Stretching vs. Traction in Scoliosis

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Traction of the Spine Versus Stretching Exercises in

Management of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
Hamada Eid Seef*, Ashraf Ramadan Hafez** and Youssry Mohamed Kamal EL Hawary***
* Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences, Jordan University.
** Orthopaedic Physical Therapy, Cairo University Hospitals.
** Orthopaedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.


Background and purpose: Based on the need for nonsurgical approaches to treat idiopathic scoliosis, this
study was conducted to compare between two training programs, traction and stretching exercises. Subjects
and methods: The study included fourty patients of moderate scoliosis (Cobb's angle ranged from 20 to 40
degrees), with age ranged from 15 to 25 years divided into two groups. The first group with mean age
19.31±2.54 years followed a physical therapy program of exercises in the form of strengthening exercises for
convex side, strengthening exercises of abdominal muscles, stretching of back muscles, and traction of the
spine by suspension on wallbar using body weight force with postural instructions of active daily living
(ADL), three sessions per week for three months. The second group with mean age 19.18±2.69 years,
submitted to a physical therapy program of exercises in the form of strengthening exercises for convex side,
strengthening exercises of abdominal muscles, stretching of back muscles, and stretching muscles of concave
side with postural instructions of ADL, three sessions per week for three months. Outcome measures were
anteroposterior view of loading X-ray, is to detect any change in Cobb's angle of lower spine and upper
spine. Tape measurement is to detect range of motion (ROM) of trunk flexion, and visual analogue scale
(VAS) is to measure the pain. Results: There was a significant difference in the first group (t. of pain=0.02, t.
of ROM of trunk flexion=0.005, t. of Cobb's angle of lower spine =0.01), and t. of Cobb's angle of upper
spine=0.02. In the second group, there was a significant difference in pain and ROM with no significant
difference in Cobb's angle of lower spine and Cobb's angle of upper spine where t. of pain=0.03, t. of
ROM=0.02, t. of Cobb's angle of lower spine =0.07, and t. of Cobb's angle of upper spine=0.075.
Discussion and Conclusion: This study showed that patients rehabilitated with traction is better than
stretching exercises in correction of scoliotic curves of the spine in management of scoliotic patients.
Key wards: Abnormal curvature, lateral curvature, spinal curvature, postural scoliosis, structural scoliosis,
idiopathic scoliosis, adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, thoracic scoliosis, spinal deformity, low back pain,
surgical and conservative management.

INTRODUCTION vertebrae or abnormal soft tissue development.

In addition to lateral curvature, scoliosis is also

diopathic scoliosis is estimated to affect recognized in the sagittal plane. Although a
about 2-3% of adolescent females age 10- distinct cause is unknown, it is postulated to
16 years. Scoliosis is a spinal deformity arise from an injury to the vertebral growth
characterized as a lateral curvature of the plate during the adolescent period, causing
spine greater than 10°, measured by the Cobb cessation of further development4,17.
method on standing upright spine radiographs. Scoliosis is an abnormal lateral (side-to-
While most cases of scoliosis are classified as side) curvature of the spine with rotation
idiopathic, a minority of scoliosis cases are (twisting) of the vertebrae within the curve.
traced to structural anomalies, such as wedged The cause of scoliosis is unknown in 80

