A Dictionary of Oromo Technical Terms
A Dictionary of Oromo Technical Terms
A Dictionary of Oromo Technical Terms
ISSN 0721-4340
2nd edition
The series Kuschitische Sprachstudien I Cushitic Language Studies i,, a forum
for studies of any kind which may enrich our knowledge in the field of Cushitic
languages and dialects. Both data-oriented and theory-oriented contributions are
welcome: dictionaries, grammatical descriptions, text collections, historical and
comparative studies, as well as theoretical works on specific aspects of language
structure such as phonology or syntax. The series will appear at ir- regular
intervals and comprises both monographs and collections of papers.
ISBN 978-3-89645-295-5
ISSN 0721-4340
@ Printed on acid-free paper which falls within the guidelines of the ANSI
to ensure permanence and durability.
Acknowledgements ................................................................................................ 7
Preface .................................................................................................................... 9
Introduction ............................................................................................................ 11
1) Afaan Oromoo ................................................................................................. 11
2) The Purpose of this Dictionary ........................................................................ 12
3) Entries and Information
4) Qubee Afaan Oromoo ..................................................................................... 12
Bibliography ........................................................................................................... 18
The publication of this dictionary is carried out in the framework of our project,
"STUDIES on OROMO'", which is directed by Dr. Catherine Griefenow-Mewis of Humboldt
University at Berlin and funded by the German Research Council (Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft). The Department of African Studies of Humboldt University at Berlin
has put its facilities at my disposal. The first stage of my work on this dictionary was supported
by the "Istituto ltalo-Africano'", which gave me a research grant for six months in Rome (from
October 1988 to April 1989) and further financial support for three months here in Germany.
Furthermore, the Addis Ababa University Research and Publication Office gave me research
permission in Ethiopia. I am grateful to all the above mentioned institutions and universities.
I am deeply grateful and indebted to Dr. Griefenow-Mewis for her tireless help. My gratitude
goes also to Professor Alessandro Triulzi, Dr. Giorgio Banti, Dr. Thomas Zitelmann, Dr. Tesema
Ta'a, Dr. Likkisa Dhinsa and Dr. Marco Bassi for all their help and constructive suggestions for
continuing my research work. My thanks go to Mrs. Riem El-Solami, Mrs. Maria Lourdes
Izagirre Ondarra, Mr. Getachew Chamada Nadhabasa, Mr. Chala Raggasa, Mr. Abarraa
Nafaa, Mr. Tarfa Digga and Mr. Sven Nicolas. I am also grateful to all Oromos who encouraged
me to complete this dictionary. Finally, my gratitude goes to our publisher, Mr. Ri.idiger Kappe,
for bringing this dictionary to light.
The work on this dictionary was started some 12 years ago. When I began to collect materials
for this dictionary there were only a few Oromo publications. In fact my main source was
the first Oromo newspaper, BARIISAA. However, since the downfall of the Ethiopian military
dictatorship in 1991, the Oromo language has become a literary language. Now it became even
difficult to follow up all the publications in this language.
This dictionary is a general dictionary of technical terms which is the first one for the
Oromo language. It contains both natural and social science terms in more than 25 semantic
fields. As far as material for the dictionary is concerned I have consulted all relevant Oromo
publications from 1840 to 1999. All together about 20.000 entries are included in the dictionary.
Afaan Oromoo (the Oromo language), together with Saho-Afar, Somali, Konso, Hadiyya,
Agaw, Beja and more than thirty five other languages, belongs to the Cushitic language
family of the Afro-Asian (Hamito-Semitic) language phylum. It is spoken in three Northeast
African countries: Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia. In Ethiopia alone it is the mother tongue of
some 30 million people. Moreover, it is a lingua franca for many non-Oromo people, both in
Ethiopia and in Kenya. Maybe eight million people speak afaan Oromoo as their second or third
language. In its geographic extension and its number of speakers, it is the fourth largest language
in Africa, after Arabic, Swahili and Hausa.
Though afaan Oromoo is one of the important languages in Africa and the language
which was used in the royal courts of the Oromo Gibe-states and other Oromo regions of the
Horn of Africa, the status of the language has changed dramatically, after Abyssinia, then a small
country in the northern part of Ethiopia, colonised Oromoland in the last quarter of the 19th
century. The Abyssinian conquerors did not only appropriate the land of the Oromo people and
made them landless serfs, but also suppressed the Oromo culture and ruled the people with iron
hands. They have made the Oromo language a target for suppression, which they saw as the heart
of Oromo culture. It was legally forbidden to use afaan Oromoo in all official communications
such as in courts, churches and mosques, schools, offices and parliament. To make it short till
1992, there was not a single school in the whole of Ethiopia which teaches in afaan Oromoo
even in first or second grade.
The protracted struggle of the Oromo, Eritrean and Ethiopian peoples has uprooted the
inhuman rule of the military regime under colonel Mengistu Haile-Mariam, in 1991. Since 1992
afaan Oromoo is the medium of instruction from 1-8 grades in Oromia. It is also taught from 9-
10 grades as a subject. Moreover, it is the official language of government, parliament and courts
in the "Regional State of Oromia". The new Oromo alphabet, qubee, is officially accepted by
the government, though the Amhara groups in Oromia and their elite's abroad, are waging a
propaganda war against the official use of afaan Oromoo and its publications.
