Hagit Psse - Sosort 2015 Final 5
Hagit Psse - Sosort 2015 Final 5
Hagit Psse - Sosort 2015 Final 5
Scoliosis Schools Around the World
1. History
2. General definition of the treatment
3. Classification system
4. Treatment indications and goals
5. Treatment according to age
6. Principles of the method
7. Treatment tools active and passive (mobilization, US, tissue release,
mirror, computer, video…)
8. Description of the best exercises and their mechanics
9. ADL integration
10. Scientific support
School’s Mission #1
Treating the Patient
The mission is one: not to straighten the spine
but to treat the patient. The journey
may be slightly different - depending on the
School’s Mission #2
The Team Approach” (Rehabilitation)
Orthotist Speak the same language, involve the
patient and family
Physical Doctor
Evolution of Change
- Elena Salva, PT
- Friends with Schroths – trained with
- Initiated Schroth in Barcelona - 1968
- Continued by Dr. Gloria Quera-Salva
(Daughter of Elena) MD/DO
Elena Salvá PT
- Dr. Manuel Rigo, MD
- Current Director – ‘Institute Elena Salva’
- Husband of Dr. Gloria Quera-Salva
- Trained in Sobernheim with Schroths
- Continued Schroth in Barcelona - 1989
- Initiated Schroth PT courses in English
- Training in Spain, Israel, Netherlands and USA
Manuel Rigo, MD
Definition of Treatment
Group 2 (G2):
- 3 curve
- 4 curve
- Non-3 Non-4 (w/ or w/o lumbar)
thoracolumbar thoracolumbar prominence prominence could becould takenbe in taken
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a high thoracolumbar curve. No curve. matters No bothmat
Classification System
blocks works
in 4Clike
first and first
in 4C scoliosis.
The figure
and thoracic becomesbecome
The onfigure the right
on the co
left single lefthighsingle thoracolumbar
high thoracolumbar curve with curve a ‘quasi’ with arectilinea ‘quasi’
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region and region should andbe should
diagnosed be diagnosed as Groupas1-2 Group (Single 1-2High(Sin
Group 2: other functional types
Schroth blocks for 3D deformities
What happen when we notice
The example
curve dorsal
The example
in the middle
in thewould
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with acurve
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Group 2), but pelvis looks well centered and trunk ?well
alab llew k?neucrnt adln b llew knurt dna deretnec llew sk,
a d e r e t n e c l l e w s k o o l s i v l e p t u b
Group 1-2. Group Once 1-2.weOnce can recognizewe acan recognize
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observation to Schroth-theory (3C, 4C, N3N4) the best is to
classify preliminary
and 4C functional as
and.e4C N3-N4 type.
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Classification System
Rigo and Weiss radiological classification for bracing
Relates to physical therapists more than any
other radiological classification
Treatment Indications, Goals and Age
Treatment indication:
• SOSORT 2011 guidelines.
Other indication
• Juvenile and Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (JIS, AIS).
• Sagittal plane deformities (Schueurmann, inverted back).
• Modified Schroth program for:
• Painful/degenerative adult scoliosis.
• Post-op.
Treatment Indication, Goals and Age
• Correction of the ‘scoliotic posture’.
• Stabilize the spine and arrest the progression.
• Patient and family education.
• Improved respiration.
• Improve function, ADL, self-image, and pain.
Treatment Indication, Goals and Age
• Juvenile
o Activities of daily living.
o Modified Schroth (less intense, games).
• Adolescent
o Strict Schroth principles.
• Adult
o Considering number/s of modifiers.
o Modified Schroth (auto elongation and trunk
expansion NO derotation or detortion with older
3D Principles of Correction
Maximum Correction
1. Auto/axial/self Elongation:
Deflection and Derotation.
