A Dictionary of Oromo Technical Terms

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Tamene Bitima

A Dictionary of Oromo Technical Terms


Herausgegeben von Hans-Jurgen Sasse

ISSN 0721-4340



Tamene Bitima

A Dictionary of Oromo Technical 'Terms

2nd edition

The series Kuschitische Sprachstudien I Cushitic Language Studies i,, a forum
for studies of any kind which may enrich our knowledge in the field of Cushitic
languages and dialects. Both data-oriented and theory-oriented contributions are
welcome: dictionaries, grammatical descriptions, text collections, historical and
comparative studies, as well as theoretical works on specific aspects of language
structure such as phonology or syntax. The series will appear at ir- regular
intervals and comprises both monographs and collections of papers.

Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbiblio-

The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Na-
tionalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the internet at

ISBN 978-3-89645-295-5
ISSN 0721-4340

© 2000 The Author

P.O. Box 45 06 43
50881 Cologne


All rights reserved.

Production: Heimdall DTP & Verlagsservice, Rheine / Germany

@ Printed on acid-free paper which falls within the guidelines of the ANSI
to ensure permanence and durability.

Acknowledgements ................................................................................................ 7

Preface .................................................................................................................... 9

Introduction ............................................................................................................ 11
1) Afaan Oromoo ................................................................................................. 11
2) The Purpose of this Dictionary ........................................................................ 12
3) Entries and Information
4) Qubee Afaan Oromoo ..................................................................................... 12

List of Abbreviations .............................................................................................. 16

Bibliography ........................................................................................................... 18

Dictionary of Oromo Technical Terms .................................................................. 23

Appendices .......................................................................................................... 278

1) Guyyaalee Torbanii - Days of the Week ....................................................... 278
2) Kutaalee Afran Waggaa - The Four Seasons of the Year ............................ 278
3) Kudhalamaan Ji'aa - 12 Months of the Year................................................. 278
4) Magaalota Biyya Oromoo keessa jiran - Towns and Cities in Oromoland ... 278
5) Gaarota Gurguddoo Biyya Oromoo keessa jiran - Big Mountains in
Oromoland (2800-4377 metres above sea-level)........................................ 280
6) Lageen Gurguddoo Biyya Oromoo keessa jiran - Major Rivers in Oromo-
land ............................................................................................................... 281
7) Hara Gurguddoo Biyya Oromoo keessa jiran - Major Lakes in Oromoland 281
8) Naannoo Bulchiinsaa ti Magaalota Duraasaa Biyya Oromoo keessa jiran -
Regions and their Principal Towns in Oromoland ........................................ 281
9) Maqaa Biyolee Addunyaa fi Dirmataa isaanii - Countries and their Capital
Cities ............................................................................................................. 282
10) Maqaa Magaalota Gurguddoo - Important Cities other than Capital Cities. 285
11) Kutaalee Lafaa - Continents ......................................................................... 285
12) Maanya ti Garba - Great Seas and Oceans of the World............................. 285

The publication of this dictionary is carried out in the framework of our project,
"STUDIES on OROMO'", which is directed by Dr. Catherine Griefenow-Mewis of Humboldt
University at Berlin and funded by the German Research Council (Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft). The Department of African Studies of Humboldt University at Berlin
has put its facilities at my disposal. The first stage of my work on this dictionary was supported
by the "Istituto ltalo-Africano'", which gave me a research grant for six months in Rome (from
October 1988 to April 1989) and further financial support for three months here in Germany.
Furthermore, the Addis Ababa University Research and Publication Office gave me research
permission in Ethiopia. I am grateful to all the above mentioned institutions and universities.

I am deeply grateful and indebted to Dr. Griefenow-Mewis for her tireless help. My gratitude
goes also to Professor Alessandro Triulzi, Dr. Giorgio Banti, Dr. Thomas Zitelmann, Dr. Tesema
Ta'a, Dr. Likkisa Dhinsa and Dr. Marco Bassi for all their help and constructive suggestions for
continuing my research work. My thanks go to Mrs. Riem El-Solami, Mrs. Maria Lourdes
Izagirre Ondarra, Mr. Getachew Chamada Nadhabasa, Mr. Chala Raggasa, Mr. Abarraa
Nafaa, Mr. Tarfa Digga and Mr. Sven Nicolas. I am also grateful to all Oromos who encouraged
me to complete this dictionary. Finally, my gratitude goes to our publisher, Mr. Ri.idiger Kappe,
for bringing this dictionary to light.

The work on this dictionary was started some 12 years ago. When I began to collect materials
for this dictionary there were only a few Oromo publications. In fact my main source was
the first Oromo newspaper, BARIISAA. However, since the downfall of the Ethiopian military
dictatorship in 1991, the Oromo language has become a literary language. Now it became even
difficult to follow up all the publications in this language.

This dictionary is a general dictionary of technical terms which is the first one for the
Oromo language. It contains both natural and social science terms in more than 25 semantic
fields. As far as material for the dictionary is concerned I have consulted all relevant Oromo
publications from 1840 to 1999. All together about 20.000 entries are included in the dictionary.

Berlin, January 2000 Tamene Bitima



Afaan Oromoo (the Oromo language), together with Saho-Afar, Somali, Konso, Hadiyya,
Agaw, Beja and more than thirty five other languages, belongs to the Cushitic language
family of the Afro-Asian (Hamito-Semitic) language phylum. It is spoken in three Northeast
African countries: Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia. In Ethiopia alone it is the mother tongue of
some 30 million people. Moreover, it is a lingua franca for many non-Oromo people, both in
Ethiopia and in Kenya. Maybe eight million people speak afaan Oromoo as their second or third
language. In its geographic extension and its number of speakers, it is the fourth largest language
in Africa, after Arabic, Swahili and Hausa.

Though afaan Oromoo is one of the important languages in Africa and the language
which was used in the royal courts of the Oromo Gibe-states and other Oromo regions of the
Horn of Africa, the status of the language has changed dramatically, after Abyssinia, then a small
country in the northern part of Ethiopia, colonised Oromoland in the last quarter of the 19th
century. The Abyssinian conquerors did not only appropriate the land of the Oromo people and
made them landless serfs, but also suppressed the Oromo culture and ruled the people with iron
hands. They have made the Oromo language a target for suppression, which they saw as the heart
of Oromo culture. It was legally forbidden to use afaan Oromoo in all official communications
such as in courts, churches and mosques, schools, offices and parliament. To make it short till
1992, there was not a single school in the whole of Ethiopia which teaches in afaan Oromoo
even in first or second grade.

The protracted struggle of the Oromo, Eritrean and Ethiopian peoples has uprooted the
inhuman rule of the military regime under colonel Mengistu Haile-Mariam, in 1991. Since 1992
afaan Oromoo is the medium of instruction from 1-8 grades in Oromia. It is also taught from 9-
10 grades as a subject. Moreover, it is the official language of government, parliament and courts
in the "Regional State of Oromia". The new Oromo alphabet, qubee, is officially accepted by
the government, though the Amhara groups in Oromia and their elite's abroad, are waging a
propaganda war against the official use of afaan Oromoo and its publications.

The Ethiopian Orthodox Church which has co-operated with the Abyssinian state in
conquering and enslaving the Oromo and other southern peoples has now declared a special war
on qubee by labeling it as the "work of Satan". Some members of this church even refused
to bury an Oromo woman in their church yards as usual, due to her teaching of afaan Oromoo
in qubee. For those who know the backwardness of the Abyssinian church this is not
surprising. What is rather surprising is the alliance of the Amhara elite's with the Ethiopian
clergy in "making war" against qubee and the Oromo language. Both of them failed to understand
the dynamism of a society. Anyhow, they still pretend to know what is good for the Oromo

Now the Amhara elite's, church men and Amhara nationalists have put qubee on their political
agenda. By doing so they highly politicised the unpolitical qubee question. Being pushed to the
corner of the world Oromos have also started to politicise their qubee recently. They began to
put qubee as one of their national symbols equal to odaa and baqqala faa,ijii, which are the
symbols of their gadaa-democracy and their freedom. What one should consider is really the
role of the Oromo people. As I myself observed in 1992 the Oromo have accepted qubee with
enthusiasm, so much that people flocked to towns and market places to

learn qubee. The most popular three terms that one can hear from the mouths of Oromos are
qubee, Oromiyaa and bilisummaa. Oromo groups and organisations have always political
differences minor and major ones alike. However, on the question of qubee they are all united as

After the Oromo adopted qubee, written Oromo literature has begun to flourish. Books,
journals, newspapers, video-files, theatre plays etc. are now all available in afaan Oromoo.
Just to mention one example: in about eight months only Oromo intellectuals worked day and
night to publish 83 items of school materials, in 1992. Indeed this is a miracle by itself if miracles
have ever existed. Interestingly enough, the "Voice of America" which used to broadcast only
in Amharic has begun recently to broadcast in afaan Oromoo too. Furthermore, in the field
of modern information technology some Oromos in the Diaspora have already developed
software for their language. Thus, if the current momentum is maintained, afaan Oromoo will
be one of the fastest developing African languages that can be used in various fields.


As afaan Oromoo became the official language in Oromia new terms have emerged, and are
still emerging. Many people such as teachers, students, journalists, administrators and scholars
need a reference book for such words. Moreover, Oromo and non-Oromo researchers of the
Oromo culture need some reference books. I hope this work will help them, and still stimulates
some Oromos to compile even more comprehensive dictionaries of technical terms.


The entries are arranged alphabetically, following the new Oromo alphabet. The dictionary is
very rich in sub-entries which are also arranged alphabetically. Given information as follows:

a) Oromo headwords are written in boldfaces

b) grammatical information given in italics
c) when a compound word is written as a single word and its components are not clear, then
its components are given in brackets; e. g.:
i) agargoo en (agarsiisa + dhugoo) data
ii) barkumee en (hara+ kuma) millennium
d) sources of loanwords are given in brackets
e) whenever there is a native Oromo term in addition to a loanword, then the meaning of that
term is indicated by referring to it "same as-" ; e. g.:
i) kibriitii n (Ar) same as ichimmee
ii) paarlamaa n (Eur) same as ca/fee (meaning no.5)
t) semantic fields are given in brackets and in italics.


Qubee afaan Oromoo (the Oromo alphabet), which is based on Latin alphabet has
31 letters.


There are five short and five long vowels in Oromo.

Short Long

a aa
e ee
0 00
u uu


For the sake of non-Oromo users of this dictionary, I will provide some information on

Symbol Oromo example English English example

a adda forehead as u in but

aa gaangee mule as a in yard
biyya country as i in bit
II diina enemy as ea in beat
e elmuu to milk as e in egg
ee eebba blessing similar to a in late
0 born tomorrow as o in on
00 hoolaa sheep as o in pope
u buna coffee as u in put
uu uumuu to create as oo in fool.


b c ch d dh f g h j k I m n ny p ph q r s sh t u w x y z '

The following consonants are common to both English and Oromo:

b ch d f g h j k I m n p r s sh t w z.

Symbol Oromo example English English example

and remarks

b baabura train boy

ch gammachuu happiness church
d duwwee zero door
f farda horse foot
g gaara mountain game
h hara lake he
J jabduu adventure jump
k kubbaa ball king

laga river leaf

m mana house male
n nafa body name
p poostaa post people (exists only in
r rakkoo problem river (rolled in
s sammuu brain always voiceless as
in see
sh shukkaara sugar shoe
t torobbee policeman tea
w waggaa year wind
y yeroo time yes
z zabiiba raisin zone (only in
har'a today under


In addition to the above given consonants Oromo has five more which need more remarks

Symbol Remarks and Oromo examples

C glottalized palatal: cabbii - snow

dh implosive alveolar dental: dhagaa -stone
ny nasal palatal - is like English ni in onion and
is equivalent to French gn in cognac, or Italian
gn in signore, nyaata - food
ph glottalized labial: kophee - shoe
q glottalized velar - as in Arabic qamar
(moon); quba - finger
X glottalized alveolar: xannacha - gland

e) HUDHAA (')

Hudhaa is a glottal stop('):

re'ee goat
gur'uu udder
hoo'ina heat
baay'isuu to multiply
har'a today


Doubling of vowels and consonants is a very important feature in Oromo. It is not only
reflected in the pronunciation, but also makes a difference to the meaning. In Oromo we call a

single vowel short and a double vowel long, a single consonant so.ft and a double consonant
strong. Double consonants are pronounced as in English book-keeper, or Italian nn in donna
(woman). Let us see the following examples:

Short vowel Long vowel

Lafa earth laafaa soft; weak

laga river laagaa larynx
mala method malaa pus
gara towards gaara mountain
goda down goodaa prairie

Soft consonant Strong consonant

samuu to mold sammuu brain

sodaa fear soddaa in-law
badaa hot ash baddaa highland
bobaa armpit bobbaa action of grazing
bitaa left bittaa purchase

The following Oromo consonant chart may help those who are not familiar with some
Oromo sounds:

labial alveolar/dental palatal velar glottal

Stop Voiced b d J g
Stop Voiceless (p) t ch k '

Stop Glottalised ph X C q
Implosive Voiced dh
Fricative Voiced (v) (z)

Fricative Voiceless f s sh h
Nasal m n ny
Lateral I, r
Glide w y

The alphabetical order in this dictionary is as follows:

a b c ch cl dh e f g h i j k I m n ny o p ph q r s sh t u w x y z (').

a) Etymological information:

Amh Amharic
Ar Arabic
Eng English
Eur European
Fr French
Ger German
It Italian
Rus Russian

b) Grammatical Abbreviations:

a adjective
a/adv adjective or adverb
a/n adjective or noun
a/nl adv adjective, noun or adverb
alnmf adjective or noun, masculine and feminine form
abbr abbreviation
adv adverb
adv/prep adverb or preposition
am/f adjective, masculine form/ feminine form
arnf adjective, masculine and feminine
ca compound adjective
cadv compound adverb
ca/en compound adjective or compound noun
cam/f compound adjective, masculine form/ feminine form
camf compound adjective, masculine and feminine form
en compound noun
en/ca compound noun or compound adjective
cnmf compound noun, masculine and feminine form
cnmlf compound noun, masculine/ feminine form
conj conjunction
CV compound verb
int interjection
n noun
nla noun or adjective
nla 111/f noun or adjective, masculine/ feminine form
nladv noun or adverb
nlamf noun or adjective, masculine/ feminine form
nlpro noun or pronoun
11{ noun, feminine form
11111 noun, masculine form
nm/f noun, masculine form/ feminine form
nmf noun, masculine and feminine
npl plural noun
part particle
pl plural
pref prefix
prep preposition
prepln preposition or noun

pro pronoun
pro/n pronoun or noun
Sl({ suffix
l' verb
vi 11 verb or noun

c) Other abbreviations:

lit literal
usu. usually
Eth. Cal. Ethiopian Calendar
NB nota bene
nd no date
opp. opposite of
np no place

d) Abbreviations of Semantic Fields:

Agr Agriculture
Anat Anatomy
Astra Astronomy
BC Building and Construction
Biol Biology
Bot Botany
Chem Chemistry
Comp Computer
Dent Dentistry
Econ Economics
Elect Electricity
EM Electro-Mechanics
Geog Geography
Geo! Geology
Geom Geometry
Gram Grammar
Ling Linguistics
Liter Literature
Math Mathematics
Med Medicine
Mil Military
Mus Music
Nu Nutrition
Path Pathology
Photog Photography
Phys Physics
Pol Politics
Stat Statistics
Zoo Zoology

a) In Afaan Oromoo

Abarraa Hambisaa - Booree Booranaati, Finfinnee, 1993

Abarraa Nafaa et. al. - Galmee Jechoota Afaan Amaaraafi afaan Oromoo, Finfinnee, I 994
Abbiyyuu Galataa - Galma Afaan Oronwo, Washington, D. C., 1996
Abdulnaasir Abdallaah Ahmad - Hundeewwan Aqiidaa, (np), 1994
Abdulsamad Muhammad - Seerlugaa Afaan Oromoo, Finfinnee, I 994
Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo - Barreeffama Lammaffaa kan /joollee, (np), 1980
-------- Barreeffama Qubee Jechaa, (np), 1980
-------- Barreeffama Tokkoffaa, kan Nama Guddaa, (np), 1980
--------Gargaarsa Duraa, (np), 1981
-------- Quluu Bareedaa, (np), I 980
-------- Sagantaa Siyaasaa, Finfinnee, 1976
----- - Seensa Barnoota Oromif.faa, Barnoota Duraa, (np). I 979
-------- Siyaasaa Dinagdee, (np), 1980
Akkaadaamii Afaan Saboota ltoophiyaa - Galmee Jechoota Afaan Oromoo, Finfinnee, I 996
Alamaayyoo Qubee - Waa Diniq, Finfinnee, I 993
Ambaaw Daamxoo - Kitaaba Barnoota Afaan Oromoo, Harar, I 985 (Eth. Cal.)
Anonymous - Oromoota: lyyannaa Diddaa Roorroo, Finfinnee, I 971
Anonymous - Sagaleewwan Afaan Oromoo, Addis Ababa, 1976
Anonymous- Hirmaatadubbii Afaan Oromoo, (np), I 973
Araarsoo Badhaasaa - Seenaa Dhalootafi Hidda Oromoo Sooddoo, Finfinnee, I 995
Asteer Gannoo -Afaan Oromoo: Weedduu Jaalalaa, (np), 1999
Bantii Oliiqaa - Yaadanii, Finfinnee, 1998
Baqalaa Mullataa - Qajeelcha Afaan Oromoo, Barreessa Duraa, Addis Ababa, I 97 I
Baqalaa Mullataa - Qajeelcha Afaan Oromoo, Barreessa Lammaffaa, Addis Ababa, (nd)
Biiroo Barnoota Oromiyaa - Barmoota Saayinsii Naannoo, Ga'eessotaaf, Kitaaba
Tokkoffaa, Finfinnee, 1995
----- - Barnoota Afaan Oromoo, Kitaaba Barataa. Kutaa Iffaa. Finfinnee, I 995
-------- Barnoota Afaan Oromoo, Kitaaba Barataa, Kutaa 3, Finfinnee, 1996
- ------ Barnoota Afaan Oromoo, Kitaaba Barataa, Kutaa 6, Finfinnee, 1996
----- - Barnoota Afaan Oromoo, Kitaaba Barataa, Kutaa 7, Finfinnee, I 995
----- - Barnoota Afaan Oromoo, Kitaaba Barataa. Kutaa 8.,Finfinnee. I 995
----- - Barnoota Afaan Oromoo, Kitaaba Barataa. Kutaa 9, Finfinnee.1996
----- - Barnoota Afaan Oromoo, Kitaaba Barataa. Kutaa 10, Finfinnee.1996
----- - Barnoota Afaan Oromoo, Kitaaba Barataa. Kutaa 1 I, Finfinnee. 1996
----- - Barnoota Afaan Oromoo, Qajeelcha Barsiisaa. Kutaa 3, Finfinnee. I 996
----- - Barnoota Afaan Oromoo, Qajeelcha Barsiisaa. Kutaa 5-ffaa, Finfinnee. I 996
----- - Barnoota Fiiziksii, Kitaaba Barataa, Kutaa 7-ffaa, Finfinnee, I 996
----- - Barnoota Hawaasaa, Kitaaba Barataa, Kutaa 6-ffaa, Finfinnee, 1996
----- - Barnoota Hawaasaa, Kitaaba Barataa, Kutaa 7-ffaa, Finfinnee, I 996
- ------ Barnoota Herregaa, Ga'eessotaa, Kitaaba Tokkoffaa, Finfinnee, I 995
- ------ Barnoota Herregaa, Ga' eessotaa, Kitaaba Lammaffaa, Finfinnee, 1995
----- - Barnoota Herregaa, Ga' eessotaa, Kitaaba Sadaffaa, Finfinnee, I 995
----- - Barnoota Herregaa, Kitaaba Barataa, Kutaa 7-ffaa, Finfinnee, I 996
----- - Barnoota Kemistirii, Kitaaba Barataa, Kutaa 7-ffaa, Finfinnee, I 992
----- - Barnoota Muuziqaa, Kitaaba Barataa, Kutaa 1-ffaa, Finfinnee, 1995

-------- Barnoota Muuziqaa, Kitaaba Barataa, Kutaa 2-ffaa, Finfinnee, 1996

----- - Barnoota Muuziqaa, Kitaaba Barataa, Kutaa 5-ffaa, Finfinnee, 1995
----- - Barnoota Muuziqaa, Kitaaba Barataa, Kutaa 6-ffaa, Finfinnee, 1996
-------- Barnoota Saayikolojii, Finfinnee, 1995
----- - Barnoota Saayinsii, Kitaaba Barataa, Kutaa 6-ffaa, Finfinnee, 1996
-------- Barnoota Saayinsii Naannoo, Ga' eessotaaf, Kitaaba Lammaffaa, Finfinnee, 1995
-------- Barnootaa Saayinsii Naannoo, Ga'eessotaaf, Kitaaba Sadaffaa, Finfinnee, 1995
----- - Jechoota Fakkiin Baruu, Finfinnee, 1997
-------- Kitaaba Barnoota Afaan Oromoo, Ga'eessotaaf, Barumsa Jalqabaa, Finfinnee, 1995
-------- Kitaaba Bamoota Afaan Oromoo, Ga'eessotaaf, Barumsa Lammaffaa, Finfinnee, 1995
Chagne, L. - Katechismus Joki Barsiisa Nama Kristian, Paris. 1880
-------- Manuale Nama Kristian, kara sajatana diseti Kristositti aka bulutti, Paris 1880
-------- Raga motuma waqa, Roma, 1925
Code-Ethiopia - Jireenya Fooyya'aa, Fayyaa 1-2, Addis Ababa, 1997
----- - Jireenya Fooyya'aa, Hawaasummaa 1-2, Addis Ababa, 1997
----- - Jireenya Fooyya'aa, Industirii 1-2, Addis Ababa, 1997
----- - Jireenya Fooyya'aa, Qonnaa 1-2, Addis Ababa, 1997
Dafaa Jammoo -Aadaa Oromoo Wallaggaa, Ayiraa (Wallagga), 1974 (Eth. Cal.)
- ------ Gumbii Oduu, Ayiraa (Wallagga), 1975 (Eth. Cal.)
----- - Kuusaa Sagalee Oromoo, Ayiraa (Wallagga), 1980 (Eth. Cal.)
Dhaabaa Wayyeessaa - Godaannisa, Finfinnee, 1992
----- - Gurraacha Abbayaa, Washington, D.C., 1996
EMPDA - Barnoota Herregaa, Kitaaba Barataa, Kutaa 6-ffaa, Finfinnee, 1992
----- - Barnoota Mala Jireenyaa, Kan Barataa, Kutaa 3-ffaa, Finfinnee, 1992
----- - Barnoota Muuziqaa, Kutaa 4-ffaa, Finfinnee, 1992
----- - Barnoota Qonnaa, Kitaaba Barataa, Kutaa 2-ffaa, Finfinnee, 1992
Gaaddisaa Birruu - Kuusaa Gadoo, Finfinnee, 1983 (Eth. Cal.)
Gadaa Melbaa - Oromiyaa - Seensa Gabaabaa Seenaa Oromoo, Oromiyaa, I 981
Gumii Qormaata Afaan Oromoo - Mammaaksa Oromoo, Finfinnee, Jildii 1, 1996, Jildii 2,
1990 (Eth. Cal.)
Hawaasa Oromoo Nederland - ABC: Barmoota Qabee Afaan Oromoo, Amsterdam, 1997
Hayiluu Bantii - Coraa Aaadaa, Finfinnee, 1997
IBSO-BAAT/1, Maryland, Vol., No. 1, 1996 (Eth. Cal.), No, 2, 1991
Iskandar Idris - Oromijfa 2. 0, 1997, 1998
Jaalataa Jaafaroo - Jireenya Gamtasabaa, Addis Ababa, 1975
Jamaal AI-Badawii - Sadarkaa Dubartii /slaama Keessatti, Addis Ababa, 1996
JDOA - Bilisummaa, Washington, D. C., Hidhaa II, Lakk. I, 1987
KHG-TBOG - Gaachana Odaa, Frankfurt, 1988
Komitee Qopphee Afaan Oromoo - Dubbisa Akeeka Ogummaa, Hundee Barumsaa, Addis
Addis, 1983
Kood Itiyoophiyaa fi Biiroo Barnoota Oromiyaa - Hogbarruu Daa'immanii, 1-6, Addis
Ababa, 1996
Koree Dagaagsituu Afaan Oromoo - Barreeffama Oromijfaa, Finfinnee, 1992
Kumsaa Buraayyuu - Suuraa Abdii, Finfinnee, 1993
Kuwee Kumsaa (Translator) - Manifestoo Komunistii, Addis Ababa, 1976
Maaramee Harqaa Kaasaa - Gundoo Booree, Finfinnee, 1993
Mahammad Xiyyoo - Takka Ol Fuudha Seera lslaamatti, (np), (nd)
Mahdi Hamid Muudee - Walaloo Warraaqsa Oromoo. Oromo Revolutionary Poems, Atlanta,
Mangashaa Riqituu - Biiftuu Diiramaa, Addis Ababa, 1979
Masfin Baqqalaa - Mana Hidhaa ltophiyaa, (np), 1979

Mohammad Ahmed - Koobaa Dubbii, Finfinnee, 1992

Muhammad Rashaad Abdallaah - Gadaa /slaamaa, Khartoum, 1986
Mushuraa Tegegn - Beekaa, IV, Addis Ababa, 1995
Namee Waaqoo - Barmoota Afaan Oromoo fi Qajeelcha /saa, Finfinnee, 1993
Onesimus Nesib - The Galla Spelling-Book, Massowah 1894 (Ooneesimoos and Aster
Gannoo - Jalqaba Barsiisaa)
- ------ Macaafa Qulqulluu, St. Chrischona, 1899
Shaikh Muhammad M. Assawwaaf - Barmoota Salaataa, Addis Ababa, 1995
Shanee Afaan Oromoo (TBOA) - Abjootee, Frankfurt, 1983
Sheekh Abdulaziiz Bin Abdullaah Bin Baaz - Barmoota Barbaachisaa Ummata Maraaf,
Addis Ababa, 1995
Sheekh Muhammad Rashaad Kabiir - Barsiisa Diin Islaamaa Gabaabsaa, Dar AI-Manara,
Taammanaa Bitimaa - Majaafi Garee - The Hyena and the Party, West Berlin, 1984
- ------ Abbaa Qoraanii, Berlin, 1986
----- -Abbaa Qoraanii-The Firewood Seller, Berlin, 1986
Tabsaa Gurraacha Kitilaa - Oromif.faa, Finfinnee, 1993
Taki lee Qinaaxxii - Dirmammuu, Finfinnee, 1995
Tamasgen Gammadaa - Waldhaansoo Gitootaaf Warraaqsa Uummataa, Addis Ababa, 1980
Tasgara Hirpo - Haasaa Oromoo, Hermannsburg, 1992
Tashoomaa Bulaa - Buufata, Gudunfituufi Qubguddeessa Afaan Oromoo keessatti,
Finfinnee, 1994
TBOA - Sagalee Oromoo, Berlin, Kutaa 8-ffaa, Lakk. 1-ffaa, 1982
TDOA - Cunqusaafi Qabsoo Dubartii, Jarmanii, 1986
- ------ Geeddaramaafi Qabsoo Dubartii: Durii, Ammaafi Fuula Duraa, (np), 1986
Tilahun Gamta - Seera Afaan Oromo, Finfinne, 1995
TOA - Sagalee Oromoo, Berlin, Hidh. 2, Lakk. 1, 1987
Toleeraa Tasammaa - Barnoota Bu'uuraa Afaan Oromoo, Finfinnee, 1996
- ---- fi Hundasaa Waaqwayyaa - Barnoota Oromif.faa-Seera Qajeelcha afaanii, Finfinnee,
Waajjira Duree Ministirootaa - Imaammannoo Poppuleesninii Biyyaalessaa, Finfinnee, 1993
Wabayaa Galaan - Qorsa Sammuu, Finfinnee, 1995
Walda Yohaannis Warqinaa- Daaw'itii, Finfinnee, 1998
Waldaa Macaafa Qulqulluu Itiyoophiyaa - Kakuu Haaraa, Addis Ababa, 1995
Wasanee Bashaa - Qorii Hambaa, Finfinnee, 1990 (Eth. Cal.)
Xajjituu Tegegn - Suunsuma-Geerrarsa-Orrmo-Englis, Addis Ababa, 1994

b) In English and other Languages

Andrzejewski, B.W. - Some Preliminary Observations on the Borana Dialect of Galla, in:
Bulletin of School of Oriental and African Studies, 19, 2, I 957
Anonymous - Oromofor Foreigners (unpublished material for university use), (np,nd)
Anonymous - Peace Corps I Ethiopia's Orama-Language Manual, np, 1996
Arenzano, I. d'. - Grammatica della lingua galla, Alba, 1940
Bitima Boru - A Short Course of the Oromo Language, (np), 1976
Borello, P. M. - Grammatica della lingua galla loromol Parte prima, Torino, 1939
Dizionario Oromo-ltaliano, Hamburg, 1995
Cavallera, B. - Grammatica della lingua oromo, Addis Abeba, 1939
Cerulli, E. - The Folk-Literature of the Galla of Southern Abyssinia, Cambridge, 1922

Cotter, G. -Salt for Stew, Proverbs and Sayings of Oromo People with English Translation,
Addis Ababa, 1990
Dagnini, V. - Dizionarietto efrasario medico in galla ed amharico, Jimma, 1938
Docati, B. - Dizionarietto galla, Roma, 1937
Elias Aberra - Kuussagale Surroqorichaa ( Oromo Medical Dictionary), Kuopio (Finland),
Fodor, I. - Language Reform-History and Future, Vol.1-3, Hamburg, 1984
Foot, C. F. - Galla-English, English-Galla Dictionary, Cambridge,1913
Gragg, G. - Oromo ofWellega. in: M. L. Bender (Ed.), The Non-Semitic Languages of
Ethiopia, Michigan, 1976, pp. 166-195
Oromo Dictionary, Michigan, 1982
Griefenow-Mewis, Catherine and Tamene Bitima - Lehrbuch des Oromo. Koln, 1994
Oromo Obungsbuch, Koln, 1995
Heine, B. - The Waata Dialect of Oromo, Berlin, 1981
Hodson, A. W. and Walker, C. H. - An Elementary and Practical Grammar of the Galla or
Oromo Language, London, 1922
Jarosseau, A. - Notions grammaticales sur la langue Galla, Dire Dawa, 1922
Krapf, J. L. -An Jmpe,fect Outline of the Elements of the Galla Language, London, /840
Vocabulary of the Galla Language, London, 1842
Landau, S.I. - Dictionaries, the Art and Craft of Lexicography, New York, 1984
Launhardt, J. - Guide to Learning the Oromo Language, Addis Ababa, 1973
Leus, T. - Borana Dictionary, Holland, W.S.D. Grafisch Centrum Schijndel, 1995
Leus, T.; Loo, J. Van de and Cotter, G. - Vocabulary English-Oromo, Addis Ababa, 1992
Mahdi Hamid Muudee - Oromo Dictionary, Volume 1, English-Oromo, Atlanta, 1995
Massaia G. - Lectiones Grammatica/es pro Missionaris qui addiscere volunt linguam
Amaricum ... linguam Oromonica, Parigi, 1867
Mengesha Rikitu - Oromia Recollected, London, 1998
Mohammed Ali and Zaborski, A. - Handbook of the Oromo Laguage, Wroclaw, 1990
Moreno, M.M - Grammatica teorico-pratica della lingua Galla con esercizi, Roma, 1939
Nordfeldt, M. -A Galla Grammar, Lund, 1947
Obsaa Tegegn - Mammaaka-Proverbs and Weelluu-Love songs from Arsii, Addis Ababa,
Oromia-Net - Oromiffa Science and Technology Vocabulary Update, Version 3. 1, 1994
Owens, J. -A Grammar of Harar Oromo (Northeastern Ethiopia), Hamburg, 1985
Qajeelaa Mardaasaa -A Short Guidance to the Oromo Language, Finfinnee, 1993
Sasse, H. J. -An Etymological Dictionary of Burji, Hamburg, 1982
Schmidt, F. -Abriss der Shoagallagrammatik, in: ZDMG, Bd. 22, Leipzig: 225-248, 1868
Stroomer, H. -A Grammar of Boraana Oromo ( Kenya), Koln, 1995
A Comparative Study of Three Southern Oromo Dialects in Kenya, Hamburg, 1987
Tamene Bitima- Oromo Technical Terms, in: AFRICA, Roma, AnnoXLV, N. 4, 641-658,
European Loanwords in Afaan Oromoo, in: Griefenow-Mewis, C. and Voigt, R. M,
Cushitic and Omotic Language, Porceedings of the Third International Symposium,
Koln, 1994
Tasgara Hirpo - Goldgrube: Oromo Sprichworter und-Redewendungen, Koln, 1996
Thiene, G. da - Dizionario della lingua galla, Harar, 1939
Tilahun Gamta. - Oromo-English Dictionary, Addis Ababa, 1989
Tutscheck, K. - Lexicon der Galla-Sprache, Miinchen, 1844
A Grammar of the Galla Language, Miinchen, 1845
Venturino, P. - Vocabolario italiano-borana, Marsabit, 1976
Viterbo, E. - Grammatica e dizionario della lingua oromonica, Milano, 1892

Webster, E. J. - The Particle in Boran, in: African Studies 19, 1:33-43, 1960
Yigazu Tucho; R. David Zorc; Eleanor C. Barna - Orama Newspaper Reader, Grammar
Sketch and Lexicon, Kensington, 1996
Yonas Angose - Orama-English Conversation, Finfinnee, 1999
Zgusta, L. et al. - Manual of Lexicography, The Hague, Paris, 1971

c) Periodicals

ABC-BARNOOTA AWAASAA - Finfinnee, Lakk. I, 1994

BAKKALCHA OROMOO - Finfinnee, Hidh. II, Lakk. 1, 1997; Hidh. VI, Lakk. 3, 1999
BARIISAA - Ebia 27, 1968 (Eth. Cal.); Adoolessa 23; 1968 (Eth. Cal.); Sadaasa 24, 1969
(Eth. Cal.); Bitootessa 3, 1974 (Eth. Cal.); Fulbaana 3, 1978 (Eth. Cal.); Onkoloo-
lessa 5, 1986 (Eth. Cal.); 2 Oct., 16 Oct., 13 Nov., 20 Nov., 11 Dec., 19 Dec., 1998
etc. (and more than I 00 issues which I have consulted from 1970- 1998)
BEEKAA - Addis Ababa, I, July 1993; II, Dec. 1993
BIIFTUU - Finfinnee, Lakk. 1, Lakk. 2, 1993
DIRMATA - Lakk. I, (np), 1989
EJERSA - Washington, D. C., June 1996; April 1998; July 1998
FINFINNEE - Karlsruhe, Vol., No. 1, 1997
GADAA - Finfinnee, Lakk. I, 1992; Lakk. 2, Lakk. 3, I 993; Lakk. 4, Lakk. 5, 1994
!CHIMA - Finfinnee, Hidh. I, Lakk. I, 1993
KALLACHA OROMIY AA - Finfinnee Onkoloolessa 12, Sadaasa 10, Mudde 8, 1991 (Eth.
Cal.); Hagayya 3, 1995
KIILOLEE - Finfinnee, Lakk. 2, 3, 1994; Lakk. 4, 1994; Lakk. 6, 1997
MADDA WALAABUU - Finfinnee, Lakk. 2, 1993; Lakk. 6, 1993
ODAA - Finfinnee, Hidh. I, Lakk. I, 1993; Hidh. 1, Lakk. 5, Lakk. 6, Lakk.7, 1994
OROMIY AA - Finfinnee, Lakk. 8, 1991
OROMIY AA HAABARRU - Finfinnee, Lakk.11, 1996
QABEE - Finfinnee, Lakk. I, Lakk. 2, 1992; Lakk. I, 1994
QOONQA AANNOLEE - Washington, D. C., Lakk. 1994
QUNNAMTII OROMIA-Daly City, Vol. 2, No. 4, 1992
SANDUUQA OROMIY AA - Finfinnee, Lakk. 1996
URJII - Finfinnee, Hidh. I, Lakk. 4, 1994; Hidh. 1, Lakk. 7, 1995; Hidh. 1, Lakk. 3, 1996;
Hidh. 1, Lakk. 3, 1996
Wiirtuu - vol. I, 1995, vol. 2, 3, 4, 1989, 1990 and 1991 (Eth. Cal.), Finfinnee
aabaa - aannan harmaa

• A- aandhibbaala en deputy lieutenant

aangawa n violence
aabaa n letter of the alphabet aangawaa a violent; mighty
aabaa hamma zaatti from A to Z aangawuu v to be violent
aada n groan; moan aangoma n powerfulness, forceful-
aadaa n culture; tradition, custom ness; mightiness
aadaa afkalaa bourgeois culture aangomsa n empowerment
aadaa afoolaa non-literate culture aangomsuu v to empower
aadaa biyyaa national culture aangomuu v 1) to be powerful, be
aadaa durkii liberal culture forceful 2) to be empowered
aadaa hojii professional culture aangoo n 1) power, authority
aadaa makaa mixed culture 2) strength, force 3) might
aadaa miti-wanneetaa non- aangoo atoomii atomic power
material culture aangoo bulchayyaa governmen-
aadaa uummataa popular culture tal authorities
aadaa uummata baldhaa mass aangoo bulmaataa administra-
culture tive authority
aadaa wanneetaa material cul- aangoo gamtaa social authority
ture aangoo gorsaa advisory author-
aadaa warroommii custom mar- ity
riage (Law) aangoo mootummaa state
aada-danee multicultural power
aaddee n 1) elder sister 2) Mrs., aangoo nuklaraa nuclear power
Madam aangoo sammuu brainpower,
aaddoo n potter brainwork
aadumsa n groaning; moaning aangoo seeraa legislative author-
aaduu1 n knife ity, judicial power
aaduu meetii silver knife aangoo taliigaa political power
aaduu sabbuu golden knife aangoo Waaqaa Almighty God,
aaduu2 v to groan; moan omnipotence of God
aaga n 1) luck, fortune, chance, des- aango-qabeessa powerful
tiny 2) good news, herald aango-qabeessummaa absolute
aaga himtuu 1) bearer of good power, absolute authority
news 2) gospeller aangodhaan violently, strongly,
aaga himuu to announce good forcefully
news, herald aanguu n stanza
aaga-dhabeessa unlucky, unfor- aankumaala en captain (a military of-
tunate ficer)
aaggoo n gospel aankurnaala en deputy corporal
aagii n forgiveness, pardon aannan n 1) milk 2) latex, milky sap
aagii baasuu to forgive, pardon aannan battalee instant milk
aagi-baasaa a person who for- aannan coomtodhablee defatted
gives milk
aagituu nmf 1) bearer of good news aannan daakuu milk-powder,
2) gospeller dried milk
aagomuu v to be lucky, be fortunate aannan danfii boiled milk
aammoo n blood vessel aannan elmamaa skim milk
aanaa n district aannan faranjii powdered milk
aanaa magaalaa municipal from Europe or America
district aannan harmaa breast milk
aancibraala en colonel
aannan maagnesiyaa - abbaa duulbantii 24

aannan maagnesiyaa milk of abaxallaa n flat open country, prairie

magnesium abaxalloo n savannah
aannan mi'ii fresh milk abbaa n 1) father 2) owner 3) seller
aannan-maleessa milkless; 4) leader; guardian, dispenser
sapless abbaa aangoo official, dignitary,
aannan-qabeessa 1) milky executive
2)sappy abbaa aannanii dairyman
aannannaawuu v 1) to be milky abbaa abaaboo florist
2) to be sappy abbaa alangee traditional Oromo
aannannee a 1) kind-hearted attorney general
2) friendly, amiable abbaa amantii religious leader
aannanooftuu nmf a person who i.e. qaal/uu, imam, bishop, pope
talks friendly abbaa arbaa successful killer of
aannanummaa n 1) milkiness an elephant
2) sappiness 3) calmness, gentle- abbaa ateetee a person whose
ness wife celebrates the ateetee cult
aannolee np/ 1) milk-cows 2) dairy abbaa baankii banker
cattle abbaa biddeenaa stepfather
aantee n close relative, next of kin abbaa biliyoona billionaire
aantima en object (Gram) abbaa biyyaa 1) leader (regional
aantummaa n very close relationship or national) 2) governor
aarii n anger abbaa biyyummaa 1) indigen-
aarii bawuu to avenge, revenge ousness 2) sovereignty
aarsaa n sacrifice abbaa bo'oyyaa columnist
aarsituu n nerve abbaa bokkuu head of state,
aarsituu agartii optical nerve statesman
aarsituu calii radial nerve abbaa bokonaa head of a camp
aarsituu dugdaa spinal nerve abbaa burqaa chieftain (chief of
aarsituu dhageettii auditory tribe or clan)
nerve abbaa caffee father of conven-
aarsituu hurrisaa accelerative tion, chairman of a legislative
nerve assembly
aarsituu jiddugalee intermediate abbaa cibraa regimental leader
nerve (military officer)
aarsituu maashaa muscular abbaa cidhaa person who gives
nerve a feast
aarsituu makaa mixed nerve abbaa dammaa 1) bee-keeper,
aarsituu miiraa sensory nerve bee-farmer 2) honey trader
aarsituu sochii motor nerve abbaa dhimmaa person who has
aarsituu torbii accessory nerve a case in the court or problems
aarummaa n neurosis to be discussed with an official
abaabayyuu n great-grandfather abbaa doonii ship-owner
abaabilee n great-great-grandfather abbaa dooyyoo head of scout
abaaramaa/ -tuu amlf cursed abbaa dubbii 1) litigant 2) chief
abaarsa n curse, scolding; wrath speaker of the caffee assembly
abaartuu nmf one who curses abbaa dubqishinaa satirist
abaaruu v to curse abbaa duulaa 1) traditional
abasuuda n (Ar) curry stuff, cumin Oromo minister of war 2) com-
abasuuda adii white cumin mander of an army; chief of staff
abasuuda gurraacha black abbaa duulbantii Field Marshal
25 abbaa eelaa - abbaa ollaa

abbaa eelaa 1) owner of a well kallacha

2) controller of well abbaa karraa owner of a great
abbaa faabrikaa factory owner, number of cattle, rich, wealthy (in
manufacturer cattle)
abbaa fardaa 1) horseman, rider abbaa kaloo owner of grazing
2) cavalry land
abbaa firaa kind-hearted, abbaa kellaa an official who is in
benevolent, compassionate, charge of boarder
sociable abbaa keessummaa host
abbaa funyoo traditional Oromo abbaa kiraaraa player of kiraara
surveyor, tax assessor abbaa kiristinnaa godfather
abbaa gaangee muleteer abbaa kontoo account holder
abbaa gabaa 1) traditional abbaa kontiraataa contractor
Oromo minister of commerce, abbaa koraa chairman of an
2) chief judge of a market assembly
abbaa gabraa slave-owner abbaa kormaa ceremonial leader
abbaa gadaa traditional Oromo (of ritual)
president elected for the duration abbaa kubbaaniyyaa owner of a
of eight years; a regional or company
national leader within the gadaa- abbaa kumaa a person who has
system one thousand or more cattle
abbaa gajjaa military commander abbaa lafaa landlord; landowner
under abbaa duulaa abbaa lagaa local administrator
abbaa galmaa the owner of abbaa liqaa creditor; usurer
ga/ma, a ritual head abbaa loonii cattle owner
abbaa gandaa head of a village, abbaa lubbuu father confessor
leader of a local community abbaa maallaqaa treasurer
abbaa garoo team captain abbaa maatii a man who has a
abbaa gayyaa trogon (tropical large family
bird) abbaa magariisaa greengrocer
abbaa godinaa brigadier abbaa malaa 1) strategist 2) tac-
abbaa gorbaa black leg tician, think-tank
abbaa gosaa head of a tribe, abbaa manaa husband, house-
tribal chief holder
abbaa guyyaa a daily supervisor abbaa maraaraa oral historian
(usu. of a well) abbaa midhaanii grain seller
abbaa hiiqii usurer; profiteer abbaa miijanaa grain merchant
abbaa holooloo prose-writer abbaa mirgaa 1) a successful
abbaa hoolaa sheep merchant killer of big animals such as lions
abbaa horii treasurer and elephants 2) winner, victori-
abbaa humnaa 1) powerful, au- ous person
thoritative, autocratic 2) owner of abbaa mirguumaa patentee
the labour cost abbaa mugootaa debtor (one
abbaa ilkoo toucan (a tropical who owes a debt)
fruit-eating bird) abbaa murtii judge; magistrate
abbaa irree 1) authoritarian, abbaa muudaa traditional relig-
autocrat 2) dictator ious head of the Oromo people,
abbaa irrummaa dictatorship anointing father
abbaa jilaa lord of the sacrifice abbaa nagaa peace-maker
abbaa jimlaa wholesaler abbaa ollaa chief of a village
abbaa kallachaa holder of
abbaa oobruu - abboomaa ittaanaa 26

abbaa oobruu owner of a farm- abbaa ulullee player of the flute

land abbaa waamichaa host
abbaa orofaa one who is waiting abbaa waardiyyaa watchman
for his turn abbaa walaloo poet
abbaa poostaa postman, mail- abbaa waraanaa warlord
man abbaa warboo holder of a uni-
abbaa qabeenyaa title holder, versity degree
owner, possessor abbaa warraa 1) head of the
abbaa qawwee gunman, gun- family, 2) husband
slinger abbaa warshaa owner of a
abbaa qe'ee head of a localised factory, industrialist
minor clan abbaa xalayaa addressee
abbaa qoraanii a firewood seller abbaa xiyyaa archer, bowman
abbaa qorichaa 1) pharmacist, abbaa xurumbaa trombonist
pharmaceutical chemist 2) doc- abbaa yabaloo ferryman
tor, physician abbaa-haadhamaleessa orphan
abbaa qoroo district governor abbaadhoo en (abbaa + haadha)
abbaa qortoo auditor parents
abbaa qottoo traditional Oromo abbaadhummaa n parenthood
border expert abbaanaa n agent (one who acts for
abbaa raajii prophet another); viceroy
abbaa rusii a man-eater animal abballoo n ambition
supposed to have been ap abbaltii n intention
peared in Oromoland after the abbaltuu nmf ambitious person
Abyssinian occupation abbaluu v to intend
abbaa sa'aa a traditional Oromo abbartamaa n (Fr) apartment
minister of finance abbartamaa mirree duplex
abbaa saaksifoonaa saxophon Abbaya en (abbaa + yaa'a) the Nile
ist (lit. father of streams)
abbaa saglii commander of a Abbaya Adii the White Nile
military unit Abbaya Gadaanuu the Lower
abbaa sangaa anthrax Nile
abbaa seenaa hero in a story, Abbaya Gurraacha the Blue Nile
protagonist Abbaya Olaanuu the Upper Nile
abbaa seeraa 1) traditional Abbayoolee npl Nilotes
Oromo minister of law 2) lawyer abbayyee n familiar form for father
abbaa seeruu chancre, chan used in poems and songs
croid abbeentaa n possession
abbaa sheekkoo narrator, story- abbiyyuu n father-in-law
teller abbooma n 1) authority; permission
abbaa taaksii cabman, taxi 2) possession
owner abboomaa/ -tuu nm/f commander
abbaa taayitaa official, dignitary, abboomaa bantii commander in
executive chief
abbaa taayitaa guutuu saver abboomaa cibraa regimental
eign leader (military officer)
abbaa tamboo tobacconist abboomaa eeggataa acting
abbaa tooftaa strategist commander in chief
abbaa tuutaa team captain abboomaa ittaanaa deputy
abbaa xamboo player of fiddle, commander in chief
27 abboomaa waraanaa - adaalqaljii

abboomaa waraanaa a military abdii qabaachuu to have hope,

commander hope
abboomama n obedience abdi-dhabeessa hopeless; des-
abboomamaa/ -tuu amlf 1) obedient perate
2) subordinate abdi-qabeessa promising, hope-
abboommii n command, order; in- ful
struction, directive abjadee n (Ar) abujedid, calico
abboommii hakimii prescription abjoochuu v to dream
(of medical remedies) abjootaa/ -tuu nm/f 1) one who
abboommii maallaqaa voucher dreams 2) utopian
abboommii manseera warrant abjootee n fairy-tale, fable
(legal authorisation) abjuu n dream; vision
abboommii mootummaa gov- abjuu guyyaa day-dream
ernment's order abokaadoo n (Eur) avocado
abboommii saganteeffamaa abootaa/ -tuu nmlf pugilist, boxer
programmed instruction (Comp) aboottee n 1) fist 2) a blow with the
abboommi-dhabeessa disobedi- fist, punch, box 3) handful (usu. of
ent grain)
abboommi-dhabeessummaa abootuu v to punch, box
disobedience aboyyii n sea animals
abboomuu v to command, order; in- abroolee n lesser koodoo (kind of
struct, give directive antelope)
abbootii npl 1) grammatical plural of abshaala a clever, shrewd, cunning,
the word abbaa 2) forefathers, smart
ancestors abshaalummaa n cleverness,
abbootii aangoo superpowers shrewdness
abbootii biyyaa national leaders absiisa n (Eng) abscissa
abbootii magaalaa city fathers abukaatoo n (It) same as daba-
abbootii seeraa judges, judiciary, baasaa
jury abuna n (Amh) bishop
abbootii taayitaa authorities abura n cultivation
abbowaga en (abboomaa + waraana aburaa/ -tuu nmlf investigator; sur-
galaanaa) admiral veyor
abbummaa n 1) fatherhood 2) pater- aburamaa a cultivated
nalism, paternity 3) ownership aburtii n survey
abbuugduu n thumb; great toe aburuu v 1) to cultivate 2) to look for
abdachiisaa/ -ftuu am/f reliable grass 3) to investigate; survey
abdachiisuu v to promise abuurra n seed; seed grain
abdachuu v to hope; look forward to; abuurra galaa illegitimate seed
expect, anticipate abuurra muta'aa germinated
abdannoo n promise seed
abdata n hope, expectation abuur-dhablee seedless
abdataa/ -tuu nm/f anticipator abuurroo n proposal
abdatamaa a promising adaa n daisy
abdidansaa en optimism adaadee n molar
abdii n hope, prospect, expectation; adaala n desert
reliance; anticipation adaalessii n desertification
abdii kutachiisuu make to lose adaalloo n campus
hope, discourage adaalloo dursaasoo main cam-
abdii kutachuu to lose hope, be pus
discouraged adaalqaljii en oasis .
adaamii - addunyaalessa 28

adaamii n euphorbia addaan-bawummaa separability,

adaba n (Ar) discipline divisibility
adabaa/ -duu nmlf one who takes addaan qoodii biti divide and
disciplinary measures, punisher rule
adabamaa/ -tuu amlf punishable addabu'aa/ -tuu cnm/f vanguard
adabbii n fine, penalty, punishment addadda ca different, varying, distinct
adabbii dhagnaa corporal pun- addaddummaa n difference, varia-
ishment tion, distinction, divergence
adabbii du'aa death penalty, addaggee a rude, illmannered; crude,
capital punishment rough; vulgar
adabbii hamaa severe punish- addaggooma n rudery; crudity; vul-
ment garity
adabuu v 1) to punish, penalise addaggummaa n rudeness, crude-
2) to discipline ness, roughness; vulgarism
adamoo n hunting; chase addayyaa a particular, especial, ex-
adamsaa/ -ituu nmlf hunter, pursuer ceptional
adamsaa shimbirroo bird- addayyummaa n speciality
catcher, fowler addeeffama n explanation, illustra-
adamsooyyee n predator tion, illumination
adamsuu v to hunt, go hunting; addeenya n 1) whiteness
chase, pursue 2) pallor (of human face)
adanyoo n allergy addeessa n 1) waxing moon (opp. of
adanyoo gogaa skin allergy dukkana) 2) moon; moonshine
adaree n 1) highland 2) highlander addeessaa/ -ituu nm/f one who ex-
adarii n pigeon plains, illustrator, illuminator
adbaarii n guardian spirit addeessiyyee n bleaching powder
adda n 1) forehead; fore part 2) front addeessuu v 1) to make white,
adda bilisummaa liberation front whiten 2) to explain, illustrate, il-
adda ilkoo flank (of gear teeth) luminate
adda qorraa cold front addolafaa en (addoo + lafa) topog-
adda tokkummaa united front raphy
adda tokkummaa sabaa national addolafaa magaalaa townscape,
united front cityscape
adda tokkummaa uummataa addoo n mask
popular (people's) united front addoo gaasii gas mask
adda waaggee polar front addooyyee n bosom friend (of girls)
adda waraanaa war-front; front addunyaa n (Ar) 1) world 2) life, ex-
line istence 3) blessing and happiness;
Addaamoo n Adam good life
addaan-baasu v to separate, addunyaa bunaqaa business
differentiate, distinguish, identify world
addaan-qooduu 1) to divide, addunyaa haaraa the New World
separate 2) to discriminate, seg- addunyaa ispoortii the world of
regate sport
addaan-ba'aa separable, divisible addunyaa moofaa the Old World
addaan-bayiinsa 1) separation, addunyaa sadaffaa the Third
division, secession 2) fission World
addaan-baasaa/ -ftuu divider, addunyaalee npl universe
separator addunyaaleffamaa a international-
addaan-baatuu separatist, se- ised
cessionist addunyaalessa a international
29 addunyaalessuu - afaan abbaa

addunyaalessuu v to internationalise
adeemaa/ -tuu nm/f 1) traveller, pas- adoochaa dugdaa spinal anaes-
senger 2) person who indulges in thesia
conjugal disloyalty adoochituu a/n narcotic
adeemaa bunaqaa commercial adoochuu v cause to be numb, make
traveller stiff, paralyze, anaesthetise
adeemmii n 1) journey, tour, trip; adooda n numbness
travel 2) procedure adooda dugugguruu spinal
adeemmii baaburaa railway paralysis
journey adoodaa a stiff, paralyzed
adeemmii balali'aa travel by air, adoodummaa n paralysis
journey by air adooduu v to become stiff, become
adeemmii bunaqaa business numb; be paralyzed; be anaesthe-
journey tised
adeemmii doonii navigation Adoolessa n July
adeemmii falamaa seer-yakkaa adulaa n 1) senior councillors within
criminal procedure law the gadaa-system, member of
adeemmii falamaa seerambaa parliament, delegate, deputy
civil procedure law adulaa biyyaa deputy of a na-
adeemmii fardaanii journey on tional assembly, a delegate to
horse back the national parliament
adeemmii konkolee journey by adulaa diraa city councillor
car adulaa fiixee apical councillor
adeemmii miilaa journey on foot within the gadaa-system
adeemmii hojii duty journey adulaa hayyuu a senior council-
adeemmii sangantoomaa lor within the gadaa-system
package tour adulaa magaalaa town councillor,
adeemsa n 1) journey, travel, tour, city councillor
trip 2) process, development; adulaa naannoo biyyaa deputy
course of a regional assembly, a del-
adeemsa biyyalafaa travel egate to a regional parliament
around the world adulloo n politburo, executive com-
adeemsa duwwaanaa space mittee (of government)
travel, space flight adurree n cat
adeemsa misoomaa course of adusobee en (aduu + soba) mock
development, process of devel- sun
opment aduu nla 1) sun 2) day 3) sunshine
adeemsa warraaqsaa process of 4) sunny, bright day
a revolution aduu Birraa mild sun of spring-
adeemuu v to go; go away, depart; time
travel aduu saafaa strong (hot) sun
adii a white (usu. of midday)
adii culkii pure white afaa n 1) special kind of fresh grass
adii qaanqee bright white, milk or leaves which one spreads on
white, snow white the floor in a living room
adikillee en albumen 2) mattress
adikillee buupphaa egg albumen afaan n 1) mouth 2) beak 3) rim
admiraala n (Eur) same as abbo- 4) language, tongue; speech
waga 5) bank (of a river)
adoochaa a/n 1) narcotic; anaes- afaan abbaa mother tongue,
thetic 2) anaesthesia native speech, vernacular
afaan addunyaalessaa - afattoo jirbii 30

afaan addunyaalessaa interna- afaan mootummaa official lan-

tional language guage
afaan alagaa foreign language afaan naannoo regional lan-
afaan Amaaraa Amharic lan- guage
guage afaan ogummaa technical lan-
afaan Arabaa Arabic language guage, technical terminology
afaan danee multi-lingual afaan Oromoo Oromo language
afaan barreessii literary lan- afaan Oromoo waaltawaa stan-
guage dard Oromo
afaan biyyalafaa world language afaan qawwee barrel of a gun
afaan Chaayinaa Chinese lan- afaan qunnamtii lingua franca
guage afaan sabaa national language
afaan dhalootaa one's native afaan saganteessii programmed
tongue, native speech, vernacu- language (Comp)
lar afaan Seemii Semitic language
afaan dubbatamaa spoken lan- afaan shimbirroo bird talk
guage afaan Somaalee Somali lan-
afaan duudaa dumb guage
afaan Faarisaa Persian language afaan Xaaliyaanii Italian lan-
afaan Faranjii European lan- guage
guage afaan uummataa vernacular;
afaan Faransaa French language popular tongue
afaan Giriikii Greek language afaan waaltawaa standard lan-
afaan Gi'iizii Ge'ez language guage
afaan gaadduu spy afaaniin orally
afaan gaadduu mootummaa afaaneffachuu v to pronounce (ar-
government security agent ticulate words)
afaan Haamii Hamitic language afaaneffannoo n pronunciation
afaan Haamo-Seemii Hamito- afakuta en ellipsis
Semitic language, Afro-Asiatic afamaa a furnished
language afanee n lush grazing area
afaan Hawusaa Hausa language afanfajee n demagogue
afaan Hindii Hindi afanfajeessa n demagogy
afaan hiiktuu translator, inter- afanfajeessaa/ -ituu am/f demagogic
preter afanfajeessuu v to confuse, perplex,
afaan hojii business language, agitate demagogically
working language afanfajjoo n confusion, perplexity
afaan lngilizii English language afanfala a colloquial
afaan lspaanyaa Spanish lan- afarroo en (afaan + irra) moustache
guage afarsituu n tan
afaan Jarmanii German lan- afarsuu v 1) to fan 2) to exaggerate
guage afata n rug, carpet
afaan kemikaa language of afata Faarisaa Persian carpet
chemistry afatee n bedding
afaan Kuushii Cushitic language afattoo n mattress
afaan lagaa bank (of a river), afattoo afuufammee airbed, air
shore mattress
afaan lamee bilingual afattoo bishaanii water-bed
afaan lamummaa bilingualism afattoo citaa straw mattress
afattoo jirbii cotton mattress
31 afeeraa - agargoo

afeeraa/ -tuu nm/f 1) host 2) one who afooshaa n self-help association

offers something friendly afraasaa/ arfaasaa n autumn, fall
afeeramaa/ -tuu nm/f guest invited to afree n confederation or league (of
a feast or party four members)
afeerataa/ -tuu nmlf entertainer afreeta n quadrant
afeerraa n 1) invitation; entertainment Afrikaa n Africa
2) feast, banquet Afrikaa bahaa East Africa
afeerraa cidha gaayilaa a wed- Afrikaa kaabaa North Africa
ding invitation, a wedding feast Afrikaa kibbaa South Africa
afeerraa irbaataa banquet, for- Afrikaa lixaa West Africa
mal dinner Afrikaa waltajjii Central Africa
afeerrannoo n reception afrogaawaa ca (afur + rogaawaa)
afeeruu v 1) to invite (to a meal, rectangular
one's own house or country); re- afroggee en (afur + roga + ee) rec-
ceive with hospitality, entertain tangle
2) to offer something friendly (e.g. afroggee waltarree parallelo-
a cigarette, a drink) gram
affeellii a boiled (cooked) afroo a African (in compounds)
affeeltuu n cooker (an apparatus for Afroo Ameerikaa Afro-American
cooking) Afroo Asiyaa Afro-Asian
affeeluu v to cook, boil (cook by afsadee ca trilingual
boiling) afurtamee n 1) one who is 40 years
afkalaa a/n bourgeois; bourgeoisie old 2) the first 40 years period of a
afkalaa alattiixataa comprador gadaa-cycle
bourgeois afuu v 1) to make bed 2) to spread
afkalaa baadiyaa agricultural afuufamaa a blown, inflated
bourgeois afuuffaa n balloon
afkalaa seedannoo commercial afuuffee n 1) bladder 2) balloon
bourgeois afuuffee ficaanii urinary bladder
afkalaa sabaa national bourgeois afuuffee gommaa rubber bulb
afkalaa xiqqaa petty bourgeois afuuffee haddhooftuu gall
afkalaa waajjiraa bureaucratic bladder
bourgeois afuuffee qilleensaa air bladder
aflaaka n beaker afuuffii n blowing
aflaamaa n bill (of account) afuuffoo n cyst (Biol)
aflamee ca bilingual afuuftuu nmf 1) liar 2) boaster, brag-
afnaqii en translator, interpreter gart
afobaalaa en crenation (Bot) afuufuu v 1) to blow (fire, trumpet)
afogalanaa en sea level 2) to pump up 3) to play (a flute)
afolagaa en bank of a river 4) to blow up (bellows, tire etc.)
afoo n 1) edge (boundary line of sur- agabaasaa/ -ftuu nmlf spokesman,
face 2) os (Med) spokeswoman
afoo burkaanaa volcanic vent agabxaa n control, regulation
afoo gadameessaa os cervical agabxaa daaddoo flood regula-
afoola n oral literature tion
afoola Afrikaa African oral litera- agadaa n sugar-cane, syrup
ture aganee n norm
afoola Oromoo Oromo oral litera- agara'uu v to be greedy, be vora-
ture cious
afooloma n widowhood agargoo en (agarsiisa + dhugoo)
afooloo n widow (woman) data
agargoo gurmee - akaakummaa 32

agargoo gurmee group data agartii a optic, optical, ocular

agargoo hiikuu interpreting data agartii ijaa ocular proof
agargoo nameenyaa personal agartuu n eye; pupil of the eye, retina
data agartuu dullumaa presbyopia
agarii n voracious person, a greedy (Med)
fellow aggaddoo en arena
agarsiifannoo n showing, perform- aggala n solitary
ance agiinsa n defecation
agarsiifata n showcase agooda n trunk (of body), upper part
agarsiiftuu n index, indicator of the body
agarsiiftuu baasii jireenyaa cost aguraa n appellant
of living index agurree n mound (heap, pile)
agarsiiftuu boba'aa fuel gauge aguuggoo n hood (covering)
agarsiiftuu bubbee wind gauge aguuguu n subtending
agarsiiftuu dhaabbii parking aguura n hinge (of a door and similar
metre things)
agarsiiftuu faallee 1) signpost aguura balbalaa hinge of a door
2) radio beacon, direction-indi- aguura foddaa hinge of a window
cator aguurraa n barrier; obstacle, hin-
agarsiiftuu gatii price index drance
agarsiiftuu gatii hoomisha aguurraa giidoo energy barrier
qonnaa farm price index aguurraa karaa roadblock
agarsiiftuu hoji-dhablummaa aguurraa lagaa barrier reef
unemployment index aguurtoo n embargo
agarsiiftuu horataa production aguurtoo beensilaa oil embargo
index aguurtoo seedannoo trade em-
agarsiiftuu marlaalaa universal bargo
indicator ajaa'iba n (Ar) same as maa/a/a
agarsiisa n 1) scene, show (e.g. on ajaa'ibsiisaa a amazing, astonishing
TV) 2) exhibition, exposition ajandaa n (Eur) same as yayyabboo
agarsiisa aadaa cultural show ajifachuu v to criticise
agarsiisa faayataa art exhibition, ajifannoo n criticism
fine-art exhibition ajifata n critique
agarsiisa fakkoo photo exhibition ajifataa/ tuu nmlf critic
agar iisa sirbaa concert ajjeechaa n murder, killing
agarsiisa warshaa industrial ajjeeftuu nmf murderer, killer
exhibition ajjeerraa n thatch, roofing
agarsiisaa/ -ftuu nmlf 1) exhibitioner ajjeerraa jaajuraa roofing tiles
2) guide ajjeerraa qorqoorroo tin roof
agarsiisaa imaltuu a tourist ajjeertuu n thatcher
guide ajjeeruu v to thatch
agarsiisaa magaalaa city guide ajjeesaa n killer (usu. of big games
agarsiisaa tulluu mountain guide like lion and elephant)
agarsiisummaa n showmanship ajjeesuu v to kill; murder
agarsiisuu v 1) to show, display 2) to akaafaa n shovel, spade
point out, indicate 3) to guide, di- akaaffii n shovelling
rect 4) to present (a play) 5) to akaafuu v to shovel
demonstrate, exhibit akaakaa n grandpa, granddad
agarsootee n compasses akaakayyuu n grandfather
agartaa n eyesight, sight akaakilee n remote ancestor
akaakummaa n ancestry
33 akaakuu - akkaataa naannoyyaa

akaakuu n 1) kind, type 2) breed, va- calendar

riety 3) ancestor 4) heredity akka lakkoofsa Oromootti (a.I.
akaakuu dhiigaa blood group 0.) according to Oromo calendar
akaakuu meeshaa list of items akka lakkoofsa Oroppaatti
akaakuu soorataa food type (a.I.Or.) according to European
akaawuu v to parch; roast (usu. of calendar
grain) akkaadamii n (Eng) academy
akaayyii/ akaawwii n parched grain akkaadamii afaanii language
akaayyii boqqoolloo popcorn academy
akaayyii daangulee parched pea akkaadamii beekumsaa science
akaayyii garbuu parched barley academy
akaayyii bunaa snack akkaadamii faayataa art-acad-
akkaayyii karameellaa toffee emy
akaayyii shumburaa parched akkaadamii waraanaa military
chick pea academy
akankareessa n leech; parasite akkaataa n 1) situation; state of af-
akankareessummaa n parasitism fairs, position; condition, terms;
akankareettii nla parasite; parasitic 2) attitude
akeeka n 1) aim; goal; purpose, ob- akkaataa ammaa present situ-
jective 2) indication ation
akeeka karooraa planned output, akkaataa barbaachisaa necess-
target (of plan) ary condition
akeeka qabsoo aim of a struggle akkaataa cewumsaa transitional
akeeka warraaqsaa aim of a rev- state
olution, objective of a revolution akkaataa cindachee geological
akeeka-maleessa aimless, pur- occurence
poseless akkaataa dinagdee economic
akeekkachiisa n notice, remark, indi- condition
cation akkaataa dinagdee hawaasaa
akeekkachiisaa/ -ftuu nm/f one who socio-economic condition
gives notice, remarks akkaataa dubbii articulation, ex-
akeekkachiisuu v 1) to point out, to pression
remark 2) to give evidence akkaataa gabaa market situation
akeekkachuu v to observe, notice, akkaataa gatii price range
recognise; pay attention akkaataa hojil working condition
akeekkannoo n observation; notice, akkaataa horataa mode of pro-
recognition duction
akeekkoo n proof akkaataa hormaataa means of
akeektuu n pointer, indicator production
akeektuu daddafiitii speedome- akkaataa ittisaa means of de-
ter; accelerometer fence
akeektuu qoonqessii phonetic akkaataa jireenyaa living condi-
indication tions
akeekuu v 1) to aim (at) 2) to point akkaataa karaa highway system,
out, indicate network of roads
akka prep/ adv/ conj 1) like; as, such akkaataa kennataa favourable
as 2) so that 3) how situation
akka-dhufetti deebisuu tit for tat akkaataa manaa housing situ-
akka-dubbiitti context ation, housing condition
akka lakkoofsa Abashaatti akkaataa naannoyyaa environ-
(a.I.A.) according to Ethiopian mental condition
akkaataa nyaataa - alaadhuffee 34

akkaataa nyaataa manner of climate

eating akkuleensa gammoojjii tropical
akkaataa qilleensaa weather climate
condition akkuleensa gonkee extreme cli-
akkaataa qopphii format mate
akkaataa seenaa historical condi- akkuleensa malbee lowland cli-
tion mate
akkaataa taliigaa political situ- akkuleensa Meditiraaniyaa
ation Mediterranean climate
akkaataa waaltinaa standard akkuleensa mundhilafaa equa-
condition torial climate
akkaataa warroommii marriage akkuleensa odoolaa insular cli-
consummation mate
akkaataa xinqooqaa linguistic akkumsa n 1) way, manner, custom
feature 2) system, order 3) factor
akkaataa yaachisaa serious akkumsa aadaa cultural factors
situation akkumsa aarsituu nerve system
akkataa yaatoo liquid state akkumsa aarsituu waltajjii cen-
akkaatee n style tral nerve system
akkaattii n simile akkumsa biiftuu solar system
akkawoo n grandmother akkumsa bultii living condition
akkayyaa n model akkumsa humnaa power factor
akkayyaa balali'aa model air- akkumsa kerkerree skeletal sys-
plane tem
akkayyaa hojii working model akkumsa muldhilafaa equatorial
akkayyaa mana barumsaa landscape
model school akkumsa qabxii punctuation
akkayyaa qotiisaa farm model akkumsa sagalee sound system
akkee n simile akkumsa timjeessaa limiting fac-
akkeessa n 1) mockery 2) imitation, tor
simulation akkumsa yaa'illaa drainage sys-
akkeessaa a imitative tem
akkeessituu nmf imitator akkurjii en (akka + urjii) asteroid
akkeessuu v 1) to mock, make fun of akoftaa n otter
2) to imitate, simulate akorbaata n (Eng) acrobat
akkifata n spit, sputum ala adv 1) out; outside 2) outdoors
akkina n pattern, order, system ala-bulaa/ -tuu vagabond, brig-
akkina lagaa regime of a river, and
stream order alaa n 1) stem, stalk (of maize, millet
akkina qixxeetaa system of etc.) 2) cane
equations alaa baaqilaa beanstalk
akkiyyee n great-grandmother alaa boqqoolloo stalk of maize
akkoordiyoo n (Eur) accordion alaa mishingaa sorghum stalk
akkoordiyoontuu nmf accordionist alaa shonkooraa stem or stalk of
akkuja en (akkumsa + ijaarsaa) ar- sugar-cane
chitecture alaabaa n flag; banner
akkuleensa en (akkumsa + alaabaa Oromoo the black, red
qilleensa) climate and white Oromo flag
akkuleensa baddaa highland alaabaa sabaa national flag
climate alaadhuffee ca exotic
akkuleensa aaraa mountain
35 alabbicha - amala nafooyyee

alabbicha n big, wide plain alerguu cv (ala + erguu) to export

alagaa a 1) unrelated (by blood) algalaa en murder, adulterer
2) stranger, alien, outsider algaloo ca vagabond
alagoomuu v to be stranger, be alien algee n 1) fibre 2) corn silk, cellulose
alala n rumination algee aarsituu nerve fibers
alala guura rumination algee warqee enset-fibre
alala guurtuu ruminative aljeebraa n (Eng) algebra
alala guuruu to ruminate aljeebraa sararaawaa linear
alalee n satyriasis algebra
alaltuu n willow tree alkaalii n (Eur) alkali
alanfachuu v to chew, masticate alkoolii n (Ar) alcohol
alanfannoo n chewing, mastication alkoolii culkii pure alcohol
alanfata n masticatory alkuuka n beans (black eyed)
alanfataa/ -tuu nm/f chewer, masti- allaattii n any large bird; bird of prey
cator allaattii adamsaa bird of prey
alanfatamaa a chewed, masticated allaattii fardaa greater bustard
alanfattoo n chewing gum alloo n wilderness, desert
alangee n whip almarfattoo ca (ala+ marfattoo) cir-
alangee fardaa a whip for lashing cumscribed
horse aloo a external
alangee roobii a whip made of aloo motoraa bonnet, hood
hippopotamus' skin aloola en (ala + oola) field work
alasoosama en (ala + asoosama) aluulaa n heartburn
non-fiction amaaroo n father-in-law
alattideemmee ca centrifugal amaatii n mother-in-law
alawaadaa en kitchen amajaajjii n 1) opponent 2) enemy,
albaadhessa/ -ttii a/n mlf gluttonous, foe
excessive eater amajaajjummaa n hostility, enemity;
albaadhoma n gluttony antagonism
albaadhomuu v to be gluttonous, be amajalloo n pain in the neck
excessive eater Amajjii n January
albaatii n diarrhea amajjuu n mumps
albaatii dhiigaa bloody diarrhoea amakosii n mongoose
albamee n sweet potato amala n (Ar) 1) habit, custom
albuu n anklet 2) behaviour, conduct
albuu meetii silver anklet 3) character, property
albuu sabbuu golden anklet amala arjajjaawaa rough man-
albuuda n (Ar) mineral, mine (of gold, ners
platinum, iron, etc.) amala duwwee property of zero
albuuda haftoo fossil mineral amala geeddarama hammattuu
albuuda suphee clay mineral associative property
albuuda takkaataa rare mineral amala geeddarama iddoo com-
albuudessa n mineralisation mutative property
alee nla exterior amala geeddarama kemikaalaa
alergaa/ -ituu nm/f exporter chemical change property
alergama en exportation amala kemikaalaa chemical
alergamaa en export goods; export- property
able goods amala lafayyaa territorial behav-
alergii en export iour
alergii baraaxii summii export of amala nafooyyee physical prop-
toxic waste erty
amala raabsamaa - ammas-maxxansuu 36

amala raabsamaa distributive amanuu v (Ar) 1) to believe, trust

property 2) rely on 3) accept (one's own
amala-dhabeessa/ -ttii one who mistake)
has a bad character, ill-behaved amartii n ring
person amartii baafataa slip ring
amala-qabeessa/ -ttii one who amartii dhagaa stone ring
has a good character, well be- amartii gurraa ear ring
haved person amartii qubaa finger ring
amaleensa en (amala + qilleensa) amartii sabbuu golden ring
weather amartii waggaa annual rings
amanaa/ -tuu nm/f 1) one who trusts ambalafee en mango
someone 2) believer ambasaaddara n (Eng) same as
amanamaa/ -tuu am/f 1) faithful, lamii
trustworthy, sincere, honest ambatiitoo n sandwich
2) confidential, reliable, believable ambiiroo a basic, fundamental
amanamummaa n trustworthiness, amboo n mineral water
honesty, sincerity ambulaansii n (Eng) same as kon-
amanannoo n confidence ko/aataa dhukkubsataa
amanfachuu v to adapt ambuura n user
amansiisuu v 1) to persuade, urge ambuura manbarroo library user
on; convince 2) to indoctrinate, ameebaa n (Eur) same as dubara'a
convert (to another religion) ameenxaa n sperm, semen
amantaa n belief Ameerikaa n 1) America 2) USA
amantee n trust, confidence Ameerikaa Jiddugalee Central
amantii n belief; faith; religion America
amantii biyyalafaa world religion Ameerikaa Kaabaa North Amer-
amantii uummataa popular belief ica
amantii duraaleyyii traditional Ameerikaa Kibbaa South Amer-
religion . ica
amanti-dhabeessa/ -ttii religion- Ameerikaaneffamaa a Americanised
less, faithless, atheist Ameerikaanessii n Americanisation
amanti-hirdheessa/ -ttii weak in Ameerikaanessuu v to Americanise
faith Ameerikaanii a American
amanti-jabeessa fanatism Ameerikaanummaa n Americanism
amanti-jabeessaa/ -ituu fanatic amjiraa ca (amma + jira) actual, cur-
person rent
amantiin warroommii religious ammachiifataa/ -tuu nmlf father/
marriage mother of a child who is a candi-
amantimalee ca secular date for baptism (by the qaalluu)
amantindii en Hinduism ammachiisaa n 1) the ritual naming
amantiyyee n religionist of a child by the qaal/uu
amantoota npl believers 2) baptism (by the qaal/uu)
amantoota lslaamaa people of ammachuu v 1) to embrace, to hug
the Islamic faith, followers of 2) to baptise ( by the qaal/uu)
Mohammed the prophet ammartii n order
amantoota Kiristaanaa people of ammaruu v to order
the Christian faith, followers of ammas adv again
Jesus Christ ammas-gurmeessuu to reorgan-
amantoota Oromee followers of ise
Oromo traditional religion ammas-maxxanfamaa reprint
ammas-maxxansuu to reprint
37 ammataa - anniisaa walqixxaataa

ammataa/ -tuu nmlf baptist (of the angafa dirqamaa main task
qaalluu) angafa dubbii main point, main
ammayyaa a modern subject
ammayyaa booda postmodern angafa gosaa chieftain
ammayyeeffama n modernity angafa hidda dhiigaa vena cava
ammayyeessa n modernisation angafa horata qonnaa main ag-
ammayyeessaa/ -ituu nmlf moderni- ricultural production
ser angafa horataa main production
ammayyeessuu v to modernise angafa karaa main road
ammayyoo n fashion angafa koraa general assembly
ammayyummaa n modernism angafa lagaa main river
ammee n mode (fashion) angafa magaalaa 1) principal
ammichoo n rhizome town or city
ammii n the present (time) 2) metropolis
amnuu n nursing of small baby angafa maleekotaa archangel
amoolee n salt bar angafa malkee main sea port
amoolee kattaa rock salt angafa manbarroo central library
amuummachuu v to yawn angafa mantorobbee police
amuummii n yawn; yawning headquarters
anaanaas n (Eur) pineapple angafa midhaan gabaa major
andaara n fringe, edge; hem cash-crop
andaara cinoo lateral edge angafa midhaanii major crop
andarqii n soap angafa namaa principal person,
andarqii areedaa shaving soap leading character
andarqii dhagnaa soap (for angafa nyaataa staple food
washing the body) angafa oduu headlines (of
andarqii fuulaa face powder broadcasting)
andarqii harkaa soap for hand angafa tajaajilaa main service
washing angafa waajjiraa head office
andarqii uffataa washing powder angafa yaadaa leading idea,
andarqii urgaawaa perfumed principal idea
soap angafoo a original
andilkaa en (andarqii + ilkaanii) angafummaa n seniority
toothpaste anguu n article (literature)
andoodee n soap-nut anjaawaa a/ adv possible; possibly,
angafa n 1) first born, eldest child likely
2) elder; head, chief, leader anjaawummaa n possibility
3) main, principal, major, primary anjaawuu v to be possible
angafa akeekaa main objective, anjii n proper
principal aim anniisaa n force, energy
angafa barumsaa major subject, anniisaa aloo external force
principal subject anniisaa deebisaa restoring
angafa bokonaa headquarters, force
main camp anniisaa gadqabiinsaa com-
angafa buufataa central station, pressive force
main station anniisaa keessoo internal force
angafa diinaa main enemy, prin- anniisaa maagineetaa magnetic
cipal enemy force
angafa dinagdee main economy anniisaa walqixxaataa balanced
angafa dinagdee hojii main eco- force
nomic activity
anniisaa walin-qixxaannee - arfaasee 38

anniisaa walin-qixxaannee un- araqee n (Ar) general term for liquor;

balanced force spirits; arrack
anniisaa waltajjii central forces araqee diimaa cognac
anqarsa n baby's food araqee Faranjii European liquor
ansoolaa n (It) bed-sheet such as cognac, brandy, gin
anteenaa n (Eng) same as sanfila araqee Oromoo a vodka like
anumee a/n selfish, egoist, ego-cen- alcoholic drink
tric arba n elephant
anummaa n selfishness, egoism, Arbagaduu en Central Orion
egocentricity arbeessa n exaggeration
anyarsee n sarcasm arbeessaa/ -ituu nm/f one who ex-
appartaayida n (Eng) apartheid aggerates
araachisaa a addictive arbeessuu v to exaggerate
araada n 1) need for smoking, coffee, arbii n loom
alcoholic drink etc., great desire arbora n ivory ring
(for tobacco) 2) addiction arda n a fast runner
araadaa n 1) resting place for cattle ardaa n 1) area, sector of land
after they drink hora 2) market- 2) meadow
place 3) down town ardaa jilaa place of celebration
araaduu v 1) to crave for things such ardaa onaa an area without
as coffee and tobacco (of human village
and hora for cattle) 2) to addict ardii n continent
araara n 1) conciliation, reconciliation ardii birkee sub-continent
2) peace, mercy ardoo n velocity
araara gitaa class conciliation ardoo duraa initial velocity
araara-dhabeessa irreconcilable ardoo dhumaa final velocity
araara-qabeessa peaceful, mer- ardoo gostokkee uniform veloc-
ciful ity
araarfata n reconciliation ardoo jalbayiisaa escape veloc-
araarsaa/ -ituu nmlf arbitrator, ity
peace-maker ardoo marsoo orbital velocity
araarsii n peace-making, arbitration; ardoo naanna'aa velocity of cir-
appeasement culation
araarsuu v to conciliate, reconcile, ardoo sadhaatawaa relative
arbitrate, make peace; appease velocity
araaxaa n usury ardoo walfakkaataa uniform
Araba n Arab velocity
Arabticha the Arab (a man) areeda n 1) chin 2) beard
Arabtittii the Arab (a woman) areedadduu en (areeda + aadduu)
araddaa n 1) inheritable land razor, shaver
2) ceremonial ground 3) home-vil- areedadduu eletrikaa electric
lage, homeland shaver
araddaa abjootee fairyland areera n buttermilk
araddaa qe'ee lawn (expanse of areerrii n dilution
grass-covered land) areerroo n plasma
araddaa walee communal land areerroo ameentaa seminal
araddaa yaa'ii assembly ground plasma
araddee n meadow areerroo dhiigaa blood plasma
araddoo n grassland areertii n antidote, antivenin
araddoo baddadaree temperate arfaasee n grain which is sawn in
grassland autumn and ripes in June
39 arfaasoo - asfaaltii

arfaasoo n a kind of tulip that sprouts arguu v 1) to see, look 2) to notice

in afraasaa/ arfaasaa season 3) to witness 4) to watch (a play or
argaa n 1) sight, vision, visual faculty a game) 5) to find, discover
2) a present for a new married ariifachiisa n urgency
couple or for a new born baby ariifachiisaa a urgent
argaa bifaa colour vision ariifachuu v to hasten, be in a hurry
argaa dhiyoo myope ariifataa/ -tuu nmlf one who is in a
argaa gaayilaa a present for a hurry
new married couple ariisa n copulation
argaa ijaa pupil of the eye; eye- ariitii a/n 1) hurry, urgent
sight 2) emergency
argaa-dhageettii anecdote arjaa a generous, kind, benevolent
arga-maleessa sightless arjajjaawaa a rough
argachuu v 1) to find 2) to get, have arjajjaawuu v to be rough
something 3) to discover arjooma n charity
argalamee en binocular vision arjoomaa a charitable
argamaa a 1) visible, apparent arjoomuu v to be generous, be kind,
2) tangible; concrete, solid, real be benevolent
argamaata n phenomenon arjummaa n kindness, benevolence
argamaatessaa n phenomenalist arkiyolojii n (Eng) same as bar-
argamaatessuu v to phenomenalise mowaadurii
argamaatummaa n phenomenalism arna n technology
argamdhabeessa ca invisible arraabbii n lick, licking
argamsa n occurrence arraabichoo n index finger
argamtaa n 1) result, outcome arraabkosii en (arraabbii + kosii)
2) output, quotient vacuum cleaner, Hoover
argamtaa beeladaa animal arraangessa n crow
products arraangessa roobaa millipede
argamtaa duwwaa blank arraata n communique
determination (Chem) arraba n 1) tongue 2) curse, abuse
argamteessa n concretisation arraba arjajjaawaa rough tongue
argamtii a concrete, tangible arraba bishaanii gulf
argamuu v 1) to be visible, be seen, arraba ibiddaa flame (of fire)
be apparent, be found 2) to be in arraba qawwee trigger (of a gun)
evidence, 3) to be discovered arraba xinnaa uvula
4) to be presented arrabdoteessa/ -ttii cnmlf an ag-
argannaa n 1) finding; getting gressive person who attacks peo-
2) discovering ple with words
argannoo n discovery arrabsituu nmf slanderer
argannoo Ameerikaa discovery arrabsoo n abuse, insult
of America arrawa a bright red, blood red
argannoo saayinsaawaa scien- arriyoo n toilet paper
tific discovery asbeestoo n (Eur) asbestos
argannoo sanadii discovery of asbiriina n (Eur) aspirin
documents aseeba en (abbaa + seera bantii)
argattuu nmf finder, discoverer attorney general
argina n seeing aseelloo n god
argina fagoo farsightedness aseentoo n entry (in a dictionary)
argoo n vision asfaalteffamaa a asphaltic
argo-maleessa visionless asfaaltessuu v to asphalt
ar o- abeessa visionary asfaaltii n (Eur) asphalt, bitumen
ashaaraa - attaashee waraanaa 40

ashaaraa n (Ar) fingerprint asxaa dabaltoo sign of addition

ashaaraa qubaa fingerprint asxaa hir'isoo sign of subtrac-
ashaaraa barruu lines of palm (of tion
hand) asxaa hirtoo sign of division
ashaboo n salt (for human con- asxeessuu v to mark; indicate
sumption), common salt atakamaa/ -tuu amlf stubborn, obsti-
ashaboo nyaataa table salt nate; determined
ashakaa/ -tuu nmlf one who formu- atalaa n dregs, draff
lates ateetee n goddess of fertility which is
ashakkii n formulation worshipped by Oromo women
ashakuu v to formulate atileetiksii n (Eng) athletics
ashanansiisuu v to entertain atmoosfera n (Eur) same as qilmar-
asheeta n ripe (of grain and honey) saa
asheeta dammaa ripe honey atomaatika a/n (Eur) same as ooffee
asheetuu v to be ripe (of grain and atooma n 1) harmony; appeasement
honey) 2) alliance; league; federation
ashilee n bride atoomaa a federal
ashongoree n soya bean atoomamaa a 1) united, unified
ashoo n bridegroom 2) federated, federative
ashuffee n tall savannah grass atoomawaa a atomic
ashuura n (Ar) same as katoo atoomii n/a (Eng) atom; atomic
asiida n (Eur) same as dhangaggee atoom-danee poly atomic
asiifachii cal en miscellaneous, ka- atoom-lamee diatomic
leidoscope atoom-tokkee mono atomic
asittee n class work atoommannoo n confederation
Asiyaa n Asia atoommii n alliance; league; union
Asiyaa Xinnoo Asia Minor atoommii Oromoo the league of
Asiyaa Waltajjii Central Asia Oromo
asmaarii n (Amh) same as nubee atoommii torban Oromoo the
asmii n (Eur) same as ukkaa Seven League of Oromoo (1882-
asoodhee en (asoosama + dheeraa) 1889)
novel atoomsaa/ -ituu nmlf 1) conciliator,
asoodhee yakkii criminal novel mediator, arbiter, peace-maker
asooga n (asoosama + gabaabaa) 2) unifier; federalist
short story atoomsii n league, union
asoosa n writer of a fiction, novelist atoomsuu v 1) to reconcile, concili-
asoosama n fiction ate, arbitrate 2) to unite, unify; ally
asoosammee n novelette 3) to combine, amalgamate, fed-
asoosammii n creative work erate
asoosuu v to write a fiction atoomummaa n 1) unification 2) uni-
astironomii n (Eur) same as bar- formity, homogeneity 3) amalga-
murjii mation; federalism; confederacy
asxaa n 1) sign, mark 2) symbol atoota n output
asxaa barroo bookmark attaa n big plain without bushes or
asxaa dhukkubaa symptom; trees
syndrome attaashee n (Fr) attache
asxaa godaantii traffic sign attaashee aadaa cultural attache
asxaa guuttoo positive sign(+) attaashee pireesaa press
asxaa homtoo negative sign (-) attache
asxaa baay'isoo sign of multipli- attaashee waraanaa military
cation attache
41 awaama - baabura

awaama n (Ar) heathen ayyaana cuubaa Epiphany

awaamummaa n heathenism ayyaana gaarii good luck
awaannisa n locust ayyaana hamaa evil sprit
Awaash n Awash, one of the major ayyaana injifannoo celebration
rivers in Oromia of a victory day
Awaash Gadaanuu Lower ayyaana mooteffannoo corona-
Awash tion ceremony
Awaash Olaanuu Upper Awash ayyaana ramadaanaa Ramadan
awwaala n 1) grave, tomb 2) burial, ceremony
funeral ayyaana sabaa national holiday
awwaala lslaamaa burial ground ayyaana uummataa public festi-
for Muslims val
awwaala kaabbaa traditional ayyaana waggaa 1) annual festi-
Oromo cemetery val, anniversary 2) holiday 3) the
awwaala Kiristaanaa burial New Year celebration
ground for Christians ayyaana-dhabeessa/ -ttii
awwaalaa/ -tuu nm/f 1) one who bur- unfortunate, unhappy, unlucky
ies 2) one who smashes (volley- ayyaana-qabeessa/ -ttii
ball) fortunate, happy, lucky, graceful
awwaaldiigessa en (awwaala + ayyaaneffachuu v to celebrate, cele-
diigessa) aardvark brate a holiday
awwaaluu v 1) to bury 2) to smash ayyaanoo n angel
(of volleyball) ayyaansa n belief
awwaara n dust ayyaantii n horoscope
awwaar-maleessa dustless, un- ayyaantuu a/nmf 1) graceful 2) an
dusty expert on climatic conditions
awwaar-qabeessa full of dust, 3) traditional Oromo astrologer
awwaaree n dusty area, dusty place
awwaaromuu v to become dusty
awwaaroo n a kind of grain disease -B-
on the head of wheat or millet
awwisoo n musical band, orchestra ba'a n 1) going out 2) exit, way out
axaarii n very smart, shrewd person ba'a-aduu sunrise
axeerara a/n abstract ba'a-biiftuu 1) sunrise 2) east
axeeraramaa a abstracted ba'aa n 1) load; burden 2) charge, re-
axeerarummaa n abstraction sponsibility
axeeraruu v to abstract ba'oo n timber
ayaa n heritage baabbayaa n (Eur) papaya
ayaa aadaa cultural heritage baabsaa/ -ituu nm/f one who is tak-
ayaa sanyundee gene pool ing sides within a quarrel or fight-
ayoona n (Eng) ion ing
ayyaada en (ayyaana + aadaa) spi- baabsii n taking sides within a quar-
ritual culture rel or fighting
ayyaana n 1) fortune, luck baabsi-maleessa neutral
2) celebration, ceremony, festival baabsuu v to take sides within a
3) a day free of work 4) divinity, quarrel or fighting
spirit 5) grace 6) angel baabura n (Ar.) 1) engine, all things
ayyaana bardhibbee centenary which operate by engine 2) mill
ayyaana bilisummaa Independ- 3) railway, railroad 4) train, loco-
ence Day motive
baabura adeemmii - baaleta 42

baabura adeemmii train government budget

baabura bishaanii water mill baajata torbanii a weekly budget
baabura bubbee windmill baajata waggaa annual budget
baabura daakuu mill, millstone, baakkii a deficient
grinding mill baakkina n deficiency
baabura diraa city-train hanqina bitaaminaa vitamin
baabura dhiyaanaa buffet car, deficiency
dining car baakkina dhiigaa anaemia
baabura fannoo trolley baakkoo n (It) packet, parcel
baabura hurkaa steamboat, baakkoo sijaaraa box (for ciga-
steam engine rettes)
baabura imaltuu passenger train baakteriyaa n (Eur) bacteria
baabura koruu to board baakteriyaa boca-geengoo cocci
baabura lafjalaa underground, (bacteria)
subway baakteriyaa boca-marammee
baabura magaalaa street-car spherical bacteria
baabura meeshaa goods train, baakteriyaa boca-siiqqee rod-
freight train shaped bacteria
baabura mukaa saw mill baala n 1) leaf, foliage 2) sheet of
baabura qilleensaa airship paper 3) herbs
baabura sibiilaa train baala bunaa coffee-leaf
baaburbaallee en airplane baala mirroo compound leaf
baaca n arrogance baala qobboo castor leaf (used
baacaa/ -cuu amlf arrogant for bread baking)
baachuu v 1) to carry, bear; transport baala qorichaa herbs
2) to support, sustain baala tamboo leaf of tobacco
baacuu v to be arrogant baala waraqataa sheet of paper,
baadanaa n gleaning leaflet
baadantuu nmf gleaner baala warqee ensete-leaf (used
baadanuu v to glean for bread baking)
baaddhattuu n transporter baala-maleessa leafless
baaduu n buttermilk, skimmed milk baala-qabeessa leafy
baafamaa a/ adv payable, due baalansoofii en sandpaper
baafannoo n table of contents baalarcaatuu en (baala + harcaatuu)
baafata n index (of books, of names), deciduous
directory baalashaa en (baala + shaayii) tea
baafata barroo index of a book leaves
baafata bilbiltoo telephone baalawaa a leafy
directory baalawuu v to become leafy
baafata lakkoofsaa index baalbicuu en leaflet (Bo
number baalchaa a noble (pure, not evil)
baafata maqaa directory baalcii n flint, obsidian; crystal
baafata-dhablee indexless (Geog)
baaftii n pay, payment baaldanee en compound leaf
baaftuu nmf payer baaldaraaraa en petal
baajata n (Eng) budget baaldhoksaa en (baallee + dhoksaa)
baajata atoomaa federal budget secret ballot
baajata bunaqaa business baaldii n (Eur) same as de/aa
budget baaldoo n rain cloud
baajata maatii a family budget baaleta n (Eng) ballet
baajata mootummaa
43 baalguddaa - baattuu

baalguddaa en (baallee + guddaa) baasaa n tweezers

ostrich feather worn as ornament baasii n expenditure; expenses,
baallaa n fork-like, y-shaped costs
baallee n feather baasii adeemsaa travelling ex-
baallee guchii ostrich feather penses
baallee ijaa eye lash baasii cheekii payment by check
baallii n institution (usu. of the baasii duraa down payment
gadaa-system) baasii guyyaa daily expenditure
baalsadee en trifoliale baasii hirphaa premium
baaltokkee en simple leaf (Bo baasii mata-mataanii poll tax
baalummaa n leafiness baasii mootummaa government
baanjoo n (Eur) banjo expenditure
baankii n (Eur) bank, credit firm baasii waggaa yearly expendi-
baankii agargoo data bank ture
baankii biyyalafaa world bank baasii waraanaa casus belli
baankii liqaa credit bank baasiliina n (Eng) vaseline
baankii misoomaa development baaskiltuu nmf bicyclist
bank baasuu v 1) to take away, take out
baankii qonnaa agricultural bank 2) to pay 3) to spend, contribute
baankii qusii savings-bank 4) to publish, issue 5) to promul-
baankii sabaa national bank gate (of law) 6) to produce
baankii seedannoo commercial 7) to make, perform 8) to take off
bank clothes, undress 9) to reveal, ex-
baankii sharafaa exchange bank pose 10) to plan, devise 11) to
baankii waltajjii general bank raise (hands, etc.) 12) to expel, fire
baankii warshaa industrial bank 13) to extract
baankonii n (It) counter (in a bar) baataa n 1) holder; supporting pole
baannachuu v to appeal 2) a packhorse used for riding
baannata n appeal baatamaa a portable, bearable
baannii n quotation baatamataa en atlas (of body)
baanyoo n (It) bathtub; shower baatii n 1) new moon; crescent
baaqaa n chaff, husk (of grain) 2) month
baaqaa qamadii chaff of wheat, baatii kurmaanee Quarter moon
husk of wheat Baatikaan n Vatican
baaqaa-callaa bad and good baatirii n (Eur) 1) battery (portable
baaqilaa n (Ar) same as halquuqa cells supplying electricity) 2) flash-
baaqqee n sheet (thin material) light
baaqqiyyee a transparent baatirii harkaa flashlight
baaqqiyyummaa n transparency baatirii jalqabbee primary battery
baar n (Ar) sea baatirii kiishaa a very small
baaraga n hysteria, panic flash-lamp
baaragaa a hysterical baatirii konkolaataa headlights
baaragsaa a panicky (of cars)
baaraguu v to be panicked baatirii meeshaa fakkoo
baargama en overseas, abroad 1) flashlight 2) flash bulb
baargamee en eucalyptus baattoo n carrier (e.g. of a bicycle);
baaristaa nmf (It) barman, barmaid supporter (of a roof)
baarkoo n branch baattoo balali'aa aircraft-carrier
baarrilee n ring worm baattubullaa en anther
baaruda n (Ar) gun powder baattuu n 1) porter, carrier 2) bearer,
baasa n innovation carriage (vehicle)
baattuu afuuffee - badhaadhuu 44