The Ethiopian Orthodox Church which has co-operated with the Abyssinian state in
conquering and enslaving the Oromo and other southern peoples has now declared a special war
on qubee by labeling it as the "work of Satan". Some members of this church even refused
to bury an Oromo woman in their church yards as usual, due to her teaching of afaan Oromoo
in qubee. For those who know the backwardness of the Abyssinian church this is not
surprising. What is rather surprising is the alliance of the Amhara elite's with the Ethiopian
clergy in "making war" against qubee and the Oromo language. Both of them failed to understand
the dynamism of a society. Anyhow, they still pretend to know what is good for the Oromo
Now the Amhara elite's, church men and Amhara nationalists have put qubee on their political
agenda. By doing so they highly politicised the unpolitical qubee question. Being pushed to the
corner of the world Oromos have also started to politicise their qubee recently. They began to
put qubee as one of their national symbols equal to odaa and baqqala faa,ijii, which are the
symbols of their gadaa-democracy and their freedom. What one should consider is really the
role of the Oromo people. As I myself observed in 1992 the Oromo have accepted qubee with
enthusiasm, so much that people flocked to towns and market places to
learn qubee. The most popular three terms that one can hear from the mouths of Oromos are
qubee, Oromiyaa and bilisummaa. Oromo groups and organisations have always political
differences minor and major ones alike. However, on the question of qubee they are all united as
After the Oromo adopted qubee, written Oromo literature has begun to flourish. Books,
journals, newspapers, video-files, theatre plays etc. are now all available in afaan Oromoo.
Just to mention one example: in about eight months only Oromo intellectuals worked day and
night to publish 83 items of school materials, in 1992. Indeed this is a miracle by itself if miracles
have ever existed. Interestingly enough, the "Voice of America" which used to broadcast only
in Amharic has begun recently to broadcast in afaan Oromoo too. Furthermore, in the field
of modern information technology some Oromos in the Diaspora have already developed
software for their language. Thus, if the current momentum is maintained, afaan Oromoo will
be one of the fastest developing African languages that can be used in various fields.
As afaan Oromoo became the official language in Oromia new terms have emerged, and are
still emerging. Many people such as teachers, students, journalists, administrators and scholars
need a reference book for such words. Moreover, Oromo and non-Oromo researchers of the
Oromo culture need some reference books. I hope this work will help them, and still stimulates
some Oromos to compile even more comprehensive dictionaries of technical terms.
The entries are arranged alphabetically, following the new Oromo alphabet. The dictionary is
very rich in sub-entries which are also arranged alphabetically. Given information as follows:
Qubee afaan Oromoo (the Oromo alphabet), which is based on Latin alphabet has
31 letters.
Short Long
a aa
e ee
0 00
u uu
For the sake of non-Oromo users of this dictionary, I will provide some information on
b c ch d dh f g h j k I m n ny p ph q r s sh t u w x y z '
b ch d f g h j k I m n p r s sh t w z.
In addition to the above given consonants Oromo has five more which need more remarks
e) HUDHAA (')
re'ee goat
gur'uu udder
hoo'ina heat
baay'isuu to multiply
har'a today
Doubling of vowels and consonants is a very important feature in Oromo. It is not only
reflected in the pronunciation, but also makes a difference to the meaning. In Oromo we call a
single vowel short and a double vowel long, a single consonant so.ft and a double consonant
strong. Double consonants are pronounced as in English book-keeper, or Italian nn in donna
(woman). Let us see the following examples:
The following Oromo consonant chart may help those who are not familiar with some
Oromo sounds:
Stop Glottalised ph X C q
Implosive Voiced dh
Fricative Voiced (v) (z)
Fricative Voiceless f s sh h
Nasal m n ny
Lateral I, r
Glide w y
a b c ch cl dh e f g h i j k I m n ny o p ph q r s sh t u w x y z (').
a) Etymological information:
Amh Amharic
Ar Arabic
Eng English
Eur European
Fr French
Ger German
It Italian
Rus Russian
b) Grammatical Abbreviations:
a adjective
a/adv adjective or adverb
a/n adjective or noun
a/nl adv adjective, noun or adverb
alnmf adjective or noun, masculine and feminine form
abbr abbreviation
adv adverb
adv/prep adverb or preposition