2. Asymmetrical Sagittal Straightening.
3. Frontal Plane Correction.
4. Rotational Angular Breathing.
5. Stabilization.
It is about centering the pelvis on the polygon of sus
Principles of Correction
pelvis from the packet side to the center) in combina
correction of the frontal plane imbalance from the co
lumbar/tl curve. From a biomechanical point of view,
first derotated before being brought to the midline (fr
1. Minimum Correction – before the maximum
produced correction
first with derotation and then with deflectio
has to performed with some degree of self-elongatio
• Postural Balance and 3D alignment
curve forwardofand theinwards.
the same time pelvis
pelvic, trunk and head - lowcorrection,
it has to be derotated and leveled. This w
and 5 pelvis corrections but from a practical point o
a. Translation terms 4th and 5th pelvis correction during training but
b. Rotation correction’ meaning that centering the pelvis goes al
until 0º and level. It is easier than it resembles, it is a
Specific Nomenclature: non-rotated, non-tilted’.
Major thoracic Major lumbar
Principles of Correction
2. Maximum Possible Correction = THE 5 PRINCIPLES
Specific Principles of Correction; High Tension; Hyper-
correction/over-correction to stabilize the spine.
Muscle Activation
• Global trunk tension and expansion
• And local:
o In the prominences: “forwards,
o Iliopsoas, QL and others.
The Use of Breathing Mechanics, Muscle
Activation, and Mobilization
Mobilization and Flexibility
• To release tension and assist with the correction.
Convexities SCT
(forward - inward)
(outward – backward)
Pelvic correction
In this example patient is a
4C (major lumbar).
Description of Most Relevant Exercise Mechanics
2. Side-lying – for All Curves
Basic exercise with
increase deflexion in the
frontal plan:
Focus on Lumbar
facilitation and thorax
deflexion with increase
Carrying a bag
Neutral spine
and body
++ ++
Activity of Daily Living (ADL)
Neutral Spine / Conscious Posture
Sitting posture
Scientific Evidence
PED I A TRI C REH A BI L I TA TI ON , 2003, VOL . 6, N O. 3–4, 209–214
• Trunk imbalance improved from 10.16 mm to 8.53 mm (p<0.05)
• Lateral deviation improved from 13.92 mm to 11.96 mm (p<0.05)
• Surface rotation improved from 6.880 to 6.520 (p<0.05)
Current results suggest that exercises according to Schroth principles, following BSPTS
protocol, are able to improve back asymmetry, spinal imbalance in the frontal plane and
virtual spinal geometry in a short term, confirming specificity in its mechanics of action.
Scientific Evidence
Before 6 weeks 6 months 1 year
Cobb (0) 26.1 23.45 19.25 17.85
VC (ml) 2795 2956 3125 3215
Schroth’s technique positively influenced the Cobb angle, vital capacity, strength and postural
defects in outpatient adolescents.
Anatomical Schematical Scoliosis - specific
Classification System
Schroth scoliosis body blocks
(3CP) (3C) (4C) (4CP)
Classification System
Schroth sagittal plane deformities body blocks
Treatment Indication, Goals and Age
Treatment indication:
• SOSORT 2011 guidelines.
1. Stop curve progression at puberty
(or possibly even reduce it).
2. Prevent or treat respiratory 8 weeks post
5-year-old therapy
dysfunction. boy
3. Prevent or treat spinal pain
4. Improve aesthetics via postural
Lehnert-Schroth C. 2007
Treatment Indication, Goals and Age
• Juvenile
o Activities of daily living.
o Modified Schroth (less intense,
• Adolescent
o Strict Schroth principles.
• Adult
o Considering number/s of
o Modified Schroth respecting
pain and the stiffness of the
3D Principles of Correction
1. Auto-elongation (detorsion).
2. Deflection.
3. Derotation.
4. Rotational Breathing.
5. Stabilization.
The Use of Breathing Mechanics, Muscle
Activation, and Mobilization
Muscle activation
• In the prominences: “forwards,
• Iliopsoas, QL and others.
The Use of Breathing Mechanics, Muscle
Activation, and Mobilization
Mobilization and flexibility
• To release tension and assist with the correction.