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percent of cases – meaning that the person is in adolescence (from an original population of
otherwise healthy. This is called idiopathic 444), twice as many scoliosis patients (77% vs
scoliosis. (In the other 20 percent it is caused 35%) suffered from pain compared with a
by other disorders, e.g. muscular dystrophy, population of adults of comparable age (>55
cerebral palsy, polio, degeneration of the spine years). Incidence of chronic pain was almost
in older adults)1,13. Idiopathic scoliosis often three fold higher in the scoliosis patients
runs in families. Though it can occur in a child (61%) compared with the controls without
of any age, most cases of Idiopathic Scoliosis scoliosis (22%). This is despite the fact that
begin between the ages of 10 and 15 years the 'control' population was selected from
during a growth spurt. In this age group it hospital clinics, nursing homes, and senior
called Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) citizens' centers where incidence of disability
or just Adolescent Scoliosis19,23. This is exceptionally high3,26. How scoliosis causes
condition can occur in both boys and girls but pain is not clear, but the magnitude of pain in
girls are several times more likely than boys to adult scoliosis patients recently has been found
develop severe curvatures. Though the cause to be inversely proportional to curvature
of Idiopathic Scoliosis remains unknown, it is flexibility. Related factors linked with pain
interesting to note that the majority (90%) of include regional balance, instability and
curves of the upper spine are on the right side, pathological mechanical loads on spinal
while the majority (70%) of curves of the elements22,30.
lower spine are on the left side24,25. Curves that The superior and inferior end vertebrae
affect both the upper and lower spine are of the scoliotic curve are identified by
called double major curves – S shaped curves. carefully observing the rotation of vertebral
Single curves are C shaped. In some cases a bodies and the width of the intervertebral
curve in the lower spine may be compensatory space. The intervertebral space is almost
– the body’s way of balancing the curve in the normal, and the vertebrae are in neutral
upper spine – rather than structural6,30. A position without substantial rotation in the
structural curve of the upper spine with a superior and inferior end vertebra. Lines are
compensatory curve of the lower spine is not drawn tangential to superior endplate of the
considered a double curve7,29. superior end vertebra and the inferior endplate
Most clinical outcome surveys have of the inferior vertebra. The Cobb-Webb angle
revealed that, by early adulthood, the majority is the angle formed at the intersection of these
of scoliosis patients suffer from pain. Only one lines or the angle formed at the intersection of
large, controlled survey has been carried out, the lines perpendicular to these lines. A Cobb
to date. In that study, 1178 young adults, angle of at least 10° is essential for diagnosing
interviewed 10 years after diagnosis of scoliosis. The Cobb technique uses the
adolescence, reported a significantly higher position of spinous process for assessing the
incidence of pain than 1217 control subjects.1 degree of vertebral rotation. The vertebra is
Of the scoliosis patients reporting pain, 23% divided into 6 equal segments by drawing 5
(147/650) described it as 'horrible, vertical lines. The spinous process is normally
excruciating, distressing' compared with 1% situated in the midpart of the vertebra
(6/416) of the control subjects who reported overlying the third line. With increasing
pain. Similar results were reported at >44 year rotation, the spinous process is rotated toward
follow up27. Of a subset of 69 patients treated the convex side of the curve2.

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MRI is also used to investigate occult appears that brace treatment may reduce the
intraspinal tumors, which can occur with prevalence of surgery, restore the sagittal
scoliosis but without any neurologic symptoms profile and influence vertebral rotation. There
or signs; to exclude other underlying are also indications that the end result of brace
abnormalities, such as tumors, infections, and treatment can be predicted22,23,31.
disk prolapse; to evaluate atypical scoliosis or The primary goal of scoliosis surgery is
an atypical curve in a child with normal to achieve a solid bony fusion. The surgical
neurologic findings; to evaluate the patient technique used to achieve such an arthrodesis
before surgery because assessment of the is vastly more important than the
spinal cord in patients with postoperative instrumentation system that the surgeon needs
neurologic symptoms can be difficult because to use15,32.
surgical devices that produce artifacts; to Modern instrumentation systems have
evaluate rotational deformity and distinguish been shown to allow for adequate curve
intervertebral from intravertebral rotation correction but with little or no ability to
(Standard derotational surgery is suboptimal in diminish associated rib humps11. Despite
those with predominant intravertebral claims of certain instrumentation systems to
rotation.); and to ascertain the severity of the derotate the spine, little actual derotation has
curve7,15. been documented. Derotation of the
The primary aim of scoliosis instrumented curve also has been shown to
management is to stop curvature progression. possibly occur at the expense of creation of
Improvement of pulmonary function (vital new rotation in uninstrumented portions of the
capacity) and treatment of pain are also of spine21.
major importance5. The first of three modes of The aim of the current study is to
conservative scoliosis management is based on compare between traction of the spine and
physical therapy. Indications for conservative stretching exercises in management of
management of scoliosis (guidelines), It has to idiopathic scoliosis.
be emphasized that, physical therapy for
scoliosis is not just general exercises but rather MATERIALS AND METHODS
one of the cited methods designed to address
the particular nuances of spinal deformity, and Subjects
application of such methods requires therapists All subjects were Idiopathic Scoliotic
and clinicians specifically trained and certified patients. The study included 40 females
in those scoliosis specific conservative volunteer patients moderate scoliosis (Cobb's
intervention methods9,10. The second mode of angle ranged from 20 to 40 degrees) with age
conservative management is scoliosis intensive ranged from 15 to 25 years and divided into 2
rehabilitation, which appears to be effective groups. The first group with mean age
with respect to many signs and symptoms of 19.31±2.54 years followed a physical therapy
scoliosis and with respect to impeding program of exercises in the form of traction of
curvature progression14. The third mode of the spine on wallbar by using body weight
conservative management is brace treatment, force, stretching of back muscles, strengthe-
which has been found to be effective in ning of convex side, and strengthening
preventing curvature progression and thus in exercises of abdominal muscles, three sessions
altering the natural history of IS16,21,22,26. It per week for three months. The second group