am/f adjective, masculine form/ feminine form
arnf adjective, masculine and feminine
ca compound adjective
cadv compound adverb
ca/en compound adjective or compound noun
cam/f compound adjective, masculine form/ feminine form
camf compound adjective, masculine and feminine form
en compound noun
en/ca compound noun or compound adjective
cnmf compound noun, masculine and feminine form
cnmlf compound noun, masculine/ feminine form
conj conjunction
CV compound verb
int interjection
n noun
nla noun or adjective
nla 111/f noun or adjective, masculine/ feminine form
nladv noun or adverb
nlamf noun or adjective, masculine/ feminine form
nlpro noun or pronoun
11{ noun, feminine form
11111 noun, masculine form
nm/f noun, masculine form/ feminine form
nmf noun, masculine and feminine
npl plural noun
part particle
pl plural
pref prefix
prep preposition
prepln preposition or noun
pro pronoun
pro/n pronoun or noun
Sl({ suffix
l' verb
vi 11 verb or noun
c) Other abbreviations:
lit literal
usu. usually
Eth. Cal. Ethiopian Calendar
NB nota bene
nd no date
opp. opposite of
np no place
Agr Agriculture
Anat Anatomy
Astra Astronomy
BC Building and Construction
Biol Biology
Bot Botany
Chem Chemistry
Comp Computer
Dent Dentistry
Econ Economics
Elect Electricity
EM Electro-Mechanics
Geog Geography
Geo! Geology
Geom Geometry
Gram Grammar
Ling Linguistics
Liter Literature
Math Mathematics
Med Medicine
Mil Military
Mus Music
Nu Nutrition
Path Pathology
Photog Photography
Phys Physics
Pol Politics
Stat Statistics
Zoo Zoology
a) In Afaan Oromoo
Andrzejewski, B.W. - Some Preliminary Observations on the Borana Dialect of Galla, in:
Bulletin of School of Oriental and African Studies, 19, 2, I 957
Anonymous - Oromofor Foreigners (unpublished material for university use), (np,nd)
Anonymous - Peace Corps I Ethiopia's Orama-Language Manual, np, 1996
Arenzano, I. d'. - Grammatica della lingua galla, Alba, 1940
Bitima Boru - A Short Course of the Oromo Language, (np), 1976
Borello, P. M. - Grammatica della lingua galla loromol Parte prima, Torino, 1939
Dizionario Oromo-ltaliano, Hamburg, 1995
Cavallera, B. - Grammatica della lingua oromo, Addis Abeba, 1939
Cerulli, E. - The Folk-Literature of the Galla of Southern Abyssinia, Cambridge, 1922
Cotter, G. -Salt for Stew, Proverbs and Sayings of Oromo People with English Translation,
Addis Ababa, 1990
Dagnini, V. - Dizionarietto efrasario medico in galla ed amharico, Jimma, 1938
Docati, B. - Dizionarietto galla, Roma, 1937
Elias Aberra - Kuussagale Surroqorichaa ( Oromo Medical Dictionary), Kuopio (Finland),
Fodor, I. - Language Reform-History and Future, Vol.1-3, Hamburg, 1984
Foot, C. F. - Galla-English, English-Galla Dictionary, Cambridge,1913
Gragg, G. - Oromo ofWellega. in: M. L. Bender (Ed.), The Non-Semitic Languages of
Ethiopia, Michigan, 1976, pp. 166-195
Oromo Dictionary, Michigan, 1982
Griefenow-Mewis, Catherine and Tamene Bitima - Lehrbuch des Oromo. Koln, 1994
Oromo Obungsbuch, Koln, 1995
Heine, B. - The Waata Dialect of Oromo, Berlin, 1981
Hodson, A. W. and Walker, C. H. - An Elementary and Practical Grammar of the Galla or
Oromo Language, London, 1922
Jarosseau, A. - Notions grammaticales sur la langue Galla, Dire Dawa, 1922
Krapf, J. L. -An Jmpe,fect Outline of the Elements of the Galla Language, London, /840
Vocabulary of the Galla Language, London, 1842
Landau, S.I. - Dictionaries, the Art and Craft of Lexicography, New York, 1984
Launhardt, J. - Guide to Learning the Oromo Language, Addis Ababa, 1973
Leus, T. - Borana Dictionary, Holland, W.S.D. Grafisch Centrum Schijndel, 1995
Leus, T.; Loo, J. Van de and Cotter, G. - Vocabulary English-Oromo, Addis Ababa, 1992
Mahdi Hamid Muudee - Oromo Dictionary, Volume 1, English-Oromo, Atlanta, 1995
Massaia G. - Lectiones Grammatica/es pro Missionaris qui addiscere volunt linguam
Amaricum ... linguam Oromonica, Parigi, 1867
Mengesha Rikitu - Oromia Recollected, London, 1998
Mohammed Ali and Zaborski, A. - Handbook of the Oromo Laguage, Wroclaw, 1990
Moreno, M.M - Grammatica teorico-pratica della lingua Galla con esercizi, Roma, 1939
Nordfeldt, M. -A Galla Grammar, Lund, 1947
Obsaa Tegegn - Mammaaka-Proverbs and Weelluu-Love songs from Arsii, Addis Ababa,
Oromia-Net - Oromiffa Science and Technology Vocabulary Update, Version 3. 1, 1994
Owens, J. -A Grammar of Harar Oromo (Northeastern Ethiopia), Hamburg, 1985
Qajeelaa Mardaasaa -A Short Guidance to the Oromo Language, Finfinnee, 1993
Sasse, H. J. -An Etymological Dictionary of Burji, Hamburg, 1982
Schmidt, F. -Abriss der Shoagallagrammatik, in: ZDMG, Bd. 22, Leipzig: 225-248, 1868