Treatment Tools
Active and Passive
Promotes challenges
Description of Most Relevant Exercise Mechanics
1. 50 x Pezziball
Convexities SCT
(forward - inward)
(outward – backward)
Description of Most Relevant Exercise Mechanics
2. Prone
For all curves:
• “Specific for the thoracic corrections via
Shoulder Traction/Shoulder Counter Traction
(cervicothoracic, main thoracic).”
(Hennes Axel, 2015)
• For lumbar curve via Iliopsoas activation.
Convexities SCT
(forward - inward)
(outward – backward)
Description of Most Relevant Exercise Mechanics
3. The Sail
Best for thoracic curve
• “A very effective stretching exercise for
the thoracic concavity.”
(Hennes Axel, 2015)
Description of Most Relevant Exercise Mechanics
4. Musclecylinder
• Originates from the Lyon approach
• In the early 1960s Antonio Negrini and
Nevia Verzini founded a scoliosis
center that later became the Centro
Scoliosis Negrini (CSN).
• 2002: Instituto Scientifico Italiani
Colonna Vertebrale (ISICO)
Triple curves
Curve Type
Cervico - Thoracic
Thoracic (apex above thoracolumbar)
• Adults
o Improvement of the stabilization of the spine.
Treatment Indication and Goals
Breathing Mechanics
• To help with the corrective movements.
Muscle activation
• To help with the stabilization of the trunk and maintaining the
Exercises in brace
A - The patient is in a relaxed position. B - The patient moves away from sternal upright to do a maximum thoracic
kyphotization movement. C - The patient is in a relaxed position. D - The patient moves away from abdominal
upright to maximally exert a pressure on the lumbar pressure pad
Description of Most Relevant Exercise Mechanics
Study: ToS.confirm
whether the indication for treatment with specific exercises for AIS
ISICO ( Italian Scientific Spine Institute), M ilan, Italy
has changed inactrecent years - a systemic review.
A bstr
Background. A previously published systematic review (Ped.Rehab.2003 – D ARE 2004) documented the existence of the
ehabil Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by Dr Stefano Negrini on 03/30/11
evidence of level 2a (Oxford EBM Centre) on the efficacy of specific exercises to reduce the progression of AIS (Adolescent
Idiopathic Scoliosis).
Material and Methods: Aim. T o confirm whether the indication for treatment with specific exercises for AI S has changed in recent years.
Study design. Systematic review.
A bstr act
• 19 studies, one RCT (included 1654 treated patients and 688 controls) with strict M ethods. A bibliographic search with strict inclusion criteria (patients treated exclusively with exercises, outcome Cobb
Background. A previously published systematic review (Ped.Rehab.2003 – D ARE 2004) documented the existence of the
For personal use only.
degrees, all study designs) was performed on the main electronic databases and through extensive manual searching. We
evidence of level 2a (Oxford EBM Centre) on the efficacy of specific exercises to reduce the progression of AIS (Adolescent
retrieved 19 studies, including one RCT and eight controlled studies; 12 studies were prospective. A methodological and
Idiopathic Scoliosis).
inclusion criteria: patients treated exclusively with exercises. Cobb degrees was clinical evaluation was performed.
Aim. T o confirm whether the indication for treatment with specific exercises for AI S has changed in recent years.
Results. T he 19 papers considered included 1654 treated patients and 688 controls. T he highest-quality study
Study design. Systematic review.
