-energy
theorem in solving problems linked to real-life contexts
The questions in the summative test were categorised in order to reflect the knowledge and
skills learners need to acquire as guided by the Physical Sciences Examination Guidelines
(DBE, 2014). Table 4.3 the foci of questions from the diagnostic test.
the unit of work. Stimulated recall interviews were conducted using learners’ responses to test
questions as stimuli.
In both sets of interviews, those based on the diagnostic test and those based on the summative
test, individual learners’ responses were used as stimuli. The interviews were tape-recorded
and transcribed verbatim.
According to Gay, Mills and Airasian (2006), data analysis is the process of making sense of
and finding meaning in the data. Qualitative analysis is a relatively systematic process of
coding, categorizing and interpreting data to provide explanations of a single phenomenon of
interest (ibid.).
In this study, the data gathered were analysed in order to establish themes or issues emerging
from it. Data were analysed inductively (Cohen et al., 2011; Betram & Christiansen, 2014)
since the themes were not predetermined: rather, I identified them in the process of analysing
the data. From the themes I developed three analytical statements. From the diagnostic test I
constructed graphs showing the distribution of marks for the whole class as well as for the
focus group. Misconceptions and gaps in prior knowledge formed one of the themes that gave
rise to analytical statements.
Analysis of learners’ journals involved looking for any common themes that emerged from
learners’ writings and relating them to themes emerging from the video-recording
transcriptions. My critical friend checked the transcriptions for accuracy.
3.6 Validity
Since I conducted this research with my own learners and did the data collection myself, issues
of validation and trustworthiness are very pertinent. My critical friend, who was also studying
for a Master of Education in Science degree, played a key role in validating the data gathered
at every stage in the data-gathering process. The diagnostic test and the summative test were
sent to my critical friend and another Master of Education student in my class for their input.
Both made valuable suggestions relating to suitability, validity, relevance, clarity, and
readability level and language appropriateness for the target audience.
Triangulation is another way to ensure the validity of findings. “Triangulation seeks to validate
a claim, a process or an outcome through at least two independent sources” (Newby, 2010, p.
112). Data from lesson observations, learner journals and the summative test were used to
answer the main research question. Interview schedules and transcriptions from the interviews
as well as video clips were analysed with the assistance of the critical friend to ensure accuracy
in transcription.
Being both a teacher and researcher to the same group of learners presents challenges as far as
power dynamics are concerned. During the research process, learners might act in ways they
perceive to be acceptable to me but which are not natural. I made it clear to the learners that
they were free to choose not to participate in the data-gathering process.
Informed consent in writing was sought from the principal of the school and the parents of the
learners to be involved in the research. Twenty-five learners who took part in this study were
over the age of 18 so they signed their own informed consent forms. Cohen et al. (2011)
describe informed consent as involving procedures that will allow individuals to choose
whether or not to participate in an investigation after being informed of facts that are likely to
influence their decision.
In my final report, pseudonyms were used for both the learners and the school to maintain their
anonymity and protect their identities. For learners in the focus group learner codes were used
(L1, L2 etc.). During the stimulated interviews, learners were asked to choose pseudonyms for
Being a case study that was chosen mainly for convenience the findings of this study may not
be generalised. The topic on Work and Energy was taught by me, the researcher, who also
happened to know the learners well. This could have introduced some bias, since I would
inevitably have had some preconceived perceptions of the learners at the back of my mind. By
video-taping learners engaged in discussions I minimised my bias since the transcriptions were
checked by my critical friend. The composition of the class – which influenced the kind of
group discussion that took place – is obviously not the same as classes in other schools. This
is another limitation of this present study. Notwithstanding this, some valuable insights on how
grade 12 Physical Sciences learners make sense of the concepts of work and energy emerged
from this study.
In this chapter I outlined the methodology used in gathering data to answer the research
questions. The data gathering techniques and the research question that each of the techniques
sought to answer were explained. This study was conducted within the interpretive paradigm,
employing a case study method. Also described above was the embedded mixed method
design, which involved mainly qualitative data analysis, with elements of quantitative data
analysis in the forms of percentages and graphs.
The research site and the learners were described in order to give a contextual background to
the study. The data will be interpreted in this context as explained. I went on to explain how
the data were analysed and how themes and analytical statements were formed and used. I also
explained how data collected was validated with the help of a critical friend. I ended with a
discussion of the ethical issues taken into account.
4.1 Introduction
In order to find out how grade 12 Physical Sciences learners at my research site make sense of
the concepts of work and energy I gathered data using a diagnostic test, lesson observations,
learner journals, summative test and stimulated recall interviews based on the learners’
responses in the diagnostic and summative tests respectively. The main objective of this chapter
is to present and analyse the data gathered. I start by presenting data on the performance of
learners in the diagnostic test as well as a selection of the learners’ responses to some of the
items in the diagnostic test. Data collected from lesson observation follows and highlights from
learner journals are presented. Finally, learners’ marks from the summative test and related
stimulated recall interviews are presented. I end the chapter with some concluding remarks.
The Department of Basic Education’s grading system for learners uses levels 1 to 7. Level 1 (0
– 29%) is the failing level. Level 2 (30 -39%) and higher are the passing levels. In this
investigation I considered 50% (equivalent to level 4) as the passing mark. In my view, a mark
of 30% in a test is too low for one to be considered to have gained any conceptual
The diagnostic test (Appendix C) which sought to explore the relevant prior knowledge the
grade 12 Physical Sciences learners had acquired from their learning in earlier grades was
administered to the whole class. The prior knowledge that was tested ranged from definitions
of some basic concepts such as force, energy, and velocity to mathematical skills such as
resolving a vector into components and using formulae in calculations. A full analysis of the
diagnostic test items is presented in in 4.2.1.
As explained in Section, this class comprised 37 learners of which 19 were repeating
grade 12 either to upgrade low pass marks or because they had failed to get a mark of at least
30% in Physical Sciences the previous year. From the 37 learners a focus group of seven
learners was selected. I start by presenting and analysing marks from the diagnostic test and
some issues that emerged from a close examination of learners’ responses.
4.2.1 Learner Performance
-2 did not attempted
2.4 Define/explain - 8 gave correct - distance is ‘time taken ...” 79% of learners failed to
distance definition/explanation and common errors (8 learners) explain what distance is,
correct example and give an appropriate
-7 correct definition but no
or incorrect example
- 20 gave incorrect
- 3 did not attempt
2.5 Defining/explainin - 2 gave correct Learners associate speed 95% of the learners could
g speed definition/explanation and with cars not explain/define speed
example and give an example
- 19 gave correct 50% could only give a
explanation but no example correct definition with no
- 17 gave incorrect example/explanation
Most learners could have
memorized definition
without understanding
2.6 Define/explain - 3 gave correct ‘Velocity is speed...’ 92% of learners could not
velocity definition/explanation but common answer define velocity and give
no example an example
- 6 related it to speed 16% could relate it to
- 29 incorrect
3.1 Basic - 25 got all trigonometric - 66% of learners could
trigonometry ratios correctly calculate trigonometric
ratios from a right angled
- 4 got ratios partly correct triangle
- 9 got all of them wrong
3.2 Resolving forces - 9 got both vertical and - mg.sinθ used in place of - 24% of learners could
into components horizontal components F.sinθ not correctly resolve
correct forces acting at an angle
- 17 totally incorrect -
- 3 did not attempt
- 1 used cos θ for both
- 4 cosine and sine switched
- 4 used weight (mg) in
place of the force applied
3.3 Identifying - 10 identified correct force 76% f learners could not
component of with justification identify with reason the
force doing work
for a force applied - 7 made correct choice of force/component causing
at an angle component but could not displacement
justify choice
- 4 did not attempt
- 17 got it wrong
3.4 Statement of - 10 stated the law correctly - Stating 1st or 3rd laws 26 % of learners could
Newton’s 2nd Law instead of 2nd law not remember Newton’s
- 6 made errors but 3rd law
identified that the law is -
about ‘resultant/net force’
- 4 stated 1st law
- 2 stated 3rd law
- 12 gave completely
incorrect statements
- 4 did not attempt
4 Ability to identify - 5 learners identified and No directions shown. 89% of learners were not
and draw drew all forces correctly. able to identify and draw
components of Failure to name forces that components of weight for
weight (Fg) for a -3 learners identified and are otherwise drawn a body on an inclined
body on an labeled 1 or 2 forces correctly plane.
inclined plane correctly.
- Normal force show as
- 3 learners drew forces acting vertically upwards
correctly but did not label although surface is
them. inclined (i.e. Fn not at 90
degrees to the surface)
- 5 learners did not attempt
the question at all.
- 17 learners drew lines on
the diagram which did not
make much sense at all
As shown in the bar graph in Figure 4.1 below, only 6 out of the 37 learners (16%) who wrote
the diagnostic test managed to get a mark of at least 50%. The general picture presented here
is that the amount of prior content knowledge on concepts relevant to work and energy was
insufficient for true understanding at grade 12 level. The marks from this diagnostic test pointed
to the fact that the learners were at a conceptual level lower than expected.
8 7
4 3 3
2 2
2 1 1
0 -10 11 - 19 20 -29 30 -39 40 -49 50 - 59 60 - 69 70 -79 80 - 89 90 -100
Figure 4.1 presents the general picture in terms of the prior knowledge learners have as shown
by the marks they scored. Since the data collection that followed the diagnostic test was mainly
involved the focus group, I now present Table 4.2 which shows how the learners in the focus
group performed in each of the questions in the diagnostic test.
Question Quest
Question 1 Question 3
Question 1
4 ion 5
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 4 45
L1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 43
L2 2 2 2 0 0 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 20
L3 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 11
L4 0 2 2 0 2 2 1 2 2 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 2 3 2 23
L5 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 8
L6 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
L7 1 2 0 3 2 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
100 96
24 24
L1 L4 L2 L7 L3 L5 L6
Figure 4.2 shows how learners performed in question 2. Question 2 was made up of 6 sub-
questions. Each sub-question required learners to define or explain the meaning of a concept.
These concepts are key to the understanding of work and energy concepts at grade 12 level.
For this reason I now present a bar graph showing how learners performed per each sub-
question in question 2.
A closer analysis of learner responses to the diagnostic test items revealed some common
problems and misconceptions the learners had. I will now discuss some of the more pertinent
30 29
25 23 23
20 19 19
10 9
7 7
6 6 6
5 3
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6
4.2.3 Common errors, misconceptions and issues arising from the diagnostic test
Since the scores from the diagnostic test were generally low, this discussion dwells more on
what learners could not do, rather than what they could do.
Question 2 of the diagnostic test required learners to define or explain concepts and give an
appropriate example. The concepts which were to be defined were as follows:
2.1 Force;
2.2 Energy;
2.3 Displacement;
2.4 Distance;
2.5 Speed; and
2.6 Velocity.
Only 12 learners or 37% of the class managed to define ‘force’ and gave a correct example.
The phrase ‘force is power…’ was used by several learners. Figure 4.3 show an example of
such a response from a learner. Force and power are different concepts. I later asked the
learners who stated that ‘force is power’ to explain what they meant by the phrase in the
stimulated recall interviews which are presented in the next section of this chapter.