Stroomer, H. -A Grammar of Boraana Oromo ( Kenya), Koln, 1995
A Comparative Study of Three Southern Oromo Dialects in Kenya, Hamburg, 1987
Tamene Bitima- Oromo Technical Terms, in: AFRICA, Roma, AnnoXLV, N. 4, 641-658,
European Loanwords in Afaan Oromoo, in: Griefenow-Mewis, C. and Voigt, R. M,
Cushitic and Omotic Language, Porceedings of the Third International Symposium,
Koln, 1994
Tasgara Hirpo - Goldgrube: Oromo Sprichworter und-Redewendungen, Koln, 1996
Thiene, G. da - Dizionario della lingua galla, Harar, 1939
Tilahun Gamta. - Oromo-English Dictionary, Addis Ababa, 1989
Tutscheck, K. - Lexicon der Galla-Sprache, Miinchen, 1844
A Grammar of the Galla Language, Miinchen, 1845
Venturino, P. - Vocabolario italiano-borana, Marsabit, 1976
Viterbo, E. - Grammatica e dizionario della lingua oromonica, Milano, 1892
Webster, E. J. - The Particle in Boran, in: African Studies 19, 1:33-43, 1960
Yigazu Tucho; R. David Zorc; Eleanor C. Barna - Orama Newspaper Reader, Grammar
Sketch and Lexicon, Kensington, 1996
Yonas Angose - Orama-English Conversation, Finfinnee, 1999
Zgusta, L. et al. - Manual of Lexicography, The Hague, Paris, 1971
c) Periodicals
addunyaalessuu v to internationalise
adeemaa/ -tuu nm/f 1) traveller, pas- adoochaa dugdaa spinal anaes-
senger 2) person who indulges in thesia
conjugal disloyalty adoochituu a/n narcotic
adeemaa bunaqaa commercial adoochuu v cause to be numb, make
traveller stiff, paralyze, anaesthetise
adeemmii n 1) journey, tour, trip; adooda n numbness
travel 2) procedure adooda dugugguruu spinal
adeemmii baaburaa railway paralysis
journey adoodaa a stiff, paralyzed
adeemmii balali'aa travel by air, adoodummaa n paralysis
journey by air adooduu v to become stiff, become
adeemmii bunaqaa business numb; be paralyzed; be anaesthe-
journey tised
adeemmii doonii navigation Adoolessa n July
adeemmii falamaa seer-yakkaa adulaa n 1) senior councillors within
criminal procedure law the gadaa-system, member of
adeemmii falamaa seerambaa parliament, delegate, deputy
civil procedure law adulaa biyyaa deputy of a na-
adeemmii fardaanii journey on tional assembly, a delegate to
horse back the national parliament
adeemmii konkolee journey by adulaa diraa city councillor
car adulaa fiixee apical councillor
adeemmii miilaa journey on foot within the gadaa-system
adeemmii hojii duty journey adulaa hayyuu a senior council-
adeemmii sangantoomaa lor within the gadaa-system
package tour adulaa magaalaa town councillor,
adeemsa n 1) journey, travel, tour, city councillor
trip 2) process, development; adulaa naannoo biyyaa deputy
course of a regional assembly, a del-
adeemsa biyyalafaa travel egate to a regional parliament
around the world adulloo n politburo, executive com-
adeemsa duwwaanaa space mittee (of government)
travel, space flight adurree n cat
adeemsa misoomaa course of adusobee en (aduu + soba) mock
development, process of devel- sun
opment aduu nla 1) sun 2) day 3) sunshine
adeemsa warraaqsaa process of 4) sunny, bright day
a revolution aduu Birraa mild sun of spring-
adeemuu v to go; go away, depart; time
travel aduu saafaa strong (hot) sun
adii a white (usu. of midday)
adii culkii pure white afaa n 1) special kind of fresh grass
adii qaanqee bright white, milk or leaves which one spreads on
white, snow white the floor in a living room
adikillee en albumen 2) mattress
adikillee buupphaa egg albumen afaan n 1) mouth 2) beak 3) rim
admiraala n (Eur) same as abbo- 4) language, tongue; speech
waga 5) bank (of a river)
adoochaa a/n 1) narcotic; anaes- afaan abbaa mother tongue,
thetic 2) anaesthesia native speech, vernacular
afaan addunyaalessaa - afattoo jirbii 30
ammataa/ -tuu nmlf baptist (of the angafa dirqamaa main task
qaalluu) angafa dubbii main point, main
ammayyaa a modern subject
ammayyaa booda postmodern angafa gosaa chieftain
ammayyeeffama n modernity angafa hidda dhiigaa vena cava
ammayyeessa n modernisation angafa horata qonnaa main ag-
ammayyeessaa/ -ituu nmlf moderni- ricultural production
ser angafa horataa main production
ammayyeessuu v to modernise angafa karaa main road
ammayyoo n fashion angafa koraa general assembly
ammayyummaa n modernism angafa lagaa main river
ammee n mode (fashion) angafa magaalaa 1) principal
ammichoo n rhizome town or city
ammii n the present (time) 2) metropolis
amnuu n nursing of small baby angafa maleekotaa archangel
amoolee n salt bar angafa malkee main sea port
amoolee kattaa rock salt angafa manbarroo central library
amuummachuu v to yawn angafa mantorobbee police
amuummii n yawn; yawning headquarters
anaanaas n (Eur) pineapple angafa midhaan gabaa major
andaara n fringe, edge; hem cash-crop