(RCT ) compared two groups of 40 patients, showing an improvement of curvature in all treated patients after six months.
evaluated. M ethods. A bibliographic search with strict inclusion criteria (patients treated exclusively with exercises, outcome Cobb
We found three papers on Scoliosis Intensive Rehabilitation (Schroth), five on extrinsic autocorrection-based methods
For personal use only.
degrees, all study designs) was performed on the main electronic databases and through extensive manual searching. We
(Schroth, side-shift), four on intrinsic autocorrection-based approaches (L yon and SEAS) and five with no autocorrection
retrieved 19 studies, including one RCT and eight controlled studies; 12 studies were prospective. A methodological and
(three asymmetric, two symmetric exercises). Apart from one (no autocorrection, symmetric exercises, very low
clinical evaluation was performed.
methodological quality), all studies confirmed the efficacy of exercises in reducing the progression rate (mainly in early
Results and conclusion: Results. T he 19 papers considered included 1654 treated patients and 688 controls. T he highest-quality study
puberty) and/or improving the Cobb angles (around the end of growth). Exercises were also shown to be effective in reducing
(RCT ) compared two groups of 40 patients, showing an improvement of curvature in all treated patients after six months.
brace prescription.
• One RCT showed improvement of curvature in all treated patients after 6 months. We found three papers on Scoliosis Intensive Rehabilitation (Schroth), five on extrinsic autocorrection-based methods
Conclusion. I n five years, eight more papers have been published to the indexed literature coming from
(Schroth, side-shift), four on intrinsic autocorrection-based approaches (L yon and SEAS) and five with no autocorrection
throughout the world (Asia, the U S, Eastern Europe) and proving that interest in exercises is not exclusive to Western
• Apart from one, all studies confirmed the efficacy of exercises in reducing the (three asymmetric, two symmetric exercises). Apart from one (no autocorrection, symmetric exercises, very low
Europe. T his systematic review confirms and strengthens the previous ones. T he actual evidence on exercises for AIS is of
methodological quality), all studies confirmed the efficacy of exercises in reducing the progression rate (mainly in early
level 1b.
puberty) and/or improving the Cobb angles (around the end of growth). Exercises were also shown to be effective in reducing
progression rate (mainly in early puberty) and/or improving the Cobb angles brace prescription.
K eywor ds: Physical exercises, adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, conservative treatment, physiotherapy, rehabilitation
Conclusion. I n five years, eight more papers have been published to the indexed literature coming from
(around the end of growth). throughout the world (Asia, the U S, Eastern Europe) and proving that interest in exercises is not exclusive to Western
Europe. T his systematic review confirms and strengthens the previous ones. T he actual evidence on exercises for AIS is of
• ExercisesI ntrwere also shown to be effective in reducing brace prescription.
level 1b. the beginning of the previous century, mainly in
Scientific Evidence
To compare the effect of SEAS exercises with “usual care” rehabilitation programs i
n terms of the avoidance of brace prescription and prevention of curve progression i
n adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.
Rehabilitation program:
• Based on scientific active and individualized self correction. The exercises train
neuromotor function stimulating by reflex a self-corrected posture during the activities of
daily life.
• SEAS can be performed as an outpatient (two/three times a week 45 for minutes) or as a
home program to be performed 20 minutes daily.
Different papers documented the efficacy of the SEAS approach in reducing Cobb angle
progression and the need to wear a brace.
SEAS has a strong modern neurophysiological basis, to reduce requirements for patients and
possibly the costs for families linked to the frequency and intensity of treatment and
evaluations. Therefore, SEAS allows treating a large number of patients coming from far
Scientific Evidence
Study: Retrospective controlled study to verify the efficacy of exercises in reducing correction
loss during brace weaning.
• At the end of treatment (2.7 years after the start of brace weaning) Cobb angle and ATR
significantly increased in group 2.
• In group 1 Cobb and ATR didn’t change.
Conclusion: Exercises can help reduce the correction loss in brace weaning for AIS.
Scientific Evidence
Pre brace Start of weaning End of Rx Pre brace Start of weaning End of Rx
o No observation, all children have FITS therapy.
o No soft bracing.
o Part time rigid bracing in scoliosis 210-250.
o Full time rigid bracing in scoliosis over 260.
o No soft bracing.
o In scoliosis over 150 no observation, all children have FITS therapy.
o FITS therapy independently of Cobb angle.
o In scoliosis over 300, Risser 0-2, additionally Full time rigid bracing .
