223 SPE MUSIC - Lesson Proper For Week 2

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1/27/24, 2:14 PM 223 - SPE-MUSIC: Lesson Proper for Week 2

Lesson Proper for Week 2

In music, there is a flow, movement and pattern in every beat in time that is called rhythm. This is what we feel when we move through the music. It is
expressed through the notes and rests in a musical piece.

Rhythm is also known as the “framework of time”. Rhythm is concerned with accents, duration, and flow of notes. Other units of rhythm include
meter and time signature.

Try to feel the beat of your heart. Did you feel the rhythm as it beats? The beat in rhythm can be accented beat (strong) and unaccented
beat (weak). Without beat or pulse, there is no music.

Within a song or musical composition, we see a series of signs and symbols. Some signs and symbols have long sounds, while others have short sounds.

In music, a note is used to indicate duration of a tone by its shape and pitch. A rest, on the other hand, represents silence in duration of a note of
the same value. Duration is determined by the kind of notes and rests used. Notes and rests are musical symbols on a staff that tell when to play or not to
play music. The notes represent what pitch to play and for how long. Rests are used to tell when to pause.


Below is a table which displays whole, half, quarter, eighth, and sixteenth notes and rests, along with how long each one lasts, measured in beats.

Starting from a whole note which has 4 counts or beats, it would take two (2) half notes to create one whole note.

It would take two (2) quarter notes to create one (1) half note, and 4 quarter notes to make two half notes.

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1/27/24, 2:14 PM 223 - SPE-MUSIC: Lesson Proper for Week 2
If we make a diagram base on the number of beats listed above, the structure would look something like this.

If you study the structure, every group of notes is a subdivision of 2 from its previous note with a bigger value. Look at the image below to see what I
mean. Every note with a smaller value is a subdivision of 2 from the previous note with a bigger value.

It takes two (2) half rests to equal the value of a whole rest.

It takes two (2) quarter rests to equal the value of a half rest. It also takes four (4) quarter rests to make 2 half rests.

Following the mathematical subdivision of rests, we are lead to this this diagram.

In a song beats are grouped into sets of two, three, four, and six. The group of beats is called meter. When the grouping of beats is in sets of two, it
is called duple Meter. When the grouping of beats is in sets of the three, it is called triple meter, and when the grouping of beats is in sets of four, it is
called quadruple Meter. When the grouping of beats is in sets of six, it is called 6/8 time Meter.

Meter may also be written in numbers, and we call it time signature. Time signature is a fraction-like number written at the beginning of a staff.
The upper number tells the number of beats in a measure, and the lower number tells the kind of note that receives one beat.

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Simple Meter

- Simple meter (simple time) can be defined as a meter where each beat in a measure can be subdivided by two.

Compound Meter

- Compound meter (compound time) can be defined as a meter where each beat in a measure can be subdivided by three. It is commonly
distinguished by dotted note.

Complex Meter

- Complex meter (complex time) can be defined as a meter that does not fit into the usual duple, triple, or quadruple categories.

These are fractions found at the beginning of a piece of music after the clef and key signature. Time signatures regulate rhythm by organizing beats.

The top number shows how many beats occur in each measure. The bottom number shows the length of the beats. Time

signature has four beats per measure with each beat equaling the length of a quarter note. A time signature has three quarter note beats per measure. Is also
called “common time”.

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4/4 Time is also known as “common time” because it is the most common time we use in Western music. If you are looking at a piece of music, the time signature
(along with the key signature and clef symbol) will appear on the left side of every line of the music staff.

All around us, we can see and feel rhythm as people and things move. In music, we also hear and feel rhythm. We sometimes hear a steady beat, strong accent,
even and uneven meters, and rhythm of different patterns. It is because rhythm is the movement of sounds in patterns caused by strong and weak beats.

In duple meter, there are two counts or beats in a measure. A quarter note receives one beat. Time is one of the most common meters.

In triple meter, there are three counts or beats in a measure. A quarter note receives one beat.

In quadruple meter, there are four counts or beats in a measure. A quarter note receives one beat.

In 6/8 time meter, there are six counts or beats in a measure, and an eighth note receives one beat.

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