andaara cinoo lateral edge angafa midhaanii major crop
andarqii n soap angafa namaa principal person,
andarqii areedaa shaving soap leading character
andarqii dhagnaa soap (for angafa nyaataa staple food
washing the body) angafa oduu headlines (of
andarqii fuulaa face powder broadcasting)
andarqii harkaa soap for hand angafa tajaajilaa main service
washing angafa waajjiraa head office
andarqii uffataa washing powder angafa yaadaa leading idea,
andarqii urgaawaa perfumed principal idea
soap angafoo a original
andilkaa en (andarqii + ilkaanii) angafummaa n seniority
toothpaste anguu n article (literature)
andoodee n soap-nut anjaawaa a/ adv possible; possibly,
angafa n 1) first born, eldest child likely
2) elder; head, chief, leader anjaawummaa n possibility
3) main, principal, major, primary anjaawuu v to be possible
angafa akeekaa main objective, anjii n proper
principal aim anniisaa n force, energy
angafa barumsaa major subject, anniisaa aloo external force
principal subject anniisaa deebisaa restoring
angafa bokonaa headquarters, force
main camp anniisaa gadqabiinsaa com-
angafa buufataa central station, pressive force
main station anniisaa keessoo internal force
angafa diinaa main enemy, prin- anniisaa maagineetaa magnetic
cipal enemy force
angafa dinagdee main economy anniisaa walqixxaataa balanced
angafa dinagdee hojii main eco- force
nomic activity
anniisaa walin-qixxaannee - arfaasee 38
beekumsa bu'uraa basic knowl- biddeena n thin and large local bread
edge biddeena mishingaa biddeena
beekumsa dubbii rhetoric which is made of sorghum
beekumsa durii traditional biddeena warqee bread which is
knowledge made of warqee
beekumsa uummaa science biddeena xaafii biddeena which
beekuu v to know, understand; rec- is made of xaafii
ognise biddiiquu v to sway
beela n hunger bidinjaana n egg-plant (Bot)
beelada n domestic animal bidiree n a small box
beeladoo n animal, fauna bidiree andarqii soap-box
beeladummaa n animality bidirtaa n bathtub, bathing-trunks
beelawaa/-oftuu am/f hungry; bidirtuu nmf boat-maker
starving bidiruu n 1) boat, canoe 2) a beer
beelawuu v to be hungry; starve vessel 3) box 4) coffin 5) trough,
Beeljigii n 1) Belgium 2) a kind of rifle font
beellama n appointment (date), en- bidiruu bishaanii boat, canoe
gagement (appointment) bidiruu deddeebii ferry
beellama qabuu to make an ap- bidiruu dhiqannaa bathtub, bath-
pointment ing-trunks
beellama eeguu to keep an ap- bidiruu farsoo a small beer ves-
pointment sel, barrel
beellama keennuu to give an bidiruu horsiisaa aquarium
appointment bidiruu misoommii developing
beellama manseera a court ad- tank
journment bidiruu reeffaa coffin
beellama qabaachuu to have an bidiruu uffataa box (for clothes)
appointment with bidoollee n habitat
beenchii n (Eng) same as dalgantaa bidoollee bishaanawoo aquatic
beensila n (Eur) gas, petrol, gasoline, habitat
benzine bidoollee lafawoo terrestrial
beensila balali'aa aircraft fuel habitat
beensila waraabbachuu to fuel bidujaa en (biduu + ijaa) iris
beensila-qabeessa benzine con- biduu n birthmark, mole
tent bifa n 1) colour 2) form, shape, ap-
beensiliina n (Eur) penicillin pearance, feature 3) statue
beenyaa n insurance 4) character
beenyaa n insurance (company) bifa bifaan in its category
beenyaa seenuu to be insured bifa bifaan addaan baasuu to
beenya-maleessa/ -ttii uninsured categorise
person bifa bishaanii water-colour
beenya-qabeessa/ -ttii insured bifa burtukaanaa orange-colour,
person reddish-yellow
belgii n canal, channel bifa cuquliisaa blue
bennii a unfermented bifa fakkeenyaa image
beroo n trench (protection for sol- bifa hardiidoo zebra-markings
diers) bifa iddobuutuu complementary
bicummaa n tininess colour
bicummaa giidoo energy loss bifa jalqabbee primary colours
bicuu a very small or little, minute, bifa keelloo yellow
tiny, mini bifa lafaa shape (of the earth)
55 bifa lammee - bilbiltooyyee
boqotaa/ -tuu nmlf one who is in va- bosona n forest, jungle, woods (less
cation etc. dense than caakkaa)
boqotii n act (division in a play) baalarcaatuu deciduous forest
boqottaa n vacation, holiday bosona baddadaree temperate
boqottaa dhukkubaa sick leave forest
boqottaa waggaa annual leave bosona blllalaawaa coniferous
boqqoolloo n maize, corn forest
boraafachuu v to put headrest or bosona godaanbubbee mon-
pillow under one's head soon forest
boraafannaa n putting a headrest or bosona lagaa riverine forest
pillow bosona roobaa rain forest
boraafata n pillow; cushion bosona rooba gammoojjii tropi-
boraafata hoo'aa heating pad cal rain forest
boraatii n 1) a decorated wooden bosona rooba mundhilafaa