Treatment Indication, Goals and Age
Goals: Specifics
Short term:
o Patient awareness (psychological goal).
o Improved shoulder and pelvic girdle (esthetics goal).
o Teaching of 3D breathing and improving its function.
o Myofascial release.
o Teaching the correct shift, etc.
Long term:
o Decrease scoliosis.
o Stabilize scoliosis (stop curve progression).
o Improve clinical body for children who do not undergo surgery or
who are post-surgery.
Age Specifics:
Same protocol for children, adolescents and adults regardless of Cobb
angle (recommended to work with an orthopedist and a psychologist.)
Treatment Indication, Goals and Age
Main goals of FITS concept:
1. To make the child aware of existing deformation of the spine and the trunk as well as
indicate a direction of scoliosis correction.
2. To release myofascial structures which limit three-plane corrective movement.
3. To increase thoracic kyphosis through myofascial release and joint mobilization.
4. To teach correct foot loading to improve position of pelvis and to realign scoliosis.
5. To strengthen pelvis floor muscles and short rotator muscles of the spine in order to
improve stability in the lower trunk.
6. To teach the correct shift of the spine in frontal plane in order to correct the primary
curve while stabilizing (or maintaining in correction) the secondary curve.
7. To facilitate three-plane corrective breathing in functional positions (breathing with
8. To indicate correct patterns of scoliosis correction and any secondary trunk deformation
related to curvature (asymmetry of head position, asymmetry of shoulders' lines, waist
triangles and pelvis).
9. To teach balance exercises and improvement of neuro-muscular coordination with
scoliosis correction.
10. To teach correct pelvis weight bearing in sitting and correction of other spine segments
in gait and ADL.
3D Principles of Corrections
The Three Stages
Stage I - Patient examination and making the child aware of the
trunk deformity:
Examination of child with scoliosis using classical assessment but also
in terms of FITS method.
Examination of flexibility of the scoliotic spine in functional positions. And making the child
aware of trunk deformity due to scoliosis.
Principles of Correction
Stage II
Preparation for the correction:
Detection and elimination of myofascial restriction, which limits three-
plane corrective movement, by using different techniques of myofascial
Stabilization of
lower trunk with 3-
correction of
Sensory-motor Sensory-motor scoliosis
control control Stabilization of lower trunk
training on training on the with pillows sensorimotor
one leg. balance and the ball.
Description of Most Relevant Exercise Mechanics
1. Sensorimotor balance training.
2. Mobilization and flexibility techniques.
3. Muscles activation and corrective patterns.
4. Neuromuscular re-education.
5. Auto-correction.
Principles of Correction
Stage III – The Exercises
An example of corrective
The Use of Breathing Mechanics, Muscle
Activation, and Mobilization
Breathing mechanics
• Breathing into the concavities using
scoliometer in supine progressing to
functional position (sitting and standing).
Muscle activation
• To create corrective tension.
Training in stages:
Performing auto correction in different positions :
Single curve
Double curve
Single curve
Double curve
1. Preliminary results suggest that FITS could be an effective treatment, capable to alter the
natural history of mild idiopathic scoliosis.
2. FITS therapy improved the external morphology (esthetics) of the patients.
3. Radiological progression was more common in double scoliosis than in single curves.
Physiother Theory Pract Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by KU Leuven - Tijdschriften on 01/21/11
For personal use only.
FIGU RE 4 For double curve, hitch shift exercise is indicated. A patient is instructed to lift her heel on the convex side of the lower
• Stabilization of the spine through exercises for AIS.
• Correction of postural deviation from the midline, pre or post
• Reduction of mechanical pain in Adults or Adolescents through
the correction of pain provoking postural deviation.
• Exercises to promotes: elongation of the spine, rib expansion
and derotation, improved vital capacity, core strengthening,
improved sagittal plan, proprioception and balance, “trunk shift”
in ADL.