The concept of displacement (question 2.3) is key to the understanding of, and doing
calculations on work done on an object. Only 14% of the learners could define displacement
and give a correct example. The concept of velocity (question 2.6) was also poorly answered
as only 8% of the learners managed to define or explain the concept of velocity and give an
appropriate example.
Questions 3 and 4 were based on the application of some basic trigonometry. There was
evidence that the majority of learners could calculate trigonometric ratios of sine, cosine and
tangent from a right angled triangle as 66% of the learners got the relevant question correct.
Resolving components of a force acting at an angle to the direction of displacement of an object
was only correctly done by 24% of the learners. After resolving the force acting at an angle
into a vertical and horizontal component learners were asked to name the force which was
responsible for the indicated displacement of the object. Learners who could not identify that
it was the component of the applied force acting in the direction of displacement that was
causing the displacement were 76% of the class. Identifying and drawing components of weight
for a body on an inclined plane could not be done by 89% of the learners.
In the last question of the diagnostic test, learners were asked to perform some calculations
involving kinetic energy. Half the class, i.e. 50% could calculate kinetic energy but only 11%
could calculate change in kinetic energy given the initial and final velocities of an object.
As shown in the above paragraphs there were significant gaps in the prior knowledge required
for the learners to make sense of work and energy concepts as summed up by the work-energy
theorem. This indicated to me that when teaching the unit of work used in the intervention I
should not take prior knowledge for granted. As I referred to earlier in this section, I will now
present data gathered from stimulated recall interviews based on the learners’ responses from
the diagnostic test.
Two learners, Given and Zimbini were interviewed about their definition of energy and power
respectively. The first vignette is from the interview with Given (I coded it D1-see Appendix
L) highlighting his explanation of his response that ‘energy is a power done by a person’.
Int: But scientifically energy and power are two different concepts. OK, maybe let’s go to
vernacular, to Xhosa, neh
Gvn: Yes Sir
Int: What is energy in Xhosa?
Gvn: Energy, amandla Sir
Int: And what is power?
Gvn: Power, (he hesitates) amandla nawo
(Given went on to state that power is also called amandla in isiXhosa)
Int: Amandla nawo? Translated: Amandla also?
The above interview with Given indicated that there is confusion between the concept of energy
and power. It appears that the confusion is based on the fact that there is only one term for both
energy and power which is amandla in the learners’ home language isiXhosa. This is an aspect
of prior everyday knowledge of the concepts of energy and power as they are learnt in the
everyday contexts of the learners. I now present a vignette from the interview (see appendix
M) Zimbini which was based on her definition of power.
The interview suggests that Zimbini was not sure about the difference between the concepts of
force and power. Unlike Given she could only give the isiXhosa word for power, amandla. The
concept of force is an important aspect in the study of work since for work to be done a force
needs to be applied.
In the interview coded D3I asked Festo about her answer to calculating components of forces
acting at an angle.
Festo: So I wanted something just njee ukuba ndibale ndingatshiyi blank spaces. I didn’t
understand the question manyani. Translated: So I wanted just to have some
calculation and not leave blank spaces. I really didn’t understand the question.
Int: So lo m.g ubusithi umela ntoni? Translated: So what did you think m.g stood for?
Festo: Kuba apha sine, sinayo iforce neh. Apha ne angle sinayo. Uyabona. So la m
ndaithatha as iforce. U g ke always 9.8. Translated: Since we have force and also the
angle I took that m as the force and g is always 9.8.
Int: So you took m as the force but m is the mass.
Festo: Uh uh m is mass but kuba ke ndandifuna ukwenza isubstitution. Translated: Yes, m
is mass but I just wanted to make a substitution.
Festo failed to resolve a force into components. This is taught in in grade 11 and is part of the
assumed prior knowledge for grade 12 learners. She just wrote something so as to “have some
calculation and not leave blank spaces”.
Interview D4 with Shania was relatively brief so I decided to present the whole transcription.
Interview D4
Int: On question 3.2 you were given a diagram, in this diagram, you were asked to come up
with the components of the force F, as you are looking at it. In your answer you wrote 𝐹𝑥 =
𝑚𝑔𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃, now my question is, why did you say 𝑚𝑔𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃? Where are you getting the value of
m from the information given?
The interview with Shania, like the one with Festo was based on resolving a force acting at an
angle into its vertical and horizontal components. She also used m (mass) and g (acceleration
due to gravity) incorrectly in trying to calculate the components of force F. Mg represents the
weight of a body, not the force applied at angle on a body. She unlike, Festo did not attribute
her mistake to just writing for the sake of filling up space but to misconception of what the
symbols m and F stood for. Shania and Festo are two amongst several other learners who
mistakenly used mg in the place of applied force, F.
Results from the diagnostic test indicated some common errors. Stimulated recall interviews
gave me a deep understanding for the common errors.
4.3 Intervention
In order to capture moments when learners were constructing knowledge in social settings,
some group discussions were video-recorded and transcribed. I start by presenting some of the
transcriptions of those discussions. Thereafter I present data from learner journals and end with
data from the summative test.
Extract 1:
Extract 2:
L4: Jonga L5, yi component yalenantsika, yale 50N. Yiforce applied le 50N. Translated:
Look L5, this is a component of this 50N. It is force applied, this 50N.
(Showing on the diagram) Enye icomponent nantsi. Translated: Here is the other
L3: Normal force
L7: Then ibeyi gravitational force. Translated: Then there is gravitational force
L4: I gravitational force nantsi yona. (He draws on the diagram). Translated: Here is the
gravitational force
Extract 3:
L4: Yile component kaforce applied, Yi displacement kengoku. (He moves his hand
showing the displacement on the diagram.) Idisplacement mosi iyaacta kule box.
Idisplacement kukuthatha labox ukusuka apha ukuzaapha. That 6m ukusuka…Translated:
This is the component of applied force, then the displacement is taking that box from here to
there. That 6m, from …
In the above group discussion L5 initially seems to think that displacement is a force and as
such it must be included in the force diagram. Other learners, particularly L4 try to explain to
her that displacement is not a force. L7 also seems unsure about the forces to be included on
the force diagram. L5 shares her incorrect idea that displacement is a force to the other group
members who disagree. Through the interaction with other learners the two learners, L5 and
L7 seemed to have understood what needs to be included in the force diagram. Figure 4.1a and
4.1b show different extracts from learner L5 and L7s work from the same class activity written
individually respectively.
Figure 4.1b: Extract from learner L7s classwork
The next excerpt is from a discussion based on Activity 5 of the Unit of Work (Appendix G).
In this group discussion there was teacher (Tr) intervention unlike in Activity 1. Learners are
discussing question 5.3. This extract is presented here to show that the teacher also played a
role in mediating learners’ knowledge construction of knowledge.
L1: (Reading the question.) Name the forces that are responsible for the change in velocity.
Explain your answer.
T: Now, can you look at the wording properly. Forces that are responsible for the (putting
emphasis) CHANGE IN VELOCITY. Which one is being referred to as the change in velocity?
That change (given) at the top. I go back to my question. Is that change an increase or a decrease
in velocity?
L2: It opposes.
T: What does it do?
L3: Ingxaki, handiti ifrictional force iba ku opposite (gesturing to the left) direction yale
uyiaplayayo. That’s why izakuincreaser. Translated. The problem is that frictional force will
be in the opposite direction to the applied one.
L3: Decreases
T: It decreases velocity
L4: (Shaking his head). Hayi, Hayi Sir. Andivumi ncam, andivumi ncam Sir. Translated:
No, no Sir, I do not quite agree, I do not quite agree Sir.
T: Awvumi ncam neh.Tetha sive, tell us, what are you saying? Translated: Oh, you do not
quite agree, say it out …
T: Iya increaser ivelocity? Now, let’s go back to Newton’s 2nd law of motion, neh. You
said a net force will increase velocity in the direction of the force. Does friction work in the
direction of displacement?
T: It opposes, neh.
T: So, friction will not increase velocity because it is opposing motion. You see that.
T: Force applied neh. Thank you. Its force applied. Yeah. You say force applied, then you
explain it. How would you explain it?
L4: It depends with the forces, Sir.
T: It all has to do with the direction. So we are saying that the forces that are in the direction
of acceleration are the forces that are responsible for acceleration.
T: If you say, izotshintsha, that is to change hey. A change can be an increase of a decrease.
Which change?
L5: Increase
T: It will increase?
L5: Yes.
In the episode above, the teacher worked collaboratively with learners to construct meaning.
One of the learners, L4 thought frictional force helps to increase the velocity of a body. The
teacher mediated learning by playing the role of a group member as well as that of a more
knowledgeable other. Learners were given an opportunity to disagree with the teacher. By
referring learners back to the previous question in which they had stated Newton’s second law
of motion learners where able to see that a force will cause an increase in velocity only if it is
in the direction of displacement. Some meaning was negotiated and eventually the group,
including the teacher reached consensus.
Learners were also given the following guiding questions for their journal entries.
Despite being given the option to write in their home language which is isiXhosa, all the
learners in the focus group continued to do their journal entries in English as evidenced by the
examples quoted below. Although learners generally made short entries in their journals some
valuable data pertaining to their views and feelings about the lessons was gathered. Learners
commented on the learning method and what they had learned and the challenges they were
facing. Below are some extracts from the journals.
48 Challenges faced
In some of the journal entries learners indicated what they fully understand all of the concepts.
Three such entries are listed below.
L3: “I have a little bit confuse about 𝐹𝑛𝑒𝑡 = ∆𝑥𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 and 𝑊𝑛𝑒𝑡 . So I need an explanw2ation
between this combination” (It must be noted here that the equation 𝐹𝑛𝑒𝑡 = ∆𝑥𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 given by
L3 is incorrect.)
L7: “I was a little bit confused by calculations when you taking left hand side as positive.
Xakutheni? Translated: When do you do that?