baattuu afuuffee gall bladder babarreeffama n 1) transcription

baattuu dhukkubaa vector 2) text
(carrier of disease) barreeffama galchuu enter text
baattuu dungoo candlestick babarreessa n transcript
baattuu guuttii charge carrier babarreessuu v to transcribe
(EM) babbaafama n derivation
baattuu okaa hay-rack babbaafamaa a derivable
baattuu eletrikaa electrical load babbaafammee a/n derivative
baay'ataa a/n multiple babbaasuu v to derive
baay'ifamaa n multiplicand babdoo n campaign (political)
baay'iftuu n multiplier baboolana n maribou stock
baay'ina n multiplicity; numerousness bacawuu v to be infected
baay'ina uummataa size of bacawwii n infection
population bacoo n vermin, parasitic insects
baay'isoo n multiplication badaa n hearth
baay'isuu vi n 1) to multiply 2) multi- badaa ibiddaa fireplace
plication badaasaa n wilderness, open plain
baayiraa n judge badaatuu n phosphorus
baayoliina n (Eur) violin badada n anxiety, neurosis
baayoliintuu nmf violinist badallaa n maize, corn
baayolojii n (Eng) same as barmo- baddaa n highland (ca. 2400 m
jiree above the sea level)
babaldhaa a widespread baddadaree en temperate zone
babaldhataa a extended (between 1600 -2400 m above the
babaldhii n scirpus corymboyus sea level)
babaldhina n expansion; extension baddadaroolee en dwellers of
babaldhina bilisaa free expan- baddadaree, inhabitants of tem-
sion perate zone
babaldhina gaasii expansion of baddadiilalloo en cold highland
gases (above ca. 3000 m)
babaldhina galtokkee linear ex- baddadirree en plateau (of land)
pansion baddadlrree ardil continental
babaldhina hiikkoo semantic ex- plateau
tension baddadirree humbuluqaa lava
babaldhina holakee thermal ex- plateau
pansion baddeessaa n water berry
babaldhina kurniitee decimal baddoo n blanket
expansion baddoolee npl highlanders
babaldhina lafaa surface expan- badduu baasuu v to exhaust com-
sion pletely
babaldhina qabiyyaa volume badhaadhaa a 1) rich 2) lucky, abun-
expansion dant
babaldhina reeshoo expansion badhaadhina n abundance, prosper-
ratio ity
babaldhina wannootaa expan- badhaadhummaa n social prosperity,
sion of substances richness, treasure, advancement
babaldhina yaatoo expansion of badhaadhummaa wal-wajjinii
liquids common advancement
babaldhisuu v to expand, extend badhaadhuu v to prosper, be pros-
45 badhaasa - bakka-bu'amaa

badhaasa n prize, award, reward bakka buusa substitution

(medal, certificate etc.) bakka buusuu to replace, substi-
badhaasa Nobeel Nobel Prize tute
badhaasa Nobeel kan barrees- bakka dhaabbii parking place
sumsaa Nobel Prize for Litera- bakka dhagaa cabsaa quarry
ture bakka dhalootaa birth place
badhaasa Nobeel kan nagaa bakka dhaqiisaa destination
Nobel Peace Prize bakka dheedichaa pasture
badhaasaa/ -ftuu nm/f one who re- bakka dhiqannaa bathing place
wards bakka dhisaa tannery
badhaasoo n medal bakka dhukaasa dabalataa addi-
badhaasuu v to make prosperous, tional firing position
enrich, award, adorn bakka dhukaasa duraa primary
badhee n field firing position
badhee diggaa diamond-field bakka duwwaa blank (empty
badhee dhuma-dhablee infinite space)
field bakka fuulsadee three dimen-
badhee eletrikaa electric field sional space
badhee maagineetaa magnetic bakka geeddarsaa place where
field money is exchanged
badii n 1) misdeed 2) corruption, per- bakka goo'ii jamming station
version bakka goolabbii bindery
badii bosonaa deforestation bakka hirribaa sleeping place
badiisa n 1) destruction, ruin, loss bakka hojii workshop, work-
2) damage, disaster, catastrophe, room, place of work
calamity bakka ijaa eye-spot
badiisa sanyii dhalootaa genetic bakka jalqabbii starting-point
damage bakka jireenyaa place of resi-
badumsa n calamity, misfortune dence
baduu v 1) to be lost, missing, disap- bakka qabsiifannoo booking (of
pear 2) to escape, run away 3) to a seat), reserving (a seat)
be destroyed; be perished bakka qabsiifachuu to book, re-
bagaajaa a bow legged serve a seat
baha n east, orient bakka qabsiisuu to codify, ar-
baha-biiftuu sunrise range systematically
bahaa a eastern, oriental bakka qalmaa abattoir
bahaddaa n community bakka quftoo sacred site, sacred
bajjaawaa a virgin (of soil) place
bajjii n maiden, permanent fallow bakka siree bedstead
land, virgin land bakka tikeetaa box office,
bakakkaa n thunder, thunderbolt counter
bakara n large spear bakka yaadduu space memory
bakbakii n motorcycle bakka-bu'aa biyyaa
bakka n 1) place, spot, space, site representative of a country
2) area 3) position, status; role bakka-bu'aa Ministeerii Barum-
bakka banaa vacancy Oob) saa representative of the Minis-
bakka bashanantii amusement try of Education
park, recreation center bakka-bu'aa seedannoo com-
bakka bu'aa/ -tuu 1) substitute, mercial agent
alternate 2) agency, deputy bakka-bu'amaa replaceable
bakka bultii boarding house
bakka-bu'iisa - ballaccee aljeebiraa 46

bakka-bu'iisa 1) representation, plane

substitution, replacement balali'aa waraanaa bomber air-
2) agency craft, war-plane, military aircraft
bakka-bu'uu to represent balali'aa yaabbachuu to board
bakka-buusuu to replace; substi- balali'aan deemsisuu to airlift
tute balaliisaa/ -ftuu nm/f pilot
bakka-buutuu dhaadhessii ad- balaliisaa balali'aa waraanaa
vertizing agency bomber pilot
bakkaan gawuu to accomplish balaqqama n vomiting
bakkaan gayiinsa accomplish- balaqqeessa n reflection
ment balaqqeessa ifaa reflection of
bakkabuusa en metaphor light
bakkalbuuda en mine balaqqeesssa sagalee reflection
bakkalbuda sabbuu gold mine ofsound,echo
bakkalcha n Venus balaqqeessisaa n reflector
bakkalcha barii morning star balaqqisa n reflex
bakkallaa n site balbala n 1) door, doorway, gate
bakkallee n planet 2) class, grade (class in school)
bakkallooma planetology 3) sublineage
bakkoommee a/n substituent (Chem) balbala boroo backdoor
bal'eensa a plane (flat, level) balbala elmaa gate of the kraal
balaa n 1) danger, catastrophe, peril where cows are milked
2) accident, disaster, calamity, balbala galaanaa harbour, sea-
hazard port
balaa balali'aa plane crash balbala guddaa lineage
balaa beelaa famine balbaba karalamee swing-door
balaa galaanaa damage by wa- balbala xinnaa sublineage
ter, flood disaster balbalattii n wicket; wicket gate
balaa gocha namaa man-made balballaa n cockroach
calamity balballee n board (committee)
balaa hojii industrial accident balbalooma n hygiene, sanitation
balaa hoongee drought balbaloommii n analysis
balaa ibiddaa fire hazard balbaloomsuu v to analyse
balaa konkolaataa road accident, baldhiinsa n region (Math)
traffic accident baldhina n breadth, width
balaa namnuumee man-made baldhina habalakaa n inclined
disaster plane (Phys)
balaa obomboleettii disaster baldhintaa n detail
caused by whirlwind, tornado, baldhintaatti detailed
hurricane or typhoon balee n 1) shallow depression
balaa uumamaa natural disaster, 2) sinkhole
natural calamity balfa n rejection
balaa waraanaa 1) danger of war balfannoo n discrimination
2) war damage balii n transition of power
balaalessa n objection baliila n motor car, automobile
balaalii n body hair baliillee n private car
balaambaleettii n propeller balkii n husk, shell
balabbaata n (Amh) 1) a feudal ballaa a one-eyed
baron 2) aristocrat ballaccee n badge; sign, mark
balali'aa n airplane, aircraft ballaccee aljeebiraa algebraic
balali'aa imaltuu passenger sign
47 ballaccee dooyyoo - baqqaqalee

ballaccee dooyyoo a scout bantii tulluu mountain top, sum-

badge mit
ballaccee ispoortii sports-badge bantoo n pillar
ballaccee loltuu soldier's badge bantoo lafaa earth pillar (Geog)
ballaccee manbarumsaa a bantooyyee a highest, super
school badge bantuu n opener (of beer bottle etc.),
balaccee seedannoo trademark can-opener
ballaccee torobbee a police- bantuu faaggee faucet
man's badge bantuu qorqoorroo tin-opener
balleessituu n contaminant baqa n melt
balleessituu soorataa food con baqaa a/n 1) melted 2) riverbed, wadi
taminant 3) gully
balleessuu v 1) to damage, destroy baqachiisaa/-ftuu nmlf one who
2) to corrupt causes to flee
baloo n auto horn baqachuu v to run away, escape;
baludaa n caracal (lynx of Africa) take refuge in, flee; evacuate; exile
baluunaa n aircraft baqannaa n escaping, fleeing
baluunee nmf pilot baqannoo n evacuation
balxii n dross, slag baqaqa n cleft, laceration
bamaqoo en (bakka + maqoo) pro- baqaqa hormaataa vaginal
noun laceration
bamaqoo abbummee posses- baqaqa sammuu cerebrum
sive pronoun laceration
bamaqoo agarsiisinaa demons- baqaqaa a fissure
trative pronoun baqaqiisa n laceration (of wound)
bamaqoo matayyee personal baqaqqee n rupture
pronoun baqaqqoo n volatility
bamaqoo ofiifee reflexive pro- baqaqsa n bisection, dissection
noun baqaqsoo n operation (Med)
bamaqoo walee reciprocal pro- baqaqso-boodaa post-operative
noun baqaqsuu v 1) to tear 2) to plough
bamboo n poem, composition 3) to operate
bambulee n bubo baqaqxoo n crack, fissure
bammii n increase of weight baqata n refuge
bammuu v to increase weight baqataa/ -tuu nmlf 1) refugee
banaa a/n 1) open 2) vacancy (of job) 2) fugitive, evacuee
banaajaa/ ee nmlf charming person baqatii n exile
banamaa a opened baqiinsa n melting
bancuftuu en switch (Elect) baqiinsa sibiilaa foundry
bancuftuu garlamee double baqina n solubility
switch baqqaana n island
baniisa n opening (commencement) baqqaannoo n layer
baniyyee a vacant baqqaannoo kutaanawoo
banjee n narcotic, nicotine subcutaneous layer
banjoo n anaesthesia baqqaannoo ozoonii ozone layer
bantii n 1) centre of a houses baqqala n brightness (of colour)
2) crown (of head) summit, top baqqala faajjii the former Oromo
bantii gadameessaa uterus- flag
fundus baqqaluu v to become bright
bantii lafaa head land baqqaqalee a bright (of colour)
bantii manaa house-top, roof
baqqoo - barartuu 48

baqqoo n wilderness areas where bara sabbuu Golden Age

the Oromos·used to go for hunting, bara sibiilaa Iron Age
hunting ground bara sibiildimaa Bronze Age
baqsaa n molten and processed bara sirnajiree biochronology
butter bara waraanaa war-time
baqsituu nmf one who forges iron; bara Xaaliyaanii the period of
refiner Italian occupation, 1936-1941
baqsituu meetii silver smith bara xindachee geological age
baqsituu sabbuu gold smith barritti dabree out-of-date, obso-
baquu v to melt lete
baqxuu a soluble baraa/ -tuu nmlf 1) learner, beginner
bara n 1) year; date 2) period 3) era, 2) pupil
epoch baraabara cadv 1) every year, yearly
bara ammayyaa modern age, 2) for ever, eternal
modern times baraabaraan lalisaa evergreen
bara arborummaa presidential baraabarummaa n eternity
term baraanbaree ca perpetual motion
bara baraan every year, all the baraanbarummaa en perpetuation
time, recurrent baraarsa n acquittal
bara beelaa a period of hunger baraarsuu v to acquit
bara bulchayyaa reign baraashaa n lime, quicklime
bara cabbii Ice-Age, glacial baraaxii a waste, refuse
period baraaxii summii toxic waste,
bara cewumsaa transitional hazardous waste
period baraaxuu v to waste
bara deessummaa child-bearing barabaasoo en rubbers (usu. of san-
age dals)
bara duwwaanaa space age barachiisaa/ -ftuu nmlf lecturer,
bara dhalootaa year of birth professor; educator
bara duula Maqalee the battle of barachiisaa duree dean
Maqale (1936) barachiisaa keessummee guest
bara haaraa New Year professor, visiting professor
bara haaromaa renascence, barachiisuu v help to learn, to edu-
Renaissance cate
bara hamaa a terrible period, or- barachuu v to study
deal time, depression (of econ- barafree ca quadrennial
omy) barammee en (bara + amma) con-
bara ifaa light year temporary (modern)
bara katoo tax year baranee n a newly married woman
bara Kiristaanaa Christian era (she is a baranee for one year)
bara meetii Silver Age barangaa'a n disorder
bara Minilik Menelik's period, the barangaa'aa a disorderly
reign of Menelik barangaa'uu v to be disordered
bara mootummaa reign, rule barannoo n lesson (unit of study)
bara nagaa a peaceful year, a barannoo tokkoffaa first lesson
healthy year baranoo a modern, up-to-date: fash-
bara obboroo seenaa ancient ionable; popular (song, music)
age barantaa n era (Geo/)
bara quufaa a period of plenty bararii n cancer
bara rakkoo an ordeal year barartii n flight
bara reefuu recent epoch barartuu n express (bus, train)
49 bararuu - barqaqa

bararuu v to fly bariisaa boroo Pole-Star, North

barataa/ -tuu nmlf student Star
barataa deddeebii day student barjiddoo en Middle Ages
barataa keessummee a male barjii n astrologer
guest student barkaa n surface
barataaa waldhaansaa a medical barkaa bishaanii water surface
student barkumee en (bara + kuma) millen-
barattuu keessummee a female nium
guest student barkurnee en decade
barateessa/ -ttii nmlf scholar barlamee ca biennial
barattoo n seminar barmeela n (Ar) barrel, vessel, cask
barbaachisaa a necessary, impor- barmeela biiraa beer-barrel
tant, vital, essential barmeela mukaa a barrel made
barbaachisummaa n requirement of wood
barbaachisummaa hoo'illaa barmeela sibiilaa a barrel made
calory requirement of metal
barbaadamaa/ -tuu am/f wanted barmeexaa n (It) hat
barbadaa n furnace; ember barmobiqilaa en botany
barbaddoo n dry area without any barmobookee en entomology
vegetation barmodachee en geography
barbara n engine barmodachee Afrikaa African
barbara jeettii jet engine Geography
barbara konkolaataa car engine barmodachee biyyalafaa World
barcee a concave Geography
bardabaloo en (bara + dabala) leap barmodachee herregaa mathe-
year matical geography
bardachee en geological time barmodachee nafooyyee physi-
bardanee cal en (bara + danuu) pe- cal geography
rennial barmodachee taliigaa political
bardhagiitee en Stone Age geography
bardhibbee en century barmodachee waaltawaa stan-
bardurii en old-time, antiquity; an- dard geography
cient barmodachituu nmf geographer
bardursa leeyii n precambrian era barmodhagnaa en anatomy
barfataa/ -tuu nm/f latecomer barmojiree en biology
barfatummaa n lateness barmojiree qonnaa agricultural
barfidoo ca latest (of fashion) biology
barfinaa en (bara + ifinaa) light-year barmomaanyaa en oceanography
bargoo a 1) half cooked, half-boiled barmomantii en theology
food 2) half ripe (fruits) 3) imma- barmoota n subject (field of study)
ture (person) barmoqonnaa en agronomy
bari'uu v to become morning barmoshimbirroo en ornithology
barii n dawn, morning-break, day- barmowaadurii en archaeology
break barmowaasaa en sociology
barii barraaqaa early morning barmoyakkii en criminology
barii obboroo early morning barmurjii en astronomy
(earlier than baril) barojii en (bara + hojii) term
bariifata n breakfast barqaqa n rosy dawn
bariisaa n 1) morning star, day-star barqaqa n twilight
2) dawn
barqiyyaa - barroo sheekkoo 50

barqiyyaa n (Ar) cable general literature

barqiyyaa bilbiltoo telephone barreessumsa ogummaa tech-
cord nical literature, specialised litera-
barraaqa n early morning before ture
dawn barreessumsa Oromoo Oromo
barreeffama n 1) publication literature
2) written materials barreettii n document
barreeffama seeraa statute- barrii n leaflet (of paper); tract (pam-
book, code phlet)
barreeffamaa a written barrisa n aviation
barreeffammii n 1) registration barrisiisaa/ -ftuu nm/f aviator, avia-
2) register office, registry trix, flyer, pilot
barreeffata n article, paper, docu- barrisuu v to fly
ment barrobarruyyaa en atlas (book of
barreeffata qalboo notice book maps)
barreeffee n paper, essay barrobicuu en booklet
barreessa n writing; composition barrogorsaa en manual
barreessa dhageettoo dictation barrogurgurtuu en mlf bookseller
barreessa qoonqessii phonetic barrojii en (barroo + hojii) workbook
spelling, phonetic writing barrokuuftuu enmf librarian
barreessa qubee alphabetic writ- barroo n book
ing, syllabic writing barroo barumsaa schoolbook,
barreessaa/ -ituu nmlf 1) writer, au- textbook
thor 2) secretary barroo bilbiltoo phone book,
barreessaa diraamaa playwright, telephone directory
dramatist barroo cheekii chequebook,
barreessaa duraasaa secretary bankbook
general barroo faaruu hymn-book
barreessaa furaa lexicographer barroo ijoollee children's book
barreessaa gaayoo secretary (of barroo jiddugaleessa standard
minutes) book
barreessaa ispoortii sport writer barroo imaltuu guidebook
barreessaa seenjiree biographer barroo kadhannaa prayer book
barreessaa sheekkoo writer (of barroo keessummaa visitors'
story) book
barreessaa xalayaa letter-writer barroo kofalchiisaa comic book
barreessaa yakkii crime-writer barroo mallattoo autograph
barreessii a writing; literary book, autograph album
barreessii jechayyaa wording (of barroo massakaa guide book;
writing) instruction book
barreessii harkaa calligraphy barroo mirsaa hymn-book
barreessii seenaa historiography barroo ogummaa technical book
barreessillaa n essay, composition barroo quftoo sacred book
barreessiyyoo nmf author, writer barroo qulqulluu the Holy Scrip-
barreessiyyooma n authorship ture
barreessumsa n literature barroo qusii savings-book, de-
barreessumsa afaanii oral litera- posite-book
ture barroo seenaa history-book
barreessumsa Afrikaa African barroo seera yakkii penal code,
literature criminal code
barreessumsa dimdhaashaa barroo sheekkoo story-book
51 barroo wabii - barumsa bunaqaa

barroo wabii reference book barsiisa raagaa teachings of a

barroo weedduu song-book philosopher
barroobaa en pluvial period (Geog) barsiisa raajaa preachings of a
barroollaa n book case, folder prophet
barrorkaa en (barroo + harkaa) barsiisa yaabbii riding-lesson
manuscript barsiisaa/ -ftuu nmlf teacher, in-
barrotarroo en bibliography structor, educator
barrowaggaa en almanac barsiisaa daakkii swimming-
barruguddaa en boldface instructor
barrulaaltuu en palmist, fortune-teller barsiisaa dhuunfaa private tutor
barruu1 n palm (of hand) barsiisaa dinagdee economics
barruu laaluu palmistry, chiro- teacher
mancy barsiisaa duree school director
barruu qubaa finger print barsiisaa herregaa teacher of
barruu2 n 1) writing 2) brochure; mathematics
leaflet 3) script barsiisaa kutaa class-teacher,
barruu fakkojalaa caption home-room teacher
barruu fijaa payroll barsiisaa muusiqaa music-
barruu Jaamaa braille master
barruu mukarraa xylograph barsiisaa seenaa history teacher
barruulee n magazine, journal barsiisaa unibarsitii university
barruulee dubartii women's lecturer
magazine barsiisaa weedduu music master
baruulee Ji'aa a monthly journal barsiisiyyoo nmf professor
barruutee n pamphlet barsiisummaa n teaching profession
barruyyaa n 1) map 2) chart barsiisuu v to teach, educate, in-
barruyyaa Afrikaa map of Africa struct
barruyyaa biyyaa map of a coun- bartakkee en (bara + takka) con-
try temporary (of the same time)
barruyyaa biyyalafaa map of the bartee n habit, custom
world bartii n course (lesson)
barruyyaa kaassuu to map, to bartli ergaanii correspondence
draw a map course
barruyyaa magaalaa city map bartii galgalaa evening course
barruyyaa naannoo map of a re- bartoolee n educated, cultivated
gion bartuu nmf 1) learner, beginner
barruyyaa nafooyyee physical 2) pupil
map bartuu bulmaataa boarding stu-
barruyyaa olaanolii relief map dent
barruyyaa Oromiyaa map of barumsa n 1) lesson, education,
Oromia study, learning, instruction
barruyyaa taliigaa political map 2) subject (field of study), branch
barruyyaa xoxxobbee dot map of learning
barruyya-tolchituu map-maker barumsa afaanii linguistics, phi-
barruyyoomsuu v to map, to draw a lology; teaching of languages
map barumsa albuudaa mineralogy
barsadee ca triennial barumsa baakteriyaa bacteriol-
barsii n seed-coat ogy
barsiifannoo n teaching barumsa beekumsaa philosophy
barsiisa n teaching, instruction, les- barumsa bunaqaa business
son studies
barumsa bu'uraa - battala 52

barumsa bu'uraa basic educa- barumsa sirbaa choreography

tion barumsa taliigaa political
barumsa dhagnaa physiology science
barumsa dinagdee economics barumsa uummaa natural sci-
barumsa dinagdee gamtaa so- ence
cial economics barumsa uummataa mass edu-
barumsa dirqamaa compulsory cation
education barumsa walaabaa free educa-
barumsa dirqamaa jalqabbee tion
compulsory primary education barumsa waldhaansaa medical
barumsa durkii liberal education science
barumsa fayyaa health barumsa walee co-education
education barumsa weennoo sexology,
barumsa faayataa aesthetics, sex education
science of art barumsa yeroo boqonnaa ex-
barumsa gamtaa social studies tension courses
barumsa gayeeyyii adult educa- baruu v 1) to learn, study 2) to find
tion out 3) to become acquainted with
barumsa hamilee moral philoso- baruyaa en (barumsa + yaadaa)
phy, ethics ideology
barumsa hawaasaa social baruyaa maarkisii Marxist ideol-
science ogy
barumsa hediisaa accounting baruyaa waltichaa communist
barumsa herregaa mathematics ideology
barumsa hojjatootaa workers' Basa n Sirius
education basaaftuu nmf spy
barumsa jajjabeessa dhagnaa basaasa n (Ar) spying
physical education basaasuu v to spy
barumsa jalqabbee primary edu- basakkaa n twilight
cation basalgee a excellent, perfect
barumsa jechayyalee lexicogra- bashaada n chic
phy bashaadaa/ -duu am/f stylish
barumsa kaametummaa home bashaaduu v to become chic
economics, domestic science bashanana n amusement, entertain-
barumsa manaa private lesson ment, relaxation, enjoyment
barumsa misoomaa doctrine of bashananaa/ -tuu nmlf person who
evolution, theory of development, relaxes, enjoys
embryology bashanansiisaa/ -ftuu nm/f enter-
barumsa muusiqaa musicology tainer
barumsa odeeffannoo journal- bashanantii n relaxing, recreation,
ism amusements
barumsa qonnaa agriculture, ag- bashananuu v to relax, enjoy
ricultural science bashbashoo n overproduction, su-
barumsa qorichaa pharmacy perabundance
barumsa sadarkaa olii higher bassobilaa n sacred basil (kind of
education spice)
barumsa sanyii genetics batalummee a spontaneous
barumsa seedannoo commer batalummooma n spontaneity
cial study bataskaana n (Amh) church
barumsa seeraa law (academic battala a sudden
subject), jurisprudence
53 battalee - beekumsa ammayyaa

battalee n instant, moment beekaa dinagdee economist

battaloo n quiz (examination) beekaa dubbii one who articu-
battee a flat lates coherently, eloquent
battoo n oar beekaa geerrarsaa expert of war
bawuu v 1) to come out, exit, leave (a songs
place, a country) 2) to climb 3) to beekaa gimxooshaa arithmeti-
rise (the moon, stars) 4) to be fin- cian
ished, fermented 5) to be pub- beekaa hamilee moral philoso-
lished, be issued 6) to be promul- pher
gated (of law) 7) to occur, happen beekaa herregaa mathematician
bawwee n shovel, spade beekaa hirmaata-dubbii gram-
baxxiftuu n roller (machine) marian
baxxoo n table, chart beekaa kemikaala jiree biochem-
baxxoo addaan-baafannoo table ist
of specification beekaa mammaaksaa an expert
baxxoo boronqii chalk board in proverbs
baxxoo jireenyaa life-table beekaa qorichaa pharmacist
bayaatii n product (Eco, Math) beekaa seenaa historian
bayii n communal work bigger than beekaa seeraa jurist
jigii or daboo beekaa sirna madaallii taxono-
bayiitii n exit mist
bayoolee n orientalist beekaa taliigaa political scientist
bayooma n orientalism beekaa teessuma lafaa topogra-
bayyanataa/ -tuu am/f convalescent pher
bayyannata n convalescence beekaa xinamantii theologist
beedee n customer; client beekaa xinbiqilaa botanist
beekaa/ -tuu am/f 1) wise, intelligent, beekaa xinneefkaa zoologist
brilliant 2) expert, specialist beekaa xinurjii astronomer
beekaa afaanii linguist, philolo- beekamaa/ -tuu am/f 1) definite
gist 2) well-known, famous, noted
beekaa akkumsa ijaarsaa archi- beekkachuu v to realise, recognise
tect beekommii n recognition
beekaa albuudaa mineralogist beeksifachuu v to confess
beekaa barmobookee entomolo- beeksifannaa n appeal
gist beeksifannoo n confession
beekaa barmocarii geologist beeksisa n 1) announcement, notice,
beekaa barmodachee geogra- public notice 2) proclamation
pher 3) advertisement 4) information
beekaa barmodhagnaa anato beeksisa baasuu to make an
mist announcement; make advertise-
beekaa barmojiree biologist ment
beekaa barmomanti theologian, beeksisa dhumaa ultimatum
theologist beeksisaa/ -ftuu nmlf announcer
beekaa barmoqonnaa agrono- beeksisoo n identification
mist beektota npl intellectuals
beekaa barmoshimbirroo orni- beekumsa n 1) knowledge, wisdom;
thologist intellect 2) understanding 3) know-
beekaa barmowaasaa social sci- how, experience
entist, sociologist beekumsa ammayyaa modern
beekaa barmoyakkii criminolo- know-how
beekumsa bu'uraa - bifa lafaa 54

beekumsa bu'uraa basic knowl- biddeena n thin and large local bread
edge biddeena mishingaa biddeena
beekumsa dubbii rhetoric which is made of sorghum
beekumsa durii traditional biddeena warqee bread which is
knowledge made of warqee
beekumsa uummaa science biddeena xaafii biddeena which
beekuu v to know, understand; rec- is made of xaafii
ognise biddiiquu v to sway
beela n hunger bidinjaana n egg-plant (Bot)
beelada n domestic animal bidiree n a small box
beeladoo n animal, fauna bidiree andarqii soap-box
beeladummaa n animality bidirtaa n bathtub, bathing-trunks
beelawaa/-oftuu am/f hungry; bidirtuu nmf boat-maker
starving bidiruu n 1) boat, canoe 2) a beer
beelawuu v to be hungry; starve vessel 3) box 4) coffin 5) trough,
Beeljigii n 1) Belgium 2) a kind of rifle font
beellama n appointment (date), en- bidiruu bishaanii boat, canoe
gagement (appointment) bidiruu deddeebii ferry
beellama qabuu to make an ap- bidiruu dhiqannaa bathtub, bath-
pointment ing-trunks
beellama eeguu to keep an ap- bidiruu farsoo a small beer ves-
pointment sel, barrel
beellama keennuu to give an bidiruu horsiisaa aquarium
appointment bidiruu misoommii developing
beellama manseera a court ad- tank
journment bidiruu reeffaa coffin
beellama qabaachuu to have an bidiruu uffataa box (for clothes)
appointment with bidoollee n habitat
beenchii n (Eng) same as dalgantaa bidoollee bishaanawoo aquatic
beensila n (Eur) gas, petrol, gasoline, habitat
benzine bidoollee lafawoo terrestrial
beensila balali'aa aircraft fuel habitat
beensila waraabbachuu to fuel bidujaa en (biduu + ijaa) iris
beensila-qabeessa benzine con- biduu n birthmark, mole
tent bifa n 1) colour 2) form, shape, ap-
beensiliina n (Eur) penicillin pearance, feature 3) statue
beenyaa n insurance 4) character
beenyaa n insurance (company) bifa bifaan in its category
beenyaa seenuu to be insured bifa bifaan addaan baasuu to
beenya-maleessa/ -ttii uninsured categorise
person bifa bishaanii water-colour
beenya-qabeessa/ -ttii insured bifa burtukaanaa orange-colour,
person reddish-yellow
belgii n canal, channel bifa cuquliisaa blue
bennii a unfermented bifa fakkeenyaa image
beroo n trench (protection for sol- bifa hardiidoo zebra-markings
diers) bifa iddobuutuu complementary
bicummaa n tininess colour
bicummaa giidoo energy loss bifa jalqabbee primary colours
bicuu a very small or little, minute, bifa keelloo yellow
tiny, mini bifa lafaa shape (of the earth)
55 bifa lammee - bilbiltooyyee

bifa lammee secondary colours biinoo diimaa red wine

bifa margaa green biinoo Gudar Gudar wine
bifa sabbuu gold (colour) (famous Ethiopian wine)
bifa sadee tertiary colours biinoo Duukam Dukam wine
bifa-dhablee colourless biinoo saarisii Sarris wine (local
bifdanee en/ ca multicolour; multi- wine)
coloured biiqqaa a/n purple (of colour)
biflamee en of two colours biiraa n (It) European beer
biflee nmf sharp-shooter biiraa Baatii Bati beer
biflooma n precision in aiming a gun biiraa Baddallee Baddalle beer
bifollee n teddy-bear biiraa Faranjii European (im-
bifsadee en tricolour ported) beer
biftokkee en monocolour biiraa Harar Harar beer
bigalfidee (biyyee galanni + fide) biiraa Meettaa Metta beer
alluvial soil, alluvium biiraa Melootii Melotti beer (an
biibbii n vessels made of tin or zinc; Eritrean beer)
can biirii n water well
biibbii bishaanii cans for water biirokraasii n (Eng) same as qon-
biichee n a kind of horse disease daa/essummaa
biidiyoo n (Eur) video biiroo n (Fr) same as waajjira
biifa n 1) spray, spraying 2) ray biirusa n (Eur) virus
biifamaa n sprays (insecticide) biitee n mist
biiffee n sprayer, atomiser biitewaa a misty, mistful
biiffee rifeensaa hairspray bijaamaa n (Eng) pyjamas
biifoo n ray bikkaa n measure
biiftuu n sun bikkooma n measurement
biifuu v to spray, sprinkle bikkuu v to measure
biilaa n blade of wheat or barley bilaanbiloo n balanced diet
biilaa baalaa needle leaf bilaarsiyaa n (Eng) bilharzia
biilalaawa n conifer bilbila n bell
biilalaawaa a coniferous bilbila balbalaa door-bell
biilalee n cone bilbila gurraa earphone
biilalee burkaanaa volcanic cone bilbila karraa door-bell (of a gate)
bilaalee dalgii oblique cone bilbila lilimmii diving-bell
biilalee humbuluqaa lava cone bilbila manamantii church-bell
bilaalee walfakkaataa similar bilbila mana barumsaa school-
cones bell
biilaluu n layer of stone (usu. stands bilbila manaa house-bell
out like cone) bilbillee a efficient and hardworking
biillaa n (It) villa bilbilleettii at clever, alert, astute (of
biima n injection women in home management)
biimaa/ -tuu nm/f person who injects bilbiltoo n telephone, phone
biimamaa/ -tuu nmlf a patient to be bilbiltoo daandii telephone
given an injection booth, call-box
biimbee n mosquito bilbiltoo halaalaa long-distance
biimmee n 1) pin 2) flat hairpin, call, trunk call
bobby pin bilbiltoo mataa headphone,
biimmee sararree drawing-pin headset
biimuu v to inject, give an injection bilbiltoo waltajjii telephone ex-
biinoo n (It) wine change
biinoo adii white wine bilbiltooyyee n telephonist
bilbiltuu - biqilaa bar-tokkee 56

bilbiltuu nmf bell-ringer of the mind

bilbiluu v 1) to ring, strike (of a cloak) bilisummaa namaa civil liberties
2) to telephone, phone, make a bilisummaa sabaa national lib-
telephone call eration, national independence
bilcheessaa/ -ituu nmlf cook bilisummaa uummataa people's
bilcheessoo n cooking liberation
bilchina n maturation biliyoona n (Eur) billion
bilchoo amt mature (of mind), ma- blllaa n knife; sword
tured (of a person) billaacha n butterfly
bilchooma n maturity billee n small piece
bilfee n pigment billee waraqataa a small piece of
bilfee agartuu visual pigment paper
bilfina n pigmentation billikoola n (It.) colour film
bilii n moth (of clothes) billiqa n kindling
bilii uffataa clothes moth billiqqee n fire-fly
biliilee n gap; cleft billiqqoo n hysteria
bilillee n (Ar) 1) small flask-shaped billiqqooma n hysterism
glass with long or short neck used billiqxuu n flash
for dhaadhii 2) crystal, crystal biloonarkiftuu en screwdriver
glass biloonii n (It) bolt (a screw)
bilillee shurrubbee a kind of biloonii dlddirllraa expansion
bill/lee bolt
bilillummaa n crystallinity biloonii mukaa fang bolt
biliqii n switch biloonii-U U-bolt
biliqsuu v to switch (Comp) bilqaadii n vial
bilisa a free, independent bllqaada qorlchaa vial (of medi-
bilisa baafamaa/ -tuu one who cine)
would be liberated biluus n (Eng) blues
bilisa baasaa/ -ftuu liberator, bineensa n animal, beast
emancipator bineensa adamsaa beast of prey
bilisa baasuu to make free, set bineensa bishaanii aquatic ani-
free, liberate, emancipate mal
bilisa-dhabeessa/ -ttii slave, de- bineensa bosonaa game (ani-
pendent mal), wildlife
bilisa-qabeessa/ -ttii free man/ bineensa daggalaa beast; wild-
woman, independent; sovereign life
bilisoomaa/ -tuu nm/f one who would bineesna diidaa wild animal
be liberated bineensummaa n barbarity, barba-
bilisoomsaa/ -ituu nm/f liberator, rism
emancipator binkii n safety pin
bilisoomsuu v to make free, set free, binoo n animal (in children's games)
liberate, emancipate blqila n 1) sprout 2) malt
bilisummaa n liberty, liberation, in- biqila abuuraa seed germination
dependence; emancipation, free- biqilaa n plant, vegetation
dom; sovereignty (of a country) biqilaa afro-albinii afro-alpine
bilisummaa dubartii women's vegetation
liberation, emancipation of biqilaa alaadhuffee exotic plant
women biqilaa baalbaldhaa broadleaf
bilisummaa ilma namaa eman- plant
cipation of mankind biqilaa bardanee perennial plant
bilisummaa mataa emancipation biqilaa bar-tokkee annual plant
57 biqilaa bishaanawoo - birmannoo

biqilaa bishaanawoo aquatic birkii n 1) separating point in sugar

plant cane and bamboo stalks 2) section
biqilaa daraaraa flowering plant birkoo n sector
biqilaa daraarmaleessa non- birkoo dinagdee economic sec-
flowering plant tor
biqilaa filamaa selected plant birkoo herregaa sector accounts
biqilaa gammoojjii xerophyte birkoo mootummaa government
biqilaa manduubee back yard sector
gardening birmachiisaa/-ftuu nmlf mobiliser (of
biqilaanbultuu en herbivore emergency service)
biqilbishee en (biqilaa + bishaan) birmachiisuu v to enlist aid
hydrophyte birmachuu v to come to aid; co-
biqileeta n plantation operate, show solidarity
biqiliyyaa n flora, vegetation birmada a/ n sovereign
biqiliyyaa lagaa riverine vegeta- birmaddii n sovereignty
tion birmadoomsaa/ -ituu nmlf liberator
biqiltuu n seedling birmadoomsuu v to set free, liberate
biqiltuu bunaa coffee seedling birmadummaa n freedom, emanci-
biqiltuu manaa house-plant pation
biqqillee n thallus birmadummaa amantii freedom
bir'achiiftuu nmf alarmist of religion
bir'achiisa n alarm (warning sound) birmadummaa barreessuu free-
bir'achiisaa n alarm (of mechanism) dom of press
bir'achiisaa ibiddaa fire alarm birmadummaa barumsaa aca-
bir'achiisuu v to alarm demic freedom
bir'eessa n risk birmadummaa bu'uraa basic
biraamida n (Eng) pyramid freedom
biraandii n (Eur) brandy birmadummaa dubbachuu free-
birbirsa n juniper tree dom of speech
birbirsoo n tower birmadummaa dubartii emanci-
birbirsoo goggogsaa drying pation of women
tower birmadummaa filmaataa free-
birbirsoo raadiyoo radio tower dom of election
birbirsoo telebiishinaa television birmadummaa gamtaa social
tower freedom
birdiidoo n cuneiform birmadummaa gurmaawuu
bir'annaa n irritation freedom of association
biri'annoo n irritability birmadummaa hiriiraa freedom
birii n tic of demonstration
Biritaaniyaa n Britain birmadummaa namtokkee indi-
Biritaaniyaa Guddoo Great vidual freedom
Britain birmadummaa waltitti-qabamuu
birkaa n node freedom of assembly
birkee n sub- bimadummaa yaadaa freedom of
birke-damee sub-branch thought, freedom of opinion, free-
birke-kaawwata sub-article (of dom of expression
law) birmaduu amt free, freeman
birke-koree sub-committee birmannaa n 1) aid, help, coopera-
birke-tuutee subset tion 2) solidarity
birke-tuutee xiqqaa proper birmannoo n solidarity
birmannoo addunyaalessaa - bishaan-qabeessa 58

birmannoo addunyaalessaa bishaan garaachaa gastric juice

international solidarity bishaan geldii heavy water
birmannoo gamtaa social bishaan gugseessaa artesian
solidarity water
birmataa/ -tuu nm/f person who bishaan haaraa fresh water
comes to help, one who shows his bishaan hafaa excess water
solidarity bishaan haraa lake water
birminyii n memory bishaan harkaa water for wash-
biroshuutii n (It) ham ing hands just before and after
birraa n spring (season; in Oromia meal
September, October and Novem- bishaan haroo catchment
ber) bishaan hoowwaa hot water
birraa barii the beginning of bishaan ijaa eyewater (tears)
spring bishaan ittisuu to dam
birsaga en (bira + sagalee) syllable bishaan jajjabaa hard water
birsaga-danee polysyllable bishaan kiloriinii chlorine water
birsaga-tokkee monosyllable bishaan kuraa brine, salt water
birtee n 1) tip, point 2) nipple bishaan lafakeessaa ground
birtee harmaa nipple water
bishaan n 1) water 2) body of water bishaan lafayyaa surface-water
such as river, pond, lake, sea bishaan lagaa river-water
bishaan agartuu aqueous hu- bishaan lallaafaa soft water
mour bishaan lolaa rill
bishaan amboo mineral water bishaan magaalaa municipal
bishaan andarqii soap-suds water
bishaan badiisaa the biblical bishaan mar'imaanii intestinal
flood juice
bishaan bokkaa rain-water bishaan miilaa water for washing
bishaan boombaa same as feet before going to bed
bishaan faaggee bishaan mishiraa lentil soup
bishaan booralee lime water bishaan obaasuu to water, irri-
bishaan booruu dirty water gate
bishaan burqaa spring water bishaan qorraa cold water
bishaan buupphaa yolk bishaan qullubbii onion soup
bishaan carii filtered water bishaan rifeensa mataa hair
bishaan ciisaa stagnant water tonic
bishaan cilee carbohydrate bishaan roobaa meteoric water
bishaan daakaa swimming bishaan sammuu amniotic fluid
bishaan daaktuu swimmer bishaan soodaa soda water
bishaan daakuu to swim bishaan soogiddaa salty water
bishaan daangulee pea-soup bishaan soogidda-dhablee salt-
bishaan danfaa boiled water less water
bishaan dhagnaa water for bath- bishaan shorroonii toilet water
ing bishaan tujubaa deep water
bishaan dhugaatii fresh water, bishaan-dhabeessa waterless,
portable water anhydride
bishaan eelaa well-water bishaan-dhablee scantily wa-
bishaan faaggee running water tered
bishaan foonii beef-tea, clear bishaan-qabeessa hydrate, well-
soup; broth watered, rich in water
bishaan galaanaa sea-water
59 bishaan-qabeessummaa - biyya bilisoome

bishaan-qabeessummaa hydra- bittaa n 1) buying, purchasing

tion 2) ruling, domination, governing
bishaanawaa a aquatic, watery; bittaa fi gurgurtaa commerce,
aqueous trade
bishaanee n aquatic animal, am- bittaa nafxanyaa the nafxanyaa-
phibian domination
bishaanessaa n water-softener bittee n ruling, domination, subjuga-
bishaanessuu v to make thin (of tion
beer etc.); dilute bittee afkalaa bourgeois rule
bishaanummaa n wateriness bittee alagaa foreign rule, foreign
bishanqee en (bishaan + hanquu) domination
dehydration bittee dagabaafattuu colonial
bishdhallee en (bishaan + dhaluu) rule, colonial domination
water-borne bittee fudaalaa feudal rule
bishinseennee ca (bishaan + hin bittee gonfoo monarchy
seennee) waterproof bittee ilaaflamee democratic rule
bishnaqataa en vesicle (Med) bittima n scattering
bisho- pref hydro- bittima abuuraa seed dispersal
bishocilee en hydrocarbon bittimfamaa a scattered
bishogoodaa en hydrothorax bittimsuu v to scatter, disperse
bishooftoo n hydrogen bittinneessa n dispersal
bishooftuu a watery (of a place) bittuu nmf buyer, purchaser
biskileeta n (It) same as geengo- bituu v 1) to buy, purchase, go shop-
tamee ping 2) to rule over, govern, domi-
biskileettuu nmf cyclist nate 3) to hire (e.g. a lawyer)
bitaa a/n 1) left 2) south bixxii a minute, tiny, mini
bita-galeessa/ -ttii awkward bixxilaa/ -tuu nm/f baker
bita-goreessa/ -ttii left deviation- bixxilii n bakery
ist bixxillee n a small roll of bread
bita-goriisa left deviation bixxiluu v to bake
bitaacha/ -ttii a/n mlf left-handed biyya n 1) country; region 2) nation
bitaalessa/ -ttii nm/f leftist 3) population
bitaalessa gonkaa ultra-leftist biyya abbaa fatherland, mother-
bitaamina n (Eur) vitamin land
bitaamina A vitamin A biyya abdataa a promised land
bitaamina B vitamin B biyya alagaa foreign country,
bitaamina C vitamin C abroad
bitaamina D vitamin D biyya albuudaa mineral produc-
bitaamina H vitamin H ing-country
bitaamina K vitamin K Biyya Ameerikaa America
bitamtummaa n mercenariness Biyya Arabaa Arabia
bitamtuu nmf mercenary biyya atoommii federal territory,
bitamuu v 1) to be bribed 2) to be- federal district
come mercenary biyya baddaa upland
bitannaa buying, purchasing (usu. for biyya bariinsa acclimatisation
oneself) biyya barsiisuu to acclimatise
bitannoo n shopping biyya baruu to be acclimatised
bitii n reign (ruling) biyya beensilaa petroleum pro-
bitoo n anti-clockwise ducing-country
Bitootessa n March biyya bilisoome free country, in-
dependent country
biyya boqqoolloo - biyyee geldii 60

biyya boqqoolloo corn belt biyya moggaa periphery (coun-

biyya bosonaa wooded country try)
or region biyya moodii a locality inhabited
biyya bunaa coffee-growing re- by a burial society, community;
gion or country parish
biyya burtukaanaa orange- biyya mootii kingdom
growing region or country biyya mootii moototaa empire
Biyya Chaayinaa China biyya ollaa a neighbouring coun-
biyya daaw'ataa/ -tuu sight-seer try
biyya daaw'ii sight-seeing biyya Oromoo Oromoland
Biyya Denmaarkii Denmark biyya qamadii wheat growing
biyya dhalootaa homeland, na- region or country, wheat belt
tive country biyya qonnaa agricultural
biyya diidaa abroad country
biyya diriiraa a flat country, a biyya quusaraa underdeveloped
plain region country
biyya doteessa an aggressor biyya sabaa national state
country biyya sabdanee multinational
biyya garbadhablee landlocked state
country biyya sagayaa copper belt
Biyya Faarisaa Persia Biyya Somaalee Somalia
Biyya Faranjii Europe biyya shaayii tea growing-region
Biyya Faransaa France or country
biyya fardaa a region or country Biyya Turkii Turkey
which breeds horses biyya xaafii xaafii growing region
biyya gawwii infertile country or Biyya Xaaliyaanii Italy
region biyya warshaa industrial country,
Biyya Giriikii Greece industrial nation
biyya guutuu nation-wide biyya-keessa inland
biyya gobbuu densely populated biyyaa hari'ama deportation
country or region biyyalaa en/ adv foreign land; abroad
biyya haaraa young nation biyyalafaa en world, globe
biyya hin-bilisoomne dependent biyyalafaa guutuu the whole
country; colony world, all over the world
Biyya Hindii India biyyalafaa quusaraa underde-
biyya hirkataa dependent coun- veloped world
try biyyamaree en (biyya + mara) co-
biyya hiyyeessa poor country smopolitan
Biyya lswiisii Switzerland biyyanoo n aborigine
Biyya Jarmanii Germany biyyattii n small country
biyya jiddugalee buffer state biyyedulloo en oxisol (Geo/)
biyya jirbii cotton belt, cotton biyyee n soil
growing region or country biyyee adaalaa desert soil
biyya kiristaanaa a Christian biyyee ambee residual soil
country biyyee booralee alkaline earth
biyya lalisaa fertile country or re- biyyee boronqii soil full of lime-
gion stone
biyya misoomaa developing biyyee burkaanaa volcanic soil
country biyyee dhangaggee acidic soil
biyya misoome developed coun- biyyee faaraa grummusol (Geog)
try biyyee geldii heavy soil
61 biyyee guuttoo - bocii

biyyee guuttoo mature soil boba'uu v 1) to burn, be on fire, be

biyyee hafalee light soil kindled, be lit 2) to be angry
biyyee haftoo fossil soil boba'uutee n petroleum
biyyee irraa top-soil bobaa n armpit, axillary fossa
biyyee jajjabaa hard pan bobaatii n burning, combustion;
biyyee jirtii organic soil flame
biyyee keessoo sub-soil bobaatuu a combustible,
biyyee kuraa saline soil inflammable
biyyee magariisa green earth, bobba'a n defecation
green-sand bobba'aa/ -tuu nmlf one who is en-
biyyee naqxoo landfill gaged in professional or non-
biyyee qaljii virgin soil professional activity
biyyee sibiilaa iron ore, ore bobba'uu v 1) to graze, pasture 2) to
biyyee sondii loam soil go out, leave, depart 3) to engage
biyyee soogiddaa salt plug in, take part in; perform 4) to go to
biyyee suphee clay soil the toilet
biyyoolessa a national bobbaa n 1) action of grazing
biyyoolessuu v to nationalise 2) excrement, shit 3) allocation
biyyoomaa/ -tuu nmlf citizen bobbaa horii grazing place,
biyyoomuma n citizenship range (of cattle)
biyyoota npl countries, nations bobbaasaa/ -ftuu nmlf 1) shepherd
biyyoota addunyaa sadaffaa 2) leader (of troops)
third world countries bobbaasuu v 1) to take out to graze,
Biyyoota Mediteraaniyaa Medi- drive to pasture 2) to deploy
terranean Countries (troops)
biyyoota misoomaa developing bobeessaa/ -ituu nm/f 1) person who
countries lights fire 2) irritator 3) ignition
biyyoota misooman developed bobeessaa maagineetaa mag-
countries neto-ignition
biyyoota rawwaa countries of the bobeessii n irritation
Gulf bobeessoo n distillery
biyyoota walee Commonwealth bobeessuu v 1) to kindle, light fire;
countries blaze 2) to make someone angry,
biyyumee a indigenous irritate
bo'eessuu v to make a line in a farm bobootee n elephantiasis
in order to sow boca n 1) carving 2) shape
bo'oo n 1) line, row 2) furrow boca kubbaa bolus
bo'oo dalgaa horizontal furrow boca nafaa metamorphosis
bo'oo lolaa a ditch to carry off boca sirraawaa regular shape
surface water boca slrraawa-malee irregular
bo'oo qunnamtii trench (for shape
communication) boca-geeddara deformation
bo'oyyaa n column (in newspaper) boca-geeddartii deformity
boba'a n flame boca-geeddaruu to deform
boba'a hoo'inaa heat flame boca-dhablee amorphous
boba'aa n 1) fuel 2) burner bocaa/ -cuu nm/f 1) carver, wood-
boba'aa albuudaa mineral fuel carver 2) carpenter
boba'aa Bansanii Bunsen burner bocafakkoo en pictogram
boba'aa haftoo fossil fuel boccoo n infection
boba'iinsa n combustion bocha n aching pain
boba'ummaa n combustibility bocii n 1) carving 2) shaping
bocuu - boolla cilee 62

bocuu v to carve; shape bonayyaa a arid, dry

boda a/n noble; aristocrat bonayyoo n barren land
boddhaa n gland bonbontii n mystery
boddoo n peat bonee n 1) summer crop 2) irrigated
bodee n bayonet farm, dry season cultivation
bofa n snake, serpent bonkee n leather clothes
bofa haddheessaa poisonous bonkoo n menstruation
snake boocee a/n least
boffee n weft, woof boochisaa/ -ftuu nm/f professional
bofloo n bread mourner
boggee n shorts, pants boochodanee en multichannel
bojaa a jumbo; giant boochoo n 1) channel (body of wa-
bokkaa n rain, rainfall ter) 2) course, direction, line
bokkaa ciccitaa intermittent rains Boochoo lngilizii English Chan-
bokkaa siibessa a heavy rain nel
bokkola n neoplasm, tubercle boochoo bilbiltoo circuit for tele-
bokkoo a urban graphic communication
bokkooma n urbanism boodattafaa/ -ftuu amlf retarded
bokkooyyee a urbane (mentally)
bokkuu n 1) knob, club 2) sceptre, booddessaa a backward
mace boodkaa n (Rus) vodka
bokkuu mootummaa sceptre, booftaa n wool
mace booftaa culkii pure
bokoka n flatulence; edema (Med) booftaa qomee knitting worsted
bokoka garaa meteorism (Med) (of wool)
bokoksaa n intestinal obstruction boohartii n enjoyment
bokokuu v to be inflated (of stomach) boohartuu nmf one who enjoys
bokona n camp, encampment, bar- booharuu v to enjoy
racks; quarter booji'aa/ -tuu nmlf plunderer
bokona baqattuu refugee camp booji'amaa/ -tuu nm/f captive, pris-
bokona booji'amtuu concentra- oner of war
tion camp booji'amummaa n captivity
bokona boqonnaa summer booji'uu v to take captive, take as
camp spoil, plunder
bokona eegduu camp-guard boojii n capture, spoil, captivity
bokona unibarsitii campus boojuu n booty, spoil; plunder, cap-
bokona waraanaa military camp, tive, trophy
military base bookee n gnat
bokoneessuu v 1) to camp, encamp bookee busaa mosquito
2) to build a fort, fortify boolalee n bowl, bowls of water-
bokonnoo n fort, fortification pipes
bolaalee n baggy trousers boolboo n Volvo
bolaalee battee bell-bottom boolingii n (Eng) same as tapha-
bolgodaa n obscurity waciitee
bolloqqee n haricot beans boolla n 1) hole, burrow; hollow
bololiya n floating 2) mine, pit; pitch 3) grave
bololiyuu v to float boolla awwaalaa grave
bolsiwaagonii n Volkswagen booIla bishaanli 1) a well
bona n summer, dry season 2) water-hole
bonaawuu v to be dry (of season), be boolla bobbaa water closet
summer boolla cllee coal-mine, colliery
63 boolla furtuu - boqota bunaa

boolla furtuu keyhole boondii n (Eng) pound (money)

boolla ijaa eyehole, orbit boongoo n cave, cavern, den
boolla ittisaa defensive trench boonkisii a shucked (of corn)
boolla kuusaa man-made hole boonkisuu v to shell, shuck
for the accumulation of cow-dung boonoo n (It) coupon, voucher
boolla laaqii swallow hole boonoo soorataa food stamp
boolla meetii silver mine boonsoo n evening twilight
boolla qayyaa incense hole (a boonuu v to be proud
depression in which incense is booqaa aln blaze (of colour)
burnt) boora a dark yellow
boolla sabbuu gold mine boorala n white or grey soil
boolla zayitii oil well booralee n lime, limestone
boolla shorroonii pit latrine, booralee bulbulamaa slaked
lavatory lime
boolla tuqaa mole's burrow boorale-dhabeessa limeless
boollajaa en orbit (of eyes) boorale-qabeessa limy
boollangoo n cavity, depression, pit booralloo n crystal (Chem)
boollawuu v to become full of holes boorataa n bulldozer
(of road, floor, field) boorawuu v to be muddy, be turbid
boollessuu v to dig into holes boorkillee en (boora + killee) yolk
boolloo n pothole boorsaa n (It) 1) bag, briefcase
booltii n (Eng) volt 2) wallet, purse
boombaa n (It) pump boorsaa laastikii a bag made of
boombaa baraaxii waste pipe plastic
boombaa sombaa bronchial boorsaa dugdaa rucksack, knap-
tubes sack
boombaa qilleensa-dhablee boorsaa gogaa a bag or wallet
vacuum pump made of leather
boombessaa n bomber (plane) boorsaa harkaa hand-bag
boombessii n bombardment boorsaa jirbii a bag made of cot-
boombessituu nmf bomber (a pilot) ton
boombessuu v to bomb, bombard boorsaa maallaqaa wallet, purse
boombii1 n (Eur) bomb boorsaa meexxii a bag made of
boombii atoomii atomic bomb palm leaves
boombii hadrojinaa hydrogen boorsaa migiraa a bag made of
bomb migira grasses
boombii-H H-bomb boorsaa waraqataa paper bag
boombii harkaa hand grenade boorsee n wallet, purse
boombii yerootee time-bomb boortee n klipspringer (Zoo)
boombiin dhawuu to bomb booruu a muddy, turbid
boombii xalayaa letter-bomb boossa n machine gun
boombii2 n beetle boottii n (Eng) boots (shoes)
boombiktuu en (boombaa + hiiktuu) boottottii n a small creek
tap wrenches booyyee n pig, hog
boona n pride boqee n crater
boona sabaa national pride boqochuu v to rest
boona ilma-namaa human pride boqonnaa n 1) rest, break, pause
boonaa/ -tuu a/n mlf proud, proud 2) vacation, holiday 3) chapter
person boqontuu nmf vacationist
boondaa n (It) hoop, bond (band of boqota n break, pause, rest
metal) boqota bunaa coffee break
boqotaa - bu'aa dhagnaa 64

boqotaa/ -tuu nmlf one who is in va- bosona n forest, jungle, woods (less
cation etc. dense than caakkaa)
boqotii n act (division in a play) baalarcaatuu deciduous forest
boqottaa n vacation, holiday bosona baddadaree temperate
boqottaa dhukkubaa sick leave forest
boqottaa waggaa annual leave bosona blllalaawaa coniferous
boqqoolloo n maize, corn forest
boraafachuu v to put headrest or bosona godaanbubbee mon-
pillow under one's head soon forest
boraafannaa n putting a headrest or bosona lagaa riverine forest
pillow bosona roobaa rain forest
boraafata n pillow; cushion bosona rooba gammoojjii tropi-
boraafata hoo'aa heating pad cal rain forest
boraatii n 1) a decorated wooden bosona rooba mundhilafaa
headrest 2) pillow; cushion equatorial rain forest
borcee n those who did not perform boson-dhabeessa destitute of
the buttaa ceremony forests
bordoo n club (stick) boson-qabeessa rich in forests,
borofa n roedeer, roedbuck well-wooded
boronqeeffamaa a chalky bosoncireessii en (bosona + ciruu)
boronqeessuu v to chalk deforestation
boronqii n chalk bosoneessa n afforestation
boroo n 1) backyard 2) north bosoneessaa/ -ituu nmlf forester
boroqaa n hole bosoneessii n forestry
boroquu v to have holes bosoneessuu v to forest, plant with
borora n cactus trees, afforest
bororoo a/n dark yellow bosonuu n bushbuck (Zoo)
bororraa n rolling bosora n widower
bororuu v to roll bosortii n window
borqii a unproductive land due to bososa n decay
over-cultivation bososuu v to decay
borumtaa n morrow botokaa n hogback (Geo/)
boruu n 1) eve (of a holiday or a fes- bottoo n brook, creek
tival) prelude 2) future; hope bowwaa n 1) cliff, canyon 2) river
3) east valley
boruu faasigaa the eve of Easter bowwaa lagaa river valley
boruu gannoo Christmas eve bowwee n echo
boruu masqalaa the eve of bowwoo n headache
masqalaa, 14 th of Fulbaana bowwoo jaanjessaa migraine
boruu ramadaanaa the eve of boxxoo a dirty
Ramadan boyii n 1) furrow, groove 2) canal,
boruu ximqataa the eve of duct
Epiphany boyii aannanii lactiferous duct
boruu waggaa haaraa New boyii argaa optic canal
Year's Eve boyii banaa open channel
bosaannan en (boqqoolloo + boyii fincaanll ureter
sooyaa + aannan) CSM (corn boyii imimmaanii lacrimal duct
soya milk) bu'aa1 n hernia
boshee n wheat flour bu'aa dhagnaa n organ (part of
bosobbosii n compost body)
bosobbosiiftuu n decomposer
65 bu'aa dhagna keessaa - buchillaa

bu'aa dhagna keessaa n internal bu'ureessuu v to base, found; lay the

organ foundation, establish
bu'aa mar'imaanii n descending bu'uriyyaa n establishment
colon (Med) bu'urtii nl a origin, primary
bu'aa2 n 1) profit 2) advantage, bu'urtiidhaan primarily
benefit bu'urtummaa n fundamentalism;
bu'aa bantii superprofit originality
bu'aa culkee net profit bu'urtuu amt fundamentalist
bu'aa dilbeetaa capital gain bu'uyyaa n value
bu'aa dimshoo gross profit bu'uyyaa dhaabataa fixed value
bu'aa hojii output bu'uyyaa dhama'ii use value
bu'aa hin-qabnee unprofitable bu'uyyaa dhugoomaa truth
bu'aa horii material advantage value
bu'aa makaanikaa mechanical bu'uyyaa eeyyoo positive value
advantage bu'uyyaa fonoggoo surplus
bu'aa mootummaa state interest value
bu'aa-maleessa non-profit bu'uyyaa geeddaraa exchange
bu'aa-qabeenya beneficence value
bu'aa-qabeessa beneficial bu'uyyaa gonkee extremum
bu'ura n 1) base, foundation 2) basis value
3) essence; fundamental bu'uyyaa humna labour value
bu'ura birkee substructure bu'uyyaa nyaataa nutritive value,
bu'ura dubbii 1) essence 2) main food value
point 3) principle bu'uyyaa sirrii absolute value
bu'ura garlamee dual basis bu'uyyaa waawwee negative
bu'ura geengoo nave, hub value
bu'ura-dhabeessa 1) baseless, bu'uyya-dhablee valueless
groundless, unfounded 2) irra- bubbee n wind, storm (of wind)
tional, unreasonable, illogical, bubbee bayaa trade wind
pointless bubbee boroo North Wind
bu'ura-dhabeessummaa bubbee jiidhina-qabeessa mois-
1) baselessness 2) irrationality ture laden wind
bu'ura-qabeessa determining bubbee naannoo local wind
factor; rational, reasonable, logi- bubbee roobaa wind that brings
cal rain
bu'ura-qabeessummaa rational- bubbee sululaa valley breeze
ity bubbee waaggee polar wind
bu'uraan basically, essentially bubbe-labduu planetary wind
bu'uraata n institution bubbisaa a windy
bu'uraata bulchayyaa govern- bubbisuu v 1) to blow (of wind)
ment institution 2) to winnow
bu'uraata danee multi- bubbuluu v to stay several nights
institutional bubbuu n rectum
bu'uraata gadaa gadaa- bubbuufama n stratification
institution bubbuusaa n stratum, strata
bu'uraata mootummaa state in- bubbuusuu v to stratify
stitution buburree a of different colours, multi-
bu'uraatomsuu v to institutionalise coloured
bu'uraatummaa n institutionalism bucee n sour milk
bu'ureessa n/a fundamental, basic buchillaa n 1) young dog, puppy
bu'ureessaa/ -ituu nm/f founder 2) young wolf
buchillaa humnootaa alaa - bullaa dargayyee 66

buchillaa humnootaa alaa pup- administrator, Governor-General

pet-show of foreign powers bulchaa faabrikaa general man-
budduuqqee n ladle, dipper ager (of a factory)
budunuu n cup bulchaa koonyaa a district gov-
budunuu araqee araqee-cup ernor
budunuu bunaa coffee-cup bulchayyaa n government
budunuu shaayii teacup bulchayyaa atoomaa federal
bufee n very small drops of rain government
bufeetii n (Eur) buffet bulchayyaa caffee parliamentary
buffee n spindle fibre government
buffii n ordinate bulchayyaa ilaaflamee democ-
bukeeffamaa a fermented ratic government
bukeeffannoo n fermentation bulchayyaa naannoo regional
bukeessuu v to ferment, knead government
bukii n making dough, kneading bulchayyaa uummataa people's
dough government
bukiyyee n small rain bulchayyaa waraanaa military
bukkisiisa n hermaphrodite government
bukoo n yeast, dough (usu. fer- bulchiinsa n administration; man-
mented), leaven agement
bukoo zayitii crude oil bulchlinsa atoomaa federal
bukurruu n colt (young ass) administration
bulaa a/n living, boarding bulchiinsa bunaqaa business
bulbula1 n hydration, solution administration
bulbula bishaanii water soluble bulchiinsa haadhaa matriarch
bulbula booralee milk of lime bulchiinsa hojjattootaa person-
bulbula duwwaa blank solution nel
bulbula guutuu saturated solu- bulchiinsa magaalaa municipal-
tion ity
bulbula2 n 1) unfermented drink bulchiinsa naannoo regional
made of honey and water administration
2) mixture bulchiinsa reeraa local admini-
bulbula dammaa unfermented stration
honey wine bulchiisa waldoo local govern-
bulbulama n solute ment
bulbulamaa a 1) mixed 2) confused bulchisisaa a administrative
bulbulammii n revisionism bulchuu v 1) to give lodging 2) to
bulbulamummaa n solubility govern; administer, manage; rule
bulbullaa a solvent bulee n stony area; volcanic stones
bulbultii n solution (dissolving) bulgoomsuu v to cannibalise
bulbultii jiddugalee neutral solu- bulgummaa n cannibalism
tion bulguu n cannibal; ogre
bulbultii yaadoyyee ideal solu- bulll n spending the night
tion buliisa n food for the night
bulbultuu nmf revisionist buljil n dress, skirt
bulbuluu v 1) to mix, mix up, mingle, buljii qomee knitted dress
dilute with water 2) to confuse bullaa1 n 1) very fine powder or dust
bulchaa/ -ituu nm/f 1) administrator, 2) pulver (Chem)
manager 2) custodian, trustee, bullaa aannanii powdered milk
steward 3) caretaker bullaa daa'immanii baby powder
bulchaa biyyaa provincial bullaa dargayyee wheat flour
67 bullaa farra-nyaattuu - buqqifamaa

bullaa farra-nyaattuu dust bultoo n 1) shelter 2) living place,

insecticide habitation 3) accommodation,
bullaa fuulaa powder for the lodging
human face bultuma n living
bullaa ilillii pollen grain bulullii n secretion
bullaa ilkaanii tooth-powder buluu v 1) to pass the night, stay
bullaa lafee ossicles over night 2) to live, dwell
bullaa mukaa sawdust bumaga en (bulchaa + magaala)
bulla-maleessa pulverless mayor
bullaa2 a beige (usu. of mule and bumbuna n puberty
donkey) bumbuna dura prepuberty
bullaallaa n pigeon bumbuna booda post-puberty
bullaawaa a powdered, very fine bumbunuu v to reach puberty
(minute), particle buna n coffee
bullaaya n flour (of soil) buna arabikaa coffee arabica
bullaaya kattaa rock flour buna battalee instant coffee
bulleeffama n pulverisation (Chem) buna duudaa unshelled coffee
bulleeffamaa a pulverised beans
bulleessaa n 1) pulveriser, pulveri- buna duwwaa black coffee
sator 2) road-roller buna eebbaa coffee for rituals
bulleessii n polishing buna gaayilaa coffee beans
bulleessituu n steam-roller taken for a marriage ceremony to
bulleessoo n digestion ritualise the indissolubility of the
bulleessoo geeddarama kemi- wedlock
kaalaa chemical change diges- buna qalaa special coffee which
tion is made of roasted coffee
bulleessoo keessaa internal di- beans, filtered butter and spices
gestion buna robustaa coffee robusta
bulleessoo makaanikaa me- buna shukkaara malee coffee
chanical digestion without sugar
bulleessoo nyaataa food diges- buna shukkaara wajjin coffee
tion with sugar
bulleessoo walakkee partial di- buna waamuu to call neighbours
gestion for coffee ceremony
bulleessuu v 1) to pulverise, grind bunaqa n business; commerce, trade
finely 2) to crush completely, de- bunaqa liqaa credit business
stroy totally bunaqa wajjummaa joint venture
bullukkoo n heavy cotton blanket bunaqa walee mutual business
bulluqa n luke-warm, tepid bunaqa-qabeessa busy, active;
bulmaata n 1) living 2) boarding competent
bultee n 1) greeting 2) breakfast bunaqaa/ -xuu nm/f business man/ -
bultii n 1) belongings, possession, woman; tradesman/ -woman
property 2) day; night; date bunaqummaa n busyness; activity,
3) married life 4) shelter (a place industry
to stay over night) 5) livelihood, bungulloo n gravel
maintenance bunnoo n quiver
bultii biyyaa province buqqa'a n dislocation
bultii dabre backdate buqqee n calabash; gourd
bulti-qabeessa/ -ttii a rich buqqee mataa skull
person, a wealthy person buqqifama n abolition, abrogation
buq ifamaa a uprooted, abrogated
buqqiftuu - buttii 68

buqqiftuu n corkscrew, opener (of burqata nyaatamaa digestible

wine bottle) protein
buqqisa n 1) uprooting 2) abrogation, burqayyaa n outlet (of a lake)
eviction burqiisa n emission
buqqisdhaaba en transplantation burqisiisaa n emitter
buqqisdhaabuu cv to transplant burqisiisuu v to emit
buqqisii n dismissal, reshuffling burqituu n rivulet
buqqisuu v 1) to uproot 2) to abolish, burquu v to flow (of springs)
abrogate, evict 3) to impeach burree a spotted, many coloured
buqqushaa n vagina (usu. polite and burreessii n spotting
of female children) burreessuu v to make spotted; make
buquqaa n garbage, refuse, trash multicoloured
buquqaa cirrachaa silt burrummaa n spottiness
buquqqee n niche (in rocks) burruudha en (burruusa + dhagaa)
buraala n captain (military officer) gavel (hammer)
buraashee n canteen (bottle) burruusa n hammer
buraashoo n bronze burruusa baqaqsaa percussion
buraja n vent (hole or opening) (hammer)
buraja-dhablee ventless burruusa haamtuu claw hatchet
burcuqqoo n glass (for drinking) burruusa mukaa dolly, mallet
burcuqqoo biinoo wineglass burruusa qottoo claw hammer
burcuqqoo bishaanii water glass burruusee n malleus (hammer)
burdii n haemorrhoids, piles burtukaana n (Ar) orange
burebiluu en haemoglobin burtukaanee a 1) lovely (of girls)
burgeessa a (It) civil; civilian 2) orange-coloured, reddish-yellow
burkaana n volcano burunqaxa n caterpillar
burkaana cichaa extinct volcano buruurii n a wooden ball
burkaana ciisaa dormant volcano buruurii qallee ball (of hockey)
burkaana ibiddaa active volcano buruushii n (Eng) brush
burkaanummaa n volcanism buruushii areedaa shaving brush
burkutaawaa a shattered, broken burushii dibduu paint-brush
burkuteessuu v to break completely buruushii ijaarsaa brushes used
buroo n mole (of skin) for painting (BC)
burqaa n source, origin, outlet (of buruushii mataa hairbrush
lakes) buruushii uffataa brush (for
burqaa amanamaa reliable clothes)
source busaa n malaria
burqaa dhiigaa artery busaa booree yellow fever
burqaa ibsaa source of man- busaawa n wild animal, wild beast
made light bushaa a cheap
burqaa lagaa source (of a river) bushaayee n a common term for
or its outlet sheep and goats
burqaa oduu source (of news), buskutii n (Eur) biscuit; cookie
news agency bussoo n concept
burqaasaa kennuu to mention of butaa n kidnapper; hijacker
sources used butamarree en (butama + irree)
burqata n protein tetany (Med)
burqata aannanii casein, milk butii n marriage by abduction
protein buttaa n culmination ceremony in the
burqata buupphaa egg protein gadaa system
buttii n hijacking
69 buttoo - buushii

buttoo n kidnapping, capturing bus)

buttoo lagaa river capture buufata radaaraa tracking station
buttullee n small beer bottle buufata waltajjii main station,
buttuu n 1) snatcher 2) falcon central station
butuchaa a/n 1) tiring 2) oppression buufata waraanaa military base
bututa n 1) exhaust, tiredness buufata waraana galaanaa naval
2) impoverishment; 3) exhaustion, base
fatigue buufata yaallii experimental sta-
bututa irree muscle fatigue tion, testing station
bututaa a exhausted, tired buufatii n verse
bututaawaa a worn out, ragged buufattoo n punctuation
bututtoo n bandage buufattoo guduunfituu linking
bututtuu n rag, ragged clothes, punctuation
tarred garment buufatttoo xumuraa end punc-
bututuu v 1) to be worn out: be over- tuation
used 2) to be exhausted, be tired buufattuu nmf profiteer
3) to be oppressed; be impover- buufattuu waraanaa war-
ished profiteer
buuba n struggle, combat buufoo nla bombast; bombastic
buubaa/ -duu nmlf combatant, fighter buufo/ -dhaan bombastically
buubuu v to struggle, combat buuftee n tap
Buudaa n Buddha buuftuu1 nmf bartender
buudoo en (buufata + doonii) har- buuftuu2 n spray
bour, port, docks buuggee n trumpet (usu. made of
buudoo meeshaa freight depot horn)
Buudummaa n Buddhism buugii n coconut; coconut palm
buufaa n bellows buukkiftuu n respirator
buufata n 1) settlement 2) station buukkoo n monk
buufata baaburaa terminus (of buulee a blood red, dark-brown
train), railway station, railroad buunyaa n box (punch), boxing
station buupphaa n 1) egg 2) oolite, ovum
buufata balaa ibiddaa fire bri- buupphaa affeellii boiled egg
gade buupphaa gabbataa fertilised
buufata balali'aa waraanaa air egg
base buuqaa n dry grass
buufata barmoshimbirroo orni- buuqataa n caterpillar
thological station buusa n form
buufata beensilaa gas station, buusaa n 1) bridge, 2) layer fold
filling station 3) joint (of body) 4) fringe (of cloth)
buufata dhaamsaa ibiddaa fire 5) stratum
station buusaa kubbaa fi holqaa ball
buufata duwwaanaa space sta- and socket joint
tion buusaa ozoonii ozone layer
buufata fayyaa health-centre buusaa uffataa fringe of cloth
buufata filmaataa polling-station buusaa walaloo stanza
buufata goo'ii jamming station buusaa-E E-layer
buufata haala qilleensaa buusarkaa en (buusaa + harkaa)
weather station wrist
buufata ilaalloo watching station buushan n Pleiades
buufata otobusii terminus (of buushii n cork
buusii - caayaa otobusii 70

buusii n contribution, fund, donation caalii n favour, advantage

buusii mana barumsaa contribu- caalina n surpassing; exceeding
tion for school building caallee n newsletter
buusuu v 1) to pour 2) to drop 3) to caalmaa n 1) upper hand, superiority,
contribute 2) mastery
buutee n quiver (for arrows) caalmaa dafqaan-bulaa dictator-
buutii n viper ship of the proletariat
buutuu n receptor caalummaa n supremacy
buutuu diilallaa n cold receptor caaluu v 1) to be better, be more; be
buutuu hoo'inaa n temperature superior 2) to exceed, surpass
receptor caama n clear and rainless weather;
buxusa n particle, atom (Chem) sunshine
caamessa n good weather between
Caamsaa n 1) dry season 2) May
-C- caamsituu nmt rain-stopping tradi-
tional expert
caabetaa n biddeena which is made caamsuu v to stop raining
of xaafii caamuu v to stop (rain)
caabii n dish (vessel of earthenware) caantaa n slipper
caabii funaansaa collecting dish caasaa n structure, frame work
caabii hurkaa evaporating dish caasaa afaanii language struc-
caaftuu n designer ture
caaftuu qolayyaa envelope de- caasaa atoomii atomic structure
signer caasaa gamtaa social structure
caakkaa n forest, jungle; woods caasaa gitaa class-structure
(heavier than bosona) caasaa jaarmayaa organisational
caakkaa baalarcaatuu deciduous structure
forest caasaa jalaa sub-structure
caakkaa ciruu deforest caasaa miciree cell structure
caakkaa gobbuu a dense forest caasaa seerlugaa grammatical
caakkaa magaalaa woods or structure
forest found in a town or a city caasaa umurii age structure
caakkaa qawwisa a very dense caasaa yaadaa structure of think-
forest ing
caakkaa walee communal forest caasa-maleessa structureless
caakka-dhabeessa destitute in caasirraa en superstructure
forests caasmayaa en graph
caakka-ciriisa deforestation caasmayaa dhaabataa bar graph
caakka-qabeessa rich in forests, caasmayaa fakkii picture graph
well-wooded caasmayaa geengoo circle
caakkessii n forestry graph
caakkessituu nmf forester caasmayaaa maagineetaa bar
caakkessoo n afforestation magnet
caakkessuu v to forest, plant with caasmayaa sararaa line graph
trees, afforest caasomsuu v to structure
caalaa a 1) more 2) superior caasoo n diagram
caalbasiii en (caalaa + baasii) ten- caattoo n the ayyaana of hunting ex-
der, bid pedition
caalchisuu v 1) to make something caayaa n shelter
more 2) to favour, prefer caayaa otobusii bus shelter
71 caayaa taaksii • calii

caayaa taaksii cabman's shelter cabsituu n breaker

caayaa uummataa mass organi- cabsuu v to break (also of law),
sation fracture
caayantaa n park (of public recrea- caccabaa nla 1) pieces of broken
tion) materials, fragments 2) fragile
caayantaa magaalaa municipal caccabsaa n one of the best food of
park the Oromo
caayantaa sabaa national park caffa n wetlands
caayata n community caffee n 1) a kind of grass which
caba n fracture, fold; breakage grows in a half-swampy area or at
caba banaa open bone damage, the bank of bodies of water 2) lush
open fracture meadow 3) well-watered ground
caba cufaa closed bone damage which is half-swampy 4) the su-
caba dabaltii multiple fracture preme legislative body of the
cabina doonii shipwreck Oromo within the gadaa-system
caba hurraa comminuted fracture 5) parliament
caba keessaa simple fracture caffee atoommii federal parlia-
(Med) ment
caba walmakaa mixed bone caffee Oromiyaa Oromo Parlia-
damage ment
cabaa a/n 1) broken, fractured caffee Oroppaa European Par-
2) piece, slice (of bread, metal liament
etc.) caffoo n beach
cabaa daabboo slice of bread caffoo bubbee stormy beach
cabaa maagineetaa piece of caffoo cirrachaa sand beach
magnet cagginoo n ill-fated day or month
cabamaa a refractive cakii n a small hoe
cabaqa n idiolect cala'uu v to disappear
cabaqqii n cluttering calala n decantation
cabaqxoo n slang calalaqa n 1) reflex 2) large body of
cabbaawa n frozenness water like lakes, seas and oceans
cabbaawaa a frozen, icy; snowy calalaqaa a glittery, shimmery
cabbeessa n freezing calalaqsituu n reflector
cabbeessaa n freezer calallii n filtration
cabbeessuu v to freeze calallee a filtered
cabbii n hail, snow, ice calallee bunaa filtered coffee
cabbii roobuu to hail, snow calallee dammaa filtered and
cabbi-daaktuu ice breaker unfermented honey wine
cabbi-dhabeessa snowless, free calallee farsoo filtered farsoo
of ice calaltuu n filter
cabbi-qabeessa snowy calaltuu bunaa coffee filter
cabbillaa en (cabbii + tuullaa) ice calaltuu maansaa sand filter
cabbilla-qabeessa icy calaluu v 1) to decant 2) to filter
cabbillooma n glaciation calanqii n disorder, chaos
cabiinsa n breakage, fracture, crack calaqa n radium
cabina n breakability calaqqee n flash lighting
cabkaa n refraction calaqqisa n reflection
cabsa n degradation calaqqoo n radon
cabsaa n late afternoon calii n spindle
(16-18 o'clock)
cabsii n devaluation
callaa - cibroo 72

callaa n 1) threshed and cleaned carraa hojii employment oppor-

grain 2) yield, produce 3) cash, tunities
ready money, notes and coins carraa taatee chance cause
4) net (of profit, income) carra-qabeessa/ -ttii a lucky
callaa baasuu to pay cash person
calla-maleessa cashless carraaqa n effort, attempt
callabbaawa n dilution carraaqaa/ -xuu nm/f one who
callabbaawaa a dilute makes a great effort
callabbeessuu v to dilute carraaqqii n trying, attempting, effort
callee n 1) pearl 2) bead, necklace of carraaquu v to try, attempt, strive
pearls carrii n area with small hills
callee ateetee necklace of pearls cawwaa n leather-worker, tanner
worn by women during the cawwee n cancer
ateetee ritual cawwee dhiigaa leukaemia
callee harkaa necklace of pearls cawwee gogaa skin cancer
for one's hands cawwee harmaa breast cancer
callee miilaa necklace of pearls cawwee sombaa lung cancer
for one's feet cawwee tiruu liver cancer
callee mormaa necklace of ceebiraa n flying squad
pearls for one's neck ceegoo n credit
calleessituu n thresher, sifter ceekuu n scapula, shoulder blade
calleessuu v to thresh and clean ceephoo n criticism
camarrii n sweet potato; yam ceesiftuu nmf boatman/ -woman
camii n taste (usu. of good taste) ceesisaa n 1) ford, a place where
cami-dhabeessa tasteless one crosses a river or a lake
cami-maleessa pointless 2) things which one uses to cross
cami-qabeessa tasteful (such as boat, ship) 3) passage
cammee n flavour cewumsa n 1) crossing 2) crossing
camnana n salt bar used tor horses place (e.g. bridge) 3) transition
cancala n 1) bridle 2) halter cewumsa daangaa border cross-
cancaltoo n steering wheel ing
cangaree n decorated sword cewuu v 1) to cross 2) to jump, spring
canoo n gelada baboon 3) to stand up, rise up
caqanii n shoulder (of landform) ceyiitii n passage (crossing)
caqasa n listening ceyiitii galaanaa shipping line
caqasaa/ -ftuu nmlf listener cibirraa n hairdressing, hair-do
caqasuu v to listen cibirsiifachuu v to have one's hair
carallaa n ray done
carallaa biiftuu ray of the Sun cibirtuu nmf hairdresser
carallaa duraasaa principal ray cibiruu v to dress the hair, do the hair
carallaa guuttoo positive ray, cibraa n 1) major military tactics of
canal ray the Oromo in the 16th and 17th
carallaa jalqabbee primary ray centuries 2) regiment 3) swarm (of
carallaa waltarree parallel rays bees, monkeys etc.)
caralla-dhablee ray-less cibraa kanniisaa swarm of bees
cararii n beam of light cibreessaa/ -ituu nm/f regimental
cararii biiftuu sunbeam leader (military officer)
carii n rock cibreessuu v 1) to swarm
carraa n chance, luck, fortune 2) regiment
carraa garagaraa chance varia- cibroo n army corps, army unit, fight-
tion ing unit
73 cibrooma - cinii

cibrooma n regimentation cilalluu n snail

cicala en (cirracha + calalaqaa) si- cilayyaa n carbon
lica cilbishee en (cilee + bishaan) car-
ciccata n input bohydrate
ciccittuu n piece (usu. of clothes, cilee n 1) charcoal; coal 2) soot (on
paper etc.) pans, pots)
cicha n 1) sudden death, collapse cilee baasuu to mine
2) extinction cilee dhagaa hard coal
cicha afaanii extinction of a lan- cilee lafaa brown coal, soft coal,
guage lignite
cichuu v to be extinct, be terminated cile-baaftuu coal-miner, collier
cidha n 1) general name for feast or cile-baasa coal-mining
ceremony 2) marriage ceremony cileessituu nmf charcoal worker
cidha dhagna qabaa circumci- cilgaasii en coal gas
sion feast cillafkee en (cilee + lafa keessa)
cidha fuudhaa fi heerumaa mar- coal
riage ceremony cilmaalee n animal disease; anthrax
cidhaan n testicles cilmukaa en charcoal
cifaawaa a eczemous cimeessa/ -ttii nm/f middle-aged per-
cifee n skin-infection, eczema son
cigoo n idiom cimina n strength; toughness, hard-
ciibsaa n cattle camp (in a grazing ness
area); ranch ciminsammuu en intelligence
ciibsagabaa en super market cimmisa n storing, deposit
ciibsuu v make to lie down, put a cimmisaa/ -ftuu nmlf one who stores
child to bed something
ciicachiisaa a doubtful, questionable cimmisuu v to store, deposit
ciicachuu v to suspect; distrust, cin- pref half
doubt cin-yeroo period (time allocated
ciicannoo n suspicion; doubt, distrust for lesson in school)
ciicanno-dhablee doubtless cinaa prep/ n 1) beside 2) half
ciicataa/ -tuu amlf suspicious, scep- cinaa cinaa deemuu to beat
tic; doubtful, distrustful about the bush
ciicatamaa/ -tuu amlf suspected cinaa rogaa side of an angle
ciicatummaa n suspiciousness; cinaa sararaa half line
doubtfulness cinaacha n rib (of body)
ciimmaa n watery secretion from the cinaantee en half-sibs
eyes, rheum cinaawuu v to be infested with nit
ciimmaa qeerransaa something cinbu'uyyaa en half-value
which is totally impossible to get cinbuusaa en half-layer
ciimmoftuu nmf one with full of waxy cincaa n lithosol
secretion on his/her eyes cindambalii en half-wave
ciirroo a multicoloured cindeddeebitii en half-power fre-
ciisaa a stagnant (usu. of water) quency
ciisicha a 1) lying down 2) sleeping cindirrii en half plane (Math)
ciisicha dugdaa supine cineessa n moiety
ciisoo a latent cinfagoo en mid-range
ciisuu v 1) to lie down 2) to sleep cinguyyaa en equine (Geo/)
cilaartuu en (cilee + haartuu) bitu- cinii n 1) eggs of insects or lice
minous coal 2) tiny white lice
cilaattawaa a carbonised
ciniinnaa - cokiisa 74

ciniinnaa n a pinching intestinal pain cirreessa gurraa aurist, ear spe-

ciniinnaa garaa stomach ache, cialist, otologist
colic abdominal pain, bellyache cirreessa hiddaa nephrologist
ciniinsuu n labour pain cirreessa horii veterinary sur-
cinjireenya en half-life geon
cinlafa en (cinaa + lafa) hemisphere cirreessa ijaa oculist, opthal-
cinlafa bayaa eastern hemi- mologist
sphere cirreessa ijoollee pediatrician
cinlafa kibbaa southern hemi- cirreessa ilkaanii dentist, dental
sphere surgeon, odontologist
cinlafa kaabaa hemisphere cirreessa keessa dhagnaa spe-
cinlafa lixaa western hemisphere cialist in internal disease
cinnata n clitic (Gram) cirreessa lafee orthopaedist
cinnoo n pieces of metal cirreessa mataa psychiatrist
cinnoo sibiilaa scrap metal cirreessa miilaa chiropodist
cinroggee en parallelogram cirreessa onnee cardiographer
cinsarara en half-line cirreessa qalbii psychologist
cinsuphee en half bat cirreessa sombaa pulmonarist
ciqilchaa/ -ituu nmlf one who distorts cirreessa waraanaa army sur-
ciqilchuu v to distort, twist, misrepre- geon
sent (facts, statements) cirrii n hippopotamus bird
ciqilee n 1) elbow 2) cubit cirriinqisa n ejaculation
ciqilfamaa a distorted cirriqsa n strangulation
ciraa1 n 1) tail (of horses and mules) cita n 1) sub, part 2) piece
2) flywhisk cita atoomawaa sub-atomic
ciraa fi ciqilee red-handed cita sibiilaa metal stripe
ciraa2 n land clearing citaa n thatching straw
ciraakkota n rue cittaawuu v to be afflicted with sca-
ciransa n harvest bies
cirgeeda en deforestation citteessaa n something that causes
cirmallee n anthrax itching
cirracha n sand cittoo n itch, scabies (of humans)
cirracha bullaa finely ground cittooftuu nmf one who is afflicted
sand with scabies
cirracha cidhaanii urolith coba n drop
cirrattoomaa n banditry coba aannanii milk ejection
cirrattuu nmf 1) brigand 2) rebel, coba coomaa fat drops
bandit coba funyaanii nosedrops
cirreessa/ ttii nmlf medical doctor, coba gurraa eardrops
physician; druggist coba ijaa eyedrops, ophthalmic
cirreessa baqaqsinnaa surgeon drops
cirreessa daa'immanii paedi- coba miciree cell cap
atrist coba zayitii oil drops
cirreessa dimshaashaa (C. D.) cobaannanii en lactation
general practitioner (G.P.) cobsituu n pipet, dropper
cirreessa dubartii gynaecologist cobsoo n instillation
cirreessa dulloomtotaa geron- coccobbee n infusion
tologist coccobsaa n dropper
cirreessa dhukkuba nafkeessaa coftuu n general term for venereal
internist disease
cirreessa gogaa dermatologist cokiisa n excitement
75 coloo - curree

coloo n when everywhere is mud and cufannaa n closing, shutting, block-

water, after heavy rain ing
commee n fungus cufannoo n barricade, blockade
commoolee npl fungi cufantaa n closure
cooma n 1) fat 2) fat meat, a good cuftii n glue, tape, paper etc. (used
cut of meat for packing)
cooma booyyee lard cuftiyyee n shutter
cooma-dhabeessa fatless cuftoguubee en (cuftoo + guubee)
cooma-qabeessa fatty parenthesis (brackets)
coomaa/ -ttuu amlf fat, fatty cuftoo n brackets
coomina n fatness cuftoo rogaa angle brackets
coomsaa n a kind of fodder that cuftoo walqixxee square brack-
makes livestock fat ets
coomsuu v to make fat, fatten cuftuu n lock
coomtoo n fat cufuu v 1) to close, shut, block
coomtoo baqaa fat soluble 2) to conclude, finish
coomtoo baqaa bitaaminaa fat culkee n net (of an amount)
soluble vitamin culkeessuu v to purify
coomtoo biqilaa plant fat culkii a 1) pure, clear 2) clean (of
coomtoo dhadhaa butter fat water)
coomtoo dhiigaa blood fat culkummaa n pureness, purity;
coomtoo horii animal fat clearness
coomtoo jabaate saturated fats culluxxoo n a kind of swimming with
coomto-dhablee defatted top down and bottom up
coora n younger (of a generation) culullee n eagle
coorree a tropic cumaa n juice (of stomach), ordure,
cophxoo n gonorrhea cambium
coraa n health cumaata n cambium (Bot)
cororeessa n 1) single file, one row cumalafaa en mineral
2) caravan cumboo n thick local bread used in
cororuu v to queue up brewing farsoo or araqee
corqaa a 1) green, unripe (of crops) cuncuna a slim eyed
2) immature cunqoo nla concentrate; concentra-
corree a multicoloured ted
corroo n emotion cunqursaa/ -ituu nm/f tyrant, op-
corroqa n puddle (small dirty pool of pressor
rain on road etc.) cunqursii n tyranny, oppression
cubbamaa/ -tuu nm/f sinner, trans- cunqursuu v to tyrannise, to oppress
gressor cuqqaallaa n stopgap
cubbuu n sin, iniquity; evil, transgres- cuqqaaluu v to cork, stop up, bottle
sion up
cubbuu hojjachuu to make sin, cuqulee a blue
transgress cuqulee buulee dark blue
cubbu-maleessa/ -ttii sinless cuqulee ifaa bright blue
cubbu-qabeessa/ -ttii sinful cuquliisa n blue jay, blue starling
cuccuruffee n falcon (bird) curdaa n defeat, conquest
cuchubbii a small (of size) curdamaa a conquered
cufaa n door; lock curdituu nmf conqueror; winner
cufama n 1) closing, shutting, block- curduu v to defeat, beat, conquer
ing 2) conclusion curraa n embryo
cufamaa a closed, blocked curree n martin (bird)
curruuqa - daaggoo keessoo 76

curruuqa n crawling
curruuquu v to crawl
curruuqxuu nmf crawling child -D-
curunqoo n rolling done by children,
tumble da'attoo n fort, fortification
curursa n gurgle (of stomach) daa'ima n infant, baby
cuubama n baptism daa'mman sammu-qabeeyyii
cuubamaa/ -tuu am/f baptised gifted children
cuubantaa n baptism daa'imeegduu en baby-sitter
cuubbaa n immersion daabanaa n crack, split, fissure
cuubbii n soaking daabbaa n town
cuubee n dagger daabboo n bread
cuubuu v 1) to dip, immerse, soak daabboo Faranjii European-style
2) to plate, cover 3) to baptise bread
cuukkoo n roasted barley flour mixed daabboo omborii rye bread
with filtered butter, spices and salt daabboo qamadii wheaten bread
cuumfata n digestion daabboo tolchuu to bake bread
cuunfaa n juice; fluid, liquid daabbo-tolchituu baker
cuunfaa ambalafee mango juice daabbusee n birds eye-chilli
cuunfaa bulleessoo digestive daabii n red xaafii
juice daabula'a a green
cuunfaa burtukaanaa orange daabula'uu v to become green
juice daaccii n commemoration
cuunfaa dammaa honey juice daada n 1) folk, people 2) nationality
cuunfaa dhuggoo lemonade (people), ethnic group
cuunfaa fudiraa vegetable juice daaddisaa a ambulant
cuunfaa kudiraa fruit juice daaddoo n flood, torrent, tide
cuunfaa miccee carrot juice daaddoo fiigaa ebb current
cuunfaa muuzii banana juice daaddoo hurrisaa flood tide
cuunfaa shonkooraa cane-juice daaddoo jabaa torrential
cuunfa-dhabeessa dry, sapless daadduu n small valley
cuunfa-qabessa juicy daadee n wisdom tooth
cuunfamaa a squeezed daadhii n mead, hydromel (Oromo
cuunfituu n squeezer national drink)
cuunfoo n extract daafee n kidney-bean
cuunfuu v to squeeze, press; mangle daagaa n terrace (levelled area of
or wring (clothes) sloping)
cuuquu n puppy daagaa kattaa rock terraces
daagaa lagaa stream terraces
daagaa mirree pair terraces
-CH- daagaa sululaa valley terraces
daagaa tabbaa terraced slope
chaartara n (Eng) charter daaggoo n wall
Chaayinaa n China daaggoo aloo exterior wall
Chaayinicha Chinese (man) daaggoo banaa cavity wall
Chaayinittii Chinese (woman) daaggoo Barliin Berlin Wall
cheekii n (Eur) check (draft) daaggoo Chaayinaa Chinese
cheekii banaa blank check Wall
cheekii imaltuu traveller's check daaggoo Harar Harar Wall
chippii n (Eng) chip daaggoo keessoo interior wall
77 daaggoo magaalaa - daannummaa

daaggoo magaalaa town wall daaltii n dance

(e.g. of Harar) daaltuu nmf dancer
daaggoo miciree cell-wall daaluu v to dance
daagujjaa n kind of millet (eleusine daamaa1 n 1) reddish-brown horse;
coracana) bay 2) name of a red-brown horse
daakamaa a digestible daamaa2 n (It) draughts, checkers
daakinsa n grinding; crushing daammii n pink (of colour)
daakinsa soorataa metabolism daamolee a striped
daakkee n water bird daamotii n torch
daakkii n swimming daanawoo n grain louse, weevil
daakkiyyee n duck; several kinds of daanawoo Jirbii boll weevil
waterfowl daandayyii n circumlocution
daaksifataa/ -ttuu nm/f one who daandii n 1) street, path 2) channel
takes his own grain to the mill (of television)
daaksisaa/ -ttuu nmlf one who takes daandii balali'aa runway
grain to the mill daandii dhagaa stone pavement,
daaktuu nmf swimmer pavement
daakuu1 v to grind, mill, crush (rocks) daandii elektirikaa electric circuit
daakuu2 n 1) flour 2) powder (salt, daandii elektirikaa salphaa sim-
sugar etc.) ple electric circuit
daakuu aannanii powdered milk daandii harame beaten track,
daakuu andarqll soap powder beaten path
daakuu biddeenaa baking pow- daandii martii a zigzag path
der daandii miilaa path, footpath,
daakuu daangulee pea-flour track, pavement, sidewalk, trail
daakuu dhagnaa cosmetic pow- daandii qaxxaamurtoo short
der (for face, skin or hair) circuit
daakuu faayaa talcum (powder) daandii qilleensaa airlines, air-
daakuu fuulaa cosmetic powder ways
(for face), face powder daandii sibiilaa railway, railroad
daakuu furnoo wheat flour (for daandii sibiilaa magaalaa met-
European bread) ropolitan railway, metropolitan
daakuu mataa cosmetic powder railroad
(for hair) daandii sirroo series circuit
daakuu qamadii wheat flour daandii soorataa alimentary
daakuu qorichaa medicine in canal
powder form daandii tolfame pavement
daakuu shokolaataa chocolate daandii waltarree parallel circuit
powder daandi-eegduu watch, vigil
daakuu waalgaa sulfur powder daangaa n border; boundary
daakuu3 v to swim daangaa aangoo extent of au-
daalacha a grey thority, limit of power
daalachaawuu v to be grey, become daangaa addunyaalessaa inter-
grey national boundary
daalachummaa n 1) greyness daangaa qilleensarraa airspace
2) poorness daangessaa a restrictive
daalifa a pale daangessuu v to limit, confine
daalifummaa n paleness daangulbarraqee en soya beans
daallessaa/ -ituu nm/f one who daangulee n pea
makes a fool of somebody else daannoo n aristocrat
daalotee n sparrow daannummaa n aristocracy
daaqonii - dabalmaxxansiisii 78

daaqonii n (Amh) deacon dababaasaa mootummaa attor-

daaraa n ash, ashes ney general, prosecutor
daaraa gochuu to turn into dababaasummaa n advocacy, advo-
pieces cateship
daaraa ta'uu to be burnt to ashes dababaasuu v 1) to straighten, put
daarikaa n maggot straight 2) to correct, make in or-
daarima n sexual desire der 3) to advocate
daarimee a sexy dabal- pref re-
daarimuu v to have sex-appeal dabalabboom mii reorder
daarota n wheel-barrow dabalabboomuu to reorder
Daarwin n Darwin dabalaleerguu to re-export
daarwinummaa n Darwinism dabaleergoo re-export
daarwinummaa haaraa neo- dabalbanuu to reopen
Darwinism dabalbarreessuu to rewrite
daasguddaa en pavilion dabalbarreessii rewriting
daasii n temporary hut dabalbituu to repurchase
daasitee n cabin dabalbittaa repurchase
daatii n placenta (of woman) dabalbosoneessa reforestation
daatoo n shade dabalbosoneessuu to reforest
daatoo ibsaa lampshade dabaldabarsii rebroadcast
daatuu n umbrella, parasol dabaldabarsuu to rebroadcast
daatuu qilleensaa parachute dabaldhaaba replant
daatuu sabbuu umbrella embroi- dabaldhaabuu to replant
dered with gold dabaldhiyeeffannoo reapply
daatuyyee n parachutist dabaldhiyeeffachuu to reapply
daaw'attuu nmf spectator; audience dabaldubbisii reread
daawwitii n 1) glass 2) mirror dabaldubbisuu to reread
3) monitor, screen (Comp) dabalfilannoo re-election
daawwitii cinaa wing mirror dabalfiluu to re-elect
daawwitii eeggii safety glass dabalgohca reaction
daawwitii foddaa windowpane dabalgochuu to react; rework
daawwitii fuulduraa windscreen, dabalgulaallii re-edition
windshield dabalgulaaluu to re-edit
daawwitii golboo concave mirror dabalgurgartaa resell
daawwitii gomboobaa curved dabalgLirguruu to resell
mirror dabalgurmeessii reorganisation
daawwitii mulullee spherical mir- dabalgurmeessuu to reorganise
ror dabalguurtii recollection
daba n 1) crookedness 2) injustice; dabalguuruu to recollect
intrigue dabalguuttii recharge
dabaa/ -duu amlf crooked (not strait) dabalguutuu to recharge
dabaaqula n pumpkin dabalibsii rekindle
dababaafannoo n 1) straightening dabalibsuu to rekindle
2) correction dabalijaarsa rebuild
dababaasaa/ -ftuu nmlf lawyer, dabalijaaruu to rebuild
advocate, barrister; attorney dabaliriinsa redivision
dababaasaa bitachuu to hire a dabaliruu to redivide
lawyer dabalkennoo bonus
dababaasaa ittisaa defence at- daballaaltii reassess
torney daballaaluu to reassess
dabalmaxxansiisii republication
79 dabalmaxxansiisuu - dabballee lukee