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with mean age 19.18±2.69 years, submitted to 30 seconds in position of traction, 30 seconds
a physical therapy program of stretching of in position of relaxation), and stretching of
concave side of scoliosis and back muscles, back muscles (from crock lying position and
strengthening of convex side, and strengthe- the therapist taking both lower limbs toward
ning exercises of abdominal muscles, three the chest (5 repetitions,30 seconds in position
sessions per week for three months. All the of stretching, 30 seconds in position of
patients were listed at out clinic of orthopaedic relaxation), and postural instructions for ADL.
departments at Cairo University hospitals. All The program continued for 3 months, 3
of them were suffering from pain, limitation of sessions per week performed and supervised
ROM trunk and limitation of ADL. by the same physical therapist.
The second group submitted to physical
Instrumentations therapy program in the form of strengthening
1- Loading X-ray (siemens Poly phase 50 exercises for the muscles of the convex side
appartus, siemens). (instruct the patient to be in side lying position
2- Visual analogue scale is to measure the of concave side and try to raise the upper trunk
pain severity. up as much as possible (10 repetitions with 3
3- Tape measurement is to detect range of sets, 6 seconds rest between each repetition,
motion of trunk flexion (fingertip-floor and 1 minute rest between the sets, the
test). resistance is progressed according to
Procedures repetitions), strengthening abdominal exercises
The patients signed an informed consent (from crock lying position and ask the patient
form, and were informed about the whole try to touch the knees by his hands,10
procedures before testing and training: repetitions with 3 sets, 6 seconds rest between
Treatment procedures: each repetition, and 1 minute rest between the
The first group submitted to physical sets. the resistance is progressed according to
therapy program in the form of strengthening repetitions), stretching of concave tight
exercises for the muscles of the convex side muscles (instruct the patient to be in side lying
(instruct the patient to be in side lying position position of convex side and upper trunk
of concave side and try to raise the upper trunk outside the bed then stretch the patient by the
up as much as possible (10 repetitions with 3 therapist (5 repetitions, 30 seconds in position
sets, 6 seconds rest between each repetition, of stretching, 30 seconds in position of
and 1 minute rest between the sets. the relaxation), and stretching of back muscles
resistance is progressed according to (from crock lying position, and the therapist
repetitions), strengthening abdominal exercises taking both lower limbs toward the chest (5
(from crock lying position and ask the patient repetitions, 30 seconds in position of
try to touch the knees by his hands,10 stretching, 30 seconds in position of
repetitions with 3 sets, 6 seconds rest between relaxation), and postural instructions for ADL.
each repetition, and 1 minute rest between the The program continued for 3 months, 3
sets, the resistance is progressed according to sessions per week performed and supervised
repetitions), traction of the spine (instruct the by the same physical therapist.
patient to stand on front of wallbar and catch
the highest point of the wallbar and suspend
herself with feet are off the floor (5 repetitions,

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Assessment procedures: measured, pre and post the program of