headrest 2) pillow; cushion equatorial rain forest
borcee n those who did not perform boson-dhabeessa destitute of
the buttaa ceremony forests
bordoo n club (stick) boson-qabeessa rich in forests,
borofa n roedeer, roedbuck well-wooded
boronqeeffamaa a chalky bosoncireessii en (bosona + ciruu)
boronqeessuu v to chalk deforestation
boronqii n chalk bosoneessa n afforestation
boroo n 1) backyard 2) north bosoneessaa/ -ituu nmlf forester
boroqaa n hole bosoneessii n forestry
boroquu v to have holes bosoneessuu v to forest, plant with
borora n cactus trees, afforest
bororoo a/n dark yellow bosonuu n bushbuck (Zoo)
bororraa n rolling bosora n widower
bororuu v to roll bosortii n window
borqii a unproductive land due to bososa n decay
over-cultivation bososuu v to decay
borumtaa n morrow botokaa n hogback (Geo/)
boruu n 1) eve (of a holiday or a fes- bottoo n brook, creek
tival) prelude 2) future; hope bowwaa n 1) cliff, canyon 2) river
3) east valley
boruu faasigaa the eve of Easter bowwaa lagaa river valley
boruu gannoo Christmas eve bowwee n echo
boruu masqalaa the eve of bowwoo n headache
masqalaa, 14 th of Fulbaana bowwoo jaanjessaa migraine
boruu ramadaanaa the eve of boxxoo a dirty
Ramadan boyii n 1) furrow, groove 2) canal,
boruu ximqataa the eve of duct
Epiphany boyii aannanii lactiferous duct
boruu waggaa haaraa New boyii argaa optic canal
Year's Eve boyii banaa open channel
bosaannan en (boqqoolloo + boyii fincaanll ureter
sooyaa + aannan) CSM (corn boyii imimmaanii lacrimal duct
soya milk) bu'aa1 n hernia
boshee n wheat flour bu'aa dhagnaa n organ (part of
bosobbosii n compost body)
bosobbosiiftuu n decomposer
65 bu'aa dhagna keessaa - buchillaa
curruuqa n crawling
curruuquu v to crawl
curruuqxuu nmf crawling child -D-
curunqoo n rolling done by children,
tumble da'attoo n fort, fortification
curursa n gurgle (of stomach) daa'ima n infant, baby
cuubama n baptism daa'mman sammu-qabeeyyii
cuubamaa/ -tuu am/f baptised gifted children
cuubantaa n baptism daa'imeegduu en baby-sitter
cuubbaa n immersion daabanaa n crack, split, fissure
cuubbii n soaking daabbaa n town
cuubee n dagger daabboo n bread
cuubuu v 1) to dip, immerse, soak daabboo Faranjii European-style
2) to plate, cover 3) to baptise bread
cuukkoo n roasted barley flour mixed daabboo omborii rye bread
with filtered butter, spices and salt daabboo qamadii wheaten bread
cuumfata n digestion daabboo tolchuu to bake bread
cuunfaa n juice; fluid, liquid daabbo-tolchituu baker
cuunfaa ambalafee mango juice daabbusee n birds eye-chilli
cuunfaa bulleessoo digestive daabii n red xaafii
juice daabula'a a green
cuunfaa burtukaanaa orange daabula'uu v to become green
juice daaccii n commemoration
cuunfaa dammaa honey juice daada n 1) folk, people 2) nationality
cuunfaa dhuggoo lemonade (people), ethnic group
cuunfaa fudiraa vegetable juice daaddisaa a ambulant
cuunfaa kudiraa fruit juice daaddoo n flood, torrent, tide
cuunfaa miccee carrot juice daaddoo fiigaa ebb current
cuunfaa muuzii banana juice daaddoo hurrisaa flood tide
cuunfaa shonkooraa cane-juice daaddoo jabaa torrential
cuunfa-dhabeessa dry, sapless daadduu n small valley
cuunfa-qabessa juicy daadee n wisdom tooth
cuunfamaa a squeezed daadhii n mead, hydromel (Oromo
cuunfituu n squeezer national drink)
cuunfoo n extract daafee n kidney-bean
cuunfuu v to squeeze, press; mangle daagaa n terrace (levelled area of
or wring (clothes) sloping)
cuuquu n puppy daagaa kattaa rock terraces
daagaa lagaa stream terraces
daagaa mirree pair terraces
-CH- daagaa sululaa valley terraces
daagaa tabbaa terraced slope
chaartara n (Eng) charter daaggoo n wall
Chaayinaa n China daaggoo aloo exterior wall
Chaayinicha Chinese (man) daaggoo banaa cavity wall
Chaayinittii Chinese (woman) daaggoo Barliin Berlin Wall
cheekii n (Eur) check (draft) daaggoo Chaayinaa Chinese
cheekii banaa blank check Wall
cheekii imaltuu traveller's check daaggoo Harar Harar Wall
chippii n (Eng) chip daaggoo keessoo interior wall
77 daaggoo magaalaa - daannummaa
itti prep a prefix which expresses va- ittisa burgeessaa civil defence
rieties of meanings, e.g. to ittisa gamtaa social defence
itti beekuu to be accustomed, to ittisa gatii price control
be used to ittisa madanaa radiation shield
itti cimsa emphasis; stress ittisa nagaa advocate of peace
itti cimsuu to emphasise; stress ittisa qilleensaa air-raid shelter
itti duuluu to raid; conquer ittisa uummataa people's de-
itti fufa it will continue fence
itti fafaa continuing; next in a se- ittisa walitti bu'iitii buffer
ries ittisaa/ -ftuu nmlf defender, protector
itti fufaatii appendix, supplement ittisaa bakakkaa lightening ar-