dabalmaxxansiisuu to republish dabana n wetness, moisture, damp-

dabalmaxxansa reprint ness
dabalmaxxansuu to reprint dabanaa a wet
dabalnaannee recycling dabanii a/n defect, imperfection
dabalnaanneessuu to recycle dabanuu v to make wet
dabalqoppheessii rearrange- dabaree n turn, order, line, rank
ment dabaree dabareen turn by turn,
dabalqoppheessuu to rearrange in turns
dabalqormaata re-examination dabaree galu to take turns, wait
dabalraabsii redistribution one's turn
dabalraabsuu to redistribute dabarfama n transference
dabalramaddii reassign dabarsa n 1) transfer; translocation
dabalramaduu to reassign 2) adjournment
dabalsarba renationalisation dabarsa dhiigaa blood transfu-
dabalsarbuu to renationalise sion, transfusion
dabalseentii re-entry dabarsa hoo'inaa transfer of
dabalseenuu to reenter heat
dabaltokkoomsii reunification dabarsanii kennuu to extradite
dabaltokkoomsuu to reunite dabarsanii kenna extradition
dabal-waammii recall dabarsaa/ -ituu nmlf 1) transit
dabal-waamuu to recall 2) newscaster, broadcaster
dabal-weerartii reconquest dabarsaa oduu correspondent
dabal-weeraruu to re-conquer dabarsa-yeroo pastime
dabalama n supplement dabarsii n transfer
dabalamaa a supplementary dabarsii dhukkubaa n infection
dabalata a additional dabarsiyyee n password
dabalgoosii n adverb dabarsoduu en newscast, broad-
dabalgoosii akkaataa adverb of casting, transmission
degree dabarsoo n transmitter
dabalgoosii baay'inaa adverb of dabarsoo badhii semi-conductor
frequency dabarsoo hoo'inaa heat trans-
dabalgoosii gaafii adverb of in- mitter
terrogative dabarsoowwaa en (dabarsoo +
dabalgoosii gaalchaa adverb of hoowwaa) conductor
manner dabarsulee en (dabarsa + ulee) re-
dabalgoosii iddoo adverb of lay
place dabarsuu v 1) to broadcast 2) to
dabalgoosii sababaa adverb of transfer 3) to relay 4) to adjourn
relative dabartee n past (time)
dabalgoosii yeroo adverb of time dabartii n 1) passage; corridor
dabaliisa n increase, increment 2) transit
dabaliisa qulkee net increase dabballee n 1) the first gadaa-grade
dabaliisa mindaa rise in wages, to which people of the same
wage increment gadaa-generation are initiated to-
dabaliisa walakkee partial sum gether 2) cadre
dabaloo n siblings dabballee baadiyaa cadre who
dabaltii n supplement works in rural area
dabaltii gibiraa n surtax dabballee dinagdee cadre who
dabaltoo n addition is in charge of economy
dabaltoo dunneetii grand total dabballee lukee bare-foot cadre
dabaluu v to give additional
dabballee magaalaa - daddhabbii onnee 80

dabballee magaalaa cadre who dacha'aa/ -tuu nmlf folding

works in urban area dachaatuu dhagnaa joint (of
dabballee olaanaa senior cadre body)
dabballee taliigaa political cadre dachaatuu harkaa joint (of
dabballee waraanaa military hands)
cadre dachaatuu jilbaa joint (of knees)
dabballoo n cadet dachaa n many fold or portion
dabbasaa n 1) hair (on arms and dachaa dhibba hundredfold
legs) 2) fur, fleece, wool dachaa harkisoo gravity folding
dabbasaa bineensaa fur, pelt dachaa kuma thousandfold
dabbasaa hoolaa wool dachaa lama twofold
dabbasa-qabeessa hairy; furry, dachaa sadii threefold
woolly dachaa walqixxee folding sym-
dabbasa-dhabeessa hairless; metry
furless, woolless dachaas n a kind of gun
dabbasaawaa a hairy, haired dachaasaa/ -ftuu nmlf one who
dabbasaawuu v to be hairy; be furry, brings back (usu. cattle)
be woolly dachaasuu v 1) to fold, bend, roll up
dabbasoo n villus (Med) 2) to bring back (e.g. cattle)
dabbasummaa n hairiness; dachafree ca (dachaa + afur) quad-
woolliness ruple; fourfold
dabbeela n religious leader dachee n earth
dabdii n bending, folding dada n 1) peace, 2) anti-militarism
dabdoo n bend, fold (also of moun- dadaa fi nageenya peace and
tains) security
daboluu v to cover, put a lid on dadacha'aa a helical
daboo n communal work which is as daddabarfamaa a transmittable,
big as jigii transmissive
daboolaa n 1) cover 2) lid daddabarsa n transmission
daboollaa n 1) stopper 2) tampon daddabarsa sagalee transmis-
dabraa a contagious, passing, transi- sion of sound
tive daddabarsaa n transmitter
dabree dabree a sporadic daddabarsuu v to transmit
dabrii a transitive (Gram) daddaffii n speed
dabriikkoo en (dabraa + hiikkoo) daddafii qilleensaa air speed
semantic shift daddaffii lafarraa ground speed
dabroo n transit daddaffii balali'aa airspeed
dabsaqooqa en intonation daddafiitee n fast food
dabsiyyaa n piracy daddafsiiftuu n accelerator
dabsiyyaa lagaa stream piracy daddaqa n subsoil
dabsuu v to bend (of objects) daddarba n succession
dabtara n (Ar) exercise book daddarbaa a communicable, conta-
dabtara cheekii chequebook gious
dabtara gaayoo minute-book daddhabaa/ daddhabduu am/f
dabtara hacceerrii sketch-book weak, tired; feeble, infirm
dabtara herregaa account book daddhabbii n 1) weariness, tired-
dabtara ijoollee hornbook ness, fatigue, exhaustion
dabtara qalbeeffannoo notebook 2) effort 3) toil, hard work
dabtara teessoo notebook daddhabbina kalee kidney failure
dacha'a n fold daddhabbii onnee heart failure
81 dhaddhabbii sombaa - dalgee haarrii

dhaddhabbii sombaa pulmonary dagabaafataa qubattuu colonial

insufficiency settler
daddhabbina n infirmity (usu. of sick dagabaasa nla colony; colonial
person) dagabaasuu v to colonise
daddhabsiisaa/ -ftuu amlf dagalafa en (dagalee + lafa) latitude
1) headstrong, uncontrollable (Geog)
2) tiring, exhausting 3) laborious dagalafa gammoojjii tropical lati-
(job) tudes
daddhabummaa n weakness dagalee n rafter; stringer (BC)
daddhabuu v 1) to get tired, be weak dagalee qoroqoorroo purlin
2) to strive, concern oneself with dagaloo a transversal
3) to toil dagataa/ -tuu nmlf forgetful person
daddoo n settlement (village, town) dagayyaa n ethnicity
dadduu n 1) fur 2) fleece, wool dagga n parcel; landed property
dadii n prospect (expectation), atti- daggala n jungle
tude, mood dagmagaalaa en urban population
daduu n basket, bag daguu n chronic malaria
daduu uffataa basket (for dajinoo n crowbar
clothes) dajjii a/n light brown
dafguu en (dafee + gurguramaa) daka n lowland
best seller dakkarroo n incense
dafqa n sweat, perspiration dakoo a primitive, pristine
dafqa-dhablee sweat- dala n a very strong love
less, perspireless dalaa/ -tuu nmlf one who loves too
dafqaa/ -ituu amlf sweaty much
dafqaan-bulaa/ -tuu nmlf proletariat, dalalii n silt; alluvial mud; sediment,
proletarian, worker alluvial, alluvium
dafqaan-bulaa addunyaalessaa dalalii haftee residual sediment
international proletariat, world dalaliyyaa n delta
proletariat dalaliyyaa biyya-keessaa inland
dafqaan-bulummaa proletarian- delta
ism dalamsa n hindrance, prevention
dafqaan-buluu to toil, earn living dalamsuu v to hinder, prevent
dafquu v to sweat, perspire dalasoo n plinth
daga n ethnic dalasoo abuuraa seed bed
dagaagaa a prosperous daldala n trade, commerce
dagaagina n prosperity, development daldalaa/ daldaltuu nm/f trader,
dagaagina safuu moral develop- merchant, dealer
ment, moral value daldaluu v to trade
dagaaguu v to prosper dalga a 1) horizontal, level 2) indirect
dagabaafamaa/ -tuu amlf colonised dalga galuu to be horizontal
dagabaafannoo n colonialism, colon- dalga galchuu 1) to lay down
isation horizontally 2) to make indirect
dagabaafannoo naannoo neo- dalgagaleessa n 1) an obstinate or
colonialism opinionated person 2) a big bench
dagabaafannoo qubattuu settler dalgantaa n bench, desk
colonialism dalgayyaa n crossbar (of football
dagabaafataa/ -ttuu nm/f colonialist, field)
coloniser dalgee n 1) skirt 2) a small bench
dagabaafataa naannoo neo- dalgee bicuu mini-skirt
coloniser dal ee haarrii a skirt made of silk
dalgee jirbii - damiyyummaa 82

dalgee jirbii a skirt made of cot- current

ton dambalii lammee secondary
dalgee naayiloonii a skirt made wave
of nylon dambalii mulullee spherical
dalgee qomee knitting skirt, knit- wave
ted jersey dambalii maagineeta eletrikaa
dalgeessuu v 1) to lay down hori- electromagnetic wave
zontally 2) to make indirect dambalii maanyaa ocean current
dalgeeta n width dambaliii maddee neap tide
dalgii a oblique, slant dambalii qilleensaa air-current
dalgiituu en (dalga + hiituu) ledger dambalii qorraaa cold current
dalgoo a/n horizontal dambalii raadiyoo radio wave
dalgoon/ -dhaan horizontally dambalii raafamaa ebb tide
dalgooma n horizontality, levelness, dambalii socho'aa seismic
obliqueness waves
dallaa n fence; enclosure dambalii walfuullee transverse
dallaa mana barumsaa school wave
fence dambishii n measure basket
dallaa dhagaa a fence made of damboobaa/-ee nmlf gentleman,
stone gentlewoman
dallaa manaa compound, court- damee n 1) branch (of tree, of or-
yard ganisation), twig 2) subsidiary (of
dallaa oddoo a fence around a company) 3) affiliation, department
garden (of office or business)
dallaa sibiilaa iron wall damee afaanii dialect
dallaa shaabbee fence which is damee baankii branch of a bank
made of wires damee bunaqaa line of business
dallaala n (Ar) broker, barker damee daandii feeder-road
dallaalummaa n brokerage damee garee party branch
dallama n polygon damee hirmaataa factor tree
dalluu n hump, fundus damee ujummee qilleensaa
dallu-maleessa bos-taurus (Agr) bronchus
dallu-qabeessa bos-indicus (Agr) damee walaloo verse
daluu v to love too much, be crazy (in damee warshaa 1) branch of
love) industry 2) subsidiary company
damaamitii n (Eur) dynamite damfa n steam
dambalii n 1) wave 2) storm wave, damfiftuu n boiler
sea wave, current damfiftuu bunaa coffee machine
dambalii adeemtuu travelling damfina n boil
wave damfisuuv to boil
dambalii dalgee longitudinal damiina/ -ittii nm/f baron, baroness
wave damiyyaa n department, section
dambalii dhaabataa standing damiyyaa dhaadhessii advertis-
wave ing department or section
dambalii dheeraa long wave damiyyaa qulqullinaa depart-
dambalii gabaabaa short wave ment of sanitation
dambalii gadqabiinsaa com- damiyyaa seedannoo depart-
pressional wave ment of trade
dambalii hoo'aa warm current damiyyoomsuu v to departmentalise
dambalii jiddugalee middle wave damiyyummaa n departmentalism
dambalii korreentii electric
83 damma - danqa

damma n honey danda'aa/ -eessuu amlf 1) enduring

damma daamuu underground 2) able, capable 3) competent
honey (of bumblebee) 4) tolerant, patient
damma kanniisaa honey (of danda'amaa a possible
honey bee) danda'iinsa n capacity
damma nadhii syrup danda'iinsa bu'uraa bearing pile
dammaqiinsa n 1) consciousness danda'iinsa diriirtoo bearing sur-
2) awareness; realisation, cogni- face
tion danda'uu v 1) to have the ability to,
dammaqiinsa gamtaa social be able, can, be capable 2) to be
consciousness in a position, have a command
dammaqiinsa gitaa class con- (language) 3) to tolerate, be pa-
sciousness tient with, endure 4) to hold (have
dammaqiinsa sabaa national capacity), accommodate
consciousness dandaa n sleeping sickness (usu. of
dammaqiinsa seenaa awareness cattle), trypanosomiasis
of history dandayeessa/ -ttii am/f competent
dammaqiinsa taliigaa political dandeettii n 1) ability, capacity, ca-
consciousness pability 2) creativity, talent, gift
dammaqiinsa xinnaannoo eco- 3) skill, qualification, proficiency,
logical awareness mastery
dammaqiinsa weennoo sex con- dandeettii badhee field capacity
sciousness dandeettii bittaa purchasing
dammaqi-dhablee unconscious power
dammaqsaa/ -ituu nmlf agitator dandeettii fullaasil penetrating
dammaqsituu n 1) alarm clock ability
2) agitator (political) dandeettii gamtaa social ability
dammaqsuu v 1) to wake someone dandeettii himamsaa power of
up 2) to agitate, teach and make expression
somebody politically conscious dandeettii hoo'inaa heat capac-
dammee n sweetheart ity
damoo n component dandeettii horsiisaa breeding
danaa n 1) appearance 2) prospect; ability
promising, 3) profile 4) figure dandii n vitiligo-like skin disease
(Math) danee n/a multiple
danaa diriiraa plane figure daneessaa n duplicator
danaa jajjabee solid figure daneessiftinaa en photomultiplier
danaa ruudaa space figure (Phys)
danaalee diriiroo plane figures daneessii n duplication
danaawaa a 1) increasable, multiple daneessituu n multiplier
2) duplicative daneessuu v 1) to increase, multiply
danaawuu v 1) to be numerous, be 2) to duplicate
abundant 2) to be increased daneeta n quantity
danabsuu v to capriole daneeta waawwee negative
danadee en (dacheen namaan + quantity
deemuu) vertigo dannaba n booty
danayyaa n mass dannee n justice
danayyajiree en bio-mass dannoo n nape
danbasa n capriole dannuu n accident
danqa n 1) block, obstruction
2) interference
danqaa-deddeebboo 84

danqaa/ -ituu nmlf one who blocks, dareera n brook, stream

obstructs dareera bardanee perennial
danqaraa n crossbar stream
danqartii n obstacles dareera jalqabbee primary
danquu v to block, obstruct current
dansabdattuu en/ ca (dansaa + ab- dareeraa n horizontal pole in house
dattuu) optimist; optimistic building
dansabdii en optimism dargaa n disciple; zeal
danummaa n 1) abundance, plenty dargaawaa a zealous
2) majority dargaayyee n wheat
danummee a/n plural dargaggoo n young people
danummeeta n plurality dargee n zealot
danuu a/nladv much, many, abun- dargummaa n zealotry
dant, plenty, numerous darmli n foal (young horse)
daraaraa n flower; blossom dartil n increase, increasing
daraaraa guuttii complete flower daruu v to increase
daraaraa kormaa staminate dasaa n tent
flower Dasee n Wednesday
daraaraa qeentee single flower dasoo n temple
daraaraa tuujjii raceme dassiiba a common, ordinary
daraara-dhabeessa non- dasuu n handkerchief
flowering dawaa n (Ar) same as qorlcha
daraara-maleessa flowerless dawoo n 1) shelter, shade
daraara-qabeessa flowering, 2) protection; hiding-place
flowery dawoo konkolaataa carport
daraartuu a flowering dawumsa n 1) birth 2) natality
darabaa n transhumance dawumsa lakkuu twin birth
darabboo n hinterland dawumsa-booda post-partum
darabee n temporary employee (Med)
darabii n cooperation in the herding dawwartii n reel, reeling
of livestock dawwartuu n spindle, manual spin-
darafeessa n cheetah (Zoo) ning wheel
daramaa a increased dawwaruu v to reel (of yarn, thread)
darammii n increase; increment dayaa n vision
daramsuu v to increase dayaa agartaa field of vision
darara n anguish dayaa-qabeessa/ -ttii visionary
dararamaa a anguished dayeessa n cover, screen
darasaa n (Ar) student of Koranic dayeessaa/ -ituu nm/f protector, de-
school fender
darbachuu v to throw dayeessii n protection
darbannaa n throw, throwing dayeessoo n 1) screen, veil
darbannaa eeboo javelin 2) eclipse
darbataa n throwster dayeessoo aduu solar eclipse
darbataa xlyyaa archer dayeessoo Ji'aa eclipse of the
darbattuu nmf 1) shuttle (of a loom) moon
2) juggler dayeessoo walakkee partial
daree n 1) classroom 2) chamber, eclipse
section dayeessuu v 1) to cover, make a
daree barumsaa school class shelter, conceal from view 2) to
dareena n fantasy shield, protect
dareentaa a/n comic deddeebboo n recycling
85 deddeebi'iinsa - dibata areedaa

deddeebi'iinsa n repetition deemicha n process

deddeebii n 1) going back and forth deemicha baruu-barsiisuu
2) repetition teaching-learning process
deddeebisaa n means of transporta- deemicha dhageettii process of
tion hearing
deddebisaa garba tujubaa deep- deemicha filannoo selection
sea transport process
deddeebisaa uummataa public deemicha filmaataa election
transport process
deddeebitii n frequency deemicha gamtaa social proc-
deddeebitii dhageettii audio fre- esses
quency deemicha hojii operation (of
deddeebitii gitaa class frequency working), work procedure
deddeebitii guddaa high fre- deemicha horataa production
quency process
deddeebitii lolaa flood frequency deemicha jalqabbee elementary
deddeebitii sadhaawaa relative process
frequency deemicha jijjiirraa conversion
deddeebitii sonaan gadaanaa process
(DSG) very low frequency (ULF) deemicha kemikaala jiree bio-
deddeebitii sonaan guddaa chemical process
(DSG) ultra-high frequency deemicha seeraa legal proce-
(UHF) dure
deddeebitii sonaan olaanaa deemicha qorraa cold process
(DeSO) very high frequency deemicha towannoo controlled
(VHF) process
deddeebituu a/n 1) recurrent deeroo n serval, African tiger-cat
2)conveyer deertuu n store (a supply for future
deebifannoo n reclamation use)
deebii n answer, reply deertuu yeroo RAM (Random
deebi-kennaa/ -ituu respondent Access Memory)
deebisa n response, reaction deeruu v to store
deebisa eeyyee positive re- deessiftuu n midwife
sponse deessuu n fertile woman
deebisa waawwee negative delaa n bucket of metal, pail
response demograafii n (Eur) demography
deebisaa n furrow demsoo n plot (of literature)
deebisuu v 1) to return, give back Denmaarkii n Denmark
2) to answer, reply 3) to restore diba n paint
deeffachiisaa n food or drink that dibaa n 1) one who anoints
makes to belch 2) smearer, painter 3) a method of
deeffachuu v to belch, burp preserving ember for longer time
deeffuu n belch, burping, eructation under ashes 4) bread which is
deeggaraa/ -tuu nmlf backer, sup- cooked under hot ashes
porter, assistant dibaabee n canopy
deeggarraa n legend dibachuu v 1) to anoint oneself 2) to
deeggartuu nmf partisan, supporter smear oneself with
deeggartuu xinnaannoo dibata n 1) cream; lotion, cosmetic,
environmentalist ointment 2) lubricant; oil (grease)
deeggaruu v to back, support, assist dibata areedaa shaving cream,
aftershave; cologne
dibata bobaa - diimaaa haffuu 86

dibata bobaa deodorant chemical change resistance

dibata dhadhaa butter ointment didda-mormii opposition
dibata fuulaa face cream diddiga n vomit
dibata harkaa hand cream diddoo nla 1) negation, negativity
dibata hidhii lip-salve 2) rotten (of eggs)
dibata ijaa eye ointment didduu nmf disobedient; rebel
dibata zayitii lubricating oil didduu tajaajila waraanaa
dibataa fi urgoo ointment and conscientious objector, C.O.
perfume didiitii n (Eng) DDT
dibayaa n bonus diduu v 1) to refuse, disobey 2) to re-
dibbee n drum sist, rebel
dibbee aflamee bass drum digaloo n by-product
dibbee ateetee a big drum used digdamshanee en silver jubilee
for the ateetee-ritual diggaa n diamond
dibbee ayyaanaa ritual drum diggaa duudaa rough diamond
dibbee gurraa ear-drum, diggaa gurraacha black diamond
tympanum diggoo n catabolism
dibbee harkaa hand-held drum digirii n (Eng) same as warboo
dibbee qaalluu a very big drum diida nladv 1) field 2) outside; out-
of the qaal/uu door, external; wild
dibbee rukutuu to drum, beat the diigaa/ -duu nm/f destroyer
drum, play the drum diigala en (diida + galaa) 1) wild
dibbe-rukuttuu drummer animal, wild beast 2) wild cat
dibbeessa n rain accompanied by diigalee a 1) wild; rough 2) barbarian
strong wind diigalloo n parasitic plant
dibbisa n drumming diigallo-walakkee semi-parasite
dibbisaa/ -ftuu nm/f drummer diigallooma n parasitism (of plants)
dibbisuu v to drum, beat the drum diigaltummaa n savagery, savage-
dibboora n mat ness
dibboora balbalaa doormat diigaltuu a/n savage
dibboora dhiqannaa bathmat diigalummaa 1) wildness 2) barbarity
dibboora rarraatuu hammock diigama n decomposition
dibdoo n paint diiggaa n demolition, destruction
dibdoo jiidhaa Wet Paint diiggaliyyee n mob, mobster
dibduu nmf 1) anointer 2) smearer, diigiyyaa n dissolution
painter diiguu v 1) to demolish, destroy, dis-
dibeeta n ink mantle 2) to dissolute
dibiisa n 1) anointing 2) smearing diilalla n strong cold (of weather)
dibiisa booralee white wash diilallaawaa a very cold; frozen
dibla n very loud sound, explosion diilallaawwuu v to become very cold;
dibuu v 1) to anoint, adorn 2) to be frozen
smear, rub, paint (a house) 3) to diilalleessaa n freezer
lay a paste of bread under pieces diilallina n freezing
of ember in order to cook 4) to diilalloo n tundra
preserve ember under hot ashes diilallummaa n 1) coldness
diddaa n 1) refusal, objection, nega- 2) freezing, iciness
tion 2) resistance, rebellion diiloo n boundary mark
diddaa gabrummaa anti-slavery diimaa a 1) red, reddish 2) raw (of
resistance meat)
diddaa geeddarama kemikaalaa diimaa ifaa light red
diimaa haffuu bright red
87 diimaa halluu - dinagdee uumamaa

diimaa halluu dark red dilbii n 1) fattened ox 2) hoarded

diimaa magaala reddish brown wealth, surplus product
diimachuu v 1) to be redden; be- dildhuu n placenta (of animals)
come red 2) become red-hot (of dilgata n layer, stratum
metal}; inflamed dilgata semmoo basal layer
diimessaa n iron rod used for brand- dilgatoo n 1) floor 2) storey, stairs
ing or drilling dilgatoo duraa first floor
diimina n 1) redness 2) lean meat dilgatoo dhumaa last floor
diina n enemy, foe dilgatoo lammaffaa second floor
diina biyyalaa external enemy dilii n transgression
diina biyya keessaa internal dillee n the white of an egg
enemy dilshoo n diaphragm (Zoo)
diina duraasaa main enemy dimaamitii n (Eur) dynamite
diina ilma-namaa misanthrope dimbilaala n coriander
diina salphaa minor enemy dimimmisa n evening twilight or dusk
diinomuu v to be antagonised, be- dimimmisuu to become dusk (of
come an enemy evening)
diinqa n 1) the "sacred" part of diminee a/n crimson
Oromo traditional house dimokraasii n (Eur) same as
2) bedroom ilaaflamee
diinummaa n enmity, hostility dimokraatawaa a democratic; demo-
diirama n early morning crat
dilrra n a safe place dimshoo n gross
diiskii n (Eng) same as eelee dinaamoo n (It} dynamo
dikee n manure, compost dinagdawaaslee en socio-economy
dikee ammayyaa fertiliser dinagdee n economy; economics
dikee obeensaa green manure dinagdee adamoo hunting
dikeessaa n compost heap, compost economy
pile dinagdee baadiyaa rural econ-
dikeessituu nmf one who prepares omy
manure or fertiliser dinagdee funaantii gathering
dikeessuu v to compost, prepare economy
manure dinagdee gabaa market econ-
dikkaa n roof omy
dikoo n market dinagdee horii livestock econ-
dila n mass, multitude omy
dila lafaa land mass dinagdee jireenyaa subsistence
Dilbata n Sunday economy
dilbeessaa/ -ituu nmlf person who dinagdee karoorfamaa planned
fattens ox, sheep etc. economy
dilbeessuu v 1) to increase 2) to fat- dinagdee Keyineesii Keynesian
ten 3) to make fertile economy
dilbeeta n capital (accumulated dinagdee manaa domestic econ-
wealth) omy
dilbeeta duraasaa capital in- dinagdee qonnaa agricultural
vestment economy
dilbeeta dhaabataa fixed capital dinagdee quufaa economy of
dilbeeta naannawaa circulating abundance
capital dinagdee uumamaa natural
dllbeettuu nmf capitalist economy
dilbeetummaa n capitalism
dinagdee walmakaa - dobla 88

dinagdee walmakaa mixed diriirsuu v 1) to stretch, extend,

economy spread 2) to unroll
dinagdee warshaa industrial diriirtoo n flat, floor
economy diriirtoo dalalii alluvial plain
dinagdummaa n economism dirmalkee en a seaport city
dinnicha n 1) a general name for dirmammuu n scar, dermographism
root-crops such as potatoes (Med)
2) potato dirmataa en capital city
dinnicha Faranjii sweet potato; diroo n descendants, heredity
tuber dirosanyii en pedigree
dinnicha Oromoo Oromo potato dirqama n duty, obligation
i.e. found only in Oromoland dirqama beenyaa subject to
dinnina n warning insurance obligatory
dininaan gaddhiisuu to suspend dirqama tajaajila waraanaa
dinninaa/ -tuu nmlf one who warns compulsory military service
dinninamaa/ -tuu a/n mlf warned, dirqii a compulsory, obligatory
warned person dirqisiisa n coercion
dinninuu v to warn dirqisiisuu v to coerce
dinyii n brimstone dirra n 1) rib 2) rib meat
dippiloomaa n (Eur) same as dirra bishaanii water surface
waraba dirra lafaa earth's crust
dira n big town, city dirree nla 1) field; court (of tennis);
dira jalqabbee primary city course (of golf, volleyball); plain
dira'a n cruelty, harsh 2) public
dira'aa/ -tuu amlf mischievous; cruel, dirree balali'aa air-terminal
harsh; aggressive dirree ciisaa flat and open
diraa n evil eye ground
diraaftii n (Eng) draught-beer, draft- dirree gugsii race-course
beer dirree ispoortii sports-field
diraamaa n (Eng) drama dirree kubbaa miilaa football
diraamessaa/ -ituu nm/f dramatist field
diraamessuu v to dramatise (convert dirree leenjii training-field
a novel etc. into a play) dirree qubata balali'aa airfield
diraamtuu nmf dramatist, playwright dirree taphaa playground
dirattii n a small city dirree teenisaa tennis-court
dirbabbee n 75% dirree walqixxaataa level ground
dirbantii n (dira + bantii) metropolis dirree waraanaa battle-field
dirbojaa en (dira + bojaa) mega-city dirreetti in public
direkteera n (Eng) director dirrii n plane (Math)
direkteericha/ -ttii the director dirritee n sap
dirgabaa en down-town dirritee mukaa sap wood
dirii n warp (of woven cloth) disaasaa n God's gift
diriiraa a 1) stretched out 2) flat, disiqa n relaxation
plane 3) smooth disiqee a relaxant
diriirsa n extension distii n (Ar) saucepan
diriirsa badhee extension of field distii sibiilaa iron saucepan
diriirsa caasaa aljeebraa distii suphee clay saucepan
extension of an algebraic struc- diyaasa n (Ger) slide (Photog)
ture dobla n government
diriirsituu n extensor
89 doggee - doow'achuu

doggee n curve dooluu amt amputee

doggee waltarreee parallel doomaa a/n 1) dull, blunt 2) damaged
curves teat of a cow through which milk
dogoggora n error, mistake cannot be drown 3) pickaxe
dogoggora dhumaa A-error doomummaa n bluntness, dullness
dogoggora gonkaa absolute doomuu v to be blunt, become dull
error doonii n ship; vessel, carriage
dogoggora jalqabaa B-error doonii adeemsaa passenger-
dogoggora ramaddii grouping ship
error doonil balall'aa aircraft carrier
dogoggorsiisaa a misleading doonii fe'iisaa freighter; tanker
dogoggorsiisuu v to mislead doonii hurkaa steamship
dogoroo n ploughshare doonii lafayyaa surface craft
doktora n (Eur) doctor; physician doonil marmaartuu tramp
doktora raagumsaa doctor of freighter, tramp steamer
philosophy doonii meeshaa container ship
dolooldhittii n a small brook doonii seedannoo merchant ship
dolooldhoo n seasonal river, brook, doonnii qilleensaa spaceship
creek doonii waraanaa warship, battle
domsoo n waterbuck (Zoo) ship, fleet, marine
dongoraa n pick (tool) doonii zayitii oil tanker
donkoo n skeleton doonituu nmf seaman
donkoo harkaa skeleton of the dooniyyaa n (Ar) jute sack
arm doonlimtuu en (doonli + limtuu)
donkoo lukaa skeleton of the leg submarine
donqaa n tripod doonnachoo nmf Crown prince,
doo'innee n lens Crown princess
doo'innee bittimsituu diverging doonnachicha Crown prince
lens doonnachittii Crown princess
doo'innee golboo concave lens doonnachoomuu v to become a
doo'innee golbolamee bicon- crown prince
cave lens dooqa n precious stone, jewel
doo'innee goolloo convex lens dooqee a/n indigo
doo'innee gurmeessituu con- dooqqoo n dent
verging lens doorii n a judge who sits on the right
doo'innee maxxantuu contact side of the chief judge
lens doormii n (Eng) same as mana bul-
doo'innee mirroo compound maata bartuu
lens doorsisa n threat, menace
doobana n mould doorsisaa/ -ftuu nm/f one who
doobbaa n long horn threatens someone
doobbii n nettle doorsisuu v to threaten, menace
doofaa a ignorant doortoo n alms; charity
dooflii n torch doosee n (Fr) folder, file (of office)
doofummaa n ignorance doow'achiisaa/ -ftuu nmlf 1) a guide
dookkoo n distortion, twisting (facts, 2) one who exhibits
statements etc) doow'achiisuu v 1) to guide (a visi-
doolara n (Eng) Dollar (US currency) tor, tourist} 3) to exhibit
doolchuu v to amputate doow'achuu v 1} to look at, observe
doolshee n five cents 2) to inspect 3) to visit, tour
doolummaa n amputation
doow'annaa - dubbii 90

doow'annaa n 1) looking at, observ- dossoo n pyramid, cone

ing 2) visit, tour doteessa/ -ttii am/f aggressive
doow'annaa shimbirroo bird- doteessummaa n aggressiveness,
watching aggression
doow'annoo n inspection dotii a blue black
doow'ataa/ -tuu nm/f 1) observer dottaa n aggression
2) visitor; tourist dotuu v to commit aggression
doow'attuu shimbirroo bird- against, assault
watcher du'a n death, mortality
doow'attu biyyaa tourist du'a booda post-mortem
doow'attuu biyyalaa foreign du'a daa'immanii infant mortality
tourist du'a deessuu maternal mortality
doow'attuu biyya keessaa local du'aa/ -tuu amlf dead, mortal
tourist du'aatii n death, mortality
doow'ii n 1) visit, tour 2) show du'aatii afaanii language death
doow'iitii n high place for observa- du'agayii en condolence
tion; highest point du'imaa en (du'a + himaa) obituary
doowachiisa n exhibition; show du'imtuu enmf obituarist
dooyyessaa/ -ituu nmlf organiser of du'uu v to die, be deceased
Scouts dubara'a n ameba, amoeba
dooyyessuu v to organise as a Girl dubartii n 1) woman, lady 2) woman
or Boy Scout folk
dooyyoo n scout; Boy Scout, Girl dubartoolee npl womenfolk, woman-
Scout kind
dooyyoo dargaggeeyyii Boy dubartummaa n feminine; feminism
Scout dubbachiiftuu n vowel
dooyyoo shamarranii Girl Scout dubbiftuu mirree vowel digraph
doqdoqqee n motor bike, motorcycle dubbachiisaa n one who makes
doqonuu a/n ebony, ebony black someone to speak
dorgaandorgee n dialogue dubbachuu v to speak, to talk
dorgii a/n comparative dubbannaa n speaking; manner of
dorgommee a competitive speaking; way of talking
dorgommii n 1) competition dubbannoo n lecture
2) tournament dubbannoo gochuu to lecture
dorgommii marsaa round robin dubbata n 1) talk, speech,
dorgommii daakkii swimming- 2) dialogue, discourse
race, swimming-event dubbataa/ -tuu nmlf speaker, talker;
dorgommii yabaloo yachting panellist
dorgomsiisaa/ -ftuu nmlf one who dubbee n case, affair
supervises a competition dubbee qonyee a bad case, bad
dorgomtuu nmf competitor affair
dorgomtuu yabaloo yachtsman, dubbifamaa a/n 1) readable
yachtswoman 2) consonant
dorgomuu v to compete dubbifamaa mirree consonantal
dorraa n annexation (of a territory) digraph
dorroba n pregnancy, gestation (of dubbifamaa sadee consonantal
animals) trigraph
dorrobuu v to be pregnant (of ani- dubbifata n passage (from a book),
mals) excerpt, reader, schoolbook
dorsifamaa/ -tuu nmlf person who is dubbii n 1) speech, word 2) thing,
threatened matter 3) subject, affair 4) fact
91 dubbii afaanii - dukkanxaboo

5) process (of court case) quarrelsome, trouble-maker, bel-

dubbii afaanii verbal, oral ligerent
dubbii argamtii concrete fact, dubbi-beekessa/ -ttii orator, lec-
tangible matter turer, eloquent speaker
dubbii beekinisa eloquence, dubbi-guddaa boastful
articulation dubbi-guddeessa/ -ttii one who
dubbii cimtuu a serious issue speaks too much or boasts
dubbii dabaltii amendment dubbiqishinaa en satire
dubbii dabalamaa appendix dubbisa n reading
dubbii dachaa idiom dubbisaa/-ftuu nmlf 1) announcer
dubbii fakkeessii metaphor (radio, TV) 2) reader (one who
dubbii falamsiisaa controversial reads)
issue dubbisii n reading
dubbii fuulaa body language, dubbisummaa n readership
gesture dubbisuu v 1) to talk to, speak with
dubbii harkaa sign language 2) to read 3) to visit (a person)
dubbii haxxummaa catchword 4) to pronounce
dubbii hoo'ituu just started case dubbisuu fi barreessuu reading
dubbii lafaa land case in a court and writing
dubbii lafee worthwhile thing, dubra n 1) girl, unmarried lady
important issue 2) virgin
dubbii manseera court case, dubra qarree virgin girl
lawsuit dubree n Miss
dubbii mooyyee empty, useless dubrummaa n virginity
words duddeeffachuu v to subscribe
dubbii naqaashii testimony duddeeffata n subscription
dubbii nuffisiisaa a tedious duddeffattuu nmf subscriber
matter duduba n mud
dubbii qajeeltuu a correct word dudubbachiisuu v make to con-
dubbii qaxxaamuraa not straight verse, hold a conference
talk dudubbannoo n conversation, con-
dubbii qooftuu useless and ference
meaningless word dudubbataa/ -tuu amlf talkative
dubbii qoosaa not a serious dudubbattoo n conference
matter dudubbiyyee n walkie-talkie
dubbii raadiyoo broadcasting dufkaka n common cold
dubbii sigidduu nonsense, dugda n 1) back 2) ridge
empty and useless talk dugdoo n area, region, zone (usu. of
dubbii siibessa an important body)
matter or word dugudee n mountainside
dubbii siidaa a difficult case dugugguruu n backbone, spinal
dubbii sokaa idiom cord, vertebra
dubbii takkaataa rare news, un- dugugguruu dinagdee backbone
usual matter of an economy
dubbii wararoo confusing news dugugugguru-dhablee spineless
or talk dugungula n spherical shape
dubbii yaachisaa burning issue dukkaanii n (Ar) same as warii
dubbii yayyabaa underlying prin- dukkana n 1) darkness 2) waning
ciple moon
dubbi-barbaacha belligerency dukkanxaboo en {dukkana + xaboo)
dubbi-barbaadaa/ -duu comedy
dulaaba - durrobduu 92

dulaaba n (Ar) same as kabata durabu'aa warraaqsaa vanguard

dullacha/ -ttii amlf old (of animals) of a revolution
dulloomaa/ -tuu n/a m/f 1) old man, duradubbii en forward
aged 2) archaic durana en the future (time)
dulloomuu v to grow old, get older durataa'aa/ -eessuu cnmlf chairman/
age -woman; president
dulluma n old age durataa'aa atoomaa federal
dulluma keessa in old age president
duloo n bottle, flask durataa'aa biyyaa president of a
duloo ajjeeftuu killing jar country
duloo coccobsituu dropping durataa'aa garee chairman of a
bottle party
duloo deebituu bottle deposit durataa'uu cv to preside over
duloo dhiqxuu brush {Phys) duratessoo n 1) chairmanship,
duloo eeggii safety bottle presidency 2) the chair
duloo lolla'iisaa wash bottle durayeessa/ -ttii cnmlf chief, head,
duloo madaallii weighing bottle boss
duluu n prayer, Muslim's prayer durayeessa barsiisotaa head-
dumbulloo n 1) five cents 2) a beau- master
tiful girl or women durayeessa bataskaanaa vicar
dumbushee n a beautiful girl durayyaa n elementary school, pri-
dummuca n boxing mary school
dummucaa/ -cuu nmlf boxer durayyii a traditional
dummucuu v to box, punch durbii n cousin
dungee n Bunsen burner durdurii en legend, myth
dungoo n candle duree nmf first (in rank), leader
dunneetii n total duree barsiiftotaa headmaster
dunneetii hormaata maakkii duree kolataa stage-manager;
total fertility rate producer
dunquqaawuu v to be disorientated, duree ministeerotaa Prime
be stuporous Minister
dunquqqii n disorientation, somno- duree sabaa national leader
lent duree sooyyaa headwaiter
dunquqquu n dizziness duree uummataa popular leader
dura a before, first, primary dureewwan Afrikaa African
duraa duuba one after the other, leaders
sequence dureesso n first steeping of coffee
duraa duubaan in sequence durgoo n bonus, allowance; rations
duraan dursa in advance duri adv formerly, anciently
duratti already, previously duriidurii en 1) antiquity, 2) the be-
duraalessa/ -ttii nmlf boss, officer in ginning of stories and tales
charge duriitee a old-fashioned
duraandursa en preface, prologue duriitii n ancient, ancient time
duraandursa dubbii preamble durjii n drawer
duraandursii en priority, precedence durjii minjaalaa table-drawer
duraandursoo en preamble durkeessuu v to liberalise
duraandursuu cv to make in ad- durkii a/n liberal, liberalist
vance, do in advance durkummaa n liberalism; liberality
duraasa n main, chief, head, principal durree n preposition
durabu'aa/ -tuu nm/f vanguard, durrobduu a pregnant (of animals)
93 dursa- - duumessa roobaa

dursa- pref pre-, before duuboo n posterior; background

dursa-dammaqiinsa precon- duuddii n total, whole amount
scious duuddoo n coffee bean with its shell
dursa-dilbeetummaa precapital- duudhaa n tradition
ism duudhaa afaanii oral tradition
dursa-dhalattuu premature duudhaa daadaa folklore
dursa-filmaataa pre-election duudhaa gamtaa social tradition
dursa-gubanoo pre-ignition duudummaa n deafness
dursa-hoo'iftuu pre-heater duuduu v 1) be closed (of holes)
dursa-islaamaa pre-Islam 2) to become deaf
dursa-kiristaanaa pre-Christian duugaa n an instrument by which a
dursa-lakkaawwii pre-census woman erases false banana
dursa-mana barumsaa pre- duugduu n 1) a woman who erases
school false banana 2) tanner 3) scraper
dursa-namaa pre-human duugduu gogaa tanner
dursa-saayinsii pre-scientific duuguu v 1) to scrape, erase (false
dursa-seenaa pre-history banana) 2) tan (hide)
dursa-warraaqsaa pre-revolution duukabuutuu enmf follower; adher-
dursanii baasuu v pay down ent, disciple
dursiitee n element (Chem) duukabuutuu Buudaa Buddhist
dursimamaa en (dursee + himamaa) duukabuutuu Mohaammad
forecast Muslim
dursituu nmf pioneer duukabuutuu Yesoo Christian
dursuu v to go ahead, be first; pre- duuktuu nmf follower; adherent, dis-
cede, advance, lead (be first), be ciple
fast (of watch, horse) duula n 1) campaign, war 2) a mili-
durtii n priority tary expedition 3) fight (against il-
durtoo a classical literacy, disease etc.)
dushaa n herb duula bartuu student campaign
dushii n cradle (baby's bed) duula hojii work-campaign
dutiisa n bark (of a dog) duula lamii diplomatic struggle
duuba-keessa n back-formation duula qaxxaamuraa crusade
duubattafaa/ -ftuu cam/f backward, duulchisaa/ -ftuu nmlf commander;
laggard; antiquated leader of a campaign
duubattafiisa en backwardness, lag- dulchisaa duraasaa general (of
gardness military)
dubattafiisa aadaa cultural lag duultuu nmf soldier; campaigner
duubattafiisa gamtaa social duulumsa n campaigning
backwardness, social lag duuluu v to wage war, make a mili-
duubattarkisaa/ -ftuu camlf reac- tary expedition
tionary duumessa n cloud
duubbee n postposition duumessa adii white clouds
duubee n 1) credit 2) goods supplied duumessa buffee weak clouds
on credit duumessa dhodhayee heavy
duubee fudhachuu to buy on clouds, ready to pour down rain
credit duumessa gurraacha smog
duubee kennuu to give credit duumessa hangaasuu thunder
duube-fudhataa/ -tuu one who cloud
buys on credit, debtor duumessa miree thin clouds
duube-kennaa/ -ituu creditor (usu. during the night)
(person who gives credit) duumessa roobaa raincloud
duumessa-dhablee - dhaabbata qorannoo 94

duumessa-dhablee cloudless dhaaba mukaa plantation, plant-

duumessa-qabeessa cloudy, ing of trees
clouded dhaaba midhaanii stall for grain
duumessaawaa a cloudy dhaaba uffataa stall for clothes
duumessaawuu v to be cloudy dhaabaa n 1) planter 2) support for a
duumessessummaa n cloudiness wall 3) founder, organiser
duumessooqxuu en (duumessa + dhaabachuu v 1) to stand, stand up
hooqxuu) skyscraper 2) to be stopped
duutee-dhalattuu a stillborn dhaabataa a/n 1) constant (cease-
duuyyaa a illiterate less), standing 2) stationary
duuyyummaa n illiteracy dhaabataa marlaalaa universal
duwwaa a 1) empty, blank 2) null set constant
(Math) dhaabayyaa n form (Phys)
duwwaana n space (outer space) dhaabbata n organisation; institute
duwwaana olaanaa escosphere Dhaabbata Barumsaa, Saayinsii
duwwaanee nmf spaceman/ -woman, fi Aadaa kan Mootummoota
space traveller Walta'anii UNESCO (United
duwwayyaa n vacuum Nations Educational Scientific
duwwayyaa aangoo power and Cultural Organisation)
vacuum dhaabbata beenyaa insurance
duwwee n null, zero, nil; nought company, insurance institution
duwwee gonkaa absolute zero dhaabbata bu'aama-leessa non-
duwweessuu v to make nil, zero profit organisation
duwwoo a vacant dhaabbata eegumsa uummataa
duwwooma n vacancy public security department
Dhaabbata Fayyaa Biyyalafaa
(DHaFaBi) World Health
- DH - Organisation (WHO)
dhaabbata geejjibaa transport
dha'iitii n psalms organisation
dhaaba n 1) cooking 2) plantation dhaabbata leenjisaa training-
3) form, posture 4) stall (of mer- institute
chandise), section (of market) dhaabbata leenjisa barsiisotaa
5) wall teacher training institute
dhaaba bunaa stall for coffee dhaabbata leenjisa dhukkubsa-
dhaaba biqilaa plantation chiiftotaa nurse training insti-
dhaaba dhagnaa posture tute, nurse school
dhaaba fardeenii stand for dhaabbata maallaqaa financial
horses (in a market) institution
dhaaba gadameessaa uterus Dhaabbata Mootummoota
wall Walta'anii (DhaMoWa) United
dhaaba garaachaa stomach wall Nations Organisation (UNO)
dhaaba hojii time limit dhaabbata obarayyeeffamaa
dhaaba hoolotaa stall for sheep employment agency
(in a market) dhaabbata ogummaa institute of
dhaaba indaanqoo stall for hens technology, technical college,
and eggs technological institute
dhaaba loonii stall for cattle (in a dhaabbata qonnaa agricultural
market) institute
dhaaba manaa wall dhaabbata qorannoo research
95 Dhaabbata Tokkumma Arabootaa - dhaddee

Dhaabbata Tokkumma Ara- dhaaduu n narrative poem praising

bootaa Arab League historic deeds, heroic poem
Dhaabbata Tokkummaa Afrikaa dhaala n inheritance
(DhaTA) Organisation of African dhaala sanyii genetic inheritance
Unity dhaalama n hereditary, heredity;
dhaabbata xinsoorataa nutri- heritability
tional institute dhaalamaa a inherited
dhaabbayyaa n enterprise, firm; dhaalmayaa n succession
company, corporation dhaaltuu nmf inheritor, successor
dhaabbayyaa olgalchituu im- dhaama n blackout
porting company dhaammoo n will, testament
dhaabbayyaa olgalchituu bunaa dhaamsa n verbal message
coffee importing company dhaamsaa n extinguisher
dhaabbii n 1) stop, station 2) parking dhaamsaa ibiddaa fire extin-
3) standpoint guisher
dhaabbii baaburaa railway dhaamsaga en (dhaamsa + sagalee)
station, railroad station phoneme
dhaabbii konkolaataa parking dhaamsituu n 1) switch 2) extin-
place guisher
dhaabbii otobusii bus-stop dhaamsituu garlamee two-way
dhaabbii taaksii taxi-stand switch
dhaabbii torobbee police station dhaamsuu v 1) to extinguish 2) to
dhaabboo a vertical switch off
dhaabbodhaan vertically dhaamuu v to send a message to
dhaabdoo n agreement dhabama n banishment
dhaabduu nmf 1) planter 2) founder, dhabamsiifama n annihilation
organiser dhabamsiifamaa a eradicated, ex-
dhaabduu shaayii tea-planter terminated, annihilated
dhaabii n stand (opinion) dhabamsiisa n eradication, extermi-
dhaabii dubbii sentence (Gram) nation
dhaabiin-qabnee non-stop dhabamsiisaa/ -ftuu nmlf eradicator,
dhaabsirroo en 1) upright exterminator
2) perpendicular dhabamsiisuu v to eradicate, exter-
dhaabsirrooma en 1) uprightness minate, annihilate
2) perpendicularity dhabarribaa en (dhaba + hirriba) in-
dhaabuu v 1) to plant 2) to establish, somnia
found, organise 3) to stop, halt dhabsoorataa en (dhaba + soorata)
4) to park a vehicle 5) to erect malnourishment, malnutrition
dhaadannaa n war cry dhabsuu n shortage
dhaadannoo n slogan dhaddacha n 1) court session; court
dhaaddoo n rhetorical bravado (of law) 2) tribunal
dhaadheffamaa a thing or goods that dhaddacha cufamaa in camera
is going to be advertised dhaddacha humna waraanaa
dhaadheffannoo n advertisement court-martial
dhaadheffannoo seedannoo dhaddacha ifaa in public
commercial advertisement dhaddacha olaanaa Supreme
dhaadhessaa/ -ituu nmlf advertiser Court
dhaadhessii n overstating dhaddacha raayyaa military
dhaadhessuu v 1) to overstate, ex- tribunal
aggerate 2) to advertise dhaddee n porcupine
dhaddhaabbata - dhalannoo seeraa 96

dhaddhaabbata n stick, staff; prayer dhagacabsaa en (dhagaa + cabsa}

stick quarry
dhaddhaabbata fandalalaa dhagacimaa en siltstone
walking-stick dhagadii en (dhagaa + adii} marble
dhaddhalchuu v to reproduce, dhagaraa n 1) axe 2) Maria Theresa
propagate dollar
dhadhaa n butter dhageessisaa n sounding
dhadhaa dibataa especial butter dhageettii a/n acoustic; auditory,
for ointment hearing
dhagaa n stone, rock dhageettii gurraa auditory,
dhagaa awwaalaa gravestone, hearing organ
tombstone dhageettoo n dictation
dhagaa baatirii dry cell, dry cell dhaggeeffannoo n hearing (of court,
battery, primary cell of parliament)
dhagaa booralee limestone dhaggeeffata n audience
dhagaa bu'uraa foundation dhaggeeffataa/ -ttuu nm/f auditor
stone (listener)
dhagaa cirrachaa sandstone dhaggeeffattoota npl audience, lis-
dhagaa daakuu grindstone, teners
millstone dhagna n body
dhagaa daandii paving stone dhagna bilisaa free body
dhagaa daangaa boundary-mark dhagna coomtoo fat body
dhagaa dhoqqee mudstone dhagna dhiiraa male genitalia,
dhagaa foonii meat grinder, penis (polite term)
mincer (machine) dhagna dhiqachuu to bathe
dhagaa gaayyaa pipe-stone dhagna dhiqannaa bath
dhagaa gati-Jabeessa precious dhagna diidaa foreign body
stone dhagna dubartii female genitalia,
dhagaa golee corner-stone, vagina (polite term)
foundation stone dhagna gubaa fever
dhagaa gurraacha basalt dhaqna qabuu to circumcise
dhagaa haftee residual boulder dhagna qabaa circumcision
dhagaa hoofii limestone dhagooga n erection (of penis)
dhagaa ifaa precious stone; dhagooguu v to erect (of penis)
diamond dhaha n astrology
dhagaa maansaa sandstone dhakaacha n rock
dhagaa magariisa green stone dhala n 1) offspring, child 2) interest,
dhagaa midhaanii millstone, usury
grindstone (only for grain) dhala dhalaa compound interest
dhagaa suphee clay stone dhala hiiqii usurious interest
dhagaa yayyabaa foundation- dhala mirroo compound interest
stone dhala qeentee simple interest
dhagaa zayitii oil shale dhalaa n 1) animal which gives birth
dhaga-maleessa stoneless 2) female
dhaga-qabeessa stony, rocky dhalachuu v 1) to be born
dhagaan mana-jaartuu 2) to happen, originate
bricklayer dhalannoo n birth
dhaga-sooffii sculpture dhalannoo booda post-natal
dhaga-sooftuu sculptor dhalannoo dura pre-natal
dhagaan prep with stone dhalannoo seeraa legitimate
dhaagaan ijaartuu mason birth
97 dhalata - dhaqaa gala

dhalata n half-caste, bastard dhamsa n starch

dhalataa n citizen (born to a family or dhandhalcha n cyst
a community) dhanfoora n eye lid
dhalattuu nmf 1) infant, new-born dhangaa n food and drink, banquet;
2) three to four days of the new nourishment, nutrition
moon dhangaggaawaa a sour
dhalcha n gender dhangaggaawuu v to be sour
dhalcha dhaltuu female gender dhangaggee n acid
dhalcha hirmaata-dubbii gram- dhangaggee bishaan-dhabeessa
matical gender anhydride acid
dhalcha kormaa male gender dhangaggee albuudaa mineral
dhalcha-lamee bisexual acid
dhalcha-maleessa genderless dhangaggee aminoo amino acid
dhaldanee en multigraida (Med) dhangaggee coomaa fatty acids
dhallaaduu n paper reed dhangaggee lallaafaa soft acid
dhalloo n birthplace dhangaggee calbaawaa dilute
dhaloota n 1) birth 2) generation acid
3) origin, descent 4) age dhangaggee cimaa strong acid
dhaloota booda (Dh. B.) of the dhangaggee cunqoo concen-
Christian era (A. D.) trated acid
dhaloota dura (Dh. D.) Before dhangaggee yaraa weak acid
Christ (8. C.) dhangagge-lammee binary
dhaloota mansaa n parental acid
generation dhangaggeessuu v to acidify
dhalootii n lineage dhangaggummaa n acidity
dhaltii n a cow which gives milk dhangala'a n flow
dhaltokkee en unipara (Med) dhangala'a lagaa flow of a river
dhaltuu n 1) female animal 2) female dhangala'aa n fluid, liquid
in grammar dhangala'a dhiigaa haemor-
dhaluu v 1) to give birth 2) to yield rhage
interest dhangala'aa garaachaa gastric
dhama n 1) whey 2) serum juice
dhama dhiigaa blood serum dhangala'aa mar'imaanii intesti-
dhama'a n struggle, hard work, toil nal juice
dhama'aa/ -tuu a/n m/f 1) troubled, dhangala'aa rajiijii pancreatic
2) one who struggles in life juice
dhama'ii n struggling, toiling dhangala'ummaa n fluidity
dhama'uu v to work hard, toil dhangala'uu v to be poured out,
dhamaasaa/ -ftuu nmlf trouble- spilled over, overflow
maker dhangalaasaa n canter
dhamaasuu v to trouble, disturb, dhaangalaasaa gulufuu to
harm canter
dhamaatii n bizarre, confusion dhangalaasuu v 1) to pour out, spill
dhamala n flame over, make overflow 2) to shed
dhamdhammee n dish (food) (tears, blood) 3) to gallop
dhamdhammee boodaa dessert dhangalatii n pouring out, spilling
dhamdhammee duraa starter over, overflow
dhamdhammii n taste dhangooma n lithology
dhamnaa n jaw, mandible dhangoomsa n petrification
dhamnaa jalaa lower jaw dhaqa n trip
dhamnaa irraa upper jaw dhaqaa gala round trip
dhaqdhaqii - dhiddhiibamaa 98

dhaqdhaqii n swamp, marsh; dheedicha n grazing, pasture

marshland dheedicha dabaree rotational
dhara n false grazing
dharra'aa/ -tuu nmlt one who craves, dheensituu amt fugitive
have a strong desire dheerina n height, length, size
dharra'uu v to long for, crave, have a dheerina badhee field distance
strong desire dheerina dambalii wave length
dharraa n strong desire, intense dheerina fiigichaa distance to be
longing, craving run
dharraa nyaataa appetite dheerina fuulleffannoo focal
dharraasisaa n appetiser length
dharraatii n appetite dhegalaa amt deaf
dharroo n curiosity dhibaa'aa/ -ftuu amlt lazy, idle
dhasasa n cobalt dhibaafachuu v to make libation
dhawa n guess, assumption dhibaafataa/ -ttuu nm/t one who
dhawa-malaa hypothesis makes libation
dhawa-malaa sobee false dhibaawummaa n laziness, idleness
hypothesis dhibaawuu v to be lazy, become idle
dhawaa n wave dhibaayyuu n libations for traditional
dhawaata n generation religious ceremony
dhawaatii n step dhibama n morbidity
dhawaatii dhawaatiin step by dhibamaa/ -tuu amlt sick, ill; patient
step (sick)
dhawannoo n pulsation dhibamuu v to be ill, be sick
dhawannoo guddaa tachycardia dhibbaala n lieutenant (military offi-
dhawannoo onnee heart beat, cer)
pulse dhibbaalummaa n lieutenancy
dhawata n palpation dhibbaawuu v to be multiplied to
dhawataa n rhythm hundred, be abundant
dhawiinsa n 1) stroke 2) kick, heat dhibbayyaa n percent, percentage,
dhawiinsa aduu sunstroke commission
dhawiinsa jirroo corner-hit, dhibbayyaa soogiddaa percent-
corner-kick age of salt
dhawwaaqa n blood pressure dhibbee n platoon
dhawwaaqsituu n cursor dhibboota npl hundreds
dhawwisoo n ejaculation dhibdee n problem, trouble, bother
dhawwisuu v to ejaculate dhibdee eenyummaa identity
dhayaa n current (of water) problem
dhayata n calendar dhibdee rakkisaa challenging
dhayii n orchard problem
dhayii jallisaa irrigated garden dhibdee malee without problem,
dhayii shaayii tea-garden without trouble
dhayiisoo n verse dhibee n disease, sickness; epidemic
dhayiisoo sirbaa verses of a dhibee furdinaa obesity
song dhibee gammoojjii ulcer (exter-
dhebbee n canister nal)
dheeddoo n forage dhiddhiiba n reform
dheedhanoo a half raw dhiddhiiba lafaa land reform
dheedhii a/n 1) raw (meat), green dhiddhiibaa/ -duu nmlt reformer;
(grain), unripe, crude 2) vulgar reformist
3) pulse (beans, peas etc.) dhiddhiibamaa a reformable
99 dhiddhiibbaa - dhikkifannoo

dhiddhiibbaa n physiotherapy dhiifama n forgiveness, pardon, ex-

dhiddhiibbii n impact cuse, apology
dhiddhiibdoo n ointment, balm (for dhiifammii n amnesty, forgiveness
rubbing into skin) Dhiifammii Addunyaalessaa
dhiddhiibummaa n reformism; ref- Amnesty International
ormation dhiifammii dimshaashaa gen-
dhiddhiibuu v 1) to massage 2) to do eral amnesty
something slowly 3) to reform dhiifinca en (dhiiga + fincaa'ina)
dhifammii n tension haematuria
dhiibbaa n 1) pressure; impulse dhiiga n blood
2) influence dhiiga culkii pure-blood
dhiibbaa aarsituu nerve impulse dhiiga dhangalaasuu to shed
dhiibbaa bishaanii hydrostatic blood
pressure, water pressure dhiiga hirmattuu blood recipient
dhiibbaa biyyee earth pressure dhiiga hoo'aa fresh blood
dhiibbaa dhiigaa blood pressure dhiiga ijaa bloodshot
dhiibbaa faallaa back pressure dhiiga ititaa thrombus
dhiibbaa gur'uu udder pressure dhiiga jereenyaa life-blood
dhiibbaa hundee root pressure dhiiga kennituu blood donor
dhiibbaa hurkaa vapour pressure dhiiga xuuxxuu bloodsucker
dhiibbaa jumoo normal pressure dhiiga walsimataa compatible
dhiibbaa kononaa pressure ridge blood
dhiibbaa madaallii pressure dhiiga-dabarsa transfusion
gauge dhiiga-dhablee anaemic
dhiibbaa madanaa radiation dhiiga-maleessa bloodless;
pressure anaemic
dhiibbaa murteessaa critical dhiigbishoo en (dhiiga + bishaan)
pressure plasma, blood plasma
dhiibbaa qilleensaa air pressure, dhiigitii n bleeding, haemorrhage
gas pressure dhiigitii aloo external haemor-
dhiibbaa qilleensa gadoo low rhage
atmospheric pressure dhiigitii keessoo internal haem-
dhiibbaa qilleensa oloo high at- orrhage
mospheric pressure dhiigitii sammuu brain haemor-
dhiibbaa qilmarsaa atmospheric rhage
pressure dhiiglee a blood-like, red
dhiibbaa uummataa population dhiigsaa n bleeder, haemophiliac
pressure dhiiguu V to bleed
dhiibbaa waaltawaa qilmarsaa dhiisuu v 1) to leave, abandon, give
standard atmospheric pressure up 2) to forgive, pardon, excuse,
dhiibbaa walakkee partial pres- apologise
sure dhiita'a n swelling
dhiibbii n working for the failure of a dhiita'a gur'uu udder edema
plan intentionally dhiita'a rajiijii splenomegaly
dhiibboo n influence dhiitaa n ram (EM)
dhiibboo aadaa cultural influence dhiitannoo n pulsation
dhiibboo taliigaa political dhiitata n pulse
influence dhiittoo n swell (also of land)
dhiibuu v 1) to push, press, shove dhikkifachuu v 1) to sting, feel pain
2) to breach 3) to commit acts of 2) to beat, pulsate
injustice and unfairness dhikkifannoo n pulsation
dhikkisa - dhokachoo 100

dhikkisa n 1) beat, stroke 2) pulse dhiqqoo n sewage

dhikkisa onnee heart beat dhiqxoo n detergent
dhikoo n shoe-maker dhiqxoo qorii dishwashing de-
dhiloo n jurisdiction tergent
dhiltuu n separator dhiqxuu nmf washer
dhiluu v to separate dhiqxuu qodaa dishwasher
dhim'lsa n seepage dhiya n 1) sunset 2) evening
dhim'lsaa n leakage dhiyaachuu v 1) to come close to,
dhim'isuu v to leak approach 2) to appear (to a law
dhim'uu n leak court)
dhimachii n story, tale dhiyaana n 1) meal, diet, food
dhimbiibaa n sieve; filter 2) midday meal, lunch
dhimbiibaa xuuxaa suction filter dhiyaana ganamaa morning
dhimbiibbaa n filtration meal, breakfast
dhimbiibuu v to strain (clear liquid of dhiyaana galgalaa evening meal,
solid matter) dinner, supper
dhimma n 1) affair, matter, business, dhiyaana guyyaa midday meal,
concern 2) problem, care, worry lunch
dhimma aadaa cultural affairs dhiyaana hojjattuu midday meal
dhimma baasaa charge d'affaire of the farmers, workers' lunch
dhimma dinagdee economical dhlyaana jajjabee solid food
affairs dhiyaana tiksee shepherd's meal
dhimma gamtaa social affairs dhiyeeffataa/ -ttuu nmlf applicant
dhimma qabaachuu to be busy, dhiyeenya n nearness, vicinity;
be occupied proximity
dhimma taliigaa political affairs dhiyeenya kana recently, lately
dhimma walee mutual affairs, dhiyeessaa/-ituu nmlf 1) boy (male
mutual benefit servant), waiter/ -waitress
dhimman-baafnee useless 2) supplier
dhimman-qabnee careless dhlyeessii n supply
dhimuu a/n shinny black dhiyeessii fi gaafannoo supply
dhina n recovery and demand
dhlnsa n healing dhiyeessli gatii proforma
dhinsaa/ -ituu nmlf healer dhiyeessii maallaqaa money
dhinsuu v to heal supply
dhinuu v to recover dhiyeessoyyee n binoculars
dhipphina n 1) narrowness 2) stress dhiyeessuu v 1) to serve, dish up
3) poverty, misery 2) to summon a defendant or a
dhipphiyyee a sectarian witness to a law court 3) to supply
dhipphiyyummaa n sectarianism dhiyonagarree en (dhiyoo + hin
dhipphuu n 1) hardship 2) stricture agarree) short sight
(Path) dhiyoo a 1) near 2) shallow
dhipphuu n misery, poverty dhiyootti bayaa forthcoming (of
dhiqama n wash; erosion pubIications)
dhiqama biyyee soil erosion dhoddhoobboo n roasted barley
dhiqama cinoo lateral erosion mixed with butter, spice and salt
dhiqama dhaabboo vertical (served as special food)
erosion dhodhommoqxummaa n flexibility
dhiqama irraagadee slope wash dhodhommoqxuu a flexible
dhiqama lolaanii rill erosion dhodhomoqina n elasticity
dhiqisa n chisel dhokachoo n hide-and-seek
101 dhokataa - dhugee

dhokataa a obscure; abstract dhoqqee n 1) mud 2) dung

dhoksaa aln 1) hidden, mask dhoqqee burkaanaa mud vol-
2) secret, clandestine, confidential, cano
anonymity dhorama n degeneration (of health)
dhoksaan secretly, confidentially, dhoramuu v to be pined, waste away
clandestinely (of health)
dhoksaan baasuu to smuggle dhortuu n 1) generic term for small
out parasites such as lice, fleas, ticks,
dhoksaan galchuu to smuggle bed bugs, chiggers; parasite
into 2) sucker (of plants)
dhoksaan seedattuu smuggler dhowa n burst, explosion
dhoksuu v 1) to hide, conceal, cover dhowaa n explosive, charge (e.g. of
up; shelter, mask, disguise dynamite)
2) to make secret, keep secret dhowuu v to explode, burst, blow up;
dhollee n parasite erupt
dhommoqa n bending dhoyiisa n eruption, explosion, burst
dhommoquu v to bend dhoyiisa burkaanaa volcanic
dhondhola n hierarchy (of organisa- eruption
tion) dhoyiinsa gaasii gas explosion
dhondholummaa n hierarchism dhoyiisa gommaa blow-out
dhooblee a huge, enormous, bulky, dhoyiisa warraaqsaa eruption of
gigantic a revolution
dhoolbummaa n hugeness, enor- dhubba n blister
mousness, bulkiness, gigantism dhubbaa a blistered
dhooqa n depression, rift (of valley) dhubbuu v to blister
dhooqa afaanii oral groove dhugaa n 1) truth, reality 2) justice
dhooqa cufamaa closed depres- dhugaa baasa witness; confess
sion dhugaa baasaa/ -ftuu witness
dhooqa jidduu central depres- (person)
sion dhugaa baasuu to bear witness,
dhooqaa a hollowed, sunken testify; confess
dhooqamaa a grooved dhugaa haddhaawaa bitter truth
dhooqummaa n submergence dhugaa Waaqaa! amen!
dhooquu v become hollow, sunken dhugaatii n beverage, drink
dhoorkaa n inhibition dhugaatii alkoolil alcoholic bev-
dhorkaa hurkaa vapour seal erages
dhoorkamaa a inhibited dhugaatii alkool-maleessa non-
dhoorkoo n impedance alcoholic beverage
dhoorkuu v to inhibit dhugaatii lallaafaa soft drinks
dhoosaa/ -ftuu nmlf one who blows dhugaatii qabbanaawaa soft
up (e.g. explosive) drinks
dhoosuu v to explode, blow up dhugaawaa a rational
dhootullaa n mine (explosives) dhugaawoma n rationality
dhootulla-hartuu mine-sweeper dhugaawomfama n rationalisation
dhootuu n explosive, grenade dhugaawomsuu v to rationalise
dhoowwaa a forbidden, prohibited dhugantaa n reality
dhoowwuu v to forbid, hinder, pre- dhugantaa jiraataa objective
vent, deprive, prohibit reality
dhoqonaawaa a plastic dhugantooma n realism
dhoqonee n jelly dhugduu nmf drinker
dhoqonuu n plaster dhugee a virtual; real
dhugeeffachuu - dhukkuba shukkaaraa 102

dhugeeffachuu v to confirm; believe dhukkuba eedsii Aids

dhugeessa n 1) testimony 2) proof dhukkuba fardaa horse disease
dhugeessaa/ -ituu nm/f witness such as xannacha, biichee, fur-
(person) roo
dhuggoo n lemon dhukkuba fayyisu curing disease
dhugiitii n drinking dhukkuba fidduu pathogenic
dhugoo n fact dhukkuba gaaraa mountain sick-
dhugoo gamtaa social fact ness
dhugooma n plausibility dhukkuba gammoojjii tropical
dhugoomsaa n evidence, proof disease
dhugoomsuu v to testify, authenti- dhukkuba garaa stomach sick-
cate, confirm ness
dhugooyyee n premiss dhukkuba garaa kaasaa bacilary
dhuguma a true, real, certain, right dysentery
dhugumatti truly, really dhukkuba gogaa skin disease
dhugummaa n authenticity, truth dhukkuba gurraa disease of the
value ear
dhuka n 1) bone marrow, marrow dhukkuba hanqinsoorataa defi-
2) pulp, pith (of plants) ciency disease
dhuka lafee marrow; marrow dhukkuba hin-daddabrinee non-
bone communicable disease
dhuka magartuu pith (of plants) dhukkuba hoolaa sheep disease
dhuka-maleessa 1) marrowless such as maraammartoo
2) pithless dhukkuba horii cattle disease
dhuka-qabeessa 1) marrowy such as abbaa gorbaa and
2) pithy gandii
dhuka'aa a/n explosive dhukkuba ijaa eye disease
dhukaasa n shot, gun-fire dhukkuba ilkaanii tooth-disease
dhukaasa darboo trajectory dhukkuba jaalalaa love-sick
dhukaasa qawwee gun-fire; dhukkuba kalee kidney disease
gunshot dhukkuba kurmaataa venereal
dhukaasa yandoo intensive fire disease
dhukaasaa/ -ftuu nmlf shooter dhukkuba laagaa bronchitis
dhukaasii n shooting, firing a gun dhukkuba loonii rinderpest
dhukaasoo n blast dhukkuba mardhimaanii colitis
dhukaasuu v 1) to shoot, fire a gun dhukkuba mataa mental disease
2) to explode dhukkuba nafa hormaataa
dhukee n spore vaginitis
dhukkee n dust dhukkuba namaa human dis-
dhukkeessaa n dust storm ease
dhukkuba n illness, sickness, dis- dhukkuba onnee heart-attack
ease dhukkuba qalbii psychopathy
dhukkuba abuuraa seed-borne dhukkuba qilleensaan dabru
disease airborne disease
dhukkuba biqilaa plant disease dhukkuba sanyii hereditary dis-
dhukkuba daddabraa pest, ease
plague, epidemic dhukkuba saree maraatuu ra-
dhukkuba deemaa communica- bies
ble disease, contagious disease dhukkuba shimbirroo jaundice
dhukkuba dhiigaa haemophilia dhukkuba shukkaaraa diabetes
dhukkuba dugdaa backache
103 dhukkuba sombaa - ededdoo

dhukkuba sombaa (DhuSo) tu- dhundhula n declination

berculosis (TB) dhundhulamaa a declinable
dhukkuba tiruu hepatitis dhundhuluu v to decline
dhukkuba xannee (DHuXa) dhundhuma n 1) forearm 2) ell, cubit
ameba, amoeba dhundhuma dhawuu to measure
dukkubba weeraraa pandemic by ell
dhukkubajaa en trachoma dhundhummoo n forearm
dhukkubbii n ache, pain dhusama en (dhukkuba + saree
dhukkubsachiiftuu nf nurse maraatuu) rabies
dhukkubsachiiftuu koonyaa dhuubamaa a 1) soaked, immersed
district-nurse 2) dyed
dhukkubsachiisa n sick-nursing dhuubbaa n 1) dye 2) soaking
dhukkubsachiisaa n dresser dhuubbaa zayitii crude oil
dhukkubsachiisaa koonyaa dhuubbii n 1) dipping, immensity;
district-dresser soak 2) dye
dhukkubsachiisuu v to take care of dhuubboo n sill
a sick person, nurse a sick person dhuubduu nmf dyer
dhukkubsachuu v to be sick, feel ill dhuubuu v 1) to dip, immerse; soak
dhukkubsannaa n morbidity 2) to dye
dhukkubsataa/-tuu am/f 1) sick, ill; dhuufiyyee n covered smut
ailing, patient 2) unhealthy; ab- dhuufuu vi n to break wind, fart
normal dhuufuu jaarsaa puffball
dhukkubsataa deddeebii outpa- dhuuga n 1) yoghurt 2) colostrum
tient dhuunfaa nla private property, pri-
dhukkubuu v to be painful, ail, hurt vate possession; private, exclu-
dhulaandhula n leech (aquatic sive, individual
blood-sucking worm) dhuunfachuu v to hold as private
dhulaandhulee nmf person who ex- dhuunfannoo n privatisation (Eco)
tremely exploits others dhuunfata n monopoly
dhullaa n abscess, furuncle dhuunfataa/ -tuu nm/f private owner;
dhullee n funnel monopolist
dhullee dhimbiibaa filter funnel dhuyuma n thin straw or reed for
dhuma n 1) end, last 2) limit sucking liquid
dhuma guyyaa deadline dhuyya n lymph (Med)
dhuma-dhablee endless, bound-
dhuma-namaa genocide
dhuma-maleessa infinite, infinity -E-
dhuma-torbee weekend
dhumaatii n slaughter, massacre; ebantaa n friend, fellowman
holocaust ebelee n fine misty rain
dhumattaanaa/ -tuu nmlf semi-final- ebicha n vernonia amycrocephala
ist (Bot)
dhumattaantii en (dhuma + aantii) Ebia n May
semi-final eddatteessa n sampling
dhumiisa n extermination (of people), eddatteessuu v to sample
mass death eddattoo n sample
dhumuu v 1) to be finished, come to ededa n mountain slope
an end; wear out, used up, con- ededa lagaa river terrace
sumed 2) to be destroyed, per- ededdoo n escarpment (Geog)
eebba - elama 104

eebba n benediction, blessing eela n 1) well 2) hole, pit, ditch

eebba bunaa coffee ceremony eela gugseessa artesian well
(with blessing) eela soogiddaa salt-well
eebbifamaa/ -tuu a/n mlf blessed eela zayitii oil well
eebbisaa/ -ftuu nm/f one who eelaa n internal injury of an organ of
blesses a body due to an accident or hard
eeboo n spear work
eedsii n (Eng) AIDS (Acquired Im- eelee n baking pan, griddle
mune Deficiency Syndrome) eelee waaddii frying pan
eegama n immunity eelee sibiilaa iron griddle
eegduu nmf 1) guard, keeper, eelee suphee clay griddle
watchman 2) attendant 3) vigil, eengee n undergrowth in crops
guardian eengoo n undergrowth
eegduu biyyaa national guard eenyummaa n identity, personality
eegduu galmee archivist eenyummaa namaa personal
eegduu masaraa palace guard identity
eegduu mootii royal bodyguard eenyummaa sabaa national
eegee n 1) tail 2) extension (Comp) identity
eege-maleessa tailless eenyummeessaa n identity card, I.D.
eeggannaa n 1) waiting card
2) watchfulness, awareness, vigi- eera n a hint, a tip; information; refer-
lance ence
eeggannoo n attention, careful, care, eerima en (eera + hima) allusion
carefulness; prudence eerima asoosamaa fictional allu-
eeggannoo nyaataa food han- sion
dling eerima seenaa historical allusion
eeggata n maintenance eertuu n nmf informer; indicator, hint,
eeggataa1/ -tuu nmlf acting, deputy clue
eeggataa2 n 1) immovable bench; eertuu balali'aa compass (of a
2) floor of granary or barn plane)
eegumsa n defence, maintenance, eertuu doonii compass (of a
protection, conservation ship)
eegumsa agargoo data protec- eertuu karaa direction indicator
tion eeruu v to indicate, inform, point out;
eegumsa bineeyyii wildlife sanc- give a hint
tuary eesa n oats
eegumsa biyyaa national de- eessuma n maternal uncle
fence eeyyessa n affirmation
eegumsa bosonaa forestry eeyyessaa a/n affirmative, positive
eegumsa fayyorii veterinary eeyyessituu nmf one who affirms
eegumsa qulqullinaa sanitation eeyyessummaa n positivity
eegumsa shimbirroo protection eeyyessuu v to affirm
of birds egeree n the future (time)
eegumsa uummataa people's Ejabula n Jupiter
defence ejersa n olive tree
eeguu v 1) to wait for 2) to guard, ejjituu n harlot, whore
watch 3) to expect 4) to protect, ekeraa n ghost, spectre
take care of 5) to conserve ekerdubbiftuu cnmf one who com-
eekkee n normal rain (not drizzly or municates with spirit of the dead
torrential) ekerummaa n ghosthood
elama n plant
105 elektiroona - faaggoo

elektiroona n (Eur) electron ergannoo mootummaa govern-

elektiroonika n (Eur) electronics ment representative
elellaa n cowrie shells, sea shells ergarama n 1) deterioration, degen-
elellee n new moon eration (physically)
elemee n fruit 2) suffering
elementii n (Eng) same as dursiitee ergaramaa/ -tuu nmlf 1) feeble, weak
elemoo n ram (physically) 2) suffered
eletrika n (Eng) electric, electricity ergaramuu v 1) to deteriorate, de-
eletrikoomsa n electrification generate (physically} 2) to suffer
elmamtuu n milk cow, dairy cow ergataa/ -tuu nmlf sender
embasii n (Eng) same as mana tamii ergifachuu v to borrow (objects)
ennayyaa n tense ergifataa/ -tuu nmlf borrower (of ob-
ennayyaa dabree past tense ject)
ennayyaa egeree future tense ergii n errand
ennayyaa qaatee simple past ergisaa a borrowed
ennayyaa si'anee present tense erguu v 1) to send 2) to ship off
ennayyaa si'amaree present
tense (of habitual)
ennayyaa si'arraa present con-
tinuous tense -F-
enzaayima n (Eng) enzyme
enzaayima aloo exo-enzyme fa'ilee n transport animals
erbeeta n apron faabrikaa n (It) factory
ergaa n 1) message, mission; notice faabrikaa biiraa brewery
2)sender3)exporter faabrikaa dhugaatii beverage
ergaa afaanii verbal message factory
ergaa du'aa obituary faabrikaa uffiyyaa textile factory
ergaa poostaa a message by faacha n mounted trophy (usu. wild
letter animals such as lions)
ergaa qilleensaa air letter, airmail faaggaa n 1) trumpet 2) trumpet-like
ergama mission, task instrument made of bamboo used
ergama nagaa peace mission to start a fire or (and} in distillation
ergama qaroomsii "civilizing 3) any hollow like instrument
mission" faaggaa araqee an instrument
erga-yabboo registered letter, used for distilling araqee
recorded delivery faaggaa ibiddaa faaggaa used to
ergamaa/ -tuu nmlf 1) apostle start fire
2) messenger, page 3) consul, faaggaa konkolaataa an auto
ambassador 4) delegate, envoy horn
ergamaa biyyaa consul, ambas- faaggaa moofoo stove-pipe
sador faaggaa sibiilaa pipe, tube
ergamaa mootummaa govern- faaggaa sirbaa trumpet
ment delegate faaggee n pipe, tube
ergamaa Waaqaa angel faaggee bishaanii water-pipe,
ergamtoota pl n delegation, dele- hose; pipe, tube
gates, emissaries faaggee biyyee soil pipe
ergannaa n letter faaggee gurraa auditory tube
ergannaa afeerraa a letter of in- faaggee yaatoo drain pipe
vitation faaggee zayitii oil pipe-line
ergannoo n representative; repre- faaggoo n conduit
faajjii - faaruu 106

faajjii n flag, banner faana bu'uu to follow, pursue

faajjii diimaa red flag, red banner faana deemuu to follow, accom-
faajjii keelluu yellow flag pany
faajjii sabaa national flag faana dhawuu to follow the track
faakaltii n (Eng) faculty (of university) of, trace
faaksii n (Eur) fax faanaa n stirrup
faaksii gochuu to fax faanchoo n permission
faaksituu n fax machine faanessaa n tracer
faala n slander, smearing faannee n stepping stone
faalkaa n state (mode of existence) faannomaa/ -tuu nmlf rebellious
faalkaa wanneetaa state of faannommii n rebelling, rebellion
matter faannomummaa n rebellion, parti-
faallaa n opposite, contrary sanship
faallaa dhangaggee acid resis- faannomuu v to become a rebel, re-
tant bel
faallayyaa n contradiction faannoo n rebel, guerrilla; partisan,
faallayyaa gita class contradic- patriot
tion faannoo biyyaa partisan, patriot
faallayyaa gamtaa social contra- faannoo magaalaa urban
diction guerrilla
faallayyaa sabaa national con- faanoo n rung
tradiction faanosii n (Ar) lantern
faallee n 1) direction, side, line faanshaa n page, page boy
2) course 3) trend, drift 4) angle faanshaa hoteelaa bellboy
faallee gamtaa social direction faanshaa waajjiraa office boy
faallee sa'aatii clockwise direc- faanshatee n maid servant
tion faanshoo n servant
faallee sararroo contour direction faantuu nmf follower, pursuer
faallessa n opposition faara1 n clay
faallessaa/ -situu nm/f one who op- faara2 n prospect, mood
poses, contradicts faara dhabuu to be in bad condi-
faallessuu v to contradict, oppose tion
faallii n pollution faara qabaachuu to be in good
faallii bishaanii water pollution condition
faallii geeddarama kemikaalaa faarfamaa/ -tuu nmlf popular, fa-
chemical change pollution mous, celebrated
faallii holakee thermal pollution faarfannoo n psalm
faallii qilleensaa air pollution faarfannoo Daawit psaltery
faallii waacilaa noise pollution, faarfata n hymn
sound pollution Faarisa n Persia
faallisa n inflation, monetary inflation faarisicha a Persian man
faalloo n antonyms faarisittii a Persian woman
faaltota np/ pollutants faarsa n praise, compliment
faaltuu nmf one who slanders, black- faarsa dubartii song that praises
ens the name of someone women
faaluu v 1) to blacken the name of faarsaa/ -tuu nm/f one who praises
someone, slander 2) to paint faarsoo n anthem
faana n 1) sole of foot 2) footprint, faarsoo sabaa national anthem
track, trace, trail 3) foot (Math) faarsuu v to praise, glorify
faana bu'aa/ -tuu follower, ad- faaruu n praise, glorification; hymn,
herent, disciple psalm
107 faashina - fakkee

faashina n (Eng) same as ammay- fafummaa n 1) deformity 2) disability,

yoo invalidism
faashistii nla (Eng) fascist, fascistic; taga n prediction, prophecy
brutal fagaara n buttocks, bottom, seat,
faashisticha/ -ttii fascist; brutal arse
faashistummaa n fascism; brutality fagdii n forecast
faashkoo n (It) flask fageenya n distance, remoteness
faashkoo calaltuu filtering flask fageenya ijaa eyeshot
faashkoo damfisaa boiling flask fageenya lafarraa ground dis-
faashkoo jalgiingoo round bot- tance
tomed flask fageenya qabxiiwwan jidduu
faasigaa n (Amh) Easter distance between points
faatii n majesty, dignity fageenya tilmaamuu judging
faawuu v to be half-swampy, be half- distance
marshy fageenya xurreewwan jidduu
faawwoo n half-swampy place distance between lines
faaxuu n receding forehead fageessuu v 1) to make far 2) to
faaya n 1) ornament 2) jewellery keep away, deviate
faaya dubbii rhetoric Fagiidhoo en telescope
faaya ilkaanii tooth-ornament fagokaaftuu en telephoto
faaya yaadannoo souvenir fagomuldhiftuu en television
faayata n arts; skill fagonagarree en (fagoo + hin agar-
faayata ammayyaa modern arts ree) myopia
faayata akkeessaa imitative arts fagoo a far, remote, distant, afar
faayata uummataa popular arts fagulloo n waste material (of melted
faayata-dhablee artless bee-wax)
faayata-qabeessa artistic faguu v to predict the future, forecast
faayatooma n artistry, artistic gift fajaja n gaze, goggling, apathy
faayee aln aesthetic fajajaa/ -juu nmlf one who stares va-
faayessaa/ -ituu nm/f artist cantly
faayessuu v to over-refine fajajuu v to gaze at, goggle at; stare
facaasuu v to sow vacantly
faccee n 1) defending one self with a fakkaachuu v to resemble, look like,
stick 2) fencing seem
faccisuu v to fight back, repel fakkaaftuu en (fakkii + kaaftuu)
fadaa n cure camera
fadamaa a curable fakkaaftuu biidiyoo video cam-
fadduu nmf healer era
faduu v to cure; help fakkaaftuu tiibii telecamera,
faduula n reality; truth television camera
faduullee n fact fakkaannoo n resemblance
fafa a 1) defective, deformed fakkaattii n image
2) disabled, invalid fakkaattii agartii optical image
fafaawuu v 1) to be defective, be fakkaattii dhugee virtual image
deformed 2) to be invalid, be dis- fakkaattii dhugee real image
abled fakkaattii ijaajjee erect image
fafakeessoo n hypocrisy fakkaattoo n character
fafakkeessituu nmf a show up per- fakkannee a sufficient, adequate
son; hypocrite fakkansa n sufficiency, adequacy
faffaca'a n dispersal fakkanuu v to be sufficient, be ade-
faffaca'a sanyii dispersal of seed quate
fakkee n figure
fakkeenya - faranaayitii 108

fakkeenya n example, instance for eating porridge

fakkeenya addayyaa case study, faldhaana meetii silver spoon
sample study faldhaana mooqaa table-spoon
fakkeenya dhugee virtual image faldhaana mukaa wood-spoon
fakkeenyaaf for example, for in- faldhaana shaayii tea-spoon
stance faldhaana sibiilaa metal-spoon
fakkeessa n imitation faldhaanee n tea-spoon
fakkeessoo n analogue, analogy falfala n sorcery
fakkeessuu v to make similar; copy; falfalaa/ -tuu nmlf sorcerer
imitate falmamaa a 1) litigious 2) disputable,
fakkii n 1) appearance 2) drawing, arguable 3) debatable
figure, illustration, picture 3) icon falmannaa n self defence against
fakkii qopphii programme appli- charges or argument
cation icons falmannoo n defence (of charges)
fakkiyaada en imagery falmataa/ -tuu nmlf 1) claimant
fakkiyyaa n symbolism 2) disputant; debater
fakkobarruu en photocopy falmii n controversy
fakkoo n photo; portrait, picture, fig- falmuu v 1) to litigate 2) to dispute,
ure; image, effigy argue 3) to debate
fakkoo akkeessaa cartoon faltii n cattle dung, manure
fakkoo dhiquu to develop photos faluu v 1) to devise, plan 2) to find a
fakkoo kaasuu to take a picture solution
fakkoo halluu colour photo fandalala n excursion, walk, stroll
fakko-kormaataa pornography fandalala boqotaa picnic
fakko-sinimaa cinematograph fandalala konkolaataa drive
fakkosochee en (fakkoo + sochoo- fandalala miilaa walk, stroll
tuu) cartoon fandalalaa/ -tuu nmlf walker, stroller
fakkuu n image fandalaltii n picnic, excursion
fala n 1) solution (to a problem); cure fandalaluu v to take a walk, stroll
2) proper care fannifama n crucifixion
fala fiduu to create difficulty, fannisaa/ -ftuu nm/f hangman
bring problem fannisuu v 1) to hang, hang up; hoist
falamaa n 1) litigation, charges, court (a flag) 2) crucify
case 2) dispute, argument, contro- fannoo n 1) hanger; peg 2) cross
versy 3) debate fannoo diimaa Red Cross
falamaa lafaa court case (of land fannoo faajjii flagpole, flagstaff
property) fannoo miyaa hanger for different
falammoo n debate instruments
falamsiisaa a controversial fannoo uffataa clothes hook
falamtii n polemic fanxoo n syphilis
falaqa n azure sky fanxoo fuudhuu to get infected
falasama n (Eur) same as raagumsa with syphilis
falassama n (Eur) same as fanxooftuu a syphilitic
raagumsa fara'a n flirtation
faldhaana n spoon fara'aa n flirt
faldhaana gaafaa spoon made of fara'uu v to flirt
horn, horn-spoon faraankaa n coins
faldhaana kophee shoehorn, faraankaa guddaa ten cents
shoe-spoon faraankaa xinnaa five cents
faldhaana koosaraa table-spoon faranaayitii n (Eng) Fahrenheit
faldhaana mar aa a spoon used
109 Faranjii - federeeshina

Faranjii n European, white man, farra-qaama alagaa A antibody A

white woman farra-qaama alagaa B antibody B
Faranjicha/ -ttii the European, farra-rasaasaa bullet-proof
the white man, the white woman farra-summii antitoxin
Faransaa n France farra-ulfaa contraceptive
farasillaa n (Ar) a measure of 17 farra-ulfummaa contraception
kilogram (usu. of coffee beans) farra-wanneetaa antimatter
farda n horse farra-uummataa anti-people
farda dhalaa mare farra-waraanaa anti-war
farda gugsii race-horse farra-warraaqsaa anti-revolution,
farda kiraa a hired horse counter-revolution
farda kolaa gelding farrayyaa n antonym
farda kormaa male horse farshaanaa a alcoholic
farda mandiidaa not tamed horse farshaanummaa n alcoholism
farda rimaa mare in foal farshoo n alcohol
farda ganyaa jade farsoo n local home made beer
farda arfacha four years old farsoo Faranjii European beer
horse fashaalaa/ -tuu nmlf one who nulli-
farda dhankaakaa sterile mare fies
farda lammacha two years old fashaalamaa a nullified, cancelled
horse fashaaltli n nullification, cancellation
farda qalaamaa brood mare fashaaluu v to nullify, cancel
fareersa n theatre fatansa n super power
fareersa yakkii detective play fattee n toad
fareersaa/ -tuu nmlf actor, actress (of faturaa n private car
theatre) faxama n stiffness
farra- suff anti faxamuu v to become stiffish
farra-aramaa herbicide, weed fayidaa n (Ar) 1) advantage, use,
killers benefit 2) significance
farra-baluunaa anti-aircraft fayida-dhabeessa useless
farra-dhangaggee anti acid fayida-qabeessa advantageous,
farra-dhollee pesticide useful, valuable
farra-faallisaa anti-inflation fayidummaa n usefulness
farra-fudaalummaa anti- fayiduu v to be useful
feudalism fayyaa n health; well-being
farra-gommayyaa antidepressant fayyaa bu'uraa basic health
farra-hawaasaa antisocial fayyaa guutuu fitness
farra-heeraa anti-constitutional fayya-dhabeessa/ -ttii unhealthy
farra-ilbiisee insecticides fayya-qabeessa/-ttii healthy
farra-ilma namaa anti-human fayyaalessa/ -ttii am/f 1) healthy
farra-istimaaraa anti-imperialism 2) guiltless, innocent
farra-ititaa antifreeze fayyeeffata n sanatorium
farra-jiisaa larvicide fayyii n recovery
farra-jiree antibiotic (Bot) fayyina n salvation
farra-karkarroyyaa anti-tank fayyisaa n messiah, saviour
farra-keettoo counterespionage fayyisuu v to cure, heal
farra-laqdaa antiperspirant fayyummaa n health; healthiness;
farra-lubbiyyoo germicide well-being, welfare
farra-mootummaa anti- fayyuu v to be healthy, recover
government federeeshina n (Eng) same as
farra-qaama ala aa antibody atooma
fedhii - filamaata gamtaa 110

fedhii n will, interest, needs fiixan baasuu to achieve, ac-

feddhii addayyaa special needs complish
fedhii bilisaa free will fiixan bayiisa achievement, ac-
fedhii bu'uraa basic needs complishment
fedhii ilma-namaa human fiixaa n remote relatives
interest, human needs fiixee n highest point, tip, top, apex,
fedhii wajjummaa common peak, summit
interest fiixee aarsituu nerve ending
fidhiin hojjataa amateurish fiixee harmaa nipple
feellaa n safety razor fiixee hundee root apex
fermaataa n (It) same as dhaabbii fiixee lashoo shoot apex
otobusii fiixee latoo apical bud
fida n implication fiixee qubaa finger-tip
fida dachaa bi-implication fiixee tulluu summit, mountain
fiddoo n trousers, pants peak
fifishoo n pepper fiixee xiyyaa arrow-head
figattuu n corridor, passage fiixoma n kinship, consanguinity
figattuu galaanaa sea corridor fijaa n salary, pay, payment
figgimsa n assassination fijaa guyyaa a daily pay
figgimsaa/ -ituu nmlf assassin fijaa jalqabaa commencing salary
figgimsuu v to assassinate fijaa ji'aa a monthly pay
fiigaa n 1) runner 2) race-horse; rac- fijaa sa'aatii an hourly pay
ing-car fijaa torbee weekly pay
fiigicha n running, race fijaa yeroo seasonal payment
fiigicha olompiyaa Olympic race fijaawaa/ -ee nmlf salaried worker
fiigicha qaxxaamura biyyaa filaa n comb
cross-country race filachiisa a/n alternative
fiigicha utaalchoo hurdle-race filamaa/ -tuu a/n mlf select, chosen;
fiigsisaa/ -ftuu nm/f referee (of run- elected, candidate
ning competition) filannaa n combing
fiiguu v to run, run a race filannoo n 1) option, preference
fiila n 1) germination 2) perspiration 2) alternative 3) election
fiilaa/ -tuu am/f germinated filannoo jechaa wording (choice
fiilee n shoot (of crops) of words)
fiilloo n cotyledon filataa/ -tuu nm/f elector, voter
fiilloo lamee dicotyledon filatummaa n candidature, candidacy
fiilloo tokkee mono-cotyledon filee n 1) a small decorated comb
fiiluu v 1) to germinate 2) to perspire 2) a cow which has long horns
fiiruu v to mediate; measure, ponder filfillee a gap-toothed
fiishkaa n (It) same as furiyyoo filida n a splinter (of wood, stone,
fiisika n (It) physics bone etc)
fiisika ammayyaa modern filiduu v to splinter, cut up
physics filii n hair-do
fiisika dachee geophysics filmaata dubartii women's suffrage
fiisika hojjatii applied physics filmaata n 1) choice, selection
fiisika qonnaa agricultural 2) election, vote, ballot, suffrage
physics filmaata dhimshaashaa general
fiisiktuu nmf physicist election
fiitii n a small object, a small amount filmaata dubartii female suffrage
fiixa n goal, aim filamaata gamtaa social selection
111 filmaata harbooraa - fira dhiigaa

filmaata harbooraa presidential fincila hojjattuu workers' upris-

election ing, insurrection
filmaata iccitii secret ballot fincila sabaa national uprising
filmaata jalqabbee primary elec- fincila uummataa people's upris-
tion ing
filmaata kormaa bull testing fincilaa/ -tuu nm/f 1) insurgent, rebel
filmaata mana marii election for 2) mutineer
the parliament, general election fincilchiisaa/ -ftuu nmlf ring-leader
filamaata uumamaa natural se- of rebellion or of a mutiny
lection finciltii n subversion; mutiny
filmeessaa/ -ituu nmlf film-maker finciltii loltuu mutiny
filmeessii n filmography fincilummaa n rebelliousness: sub-
filmeessuu v to film versiveness
filmii n (Eng) film finciluu v 1) to rise, revolt, rebel 2) to
filmii cuqulee blue film mutiny
filmii dareenaa fantasy film findhara n challenge
filmii diriirtoo surface film findhartuu nmf a person who chal-
filmii fakkoo photographic film lenges somebody
filmii halluu colour film findharuu v to challenge
filmii kaasuu to film findiga n search, dig out
filmii kolatii feature film findigaa/ -duu nm/f one who
filmii shororkaa horror film, searches
horror movie findiguu v to search
filmii yakkii crime film findurii en (finna + durii) oral tradi-
filmi-tiibii television film, TV- tion
movie finfinnee n 1) a place which has sev-
filqii n detail eral springs 2) a fountain of hot
filqiin in detail mineral water 3) the old Oromo
filqoomsaa/ -ituu nmlf person who name for Addis Ababa
describes things item by item finfinneessaa n sprinkler (apparatus)
filqoomsuu v to detail finfinneessaa shuquntuu gar-
filuu v 1) to comb 2) to choose, se- den sprinkler
lect; elect, vote finfintuu n artesian well
finaansii n (Eng) finance finiina n intensifying
fincaa'attii n cascade finiinaa a intense
fincaan n urine finiinfamaa a intensified
fincaan dhiigaa haematuria finiinnoo n perspiration
fincaan kormaa semen, sperm finiinnoo baalaa transpiration
fincaawaa n waterfall finiinsuu v to intensify
fincaawuu v to urinate finiintii n climax
fincadanee en (fincaan + danuu) finiinuu v 1) to be intensified, be in a
polyuria (Med) climax 2) to perspire
finceessa n urination finna n 1) fertility 2) livelihood; good
finceessa halkanii nycturia living, well-being
(Med) finnaawuu v to be nutritious
fincila n uprising, rebellion, insur- finnii n nutritional value
gency, insurrection finniisa n pimples, freckles
fincila biyyaa a nation-wide finnoo n small pox; measles
uprising finqilchaa n lever
fincila Guraandhalaa the Febru- fira n 1) relative, relation, kin 2) friend
ary Uprising fira dhiigaa blood relative
fira faayataa - foonin-bultuu 112

fira faayataa lover of fine arts fkn. abbr (fakkeenyaaf) e. g.