Marks for Summative Test
Number of learners
1 1 1
0 -9 10 to 20 - 29 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 60 -69 70 -79 80 - 89
Marks (%)
17 incorrect answer
1.2 Identify the 2 got correct 9 learners failed to 31% of learners held
presence of a answer and recognise presence of misconception that
horizontal explanation parallel component of gravitational force is not
component of a 11 correct answer weight for body sliding constant when body slides
force acting at an and incorrect up an inclined surface. up an inclined surface
angle explanation 11 learners wrongly
24 incorrect answer thought that as body
Use the fact that a slides up the incline
net force results in gravitational force
a change in kinetic decreases
Negative work
results in a change
of kinetic energy
1.3 Identify and 1 Correct answer none 97% of learners failed to
calculate the and explanation recognize that a force
horizontal applied at an angle has a
component of force horizontal component less
acting at an angle than that and identical
force applied parallel to
Compare surface
magnitudes of
forces acting in
opposite directions
using a free body
2.2 Knowledge that 18 named both Fg None 50% of the learners failed
work is only done and Fn as not doing to identify that vertical
by forces parallel work forces do not do work if
to the displacement 5 named Fn only displacement is along a
5 named Fg only surface
8 gave various
incorrect responses
2.3 Explain/Justify 4 explained that 11% of learner could
answers to question there is no vertical explain why Fg and FN do
2.1 displacement not do any work
8 gave partly
24 gave incorrect
2.4 Calculating work 2 got it correct Not using all forces 6% of learners managed to
done and using 15 got it all wrong acting use formula and correctly
component of 19 partly correct calculate net work done.
applied force Failure to relate this Most learners managed to
question to free body identify the correct
diagram in 2.1 formula
Failure to use
2.5 Stating the work- 15 got it correct Some learners used 42% of learners could
energy theorem in 17 either ‘total kinetic energy’ or correctly state the work-
words completely wrong ‘kinetic energy’ in place energy theorem in words.
or did not attempt of ‘change in kinetic
4 partly correct energy’
2.6 Application on 9 got it all correct Learners who got it 75% of the learners could
work-energy 21 either all wrong partly correct made not correctly applying the
theorem to solve a or not attempted following errors: work-energy theorem to
problem of an 6 partly correct Just stating the correct solve a problem for an
object on a formula, 𝑊𝑛𝑒𝑡 = ∆𝐸𝑘 object on an inclined plane
horizontal plane
Not using change in
kinetic energy but just
calculated final kinetic
3.1 Identify forces 3 got all three 3 92% of the learners could
acting parallel to forces correct not draw the correct free
the incline for an 24 got 1 or 2 forces body diagram
object moving incorrect
along an inclined 9 drew all forces
plane and represent incorrectly
them using a free
body diagram
3.2 Calculating change 10 got it all correct Just writing formula and 83% failed to calculate
in kinetic energy 20 partly correct failing to substitute change in kinetic energy
6 totally incorrect Using 12𝑚𝑣 instead of
𝑚𝑣 2
Using 𝐸𝑘𝑖 − 𝐸𝑘𝑓 instead
of 𝐸𝑘𝑓 − 𝐸𝑘𝑖
3.3 Interpretation of 9 gave correct Some learners 64% of learners failed to
the work-energy answer and attempted to calculate interpret the work energy
theorem for object explanation the net work done theorem by relating
on a inclined plane 4 correct answer answer from 3.2 to 3.3.
with incorrect
23 incorrect
3.4 Application on No learner got Failure to recognize that 83% of the learners could
work-energy everything correct the problem could be not recognise that the
theorem to solve a 7 use correct solved used the work- energy principle they were
problem of an formula but made energy theorem required to use was the
object on a inclined some errors work-energy theorem
plane 30 totally incorrect
Marks for Question 1
Number of Learners
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
Correct answer & Justification Correct Answer Only Incorrect Answer
Table 4.4: Performance of learners in the test questions as categorised in Table 4.1
trolley. 59% of the learners managed to identify the correct
formula to use, 𝑊𝑛𝑒𝑡 = 𝐹𝑛𝑒𝑡 ∆𝑥. 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 or 𝑊 =
𝐹∆𝑥. 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃(used for each force acting and then combine
the results). Most learners were not using a combination of
all the relevant force
D 3.2 28% of the learners got the calculation correct. 56% made
some errors. Common errors were; (i). Just calculating
kinetic energy using the final velocity without considering
the change in velocity (ii). Subtraction final velocity from
initial velocity instead of the other way round (iii) not
squaring the velocity , v in the formula 𝐸𝑘 = 12𝑚𝑣 2
E 2.4 Only 2 (6%) learners managed to correctly use the formula
for work done to calculate the net work done on the
F 2.5 The work-energy theorem was only correctly stated by
42% of the learners. 39% wrote something that was
completely incorrect or stated the conservation of energy
instead. The remaining 19% gave partially correct
statements of the work-energy theorem. Using the phrases
“total kinetic energy” or “kinetic energy” in place of
change in kinetic energy was a common error for those
whose got the definition partly correct
G 3.3 17% managed to state the value of change in kinetic
energy calculated previously as the network done and
explained by making reference to the work-energy
theorem.11% managed to give correct value but could not
relate it to change in kinetic energy in their explanations.
72% gave incorrect answers.
H 2.6; 3.4 In question 2.6, 25% were able to the unknown velocity
using the work-energy theorem. 58% failed totally to
apply the theorem and get the unknown velocity whilst the
remaining 17% got parts of the calculation correct.
Common errors were (i) failure to use change in kinetic
energy. Some learners used change in velocity, Δv in place
of change in kinetic energy, ΔK. (ii) Some learners just
used the final velocity and calculated final kinetic energy
which they used in place of change in kinetic energy.
In question 3.4 no learner managed to get full marks. 19%
got parts of the calculations correct. 81% got it completely
incorrect. Leaners were supposed to figure out that they
had to use the work-energy theorem. Only 19% managed
to figure out that they had to use the work-energy theorem
Interview S1
Int: In question 2.4 you were asked to look at the net work done after being given that
diagram and the information in front of you. Right, now my question is you wrote the work
done by the applied force. You wrote 20 which is the applied force, multiplied by 5 which is
displacement, cos zero, right. Why did you write cos zero?
Lwando (Lwa): Er, I write cos zero Sir because I think applied force was parallel to the, to the
displacement of this trolley Sir.
Int: But if you look at the diagram again the applied force is that 20N. Is it parallel to
Lwa: I thought it is, I know applied force is doing work Sir but I forgot to do the components.
I forgot to say the component of the applied force because that 20N is at an angle. I forgot to
write that Fg 20 degrees.
Int: Oh, at that particular moment you forgot to write the components but can you say now
you are clear on that?
Lwa: Yes Sir.
At the time of writing the test Lwando was unable to recognise and make use of the fact that
when a force is applied at an angle to the displacement it is the component parallel to the
displacement that causes the displacement. The interview was conducted weeks after the test.
Lwando must have learnt this fact in the time between the test being written and the interview.
Interview S2
Int: Question 2.4 was asking you to find the net work done on a trolley … In light of that
question can you tell me. Is there a difference between work done and net work?
Steven: Net work and work done?
Int: Yes
Steven: No there is not quite a much difference Sir. Because work net is the…If I can derive
net work from the formula it says that work net is the work done on an object which
is the change in the kinetic energy of the object.
Int: So what is the difference net work done and work done?
Steven: Net work done. The net work done on the object. It is the work that needs to be done
then net work done is the work that has already been done.
The interview with Steven (part of which is presented above) shows the difficulty some learners
had in differentiating between the concepts of work done and net work done on an object. In
calculations, learners tended to use work done by one force where they were supposed to use
the net work done by two or more forces.
4.4 Concluding remarks
In this chapter I presented and analysed the data gathered from all my data sources in Phases 1
and 2 of the study. The diagnostic test which constituted Phase 1 sought to elicit relevant prior
knowledge gained from earlier grades. Some excerpts from transcriptions of the stimulated
recall interviews were presented and some salient points from the interviews were highlighted
and discussed. The general picture that emerged from the data is that learners did not have any
of the necessary prior knowledge for most of the concepts I considered key to the learning of
the work-energy theorem and related concepts at grade 12 level. This lack of prior content
knowledge identified using the diagnostic test was also evident in the summative when learners
had difficulties in calculating change in kinetic energy.
Extracts of the transcriptions from lessons observed whilst learners were engaged in social
construction of knowledge were also presented and analysed. Several ways in which learners
made sense of concepts on the work-energy theorem and related concepts were identified.
Finally, I presented and analysed data gathered from the summative test. The analysis of this
data showed that most of the learners still had not fully understood the concepts of work and
energy as required by the grade 12 Physical Sciences curriculum.
In the next chapter, I discuss and interpret the data I presented in this chapter using three
analytical statements which I developed based on the existing data.
5.1 Introduction
In this chapter I interpret and discuss my findings on how grade 12 Physical Sciences learners
make sense of the concepts of Work and Energy which I presented and analyzed in Chapter 4.
The data I interpret and discuss were gathered from the data gathering techniques described in
Chapter 3, namely, a diagnostic test, lesson observations, learner journals, the summative test
and stimulated recall interviews based on both the diagnostic and summative tests. In my
discussion of findings I draw on the literature that I reviewed in Chapter 2. The research
questions that guided my data gathering process are listed again below for easy reference. 1.
1. What prior content knowledge about Work and Energy concepts do grade 12 Physical
Sciences learners have?
2. How do grade 12 Physical Sciences learners make sense of the work-energy theorem
during lessons designed using social constructivist principles?
3. What factors enable or constrain grade 12 Physical Sciences learners from solving
problems related to the work-energy theorem?
I developed three analytical statements to address these research questions. Table 6 shows the
themes that emerged from the data, the analytical statements as well as the research question(s)
answered by each of the analytical statements.
Table 5.1: Analytical statements addressing my research questions
Inadequate prior knowledge from earlier grades is a major constraint to the sense making
of the work-energy theorem of grade 12 Physical Sciences learners
In Section 2.5 I stated that prior knowledge plays a major role in the sense making of new
concepts. As Roschelle (1995) postulates, learning proceeds from prior knowledge which acts
as a base onto which learners construct new knowledge. The diagnostic test (Appendix C)
sought to explore learners’ prior knowledge from their formal learning in earlier grades both
in the GET and FET phases. Concepts such as force, energy, work done which are used in the
statement of the work-energy theorem as well as calculations using the theorem were tested.
The results from the diagnostic test presented in Section 4.2.1 suggest that the majority learners
in this study did not have sufficient prior knowledge from earlier grades on which to build new
concepts on work and energy. This finding supports findings by Lemmer (2011) which I
discussed in Section 2.6.2. In his study, Lemmer (2011) worked with grade 10 learners and
investigated prior knowledge on the concept of energy from the GET phase. He found that
many grade 10 learners do not have sufficient prior knowledge about the notions of energy
from the GET phase for them to be able to adequetly learn the concept in the FET phase.
The work-energy theorem states that the net work done on an object is equal to the change in
the object’s kinetic energy. It is expressed mathematically as follows:
𝑊𝑛𝑒𝑡 = ∆𝐸𝑘
In order to show the relevence of the prior knowledge tested using the diagnostic test I will
now expand parts of the above mathematical expression for the work energy theorem. 𝑊𝑛𝑒𝑡 is
the net work done by all forces acting on the object. Furthermore, 𝑊𝑛𝑒𝑡 = 𝐹𝑛𝑒𝑡 ∆𝑥𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 and 𝐹𝑛𝑒𝑡
is the net force, which is the combined effect of all forces acting on the body parallel to the
direction of displacement. The angle represented by θ is the angle between the direction of the
net force and direction of displacement which is represented by ∆𝑥.The ∆𝐸𝑘 on the right hand
side of the expression represents the change in the object’s kinetic energy. ∆𝐸𝑘 =12𝑚𝑣𝑓2 −12𝑚𝑣2𝑖
where m is the mass of the object and 𝑣𝑖 and 𝑣𝑓 represent initial and final velocity respectively.
The concepts in italics in the above paragraph were supposed to be explained or defined by
learners in the diagnostic test. As the results presented in Section 4.2.3 show, the concepts of
force, velocity, displacement were poorly defined or explained showing a lack understanding
of them. The terms force, energy and power were confused. Several learners wrote ‘force is
power’ and ‘energy is power’. The concepts of dispacement and velocity are key components
of the work-energy theorem as shown above. These were also incorrectly defined by learners.