All the patients were assessed before exercises and pre and post of surgical
treatment and reassessed after 3 months and approach, to detect if there is a change or
followed up after 6 months by: not.
1- Anteroposterior view of loading x-ray, is to
detect any change in scoliotic curve by Data Analysis
measuring Cobb's angle (meeting of two The collected data were Statistically
lines, a horizontal line from the superior treated and the following values were found
surface of the first vertebrae of the curve minimum, maximum, mean, SD., one sample
and a horizontal line from the superior paired t-test to compare between pre and post
surface of last vertebrae of the curve) for in the group and two sample unpaired t-test to
upper and lower trunk. compare between 2 groups, at a confidence
2- Visual analogue scale is to measure the level of (P = 0.05).
pain which is represented from (0) grade to
(10) grade. Zero grade means no pain, (10) RESULTS
grade means unbearable pain, from 1 to 10
means graduation intensities of pain. The The results of the first group:
subject was asked to indicate the level of There was a significant improvement of
pain by placing a dash at the appropriate pain after physical therapy treatment from
level on the 10 cm horizontal line. (6.76±1.08) to (2.13±0.62), ROM of trunk
3- Tape measurement is to detect range of flexion increased from (18.59±4.02) to
motion of trunk flexion (fingertip-floor (3.36±1.69), Cobb's angle of lower spine
test) for both groups as following: The decreased from (28.13±2.91) to (19.53±1.85),
patient was instructed to bend as far and Cobb's angle of upper spine decreased
forward as he could with his knees straight, from (22.63±2.19) to (13.86±1.42) tab. (1) fig.
and to try to touch his toes, then the (1).
distance from his fingertips to the floor was

Table (1): Pre and post values of pain, ROM of trunk flexion, Cobb's angle lower spine, and Cobb's angle
of upper spine, in first group.
Cobb's angle of lower Cobb's angle of upper
Pain ROM
spine (LS) spine (us)
Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
Min 4 1 15 1 24 16 20 11
Max 8 3 25 6 34 22 26 16
Mean 6.76 2.13 18.59 3.36 28.13 19.53 22.63 13.86
SD 1.08 0.62 4.02 1.69 2.91 1.85 2.19 1.42
t. value 0.02* 0.005* 0.01* 0.02*
(*) significant, P ≤ 0.05 (**) no significant, P ≥ 0.05 gr.(group).

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30 Post
Pain ROM Cobb's angle of lower Cobb's angle of upper
spine (LS) spine (us)

Fig. (1): The mean values of pain, ROM of trunk flexion, Cobb's angle lower spine, and Cobb's angle of
upper spine, in first group.

The results of the second group: (4.22±2.55), but no significant improvement in

There was a significant improvement of Cobb's angle of lower spine where changed
pain after physical therapy treatment from from (27.23±2.92) to (24.9±2.84), and Cobb's
(6.77±1.09) to (2.27±0.86), ROM of trunk angle of upper spine changed from
flexion increased from (18.66±4.23) to (22.71±2.24) to (20.95±2.16), tab. (2) fig. (2).

Table (2): Pre and post values of pain, ROM of trunk flexion, Cobb's angle of lower spine, and Cobb's
angle of upper spine, in second group.
Cobb's angle of lower Cobb's angle of upper
Pain ROM
spine (LS) spine (us)
Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
Min 5 1 14 1 23 21 21 18
Max 8 4 26 8 32 29 25 23
Mean 6.77 2.27 18.66 4.22 27.23 24.9 22.71 20.95
SD 1.09 0.86 4.23 2.55 2.92 2.84 2.24 2.16
t. value 0.03* 0.02* 0.07** 0.075**
(*) significant, P ≤ 0.05 (**) no significant, P ≥ 0.05 gr.(group).
30 Post
Pain ROM Cobb's angle of lower Cobb's angle of upper
spine (LS) spine (us)

Fig. (2): The mean values of pain, ROM of trunk flexion, Cobb's angle of lower spine, and Cobb's angle
of upper spine, in second group.