fira warraaqsaa supporter of a foddaa n window
revolution foddaa duubaa rear window
firaasha n (Ar) same as afattoo foddaa Faransaa French window
fireena n (It) same as kaasaa foddaa golollee round window,
firfirsa n 1) scattering 2) disperse bull's eye window
3) sprinkle foddaa konkolee window (of
firfirsituu n sprinkler cars)
firfirsituu bishaanii fire- foddaa luggee oval window
extinguisher fodda-maleessa windowless
firfirsuu v 1) to scatter 2) to disperse fodooddoo n gorge (opening be-
3) to sprinkle tween hills or mountains)
firiijii n (Eng) same as qabbaneessi- fodooddoo maanyaa ocean
tuu ridge
fiririqa n luxury, great comfort; ex- folka n wood
travagance folloqa n 1) chip 2) cast
fiririqaa/ -xuu nmlf person who leads folloqaa a 1) chipped 2) rived
a luxurious life folloqsa n cast, avulsion
fiririqqee a extravagant folloqsuu v 1) to chip 2) to cast
fiririquu v to lead a luxurious life, fonoggoo n surplus
luxuriate fonoggoo jiidhinaa moisture
firmaa n (It) same as mal/attoo surplus
firmeessuu v to sign fonqolcha n uprooting
firooma n friendship, correlation fooda n riverside
firooma aantee collateral line fooda bubbee windward-side
firooma dhalootaa natural rela- foolii n smell, odour
tionship fooli-dhablee odourless
firooma dhiigaa consanguinity foolisii n (Eur) same as torobbee
firooma warroommii affinity foon n 1) meat, flesh 2) pulp
firoomsii n matching foon affeellii boiled meat
firoomsuu v to relate; associate foon baxxee cutlet
firqii n dicotyledon foon booyyee pork
firummaa n kinship, relationship foonaa dhalmaa lambing pen
firummaa dhiigaa relationship by foon dheedhii raw and red meat
blood, kinship foon hoolaa mutton
fittisa n resistance foon ilkaanii gum, gums
fittisa hoo'inaa heat resistance foon indaanqoo chicken
fittisa qorichaa drug resistance foon jabbii veal
fittisaa a resistant, resistive foon jajii bacon
fittisuu v to resist foon loonii beef
fixayyaa n consumption foon luggee beefsteak
fixeensa n dew foon lukkuu chicken
fixeensawa n condensation foon qorqoorroo tinned meat,
fixirsiisaa/ -ftuu nmlf pilot canned meat
fixirsiisuu v make to fly foon qurxummii fish (flesh of
fixiruu v to fly fish)
fixxii n snuff (tobacco) foon waaddii roasted meat
fixxuu n consumer foon waxalaa a kind of roasted
fixxuu jalqabbee primary con- meat
sumer foon-dhablee fleshless
fiyaatii n (It) Fiat (brand of car) foonin-bultuu carnivorous
113 foonee - fuggisee

foonee n carnivore fottoqa lafaa landslide

fooqii n (Ar) upstairs; story, flat, floor fottoqa lagaa stream erosion
fooqii duraa ground floor fottoqa marsiyyaa cycle of ero-
fooqii gadii down-stairs sion
fooqii olii upstairs fottoqqee n faction
fooqlamee ca two-storied fottoqqoo n rock fall
fooraa n 1) satellite camp 2) remote fottoqsii n dismantling
pasture fottoqsuu v to dismantle
foordii n (Eng) Ford (brand of car) fottoqxaa n secession
foorica n whistling fottoqxuu nmf secessionist
fooricaa/ -uu nmlf whistler fowattuu n selector
foortuu nmf one who takes animals fowuu v 1) to separate 2) to choose,
to fooraa sort out 3) to spin (of cotton)
footokaaftuu nmf photographer fudaala n (Eng) feudal
footoo n (Eur) same as fakkoo fudaalummaa n feudalism
footuu n spindle (for spinning cotton), fudhachuu v 1) to receive, acquire
bobbin 2) to admit; accept
fooxaa n (Ar) shawl fudhannoo n 1) receiving, acquiring
fooxaa dhiqannaa bath towel 2) admitting; accepting
fooxaa harkaa hand towel fudhannoo hoo'illaa calorie in-
fooxaa mormaa scarf take
fooyituu n shirts (of sports) fudhannoo sooree nutrient in-
fooyyee n elders who are chosen to take
help in solving disputes and con- fudhataa/ -tuu nm/f receiver (per-
flicts son); recipient
fooyyeffamaa a amendable fudhatii n dosage
fooyyessa n reconsideration fudiraa n vegetable
fooyyessaa n amendment, improve- fudiraa affeellii boiled vegetables
ment fudiraa qorqoorroo canned
fooyyessituu nmf person who vegetables
amends fudira-nyaattuu vegetarian
fooyyessuu v to amend fufaa n connection
fooyyina n betterment fufaa loojikaa logic connection
foqoo n a little bit (usu. of liquids) fufaatii n extension; epilogue
foqoo aannanii a little bit of milk fufaatii dhuma-dhablee infinite
foqoo bishaanii a little bit of extension
water fufamaa a connected
foqoqqii n sliding fufamtuu n affix (Gram)
forfachuu v to rest, take break fufii n connecting
forfata n leisure, pause fufii siiqqee connecting rod
forfataa/ -tuu nm/f one who rests, fufii tubboo connecting tube
takes break fufoo n cable
formaajoo n (It) European cheese fuftoo n hyphen
foroo n fats fuftuu n connector
fosfeeta n (Eur) phosphate fufuu v to join together, connect, at-
fottoqa n 1) land slip, landslide, boul- tach, append, link, affix
der 2) crust fuggiffoo n a kind of swimming with
fottoqa biyyee crust, soil fluctua- top down and bottom up
tion fuggisee a/ n reciprocal, inverse
fottoqa kattaa rock slide (Math)
fuggisoo • furrisa 114

fuggisoo n contrary to the normal screwdriver

procedure or the natural order; in- furee korreentii electrical screw-
verse driver
fugguu nmf person born with the legs furee naannee Phillips screw-
first driver
fuguga n people furfura n swelling (of body)
Fulbaana n September furfura sombaa pulmonary
fulchoo n hint edema
fulchuu v to hint furfursaa n things that causes to
fulee n emergency exit swell
fulla'aa a lasting; permanent furfuu v to swell (of body)
fullaafama n 1) penetration furgaaftuu n projector
2) completion furgaasaa n 1) slip-knot 2) adjuster
fullaafamaa a penetrable (of gun)
fullaasaa/ -ftuu nmlf one who pene- furgaasa marfii cannonade
trates; completes, carries through furgoo n (It) car, carriage, coach (of a
fullaasuu v 1) to penetrate; to train), trolley
achieve, succeed; complete 2) to furguggaatuu n rocket (weapon)
break through 3) to press forward, furguggee n wooden missile
advance furgugsa n scud; throwing
fullata n diameter furgugsa burruusaa hammer
fullee n glass (Chem, Geo/) throw
fullee doow'annaa watching furiyyoo n whistle
glass furjee a rubbish, nonsense
fullee guguddiftuu magnifying furjee-gurjee 1) mishmash
glass 2) hotch-potch, medley
fulukkee nla coral furmaata n solution; explanation
funaantuu n scavenger furmaata aljeebiraa algebraic
funaanuu v to scavenge solution
fungoo n code furmaata ariifachiisaa urgent
fungoo fufaatii code extension solution
funuuna n nose bleeding furmaata rogsadee solution of a
funuunuu v to bleed (of nose) triangle
funyaan n nose furmaata waaraa lasting solution
funyaan makiinaa bumper furnoo n (Ar) loaf (roll of bread)
funyaanee n nasal (Ling) furoo n code (of phone)
funyoo n rope, cord furrifamaa n missilery
funyoo laastikii rubber band furrifamaa Ameerikaa American-
funyoo sibiilaa 1) chain 2) cable missiles
funyoo shaabbee wire rope furrifamaa qajeelaa guided mis-
funyoo uffataa clothes-line sile
furaa n dictionary furrifamaa Soviyeetii Soviet-
furaa jechayyaalee alagaa dic- missiles
tionary of foreign words furrifamtuu n rocket, rocketry
furaansa n relief, relief from pain furrifamtuu qilleensaa air-rocket
furdina n thickness furriftoo n crossbow
furdina garmalee obesity furriftuu n centrifugal machine, sepa-
furee n screwdriver rator
furee diriirtuu cabinet screw- furrii n mucus
driver, ratchet screwdriver furrisa n sling (for throwing stones);
furee hookkoo right-angle slingshot
115 furrisaa - gaaduu

furrisaa n catapult, slinger (of air-

furrisiisaa n catapult launcher -G-
furrisuu v 1) to sling, hurl, fling 2) to
catapult ga'oo n a competent person
furroo n a kind of horse disease ga'aa a enough, adequate; sufficient
furtuu n 1) key 2) person who gives ga'ee n share; quotient
solution to a problem ga'ummaa n adequacy; competence
futaa n cotton fruit gaabbii n regret
futisuu v to appear, become visible gaabblsiisaa n situation that forces
futtaasee n arrow and bow somebody to regret
fuudha n marriage (of men) gaabbituu nmf one who regrets
fuudha diidaa exogamy gaabbuu v to regret, feel sorry
fuudhaa-heeruma marriage gaachana n shield
fuudha-tokkee monogamy gaachanee nmf protector, defender,
fuula n 1) face; front 2) direction bulwark
3) menu (Comp) gaachanoo n 1) protection, defend-
fuula bubbee windward ing, shielding 2) rear guard
fuula cinaachaa lateral face gaachanoo madanaa radiation
fuula durtii main menu shielding
fuula qaxxaamuraa cross- gaachantuu nmf shield maker
section gaachanuu v to make shields
fuulawuu 1) to advance 2) to be gaachisaa/ -ftuu nmlf 1) person who
in good shape hires an agent to spy on some-
fuuldoyyaa en mirror body 2) a spy agent
fuulee n page (of books etc.) gaaddlddee n photocopy, Xerox
fuuleffannoo n focus gaaddiddeeffamaa n material to be
fuuljayee en hexahedron copied
fuullafaa en terrain (Mil) gaaddiddeessaa n photocopier,
fuullamee ca 1) double-faced 2) two- xerox
dimensional gaaddlddeessuu v 1) to copy (make
fuullee adv across from opposite photocopy) 2) eclipse
fuulleffannoo n focus gaaddidduu n shadow (only of living
fuullessifaa en diaphragm (Phys) things)
fuuloo n headstall gaaddifata n 1) shelter, refuge
fuulsadee en three-dimensional 2) helper, supporter
fuunca n chain gaaddifata yabaloo boathouse
fuunca sabbuu gold chain gaaddifata-dhablee homeless
fuunca soorataa food chain gaaddisa n 1) shed, shelter
fuunduree en incisors 2) shadow (of trees, houses)
fuunfachuu v to smell, sniff gaaddisa bokkaa rain shadow
fuunfannaa n smelling gaaddummaa n robbery
fuunfata n 1) smell, odour 2) nose gaadduu n 1) robber, raider, bandit,
fuunfataa/-tuu nmlf smeller (one brigand 2) spy, secret agent
who smells) gaadduu galaanaa pirate
fuunfii n smell, odour gaadee n canine tooth
fuuruu v to be warm, feel hot gaadumsa n espionage, surveillance
fuutoo n hand over gaaduu v 1) to hunt (among animals);
fuuttoo n meat soup follow to catch 2) to rob, attack
3) to spy
gaafa - gaasii boochisaa 116

gaafa1 n horn gaaltama n adult or mature person

gaafa gabaabaa short horn gaaltamee n mature girl, marriage-
gaafa raadiyoo antenna able age
gaafa2 n/ prep 1) day 2) on (before gaaltamummaa n adulthood
days of the week) gaaltamuu v to grow up; become
gaafa gabaa market day mature
gaafa Jimaataa on Friday gaamara n development, growth
gaafachuu v to ask, demand, ques- (usu. of grain and plants)
tion gaana n heat (of animals), copulation
gaafannaa n asking gaanduleessa n a large black ant
gaafannaa dhukkubsataa 1) visit gaanfuree nmf very clever, physically
to a sick person 2) doctor's visit and morally strong person
gaafannoo n demand gaangee n mule
gaafannoo fi dhiyeessil demand gaanii n a large jar for brewing beer
and supply or mead
gaafataa/ -tuu nmlf one who de- gaanii onnee heart chamber
mands gaanoo n tank (container)
gaafatama n responsibility gaantii n rock, hard stone
gaafatamaa/ -tuu amlf 1) responsible gaara n mountain
2) demandable gaara burkaanaa volcanic moun-
gaafateessa n question mark tain
gaafee n brackets gaara leekkoo dome mountain
gaafii n question gaaraa daka all over the country
gaafii cimtuu burning question gaaraa dakaa from all over the
gaafii dubartii women's question country
gaafii fi irradeebii question and gaarambee en (gaara + hambee)
revision relic mountain
gaafii maltee cross-examination gaararraa n 1) chameleon 2) a dou-
gaafii murteessaa decisive ble faced-person, opportunist
question gaarawaa a mountainous
gaafii sabaa national question gaarayyuu n lover, mistress; concu-
gaafilee n questionnaire bine
gaaflamee ca of two days, lasting two gaarfata n campaign
days gaargarbaa en sea mountain
gaaga'ama n accident gaarigaa n handbarrow, barrow
gaagura n 1) hive 2) beehive gaarigaa baaburaa boxcar
gaagura dammaa beehive gaarii n cart (of horse-drawn), chariot
gaagura dhawuu to make hive or gaarisa n squirrel
beehive gaarreffannoo n confrontation
gaagura dhooftuu hive or bee- gaarreyyii n chain of mountains
hive maker gaartolcha en orogenesis
gaagura hidhuu to keep bees gaasadii en (gaasii + adii) kerosene
gaagura midhaanii hive (for gaasharee a mixed
grain) gaashartuu n mixer
gaagurtuu nmf bee-keeper, bee- gaasifaa en (gaasii + ifaa) marsh
farmer gas
gaala n (Ar) camel gaasii n (Eur) gas
gaalamoota n prostitute gaasii aarsituu nerve gas
gaalamootummaa n prostitution gaasii baraaxii waste gas
gaalcha n tendency gaasii bishaanii water gas
gaalee n tendril gaasii boochisaa tear gas
117 gaasii dhubbaa - gadbaataa

gaasii dhubbaa blister gas gabbaruu v 1) to pay tax 2) to sub-

gaasii dhugee real gas mit, surrender
gaasii luujee inert gases gabbataa/ -tuu am/f 1) fat, stout
gaasii makaa gas mixture 2) rich, fertile (land)
gaasii summii poison gas gabbiftuu n feeder
gaasii uummaa natural gas gabbiinaa n (It) cabin of a car
gaattiraa n cedar, a cedar tree gabbiinaa balali'aa cockpit
gaattiraa Faranjii pine gabbina n fatness
gaayila n matrimony, marriage gabbina miciree cell fertilisation
gaayila diggaa diamond wedding gabbisaa n fattening
gaayoo n minute (of a meeting) gabbisuu v 1) to fatten 2) to
gaayyoo n dogtooth pea strengthen
gaazexaa n (It) same as galaalcha gabra n slave
gaazexxuu nmf journalist gabricha/ -ttii a male slave, a
gabaa n (Amh) 1) market 2) market- female slave
place 3) market goer gabroomfataa/ -tuu nmlf slave
gabaa alaa foreign market dealer
gabaa biyya keessaa local mar- gabroomsuu v to enslave
ket gabrummaa n slavery, servitude;
gabaa biyyalafaa world market bondage, serfdom
gabaa dhoksaa black market gabrummaa mindaa wage slav-
gabaa hojii labour market ery
gabaa loonii cattle-market gaccabsa en decrease (of price),
gabaa magaalaa market in a decrement
town gaccabsuu cv to decrease (of price)
gabaa maallaqaa money market, gadaa n 1) Oromo social system in
financial market which the Oromo organised their
gabaa shaqaxaa commodity economic, political, military and
market spiritual life 2) democratic system
gabaa walaabaa free market in which the Oromo elected their
gabaa walee common market leaders every eight years
gabaabbii n abbreviation gadaacha n foetus (of humans)
gabaabiyyee n pygmy gadaantee a inferior; minor
gabaabsuu v to shorten, abbreviate gadaantessa n minimisation
gabadiriiraa en bazaar gadaantessaa n one who minimises
gabanaa n personal affairs, private, gadaantessuu v to minimise
intimate gadaantoo en minimum
gabatoo n board (table) gadaanuu aln lower
gabatoo beeksisaa notice-board gadadoo n agony
gabatoo gurraacha blackboard gadadoomsuu v to agonise
gabaasa n report gadagattee en those who abandoned
gabbaasa mana fayyaa hospital to perform the buttaa ceremony
report gadameessa n womb, uterus
gabbaasa mootummaa white gadamsa n greater koodoo/ kudu
paper gadamsa baddaa walya ibex
gabbaasaa/ -ftuu nm/f reporter gadbaasuu cv 1) to take out 2) to
gabbara n (Amh) 1) tribute (of forced bring out in public 3) to reveal (se-
payment) 2) bride-price crets)
gabbaraa/ -tuu nm/f serf gadbaataa en curfew
gabbarummaa n serfdom
gadbu'iisa - galii fi baasii 118

gadbu'iisa en fall (of price etc.) gaggabdoo n epilepsy

gadbu'iisa gatii fall in prices, gaggabsaa a/n anaesthetic
slump gaggabuu v 1) to faint, become un-
gaddaafa n danger conscious 2) to rejoice exceed-
gaddeebi'uu cv to degenerate ingly
gaddeebii en degeneration gaggeessa n to see off, fare well
gaddeebisoo en degradation gaggeessaa/ -ituu nmlf 1) leader
gadeessaa a ordinary 2) conductor (of orchestra)
gadfageenya en depth galaa1 n provisions for a journey, ra-
gadigaloo en socially degraded per- tions
son, inferior galaa/ -tuu2 nmlf intruder, dependent
gadigalooma n inferiority person
gadiiqsuu v to lower, set down galaafachuu v to assassinate
gadoo n 1) revenge, vendetta galaafataa/ -tuu nmlf assassin
2) retaliation galaafatama n assassination
gadooyyee a barbaric, barbarous galaalama n qualification
gadqabaa en auction galaalammee a qualified
gadqabbii en 1) compress 2) sup- galaalamuu v to be qualified
pression galaalchaa n newspaper
gadqabbummaa en compressibility galaalchaa dabre back issue (of
gadqabduu en suppresser newspaper)
gadqabduu calaltuu filter press galaalchaa guyyaa a daily news-
gadqabiinsa en compression paper
gadqabuu cv to suppress galaalchaa hallasee comic paper
gadxiinxala en deduction galaalchaa torbanii a weekly
gafara n fodder newspaper
gafara horii fodder crop galaalchituu nmf journalist
gafarsa n buffalo galaana n 1) flood, tide 2) river 3) sea
gafasha n estuary galabaa n bran, chaff
gaffaa n 1) dry land 2) terrestrial galalee n catalogue
gaffoo n mainland; continental galata n gratitude, acknowledgement
gaftoo n gross income galata galchuu to thank, ac-
gafuu n careless person knowledge
gagaa n bee wax galatoo n a gift of gratitude
gaggaafachuu v 1) to ask repeat- galcha n 1) gift (for qaalluu, church
edly, present many questions 2) to etc) 2) goal, score
interview galchaa addayyaa special deliv-
gaggaafannaa n inquiry ery
gaggaafannoo n interview galchii n goal, score
gaggaafannoo gaazexaa news- galchituu nmf 1) person who pre-
paper interview sents a gift (to a qaal/uu etc.)
gaggaafannoo raadiyoo radio 2) scorer 3) input (Comp)
interview galchuu v 1) bring something in,
gaggaafannoo telebiishinaa cause to enter 2) to insert (Comp)
television interview galeeloo n directory (Comp)
gaggaafataa/ -tuu nmlf interviewer galfurtuu en lock
gaggaafatamaa/ -tuu nmlf inter- galii n income
viewee galii culkee net income
gaggaba n 1) fainting 2) a great hap- galii dhugee real income
piness galii fi baasii income and expen-
gaggabbii n faint, stroke, syncope diture
119 galii mataa - ganaana

galii mataa per capita galtamaa n nun

galii sabaa national income galtoo n 1) a place where running
galiisa n return water has deepened the earth
galkaa n sheath (cloth-fitting cover) 2) gulf; inlet
galkaa attaashee attache case galtuu nmf people assimilated by
galkaa barroo bookcase another ethnic group
galkaa shugguxii holster gama n mane
gallagaa en (galoo + lagaa) mouth of gamaaggama en evaluation
a river gamaaggamuu cv to evaluate
gallakkisa en resignation gambaallee n (It) bootleg
gallakkisuu cv to resign gameessa/ -ttii nmlf militant
galma n traditional Oromo temple; a gamgamee ca divergent
place of worship gamgamummaa en divergence, di-
galmaayaa n hall, auditorium vergency
galmaayaa gabaa market-hall, gamlamee ca two-sided
indoor market gammachiisaa a charming
galmaayaa faayataa gallery, art- gammoo n 1) department store
museum 2) warehouse
galmaayaa magaalaa city hall gammoo barroolee bookshop,
galmaayaa sirbaa music halls bookstore
galmee n archive, file, recording gammoo meeshaa manaa furni-
book, register, roster ture store
galmee dhimmandaa master file gammoo soorataa grocer's shop,
galmee dhukkee sporangium grocery store
galmee dursoo instruction regis- gammoojjawaa a tropical
ter gammoojjii n low, hot land, tropical
galmee fakkoo picture-book, al- region
bum gammoojjii hoo'aa desert
galmee haaraa uumuu to create gammoojjilee n dweller of tropical
new files region
galmee horii breeding record gamshaa n tobacco
galmee jechootaa lexicon gamtaa n 1) social; co-operation
galmee kaayuu to save files 2) community 3) unity
galmee marmaartuu movable file gamtaa addunyaalessaa interna-
galmee onnee pericardium tional community
galmee seenaa historical record gamtaa uummataa society
galmee sochootuu shift register gamtaa wajjummaa communal
galmee tambeeraa stamp album society
galmee teessoo address register gamtaawaa a socialised
galmee towannoo control regis- gamtasabaa en society
ter gamteessa n socialisation
galmeeffama n 1) enrolment gamteessaa/ -ituu nmlf 1) organiser
2) documentation 2) one who socialises
galmeessa n registration gamteessummaa n socialisation
galmeessa miiraa sensory regis- gamteessuu v 1) to organise, unite
ter 2) to socialise
galmeessaa/ -ituu nm/f recorder gamtooma n mutualism
galmeessuu v to book (of record), gamtoomaa a mutual
enrol gamtummaa n socialism
galoo n flood ganaana n liquid dough
galtaa n destination
ganda - garanummaa 120

ganda n 1) village, 2) neighbourhood, meek, tolerant

quarters gara-dhabeessa/ -ttii hard
ganda magaalaa quarter, district hearted
(of a town) gara-hiriinsa vacillation
ganda walxaxaa densely popu- gara-jabeessa/ -ttii hard hearted
lated village gara-kaasaa diarrhoea
gandattii n a small village, hamlet; gara-kutannoo determination
homestead gara-kuteessa/ -ttii determined,
gandii n trypanosomiasis; tsetse fly determined person
gandooyyee nmf villager gara-laafessa/ -ttii tender
gangoo n small intestine hearted, kind
ganiisa n denial gara-mureessa/ -ttii determined,
ganjiitii n presents (in form of land) to determined person
the offspring of daughters gara-toleessa/ -ttii kind hearted,
ganna n rainy season, winter generous
gannoo n Christmas, Xmas garaacha n intestine, viscera
ganshoo n credit garaajii n (Fr) same as mana kon-
gantii n treason kolee
gantooyyee nmf collaborator (traitor) garaangaree en one who vacillates
gantooyyummaa n collaboration garaayyummaa n concubinage
(treason) garadaala en semi-desert
gantummaa n treachery, treason, garagalcha n 1) overthrow 2) inver-
betrayal sion
gantuu nmf traitor, deserter, rene- garagalcha mootummaa coup
gade d'etat
gantuu sabaa national traitor garagalchii n carbon copy
gantuu warraaqsaa renegade of garagalchituu nmf pedlar
a revolution garagalchoo adv/ n vice versa; recip-
ganuu v 1) to deny 2) to betray, de- rocal; inverse
sert garagalchuu v 1) to overthrow 2) to
gar- suff half, part, partly, semi- inverse
garaa n 1) belly, stomach garagaltoo al n inverse
2) abdomen 3) heart, mind garagaltuu n propeller
garaa baldhachuu to be patient, garagambeessa ca rigid
be tolerant garagambeessummaa en rigidity
garaa ciniinnaa colic garagara a different
garaa ciniinuu to have stomach- garagarummaa n difference, varia-
ache tion; range (of temperature)
garaa duwwaa an empty stom- garagarummaa dhaalmaa he-
ach, not having eaten reditary variation
garaa gogsaa constipation garagarummaa gitaa class dif-
garaa gogsuu to constipate ference
garaa hiruu to vacillate garagarummaa gonkaa absolute
garaa hirtuu one who vacillates deviation
garaa jabaachuu to be hard garagarummaa hoo'iyyaa guy-
hearted yaa daily range of temperature
garaa kutachuu to be determined garagarummaa kuufamaa po-
garaa laafuu to be kind, hearted tential difference
garaatti qabachuu rote (by garagarummaa walqixxee sym-
memory) metric difference
gara-baldheessa/ -ttii patient, garanummaa n cliquism
121 garanuu - garoo kubbaa harkaa

garanuu n clique gargaarsa duloomtotaa old-age-

garanuu amantii religious sect assistance
gararaasaa en passion gargaarsa duraa first aid (Med)
gararraa n header gargaarsa gamtaa social assis-
gararraata n letter-head, letter- tance
heading gargaarsa gatii price support
gararrallaa n elevation gargaarsa misoomaa develop-
gararroo n headline, headlines ment aid
garba n sea Gargaarsa Misooma Addun-
Garba Arabaa Arabian Sea yaalessaa (GMA) Aid for Inter-
Garba Boroo North Sea national Development (IAD)
garba ciisaa stagnant body of gargaarsa ogummaa technical
water such as lakes and seas assistance
Garba Diimaa Red Sea gargaarsa seeraa legal assis-
Garba Gurraacha Black Sea tance
Garba Jiddugaleessa Mediterra- gargaartuu nmf 1) helper, assistant;
nean Sea cooperator 2) auxiliary 3) fan
garba tujaba deep sea gargaartuu balaliiftuu copilot
garbaa ol above sea level gargaartuu cirreessaa consult-
garba-dhablee landlocked ing-room assistant
garbli n acacia albida (Bot) gargaartuu imaltuu tourist guide
garbuu n barley gargaaruu v to help, aid, assist, sup-
gardaffoo n hall port; cooperate
gardaffoo muusiqaa music-hall garganjii n impurity
garee n party (Pol); group gargarbaasuu cv to separate, set
garee afkalaa bourgeois party apart, distinguish
garee dafqaan-bulaa proletarian gari- pref semi-
party gari-dabarsaa semi-conductor
garee durkii liberal party gari-golollee semi-circle
garee dhoksaa clandestine party garl-maagata semi-circular canal
garee jalakaattuu a puppet party gariin-sibiilaa metalloid
garee Maarkisii-Leeninii Marxist- garlamaawaa cal n dualistic, dualist
Leninist Party garlamaawuu cv 1) to be dualist 2) to
garee magariisaa the Green be separated
Party garlamboollee en (garlamaan+
garee rincicaa conservative party boollee) biconcave
garee sabaa nationalist party garlamee ca ambiguous; dual; two-
garee walaabaa democratic party dimensional
gareertuu nmf competitor garlamoo en bilateral
gargaaraa/ -tuu nm/f helper, assis- garlamummaa en duality, dualism;
tant, supporter ambiguity
gargaaraa imaltuu tourist guide garleeyyoo en half-life
gargaaraa waldhaanaa medical garmalee ca excessive
assistant garmalee heddummina uum-
gargaarsa n 1) aid, help, assistance, mataa over population
support, relief; cooperation garmarsaa en semi-circle
2) grant, donation garoo n 1) team (group) 2) alliance,
gargaarsa alaa foreign aid bloc
gargaarsa ariitii emergency aid garoo kubbaa harkaa volley ball
gargaarsa barumsaa fellowship, team
student scholarship
garoo kubbaa miilaa - gatiin tajaajila wajjini 122

garoo kubbaa miilaa football gatantaraa/ -tuu amlf staggering

team person
garoo kubbaa tayee basket ball gatantaruu v to stagger, totter
team gatata n 1) miscarriage (of animals)
garree n colleague 2) bum (worthless person)
garrii n bass horn, trumpet gateettii n shoulder
garrisaa n speaker (Comp) gatii n 1) price, cost, rate 2) expense,
garroo nla contemporary hire, fee 3) value
garsadee ca trilateral; three-dimen- gatii ammaa book value
sional gatii baasuu to bring good price
garsadii ca tripartite gatii beekamaa regular price
garsarara en half-line (rays) gatii bittaa cost price
garsuphee en half bat gatli buusisa bargain
gartii n faction gatii buusisuu to bargain
gartokkee a/n half, part gatii culkee net price
gartoo n group gatii cabsuu to devaluate
gartoo dhiigaa blood group gatii dhaabataa fixed price
gartoo dhiiga A blood group A gatii dhaabbii embarkation fee
gartoo dhiiga AB blood group gatii dugdaa rent, hire (of
AB horses); fee, wage
gartoo dhiiga B blood group B gatii gaarii cheap
gartoo dhiiga O blood group 0 gatii gabaa market price
gartoomuu v to collaborate gatii garmalee excessive price
gartummaa n 1) collaboration; com- gatii gurgurtaa sell-price, cost of
plicity 2) adherence sales
gartuu nmf 1) supporter, backer gatii humnaa labour cost
2) adherent of e.g. certain football gatii jireenyaa cost of living, liv-
club 3) collaborator; accomplice ing costs
gartuu biyyaa partisan; patriot gatii kaasuu to revalue
gartuu warraaqsaa supporter of gatii malee free, without charge
a revolution gatii maxxansaa publishing cost
gartuuta en semi-group gatii nyaachuu to bankrupt
garuu n partner gatii oliigadii fluctuation (of price)
garxinnoo en particle (Gram) gatii sabbuu gold price
gasaroo n bandage, gauze gatii taaksii taxi fare
gasaroo rogsadee triangular gati-dhabeessa worthless, use-
bandage less, valueless
gasarree n roof gati-jabeessa expensive, pre-
gashaalee n container cious
gasharee n orphan gati-laafessa cheap
gashoo n quotient gati-kaasa revaluation
gashoo sammuu intelligence gati-qabeessa valuable, worthy,
quotient important
gasa'uu v to hoe gati-xinneessa price dumping
gasoo n hoe, mattock gatiin-qabnee pointless, useless
gataa n refuse, trash, garbage, waste gatiirraa bu'ii reduction of price;
gataa baraaxii waste deposal discount
gataa nuklaraa nuclear waste gatiirraa bu'uu to reduce the
gataa warshaa industrial waste price
gatachuu v to miscarry (of animals) gatiin tajaajila wajjini the price in-
gatamaa n waste product cludes service charge
123 gawwaa'uu - geengoo tuqattoo

gawwaa'uu vto be unproductive (of geeddarama giidoo transforma-

land), be unfertile (of soil) tion of energy
gawwii n unproductive land, unfertile geeddarama kemikaalaa chemi-
soil cal change
gawwituu n badlands geeddarama nafooyyee physical
gawwummaa n unproductivity (of change
soil) geeddarama ogummaa techno-
gayeessa/ -ttii nm/f grown-up per- logical change
son, mature enough to marry geeddarama qoonqessii pho-
gayeessa filannoo eligible, enti- netic change
tled to vote geeddarama tirannoo evolution-
gayeessummaa n maturity ary change
gayii n segment geeddarama waggaa New Year
gayiinsa n efficiency (Math) geeddaramaa a variable, changeable
gebexii n roost (for fowls) geeddarsa n exchange
geeba n cup (also of sports) geeddarsa korreentii trans-
geeba Afrikaa African cup former
geeba biyyaa national cup geeddarsa meeshaa spare parts
geeba biyyalafaa world cup geeddartii n alternation
geeba meetii silver cup geeddartii abuuraa crop rotation
geeba Oromiyaa Oromian cup geeddartii hoo'inaa heat ex-
geeba meetaa silver cup change
geeba sabbuu gold cup geeddartuu nmf 1) one who ex-
geebboo n indian rubber changes, converts; barters
geeda n tree 2) transformer, reformer
geeda baalarcaatuu deciduous geeddaruu v 1) to change, ex-
tree change, alter, shift, convert 2) to
geeda biilalaawaa coniferous barter 3) to transform, reform
geeda fiilaa respiratory tree geedoo n woodland
geeda midhoo fruit-tree geedoo huffee savannah
geeddara n 1) change 2) transplan- woodland
tation geejjiba n 1) pack animal
geeddara aloo external change 2) transport, transportation
geeddara dhiiga exchange trans- geejjiba uummataa public trans-
fusion port
geeddara keessoo internal geelee n friend
change geengawaa a circular
geeddara weennoo sex change geengessii n revolving, rotating
geeddaraa n 1) change, exchange, geengessituu n revolver
alteration 2) barter 3) thing given geengessuu v to revolve, rotate,
in return wheel
geeddaraa korreentii trans- geengittaa n circumference
former geengittaa dachee circumfer-
geeddarama n 1) change (of system, ence of the Earth
situation, year etc.) 2) transforma- geengolamee en bicycle
tion 3) mutation geengoo n 1) circle 2) wheel; pulley
geeddarama aadaa cultural 3) a kind of playing
change geengoo bishaanii water wheel
geeddarama gamtaa social geengoo ilkoo cogwheel
change geengoo maddee small circle
eengoo tuqattoo tangent circle
geengo-dhalbee - ginnoo 124

geengo-dhalbee wheel-less gigisaa n tram, tram-car

geengo-qabeessa wheeled giidoo n energy, force
geengosadee en tricycle giidoo aduu solar energy
geergoo n bed-bug giidoo atoomii atomic energy
geerrara n war song giidoo baraaxii waste energy
geerraraa n singer of a war song giidoo dimshoo gross energy
geerraruu v to sing a war song giidoo eletrikaa electric energy
geeshartii n mixture giidoo geeddarama kemikaalaa
geesharuu v to mix chemical change energy
geesisa n composition (piece of writ- giidoo hoo'inaa heat energy
ing) giidoo ifaa light energy
geesisaa/ -ftuu nmlf composer giidoo iyoonaa ion energy
geesisee n composition (piece of giidoo kakaasaa activation en-
music) ergy
geesisuu v to compose (of literature giidoo keessoo internal energy
and music) giidoo kuufamaa potential en-
gegeeddarama n variation ergy
gegeeddarama gabaa market giidoo lafkeessaa geothermal
fluctuation energy
gegeeddaramaa a 1) variable, giidoo madanaa radiant energy
changeable 2) unstable, inconsis- giidoo makaanikaa mechanical
tent energy
gegeeddaramummaa n variability giidoo nuklaraa nuclear energy
gegeeddaruu v to interchange giidoo nyaataa digestible energy
geldii a heavy giidoo qabxii duwwee zero-point
geldiidhaan heavily energy
geldummaa n heaviness giidoo sochii Kinetic energy
gemmoo n hearth giidoo soorataa food energy
gemmoo eletrikaa hot plate giidoo walaabaa free energy
gennee n queen, queen consort giiftii n lady, mistress
gennee guddoo empress giiftii warraa housewife
genniyyee n empress giimii n furnace
gennummaa n queenliness giingee nmf stammerer, stutterer
gesoo n net giitii n trouble, misery
gesoo kubbaa an enclosure gilaasha n saddle-cloth
(footballfield etc.) gilaasnostii n (Rus) glasnost, open-
gesoo orbobbiisaa spider's web ness
gesoo qurxummii fish-net gilindee n deep wound
Gi'iizii n Ge'ez gilindisaa/ -ftuu nm/f hustler
gibira n (Amh) tax (of land) giluukosa n (Eur) glucose
giblra lafaa land tax gimboola n football, soccer
gibira-maleessa tax-exempt (of gimmoo n hall
land) gimmoo gabaa market hall
gibirbaaftuu en tax-payer (of land) gimmoo muusiqaa music-hall
Gibxii n Egypt gimxoosha n arithmetic
gichillaa nla 1) panther 2) brave, gingilcha n sieving
courageous gingilchaa n sieve; porosity
gidiraa n atrocity, compulsion, ob- gingilchituu n sieve element
session, torment gingilchuu v to sieve
gidiramaa/ -tuu nmlf tormentor ginjibila n (Ar) ginger
gifira n measles innoo n king-post (BC)
125 giraaba - godaansa culkee

giraaba n horizon gita-dhablee 1) classless

giraama n (Eur) gram 2) boundless
girangira n edge, brink, brim gitaara n (Eur) guitar
girangira eelaa edge of a well gitaartuu nmf guitarist
girangira minjaalaa edge of a gitatoo n equilibrium
table gixaanuu v to work hard, toil
girgijjii n shelf go'aa n artery
girgijjii barroo bookshelf go'oo n goiter
girgijjii miyaa a shelf for different gobbina n density
things gobbina biyyaa density of popu-
girgijjii soorataa food-cupboard, lation
metal safe gobbina konkolee traffic jam
girgijjii uffataa wardrobe gobbina qonnaa agricultural
girgirree n vase density
girgirree ilillii flower-vase gobeensa n reed
girgirroo n crucible gobeensa cabinaa splint
girgirroo sijaaraa ashtray gobsoo n dam
Giriikii n Greek gocha n action; activity
girjaa n copper gocha burkaanaa volcanic activ-
giroo n affairs, business ity
giroo si'anaa current affairs gocha finciltii subversive action
giroo walee mutual affairs gocha geeddarama kemikaalaa
girrisuu v to go en masse chemical change activity
gita n 1) team, equals (person) gocha gootaa heroic deed, hero-
2) class (social) ism
gita afkalaa bourgeois class gocha namaa man-made
gita afkalaa alattiixataa compra- gochama n happening
dor bourgeois class goda adv down
gita afkalaa sabaa national bour- Goda-Sahaaraa Sub-Saharan
geois class godaa n cave
gita afkalaa xiqqaa petty bour- godaa dhagaa stone cave
geois class godaana n migration
gita afkalaa waajjiraa bureau- godaanbubbee en (godaana + bub-
cratic bourgeois class bee) monsoon
gita bittuu ruling class godaanbubbee goggogaa dry
gita cunqurfamaa oppressed monsoon
class godaanbubbee jiidhaa wet
gita cunqursaa oppressor class monsoon
gita dafqaan-bulaa proletariat, godaanee n boulevard, avenue
working class godaanee Arsii Arsi Avenue
gita fuudalaa feudal class godaanee Taaddasaa Birruu
gita gadaanuu lower class Taddasa Birru Avenue
gita gamataa social class godaannisa n scar
gita hojjattuu working class godaannisa baalaa leaf-scar
gita jiddugaleessa middle class godaansa n immigration, emigration,
gita olaanuu upper class exodus
gita qotee-bulaa peasant class godaansa addunyaalessaa in-
gita saamamaa exploited class ternational migration
gita saammataa exploiting class godaansa aloo external migra-
gita taliigaa political class tion
godaansa culkee net migration
godansa keessoo - golba lagaa 126

godansa keessoo internal migra- godobojaa en bungalow

tion godomantii en confessional
godaansa shimbirroo migration godoo n hut, cottage
of birds godoo lukkuu chicken pen, hen-
godaansa uummataa migration house
of people, mass exodus godoo magaruu greenhouse
godaantii n traffic goduunfituu n conjunction (Ling)
godaantii daangaa border traffic gofa n loose of weight
godaantii meeshaa goods traffic, goffa n dry well, dry river bed
goods transport gotta eelaa a dry well
godaantii qilleensaa air traffic goffa haroo a dry water pond
godaantuu alnmf migratory; immi- gotta lagaa a dry river bed
grant, emigrant gofuu v to lose weight
godaanuu v 1) to immigrate, emi- gogeessa a arid, dry
grate gogeessummaa n aridity
godaarree n taro goggiraa n women's underwear
godambaa n museum goggoga n dryness
godduu n 1) sword 2) dagger goggoga garaa constipation
godhamtuu n inactive verb or agent goggogaa a dry
in grammar goggogsaa n drier
godina n region, zone goggogsaa qilleensaa air-drying
godina akkuleensaa climatic goggogsituu n drying agent
zone gogiinsa n xerosis (Nu)
godina baddadaree temperate gogiloo n one with large ears
zone gogmataa en scalp
godina bokkaa rain region gogorrii n partridge, francolin
godina cewumsaa transitional gojjala n grill; roast
zone gojjollaa n grilled meat; roast meat
godina daangaa border zone gojjoltuu n a metal instrument on
godina diilallaa frigid zone which meat is grilled
godina dhiibbaa sphere of influ- gojjoluu v to grill; roast
ence; pressure belt gola n 1) kitchen 2) room ; store room
godina gaaga'amaa danger-zone 3) stall (stable)
godina gaddaafaa danger zone gola fardaa stall, stable (for
godina gammoojjii tropical zone horses)
godina jiddugaleessa buffer gola idaayyaa special room for
zone the bridegroom
godina lafoowwaa torrid zone gola jabbii stall (for calves)
godina nageenyaa demilitarised gola miyaa storehouse, vestry
zone gol-waadurii museum
godina qamadii wheat belt golabbii n binding (of books)
godina qorraa cold zone golabbii barroo book binding
godina waaggee polar zone golabduu nmf binder, bookbinder
godina walitti bu'aatii conflict golabuu v to bind (of books)
zone goladuu en solarium
godina waraanaa military zone, golba n basin (area drained by river)
war-zone golba bishaanii drainage basin
godina yeroo time zone golba biyya-keessaa inland ba-
godinoomaa a zoned sin
godinoomsa n zoning golba gugseessaa artesian basin
godinoomsuu v to zone golba la aa river basin
127 golbiitee - gonfoo

golbiitee n basin (for holding water golollee guddaa great circle

etc.) golollee haxooftuu buffing wheel
golbiyyaa n tropics golollee konkolaataa wheel of a
golbobbee n washbasin car
golboo a concave golollee futtaatuu fly-wheel
golboyyaa n arc golollee meegaa mega cycle
golboyyaa cin-geengoo semi golollee xinbishaanii hydrologic
circle arc cycle
golboyyaa duraasaa major arc golollee uumaa natural cycle
golboyyaa hammatamaa inter- golollee waltarree parallel circle
cepted arc gololleessaa n pulley
golboyyaa maddee minor arc gololleessaa socho'aa movable
golduubee en backstage goltaa n zone; area
golee n corner, angle goltaa waraanaa war-zone, mili-
golee daandii street corner tary zone
golee dachee corner of the earth golxa n cartilage
golfaa n typhus goma n calm
golfaa mar'imaanii typhoid, ty- gombifamaa a inverted
phoid fever gombooba n curve
golfii n (Eur) golf gomboree n greyish soil
golfoo n sweater gomma n depression
golgaa n curtain; screen gommaa n (It) 1) rubber, elastic ma-
golgaa tiifee shower curtain terial 2) tire
golgamaa a enclosed gommaa afuufuu to pump up
golgeessa n shading gommaa dhowaa flat tyre
golgeessa aduu sun shading gommaa geeddaramaa spare
golgoleessuu v to destroy, ravage tire
golgoo n balcony, an enclosed ve- gommaa moofaa second hand
randa, terrace tire
golgoo galmaa raised platform in gommaan dhowuu to have a
front of a galma blow-out
golgoo fooqii self-contained flat, gommiiktuu en (gommaa + hiiktuu)
apartment wheel brace
golgo-bultuu tramp gommituu nmf depressed person
golii n group, team gommolee n mountain deer
goljaa n wart-hog gommoo n wooden digging pick
golla n cover gommuu v to be depressed
gollaa n 1) throat 2) voice gomuu v to calm down
gollee n club gondola n genitals (of animals)
gollee dubbisii reading club gondona n ore
gollee ispoortii sport club gonfa n medal
gollee qaaqannoo debating club gonfamaa/ tuu am/f decorative
gollituu n illustration on magazine gonfannaa n decoration, adornment
golloo n foot of mountain gonfattuu nmf one who makes hats
golluu v to cover or crowns
golobee n hamlet; locality gonfee n crown
golobee n section of town or area gonfee mootii crown (of a king)
golobee bunaqaa business dis- gonfina n appointment (to official po-
trict sition)
golollee n 1) wheel 2) circle, round gonfoo n cap; hat
golollee banaa open cycle
gonfuu - gooluu 128

gonfuu v 1) to decorate, adorn, gooboo n 1) bow (weapon) 2) arch,

beautify 2) to crown 3) to equip, curve 3) camel's hump
appoint (assign to office) gooboo fi xiyya bow and arrow
gonga n 1) box (container) 2) a goodaa n 1) plain 2) prairie
wooden barrel goodaa Bachoo the Bacho Plain,
gonga bishaanii water bath the Bacho prairie
gonga farsoo wooden vessel for goodaa Booranaa the Borana
brewing local beer Plain
gonga zayitii oil bath goodaa daaddoo flood plain
gongee n box (container) goodaa dhiqamaa outwashed
gongee agarsootee compass plain
box goodaa lagaa river plain
gonge barkurnee decade box goodaa moggagarbaa coastal
gongee dhaamsaa dialogue box plain
gongee filmaataa ballot-box gooddii n binding (of books)
gongee kuusaa yaadaa sugges- gooddii barroo book binding
tion box gooddoo n frame
gongee kuusii collecting-box goodduu nmf binder, bookbinder
gongee mukaa wooden box gooduu v to bind (of books)
gongee poostaa post office box goofa n crater (usu. of volcano)
gongee sagalee larynx goofoo n Mars
gongee sibiilaa metal box, tin gooftaa n master, lord
box gooftomuu v to become a lord
gongee uffataa box for clothes gooftummaa n lordship, aristocratic
gongoo n aquarium googessa n 1) generation class in
gonjaree n generic name of ants the gadaa-system 2) party (Pol)
gonkaa a absolute; perfect googessa bulchaa ruling party
gonkaan perfectly googessa walaabaa democratic
gonkumaan absolutely party
gonkee a extreme googessa waltichaa communist
gonkeessaa/ -ituu nmlf extremist, party
radical goojee n horse-race
gonkeessummaa n extremity, radi- goola n flame
calism goola'amaa/ -mtuu nmlf rebellious,
gonkummaa n absolutism inflammatory
gonnee n vein of penis goolaba n summary, resume
gonnoffee n 1) pants 2) old shorts goolabaa/ -duu nmlf summarist
stitched here and there goolabuu v to summarise
gonnonnaawuu v to cling goolii n disturbance, interference;
goo'a n 1) turbulence 2) disturbance, disorder, tumult
interruption 3) riot, tumult goolii gamtaa social disorder
goo'ii n 1) disturbing, interrupting goolii guddinaa development
2) rioting 3) jamming disorder
goo'uu v to disturb, interrupt; trouble goolii hirribaa sleep disorder
gooba n 1) nape of neck 2) hump, goolii hojii functional disorder
fundus goolloo a convex
gooba qeerroo mumps gooloo n roasted meat
goobana n full moon gooltuu nmf rioter, rebel, turbulent;
goobangaleessa/ -ttii cnmlf pro- agitator
tagonist goolummaa n rebelliousness
gooluu v to disturb, riot
129 goomachuu - gosa hojii

goomachuu v to envy gorfee n uniform

goomannoo n envy gorfee bartuu schoolchildren's
goomara n Adam's apple uniform
goomataa/ -ttuu amlf envious gorfee dhukkubsachiiftuu
goomee amf envious nurse's uniform
goonaa n hunting spear gorfee loltuu soldier's uniform
goongee n drought gorfee torobbee policemen's
goongoo n rubbers uniform
goora n watershed gorfoo n traditional leather skirt
gooree a specific goriisa n turn off (of the main road),
gooressaa n rapist exit
gooressii n rape, rapping gorma n ripeness
gooressuu v to rape (commit rape on gormaa a ripe
woman) gormuu v to ripen (of grain, fruits)
gooroo n mountain range, mountain goromsa n heifer
chain goromtii n 1) young female sheep or
gooshoo n girl or boy friend goat) 2) pullet
goosii n verb gorora n saliva
goosii ceetuu transitive verb gorroo n interior wall of a house
goosii deddeebitii frequentative (separating different rooms)
verb gorsa n 1)advice 2) instruction, con-
goosii gargaartuu auxiliary verb sultation
goosii gochaa active verb gorsa abbaa fatherly advice
goosii haadhoo primitive verb gorsa firaa humanly advice
goosii hinceenee intransitive gorsa haadhaa motherly advice
verb gorsa hiriyaa brotherly advice
goosii ilmoo derivative verb gorsaa/ -ituu nmlf advisor, councillor;
goosii maqeeffamtuu verbal consultant
noun gorsaa biyyalaa foreign advisor
goosii ofiiffee reflexive verb gorsaa dinagdee economic advi-
goosii seermiliqxuu irregular sor
verb gorsaa maandisaa consulting
goosii siissee causative verb engineer
goosii ta'umsaa the verb to be gorsaa qonnaa agricultural advi-
goota a 1) brave, valiant, gallant sor
2) hero gorsaa seeraa legal advisor
goota gaggabaa a great valiant, gorsaa taliigaa political advisor
a great hero gorsaa teeknikaa technical advi-
gootaraa n granary, silo sor
gootummaa n 1) bravery 2) heroism gorsaa waraanaa military advisor
gootuu n active verb or agent in gorsituu waayee warshaa man-
grammar agement consultant
goraa n raspberry gorsuu v 1) to advise 2) to instruct,
goraa diimaa strawberry give orientation
goraa gurraacha black berry gosa n 1) type, kind, species 2) tribe
gorba n dam (cow) gosa biyyee soil type
gorboba n cluster gosa cichaa extinct species
gordannoo n wall-board gosa dhiigaa blood type; blood
gordii n irrigation-grown crop group
gordomoo n iron ore gosa hojii type of work
orduuba en living room, salon
gosa nyaataa - guddina horataa 130

gosa nyaataa type of food gubayyeessaa n oxidising agent

gosa-lamee binary gubayyeessuu v to oxidise
gosaa a tribal gubbaa adv/ prep 1) on, on the top of
gosdanee ca heterogeneous; multi- 2) uptown
ethnic gubbaa gubbaa superficial
gosdanummaa n heterogeneity; gubbaa gubbummaa superficial-
multi-ethnicity ity
goslamee en hybrid gubbalafaa en ground
goslammii en ethnic gubbayyee n numerator
gosofii en tribesman gubbee n 1) crown, fontanel 2) zenith
gostokkee a homogeneous; uniform gubbisa n name giving ceremony
gostokkummaa en homogeneity; (usu. of first male child)
uniformity gubbittii n top of a mountain
gosummaa n tribalism gubee n burn (of the sun)
gowwaa a foolish, fool, silly gubee aduu sun spot
gowwoomsa n cheating gubeessa n burner
gowwoomsaa/ -ituu nmlf cheater, gubii n burnt ground (for farming)
swindler guboo a chronic, inveterate
gowwoomsuu v 1) to fool, cheat, de- gubuu v 1) to burn, set on fire 2) to
ceive 2) to trick, outwit bite (of pepper) 3) to cauterise
gowwummaa n foolishness guca n torch
goyoo n forearm guca hadrojinaa hydrogen torch
gu'eessa n 1) a cow without milk guceessuu v to make torch
2) dried stream guchii n ostrich
gu'uu v to become dry (of cows or guddaa a/ adv 1) great, large, big;
streams) considerable 2) much, very
guba n 1) burns 2) fever guddaa xinnaa rank and file
guba garaa gastritis guddaasa a very big, important
guba sammuu brain fever guddachuu v 1) to grow, develop;
gubaa a/n 1) burning, hot ( of food, grow up 2) to be too much, be in-
tea, coffee) 2) blaze, fire 3) creased
branding iron, cautery guddataa/ -ttuu am/f growable
gubaalessa n 1) soot (on pots, pans guddeessa n being big
etc) 2) lampblack guddifacha n adoption
gubaanii n threshold guddifachuu v 1) to increase for
gubaatii n burning oneself 2) to adopt (a child)
gubannaa n burn, burning guddifamaa a adoptee
gubataa a burnable guddifata n upbringing, raising
gubaya n meeting guddifataa/ -tuu nm/f one who
gubayyaa n oxidation adopts a child
gubayyaa dhangaggee acidic guddiftuu n foster-mother; guardian,
oxide nurse
gubayyaa hin-baabsawaa neu- guddii a marvel, miracle, wonder
tral oxide guddina n 1) growth, increase
gubayyaa sibiilawaa metallic 2) progress 3) size
oxide guddina biyyaa national devel-
gubayyaa sibiilalawaa hin- opment
taanee non-metallic oxide guddina dinagdee economic
gubayyaa soorataa food oxida- growth
tion guddina horataa increase in
gubayyeeffamaa a oxidised production
131 guddina ilma namaa - gumbii dubbii

guddina ilma namaa human guguddisoo n amplification

progress guguddisuu v 1) to exaggerate 2) to
guddina waggaanii yearly amplify
growth (of economy) gujjii n bunch
guddisa n 1) raising, upbringing, gulaalloo n edition
breeding 2) foster-parents gulaaltuu nmf editor
guddisa baddee ill-mannered, gulaaltuu barruu literary editor
rude gulaaluu v to sieve, edit
guddisaa n foster-father, tutor gulantaa n scale, level
guddisee adv chiefly gulantaa balbalaa doorstep
guddisoo n magnification; enlarger gulantaa fakkoo picture rail
guddisuu v 1) to increase, enlarge, gulantaa giidoo energy level
multiply 2) to bring up a child gulantiyyaa n podium
gudeeda n crotch (of body), thigh gulantiyyaa taliigaa political
gudeeddii n sexual intercourse platform
gudeelcha n log gulantoo n hierarchy
guduunfaa n 1) knot 2) joint 3) re- gulatana n lantern; lamp; light
served money gulatana daandii street-lamp,
guduunfituu n conjunction (Gram) streetlight
guduunfuu v 1) to knot, fasten 2) to gulloo n skin cap
join, connect 3) to conclude; sum- gulluba n purification (usu. of hunt-
marise ers)
gufachiisa n 1) hurdle 2) sabotage gulluba bawuu n purification
gufachiisaa/ -ftuu nmlf saboteur ceremony for the hunters
gufachiisoo n interception; jamming guluba n sling (weapon)
gufachiisuu v 1) make to stumble gulubii n ankle
2) to sabotage 3) to intercept gulufa n gallop
gufachuu v 1) to stumble 2) to be gulufuu v to gallop
intercepted gululaatee n steeple
gufantaa n setback gululaatii n roofing pots
gufata n complication (Path) gulummaa nla private property or
guffaayyii n pony matter, private possession; pri-
guftaa n headband, turban vate, exclusive, individual
guftoo n barrier gumaa n 1) meat without bones
gufufsiisa n tragedy (drama) 2) seeds, grains 3) fruit 4) re-
gufufsiisaa/ -tuu nmlf tragedian venge; blood compensation
(actor, actress) gumaa baasuu to take revenge,
gufuu n 1) stump, stumbling block avenge (of murder)
2) obstacle, impediment gumaa foonii a cut of meat, a
gufuu tarkaanfii hindrance to piece of meat
advancement, obstacle to pro- gumaa ijaa eyeball
gress gumaacha n 1) preparation, ar-
gugee n dove rangement 2) contribution
guggubuu v 1) to burn down, burn gumaachuu v to contribute
intensively 2) to roast gumaata n ceremonial gift (usu. food
gugsii n horse-race, derby (sport) and/ or drinks)
gugsuu v to drive, chase (usu. gumaattuu nmf contributor, donator
horses) gumaree n pearl
guguddisa n exaggeration gumbii n storage bin
guguddisaa n 1) exaggerator gumbii dubbii conversationalist;
2) amplifier talkative
gumbisaa - gurmee weedduu 132

gumbisaa/ -tuu nm/f exaggerator gurbaa n boy

gumbisoo n exaggeration gurbaa kurkuraa a toddler boy
gumbisuu v to exaggerate, overstate gurbii n shrub (woody plant)
gumbula n rubble gurdaa n uterine tube
gumee n wrist gurdii n large tin can
gumeessaa/ -ituu nm/f organiser gurdoo n contraception
gumeessuu v 1) to organise 2) to gurdumachuu v to swim without us-
prepare, arrange ing the hands
gum ii n 1) multitude 2) assembly gurdummoo n swimming without
3) council, supreme legislative, using the hands
parliament gurgurammee n turnover
gumii gaayoo general assem- gurgurtuu nmf 1) seller, vendor
bly of the Borana Oromo, which 2) salesman, saleswoman
takes place every eight years gurgurtuu barroolee bookseller
gumii naannoo regional assem- gurgurtuu foonii butcher
bly gurgurtuu gaazexaa newsboy
gumii sabaa national assembly gurgurtuu kalaalaa optician
gummee n tissue gurgurtuu nyaataa grocer
gummee coomtoo fatty tissue gurgurtuu tikeetaa ticket seller
gummee lafee osseous tissue gurjaa n sleeplessness, insomnia
gummoo n gist, substance gurmee n group
gumoo n 1) fruit 2) result, effect, gurmee afo-gaadduu net of es
product pionage
gumoo dhugaa true fruit gurmee barbaachisaa compul-
gumoo goggogaa dry fruit sory group
gumoo sobee false fruit gurmee dhaamsituu ibiddaa fire
gumo-maleessa fruitless brigade
gumo-qabeessa fruitful gurmee fedhinaa interest group
gumo-tokkee simple fruit gurmee gamtaa social group
gumruka n (Ar) custom-house gurmee haasawaa discussion
gumtoo n organ (of body) group
gumtoo dhageettii hearing organ gurmee iccitii secret society
gumtoo fuunfii smell organ gurmee jalqabbee primary group
gumtoo hormaataa organ of re- gurmee kubbaa miilaa football
production club or association
gomtoo miiraa sense organ gurmee lammooyyee secondary
gunaa n bribe group
gunamtuu nmf person who takes gurmee marsoo cyclic group
bribe gurmee mirsaa choir
gundha n panic gurmee moggaa marginal group
gundhaawaa/ -ftuu am/f panic gurmee sirba waraanaa military
stricken, panicky band
gundhaawuu v to be panicked gurmee towannoo control group
gunfura n long Afro-style hair gurmee uumamaa natural group
guntuta n firm breasts of a young girl gurmee uummataa ethnic group
guntutee a bosom gurmee waajjiraa bureaucratic
guntuu nmf briber group
gunuu v to bribe, corrupt gurmee walqixxee symmetric
gur'uu n udder group
Guraandhala n February urmee weedduu music-band
133 gurmee yaallii - guyyaa dubartootaa

gurmee yaallii experimental guurtuu handhuuraa umbilical

group vein
gurmeessuu v 1) to gather and guurtuu kalee renal vein
strengthen 2) to organise guurtuu sarbaa femoral vein
gurmura en notching guurtuu sombaa pulmonary vein
gurmuu n 1) shoulder 2) group, guutaa n qualifier
swarm (of bees) guutama n saturation
gurmuu addabu'aa vanguard guutannaa n engagement
gurmuu nagaa Peace Corps guutee n mould
gurra n 1) ear 2) fame, reputation guutii n rhyme
gurra aloo outer ear guutoo a complete
gurra duudaa deaf guuttamtuu n positivist
gurra jidduu middle ear guuttata n contract
gurra keessoo inner ear guuttee a integral
gurraacha a black, dark guuttii n charge (of electric)
gurraacha dhimphuu complete guuttii eeyyee positive charge
darkness guuttii korreentii electric charge
gurree n famous person guuttii nuklaraa nuclear charge
gurroo n handle (of pot, jar, kettle, guuttii waawwee negative
cup), lug charge
gurumeessa n wild beast guuttoo n positive, positive charge
gururiituu n organ (of body) (Math, Elect etc.)
gussoo n thicket, bush guuttoo boroo positive pole
gusso-qoree thornbush (Mag)
gusso-qoree gammoojjii tropical guuttummaa n positivity; positivism
thornbush guutummaa n completion, fullness,
gutoo n ovary completeness
guttiyyaa n comb, crest (of fowl) guutuu v 1) to fill, complete 2) to
guttiyyoo n vertex flood, overflow 3) to wind a watch
guubee n bow (weapon) 4) saturate
guubee fi xiyya bow and arrow guutuu2 a full-fledged, full-scale;
guuchisa n complement saturated
guuchisa hanqutuutee relative guutuu fi damee whole and part
complement of a set guutuu manaa clay pot or other
guuchisa tuutee set complement materials put on the top of a
guuchisoo a complementary house
guula n person who had completed guutuu mataa top of the head
the Juba grade in the gadaa sys- guyiloo n epigram
tem guyyaa n 1) day; date 2) daytime,
guulaa/ -tuu nmlf fundamentalist daylight
guulloo n acceleration guyyaa aduu sunny day
guulummaa n fundamentalism guyyaa ayyaanaa holiday, festi-
guuma n main, major val
guungumaa n kind of guitar guyyaa biiftuu solar day
guurii n ear-wax, cerumen guyyaa bilisummaa liberation
guurtuu1 nmf collector, gatherer day
guurtuu qurxummii fisherman guyyaa bilisummaa Afrikaa
guurtuu2 n vein (of body) African Liberation Day
guurtuu arrabaa lingual vein guyyaa dubartootaa women's
guurtuu dugugguruu vertebral day
guyyaa dhalootaa - haadhotii hojjatan 134

guyyaa dhalootaa birth day, date haadha n mother; maternal

of birth haadha aannanii dairywoman,
guyyaa fijaa pay-day dairy maid (usu. deals in milk)
guyyaa gabaa market-day haadha ateetee celebrator of the
guyyaa guddaa noon time ateetee cult
guyyaa guutuu 1) a whole day haadha biddeenaa stepmother
2) a day of good-omen (e.g. in haadha biyyaa first lady
central Oromia: Tuesday, Thurs- haadha burqaa baroness
day, Saturday and Sunday) haadha dhalaa female filament
3) full time haadha firaa a kind-hearted
guyyaa hir'uu a day of bad- woman
omen (e.g. in central Oromia haadha holooloo prose-writer
Monday, Wednesday and Friday) (woman)
guyyaa hojii workday, working haadha horii treasurer (woman)
day, weekday haadha keessummaa hostess
guyyaa hojjattootaa workers' haadha kiristinnaa godmother
day haadha koraa chairwoman of an
guyyaa hojjattoota biyyolessaa assembly
International Workers' Day haadha lafaa a woman landlord;
guyyaa ijoollee children's day land owner
guyyaa injifannoo victory day haadha maatii a woman who has
guyyaa ispoortii sports-day a large family
guyyaa katabbii entry date haadha malaa 1) a strategist
guyyaa mooteffannoo Corona- woman 2) a think-tank woman
tion Day haadhda marcumaa chairwoman
guyyaa saafaa noon, midday hadha manaa 1) wife 2) lady of
guyyaa saqadadaa the day of a the house
commemorative banquet haadha manaa guddoo senior
guyyaa urjii sidereal day wife
guyyaa walakkaa midday haadha manaa xinnoo junior
guyyaa yaadannoo memorial wife
day haadha murtii a female judge;
guyyanee nmf dayboy, daygirl magistrate
guyyii n diary, daybook haadha ormaa stepmother
haadha qorichaa 1) pharmacist
2) doctor, physician (female)
haadha raajii prophetess
. H. haadha seeraa a female lawyer
haadha soddaa mother-in-law
ha'amaa a thrown haadha sheekkoo a female nar-
ha'iisa n push; throwing rator, story-teller
ha'oduree en premoral (Dent) haadha waamichaa hostess
ha'oo n moral tooth; grinder, wisdom haadha walaloo a female poet
tooth haadha warboo holder of a uni-
ha'oo gubbaa upper moral tooth versity degree (female)
ha'oo jalaa lower moral tooth haadha warraa 1) female head
ha'umsa n pushing of a family 2) wife
ha'uu v to throw haadhaa-abbaa parents
haa'ee n stork haadhotii hojjatan working
haada n rope, cord mothers
haadduu n razor
135 haadhoo - habarawaa

haadhoo n 1) female of sheep, goat, haanxee n splint

deer, chicken 2) principal (Math) haanxii n toothpick
haadhoo hoolaa ewe haara n 1) smoke 2) steam
haadhoolukkuu hen haara-baaftuu tail-pipe
haadhoo re'ee she-goat, nanny haaraa a new, fresh; strange; recent
goat haarii n nervousness
haadhummaa n motherhood, mater- haariyyee a neo-, new
nity haaroma n restoration; renovation
haaduu n small knife haaromfamaa a renewable
haafa n main branch (of trees) haaromsa n renewal, renovation
haajisa n convalescent haaromsa karaa road repairs
haala n (Ar) 1) situation 2) condition, haaromsaa/ -ituu nm/f renovator
state, context 3) trend haaromsuu v 1) to renew, amend;
haala bokkaa rain regime renovate 2) to restore
haala dhaggeeffattootaa audi- haarrii1 n (Ar) silk
ence profile haarrii2 n 1) grey hair, white hair (of
haala dhoowwaa forbidden age) 2) moss on trees rocks etc.
state haarrii baasuu to turn white with
haala gaddeebii degenerate age, have grey hair
state haarrii biddeenaa mould
haala giidoo energy state haarrii boqqoolloo corn silk
haala ijaarrii architecture haarrii dhagaa lichen, moss on
haala jajjabbee solid state rocks
haala murteessaa critical situa- haarrii mataa grey hair, white
tion hair (of age)
haala muummee chief character- haarrii mukaa moss of trees
istics haaruu v 1) to be smoked 2) to be
haala qixa sirnaawaa orientation nervous
haala yaaddeessaa worrisome haasasa n stucco
situation haasawa n 1) speech, talk
haala yeroo circumstance 2) discussion, conversation
haallee n context haasawabilbiltoo telephone con-
haaloo n revenge, vengeance versation
haaloyyee a malignant haasawa dhiyaanarraa table-talk
Haam n Hamite haasawa filmaataa election
haamaa n 1) harvest 2) harvest-time, speech
harvesting haasawa gochuu to address (a
haamamaa a harvestable meeting)
Haamawaa/ -ee nmlf Hamitist haasawa nyaaraa body language
haaminaa en (haadha + mina) haasawuu v 1) to speak, talk 2) to
housewife converse, discuss
haamtuu n sickle haatee n rake
haamtuu fi burruusa sickle and haatuu n thrower
hammer haatuu balali'aa anti-aircraft
haamtuu si'anee combine habaloo n myth
(harvester), harvester-thresher habansa n handcuffs
Haamummaa n Hamitism habaqaalchama n instalment
haamuu v 1) to cut, mow 2) to har- habaqaalchiisa n installation, in-
vest, reap stalling
haanxaa n fibre; splint, splinter habaqaalchuu v to install
haanxaa aarsituu nerve fibre habarawaa n unconscious motive
habaree • hafuuffee 136

habaree n pollen hafalaawuu v to become light (of

habare-maleessa pollenless weight)
habare-qabeessa bearing pollen hafalee adv light (of weight)
habarii n silk (of corn) hafarfamtuu n fan-jet
habeenoo a day-blind hafarfamuu v 1) to be fanned 2) to
habeenuu n hemianopia (Med) be ventilated 3) to be winnowed
habisee en (hayyama + biyya seen- hafarfannaa n fanning; ventilating;
naa) visa winnowing
habisee bayiitii exit visa hafarsaa n fan; ventilation
habisee dabartii transit visa hafarsaa manaa house ventila-
habisee seennaa entrance visa tion, air conditioning
haboo n maternal aunt hafarsaataa n communal investiga-
habuuca n rubbish, refuse tion to identify a criminal person
habuuttaa n mushroom hafarsee n fan belt
hacceeramaa a sketchy hafarsiiftuu n fan heater
hacceerraa n sketch; general outline hafarsituu n ventilator
hacceerummaa n sketchiness hafarsituu manbarroolee a li-
hacceeruu v to sketch, indicate in brary ventilator
outline hafarsituu waajjiraa office venti-
hacuucaa/ -cuu nmlf oppressor lator
hacuucaa sanyii racist hafarsuu v 1) to fan 2) to ventilate
hacuucamaa/ -tuu amlf oppressed 3) to winnow
hacuuccaa n oppression hafee a absent
hacuuccaa sanyii racial discrimi- hafeeraa/ -tuu nmlf one who invites
nation, segregation, racism hafeeramaa/ -tuu nm/f invitee
hacuucuu v to oppress hafeerraa n invitation
haddhaa a/n 1) bitter 2) poison, hafeeruu v to invite
venom hafiisa n 1) remaining 2) absence
haddhaawaa a bitter; serious haftee n residual
haddhaawuu v to be bitter, taste bit- haftii n 1) remaining things (books,
ter copies of documents etc.), resi-
haddheessii n poisoning due, remainder {also in Math), rest
haddheessii dhiigaa blood- 2)absence
poisoning haftii barroo copies of book left
haddheessii foonii botulism unsold
haddhituu n oxygen haftii gabbaasii remainder of a
haddhobiyyee en phytotoxin statement
haddhooftuu n gall, gall bladder, bile haftii xalayaa remainder or copy
hadhaadhiyyaa n rehabilitation of a letter
hadhaadhiyyuu v to rehabilitate haftiyyaa n fossil
hadheessa n accusation haftoo n 1) remainder, left over, re-
hadoochaa n anaesthesia mains 2) balance
hadooda n numbness haftoo horii balance of payment
hadoodaa a stiff haftummaa n absenteeism
hadrojina n (Eng) hydrogen haftuu n 1) spinster 2) absentee
hadroojina ulfaataa heavy hafumsa n remaining, remnant, left
hydrogen hafuu v 1) to stay, remain 2) to be
hadro-meetira hydrometer absent; be omitted, die out (of tra-
hafaa n remainder dition etc)
hafafarjii n thin clouds hafuuffee n bladder
137 hafuura - hambaa

hafuura n 1) breath, sigh, respiration halla'ma n paint

2) soul; spirit 3) puff of air 4) steam halladdeessa en bleaching agent
hafuura baafachuu 1) to breathe hallagaa n 1) slice 2) abrasion
out, exhale 2) to take rest, repose hallagaa tamboo a slice of to-
hafuura baafannaa rest, pause, bacco
interval hallagamaa a sliced
hafuura baafannoo exhalation, hallaguu v to slice
expiration hallasa n humour; wit, comicality
hafuura cittaa asthma hallasa-dhabeessa humourless
hafuura fudhannoo inhalation hallasa-qabeessa humoristic;
hafuura hamtuu devil, Satan comic
hafuura qilleensawaa aerobic hallasaa/ -ftuu a/n mlf humorous;
respiration jester; humorist, comic
Hafuura Qulqulluu Holy Spirit hallasee a comic; comical
hafuurdhumaa en gasping hallaseedhaan humorously,
hafuurkutaa en dyspnea comically
hafuuroo n spirit hallasuu v to jest, act as humorist or
hafuurtolchaa en artificial respiration comic
hagalee en (hayyee + naa gale) yes- hallayyaa n cliff, precipice; abyss
man hallayyaa qilee very deep gorge
hagaloo n a small bell (usu. for tying halleessuu v to paint, dye
around the neck of children) halliissa n pigmentation
hagammee n magnitude hallomsa n colouring
hagamtaa n duration hallomsuu v to colour
Hagayya n August hallummaa n ink content
hagoo n amount, quantity halluu n 1) ink 2) dye, stain, paint
haguuggii n 1) head-covering 3) colour, tin, pigment
2) cover halluu dibuu 1) to mark with ink,
haguuggii xalayaa letter cover ink out 2) to dye, stain, paint
haguuggii xalayaa faaksii fax halluu hidhii lipstick
letter cover halluu jalqabbee primary colour
hajalaa n cassette halollaa n liquid, fluid
hajalaa biidiyoo video cassette halquqadii en (halquqa + adii) hari-
hakimii n (Ar) same as cirreessa cot
hakkifachuu v to clear the throat halquuqa n general name for beans
hakkii n spitting; spittle hamaa n honey badger
halada n heavy shower, down pour hamaa/ -tuu amlf 1) bad, evil; cruel,
halala n property that becomes malicious 2) hard (of times)
yours, rights bara hamaa hard times
haleellaa n attack, assault, on- hamaamoo n entourage
slaught, onset hamaamota n people who accom-
haleellaa balali'aa air attack pany the groom on the wedding
haleeluu v to attack, assault day
halkan n night hamaandirroo n race, running, track
halkan kaleessaa last night events
halkan qawwisa a very dark hamaaqexa n serval, African tiger-cat
night hamachuu v to backbite
halkan walakkaa midnight hamataa/ -tuu nm/f backbiter
halkoo n 1) silver 2) a ring around the hambaa n 1) remains, remnant, relics
moon 2) extinct, obsolete
halla'amaa a painted, dyed
hambaa Aksum - haqaara 138

hambaa Aksum Aksumite re- handuura dubbii cardinal point

mains handhuura gaaddidduu umbra
hambaa barreessii literary re- handhuura lafaa equator
mains handhuura mukaa heart wood
hambaa burkaanaa extinct vol- handhuuraa n 1) property (usu. cow,
cano calf) given to a child 2) private
hambaa sabaa remains of a property, possession
nation handhuurtuu n midwife
hambaa warraa remains of a hanga'uu v to lighten, flash
family hangaasuu n lightning, flash light
hambee n 1) heritage 2) relic hangammaa en present perfect
hambifannaa n carrying (Math) hangoo n mass (Phys)
hambifata n retention hangoo atoomawaa atomic
hameessa n a cow yielding much mass
milk hangoo sadhaatawaa relative
hamii n backbiting, slander; gossip mass
hamilee n morals, ethics; morale hangullaa n medulla (Med)
hamilee cabsu to abort emotion hanqachuu v to be insufficient, not to
hamileeffama n enthusiasm be enough
hamileeffamaa/ -tuu nmlf enthusiast hanqareessa n centipede
hamileessaa/ -ituu nmlf moralist hanqataa a insufficient, deficient
hamileessuu v to moralise hanqifamaa a preventable
hamilummaa n morality hanqii a sure; for granted
hamina n severity hanqina n shortage; deficiency
hammaacha n exacerbation hanqina fincaanii oligura (Med)
hammaachuu v 1) to become bad, hanqina hoomishaa underpro-
get worse 2) to become hard, be duction
mean hanqina jiidhinaa moisture defi-
hammammii n 1) amount; rate ciency
2) size hanqina manaa housing short-
hammannoo n incubation age
hammattuu n braces (of punctuation) hanqina qimamii dhiigaa hae-
hammee n infant molysis
hammeenya n 1) evilness, badness; hanqina soorataa nutritional de-
malice 2) cruelty ficiency
hammichoo n rhizome hanquu a/ adv 1) not full, insufficient,
hamphartii n lifting up deficient, incomplete, not whole
hampharuu v to lift up 2) less
hancaa n chewing gum, mastic hanshaaqa n lake
hancafa n foreskin hantuuta n general name for mice
hancoo n rubber and rats
hancufa n saliva, spittle hantuutee n mouse (Comp)
handaara n edge, margin hantuutoo n muscle
handaraafa n 1) chest, breast (of happhaawaa a sticky
animals) 2) breast beef happhee n, a 1) gum, resin 2) adhe-
handhuura n navel, umbilical cord sive
handhuura abuuraa hilum (of happhii a thin
plants) haqa n (Ar) same as tabaroo
handhuura biyyaa hinterland haqaaqa n irony
handhuura dachee geocentric haqaara n insulation
handhuura daraaraa pistil
139 haqaaraa - harka-toleessa

haqaaraa n foil hardaggalaa en wild ass, wild donkey

haqaaraa qorqoorroo tinfoil hardiidoo en zebra
haqaartuu n insulator hargansa n breathing
haqaaruu v to insulate hargansuu n breathing, panting,
haqattuu n handkerchief gasp
haqattuu waraqataa paper hargiisa n sisal
napkin hari'uu v to fire, dismiss, expel
haqiinsa n deletion hariiroo n relation, relationship
haqqee n vomit, vomiting hariiroo gamtaa social relation,
haquu v to strike out, delete social relationship
haqxuu n eraser hariiroo hormaataa relation of
haqxuu halluu ink eraser production
har'attuu n invader hariiroo ilma-namaa human rela-
hara n lake tions
hara barroobaa pluvial lake hariiroo lamummaa diplomatic
hara goofaa crater lake relation
hara soogiddaa salt lake hariiroo qomoo clan relation,
haraaraa n habit clan relationship
haraatii n balcony, grandstand hariiroo seedannoo trade rela-
haraaxaa n usury tions
haraggoo n clause (Gram) hariiroo uummataa public rela-
haraggoo dabalgoosii adverbial tions
clause hariiroo warraa parental relation
haraggoo dirqii restrictive clause hariirrannoo n sacrifice, slaughter
haraggoo dirqi-maleessa non- hariirrataa/ -tuu nm/f a person who
restrictive clause performs sacrifice
haraggoo duraasaa main clause hariiruu v to sacrifice (of rituals),
haraggoo hirkataa subordinate slaughter (as offering to a deity)
clause hariisaa n fire, dismissal, expulsion
haraggoo maqoo noun clause harka n 1) hand; arm 2) sleeve
haraggoo maqomuldhiftuu ad- 3) handle, holder; clasp 4) bolt
jective clause harks dhawiinsa clapping
haraggoo qofagalaa independ- harka dhawuu to clap
ent clause harka dhooftuu clapper
haramaa n weed harka filannoo vote
harata n usury harka geenyaan horii baasuu
harataa n broom, sweeper cash on delivery
harattoo n Hoover, vacuum-cleaner harka kennaa capitulation
harawa n valley (usu. without a river harka kennataa/ -tuu one who
and at the foot of a mountain) capitulates
harawwaa n low ground harka mijaaraa arm of micro-
harboora n 1) the most senior mem- scope
ber of the gadaa-council, apical harka mokoo a crooked arm after
councillor within the gadaa-system it was broken
2) president harka mura Aannolee the Aan-
harboora biyyaa president of a no/ee mutilation
country harka wayaa jalaa clandestine
harboora sabaa national presi- harkaa-miilaa limb (of body)
dent harka-shan fivefold
harboorummaa n presidency harka-toleessa skilled
harbuu n large fig-tree
harkarraa-afaanitti - Hawwaa 140

harkarraa-afaanitti hand-to- harqoota n 1) yoke 2) burden

mouth harqoota gabrummaa yoke
harkalamee ca two-handed (burden) of slavery
harkanee n mobile phone, cellular harraagessa n raven
phone harree n donkey
harkee n 1) a wooden plate 2) han- harree mandiidaa wild ass
dle, holder harre-burree zebra
harkee faldhaanaa spoon handle harshamee n document
harkeellaa n gloves hartuu n sweeper
harkeellaa buunyaa boxing hartuu karaa scavenger,
gloves crossing-sweeper
harkeellaa laastikii rubber gloves harumsa n sweeping
harkifama n tension (stretching) haruu v to sweep, broom, clean;
harkiftuu n 1) rope or leather strap wipe, Hoover, vacuum
which connects the yoke and the hasassee n tonsil
beam of a plough 2) ligament hashiisha n (Ar) hashish
harkiitee n sleeve hashuffoo n moor
harkisaa n rope for leading a horse hawaalaa n (Ar) money order
or mule hawaasa n society
harkisoo n gravity (of earth etc.), hawaasa afkalaa bourgeois soci-
gravitation ety
harkisoo dachee earth's gravita- hawaasa cunqursii oppressive
tion society
harkisoo lafaa terrestrial gravity hawaasa dilbeetaa capitalist so-
harkisuu v 1) to drag, draw, pull ciety
2) lead (a mule, a horse); 3) drawl hawaasa fudaalaa feudal society
(words) hawaasa gabraa slave society
harkoo n 1) receiver (of telephone) hawaasa gadaa the gadaa-
2) hand (of a clock) society
harkoo bilbiltoo knocker hawaasa haaraa a new society
harkoo yaabbannoo banister hawaasa ilaafilaamee democ-
harkuu n cow whose calf died and ratic society
yet yields less quantity of milk hawaasa Oromoo Oromo society
harkuumee en (harki + uumee) ar- hawaasa saammii exploitive so-
tefact ciety
harkuutee a unproductive hawaasa wajjummaa socialist
harma n breast society
harma mura Aannolee the hawaasa wajjummaa durii primi-
Aannolee mutilation (of women's tive communal society
breast) hawaasa waltummaa communist
harma-hoosisa breast feeding society
harmallaa n widow hawaasa gita-dhablee class-less
harmeellaa n bra (Brassiere), bikini society
haroo n pond, pool hawaasa gita-qabeessa class-
haroo daakkii swimming-pool, society
swimming-bath hawaasaa a social
haroo qurxummii fish-pond, fish- hawaasessuu v to socialise, reha-
pool bilitate
Haroo Walaabuu Walabu Lake hawaasomfama n rehabilitation
haroogoo nmf bookkeeper hawwa n aspiration
Hawwaa n Eve
141 hawwata - heexoo Faranjii

hawwata n attraction hayyamtaa n license

hawwata umaltuu tourist attrac- hayyama konkolaataa driving
tion licence
hawwii n wish, desire hayyamuu v 1) to allow, permit 2) to
hawwisoo n band, orchestra authorise, approve
hawwisoo muusiqaa glee club; hayyata n procedure
band, orchestra hayyisaa n warden (of a prison)
hawwituu nmf wisher hayyoolessa/ -ttii nmlf intellectual
hawwuu v to wish, desire hayyooma n leadership
haxa n technique hayyoomsuu v to give leadership to,
haxaarii a talented inaugurate a hayyuu
haxaawuu v to sweep hayyuduree en general secretary
haxaawwii n sweeping hayyuu n 1) chief, leader 2) expert
haxifachuu v to sneeze hayyuu eegalaa junior expert
haxii n philosopher hayyuu moodii chairman of a
haxissoo n sneeze burial society
haxooftuu n 1) broom 2) duster hayyuu olaanaa senior expert
3) wiper hedachiisa n accounts
haxooftuu daawwitii fuulduraa hedachiisummaa n accountancy
windscreen wiper, windshield hedachuu v 1) to be careful, be
wiper aware; be diplomatic 2) to guess,
haxoolaa n mop (a tool) evaluate 3) consider
haxxee amt cunning, shrewd, smart, hedannaa n 1) consideration, reck-
clever oning 2) care, carefulness
haxxiyyaa n mark's man hedannoo n approximation
haxxoo n ambush hedata n estimation, guess
haxxoo baldhaa area ambush hedataa/ -tuu nmlf accountant
haxxoo battalaa sudden ambush hedattuu maagineetaa magneto-
haxxoo cinaa half ambush graph
haxxoomuu v to be cunning, be hedatii n hypothesis, assumption
clever heddaayii n reduplication (Liter)
haxxummaa n shrewdness, clever- heddummeessii n pluralization
ness hediisa n calculation, arithmetic
hayaa! int hello! (on phone); ok, well hediisa jechaanii oral calculation
hayeetuu n fresh milk hediisa baankii checking account
hayiroglaafiksii n (Eng) hieroglyph- heduu v 1) to count 2) to estimate,
ics guess; evaluate 3) to consider,
hayyama n 1) permission, permit reckon 4) to calculate
2) approval, concession, consent heenaa n birthmark, mole
3) allowance, leave 4) licence heera n constitution
hayyama adamoo hunting- heera atoomaa federal constitu-
licence, shooting licence tion
hayyama adeemsaa travelling heera faallessaa unconstitutional
document heerummaa n constitutionalism
hayyama dhukkubaa sick leave heetoo n rivalry
hayyama ooffii driving license heexoo n 1) a tree from which an
hayyama qorichaa prescription anthelmintic medicine is made
hayyama seedannoo trade li- 2) anthelmintic medicine 3) tape-
cence worm
hayyamaa/ -tuu nmlf person who heexoo Faranjii western
authorises, approves anthelmintic such as Bayern
hayyammii n admittance
hektaara - hiikaa 142

hektaara n (Eur) hectare hidhaa sa'aatii band for watch

herrega n mathematics hidhaa sadee triple bond
herrega buusuu to calculate hidhachiisuu v to arm, equip
herrega baankii check account hidhachuu v 1) to wear, to put on a
herrega culkii pure mathematics belt or a gird 2) to gird oneself for
herrega hojjatii applied mathe- fighting or difficult task 3) to be
matics armed, be equipped (soldier)
herrega qusannaa savings ac- hidhamaa/ -tuu nm/f prisoner
count hidhamaa taliigaa political pris-
herregaa/ -duu nm/f mathematician oner
herregdoo n imagination hidhamaa waraanaa prisoner of
herregduu n calculator war
herregduu Chaayinaa abacus hidhannoo n equipment of soldiers
herregtii n bill (of payment) hidhata n 1) belt, girdle 2) military
hidda n 1) a kind of creeping vine equipment
used for building instead of ropes hidhata-maleessa unarmed
2) root of plants 3) vein, blood- hidhataa/ -tuu nm/f militia; militia
vessel, artery man
hidda baalaa leaf-vein; venation hidhatii n armour (Mil)
hidda dhalootaa origin hidhee n volume (of books)
hidda dhiiga handhuuraa um- hidheessa n bond
bilical artery hidheessa hadrojinaa hydrogen
hidda dhiigaa blood-vessel, vein, bond
artery hidhii n lip
hidda diimaa beet root; radish hidhii gubbaa labrum
hidda jechayyaa etymology hidhuu v 1) to tie, bind 2) to imprison,
hidda handhuuraa umbilical cord arrest 3) to bandage
hidda harmaa mammary vein hiibbakka n answer to a riddle or
hidda hubannoo sense organ puzzle
hidda qaajjisoo adventitious root hllbboo n riddle, puzzle
hidda rifeensaa capillary hiibboo jechayyaa crossword
hidda sobmaa pulmonary vein puzzle, crossword
hidda warraa genealogical tree, hiida n 1) dam 2) barrier (Dent)
family tree Hiida Aswaan the Aswan Dam in
hiddanee n all relatives that one can Egypt
not marry hiida bishaanii water dam
hiddii1 n solanaceous plant (and its Hiida Fincaa'aa the Fincha'a
fruit) Dam in Western Oromia
hiddii2 n Thomson gazelle Hilda Malkaa Waakkannaa the
hiddinii n second cousin Malka Wakkanna Dam in South-
hidhaa n 1) bundle 2) imprisonment, ern Oromia
arrest 3) confinement Hiida Qooqaa the Qoqa Dam in
hidhaa dubbii full stop Central Oromia
hidhaa jireenyaa life imprison- hiiduu v 1) to dam 2) to block up, ob-
ment struct
hidhaa kophee shoestring, shoe- hiika n 1) solution, explanation, inter-
lace pretation 2) translation 3) divorce
hidhaa lamee double bond hiika jargifaa literal translation
hidhaa madaa bandage, gauze hiikaa/ -tuu nmlf translator, inter-
hidhaa qeentee single bond preter
143 hiikaa abjuu - himuu

hiikaa abjuu interpreter of a hima walgitaa equivalent state-

dream ment
hiikaa afaanii translator, inter- hima yoo'iinsaa if statement
preter (Math)
hiikasoo n Epiphany himacha n accusation
hiikkoo n meaning, definition himachuu v 1) to confess 2) to ap-
hiikkoo hirmaata-dubbii gram- peal, submit a petition 3) to ac-
matical meaning cuse, bring a charge against
hiikkoo jalqabbee primary mean- himama n proposition, statement
ing himamsa n expression
hiikkoo jargifaa literal sense of a himannaa n confession
word himannoo n 1) accusation; complaint
hiikkoo lammee secondary (charge) 2) petition
meaning himansa n oral tradition, teaching
hiikkoo moggaa connotation handed down
hiiktuu n 1) bolt, spar 2) wrench, himansa abbootii teaching or
spanner tradition handed down from an-
hiiktuu faaggee pipe wrench cestors
hiiktuu garlamee open-ended himata n 1) appeal, complain
spanner 2) litigation
hiiktuu korboo ring spanner himata dhiisuu withdrawal of
hiiktuu qawwee screwdriver (of a charge
gun) himataa/ -tuu nmlf 1) confessor
hiiktuu sirreessii adjustable 2) plaintiff, complainant
spanner himatamaa/ -tuu nmlf accused per-
hiiktuu ujummee tube wrench son, defendant
hiikuu v 1) to unfasten, untie, take off himatii n application
2) to release, loosen; emancipate himeensa n novel
3) to divorce 4) to solve, explain himeensaa/ -ituu nm/f novelist,
5) to interpret, translate novel-writer
hiiqa n movement himeensittii n novelette, novella
hiiqaa a moveable himeensuu v to novelise
hiiqii n usury; profiteering himii n report
hiiqii fudhachuu to borrow himiinsa n telling; version (account)
money at exorbitant interest himtee n oral
hiiqii kennuu to lend money at himtii n sentence (Gram)
exorbitant interest himtii abboommii imperative
hiiquu v to move, heave (by oneself) sentence
hilleessa n hare, rabbit himtii gaafii interrogative sen-
hilqaa n snail tence
hima n 1) passage, reading (Gram) himtii guutuu complete sentence
2) statement himtii herregaa mathematical
hima banaa open proposition sentence
hima garagaltoo converse himtii raajeffannoo exclamatory
statement sentence
hima ta'iinsaa the then statement himtii mirroo compound sen-
hima walcaalmaa inequality of tence
statement himtii walxaxaa complex sen-
hima walcaalmaa walgitaa tence
equivalent inequality statement himtii yareessa simple sentence
himuu nmf informant
himuu - hiriyee daree 144

himuu v 1) to tell, inform hiramaa walii guddichaa (H. W.