In order to gain a better understanding of the confusion between the concepts of energy, force
and power I interviewed some learners after they were reminded of their answers in the
diagnostic test. Extracts from two such interviews, D1 (Appendix L) and D2 are presented in
Section 4.2.4. Learners’ confusion seemed to stem from the use of the same isiXhosa word,
amandla for the terms energy, force and power. Learners failed to differentiate the concepts of
force, power and energy due to the prior learning from everyday experiences which used the
same word, amandla in different contexts to mean force, energy or power. This confusion
between the three concepts supports the argument by Driver et al. (1994) that if representations
of scientific phenomena learners bring to the formal science class differ from the formal
representation learning can become complicated.
This finding from my study also adds weight to the proposal by Msimanga and Lelliot (2014)
that teachers need to afford learners the opportunities to learn both scientific concepts and the
LoLT which in my study was English. A lack of understanding of the concepts that are
encompassed in the work-energy theorem means that the learners fail to make sense of the
theorem. This lack of prior knowledge on the basic concepts supports Mchunu’s (2012)
conclusion that the proper application of the work-energy theorem, the work concept and the
kinetic energy concept pose conceptual difficulties to grade 12 learners Physical Sciences.
Resolving forces into components, an aspect of prior knowledge which the learners learned in
grade 11, was tested in the diagnostic test. The results that I presented in Sections 4.2.3 and
4.2.4 show that the vast majority of the learners (89%) could not identify and calculate the
components of force acting at an angle on a body. The ability to resolve forces into components
is necessary in solving many examination questions involving the work-energy theorem. In
examinations learners are required to solve problems that involve either a body on a horizontal
plane with at least one force on it acting at an angle to the plane or a body that is on an inclined
plane. In both these cases the resolution of forces such as the applied force and weight is very
important. Learners (see Interviews D3 and D4) mistakely used weight, mg in place of the
value of the applied force to calculate the component of the applied force.
It can be concluded from the diagnostic test and the follow up stimulated recall interviews that
the learners did not have a suffient level of understanding of the following concepts and skills:
Velocity; and
Resolving forces into components.
These are vital to the successful application of the work-energy theorem and a lack of
understanding can lead to challenges when it comes to making sense of the theorem.
In Section 2.8.1 I explained that social constructivism proposes that learning is an individual
exercise that is facilitated by social interaction with peers and more knowledgeable others
(McRobbie & Tobin, 1997). To investigate how learners make sense of work and energy
concepts using constructivist principles learners were video-recorded whilst they engaged in
group discussions guided by activities in the unit of work.
During the group discussion Tr1 (Appendix H) learners collaboratively identified the forces
acting on a box being pulled and drew a free body diagram from Activity 1 in the unit of work
(Appendix G). A number of things emerged from the group discussion. First, in identifying
forces acting and drawing the free body the learner-learner discussions occurred mostly in their
home language, isiXhosa. This was despite the fact that the questions and write up were in
English. For example, when L4 was explaining to the group he said, “Jonga, (indicating on the
diagram) uyabona idisplacement isecaleni. Nantsike ibox. Nazi ke iforces eziacta kule box”.
[Translated: “Look, you see that displacement is on the side. Here is the box and here are the
forces acting on the box”].
Msimanga and Lelliot (2014) postulate that reverting to their home language helps learners
who lack confidence in English to understand scientific concepts. Learners in the focus group
wrote their answers correctly in English after the discussion which was mainly in isiXhosa (See
figures 4.1 and 4.2 in Section 4.3.1). This suggests that learners make sense of the concepts in
their home language, isiXhosa and then translate into English when they present their ideas and
answer questions. This finding lends support to Zuma and Demster (2008) who concluded that
changing the language of assessment from English to home language does not have a
significant effect on learner performance. From my study I can conclude that learners can
successfully construct scientific concepts by discussing them with their peers in their home
language isiXhosa.
In group discussions such as those highlighted in Sections 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 learners used their
home language, isiXhosa and then translated into English, the LoLT when doing written
exercises. This is what Probyn (2015) calls translanguaging. The fact that learners managed to
answer questions correctly in English after first discussing them in isiXhosa supports Probyn
(2015) who encourages the use of the learners’ home language in exploratory talk and then
transferring their understanding to the LoLT. The discussion presented in Section 4.3.1 which
I labelled TR1 learners L5 and L7 were not sure about the forces acting on the body and what
needed to be included in the free body diagram when the discussion started. Through asking
questions and presenting their thoughts to the group the two learners managed to learn to
identify the acting forces. In this discussion, learner L4 played the role of the more
knowledgeable other (MKO). Throughout the video-recorded lessons there are instances where
some learners construct knowledge with the help of other learners in the group.
Learners L5 and L7 could do the task with the help of others. This could mean that the task
was in their ZPD. This finding concurs with Thompson (2013) who suggests that learners’
development in the ZPD involves social interaction in the form of dialogue between the
learners and between the learners and the teacher. The teacher in this case assumes the role of
a more capable agent in the group who assists learners in their sense making (Doehler, 2009).
As the learners try to make sense of the work-energy theorem and related concepts they faced
several challenges. These challenges emerged from data collected mainly from the summative
test and the stimulated recall interviews that followed. Two chief markers’ reports (DBE, 2013,
2014) indicate that learners perform badly in questions based on the use of the work- energy
theorem. I now outline the specific challenges that emerged from the data gathered and
presented in Chapter 4 (see Sections and
5.4.2 Calculating net work done ( 𝑾𝒏𝒆𝒕 )
Although most learners could correctly identify the formula for calculating net work done
( 𝑊𝑛𝑒𝑡 = 𝐹𝑛𝑒𝑡 ∆𝑥. 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 ) they failed to use it correctly. The net work is the work done by the
combined effect of all forces acting in the direction parallel to displacement. Learners could
not recognize that there was more than one force doing work on the object. In both questions
1 and 2 in the summative test there was frictional force as well as applied force on the bodies
which needed to be considered when calculating the net force.
Calculating change in kinetic energy, ∆𝐸𝑘 posed a challenge to the learners identified from the
diagnostic test as well as from the summative test. Learners failed to include the initial kinetic
energy in cases where the body started from rest. The numeric answer would come out the
same whether the zero initial kinetic energy was included or excluded from the calculation.
Excluding the initial kinetic energy does not demonstrate conceptual understanding of change
in kinetic energy of a body. In cases where the numeric value of initial kinetic energy was
larger than the final kinetic energy learners subtracted the final kinetic energy from the initial
kinetic instead of subtracting the initial from the final kinetic energy (𝐸𝑘𝑖 − 𝐸𝑘𝑓 instead
of 𝐸𝑘𝑓 − 𝐸𝑘𝑖 ).
As stated in Section 2.3, the work-energy theorem states that, the net work done on an object
is equal to the object’s change in kinetic energy. This is a short statement and one would expert
the majority of the learners to be able to learn it off by heart in a short space of time. Only 42%
of the learners managed to state the theorem correctly. This contributed largely to the errors
made in the application of the theorem to solve problems. Some of the errors made by learners
included using the words ‘work done’ in place of ‘net work done’. This indicates a lack of
contextual understanding. Using expressing, ‘work done’ implies that only one force is doing
the work whilst ‘net work’ suggests that more that one force could be doing the work. Other
learners used ‘total kinetic energy’ instead of ‘change in kinetic energy’. This could lead learner
into adding the initial and final kinetic energies instead of subtracting the initial kinetic energy
from the final kinetic energy.
5.4.3 Lack of prior knowledge of basic concepts
As I explained earlier in this chapter (see Section 5.2) the work-energy theorem encompasses
several concepts namely: work done; net work done; forces; net force; kinetic energy; change
in kinetic energy; displacement and resolving forces into components. All of these components
should have been covered in earlier grades and were tested in the diagnostic test. As discussed
earlier under research question 1 learners in this study did not have sufficient knowledge of
these concepts to be able to make sense of the work-energy theorem and apply it to problem
It is apparent from the analysis of the problem that learners did not understand the work-energy
theorem. In question 2.4 of the summative test learners were required to calculate net work
done and in Question 2.6 learners were required to solve for the unknown applied force using
the theorem. The two calculations were based on the same trolley being pulled along a
horizontal surface. Learners failed to see the connection between the net work calculated in
question 2.4 and the application of the work-energy theorem application in question 2.5. This
also demonstrates a lack of conceptual understanding of the work-energy theorem and its
In this chapter I analysed, interpreted and discussed data gathered from the diagnostic test,
lesson observation, learners’ class work, video-recorded lessons, learner journals, the
summative test and stimulated recall interviews. I arrived at three analytical statements from
the data sets I collected. Through these three analytical statements the processes learners go
through in the making sense of the work-energy theorem and related concepts were revealed.
The factors that enable and/or constrain grade 12 Physical Sciences learners to solve problems
related to the work-energy theorem were also analysed and discussed.
Lack of prior knowledge on concepts that are part of the work-energy theorem and its
application in solving problems were highlighted. Group discussions did help to provide
learners with a platform to construct knowledge on the theorem and problem solving strategies
using the theorem or other concepts related to it.
In Chapter 6 I summarise my findings and I present my recommendations based on these
findings. I also suggest areas for future research. Before critically reflecting on my research
process I discuss the limitations of my study.
6.1 Introduction
In this chapter I summarise my main findings and discuss the extent to which the findings
answer my research questions. I make recommendations on how teachers can provide enabling
environments and opportunities for grade 12 Physical Sciences learners to construct knowledge
on the work-energy theorem and its related concepts. Recommendations will also be made
concerning the use of learners’ prior knowledge from earlier grades with some pointers on how
to address the challenges learners face in solving problems using the theorem.
The limitations of my study will be discussed before I present my suggestions for areas of
further research related to my study. I conclude the chapter with some critical reflections.
As I alluded to in Chapters 2 and 4, learning proceeds from prior knowledge. The prior
knowledge that this study sort to elicit from the learners concerned concepts and skills learned
in earlier grades relevant to the understanding of the work-energy theorem and its application
in problem solving. From the diagnostic test I established that most of the learners, at least 66%
of the class had sufficient prior knowledge in the following areas:
However, the study also revealed that learners lacked essential prior knowledge in some critical
areas. They are as follows:
Resolving the weight of an object on an inclined plane into components.
Analysis of the video-recorded group discussions and learner journals revealed how the
learners made sense of the work-energy theorem and related concepts through collaboratively
constructing knowledge. The ways in which they made sense of the new knowledge are listed
During discussions learners constructed new knowledge in their home language and
were able to then translate the new knowledge and present it in English. This is making
use of translanguaging as advocated by Probyn (2015);
Asking questions in order to get explanations from peers on concepts they did not
understand or had partially understood; and
Through the use of learner journals learners expressed what they had understood and
what they were still struggling to make sense of.
Some class exercises, the summative test and the stimulated recall interviews that followed
revealed some of the factors that constrain learners in their ability to solve problems using the
work-energy theorem. The constraints were:
Identifying force and drawing free body diagrams for objects on inclined planes;
Using the formula, 𝑊𝑛𝑒𝑡 = 𝐹𝑛𝑒𝑡 ∆𝑥. cos 𝜃. Learners failed to identify the various forces
acting and calculate the net force (𝐹𝑛𝑒𝑡 );
Calculating change in kinetic energy (∆𝐾). In cases where the final kinetic energy is
less that the initial one, learners tended to subtract the smaller value from the bigger
Failure to correctly state the work-energy theorem in words. Errors were made in the
‘change in kinetic energy’ section. Learners used ‘total kinetic energy’ or ‘kinetic
energy’; and
Failure to interpret that the work-energy theorem is the net work done and change in
kinetic energy were presented separately for the same situation.