Treatment Indication, Goals and Age
Age and treatment protocol:
uyama et al.
3D Principles of Correction
Hitch exercise
A patient with left thoracolumbar curve (A), standing
in the neutral (B), and hitch (C) position. She is
instructed to lift her heel on the convexity of the curve
while keeping her hip and knee straight. Note that
asymmetry of the waistline reduced in the hitch
3 A patient with left thoracolumbar curve (A), standing in the neutral (B), and hitch (C) position. She is instructed to lift
n the convexity of the curve while keeping her hip and knee straight. N ote that asymmetr y of the waistline reduced in the
3 A patient with left thoracolumbar curve (A), standing in the neutral (B), and hitch (C) position. She is instr ucted to lift
on the convexity of the cur ve while keeping her hip and knee straight. N ote that asymmetr y of the waistline reduced in the
Muscle activation
• Isometric muscle bracing (via plank or ‘bird-dog’) to provide
dynamic correction to the side shift corrective movement
(incorporating Pilates and core).
• To prevent atrophy and provide greater
forces to the corrective movements.
The Use of Breathing Mechanics, Muscle
Activation, and Mobilization
Scientific Evidence
Side shift exercise and hitch exercise
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2008;135:246-9.
Toru M aruyama, M D, PhD,1 K atsushi Takeshita, M D, PhD,2 Tomoaki K itagawa, M D, PhD,3
and Yusuke N akao, M D 4
Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Saitama M edical Centre, Saitama M edical University,
K awagoe, Saitama, Japan
Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Faculty of M edicine, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku,
Physiother Theory Pract Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by KU Leuven - Tijdschriften on 01/21/11
Tokyo, Japan
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Faculty of M edicine, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Saitama M edical Centre, Saitama M edical University, K awagoe, Saitama, Japan
N=39 girls with AIS; Mean age 12.8; Mean Cobb 37.180 (progressive scoliosis); We use side shift exercise and hitch exercise for treatment of idiopathic scoliosis. These physical therapies can
be indicated regardless of the curve magnitude or patients’ skeletal maturity. Results of side shift exercise used
in combination with part-time brace-wearing treatment or used for the curves after skeletal maturity are better
Risser 0-3 at start; perform either side shift or hitch or both exercises; 2.8 years than natural history. Side shift exercise and hitch exercise are useful treatment options for idiopathic scoliosis.
For personal use only.
follow up (average) or to at least Risser 4.after skeletal maturity that include after weaning
of the brace (e.g., Risser sign IV or V, postmenarche
Side shift exercise was first described by M ehta . 2 years).
Results: (1985), who repor ted the results of side shift exercise
of 35 patients (33 girls and 2 boys) whose average age
was 14.1 years and average Cobb angle was 23.88 at
• Cobb increased to (only) to 45.48 (mean).
METHODS OF TREATMENT the beginning of the treatment. After a mean
treatment period of 1.9 years, their average Cobb
Side shift exercise
• 28 (72%) were classified as unchangedSide(Cobb
angle changed to 24.88. Of 42 curves in 35 patients,
angle was within 100).
shift exercise consists of the lateral trunk shift to
nine curves (21.4%) improved of 58 or more and
change of 21 curves (50%) were less than 48.
the concavity of the curve. L ateral tilt at the inferior
• 11 (28%) progressed (Cobb angle increased
We learned side shift exercise and another specific
end vertebra is 10or0reversed,
reduced or more).and the curve is
corrected in the side shift position (Figure 1). In the
exercise, hitch exercise, directly from D r. M ehta and
have adopted these exercises as physical therapy for
idiopathic scoliosis since 1986. standing position, patient s are instructed to shift their
As we prescribe part-time wearing of brace for trunk to the concavity of the curve, to hold the side
Conclusion: most of the patients who have an indication for
bracing (e.g., Cobb angle. 258, Risser sign 0–IV),
shift position for 10 seconds, to return to the neutral
position, and to repeat this exercise at least 30 times a
physical therapy is conducted in combination with day. Attention should be paid that patients shift their
Side shift exercise and hitch exercise are useful options for progressive idiopathic part-time bracing in such patients. Other indications trunk properly, not to bend nor rotate it (Figure 2).