2) communicate, report, express G.) greatest common multiple
hin- pref un-, non-, in-, im- (G. C. M.)
hin-argamnee unavailable hiramaa walii xiqqichaa (H. W.
hin-baabsinee neutral X.) least common multiple (L. C.
hin-baqnee insoluble M.)
hin-barbaachifnee unnecessary hiramummaa n divisibility
hin-barbaadamnee unwanted hirannaa n division (Math)
hin-barreeffamnee unwritten hirannoo n dividend
hin-beekamnee unknown hirannoo wajjummaa common
hin-dubbifamnee unintelligible dividend
writing hirata n classification
hin-dhaabannee persistent hirataa/ -tuu nmlf one who gets a
hin-dhalannee unborn share; divisor (factor)
hin-gaafatamnee unasked, un- hirbuu n promise
questioned hiree n chance. destiny
hin-gammannee unhappy hiree murteeffannoo self asser-
hin-jaalatamnee unpopular tion, self determination
hin-katoomamnee tax-exempt hiree umurii jireenyaa life expec-
hin-lakkaawamnee uncountable tancy
hin-mamsiifnee unquestionable hirigduu nmf worker or employee
hin-muldhannee invisible who is on strike
hin-nyaatamnee uneatable hiriggii n strike (of workers and em-
hin-ogoomnee unskilled ployees)
hin-qabamnee unoccupied hiriggii birmannaa sympathetic
hin-qabatamnee abstract (not strike
concrete) hiriggii dabaliisa fijaa a strike for
hin-sochoonee immobile higher pay
hin-tuqamnee immune hiriggii dimshaashaa general
hinaaffaa n jealousy strike
hinaaffuu v to be jealous hiriggii gabaabsii yeroo hojii a
hinaaftuu amf jealous strike against long working hours
Hindii nla India; Indian hiriguu v to strike, cease work
hir'ina n shortcoming hiriira n demonstration, parade
hir'isa n reduction hiriira diddaa counter-
hir'isa mindaa reduction in wage, demonstration
wage cut hiriira nagaa peaceful demon-
hir'isoo n subtraction stration
hir'isoo dalgaa horizontal sub- hiriiraa/ -tuu nmlf demonstrator
traction hiriirsisaa/ -ftuu nmlf organiser of a
hir'isuu vi n 1) to reduce, decrease, demonstration
subtract 2) subtraction hiriiruu v to demonstrate
hir'uu a 1) not full, insufficient, defi- hiriyaa n 1) friend, companion, play-
cient, deficit, incomplete, not mate 2) a person of the same age,
whole 2) less age-mate
hiraara n persecution hiriyaa hojii co-worker, colleague
hiraartuu nmf persecutor hiriyaa xalayaa pen-friend
hiraaruu v to persecute hiriyee n mate, roommate, class-
hiramaa a 1) distributable 2) divisible, mate; companion
multiple, even (Math) hiriyee daree classmate
145 hiriyee mana barumsaa - hobaasaa

hiriyee mana barumsaa school- hirmee n fraction (Math)

mate hirmee kurniitee decimal fraction
hiriyoomuu v to be friend, be associ- hirmee makaa mixed fraction
ated hirmee qixxooyyee equivalent
hiriyummaa n friendship, compan- fraction
ionship, fellowship hirmee seermalee improper frac-
hirkachuu v to lean on, rest against tion
hirkataa/ -tuu amlf 1) slanting hirmee sirrii common fraction
2) dependent hirmee walxaxaa complex frac-
hirkattuu n epiphyte tion
hirkatummaa n dependency hirpha n relief, assistance
hirkee n chair hirphaa/ -ituu nmlf compensator
hirkee dachaatuu folding chair hirphamaa/ -tuu nmlf person who is
hirkifamaa a dependable compensated, paid for damages
hirkisaa n support hirphantaa n compensation, indem-
hirkisuu v to prop up; support nification, reparation
hirkoo n 1) back-support, back of a hirphantaa balaa hazard repara-
chair 2) support tions
hirkoo sibiilaa iron support hirphantaa waraanaa war repa-
hirmaata n 1) division; share 2) factor rations
(Math) hirphuu v to compensate, indemnify
hirmaata dubbii grammar for, pay damages
hirmaata dubbii Afaan Oromoo hirqaama en anatomy
Oromo Grammar hirqaama walbira-qabli com-
hirmaata hojii labour division parative anatomy
hirmaata kobxii prime factor hirtaa n 1) joint ownership 2) partner-
hirmaataa walii guddichaa (H. ship, share
W. G.) greatest common factor hirtoo n division
(G. C. F) hirtuu n 1) divisor 2) distributor
hirmaata walii xiqqichaa (H. W. hirtuu xaa'omsaa fertiliser dis-
X.) least common factor (L. C. F) tributor
hirmaataa walii common factor hirtuu walee common denomina-
hirmaayaa n division tor
hirmaayaa miciree cell division hirtuu walee guddaa great
hirmachiisaa/ -ftuu nm/f someone common divisor
who acts as observer or judge hiruu vi n 1) to divide 2) to distribute
when people share something 3) division
hirmachuu v 1) to participate, take hisaaba n (Ar) same as herrega
part in 2) to share, divide with one hissataa/ -tuu am/f hard-working, in-
another dustrious, diligent
hirmammii n dividing, division hissatummaa n diligence
hirmammii duwwee zero division hiyyaala a/n hooligan
hirmannaa n share, sharing hiyyaalummaa n hooliganism
hirmannee a/n multiple hiyyata n application
hirmannoo n participation hiyyeessa/ -ttii am/f poor, needy
hirmannoo filmaataa electoral hiyyoomuu v to be poor, be impov-
participation erished
hirmataa/ -tuu nmlf 1) participant hiyyummaa n poverty
2) one who share something with hobaasaa/ -ftuu nm/f one who wa-
someone ters (gives water to horses, cattle
hobeensa - hojjachiisaa 146

hobeensa n leaf, leaves (of tree that group work

fall on the ground) hojii halkanii night work
hobii n (Eur) hobby hojii harkaa handicraft, handi-
hoddhaa n 1) sewing 2) needle work, work
basket work, embroidery hojii humnaa physical labour,
hoddhaa meeshaa basketry, manual work
basket work hojii idilee regular work
hoddhuu v 1) to sew 2) to stitch, hojii jalqabbee primary activity
mend hojii malaa guesswork
hodhuu v to suck (of breast, finger) hojii manaa housework, home-
hofee a soft and light work
hofee lafaa soft soil hojii mindaa hired labour, wage
hofessuu v to make soft and light labour
hoffaa n stalk hojii mootummaa civil service
hojii n 1) work, labour, job, function hojii mukaa woodwork
2) deed, act, action, performance hojii namaa man-made, artificial
3) duty, task, business, employ- hojii nuffisiisaa routine work
ment, service 4) vocation, occu- hojii qixxeenyaa equality of func-
pation, profession, undertaking tion
hojii adeemsisaa/ -ftuu director, hojii qorannoo research work
manager hojii sammuu brain work, mental
hojii adeemsisaa damiyyaa de- work
partment manager hojii sibiilaa iron-work, metal
hojii adeemsisaa duraasaa gen- work
eral manager, director-general hojii suphee pottery
hojii adeemsisaa eeggataa act- hojii sheexanaa diabolic act
ing director, acting manager hojii waldhaansaa medical pro-
hojii adeemsisaa sagantaa pro- fession
gramme director hojii waraanaa military profes-
hojii agargoo data processing sion
hojii baankii banking hojii yeroo occasional work
hojii qaalii cheap labour hojii yeroo qoofnii part-time job
hojii cilee coal mining hoji-dhaabii boycott
hojii daagaa terracing hoji-dhablee unemployed, job-
hojii dabaa evil deeds less
hojii deddeebi'aa repetitive work hoji-dhablummaa unemployment
hojii dirqisiisaa forced labour hotiirraa har'ama suspension
hojii dhaabuu to boycott hojjaa n 1) work, labour 2) working
hojii dhugee virtual work day, weekday
hojii faayataa work of art hojja-duree Monday
hojii folkaa woodwork hojjaan-bulaa/ -tuu toiler, prole-
hojii gamtaa social work tariat
hojii gamtaa baadiyaa rural hojjaa2 n 1) shin 2) height, length
social work hojja-qabeessa/ -ttii tall man, tall
hojii gamtaa maatii family social woman
work hojjaarkaa en manual
hojii gaasii gas works hojjabduu en (hojjaa + jabduu)
hojii gatii dafqaa wage labour masterpiece
hojii gurmee team-work, group hojjachiifataa/ -tuu nmlf employer
work hojjachiisaa/ -ftuu nmlf foreman;
hojii gurmee gamtaa social taskmaster, taskmistress
147 hojjachiisuu - hoo'iyyaa madaaluu

hojjachiisuu v 1) make to work, holakee en (hoo'ina + lafa keessaa)

make to do 2) to employ thermal
hojjachuu v 1).to work, do, make, holakee dachee geothermal
act, function 2) to manufacture hollannoo n tremor
hojjatammee a processed hollattuu a tremulous
hojjatataa/ -tuu nmlf self-employed holoolessaa/ -tuu nm/f prose writer
hojjatee-bulaa/ -tuu nmlf toiler, pro- holoolessuu v to write in prose;
letariat change poems into prose
hojjatii a applied holooloo n prose
hojjattuu nmf 1) worker, labourer, holqa n 1) hollow 2) cave, den
employee 2) personnel; function- holqa dhagaa cave (of stone)
ary holqa ijaa orbit (of eye)
hojjattuu baankii bank employee holqee n sinus (Anat, Zoo)
hojjattuu faabrikaa factory holqoo n cavity
worker holqoo garaa abdominal cavity
hojjattuu faaggaa bishaanii holqoo qomaa thoracic cavity
plumber homaa n 1) nothing, none 2) zero,
hojjattuu gari-leenjii semi-skilled naught
worker homtoo n negative (Math, Phys)
hojjattuu guyyaa daily labourer homtoomsa n negation, negativism
hojjattuu ijaarsaa construction homtoomsuu v to negate, reject,
worker disprove
hojjattuu karaa roadman hoo'ichoo n athlete's foot, dermato-
hojjattuu leenjidhablee unskilled phytosis
worker hoo'iftuu n heater, heating, radiator
hojjattuu manaa domestic ser- hoo'iftuu aduunii solar heater
vant hoo'iftuu bantiyyee super heater
hojjattuu mindaanii wage la- hoo'iftuu gaasii gas heater
bourer; jobber hoo'illaa n calorie, calory
hojjattuu mootummaa civil ser- hoo'ina n 1) heat, warm 2) tempera-
vant, public servant ture
hojjattuu qonnaa agricultural la- hoo'ina dachee global warming
bourer, agricultural worker hoo'ina hurkaa heat of vaporiza-
hojjataa siranaa permanent em- tion
ployee hoo'ina mundhilafaa equatorial
hojjattuu suphee potter (of mod- heat
ern) hoo'ina nuklaraa thermonuclear
hojjattuu waajjiraa office worker, hoo'ina riphaa latent heat
blue collar worker hoo'in-baasaa exothermic
hojjattuu warshaa industrial la- hoo'isaa n radiator
bourer hoo'isuu v 1) to heat up, warm up
hojjattuu yeroo seasonal worker 2) to vivify 3) to exaggerate
hojjoommii n implementation hoo'iyyaa n temperature
hojjoomuu v to implement hoo'iyyaa billiqaa kindling tem-
hokkolloo n hinge perature
hokkora n 1) riot, blood riot 2) terror hoo'iyyaa guyyaa day tempera-
hokkora mootummaa state ter- ture
rorism hoo'iyyaa kumbulluu jidhaa wet
hokkortuu nmf terrorist bulb temperature
hokkurummaa n terrorism hoo'iyyaa madaaluu measuring
hoo'iyyaa murteessaa - horata gamtaa 148

hoo'iyyaa murteessaa critical hoomishalamee en multiple cropping

temperature hoomishdanee en mass production
hoo'iyyaa qabsiisaa ignition hoomisheessituu n harvester
temperature hoomishtuu nmf producer; grower
hoo'uu v 1) to be warm, be heated hoomishtuu jalqabbee primary
2) to be vivified 3) to boom (of producer
business) hoomishtuu lammee secondary
hooda n 1) tradition, custom 2) taboo producer
hooda uummataa popular cus- hoomishummaa n productivity
tom hoomishuu v to harvest, produce
hooggana n leadership, guidance, di- hoonga'uu v to be dried, become
rection arid (of weather)
hoogganaa/ -tuu nmlf 1) leader, hoongaa a severe
guide 2) conductor hoongawaa a droughty, dried, arid
hooggannoo n motto hoongee n drought; aridity; dryness
hooggannoo hojii directive hoongummaa n aridness
hooggantii n leading idea, motif hooqsisa n itching, tickling
hoogganuu v 1) to lead, guide, direct hooqsisa gogaa itching of the
2) to conduct an orchestra) skin
hookkee n fish-hook hooqsisa saalfii genital itching
hookkee n hook (EM) hooqsisa udduu anal itching
hookoo n hook hooqsisuu v to itch
hookkoon qurxummaa qabuu to hooquu v to scratch (the skin)
angle hooqxoo n 1) itching 2) skin-
hookkoon qurxummii qabiisa infection, eczema
angling hoorrii n tartar on teeth
hoolaa n sheep hoosiftuu nf nursing mother
hoolaa araaraa a sheep of peace hoosisa n 1) breast feeding 2) lacta-
hoolaa bishaanii otter tion
hoomaa a, n multitude, the masses hoosisa harmaa breast feeding
hoomacha n foam hoosisuu v to suckle
hoomacha andarqii lather hootiyyee n mammal
hoomacha areedaa shaving hootuu nmf a sucking child or animal
foam hoowwaa a hot, warm
hoomacha galaanaa surf hophoo n outside bark; cortex
hoomachaawaa a foamy hoqqisa n vomit, vomiting
hoomisha n 1) harvest, yield hoqqisuu v to vomit
2) produce, product, production hora n mineral water spring, mineral
hoomisha aannanii dairy pro- water, hot spring
duce, milk products horannoo n output
hoomisha booddessaa back- horata n production, product, output
ward harvest horata aannanii dairy produce,
hoomisha dabaree rotation of milk products
crops horata baraaxii waste product
hoomisha qonnaa farm prod- horata biyyaa dimshoo (HBD)
ucts, agricultural products Gross Domestic Production
hoomisha shukkaaraa sugar (GDP)
crops hoomisha biyyaa idilee (HBI)
hoomisha warshaa industrial General Domestic Product
production (GDM)
hoomisha-tokkee monoculture horata amtaa social production
149 horata jalqabbee - horsiisa fardaa

horata jalqabbee primary animals

product horii fe'iisaa pack animals
horata lammee secondary pro- horii horsiisaa pastoralist
duction horii kuusii reserve fund
horata meeshaa badhaadhinaa horii manaa rent (of house)
production of material wealth horii orooroo tax paid by the
horata sabaa dimshoo (HSD) head of a family
Gross National Product (GNP) horii poostaa postage
horata salphaa simple horli qeyee domestic animal
production horii sabbuu gold standard
horata shaqaxaa commodity horii seentii admission fee
production horii tajaajilaa service charge
horata shaqaxa salphaa simple hori-dhabeessa/ -ttil poor person
commodity production hori-qabeessa/ -ttii rich person,
horata warshaa industrial pro- wealthy
duction horiinsa n reproduction
horataa fi raabsii production and horiinsa kornaayaa sexual re-
distribution production
horataa/ -tuu nmlf 1) producer; horiinsa kornaaya-malee asex-
grower 2) manufacturer ual reproduction
horattee n yield, produce, product horkuusa en (horii + kuusaa) fund
horco'eessaa/ -ituu nmlf one who (money)
reserves money hormaata n fertility, prolificity
horco'eessuu v to reserve, save hormaata maakkii fertility rate
money hormaatii n inflection (of verbs)
horco'ii n savings, savings account, hormaatummaa n productivity
savings deposit hormaatummaa culkee net pro-
hordaa n 1) handle of a plough 2) a ductivity
long and heavy instrument used hormaatummaa hojii productivity
for digging of labour
hordoffil n adherence hormaawuu v to be productive
hordoftuu nmf adherent, supporter hormoonii n (Eur) hormone
hordofuu v 1) to follow 2) to adhere hormoonii cidhaanii testoster-
hori'a n attack, assault; menace, one
threat hormoonii guddinaa growth
hori'aa/ -tuu nmlf aggressor hormone
hori'uu v 1) to move to attack, try an hormoonii hosisaa lactogen
assault 2) to threaten, menace hormone (Med)
horibaa en (horii + baasii) fee hornagaa n limitation
horibaa mana barumsaa school hororraa n grist
fees hororaa daangulee coarsely
horii n 1) cattle, livestock; herd ground pea
2) wealth, riches, property horsiisa n 1) breeding 2) husbandry
3) treasure, money, currency horsiisa aannolee dairy farm,
horii aannanii dairy-herd dairy farming
horii baankii account (bank horsiisa baay'isii cross multipli-
deposit) cation (Math)
horii barumsaa tuition (fee) horsiisa culkii pure breed
horii callaa cash horsiisa dalgaa cross matching
horii coomaa fat stock horsiisa fardaa horse-breeding
horli dabbasee fur-bearing
horsiisa horii - hulluuqqoo gooboo 150

horsiisa horii ranching, stock hubachiisoo n memorandum

raising, animal husbandry (memo)
horsiisa horii foonii beef hubachuu v 1) to understand 2) to
farming make sure, observe, notice; find
horsiisa kanniisaa bee-keeping out
horsiisa lukkuu poultry, poultry- hubama n 1) hurt, harm, injury; dam-
farm, chicken-farm age 2) violation
horsiisa lukkuu ammayyaa hubamaa/ -tuu amlf injured; casualty,
modern poultry-farm victim
horsiisa makaa cross breeding hubamsiisa n victimisation
horsiisa qurxummii fish-farming hubannaa n attention, notice
horsiisaa/ -ftuu nmlf breeder hubannoo n observation, sense, un-
horsiisaa fardaa horse-breeder derstanding
horsiisaa horii livestock breeder hubannoo garmaleessa misun-
horsiisaa kanniisaa bee-keeper derstanding
horsiisaa loonii stock-breeder hubata n probe
horsiisillaa n conjugation hubataa/ -tuu nmlf 1) observer, ob-
horsiisuu v 1) to breed 2) to multiply servant 2) intelligent, wise person
3) conjugate 4) to inflect (Gram) 3) thinker
horsiisuu v 1) to breed, raise 2) to hubattoo n observation, inquiry
produce hubuu v 1) to hurt, harm, injure;
hortee n descendant, heredity; origin, damage 2) to violate; victimise
source; genealogy hudaadee n (Amh) Lent
hortee afaanii language family hudhaa n 1) choke, suffocation 2) a
hortoo a productive, fertile, prolific stripe (made of rope or leather)
hortuu n female animals or humans used in yoke 3) glottal stop
that breed well hudhaa bulchiinsaa bureaucracy
horuu v to breed, produce offspring hudhaansa n strangulation, suffoca-
(of livestock, chicken) tion
hosa n a small hut hudhama n choke, suffocation
hosa bilbiltoo telephone booth, hudhuu v 1) to tie by the neck 2) to
call box strangle, choke, suffocate; stifle
hosoba a/n 1) green, fertile 2) a hududda n limb (of body)
place with green vegetation hududdee n motor bike, motorcycle
hosobee a/n evergreen huffaa n abdomen, lower part of the
hosobuu v to be fertile (of soil) abdomen
hospitaala n (Eng) hospital huffee n savannah
hospitaala dawumsaa maternity huffoo n diaphragm (Med)
hospital huka n subsidy
hoteela n (Eur) hotel hukaa/ -tuu nmlf one who subsidises
hoteela urjafree four-star hotel hukamaa/ -tuu nmlf one who gets
hoteela urjishanee five-star hotel subsidy
hoxxeessa n time between midnight huktee nmf sponsor
and 2 a.m. huktii n sponsorship
hubaa a harmful hukuu v to subsidise
hubachiisa n notice, remark, re- hullufa n hernia
minder, NB hullufa garaa abdominal hernia
hubachiisa furtuu keynote hullufa handhuuraa umbilical
hubachiisa miiljalee footnote hernia
hubachiisaa/ -ftuu nmlf one who no- hulluqqoo n tunnel
tifies hulluuqqoo gooboo archway
151 hulluuqqii - hundanyaatina

hulluuqqii n infiltration humna nageegduu peace-

hulluuquu v to infiltrate keeping force
hulluuqxuu nmf infiltrator humna namaa manpower
hulotaa en (humnaan + loltuu humna nuklaraa nuclear energy
taasisuu) conscription humna ofirraa ittisaa self-
humbii n elephant trunk defence
humbuluqa n lava humna oolchaa hired day
humma n 1) desert 2) wild region labourers
humma baddadaree temperate humna qaamaa physical strength
desert humna qilleensaa air force
humma gammoojjii hoo'aa humna qormaataa power of a
tropical hot desert test
humma qorraa cold desert humna sammuu brainpower
Humma Sahaaraa the Sahara humna taayitaa authorisation
Desert humna torobbee police force
hummaawuu v to become a desert humna waraanaa armed forces,
humna n 1) power, might; strength military, army
2) force, coercion 3) effort, energy humna waraana atoomaa fed-
4) ability eral armed forces
humna alaa foreign power humna waraana lafaa ground
humna atomii atomic energy forces
humna bantii hegemony humna yeroo task force
humna bishaanii hydroelectric humna-dhabeessa weak, power-
humna bubbee wind force, less
windmill humna-dhabeessummaa power-
humna bu'uraa fundamental lessness
force humna-guddisaa power amplifier
humna dabalaa power gain humna hunda-qabeessa the Al-
humna darbaa surplus labour mighty God, supernatural force
humna dirqisiifamaa forced humna-qabeessa strong, power-
labour ful
humna doo'innee power of lens humnaan by force, violently
humna dungoo candle power humnaan-buleessa/ -ttii violent;
humna dhagnaa body force dictator
humna elektiroonaa valence, humnootii npl powers
valency humnootii aangoo super-powers
humna fardaa horsepower humnootii atoomii atomic pow-
humna galaanaa sea power; ers
navy humnootii biyyalaa foreign pow-
humna gamtaa social force ers
humna hin-tuqnee non-contact humnootii dagabaasii colonial
force powers
humna hojii productive force humnootii dagabaasii haaraa
humna hojjattuu labour power nee-colonial powers
humna horataa forces of produc- humnootii istimaaraa imperialist
tion powers
humna hurkaa vapour power hunda pro all
humna ittisaa defence force hunda hirmattuu universal re-
humna kakaasaa activation force cipient
humna korreentii electric power, hunda kennituu universal donor
electric energy; voltage hundanyaatina en omnivore
hundanyaattuu - ibidda akeekkachiisaa 152

hundanyaattuu camf omnivorous hurraa nla 1) firewood 2) last, use-

hundee n 1) root, bottom 2) base, less
foundation 3) source, origin hurrantaa n a shower of bullets
4) substratum hurreeffamaa a crushed
hundee afaan duraalaa proto- hurreessa n crush
language hurreessuu v to break into pieces,
hundee alaa aerial roots crush into pieces
hundee daraaaaraa tap root; hurrifamaa a accelerated
anther hurrisa n acceleration
hundee dubbii basic, fundamen- hurrisa gostokkee uniform
tal idea, principle; essence acceleration
hundee fiilaa respiratory root hurrisaa a accelerated, accelerative,
hundee gaafii basic question, swift
fundamental question hurrisiisaa n accelerator
hundee goosii root of a verb hurrisuu v to accelerate, swift
hundee ilkaanii root of a tooth hurruma n wild forest
hundee jaarmaa cornerstone hurruuba n jerk
hundee jalqabbee primary root hurruubuu v to jerk
hundee kaawoo basic right hurufee n soft soil
hundee kuuftuu storage root husii n dense bush
hundee lafaa horizon huttoo n bush, shrub
hundee lakkoofsaa cardinal huttoomaa a bushy
number huuba n 1) weed 2) smut 3) fleck
hundee lammee secondary root huuba qoonqoo uvula, tonsil
hundee qeensaa root of nail huucuu n one who predicts the future
hundee qullubbii onion bulb by reading the membrane of ani-
hundee rifeensaa root of the hair mal intestines
hundee seeraa basic law, fun- huufa n plane (tool)
damental law huummoo n secretary bird
hundee warshaa basic industry huurrawaa a foggy
hunde-dhablee baseless, huurrii n 1) fog 2) smog
groundless; irrational, unfounded huurrii madanaa radiation fog
hunde-sadee cube root huursaa n waterfall
hundeeffama n establishment huurummaa n fogginess
hundeessaa/ -ituu nm/f founder; huusa n a thin fatty layer covering
promoter animal intestines
hundeessuu v to lay the foundation, huusoo n potential energy
establish, found huutee n valve
hurkaa n 1) vapour, evaporation huutee furtuu bolt
2) steam huute-lamee bicuspid valve
hurkaa bishaanii water vapour huute-marammee semilunar
hurkaawaa a vaporous valve
hurkaawuu v to evaporate huute-sadee tricuspid valve
hurkeeffama n vaporisation huutuu n jaguar like wild cat
hurkeessaa n evaporator
hurkeessuu v to vaporise
hurkiisa n evaporation
hurkoo n transpiration -I-
hurkoraa en (hurkaa + horaa)
sauna, sauna bath ibidda n fire
hurkuu v to transpire ibidda akeekkachiisaa beacon
153 ibidda caakkaa - ifaa

ibidda caakkaa forest fire ida'aa n adder

ibidda masqalaa bonfire (burnt ida'amaa a supplementary
on the day of the Cross) ida'ammii n sum
ibidda qiliilee hell, inferno ida'ammmii guddinsoo total
ibirkuu n style magnification
ibrannoo n military command ida'amtuu a addend
ibranuu v to command, give orders ida'ata a additional
(of military) ida'uu vi n 1) to add; 2) addition
ibrikaa n trachoma idaayyaa n 1) bride 2) bridegroom,
ibsa n explanation, illustration, de- groom
scription idaayyee n bride
ibsaa n 1) light 2) lamp; lantern idaayyoo n bridegroom, groom
3) electricity iddaa n 1) a stringed bow for carding
ibsaa agarsiiftuu indicator light cotton 2) sting
ibsaa daandii street light, street- iddaa roobaa dragon-fly
lamp, street-lantern iddobuusa en compensation
ibsaa diimaa stoplight iddobuutuu en complementary
ibsaa duubaa rear light, tail light iddocilee en coaling station
ibsaa dhaabbii parking light iddodhoqqee en mudflat
ibsaa fuulduraa headlight iddojaammee en blind spot
ibsaa godaantii traffic lights iddoo n 1) place, spot, space, site
ibsaa gortii sidelight 2) area 3) role
ibsaa halaalaa full beam, high iddoo agarsiisaa show-place
beam iddoo fandalaltii park (of public
ibsaa magariisa green light recreation)
ibsaa minjaalaa reading lamp iddoo folkaa woodshed
ibsaa niyoonii neon light iddoo ibiddaa fireplace, hearth
ibsama n explanation iddoo taaksii taxi rank, taxi
ibsama herregaa mathematical stand, cabstand
explanation iddoola n site
ibsannoo n clarification iddoomaa/ -tuu nm/f 1) delegate
ibsoduu en (ibsa + oduu) news 2) replacement
conference, press release iddoomaa aannanii milk re-
ibsoo n definition placement
ibsooyyee n legend (key symbols on iddoommii n delegation
a map) idduu v 1) to shoot (with bow and ar-
ibsuu v 1).to light, light up, illuminate, row or a gun) 2) to sting (of bees)
blaze 2) to explain, describe; de- 3) to card (of cotton)
fine idduu v to sting
icciteessuu v to keep secret idilee n regular
iccitii nl a secret, clandestine; confi- idolojii n (Eur) same as baruyaa
dential; mysterious ifa n light (of the sun, moon etc.)
iccitii cimtuu top-secret, confi- ifa biiftuu sunlight, sunshine
dential ifa dungoo candle-light
iccitiidhaan secretly, confiden- ifa ji'aa moonlight, moonshine
tially ifa kennaa radiant
iccittuu amt confidant ifa urjii star-light
iccitummaa n secrecy, mystery ifa waggaa light year
ichima n fire sticks ifatti openly, in public, publicly
ichimmee n matches ifaa a 1) clear, evident, apparent
ida'a n supplement 2) shining 3) bright, light (of colour)
ifaajee - ijoollee eegduu 154

ifaajee n effort ijaarroo n architecture

ifaatee n potato ijaarroo ammayyaa modern ar-
ifaatii n reprimand chitecture
ifachuu v to reprimand ijaarroo araadaa tenement
ifaduu en daylight, sunlight, sunshine ijaarroo doonil naval architecture
ifasuduudaa en laser ijaarsa n 1) building, construction,
ifasuduudatiin baqaqfama laser masonry 2) formation, structure,
surgery organism 3) organisation
ifee n 1) light 2) diamond 4) anabolism
ifoo a official ijaarsa dinagdee economic con-
ifoo hin-taanee unofficial struction
iftina n 1) clarity 2) brightness ijaarsa fakkaattii characterisation
3) illumination ijaarsa jechayyaa word formation
iftinguutuu en panorama ijaarsa manaa house-building,
ifuu v 1) to shine 2) to lighten 3) to be housing
clear (of explanation) ijaarsa qaama namaa formation
iggitii n stop of the human body
iggittoo n wind break ijaarsa qaamaa formation of the
iggituu v to stop body, physical structure; phy-
ija n 1) eye, sight 2) fruit 3) products sique
ija baasuu to be angry; be ex- ijaarsisaa/ -ftuu nm/f building-con-
cited, be furious structor
ija bunaa coffee beans ljaarsoo n anabolism
ija dubbii content (subject mat- ijaartuu nmf 1) builder, constructor
ter), crux of the matter 2) organiser
ija goraa raspberry fruit ijaartuu doonii ship builder
ija harmaa nipple ijaaruu v 1) to build, construct 2) to
ija jabaachuu to dare, get cour- establish, organise
age, be bold ijeellaa n goggles
ija korreentii bulb ijibbaatii n exhaustion
ija laafuu to be shy ijjachiisaa n stabilisation
ija lilmoo eye of needle ijjachuu v 1) to step, tread 2) to stand
ija mukaa fruit (of trees) ijjannaa n 1) treading 2) standing
ija tokkee simple eye ljjannoo n 1) steps, stairs 2) stand
ija xaafii minute (tiny) ijjannoo kattaa rock step
ija-baasaa/ -ftuu excited; angry ijjannoo sagantaa programme
person step (Comp)
ija-dhabeessa/ -ttii fanatic ijjata n 1) stairs, steps 2) scale
ija-dhabeessummaa fanaticism ijjata daaltii dancing-steps
ija-jabeessa/ -ttii bold, daring ijjata dadacha'aa helical stairs
ija-jabummaa boldness, courage ijjata maramaa escalator
ija-laafessa/ -ttii shy ijjataa 1) stable 2) perpendicular
ija-laafina shyness ijjattoo n 1) stirrup 2) pedal
ijaa n feud, vendetta ijoo n 1) juncture 2) knob 3) major,
ijaajJituu n stationary (of plants) main
ijaaraa a constructive ijoo dubbii editorial
ijaaramaa a constructive ijoo jechaa main point
ijaarrannaa n act of building ijoo lafaa equator
ijaarrll n building, construction ijoo miilaa ankle
ljaarrll warshaa industrialised ijoollee n 1) children 2) child
building ijoollee ee duu baby-sitter
155 ijoollee mana barumsaa - ilma-namummaa

ijoollee mana barumsaa school llboruu Fagoo Far East

children llboruu Jiddugalee Middle East
ijoollummaa n childhood ilgalchuu en/ a (ila + galchuu) west;
ijoollummaa boodaa late child- western
hood, adolescence ililcha n rejoice; ululation
ijoollummaa diiramaa early ilillii n flower
childhood ilillii daggalaa wild flower
ijoollummaa jiddugaleessa ilillii dhaltuu pistillate flower
middle childhood, youngster ilillii kaasuu bunch of flowers
ijoollummaan ulfaawuu teenage ilka n tusk, ivory
pregnancy ilkaan n 1) tooth 2) bird's beak, bill
ijoyaadaa en outline (drawing) 3) tooth (of sickle, saw etc.)
ijoyyaa n theme ilkaan aannanee milk teeth, de-
ilaada n mouse, mice cidous teeth
ilaaflamee en (ilaa + fii + ilaamee) ilkaan arbaa tusk, ivory
democracy ilkaan baasuu to teethe
ilaala n view, prospect ilkaan beeree maize with a few
ilaalcha n 1) opinion, remark seeds
2) views, outlook; vision 3) consid- ilkaan bulaa permanent teeth
eration ilkaan fuulduree incisor teeth
ilaalcha addunyaa world outlook ilkaan gubbaa upper-teeth
ilaalcha sammuu conscience ilkaan jalaa lower-teeth
ilaalcha yaadaa imagination ilkaan namnuumee artificial
ilaalchisiisa n visualisation teeth, false teeth
ilaalchisuu v 1) to show, display ilkaan qarriffaa canine teeth
2) demonstrate, exhibit ilkaan-dhabeessa toothless
ilaallachuu v 1) to take care 2) to ilkata n saw
court ilkee n sting (of bees)
ilaallannaa n courting ilkobitaa en left-hand thread (EM)
ilaalloo n attention ilkoo n 1) tooth of sickle, saw etc.
ilaaltii n inspection 2) gear
ilaaltuu nmf 1) overseer; observer ilkoo amartii ring gear
2) eye piece ilkoo daddabarsaa transmission
ilaaluu v 1) to look, see, observe gear
2) to regard, notice, consider, be- ilkoo golollee sprocket
hold 3) to look out for 4) to check, ilkoo jidduu sun gear
test, inspect 5) to taste (of food, ilkoo yeroo timing gears
drink) ilkooma n gearing
ilallaa n gun sight illee n temple (of forehead)
ilansoo n maternity-leave ilma n son
ilbiisa n/ a 1) rubbish, trash; waste, ilma akaakayyuu grandson,
garbage, refuse, dirt 2) riffraff, grandchild
simpleton, worthless, useless ilma eessumaa cousin
ilbiisartuu enmf dustman, sandman ilma guddifachaa adopted son
ilbiisawaa a dirty, rubbishy ilma kurkuraa toddler boy
ilbiisee n insect ilma-namaa 1) mankind, human
ilbiisee barriftuu flying insect being, human race 2) the Son of
ilbiiseen fidduu insect borne Man
ilboruu en/ a (ila + boru) 1) east; ilma-namummaa human nature,
eastern 2) Orient humanity
llboruu Dhiyoo Near East
ilma-wasiilaa - injifataa 156

ilma-wasiilaa son of one's fa- imaammata mootummaa gov-

ther's brother ernment policy
ilmaan npl 1) sons, children 2) pupa imaammata nagaa peace policy
(of bees), offspring imaammata sabaa national pol-
ilmaan akaakayyuu 1) grand- icy
children 2) persons whose grand- imaammata seedannoo com-
fathers are brothers mercial policy, trade policy
ilmaan eessummanii children of imaammata xinsoorataa nutri-
one's mother's brother or sister tional policy
ilmaan waaggaa joist imala n 1) travelling, tour 2) tourism
ilmaan wasiillanii children of imaltoo n tourism
one's fathers's brother imaltummaa n tourism
ii moo n 1) child, offspring 2) young of imaltuu nmf 1) traveller, visitor
animals 2) tourist
ilmoo adurree kit imaltuu biyya keessaa local
ilmoo arbaa young elephant tourist
ilmoo fardaa foal (young horse) imaltuu biyyalaa foreign tourist
ilmoo gafarsaa young buffalo immaanyii n 1) assessor 2) witness
ilmoo harree colt (young ass) impaayara n (Eng) empire
ilmoo hoolaa lamb imperaalistii n (Eng) same as isti-
ilmoo leencha cub maara
ilmoo namaa mankind, human inaajjii n mood
being, human race inaba n grape
ilmoo qeerransaa young leopard indaanqoo n chicken; fowl; poultry
ilmoo raachaa tadpole indaanqoo dhaltuu hen
ilmoo re'ee kid indaanqoo Faranjii turkey
ilmoolee n lamb indirinyaa n clarinet
ilmoolee kanniisaa pupa (young indootiyyaa n maternal aunt
bee) industireeffannoo n industrialisation
iloo n protuberance industireessaa/ -ituu nm/f industri-
iloo karaa small path on the side alist
of the main road industirii n (Eur) industry
iloo moocii feeder road industirii bu'uraa basic industry
imaammata n policy industirii biyya keessaa domes-
imaammata biyya-keessaa tic industry
home policy industirii duraasaa main industry
imaammata biyyalaa foreign industirii geldii heavy industry
policy industirii hafallii light industry
imaammata dimshaashaa gen- industirii jalqabbee primary in-
eral policy dustry
imaammata dinagdee economic industirii naannoo local industry
policy industirii xixiqqaa cottage indus-
imaammata gamtaa social policy try
imaammata garee party policy industirittii n small industry
imaammata maallaqaa monetary industiroomsuu v to industrialise
policy injifachuu v to be victorious, defeat,
imaammata maallqaa fi finaansii win
monetary and financial policy injifannoo n victory, triumph
imaammata maatii family policy, injifataa/ -tuu nm/f winner, victor,
family welfare policy victorious person
157 injiraan - irrabutaa

injiraan n louse, lice park

injiraan dhagnaa body louse irgee bishaanii catchment area
injiraan mataa head louse irgee dhuma fiigichaa winning-
injiraan saphii pubic louse spot
injiraan uffataa clothes louse irgee eegumsa shimbirroo bird
injirree n scandal sanctuary
inqaaquu n egg with its shell irgee hubannaa observatory
insilaalee n anise; aniseed irgee ijaarsaa building site, con-
intala n 1) daughter 2) girl struction site
intala akaakayyuu granddaugh- irgee ispoortii playing-field,
ter, grandchild sports-ground
intala guddifachaa adopted irgee ittisaa defensive position
daughter (Mil)
intala kurkurtuu a toddler girl irgee mana taa'umsaa residen-
intalashee en doll tial quarter, residential area
intifaadaa n (Ar) intifada irgee qorannoo research station,
iqaama n certificate laboratory
iqraarrii n foreshadow irgee tarsimoo strategic area
irba n stirring, twirling irgoo n capital investment
irbaa n stirring-stick, twirling-stick irkatillaa n asylum
irbaana n command irkatillaa badadduu asylum
irbaana fuulaa menu command seeker
(Comp) irkatummaa n dependence
irbaanuu v to command irkobarroo en book end
irbaata n supper, evening meal irkootii n tray (of coffee)
irbaata ibiddaa moth irkootii shaayii tea-tray
irbaata tiksee shepherd's irra prep 1) above, over 2) on
evening meal irra-deddeebisa walaloo allitera-
irbiyyee en (irra + biyyee) solum tion
(Agr) irra-deebi'aa/ -tuu repeater, re-
irboo n one-fourth (used for grain), viser; reviewer
share irra-deebi'ama revision, review
irbuu v to stir, stir up, twirl irra-deebi'uu to do again, say
irdii n saffron again; repeat, review, revise
irdubbannoo en negotiation irra-jira greater than
irfuudha en bigamy irra-jira ykn qixxa greater than or
irga n gum (of teeth) equal to
irgee n 1) place, space, site 2) area irra-xinnaa less than
irgee adamoo hunting-ground; irraa prep 1) from 2) off 3) minus
preserve irraa bawuu to miscarry, abort
irgee awwaalaa burial-ground, irraa gadi less than
cemetery irraa-baatii abortion, miscarriage
irgee bashanantii park (for public irraa-fuudhaa subtractor (EM)
recreation), a place for public rec- irraa-fuudhamaa subtrahend
reation irraa-fuudhuu to subtract
irgee bashanantii daddhab- irraa'olee en uphill
dootaa recreation center for the irraaddoo en alternative, choice
disabled irraafaa ca immune
irgee bashanantii ijoollee chil- irraafummaa n immunity
dren's recreation center irraagadee en slope, downhill
irgee bashanantii sabaa national irrabutaa en cluster of consonants
irrabuusa - itte-qoppheessii 158

irrabuusa en upper layer, top layer istaadiyooma n (Eur) stadium

irracewuu cv to miss; fail to do istaatistika n (Eng) statistics
irradeebii en repetition, revision, re- istaatistika ibsinaa descriptive
viewing statistics
irrajirreessa en majority isteensila n (Eng) stencil
irrakeessa ca superficial isteeriyoo n (Eur) stereo
irralkee en crown (of teeth) istimaara n (Ar) 1) imperialist 2) ex-
irranaa en hierarchy ploiter
irranaa gamtaa social hierarchy istimaarummaa n imperialism
irranaa jaarmayaa organisational lswiis n Swiss
hierarchy itichaa n coagulator
irrantaa n maximum itichuu v to curd, curdle
irrantaa hoo'iyyaa guyyaa daily itillee n tanned hide used as bed
maximum temperature sheet
irrantaa hoo'iyyaa waggaa itita n clot, gel, coagulation
yearly maximum temperature itita dhiigaa blood clotting,
irranummaa n hierarchism thrombosis
irratti barreessuu cv to overwrite itittuu n coagulated milk, yoghurt,
irrayyee n numerator sour milk
irree n 1) upper arm 2) muscle; tri- itituu v to be coagulated
ceps ittaanaa/ -tuu nmlf vice, deputy
irreessa n officer (military) ittaanaa abboomaa deputy
irreessa galaanaa commodore commander
irreessa godinaa brigadier gen- ittaanaa barreessaa deputy
eral secretary
irreessa kudhanii corporal ittaanaa durataa'aa vice-
irreessa kumaa major (military chairman, vice-president
officer) ittaanaa hayyuu moodii vice-
irreessa shantmaa sergeant chairman of a burial society
irreessa waraanaa warlord ittaanaa ministeeraa deputy
irroo n eve of a wedding day Minister
irroommii n promotion ittaanaa ministeera olaanaa
irrootaa n altitude Vice Prime Minister
irsaasii n (Ar) 1) lead (of metal) ittakeekuu cv to aim at (e.g. a gun)
2) pencil ittansiisaa n tenesmus (Med)
irsaasoo n graphite ittee n sauce, stew
iskiribtoo n (It) ball-point pen ittee daangulee stew of peas
iskiriptoo (It) pen (for writing) ittee dinnichaa stew of potatoes
ispaagetii n (It) spaghetti ittee foonii stew made of mutton,
ispoortessaa/ -ituu nmlf sportsman, beef or pork
sportswoman, athlete ittee lukkuu stew made of
ispoortessuu v to sport, to exhibit chicken
sport ittee mishiraa stew made of lentil
ispoortii n (Eng) sport ittee qoppheessuu to prepare
ispoortii aadaa traditional sport stew or sauce, to stew
ispoortii bishaanii aquatic sports ittee raafuu stew made with cab-
ispoortii mana barumsaa school bages
sport itte-qoppheessituu one who
ispoortuu nmf sportsman, sports- prepares stew or sauce
woman, athlete itte-qoppheessii preparation of
isportummaa n sportsmanship stew
159 itti - iyyaala

itti prep a prefix which expresses va- ittisa burgeessaa civil defence
rieties of meanings, e.g. to ittisa gamtaa social defence
itti beekuu to be accustomed, to ittisa gatii price control
be used to ittisa madanaa radiation shield
itti cimsa emphasis; stress ittisa nagaa advocate of peace
itti cimsuu to emphasise; stress ittisa qilleensaa air-raid shelter
itti duuluu to raid; conquer ittisa uummataa people's de-
itti fufa it will continue fence
itti fafaa continuing; next in a se- ittisa walitti bu'iitii buffer
ries ittisaa/ -ftuu nmlf defender, protector
itti fufaatii appendix, supplement ittisaa bakakkaa lightening ar-
itti fufuu to continue (to) rester
itti furrisuu to rocket, bomb with ittisaa bubbee wind-break, shel-
rockets ter-belt
itti gaafatama responsibility, ac- ittisaa gatii price controller
countability ittisa-maleessa defenceless
itti gaafatamaa/ -tuu account- ittiftuu biirusaa virus protector
able, responsible person ittisoo n levee (embankment)
itti gaafatamaa dubartii women's ittisoowwaa en (ittisoo + hoowwaa)
representative insulator
itti gaafatamuu to be responsible ittisuu v to prevent, hinder; defend,
itti jabeessii stress (importance) protect, shield
itti jabeessuu to stress, empha- ittisuuqama en insertion
sise ittisuuqama korreentii outlet
itti yaaduu to think about, think (electric)
of; think over ittisuuquu cv to insert, plug in
itti-duula conquest, raid ittiyaatuu en tributary (of a river)
itti-duula qilleensaa air raid ittoo n home made Oromo cheese
itti-duultuu invader, conqueror iyoodina n (Eur) iodine
itticitaa ca fanatic iyoodinessa n iodisation
itticitummaa n fanaticism iyoona n (Eur) ion
ittidabaltii en plus iyoona mirree ion-pair
ittifannoo n self-defence iyoonessa n ionisation
ittifataa/ -tuu nmlf self-defender, self- iyoonessuu v to ionise
protector iyya n alarming cry
ittiftoota np/ backfield (sport) iyya ariitii SOS
ittifufama en continuity iyya indaanqoo early morning
ittifufamaa ca continuous when the cock crows
ittifufiisa en continuation iyya namaa human cry for urgent
ittigala en objective (goal) help or entreaty
ittimaa/ -tuu cnm/f informant iyyaa n cheetah (Zoo)
ittinyaata en sauce, stew iyyaafachuu v 1) to inquire 2) to scan
ittirkannoo en dependence iyyaafannoo n 1) assessment, inves-
ittirkannoo gamtaa social para- tigation, inquiry 2) scan
sitism iyyaafannoo horannaa industrial
ittisa n defence, protection, safe- requirement, business require-
guard; prevention ment
ittisa bishaanii dam iyyaafata n demand
ittisa biyyaa national defence iyyaafattuu n scanner
ittisa daadaa flood regulation iyyaala n hooligan, scoundrel
ittisa dawumsaa birth control
iyyaalummaa - jabeessituu 160

iyyaalummaa n hooliganism, scoun- ganisation

drelism jaarmaya bulmaataa administra-
iyyaangaloo en a kind of ceremonial tive organisation
song jaarmaya gamtaa social organi-
iyyaasuu n rose sation
iyyannoo n appeal, application jaarmaya taliigaa political or-
iyyata n complaint ganisation
iyyataa/ -tuu nmlf appellant jaarmaya uummataa mass or-
iyyuu v 1) to cry for help 2) to shout, ganisation
yell 3) to crow jaarmaya walaabaa democratic
jaarmaya waldoo community or-
-J- jaarsa n 1) old man 2) husband
3) arbitrator
Ja'ee n Pleiades jaarsa araaraa mediator, arbitra-
jaagee n dwarf tor, conciliator
jaagummaa n dwarfishness jaarsa argaa dhageettii chroni-
jaajura n brick, tile cler
jaakketa n (Eng) jacket jaarsa biyyaa council of elders,
jaala n 1) ritual father 2) friend elders of the country, elders of
jaalachuu v to love; like; desire the community
jaalala n love, affection; will jaarsummaa n arbitration, mediation
jaalala biyyaa patriotism jaatanaa/ -ee nm/f architect
jaalala jaldeessaa superficial jaatanii n 1) communal work of house
love, not real love building 2) architecture
jaalallee a darling, sweetheart, honey jaawaa n heron
jaalaluu n girl or boy friend jaaz n (Eng) jazz
jaalataa/ -tuu nmlf lover, affectionate jabaa/ -duu am/f 1) strong, powerful
jaalatamaa/ -tuu am/f 1) loved, dear 2) firm, tight 3) industrious, active
2) popular 4) acute, serious 5) important, fa-
jaalatamummaa n popularity, desir- mous
ability jabajjii n hardware
jaallee nmf comrade, compatriot jabanaa n (Ar) coffee pot, jug
jaamaa al nmf 1) blind 2) a colony of jabanaa bunaa coffee pot
ants jabanaa shaayii tea-kettle, teapot
jaamboo al n 1) very tall 2) kind of jabanaa sibiilaa iron kettle
hat 3) boatman, ferryman jabanaa suphee clay kettle
jaamina n blindness jabara n padlock
jaamina bifaa colour blind, colour jabdootee nmf adventurist; adven-
blindness turer
jaamina halkanii night blindness jabdootummaa n adventurism
jaanjawa n confusion jabduu n 1) act of bravery, act of
jaanjessuu v to confuse heroism 2) adventure
jaanjoftuu amt confused jabee a intensive
jaanjoo nmf confused person jabeenya n strength, endurance; in-
jaannama n (Ar) same as qiliitee tensity
jaarmaya n organisation, institution, jabeenya wanneetaa strength of
enterprise material
jaarmaya arjummaa charity or- jabeessituu n fastener
161 jabeessuu - jalqabbeedhaan

jabeessuu v 1) to make firm, make jaldoo n rainy clouds

tight 2) to strengthen 3) to encour- jaldunamaa en ape-man
age 4) to intensify (rain) jalee a vassal
jabina n toughness, hardness jalgaaraa en piedmont
jabina waaraa permanent hard- jallaa al n 1) crooked 2) penis (of
ness horse and donkey)
jabloo n pedlar jallaaba n leader of a community,
jagna a brave, courageous, valiant petty chief
jagna hamaa a great hero jallachuu v to become bent, become
jagna hamtuu a great heroine crooked
jagnooyyee amt hero, heroine (in jallammeessa/ -ttii nmlt trouble-
films or theatre) maker
jagnummaa n bravery, heroism jallifamaa a irrigable
jajalloo a zigzag jallina n crookedness
jajii n strips of meat jallisaa n 1) irrigation 2) irrigation
jajiitii n pancreas channel
jajjabee a solid (opp. of liquid) jallisaa ujummee drip irrigation
jajjabeenya n 1) solid state; solidity jallisuu v 1) to bend, curve 2) to irri-
2) encouragement gate
jajjabeessaa a encouraging jalliyaan n tributary (of a river)
jajjabeessuu v to encourage jalloo a mischievous, rude
jajjabii n commando jaloo n denominator
jala prep under, below jaloo wajjummaa common de-
jala dachee bottom of the earth nominator
jala harriiqa underlined jaloo wajjummaa gadaantii low-
jala harriquu to underline est common denominator
jalaa bawuu to escape jaloo wajjummaa jalqabaa least
jalaa-baatee second-hand common denominator
clothes jaloommii n demotion
jalabultii en eve jalqaba en 1) beginning, start 2) first,
jalabultii bara haaraa New primary 3) front 4) origin, source;
Year's Eve rudiments
jalabultii gaayilaa the eve of jalqaba barumsaa elementary
one's own wedding knowledge, primary knowledge
jalabuusa en bottom layer jalqaba qubee initial letter
jalabuusaa en substratum jalqaba waggaa turn of the year
jalabuusaa maansaa sand-bed jalqaba walaloo strophe
jalakaachuu cv to follow a person jalqabaa hamma dhumaatti from
without his own will, be a puppet the beginning to the end
jalakaattuu amt puppet, stooge, jalqabatti initially, originally, at
marionette first, in the beginning
jalakaattuu biyyalaa a puppet of jalqabaa/ -duu nmlt beginner, ap-
a foreign country or power prentice
jalakaattuu istimaaraa an impe- jalqabama n beginning, start
rialist puppet jalqabbee a primary
jalayyee n decomposer (Math) jalqabbee bifaa primary colour
jalbutamuu cv to be underlined jalqabbee leecalloo dinagdee
jalbuusa en underlining primary economic resource
jalbuusuu cv to underline jalqabbee sagalee dubbii pri-
jaldeessa n baboon, monkey mary vowel sounds
jaldhufa ca subordinate (Gram) jalqabbeedhaan primarily
jalqabbii - jeettii bojaa 162

jalqabbii en beginning jecha icitii watchword; code (of

jalqabboo nl a initial secret)
jalqabgoosii en infinitive jecha naannoo indirect speech
jalqabsiiftuu n starter jecha sirrii direct speech, quota-
jalqabuu cv to begin, start, com- tion
mence; set about jechabsoo en (jecha + lbsa) glos-
Jalsammuu en cerebellum sary
jaltii n copy jechaddaa en direct speech
jaltuu n combatant without firearms jechama n figurative speech
jamalii n penis (of children) jechayyaa n word, vocabulary
jambalii n the first stage of new moon Jechayyaa alagaa foreign word
up to four days jechayyaa angafa headword
jamboora n board (piece of sawn jechayyaa bu'uraa basic vocabu-
timber) lary
jamboora beeksisaa signboard jechayyaa bussoo conceptual
jamboora bilbiltoo switchboard term
jalaa bawuu to escape jechayyaa duroo entry (of a
jamboora dhaadhessii billboard dictionary)
jamboora dhugaa true table jechayyaa haaraa neologism
jamboora gurraacha blackboard jechayyaa liqeeffannoo loan-
jamboora sararree drawing- word
board jechayyaa mirroo compound
jamboorrii n chopping board word
Jamurlyaa n (Ar) republic jechayyaa ogummaa technical
jamuriyaa atoomaa federal re- term
public jechayyaa seeraa law-term
Jamuriyaa Atooma Jarmanii (word)
Federal Republic of Germany jechuu 1) to say, tell 2) to name,
jamuriyaa ilaflaamee democratic call 3) to mean, speak
republic jedhiisa n art of saying
Jamuriyaa uummataa people's jedhiisa sagalee pronunciation
republic jeedala n fox
Jamuriyaa Uummata Chaayinaa jeedala fardaa Saale fox
People's Republic of China jeedala deemaa red fox
jannata n (Ar) paradise jeejee n famine, starvation
jannata dacheerraa earthly jeema n orbit (of planet, comet etc.)
paradise jeemuu n a song after a victory, a
jannata waaqaa heavenly para- song after killing a wild animal
dise such as lion or elephant
jargee a innocent jeeqama n crisis, disorder
jargifa a/ n literal (of original words) jeeqama eenyummaa identity
Jargii n normal price crisis
jargummaa n innocence jeeqama horataa crisis of pro-
jarjarree a hectic duction
jawwarrii n confusion jeequu v 1) to upset 2) to put in dis-
Jawwaruu v to confuse order
jawwee n python jeessoo n (It) gypsum, plaster of
jawwuda n dragon Paris
jecha n 1) saying; expression 2) word jeettii n (Eng) jet (plane)
jecha beekamaa definite article jeettii bojaa jumbo jet
jecha diigaa antonym
163 jeneraala - jiiftuu

jeneraala n (Eng) general jiddugalee hoo'iyyaa guyyaa

jeneraala bantii field-marshal mean daily temperature
jeneraala jiddoo major-general jiddugalee hoo'iyyaa ji'aa mean
jeneraala oloo lieutenant-general monthly temperature
jeneraala waraana lafaa general jiddugalee hoo'iyyaa waggaa
of the army mean annual temperature
jeneraala waraana qilleensaa jiddugaleessa nl a 1) average; me-
general of the air force dium, intermediate 2) neutral
jeneraala torobbii general of the jiddugaleessa yeroo jireenyaa
police average life time
jennatoo n coin jiddugaleesso n junction
jennatoo hafalee light coin jiddusammuu en midbrain
jennetoo meetii silver coin jidduu prep between
jennatoo sabbuu gold coin jidduu seenuu to interfere, inter-
jette-jettee en rumour, gossip, hear- vene
say jiddu-seenaa/ -tuu person who
ji'a n 1) moon 2) month interferes, intervenes
ji'a bonkoo menstrual period jiddu-seenummaa interference,
ji'a duraa first month of the year intervention
ji'a addeessaa lunar month jiddu-seenummaa taliigaa politi-
ji'a baajataa fiscal month cal interference
ji'a ja'ee semi-annual jiddu-seenummaa waraanaa
ji'a sobee mock moon military intervention
ji'alamee ca bimonthly jidduyyaa n junior secondary school
ji'asadee ca quarterly jifa n assignment
ji'oo n mantle of cloth or lion skin jifaa/ -tuu nmlf assignor
worn by warriors jifaara n decoration, adornment; or-
jibba a hatred nament
jibba Yahudii anti-Semitic jifaaraa/ -tuu nmlf 1) one who beau-
jibbaa n prayer rug or mat tifies something, decorator 2) artist
jibbaftinaa en photophobia jifaaramaa a decorative
jibballaa n prejudice jifaarroo n vermiculation
jibbamaa/ -tuu amlf unpopular jifaaruu v to decorate, adorn; beautify
jibbansa n bias; antipathy jifamaa a assignable
jibbinsa alagaa xenophobia jifuu1 v to assign
jibbituu nmf one with morbid dislike jifuu2 n custom (tradition)
of somebody jigsaa/ -ituu nmlf demolisher
jibbituu alagaa xenophobe jigsii a destructive
jibbuu v to hate, abhor, detest jiguu v to fall, collapse
jibicha n 1) young bull 2) male (of jiidhaa a 1) wet; moist, damp 2) raw
cattle) (of meat)
jiddoommii n average jiidhillaa n humidity
jiddubuusa en middle layer jiidhillaa gonkaa absolute humid-
jiddugalee nl a mean; average; me- ity
dium, intermediate jiindhillaa qilleensaa humidity
jiddugalee deemichaa process jiidhillaa sadhaatawaa relative
average humidity
jiddugalee diriirtoo mean sea jiidhina n moisture, wet, dampness
level jiifata n pad
jiddugalee hoo'iyyaa mean tem- jiiftuu n wetting agent
jiila - jirmee 164

jiila n 1) bad experience 2) pro- jimlaa n (Ar) wholesale

hibition jimlaadhaan by wholesale, on a
jiiltuu nmf person who fears some- large scale; in bulk
thing from his own bad experience jimlaawuu v to be sold wholesale
jiilummaa n inhibition, prohibition jimloomsaa/ -ituu nm/f wholesaler
jiiluu v 1) to have bad experience jimmiitee n term (terminology)
2) to be forbidden, be prohibited jimnaastikii n (Eng) same as /een-
jiin n (Eur) gin jisa qaamaa
jiinsii n (Eng) jeans jinfuu n a metal ring fixed on the
jiippii n (Eng) jeep lower-tip handle of a spear
jiisaa n larva jinnii n (Ar) evil spirit, genie, demon
jiisaa kanniisaa honeycomb jiraa a alive
jiisuu v to wet; dampen, moisten jiraachuu v 1) to be alive, exist 2) to
jiita n symptom live, inhabit, reside, dwell 3) to be
jiita baakkinaa deficiency symp- available 4) to be at a place
tom jiraataa a living, alive, animate
jiitawaa/ -oftuu nm/f one who is in jiraattuu al nmf 1) living 2) inhabitant,
bad mood dweller
jiituu a fertile (of a country) jiraattuu baadiyaa dweller of the
jija n great happiness, joy country-side
jija-dhablee joyless jiraattuu magaalaa city dweller,
jija-qabeessa joyful urbanite
jijjiirama n change, transformation jirbii n cotton
jijjirama suutawaa evolution jirbii madaa cotton wool
jijjiiramaa a unstable, changeable jiree al n bio
jijjiiramummaa n instability, change- jireenya n 1) existence, living, life
ability 2) being (essence) 3) subsistence
jijjiirroo n metamorphism, metamor- 4) place of residence
phosis jireenya badhaadhaa welfare
jijjiiruu v to change, transform jireenya barabaraa eternal life,
jijjirraa nl a 1) conversion 2) alterna- eternity
tive jireenya bishaanawaa aquatic
jijjirtuu n converter life
jijjiirtota giidoo energy convert- jireenya dheeraa longevity
ers jireenya gaffaa terrestrial life
jijummaa n joyfulness jireenya gamtaa social life
jikita n crude and unrefined (of far- jireenya gulanaa afterlife
soo) jireenya hormaataa production
jila n pilgrimage life
jilaatii n (It) ice-cream jireenya leeyyoo dissolute life
jilba n knee jireenya magaalaa city life, urban
jilba lakkoofsa descent reckon- life
ing jireenya nameenyaa private life,
jildii n volume (of publications) personal life
jilla n festival, ceremony jireenya qananii luxurious life
jiltuu nmf pilgrim jirkaa n thunderstorm
jimaa n catha edulis (Bot) jirma n trunk (of a tree), stem
Jimaata n (Ar) Friday jirma gordannaa saw timber
Jimaata Fannoo Good Friday jirma lowaa creeping stem
jirmee n corm (Bot)
165 jirofii - kaametoomsuu

jirofii (jiruu + ofii) en career k. k. f. abbr (kan kana fafakkaatan)

jirofii jalgortuu a careerist etc.,(et cetera), and so on
jirraa n bet, wager, gamble ka'iinsa n 1) uprising (of people)
jirraa qabachuu to bet 2) starting point; background
jirra-qabattuu bettor ka'iinsa biyyaa a nation-wide up-
jirroo n corner rising
jiruu n 1) work, labour 2) profession ka'iinsa sabaa national uprising
jiruu dhokataa abstract labour ka'iinsa uummataa popular up-
jiruu muldhataa concrete labour rising, people's uprising
jiruu ogeeffamaa skilled labour ka'iinsa waraanaa declaration of
jiruu waraanaa state of war war
jogola n gigantism, macrosomia ka'umsa n 1) cause 2) outbreak
(Med) ka'uu v 1) to stand up, get up 2) to
jogolloo n bunker (Mil), concrete, rise, wake up 3) to rise up (of
shelter, pillbox (Mil) popular movement) 4) to start (a
jogolloo ittisa qilleensaa air-raid car, of fire) 5) to break out (of
shelter fighting, war) 6) to leave (of train,
jograafii n (Eng) same as barmo- bus)
dachee kaaba nl a north; northern
jogummee en (jechayyaa + ogum- kaaba bahaa north-east
maa) terminology kaaba dhugaa true north
jomeetirii n (Eng) geometry kaaba lixaa north-west
jomeetirii baa'ifamaa geometric kaaba maagineetaa magnetic
progression north
jomeetira mulullee spherical ge- kaabaa a northern
ometry Kaabacabbii en Arctic
jomeetirii xiyyee vector geome- kaabbaa1 n graveyard, cemetery
try kaabbaa2 n (It) mantel, cape, cloak
jomeetirii walgaafaa geometric kaabboo n (It) foreman
series kaabinee n (Eur) cabinet (political)
jomoo n large tin can kaadhimaa n 1) fiance 2) fiancee
jomora n jewel, jewellery kaadhimamaa/ -tuu nmlf candidate
jomora sabbuu gold jewellery kaadilaakii n Cadillac
jomortuu nmf jeweller kaafeteeriyaa n (It) cafeteria
joobbitoo n stirring rod kaaftuu n protractor; televisor
joobira n vulture kaaftuu fakkoo photographer
jooniyyaa n (Ar) sack kaaftuu filmii film-maker
jooniyyaa laastikii plastic sack kaakii n (Ar) khaki
joonjee amt confused kaakkiftuu n pullet
joonjii n anaemia (Med) kaalloo n magma
joonjii n bizarre, confusion kaalsii n (It) same as miilee
jorroo n peacock kaalsiyama n (Eur) calcium
jumoo al n normal kaama n craft, profession
jumooma n normality kaameraa n (Eng) same as fak-
juudoo n (Eng) judo kaaftuu
kaamertuu nmf camera man, camera
kaametoomsaa/ -ituu nm/f teacher
-K- of home economics
kaametoomsuu v to train persons in
home economics
kaamettii - kadhannaa 166

kaamettii n 1) skilled woman (of kaatikaalaa n home-made arrack

house-keeping), an industrious kaawoo n 1) bright future 2) justice
woman 2) one who studies home kaawoo gamtaa social justice
economics kaawuyyaa n (Ar) iron (for clothes)
kaametummaa n home manage- kaawuyyeessuu v to iron (clothes)
ment, home economics, domestic kaawwatii n investment
science kaawwattii bu'aa hin-qabnee
kaandellaa n (It) spark plug unprofitable investment
kaardii n (Eng) card; postcard kaayagattaa en waste disposal
kaardii agarsootee compass Kaayiroo n Cairo
card kaayoo n principle
kaardii afeerraa invitation card kaayoo hojii giidoo work-energy
kaardii beellamaa visiting card principle
kaardii bilbiltoo phone-card kaayyoo qoqqobbii exclusion
kaardii diimaa red card principle
kaardii ergaa postcard kaayyafa en (kaayya + fakkoo) al-
kaardii keelluu yellow card bum
kaardii liqaa credit card kaayyata n article, paragraph (of law)
kaardii xalayaa letter-card kaayyata xinnaa sub-article
kaardii yeroo time-card kabaja n respect, honour
kaaree a (Eur) square (of measure- kabajaa fi ulfina honour and
ment) dignity
kaarnii n (Eur) receipt (of land tax) kabajamaa/ -tuu am/f respectable
kaarora n hilt kabajamoo/ kabajamtootal Ladies
kaarora billaa handle of a knife and gentlemen!
kaarora eeboo hilt of a spear kabajuu v 1) to celebrate 2) respect,
kaarora shootalaa hilt of sword honour
kaarota n (Eur) same as miccee kabata n cupboard
kaarra n mountain pass kabattee n sideboard
kaarroo n fern kabeebsa n cover
kaartaa n (It) 1) map, chart 2) playing kabeebsa gubbee design cover
cards kabeebsa barroo cover (of
kaartaa qawwee cartridge books)
kaartaa taphaa playing card kabeelaa a club-footed, flatfoot
kaartela n (Eur) cartel kabsachiisa n rehabilitation
kaartonii n (Eur) cardboard kabsachiisuu v to rehabilitate
kaasaa n brake kachoo n bamboo mat
kaasaa harkaa handbrake kadeeda n draft, sketch, outline
kaasaa hatattamaa emergency kadeeddoo n design, plot
brake kadeeddoo naamunaa sample
kaasaa motoraa motor starter design
kaasaa qabuu to brake kadeeddoo qawwisaa survey
kaasaa qilleensaa airbrake design
kaasaa qilleensa-dhablee kadeeddoo yaalii experiment
vacuum brake design
kaasaa yaattuu hydraulic brake kadeeduu v to draft, sketch
kaaseta n (It) same as hajalaa kadhaa n 1) begging 2) prayer, wor-
kaasuu v 1) to raise, lift up 2) to wake ship
3) to move (table) 4) to clear away kadhachuu v 1) to beg, appeal 2) to
(dishes) 5) to mention name 6) to pray 3) to ask in marriage
take a picture kadhannaa n pray, worship
167 kadhataa - kan kana fafakkaatan

kadhataa/ -tuu nmlf beggar kaleeffama n home range

kafeenii n (Eur) caffeine kalettii n nephron (Med)
kajeelaa/ -tuu nmlf importunate per- kallaa n looking for food and drink
son kallacha n 1) forehead 2) direction
kakaa n oath 3) phallic like symbol worn on the
kakaaftuu n stimulus forehead by men during ritual
kakaasa n 1) activation 2) incitement ceremony
kakaasuu v 1) to activate, stimulate kallachoo n forerunner
2) to incite kallattii n 1) direction 2) facing oppo-
kakachuu v to swear; vow, take an site
oath kallattii bishaanii waterfront
kakannaa n swearing; vowing, taking kallattoo n aspect
an oath kalluuna n fish
kakataa/ -tuu nmlf person who takes kaloo n green grass pasture; grazing
an oath, swearer land, range land, ranch
kakatee n coconut kaloo dabaree rotational pasture
kakawwee n thunder kaloo namnuumee tame pasture
kakkaaftuu nmf agitator, arouser kaloo waaraa permanent pasture
kakkaasa n agitation kaloo walee communal pasture
kakkaasaa n starter; stirrer kaloo yeroo temporary pasture
kakkaasuu v to agitate kalorii n (Eur) same as hoo'illaa
kakuu n 1) swearing; vow; oath kalqa n creation, nature
2) testament kalqaa n creator
kakuu haaraa New Testament kalquu n to create
kakuu moofaa Old Testament kaltokkee en linear
kakuu qondaalomaa oath of an kaluu n (Eng) calculus
officer kaluu addummaa differential cal-
kalaalaa n eyeglasses, spectacles culus
kalaalaa aduu sun glasses kaluu tarii calculus of probability
kalaalaa agartii optical glass kaluu wajjummaa integral calcu-
kalaalaa badhee field glasses lus
kalaalaa eeggii safety goggles Kamisa n (Ar) Thursday
kalaalaa halaalaa binoculars Kamisa faasigaa Maundy Thurs-
kalaalaa hojii goggles day
kalaankala n fried meat cut kan part/ pron whose
kalabsuu n strabismus (cross eye) kan afaanii oral
kaldhee n 1) a tanned skin (of sheep, kan barumsaa academic
goat, leopard), pelt 2) garment kan biyya keessaa domestic, lo-
made of tanned skin of sheep or cal
goat for children 3) tanned sheep kan dubbii dachaa idiomatic
or goat skin used as pack saddle kan bu'uraa original
4) tanned sheep or goat skin used kan diroo hereditary
for seating 5) rare animal skin kan dhimmi laaluuf to whom it
such as leopard's, deer's for wall may concern
decoration kan dhugaa authentic
kaldhee kooraa saddle pack kan garbaa aquatic
kaldhee qeerransaa tanned kan hafuuraa respiratory
leopard skin worn by heroes kan jedhamu presumed, the so-
kalee n kidney called
kalee bitaa left kidney kan kana fafakkaatan and so on;
kalee mirgaa right kidney extra
kan maqaa dhoksaa - karlamee 168

kan maqaa dhoksaa anonymous karaa harame beaten track,

kan qubaan lakkaawamu hand- beaten path
ful karaa hariinsa street-cleaning
kan seensaa introductory karaa hunda all round
kan tajaajile used, second hand karaa jajallaa a zigzag road
kan uumamaa natural, inborn, karaa konkolaataa highway, mo-
inherent tor road
kan uumame creature karaa lafjalaa underpass, subway
kan uume creator; inventor karaa lammee secondary road
kan uummataa public, secular karaa miilaa 1) footpath, path,
kan waggaa annual track 2) sidewalk
kan walaloo poetic, poetical karaa qaxxaamuraa crossroads
kan warbiyyaa aboriginal karaa qaxxaamura miilaa pedes-
kan yeroo haphazard (thing), trian crossing
transitory karaa qajeelaa a straight road
kanaduu ca solar karaa usherrii cleared and
kanateeraa n (It) same as qaamee graded country road (but un-
kandii n purse; wallet paved)
kandurii ca archaic Karaa Waraabessaa Milky Way,
kanniisa nl a 1) bee 2) brave Galaxy
kanniisa guddayyaa bubble bee kara-dabraa passer-by
kanniisa hojjattuu worker bee kara-agarsiiftuu sign post
kanniisa horsiiftuu bee keeping karaamalee ca improper, inappropri-
kanniisa kormaa drone ate
kanniisa mootuu queen bee karaatee n (Eng) karate
kantartuu n clotting karabaataa n (It) cravat, necktie
kantartuu dhiigaa blood clotting karabillee n bow-tie
kanurjii ca stellar karadeemaa/ -tuu nm/f traveller;
kaqqii n creation, invention passenger
kaquu v to create, invent karafurtuu en keyway
kaqxuu nmf creator, inventor, inven- karamaa en (karaa + hamaa) laby-
tress rinth
karaa n 1) road, avenue, way 2) route karambollaa n (It) billiards
3) journey 4) means, possibility karameellaa n (It) candy, bonbon,
5) method 6) proper caramel, sweets
karaa awwaaraa unpaved road karannee n lumps, big pieces
karaa baaburaa railway, railroad karannee shukkaaraa lumps of
karaa baasuu 1) to construct a sugar
new road 2) to demonstrate karannee soogiddaa lumps of
(show the means) salt
karaa biraa different means karattii n path, lane
karaa cabsaa back street karaxiitii n bag; quiver
karaa cufamaa barricade, road- karetaa n wheelbarrow, trailer
block, barrier karfaffuu n windy drizzle, storm with
karaa dheeraa long distance rain
karaa doonii shipping route or karkarroo n wild pig, wild boar
lane karkarroyyaa n tank (armoured vehi-
karaa duraasaa main road; mo- cle)
torway, highway karkarsaa n roast lamb
karaa haaromsuu to repair a karlamee ca two-way
169 karmataa - kattaa haadhoo

karmataa en motorway, motor road, kasaa n index

highway kasaaraa n (Ar) loss; bankruptcy
karoollaa n wagon, coach, carriage, kasaarsaa a bankrupting (business
chariot deal)
karoora n plan, scheme; draft kasaaruu v to be bankrupt
karoora afaanii language plan- kashaa n extract
ning kashalabbee n lumpenproletariat
karoora bakkaa site plan kashoo n bronchitis
karoora bunaqaa business plan kashooma n extraction
karoora bu'uraa foundation plan kashuu v to extract
karoora damiyyaa departmental kasoo a gentle, peaceful
planning katara n cardigan
karoora dinagdee economic plan Katolikii n (Eur) Catholic
karoora diriirtoo floor plan Katolikii Roomaa Roman Catho-
karoora gamtaa social planning lic
karoora hojii a working plan or katolikoomsuu v to catholicise
programme katolikummaa n Catholicism, Catho-
karoora humna namaa man- licity
power planning katoo n 1) ceremonial supplies with-
karoora maatii family planning in the gadaa-system, ritual sup-
karoora magaalaa town plan- plies 2) tax, taxation; customs
ning, urban planning duty, tariff
karoora naannoo regional plan- katoo biyya keessaa domestic
ning tax
karoora sabaa national plan, na- katoo biyyalaa customs
tional planning katoo galii income tax
karoora reeraa local planning katoo mindaa tax on wages
karoora waggaa yearly plan, katoo qabeenyaa property tax
annual plan katoo seedannoo trade tax
karoora waltajjii master-plan katoo waldoo community charge,
karoora-dhabeessa 1) un- local taxes
planned 2) un-systematic 3) aim- kato-baaftuu tax-payer
less kato-guurtuu tax collector
karoora-qabeessa 1) planned kato-maleessa duty-free, tax-free
2) systematic kato-qabeessa taxable
karooraa/ -tuu nmlf planner; de- katoomfamaa a taxable
signer katoomfannoo n taxation
karoorataa/ -tuu nmlf projector (per- katoomsisaa/ -ftuu nmlf taxing-
son) master
karooratii nla 1) projection 2) projec- katoomsituu nmf tax-collector, tax-
tive gatherer
karoorattoo n projector (apparatus) katoomsuu v to tax, collect custom
karoorfamaa a planned; intended duties
karoorree n layout katoomummaa n taxability
karooruu v to plan, lay out, project, kattaa n rock
scheme; arrange kattaa baalcii crystalline rock
karra n 1) gate, entrance of a fence kattaa bu'uraa bed rock
or kraal 2) cattle, wealth kattaa burkaanaa volcanic rock
karreegduu en porter, watchman, kattaa dhangaggaawaa acidic
door-keeper, doorman rock
karrooyyee n goalkeeper kattaa haadhoo parent rock
kattaa kemikaala jiree - kichoomuu 170

kattaa kemikaala jiree bio- keettummaa n espionage

chemical rock keeyata n segment
kattaa qabsiifamaa ignition rock keeyata tiruu liver segment
kattaa siicetaa sedimentary rock keeyifa n red soil
kattaa soogiddaa rock salt keeyiroo n partisan (adherent of
kattaawaa a rocky party, cause, etc.)
kattaawuu v to become rocky kellaa n 1) gate, entrance 2) toll sta-
kattee n cobbles tion, customs post; checkpoint
kawulaa n monastery, cloister; con- kellaa seedannoo customs post,
vent toll station
kawulaa dubartii convent, nun- kellantaa n domain
nery kemika n (It) chemistry
kawuloo n hermit kemika jirree biochemistry
keekii n (Eng) cake kemika eletrikaa electrochemis-
keelloo n yellow flower try
keelluu a yellow kimika qonnaa agricultural chem-
keelluu buulee dark yellow istry
keelluu ifaa bright yellow kemikaala n (Eur) chemical
keenyana n wall kemikaala jirree bio-chemical
keenyana sibiilaa 1) an iron wall kemituu nmf chemist
2) a very strong thing kennaa n 1) gift, present 2) talent
keenyana-maleesssa wall-less kennaa gatii quotation of price
keeroo n airhostess kennaa uumamaa natural gift,
keessa prep/ n in, inside inherent, inborn
keessa beekaa/ -tuu insider kennaa Waaqaa God's gift
keessa deebii repetition, revision kennaa wasiyyaa legacy
keessa ilkaanii pulp cavity kennammii n provision
keessa-kuta extremism kennataa a favourable (of condi-
keessa-kutttuu extremist tions), strategic
keessa-marfattoo inscribed kennii n dose
keessaa ba'aa/ tuu ultra, radical kennii qorichaa medication
keessoo nl a 1) lining of a garment kennii tokkoof per dose
2) internal, interior, core kennituu nmf donor
keesso-gadameessaa intra- kenniyyaa n talent, gift (faculty)
uterine kenniyya-dhablee untalented
keesso-gogaa intradermal (Med) kenniyya-qabeessa talented,
keesso-maashaa intramuscular gifted
keessummaa n guest, stranger, kerkerree n skeleton
visitor keshaa n mat (made of bamboo)
keessummaa biyyalaa foreign kibba n/ a south; southern
guest, foreign visitor kibba bahaa south-east, south-
keessummaa hoteelaa boarder eastern
(of a hotel) kibba lixaa south-west, south-
keessummeessaa/ -ituu nmlf western
1) host, 2) waiter, waitress kibba maagineetaa magnetic
keessummeessii n gastronomy south
keessummeessuu v to render hos- kibbaa a southern
pitality, entertain Kibbacabbii en Antarctic
keettoo n spy, secret police kibriitii n (Ar) same as ichimmee
keettoo mootummaa govern- Kibxata n Tuesday
ment secret agent kichoomuu v to be infantile
171 kichummaa - kofanii

kichummaa n 1) the state of being kitaaba n (Ar) book

bud 2) infantilism, infancy kitaaba qulqulluu Sacred Book
kichuu nl a 1) bud; bloom 2) infantile kitaabamaa a written
kiilamaa a measurable kitaabbii n article (in newspaper),
kiilograama n (Eur) kilogram writings
kiilomeetira n (Eur) kilometre kitaabbii harkaa calligraphy
kiiloo n (Eur) kilo kitaabduu nmf secretary
kiilowaatii (Eur) kilowatt kitaabee n bulletin, journal
kiiluu v to weigh, measure kitaabee ji'aa monthly journal
kiisha n (Ar) same as ukoo kitaabee ogummaa technical
kilaashii n (Rus) Kalashnikov journal, professional journal
kiliwwee n catchment, catchment kitaabee waggaa yearbook
area kitaabessaa/ -tuu nm/f writer
kilkila n hard soil kitaabuu v to write
killiyyaa n abstract (not concrete) kitila n billion
kilooba n trap (of fish), fisher-hook kitilee a/ n myriad
kiloobaa/ -duu nmlf fisherman kittima n sacrifice
kiloobummaa n fishery, fishing kittimamaa/ -tuu am/f sacrificed, de-
kiloobuu v to fish voted to
kiloriinii n (Eur) chlorine kittimummaa n sacrifice
kimboo n tin can kittimuu v to sacrifice
kiniinii n (It) aspirin, tablet, pill kiyabbee n wrench
kiniinii gurdoo contraceptive pill kiyooskii n (Eng) kiosk
kinnaara n small lamp kiyyeeffamaa a trapped, ensnared,
kiraa n (Ar) 1) rent 2) hire, lease entangled
kiraa fudhachuu 1) to rent 2) to kiyyeessaa/ -ituu nmlf trapper
hire, take on lease kiyyeessuu v to trap, ensnare, en-
kiraa guyyaa daily rent tangle
kiraa manaa house rent kiyyoo n 1) trap, snare 2) cage, net,
kiraara n (Amh) a lyre with six strings noose
kireefannaa n renting, hiring kiyyoo dambalii wave trap
kireeffachuu v 1) to rent 2) to hire, kiyyoo dubbii trap of words
take on lease kiyyoo saree sexual or heat
kireeffamaa a things or animals performance of dogs
which can be rented kobaaltii n (Eur) same as dhasasa
kireeffataa/ -tuu nm/f 1) tenant (of a kobbortaa n (It) overcoat
house) 2) lodger 3) lease holder koboobee n hard soil
kireema n (Eur) cream kochee n minced meat mixed with
kireema dhagnaa skin cream butter and spices
kireema fuulaa face cream kochifamaa a minced
kireema harkaa hand cream kochiftuu n instrument used for
kireessaa/ -ituu nm/f landlord (of a mincing
house) kochisaa n chopper
kireessuu v 1) to rent out 2) to hire, kochisuu v to mince, chop (usu.
lease meat)
kiripphooo n gymnastics koddaa n water-bottle, canteen
Kiristaana n (Eur) Christian kofafree en rhombus
Kiristaanummaa n Christianity kofalchiisaa nl a comics, comic
Kiristinnaa n baptism kofalee n small market
kiristinnaa kaasuu to baptise kofanii n boot, trunk
Kiristoo/ Kiristoos n Christ
kokii - konkolee olgalchii 172

kokii n cup komarkaa en (kompuutara + harkaa)

kokii laastikii plastic cup laptop
kokkee n larynx komii n complaint
kokkii n mug kompaasii n (Eng) same as agar-
kokkofa n knock (a blow) sootee
kokkofuu v knock kompuutara n (Eng) computer
kokorroo n shell, scales kompuutara ammayyaa modern
kokteela n (Eur) cocktail computer
kolaa a castrated kompuutareeffamaa a computerised
kolaafama n castration kompuutareessuu v to computerise
kolaasii n emasculation komunistii n (Eng) same as walticha
kolaasuu v to castrate kondooma n (Eng) condom
kolachiiftuu n toy, plaything konfoleessa/ -ttii nmlf bachelor, sin-
kolachuu v 1) to perform; act 2) to gle (unmarried)
play konkolaachisaa/ -ftuu nm/f driver;
kolata n 1) performance; act chauffeur
2) game, play konkolaachisuu v 1) make to roll
kolataa/ -tuu nmlf 1) performer, actor 2) to drive
2) player konkolaachoo n game played by
kolataa fareersaa actor (of thea- children by rolling down a slope
tre) konkolaachuu v to roll
kolataa filmii film actor konkolaataa n vehicle
kolatii n feature (of films) konkolaataa dhukkubsataa mo-
kolba n hilt (made of horn) tor ambulance, ambulance
kolbamuu v to be segregate konkolaataa fe'iisaa van
kolbee n button (of clothes) konkolaataa gattaa dustcart
kolbituu nmf segregationist konkolaataa haamaa combine
kolboo n segregation (harvester)
kolbuu v to segregate konkolaataa meeshaa goods
koleeraa n (Eur) same as /oshaa truck, freight car
kolfisiiftuu nmf comedian konkolaataa miyakaraa luggage
kolisa n rat van, baggage car
kolleejii n (Eng) same as masolii konkolaataa motoraa trolley car;
kolloo n shuttle (of a loom) motor vehicle
kolofa n foreskin, prepuce konkolaataa qoorbitoo fork-lift
kololoo n 1) circle 2) wheel; pulley truck
3) a kind of playing konkolaataa qotiisaa tractor
kolomsa n flirt konkolaataa waraanaa combat
kolomsaa n one who flirts vehicle
kolomsuu v to flirt konkolaattuu n roller, wheel hoop
koloneeffachiisaa n one who helps konkolee n car, motor car
somebody to colonise others konkolee aannanii milk-float
koloneeffachuu v to colonise konkollee dhiyaanaa dinning-car
koloneeffannoo n colonialism, colo- konkolee fiigichaa racing-car
nisation konklee imaltuu passenger car
koloneeffataa/ -tuu nmlf coloniser, konkolee ispoortii sports car
colonialist konkolee kiraa a hired car
kolonii n (Eng) same as dagabaasa konkolee manaa private car
komanfa en (konkolaataa + mana konkolee moofee second-hand
fayyaa) ambulance car, used car
konkolee olgalchii imported cars
173 konkolee reeffaa - kora barumsaa

konkolee reeffaa hearse koonnisee n widow

konkolee sibiilaa armoured car koonnoo n pond, pool, reservoir
konkolee torobbee police car koonnoo daakkii swimming-pool
konkolee xiyyinurree bullet- koontuu n animals which live in
proof car ponds, pond-life
konkona n aquiline nose koonyaa n district, sub-province
konona n ridge (of mountain) koonyaa filmaataa constituency,
konona biyyee soil ridge electoral district
konona maanyaa oceanic ridge koonyaa daangaa border district,
konona waltarree parallel range frontier district
kontiraata n (Eng) contract, lease koonyaa magaalaa urban district,
kontoo n (It) bank account municipal district
kontoo ammee current account kooraa n saddle
kontoo durii previous account kooraa fakkaattuu saddle
kontoo kuusii deposit account shaped things, saddle like
kontoo qusannoo saving ac- kooraa Faranjii European saddle
count kooraa tolchituu saddler
konyaakii n (Fr) cognac koora-dhabeessa saddleless
koobaa n cupping glass, cupping koorayyaa n saddle (of a mountain)
horn koosara n soup, broth
koobawaa a hilly koosara fudiraa vegetable soup
koobbaa n bloodletting, venesection kootee n gorilla
koobee n anthill kooticha n black soil; vertisol (Geo/)
koobii n small hill, hillock, mound kootii n (Eng) coat
koobii cabbii ice-berg kootii booftaa woollen coat, fur
koobii cirrachaa sand-hill, sand coat
dune kootii kaldhee leather coat
koobii dikee dung-hill kophagaleessa/ -ttii nmlf hermit
koobii tuqaa mole hill kophee n shoes; sandals
koobuu v to cup (draw blood) kophee banaa sandals
koodee n brothers or sisters (from kophee dubartii ladies shoes
the same mother) kophee fardaa horse-shoes
koofiyyaa n (Ar) same as matee kophee gogaa leather shoes
kooka kollaa n (Eng) coca cola kophee laastikii rubbers, rubber
kookii n (Ar) peach (tree or its fruits) shoes
koala n wing kophee manaa slippers
koala qurxummii fin kophee sharaa canvas-shoes
kooloo n asylum kophee yaabbii riding-boots
kooloo galuu to seek asylum kophe-haqxuu bootblack, boot-
koolo-galtuu asylum seeker polish
kooluu n dependent person kophe-haxooftuu shoeshine boy
koomedheertuu en high heel shoes kophe-hoddhituu shoemaker,
koomee n heel (also of shoes) cobbler
koomee dheeraa high heel kophe-maleessa/ -ttii barefoot
koomee diriiraa flat heel kophummaa n loneliness
koomee qawwee butt (of a rifle) kopphii n pencil
koomtoo n honeycomb, bee-bread kora n assembly, congress, confer-
koonnee n swimming-pool ence
koonnee mana keessaa indoor kora atoomaa federal council
swimming-pool kora barumsaa seminar
koonnisa n widower
kora dimshaashaa - kubbaa harkaa 174

kora dimshaashaa general as- kormammuu n wart

sembly kormee n 1) a brave person 2) male
kora magaalaa municipal coun- (Gram)
cil, town council kornaaya en gender, sex
kora waggaa yearly congress, kornaaya kormee male gender
annual assembly kornaaya naayee female gender
koramurtii en court session kornaaya-malee asexual
korbeessa n male sheep, male goat kornalamee en bisexual
korbeessa hoolaa ram koromtoo n soldier; troops
korbeessa re'ee he-goat, billy koronguddaa en alligator
goat koroony'oo n ankle
korbo n 1) round 2) circle koropphisa n grass hopper
korbobbee n circle korreentii n (It) electricity; electric
korbodanee en multiform current
korboo n form; format korreentii banaa open circuit
korboo lakkoofsa fuulee page korreentii garagaltuu alternating
number format current
korboo xalayaa form of a letter korreentii maagineetaa
koree n committee, board magnetic-electricity
koree aadaa cultural committee korreentii qaruutii active current
koree birkii sub-committee korreentuu nmf electrician
koree eeggannaa vigilance korreessa n tunnel (of salt-mine etc.)
committee korsii n (Eng) same as bartii
koree farra-waraanaa anti-war korsiiftuu n lift, elevator
committee kortoo n scaffold
koree gulaaltuu editorial board koruu v 1) to mount 2) to board 3) to
koree gurmeessituu organising copulate
committee kosbiyyee en humus
koree hojii raawwachiiftuu ex- koshee n power of nourishment
ecutive committee kosii n 1) manure 2) humus
Koree Nageenya Biyyalafaa Se- kotobee n loam soil, red clay, umber,
curity Council red soil
koree tabaroo ilma-namaa hu- kottaawa n stiff
man right's committee kottaawaa a stiffed
koree towannoo supervision kottaawuu v to become stiff (of parts
committee of body)
koree towattuu controlling com- kottarree en {kottee + harree) aerial
mittee yam
koree waltajjii central committee kotteduudaa en equines (donkeys,
korjoo n ( Ar) small leather bag horses, mules)
korjoo qilleensaa air bag kottee n 1) hoof 2) foot print, track (of
korjoo shaayii tea-bag a beast)
korkorfamaa a stirred kottee fardaa hoof (of horses)
korkorsa n stir, stirring kotte-qortuu hoof trimares (Agr)
korkorsaa n stirrer kottoonfachuu v to squat
korkorsuu v to stir kottoonfannaa n squat; squatting
korma n 1) male species 2) bull posture
kormaa n male animal kottoonfataa/ -ttuu nmlf squatter
kormaa lukkuu cock, rooster kottoonfee n comma (Gram)
kormaata n sexual intercourse (usu. kubbaa n (Ar) ball
of horses and donkeys) kubbaa harkaa handball
175 kubbaa miilaa - kurnoo

kubbaa miilaa football, soccer kulkula n inflammation (of parts of

kubbaa minjaalaa table-tennis, body)
ping-pong kulkulloo n suppuration
kubbaa saaphanaa volleyball kulkuluu v to inflame (cause fever in
kubbaa sibiilaa cannon ball, body)
metal ball kumaala n major (a military officer)
kubbaa tayee basket ball kumaatama n million
kubbaaniyyaa n (It) same as dhaab- kumannoo n battalion
bayyaa kumbaa n disc
kubbaayyaa n (Ar) same as kokkii kumbaa cimtuu hard drive, drive
kubee en (kuusii + beekumsa) en- disc
cyclopaedia kumbaa dhifamtuu compact disc
kuboo n (It) cube, cubic kumbaa laaftuu floppy disc
kuboo meetiraa cubic metre kumbii n Elephant trunk, proboscis
kuburee n knot, node (of plant) kumbulluu n bulb
kuburroo n swelling kumbulluu jiidhaa fi goggogaa
kuburuu n knob wet and dry bulb
kuchubbii a small (of size) kumbulluu korreentii electric
kudhafriitee n sonnet bulb
kudhalamee n dozen (set of twelve) kumbulluu niyoonii neon bulb
kudhalamee kudhalamaanii kumoota npl thousands
gross (twelve dozens) kumtaala n (Ar) quintal
kudharfanee n biweekly, semi- kunnaa n long and hard journey
monthly kunuunsa n conservation
kudhiblee a communicable kunuunsa bishaanii water
kudiraa n (Ar) fruit conservation
kudiraa fi fudiraa fruits and kunuunsa mataa hair style
vegetables kuraa n saline
kufaa-ka'ii n fluctuation kuraawaa a salty
kufaa-ka'ii gatii fluctuations (in kureessa n salinisation (Geog)
prices) kurfaawaa a ready
kufaatii n 1) fall 2) failure 3) down- kurfee n timetable
fall, collapse kurfeessaa n schedule
kufaatii dagabaasummaa down- kurfii n preparation
fall of colonialism kurfii lafaa land preparation
kufaatii roorrisaa downfall of the kurfiiya en (kurfii + yaada) thesis
oppressors kurfoo a ready
kufaatii sirna moofaa downfall of kurkuduu n turtle dove
the old system kurkuraa/ -tuu nm/f toddler
kufaatii walaabaa free fall kurmaana n quarter (1/4)
kufuu v 1) to fall, fall down, fall off kurmaana wantaa a quarter of
2) to fail (exam) 3) to drop (of wantaa land, 1O hectares of land
price) kurmaanee n quadrant
kukkuta n proportion kurnaala n corporal
kulaaka n (Rus) rich peasant kurnaalummaa n corporalship
kulaata n timber kurnan n of ten
kulanoo n conference kurnan seeraa the Ten Com-
kulbee n young of a lion, cub mandments
kuleela a lukewarm kurnee n decade
kulii n (Ar) coolie, porter kurniitee n decimal
kurnoo n tithe
kurnoota - kuufamaa 176

kurnoota npl tens kutaa magaalaa quarter, city-

kuroo n salty water in craters quarter
kurraasii n (Ar) same as gaasadii kutaa mana barumsaa class-
kurruufaa/ -ftuu nm/f snorer room
kurruuffi n snore kutaa manseeraa courtroom
kurruufuu v to snore kutaa miyakaraa cloakroom,
kursii n (Ar) chair baggage room
kursii dachaatuu folding chair kutaa nyaataa dining room
kuruma n cargo kutaa qeentee single room
kurumaa n indigestion kutaa sagadaa chapel
kurumaawaa a indigestible kutaa sararree drawing-room
kurummaa n salinity (Bot, Geog) kutaa simannaa reception hall,
kurupphee n a small gazelle reception desk
kurupphisa n triple jump kutaa taphiisaa 1) game room
kururree n ball 2) playroom (for children)
kuruucha n click, clicking kutaa uffataa cloakroom
kuruucha bitaa left clicking kutaa waggaa season
kuruucha lama double clicking kutaa waggaa jireenyaa age
kuruucha mirgaa right clicking group
kuruuchuu v to click kutaa waldhaansa ariitii emer-
kutaa n 1) class, grade (of school gency room
2) room 3) section, part 4) de- kutaa waraanaa army division
partment, cabin 5) a cotton gar- kutaa yeroo period (of time)
ment which has different colours kutaalee taayitaa mootummaa
on both of its fringes organs of state power
kutaa agarsiisaa show-room kutaasa n continent
kutaa baqaqsoo operating room, kutama n 1) division; section; depart-
operating theatre ment, 2) compartment 3) ward
kutaa barumsaa 1) lesson (unit (Med)
of study) 2) branch of science kutama baqattootaa department
such as geography, chemistry, of refugees
law etc. kutama barumsaa department of
kutaa biyyaa region, province education
kutaa boqonnaa rest room kutama dubbii phrase, clause
kutaa dachee hemisphere kutama fayyaa health depart-
kutaa dhiqannaa bathroom ment
kutaa dhiyaanaa dining room kutannaa n 1) cutting 2) deciding
kutaa dhukkubsataa sick-room kutannoo n determination (resolute-
kutaa dubbii parts of speech ness)
kutaa dubbisii reading room kutata n 1) piece 2) division
kutaa gadaa gadaa-grade kutataa/ -tuu nm/f determined person
kutaa hirribaa bedroom, bed kuttoo n battalion, detachment
chamber kutuu v 1) to cut 2) to give up, aban-
kutaa hojii workshop don, leave 3) to finish, complete,
kutaa hoteelaa hotel room conclude 4) to divide; categorise
kutaa imaltuu passenger cabin kuubuu a/ n hunchbacked; hunch-
kutaa jireenyaa life span back
kutaa keessummaa guest-room kuuda n intersection
kutaa kulanoo conference hall kuufama n preservation
kutaa lafaa continent kuufamaa a accumulated, accumula-
kutaa maddee subclass tive
177 kuufannoo - laboraatorii

kuufannoo n residue
kuufata n 1) store 2) precipitate -L-
kuuftuu nmf 1) collector; accumulator
2) coins-collector laabaa n flood
kuuftuu kaardii post-card collec- laabuu v to flood, overflow
tor laafa n blanket
kuuftuu qolayyaa stamps collec- laafina n softness, tenderness;
tor weakness
kuuftuu soorataa food preserva- laaftoo n acacia senegal, mimosa
tive laagaa n palate, oesophagus; larynx,
kuukii n swelling of the stomach vocal cords
kuukkoo n deep-rooted syphilis, laagaa lallaafaa soft palate
chronic syphilis laagaa gawwee hard palate
kuula n embroidered hem of cloth laagee n larynx
kuulii n kohl, mascara laalachuu v to have burning pain
kuulii baalejaa eye-liner laalata n burning pain, throes
kuulii nyaaraa eyebrow pencil laalgubbaa en top view
kuulloo n pigment laallee n information
kuusa n accumulation laalloo n observation
kuusa sagalee sound inventory laaltoo n view
kuusaa n 1) collection 2) accumula- laaltoo xiyyoo edge view
tion laamamuu v to be nursed
kuusaa albuudaa mineral deposit laambaa n (It) lamp
kuusaa bishaanii reservoir laammii n nursing, taking care of
kuusaa dhiigaa blood bank laamtuu nmf person who takes care
kuusaa gaasii gas jar of the sick, a nurse
kuusaa hoo'inaa heat storage laamuu v to nurse (tend sick person);
kuusaa jichayyaalee dictionary try to cure (sickness)
kuusaa poostaa letter-box, mail laapphisii n indiarubber
box laaqaa n a thick mud
kuusaa sabbuu gold reserve laaqaa sibiilaa alloy
kuusaa sanyundee gene bank laaqii n swamp, marsh; marshland
kuusaa soorataa food preserva- laaqii soogiddaa salty marsh
tion laashoo a crippled
kuusaa walaloo anthology laastikii n (Eng) 1) rubber band; rub-
kuusacabbii en glacier ber 2) plastic, synthetic
Kuushii n/ a 1) Cush (ancient country laayira n comma
in the Nile Valley of Lower Sudan) laayira fannoo inverted comma
2) Cushitic labata n generation
kuusii n 1) saving; storing, reserving labba n baby, small child
2) collecting, accumulating labbaa a diagonal
kuusii sabbuu gold reserves labbaan diagonally
kuusuu v 1) to save; collect; store, labbii n a period of 40 years
reserve 2) to pile up, accumulate, labboo n side-view, profile
amass labii a lukewarm
kuxuu n children's game of hiding labooba n flame
kuyeba (kutaa + yeroo barumsaa) laboobaa n wing
semester laboobaa ijaa eyelashes
kuyyiisa n colony of termites laboobaa teellaa hindwing (Zoo)
kuyyubboo n termite hill laboraatorii n (Eng) same as mana
labsa - lafmaroo 178

labsa n proclamation lafa nafxanyaa land owned by

labsaa/ -tuu nmlf announcer the Abessinian armed settlers in
labsii n declaration Oromoland and other southern
labsii waraanaa declaration of regions
war lafa qaljii fertile land
labsituu n organ (newspaper, journal lafa qotiisaa arable land, farm-
or periodical of an organisation) land, agricultural land
labsuu v 1) to proclaim 2) to declare lafa quftoo sacred place, shrine
labuu n shore; edge lafa urguftii dumping ground
labuu garbaa seashore lafa waraanaa battle-ground
labuu lagaa shore of a river lafarraa duguugama decimation
ladaltuu en (laqda + madaaltuu) lafarraa duguuguu to decimate,
thermometer eradicate, exterminate, annihilate
ladaltuu gadaantee minimum lafayyaa n surface, territory
thermometer lafayyaa doggee curved surface
ladaltuu meefaa clinical ther- lafayyummaa n territoriality
mometer, surgical thermometer lafbishee en hydrosphere
ladaltuu olaantee maximum lafee n bone
thermometer lafee addaa frontal bone
laddoo n symbol, sign lafee adii bare bones
laddoo lslaamaa the Muslim lafee barruu hand bone
Symbol, (i.e. the Crescent Moon) lafee ceekuu scapula (Med)
laddoo Kiristaanaa the Christian lafee cinaachaa rib bone
Symbol (i.e. the cross) lafee dannoo collar bone
laddoo Oromee the Oromee lafee dhundhumaa ulna
Symbol (i.e. kal/acha) lafee dugdaa backbone, verte-
lafa n 1) land, ground; terrain 2) bot- brae, spine
tom (of a lake, of a pond) 3) earth lafee illee temporal bone
lafa awwaalaa burial-ground lafee irree humerus
lafa bobbaa grazing land lafee faanaa metatarsal bone
lafa bosonaa woodland lafee funyaanii nasal bone
lafa bultii shelter, habitation lafee harkaa arm bone
lafa caffee grassy area, meadow- lafee harmaa sternum
land lafee koronyoo ankle bone
lafa ciisichaa sleeping place lafee maddii zygomatic bone,
lafa dheedichaa range maxilla
lafa dhuunfaa private land lafee mataa skull
lafa duwwaa wild region lafee mo'oo sacrum
lafa gabaa marketplace lafee qomaa breastbone, ster-
lafa gabbataa fertile, rich soil, num
productive soil lafee qubaa finger bone, phalanx
lafa gawwii unfertile soil, unpro- lafee qurxummii fish bone
ductive land lafee sarbaa thigh-bone, fibula
lafa hojii workshop lafe-maleessa invertebrates
lafa huttoo bushy area lafe-qabeessa vertebrates
lafa kaloo grassland lafifoo a irrelevant
lafa magaalaa municipal land lafifooma n irrelevance, irrelevancy
lafa magaruu 1) grassland, lafjalee ca clandestine
meadow 2) green belt lafjaloo en cellar
lafa moggaa a free zone, a zone laflootuu en reptile
not occupied lafmaroo en enclave
179 lafoo - lakkoofsa ramaddii

lafoo n 1) foot passenger 2) foot sol- calendar

diers, infantry lakkoofsa bara Oroppaa Gregor-
lafoowwaa ca (lafa + hoowwaa) tor- ian (European) Calendar
rid lakkoofsa beekumsaa statistics
lafraajii en wonderland lakkoofsa bilbiltoo telephone
lafxii en (lafa + xiinxala) geography number
laga n 1) river, stream 2) locality; sub- lakkoofsa bu'aa-fidaa coefficient
district 3) burial association lakkoofsa bu'uraa cardinal num-
laga barundaa perennial river bers
laga caakkaa wooded river-valley lakkoofsa dambalii wave num-
laga daangaa a river forming a ber
border lakkoofsa diddiriiraa expanding
laga guuttoo mature river numbers
lagaar n (Fr) terminal (for railway lakkoofsa dhugee real number
trains) lakkoofsa dhumadhablee infinite
lagachuu v to abominate, taboo number
lagata n anything under taboo lakkoofsa fuulee page number;
lagataa/ -tuu nmlf one who abomi- pagination
nates (usu. food items) lakkoofsa guutuu even number;
lagatamuu v to be abominated, be integer
tabooed lakkoofsa hangaa mass number
lagattii n rivulet lakkoofsa hayyammii licence
lagoo n informal clothes, slacks number
laguu n 1) taboo 2) menstruation lakkoofsa hedachiisaa account
lakatee n wrist number
lakkaala a uncountable lakkoofsa hirmaataa fraction
lakkaantoo n unit lakkoofsa hir'uu odd number
lakkaawa n numeration lakkoofsa humna korreentii
lakkaawaa/ -ftuu nmlf controller, in- ampere
spector, auditor, supervisor lakkoofsa hundaa whole number
lakkaawamaa a countable lakkoofsa katabbii entry number
lakkaawumsa n count lakkoofsa kiilomeetiraa mileage
lakkaawuu v 1) to count, enumerate recorder, hodometer
2) to reckon, calculate lakkoofsa konkolaataa number-
lakkaawwii n census plate
lakkaawwii horii livestock census lakkoofsa kurniitee decimal
lakkaawwii uummata census (of number
population) lakkoofsa lakkaawumsaa count-
lakkama n lesser bustard (bird) ing number
lakkoofsa n 1) number, numeral, fig- lakkoofsa manaa house number
ure 2) sum, addition, account lakkoofsa mirroo complex num-
3) arithmetic 4) issue, copy (of a ber
journal, newspaper) 5) size (in lakkoofsa naannoo area code
clothing, shoes) number
lakkoofsa Arabaa Arabic num- lakkoofsa qindeeffamaa coordi-
bers nated number
lakkoofsa atoomii atomic num- lakkoofsa qixxeenyaa equality of
ber numbers
lakkoofsa bara Abashaa Abys- lakkoofsa ramaddii job classifi-
sinian Calendar cation number
lakkoofsa bara Oromoo Oromo
lakkoofsa Roomaa - lamxaawuu 180