These challenges have the combined effect of making it difficult for learners to solve problems
which require the application of the work–energy theorem. This contributes to learners scoring
low marks in NSC Physical Sciences paper 1 examination questions as reported in various
Chief Markers’ reports.
6.3 Recommendations
6.3.1 Eliciting prior knowledge before teaching work and energy concepts at grade 12
The data collected from this research made it appears that learning the work-energy theorem is
heavily dependent on learners having the relevant prior knowledge as summarised in Section
6.2 above. In this regard I recommend grade 12 Physical Sciences teachers need to elicit prior
knowledge on these concepts before teaching the topic on Work, Energy and Power. Any lack
of prior knowledge that is identified needs to be addressed before proceeding with the topic,
even if it requires extra time being allocated.
concepts of energy, force and power in isiXhosa can also be addressed if context specific units
of work are developed by teachers.
In any didactic situation the teacher plays a critical role as far as providing the enabling
environment for the social construction of knowledge (Vygotsky, 1978). In this study my focus
was on the learners only. The teacher who played a mediatory role and scaffolded the learners
was not the focus of attention and scrutiny. This limited the depth of the analysis of how
learners make sense of the work–energy theorem and related concepts as the lack of relevant
prior knowledge identified as one of the major constraining factors could have been due to poor
teaching of this particular group of learners which may not be the case with learners in different
contexts. My recommendation of the use of translanguaging as proposed by Probyn (2015)
only works if the teacher is conversant in the learners’ home language. In many cases the
science classes are multilingual and translanguaging will then not be feasible.
This research journey was an awesome learning experience. Looking back to the time I was
working on my research proposal to the time of compiling the final thesis I see a lot of academic
growth. In the initial stages I just had this idea that I would like to find out why grade 12
Physical Sciences learners are performing poorly in questions which needed the use of the
work-energy theorem in paper 1.
The research journey took me through a body literature related to my study. The more I read
about research methodologies, my chosen theoretical framework, other studies related to mine
and various reports about learner performance in science in general and on work and energy
concepts in particular, the more I realized that I still needed to read some more. This was a
frightening but exciting and fulfilling journey.
Data gathering started with the diagnostic test. The data that emerged from it was so valuable,
and exceeded the purposes of this particular study. A diagnostic test is a tool that is valuable in
everyday teaching and learning. As teachers we tend to sheep-like just stick to the prescribed
teaching programmes guided by the pacesetters. These pacesetters strictly prescribe the topics
to be taught on the given dates. There is no room for teachers to deviate from the pacesetters.
The use of diagnostic testing would require a situation where teachers are allowed to go back
and re-teach or revise the prior knowledge from earlier grades that the learners need in order
to learn new concepts successfully. This would mean deviating from the pacesetters and
possibly failing to finish the prescribed topics in the allocated time. In my view it is better to
spend some time doing a diagnosis to ascertain the level of conceptual understanding of the
learners than to just start teaching new content without any idea of the learners’ prior
From the diagnostic test, data collection moved to lesson observation. Playing the dual role of
the researcher and teacher put me in precarious position. Recording the lessons I was teaching
was not easy. I had to mediate the learning guided by my unit of work whilst at the same time
hoping that the recording was successful. In most of the lessons I had the camera positioned
and focused on the focus group. It became a little awkward since once in a while I had to go
and check if all was going well with the recording. In the last two recordings I was lucky that
one of my colleagues agreed to do the recording for me. If I were to do it all over again I would
find someone to record and also use more than one camera to record the group activities from
different angles simultaneously. Using different angles would help capture some valuable data
including non-verbal behaviour of the quieter members of the group. Nonetheless, zooming on
the focus group was useful.
The administration, marking and analysis of the summative test was another great learning
experience. Much was revealed from the analysis in terms of challenges faced by learners in
using the work-energy theorem. If only as a teacher I could analyse all the end of topic tests
for my learners I would be a much better teacher. It is not enough to just allocate a mark after
a test. In-depth analysis and feedback to the learners after the analysis is very valuable to both
teachers and learners.
The final write up of this thesis was probably the most challenging part of the journey. It was
a time where I had to put all the pieces of my jigsaw puzzle into one coherent and meaningful
unit. I found myself going forward and backwards through the chapters. It was far from being
a linear progression from Chapter 1 to Chapter 6 but instead an iterative process which required
me to be reflexive all the time. For example, when I was analysing my data in Chapter 4 I
realised that the issue of learning science using isiXhosa and English was coming up quite
strongly. Yet, I had not reviewed literature on this aspect so I found myself having to revisit
my literature review in Chapter 2.
6.7 Conclusion
In this study I investigated how grade 12 learners make sense of the work-energy theorem using
constructivist learning principles. Construction of knowledge is based on relevant prior
knowledge and I established that the grade 12 learners did not have sufficient prior knowledge
of the concepts related to the work-energy theorem for them to make sense of, and apply it to
solving problems. Learners in this study lacked conceptual understanding of basic concepts
such as force, net force, energy, work done, net work done, and displacement.
In constructing knowledge learners used both English and isiXhosa (their home language) quite
successfully especially in group discussions where learners asked each other questions on
aspects of the work that they did not understand or needed clarification on. Other learners,
referred to as the MKOs in this study were always willing to explain and assist the other
learners and I observed that the role of MKO switched from time to time in a group. Through
journal writing learners were able to express their feelings about the learning process, the actual
learning that they experienced and the challenges that they faced.
Finally, the learners had the most difficulty in solving problems that involved a body moving
along an inclined plane. The problem stemmed partly from the learners’ failure to recognise
the direction in which the forces acting on the body faced. Failure to state the theorem correctly,
using one force instead of the combined effect of the forces, and the interpretation of the work-
energy theorem all added to their failure to perform well.
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Appendix A: Letter to principal
1243 Zone 1
10 February, 2015
The Principal
Yona Yethu High School
Dear Sir,
Re: Request for permission to conduct research in the school
I, Alfred K. Mapfumo am a part-time Master of Education (Science) student with Rhodes
University. I am hereby requesting permission to conduct research in your school. My research
is on how grade 12 Physical Sciences learners make sense of the work- energy theorem. The
work-energy theorem is one of the problematic Physics concepts to learners. Chief markers
have reported from several years that learners generally score low marks in the National Senior
Certificate examinations.
My data gathering will involve giving tests, video-recording some lessons and interviewing
learners. Informed consent will also be sought from the parents of learners who are below the
age of 18 years and from the learners for those above the age of 18.
For ethical reasons I will use pseudonyms for the school and all learners. Data collected in this
study will be used exclusively for academic purposes.
Yours sincerely
Alfred K. Mapfumo
I______________________________ (Principal) hereby grant you permission to proceed with
your research in this school.
Appendix B: Letter to parents
1243 Zone 1
10 February, 2015
Dear Parent
Re: Consent letter
I, Alfred K. Mapfumo am a part-time Master of Education (Science) student with Rhodes
University. I am asking for your consent to allow your child________________________ to
participate in my study. My study is on how grade 12 Physical Sciences learners make sense
of the work- energy theorem. The work-energy theorem is one of the problematic Physics
concepts to learners. Chief markers have reported from several years that learners generally
score low marks in the National Senior Certificate examinations.
My data gathering will involve giving tests, video-recording some lessons and interviewing
learners. For ethical reasons I will use pseudonyms for the school and all learners. Data
collected in this study will be used exclusively for academic purposes.
Yours sincerely,
Alfred K. Mapfumo
Appendix C: Diagnostic Test
Diagnostic Test
Time: 1 hour Marks: 45
2.5 Speed__________________________________________________________
2.6 Velocity________________________________________________________
m 5m
θ C
Fig. 1: A right-angled triangle
3.1 Calculate the following: (6)
i. Tan θ
ii. Sinθ_____________________________________________________
iii. Cosθ_____________________________________________________
𝐹𝑦 f Force, F of 100N acts at
angle of 37° to the
θ horizontal. Its vertical and
horizontal components are
Fy and Fx respectively.
Fig. 2: Force applied at an
3.2.1 The horizontal component of F, FX
3.2.2 The vertical component of F, Fy
3.3 Which of the forces, F, Fx or Fy is causing the displacement, ∆𝑥? Justify your
choice. (3)
3.4 State Newton’s 2nd Law of motion
Fig. 3: Box on an inclined plane
4.1 The component of the weight perpendicular to the plane.
4.2 The component of the weight parallel to the plane.
4.3 The normal force.
Appendix D: Diagnostic Test Memorandum
Diagnostic Test Memorandum
Time: 1 hour Marks: 45
I. Answer ALL questions in the spaces provided.
II. Show full working whenever necessary.
III. Scientific calculators may be used
1. Give one example of a scalar quantity and one example of a vector quantity.
Any 2 appropriate examples (learners have to specify which one is vector and which
one is a scalar)
2. Define or explain the meaning of the following terms. Give an example in each case.
2.1 Force
-A push or pull on a body
-e,g A force of 100N used to push a box/ gravitational force pulls objects
towards the centre of the Earth, etc
2.2 Energy
The ability to do work
e.g. kinetic energy, the energy possessed by moving objects, potential energy,
the energy of objects due to height above the ground
2.3 Displacement
A vector quantity that refers to change in position
E.g. The displacement of the car from the traffic light was 30m due South
2.4 Distance
The distance of an object is a scalar quantity the refers to the length of the
path it takes
E.g the car moved 5km through the streets of the city
2.5 Speed
A scalar quantity that refers to the change in position with respect to time
E.g. the car was moving at a speed of 90km.h-1
2.6 Velocity
Speed in a specified direction
E.g. the ball had a velocity of 10m.s-1 towards the batsman
11,2m B
m 5m
Fig. 1: A right
3.1 Calculate the following:
angled triangle
3.1.1 Tan θ
𝑇𝑎𝑛 𝜃 = = 0,5
3.1.2 Sinθ
sin 𝜃 = = 0,4464
3.1.3 Cosθ
𝐶𝑜𝑠𝜃 = = 0,8929
Fig. 2: Force applied at an
3.2.1 The horizontal component of F, FX
𝐹𝑥 = 𝐹. 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃
= 100 × 𝑐𝑜𝑠37
= 79,86𝑁
3.2.2 The vertical component of F, Fy
𝐹𝑦 = 𝐹. 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃
3.3 Which of the forces, F, Fx or Fy is causing the displacement, ∆𝑥? Justify your
choice. (3)
𝐹𝑥 , 𝑏𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑖𝑡 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡
3.4 State Newton’s 2nd Law of motion
If a net force acts, on a body it causes the body to accelerate in the direction
of the body. The acceleration is directly proportional to the force and inversely
proportional to the mass of the object
4. A box is stationary on an inclined surface that is tilted at an angle θ as shown in Fig.
3. 𝐹𝑁
Fig. 3: Box on an inclined plane
5. A car of mass 1000kg moves from a traffic light and accelerates to a speed of 20m.s1.
a. Calculate its kinetic energy. (3)
𝐸𝑘 = 𝑚𝑣 2
= (0,5)(1000)(20)2
= 200 000𝐽
b. The car accelerates further to a speed of 25m.s-1. Calculate the change in the
1 1
kinetic energy of the car. ∆𝐸𝑘 = 𝐸𝑘𝑓 − 𝐸𝑘𝑖 = 2 𝑚𝑣𝑓 − 2 𝑚𝑣𝑖
= (0,5)(1000)(252 ) − 200 000 = 112 500𝐽
Total: 45 Marks
Appendix E: Summative Test
Yona Yethu High School
Grade 12
Physical Sciences Test
Work and Energy Test
Time: 1 hour
Marks: 50
Question 1
1.1 A force applied on an object moves it in a straight line on a ROUGH horizontal
surface. If the speed of the object remains constant during the object’s motion
A. The force pushing the object forward is zero.
B. The applied force is equal to frictional force.
C. The applied force is less than frictional force.
D. The applied force is greater than frictional force
1.2 In the diagram below, a wooden crate is pushed between points A and B. It is let
go at point B when its speed is 7m.s-1. It then slides up the slope until it stops at
C. ABC is a frictionless surface.
Which one of the following statements about the crate when it moves between
points B and C is true?