itti fufuu to continue (to) rester
itti furrisuu to rocket, bomb with ittisaa bubbee wind-break, shel-
rockets ter-belt
itti gaafatama responsibility, ac- ittisaa gatii price controller
countability ittisa-maleessa defenceless
itti gaafatamaa/ -tuu account- ittiftuu biirusaa virus protector
able, responsible person ittisoo n levee (embankment)
itti gaafatamaa dubartii women's ittisoowwaa en (ittisoo + hoowwaa)
representative insulator
itti gaafatamuu to be responsible ittisuu v to prevent, hinder; defend,
itti jabeessii stress (importance) protect, shield
itti jabeessuu to stress, empha- ittisuuqama en insertion
sise ittisuuqama korreentii outlet
itti yaaduu to think about, think (electric)
of; think over ittisuuquu cv to insert, plug in
itti-duula conquest, raid ittiyaatuu en tributary (of a river)
itti-duula qilleensaa air raid ittoo n home made Oromo cheese
itti-duultuu invader, conqueror iyoodina n (Eur) iodine
itticitaa ca fanatic iyoodinessa n iodisation
itticitummaa n fanaticism iyoona n (Eur) ion
ittidabaltii en plus iyoona mirree ion-pair
ittifannoo n self-defence iyoonessa n ionisation
ittifataa/ -tuu nmlf self-defender, self- iyoonessuu v to ionise
protector iyya n alarming cry
ittiftoota np/ backfield (sport) iyya ariitii SOS
ittifufama en continuity iyya indaanqoo early morning
ittifufamaa ca continuous when the cock crows
ittifufiisa en continuation iyya namaa human cry for urgent
ittigala en objective (goal) help or entreaty
ittimaa/ -tuu cnm/f informant iyyaa n cheetah (Zoo)
ittinyaata en sauce, stew iyyaafachuu v 1) to inquire 2) to scan
ittirkannoo en dependence iyyaafannoo n 1) assessment, inves-
ittirkannoo gamtaa social para- tigation, inquiry 2) scan
sitism iyyaafannoo horannaa industrial
ittisa n defence, protection, safe- requirement, business require-
guard; prevention ment
ittisa bishaanii dam iyyaafata n demand
ittisa biyyaa national defence iyyaafattuu n scanner
ittisa daadaa flood regulation iyyaala n hooligan, scoundrel
ittisa dawumsaa birth control
iyyaalummaa - jabeessituu 160
kuufannoo n residue
kuufata n 1) store 2) precipitate -L-
kuuftuu nmf 1) collector; accumulator
2) coins-collector laabaa n flood
kuuftuu kaardii post-card collec- laabuu v to flood, overflow
tor laafa n blanket
kuuftuu qolayyaa stamps collec- laafina n softness, tenderness;
tor weakness
kuuftuu soorataa food preserva- laaftoo n acacia senegal, mimosa
tive laagaa n palate, oesophagus; larynx,
kuukii n swelling of the stomach vocal cords
kuukkoo n deep-rooted syphilis, laagaa lallaafaa soft palate
chronic syphilis laagaa gawwee hard palate
kuula n embroidered hem of cloth laagee n larynx
kuulii n kohl, mascara laalachuu v to have burning pain
kuulii baalejaa eye-liner laalata n burning pain, throes
kuulii nyaaraa eyebrow pencil laalgubbaa en top view
kuulloo n pigment laallee n information
kuusa n accumulation laalloo n observation
kuusa sagalee sound inventory laaltoo n view
kuusaa n 1) collection 2) accumula- laaltoo xiyyoo edge view
tion laamamuu v to be nursed
kuusaa albuudaa mineral deposit laambaa n (It) lamp
kuusaa bishaanii reservoir laammii n nursing, taking care of
kuusaa dhiigaa blood bank laamtuu nmf person who takes care
kuusaa gaasii gas jar of the sick, a nurse
kuusaa hoo'inaa heat storage laamuu v to nurse (tend sick person);
kuusaa jichayyaalee dictionary try to cure (sickness)
kuusaa poostaa letter-box, mail laapphisii n indiarubber
box laaqaa n a thick mud
kuusaa sabbuu gold reserve laaqaa sibiilaa alloy
kuusaa sanyundee gene bank laaqii n swamp, marsh; marshland
kuusaa soorataa food preserva- laaqii soogiddaa salty marsh
tion laashoo a crippled
kuusaa walaloo anthology laastikii n (Eng) 1) rubber band; rub-
kuusacabbii en glacier ber 2) plastic, synthetic
Kuushii n/ a 1) Cush (ancient country laayira n comma
in the Nile Valley of Lower Sudan) laayira fannoo inverted comma
2) Cushitic labata n generation
kuusii n 1) saving; storing, reserving labba n baby, small child
2) collecting, accumulating labbaa a diagonal
kuusii sabbuu gold reserves labbaan diagonally
kuusuu v 1) to save; collect; store, labbii n a period of 40 years
reserve 2) to pile up, accumulate, labboo n side-view, profile
amass labii a lukewarm
kuxuu n children's game of hiding labooba n flame
kuyeba (kutaa + yeroo barumsaa) laboobaa n wing
semester laboobaa ijaa eyelashes
kuyyiisa n colony of termites laboobaa teellaa hindwing (Zoo)
kuyyubboo n termite hill laboraatorii n (Eng) same as mana
labsa - lafmaroo 178
quufuu v 1) to be full (of food and raaftuu n machine for turning milk
drink), to be satisfied into butter