lakkoofsa Roomaa Roman num- lallabuu v 1) to make a speech, give

bers a lecture 2) to preach 3) to pro-
lakkoofsa sanduuqa poostaa claim, issue a decree, edict
(L.S.P.) Post-Office Box (P. 0. lallee n voice
Box) lallifachuu v to talk vulgarly, use vul-
lakkoofsa sanyii genealogy gar language
lakkoofsa tarree ordinal number lallifannaa n vulgar language
lakkoofsa urjii astrology lallii n accent (Gram)
lakkoofsa uumaa natural lamaanaa n compound (compound
number thing)
lakkoofsa uummataa 1) number lamee n pair, couple
of population 2) census lameena n dichotomy
lakkoofsa waawwee negative lamii n consul, ambassador
number lammacha a a horse that has cut two
lakkoofsa walgaafaa serial num- teeth; two-years-old (of cattle,
ber horse and mule)
lakkoofsa yaaddii imaginary lammee al n 1) double 2) secondary
number 3) second round (of drinks, etc)
lakkoofsa yeroo calendar lammeessoo al n 1) twice 2) second
lakkoofsisuu v make to count, enu- steeping of coffee
merate lammeessuu v to double, repeat
lakkooftulamee en binary counter lammii n 1) clan 2) nationality (citi-
lakkooftuu n calculator, numerator; zen)
counter (apparatus) lammii biyyalaa foreign national,
lakkooftuu barkurnee decade expatriate
counter lammii biyyalafaa citizen of the
lakkuu n 1) twin 2) pairs world, cosmopolitan
lakkuu walfakkoo identical twins lammii Oromiyaa a citizen of
lalisa n blossom Oromia
lalisaa a green and lush lammii Oromoo the Oromo fam-
lalisuu v to blossom; grow lush ily stock
lallaafaa a soft lammoomsa n assimilation; naturali-
lallaaffiftuu n steel wool sation
lallaafina n softness lammoomsuu v to assimilate
lallaba n 1) speech, lecture, oration lammummaa n 1) clanship 2) citizen-
2) preach 3) proclamation, decree, ship
edict lammummaa biyyalafaa cos-
lallaba amantii preach mopolitanism
lallaba gaafa du'aa funeral ad- lamoo n triangulum star
dress lamootee n binary
lallaba lafaa proclamation of land lamooyyee n doublet
reform lamsa n age group
lallaba mootummaa governmen- lamsadee en two-third (2/3)
tal decree; governmental procla- lamshaawwuu v to be paralysed
mation lamshanee en one-fifth (1/5)
lallabaa/ -duu nmlf 1) orator lamshee n a paralysed person
2) preacher lamsheessaa n poliomyelitis
lallabdoo n manifesto lamummaa n diplomacy
lallabdoo komunistii communist lamxaawuu v to develop vitiligo
manifesto (Med)
181 lamxeessuu - liiftii

lamxeessuu v cause to develop leega n faction

vitiligo leekkoo n dome
lamxii n (Amh) same as waashii leelee n nicotine
lancaa n wig leellisuu v 1) to praise, glorify, hon-
landirofaa n Landrover (brand of car) our 2) to like, love
lapphee n chest leemmana n general name for bam-
laqaddii n chills boo's
laqanyoo n complication, difficult leemmoma n pilgrimage (pilgrim's
problem journey to the land of abbaa
laqdaa n 1) fever 2) temperature muudaa
(usu. of fever) leemmoo n pilgrim (person who trav-
laqdummaa n feverishness els to the land of abbaa muudaa
lashee n typhus leenca n lion
lashee mar'imaanii typhoid fever Leenin n Lenin
lashoo n shoot (of plants) Leeninicha/ -ttii nmlf Leninist
lashoo cinaa lateral shoot Leeninummaa n Leninism
lashoo daraaraa flowering shoot leenjifama n 1) breaking in; taming
lasitii n rumour 2) training
lata n flourish, development leenjifamaa/ -tuu nmlf trainee
latee n flourish leenjii n training
latee dubbii eternal truth; funda- leenjii hojii vocational training
mental truth leenjii barsiisotaa teacher train-
latii n morpheme ing
latiinsa n linear, branch, structure leenjisa n 1) breaking in; taming
latina n prosperity 2) training
latoo n bud leenjisa qaamaa gymnastics,
latoo baalaa leaf-bud physical training
latoo cinoo lateral bud leenjisa-dhablee unskilled, un-
latoo dabaltii bud union trained
latoo daraaraa flower bud leenjisa-qabeessa/ -ttii trained,
latoo fiixee apical bud skilled
latoo guddatuu apical meristem leenjisaa/ -ftuu nm/f trainer, coach
latoo makaa mixed bud, bud (of a team)
latoo qullaa naked bud leenjisaa garoo trainer of a team
lattuu n shoot leensii n (Eng) same as doo'innee
latuu v 1) to bud; shoot 2) to flourish, leenyoo n boyfriend
thrive, develop leepphisa n agility, movement, mo-
lee'uu v to exist, live tion
leecalloo n resource leetoo n being; existence, life
leecalloo albuudaa mineral re- leexoo a bareback
sources leeyyessii n scandal
leecalloo biyyaa national re- leeyyessuu v to humiliate, dishonour,
sources degrade, be ashamed
leecalloo namaa human re- leeyyoo n humiliation, dishonour,
sources disgrace, shame
leecalloo qurxummii fish re- libaanata n incense
sources, fish population lichoo n ceremonial whip
leecalloo uumaa natural re- ligdii n rust, rusting
sources liiban n glory
leecalloo wanneetaa material liifaa n sponge
resources liiftii n (Eng) same as olbaaftuu
liila - loomaa 182

liila n whirl liqimsituu sagalee sound ab-

liilana n thread sorbing
liilana kurraasii wick lixa n/ a west, western
liillee n minimum lixa-aduu sunset
liillee hoo'iyyaa guyyaa daily lixa-biiftuu sunset
minimum temperature lixaa a western
liiluu v to whirl lixiisoo n headlong
liima n submergence lixoolee n occident
liimamaa a submerged loga n ally (alliance)
liimmaa n pedestal rock loga-maleessa non-allied, non-
liimuu v to submerge allied force
liitiroo n (It) litre logaartima n (Eng) logarithm
likina n clitoris lojoo n climbing bean plant and it
lila n black milk beans
lilima n dive Iola n 1) quarrel 2) fight, combat
lilimaa/ -tuu nm/f diver Iola gipphoo assault
lilimmii n diving lola-jaalattummaa belligerency
lilimuu v to dive Iola jaalattuu warlike, belligerent,
lilmee n 1) a small needle; pin 2) in- warmonger
jection lola'a n flow
lilmee waraannachuu to get an lola'a maagineetaa magnetic flux
injection lolaa n flood; puddle
lilmee waraanuu to inject, give lolaasuu v to spill
an injection lolchiisaa/ -ftuu nmlf combatant offi-
lilmee warqataa pin, paper-clip cer
lilmexuuxxuu en syringe lolee n attendant, footman; vassal
lilmoo n needle lolla'a n rinsing
lilmoo maagineetaa sphere lolla'uu v to rinse
magnetic needle lollojjii n nausea
lima n pore, pore of the skin lollootuu n creeper (of plants)
limaaya n cereal loloqaa n elephant grass
limmixii a/ n pitch dark loltuu nmf 1) fighter, combatant, war-
liqaa n loan, credit rior 2) soldier
liqaa biyyalaa foreign loan, for- loltuu bilisummaa freedom
eign credit fighter
liqaa waraanaa war loan loltuu daatuu paratroops
liqeeffachuu v to borrow (money and loltuu fannoo crusader
consumable items) loltuu sabaa national fighter, pa-
liqeeffannoo n borrowing triot
liqeeffannoo jechayyaalee bor- loluu v 1) to quarrel 2) to fight, com-
rowing of words bat, struggle
liqeeffataa/ -tuu nm/f 1) borrower (of loobilaa n magnet
money and consumable items) loofsa n wool
2) debtor loofsa culkii pure wool
liqeessaa/ -ituu nm/f creditor, usurer looftuu n a large needle
liqeessuu v to lend (money and con- looftuu qomee knitting-needle
sumable items) loojika n (Eur) same as sirnayaadaa
liqimsituu n Adam's apple lookoo n 1) leading reins for horses
liqimsituu barroo bookworm and mules 2) district
(person) loollii n epidemic (usu. of cattle dis-
loomaa a straight
183 loomii - maakkii guddina dinagdee

loomii n (Ar) same as dhuggoo luujee a inert

loommii n patella (Med) luujii n inertia
loon n cattle luullee a conical
loon aannanii dairy cattle luullessa n assault, attack
loon foonii beef type luullessaa/ -ituu nmlf aggressor
loon fooraa cows that don't have luullessii n attack, assault; offence,
milk act of aggression
looshaa n nuptial house luullessummaa n offensiveness, ag-
loosoo n a game played by passing gressiveness
under sticks luullessuu v to attack, assault; com-
lootee n reptile mit aggression against
lootii n earring worn by a killer of an luushuu a sulky
elephant luxa n brucellosis, trypanosomiasis
lootuu n lizard
looza n (Ar) groundnut
loqoddoo n dialect (of a language)
loshaa n strong diarrhea, cholera . M.
lotorii n (It) lottery
luba n a stage of political leadership M.G. abbr(mee garagalchaa) P.T.O.
in the Oromo gadaa-system of (please turn it over)
government maa'ila n overlapping teeth
lubbiyyoo n germ maadee n amazement, astonishment,
lubbuu n 1) soul, 2) life surprise
lubbu-dhabeessa non-living maadeffachuu v to be surprised, be
thing; inanimate amazed, be astonished
lubbu-qabeessa 1) living, alive maafa n envelope (Electr)
2) living thing, animate maagaa n roundworm, ascarid
lubee n priest, pastor maagata n irrigation channel
luboo n chief priest, high priest maagineeta n (Eng) magnet
luffataa a elliptical maagineeta battee bar magnet
luggee nl a oval, ellipse (BC) maagineeta dachee terrestrial
luggee manaa vault (of buildings) magnetism, geomagnetism
lugna a/ n coward maagineeta hookkoo horseshoe
lugnoomuu v to become a coward magnet
lugnummaa n cowardice maagineetaa waaraa permanent
Iuka n leg magnet
lukaandaa n (It) same as shuguyyaa maagineetomsa n magnetisation
lukalamee ca two-legged maagineetomsuu v to magnetise
lukdabaa en bowlegs maagineettuu n magnetist
lukee n messenger maagineetummaa n magnetism
lukeellaa n stockings maajatee n iron griddle
lukkuu n chicken maakkii n rate
lukoo n mail-man, postman maakkii du'aatii mortality rate
luqqeettuu n hip maakkii dhalannaa birth rate
luqqifattuu nmf pickpocket maakkii dhalaa interest rate
lushoo n grassland maakkii gatii price rate
lushoo baddadaree temperate maakkii geeddartii rate of ex-
grassland change
lushoo gammoojjii tropical grass maakkii guddinaa growth rate
luugama n bit (mouthpiece of bridle) maakkii guddina dinagdee the
luuguu v to suck rate of economic growth
maala - machaara 184

maala n dewlap Maanya Hindii Indian Ocean

maalala n miracle, wonder Maanya Nagaa Pacific Ocean
maalalamaa a admirable maanyaa n white xaafii
maalalchiisaa a amazing maanyituu nmf seaman, sailor
maalalfachuu v to wonder maaqsobee en pseudonym
maalaloo n admiration, amazement maaram n a deity appeased by
maalaltuu n admirer women for fertility, goddess of fer-
maalaluu v to admire, amaze tility
maallaqa n (Ar) money, fund; cur- maaramii n Mary
rency maarchedisii n Mercedes
maallaqa angafa capital (money) maargariina n (Eur) margarine
maallaqa baankii banknote maarkaa n result
maallaqa jalqabaa working capi- Maarkis n Marx
tal maarkisicha/ -ttii nmlf Marxist
maallaqa olkaawamaa reserve Maarkisummaa n Marxism
fund maasdaa n Mazda (brand of car)
mallaqa qabduu cashier maashaa n muscle
maallaqa sabbuu gold standard, maashaa ciqilee anconeal mus-
gold currency cle
maallaqa wabii bail maashaa dalgee skeletal muscle
maallaqa walittiqabuu fund- maashaa diriiraa stripped mus-
raising cles
maallaqa waraqataa paper maashaa fedhii voluntary muscle
money, paper currency maashaa gadameessaa myo-
mallaqa yeroo endowment fund metrium (Med)
maallaqxuu nmf cashier maashaa ijaa eye muscles, ocu-
maallima n rainmaker, a traditional lar muscles
Oromo meteorologist maashaa irree brachia! muscle
maallimsii n meteorology maashaa laafaa smooth muscle
maallimsituu nmf meteorologist maashaa marsaa orbicular mus-
maallimuu v to study and know about cle
the weather maashaa qooqaa vocal muscle
maalummaa n essence maashaa tafaa iliac muscle
maamma'ee n sling (Med) maashina n (Eur) machine
maammila n customer; client maashina qooyyabaa operation
maana n infrastructure machine
maandhoo n minor maashina geldii heavy machine
maandisa n (Ar) architect; engineer maashina salphaa simple ma-
maandisa burgeessaa civil engi- chine
neer maashintuu nmf machinist
maangoo n (Eur) same as ambala- maatii n nuclear family; family
fee maatii baldhaa large family
maansa n sand {less coarser than maatii guutii complete family
cirracha) maattoyyee a cynic, cynical
maansa bishaanii sand-bank m bba en (mana barumsaa + bantii)
maansa diimaa scoria university
maansawaa a sandy macaafa n (Amh) book
maansuu v to sand macaafa qulqulluu Holy Book,
maanya n ocean Holy Scripture, Bible
Maanya Atlaantikaa Atlantic macalufa n interior organ, viscera
Ocean machaara n market
185 machaawummaa - maddoo

machaawummaa n alcoholism madalqilleensaa en barometer

macoo n abdomen, belly madana n radiation
macoroo n liquid in the intestines madana duuboo background ra-
macuree n intestine diation
madaa n sore, ulcer, wound; injury madana aduu solar radiation
madaa dhiittoo bed sores, pres- madana holakee thermal radia-
sure sores tion
madaa gammoojjii tropical ulcer madana hoo'inaa heat radiation
madaala n balance, scale madana lammee secondary ra-
madala giidoo energy balance diation
madaala hangoo measuring madana muldhataa visible radia-
mass tion
madaala humnaa balance madanaa a radiant
(weight) madanuu v to radiate
madaala humnootii balance of madaqfamaa a tamed, domesticated
forces madaqoo a newcomer (of animals to
madaala sammuu intelligence a new area)
quotient madaqsa n domestication
madaala siqaa indent scale madaqsuu v 1) to accustom, accli-
madaala ulfinaa weight scales matise, introduce 2) to tame, do-
madaala xinnaannoo ecological mesticate
balance madara n act, action; deed
madaal-daddaffii speedometer madaraa/ -tuu nmlf doer
madaal-yeroo chronometer, met- madartii n task
ronome madaruu v to do, act
madaalammee n equilibrium madda n source, spring, origin
madaalbishee en hydrometer madda dhalootaa genesis
madaalbokkaa en rain-gauge madda eletrikaa electric source
madaalboltii en voltmeter madda furrii mucus secretion
madaalbubbee en anemometer madda galtii source of revenue
madaalfilaa en respirometer madda hoo'inaa source of heat
madaaliyaan (Eur) medal madda ifa uumamaa natural
madaaliyaa meetii silver medal source of light
madaaliyaa sabbuu gold medal madda jalqabbee primary source
madaallee n gauge madda keessoo background
madaallee gaasii petrol-gauge (motive, reason)
madaallii n balance madda lammee secondary
madaallii uumamaa ecological source
balance madda maallaqaa financial re-
madaalnannee en tachometer source, source of capital
madaalsabbuu en carat, ounce madda qaanqee spark plug
madaaltuu n instrument used for madda qabxii point of source
measurement madda yaadaa authorship
madaaltuu gaasii gas meter maddaarroo n partition
madaaltuu hurrlsaa accelerome- maddee a very small, minor
ter maddii n/ a 1) cheek 2) near, beside;
madaaltuu qilleensaa anemome- close
ter maddisaa n generator
madaaluu v to measure; evaluate maddisa korreentii electric gen-
madaawuu v to be wounded; be in- erator
jured maddoo n matrix
maddummaa - makkala buqqisuu 186

maddummaa n minority magorraa n abattoir

madeessuu v to wound; injure magurroo n epidemic parotitis
madoolee npl wounded, injured per- Mahaammad n Mohammed
sons Mohaammad nabicha Moham-
magaalaa n town, city med the prophet
magaalaa duraasaa main town, makaa n mixture; compound; combi-
major city nation
magaalaa dhalootaa hometown makaa gos-addee heterogene
magaalaa eebbaa Holy-City (e.g. ous mixture
Jerusalem, Mecca, Haro makaa gos-tokkee homogenous
Walaabu) mixture
magaalaa koonyaa county town, makaanika n (Eur) mechanic
district town makaanikeessuu v to mechanise
magaalaa seedannoo commer- makaanikummaa n mechanics
cial town makabaxxee en slate
magaalaa teessummaa residen- makamaa a/ n 1) mixed 2) unholy
tial city place
magaalaa warshaa industrial makasibiila en alloy
town or city makiinaa n (It) 1) car 2) machine
magaalattii n a small town makiinaa barreessii typewriter
magaalbantii en metropolis makiinaa aannanii milking-
magaalbulchaa/ -ituu nm/f mayor machine
magaaldurii en an ancient town or makiinaa dhaamsaa ibiddaa fire
city engine
magaaleffannoo n urbanism makiinaa gattaa garbage truck
magaalmalkee en a seaport town makiinaa gurgurtuu slot ma-
magaalmataa n capital city; metropo- chine, vending machine
lis makiinaa hoddhaa sewing ma-
magaalmoggaa en suburb chine
magaalomfamaa a urbanised makiinaa Jirbii spinning
magaalomsii n urbanisation; munici- makiinaa lalaaffisaa polishing
palism machine
magaalomsuu v to urbanise makiinaa maxxansii printing
magaalontuu en ghost town makiinaa muusiqaa juke-box
magaalotee a urbane makiinaa qonnaa agricultural
magaaloyyee nmf 1) a city dweller, machinery
urbane 2) metropolitan (inhabitant makiinaa salphaa simple ma-
of a metropolis) chine
magaalummaa n urbanity makiinaa shaayii tea-urn
magalaata n trumpet (usu. made of makiinaan barreessuu to type;
horn) typing
magantaa n apology makiinattii n trolley-bus
magariisa a green makiinqotiisa en inter-cropping
magariisa limmixii dark green makiintuu n machinist
magariisee a/ n evergreen Makkaa n Mecca
magaroo n vegetation Makkala n 1) messenger of the
magarooma n greenness gadaa-councillors 2) a local offi-
magaroomsuu v to make green, cial, appointee; chief
grow green makkala buqqisuu to dismiss
magartuu n green; plant from office, reshuffle
maginoo n scenery
187 makkala gadaanaa - mallatto-jalee

makkala gadaanaa a lower malagduu n examiner

official malaggaa n examination (of knowl-
makkala olaanaa a higher official edge)
makkalama n appointment to an of- malaguu v to examine
fice, promotion to a higher office malaja en (mana + lafa jala) cellar
makkalamaa/ -tuu nmlf appointee malakata n shawm (Mus)
makkalee n a petty official malantaa n methodology, science of
makkaltii n assistance method
makkaltuu n assistant malbee n lowland
makkalummaa n officialdom malbee hoo'aa low, hot region
makkaluu v to assign to an office, malbii n puddle
appoint, promote maldhawiinsa en hypothesis
makkee n hybrid maleekaa n (Ar) same as ayyaanoo
makkee mirroo dihybrid (Zoo) malkaa n ford
makkeessa n hybridisation malkaa lagaa outlet (of rivers)
makkii n mix malkee n harbour, port, docks
makkoo n comfort malkee garbaa seaport, port
makoodii n dove malkee lagaa river port
maktoo n fusion malkee uumaa natural harbour
maktuu n mixer malkee waraana galaana naval
makuu v 1) to add; mix, blend 2) to port
involve mallaa n chick (of body)
mala n 1) method, means 2) plan, mallateessaa/ -ituu nm/f signatory
scheme, design mallattoo n 1) sign, mark 2) signa-
mala ammayyaa modern ture; autograph 3) symbol
method, modern means 4) symptom
mala dhaaba madaalaa unit mallattoo buufattoo punctuation
measurement method mark
mala dhiyeessuu to bring a mallattoo dhalannaa birth-mark
means, get a method mallattoo dhukkubaa disease
mala durii outmoded method symptom
mala goowaa echo method mallattoo dhumadhablee infinite
mala haaraa new method sign
mala horsiisa horii breeding mallattoo eletroonaa electron
method symbol
mala istaatistikaa statistics mallattoo gaafii question mark
method mallattoo guutii integral symbol
mala ittisaa method of defence mallattoo hanqinsoorataa symp-
mala jallisaa irrigation method tom of food deficiency
mala qorannoo method of study mallattoo hariiroo relation sym-
(research) bol
mala-dhawuu 1) to guess 2) to mallattoo itti-jabeessii stress
hypothesise mark
mala-dhayiitii 1) guess 2) hy- mallattoo karaa guidepost,
pothesis street-sign
mala'aa a pussy, vesicorpuscle mallattoo makaa sign of union
(Med) mallattoo raajeffannoo exclama-
mala'uu v to be discharged (of pus) tion mark
malaa n pus, abscess, suppuration mallattoo waraabbii quotation
malaasuu v to squeeze (of pus) marks
malabultii en politics mallatto-jalee subscript
mallatturjii - mana bobbaa 188

mallatturjii en asterisk school

mallee n figurative mana barumsa galgalaa evening
malmallee n description class, evening school, night
malmallee hojii job description school
malqoo a new-born mana barumsa gamtaa school of
maltaa n macadam social work
maltee n intriguer, swindler, cheater mana barumsa gugsii riding-
malteena n design school
malteena ammayyaa modern mana barumsa ijaarsaa building
design college, school of architecture
malteena warshaa industrial de- mana barumsa kaametummaa
sign school of home economics
maltuu n 1) schemer 2) mischievous mana barumsa leenjii training-
person, plotter school, training-college
malummaa n diplomacy mana barumsa leenjii barsiiso-
maluu v 1) to find means, seek a taa teacher training school
method 2) to plan, design 3) to plot mana barumsa mootummaa
mamaa/ -tuu amlf hesitant, indecisive public school
mamii n hesitation mana barumsa muusiqaa
mammaakaa/ -tuu nmlf one who academy of music, conservatory
talks in proverbs mana barumsa ogummaa voca-
mammaakkoo n parable tional school, technical school
mammaaksa n proverb, anecdote mana barumsa ooffii driving
mammaakuu v to talk in proverbs, school
express in proverbs mana barumsa qarimsii flying-
mamsiisaa a doubtful, hesitating school
mamuu v to be uncertain, hesitate mana barumsa qonnaa agricul-
mana n 1) house, building; dwelling, tural school
home 2) verse (of poem) 3) line- mana barumsa sadarkaa duraa
age elementary school, primary
mana aannanii milk bar school
mana Adii the White House mana barumsa sadarkaa jid-
mana agarsiisaa show-room dugalee junior secondary
mana awwaalaa a small house school
built on a grave mana barumsa sadarkaa lam-
mana baankii bank, credit firm maffaa secondary school, high
(usu. the building) school
mana barachiisii college mana barumsa seedannoo
mana barattuu student hostel commercial school, business
mana bareedinaa beauty parlor, school
beauty shop, beauty salon mana barumsa waldhaansaa
mana barreessaa secretariat, medical school, medical college
office mana bashanantii recreation-
mana barumsaa school room, recreation center
mana barumsa bulmaataa mana lakkoofsaa place value
boarding school mana bilbiltoo telephone booth,
mana barumsa daaltii dancing- call-box
school mana biqilaa green house
mana barumsa deddeebii day mana bittaa supermarket, de-
school partment store
mana barumsa dhuunfaa private mana bobbaa toilet
189 mana bulmaataa - mana marii sabaa

mana bulmaataa lodge, shelter mana geeddaruu to change a

mana bulmaata bartuu dormitory residence
mana bultee snack-bar mana goolobbii bindery
mana bultii lodging, accommoda- mana gumrukaa custom-house
tion, boarding-house mana haaddii barber's shop
mana bunaa coffee house, coffee mana hidhaa prison, jail
house bar, bar mana hirribaa bedroom
mana cabbii 1) snow-house mana hoddhaa wayaa tailor's
2) refrigerator shop
mana cibirraa hairdresser's mana hojii office, bureau
salon mana hojii mootummaa public
mana ciisichaa pension (board- office, government office
ing-house) mana horii treasury
mana citaa house with thatched mana ilaalloo blockhouse
roof mana imaltuu inn; motel
mana daabboo baker's shop, mana ispoortii sport house
bakery mana jaajuraa brick house
mana daadhii a bar where mana jalaa ground floor
honey-wine is served mana kadhannaa chapel
mana daaltii discotheque mana karreegduu porter's lodge
mana daddhabdootaa home for mana keessummaa guest-
the disabled house, guest-chamber, guest-
mana dhagaa stone house room
mana dhiqannaa bath-room, mana kiraa tenement house
wash-room (of public) mana kitaabotaa library
mana dhugaatii public-house, mana kitaabota naanna'aa
pub mobile library
mana dhuunfaa private house mana konkolee garage
mana dhoortoo almshouse mana lafjalaa basement, cellar
mana dubbisaa reading-house, mana lamii embassy, consulate
reading-room mana liqaa bank, credit institution
mana dulloomtotaa home for the mana lukkuu hen-house
aged, home for old people mana maallaqaa treasury
mana ergaa post office mana marii gadaanaa Chamber
mana faayataa arts gallery of Deputies, Lower House
mana fakkoo photo shop, pho- mana marii ispoortii sport coun-
tographer's studio cil
mana farsoo tavern, bar room mana marii magaalaa City
mana fayyaa hospital Council
mana fincaanii toilet, lavatory mana marii ministeerotaa
mana foonii 1) store-room for Council of Ministers
meat on special occasion mana marii mootummaa Council
2) butcher's shop of State
mana fooqii 1) a house with two mana marii naannoo regional
or more storeys 2) self-contained parliament
flat, apartment mana marii nageenyaa Security
mana galmee record office, ar- Council (of UNO)
chives, registry mana marii olaanaa Upper
mana gasharee orphanage House, Senate
mana geeddara change of resi- mana marii sabaa national par-
dence liament
mana marii seedannoo - mancaasa 190

mana marii seedannoo Cham- of justice, law court, tribunal

ber of Commerce mana seera atoommii federal
mana marii uummataa People's court
Congress mana seera eegsisaa Depart-
mana marii council, congress, ment of Public Prosecution
parliament mana seera koonyaa district
mana maxxansaa printing-press, court
printing-house mana seera uummataa people's
mana maxxansiisaa publishing tribunal
house mana seera waraanaa military
mana meeshaa storeroom, tribunal, court martial
warehouse, storage mana seera yakkii criminal-court
mana miiccaa laundry mana shaayii tea-room, tea-
mana miidhaginaa beauty salon house
mana mootii royal residence mana shuushee brothel
mana mootummaa palace, capi- mana simannoo reception house
tol mana shimbirroo aviary
mana murtii araaraa court of ar- mana sinimaa cinema, movie
bitration theatre
mana murtii atoomaa federal mana soorataa dinning hall
court mana taa'umsaa 1) dwelling;
mana murtii koonyaa district residence 2) flat, apartment
court mana taa'umsa barsiisotaa
mana murtii olaanaa supreme teachers' residence
court mana tirgaa casino
mana murtii qormaataa court of mana tiyaatiraa theater (building)
inquiry mana torobbee police station
mana nyaataa eating-house, res- mana uffannaa dressing-room
taurant mana uummataa public house,
mana ogummaa waraanaa mili- people's hall
tary academy mana waldhaansaa hospital
mana poostaa post office mana waldoo community home
mana qaadii a court of Muslim mana walgayii auditorium
affairs mana warra du'aa mourners'
mana qaalluu residence of the house, house of the deceased
traditional Oromo bishop mana waya-hoodhituu tailor's
mana qalmaa slaughter-house shop
mana qorichaa pharmacy mana yaalii test room, laboratory
mana qorqoorroo house mana yabaloo boathouse
whose roof is corrugated iron mana-dhablee homeless
sheet manamantii en house of God,
mana quftoo sanctuary mosque, church, temple
mana qulqullinaa lavatory, la- manattii n cottage, hut
trine, toilet manbarroo en library
mana qulqullummaa sanctuary, manbarroo ergisaa lending
temple library
mana qusannaa government manbarroo uummataa public
subsidised dwellings library
mana reeffaa mortuary manca'ii n extinction
mana reeffa durii mausoleum mancaa n 1) bush knife 2) battle-axe
mana seeraa court-house, court mancaasa n elimination, destruction
191 mancaasuu - maqomuldhiftuu agarsiisinaa

mancaasuu v to eliminate, destroy manneeta n buildings

mandhee n cage, nest; cell (a small mansa n parent
room) mansee n cement, concrete, mortar
mandhee cabbii icebox manseera en court (of law)
mandhee cilalluu snail-shell manseera seedannoo commer-
mandhee qocaa tortoise-shell cial court
mandhee raammoo cocoon manshitaa n deep sorrow
mandhee orbobbiisaa spider mansoo n deposit (of water)
web manyaaqa n glory, dignity
mandhee shimbirroo birdcage manyaaqoo a glorious
mandhibbee en hundreds maqaa n 1) name 2) reputation, fame
mandhoo n domain (Math) maqaa abbaa surname, last
mandi'aa a thundering name
mandi'uu v to thunder, make a thun- maqaa baasuu to give a name
dering noise maqaa balleessuu to defame,
mandiidaa ca wild blackmail
mandiisuu n thunder and lighting maqaa balleessii defamation,
mandoo n corvee labour blackmail
manduree en frontage maqaa barreessii pen-name, lit-
manduubee en backyard erary name
manduuboo en horticulture maqaa dhalootaa given name
maneegduu en caretaker, janitor maqaa dhawuu to name, men-
maneegduu en house guard tion
manergaa en post office maqaa dhoksaa anonym
manergaa duraasaa general post maqaa ifaa trivial name
office maqaa kennuu to nominate
mangaagaa n jaw, mandible maqaa kiristinnaa baptismal
mangaagaa gubbaa upper jaw name
mangaagaa jalaa lower jaw maqaa masoo nickname
mangoo n odd number maqaa meeshaa brand name
mangurroo en mumps maqaa ramada hojii job title
manii n 1) part of a loom 2) target; maqaa saayinsaawaa scientific
objective name
manimaltuu en motel maqaa waamuu to take atten-
manjalloo n tetanus dance
mankumee en thousands maqa-balleessaa defamatory
mankurnee en tens maqa-dhabeessa anonymous
mankuusa en storeroom, warehouse, maqa-qabeessa/ -ttii famous
storage, magazine maqabaasa en name giving, name
manmanarraa en storey building giving ceremony
mannaana en yard, courtyard, com- maqaftuu n clippers
pound maqasii n (Ar) same as maqxoo
mannaana awwaalaa graveyard maqasuu v to cut hair off
mannaana bataskaanaa church- maqayaa n inn
yard maqofee en proper noun
mannaana doonii ship-yard maqofii en forename
mannaana mana barumsaa maqomuldhiftuu en adjective
school compound maqomuldhiftuu abbummee
mannaana mootii court, palace possessive adjective
mannaana unibarsitii university maqomuldhiftuu agarsiisinaa
campus demonstrative adjective
maqomuldhiftuu akkaataa - marsiyyaa bishaanii 192

maqomuldhiftuu akkaataa ad- marfata n curve, bend (of roads)

jective of quality marfii n (Ar) mortar; artillery, cannon
maqomuldhiftuu gaafii inter- marfituu n gunner
rogative adjective marga n grass, herbage
maqomuldhiftuu hangaa marga bishaanii seaweed
quantitative adjective marga daggalee savannah grass
maqomuldhiftuu ramaddii marga jiidhaa fresh grass
distributive adjective mari'achiisaa/ -ftuu nmlf moderator
maqoo n noun, substantive (of a discussion)
maqoo gamtaa common noun mari'achiisuu v to moderate (a dis-
maqoo killayyaa abstract noun cussion)
maqoo waliyyii collective noun mari'achuu v to consult, get advice
maqoo waamsaa proper noun mari'annaa n advice, counsel
maqo-dhipphiftuu article (Gram) marii n consultation
maqsa n diagnosis marlaalaa en/ ca (mara + laalaa)
maqxoo n scissors universal
maqxoo sibiilaa snips marlaalessaa n unversalist
mar'imaan n intestine (gut) marlaalessuu v to universalise
maraa n 1) package, bundle 2) roll, marlaallee en cosmos
twist marlaaltoo en universe
maraa lammee secondary coil marlaalummaa n universality
maraa sijaaraa pack of ciga- marmaartuu n a bus which goes to
rettes; box of cigarettes and from
maraammartoo n syncope (Med) marmalaataa n (It) jam
maraara n history marmaramaa a 1) folded 2) curl
maraataa/ -tuu am/f psychotic marmartuu n rolling-mill
maraatonii n (Eur) marathon marmaruu v 1) to roll up 2) to wrap
maramaa n/ a 1) roll, roller 2) flexible around 3) to fold up 4) to curl
(of things) marmuu v 1) to embrace, twine 2) to
mararii n love poem coil
mararoo n love song marqaa n porridge
marashii n perfume, cosmetics marroo n 1) turn 2) rotation, shift
marayyaa n (Ar) same as kalaalaa marroo baasii period of payment
marcuma n 1) a stool with three legs marsaa n circulation
2) seat, chair marsaa bartii study circle
marcuma dacha'aa folding chair marsaa dhiigaa blood circulation
marcuma geengoo wheelchair marsaa dhiiga dachaa double
marcuma hirkoo chair circulation
marcuma leemmanaa a chair marsaa dhiiga sirnaawaa sys-
made of bamboo temic circulation
marcuma mootii throne marsaa dhiiga sombaa pulmo-
marcuma naannee swivel-chair nary circulation
marcuma sibiilaa a chair made marsaa mirree double circulation
of iron marsaa qeentee single circula-
mardaasa n veil tion
mardhataa n cobra marsaa soorataa food chain
maree n discussion marsaduu en chromosphere
marfama n 1) encirclement 2) siege; marsariitii en website
blockade marsii n encirclement
marfamaa a 1) encircled, surrounded marsiyyaa n cycle
2) besieged marsiyyaa bishaanii water cycle
193 marsiyyaa bonkoo - mata-dhabeessa

marsiyyaa bonkoo menstruation masloolee n kettle

cycle masloolee shaayii tea-kettle
marsiyyaa garlamee dual cycle masolii en (manbarumsa + sadarkaa
marsiyyaa jireenyaa life cycle olii) college
marsiyyaa miciree cell cycle masolii barsiisotaa teachers'
marsiyyaa xindachee geological college
cycle masolii ijaarsaa building college
marsiyyummaa n cyclisation (Chem) masolii ogummaa technical col-
marsuu v 1) to surround, encircle lege
2) make to besiege masolii qonnaa agricultural col-
martii n circle lege
martii biilalee circular cone masqala n (Amh) 1) Day of the Cross
martii naannoo circular region 2) age
martii sochii circular motion masqiida n (Ar) mosque
martii shirimirii circular cylinder massaa n reason, cause
martoo n orbit, route, course massaa malee without reason
martuu n 1) wrapper; winder 2) whirl- massa-amaleessa unreasonable
pool massa-aqabeessa reasonable
martuu waraqataa wrapping massakaa/ -tuu nmlf guide (one who
paper shows the way)
marumsa n 1) wrapping 2) rolling massakaa imaltuu tourist guide
maruu v 1) to wrap, wrap over; en- massakkii n guidance
fold, pack 2) to roll, envelop 3) to massakkii dhimmaa instructions
spin (in textile) for use
marxa pref sub massakuu v to guide
Marxa Sahaaraa Sub-Saharan masseessa n rationalisation
marxoo n apron; loin cloth masseessoo n justification
marxoo dhiqannaa dressing- masseessuu v to rationalise; justify
gown, bathrobe mataa n 1) head 2) mind, sense,
masaanoma n antagonism brains 3) leader
masaanoo n antagonist mataa baaburaa locomotive
masaanuu n co-wife mataa biyyaa head of a state
masardurii en castle mataa dalaliyyaa cuspate delta
maseena a/n 1) barren, sterile 2) a mataa duraa the first, primary
barren stalk of maize 3) a barren mataa gosaa chief leader of a
and well-fed sheep or heifer tribe
maseensa n sterilisation mataa humbuluqaa crater
maseenummaa n sterility, infertility mataa lagaa water course
maseenummaa kormaa male mataa loltuu leader of a warrior
sterility group
maseenummaa makkaa hybrid mataa manamantii bishop, pope
sterility mataa mataan per capita
maseenuu v to be barren, be infertile, mataa moodii chief leader of a
be sterilised burial association
mashana n epic mataa qomoo chief leader of a
mashii n large knife clan
mashkaa n lock mataa sabaa national leader
masinqoo n fiddle mataa xalayaa letterhead
maskoo n contribution for a de- mata-dhabeessa/ -ttii thought-
ceased family (food, cattle or fulless
mata-jabeessa - meefa daa'immanii 194

mata-jabeessa/ -ttii obstinate, maxxannee n 1) a kind of plant that

stubborn, inflexible sticks to clothes, hair, fur etc.
mata-qabeessa/ -ttii wise, intelli- 2) parasite
gent maxxannee biqilaa plant parasite
mataatti per head maxxannii n sticking
mataadduu en (mataa + aadduu) maxxannummaa parasitism
barber maxxansa n publication
matabartuu cnmt monitor (senior pu- maxxaansa cuqulee blueprint
pil in school) maxxansa dabre back issue (of
matadeemaa/ -tuu cnm/f vanguard publication)
matadeemummaa n vanguardism maxxansa duraa first edition
mataduree en 1) bedstead maxxansa gurraacha black print
2) headline, title; topic, subject maxxansa lammaffaa second
mataduree barroo title of a book edition
mataduree birkoo subtitle maxxansa lamuu reprint
matafree ca four-headed maxxansa tartee serial publica-
matagarsiiftuu en head index tion
matalamee ca two-headed maxxansaa n 1) printer 2) spreading
matarayyasii n (Fr) same as boossa of coffee seedling
matayyaa n priority maxxansaa agargoo data printer
matayyoo n ringleader maxxansee n seedling
matee n cap maxxansii n printing; issue, edition
matee daaktuu bathing cap maxxansiisaa/ -ftuu nm/f publisher
matee dhukkubsachiiftuu maxxansiisaa barroo book pub-
nurse's cap lisher
matee keewwachuu to put a cap maxxansiisaa muusiqaa music
on publisher
matee qorqoorroo tin hat maxxansiisuu v to publish
mateellaa n helmet maxxansituu n printing machine,
matima en (mataa + himaa) subject printer
(of a sentence) maxxansoo n print
matima muldhiftuu subject maxxansuu v 1) to stick, fasten 2) to
marker print
mattanqoo n net (of fishing) maxxantii n press
matukkee a big-headed maxxantii dhuunfaa private
maxa'a n appendix (Anat) press
maxa'a cidhaanii testicular ap- maxxantii mootummaa govern-
pendage ment press
maxxallaa n seal maxxantii walaabaa free press
maxxallaa mootummaa govern- maxxantoo n coefficient
ment seal maxxantoo qajeelchaa leading
maxxallaa qondaaltoo official coefficient
seal maxxanuu v 1) to cling to, stick to,
maxxanfamaa a printed adhere 2) to depend on 3) to fit
maxxaniitee n label tight 4) to be closer together
maxxannaa n bill-poster, bill-sticker; maxxee n copula
placard maxxiqeessa n breeding
maxxannaa beeksisaa notice pil- meefa en (mana + eegumsa fayyaa)
lar clinic
maxxannaa dhaadhessii adver- meefa daa'immanii children's
tisement pillar hospital
195 meefa dubartii - meexuu

meefa dubartii gynaecological silver implements, silverware

clinic meeshaa moofee second-hand
meefa ijaa eye clinic goods
meefa naanna'aa mobile clinic meeshaa muusiqaa musical in-
meela n sprain strument
meelannaa n dislocation, deformity meeshaa ogummaa technical
meelannaa miilaa clubfoot equipment
meelataa/-tuu amlf crippled, dis- meeshaa ogummaa koraa con-
abled, lame, maimed ference technical equipment
meellee a talkative meeshaa olgalchii imported arti-
meenxoo n bodkin (a thick needle) cle or commodity
meerii n hedge meeshaa qananii luxury item
Meerkurii n (Eur) Mercury (planet) meeshaa qawwisaa surveying
meeshaa n 1) thing, object 2) goods, instrument
commodity, article, item, stuff meeshaa qomee knitwear, ho-
3) baggage, luggage 4) instru- siery
ment, tool, implement; equipment meeshaa qonnaa agricultural
5) apparatus 6) arms, weapon equipment, farm implement
meeshaa alergii export item, ex- meeshaa salphaa simple ma-
ported goods chine
meeshaa barreessii writing ma- meeshaa tarsimoo strategic
terial, stationary weapons
meeshaa beekomsaa science meeshaa telegraamaa telegraph
equipment, science instrument meeshaa walqunnamtii mass
meeshaa bu'uraa basic materials media
meeshaa dilbeetaa capital goods meeshaa waraanaa armament,
meeshaa dheedhii raw material weapon, arms, firearms
meeshaa fakkoo camera meeshaa warshaa machinery
meeshaa fixayyaa consumer meeshaa weennoo sex object
goods meeshaa xilisaa survival kit
meeshaa galmeessaa recording meesha-maleessa unarmed
instrument meeshageldii en artillery
meeshaa geejjibaa transporta- meeshalessa a armed
tion, transport meetee al n silver (of colour)
meeshaa harbaqii corporeal meetii/ meeta n 1) silver 2) silver coin
chattles meetii culkii pure silver
meeshaa hormaataa instrument meetii sibiilaa nickel silver, Ger-
of production man silver
meeshaa ijaarsaa building mate- meeti-qabeessa containing sil-
rials ver, silvery
meeshaa ittisaa defensive meetira n (Fr) metre
weapon meetira kaaree square metre
meeshaa karaa luggage, bag- meetira Niwutanii Newton metre
gage meetirbaandii en metre band
meeshaa luullessii offensive meetirkurnee en decametre
weapon meetiruu v to measure (usu. with a
meeshaa madaaltii measuring metre)
instrument meexa n damage
meeshaa manaa 1) furniture meexamaa a damageable
2) household appliance meexuu v to spoil, damage, act
meeshaa meetii silver goods, against
meexxii - miijana 196

meexxii n palm midhaan daaktuu mill-hand,

mi'ii a fresh (usu. of milk) miller
mi'oo n semen, sperm midhaan duraasaa main crops
miccee n carrot midhaan dhawuu to thresh;
micciirtuu n screw, screwdriver threshing
micee a plenty, abundant midhaan gabaa cash crop
michichila n doorpost midhaan hiddaa root-crop
michummaa n friendship, compan- midhaan jirbii cotton seeds
ionship, fellowship midhaan kalee kidney stone
michuu n 1) bosom friend (of boys) midhaan meexxii date (of palm
2) friend, companion, fellow, play- fruits)
mate midhaan nuffisiisaa tedious food
micirdanee en multi-cellular (i.e. always eaten)
miciree n cell (of living matter) midhaan nyaataa grain for con-
miciree aarsituu nerve cell sumption
miciree aduu solar cell midhaan qobboo castor beans,
miciree boba'aa fuel cell castor seeds
miciree buupphaa egg cell midhaan shimbirroo bird-seeds
miciree coomtoo fat cell midhoo n fruit (usu. of trees)
miciree dhiigaa blood cell midhoo inabaa grapefruit
miciree dhiiga diimaa red blood midhoo-dhabeessa fruitless;
cell useless
miciree dhiigadii (M. DH) white midhoo-qabeessa fruitful; useful,
blood cell (W.B.C.) beneficial
miciree haadhoo mother cell midilee a informal
miciree hiddituu stinging cell midilooma n informality
miciree hookkoo sickle cell miduu v to evaluate, estimate
miciree hundee basal cell miiccitoo n washing powder
miciree jalqabbee primary cell miidaroo n role, part
miciree lubbiyyoo germ cell miiddhaa n oppression, repression
miciree malaa pus cell miidhaa a/n 1) harmful, harsh 2) op-
miciree nafaa somatic cell pressor
miciree qeentee single cell miidhagaa a artistic
miciree rifeensaa hair cell miidhagina n aesthetic
miciree xannachaa gland cell miidhama n harm, injury, impairment;
miciree xiqqoo daughter cell trauma
miciree wajjee companion cell miidhama agartuu visual im-
miciree walhortee reproduction pairment
cell miidhama dhageettii hearing im-
micirjirtii en organism pairment
micirtokkee en unicell (Bot) miidhama dhagnaa physical im-
micirtolfee a cellular pairment
micummaa n plenty, abundance miidhama miiraa sensory im-
mida n evaluation, estimation pairment
middhisaa a/ n homosexual miidhama sammuu brain injury
midduu nmf one who evaluates, es- miidhamaa a 1) injured 2) oppressed
timates miidhuu v 1) to injure, harm, hurt
midhaan n 1) grain 2) crop 3) food 2) to oppress, repress
4) fruit (of plants) miigoo n dendrites
midhaan biilaa grain with beards miijana n (Ar) same as madaala
such as wheat and barley
197 miijanaa - ministeera aadaa

miijanaa/ -tuu nmlf one who weighs mijaawuu v to be favourable

something mijee a flexible
miijanuu v to weigh, measure, bal- mijeessa n facility
ance mijeessuu v to facilitate
miila n foot mijjirii n public place, square
miila mokoo a crooked leg after it Mijjirii Jimmaa Jimma Square
was broken Mijjirii Elemoo Qilxuu Elemo
miila siree bedstead Kiltu Square
miila ujummee tube feet mijoo n quorum
miila-sobee pseudopodia mikroweebii n (Eur) microwave
miilafree en 1) four-footed animal milaamilcha n sabotage
2) quadruped milaamilchituu nmf saboteur
miildhibbee en centipede milaamilchituu qabsoo saboteur
miilee n socks of a struggle
miiljalee en 1) foot (of bed) 2) footer milaamilchituu warraaqsaa
miilkumee en millipede saboteur of a revolution
miillamee ca biped milaamilchuu v to sabotage
miiloo n 1) people descended from milaayyaa n (Ar) navigation, shipping
the same ancestors 2) hereditary, mildhee n flash back
heritage mildhoo n side view
miilsadee en tripod miligraama n (Eur) milligram
miiltee a enclosed milimeetira n (Eur) millimetre
miiltoo n fellow traveller miliyoona n (Eur) same as ku-
miiltuu n pedestrian maatama
miinya n wrinkles on one's forehead milkaawuu v to be lucky, be fortunate
miira n feeling, sense milkii n luck, fate, omen
miira shanan the five sense or- milki-dhabeessa/ -ttii unlucky,
gans unfortunate
miira sochii sensory motor milki-qabeessa/ -ttii lucky, fortu-
miira-maleessa/ -ttii senseless nate
miira-qabeessa/ -ttii sensible milkoo n success
miiraa n catha edulis milliqqee n black market
miirbu'uree en emotion mimmi'oo n athlete's foot
miireffamaa a sensory, sensitive minaadama n population
miireffammii n sensibility minaagessaa n box (for clothes)
miiressa n sensation mindaa n (Ar) wage
miiressaa n sensitiser mindaa liillee minimum wage
miiressummaa n sensitisation mindaa hin-baafaminee back
miiressuu v to sensitise pay
miirtii n feeling, sensation mindaa jireenyaa living wage
miirtuu n detector mindaan bulaa/ -tuu labourer,
miirtuu gaasii gas detector wage-earner
miiruu v to sense, have a feeling minda-dhablee unpaid
mijaara n (Ar) microscope mindaalessa/ -ttii nmlf wage-earner
mijaara iftinaa light microscope mindaaleyyii npl wage-earning
mijaara mirroo compound micro- population
scope mindeessuu v to hire
mijaara salphaa simple micro- ministeera n (Eur) Minister
scope ministeera aadaa Minister of Cul-
mijaawa n flexibility tural Affairs
mijaawaa a favourable
ministeera beeksisaa - mirsuu 198

ministeera beeksisaa Minister of rights

Information mirga ilmanamaa human rights
ministeera eegumsa fayyaa mirga jireenyaa right to life
Minister of Health mirga maxxansaa copy right
ministeera hojii Minister of Pub- mirga nageenyaa right to secu-
lic Works rity
ministeera imaltuu Minister of mirga namtokkoo individual
Tourism rights
ministeera ittaanaa deputy min- mirga namummaa human rights
ister mirga qabeenyaa right to prop-
ministeera ittisaa Minister of De- erty
fence mirga uumamaa natural rights
ministeera olaanaa Prime mirga uummataa civil rights
Minister mirga waltii collective rights,
ministeera qonnaa Minister of communal rights
Agriculture mirga walqixxummaa right to
ministirii n Ministry equality
ministirii aadaa Ministry of Cul- mirga yuboomaa right of pension
tural Affairs mirga-goreessa/ -ttii right devi-
ministirii beeksisaa Ministry of ationist
Information mirga-goriisa right deviation
ministirii eegumsa fayyaa Minis- mirga2 a/n right (side, direction)
try of Health mirgaaleessa/ -ttii a/n rightist
ministirii hojii Ministry of Public mirgaalessa gonkaa ultra-rightist
Works mirgoo n steer
ministirii imaltuu Ministry of mirguumaa en patent
Tourism miriixee a super sexy, erotic
ministirii ittisaa Ministry of mirkana n truth
Defence mirkanaawaa a confirmed
ministirii qonnaa Ministry of mirkanbeekii n science
Agriculture mirkaneessa n confirmation
minjaala n table, desk mirkaneessii n verification
minjaala mukaa a wooden table mirkaneessuu v to verify, confirm,
minjaala sibiilaa a table made of assure, certify
metal mirqaana n stimulation
minjaalee n a small table mirqaansaa a stimulant, stimulating
minna n bandage mirqaansuu v to stimulate
minnii n tapeworm; proglottis mirra n mode, style
minnii afuuffee bladder worm mirra aadaa normal mode
minnii foonii beef tapeworm mirra afataa layout mode
miqajeellii ca indirect mirra qabxii outline mode
miree n transparent clouds mirree a/ n 1) double 2) pair
mirga1 n right (of political, social etc.) mirrii n variety
mirga bilisummaa amantii right mirroo n compound (compound
to freedom of belief thing)
mirga bilisummaa yaadaa right mirsa n song of praise (to God, hero,
to freedom of conscience nation etc.); hymn, psalm
mirga dhalootaa birthright mirsaa/ -tuu nmlf hymnist
mirga dubartii woman's rights mirsamantii en hymn, psalm
mirga gamtaa social rights mirsata n anthem
mirga haadha manaa wife's mirsata sabaa national anthem
mirsuu v to praise, hymn
199 miseensa - miya waldhaansaa

miseensa n 1) a group of men within misooma warshaa industrial de-

the gadaa system 2) member velopment
miseensa caffee Oromiyaa misoomsaa n developer
member of the Oromo Parliament misoomsuu v to develop, make to
miseensa garee a party member flourish; enrich
miseensa garoo member of a missaa n sticker of a bell, clapper
team mita en (miya + taphiisa) toy
miseensa gumii councillor miti- pref non-
miseensa guutuu active member miti-mootummaa non-
(of association, organisation) government
miseensa jalqabaa founding mitika n joint
member mitika walqabsiiftuu hinge joint
miseensa moodii member of a mitiqa n motion, movement
burial society mitisa n compel, force
miseensa tuutee member of a mitisuu v to compel, press, force
set mitoo n person who talks to himself
miseensummaa n 1) membership mittoo n oppression, force
2) subscription mixiixaa a rigid, stiff; inflexible
mishingaa n sorghum mixiixuu v to become rigid, be stiff
mishira n lentil mixiixxaa n rigidity, stiffness; inflexi-
misibiila en (miti + sibiila) non- bility
ferrous miya n 1) thing; object, 2) goods,
misiyoonii n (Eng) missionary commodity, article, stuff 3) bag-
mismaara n (Ar) nail (metal) gage, luggage 4) instrument, tool,
mismaara hookkoo hook-nail implement; equipment 5) appara-
mismaara matooyyee clout nail tus
misooma n development, flourish; miya aadaa material culture
prosperity miya agartii optical instrument
misooma baadiyaa rural devel- miya gabaa commodity
opment miya garaa bowels, gut
misooma bunaa fi shaayii coffee miya hogguu standard tools
and tea development miya ispoortii sports-kit
misooma dinagdee economic miya manaa furniture
development miya minjaalaa tableware
misooma gamtaa social devel- miya naannessituu pedlar
opment miya qoppheeffachuu to pack
misooma karaa dilbeetaa capi- miya qotiisaa common name for
talist way of development agricultural implements
misooma karaa dilbeeta hin- miya qotiyyoo farming imple-
taanee non-capitalist way of de- ment (of ploughing oxen)
velopment miya raadiyoo radio equipment,
misooma karaa soshaalistii so- radio set
cialist way of development miya rurruuqaa insertion tools
misooma magaalaa urban de- miya soogiddaa salt-cellar, salt-
velopment box
misooma qonnaa agricultural miya suphee earthenware
development miya shaayii tea-set, tea-service
misooma tirannoo evolutionary miya shammaanee loom
development miya shorroonii toilet articles
misooma waldoo community miya tiibii television set, TV set
development miya waldhaansaa First Aid Kit
miyakaraa - mooteffachuu 200

miyakaraa en luggage, baggage moggeegduu en border patrol; fron-

mo'annaa n victory tier police
mo'ataa/ -tuu nmlf 1) winner 2) con- moggii n suburb
queror moggoo nl a 1) namesake 2) analo-
mo'atummaa n subjection, submis- gous
sion moggoyyaa n synonym
mo'iinsa n 1) victory 2) rule, reign, moggoyyaawaa a synonymous
manner of ruling mogolee n popliteal (parts of body),
mo'iinsa dagabaafataa colonial tibia
rule, colonial domination mogora n salt bar used for livestock
mo'oo n sacrum mokachiisuu v to bend
mo'oyootee n blue-collar mokoo n bend, curve
moda en (mana + oolmaa mokoo dubbii not true words
daa'immanii) children's home, mokoo geedaa bend of a tree
kindergarten mokoronii n (It) macaroni
moggaa n 1) edge, margin, limit molikula n (Eng) molecule
2) border, frontier; periphery 3) no moocii n road, way; avenue
man's land moodii n burial society
moggaa bishaanii shore moofa'uu v 1) to become old (of ob-
moggaa biyyaa border region, jects), be worn out
periphery moofaa al n 1) old, worn out 2) rag
moggaa fi waltajjii periphery and moofee a second-hand
centre moofoo n oven; stove
moggaa garba dhooqaa sub- moofoo gaasii gas range, gas
merged coast stove
moggaa lagaa bank of a river moogaa n diamond
moggaa magaalaa outskirts of a mooqa n 1) porridge, gruel 2) leaven,
town or city ferment, yeast
moggaa waraanaa war zone mooqaa n ladle
moggaafama n adoption, assimila- mooqqee n paste (Phys)
tion mooquu v 1) to stir 2) to prepare
moggaasa n 1) adopting 2) naming, gruel 3) to paddle, row a boat
name giving 3) coinage (coined mooqxuu nmf one who paddles or
word) rows a boat
moggaasa jechayyaalee coinage moora n grease, suet tallow
moggaasoo n nomenclature moora garaa omentum, perito-
moggaasoo maqa-lamee bino- neum
mial nomenclature moora ijaa nebula, lacrimal ca-
moggaasuu v 1) to name, give a runcle
name to 2) to assimilate 3) coin mooraa n courtyard
(invent word) mooraa konkolaataa car park
moggagarbaa en coast, sea-coast mooree n civet, civet-cat
moggarbaa Garba Diimaa Red moorgaa n cartilage
Sea Coast moorrii n large belly
moggagarbaa gafashaa estua- moortuu n an expert who reads
rine coast moora
moggagarba Garbaa Jiddugalee moosena n golden age
Mediterranean Coast moosisuu v to appoint a chief
moggagarbaa walfuullee trans- mooteffaannoo n coronation
verse coast mooteffachuu v to crown, make a
moggee n little finger king
201 mooteffama - morkii gatii

mooteffama n enthronement mootummaa humna waraanaa

mooteffannaa n personal cult military government
mooteffannoo n coronation mootummaa jalakaattuu a pup-
mootessaa/ -ituu nmlf one who en- pet government
thrones mootummaa namtokkoo autoc-
mootessuu v to enthrone, crown racy
mootiffa n monarchy mootummaa sabdanee multina-
mootiffa heeraa constitutional tional government
monarchy mootummaa sirna atoomaa
mootii n king, monarch federal system of government
mootii bantii emperor mootummaa sooreyyii plutoc-
mootii kanniisaa queen bee racy
mootii manaa dome mootummaa soshaalistii social-
mootii moototaa emperor ist government
mootii qorkee authoritarian, mootummaa torobbee police
autocrat state
mootittii n queen, king's wife mootummaa uummataa peo-
mootoma n state ple's government
mootoma heeraa constitutional mootummaa yeroo provisional
state government
mootoma magaalaa city state Mootummoota Walta'an United
mootoma sabaa national state, Nations
nation state mootummaa waltajjii central
mootoma sabdanee multina- government
tional state mootuu n queen, monarch (a ruler)
mootoma sabtokkee single na- mootuu bantii empress
tional state mootuu moototaa empress
mootoma takkee unitary state mooxii n a large needle (usu. for
Mootoma Tokkummaa Ameeri- sewing sacks)
kaa (MoTA) United States of mooyyee n mortar
America (USA) mooyyitoo n mortar (of laboratory)
mootomaa/ -tuu nmlf monarch morgaya n tendon; nerve
mootommii n reign morgaya sagalee vocal cords
mootomuu v to become a king, reign morgoga n range of mountains
mootummaa n 1) kingdom 2) gov- morgoya n ligament
ernment, regime 3) state morkachuu v to oppose
Mootummaa Ameerikaa United morkallaa n argument, dispute
States Government morkamaa a disputable
mootummaa atoomaa federal morkannoo n opposition
government morkataa/ -tuu aln m/f 1) disputing,
mootummaa cewumsaa transi- quarrelsome 2) rival, opponent
tional government (e.g. in election)
mootummaa dagabaafataa co- morkii n 1) competition, campaign
lonial government 2) match
mootummaa faashistii fascist morkii addunyaalessaa interna-
government tional competition
mootummaa fudaalaa feudal morkii daakkii swimming-race,
government swimming competition
mootummaa hojjattuu fi qottuu morkii fiigichaa race, running,
government of workers and track events
peasants morkii gatii price competition
morkii geeba Afrikaa - muka haamtuu 202

morkii geeba Afrikaa African mowuu v 1) to win, defeat, over-

Cup Competition power, beat, be victorious 2) to
morkii geeba biyyalafaa world conquer, subdue 3) to rule, gov-
cup competition ern, dominate
morkii gugsii horse race moxobaawaa a marginal
morkii gulaalaa qualifying com- moxobii n margin
petition moxolaa n eye disease, trachoma
morkii olompiyaa Olympic com- moyidarbii en knock out
petition moyiinsa n victory, triumph
morkii waraanaa arms race mucaa al n 1) infant 2) child
morkii weedduu songs contest mucha n 1) teat, teats 2) port (Comp)
morkisiisaa/ -ftuu nmlf referee mucha walfaanaa serial ports
morkituu nmf competitor, candidate mucha waltarree parallel ports
morkituu fiigichaa track events mucoo n male donkey
morkituu maraatonii marathon mucuca n slide, slip, sleet
competitor mucucaachuu v to slide
morkituu mana maree candidate mucummaa n 1) infancy 2) childhood
of a parliament mudaa a 1) defect, fault 2) blemish
morkituu mana seedannoo muda-maleessa/ -ttii perfect
business competitor, trade com- mudaammuddii n groin (of body)
petitor muddama n trouble, problem; suf-
morkuu v 1) to compete, contend fering
2) to dispute Mudde n December
morma n neck mudduu v to press, tighten, torment,
morma burkaanaa volcanic neck cause trouble
morma gadameessaa proglottis mudoo a defect
cervix mufachiisaa a offender
mormee n collar mufachiisuu v to offend
mormeellaa n scarf mufata n disappointment
mormeessaa n negative (Gram) muftii n (Ar) mufti
mormii n opposition, resistance mugoota n debt
mormii jireenyaa vital resistance mogoota biyyaa National Debt
mormii qorichaa drug resistance mujuja n depression, lethargy
mormuu v to oppose, argue, contest muka n 1) tree, woods 2) bush; plant
moroda n file (instrument) 3) wood, log, timber, lumber
morodee n nail file 4) stem 5) handle; haft
moroduu v to file (smooth or shape muka alaabaa flagpole, flagstaff
with file) muka baalaa leaf-stalk, petiole
mortadeellaa n (It) mortadella (kind muka boqqoolloo stalk of corn
of sausage) muka bunaa coffee plant
mosajjii n software muka buufachuu to cast lots
mosuu n tuber (usu. by using pieces of wood)
motobilii n (Fr) same as balii/a muka dibbee drumstick
motora n (Eur) motor; engine muka dogoroo handle of a
motora baaburaa locomotive plough
motora hoo'inaa heat engine muka dungoo candle stick
motoroomsa n motorisation muka daatuu umbrella stalk
motoroomsuu v to motorise muka dhagaraa handle of an axe
motortuu nmf motorman muka eeboo haft
mowumsa n 1) victory 2) governing, muka foonii spit
rule, ruling muka haamtuu handle of a sickle
203 muka harataa - murnadubbii maqoo

muka harataa broomstick muldhina n appearance

muka ibsaa lamppost muldhisaa n exponent
muka ilillii flower stalk muldhiyyaa n image
muka jajjabaa hard wood muldhiyyee n panorama
muka korreentii electric post mulqa n step down
muka lallaafaa soft wood mulquu v to finish completely
muka mooyyee pestle mululeessuu v to make round, roll
muka mooyyitoo pestle (of labo- mulullee n sphere, globe
ratory) mulullee dalgii oblique sphere
muka qobboo castor plant, cas- mulullee sirrii right sphere
tor stem mulullee waltarree parallel
muka qottoo handle of a hatchet sphere
muka rigaa 1) a wooden tooth mulullooma n sphericity
brush 2) a tree whose branches mululuu a round, spherical, globular
are used as tooth brush mumurraa n segmentation
muka silkii telephone pole munada n cattle market, market for
muka shaayii tea-tree animals
muka yabaloo oar, paddle mundheellaa n cartridge belt
mukaa-baala herbs mundhigarbaa en straits
mukaa-baala-nyaattuu herbivo- munnee n rectum
rous muqura n frost
muka-sooffii carpentry muqurtii n hookworm
muka-sooftuu carpenter mura n mutilation
mukaamukii n unshucked corn muraa n piece, slice (of bread, meat)
mukee n butt or stock (of a gun) muraa daabboo slice of bread
mukiiktuu en (muka + hiiktuu) wood muraala n minor
screws muraamurtii en the final decision
mukiitee n stalk (of corn, sorghum (usu. of high courts)
etc.) muraasa n battalion
mukiitee baaqilaa beanstalk murachiisaa n lean meat, meat that
mukiitee badallaa cornstalk is eaten raw
mukoo n hockey stick murannaa n 1) cutting; copping
muktuu nmf wood worker; carpenter 2) deciding
mukukkula n firebrand murannoo n decisiveness
mukurtuu en gimlet murataa/ -tuu am/f devotee
mulaba en (murna + waraana murattee n eunuch
balali'aa) squadron murcoo n rag
muldhacha n revelation murgoo n humour
muldhata n visibility murna n section, unit
muldhataa a visible; tangible murna barreessaa text block
muldhatummaa n visibility murna dhaabbata maallaqaa
muldhiduree en facade financial enterprise section
muldhifata n application murna loltootaa unit of fighter
muldhifataa/ -tuu nmlf exhibitor murna waraanaa military unit,
muldhiftuu n 1) indicator 2) output army unit
(Comp) murnadubbii en phrase
muldhiftuuu micirjirtii indicator murnadubbii dabalgoosii ad-
organism verbial phrase
muldhiftuu sanyii indicator spe- murnadubbii maqoo noun
cies phrase
muldhii n view, sight
murnadubbii maqomuldhiftuu - muummicha magaalaa 204

murnadubbii maqomuldhiftuu murtuu rifeensaa clippers

adjective phrase murtuu shaabbee wire cutter
murnayyaa n category muruu v 1) to cut; hew, clip, chop;
murnayyaadhumatti categori- slice 2) to fix, decide, determine
cally 3)tojudge
murnee n phylum murxuxxee n wooden missile
murnii n panel (part of door or wall) mushulugsa n smooth
murnoo n brigade mushulugsummaa n smoothness
murqicha n stub, stump (of ampu- mushulugsuu v to smooth
tated hand) mutaa n awl, bradawl
murra n a deep and wide ditch (usu. mutaa qawwee firing pin of a gun
for defence) mutaantaa n (It) same as surreja/ee
murraa n segment mutaya n germination
murree n slash mutaya gajjallaa hypogeal ger-
murrii n direction mination
murtaawaa a unequivocal mutaya gararraa epigeal germi-
murtee n 1) decision, resolution nation
2) conclusion, result muttuu al n germinant; germinator
murtee dhumaa final decision mutuu v to germinate, sprout
murtee manseeraa court deci- muuda n 1) a ceremonial offering in
sion honour of the Oromo religious
murtee Mootummoota Walta'anii head, qaal/uu 2) anointment
resolution of the United Nations muuddii n sacrament
murtee taliigaa political resolu- muujalee n jigger, jiggers
tion, political decision muujalooftuu nmf one who is in-
murtee yaa'ii resolution of a gen- fested with jiggers
eral assembly muummee n 1) chief, main, major,
murteessaa a decisive; vital, crucial; principal 2) horizon
critical muummicha/ -ttii nm/f 1) chief, head,
murteessoo n determinism leader; principal 2) capitol, capital
murteessoo barmodachee geo- city
graphical determinism muummicha biyyaa national
murteessoyyee n determinist leader
murteessummaa n decisiveness; muummicha caakkaa head of
vitality; criticality forestry
murteessuu v to decide, determine muummicha damiyyaa head of
murtii n 1) judgement; justice 2) trial, department
sentence muummicha doonii ship's cap-
murtii du'aa death penalty, death tain
sentence muummicha dooyyii head of
murtii du'aa itti-muruu sentence scout, head of boy scout
to death, give death penalty muummicha faannoo a guerrilla
murtii safuu moral judgement leader, head of a rebel
murtii seera waraanaa court- muummicha gosaa tribal chief,
martial tribal leader
murti-kennaa/ -ituu judge muummicha keettoo security
murtiseeraa en verdict chief
murtuu n clippers; cutter muummicha mabbaa university
murtuu faaggee pipe cutter president, rector
murtuu qeensaa nail clippers muummicha magaalaa town
mayor, mayor
205 muummicha manaa - naannoo baddadaree

muummicha manaa housemas- naamusa n (Ar) discipline, order

ter (of school boarding house) naamusa hamilee moral disci-
muummicha mana barumsaa pline
school director, principal naamusa hojii work discipline
muummicha qomoo clan leader naamusa taliigaa political disci-
muummicha torobbee chief of pline
the police naannawaa a 1) circulating; migrant,
muummicha uummataa popular wandering, mobile 2) round
leader naannawiinsa n rotation
muummoo n skyline naannawiinsa dachee rotation of
muusessituu a/ n depressant the earth
muusiqaa n (Eur) music naannawiinsa dhiigaa blood cir-
muusiqaa argamtii concrete mu- culation
sic nannawiinsa ji'aa rotation of the
muusiqummaa n musicality moon
muusiquu v to make music; play naannawiinsa maagineetaa ro-
muusiqxuu nmf musician tating magnet
muuxannoo n experience naannawiinsa sararaanii rotation
muuxannoo dammaqiinsaa about a line
conscious experience naannawuu v 1) to turn around, go
muuxannoo jireenyaa life ex- around 2) to revolve, circle, orbit
perience 3) to rotate
muuxii n bodkin naannawwee n perimeter
muuzii n (Ar) same as warqa naannee n circulation
muxxee n cone, pyramid (Med) naannee jireenyaa life cycle
muxxoo n hackleg (Geo/) naannee maallaqaa circulation of
muyee n minority money
muyii a invalid; infirm (of person) naannee qaruutii active circuit
naannee sombaa pulmonary cir-
naanneffachuu v to think over
- N- naannessa n turning
naannessituu nmf 1) pedlar 2) tele-
naa'oo n private soldier; vassal phone operator
naacha n crocodile naannessituu bilbiltoo tele-
naaduraa n binoculars phone operator
naafa a 1) lame 2) crippled naanniftinaa en photosphere
naafachuu v 1) to be lame 2) to be naanniggaa n 1) trough 2) tank, vat
crippled; be handicapped naannii n vicinity
naafannaa n becoming lame; be- naannitee n circle (Geog)
coming crippled naannitee Kaabacabbii Arctic
naafessaa n a disease which causes circle
lameness naannitee Kibbacabbii Antarctic
naafessuu v to cripple circle
naafummaa n 1) lameness 2) crip- naannoftuu a revolving
pling naannoo al n 1) round; around
naafxaa n (Eur) naphtha 2) circle 3) area, region 4) sur-
naalchuu v to domesticate; normalise roundings; environment
naamunaa n (Ar) sample, specimen naannoo baddadaree temperate
naamunaa akkinaa systematic region
naannoo bulchiinsaa - nafooyyee 206

naannoo bulchiinsaa administra- naatija hojii achievement, ac-

tive region complishment
naannoo caakkaa wooded re- naatija waggaa yearly result or
gion, forest region achievement
naannoo daangaa border region naatija-dhabeessa resultless,
naannoo gammoojjii tropical re- fruitless; pointless; in vain, futile
gion naatija-qabeessa resultful, fruitful
naannoo gogiinsaa drought af- naatomii n (Eur) same as hirqaama
fected area naatoo n attraction (of person)
naannoo goolloo convex region naatrojina n (Eng) nitrogen
naannoo jirenyaa living space; naayee n female (Gram)
lebensraum naayiloonii n (Eng) nylon
naannoo magaalaa circuit (of a naazii a (Eur) Nazi
city) naazummaa n Nazism
naannoo malkee dock area, wa- nabii n (Ar) same as raagaa
terfront, docklands naccii n thin biddeena made of
naannoo mundhilafaa equatorial xaafii
region nadhee a sweat heart, darling
naannoo murteessaa critical re- nadhii n 1) the sweat fluid of honey
gion (Stat) 2) nectar
naannoo rogsadee triangular re- nadhii dammaa pure honey
gion nadhii daraaraa nectar
naannoo sulula dhooqaa rift val- nadhi-maleessa nectarless
ley region nadhi-qabeessa 1) full of pure
naannoo warshaa industrial area honey 2) nectarous
naannoo xinjiree biological envi- nadhoo n nectar
ronment nadhummaa n nectary
naannoo yaada jijjiirraa affec nadiituu nmf auctioneer
tive domain nadiyaa n auction
naannoo yaada sammuu cogni- nadiyuu v to auction, sell by auction
tive domain nafa n 1) body 2) substance, mass
naannoo waaggee polar region nafa bishaan naqate edema
naannoyyaa n environment (Med)
naannoyyaa barmodachee geo- nafa fiilaa respiratory organ
graphical environment nafa gadameessaa uterus-body
naannoyyaa nafooyyee physical nafa hormaataa organ of repro-
environment duction
naannoyyaa uumaa natural envi- nafa madanaa radiant body
ronment nafa miciree cell body
naannoyyee n regionalist nafa miiraa sense organ
Naarobii n Nairobi nafa namaa human body
naasuu n fear, terror nafa ruudaa heavenly body
naasuu guyyaa day terrors nafa saalaa the genitals, sexual
naasuu halkanii night terrors, parts
sleep terrors nafadii en white matter (Med)
naatija n (Ar) 1) result, outcome; con- nafbullee en microbody (Bot)
sequence 2) points, mark (in ex- naffoo n mass, material, substance
aminations) 3) findings (of sci- nafoofuu en (nama + furrifamtuu
ence) 4) score (of sports) oofuu) astronaut
naatija culkee net result nafoo ee al n physical (Geog)
207 nafxanyaa - nama teenisaa

nafxanyaa n/ a (Amh) Abyssinian Prize winner

armed settlers in Oromoland and nama biyyaa citizen, native
other southern regions nama biyyummaa citizenship
nagaa n 1) peace, tranquillity 2) safe, nama Chaayinaa Chinese (man
secure 3) well-being 4) greeting, or woman)
salutation 5) farewell nama daatuu parachutist
nagaa biyyalafaa world peace nama dabaa intriguer, mischie-
nagaa gaafachuu to greet, salute vous person
nagaa waaraa lasting peace, nama dassiiba ordinary person
permanent peace nama doonii sailor, seaman
nagaa walgaafachuu to greet nama Faarisaa Persian (man or
each other woman)
naga-dhabeessa/ -ttii peaceless, nama Faransaa Frenchman,
restless French woman
naga-qabeessa/ -ttii peaceful nama gabaa shopper, market
nagaalessa/ -ttii am/f peaceful goer
nagaan a peacefully nama Gibxii Egyptian (man or
nagaan galaa farewell woman)
nagaan wajjin jiraachuu peace- nama Giriikii Greek (man or
ful co-existence woman)
nagagaafii en greeting nama haamaa person who har-
nagayee en (na + gaye) voucher vests, mows
nageegduu enmf peace-keeper nama himii reporter
nageegumsa en peace-keeping nama hidhaa prisoner
nageenya n security; safety; well- nama Hindii an Indian (man or
being, welfare woman)
nageenya addunyaalessaa in- nama ilbiisa dirty fellow; non-
ternational security sense, simple-minded
nageenya biyyaa national secu- nama ispoortii sportsman,
rity sportswoman, athlete
nageenya uummataa public se- nama lafee trustworthy person
curity nama magaalaa city dweller,
nageenya waltii collective secu- metropolitan
rity nama mataa haarrii a grey hair
nagummaa n well-being person, grey-haired
nagummaa uummataa well- nama mo'u ruler
being of the people nama nagaa peaceful person,
nam'a n fermentation friendly person
nama n man, person nama qoosaa 1) not serious
nama adamoo hunter person 2) joker, humorist
nama ajjeechaa homicide nama qunnamtii contact man,
nama amanamaa/ -tuu reliable contact person
person; confidential person nama qurcii leper
nama amantii religious person nama seenaa historian
nama Ameerikaa American (man nama seeraa jurist, lawyer
or woman) nama seera yakkii criminal-
nama Arabaa Arab (man or lawyer
woman) nama sheekkoo story-teller,
nama baadiyaa dweller of the narrator
country-side, peasant nama taliigaa politician
nama badhaasa Nobeel Nobel nama teenisaa tennis player
nama tolchaa - nuura 208

nama tolchaa witchdoctor naqxuu nmf brewer

nama ulfaataa V.I.P. (very narsii n (Eng) same as dhukkubsa-
important person) chiiftuu
nama warshaa industrialist natoo n fund
nama yaadaa thinker needoo a heavy
namalaa en outsider neefka n animal
nambaa en (namgeenyan + baasuu) neefka bishaanawaa aquatic
Cash on Delivery (C.O.D.) animal
nambantii en superman neefka daggalaa wild animal
namee al n humane; humanitarian; neefka gaffaa terrestrial animal
humanist neefkillaa n fauna
nameegduu en bodyguard Neeptunii n (Eng) Neptune
nameegduu mootii royal body- niitii n wife; woman
guard niitii durii ex-wife
nameenya n personality nikeela n (Eur) nickel
nameessa n personification niwutroona n (Eur) neutron
nameessuu v to personify niyoonii n (Eur) neon
namguddaa/ -oo cnm/f adult niyyaa n aspiration (desire)
namkarraa en porter (of a hotel) niyyaa ilmoo namaa human as-
nammataa en mayor piration
namnitolchee ca synthetic niyyaa sabaa national aspiration
namnuumee ca artificial nooba n zipper
namooma n humanity noobaan cufuu to zip up
namxinneessaa ca derogatory noola/ -tuu nm/f composer (Mus)
nanaa n girlfriend noollaa n megaphone
nannaqa n 1) pouring out 2) ejacula- noollii n composition (Mus)
tion nooluu v to compose (Mus)
nannaqii n rain that comes down for nooraa n bridge
a long time nootaa n (It) note (Mus)
nannaquu v 1) to pour out repeatedly nooyee n plough
2) to ejaculate nu'ummaa n collective
nappaalamii n (Eng) napalm nubee n minstrel; bard
naqa n 1) posture 2) form (of litera- nuffaa/ -tuu nmlf person who is eas-
ture) ily fed up of something
naqaashii n witness nuffee a monotonous
naqachuu v 1) to pour, add to for nuffeena n monotony
oneself 2) to put on, wear; deco- nuffii n 1) disgust 2) bore
rate 3) to engage (marriage) nuffisiisaa a 1) boring, tedious
naqammii n pattern 2) disgustful
naqata n engagement; marriage by nuffummaa n boredom
arrangement nuffuu v 1) to disgust, be fed up of
naqattoo n bridle 2) to bore, be tired of something
naqii n group of warriors nuguya n beam of plough
naqillaa n brewery nuklara n (Eng) nuclear
naqoo n ejaculation nulga a lazy
naqqii n 1) barrel of a gun 2) funnel nurga n ship's captain
naquu v 1) to put on, wear, decorate nuugii n nigerseed (plant)
2) to pour, add to 3) to ejaculate nuura n imagination
4) to brew (bear, honey-wine etc.)
5) to load ( a gun, a pistol)
naqxii n brewage
209 nyaabultee - obsa-qabeessa

- NY- nyalaa/ -tuu nmlf one who complains

nyallee nmf one who always com-
nyaabultee en (nyaata + bultee) plains
snack nyaltii n grumble
nyaachisa n feast, banquet nyaluu v to complain; grumble
nyaachisaa/ -ftuu nmlf one who nyanyaataa n rheumatism
gives a feast nyanyee n rabies
nyaachisii n feeding nyaree n metal cup (usu. very small)
nyaachisii namnuumee artificial nyargoo n colt (of an ass)
nyaachisuu v 1) to feed, provide
food, nourish 2) cause to lose (in
games) -0-
nyaachuu v 1) to eat, dine; consume
2) to earn, get (salary) 3) to kill obaarrii n pickaxe
and eat (of animals) 4) to lose (of obarayya n employ
a profit in business) 5) to bewitch obarayyeeffama n employment
6) to be drown 7) to have an itch- obarayyeeffama guutuu full em-
ing 8) to bite (of lice, bed bugs, ployment
fleas etc.) obarayyeeffamaa/ -tuu nm/f em-
nyaanyoo n sweets ployee
nyaapha n adversary obarayyeessaa/ -ituu nm/f employer
nyaara n eyebrow obarayyeessuu v to employ
nyaata n food, meal; diet, nourish- obbaatii n afterbirth, placenta (of
ment human)
nyaata aadaa staple food obbireeshina n (Eng) same as
nyaata booda after meals baqaqsoo
nyaata dabalamaa supplemen- obbolaa npl sibling
tary feeding obbolaa lakkuu twin brothers or
nyaata dura before meals sisters
nyaata duraasaa staple, staple obboleettiwwan lakkuu twin sis-
food ters
nyaata hojjatammee processed obboleeyyii lakkuu twin brothers
food obbolummaa n brotherhood, frater-
nyaata olkeewwataa preserved nity
food obboroo n early morning between 5
nyaata suggoo nutritious food and 6 o'clock
nyaata xaasaa canned food obombola n wave (of water)
nyaata waltaye balanced diet obomboleessa n tornado, cyclone
nyaataa-dhugaatii food and drink obomboleessa galaanaa vortex
nyaataa n general name for lice, obomboleessa gammoojjii
fleas, bed bugs, weevils, jiggers tropical cyclone
etc. obomboleettii n whirlwind, hurricane
nyaatamaa/ -tuu amlf eatable, edible obombollee n typhoon
nyabbaa n lobe oborraa n white flower
nyabbaa gurraa earlobe obrisa n vertical line
nyabbaa sammuu lobes of brain obsa n patience, toleration
nyabbaa sombaa lobe of lungs obsa-dhabeessaa/ -ttii impatient,
nyabbaa tiruu lobe of liver intolerant
nyabba-maleessa lobeless obsa-qabeessa/ -ttii patient, tol-
n ala n complaint erant
obsaa - of-sirreessa 210

obsaa/ -ituu am/f patient, tolerant oduu dabarsuu 1) to broadcast

obsachiisaa n means of calming (by radio, TV), communicate 2) to
down, tranquilliser send news as a reporter
obsamaa a tolerable oduu dhiyeessuu to inform, bring
obsii n tolerance, toleration news, report (of radio, TV)
obsuu v to be patient, be calm, toler- oduu du'aa death announcement
ate, endure oduu duraasaa headlines (of
odaa n 1) sycamore tree 2) a syca- news)
more tree under which the gadaa- oduu haaraa latest news
assembly took place 3) a syca- oduu ispoortii sporting news,
more tree used today by Oromo sports commentary
organisations as a symbol of de- oduu magaalaa talk of the town
mocracy oduu nagaa good news
oddoo n garden oduu raadiyoo radio-news
oddoo Adan the Garden of Eden oduu tiibii TV-news
oddoo bineeyyii zoological gar- oduu torbee newsreel
den odu-dabarsaa/ -ituu reporter,
oddoo lukkuuu poultry yard correspondent, informer
oddu'aa en (oduu + du'a) obituary odu-dhiyeessaa/ -ituu news-
oddurii en (oduu + durii) fable, tale reader
odeeffachuu v 1) to seek information odu-jaalattuu rumour-monger
2) to question, inquire, interrogate of- pref self
odeeffama n rumour, gossip of-beekummaa self-
odeeffannaa n questioning, inquiry, consciousness
interrogation of-bulchaa self-supporting, inde-
odeeffannoo n information pendent, autonomous
odeeffataa/ -tuu nmlf inquirer, inter- of-bulchuu to be self-supporting,
rogator be independent
odeessaa/ -ituu nm/f journalist of-dandayaa/ -eessuu self-
odeessuu v 1) to tell news, an- supporting person, independent
nounce, report 2) to narrate, relate person
3) to gossip, rumour of-dura dhiibduu propeller
odeettii a talkative of-dura dhiibuu to propel
odiitara n (Eng) same as towataa of-gammachiisa/ -ftuu self-
odimaa/ -tuu nmlf spokesman, satisfaction
spokeswoman of-gargaarsa self-supporting,
odolcha a grey self-reliance
odoola n island of-jajaa/ -juu braggart, boaster
odoola dooccee kettle lake of-jaja boast, self admiration
odoola fulukkee coral island of-jajuu to boast
odoola guubee oxbow lake of-jaalachuu to be selfish; be
odooyyee n talebearer egoist
oduu n 1) news, information, report of-jaalala selfishness; egoism
2) gossip, rumour 3) story, tale, of-jaalataa/ -tuu selfish; egoist
narration of-keessaa-qabaachuu to pos-
oduu afuuftuu one who tells ru- sess, contain
mour; liar of-kenna submit
oduu afuufuu to rumour, gossip of-kennuu to submit
oduu biyya-keessaa local news of-qabiisa self-control
oduu biyyalaa foreign news of-sirreessa self regulation
oduu biyyalafaa world news
211 of-wallaalaa - olaanuu

of-wallaalaa/ -tuu politically un- ogbarruu en (ogummaa + barruu)

conscious person literature
of-wallaalcha unconsciousness ogeessa/ -ttii nm/f 1) skilled, artisan
of-wallaaluu to lose conscious- 2) professional 3) expert, authority,
ness, faint specialist 4) technician, engineer
of-wareega self-sacrifice (Pol) 5) traditional medical expert
of-wareegaa/ -duu one who sac- ogeessa haddhaa toxicologist
rifices himself (Pol) ogeessa hojii harkaa artisan
of-wareeguu to sacrifices oneself ogeessa ijaarsaa architect
ofagabsa en hunger strike ogeessa konkolaataa mechanic
ofagarsiisuu cv to show off (of per- ogeessa korreentii electrician
son) ogeessa telegraamaa telegra-
ofiiffee a/ n reflexive pher, telegraphist
ofiin pron self ogeessa waraanaa military ex-
ofiin duultuu voluntary pert
ofiin duuluu to volunteer for a oggayyii n cliche
campaign ogiyoo n cardamom (spice)
ofiin hojjachiisaa automation ogoomee al n skilled, skilled worker,
ofiin hojjachiisuu to automate craftsman
ofiin of bulchuu autonomy ogoomsaa/ -ituu nmlf trainer, edu-
offin qabsiifamaa self ignition cator
ofiinee a automatic ogoomsuu v to train as expert, spe-
ofirraa pron/ prep from oneself cialist etc.
ofirraa deebisa counterattack ogummaa n 1) wisdom, knowledge
offirraa faccisa counteroffensive 2) practice, profession, vocation,
ofirraa ittisa self-defence 3) skill, craftsmanship 4) expert-
ofirroo ca arrogant ness
ofittoo a self-interested ogummaa ijaarsaa architecture
ofitummaa en selfishness ogummaa waraanaa art of war
oflaalii en looking-glass, mirror okaa n 1) fodder (usu. of fresh grass);
ofticha/ -ttii nm/f individualist silage
oftii al n individual okaa goggogaa hay
oftiina n individualism okkotee n 1) pot 2) cooking pot
oftoo amt egoist, selfish okkotee ilillii flower pot
oftuu a individualist okkotee suphee an earthen pot
oftuulaa/ -tuu nm/f 1) chauvinist, jin- okolee n milking vessel
goist 2) hypocrite oksijina n (Eng) oxygen
oftuulummaa en 1) chauvinism olaanaa/ -tuu am/f senior, high-
2) false pride, hypocrisy ranking
oftuulummaa dhiiraa male- olaanolii n relief (of landscape)
chauvinism olaantee al n maximum
oftuulummaa sabaa national olaantii al n supreme; superiority
chauvinism olaantii seeraa rule of law
oftuulummaa sanyii racial chau- olaantiyyaa n first class
vinism, racism olaantiyyee a supremacist
oftuuluu cv to glorify oneself, extol olaantoo n sovereignty
oneself olaantota npl aristocracy
ofulfeessa en self-respect olaantummaa n supremacy
ofumaan prep by oneself olaantuu n upper hand, mastery
ofumaan barachuu autodidactic olaanuu a upper
olbaa - onsuu 212

olbaa n forum olloomuu v to be neighbour to one

olbaa barreessii literary forum another
olbaa haasaa discussion forum ollummaa n neighbourhood
olbaa Oromoo Oromo Forum olola n propaganda
olbaa seeraa judicial forum olola dhaadhessii advertising
olbaaftuu n elevator, lift campaign
olbaaftuu imaltuu passenger lift olola mootummaa propaganda
olbaaftuu yaattuu hydraulic lift of a government
olbuu n cotton cloth worn over a suit ololaa/ -tuu nmlf propagandist
or dress ololoka n 1) float, raft 2) floatation,
oleddummina en multiplicity fluctuation
oleddummina horataa over- ololokkee n helicopter
production ololoktuu nmf 1) a bird which hovers
oleddummina uummataa over- in the air 2) floating object
population ololokuu v 1) to float 2) to hover,
olee n height soar
olee gammoojjii subtropical ololuu v to propagandise
heights olompiyaa a/ n (Eur) Olympic,
olfuutuu en forklift, crane (machine) Olympics
olgalchii n import oloo n gradient
olgalchituu nmf importer oloo diriiraa flat gradient
olgalchituu fi alergituu importer olqabaa en supporter
and exporter olxiinxala en induction
olgalchuu cv 1) to bring home; bring omborii n rye
in 2) to import ona n deserted house, uninhabited
olgalfamaa ca imported goods; im- house
portable onee n vacuum
olgee n ordinate onee aangoo power vacuum
olguura en seasickness Onkoloolessa n October
olii n superior onnee n 1) heart 2) courage, zeal,
oliigadii en fluctuation ardour, fervour
oliigadii gatii price fluctuation onnee namnuumee artificial
oliiqsuu cv to raise, elevate heart, mechanical heart
oliitii n altitude onne-dhabeessa/ -ttii discour-
oliitii barartii flying altitude aged
oliyyaa n senior secondary school onne-qabeessa/ -ttii courageous,
oljiraa ca outstanding, excellent zealous
oljirooma en superiority onne-tuqaa 1) thing (e.g. speech,
olka'iinsa en rise movie) which is moving, exciting,
olka'ina ardii continental rise or giving deep impression
olka'iinsa gatii rise in price onnoo n homestead
olkaasaa en raiser onnoomaa/ -tuu am/f emotional (of a
olkaaya en conservation, reserve person)
olkaaya giidoo conservation of onnoomuu v to be emotional, be
energy sentimental, be excited
olkaaya soorataa food preserva- onnummaa n emotion, excitement,
tive sentiment
olkeewwata ca preserved onnummaa hoo'aa enthusiasm
ollaa n neighbour onsuu v 1) to abandon, desert 2) to
olloba n stagnant water lay waste, loot, pillage, plunder,
ravage, devastate
213 oobruu - poostara

oobruu n tilled farm-land, farm, culti- Oromiyaa waltajjii Central

vated field Oromia
oobruu jallisaa irrigated farm Oroo (Eur) Euro (European currency)
oobruu qamadii wheat-field Oroppaa n Europe
oobruu ruuzii paddy field Oroppaa waltajjii Central Europe
oofaa/ -ftuu nm/f driver, chauffeur Oroppaasiyaa en Eurasia
oofaa baaburaa motor man, con- orraa n broad daylight
ductor oshongoree n kidney beans
oofaa balali'aa pilot (of a plane) osolee n chipmunk
oofaa doonii pilot (of a ship) otobbicuu en (otobusii + bicuu)
oofaa geengolamee bicyclist minibus
oofaa otobusii conductor otobusii n (Eur) bus
oofaa taaksii cab driver, taxi otobusii imaltuu coach
driver otobusii magaalaa city bus
ooffee al n automatic otobusii motoraa motor bus
ooffii n driving otola n word, vocabulary
ooftuu n drive (Comp) ozoonii n (Eur) ozone
ooftuu kumbaa disc drive
oofuu v to drive
oogdii n threshing floor
oola n absence -p-
oolaa n severe drought
ooloo a fruitless (of grain or plant) paarlamaa n (Eur) same as caffee5
ooltii n 1) spending the day 2) free paartii n (Eng) same as garee
time paasportii n (Eng) same as waradee
ooltii gabaa market transaction paastaa n (It) pasta
oomacha n foam, froth peejoo n Peugeot (brand of car)
oomacha andarqii lather perestirooyikaa n (Rus) perestroika
oommaraa n bonfire phapphaasii n (Amh) pope; bishop
oommartuu nmf one who prepares phapphaasii bantii archbishop
bonfire phapphaasummaa n papacy; pope-
oommaruu v to prepare bonfire dom
oota n amniotic fluid piissaa n (It) pizza
oppeelii n Opel pilaanetii n (Eng) same as bakkallee
oppeeraa n (It) opera Piluutoo n (Eur) Pluto
orbobbiisa n spider pireesii n (Eng) same as maxxantii
orofaa n turn, interval pirezidaantii n (Eng) same as har-
orofee n shift (usu. relay of workers) boora
orofee galgalaa evening shift pirotestaantii n (Eur) Protestant
orofee ganamaa early shift, pirotiinii n (Eur) same as burqata
morning shift pirotokola n (Eur) protocol
orofee halkanii night shift pirutoonii n (Eur) proton
oroftuu nmf person who is waiting for piyaanoo n (Eng) piano
his turn polotikaa n (It) same as taliiga
aroma n folk, people poostaa n (It) post, mail
Oromiyaa en (Oromoo + biyya) poostaa biyya keessaa local-
Oromia mail
Oromiyaa bahaa East Oromia poostaa lafayyaa surface mail
Oromiyaa kaabaa North Oromia poostaa magaalaa citymail
Oromiyaa kibbaa South Oromia poostaa qilleensaa airmail
Oromiyaa lixaa West Oromia poostara n poster
potaasha - qaawa gurraa 214

potaasha n (Eur) potash qaamee n undershirt

qaamkormaa en stamen
qaamtuu n outer layer, cortex
qaamtuu argaa visual cortex
-Q- qaamtuu dhageettii auditory
qaabata n memory qaamtuu kalee renal cortex
qaabata daadaa folk-memory qaanca n fibre
qaadii n (Ar) judge (of Muslim affairs) qaanqawa n spark ignition
qaajjibuu n scorpion qaanqawuu v to be sparked, emit
qaajjisoo a adventitious (Bot) sparks
qaalaa n cliff qaanqee n spark
qaalluu n traditional religious leader qaanqee eletrikaa electric spark
of the Oromo qaanee ibidda fire spark
qaama n 1) body; figure; body struc- qaanqee ijaa little stars in the
ture 2) organ, part, 3) surface eyes (when fainting)
qaama adii white matter qaanqessaa nl a 1) emitter of sparks,
qaama agartii organ of sight, the 2) violent
eye qaanqessuu v to spark, make to emit
qaama alagaa antigen sparks
qaama argansuu breathing or- qaanqoftuu n firework
gan qaanquraa/ -ee am/f 1) shrewd, cun-
qaama cinaachaa lateral sur- ning, clever 2) tricky
face qaanqurooma n 1) shrewdness,
qaama dachee land mass cleverness 2) trickery
qaama dubbii organ of speech qaaqachuu v to debate
qaama dhageettii hearing organ, qaaqannoo n debate
the ear qaaqataa/ -tuu nmlf debater
qaama dhalaa female organ qaaqee n dandruff
qaama dhamdhammii tasting or- qaaquu n to care for someone
gan, the tongue qaara n the shops, town
qaama dhiiraa male organ qaaridaa n stretcher, litter
qaama gurraacha black body qaarra n corral
qaama hormaataa reproductive qaarsa n ladder
organ (of women) qaarutee a clever, shrewd, smart
qaama magariisa chlorophyll qaarutoomuu v to be clever, become
qaama miiraa sense organ smart
qaama miirtii feeling organ, the qaarutummaa n cleverness, shrewd-
skin ness, smartness
qaama namaa human body qaaruu n the inside of the mouth
qaama odolcha grey matter qaataa n trigger (of a rifle)
qaama olaanaa highest organ (of qaatee al n past (Gram)
organisation, government) qaatee dabre past continuous
qaama qaruutii active agent qaatii n focus
qaama ruudarraa heavenly body qaawa n 1) hole, opening, orifice
qaama seeromaa legal body 2) meatus (Med)
qaama simattuu receptor organ qaawa afaanii oral cavity
qaama urgeeffannoo smelling qaawa baalaa stomata
organ, the nose qaawa funyaanii nasal cavity,
qaamajjii n spare parts nostril
qaamanquu ca disabled qaawa gurraa auditory tube
215 qaawa hormaataa - qabeenya dilbaayaa

qaawa hormaataa orifice of va- qabbaneessaa n 1) air conditioner

gina 2) moderator {Phys)
qaawa korreentii electric socket qabbaneessaa konkolataa ra-
qaawa lilmoo eye of needle diator (of a car)
qaawa qataaraa buttonhole qabbaneessituu n refrigerator
qaawa qilleensaa air hole qabbaneessuu v to cool, cool down
qaawa qoonqoo larynx qabbenaa n rapist
qaawa udduu anus qabbentii n rape
qaawuu v to have a hole, have gap qabbenuu v to rape
qaaxiraa n insomnia qabdii n 1) property given as guar-
qaba n grip antee for repayment of money,
qabaachuu v to have; own, possess guarantee, pledge 2) a down pay-
qabacha n appropriation ment
qabachiisa n hint qabdii manseeraa bail (security
qabachiisoo n written message for prisoner's appearance for
qabachiisuu v to give hint trial)
qabachuu v 1) to hold, grasp 2) to qabdoo n 1) dating (appointment),
catch, seize, capture 3) to occupy; rendezvous 2) appointment, hear-
appropriate 4) to touch 5) to stick ing (in court) 3) button (Comp)
on, fasten 6) to strike (of roots) qabdootee n holder (Phys)
7) to adhere to (of glue, paste, qabdufakkoo en album, photo-album
etc.) 8) to be lit (of fire) 9) to con- qabduu n 1) tongs, pincers, vices,
ceive (of animals) clamps, clasps 2) holder 3) frame
qabalee n 1) mountainous and cold (of glass)
region 2) section of a town or area qabduu foddaa sash bars
qabamaa/ -tuu nmlf a person who is qabduu ilillii sepal
going to be arrested qabduu rifeensaa hair slide, bar-
qabannaa n capture, seizing; pos- rette
session qabduu surree braces (of trou-
qabannoo n handle, holder sers)
qabannoo balbalaa door handle qabduu shukkaaraa sugar-tongs
qabannoo duraa frontal handle qabduu ujummee yaalii test tube
qabannoo mukoo handle of a holder
butt (of a gun) qabduu xalayaa paper clips, sta-
qabannoo shugguxii handle of a ple
pistol qabduu waltajjii stage clips
qabata n loophole (means of eva- qabee n gourd decorated with differ-
sion), pretended reason ent colours and used for drinking
qabataa a germinable, viable milk
qabatama n fact qabeentaa n 1) content; capacity
qabatamaa a concrete, specific, defi- 2) context 3) clipboard
nite qabeentaa hoo'inaa heat content
qabattoo n belt (usu. of leather) qabeenya n 1) possession, property,
qabattoo afarsaa fan belt wealth, riches 2) assets, treasure
qabattoo mundheellaa cartridge 3) belonging
belt qabeenya biyyaa national re-
qabattoo nageenyaa safety belt, sources
lifebelt qabeenya dhuunfaa private
qabbanaawuu v to be cooled property
qabbaneessa n cooling qabeenya dilbaayaa accumu-
lated wealth
qabeenya gamtaa - qabxii qabxiin 216