1.3 Two forces, each of magnitude 200N, are simultaneously applied to a crate at
rest on a horizontal frictionless surface as shown in the diagram below.
1.4 The free-body diagram below shows the relative magnitudes and directions of
all the forces acting on an object moving horizontally in an easterly direction.
m m
v 2v
The net work done on the object is equal to….
A. 1 2 mv 2
B. mv 2
C. 3 2 mv 2
D. 2mv 2
Question 2
A trolley of mass 5kg is pulled from rest on a rough surface by a force of 20N as
shown in the diagram. A constant frictional force of 5N acts between the trolley’s
wheels and the rough surface. The constant force pulls the trolley over a distance of
2.1 Draw a free body diagram showing ALL the forces acting on the trolley.
2.2 Name TWO forces that are not doing work.
2.3 Explain why the forces named in 2.2 do NO WORK on the trolley.
2.4 Calculate the net work done on the trolley.
2.5 State the work - energy theorem in words.
2.6 Use the work - energy theorem to calculate the velocity of the trolley after it is
displaced for 5m.
Question 3
In the diagram below a motor driven toy truck of mass 3,5kg accelerates up an
inclined ramp. The toy truck starts from rest at the foot of the ramp and moves up to
a point, P, a distance of 3m up the ramp. It reaches point P at a velocity of 3,8 m.s -1.
The toy truck experiences a constant frictional force of 3N.
15° P
3.1 Draw a free body diagram of all forces acting ALONG THE RAMP.
3.2 Calculate the change in kinetic energy of the toy truck between the foot of the
ramp and point P.
3.3 What is the work done on the toy truck? Explain your answer.
3.4 Using energy principles only, calculate the force applied by the motor of the
toy car. (5)
Useful information
g = 9,8 m.s-2
W Fx cos
E k 12 mv 2
E p mgh
Wnet E k
E k E kf E ki
Appendix F: Summative Test Memorandum
1.1. B
The force applied is equal to friction so there is no net force to cause
acceleration (3)
1.2. A
The velocity decreases to zero, so there is a decrease in kinetic energy
Also because the force causing change in velocity (Fg║) is opposite to the
displacement. (3)
1.3. C
Force to the right is less than force to the left, i.e. the resultant force is to
the left
𝐹𝑛𝑒𝑡 = (+200) + (−200𝑐𝑜𝑠30)
= 200 − 173,21
= 26,79𝑁 to the left
1.4 C
Frictional force is greater than applied force, so negative work which
decreases kinetic energy is done
1.5 A
E k E kf E ki
2 m2v 2 1 2 mv 2
2 mv 2
W/Fg (4)
2.2. FNand W/Fg (2)
vf= 68,97
vf = 5,25m.s-1
1 1
3.2. ∆𝐸𝑘 = 𝑚𝑣𝑓2 − 𝑚𝑣𝑖2
2 2
= (0.5)(3,5)(3,8)2 − (0,5)(3)(0)2 = 25,27𝐽 (4)
3.3. 25,27J
According to the Work- Energy theorem the network done is equal to ΔEK
Total: 50 Marks
Appendix G: Unit of Work
Grade 12
Physical Sciences
A.K. Mapfumo
Before you do this unit you are expected to have done the following:
Work is said to be down when a force moves the body or point of application in a direction
parallel to the force.
Work is defined as a product of the force acting on an object and the displacement of the object in
the direction of the force. 𝑾 = 𝑭∆𝒙 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝜽
Fig. 1: Box being pushed
Force F, of 100N is applied on the 50kg box and the box moves a distance of 2m to the right
on a rough floor. Fig. 2 below shows all the forces acting on the 50kg box as it moves to the
𝑾 = 𝑭∆𝒙𝒄𝒐𝒔𝜽
𝐹𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑐 𝐹𝑎𝑝𝑝
The box is now being pulled with a force acting at an angle θ as shown in Fig.4 below
The applied force, F is at an angle of θ to the direction of motion of the box as shown in the
picture. The box does not move in the direction of F, so it is NOT force F that is responsible
for the displacement, ∆𝑥. It is the 𝐹𝑥 the horizontal component of force F, that does work.
The free body diagram for the above situation is as follows:
𝐹𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑐 𝐹𝑥
𝐹𝑎𝑝𝑝 can be considered as the resultant force of 𝐹𝑦 and𝐹𝑥 . The triangle of forces below can
be used to find 𝐹𝑦 and𝐹𝑥 .
𝐹𝑥 𝐹𝑦
𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃 = And 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃 =
Activity 1
A worker pulls a crate of mass 30 kg from rest along a horizontal floor by applying a constant
force of magnitude 50 N at an angle of 30° to the horizontal. A frictional force of magnitude
20 N acts on the crate whilst moving along the floor.
1.1 Draw a labeled free-body diagram to show ALL the forces acting on the crate during
its motion.
1.2 Give a reason why each of the vertical forces acting on the crate do NO WORK on the
crate. (2)
1.3 Calculate the net work done on the crate as it reaches point P, 6 m from the starting
point O. (4)
[10 marks]
Activity 2 (Adapted from November 2011, paper 1)
2.1 Draw a labeled free-body diagram showing ALL the forces acting on the soldier while
being lifted upwards.
2.2 Write down the name of a non-contact force that acts on the soldier during the
upward lift.
2.3 Calculate work done by air friction on the man.
Positive and negative work
When the force causing the displacement of a body results in an increase in the energy
of the body it does positive work. This happens when the force applied is parallel to
the direction of displacement of has a component parallel to direction of
If the force causing displacement or its component is in a direction opposite to the
displacement of the body it results in the decrease in the energy of the body. It does
negative work. 𝐹𝑁
t 𝐹𝑔 and 𝐹𝑁 are perpendicular to the
50kg direction of displacement. They do NO
WORK (there is no vertical
𝐹𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑐 𝐹𝑎𝑝𝑝 is parallel to the direction of
𝐹𝑔 displacement ,it does POSITIVE
Fig. 6: A force diagram of a box being pulled WORK
along a horizontal surface 𝐹𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑐 is in a direction opposite to
displacement. It does NEGATIVE
Example 1
FP of 100N applied at an
A 50kg crate is pulled over a distance of 40m by a constant force,
on, the crate and the floor.
angle of 37° to the horizontal. A frictional force of 50N acts between
a) Determine the work done by each force acting on the crate.
b) Calculate the net work done on the crate.
= 1 194.54 𝐽
Objects on inclined planes
Activity 2 – Group work
So far we have looked at objects on horizontal planes. Fig 7 shows a box that is sliding
down a plane that is inclined at an angle θ to the horizontal.
The weight of the box has a component down the slope, 𝐹𝑔∥ which tends to pull the box
down the slope. The weight also has a component which acts perpendicular to the
surface of the incline, 𝐹𝑔⊥ . 𝐹𝑔⊥ is equivalent to the normal force, 𝐹𝑁 since there is no
motion in a direction perpendicular to the surface of the inclined plane. The parallel
component of weight, 𝐹𝑔 is given by:
𝑭𝒈∥ = 𝑭𝒈 𝒔𝒊𝒏𝜽
The net work is done by the net force parallel to the surface (there is no work done
perpendicular to the surface since there is no displacement perpendicular to the
Activity 3 (Group Exercise)
A car of mass 900kg is driven up an inclined plane at a constant velocity, as shown in figure 9
on the next page.
3.6 Suppose the car now accelerates for 80m up the inclined plane. The car engine
exerts a forward force of 7 000N and the car experiences a frictional force of 2500N.
Calculate the net work done on the car.
[16 marks]
Energy is usually defined as the ability to do work. From this definition it follows that
whenever work is done energy is used.
It also follows that amount of energy used is equal to the amount of work done. The
The Law of Conservation of Energy states that:
Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transformed from one for to
Gravitational Potential Energy, Ep
Gravitational potential energy is the energy stored in an object as the result of its
vertical position or height. The energy is stored as the result of the gravitational
attraction of the Earth for the object.
The gravitational potential energy is dependent on two variables - the mass of the
ball and the height to which it is raised.
Consider a ball of mass, m raised to a height, h above the ground.
EP = m•g•h
Kinetic Energy, Ek
Kinetic energy is energy of motion. The kinetic energy of an object is the energy it
possesses because of its motion.
A moving body can do work on anything it hits
Activity 4 – (individual)
Name:_____________________________________ Date:________________________
5.3 Name the force(s) that is/are responsible for the change in velocity. Explain your
The net work done on an object is equal to the change in the object’s kinetic energy.
In symbols:
𝑾𝒏𝒆𝒕 = 𝚫𝑬𝒌 𝑊𝑛𝑒𝑡 = the net work done on the object, measured in Joules (J)
Δ𝐸𝑘 =the change in the kinetic energy of the object
The net positive work done will be equal to the increase in the kinetic energy of the
The net negative work done on the object will be equal to the decrease in kinetic
energy of the object.
Example 3
A Formula 1 racing car of mass 640kg is travelling at 30m∙s-1.It then accelerates in a straight
line as shown in figure 9 below. The engine of the car exerts an average forward force of 12
000N and the racing car experiences an average frictional force of 3 000. Using the work-
energy theorem, calculate the speed of the racing car after it has travelled 30m
𝑉𝑖 = 30𝑚 ∙ 𝑠 −1
𝐹 = 12 000𝑁 𝑓 = 3000𝑁
∆𝑥 = 30𝑚
𝑉𝑓 = ?? = 270 000𝑁
1 1
270 000 = × 640 × 𝑣𝑓 2 − × 640 × 30. 2
2 2
Example 5
A 1 kg brick is dropped from a height of 10 m. Calculate the work that has been done on the
brick between the moment it is released and the moment when it hits the ground. Assume
that air resistance can be neglected.