quuqa n obstruction raafuu n cabbage
quuqoo n hernia raaga n wisdom
quuqqaa n grudge raagaa/ -duu nmlf 1) philosopher
quuqqoo n pebble 2) person who is an expert in tra-
quuruu a hunch-backed dition
quusaraa a underdeveloped raagaa gamtaa social philoso-
quusaraawuu v to be under- pher
developed raagaa hawaasaa social scien-
quusareessaa n factor that causes tist, social philosopher
underdevelopment raagoo n story
quusartii n underdevelopment; lack raagumsa n philosophy
of growth raagumsa gamtaa social phi-
quusartuu amt underdeveloped (of losophy
human and animals) raagumsa hamilee moral phi-
quwwaarsaa n trypanosomiasis losophy, ethics
quyyifachuu v to smear one's face or raagumsa maarkisii Marxist phi-
body with butter, oil or cream losophy
quyyifata n ointment; cream raagauma seenaa philosophy of
quyyisa n 1) oil 2) spices history
quyyisa qobboo castor oil raagumsa uumamaa natural phi-
raaguu v 1) to explain the source of
knowledge 2) to philosophise
. R. raajaa/ -juu nm/f prophet, prophetess
raajeffata n exclamatory
raabsa n distribution raajeffateessa n exclamation mark
raabsa elektiroonaa electronic raajii1 a/ n 1) miracle, wonder
arrangement 2) prophecy
raabsa umurii age distribution raajii2 n (It) X-ray
raabsaa deddeebitii frequency raajumsa n prophecy
distribution raama n eating too much
raabsituu nmf distributor raammee n maggot (Zoo)
raabsituu gaazexaa newspaper raammoo n 1) worm; earthworm
distributor 2) germ, microbe
raabsituu meeshaa distributor of raammoo barroo bookworm
goods (insect)
raabsituu xaa'omsaa distributor raammoo biyyee earthworm
of fertilisers raammoo folkaa woodworm
raabsuu v to distribute raammoo garaa heliminth (Med)
raacha n frog raammoo haarrii silkworm
raacitii n yeast, leaven raammoo heexoo tape-worm
raacitoo n fermentation raammoo mar'imaanii intestinal
raada n young female calf, young worm, intestinal parasite
heifer raammoo midhaanii common
raadiyoo n (Eur) wireless, radio name for grain-eating worms (in
raafama n 1) shaking, stirring 2) flap- the field)
ping raammoo tiruu liver fluke
raafamaa a shakeable raammoo ulee round worm
raamsuu v to spray
229 raamtuu - randa goolloo
zabanyaa n (Amh) same as kar-
zabiiba n (Ar) 1) raisin 2) sacramen-
tal wine of the Orthodox Church
zambiila n (Ar) same as shoroddee
zayitii n (Ar) oil, petroleum
zayitii dibataa especial oil for
zayitii ejersaa olive oil
zayitii geldii heavy oil
zayitii konkolaataa motor oil
zayitii nuugii nigerseed oil
zayitii nyaataa cooking oil
zayitii nyaatamaa edible oil
zayitii qobboo castor oil
zayitii salaaxaa salad-oil
zayitii saliixaa sesame oil
zayitii suufii sunflower-seed oil
zayitii talbaa linseed oil
zayitii uumaa natural oil
zeeroo n same as duwwee
zinnaara n (Ar) same as mundheel-
Ajjee Ajje
APPENDICES Alaltuu Alaltu
Ambo Ambo
Angeettuu Angettu
Aqaaqii Basaqaa Akaki Basaka
Arba Bordodee Arba Bordode
1) GUVYAALEE TORBANII - Arbooyyee Arboyye
Asaasa Asasa
Wlxata (Wi) Monday Asaboot Asabot
Kibxata (Ki) Tuesday Asallaa Asalla
Roobii (Ro) Wednesday Asandaaboo Asandabo
Kamisa (Ka) Thursday Asgorii Abeebee Asgori Abebe
Jimaata (Ji) Friday Asgorli Bachoo Asgori Bacho
Sambata (Sa) Saturday Ashaa Asha
Dilbata (Di) Sunday Awaash Baldhoo Awash Baldho
Awaash Malkaasaa Awaash Malkasa
Awaash Qunxuree Awash Kunture
Awaday Awadai
Baabbilee Baabbile
Birraa spring Baakkoo Bakko
Bona summer Baantuu Bantu
Arfaasaa fall Baatii Bati
Ganna winter Baatuu Batu
Baddallee Baddalle
Baddannoo Baddanno
Baddeessaa Baddessa
Bakkee Bakke
Beegii Begi
Biilaa Bila
Bishooftuu Bishoftu
Amajjii January
Bodda Bodda
Guraandhala February
Bofaa Bofa
Bitootessa March
Bookee Xiqqoo BokeTikko
Ebia April
Booraa Bora
Caamsaa May
Waxabajjii Booree Bore
Boqojjii Bokojji
Adoolessa July
Borodaa Baroda
Hagayya August
Boruu Jaawwii Boru Jawwi
Fulbaana September
Bulbuloo Bulbuloo
Onkoloolessa October
Buraayyuu Burayyu
Sadaasa November
Buree Bure
Mudde December
Burqaa Burka
Buusaa Busa
Caeca Chacha
Caancoo Chancho
Caanqaa Chanka
Caffaa Roobii Chaffa Robi
Caffee Doonsaa Chaffe Donsa
Caffo Chaffo
Abbaltii Abbalti
Calalqaa Chaialaka
Abboomsaa Abmomsa
Calanqoo Chalanko
Adaabbaa Adabba
Ciraa Chira
Adaamaa Adama
Ciro Chiro
Adaamii Tulluu Adami Tullu
Cirracha Chirracha
Addallee Addalle Cittuu Chittu
Adoolaa Adoolaa
Daalattli Dalatti
Adulaala Adulala
Daawwee Dawwe
Agafraa Agafra
Dadar Dadar
Aggaaroo Aggaro
Afrikaa Africa
Ameerikaa Kibbaa South America
America Kaabaa North America
Antaartikaa Antarctic
Asiyaa Asia
Awustaraaliyaa Australia
Oroppaa Europe
Maanya Kaabacabbii
Garba Boroo
Garba Diimaa
Garba Jiddugaleessa
Garba Kaaspiyaa
Garba Meditraaniyaa
Maanya Atlaantikaa
Maanya Hindii