qabeenya gamtaa social prop- qabsoo haddhaawaa a bitter

erty, common wealth struggle, a serious struggle
qabeenya kophaa individual qabsoo hidhannoo armed strug-
property gle
qabeenya lafaa real estate, land qabsoo hojjattuu worker's strug-
qabeenya mootummaa state gle
property, public domain qabsoo jireenyaa struggle for ex-
qabeenya ofii personal property istence
qabeenya siranaa fixed property qabsoo sabaa national struggle
qabeenya uummataa public qabsoo tasfutta'aa spontaneous
ownership; public property struggle
qabeenya waltii common prop- qabsoo uummataa people's
erty struggle
qabeessa/-ttii am/f wealthy, rich qabuu v 1) to hold 2) to catch, seize,
qabeessa manaa house-owner, capture 3) to keep 4) arrest 5) to
possessor of a house contract (an illness) 6) to move
qabiinsa n holding (something in different direction)
qabiinsa herregaa bookkeeping 7) to cover an opponent (in foot-
qabiinsa lafaa 1) land tenure, ball)
landholding 2) estate qabxeessaa/ -ituu nm/f one who
qabiinsa lafa dhuunfaa private scores, records
land ownership qabxeessuu v 1) to punctuate, point,
qabiinsa manaa housekeeping, dot 2) to score, give scores
household, housecraft qabxii n 1) point, dot, spot 2) score
qabiyyee n 1) land-holding 2) quality, (record of points in games, in de-
attribute, capacity bate etc.) 3) stop or punctuation-
qabiyyoo n container mark 4) full stop, period 5) decimal
qaboo n minute (a rough draft) point (e.g. 4.5) 6) subject, matter
qabsiiftuu n lighter qabxii aloo exterior point
qabsiiftuu gaasii gas lighter qabxii baqiinsaa melting point
qabsiiftuu ibsaa lamp-lighter qabxii cabbii ice point
qabsiiftuu sijaaraa cigarette- qabxii damfinaa boiling point
lighter qabxii dhaabataa fixed point
qabsiisa n arrest qabxii dhumaa end point
qabsiisaa n ignition qabxii diilallinaa freezing point
qabsiisuu v 1) to kindle, start a fire, qabxii duraasaa cardinal point
light (a cigarette); ignite 2) to qabxii duwwee zero point
switch on 3) to pawn 4) to com- qabxii fageenyaa far point
municate or transmit (of disease) qabxii fixeensaa dew point
5) cause to arrest qabxii fuulleffannoo focal point
qabsoo n 1) wrestling 2) struggle, qabxii gonkee extremum point
combat (Math)
qabsoo dafqaan-bulaa proletar- qabxii gubiinsaa flash point
ian struggle qabxii hirtuu point of division
qabsoo dubartii women's strug- qabxii jalqabaa initial point
gle qabxii jidduglee neutral point
qabsoo filmaataa election con- qabxii jidduu mid-point
test qabxii keessoo interior point
qabsoo fittisaa resistance strug- qabxii murteessaa critical point
gle qabxii naamunaa sample point
qabsoo gitaa class struggle qabxii qabxiin point by point
217 qabxii sadee - qalbi-dhabeessa

qabxii sadee triple point qajeelchituu konkolaataa steer-

qabxii tarree dotted line ing wheel
qabxii walbira qabiisaa point of qajeelchuu v 1) to straighten 2) to
comparison correct, mark (exam papers) 3) to
qabxii walii intersecting point repair
qabxi-maleessa pointless qajeelfama n guide, guidelines, in-
qabxilamee en colon (mark) struction
qabxoo n veto qajeellii n doing well
qacaca n continuous drizzle; long, qajeeltoo nl a right things; correct
slow and light rain qajeeltuu a genuine
qacacullee n pebble qajeelummaa n righteousness, hon-
qacalee al n minor, under-age esty
qaccee n 1) whip (of ploughing qajeeluu v 1) to be straightened 2) to
farmer) 2) green pepper go straight forward
3) descendent, heredity; origin, qajiis n second (time)
source; genus qajjii n mushroom
qaccee dubbii point, essence qajjisa n 1) thread; yarn 2) ribbon
qaccee dhalootaa family tree (e.g. for typewriter)
qaccee ilmanamaa the source of qakee n fine (of penalty)
human beings, human species qakkee n whooping cough
qaccee namaa the genealogy of qakuu v to fine, punish by a fine
man qalaamaa n mare
qaccee qotiyyoo whip used by qalama n (Ar) 1) ink 2) paint, dye
farmers while ploughing 3) pen
qadaada n 1) stopper 2) tampon qalama dibeetaa fountain pen
qadaaddoo n cap, lid (of bottle, kettle qalama dibeeta-dhablee ball-
etc.) point pen
qadaaddoo ijaa eyelid qalama sabbuu golden nib
qadaaddoo jilbaa knee cap qalameessuu v to dye, paint
qadaaduu v to cap, cover qalamqoorsaa en blotting-paper
qadhaaba n food gathering qalayaa n cartridge case, empty shell
qadhaba n tongs, forceps, pincers, qalbeeffachiisa n notice
nippers qalbeeffachuu v 1) to pay attention
qafa a intelligent, bright, gifted to 2) to notice, be mindful of
qafiifa a weak, thin; fragile something
qafummaa n intelligence qalbeeffannaa n 1) consciousness,
qajeelaa/ -tuu amlt 1) straight; proper intellect 2) notice, attention
2) correct 3) honest and upright qalbeeffannoo n attention
qajeelcha n 1) instruction, guidelines, qalbeeffataa/ -tuu nmlf one who of-
directive 2) correction ten pays attention to something,
qajeelcha qaama olaanaa direc- mindful person
tive of a higher authority qalbibutaa en mania
qajeelchaa/ -ituu nmlf 1) one who qalbidabarsaa en insanity
corrects (exam papers etc.) qalbii n (Ar) 1) mind, sense; con-
2) director science 2) memory, intellect
qajeelchitoo n 1) department, lead- 3) thinking, understanding 4) care
ership 2) motto (attention)
qajeelchituu n guide (bar, rod etc., qalbiin/ qalbiidhan conscien-
directing motion of something) tiously
qajeelchituu biskileetaa handle- qalbi-dhabeessa/ -ttii one who
bars often forgets, mindless
qalbi-qabeessa - qaroomsaa 218

qalbi-qabeessa/ -ttii intelligent, qaqaxxaamura en criss-cross

mindful qaqqabaa n sense of touch
qalbisiisa n note qaqqabata n palpation
qalbisiisa badhee field note qaqqabuu v 1) to reach (a place, an
qalbiyyaa n conscience aim etc.), arrive 2) to happen, oc-
qalboo n notice, attention cur 3) to be ready (of harvest,
qalboo guyyaa dairy food) 4) to be matured (in order to
qalchoo n albino be married)
qaldhabeessa en scalar qara n 1) sharp, sharpness 2) blade,
qaldhisaa n thinner edge
qaljii a fertile, rich (of soil) qara baalaa leaf-blade
qaljummaa n fertility (of soil) qara biiftuu eye of the sun, ray of
qallee n hockey the sun, sunbeam
qalleerkaa en (qallee + harka) base- qara dogoroo ploughshare
ball qara eeboo edge of a spear
qalma n slaughtering (lance)
qalma qeyee domestic slaughter- qara ijaa pupil of the eye
ing qara sibiilaa spike
qalqabeessa n vector qara xiyyaa arrowhead
qalqalloo n 1) leather sack, skinbag qaraanqarree en sculpture
2) braggart, a great liar qarabaa n shaving knife with tweez-
qalqalloo cilgee a big leather ers at one end
sack which contains ca. 80-100 qarabaa cirreessaa scalpel
kg qarafaa n (Ar) cinnamon (Bot)
qalqalloo dhukkee capsule qarambullee n bear (Zoo)
qaltuu nmf butcher qarbata n a large water-bag (made of
qaluu v to slaughter leather)
qamadii n wheat qareessa/ -ttii amlf intelligent
qamalee n ape qarimsii n flight (of birds, planes)
qamansoo n sour milk qarimsiisaa/ -ftuu nm/f airman,
qambara n yoke aviator, airwoman, aviatrix, pilot
qambara dubbii trap (in a case) qarimsiisuu v 1) make to fly 2) to pi-
qamishii n (Ar) same as bulji lot
qammoo n cortex qarimsisa n aviation
qamqammee n vacuum-cleaner, qarimsuu v to fly, wing
Hoover qaroo n 1) a very intelligent person
qananii n comfort, luxury, conveni- 2) pupil (of eyes), sight
ence qaroo dhiyoo short sight
qananiyaa/ -iituu nmlf one who leads qaroo fagoo long sight
comfortable life qarooma n civilisation
qananiyuu v to be comfortable, be qarooma ammayyaa modern
convenient civilisation
qandii n shopping bag qarooma durii ancient civilisation
qannoo n 1) comfortable life 2) pros- qarooma gadaa gadaa-
perity civilisation
qanyisa n angry qarooma Gibxii Egyptian civilisa-
qanyisuu v to be angry tion
qaqaa n soot (on ceiling) qaroomaa/ -tuu am/f civilised
qaqal'ina n scarcity qaroomsa n enlightenment
qaqaldhii n strong and well built men qaroomsaa/ -ituu nmlf civiliser,
qaqantaa n chimney enlightener
219 qaroomsuu - qe'ee

qaroomsuu v to civilise, enlighten canal

qarqabduu nmf packer qasammee-T T-connecting tube
qarqara n edge (boundary line of re- qasammee tiibii television tubes
gion or surface); margin qataaraa n button
qarqara lagaa river bank, shore qataaruu v to button up
qarree1 n brink (of precipice); es- qawwee n gun, rifle
carpment (of slope or cliff), edge qawwee afuuffaa blowgun
(ridge) qawwee gabaabee pistol
qarree gaaraa edge of a moun- qawwee ibiddaa machine-gun
tain qawwee qilleensaa airgun, air
qarree2 n a sizeable of shaven hair rifle
on the scalp of unmarried girls as qawwe-maleessa unarmed
a symbol of virginity qawweettuu n gunsmith
qarriffaa n canine, canine tooth qawwiftuu nmf surveyor
qarriffaawaa a pointed and strong qawwiitee a pitch-dark
qarriffoo n premolar qawwisa a 1) dense, close 2) dark,
qarruu a distilled gloomy
qarsaa n basalt, granite, sharpening qawwisaa n button (of a shirt, coat
stone, whetstone etc.)
qarshii n (Ar) dollar; Ethiopian Birr qawwisoo n survey
qarshii Ameerikaa American qawwisuu v to survey
dollar qaxabii n memory
qarshii Kanaadaa Canadian qaxirii n ceiling
dollar qaxraana n coal tar, tar; bitumen,
qarshii Toopphiyaa Ethiopian blacktop
Birr qaxxaamura n crossroad
qartulkaanii en hob qaxxaamura lamaan north and
qartuu n 1) sharpener 2) pencil south
sharpener qaxxaamurrii n crosswalk
qartuu irsaasii pencil sharpener qaxxaamursa n cross country
qaruu v to sharpen qaxxaamursa biyyaa cross
qaruuraa n (Ar) same as duloo country
qaruutii a active qaxxifannoo n evolution; evolution-
qarxabbawaa n course (of skin) ary development
qarxiyyaa n column (of publication) qaxxisa n plod
qarxiyyaa magaalaa city page qaxxisaa/ -ftuu nmlf 1) plodder 2) an
qarxoo n quadrat animal that walks slowly in order to
qasaasaa/ -ftuu nm/f inspector hunt
qasaasaa dimshaashaa general qaxxisaawaa/ -ee nm/f evolutionist
inspector qaxxisuu v 1) to walk very slowly,
qasaasii n inspection plod 2) to evolve or develop slowly
qasaasuu v to inspect qayyabachuu v 1) to understand,
qasammee n 1) tube 2) capsule grasp, perceive 2) cognise
qasammee dhageettii aloo ex- qayyabannaa n cognition
ternal auditory meatus qayyabannoo n understanding
qasammee fakkoo picture tube qayyaboo n insight learning
qasammee fincaanii urethra qayyoota n mist; haze; mirage
qasammee habaree pollen tube qayyoota roobaa haze and sigh
qasammee imimmaanii lacrimal of coming rain
duct qe'ee n compound, premises; home-
qasammee soorataa alimentary stead
qe'ee mootii - qilmarsaa gadaanuu 220

qe'ee mootii courtyard (Sover- qerfamaa/ -tuu nmlf impulsive per-

eign's residence) son
qe'ee qoteebulaa farmyard, qerfamuu v to be impulsive, be lustful
farmstead qettoo n all things one eats with
qebellaa n measurement bread (e.g. stew, milk)
qebeltuu n measure (an instrument qexoo n retail trade
for measuring) qexuu v to retail, sell in retail
qebeluu v to measure qexxuu nmf retailer, retail dealer
qeeddoo en (qe'ee + eegduu) qicoo n spatula (Chem, Med)
watchman, guard qiibboo a circular
qeeddoo mana barumsaa qiidaa n cold period (usu. before
school guard rainy season)
qeeddoo mana hidhaa prison qiinxii n flank, loins, pelvis
warder qiiqqee n cramp (of muscles), muscle
qeeddoo mootii royal guard pain
qeeddoo waajjiraa office guard qiiqqee barreessii writer's cramp
qeeddoo warraa body guard qikkee n withering of limbs
qeenee n 1) basalt, granite 2) marble qilbiliilee en fjord
qeensa n fingernail; claw qilee n a very deep gorge, a very
qeensanfuutuu en forklift, crane deep precipice
(machine) qilee maanyaa ocean deep
qeensanqabduu en crab qiliitee n hell
qeentee n 1) single (only one) 2) an qilleensa n 1) air 2) atmosphere, ae-
ox without working partner 3) a rial 3) wind, breeze 4) weather;
five-cent coin climate
qeentummaa n singleness qilleensa culkii pure air
qeenxoo n hook qilleensa gaaraa mountain
qeenxoo qurxummii fish-hook breeze
qeeqachuu v to criticise qilleensa gadaanuu troposphere
qeeqannoo n criticism qilleensa garbaa sea breeze
qeeqannoo gamtaa social criti- qilleensa geldii heavier-than-air
cism (of aircraft)
qeeqantoo n comment, commentary qilleensa gubataa carbon dioxide
qeeqantuu nmf commentator qilleensa jabaa strong breeze
qeeqanuu v to comment qilleensa lafaa land breeze
qeeqata n critique qilleensa olaanuu stratosphere
qeeqata barreessiyyoo author- qilleensa salphaa light air, light
critique breath
qeeqata barroo book review qilleensa summuugamaa com-
qeeqataa/ -tuu nmlf critic pressed air
qeeqatamaa/ -tuu nm/f one who is qilleensa-dhablee airless
criticised by somebody qilleensawaa a aerobic (Med, Bot,
qeerransa n 1) leopard 2) tiger Agr)
qeerransa gurraacha black pan- qilleensituu n air-condition
ther qillisa n echo
qeerroo n a young unmarried man qillisaa n lead guitar
qeesii n (Amh) same as /ubee qilmarsaa en (qilleensa + marsaa)
qeeyyaa n environment atmosphere (Geog)
qelqellee a sexy qilmarsaa gadaanuu lower at-
qeremoo n ashtray mosphere
221 qilmarsaa olaanuu - qola bunaa

qilmarsaa olaanuu upper atmos- equation

phere qixxeeta kemikaalaa chemical
qilxuu n oak-tree equation
qimbica n mail box qixxeeta sararaawaa linear
qinaaxii n dome (of a roof) equation
qindeeffama n coordination qixxeeta walfaanoo simultane-
qindeeffamaa a coordinated ous equation
qindeessaa/ -ituu nmlf co-ordinator qixxooyyee a/ n equivalent
qindeessii n coordinate qixxooyyee hirmaata dubbii
qindeessii-Y Y-coordinate grammatical equivalents
qindeessituu n processor (Comp) qiyyaafachuu v to make target
qindeessuu v 1) to arrange, set in qiyyafannoo n target (aim)
order 2) coordinate; harmonise qobboo n castor plant, castor beans
3) to merge qobwallisaa/ -ftuu nmlf soloist
qindoommii n coordination qocaa n tortoise, turtle
qindoommii mulullee spherical qoccollii n arguing; answering back,
coordination talking back
qinxirii n clitoris qoccolloo n argument; controversy;
qiraacii n potsherd dispute
qiraacee andarqii soap-plate qoccoltuu nmf disputant
qiribaa n dissatisfaction, unhappi- qoccoluu v to argue; dispute
ness qoccoo n product of false banana
qirimbifamaa a diffused qochisiifataa/ -tuu nmlf 1) landlord
qirimbisa n diffusion 2) one who hires farm labourers
qirimbisuu v to diffuse qocii n a very small market
qirixii n chisel qocii dhabeessaa flea market
qirixuu v to chisel qocimaa n abdomen
qirqaabee n isthmus qocoree n ready-made clothes
qishnoo n satire qocuma n large intestine
qixisuu n youngest child, last born qodaa n utensil
child qodaa alawaadaa kitchen uten-
qixxa n level (horizontal line or plane) sils
qixxa garbaa sea level qodaa dhiyaanaa tableware
qixxaa n pan cake, unleavened qodaa meetii silverware (utensil)
bread qodabukoo en dough-pot
qixxaa farsoo thick local bread qoddoo n kind of aromatic plant
used in brewing farsoo qodoo n faction
qixxaantaa n proportion qofagalcha n isolation
qixxee a/ n 1) even, flat, level 2) cor- qoffee n surface of the nose
rect, exact 3) equal 4) economic qoffoo n bubble
contract in which a richer relative qofolee nmf bachelor, single
lent part of his facilities to the poor qofolummaa n bachelorhood, bach-
one 5) gathering, meeting elorship
qixxee lammii meeting of a qola n 1) peel, husk, pod; shell, scale
clan (of fish) 2) cover, covering 3) em-
qixxee moodii meeting of a bryo sac
burial association qola abuuraa seed-coat
qixxeenya n equalisation qola aloo outer coat
qixxeessituu n regulator qola boqqoolloo husk of corn
qixxeeta n equation qola boraafataa pillowcase
qixxeeta hirkataa dependent qola bunaa coffee pod
qola buupphaa - qooda 222

qola buupphaa eggshell; qomaqabii en opposite, contrary, re-

ootheca verse
qola cidhaanii scrotum qomaqabiisa en opposition
qola habaree pollen sac qomee n sweater, pullover
qola ijaa eyelid qomee dhawuu to knit
qola karameellaa wrapping pa- qomee harkaa knitted glove
per of sweets qomee miilaa 1) socks 2) knitted
qola kirbiitii matchbox stocking, stocking
qola midhaanii seed-coat qome-dhayiinsa knitting
qola mukaa bark (of trees) qome-dhooftuu knitter
qola sijaaraa cigarette-case qomeetii n vest, waistcoat
qolaanqolii n corn cooked in its husk qomma'aa/ -tuu nm/f one who bows
qolaanqollee n corn in husk which is down in reverence
kept for seeds qomma'ii n bowing-down in rever-
qolachuu v to ward off (e.g. a blow ence
with stick, shield etc.), fend off, qomma'uu v to bowdown in rever-
avert, keep away ence (usu. for God)
qolannaa n warding off, averting qomoo n 1) breast-plate 2) clan
qolataa/ -tuu nmlf person who wards qoncoortii n systole
off something; one who defends qoncora n a day before the full moon
himself qondaala n 1) the fourth set within
qolattoo n 1) barricade 2) support, the gadaa-system 2) young sol-
assistance dier, warrior 3) authority, official
qolayaa en (qola + xalayaa) enve- qondaala olaanaa highest au-
lope thority
qolbarroo en cover of a book qondaalessaa/ -ituu nm/f one who
qolburii en scrotum bureaucratises
qollee a impoverished qondaalessummaa n bureaucracy
qollicha n middle finger qondaaltota npl government officials
qolofa n foreskin (usu. of bulls) qondaalummaa n officialdom
qoloo n women's traditional cotton qonna n agriculture
shirt qonna daagaa terrace farming
qolormaata en (qola + hormaata) qonna finiinsaa intensive farming
labia (Agr) qonna jireenyaa subsistence
qolormaata guddoo labia majora farming
(Zoo) qonna makaa mixed farming
qolormaata xinnoo labia minora qonna midhaan gabaa cash crop
qolqolchiisaa/ -ftuu nm/f a person farming, commercial farm
who hires workers to shell his qonnaa a agrarian, agricultural
coffee beans, corn etc. qonqee n coconut palm
qolqolii n 1) the inner pod of beans, qonsiila n (Eur) consul, consulate
peas, chick-peas 2) coffee pods qonyonyaa n a dry scab, scab (of
qolqoltuu n coffee pulper wound)
qolqolummaa n uncircumcision (bib- qonyonyaawaa a scabby
lical) qonyonyaawuu v to be scabby
qolqoluu v to peel, husk, shell qoobii n hat; cap; hallmark
qolshooshoo en vulva (Med) qoobii andarqii soap-bubble
qoma n chest; breast thorax qoobii sibiilaa helmet
qoma-qabuu to oppose to, qooda n share, part, portion, stake (in
confront with, reverse business), due
oma abduu nmf opponent
223 qooda fudhachuu - qopphii filmii

qooda fudhachuu to take part in, qooqessii a phonetic

participate qooqessiin/ -dhan phonetically
qooda fudhannaa participation; qooqessummaa n phoneticism
share; attendance qooqqamaa n toast
qooda fudhataa/ -tuu 1) partici- qooqqamtuu n toaster
pant, participator 2) share holder qooqqamuu v to toast
qooda hojii appointment (ap- qooqsa n pronunciation
pointing) qooqsaa n cattle disease
qooda ofii one's own share or qooqsuu v to pronounce
part qooquu v 1) to shrink, be reduced
qoodama n allotment 2) to be hungry
qoodamaa n dividend qoorbee n fork (instrument for eating)
qooddee n quotient qoorbee fowattuu selector fork
qooddoo n quota qoorbessuu v 1) to fork (lift, carry or
qoodduu n divisor (Math) dig with fork) 2) to make or shape
qoodmaya n classification something like a fork
qooduu v 1) to divide 2) to classify qoorbii n fork (farm implement),
qoofira n placenta (of horses) hayfork, pitchfork
qoofnee a sparse (of population) qoorbitoo n fork-lift, fork-lift truck
qooftuu nmf joker, jester qoorbitoo dheeraa tower crane
qoollajjee a pale (of colour) qoorsituu n drier, dryer
qoollajjii n meagre animals due to qoorsituu rifeensaa hair dryer
poor health condition qoosaa n 1) joke, humour 2) fun,
qoolloo n shrine, place of worship mockery
qooma n instant killing, assassination qoosfakkoo en caricature
qoomtuu nmf murderer, assassin, qooshaa n dough
assassinator qoosuu v 1) to joke, be humorous
qoomuu v to kill instantly, assassi- 2) to have fun, mock
nate qooyyaba n operation (of arithmetic)
qoonee n fruit of palm tree qooyyaba sa'aatii modular
qoonqessuu v 1) to produce voice; arithmetic, clock arithmetic
tune 2) to phoneticise qopphaayina n readiness
qoonqoo n 1) throat 2) hunger qopphee a active, smart
qoonxaa n putrid meat, dried meat qoppheessaa/ -ituu nm/f 1) one who
qooqa n voice, sound prepares, makes ready, arranges
qooqa-dhabeessa voiceless 2) editor
qooqa-maleessa unvoiced qoppheessaa eegataa acting
qooqa-qabeessa voiced editor
qooq-tokkee homophone qoppheessaa oduu raadiyoo
qooqayyaa n tone (Gram) broadcaster
qooqayyaa gadii low tone qoppheessuu v 1) to prepare, make
qooqayyaa jidduu middle tone ready 2) to arrange, put in order
qooqayyaa olii high tone 3) to edit 4) to dish up 5) to organ-
qooqayya-maleessa toneless ise
qooqee n pitch qopphii n 1) preparation, programme
qooqee gadii low pitch 2) arrangement, organisation
qooqee jidduu middle pitch 3) event, meeting 4) performance
qooqee olii high pitch show
qooqessaa/ -ituu nmlf phonetist, qopphii aadaa cultural show, cul-
phonetician tural festival
qopphii filmii film festival
qopphii muusiqaa - qormee bulbulaa 224

qopphii muusiqaa musical per- qorannoo yaadaa opinion re-

formance, musical show search
qopphii raadiyoo radio pro- qorataa/ -tuu nmlf 1) examiner,
gramme, broadcast tester, inspector 2) researcher, re-
qopphii ragadaa party (enter- search scientist
tainment) qorataa ogummaa technical su-
qopphii seeraa bill (of law) pervisor
qopphii taliigaa political event, qorataa maallaqaa auditor
rally qorataa uumaa naturalist
qopphi-jirree ready-made qorataa yakkii detective
qoqoree n overgrazed field qoratamaa/ -tuu nmlf examinee,
qoqortii n cross examination candidate
qoqqobamaa amt excluded; segre- qoratiyyee n interrogator
gated qorbareedinaa en aesthetics
qoqqobbii n exclusion; segregation qorbicuu en quiz
qoqqobduu nmf segregationist qoree n spine (thorn), thorn
qoqqobuu v to exclude; segregate qoricha n medicament, medicine,
qoqqorachuu v to diagnose drug
qoqqorata n diagnosis qoricha cittoo medicament
qoqqorataa/ -tuu nmlf diagnostician against itching or scabies
qoqqoratamaa a diagnostic qoricha duudhaa traditional
qoraan n firewood medicine
qorachuu v 1) to study; investigate qoricha duwwaanaa space
2) to do research work 3) to study medicine
the background of a girl one in- qoricha gargaarsa duraa first aid
tends to marry 4) to check; exam- kit
ine, test qoricha qabbaneessaa sedative
qorannoo n study, research; investi- qoricha raammoo insecticide
gation qorii1 n inquiry, investigation; interro-
qorannoo barmodhagnaa ana- gation
tomical study qorii adabaa disciplinary investi-
qorannoo bu'uraa base line ation
study qorii n wooden bowl
qorannoo badhee field research qorkee n antelope
qorannoo dhalootaa genealogi- qorlana en (qorannoo + lakkoofsa
cal research namaa) demography
qorannoo dhiigaa blood-test qormaata n examination (at schools
qorannoo fincaanii urine exami- etc)
nation, urinalysis qormaata afaanii oral examin-
qorannoo gamtaa social re- ation
search qormaata coraa medical check-
qorannoo horataa production up
inspection qormaata irradeebii reexamin-
qorannoo maqaa study of ation
names, onomastics qormaata ooffii driving test
qorannoo reeffaa autopsy qormaata seentii entrance ex-
qorannoo sanyundee genetic amination
research qormaata waldhaansaa medical
qorannoo soorataa dietary study examination
qorannoo waldhaansaa medical qormee n test
research qormee bulbulaa test solution
225 qormee caasaa - quba miilaa

qormee caasaa test ring qotaa n defensive channel, trench,

qormee deebiii murtaawaa ob- entrenchment
jective test qotaa ittisaa line of defence
qormee deebii hin-murtoofnee qotammii n excavation
subjective test qotataa/ -tuu nmlf farmer, tiller,
qormee guutii integral test peasant
qormee naamunaa test speci- qotataa waaraa sedentary farmer
men qoteebulaa/ -tuu cnm/f peasant,
qoroffee n urinal tiller, farmer
qorqoorroo n 1) tin 2) corrugated qotii n excavation
iron 3) can qotiisa n 1) ploughed field; arable
qorqoorroo shaayii tea-caddy land; farm 2) farming, cultivation,
qorra n 1) cold 2) frost, hoar-frost tillage
qorraa hamaa killing frost qotiisa bonaa dry land farming
qorrandandeenyee a cold-blooded qotiisa dabaree shift cultivation
(reptiles) qotiisa finiinsaa intensive
qorreeda n officer (in army, navy, air cultivation
force) qotiisa gamtaa co-operative farm
qorreeda badhee field officer qotiisa mootummaa state farm
qorreeda bantii general officer qotiisa walmakaa mixed farming
qorreeda duraasaa staff officer qotiisa waltii collective farm
qorreeda kaadhimamaa/ -tuu qotiisa zabiibaa viticulture
cadet officer qotiyyoo n oxen for ploughing
qorreeda torobbee police-officer qottoo n hatchet
qorreeda xinnaa petty officer qottuu nmf 1) farmer, cultivator, tiller,
qorreeda waraansisaa combat- peasant 2) sharecropper, tenant
ant officer farmer, 3) farm labourer; agricultu-
qorreedomuu v to become an officer, r(al)ist
be commissioned qotuu v 1) to plough, till the land,
qorrisiiftuu n refrigerator farm, cultivate 2) to grow or raise
qorrisiisa n refrigeration crops 3) to dig 4) to bore, drill (a
qorrisiisuu v to refrigerate hole in the ground)
qorsa n comet, shooting star, meteor qoxee a mob
qorsa calaqqisaa flash like light- qu'achuu v to research, study
ning qu'annoo n research
qorsoo n polio qu'ata n study
qortoo n audit qu'ataa/ -tuu nm/f researcher, re-
qortuu1 n clippers search fellow
qortuu2 nmf investigator, interrogator quba n 1) finger; toe 2) pointer
qorumsa n judgement, trial, tempta- (Comp)
tion quba aggichoo thumb
qoruu1 v 1) to cut one's nails 2) to quba amartii ring finger
carve, work on wood quba dhabuu to be out of contact
qoruu2 v 1) to examine, question with somebody
2) to inspect, investigate quba elemaa forefinger, index
qorxii n straw basket used for the finger
storage of ornaments and precious quba guddaa middle finger
items quba hantuutee mouse pointer
qorxumuraa en (qormaata + xu- (Comp)
mura) matriculation quba harkaa finger
quba miilaa toe
quba qabaachuu - qulqullina ofii 226

quba qabaachuu to have ideas qubeellaa n ring (of finger)

or news (of a relative or a friend), qubee gurraa earring
be in contact with somebody qubeellaa-O O-ring
quba qabuu to be godfather/ qubeellaa meetii silver ring
godmother for a child at its qubeellaa mirgaa a ring worn on
baptism the right hand by an Oromo war-
quba xinnaa little finger rior after killing an enemy or a
qubatti qabuu to point finger at; wild game like lion, elephant etc.
show qubeellaa sabbuu golden ring
quba-maleessa/ -ttii fingerless, qubeellaa sagayaa ring worn by
leprous person the highest gadaa-officials and
qubachuu v 1) to settle 2) to camp, by the qaal/uu
encamp 3) to land qubeessa n spelling, orthography
qubannaa n 1) settling 2) landing qubeessuu v to spell; alphabetise
qubannoo n settlement quberkataa en (qubee + hirkataa)
qubannoo moggaa magaalaaa italics
suburban estate qublamee en digraph
qubannoo tuujjii clustered set- quboo n digit
tlement qubo-lamee two digits; binary
qubata n landing digit
qubata balali'aa airport qubo-sadee three digits
qubata balali'aa addunyaales- qubo-tokkee one digit
saa international airport qubsadee en trigraph
qubattoo n 1) location 2) kingdom (of qubshanee en pentadactyl
animals and plants) qucaatii n victims, casualties
qubattoo biqilaa plant kingdom quddhaa n institution or person that
qubattoo neefkaa animal king- approves something
dom quddhama n approval
qubattuu nmf settler quddhamaa a approved, confirmed
qubbaara en (quba + baar) bay (part quddhuu v to approve, confirm
of a sea) qufa'aa/ -tuu nmlf one who coughs
qubbii n altar continuously
qubee n 1) a precious finger-ring qufa'uu v to cough
2) alphabet qufaasisaa n disease that causes to
qubee Arabaa Arabic alphabet cough
qubee Gi'iizii Ge'ez alphabet quftollaa n sacrament
qubee guddoo capital letter quftoo a sacred
qubee guddoon barreessuu to quftoolee n saint
capitalise (of a letter) qullubbii n 1) garlic 2) onion
qubee Laatinii Roman alphabet qullubbii adii garlic
qubee mirree double letters qullubbii diimaa onion
qubee Oromoo Oromo alphabet qulquleessaa/ -ituu nmlf janitor
qubee qeentee single letter qulqulleessa n purification
qubee qoonqessii phonetic al- qulqulleessuu v 1) to clean; purify
phabet 2) to hallow
qubee qoonqessii addunyaales- qulqullicha/ -ttii nmlf saint
saa International Phonetic Al- qulqullina n 1) cleanness 2) sanita-
phabet tion 3) quality
qubee T letter T qulqullina naannoo community
qubee xinnoo small letter hygiene
qubeen taruu to alphabetise qulqullina ofii personal hygiene
227 qulqullina soorataa - quufina

qulqullina soorataa food hygiene qunnamtii raadiyoo radio com-

qulqullina-dhabeessa unsanitary munication
qulqulloota npl saints qunnamtii yaadaa association of
qulqullummaa n 1) innocence, ideas
blamelessness 2) holiness, sa- qunnamuu v to contact, get in touch
credness with; communicate
qulqulluu a 1) clean, clear, tidy; pure qunxurroo n penis
2) innocent (not guilty) 3) holy, sa- quqummaada n germination
cred quqummaaduu v to germinate,
qumbaa n cacao sprout
qumbii n myrrh quqummee n cornflakes
qumbursaa n blow-fly, grub-worm quqummee shaayee potato chip
qummee n spore quqummii a oval
qummuna n retardation quraata n pure iron
qummuna sammuu mental re- qurbeessa n punishment
tardation qurbeessaa/ -tuu nm/f one who
qummunaa/ -tuu am/f retardant punishes
qummunsaa n retarder qurbeessuu v to punish
qummunuu v to grow too slowly qurcaawaa/ -ftuu nm/f leprous
(physically), be retarded qurcaawuu v to be infected with lep-
quncee n 1) bark of trees, peel; pulp rosy
2) a thin string of bark of certain qurcii n leper
trees used for building qurcummaa n leprosy
quncee kessaa wood pulp qurqura n small stones
quncekeessoo en the inner skin of a qurree nl a squint-eyed; squint
tree qurunfudii n (Ar) cloves
quncerroo en the outer skin of a tree qurxumbojaa en whale
quncifannaa n peeling, shelling qurxummii n fish
qunciftuu n 1) peeling machine for qurxummii garbaa sea-fish
onion 2) exploiter qurxummii guuruu to fish
quncisuu v 1) to peel 2) to strip, qurxummii urjee starfish
scrap 3) to pare (banana) 4) to qurxummi-gurgurtuu fishmonger
shell (chicken) qurxummi-guurinsa fishing
quncuca n 1) bud 2) sprout, germi- qurxummi-guurtuu fisherman
nation qurxummi-nyaattuu piscivorous
quncucuu v 1) to bud, shoot up 2) to qusachuu v to economise, spare,
sprout up, germinate save
quncurraa n wart qusannoo n savings
qundabarbaree en black pepper qusannoo mootummaa govern-
qunduftii n spirits (liquor) ment savings
qunnamaa/ -tuu nmlf contact man/ qusataa/ -tuu nmlf thrifty person,
contact woman saver
qunnamsiisa n link qusatamaa a spared, saved
qunnamsiisoo n linkage quucaruu v to deteriorate, degener-
qunnamtii n contact; communication ate
qunnamtii afaanii language con- quufa n 1) satiety 2) prosperity,
tact riches, wealth
qunnamtii balali'aa flight con- quufaa/ -ftuu nmlf 1) a satisfied per-
nection son 2) arrogant person
qunnamtii gamtaa social contact, quufina n satiety
social interaction
quufuu - raamsuu 228

quufuu v 1) to be full (of food and raaftuu n machine for turning milk
drink), to be satisfied into butter
quuqa n obstruction raafuu n cabbage
quuqoo n hernia raaga n wisdom
quuqqaa n grudge raagaa/ -duu nmlf 1) philosopher
quuqqoo n pebble 2) person who is an expert in tra-
quuruu a hunch-backed dition
quusaraa a underdeveloped raagaa gamtaa social philoso-
quusaraawuu v to be under- pher
developed raagaa hawaasaa social scien-
quusareessaa n factor that causes tist, social philosopher
underdevelopment raagoo n story
quusartii n underdevelopment; lack raagumsa n philosophy
of growth raagumsa gamtaa social phi-
quusartuu amt underdeveloped (of losophy
human and animals) raagumsa hamilee moral phi-
quwwaarsaa n trypanosomiasis losophy, ethics
quyyifachuu v to smear one's face or raagumsa maarkisii Marxist phi-
body with butter, oil or cream losophy
quyyifata n ointment; cream raagauma seenaa philosophy of
quyyisa n 1) oil 2) spices history
quyyisa qobboo castor oil raagumsa uumamaa natural phi-
raaguu v 1) to explain the source of
knowledge 2) to philosophise
. R. raajaa/ -juu nm/f prophet, prophetess
raajeffata n exclamatory
raabsa n distribution raajeffateessa n exclamation mark
raabsa elektiroonaa electronic raajii1 a/ n 1) miracle, wonder
arrangement 2) prophecy
raabsa umurii age distribution raajii2 n (It) X-ray
raabsaa deddeebitii frequency raajumsa n prophecy
distribution raama n eating too much
raabsituu nmf distributor raammee n maggot (Zoo)
raabsituu gaazexaa newspaper raammoo n 1) worm; earthworm
distributor 2) germ, microbe
raabsituu meeshaa distributor of raammoo barroo bookworm
goods (insect)
raabsituu xaa'omsaa distributor raammoo biyyee earthworm
of fertilisers raammoo folkaa woodworm
raabsuu v to distribute raammoo garaa heliminth (Med)
raacha n frog raammoo haarrii silkworm
raacitii n yeast, leaven raammoo heexoo tape-worm
raacitoo n fermentation raammoo mar'imaanii intestinal
raada n young female calf, young worm, intestinal parasite
heifer raammoo midhaanii common
raadiyoo n (Eur) wireless, radio name for grain-eating worms (in
raafama n 1) shaking, stirring 2) flap- the field)
ping raammoo tiruu liver fluke
raafamaa a shakeable raammoo ulee round worm
raamsuu v to spray
229 raamtuu - randa goolloo

raamtuu nmf one who eats too much dance

raamuu v to eat too much ragada daadaa folk-dance
raaree n puddle ragadaa/ -duu nmlf dancer
raarree n bat ragaduu v to dance
raarroo n tableland raggaafama n ratification
raasuu v 1) to shake, stir 2) to flap raggaasa n confirmation, ratification
(e.g. wings) 3) to churn raggaasoo n approval
raata'aa/ -ftuu am/f extremely foolish, raggaasuu v to approve; ratify, con-
stupid, dull firm
raatummaa n stupidity, dullness raggoo n reference
raatuu nmf moron rajiijii n spleen
raawwachiisa n implementation rajoo n appendicitis
raawwannoo n terminating rakkachuu v to be in difficulty, be in
raawwata n closing distress
raayyaa n 1) army, military 2) troops rakkataa/ -tuu am/t poor, needy
raayyaa dassiiba private soldier rakkina n difficulty, trouble, distress
raayyaa qilleensaa paratrooper rakkisaa a difficult, hard (question),
raayyaa sabaa national army harsh (life), troublesome
raayyaa uummataa people's mili- rakkisuu v to trouble, make in diffi-
tia culty, disturb
raayyaa warraaqsaa revolution- rakkoo n 1) difficulty, trouble, distress
ary army 2) want, misery, hardship 3) prob-
rabako en (ragaa + barumsa lem
koleejii) B. A. (Bachelor of Arts) rakkoo afaanii language problem
rabannoo en (raga barumsaa + rakkoo hawaasaa social prob-
muuxannoo) curriculum vitae lem; social evils
rabasa en (ragaa + barumsa saayin- ramadaa/ -duu nm/f assignor
sii) B. S. (Bachelor of Science) ramadaana n (Ar) Ramadan
Rabbi n (Ar) same as Waaqa ramadama n 1) assignment, place-
radaara n (Eng) radar ment, allocation
radduu n marasmus ramadama hojii job-assignment
raffisiisaa n sleeping pill, narcotic, ramadammee n taxonomy
anaesthetic ramaddii n 1) classification 2) setting
raftii n dormancy ramaddii akaakuu typological
ragaa n 1) evidence, proof 2) witness classification
ragaa coraa medical certificate ramaddii barmodachee geo-
ragaa durii diachronic data graphical classification
ragaa dhalootaa birth certificate ramaddii bikkooma unit of
ragaa dhugaa testimony measurement
ragaa gaayilaa marriage certifi- ramaddii hortee genealogical
cate classification
ragaa ijaa eyewitness ramaddii namnuumee artificial
ragaa seeraa legal testimony classification
ragaa sirnayaa expert-witness ramaddii uumaa natural classifi-
raga-qabeessa alibi cation
ragachiisaa/ -ftuu nmlf dancing- ramaduu v 1) to assign, place, allo-
master cate 2) to detach, send away for a
ragada n a kind of dance in which the mission 3) to classify
neck and the chest are shaken ramsaa/ -ituu nmlf chairperson
ragada ammayyaa modern randa n slope, ascent
randa oolloo convex slope
rannee - ripha 230

rannee n allegory rifachiisuu v 1) to scare 2) to offend

raphrapphee n fallen leaf or foliage rifannoo n shock
(of trees) rifeensa n hair
raqa n carcass rifeensa afarroo moustache
rarraasa n suspending rifeensa areedaa hair of the
rarraassoo n swing, pendulum beard
rarraasuu v 1) to hang (to fix some- rifeensa bobaa hair of the armpit
thing at the top) 2) to execute by rifeensa butumee hair on the
hanging lower lip
rasaa n kind of bee which lives in rifeensa ijaa eye lashes
rocks rifeensa marmaramaa curls-hair
rasaasa n (Ar) bullet, ammunition rifeensa mataa hair (of head)
rawwaa n gulf rifeensa murtuu barber
rawwaa Adan Gulf of Eden rifeensa nafaa hair on human
rawwaa dawoo shelter gulf body
rawwaa Faarisaa Persian Gulf rifeensa nyaaraa eyebrows
rawwaa Giinii Gulf of Guinea rifeensa qomaa hair on the chest
rawwaa Meeksikoo Gulf of Mex- rifeensa-dhablee hairless
ico rifeensawaa a hairy, haired
rayaa n advantage, use, benefit rifeensawuu v to become hairy
raya-qabeessa advantageous, rifeensee n cilia (Med)
useful, beneficial rifeerii n (Eng) same as tapha-
re'ee n goat chiisaa
reeffa n dead body, corpse, cadaver rifesobee en (rifeensa + soba) wig
reeffa-baattuu pall-bearer rigdoo n friction (rubbing)
reegee n (Eng) reggae (Mus) rigdoo konkolaatii rolling friction
reencii n edible, bitter wild plant rigdoo sibiilaa brass filings
reenjii n 1) tar 2) tarmac rigdoo sigiggee sliding friction
reera n 1) a cluster of homesteads or rigdoo sochoo kinetic friction
camps 2) cluster riima a impenetrable
reera afaanii cluster of languages riima lafaa place with thick bush,
reera manneenii cluster of area with thick vegetation
homesteads rikkaa n ladder
reera gandaa cluster of villages rikkee n a small wooden ladder
reera odoolaa archipelago rikomaandee n (It) same as erga-
reera urjii star cluster yabboo
reerree n set (Math) rikordii n (Eng) record
reeshoo n (Eng) ratio rikordii addunyaa world record
reeshoo daddabarsaa transmis- rikordii Afrikaa African record
sion ratio rimaa a pregnant (of animals)
reeshoo makkii mixing ratio rimaaya n fetus; gestation (of ani-
reenoo n Renault mals)
republika n (Eur) same as jamuriyaa rimeessa n fertilisation
ribboo n hartebeest (Zoo) rimeessa aloo external fertilisa-
ribuu n 1) tendon, sinew 2) nerve tion
3) dried tendon for string of musi- rimeessa keessoo internal fertili-
cal instruments sation
ribuu gooboo bowstring rimeessa ofinee self-fertilisation
ribuu xamboo dried tendon for rincicaa/ -cuu am/f conservative
xamboo rincicummaa n conservatism
ribuu sa alee vocal cord ripha n hiding
231 riphaa - rogsuduudee rogsadee

riphaa n/ a 1) ambush 2) dormant roga handhuuraa central angle

riphaan Iola guerrilla war roga iddobuutuu complementary
riphaan loluu to wage a guerrilla angle
war roga jidduu central angle
riphee lolaa/ -tuu nm/f guerrilla roga keessan-cinaachaa alter-
fighter, guerrilla nate interior angles
riphee lolaa magaalaa urban roga keessoo interior angles
guerrilla roga lagaa river profile
riphiinsa n hibernation roga mulullee spherical angle
riphina n latency roga murteessaa critical angle
riphoo a latent roga muxxee acute angle
riphuu v to lie in wait, lie in ambush; roga rigtoo angle of friction
hide roga waaggee polar angle
rippoortii n (Eng) same as gabaasa ragattii marfattoo inscribed an-
riqa n granary gle
riqicha n bridge rogalaan-cinaachaa alternate ex-
riqicha banamtuu swing-bridge terior angles
riqicha mukaa a traditional rogawwan waliin-duubaa verti-
wooden bridge cally opposite angles
riqicha rarraatuu suspension roga-T T-square
bridge roga-dhablee shapeless, form-
riqicha sibiilaa modern bridge less
i.e. made of iron rogafree en quadrangle, rectangle
riqicha ummaa natural bridge rogayyaa n contour
riquu v to climb (a ladder, a tree) rogdalgee ca rectangular
rirma n termite rogdanee en polygon
risaa n eagle rogdanee golboo concave poly-
risaa walloo bald eagle gon
robootara n (Eur) robot roggee n 1) edge of a mountain,
roga n 1) hem of clothes 2) edge, ridge 2) young boy's tonsure
border, fringe 3) raised soil be- roggee tulluu mountain-ridge
tween furrows 4) form, shape, fig- roggee humbuluqaa lava ridge
ure 5) contour 6) angle roggitaa en congruent angles
roga aloo exterior angle roggoo n inselberg (Geog, Geo/)
roga aloo geengoo exterior an- rogjayee en hexagon
gle of a circle rogkurnee en decagon
roga aloo rogafree exterior angle rogollaa en (roga + ollaa) adjacent
of a quadrangle angles
roga aloo rogdanee exterior an- rogsaddeetee en octahedron, octa-
gle of a polygon gon
roga baalaa leaf-axil rogsadee en triangle
roga baasa shaping, formation rogsadee mulullee spherical tri-
roga baasuu to form, shape angle
roga bakkaa position angle rogsadee muxxee acute triangle
roga baldhaa obtuse angle rogsadee sagaltama 90 degree
roga caasaa structure section rogsalgee en nonagon
roga daangessaa critical angle rogshanee en pentagon
roga diriiraa straight angle rogsuduudee right angle
roga fuullee opposite angle rogsuduudee rogsadee right
roga gararrallaa angle of eleva- angle triangle
rogsululaa - saaba 232

rogsululaa en thalweg (valley line) rukuttaa golee corner-kick, cor-

(Geog) ner-hit
rogtorbee en heptagon rukuttaa manaa rhythm
rokeeta n (Eng) same as furgug- rukuttuu nmf 1) one who attacks
gaatuu somebody 2) racket (instrument)
rom'isiisa n convulsion (violent rukuttuu teenisaa tennis-racket
movement) rukutuu v 1) to beat, hit, strike 2) to
rom'uu v 1) to shiver or tremble (from knock (on the door 3) to thresh
fear, cold etc.) 2) to shake, quake (grain) 4) to ring a bell 5) to phone
(of the earth) 6) to fire (a gun)
rooba n rain rum n (Eng) rum
rooba addaa frontal rain ruqoo n constituent, component
rooba cabbii rain with hail, frozen ruqoo qaruutii active component
rain; snow fall rushii n baking soda
rooba dhangaggee acid rain russii a/ n dark green
rooba hangaasuu thunder storm ruubana n bundle
rooba olaanolii relief rainfall ruubana ilillii a bundle of flower
rooba waggaa annual rainfall ruuda n sky; heaven
rooba yandoo cyclonic rainfall ruufoo n a black, red and white
roobaa a 1) rainy 2) propitious chequered turban which any
roobbii n ringworm, skin infection Oromo patriarch wore at public
roobii1 n hippopotamus ceremonies (these three are the
Roobii2 n (Amh) same as Dasee colours of the Oromo national flag)
roobuu v to rain ruuga n recruitment
roodita n pendulum ruuga torobbee a police recruit
roodita salphaa simple pendu- ruuguu v to recruit
lum ruumicha n vulture
roojoo al n narcotic ruuqaa n insert
rooree n street child ruuqaa ibiddaa especial wood
roorrisaa/ -ftuu nm/f one who har- which is put under hot ashes in
asses order to keep the fire for a longer
roorrisuu v to harass, persecute time
roorroo n harassment, persecution ruurrii n pot-belly; kwashiorkor (Med)
roqaa a decay, rotten, spoiled ruussoo n dusty earth
rubaa n gallon, jerry can ruuzii n (Ar) rice
rubmoo n iron ball (of sports)
ruggaa n water-tap, faucet
rugirreessa en cadet
rukaala n assault -s-
rukkina n density (Phys)
rukkina agartii optical density sa'a n cow
rukkina giidoo energy density sa'a hortoo productive cow
rukkina hurkaa vapour density sa'aatii n (Ar) 1) watch 2) clock; hour
rukkina qilmarsaa atmospheric sa'aatii atoomawaa atomic clock
density sa'aatii barannoo period (in
rukkina sadhaatawaa relative school)
density sa'aatii dabraa overtime
rukuttaa n 1) beating; attack 2) pen- sa'aatii harkaa wristwatch
alty (of football) 3) beat (of music) sa'aatii kilowaatii kilowatt-hour
sa'aatii kiishaa watch (of pocket)
saaba n womb; uterus
233 saaboo - sabbata

saaboo n headrest, pillow saaphuyyee n algae

saadduu nmf one who flatters some- saaphuyyee magaala brown al-
one gae
saadoo n flattery, blandishment, saaphuyyee magariisa green al-
blarney gae
saaduu n to flatter saaphuyyee soorataa food web
saafa'uu v to become noon; to be saaqa n cash (ready money)
late saaqata n posture
saafaa n 1) midday, noon 2) fata Saatarnii n (Eng) Saturn
morgana; mirage saattessuu v to sheathe
saafaa booda (s. b.) afternoon, saattoo n sheath (of spear, sword
postmeridian (p. m.) etc ), scabbard
saafaa dura (s. d) forenoon, saattoo billaa sheath for a knife
morning, antemeridian (a. m.) saattoo cuubee sheath for a
saafaa godinaa zonal noon dagger
saafila n puberty, adolescence saattoo dhiigbishoo plasma
saaga n reinforcement sheath
saagaa n roofing slats saaxileessa n exposure
saagamaa a reinforced saaxiluu v to expose
saagduu nmf one who reinforces saaxil-baasuu to expose
saaguu v to reinforce (usu. of roof) saaxoo n light bush; shrub
saahel n (Ar) sahel saayinsaawaa a scientific
saaksifoonii n (Eur) saxophone saayinsii n (Eng) science
saalaa n oryx saayinsii culkii pure science
saalifa/ -ftuu nmlf teenager saayinsii gamtaa social science
saamamaa/ -tuu amlf exploited saayinsii madaallii science of
saamicha n 1) robbery 2) scramble, measurement
exploitation saayinsii manbarroo library sci-
saammannoo n exploitation, pillage ence
saammataa/ -tuu nm/f exploiter saayinsii hojjatii applied science
saammee n web saayinsii uummaa natural sci-
saamtuu nmf plunderer, robber, ence
looter saayinsiyyoo n scientist
saamunaa n (Ar) same as andarqii saayya n 1) cow 2) animal
saamuu v 1) to plunder, rob, loot, saba n nation, people
ravage 2) to pillage, exploit saba baldhaa masses
saanaddee en (saanii + addaa) saba miidhamaa oppressed na-
sorting dish tion
saanii n (Ar) dish, plate; tray sabaa a national
saanii diriiraa platter; tray sabaga n membrane
saanii dhiqxuu dishwasher sabaga hundee basement mem-
saanii golboo bowl, basin brane
saanii korboo round plate sabaga miciree cell membrane,
saanii sabbuu gold plate plasma membrane
saanii sibiilaa dish made of sabaga wiirtuu nuclear mem-
metal brane
saanil suphadii porcelain, china sabaga takkee unit membrane
saanjaa n (Ar) same as bodee sabaliisa n dove
saantima n (Eng) 1) cent, penny sabbaawaa a golden, of gold
2) coin sabbata n a long belt or girdle made
of cotton cloth
sabbata Waaqayyoo - sagalee hin-dabarsinee 234

sabbata Waaqayyoo rainbow sadarkaa sadarkaan step by

sabbata Waaqayyoo jalqabbee step, gradually
primary rainbow sadarkaa seera abboomuu con-
sabbicoo en (saba + bicuu) minority ventional level
(of people) sadarkaa soorataa food stan-
sabbojaa en (saba + bojaa) majority dards
(of people) sadarkaa warraaqsaa revolu-
sabboona/ -tuu cnm/f patriot tionary stage
sabboonummaa en patriotism sadarkaa yaalii experimental
sabbuu n gold stage
sabbuu culkii pure gold sadarkaan/ -dhaan gradually, by
sabbu-qabeessa containing gold degree
sabbu-qottuu gold-digger saddeeqa n a game played with
sabbu-tumtuu gold-smith stones in twelve holes on a board
sabdanee ca (saba + danuu) multi- saddeeqa damfinaa boiling
national cheep (Comp)
sabee n nationality (an ethnic group) saddeeqa qubee keyboard
sablammii en ethnic, national group saddeeqa qubee fi hantuutee
sabootee n nationalist keyboard and mouse
sabsadee en a country of three na- sadduu nmf conspirator, plotter
tions or national groups (e.g. Bel- sadee a triple
gium) sadeessoo n third steeping of coffee
sabtokkee en a country of a single sadhaata n relativity
nation (e.g. Denmark) sadhaatawaa a relative
sabummaa n nationalism sadhaatummaa n relativism
Sadaasa n November sadiyyee n trio
sadafii n (Ar) same as mukee sadoo n conspiracy, plot
sadakkuu n triangle saduu v to conspire, plot
sadanee n triplet safaarii n (Ar) safari
sadarkaa n 1) level, stage 2) step, saffisa n speed
stair 3) rank; grade, degree saffisa bubbee wind speed
4) standard, scale saffisa sagalee speed of sound
sadarkaa birmadummaa degree safuu n moral, mores, sacred law
of freedom sagaagaltuu n adulterer
sadarkaa caalmaa superlative sagaagalummaa n adultery
sadarkaa dammaqiinsa level of sagaagaluu v to commit adultery
consciousness sagaggalaa/ -tuu nm/f fornicator
sadarkaa dammaqiinsa taliigaa sagaggaltii n fornication
level of political consciousness sagaggaluu v to fornicate
sadarkaa dhimbiibbaa filtration sagalee n 1) voice; sound 2) word,
step vocabulary 3) vote
sadarkaa firoommii degree of sagalee akkeessaa imitative
relationship word
sadarkaa jireenyaa living stan- sagalee bareedaa a sweet voice
dard sagalee dabarsaa watchword
sadarkaa misoomaa stage of sagalee dibbee drum-beat
development sagalee dubbii word, vocabulary
sadarkaa olkaasa upgrading sagalee filannoo vote
sadarkaa olkaasuu to upgrade sagalee furdaa a deep voice
sadarkaa qaroomaa stage of sagalee hin-dabarsinee sound-
civilisation proof
235 sagalee hororsaa - sammu-qabeenya

sagalee hororsaa a hoarse voice saglii hawaasaa unit of society

sagalee jabaa important mes- saglii waraanaa military unit
sage saglii warraa family unit
sagalee qaldhaa a shrill voice Sahaaraa n Sahara
sagalee tokkoon unanimously sakatta'a n search, ransacking
sagalee tokkooyyee monotone sakatta'a torobbee a police
sagalee uummataa plebiscite; ransacking
referendum sakatta'aa/ -tuu nmlf one who ran-
sagalee weedduu singing-voice sacks
sagaleen tokko tawuu to be sakatta'uu v ransack (thoroughly
unanimous search)
sagaleen tokko tayiinsa unanim- sakkoo n ethic
ity sal'eessa a stillborn
sagale-maleessa voiceless; salaata n (Ar) Muslim praying
soundless salaaxaa n (Eur) lettuce
sagaleeffama n pronunciation salala n tanned hide
sagaleessituu n loudspeaker, ampli- salalaa n sandals
fier; megaphone saldaqa n aluminium
sagantaa n 1) programme saldaqa sagayaa aluminium
2) prospectus 3) schedule bronze
sagantaa dinagdee economic saldaquu v to aluminise
programme salgan n jury (usu. of nine members)
sagantaa dinagdee fooyyessaa salgan yaa'ii Booranaa execu-
economic stabilisation pro- tive committee of the ruling
gramme gadaa council
sagantaa filmaataa election pro- salganee n jury
gramme saliixa n (Ar) sesame
sagantaa gamtaa social pro- salleessaa n abortion, miscarriage
gramme salleessuu v to have miscarriage
sagantaa garee party programme salphina n 1) easiness, lightness,
sagantaa hojii working schedule, simplicity 2) shame, dishonour,
working programme disgrace
sagantaa horannoo manufactur- salphisuu v 1) to make light, make
ing programme easy 2) to simplify (Math) 3) to
sagantaa mana barumsaa dishonour
school schedule, timetable samba n taste
sagantaa taliigaa political pro- sambaleexa n pampas grass
gramme sambalii n spaceman, spacewoman,
sagantaa warraaqsaa revolu- space traveller
tionary programme Sambata n (Amh) Saturday
sagantaaa misoomaa develop- sambuu v to taste
ment programme sammuu n 1) fontanel (head)
saganteeffammaa a programmed 2) mind, brain 3) Central Process-
saganteessaa n programmer (Comp) ing Unit (CUP)
saganteessii n programming (com- sammuun tuqamuu insane
puter, radio, TV) sammuutti qabannaa memory
saganteessuu v to programme, plan sammu-dhabeessa/ -ttii stupid,
sagaya n copper; bronze dull, blockhead
saggoo n nape sammu-dhiqiisa brainwashing
sagilaala n television sammu-dhiquu to brainwash
saglii n unit, squad sammu-qabeenya intelligence
sagIii gamtaa social unit
sammu-qabeessa - sarartii 236

sammu-qabeessa/ -ttii intelli- sanyii we'elaa species hybridisa-

gent, wise tion
sanaafica n mustard plant or seed sanyii zayitii oil seeds
sanaagaa n salt bar used for cattle sanyillaa n species
sanaagoo n halite sanyundee en gene, genetic
sanduuqa n (Ar) same as gongee saphaphuu n pond-weed, scum
sanfila n antenna, aerial; antennary saphii n pubic hair
sanfila faallee directional an- saphuphaa n spider's web, web
tenna saphupphee n lichen on trees
sanfila gaanfee horn antenna saqadada n commemoration of a de-
sanfila laccee fishbone antenna ceased person
sanfila raadiyoo antenna of a ra- saqadada baasuu to give com-
dio memorative banquet for a dead
sanfila tiibii antenna of a televi- person
sion saraaraa n balcony
sangaa n 1) ox, steer 2) locality saragallaa n wagon, cart, carriage,
sangaa fardaa a stallion which is chariot
trained for horse race saragee a vagabond, tramp
sangaa-raada hermaphrodite sarara n line; demarcation
sangoomsuu v to castrate sarara bilbiltoo telephone line
sankulee n mirage (shimmering heat sarara caccabaa broken line
waves) sarara cinoo lateral line
sanqallee n empty beehive sarara cufaa closed line
sanqallii n uncovered part of a sad- sarara daangaa borderline
dle placed on the back of a horse sarara dalgii oblique line
sanqii n terrace sarara dalgoo horizontal line
sansakkaa n personality sarara dhaabataa line segment
sansakkaa garlamee dual per- sarara dhaabboo vertical line
sonality sarara deegummaa poverty line
santariyyaa n (Ar) same as qomeetii sarara faaggee pipeline
sanyaaba n ethnography sarara gaaddisaa shadow line
sanyaalessa/ -ttii nm/f racist sarara giidotaa line of forces
sanyaalummaa n racism sarara guyyaa addunyaa merid-
sanyii n 1) seed; grain for seed ian (line)
2) kind, sort 3) species, race, stock sarara jalqabaa base line
3) gene sarara labbaa diagonal line
sanyii bantiyyee super genus sarara lakkoofsaa number line
sanyii bineensaa animal king- sarara moggagarbaa coastal
dom line, shoreline
sanyii biqiltuu plant kingdom sarara qaxxaamuraa transversal
sanyii cichaa extinct species line
sanyii bu'uraa foundation seed sarara sirrii straight line
sanyii dhalootaa genesis sararaa xoxxobbee dotted lines
sanyii filatamaa breeder seed sarara walqaxxaamuraa inter-
sanyii golgamee enclosed seed secting line
sanyii hin-golgaminee naked sarara waltajjii line of center
seed sarara waltarree parallel lines
sanyii namaa human race sarara yaaddii imaginary line
sanyii takkaataa rare species sararree n drawing (art)
sanyii takkaayyee endemic spe- sarartii n 1) embellishment, adorn-
cies ment, decoration 2) drawing
237 sarartoo - seenaa jireenyaa

sarartoo n ruler trade

sarartoo dachaatuu folding ruler, seedannoo gaddhiisii free trade
zigzag ruler seedannoo guyyaa day trading
sarartoo dalgoo horizontal line seedannoo magaalaa municipal
sarartoo hollattuu vibrating ruler trading
sarartoo lootuu slide ruler seedataa/ -duu nmlf trader, dealer,
sararuu v 1) to embellish, adorn, vendor, merchant, business-man
decorate 2) to draw seedataa faayataa fine art dealer
sarbaa n calf (of leg) seedataa guyyaa day trader
sarbama n confiscation seedataa karraarraa street ven-
sarbamaa a confiscated dor
sarbii n pulley, trochlea seedataa qurxummii fishmonger
sarbituu nmf one who confiscates seedataan-bulaa/ -tuu trader,
sarbuu v to confiscate merchant
sardiidaa en fox seedatoomsa n commercialisation
sardiina n (Eur) sardine seegaa n saw (tool)
saree n dog seegaa cimaa back saw
saree suuftuu bloodhound seegaa geengoo circular saw
saree torobbee police dog seegaa harkalamee two-handed
sariitii n asparagus saw
sarma n consent; obedience seegaa jirmaa logging saw
sarmaa/ -tuu amlf willing; obedient seegaa marfamaa compass-saw
sarmuu v to agree, consent, allow; seegaa mukaa hand saw
submit, obey seegaa sibiilaa hack saw
sarroo n prediction seelkata n complication, obstacle
sataliita n (Eur) satellite seelkee n defect
sataliita duwwaanaa space sta- seelkoo n gap, fissure
tion seelkoo ilkaanii a tooth from
sataliita namnuumee artificial which a piece is chipped
satellites Seemii n/ a Semite; Semitic
sataliita qunnamtii communica- seemmallaa n floor
tion satellite seemmallaa garbaa sea floor
sattawwaa n giraffe seemmoo n bottom part of a granary
Sawudii Arabiyaa n Saudi Arabia seemsa n shoe lace
sayyuu n sister-in-law seemummaa n Semitism
seeca'a n qualification seenaa n history
seeca'aa/ -tuu nm/f qualifier seenaa afaanii oral tradition
seeca'uu v to qualify seenaa Afrikaa African history
seeda n taboo, customary respect seenaa ammayyaa modern his-
seedachuu v to trade tory
seedannoo n trade, commerce, busi- seenaa biyyalafaa world history
ness seenaa boonsisaa glorious his-
seedannoo biyyalaa foreign tory
trade seenaa cindachee geological
seedannoo biyyalafaa world history
trade seenaa faayataa art-history
seedannoo biyya keessaa local seenaa gamtaa social history
trade seenaa gosaa ethnohistory
seedannoo dhoksaa black mar- seenaa himamsaa oral history
ket seenaa jiddoo medieval history
seedannoo faayataa fine arts seenaa jireenyaa life history
seenaa mootii - seeran dhaaltuu 238

seenaa mootii chronicles (of seera gadaa gadaa-law

kings) seera galaanaa maritime law
seenaa Oromoo Oromo history seera harkisoo law of gravitation
seenaa sabaa national history seera hurrisaa law of accelera-
seena-dursoo pre-history tion
seena-qabeessa historic seera hirmaata-dubbii gram-
seenafaanii en philology matical rule, grammatical catego-
seenamaa a penetrable ries
seenessaa/ -ituu nm/f historian, his- seera hojii employment law
toriographer seera irree rule of thumb
seenessuu v to narrate (usu. history) seera keessaa ba'aa irregular
seenjiree en biography, memories seera konkolaachisii motoring
seennaa n admittance law
seenofii en (seenaa + ofii) autobiog- seera kuusaa giidoo law of con-
raphy servation of energy
seensa n introduction, preamble, seera madanaa radiation law
prelude seera marlaalaa universal law
seentii n entrance, entry, gateway seera marlaalaa harkisoo uni-
seentii guddaa main entrance versal law of gravitation
seentuu n plunger seera Mendel Mendel's Laws
seenummaa n historicism seera Musee Mose's law
seenuu v 1) to enter, get in 2) to seera qajeelaa justice
penetrate 3) to join (an association seera qoonqessii phonetic law
etc. ) 4) to be admitted to a hospi- seera seedannoo commercial
tal 5) to break out (of diseases) law, mercantile law
6) to set in (of seasons) seera sochii law of motion
seenxii n penknife Seera Sochii kan Niwutan New-
seera n 1) law, legislation 2) rule (of ton's Law of Motion
law, of grammar), code 3) com- seera tumaa bill (of law)
mandment; decree 4) doctrine (of seera tumamaa act (law)
church) seera tumtuu legislator,
seera aadaa customary laws lawmaker, law-giver
seera adabbii penal law, criminal seera tumuu to legislate, draw up
law rules
seera adamoo game law seera uumamaa natural law, law
seera addunyaalessa interna- of nature
tional law seera Waaqaa laws of God
seera atoomaa federal law seera walakkeessaa law of aver-
seera baasaa/ -ftuu lawmaker, ages
legislator seera walgita hangaa Law of
seera barreeffamaa punctuation mass Conservation
seera barumsaa curriculum seera waraanaa martial law
seera biyyaa constitution seera warshaa factory law
seera dimshaashaa general law seera yakkii criminal law
seera dhiyeessii fi gaafannoo seerachuu v to warn, give notice
law of supply and demand seerafaanii en grammar
seera eegduu prosecutor, attor- seerama n decree
ney seerambaa en civil law
seera eegduu olaanaa attorney seeran a lawfully, legally
general seeraan ala illegal, not lawful
seera filmaataa electoral law seeran dhaaltuu legal heir
239 seeran dhoowwii - siidaa durii

seeran dhoowwii embargo sibiila foonii gridiron

seeran beekamaa defined by law sibiila garjoo wrought
seeraan murteeffamaa deter- sibiila geldii heavy metal
mined bylaw sibiila hafalee light metal
seerata n warning sibiila ilkaanoo rake (implement)
seerataa/ -tuu nmlf a person who sibiila qafiifaa soft and fragile
warns somebody metal
seerdhablee ca lawless, anarchist sibiila si'aawaa active metal
seerdhablummaa en lawlessness, sibiila waraanaa arms, weapons,
disorder, anarchism gun
seeressaa/ -ituu nmlf judge; magis- sibiilala ca (sibiila + ala) non-metal
trate sibiilbaqsaa en foundry
seerluga en (seera + luga) grammar sibiilbiyyee en iron ore
seermaleessa ca illegal sibiilcinintuu en hook spanner,
seermalummaa en illegality spanner
seermiliqxummaa n irregularity; ex- sibiilee a armoured
ceptionality sibiilfallii en (sibiila + haffallii)
seermiliqxuu ca irregular; exception bauxite
seeroma n legalisation sibiiliyyaa n steel
seeromaa a legalised sibiillamee en bimetallic
seeromsuu v to legalise sibiilmilaa en fetters
seerqabeessa ca lawful, legal sibiilmurtuu en hacksaw
seerqabessummaa en lawfulness sibiilolkaasa en weight lifting
seertolaa en golden rule sibiilolkaasaa n weight lifter
seerummaa n legality, legitimacy sibiiloo n metal
seerundee (seera + hundee) charter sibiilo-maleessa non-metal
seeruu v to decree sibiilqabduu en pliers
seetoo n presumption sibiiltuu nmf steelworker
seexaa n determination, spirit sibilboora en platinum
sekondii n (Eng) same as sibsaaba n eaves; porch
qajiis siddisa n clover
sekreetarii n (Eng) secretary (profes- siddoo n collarbone, clavicle
sional) sidii n arch-enemy, arch-fiend
selama n big rain clouds, cumulus sidummaa n arch-enemity
semestara n (Eng) same as kuyeba sifa n nutritious food
seminaara n (Eur) same as barattoo sigidaa/ -duu am/f blunt, dull, igno-
sentigreedii n (Eng) centigrade rant
sentimeetira n (Eng) centimetre sigiggee n skating (children's game),
si'aawaa a active sliding
si'aayina n motivation sigiggoo n drift
si'ana n present time; present (Gram) sigiggoo ardii continental drift
si'anee a up-to-date, contemporary siibessa/ -ttii amlf strong, powerful
(furniture) siibessummaa n strength, power
si'ee n stimulus siiccee n deposit
si'eessituu n catalyst siiccee hambee relic sediment
sibiijjii n dermatitis, eczema siicceta n deposit, depot, sediment
sibiila n 1) iron, metal, steel 2) arms, siicceteessa n sedimentation
weapons.gun siicoo n 1) dirt in grain, residue
sibiila alkaalii alkali metals 2) dregs
sibiila baxxee bar (of metal) siidaa n monument, memorial; statue
sibiila dhagaa iron-stone siidaa durii ancient monument
sibiila diimaa copper; brass
siillee - sirna atoomaa 240

siillee n rod (a stick) siqa n amplitude

siillee madaallii height sticks siqaa n indent
siilloo n axis siqaa fannoo hanging indent
siilloo dalgoo horizontal axis siqsaa n tab (Comp)
(Med) siranaa a permanent
siilloo dhaabboo vertical axis sirba n 1) song, dance 2) music
siilloo dhugee real axis sirba aadaa traditional song and
siilloo duguguruu axis vertebra dance, folk song
siilloo duraasaa major axis, prin- sirba ammayyaa modern song
cipal axis sirba baasaa/-ftuu composer (of
siilloo maddee minor axis songs)
siilloo waaggee polar axis sirba daadaa folk-music, folk-
siilloo yaaddii imaginary axis song
siimessa a smooth sirba dareentaa comic song
siimessuu v to make smooth sirba uummataa folklore
siiqqee n Oromo women's ceremo- sirba Waaqaa spiritual song
nial stick sirba waraanaa military music
siissee a/ n causative sirbituu nmf singer and dancer;
sijaaraa n (Eur) cigarette; cigar singer
sijaaraa xuuxuu to smoke sirbuu v to sing and dance (usu. both
sijaaraa xuuxxuu smoker at the same time), sing, dance
sijaarroo n cigar siree n 1) bed; couch 2) stretcher
silga n beastings, colostrum siree bokonaa camp bed, colt
silkii n (Ar) same as bi/bi/too siree daa'immanii crib, cradle
Sillaasee (Amh) Trinity siree dachaatuu folding-bed
Sillaasee Sadeen Trinity siree dhukkubsataa sick-bed
sillimii n nap siree keessummaa spare bed
silqixa n flagellum (Bot, Biol) siree leemmanaa a bed made of
simaa/ -tuu nm/f receptionist bamboo
simaamaloo n (Amh) oral interpreter siree mirree double bed
simaloo a one-coloured, unicoloured siree mootii throne
simannaa n reception, welcoming siree mukaa wooden bed
simbirree n spinach siree qeentee single bed
simbirtuu nmf spy siree rarraatuu bunk bed
simboo n 1) charm, attractiveness siree sharaa cot
2) template (Comp) siree sibiilaa a bed made of
simfonii n (Eur) symphony metal
simintoo n (It) same mansee siree teephaa a traditional bed
simituu n fresh, warm milk made of leather
simuu v 1) to welcome, greet 2) to siribduu n receptor
receive siribduu dhiibbaa pressure re-
sinaanoo n parable ceptor
singiggoo n heartburn siribduu eeloo pain receptor
sinimaa n (Eng) cinema, movie siribduu hoo'inaa heat receptor
sinimaa hoo'iftuu film-fan siribduu qorraa cold receptor
sinimaa kormaataa blue movie siribduu tuqaatli touch receptor
sinimaa laaltuu cinema-goer, sirna n 1) system 2) affair, matter
film-goer 3) ceremony
sinina n induction sirna aarsituu nerve system
sinjii n (Eur) zinc sirna argansuu breathing system
siphee n complete darkness sirna atoomaa federal system
241 sirna barreessii - sochii bilisummaa

sirna barreessii writing system sirna walee communal system

sirna barumsaa system of edu- sirna walee durii primitive com-
cation; curriculum munal system
sirna caffee parliamentary sys- sirnaata n procedure
tem sirnaawaa a systematic, regular
sirna dilbeetaa capitalist system sirnadubbii en morphology (Ling)
sirna dinagdee economic system sirnaduu en solar system
sirna duubattarkisaa reactionary sirnaftinaa en photosynthesis
system sirnakkoo en ecosystem (Bot)
sirna fiilaa respiratory system sirnakkoo bishaanii aquatic
sirna filmaataa voting system ecosystem
sirna fudaalaa feudal system sirnalbuudaa en mineralogy
sirna gabrummaa system of sirnalee ca (sirna + ala) informal
slavery sirnalummaa en informality
sirna gadaa the gadaa-system sirnamantii en ritual
sirna gamtaa social system sirnamantummaa en ritualism
sirna horataa mode of production sirnamtii en (sirna + himtii) syntax
sirna hundee root system sirnasxaa en notation
sirna ilaaflamee democratic sys- sirnaya n expert, skilled person
tem sirnaya dubbii rhetorician
sirna jireenyaa way of life sirnayaadaa en logic
sirna jireenya Oromoo Oromo sirnayyaa n festival
way of life sirneeffama n systematisation
sirna kuboo cubic system sirneeffamaa a systematic
sirna kurniitee decimal system sirneessaa/ -ituu nm/f systematist
sirna lakkaawwoo numeration sirneessuu v to systematise
sirna lakkoofsalamee binary sirojii en (siree hojii) scaffold, scaf-
number system folding
sirna lamee dual system sirqubee en (sirna qubee) orthogra-
sirna lashoo shoot system phy
sirna maashaa muscular system sirree a precise
sirna madaallii taxonomy sirreeffannoo n amendment
sirna meetiraawaa metric system sirreenya n precision
sirna mootummaa government sirreessa n correction
system sirrii a accurate, exact
sirna murnadubbii phraseology sirriitti adv accurately, perfectly
sirna naanna'ii circulatory sirriitti afaan beekuu fluency (in
sirna nyaataa nutrition language)
sirna qindeeffamaa coordinated sirriitti dubbachuu to articulate
system sirrummaa n accuracy
sirna qunnamtii communication sobbooqsoo n enrichment
system sochii n movement (physical, social);
sirna raabsii distribution network motion
sirna ramaddii registration sys- sochii amantii religious move-
tem ment
sirna saamichaa exploitive sys- sochii baraanbaree perpetual
tem motion
sirna soshaalistii socialist sys- sochii barattuu student move-
tem ment
sirna taliigaa political system sochii bilisummaa liberation
sirna usaansaa excretory system movement
sochii biyyaa - soogida ittinaquu 242

sochii biyyaa popular movement sokaree n zigzag

sochii daandii martoo curvilinear sokkisiiftuu n transmitter
motion sokkislisa n transmission
sochii daandii sirrii rectilinear sokkisiisa ifinaa transmission of
motion light
sochii dafqaan-bulaa proletarian sokkisiisuu v to transmit
movement sokoo n gold
sochii faannoo partisan move- sokoree n pin (for fasting together
ment parts of dress, papers etc.)
sochii gamtaa social movement sokoroo n hairpin
sochli guddlnaa growth move- solloqqee n crust (of earth)
ment sololaa n colon (large intestine)
sochii hojjattuu labour move- sololiyaa n guinea fowl
ment, workers movement soloqmuta en cuticle
sochii hollannoo vibratory mo- somaa n shaft
tion somaa eeboo shaft of spear
sochii hurrifamaa accelerated somba n lung
motion sombeessaa n pneumonia
sochii jiddugaleessa moving av- sona a exact, perfect, ideal, accurate
erage sonaan 1) very 2) exactly, accu-
sochii lafaa earthquake rately, carefully and properly
sochii martoo rotary motion sondhola n comedy
sochii naanna'iisa rotational mo- sonii n patrolling
tion sonsa n wasp, hornet
sochii qotee-bulaa peasant sontoo n middle, halfway
movement sontoo gaaraa middle part of a
sochii sabaa national movement mountain
sochii sabaa baldhaa mass sontoo magaalaa city centre,
movement downtown
sochii taliigaa political movement soodaa n (Eur) soda
sochii walfakkaataa uniform mo- soodduu n obelisk, stela
tion soofaa n (Eur) sofa
sochi-dhablee motionless, im- soofaa dachaatuu folding sofa
mobile soofamaa a 1) carved, hewed
socho'aa a movable, mobile 2) sculptured
socho'ummaa n mobility sooftuu nmf 1) plane (kind of tool}
sochooftuu n stirring rod 2) carpenter 3) sand-paper
sochoosuu v 1) to shake, rock soofuu v 1) to carve, hew; plane off
(body); move 2) to stir, stir up 2) to sculpture
sochootii n mobility soogidda n a general name for salt
sochootuu a mobile (there are many kinds of salt e.g.:
sodaa n fear, fright, dread, horror, ashaboo, amoo/ee, camnana,
phobia sanaagaa, mogora etc.)
sodaa bishaanii hydrophobia soogidda albuudaa mineral salt
sodaachisaa a critical, risky, danger- soogidda bishaan-qabeessa
ous salt hydrate
sodacimaa en (sodaa + cimaa) pho- soogidda dhangaggee acidic
bia salt
soddaa n in-law soogidda Faranjii Epsom salts
soddoomuu v to be an in-law soogidda gos-lamee binary salt
softii n (Eng) napkin soogida ittinaquu to salt
243 soogidda iyoodinaa - sudaanee

soogidda iyoodinaa iodised salt sooressa/ -ttii amlf rich, wealthy,

soogidda jumboo normal salt well-to-do, affluent
soogidda lammee double salt sooressummaa n richness, wealth
(Chem) soorgoo n the clear meaning of two
soogidda-dhablee salt-free meanings of a pun
soogidda-qabeessa containing sooriyyoo n general name for sacri-
salt, salty fices (offering to a deity)
soogiddaawaa a salty sooromuu v to become rich, become
soogiddee n precious wealthy
soogiddeessuu v to salt soortoo n drug
soogiddoo n sodium soortuu nmf 1) one who provides
sookiyyaa n adolescent food to the needy 2) landlady;
sookiyyummaa n adolescence house-keeper
sool n (Eng) soul (Mus) soorummaa n wealth, riches, prop-
soora n food, nourishment erty
soora fardaa grain used as fod- sooyyaa/ -ee nmlf 1) one who serves
der (for horses) guests at a festival 2) waiter, wait-
soorachiisa n feeding ress
soorachiisa daa'imaa infant soqaa/ -xuu nmlf one who searches,
feeding inspects, investigates
sooran n baby food soqamaa a 1) carved 2) inspected,
soorannoo n nutrition investigated
soorannoo maxxannee parasitic soqiisa n searching, inspection, in-
nutrition vestigation
soorata n 1) diet, food, nourishment soquu v 1) to dig up 2) to carve
2) ration (wood, stone etc.), hew, plane
soorata beeladaa fodder 3) to search, inspect, investigate
soorata duraasaa staple food, soqxuu nmf 1) a small hatchet, adze
staple 2) carpenter
soorata giidoo energy food sora n screening
soorata ittisaa protective food sorara n isolated rain in dry season
soorata quftoo Holy Food, sorobduu nmf a gatherer of wild
Eucharist honey
soorata raayyaa soldiers' ration sorondiisa n tsetse fly
soorata sanyii endosperm soroobina n orientation
soorata walqixxaataa balanced soroorii a reddish, a reddish colour
diet sorooroo a straight; upright
soorataa ijaarsaa building food sorroquu v to go off accidentally (of
sooratee n stipend; allowance a gun)
sooratee barattuu student sti- sortuun screen grid
pend soruu v to screen
sooratee guyyaa a daily allow- soshaalistii n (Eng) socialist
ance subba n leather bag, bag
sooratee waggaa a yearly allow- subba cinaanii seed vessel,
ance scrotum
soorattuu nmf eater subba qilleensaa wind bag
soorattuu foonii carnivores (Geo/)
soorattuu margaa herbivores subbee n purse, wallet
soordhaba en malnutrition subbii a/ n gold (of colour)
sooree a nutrient sudaanee n Sudanese perfume (im-
ported from the Sudan)
sududaa - suuqii Arabaa 244

sududaa a directly suphee n clay

suga n satisfaction, satiety, plethora suphe-dhooftuu potter
suggoo n/ a nutritious value, nutri- suphe-dhayiinsa pottery
tious supheensii n erasing, rubbing
sugoo n (It) sauce supheensituu n eraser, rubber
sukkii n a rash supheensuu v to erase, rub out
sulchoo n semi-fried meat cut supheeta n ceramic
sulula n valley suppha n repair
Sulula Abbayyaa the Nile Valley supphuu v 1) to patch, mend 2) to
sulula baldhataa young valley sew or stitch (usu. worn out
sulula caakkaa wooded valley clothes 3) to repair
sulula dalgee longitudinal valley supphaa/ -ituu nm/f repairer
sulula dhooqaa rift valley suraa n (Ar) paragraph of Koran
Sulula Dhooqaa Afrikaa Boruu surgiisuu v to pin
the East African Rift Valley surraa n dignity, majestic style (of a
sulula garbaa submarine canyon person)
sulula guuttoo mature valley surree n trousers, pants
sulula lagaa river delta surrejalee en underpants
sulula muxxee V-shaped valley surrejalee daakkii swimming
sulula oljedhaa hanging valley trunks
sulula walqabataa valley trains surrii n (Ar) same as uqqubunnee
sulula-U U-valley sussukkii n walking
sulxaana n (Ar) sultan suubboo n a married man
sulxaanummaa n sultanate suudee n swing, pendulum
summaawuu v to be poisoned, be suudoo n particle (Phys)
contaminated suudoo guuttii charge particle
summaawuu soorataa food suufii n (Ar) 1) sunflower 2) wool;
spoilage woollen suit
summeessuu v to poison, contami- suufii baar sunflower seed
nate suukanneessaa al n irritating, irritant
summii n (Ar) poison; toxin suukanneessoo n irritation
summii biimbee DDT suukanneessuu v to irritate
summii dhiigaa blood poisoning suukannii n sensation, sensibility
summii nyaataa food poisoning suukannummaa n sensationalism
summi-qabeessa poisonous, suukee a dotted, speckled
toxoid suuqa n corner; edge, angle
summummaa n toxicity suuqaa n rafter, plank
summuuga n compression suuqaa guddaa principal rafter
summuugamaa a compressive suuqaa xinnaa common rafter
summuugduu n compressor suuqafree en square, quadrate
summuuguu v to compress suuqamaa n any iron rod which
sumsuma n matrilineal relationship transmits motion or heat between
sumuda n brand (mark by branding) two objects; sticker
sumudaa n branding iron suuqamtuu n 1) socket 2) electric
sumuddoo n brand, trademark socket
sumuduu v to brand suuqeffachuu v to shop
sunqoo n fenugreek suuqeffannoo n shopping
sunsuma n the three hearth stones suuqii n (Ar) shop, store
of the fireplace suuqii Arabaa Arab shop, Arab
suphadii en (suphee + adii) porce- store
245 suuqii barroolee - shakkisiisaa

suuqii barroolee bookshop, shaalii n a small basket made of

bookstore bamboo
suuqii dibataa cosmetic salon, shaalii baraaxii litterbin, litterbag
cosmetic shop shaallee al n bright (of colour)
suuqii faayyee boutique shaaloo n swan
suuqii foonii butcher's shop shaamaa n (Ar) same as dungoo
suuqii galaalchaa newsagent, shaamboo n (Eng) shampoo
news dealer shaamboo qorichaa medicinal
suuqii magaalaa municipal shop shampoo
suuqii meeshaa ispoortii sport- shaampiyoona n (Eur) champion
ing goods store shaampiyoona Afrikaa African
suuqii mitaa toy-shop, toy store champion
suuqii moofee second-hand shaampiyoona addunyaa world
shop champion
suuqii muusiqaa music shop, shaampiyoona Oromiyaa
music store Oromian champion
suuqii shaayii tea-shop shaampiyoonummaa n champion-
suuqii uffataa clothes shop ship
suuqii urgee perfume shop shaanfoo n lance (a long spear)
suuquu v 1) to stick into, insert, plug shaarfaa n coffee snack
in 2) to fix upon shaarmuxaa n (Ar) same as
suuqxii n insertion shuushee
suuqxuu n female contact (EM) shaartara n (Eng) same as seerun-
suuraa n (Ar) same as fakkoo dee
suursagalee n video shaashii n 1) muslin worn over the
suuttawa n mess, disorder, disarray head by women 2) turban worn
suuttawuu v to be in mess, disorder over the head usu. by religious
or disarray leaders
suuya en (seenaa uumaa + yaada) shaashii idaayyaa wedding-veil
novel shaashoma n albinism
suuya dareenaa fantasy novel shaashoo n albino (Zoo)
suuyomsaa/ -ituu nm/f writer of nov- shaata n desk
els, novelist shaatoo n actor; actress
suuyomsuu v to novelise shaayee n potato
shaayii n (Ar) tea
shaayii battalee instant tea
shaayyaa n peninsula
- SH - shabalakee n general name of beans
shabaxee n shanty town
sha'oo n drinking water for a journey shaddee n gorge
shaa n (Ar) chess shadoo n crotch (of trees)
shaabbaa n (Ar) same as maxxallaa shaffa n gear-box
shaabbee n brass wire, wire shaffaxa n diagonal
shaabbee qoree barbed wire shafoo n pot stand
shaabbee telegraamaa tele- shafoo jabanaa coffee-pot stand
graph-wire shaggaa a elegant
shaakala n practice shaggee a elegant (usu. of women)
shaakalaa/ -tuu nm/f practician, shaggina n elegance
practitioner shakata n make up
shaakaluu v to practice, exercise shakkisiisaa a (Ar) same as mam-
shalalaa - sheekkomsa 246

shalalaa n cheese shanyiitii n chromosome

shalasshaluu v to uproot plants with shaqata n data (Comp)
a plough shaqaxa n (Amh) commodity
shallagduu nmf one who estimates sharaa n (Ar) canvas
something sharaa konkolaataa awning
shallaggii n (Ar) estimation sharaa meeshaa tarpaulin
shallaguu v to estimate, calculate sharaa rafiisaa sleeping bag
shalleessuu v to trivialise sharaa warii canvas (of a tent)
shamaa a 1) mouldy, spoiled 2) ran- sharaa yabaloo sail
cid 3) contaminated sharafa n (Ar) exchange: currency
shamaa ilkaanii dental caries sharafa gabaa stock exchange
shamara n young; youth (of girls) sharafalaa en 1) foreign exchange,
shamisii n (Fr) same as ubaara foreign currency 2) hard currency
shammaanee n weaver sharaftuu nmf one who exchanges
shammoo n hypothesis (money)
shampaanyaa n (Fr) champagne sharafuu v to exchange, change
shamuu v 1) to be spoiled, be money
moulded 2) to become rancid shararaa/ -tuu nmlf painter
3) to be contaminated shararamaa a 1) decorative
shanacha n a traditional Oromo 2) painted
commission with five members shararee a very beautiful (of women)
shanan n the five shararree n dash
shanan hubannoo the five sense shararrisaa n vehicle
organs shararrisiisaa/ -ftuu nmlf driver
shanan mootummaa Gibee the shararsiisuu v to drive
five Gibe States, the five Gibe sharartii n painting
Kingdoms: Jimma Abba Jifar, shararuu v 1) to decorate 2) to paint
Gamma, Guma, Gera and Limmu shariika n (Ar) shareholder; joint
lnnaria venture
shandoo n stamen sharmuxaa n (Ar) same as
shanee n board (group of people), shuushee
commission sharroo n boulevard (BC)
shanee barreessii editorial board sharxii n (Ar) precondition
shanee bunaa coffee board shashaqachuu v to beautify oneself
shanee ispoortii sport commis- shashaqannoo n beauty salon
sion shawee n ripe (of grain and honey)
shanee mindaa wage council shawee boqqoolloo ripe corn
shanee qormaataa examination shawwee a elegant, smart (usu.
board women)
shanii n communal labour (usu. of shawwisaa/ -ee nm/f an elegant per-
five members) son
shankalloo n a can used for holding shaxii n women's colourful cotton
a dozen of oil, water or milk shirt
shannii n frame shebroleetii n Chevrolet
shannii foddaa a frame of a sheebboo n oats
window sheeka n (Ar) sheik, mullah
shanoo n panel (group of speakers) sheekkee n short story
shantamee n white beans sheekkibboo en (sheekkoo + hiib-
shantammaala n sergeant boo) folklore
shantammanee n jubilee, golden ju- sheekkomsa n story tale, narration
247 sheekkomsaa - shooree

sheekkomsaa/ -ituu nmlf a story shimbirroo n general name for all

teller, taleteller, narrator types of small birds
sheekkomsuu v to tell a story, nar- shimbirroo alaadhuffee exotic
rate birds
sheekkoo n story, tale, tale narrative shimbirroo bishaanii aquatic
sheekkoo gabaabee short story birds
sheekkoo ijoollee children's folk- shimbirroo godaantuu birds of
tale passage
sheekkoo jaalalaa love story shimbirroo halkanii bat (bird)
sheekkoo jabdootee an adven- shiminee a lean, feeble, emaciated
ture story shimintii n emaciation
sheekkoo saayinsii science fic- shiminuu v to emaciate
tion shinfillaa n manyplies
sheekkoo uummataa folk-tale shinkaara n filler metal (for welding)
sheekkoo yakkii detective story, shirimirii n cylinder
criminal story shirimirii bikkaa measuring cyl-
sheekkosadee en trilogy inder
sheexana n (Ar) Satan, devil, demon shirimirii dalgii oblique cylinder
sheexanummaa n Satanism, devilry shirimirii gaasii gas cylinder
shekeree a/n epidemic shirimirii kaasaa brake cylinder
sherree a straight shirimirii madaallii measuring
shibilliqii n wedge, wedging cylinder
shibilliqii hundee root wedging shirimirii walfakkaataa similar
shlboo n brass wire, wire cylinder
shidduu n catalyst shirobbii n (Ar) syrup
shifargaa n microscope shishaa/ -tuu nmlf caretaker
shiftaa n (Amh) same as cirrattuu shishoo n care, serious attention
shiftii n measles shishuu v to care about
shiggiree n safety razor shofee n cigarette (usu. dry tobacco
shiinii n (Ar) same as budunuu leaf rolled in a piece of paper)
shiiraa n plain shofeera n (Fr) same as oofaa/ -ftuu
shiisha n reaction shokolaataa n (It) chocolate
shiisshatii n urinal shokorruu n climbing lily
shiisshatii fincaanii chamber pot shombooqqoo n reed
shilamaa a painty shongoree n chickpeas
shilingii n (Eng) shilling shonkooraa n sugar cane
shilloo n painting shooga n decoration, adornment
shilloo ammayyaa modern paint- shooggartuu n small hoe (usu. for
ing weeding crops)
shilmii n tick (parasitic insect) shooggoo n ornament; jewellery
shilmii hoolotaa sheep tick shooguu v to adorn, decorate, em-
shilmii loonii cattle tick bellish, make beautiful
shilmiitee n parasite shoolee n/ a 1) long straight sword
shilmiitomsuu v to parasitise 2) beautiful (of women)
shilmiitummaa n parasitism, parasi- shoora n role, part
tology shoora dubartii women's role
shiltuu nmf painter shoora gamtaa social role
shiluu v to paint shoora uummataa public role,
shimala n 1) bamboo 2) tough stick people's role
used for walking and fighting shoorbaa n (Ar) same as koosara
shimballaa en (shimbirroo + allaat- shooree n small rainy season
tii) general name for birds
shoorra - taatoo hoo'inaa 248

shoorra n normal heavy rain shurroo n saltcellar

shooshoo n vagina shurroo halluu inkstand
shootala n sword shurufkaa n body odour
shoqola n bark, cortex shurummaa n aristocracy
shoree n drinking trough (for animals) shutama n remark
shoroddee n a basket of woven palm shuukkaa n (Ar) same as qoorbee
leaves carried by women for shuula n wind
shopping shuulloo n asthma
shorodoo n a box made of branches shuumii n (Amh) same as qondaa/a
of bamboo used for clothes shuushee n prostitute
shorodoo moofaa basket for shuuta n hair at birth
ragged or dirty clothes shuwwee n anise; aniseed
shororkaa a/n bloody, bloody riot,
turmoil, chaos
shororkaawaa a chaotic
shorree n source, spring, origin -T-
shorroo n lily (flower)
shorroonii n toilet, lavatory, W.C. taa'umsa n 1) sitting place 2) stool
shorroonii dhiiraa men's room 3) bottom of a person
shorroonii dubartii ladies' room taa'umsa karadeemaa passen-
shubbisa n 1) clap, applause ger seat
2) acclaim taa'umsa lafaa landscape
shubbisaa/ -ftuu nm/f 1) one who taa'umtaa n position
claps hands, applauds 2) one who taabota n (Amh) ark
acclaims, hails taabota baasuu to escort the
shubbisii n acclamation taabota for procession
shubbisuu v 1) to clap (hands), ap- taaffee n hot ointment, salve
plaud 2) to acclaim, hail taajjabbii n comment
shuddoo n clergy taajjabduu nmf observer, commen-
shuffoo n wasteland tator
shugeeta a digital taakkoo n (It) same as koomedheer-
shugguxii n (Amh) pistol tuu
shugguxii bishaanii water-pistol taakkuu n span (of hand)
shugguxii mitaa toy pistol taaksii n (Eur) taxi, cab
shuguyyaa n abattoir, slaughter- taaksi-oofaa/ -ftuu taxi-driver,
house taxi-man
shukkaara n (Ar) sugar taambura n (It) tambourine
shukkaara aannanii milk sugar, taanikaa n (Ar) a large tin container
lactose taankii n (Eng) same as karkarroy-
shukkaara dhiigaa blood sugar, yaa
blood glucose taargaa n (It) same as /akkoofsa
shukkaara-dhablee sugarless konkolaataa
shukkaara-qabeessa containing taarifa n (Eur) tariff, duty
sugar, sugary taatee n event
shulaaqa a heterogeneous taatee murteessaa vital event
shulaaqummaa n heterogeneity taatoo n chart, table
shumburaa n chickpeas taatoo guddinaa growth chart
shuquntuu nmf gardener taattoo haala qilleensaa weather
shuraa n aristocrat chart
shurquba n arrowhead taatoo hoo'inaa temperature
shurraabii n (Ar) same as golfoo chart
249 taatoo jireenyaa - tambeera poostaa