Comparison between both group measures of the second group of pain,

1- There is no significant difference between ROM of trunk flexion, and Cobb's angle of
pre measures of the first group and pre lower spine, and Cobb's angle of upper

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spine, where t. value of pain 0.56, t. value value of Cobb's angle of upper spine 0.68,
of ROM of trunk flexion 0.37, and t. value tab. (3) fig. (3).
of Cobb's angle of lower spine 0.47, and t.
Table (3): The mean values of pre test of pain, ROM of trunk flexion, Cobb's angle of lower spine, and
Cobb's angle of upper spine, in both groups.
Cobb's angle of lower Cobb's angle of upper
Pain ROM
spine (Ls) spine (us)
1st gr. 2nd gr. 1st gr. 2nd gr. 1st gr. 2nd gr. 1st gr. 2nd gr.
Min 4 5 15 14 24 23 20 21
Max 8 8 25 26 34 32 26 25
Mean 6.76 6.77 18.59 18.66 28.13 27.23 22.63 22.71
SD 1.084 1.09 4.02 4.23 2.91 2.92 2.19 2.24
t. value 0.56** 0.37** 0.47** 0.68**
1st group
30 2nd group
Pain ROM Cobb's angle of Cobb's angle of
lower spine (LS) upper spine (us)

Fig. (3): The mean values of pre test of pain, ROM of trunk flexion, Cobb's angle of lower spine, and
Cobb's angle of upper spine, in both groups.

2- There is a significant difference between value of Cobb's angle of lower spine 0.03,
post measures of the first group and post and t. value of Cobb's angle of upper spine
measures of the second group of ROM of 0.045. With no significant difference in
trunk flexion, Cobb's angle of lower spine, pain where t. value of pain 0.06, tab. (4)
and Cobb's angle of upper spine, where t. fig. (4).
value of ROM of trunk flexion 0.02, t.
Table (4): The mean values of post test of pain, ROM of trunk flexion, Cobb´s angle of lower spine, and
Cobb´s angle of upper spine, in both groups.
Cobb΄s angle of lower Cobb΄s angle of upper
Pain ROM
spine (Ls) spine (us)
1st gr. 2nd gr. 1st gr. 2nd gr. 1st gr. 2nd gr. 1st gr. 2nd gr.
Min 1 1 1 1 16 21 11 18
Max 3 4 6 8 22 29 16 23
Mean 2.1363 2.2727 3.3636 4.2272 19.534 24.909 13.863 20.9545
SD 0.6248 0.8624 1.6934 2.5571 1.857 2.8429 1.4236 2.1632
t. value 0.06** 0.02* 0.03* 0.045*

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1st group
25 2nd group
Pain ROM Cobb's angle of lower Cobb's angle of upper
spine (LS) spine (us)

Fig. (4): The mean values of post test of pain, ROM of trunk flexion, Cobb´s angle of lower spine, and
Cobb´s angle of upper spine, in both group.

DISCUSSION spine and must be strong enough to protect the

spine from anterior aspect. A recent focus in
The goal of nonoperative treatment of the physiotherapy management of patients
patients with scoliosis in our study is to correct with back pain has been the specific training of
and maintain the spine in a balanced position muscles surrounding the spine (deep
in the coronal and sagittal planes over a level abdominal muscles and lumbar multifidus),
pelvis. This goal is achieved through traction considered to provide dynamic stability and
or stretching to correct the spinal deformity28. fine control to the lumbar spine20.
The results of this study showed that The use of exercise alone for the
there was a significant results of the first group treatment of idiopathic scoliosis has been
in pain, ROM of trunk flexion, Cobb΄s angle suggested for many years. Although exercise
of lower spine, and Cobb΄s angle of upper has traditionally been used to stretch tight
spine because of using of exercise program trunk musculature and strengthen muscles of
which include: the trunk, it has been shown that exercise
Stretching exercises of back muscles alone will not halt the progression of or correct
which is decreasing spasm of the muscles and an existing moderate or severe scoliosis.
improving the circulation which decreases the Exercise alone may be beneficial as a
concentration of metabolites, and decreasing treatment for patients with very mild
the hypertonicity and hyperactivity of the idiopathic scoliosis. Exercise used in
lumbar erector spinae. And also is increasing conjunction with other methods of correction
ROM due to increasing elasticity of the back such as traction which has been shown to be
muscles8,12. beneficial18,23.
Traction of the spine on wallbar was The program of traction and
used to stretching of tight muscles by using of strengthening of the abdominal muscles was
body weight which is giving equal stretching creating a controlling and balancing between
force on both sides of the spine and affect on agonist and antagonist muscles of whole the
the whole length of the spine (longitudinal spine.
stretching of upper and lower spine). In the second group, significant results in
Strengthening of the abdominal muscles pain, ROM of trunk flexion, with no
which is considered the anterior wall of the significant results in Cobb΄s angle of lower