𝑬𝒑 : 𝑚𝑔ℎ = 1 × 9.8 × 10= 98J brick Data given:
1 1 Mass(m)= 1kg
𝑬𝒌 : 𝑚𝑣 2 = × 1 × 02 = 0𝐽
2 2 Initial height = hi
Final height = hf
We need work done on
the brick as it hits the
𝑬𝒑 : 𝑚𝑔ℎ = 1 × 9.8 × 0= 0J
𝑬𝒌 : 𝑚𝑣 2 = 98𝐽
1 1
= mvf 2 − mvi 2
2 2
= 98 − 0 = 98J ∴ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐢𝐬 𝟗𝟖J
∆𝑥 𝐹𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑐
20 𝐹𝑔∥
Figure 10: Force diagram of car being driven up an
inclined plane
A car of mass, m is accelerated up a road inclined at an angle of 20⁰ to the horizontal by a
constant force, Fapp from its engine. It moves a distance, Δx up the inclined road.
Points to be noted:
The symbol, θ, is used twice. Firstly in the work formula, 𝑾 = 𝑭∆𝒙𝒄𝒐𝒔𝜽 , where is
represents the angle between the direction of force and displacement. In the
situation represented above the forces doing work parallel to the plane are all in the
same direction as displacement and hence θ = 0⁰
Secondly it is used for the components of the weight of the car, 𝐹𝑔 , i.e the vertical
component, 𝑭𝒈⊥ = 𝒎𝒈𝒄𝒐𝒔𝜽 ,as well as the parallel component, 𝑭𝒈∥ = 𝒎𝒈𝒔𝒊𝒏𝜽 .In
this case θ is the angle of incline, i.e., 20⁰
Forces that are perpendicular the road, i.e. 𝐹𝑁 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑭𝒈⊥ are not doing any work on
the car as far as displacement, ∆x is concerned so they are not used in the
application of the work-energy theorem.
Net force action on the car:
Example 4
A dynamics trolley of mass 2kg is held at the top of a plane of a plane inclined at 30⁰ to
the horizontal, as show in fig.11 below. The trolley is released and rolls down the
inclined plane while experiencing a constant frictional force of 6N. Use the work-energy
theorem to calculate the speed of the trolley after it has rolled 1,5m down the incline.
Draw a force or free body diagram to identify forces doing work on the trolley (fig. 12).
Take the direction down the slope as (+).
Fig. 12: Free body diagram of forces doing work on the trolley
= 5.7 𝐽
5,7 = 𝐸𝑘𝑓 − 0 (Trolley is released from rest so initial kinetic energy is zero)
5,7 = 2 𝑚𝑣𝑓 2
5,7 = (2)𝑣𝑓 2
𝑣𝑓 = √5,7 = 2,39𝑚 ∙ 𝑠 −1
The speed of the trolley after it has rolled 1,5m is 2,39 m∙s-1
Activity 6
In fig. 13, a 75kg skateboarder skates down a slope while experiencing a frictional force of
60N. The slope forms an angle of 25˚ with the horizontal. The skateboarder covers a
distance of 36m before reaching the end of the slope at a velocity of 16m.s -1.
Fig. 13: A skateboarder skates down an inclined plane
a) Draw a labelled free body diagram of all the forces acting on the skateboarder, at the
top of the slope. (4)
b) Calculate the net force that acts on the skateboarder as he moves down the slope.
c) Calculate the work done by the net force, as the skateboarder moves 36m down the
slope. (4)
d) Use the work- energy theorem to calculate the initial velocity of the skateboarder
near the top of the slope. (4)
Conservation of Energy
Conservative forces
A conservative force is a force for which work done in moving an object between
two points is independent of the path taken. An example of a conservative force is
the gravitational force.
Whenever work is done by the gravitational force, one form of mechanical energy
The total mechanical energy of an object is conserved, only when conservative forces are present
(e.g. Ek ) is transferred into another form of mechanical energy (e.g. E p). In other
words total mechanical energy is conserved. So we can say conservative forces
‘store’ energy.
If points 1 and 2 represent any two points in the path of a ball that is thrown into the air,
then the mechanical energy at point 1 is equal to the mechanical energy at point 2:
𝑬𝒌𝟏 + 𝑬𝒑𝟏 = 𝑬𝒌𝟐 + 𝑬𝒑𝟐
Non-conservative forces
A non-conservative force is a force for which work done depends on the path taken.
Whenever a non-conservative force acts on a body the mechanical energy of the
body is NOT conserved. Friction is the most common non-conservative force
Friction is known as a dissipative force. Dissipative forces convert mechanical energy
into heat and other forms of energy
Applied forces are also non-conservative, the can do positive work, which increases
mechanical energy or they can do negative work which reduces mechanical energy
Work done by non-conservative forces, Wnc
Forces acting in the direction of motion increase the mechanical energy whilst forces
acting in the direction opposite to motion decrease the mechanical energy.
Suppose a trolley rolls down a slope from point A to point B as shown in fig. 14
Negative work is done by the non-conservative force (friction), Wnc and some of the
mechanical energy is dissipated to the surroundings. This means that mechanical energy at
A is greater than at B.
To obey the law of conservation of energy we need to include the work done by the non-
conservative force, Wnc (friction).
From Equation 1: 𝑾𝒏𝒄 = 𝑬𝒌𝒇 − 𝑬𝒌𝒊 + 𝑬𝒑𝒇 − 𝑬𝒑𝒊
(Equation 2)
This is another form of the work-energy theorem. We can state the equation in works as:
The work done by all non-conservative forces equals the change in the total mechanical
energy of the system.
Example 5
Fig. 15 shows a 70kg skateboarder who skates down a slope whilst experiencing a constant
frictional force of 190N. The slope forms an angle of 30⁰ with the horizontal. The
skateboarder covers a distance of 10m between points A and B. Point A is 5m higher than B.
The speed of the skateboard at A is 6m∙s-1.
Fig. 15: A skateboarder skates down an inclined plane
1st: Work done by friction: 𝑊𝑛𝑐 = 𝐹∆𝑥𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃
= (190)(10)𝑐𝑜𝑠180° = −1 900𝐽
2nd: Change in gravitational potential energy, (ΔEP):
∆𝐸𝑝 = 𝐸𝑝𝑓 − 𝐸𝑝𝑖 = 0 − 3 430 = −3 430𝐽
= 35𝑣𝑓 2 − 1 290
v f 2790
v f 8,93m.s 1
du Plessis, D., Gray, F., McLaren, C., & Nozaic, B. (2013). Physical Sciences: Learner's Book 12.
Northlands: Macmillan South Africa.
Kelder, K. H. (2012). Physical Sciences: Grade 12 Learner's Book. Cape Town: Cambridge University
Appendix H: Transcript Tr1 – Group Discussion 1
ACTIVITY 1 (Unit of work)
L5: Then thina sine displacement Yethu, then yifrictional force, ibe yigravitational force,
ibe yinormal force, ibe yi force applied. Translated: Then we have our displacement, then
it’s normal force, then applied force
L4: Idisplacement nayo siyafaka as iforce? Translated: Do we put displacement as a force?
L4: Ah, ah
L5: Idisplacement asiyifake as iforce kalok but yona siyayirepresenter. Translated: We
do not put displacement as a force but we represent it. L4: (shaking his head in
disagreement) Ah, ar. Ah ar
L5: Because, kalok guys jonga, L1, ukusuka apha kule force ukuya kweli cala. (Pointing
on the diagram) Translated: Look guys. L1, from this force to this side…
L4: Jonga, (indicating on the diagram) uyabona idisplacement isecaleni. Nanci ke ibox.
Nazi ke iforces ezi acta kule box. Translated: Look, you see the displacement, it’s on the
side. Here is the box. Here are the forces acting on the box.
L5: Yes. Then apha kalok jonga, sino, sino… Translated: Here, look. We ha, we have….
L7: Sino 30. Translated: We have 30.
L5: Ngu30 okanye ngu cos30 Translated: Is it 30 or cos 30?
L7: Ngu theta Translated: It’s theta (𝜃)
L5: So if thina sizorepresenter lo F-net wethu, uyabona apha ezantsi, uyabona kule ndawo
ne, ikule ndawo I, u cos30 wethu. So if ayizubakho lendawo which means asizubanaye u
cos… Translated: So we will represent Fnet. You see down here, you see here, it is here. Our
cos 30.
L4: Jonga L5, yi component yale nancika, yale 50N. Yiforce applied le 50N. Translated:
Look L5, this is a component of this 50N. It is force applied, this 50N.
(Showing on the diagram) Enye icomponent nanci. Translated: Here is the other component.
L3: Normal force
L7: Then ibe yi gravitational force. Translated: Then there is gravitational force
L4: I gravitational force nanci yona. (He draws on the diagram). Translated: Here is the
gravitational force
L7: Then, Le? (Pointing on the diagram). Translated: Then this one.
L4: Yile component ka force applied, Yi displacement ke ngoku. (he moves his hand
showing the displacement on the diagram.) I displacement mos iya acta kule box. I
displacement kukuthatha laboix ukusuka apha ukuza apha. That 6m ukusuka…Translated:
This is the component of applied force, then the displacement. Displacement is taking that
box from here to there. That 6m, from….
L5: But xa sicalculetayo izawfuneka? Translated: But when we are calculating do we
include it?
L1: Ibisithini kuqala? Ithi Translated: What did it say in the first place? It says…show
all the forces acting on the crate during its motion.
L5: So all in all…..?
L5: Let me see. Sine forces ezingaphi? Yi frictional force, ibe yi height. Yi height phofu le,
le force uksuka kule box ukuya kule cala….Yi displacement? Translated: How many forces
do we have? Its frictional force, then height. Is this height, this force from the box to that
side…it is displacement?
L7: Yi displacement. Translated: It is displacement
L4: Ewe yi displacement. Translated: Yes it is….
L7 Ngulo 6. Translated: It is this 6 (metres)
L4: I displacement ayi acti kulabox…
L7: Ingaphandle
L4: Er..
L5: Now, which means asizuba nayo le normal force Yethu
L4: Hayi
L6: Ayikho apha
L5: Asizuizoba kwi free body diagram
L6: Ah, ah
L3: Intoni
L5: I normal force
L3: Haibo, uzawthini ungayizobi?
L5: That’s why ndisitsho kalok siyibeke le landuza
L7: Siyayibeka phi? Siyayibeka?
L2: Idisplacement ayiyo force
L4: Mamela, kuthini uku displacer kuqala? Ukudisplacer kususa lengcwadi ngapha
uibekhe ngapha due to the body. (He takes a book from one point to another on the table)
Uyabo? Siyi displacile kengoku
L5: um
L4: So siyidisplesile ke ngoku. So ayiyo force le displacement. Sizoba iforce lule diagram.
Yiforce ukususa lengcwadi apha siyizise apha?
L7: Ayiyo, yi displacement. OK ndiybonile ke ngoku (She takes papers and starts drawing
free body diagram)
L1: (Reading the next question on the same exercise) - Give a reason why each of the
vertical forces acting on the crate do NO WORK on the crate.
L3: Yile bendibuza, kutheni why uFy noFx befumaneka always bengu zero
L1: Uban?
L3: uFy noFx befumaneka always bengu zero. Kodwa into onoiqonda ifana ukuthi u Fy
unayo, ikhona iforce eyenzekhayo handiti
L1: Uthetha ngo Fy…(inaudible)
L4: Akahethi ngee componentsze F applied
L1: F applied
L3: Ewe ze force applied
L1: Phinda, uthi Fy…..
L3: Ewe. Ndithi uFy ubangu zero no Fx ne. Ndibuza ke ngoku kutheni ezakuba ngu zero
kodwa wenza I force?