If C7 plumb line lies to the convexity of the curve at
for physical therapy are patient s whose curve is too
scoliosis. small for bracing (e.g., Cobb angle, 258) or patients the level of the sacrum, large shift is indicated.
Scientific Evidence
Mehta M.H. Active Correction by Side-Shift : An alternative
treatment for early idiopathic scoliosis. Scoliosis prevention.
Praeger, New York. 1985:126 -140.
N=35 with AIS mean age 14.1; Average Cobb 23.880; Treatment duration: 1.9
years (mean).
• Cobb changed to 24.880 (mean).
• Of 42 curves in 35 patients, 9 curves (21.4%) improved by 50 or more.
Single and multiple case reports to demonstrate positive clinical and radiological
corrections of scoliosis by Side Shifts
Pierre Stagnara was the first medical director (60 years ago).
Fig. 17. AutoB 3D correction
3D correction ofwith
of scoliosis scoliosis with
Lyon plaster cast Lyon plaster cast
Treatment Indication, Goals and Age
General indications:
• SOSORT 2011 guidelines.
• In plaster cast.
• In Lyon brace.
Lumbar mobilization Shoulder balance
Treatment Indication, Goals and Age
• Improve patient motivation with bracing.
• Patient education including awareness of postural defects.
• Improve range of motion, neuromotor control of the spine,
coordination, trunk stabilization, muscular strength,
respiration and ergonomics.
Treatment Indication, Goals and Age
• Juvenile: no stretching.
Muscle activation
• Endurance of the deep paraspinal and core musculature.
The Use of Breathing Mechanics, Muscle
Activation, and Mobilization
Mobilization and flexibility
1st position:
Kyphotisation with cushion.
Description of Most Relevant Exercise Mechanics
2. Rolling
Positioning of the
upper limbs. Lumbar side shift.
Description of Most Relevant Exercise Mechanics
Balance of the shoulder girdle.
“No scientific evidence for scoliosis under 20°, and above 20°
we always use bracing + physiotherapy. In fact it’s more Lyon
experience that Lyon method.” (Dr Jean Claude De Mauroy)
1. Stabilization and correction of spine deformity / prevent
progression and or decrease the curvature of scoliosis.
2. Improve improve functionally status of patient (respiratory
Treatment Indication, Goals and Age
Age specific:
• “Cooperation is the basic requirement for using DoboMed.
Therefore DoboMed is not recommended for small
‘Phased-lock’ respiration
• A strong local pressure is applied
on the concave side during
inspiration, and a subtle
facilitation is applied on the
convex side during expiration and
the correction is stabilized.
The Use of Breathing Mechanics, Muscle
Activation, and Mobilization
Muscle activation
• Isometric contraction during expiration to stabilize the
Beginning of
treatment session
End of treatment
Treatment Tools
Active and Passive
56% of patients achieved stabilization of curve; 3 patients (12% ) exceeded 500
Stabilization of progressive thoracic scoliosis was achieved in girls using the
Cheneau brace and specific DoboMed physiotherapy
Scientific Evidence
Final radiograph: Thoracic Cobb was 340 and rotation of 10.50 (mean); in the lumbar
Cobb was 29.20 with rotation of 13.40 (mean); 3 patients (11% ) exceeded 500 Cobb.
Stabilization of progressive thoracic scoliosis during the period of rapid adolescent growth
was achieved in 89% of girls using the brace and specific DoboMed physiotherapy
Additional References
Fusco. C., Zaina. F., atanasio. S., Romano. M., Negrini. A., Negrini. S. Physical
Exercises in the Treatment of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: An Updated
Systematic Review. Physiother Theory Pract. 2011 Jan; 27(1):80-114.