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spine, and Cobb΄s angle of upper spine due to patients and its sharing in the correction of
using of exercise program which include: Cobb´s angle (lateral curvature of the spine)
Stretching exercise of back muscles which is the pathomechanic in the scoliosis.
which is decreasing spasm of the muscles and
improving the circulation which decrease the REFERENCE
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‫الملخص العربي‬

‫المقارنة بين شد العمود الفقري وتمارين اإلطالة‬

‫في معالجة انحناء العمود الفقري الجانبي العفوي للمراهقين‬
‫ٌعتبر االنحناء الجانبً الذي ٌحدث بمنطقة العمود الفقري بداٌة من الفقرات الصدرٌة حتى الفقرات القطنٌة من أهم أسباب آالم أسفل‬
‫الظهر وأٌضا إعاقة األنشطة الٌومٌة‪ .‬ولذلك تمت دراسة تأثٌر برنامج العالج الطبٌعً المتمثل فً شد العمود الفقري بوسٌلة التعلٌق على‬
‫السلم الحائطً باستخدام وزن الجسم ‪ ,‬شد عضالت الظهر مع تقوٌة العضالت الضعٌفة و تقوٌة عضالت البطن بالمقارنة مع برنامج العالج‬
‫الطبٌعً المتمثل في تمارٌن شد العضالت القصٌرة مع تقوٌة العضالت الضعٌفة و تقوٌة عضالت البطن لحاالت االنحناء الجانبي ‪ .‬وفى هذه‬
‫الدراسة تم استخدام شد العمود الفقري باستخدام وزن الجسم مع تقوٌة العضالت الضعٌفة ‪ ,‬مع تقوٌة عضالت البطن ‪ .‬وقد أجرى البرنامج‬
‫لمجموعة واحدة ‪ 3‬جلسات أسبوعٌا لمدة ‪ 3‬شهور لمجموعة واحدة مكونة من ‪ 20‬مرٌضا ًا ‪ ,‬نفس البرنامج بنفس األخصائً لكل مرٌض‬
‫وٌتضمن البرنامج أٌضا التعلٌمات الصحٌحة لألنشطة الٌومٌة‪ .‬ومجموعة أخرى تم استخدام تمرٌنات شد عضالت الظهر مع تقوٌة العضالت‬
‫الضعٌفة‪ ,‬مع تقوٌة عضالت البطن‪ .‬وقد أجرى البرنامج لمجموعة واحدة ‪ 3‬جلسات أسبوعٌا لمدة ‪ 3‬شهور لمجموعة واحدة مكونة من ‪20‬‬
‫مرٌضا ًا‪ ,‬نفس البرنامج بنفس األخصائً لكل مرٌض وٌتضمن البرنامج أٌضا التعلٌمات الصحٌحة لألنشطة الٌومٌة ‪ .‬وقد ظهر من الدراسة أن‬
‫برنامج العالج الطبٌعً األول أكثر تأثٌرا لعالج مرضى االنحناء الجانبً خصوصا بالمنطقة الصدرٌة وٌمكن استخدامه كعالج وقائً ‪ .‬وفى‬
‫هذه الدراسة أثبتت النتائج أهمٌة شد العمود الفقري باستخدام وزن الجسم مع تقوٌة العضالت الضعٌفة ومدى تأثٌر ذلك على النتائج ‪.‬‬

‫‪Bull. Fac. Ph. Th. Cairo Univ.,:‬‬

‫‪Vol. 10, No. (2) Jul. 2005‬‬

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