L1: Yima, Ndiyabuza ke ngoku ukba siyangqinelana na ukba uFy no Fx baba ngu zero?
L7: Uyakhumbula utishala kulanto ebeilinganisa izolo yesithulo? Xa uphethe isithulo. Xa
usithatha pantsi handiti la force ayifani nale xa usithatha pantsi uhamba naso.
Ebetshilo ndiya kumbula kulanto ebethe u F no Y always babangu zero kuba iyafana
ngathi awenzinto xa uthathe I desika uyoyibeka pha. I force iyenzeka the minute
uyithatha la desika uyoyibeka phantsi. Andiyazi noba be ndive right…
L1: Imake, ndibuza ku Fx zeziphi icomponents apha
L7: Inormal force, ne lenduza
L1: Imake…( Inaudible)
L7: Ewe, u Fy. Nangu u Fy (She points at the diagram)
L4: Xa uhamba nayo
L7: Akhonto eyenzekhayo xa uhamba nayo?
L4; Ewe, uyibambile. Ebe tshilo uMeneer. Ebetshilo
L3: Yima. Mna ndifuna I explanation
L1: Ebethentha nge normal force. Wena uthetha ngantoni?
L3: Nge components zikha force applied. Ndithetha ngazo mna.
L1: (Raises the work sheet and explains something to the group. Recording not
audible)…Noba siyavumelana nah?
L4: Ikhona mos I displacement pha
L1: Uhu
L4: Xa ikhona I displacement ikhona iwork
L7: Iyenzeka
L4: Ikhona
L3: So aingo zero?
L7: Haai
L1: Kutheni sizo qala ngo zero?
L3: Kalok, Handiti mos xa (inaudible)….akomsebenzi oyennzekhayo, so yiyo le ibingu
L1: OK. Umthathaphi lo zero
L3: Ndimathatha kuwe kaloko kulento ibithethwa ngu tishala
L7: Unyanisile. Simthatha lulamzekelo ubuyenziwe ngu tishala
L1: Ebethani utishala zeathi nguzero
L6: Kalok uthe u tishala
L3: Yile ndiyifiunayo, yile ndiyibuza
(Several learners laugh)
L1: Yabona, anithethi nge force eyi one lo uthetha ne force of gravity lo nge normal force
Appendix I: Transcription Tr2- Group Discussion 2
Group discussion on Activity 4 (Unit of work)
(Learners trying to state Newton’s 2nd Law – Question 4.1)
Tr: “Is it the direction of motion? Are you sure it is the direction of motion?”
L3: “Utheni Chumani?” Translated: “What did you say Chumani?”
L2: “Nditheni mna?” Translated: “What did I say?”
L3: “Ndithe.” Translated: “I said. When a net force is applied on an object it means that
the object it means that the object will accelerate in the direction of what? Of motion.”
L3: “In the direction of a motion?”
L4: In the direction of net force.
L2: Ewe. Translated: Yes. In the direction of net force.
L4: Acceleration Injani kwinet force? Translated: How is acceleration to net force?
L6: Directly (proportional)
L4: Ibe inverse kwimass. Translated: And it’s inverse to the mass.
(Unclear talking as learners write down the agreed statement of Newton’s 2nd Law on
their respective worksheets.
L3: (Apparently seeking clarity from group). “Yima, I inversely proportional to mass then
ibe njani?” Translated: Wait. It’s inversely proportional to mass then what else?”
L1: “Net force, uthi itheni ke” Translated: “Net force. What about it?”
L3: “Anditi net force is inversely proportional to the mass of the object. Uphinde uthini?
Uthi it is directly proportional…” Translated: Isn’t it net force is inversely
proportional to the mass of the object. Then what do you say? You say, it is directly
L1 “Yima, yimass uthi ithini?” Translated: “Wait. Its mass. What about mass?”
L3: “Yima. Ndifuna ukwezela umzekelo.” Translated: “Wait, let me give you an
example.” (She takes a sheet of paper and writes F =ma). “Iqala ibe directly
L1: “Yintoni edirectlly proportional” Translated: “Directly proportional?”
L3: “Yi net force.” Translated: “It’s net force”
L1: “It’s directly to what?”
L3: “To the mass of the object. Handiti?” Translated: “Is it not so?”
Tr: You are saying the net force is inversely proportional to what?
L3: To the mass of an object
Tr: Right, then…
L3: And directly proportional to what. Ndifunukwazi. It’s directly proportional to what.
Translated: I would like to know…
Tr: (Speaking to the group). OK. Did you hear the question? She is saying according to
Newton’s 2nd law of the net force is inversely proportional to mass and directly
proportional to what?
L1: Oh, it’s net force is directly proportional to what?
L3: Umm
L4: To acceleration
Tr: To acceleration, handiti. Translated: Right.
(Discussion continues, other learners and teacher clarify the relation between
acceleration, mass and net force in the relationship, F=ma).
L1: (Reading the question.) “Name the forces that are responsible for the change in
velocity. Explain your answer.
Tr: “Now, can you look at the wording properly, neh. Forces that are responsible for the
(putting emphasis) change in velocity. Which one is being referred to as the change in
velocity? That change (given) at the top. I go back to my question. Is that change an
increase or a decrease in velocity?
Several Learners: (Chorus answer) – “An increase”
Tr: “It’s an increase handiti, right. What does, what does, umm, friction do to velocity?
L2: “It opposes.”
Tr: “So if it opposes, does it increase velocity? Does is help to increase velocity?”
L3: “No, iyayi reducer” Translated: “No, it reduces it”
Tr: “What does it do?”
L3: “Ingxaki, handiti I frictional force iba ku opposite (gesturing to the left) direction yale
uyi aplayayo. That’s why izakuincreaser.” Translated. “The problem, right, is that
frictional force will be in the opposite direction to the applied one.”
Tr: So, are you saying frictional force increases velocity?”
L3: “Decreases”
Tr: “It decreases velocity”
L3: (Nodding her head) “Yes”
Tr: “L4, you do not seem to agree.”
L4: (Shaking his head). “Hayi, Hayi Sir. Andivumi ncam, andivumi ncam Sir”.
Translated: “No, no Sir, I do not quite agree, I do not quite agree Sir.”
Tr: “He, awvumi ncam neh. Tetha sive, tell us, what are you saying?” Translated: “Oh,
you do not quite agree, say it out….”
L4: “Ifriction, Meener, iyaincreaser, inancika, ivelocity.” Translated: “Friction, Sir,
increases, velocity.”
Tr: “Iyaincreaser ivelocity? Now, let’s go back to Newton’s 2nd law of motion, neh. You
said a net force will increase acceleration in the direction of the force. Does friction
work in the direction of displacement?
L4: “No, it opposes”
Tr: “It opposes, neh.”
Several Learners: “Yes”
Tr: “So, friction will not increase velocity because it is opposing motion. You see that.”
L3: “Nditshilo mna” Translated: “I said so.”
Tr: “So, of the forces that are acting which one is…”
L4 & L5: “Force applied.”
Tr: “Force applied neh. Thank you. Its force applied. Yeah.” You say force applied, then
you explain it. How would you explain it?”
L4: “It depends with the forces, Sir.”
Tr: “It all has to do with the direction. So we are saying that the forces that are in the
direction of acceleration are the forces that are responsible for acceleration.”
L3: “Niyivile?” Translated: “Did you get that?”
L5: “Kubuzwa I effect ezokwenzala xa kuincrese I velocity. So which means ivelocity or
imovement or ikinetic energy yayo izotshintsha. Translated: “It is asking about the
effect of increasing velocity. So which means the velocity, or movement or its kinetic
energy will change.”
Tr: “If you say, izotshintsha, that is to change hey. A change can be an increase of a
decrease. Which change?”
L5: “Increase”
Tr: “It will increase?”
L5: “Yes.”
Tr: “So we can put that down.”
Appendix J: Interview Schedule for diagnostic test
Interviewee(s) Test Item Questions
Appendix K: Interview schedule for summative test
Interviewees Test Item Questions
Pikini 2.2 – 2.3 Please explain your answer in more detail or in
Sive Nqayi 2.2-2.3 Elaborate on your statement that says “normal force
is just there to be shown on a diagram”
Tania, Nolufefe, 2.4 What is the difference between ‘Work done’ and
Nkosinathi, ‘Net work’ done as applied to this question.
Zanozuko, Sive
Chumani, 2.4 What is the direction of frictional force relative to
Yanga, displacement? How do you show it when doing
Ongezwa calculations?
Bongeka, 2.4 How did you get the angles for the forces you used
Siphenathi X, in your calculations?
Appendix L: Transcription Tr3 – Interview D1
Interviewer (Int): Given, my question is a very short one…
Given (Gvn): Yes sir
Int: …based on the diagnostic test that is in front of you. Now, in question 2.2 you were
supposed to define or explain what is energy and give an example. Now, you wrote
that “energy it’s a power done by a person”. Now, can you explain why you are
saying energy is power.
Gvn: Because energy, energy is a, it’s something that you do with power.
Int; Something that you do with power?
Gvn: Yes Sir
Int: But scientifically energy and power are two different concepts. OK, maybe let’s go to
vernacular, to Xhosa, neh
Gvn: Yes Sir
Int: What is energy in Xhosa?
Gvn: Energy, amandla Sir
Int: And what is power?
Gvn: Power, (he hesitates) amandla nawo
Int: Amandla nawo?
Gvn: Yes Sir
Int: So don’t you think that makes people believe that energy and power are the same
Gvn: Yes Sir, it’s the same thing but it’s different
Int: It’s different in what sense?
Gvn: Energy is what you are doing to use power
Int: Energy is what you are doing to use power
Gvn: Yes Sir
Int: That’s your understanding of it?
Gvn: Yes Sir
Int: So, I want to get clarity. In Xhosa you are saying energy is amandla, and power?
Gvn: And power it’s the same, amandla
(Interviewer explains to Given the difference between energy and power)
Appendix M: Transcription Tr3- Interview with Zimbini
Int: The question I am going to ask you is based on the diagnostic test. I’m going to ask
you about what you wrote in question 2. In question 2 you were supposed to define several
terms, right. Ah, in 2.1, you wrote that “force is power. Force is the power that you use to
moving something”. Why did you say that force is power because force and power are two
different things?
Zim: (looks at interviewer and kept silent)
Int: Maybe we can put it in Xhosa
Zim: Yes, Sir. Kalok tishala neh., iforce, xa sithetha ngeforce, when you push something..
Int: Ehe…
Zim: …uyipusha…Andiyazi tishala ukba ndiwathi, ndizawyibeka njani iforce nge English
but xa upusha iobject uyipusher ngala force. So ndiye ndayithatha as ukba iforce
yipower. Ndiye ndohluleka uku differentiata iforce ne power.
Int: Maybe masithi iXhosa iforce yinton? What is the name of a force?
Zim: Yhoo tishala force (Long pause) ngesiXhosa tishala. Hayi andiyazi iforce
Int: Then ipower?
Zim: Ipower tishala ngamandla
Int: Ngamandla?
Zim: Yes
Int: How about iforce
Zim: Yhoo hayi tishala
Int: OK, ok. That’s fine.
(Interviewer explains to Zimbini the difference between energy and power)