taatoo jireenyaa life table tajaajila nyaataa food service

taatoo umurii dhalootaa genera- tajaajila ofii self-service
tion life table tajaajila sabaa national service
taayibbistii n (Eng) typist tajaajila uummataa public ser-
taayitaa n authority, power vice
taayitaa guutuu sovereign au- tajaajila waraanaa military ser-
thority or power vice
taayitaa mootummaa state tajaajila-dhablee out of service
power tajaajilaa/ -tuu nmlf 1) attendant
tabaroo n right (justice) 2) waiter, waitress 3) steward,
tabaroo dhalannaa birthright stewardess (of airplane)
tabaroo filmaataa franchise, suf tajaajilamaa/ -tuu nm/f one who is to
frage, right to vote be served, beneficiary
tabaroo fi bu'uyyaa rights and tajaajiluu v to serve, assist
interests tajii n pond
tabaroo gamtaa social right takkaachuu v to be (come) rare, be-
tabaroo heeraa constitutional come scarce
right takkaannoo n rarity, scarcity
tabaroo namoomaa human takkaataa a rare, scarce; unique
rights takkaatessa n rarefication
tabaroo namtokkee individual takkaatessuu v to rarefy
right takkaatummaa n uniqueness
tabba n slope takkaayyee n endemic
tacee n millet takkee n unit
tadaa n gravel talaala nl a vaccine
taddoo n effect talaallii n vaccination
taddoolee hoo'inaa effects of talaaltoo n immunisation
heat talaaltoo biyyaa mass immunisa-
tafa n thigh tion
tafkii n flea talaaltuu nmf vaccinator
tajaajila n service; benefit talaaluu v to vaccinate
tajaajiala oduu news service, talaccuu a new born
news agency taliiga a/ n politic, politics
tajaajila ariitii emergency ser- taliiga aadaa politico-cultural
vice, damage control taliiga adunyaa world politics
tajaajila bishaanii water service taliiga dinagdee political econ-
tajaajila dirqamaa compulsory omy
service taliigannoo en (taliiga + naannoo)
tajaajila fayyaa health service geopolitics
tajaajila fayyaa haadhaa- taliigduu nmf politician
daa'immanii maternal child taliiguu v to politicise
health service (MCH) taliila a 1) clear (of liquid) 2) clear
tajaajila gamtaa social service water
tajaajila ibsaa electric service taloo n barber
tajaajila iccitii secret service taltii n cut, cutting
tajaajila imaltuu passenger ser- taltuu n cutter
vice taluu v to cut, shave
tajaajila loltummaa biyyaa na- tambeera n (Fr) stamp
tional military service tambeera poostaa postage
tajaajila manaa keessaa domes- stamp
tic service
tambee - tarrobarroo addunyaalessaa 250

tambee a extensive taqee waardiyyaa watchtower

tambeen extensively taqee waafaa roof-rack
tambii n nucleus targii n dik-dik (Zoo)
tambii guddicha macronucleus tariitii n probability
tambii xinnicha micronucleus tariitii naamunaa probability
tamboo n (Eur) tobacco sampling
tamboo maraa 1) roll tobacco tariitii raabsaa probability distri-
2) pack of cigarettes bution
tamboo xuuxuu to smoke tarkaanfachiisaa/ -ftuu nm/f pro-
tamna n very heavy rain moter
tamsa'a n 1) dispersion 2) distribution tarkaanfachuu v 1) to take steps,
tamsa'a ifaa dispersion of light move forwards, walk 2) to ad-
tamsa'aa a 1) dispersed; scattered vance, progress
2) distributable tarkaanfataa/ -tuu amlf radical, pro-
tamsa'ii n diffusion gressive
tamsa'ii aadaa cultural diffusion tarkaanfii n 1) step, action, measures
tamsa'ii hoo'inaa diffusion of 2) progress, advancement
heat tarkaanfii gamtaa social pro-
tamsaaftuu nmf distributor gress
tamsaasuu v 1) to scatter, disperse, tarramtii n schedule, table (list of fig-
spread 2) to circulate, distribute; ures)
supply 3) to propagate tarramtii baay'isii multiplication
tamunii n (Ar) quarter (of a qarshil) table
tannoo n saddle (of ground) tarramtii herregaa mathematical
tantamee a vague tables
tantammii n vagueness tarramtii ulfii fi madaallii tables
tapha n play; game of weights and measures
tapha fardaa horse race tarranee n catalogue
tapha ijoollee children's game tarree n 1) line, row, drill 2) order,
tapha ispoortii athletics rank 3) bar (Comp)
tapha kubbaa miilaa football tarree baasuu to draw a line, rule
game tarree filamaataa selection bar
tapha shootalaa sword-play tarree geedaa tree line
tapha teenisaa game of tennis tarree lakkoofsaa numerical or-
taphachiisa n entertainment der
taphachiisaa/ -ftuu nmlf 1) enter- tarree miyaa tool bar
tainer 2) referee tarre-baasaa ruler
taphattuu/ -tuu n/ amt 1) player tarreeffamaa al n lined, lined sheet,
2) playful; jovial ruled paper
taphattuu akkoordiyoo accordi- tarreessaa/ -ituu nmlf chronicler
onist tarreessii n listing; numbering
taphattuu gimboolaa football tarreessoo n chronicle
player tarreessuu v 1) to draw a line, make
taphattuu sinimaa film actor, film a line, rule 2) to arrange, put in or-
actress, movie actor, movie ac- der 3) to drill
tress tarriftuu n ruler (Comp)
taphattuu teenisaa tennis player tarriftuu daawwataa view ruler
taphawaciitee en bowling tarrisa al n violet (of colour)
taqee n couch (bed) tarrobarroo en bibliography
taqee lilimmii diving-board tarrobarroo addunyaalessaa
international bibliography
251 tarrobarroo biyoolessaa - tikeeta gurgurtaa

tarrobarroo biyoolessaa na- teenisa n (Eng} tennis

tional bibliography teenisa dirree ground tennis
tarrobarrooyyee n bibliographer teenisa minjaalaa table tennis
tarroo n list (catalogue or roll} teepha n leather strap
tarroo dhiyaanaa menu teeppii n (Eng} same as waraabbee
tarroo fijaa pay list teessissaa al n laxative
tarroo gatii price list, invoice teessoo n 1} address (place of resi-
tarroo gurraacha Black List dence} 2) throne 3) bottom, but-
tarroo turli waiting-list tocks
tartii n succession teessoo hojii official residence
tartii lakkoofsaa roll number, teessoo horli treasure
serial number teessoo telegramaa telegraphic
tartiiba al n 1} successive, consecu- address
tive 2) succession (following in se- teessuma n 1} relief 2) habitation
ries}, sequence teessuma lafaa terrain, topogra-
tartiiba lakkoofsaa order of phy
numbers telefoona n (Eur} same as bi/bi/too
tartiibummaa n sequence; coher- telegraama n (Eur} 1} telegram
ence 2) telegraph, cable
tartiibuu v to arrange in successive telegaraama dabarsaa telegra-
order pher
tasa nl a random telegraama dabarsuu to tele-
tasantaa a coincident graph
tasantummaa n coincidence telegraamtuu nmf telegrapher
tasfutta'aa ca spontaneous telekooma n (Eng} telecommuni-
tasfutta'iinsa n spontaneity cation
ta'umsa n happening teleksii n (Eur} telex
tasfutta'uu v to erupt spontaneously temmoo al n blackout, faint, syncope
tasgabii n security terisoo n agreement
tashaa n pygmy tibba n season
tattaafataa/ -tuu nmlf energetic or tibba boqonnaa transition (of
zealous person sport}
tattaaffii n effort, zeal tiibii/ telebiishina n (Eng} television
tayee n basket tiibii dhuunfaa private television
tayee ilbiisaa dustbin, dust-trap; tiibii halluu colour television
garbage can tiibiin dabarsuu to televise
tayee midhaanii basket for grain tiibiin dabarsituu televisor
tayee waraqataa waste-paper, tiifaa a sprinkled, showered
waste-basket, waste-paper- tiifee n shower (of bath}
basket tiifuu n drizzle
tayiinsa n being (essence} tiifuu v to sprinkle, spit, drizzle,
tayyii n phenomenon shower
teeknika n (Fr} techniques tiira n heroine
teeknolojll n (Eur} technology tika n tending (usu of cattle}; protec-
teeknolojii ammayyaa modern tion
technology tika horii tending of cattle
teeknolojii odeeffannoo fi qun- tikeeta n (Eng) ticket
namtii information and commu- tikeeta dhaqaa galaa roundtrip-
nication technology ticket
teeknolojii sqorataa food tech- tikeeta gurgurtaa sales ticket
tikeeta miyakaraa - toluu 252

tikeeta miyakaraa luggage ticket, tirgaa n gamble

baggage ticket tiriikaa n battery (Elect)
tikeeta-murtuu ticket seller tirmaa n dowry
tikfachuu v to pasture tirtirtuu n fontanelle
tikfannoo n pastoralism tiruu n 1) liver 2) brothers or sisters
tikfannoo fi qonna pastoralism from the same mother
and agriculture tishoo n cornice
tikfattee n nomad tisiisa n fly
tikfattummaa n nomadism tiyaatira n (Eur) same as fareersa
tikfattuu nmf pastoralist to'annoo n supervise, control
tiksaa/ -ituu nm/f guard, protector to'ata n checking, list attendance
tiksee n 1) shepherd, stable-boy, togaa n cross (cross-shaped thing or
herdsman 2) protector, patron sign)
tiksuu v 1) to tend cattle 2) to guard, tokkooyyee a mono
protect tokkummaa n unity; union; league
tilmaama n 1) an outline, a sketch Tokkummaa Biritaaniyaa United
2) drawing, design 3) assumption; Kingdom (U.K.)
estimation tokkummaa dooyyoo Oromiyaa
tilmaama jireenyaa life expec- the League of Oromian Scouts
tancy tokkummaa katoomfannaa cus-
tilmaama qabxii point estimation toms union
tilmaamaa/ -tuu nmlf 1) outliner, Tokkummaa Kubbaa Miilaa Ad-
sketcher 2) designer, planner dunyaalessaa Federation of
tilmaameta n design International Football Association
tilmaammii n projection, extrapola- (FIFA)
tion Tokkummaa Sobiyeet Soviet
tilmaamuu v 1) to outline, sketch Union
2) to draw, design 3) to estimate, tola n/ a 1) kindness, grace 2) without
extrapolate charge, free, free of charge
tilmaaya n sketch tolaa/ -tuu am/f generous, kind; hon-
tilmee n outline est
tima n silt tolcha n work; arrangement
timaatimii n (Eur) tomato tolcha doonii ship-building
timaawaa a silty tolcha karaa road-building, road-
timjeessuu v to limit construction
timjii n 1) border, boundary 2) limit tolchaa n a person who is believed to
timjii afaanii linguistic frontier be magically harmful to another
timjii dhumadhablee infinite limit person
timjii hoo'inaa warm front tolchituu nmf 1) baker 2) maker
timijii magaalaa city limits tolchituu kalaalaa optician
timji-maleessa limitless tolchituu qawwee gunsmith
tiraajadii n (Eng) same as gufufsiisa tolchituu sa'aatii watchmaker
tiraaktara n (Eng) tractor tolchoo n formation
tiraaktara gommaanii wheel tolchuu v 1) to make, prepare 2) to
tractor arrange, put in order 3) to repair,
tiraaktara kiraa a hired tractor mend, fix 4) to bake (bread)
tirannoo n evolution (development) toleessa n impression
tirannoo gamtaa social evolution tolfama n formation
tirannoo sanyii nama human tolfamaa a repairable
evolution toluu v 1) to go well, be well 2) to be
tirannoo urjii stellar evolution generous
253 tooba - towannoo sagantaa

tooba n culture; tradition, custom, tooyyee fuulaa facial artery

character tooyyee handhuuraa umbilical
tooba biyyaa national culture, na- artery
tional character tooyyee ijaa opthalmic artery
tooftaa n methodology, tactics tooyyee kalee renal artery
tooftaa ittisaa defensive tactics tooyyee korboo perinea! artery
tooftaa waraanaa military tactics tooyyee sombaa pulmonary ar-
tooftaa warraaqsaa tactics of a tery
revolution torban n week
toofta-qabeessa tactical torbanidaayyaa honeymoon
tooftabariinsaa en pedagogy torbanee al n weekly; a weekly
tooftessaa/ -ituu nmlf tactician newspaper
tooftessuu v to proceed tactically torbanlamee ca biweekly, semi-
toomaa n pestle monthly
toonii n (Eur) ton (measure of weight) Torbii n Ursa Major, Great Bear
toonii meetiraa metric ton Torbii Xinnoo Ursa Minor, Little
toorayaadaa en theory Bear
toorayaadaa gobbina bantiyyee torobbee nmf policeman, police-
super dense theory woman
toorayaadaa gurmee group the- torobbee iccitii secret police
ory torobbii n the police
toorayaadaa ifina dambalii wave torobbii aanaa district police
theory of light torobbii atoomaa federal police
toorayaadaa lubbiyyoo germ torobbii moggaa frontier police
theory toronjoo n mountain landscape
toorayaadaa maarkisii Marxist torriida n large sword
theory tortoraa a 1) rotten, mouldy; spoiled
toorayaadaa miciree cell theory 2) decomposed
toorayaadaa odeeffannoo in- tortorree a putrid (of substance)
formation theory tortorsa n putrefaction
toorayaadaa sochii kinetic the- tortoruu v 1) to be rotten, get
ory mouldy; decay; spoil 2) to be
toorayaadaa tirannoo evolu- soaked
tionary theory totommoo n 1) fist 2) boxing with the
toorayaadaa tuutee set theory fist
toorayaadaa walqunnamtii tottolchaa n codification
communication theory towachuu v 1) to regulate 2) to audit
toorii n out line towannoo n control; inspection
toorree n column towannoo daangaa border con-
toosisa n challenge trol
toosisaa/ -ftuu nmlf challenger towannoo dhalannaa birth-
toosisuu v to challenge control
tooya n 1) watering place for cattle towannoo haramaa weed control
2) filling station, petrol station, gas towannoo herregaa bookkeeping
station towannoo jiree biological control
tooyyee n artery towannoo miyakaraa luggage
tooyyee arrabaa lingual artery check, inspection of luggage
tooyyee calii radial artery towannoo qulqullinaa 1) sanita-
tooyyee dugugguruu vertebral tion control 2) quality control
artery towannoo sagantaa programme-
tooyyee funyaanii nasal artery controlled (Comp)
towannoo tiraafika qilleensaa - tuulii umurii 254

towannoo tiraafika qilleensaa tumaalessa n fattened ram or goat

air traffic control tumiisa a beating (of iron)
towannoo yaalii experiment con- tumiisa seeraa legislature
trol tummii n pounding
towataa/ -tuu nmlf auditor, controller, tummoo n knock
inspector tumtuu n blacksmith
towataa herregaa bookkeeper tumtuu meetii silversmith
towataa hojii time-keeper tumtuu sabbuu goldsmith
towattuu halaalaa remote control tumtuu sagayaa copper-smith
towatii n inspection; audit tumuu v to pound, forge
towatiyyee n monitor (senior pupil in tunturree n general name for ants
school) tuqaa n mole (animal)
toyootaa n Toyota (brand of car) tuqaatii n provocation; incitation
tubboo n (It) same as faaggee tuqattoo n tangent
tufaatii n spit, sputum tuqiisa n touching, contact
tuffisaa n valve tuquu v 1) to touch 2) to provoke
tuffoo n 1) plug 2) electric plug tuqxolamee en colon (of punctuation)
tuffoo areedadduu plug (on a tuqxoo n full stop, period
razor) turaalessa a permanent
tuffoo fi suuqamtuu plug and turbiina n (Eng) turbine
socket turbiina gaasii gas turbine
tuffoo suphee clay plug turbilna bubbee wind turbine
tuftee n outlet turbiina yaattuu hydraulic turbine
tuftee bishaanii outlet (of lakes) turiitee a obsolete
tuftee korreentii outlet (of elec- turiitii n duration
tric) turiitii barartii flight duration
tujaara nl a (Ar) same as afkalaa turistii n (Eng) same as imaltuu
tujuba n/ a 1) deep water 2) deep (of turjumaana n (Ar) translator
river, lake, sea etc) 3) serious, turqee n playboy
penetrating, profound tursiiftuu n preservative (of food)
tujuba bishaanii depth of water tursiisa n retardation
tujuba galaanaa sea depth tursiisaa n retarder
tujaba maanyaa oceanic deep turungoo n (Ar) tangerine
tujuba-dhablee 1) shallow 2) su- tusaawaa a bushy
perficial tushii n string
tujuba-dhablummaa shallow- tusii n bush (thicket)
ness tutuma n comb, crest
tujuba-qabeessa 1) deep 2) seri- tuubbaa n trumpet
ous, profound tuuda n cape (Geog)
tujubaan 1) deeply 2) seriously, tuuffaa n ( Ar) apple
profoundly tuujjee n configuration
tukkii n hill tuujjee urjilee configuration of
tulaa n a permanent peep well stars
tullubbee n hill tuujjii n 1) constellation 2) cluster
tulluu n a large hill 2) mountain tuulcabbii en glacier
tulluu cabbii iceberg tuulcabbii ardii continental gla-
tulluu haftee residual hill cier
tullu-kortuu mountain-climber, tuulcilee en coal seam (Geog)
mountaineer tuulii n heaping
tumaa n tattoo (on body) tuulii umurii age heaping
tumaaddisa n woodpecker
255 tuullaa - uffata reeffaa

tuullaa n pile ucuba n goitre

tuullaa biyyee parapet udaan n excrement, faeces, shit
tuullaa dubbii a flood of words udaan sibiilaa slag
tuullaa irsaasii graphite pile uddeellaa n crupper
tullaa waraanaa arsenal uddufoora n haemorrhoids
tuulloo n cumulation udduu n 1) arse, buttocks, bottom
tuuta n 1) group, section, team 2) base, foundation
2) batch udummii n jamming, cramming
tuuta afogaadduu spying group udumtuu nmf crammer
tuuta ispoortii sport team udumuu v to jam into, cram into
tuuta kanniisaa swarm of bees uffachuu v 1) to wear, put on clothes
tuuta kubbaa harkaa volleyball 2) to dress
team uffannaa n 1) the manner of clothing
tuuta kubbaa miilaa football 2) suit
team, soccer team uffannaa duwwaanaa spacesuit
tuuta odoolaa archipelago uffata n general name for clothes
tuuta oormaa risk group uffata aadaa traditional dress,
tuuta qooddee quotient group costume
tuuta qorsaa meteor swarm uffata abbaa clothes that the
tuuta sirbaa glee-club; choral groom gives to the father of his
union, choral society bride on his marriage day
tuuta taliigaa political group uffata bokkaa raincoat
tuutallaa n category uffata bidiruu reeffaa pall (large
tuutee n set (Math) piece of cloth spread over coffin)
tuutee bantiyyee superset uffata cibirraa dressing-jacket
tuutee birkii sub-set uffata cirreessaa gown (sur-
tuutee duwwee empty set, null geon's overall)
set uffata daakkii swimming suit,
tuutee furmaataa solution set swimming-costume
tuutee goolloo convex set uffata dhiiraa menswear
tuutee iddobuutuu complemen- uffataa booftaa woollen garment,
tary sets woollen cloth
tuutee marlaalaa universal set uffata dubartii ladies' wear
tuutee qixxee equal sets uffata haadhaa clothes that the
tuutee walmadalii equivalent- groom gives to the mother of his
sets bride on his marriage day
tuutee walkiphaa intersecting uffata hirribaa night-gown
sets uffata hojii working clothes
tuutessuu v 1) to group, categorise uffata idaayyaa wedding-dress
2) to arrange uffata ijoollee children's wear
tuuttaa n (It) same as uffata hojii uffata intalaa clothes that the
tuuturjii en constellation (of stars), fiance gives to his fiancee
galaxy uffata ispoortii tracksuit; sports-
suit, sports-wear
uffata leenjii training suit, track-
-u- uffata lilimmii diving-suit
uffata minjaalaa table-cloth,
ubaara n shirt table-cover
ubboo n water jar uffata reeffaa shroud, winding
ububbee n hurricane sheet
uffata sabbuu - ulufa handhuuraa 256

uffata sabbuu garment embroi- ulaamaa n (Ar) a learned religious of-

dered with gold ficial of Muslim's affairs
uffata sibiilaa armour uledarmaa en (ulee + daraaraa kor-
uffata siree bedspread; bed- maa) felament (Bot)
clothes ulee n stick, rod, staff
uffata-jalee slip, undergarment ulee fullee glass rod
uffatalkanii en blanket ulee Waaqaa rainbow
uffiyyaa n textile ulfa a/ n 1) pregnant (of women)
Ugaandaa n Uganda 2) pregnancy (of women)
ugguramaa a banned ulfa baasuu abortion
ugguriyyaa n censorship ulfaataa/ -tuu am/f 1) heavy 2) re-
uggurraa n ban spectable, important, noble
uggurtii n embargo ulfaataa hamaa overload
ugguruu v to ban, embargo ulfaataa kaasuu weight lifting
ugoo n melon, water-melon ulfaawa n gestation (of women)
ugucha n food and drink ulfaawuu v to become pregnant (of
ujjuma a compact women)
ujjumummaa n compaction ulfeenya n nobility (of character)
ujummee n 1) tube, duct 2) pipe ulfeessuu v 1) to make heavy; make
ujummee ameenxaa sperm duct difficult 2) to respect, honour, es-
ujummee baallaa Y-connecting teem 3) to celebrate, commemo-
tube rate 4) to make pregnant (of
ujummee dhiigaa blood vessel women)
ujummee dhiiga deebisaa vein ulfina n 1) weight, burden 2) honour,
ujummee dhiiga raabsaa artery respect, dignity 3) prestige, status,
ujummee fincaanii urethra reputation
ujummee fullee glass tube ulfina atoomii atomic weight
ujummee gadameessaa fallo- ulfina culkee net weight
pian tube ulfina dabaluu to gain weight
ujummee hadhooftuu bile duct ulfina ilma-namaa human dignity
ujummee kennaa delivery tube ulfina jiidhaa wet weight
ujummee niyoonii neon tube ulfina qarimsii fly-weight
ujummee laastikii plastic tube ulfina qixxooyyee equivalent
ujummee qilleensaa trachea weight
ujummee qilleensa-dhablee ulfina salphaa light weight
vacuum tube ulfina yeroo dhalannaa birth
ujummee-U U-tube weight
ujummee yaalii test tube ulfina-dhablee weightless
ujummee zayitii pipeline ulfina-dhablummaa weightless-
ujuree n cucumber ness
ukkaa n asthma ulfina-qabeessa/ -ttii respect-
ukkaamama n suffocation, stifling able, honourable; excellency, his
ukkaamsa n choke, suffocation honour
ukkaamsituu nmf kidnapper ulfingadee en underweight
ukkaamsuu v to suffocate, stifle ulfinolee en overweight
ukkura n seedling ulmaa n seclusion period (of women)
ukoo n pocket uludii n osteomyelitis (Med)
Ukraayina n Ukraine ulufa n protruding navel
ukukubbee n hyperbole ulufa handhuuraa umbilical her-
ukuloo n socially degraded person nia
ulaagaa n criteria, gauge
257 ulullee - urtuu marammee

ulullee n flute urdamaa a vibrative, vibratory

ulullee afuufuu to flute, play the urdiinsa n vibration
flute urdiinsa sabaga vibration of
ululleessaa/ -ituu nm/f flutist membrane
umurii n (Ar) 1) age 2) life urdiinsa sochii vibration of mo-
umurii jireenyaa life expectancy tion
umurii walortee reproduction age urdiinsa walfuullee transverse
ungudaaya n edible mushroom vibration
unibarsitii n (Eur) same as mabba urdituu n vibrator
unkaa n 1) form, shape 2) pattern, urduda n heavy clouds
model urduu v to vibrate
unkaa aangoo form of power urgaa n 1) sweet smell 2) aroma, fla-
unkaa dachee form of the earth vour
unkaa mootummaa form of state urgaawaa n/a sweet smell, fragrant
unkaa qabxilamee two-points urgaawuu v to have a good smell
form urgee n perfume, scent
unkaa sararaawaa linear form urgee Faranjii European perfume
unkaa waaltinaa standard form urgee Somaalee Somali perfume
unka-dhabessa/ -ttii formless, (imported from Somalia)
shapeless urgee Sudaan Sudanese per-
unkalafaa en landform fume (imported from the Sudan)
unkee n formula urgeeffachuu v to smell something,
unkee eletroonaa electron for- sniff
mula urgeeffannoo n smell, smelling
unkee geeddarama kemikaalaa urgeessaa n fragrant tree
chemical change formula urgeessuu v to give a sweet smell to
unkee herregaa mathematical something
formula urgoo n aroma, flavour
unkee kemikaalaa chemical for- urgooftuu a/ n 1) fragrant 2) sea-
mula soning spices
unkee roglamee double angle urgufaa n shaker
formula urguftii n dumping
unkillaa n format, size urguftii warshaa industrial dump-
unkoommii n design ing
unkoommii warshaa industrial urgummeessa n cudgel
design urjee n film star, movie star, super-
unkoomsa n formation, shaping star
unkoomsaa/ -ituu nmlf sculptor, urjeegee en comet
sculptress urjii n star
unkoomsiyyee n designer Urjii Barnaardii Barnard's Star
unkoomsiyyee warshaa indus- urjii diimaa red star
trial designer urjii kaabaa Northern star
unkoomsuu v 1) to form, shape 2) to urjii silliqqee shooting star
fashion, model urji-lakkoofsa astrology
uqqubunnee n cerebrum urji-lakkooftuu astrologer
uraa n hole urjimirree en double star
uraa lakkoofsaa dial (of phone) urjishanee en five-star (of hotels etc.)
Uraanasii n (Eng) Uranus urtii n boring
uraaniyama n (Eur) uranium urtuu n borer, boring machine
uranee n oasis urtuu korkii cork borer
urataa a perforated urtuu marammee twist drill
urufa - uwwisuu 258

urufa n veld (landscape) utubduu nmf supporter

urunguu n owl utubuu v 1) to erect a pillar 2) to
uruu v to bore, pierce, make a hole support, assist
usaansa n excretion uumaa/ -tuu nmlf 1) creator, inventor
usheroo n broom, sweeper 2) superhuman, supernatural
usherraa n 1) sweeping 2) rubbish, uumama n nature, creation
sewage uumama ilmoo namaa human
usherree n vacuum cleaner, Hoover nature
ushertuu nmf a person whose work uumamaa a 1) creative; inventive
is to clean a place by sweeping 2) cosmic
usheruu v to broom, sweep up, clean uumamtoo n cosmos
utaalaa/ -tuu nmlf front-runner uumbiyyee en pedogenesis
utaalchoo n jump; jumping uummaa n creation; invention
utaalchoo dalgoo long jump uummata n people, population
utaalchoo hirkoo pole jump uummata baadiyaa rural popula-
(vault) tion
utaalchoo lafarraa broad-jump uummata baldhaa the broad
utaalchoo qaarisoo high jump masses
utaalloo n cough; influenza uummata biyyaa indigenous
utaaluu v 1) to jump, leap, spring population
2) to skip (make omission) uummata dassiibaa common
utubaa n 1) pillar, column 2) post people
(pole) 3) a great supporter uummata hojjataa working popu-
utubaa alaabaa flagpole, flagstaff lation
utubaa baatirii electrode, anode uummata magalaa urban popula-
utubaa biyyaa main export of a tion; town's inhabitants
country uummataa a public, popular
utubaa dachee earth pillar, pole uummatee n 1) creature 2) cast
(of the earth) group
utubaa doonii mast uummii n formation, creation
utubaa doonii gubbaa topmast uummiyyaa n creativity
utubaa jaanjaroo very long (tall) uummoo n hornbill
and strong uumtuu nmf inventor
utubaa jidduu king post (BC) uumuu v to create; invent
utubaa sibiilaa 1) a metal pillar uuruu n beak (of birds and other
2) firm, unshakeable animals)
utubaa warii tent pole uuxaa n suction
utubala en (utubaa + ala) longitude uuyinsa n siren (an apparatus)
utubamaa a supported, helped uwaa n female, woman
utubbee n fulcrum (BC, Phys) uwwisa n 1) cloth, rag 2) cover
utubboo n pole (axis of the earth) uwwisaa n gift of clothing that a
utubboo barmodachee geo- groom gives to the parents of his
graphical pole bride
utubboo eeyyoo positive pole uwwisoo n mantle
utubboo faalloo negative pole uwwisa biyyee soil mantle
utubboo kaabaa North Pole uwwisuu/ uffisuu v to clothe
utubboo kibbaa South Pole
utubboo maagineetaa magnetic
pole, magnetic meridian
259 wa'inee - waamamaa waaraa

-W- waajjira maallimsii meteorologi-

cal office
wa'inee n large umbrella made of waajjira mirgummaa patent of-
rind of bamboo used by market fice
women waajjira miyakaraa luggage of-
waabara n algae fice, luggage check-in
waabara diimaa red algae waajjira muummee head office
waabara magaala brown algae waajjira qonsiilaa consulate
waabara magariisa green algae waajjira qorata yakkii criminal
waabara soorataa food web investigation department
waabboo n impotence waajjira raayyaa General Staff
waabee n stingless bee waajjira taliigaa politburo
waacila n noise waajjira tikeetaa ticket office
waacila teellaa background noise waajjira towannoo gatii price
waadaa n (Ar) pledge, promise, vow control office
waaddee n frying pan waajjira waltajjii headquarters
waaddii n roasted meat cut waajuu v to contribute
waafa n roof waakkaa n yolk
waafa ciisaa shade roof waakko n mushroom
waafa diriiraa flat roof waalela n illegitimate child
waafa harawaa butterfly roof waalgaa n sulfur, sulphur
waafa qaaxxaraa mirree double waalkaa n black cotton
framed roof waalluu n traditional women's long
waafa-maleessa roofless dress (mode of leather)
waagee n grain disease (of wheat), waaltessa n centralisation
rust waaltessaa/ -ituu nm/f institution that
waaggaa n pole; beam undertakes the task of standardi-
waaggaa bantii collar beam sation
waaggaa-L L-beam waaltessuu v 1) to centralise 2) to
waaggaa mirree bipolar standardise
waagii n frost (of cold weather) waaltii a/ n central
waajama n project waaltina n standard
waajambicuu en mini-project waaltina addunyaalessaa inter-
waajii n contribution national standard
waajjira n office waaltina jireenyaa standard of
waajjira abbowagaa admiralty living
(the office) waaltoma n standardisation
waajjira beenyaa insurance of- waaltoma afaan Oromoo the
fice standardisation of afaan Oro-
waajjira caakkaa forestry office moo
waajjira duree ministeerotaa waamamaa/ -tuu a/n mlf 1) well-
Prime Minister's Office known, noted, eminent, famous
waajjira dhaamsaa ibiddaa fire 2) representative 3) numerator
department, firehouse waamamaa kutaa monitor, class
waajjira dhimma manaa housing spokesman
Office, house-agency waamamaa uummataa represen-
waajjira harbooraa presidential tative of the people, member of
office parliament
waajjira imaltuu tourist office waamamaa waaraa permanent
waajjira katoo custom-house secretary
waamamummaa - waciitii 260

waamamummaa n representation waantoo n 1) a big needle 2) clasp,

waamamummaa uummataa tweezers 3) hook, fish-hook
popular representation Waaqa n God
waamicha n 1) invitation 2) cere- Waaqa Guddaa almighty, the
mony, feast, party Almighty God
waamicha afeerraa a formal Waaqa hin-beeknee atheist
request for an invitation (e.g. to waaqa n sky; heaven
one's own country) waaqeffachuu v to worship
waamicha biyya abbaa call of waaqeffannoo n worship
the motherland waaqeffannoo akaakuu ancestor
waamicha gaayilaa wedding invi- worship
tation waaqeffannoo gootaa hero wor-
waamicha irbaataa banquet ship
waamicha sirbaa ball waaqeffataa/ -tuu nmlf worshipper
waamii n alliance waaqlamii en green algae
waamii filmaataa electoral alli- waaraa a lasting, permanent
ance waaree n time around 10 a.m.
waamii ittisaa defence alliance waarii n time around 10 p.m.
waammannoo n representative waarisoo n night club
waammee n label waarrii n smog; pollution
waammii n summons waarsaa n husband's brother;
waamsa n 1) name, appellation, term brother's wife
(expression) 2) pronunciation waashee n marble
waamsisaa n denominator waashii n vitiligo, sclerosis
waamtoo n call waasii n guarantor, surety, bailsman
waamtoo bilbiltoo telephone call waatii1 n calf (young of the cow)
waamtoo maqaa roll-call waatii2 n (Eng) watt
waamuu v 1) to call; mention, name waatoo n sandal wood
2) to summon 3) to invite waawwee a negative
waan pron 1) something 2) what, waawwessa n negation
whatever waawwummaa n negativity
waan damiyyaa departmental waayee prep about
waan foonii carnal waayee diidaa about external
waan garaa abdominal waayee seedannoo deal
waan kemikaalaa chemical waayee si'anaa present situation,
waan magaalaa urban, municipal current affairs
waan seedannoo commercial, waayila n 1) best man 2) ritual as-
mercantile sistance of a man
waan qonnaa agricultural waayyena n a sacred shrine
waan takkaataa rare thing, un- waayyessaa/ -ituu nmlf narrator
usual thing waayyessii n narration
waanbadee en highway robber waayyessuu v to narrate
waandurii en antique waayyoo n charisma
waangoo n jackal waayyo-qabeessa/ -ttii charis-
waanjiraa en fact matic
waanjiraa qabatamaa concrete waayyuu n higher authority for reli-
fact gious affairs; a man of God
waanjoo n yoke; burden wabii n 1) guarantor, bailsman
waanjoo fi nooyee a yoke and a 2) warranty; warrantor; reference
plough (i.e. things which are use- wachisa n emotion
less without the other part) waciitii n earthen plate
261 wadaa - walaabummaa dinagdee

wadaa n foot of a mountain or hill wajjummaa dhalootaa common

wadaaja n religious celebration origin
wadaqa n servant wajjummaa gabaa common mar-
wadaroo n strong and long rope, ket
lasso Wajjummaa Gabaa Oroppaa
waddaree n mountainside European Common Market
waddeessa n sudan teak wajjummaa taarifa alaa common
wafooba en (waaddii + foon baxxee) external tariff
beefsteak wajjummee a communal
waggaa n 1) year 2) age wajoo n ransom
waggaa aduu solar year wakkiila n (Ar) agent, representative,
waggaa guutuu a whole year caretaker
waggaa haaraa New Year wakkiila atoomaa federal agency
waggaa halle every-year wakkiila iccitii secret agent
waggaa hojii legal year, calendar wakkiila keettoo waltajjii Central
year Intelligence Agency (CIA)
waggaa marsoo orbital year wakkiila marlaalaa universal
waggaa seedannoo commercial agent
year wakkiila mootummaa govern-
waggaa waggaan year by year, ment agency
every year, yearly, annually wakkiila miti-mootummaa non-
waggee n almanac government agency
wagguu adv yearly, annually wakkiila oduu news agency
wagitii n an earnest appeal wakkiila seedannoo commercial
waguu v to appeal earnestly agent
wahiyyoo n element (Chem) wakkiilummaa n agency
wajiija a glowing, red-hot wakkiiluu v to act for, represent,
wajiijuu v to glow; become red-hot substitute
wajjee n mate, companion wal(-), wali part each other
wajjee daree classmate walaaba a/ n 1) free, freeman 2) de-
wajjee garoo team mate mocratic; democrat
wajjee hojii colleague walaaba-dhabeessa undemocra-
wajjee mana barumsaa school tic, unfree;
mate walaaba-qabeessa free; democ-
wajjin prep with, together, together ratic
with walaabduu amt democrat
wajjin barreessaa co-author walaabduu gamtaa social de-
wajjin ciisa intercourse mocrat
wajjin ciisuu 1) to sleep with walaabomsaa/ -ituu nmlf 1) liberator
someone (make love to) 2) to 2) one who democratises
sleep together (as friends) walaabomsii n democratisation
wajjin gulaalaa/ -tuu co-editor walaabomsuu v 1) to make free, lib-
wajjin hojjataa co-worker erate 2) to democratise
wajjin jiraachuu to coexist walaabticha/ -ttii nmlf a free thinking
wajjin jireenya coexistence man/ woman, democrat
wajjin-jiraataa/ -tuu fellow resi- walaabummaa n 1) freedom 2) de-
dent mocracy
wajjin qabeessa/ -ttii co-owner walaabummaa afkalaa bourgeois
wajjummaa n common democracy
wajjummaa afaanii common lan- walaabummaa dinagdee eco-
guage nomic democracy
walaabummaa gadaa - waldhaanaa 262

walaabummaa gadaa gadaa- walarguu cv to see one another; to

democracy meet
walaabummaa gamtaa social walballeessa n mutual destruction
democracy walballeessuu v to destroy each
walaabummaa gumii parliamen- other
tary democracy walbira cadv by each other
walaabummaa haaraa new de- walbira qabamaa comparable,
mocracy comparative
walaabummaa industirii indus- walbira qabiisa comparison
trial democracy walbira qabiitii analogy
walaabummaa lixaa western walbira qabuu to compare, con-
democracy trast
walaabummaa uummataa popu- walbukkoo ca side by side, adjacent
lar democracy walcaalaa ca uneven, unequal
walaagoo n uniform walcaalchisuu cv 1) to make un-
walakkaa n 1) half 2) center, middle equal, make difference between
walakkaa wantaa half of a 2) to prefer, favour
wantaa (of land), 40 hectares walcaalichisa en favouritism
walakkee a partial walcaalma en inequality
walakkeessa n average; mean walcaaluu cv to vary, be unequal
walakkeessa dunneettii general walcinoo en juxtaposition
average waldaa n association, union, guild,
walakkeessa horataa average syndicate
production waldaa baqattootaa association
walakkeessatti averagely of refugees
walakkeessoo n midpoint waldaa barattootaa student un-
walakkeessuu v 1) to halve, cut in ion, student association
half; bisect 2) to average 3) to Waldaa Dinagdee Oroppaa
rate, estimate value of (WaDO) European Economic
walaleessa n versification Council (ECC)
walaleessaa/ -ituu nmlf poet, poet- waldaa dubartootaa women as-
ess sociation
walaleessaa uummataa popular waldaa hojil gamtaa cooperative
poet society
walaleessuu v to compose a poem waldaa hojjattootaa trade union,
walallee n jelly labour union, workers association
walallee badhoo royal jelly waldaa ijaarsaa building society,
walaloo n poem; poetry, lyrics building cooperative
walaloo argamtii concrete poetry waldaa ispoortii sports-
walaloo baasuu to compose a association
poem waldaa qoteebulaa peasant as-
walaloo barreessuu to write a sociation
poem waldaa walgargaarsaa self-help
walaloo uummataa popular association
poem waldandayanii Jiraachuu n co-
walaloo warraaqsaa revolution- existence
ary poem waldanqartii en deadlock
walaloo weeddoo song-poem waldayil en sky line
walammachiisa en synthesis waldhaanaa/ -tuu nmlf nurse, thera-
walammachiisuu cv to synthesise pist, physician
263 waldhaanama - walfakkeessii

waldhaanama n 1) nourishment waldiddaa gitaa class contradic-

2) help, aid 3) medical treatment, tion
therapy waldiddaa araara-qabeessa
waldhaanama carallaa radio- non-antagonistic contradiction
therapy waldiddaa araara-dhablee irrec-
waldhaanama gurmee group oncilable contradiction, antago-
therapy nistic contradiction
waldhaanama ifaa phototherapy waldidda-dhablee uncontra-
waldhaanama sukkuummaa dicted
physical therapy waldidda-qabeessa contradictory
waldhaanamaa/ -tuu nmlf patient, a waldiddee en antagonism
sick person waldiduu cv 1) to quarrel, dispute,
waldhaansa n medicine (medical clash 2) to contradict, oppose
science), treatment waldiyaa en confluence (of a river)
waldhaansa baqaqsinaa surgery waldoo n community
waldhaansa dhukkuba nafkees- waldoo biqilaa plant community
saa internal medicine waldoo neefkaa animal commu-
waldhaansa dimshaashaa gen- nity
eral medicine Waldoo Oromoo Oromo Com-
waldhaansa dubartii gynaecolo- munity
gy Waldoo Oroppaa European
waldhaansa dulloomtotaa ger- Community
ontology waldura ca face to face
waldhaansa gogaa dermatology waldura dhaabannoo opposing
waldhaansa hiddaa nephrology to one another
waldhaansa horii veterinary waldura dhaabachuu to oppose
medicine one another, to be against one
waldhaansa ijaa opthalmology, another
oculistics waldura dhaabattuu opponents
waldhaansa ijoollee pediatrics walee a/ n 1) common, communal;
waldhaansa ilkaanii dentistry mutual, joint 2) commune; collec-
waldhaansa jabee intensive care tive
waldhaansa onnee cardiography Walee Paarisii the Commune,
waldhaansa sammuu psychiatry the Paris Commune
waldhaansa sombaa pulmonary waleen/ -dhan mutually; collec
treatment tively
waldhaansoo n 1) wrestling, fight waleeffannoo n communalism
2) struggle, combat waleessaa/ -ituu nm/f communalist,
waldhaansoo gochuu to strug- collectivist
gle, combat, fight waleessuu v to communalise; collec-
waldhaansoo walqabuu to make tivise
wrestle with each other walfaana n/ al adv sequence; suc-
waldhaanuu v 1) to feed, nourish cessive; simultaneously
(sick person) 2) to help, aid (sick walfaanee a sequential, serial, sub-
person) 3) to doctor, treat medi- sequent
cally walfaanoo ca simultaneous
waldhabbii en tension (friction) walfakkaataa a similar
waldhabiinsa en disagreement walfakkaatummaa n similarity
waldiddaa n 1) dispute, quarrel, walfakkee a analogous
clash 2) contradiction walfakkeenya n uniformity
walfakkeessii en matching
walfakkeessuu - walirraa-fuudhuu 264

walfakkeessuu v to make similar walgeeddaruu cv 1) to barter 2) to

walfakkii n analogy exchange
walfakki-hiikaddaa homonym walgeetoo n symposium
walfakkina en similarity walgituu cv to correspond to, be
walfakkoo ca homogeneous, uni- equal
form, identical waliigala en consensus
walfakkooma en homogeneity waliigala gamtaa social consen-
walfudhachiisa en synchronisation sus
walfudhachiisuu cv to synchronise waliigaliisa en unanimity
walfuullee ca transverse waliigaltee n 1) agreement, consent,
walga'a en linking accord; harmony 2) conciliation,
walgaafaa en series treaty
walgaafaa barroo series of waliigaltee gamtaa social
books agreement
walgaafaa herregaa mathemati- waliigaltee mindaa wage agree-
cal series ment
walgaafaa jalqabaa first series waliigaltee seedannoo trade
walgaafaa lammaffaa second agreement
series waliigaltee wakkiilaa agency
walgaafaa sadaffaa third series agreement
walgaafaa seenaa historical se- waliigaltee wajummmaa mutual
ries agreement
walgaafaa yeroo time series waliigaltee walee collective
walgargaarsa en mutual aid, coop- agreement, common understand-
eration ing
walgargaarsa gitaa class col- waliigaltii en negotiation
laboration waliigaluu cv to agree, be in har-
walgawuu cv to meet, get together, mony
assemble; convene waliika en divorce
walgayii en meeting, session, gath- waliikuu cv to divorce one another
ering waliin (pre-verbal) part with each
walgayii ariifachiisaa extraordi- other, one another; together with
nary session waliin dha'amaa mess; entan-
walgayii dhaabataa regular ses- glement
sion waliin dhawuu 1) to mix up,
walgayii idilee general meeting mess up (utensils, papers) 2) to
walgayii waggaa annual meeting confuse (an issue); entangle
walgeeddara en exchange waliin jireenya social
walgeeddara agargoo data ex- waliin maka recombination
change waliin maka sanyii dhalootaa
walgeeddara biyyalaa foreign genetic recombination
exchange waliin makaa recombinant
walgeeddara dinagdee eco- waliin xaxamaa 1) tangled 2) in-
nomic transaction tricate; complicated
walgeeddara horannaa produce waliin xaxiisa complication
exchange waliin xaxuu 1) to tangle, inter-
walgeeddara meeshaa seedan- wind (ropes etc.) 2) to intricate
noo commodity exchange (speech, ideas); complicate
walgeeddara yaadaa exchange walirraa-fuudhuu vi n 1) to subtract
of ideas 2) subtraction
walgeeddartii en barter
265 walitti - waloo

walitti adv with each other, together contrast

walitti aanee continuously walitti madaaluu to compare and
walitti baqiinsa merger contrast
walitti baqsituu welder walitti naqiinsa synthesis
walitti baqsa welding walitti naquu to synthesise
walitti baqsuu to weld walitti siqsuu to round off
walitti bu'iitii 1) collision 2) clash, walitti-fufaa compound (Gram)
conflict walitti-fufamaa component (of
walitti bu'iitii addunyaalessaa words)
international conflict walitti-fufiisa compounding
walitti bu'iitii ardii continental (Gram), combination
collusion walitti-qabaa 1) generalisation
walitti bu'iitii biyya keessaa in- 2) compound, combination
ternal conflict walitti-qabaa agargoo data col-
walitti bu'iitii daangaa border- lection
conflict walitti-qabaa sararaawaa linear
walitti bu'iitii konkolaataa car combination
collision walitti-qabamaa element of a
walitti bu'iitii naannoo regional compound word
conflict walitti-qabbee sum, summation
walitti bu'iitii taliigaa political walitti-qabbee kaaree sum of
conflict squares
walitti bu'iitii waraanaa armed walitti-qabduu 1) collector
conflict, military clash 2) compiler
walitti bu'iitii yaadaa conflict of walitti-qabii resume, summary
ideas walitti-qabiisa collection
walitti bu'uu to collide, hit one walitti-qabiisa walaloo collection
another; clash of poems, anthology
walitti dabaluu 1) to add 2) addi- walitti-qabuu 1) to collect, gather
tion 2) to unite 3) to compile
walitti dacha'a gathering walixa n component
walitti dhiyaachuu to affiliate waliyyee n compatriot
walitti dhiyeenya affiliation, affin- walkeessa en network
ity, relationship walkipha en intersection
walitti dhufaa associated, linked, wallaayyessii en mutual humiliation
related, converged wallaayyessuu cv to humiliate one
walitti dhufaatii convergence another
walitti dhufaatii gonkaa absolute wallamee ca bilateral
convergence wallija n eye lid
walitti dhufoo corresponding wallisaa/ -ftuu nmlf singer
walitti dhufuu 1) to meet, come wallisaa aadaa folk-singer
together; contact, associate, link walmaddii en parallel (of lines)
2) to converge walmakaa en mixture
walitti fidiinsa correlating walmakoo en compound (compound
walitti fiduu to correlate thing)
walitti firoomaa cognate walmorkii en competition
walitti firooma cognate walmorkii waraanaa arms race
walitti ida'uu to add, amalgamate walmorkii xumuraa final compe-
walitti laaluu to crosscheck tition
walitti madaala comparison and waloo n poet, poetess
walortee - walxaxoo 266

walortee en reproduction walseenuu cv to interact

walortee nafa-maleessaa asex- walta'aa ca agreeable, suitable
ual reproduction walta'iinsa en 1) agreement, con-
walortii n crossbreed sent, harmony 2) treaty
waloruu cv to multiple (of humans); walta'iinsa hirmaata-dubbii
produce several shoots (of plants) grammatical agreement
walqabata en coherence walta'uu cv to agree, consent
walqabataa en coherent waltaasisa en harmonisation
walqabataa waltarree parallel waltaasisuu v to harmonise
connection waltajeessummaa en centralisation
walqabatoo en integration waltajjeeffamaa ca centralised
walqabsiiftuu en hinge waltajjeessuu cv to centralise
walqabsiiftuu dachaa hinge joint waltajjii en 1) centre, middle 2) city
walqabsiisaa n link square, public place 3) core
walqixxa ca equivalent 4) junction
walqixxaatoo en equation waltajjii agartii optical centre
walqixxaatota kemikaalaa waltajjii dachee centre of the
chemical equations earth
walqixxaatota kemikaala waltajjii geengoo centre of a cir-
madaallii balancing chemical cle
equations waltajjii harkisoo centre of grav-
walqixxee ca/ n 1) equal, alike; even, ity
uniform 2) half; middle 3) symmet- waltajjii magaalaa down town,
ric city centre
walqixxee buusuu to average waltajjii mulullee centre of
walqixxe-dhablee uneven, un- sphere
equal waltajjii murteessaa vital centre
walqixxeenya en equalisation waltajjii qorannoo research cen-
walqixxeessuu cv 1) to make equal, tre
equalise 2) to balance, level, make waltajjii suuqeffannoo shopping
even 3) to make uniform centre
walqixxina en equality (Math) waltajjii taaksii taxi control centre
walqixxoo en parity waltajjii waldoo community cen-
walqixxummaa en equality tre
walqixxummaa amantii religious waltajjummaa en centralism
equality waltarree ca parallel
walqixxummaa dubartii equality waltarrummaa en parallelism
of woman walticha/ -ttii nm/f communist
walqixxummaa gamtaa social waltii n common, collective
equality waltummaa n communism
walqixxummaa sabaa national walummaa en harmony, mutuality
equality walutubbii en mutualism
walqixxummaa tabaroo equality walwaraana en civil war
of rights, equal rights walwaraanuu cv to fight one another,
walqunnamtii en communication wage a civil war
walqunnamtii bulchiinsaa ad- walxaxa en sophistication
ministrative communication walxaxa-maleessa uncompli-
walqunnamtii gamtaa social cated
communication walxaxaa ca complex
walrigdoo en friction walxaxoo en network
walseentii en interaction, intercourse
267 walxaxummaa - warapphee madaa

walxaxummaa en complexity; so- army

phistication waraana booda post-war
wandapphii en T-shirt waraana dunneetii total war
wandaqa n maid, maid servant waraana dhaabuu cease-fire
wanna n 1) thing, object 2) purpose waraana faannoo a rebel army
wanna-danee multi-purpose waraana fannoo crusade
wannaada en (wanna + aadaa) ma- waraana galaanaa navy
terial culture waraana ittisaa defensive war
wannee n article, object, thing; sub- waraana jaalattuu warmonger
stance waraana kaasuu to declare (of a
wannee culkii pure substances war)
wannee haadhoo parent sub- waraana kemikaalaa chemical
stance warfare
wanneeta n thing, matter; animate waraana lafarraa ground forces
object, material object waraana luullessii offensive war
wanneeta dhugee virtual object waraana ololaa cold war
wanneeta ijaarsaa building mate- waraana rawwaa Gulf War
rials waraana sabaa national army
wanneeta jirtii organic matter waraana socho'aa mobile war-
wanneeta magariisaa green mat- fare
ter waraana uummataa people's war
wantaa n 1) shield 2) bulwark, pro- waraana warraaqsaa revolution-
tector 3) unit of measurement of ary war
land (40 hectares) 4) measure- waraansa n ache, pain, sharp pain
ment of roads (ca. one kilometre) (of back)
wantiyyoo n rear guard waraansifachuu v to get injection
waqaree n pack-horse waraansilee n 1) belt, band 2) car-
waqeeta n (Ar) same as madaa/sab- tridge belt
buu waraansilee gurraacha black
waraabbee n tape recorder belt
waraabbii n copy waraansillee marcumaa seat
waraabbii muusiqaa recording belt
(of music) waraansisaa/ -ftuu nmlf one who
waraabduu n recorder conducts war
waraabessa n hyena waraantoo n pincers
waraabuu v 1) to draw water 2) to waraantuu nmf soldier, fighter, com-
tape, record sounds batant, warrior
waraana n 1) spear 2) battle; war, waraanummaa n militarism
warfare 3) army waraanuu v 1) to stab, pierce 2) to
waraana adeemsiftuu belligerent fight, attack, combat 3) to pain,
waraana amantii religious war ache
waraana atoomawaa atomic war- waraba en (waraqata ragaa barum-
fare saa) diploma
waraana bilisummaa liberation warabboo n deer
war waraddaa en (waraabessa + bad-
waraana biyya keessaa civil war daa) bear
waraana biyyalafa isa duraa the waradee en (waraqata + adeemsa)
First World War passport
waraana biyyalafaa isa lam- warapphee en plaster
mafaa the Second World War warapphee madaa sticking plas-
waraana da abaafataa colonial ter
waraqata - warra qeyee 268

waraqata n (Ar) paper warara n blood with pus

waraqata adeemmii travelling wararoo n confusion
document warbaa n panther
waraqata baraaxii waste paper warbiyyaa en native, aborigine
waraqata barreessii writing pa- warboo en (waraqata ragaa + ba-
per rumsa olaanaa) degree (aca-
waraqata calaltuu filter paper demic rank)
waraqata cirreessaa doctor's warboo ulfinaa honorary degree
prescription warcaa n tape
waraqata daaggoo wallpaper waree n 1) herald, good news
waraqata eenyummaa identity 2) fame
card wareega n 1) votive gift 2) sacrifice
waraqata faayataa art paper wareegamaa a sacrificed
waraqata fakkoo photographic wareeguu v to promise offering, vow
paper wareertii n nightmare
waraqata fijaa salary slip, pay warga n brimstone
slip warii n tent
waraqata filmaataa voting-paper, warii dhaabuu to pitch a tent
ballot-paper warqa n banana
waraqata gaddhiifammii release warqee n false banana
(a letter that sets free) warqee daggalaa uncultivated
waraqata hayyammii license wild warqee
waraqata lakkoofsa uummataa warra n/ pro 1) family, extended fam-
census-paper ily 2) people 3) these ones, those
waraqata maallaqaa bank note, ones
bill warra Arabaa Arabs, the Arab
waraqata magariisa Green Pa- people
per warra biyyaa indigenous people
waraqata makiinaa barreessii warra Chaayinaa the Chinese
typewriter paper people
waraqata mana baankii bank warra doonii sailors, seamen
statement warra Faarisaa Persians, the
waraqata meetii silver paper Persian people
waraqata miseensummaa mem- warra Faranjii Europeans
bership card warra Faransaa the French peo-
waraqata muusiqaa music-paper ple
waraqata qalbeeffannoo notice warra fardaa horsemen, cavalry
paper, notice-pad warra gammoojjii inhabitants of
waraqata qormaataa examina- the low or hot region
tion paper warra Giriikii Greeks, the Greek
waraqata ragaa certificate; justifi- people
cation letter warra Hindii Indians, the Indian
waraqata sararree drawing- people
paper warra Jarmanii Germans, the
waraqata sarartoo ruled paper German people
waraqata seeraa official paper warra magaalaa city dwellers,
waraqata soorataa ration book, towns-people, townsfolk
ration card warra mo'aman the subjugated
waraqata shorroonii toilet paper warra mo'an subjugators
waraqata xalayaa letter-paper warra mootuu rulers
wara ata xuuxxuu blotting paper warra qeyee villagers
269 warra soddaa - waxaltuu

warra soddaa in-laws warshaa hafalee light industry

warra Yesoo the Christians warshaa ijaarsaa building indus-
warraaqsa n revolution try
warraaqsa dafqaan-bulaa prole- warshaa kophee shoe factory
tarian revolution warshaa meeshaa waraanaa ar-
warraaqsa gamtaa social revolu- senal
tion warshaa mitaa toy industry
warraaqsa ilaaflamee democ- warshaa nyaata xaasaa cannery
ratic revolution warshaa qonnaa agricultural in-
warraaqsa jaarmayaa organisa- dustry
tional revolution warshaa shukkaaraa sugar re-
warraaqsa magariisaa green finery, sugar factory
revolution warshaa sibiilaa steelworks
warraaqsa qonnaa agricultural warshaa sibiilbaxxiftuu rolling-
revolution mill
warraaqsa seedannoo commer- warshaa sijaaraa cigarette fac-
cial revolution tory
warraaqsa tasfutta'aa a sponta- warshaa soogiddaa salt-works,
neous revolution manufactory of salt
warraaqsa xindachee geological warshaa xuuphaa bottle factory
revolution warshaa waraqataa paper-mill
warraaqsa uummataa people's warshaa yayyabaa basic industry
revolution warshaalessa n manufacture
warraaqsa warshaa industrial warshaalessa lammee secon-
revolution dary manufacturing
warreena n cluster of villages warshaallii n assemblage
warrooma n family (of language) warshaaluu v to assemble (of
warrooma afaanii language fam- manufacturing)
ily, related languages warwaraawaa a misty
warroomaa a related, associated; warwareessuu v to mist
cognate warwarii n mist
warroommii n relation, association warwarii birraa mist of the Spring
warroomsuu v to relate, make akin, time
associate; cognate warwari-qabeessa mistful
warseentii en (waraqata + seentii) wasaasaa n sedan chair
ticket wasaasaa baachuu to carry
warseesa n rhinoceros somebody on a stretcher
warshaa n (Ar) factory, plant; industry wasiila n paternal uncle
warshaa aannanii dairy factory wassiyyaa n will {legal paper)
warshaa adarqii soap factory wataboo a tottery
warshaa algee fibre factory waweessaa/ -ituu nmlf one who
warshaa daatuu umbrella factory mocks, despises somebody
warshaa daawwitii glassworks waweessuu v to ridicule, mock, de-
warshaa booftaa wool factory spise
warshaa dhuunfaa private enter- wawoo n ridicule, mocking, despise
prise Waxabajjii n June
warshaa duraasaa key industry waxallaa n scorch
warshaa filmii film industry, waxallaa foonii roasted meat
movie industry waxallii n torture
warshaa geldii heavy industry waxaltuu nmf torturer
warshaa godoo cottage industry
waxaluu - xaabee andarqii 270

waxaluu v 1) to burn, scorch 2) to weennoo n sex

torture weerara n raid, conquest, invasion
wayaa n clothes, garment weerara awwaannisaa locust in-
wayaa booftaa woollen garment, vasion
woollen clothes weeraraa/ -tuu nmlf conqueror, in-
waya-dhooftuu weaver vader
waya-hoddhituu tailor weeraramaa a conquered, invaded
waya-miiccituu cleaner's weeraruu v to raid, conquer, invade
wayama n red soil weessoo n churn
wayimaa en (wayi + himaa) predi- wessee a parasite
cate (Gram) wiicoo n chick (young chicken or
wayyaawa n recuperation bird)
wayyaba n majority wiicoo shimbirroo fledgling
wayyeessa n 1) improvement, bet- wiifa en (wiirturraa + fageenya) ra-
terment 2) correction dius
wayyeessa midhaanii crop im- wiijoo n money which is collected for
provement a common use
wayyeessaa/ -ituu nm/f reformer wiirtuu n 1) middle of the back,
wayyeessoo n 1) revision, amend- backbone 2) centre, middle, nu-
ment 2) reform cleus, core; pivot
wayyeessuu v 1) to improve 2) to wiirtuu biqilaa germinal center
correct; amend, revise (a story, a wiirtuu bishaanii whirl-pool
constitution) 3) to reform wiirtuu dachee centre of the
wayyina n remission earth
WBH abbr (Wanna Barartuu Hin- wiirtuu harkisoo centre of gravity
beekamne) UFO (unidentified wiirtuu ijaa pupil, iris
flying object) wiirtuu mataa center of the head
we'elcha n hybrid wishaala n insert
we'elchuu v to hybrid wishaalummaa n insertion
weeddisaa/ -ftuu nmlf singer wishaaluu v to insert
weeddisiisaa/ -ftuu nmlf conductor wiskii n (Eng) whisky
(of a choir, orchestra) Wixata n Monday
weeddisuu v to sing wuraajaa n contraband
weedduu n song; hit (song)
weedduu aadaa traditional song
weedduu ammayya modern
song -X-
weedduu aaggoo Gospel song
weedduu amantii hymn, religious xaa'omsaa n fertiliser
song xaa'omsaa guutii complete fertil-
weedduu hallasee comic song iser
weedduu jaalalaa love song xaa'omsaa qajeelaa straight fer-
weedduu sabaa national anthem tilisers
weedduu uummataa popular xaa'omsuu v to make fertile, fertilise
song xaa'oo n 1) manured and fertile
weedduu waraanaa military mu- farmland; 2) fertiliser
sic xaa'ummaa n fertility, productivity (of
weedduu warraaqsaa revolu- soil)
tionary song xaabee n bowl (a deep round con-
weeluu n trunk-bed tainer)
weennii n colobus (monkey) xaabee andarqii soap-dish
271 xaabee hurkaa - xiixaa

xaabee hurkaa evaporating dish xannacha hancufaa salivary

xaabee shukkaaraa sugar-bowl, gland
sugar-basin xannacha harmaa mammary
xaafii n tef, a kind of cereal that is gland
only cultivated in the Horn of Africa xannacha imimaanii lacrimal
xaafii adii white xaafii gland
xaafii diimaa red xaafii xannacha kalee adrenal gland
xaasaa n (Ar) same as kimboo xannacha mar'imaanii intestinal
xaasaa n can, tin gland
xaaxee n popcorn xanniba n tumour, neoplasm
xabboo n lamb xaraanxara n fluid (Med)
xalalcha n distillation xaranga'aa n attentive behaviour
xalalchamaa a refined xarribbaa n peg
xalalchiisa n refinery xarribbaa warii tent-pegs
xalalchiisa beenzilaa oil refinery Xawallee n a month of only five days
xalalchoo n refinement (in Leap Year six days) between
xalalchuu v to refine (of oil); to distil August and September (in Ethio-
xalayaa n letter pian Calendar)
xalayaa ariitii express letter xaxamaa n complex
xalayaa deeggarsaa recommen- xaxeeta n network
dation letter xaxeeta eletrikaa electric net-
xalayaa eletroonikaa (xalaya-E) work
electronic mail (E-mail) xayyaara n (Ar) same as balali'aa
xalayaa faaksii fax letter xeensa n cholera
xalayaa gaggeessituu covering xeerii n colon, rectum
letter xibeenaa n communal work for old
xalayaa galmee registered letter people without helper
xalayaa jaalalaa love-letter xibiruu a/ n deep green
xalayaa qindeessuu mail merge xiichaa n panting, asthma
xalayaa yaadachiisaa memo xiichaa sombaa bronchial
xamboo n fiddle asthma
xamma n solution (of liquid) xiillee n balloon
xammaa a soluble; solute xiilloo a dark grey, iron grey
xammee a deliquescent xiinsaga en phonology
xammee shukkaaraa caramel xiinxala or xinxala n analysis
xammeessaa n solvent xiinxal agargoo data analysis
xammii n weathering xiinxala gamtaa social analysis
xammummaa n 1) deliquescence xiinxala hirmaata-dubbii gram-
2) solubility matical analysis
xammuu v to weather xiinxala sirnaa system analysis
xannaalee n wild honey xiinxala soorataa food analysis
xannacha n 1) gland 2) glandular xiinxalaa/ -tuu nmlf analyst
swelling, tumour xiinxalamaa a analytical
xannacha bokolee urethral gland xiinxaluu v to analyse
xannacha dafqaa sweat gland xiinxanamaa/ -tuu amlf corrupt
xannacha dhoraa cancer xiinxannii n corruption
xannacha gadameessaa uterine xiinxantuu nmf one who corrupts
gland somebody
xannacha garaachaa gastric xiinxanuu v to corrupt
gland xiiqii n spite, score
xannacha gurraa parotid gland xiixaa n cricket (insect)
xiixxuu - xirroo 272

xiixxuu n septum tional sociology

xilisa n survival, surviving xingamtaa beekumsaa sociology
xilisaa/ -ftuu nmlf survivor of knowledge
xilisuu v to survive, be saved xingamtaa hojii occupational so-
ximmadda en (xinxala + madda) ciology
anthropology xingamtaa hojjatii applied soci-
ximqata n (Amh) same as ayyaana ology
cuubaa xingamtaa jaarmayaa sociology
xin- pref ( from xinxala) prefix which of organisation
indicates fields of study xingamtaa magaalaa urban so-
xinaannoo en (xinxala + naannoo) ciology
ecology xinmaatii maatii sociology of the
xinabaree en pollen analysis family
xinagartii en optics xingamtaa seenaa historical so-
xinallaattii en ornithology ciology
xinamantii en theology xingamtaa taliigaa political soci-
xinamantii bilisummaa theology ology
of liberation xingamtaa waldhaansaa medical
xinbaakteriyaa en bacteriology sociology
xinbakkalcha en planetology xingamtaa warshaa industrial
xinbardachee en geochronology sociology
xinbiqilaa en botany xingogaa en dermatology
xinbishaan en hydrology xiniikkoo en (xinxala + hiikkoo) se-
xinbishaan lafaa hydrogeology mantics, semasiology
xinbiyyee en soil science, pedology xiniqqee n flood, jet (of stream)
xincaakkaa en forestry xiniquu v to flood, jet
xincurraa en embryology xin-jechayyaa n lexicology
xindaada en ethnology xinjiree en biology
xindachee en geology xinkaartaa en cartography
xindachee nafooyyee physical xinmaaynaa en oceanography
geology xinnaannoo en ecology
xindachee seenaa historical xinneefka en zoology, animal science
geology xinneessaa n reducer
xindhiiga en haematology xinqaamaa en physiology
xindhukkuba en pathology xinqaamaa en anatomy, physiology
xindhusa en (xinxala dhukkuba xinqilleensa en meteorology
sammuu) psychiatry xinqoonqaa en linguistics
xindiigala en parasitology xinqorichaa en pharmacology
xinduumessa en nephology (Geog) xinsagalee en phonetics
xinfayyaa en medicine (medical sci- xinsanyundee en genetics
ence) xinsibiila en metallurgy
xingaara en orology (Geog) xinsiicceta en sedimentology
xingamtaa en sociology xinsochii en kinetics, kinematics
xingamtaa amantii sociology of xinsoorata en science of nutrition
religion xinsummii en toxicology
xingamtaa baadiyaa rural sociol- xinurjii en astronomy
ogy xinuumamtoo en cosmology
xingamtaa barmojiree biological xintala same as xiinxala
sociology xin-yaattuu en hydraulics
xingamtaa barumsaa educa- xirroo n allergy
273 xiyya - xuuxummaa

xiyya n 1) arrow 2) bow and arrow xuqaa n spot

3) any pointer which looks like an xuqaa jaaminaa blind spot
arrow 4) ray (Math) xurkaanii en tartar (on teeth)
xiyyaanee n archer, bowman xurrebaniisa en trend-setting
xiyyee n vector (Math) xurrebantuu enmf pathfinder; trend-
xiyyee miseensee component setter
vector xurree n foot path, lane; route; line
xiyyee qixxooyyee equivalent xurree aduu ecliptic
vectors xurree balali'aa tarmac
xiyyee wiifaa radius vector xurree barartii air route
xiyyeeffannoo n focus xurree bishaanii watercourse
xiyyeessaa n bowman xurree daangaa border line
xiyyiitii n cartridge xurree daddabarsaa transmis-
xiyyinurree en (xiyyi + hinurree) sion line
bullet-proof xurree geedaa tree line
xiyyoo n 1) a fleshy ridge around fin- xurree geengolamee bicycle
ger or toe-nail 2) fringe, margin lane, bicycle path
xiyyoo ijaa eye lid xurree hojii assembly line
xiyyoo qeensaa cuticle xurree korreentii electric line
xiyyoolee n hunter xurree massakaa guidelines
xomboora n torch (usu. made of xurree nageenyaa island, safety
sticks or twigs) island
xomboree n maid servant, obedient xurree qilleensa runway
lady xurree taliigaa political line
xoolaga n wilting xurree taliiga qajeelaa correct
xoolaguu v to wilt, wither political line
xooqee n a small basket (usu. made xurree waltarree parallel lines
of bamboo) xurrelamee en two-lined
xooqee kuusii waste-basket, xurresadee en three-lane
waste-paper-basket xurreyyaa n corridor
xossee n papilla xurumbaa n (It) trombone
xoxeffachuu v to accuse xuruura n net (means of catching)
xoxeffannoo n accusation xuruura haraa sweep net
xoxeffataa/ -tuu nmlf accuser xuruura haroo pond net
xoxeffatamaa/ -tuu nmlf the accused xuruura qurxummii fish-net
xoxxobbee n dot xuruurtii n trickle; trickling stream
xula n course (usu. of a river) xuruurtoo n 1) duct, tubule 2) cata-
xumura n 1) conclusion, closure, end ract, waterfall
2) summary, resume xuruurtoo fincaanii ureter
xumurlaphii en semicolon xuruurtoo haddhooftuu bile
xumurtii n termination duct, gall duct
xumurtoo n abstract (summary) xuruuruu v to trickle
xumuruu v 1) to conclude, finish, xuubii n (Ar) same as jaajura
terminate 2) to summarise xuuxa n 1) sucking; absorbing
xuqaatii n conduction 2) smoking
xurbee n globe xuuxaa/ -uu n/a mlf 1) absorber, ab-
xurbeessa n globalisation sorbent 2) smoker
xurii n 1) dirt 2) chicken pox xuuxama n absorbency
xurii qeensaa dirt under finger- xuuxamaa a absorbable
nail xuuxina n absorption
xurisaa n zip xuuxummaa n absorbability
xuuxuu - yaadata 274

xuuxuu v 1) to absorb (water) 2) to yaabbii n 1) climbing 2) riding

suck 3) to smoke yaachisaa a serious, grave, critical
xuuxxiyyee n blotting paper; blotter (of situation)
xuuxxoo n 1) nipple of baby bottle yaachisummaa n seriousness, grav-
2) baby bottle ity
xuxee n undergrowth yaada n 1) idea, opinion 2) notion,
xuxuba a/ n plenty, abundance concept, conception 3) thought,
outlook 4) intention, purpose
5) proposal, suggestion 6) yearn-
-y- yaada birkoo subtopic
yaada bu'uraa basic idea
yaa'a n flow yaada duraasaa principal idea,
yaa'a biyyee earth flow main idea
yaa'a dhiigaa blood stream, yaada ka'umsaa proposal
haemorrhage yaada loojikaa logic reasoning
yaa'a dhoqqee mudflow yaada malee without thought,
yaa'a gawwaa overland flow without thinking; random
yaa'a hamaa turbulent flow yaada murtee motion (resolution)
yaa'a lafgubbaa surface flow yaada nameenyaa personal opin-
yaa'a lagaa streamline flow (of ion
river) yaada sammuu imaginary, hypo-
yaa'a lowaa creeping flow thetical
yaa'a qabeenyaa flow of re- yaada sirnayaa expert opinion
sources yaada uummataa public opinion
yaa'antaa n current yaada walxaxaa complicated
yaa'antaa eletrikaa electric cur- idea, complex idea
rent yaada wayyeessaa amendment,
yaa'ii n assembly, congress, conven- constructive idea
tion yaada-maleessa/ -ttii carefree
yaa'ii atoommii federal conven- yaadabjummaa en utopianism
tion yaadabjuu en fallacy; utopia
yaa'ii idilee general assembly yaadachiiftuu n address book
yaa'ii sabaa national assembly, yaadachiisa n 1) reminder 2) note;
national convention notice
yaa'illaa n drainage yaadachiisa malee without warn-
yaa'illaa keessoo interior drain- ing, unexpectedly
age yaadachiisuu v to remind, call to at-
yaa'insoo n outlet (of lakes) tention
yaabbachuu v 1) to climb, mount yaadachuu v to remember, recall
2) to ride; go on horse back, by yaadannaa n remembering, recalling
train, car, bicycle, air-plane or ship yaadannaa dubbisi-duwwaa
yaabbannaa n riding, mounting; read only memory (Comp)
climbing yaadannaa dubbisii barreessii
yaabbannoo n 1) steps, stairs 2) lad- read and write memory (Comp)
der yaadannoo n memorial, remem-
yaabbannoo miillamee steplad- brance, commemoration
der yadannoo waraanaa war memo-
yaabbata n mounted patrol; mounted rial
warriors yaadata n memory
yaabbataa/ -tuu nmlf rider, horseman
275 yaadda'aa - yayyaba

yaadda'aa/ -ftuu nmlf one who wor- yaattuu a hydraulic

ries yaattuu qilleensaa air stream
yaadda'uu v to worry, concern for yaatuu n myrtle
yaaddebii en feed-back yaaya n logic
yaaddessaa a serious, critical, grave yaayyessaa n one who boycotts
yaaddii a imaginary yaayyessuu v to boycott
yaaddofsiisaa n trouble yaayyuu n boycott
yaaddoyyee n idealist yabaldoonii en tugboat
yaaddoyyummaa n idealism yabalittii n bark (small boat)
yaadduu n memory (Comp) yabaloo n boat, canoe, yacht
yaadduu yeroo temporary mem- yabaloo baraarsaa lifeboat
ory yabaloo bubbee sailing boat
yaadina n thought, way of thinking yabaloo diriiraa punt
yaadiyyaa n suggestion yabaloo fiigichaa race-boat
yaadlamee a ambivalent yabaloo ginnoo dhow
yaadmalaa en common sense yabaloo harkisii tugboat
yaadqalbii en behaviour yabaloo hurkaa steamboat
yaadsammuu en cognition yabaloo kiraa hired boat
yaadumaa en instinct yabaloo limmuu rowing boat
yaadummaa n mentality yabaloo motoraa motorboat
yaadummee en (yaanni + uumee) yabaltuu nmf boatman
fiction yabbaawuu v to be thick
yaadundee en (yaad + hundee) yabbina n thickness
concept yabboo n royal estate
yaadundee bu'uraa basic con- yabbuu a thick, dense
cept yabeessa/ -ttii nm/f trust giver
yaaduu v 1) to think, imagine, reflect yabii n trustee
2) to have concern for 3) to plan, yaboo n trust
make programme 4) to yearn, de- yadlamummaa en ambivalence
sire, long for, be homesick yakka n crime; guilt
yaaftoo n drain yakka dinagdee economic
yaalii n 1) trial, attempt 2) test, ex- crimes
periment yakka du'aa capital punishment,
yaalii dhiddhiibaa reformatory capital crime
efforts yakka naazii Nazi criminality
yaalii hadrojinaa hydrogen test yakka waraanaa war crime
yaalii oksijinaa oxygen test yakkaa/ -ituu nmlf accuser
yaalii fi dogoggora trial and error yakkamaa/ -tuu am/f criminal; guilty
yaalii hojii working model, trial yakkamaa waraanaa war crimi-
model nal
yaallii walgaafaa series of tests yakkamummaa n guiltiness
yaaluu v 1) to try, attempt 2) to test, yakkii n accusation, charge; crime
experiment yakkii adabbii criminal offence
yaassaga en (yaasa + sagalee) id- yakkuu v to accuse of, charge with
eophone (Liter) yammoo n cold weather
yaatoma n liquidity, fluidity yandee n rawhide (of cattle)
yaatomsaa n liquidiser yandii n dermis
yaatoo al n liquid, fluid yandoo n heavy rain
yaatoo imimmaanii tear fluid Yasoo Kiristoo/ Yasuus Kiristoos n
yaatoo miciree cytoplasm Jesus Christ
yayyaba n foundation, base, begin-
yayyaba awwaalaa - yuuyyee 276

yayyaba awwaalaa foundation of yeroo hojii office hours, business

a grave hours
yayyaba dallaa starting poles for yeroo horsiisaa breeding age
the building of a fence yeroo isaa date, day and hour
yayyaba dubbii the beginning of yeroo jiddugaleessa standard
a case time
yayyaba manaa foundation of a yeroo jireenyaa life time
house yeroo malee untimely, prema-
yayyabaa/ -duu nmlf founder turely
yayyabboo n agenda yeroo marlaalaa universal time
yayyabboo koraa an agenda of a yeroo nyaataa dinner-time, meal-
congress time
yayyabbo-maleessa without any yeroo qoofnii part-time
agenda yeroo rimaawaa gestation period
yayyabuu v to found, lay base, begin (of animals)
yeedaloo n rhythm yeroo riphaa latent period
yeelala n degeneration yeroo roobaa rainy season
yeeyyii n wolf yeroo tarree chronology order,
yereega en (yeroo + eegaa) watch; chronology
clock yeroo ulfaa gestation period (of
yeroo n 1) time, period, moment, oc- humans)
casion, duration 2) hour 3) tense in yeroo urjii sidereal time
grammar yeroo waaltawaa Greenwich
yeroo ammaa present tense Time
yeroo barartii flight hour yeroo waraanaa wartime
yeroo barumsaa term (of school) yeroon dabre expired
yeroo biyyanee local time yeroon ittidabree outmoded,
yeroo bunaa coffee time obsolete, antiquated
yeroo cewumsaa transitional yeroolee al n contemporary, current
period yeroolessa a temporary
yeroo cindachee geological time yeroolii a tentative
yeroo dabre past tense yerootee a provisional, transitory
yeroo dhalaa period of interest yoogaa n (Eur) yoga
yeroo dhalannoo date of birth yoomessa n setting
yeroo dhiyaanaa lunch-time, yoota'ee a hypothetical
noon yooyoo n greeting, salutation
yeroo dorrobinaa pregnancy du- yooyoo galgalaa greetings in the
ration, duration of gestation (of afternoon
animals) yooyoo ganamaa morning greet-
yeroo duwwee zero hour ings
yeroo duwwaanaa space time yooyoo guyyaa greetings during
yeroo egeree future tense the day
yeroo facaasaa seed-time, sow- yuba n 1) advisory group within the
ing season gadaa-system 2) pensioner
yeroo gaanaa heat period yubooma n 1) advice 2) pension
yeroo gobbuu rash-hour yuuyyee a bed ridden
yeroo gu'iisaa weaning period
yeroo haamaa harvesting sea-
son, harvesting months
yeroo hirribaa bedtime
277 zabanyaa - zinnaara

zabanyaa n (Amh) same as kar-
zabiiba n (Ar) 1) raisin 2) sacramen-
tal wine of the Orthodox Church
zambiila n (Ar) same as shoroddee
zayitii n (Ar) oil, petroleum
zayitii dibataa especial oil for
zayitii ejersaa olive oil
zayitii geldii heavy oil
zayitii konkolaataa motor oil
zayitii nuugii nigerseed oil
zayitii nyaataa cooking oil
zayitii nyaatamaa edible oil
zayitii qobboo castor oil
zayitii salaaxaa salad-oil
zayitii saliixaa sesame oil
zayitii suufii sunflower-seed oil
zayitii talbaa linseed oil
zayitii uumaa natural oil
zeeroo n same as duwwee
zinnaara n (Ar) same as mundheel-

Ajjee Ajje
APPENDICES Alaltuu Alaltu
Ambo Ambo
Angeettuu Angettu
Aqaaqii Basaqaa Akaki Basaka
Arba Bordodee Arba Bordode
1) GUVYAALEE TORBANII - Arbooyyee Arboyye
Asaasa Asasa
Wlxata (Wi) Monday Asaboot Asabot
Kibxata (Ki) Tuesday Asallaa Asalla
Roobii (Ro) Wednesday Asandaaboo Asandabo
Kamisa (Ka) Thursday Asgorii Abeebee Asgori Abebe
Jimaata (Ji) Friday Asgorli Bachoo Asgori Bacho
Sambata (Sa) Saturday Ashaa Asha
Dilbata (Di) Sunday Awaash Baldhoo Awash Baldho
Awaash Malkaasaa Awaash Malkasa
Awaash Qunxuree Awash Kunture
Awaday Awadai
Baabbilee Baabbile
Birraa spring Baakkoo Bakko
Bona summer Baantuu Bantu
Arfaasaa fall Baatii Bati
Ganna winter Baatuu Batu
Baddallee Baddalle
Baddannoo Baddanno
Baddeessaa Baddessa
Bakkee Bakke
Beegii Begi
Biilaa Bila
Bishooftuu Bishoftu
Amajjii January
Bodda Bodda
Guraandhala February
Bofaa Bofa
Bitootessa March
Bookee Xiqqoo BokeTikko
Ebia April
Booraa Bora
Caamsaa May
Waxabajjii Booree Bore
Boqojjii Bokojji
Adoolessa July
Borodaa Baroda
Hagayya August
Boruu Jaawwii Boru Jawwi
Fulbaana September
Bulbuloo Bulbuloo
Onkoloolessa October
Buraayyuu Burayyu
Sadaasa November
Buree Bure
Mudde December
Burqaa Burka
Buusaa Busa
Caeca Chacha
Caancoo Chancho
Caanqaa Chanka
Caffaa Roobii Chaffa Robi
Caffee Doonsaa Chaffe Donsa
Caffo Chaffo
Abbaltii Abbalti
Calalqaa Chaialaka
Abboomsaa Abmomsa
Calanqoo Chalanko
Adaabbaa Adabba
Ciraa Chira
Adaamaa Adama
Ciro Chiro
Adaamii Tulluu Adami Tullu
Cirracha Chirracha
Addallee Addalle Cittuu Chittu
Adoolaa Adoolaa
Daalattli Dalatti
Adulaala Adulala
Daawwee Dawwe
Agafraa Agafra
Dadar Dadar
Aggaaroo Aggaro

Dagaagaa Dagaga Harawaaca Harawacha

Dalloo Sarboo Dalio Sarbo Harbuu Harbu
Dambi Doolloo Dambi Dolio Harbuu Culullee Harbu Chululle
Dambii Dambi Haroo Dibbee Haro Dibbe
Dannaba Dannaba Haroo Dumaal Haro Dumal
Dasee Dase Haroo Hara Liiban Haro Hara Liban
Dheeraa Dhera Haxaayyee Hatayye
Diilallaa Dilalla Hereero Herero
Diimaa Dima Hiddii Lolaa Hiddi Lola
Diimtuu Diimtuu Hirnaa Hirna
Diinsho Dinsho Hoolota Holota
Diksiis Diksis Hurruumuu Hurrumu
Dirree Dhawaa Dirre Dhawa Hurutaa Huruta
Dodola Dodola ljaajjii ljajji
Dongoroo Dongoro lnaangoo lnango
Doobbaa Dobba lncinnii Liiban lnchinni Liban
Doonii Doni lncinnii Meettaa lnchinni Metta
Dubar Dubar ltayyaa ltayya
Duukam Dukam Jaaja Jaja
Eddoo Eddo Jaarraa Jarra
Ejeree Ejere Jaarso Jarso
Ejersa Ejersa Kaachisii Kachisi
Ejersa Gooroo Ejersa Goro Kaarra Qoree Karra Kore
Erer Erer Kamisee Kamise
Erer Gootaa Erer Gota Karaa Millee Kara Mille
Fiche Fiche Kofalee Kofale
Filtuu Filtu Kokossa Kokossa
Fincaa'aa Fincha'a Koloboo Kolobo
Fincaawaa Finchawa Kombolcha Guduruu Kombolcha Guduru
Finfinnee Finfinnee (=Shaggar) Kombolcha Noolee Kombolcha Nole
Funyaan Biraa Funyan Bira Kotoba Kotoba
Gaattiraa Gattira Kurfaa Callee Kurfa Challa
Gachii Gachi Kuyeeraa Kuyera
Galamso Galamso Laaqii Dambal Laki Dambal
Garba Gurraacha Garba Gurracha Laga Daadhii Laga Dadhi
Garbaa Garba Leemman Lemman
Gasaraa Gasara Limmu Shaayee Limmu Shaye
Geedoo Gedo Maannaa Manna
Gembee Gembe Machaaraa Machara
Gidaamii Gidami Maddo Gaashii Maddo Gashi
Giddaa Ayyaanaa Gidda Ayyana Malkaa Raafuu Malka Rafu
Giincii Ginchi Mandii Mandi
Gimbii Gimbi Mandiidaa Mandida
Gindhir Ginnir Maqii Maki
Gindo Gindo Mararoo Mararo
Gobba Gobba Marsaa Marsa
Gobeessa Gobessa Martii Marti
Goojjoo Gojjo Mata Haaraa Mata Hara
Goojjota Gojjota Mattuu Mattu
Gooroo Baalee Goro Bale Meeggaa Megga
Gooroo Soolee Goro Sole Meettaa Gafarsaa Metta Gafarsa
Gooroo Walisoo Goro Waliso Meexxii Matti
Goree Gore Mi'eesso Miesso
Gorii Gori Miiccataa Michata
Gudar Gudar Mogor Mogor
Gullisoo Gulliso Mojo Mojo
Gur'uraa Gurura Mooyalee Moyale
Gurra Dhaamolee Gurra Dhamole Muggii Muggi
Guruwaa Guruwa Nageellee Arsii Nagalle Arsi
Hara Maayaa Hara Maya Nageellee Booranaa Nagelle Borana
Harar Harar Nageellee Meexamaa Nageellee Metama
Haratoo Harato Najjoo Najjo

Naqamte Nakamte Waliso Waliso

Obbi Obbi Wanjii Wanji
Oborraa Oborra Wanjii Gafarsaa Wanji Gafarsa
Oborso Oborso Warqa Warka
Ogolchoo Ogolcho Watar Watar
Olonkomii Olonkomi Xiyyaa Tiyya
Qaaqee Kake Yaaballoo Yaballo
Qarsaa Karsa Yaayyoo Yayyu
Qebbee Kebbe Yabbuu Yabbu
Qobboo Barentoo Kobbo Barento Yambaroo Yambaro
Qobboo Raayyaa Kobbo Rayya Yirbaa Muudaa Yirba Muda
Qoree Kore Yuubdoo Yubdo
Qullubbii Kullubbi
Qundhii Kunni
Reejjii Rejji
Roobe Arsii Robe Arsi
Saasiggaa Sasigga (2800-4377 metres above sea-level)
Sabbata Sabbata
Sambatee Sambate
Sandaafa Sandafa Agaar Asaboot Mt Asabot
Sayyoo Sayyo Baddaa Qeerroo Badda Kerro
Saqqaa Sakka Baddaa Roggee Badda Rogge
Sarboo Sarbo Cuultaa Gurree Birqii Chulta Gurre Birki
Seeroftaa Serofta Dagam Dagam
Shaakkisoo Shakkiso Gaara Abeellaa Mt Abella
Shaambu Shambu Gaara Adii Mt Adi
Shaashamannee Shashamanne Gaara Ashaa Mt Asha
Shabbee Shabbe Gaara Baatuu Mt Batu
Shaggar Shaggar (=Finfinnee) Gaara Booraa Mt Bora
Shakii Shaki Gaara Cilaaloo Mt Chilalo
Shanan Shanan Gaara Dannabaa Mt Dannaba
Shane Shano Gaara Erer Mt Erer
Shirboo Shirbo Gaara Fantaallee Mt Fantalle
Shiree Arsii Shire Arsi Gaara Gorfoo Mt Gorfo
Shoboka Shoboka Gaara Gorxee Mt Gorte
Siibuu Siree Sibu Sire Gaara Haxabeellaa Mt Hatabella
Siree Arsii Sire Arsi Gaara Hococaa Mt Hochocha
Siree Roobii Sire Robi Gaara Maa'oo Mt Mao
Sokorruu Sokorru Gaara Muldhataa Mt Mullata
Soodaree Sodare Gaara Qunduddoo Mt Kunduddo
Soolomo Salomo Gaara Salaalee Mt Salale
Sooyyama Soyyama Gooroo Abbaltii Abalti Mountains
Sululta Sululta Gooroo Arba Guguu Arba Gugu
Tafkii Tafki Mountains
Tajii Taji Gooroo Dandii Dandi Mountains
Taltallee Taltalle Gooroo Jimmaa Jimma Mountains
Tibbee Tibbe Gooroo Wancii Wanci Mountains
Tokkee lrreessaa Tokke Irressa Honqolloo Honqolloo
Tole Tole Kaakkaa Kakka
Toobbaa Tobba Roggee Ammayyaa Rogge Ammayya
Tullu Boolloo Tullu Bolio Tullu Diimtuu Mt Dimtu
Tulluu Milkii Tullu Milki Tulluu Cuqqaalaa Mt Chukkala
Urgeessaa Urgessa Tulluu Daalotaa Mt Dalota
Waabee Gafarsaa Wabe Gafarsa Tulluu Furii Mt Furi
Waaccuu Wachu Tulluu Jibaat Mt Jibat
Waayyuu Wayyu Tulluu Joorgoo Mt Jorgo
Wadeera Wadera Tulluu Maraa Mt Mara
Walancittii Walanchitti Tulluu Walal MtWalal
Waldiyaa Waldiya


Shaayyaa Shayya
Waabee Wabe

Abbaya Abbaya (Blue Nile) Waalgaa Walga

Amanya Namagna Waamaa Wama
Angar Angar Walmal Walmal
Aqaaqii Akaki Weeyib Weyib
Awaash Awash Yaadot Yadot
Baaroo Baro
Birbir Birbir
Borkanaa Bokona
Daabanaa Dabana


Dhiddheessa Diddessa OROMOLAND
Dooriyaa Doriya
Faafan Fafan

Fincaa'aa Fincha Abbaayaa Abbaya

Gabba Gabba Abijaataa Bijata
Ganjii Ganji Addellee Addelle
Gannaalee Gannale Bishooftuu Bishoftu
Gibe Gibe Caamoo Chamo
Gibe Qalldhaa Gibe Kalla Calalaqa Wanci Lake Wanchi
Gudar Gudar Calbii Chalbi
Holota Holota Dabbal dandii Lake Dandi
Hulluuqaa Hulluka Hara Cuqqaalaa Chukkala
Huursaa Hursa Hara Daadhii Lake Dadi
Jaaja Jaja Hara Gafarsa Gafarsa
Jajjabee Jajjabe Hara Maayaa Lake Maya
Jalliyaan Jalliyan Haroo Walaabuu Walabu
Jammaa Jamma Harsadii Harsadi
Malkaa Waakkannaa Malka Wakkanna Laangannoo Langanno
Mogor Mogor Laaqii Dambal Laki Dambal
Mojo Mojo Qooqaa Koka
Mormor Mormor (Blue Nile) Shaalaa Shala
Qeerransa Kerransa
Raammis Rammis



Harargee Bahaa - Harar East Hararge Harar

Harargee Lixaa - Ciroo West Hararge Chiro
Baale - Roobe Bale Robe
Arsii - Asallaa Arsi Asalla
Boorana - Nageellee Booranaa Borana Nagelle
Shawaa Bahaa - Adaamaa East Shawa Adama
Shawaa Kaabaa - Fiche North Shawa - Fiche
Shawaa Lixaa - Ambo West Shawa - Ambo
Wallagga Bahaa - Naqamte East Wallagga - Nakamte
Wallagga Lixaa - Gimbii West Wallagga Gimbi
Jimma -Jimma Jimma - Jimma
llubbaa Booraa - Mattuu llubba Bora - Mattu



Afgaanistaan - Kaabul Afghanistan - Kabul

Afrikaa Kibbaa - Peritooriyaa, South Africa - Pretoria
Albaaniyaa - Tiraanaa Albania - Tirana
Aljeeriyaa - Aljeersii Algeria - Algiers
Ameerikaa - Waashingitan Diisii U.S.A. - Washington D.C.
Andooraa - Adooraa Labellaa Andorra - Andorra la Vella
Angoolaa - Luwaandaa Angola - Luanda
Antiguwaa fi Barbuda - Saan Joon Antigua and Barbuda - Saint John's
Arjantiinaa - Buwenos Eras Argentina - Buenos Aires
Armeeniyaa - Yerebaan Armenia - Yerevan
Awustiraaliyaa - Kanberaa Australia - Canberra
Azarbajaan - Baakuu Azerbaijan - Baku
Baahireen - Manamaa Bahrain - Manama
Baangiladeesh - Daakaa Bangladesh - Dhaka
Baatikaan - Magaalaa Baatikaan Vatican - Vatican City
Bahaamaa - Nasaawu Bahamas - Nassau
Banuwaatuu - Poorti Bilaa Vanuatu - Port Vila
Barbaadoos - Biriij-taawon Barbados - Bridgetown
Barmaa - Raangun Burma - Rangoon
Beeljigii - Biruusel Belgium - Brussels
Beetinaam - Hanooy Vietnam - Hanoi
Belarus - Miniskii Belarus - Minsk
Beliz - Belmopaan Belize - Belmopan
Benezuweelaa - Karaakas Venezuela - Caracas
Bineen - Poorto Noboo Benin - Porto Novo
Biraazil - Biraasiliyaa Brazil - Brasilia
Biritaaniyaa • London United Kingdom-London
Birunaay.- Bandaar Seri Begawaan Brunei-Bandar Seri Begawan
Biyya Girilkii-Ateenaa Greece-Athens
Biyya Hindii - Niw Deelii India-New Delhi
Biyya lswiisii - Bernii Switzerland - Bern
Biyya Jarmanii - Barliin Germany - Berlin
Biyya Turkii - Ankaaraa Turkey - Ankara
Biyya Xaaliyaanii - Roomaa Italy- Rome
Boliibiyaa - Lappaaz Bolivia - La Paz
Bosniyaa fi Hersigobenaa - Sarayeeboo Bosnia and Herzegovina - Sarajevo
Botiswaanaa - Gaboronee Botswana - Gaborone
Bulgaariyaa - Soofiyaa Bulgaria - Sofia
Burkinaa Faasoo - Wagaaduguu Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou
Burundii - Ujumburaa Burundi - Ujumbura
Butaan - Timpuu Bhutan - Thimphu
Chaad - Nijamenaa Chad - N'djamena
Chaayinaa - Beejingii China - Beijing
Chiilee - Saantiyaagoo Chile - Santiago
Denmaarkii - Koppenhaagan Denmark - Copenhagen
Dominikaa - Rosoo Dominica - Roseau
Ekuwaadoor - Kuwitoo Ecuador - Quito
Elsalbadoor - Saan Salbadoor El Salvador - San Salvador
Ertiraa - Asmaraa Eritrea - Asmara
Faransaa - Paaris France - Paris
Fiijii - Subaa Fiji- Suva
Filippiin - Maniilaa Philippines - Manila
Finlaandii - Helsinkii Finland - Helsinki
Gaaboon - Librabil Gabon - Libreville
Gaambiyaa - Banjuul Gambia - Banjul
Gaanaa - Akraa Ghana - Accra
Gibxii - Kaayiroo Egypt - Cairo
Giinii - Konaakrii Guinea - Conakry
Giinii Bisaawu - Bisaawu Guinea Bissau - Bissau

Giinii Mundhilafaa - Malaboo Equatorial Guinea - Malabo

Girenaadaa - Saanti Joorjii Grenada - Saint George's
Guwatimaalaa - Magaalaa Guwatimaalaa Guatemala - Guatemala City
Guyaanaa - Joorgitaawon Guyana - Georgetown
Hayitii - Poorti Pirinsii Haiti - Port au Prince
Honduraas - Teguchigalpaa Honduras - Tegucigalpa
Hungaariyaa - Budaapestii Hungary - Budapest
lndoneesiyaa - Jakaartaa Indonesia - Jakarta
Iraan - Teheraan Iran - Tehran
lraaq - Baagdaad Iraq - Baghdad
lrlaandii - Dubliin Ireland - Dublin
lslaandii - Rekjabiik Iceland - Reykjavik
lslobaakiyaa - Biraatislaabaa Slovakia - Bratislava
lslobeeniyaa - Liyubliyaanaa Slovenia - Ljubljana
lspaanyaa - Maadriid Spain - Madrid
lsraa'el - Tel Abiib Israel-Tel Aviv
lstooniyaa -Taliin Estonia - Tallinn
lswaazilaandii - Mibabanee, Lobambaa Swaziland - Mbabane, Lobamba
lswiidin - lstokolam Sweden - Stockholm
Jaappaan - Tokiyoo Japan -Tokyo
Jabuutii - Jabuutii Djibouti - Djibouti
Jamaayikaa - Kingistan Jamaica - Kingston
Joordaan - Amaan Jordan - Amman
Joorjiyaa-Tibilisii Georgia - Tbilisi
Kaameruun - Vaawundee Cameroon -Yaounde
Kamboodiyaa - Pinom Peen Cambodia - Phnom Penh
Kanaadaa - Otawaa Canada - Ottawa
Kataar - Dohaa Qatar- Doha
Kazaakistaan - Astanaa Kazakhstan - Astana
Keeniyaa - Naarobii Kenya - Nairobi
Keeppi Bardii - Pirayaa Cape Verde - Praia
Kirgizistaan - Bishkeek Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek
Kiribatii - Tarawaa Kiribati -Tarawa
Kirowaatiyaa - Zaagreb Croatia - Zagreb
Kolombiyaa - Bogotaa Colombia - Bogota
Komooroo - Moronii Comoros - Moroni
Koongoo Kinshaasaa - Kinshaasaa Congo Kinshasa - Kinshasa
KoongooBiraazabil - Biraazabil Congo Brazzaville - Brazzaville
Koriyaa Kaabaa - Piyongiyangii North Korea - Pyongyang
Koriyaa Kibbaa - Sool South Korea - Seoul
Kostaa Rikaa - Saan Josee Costa Rica - San Jose
Kotee Dibiwaar - Abjaan, Vamusukroo Cote D'ivoire - Abidjan, Yamoussoukro
Kuubaa - Habaanaa Cuba - Havana
Kuweet - Kuweet Kuwait - Kuwait
Laa'os - Bentiyanee Laos - Vientiane
Laatbiyaa - Riigaa Latvia - Riga
Lebaanon - Beerut Lebanon - Beirut
Lesootoo - Maseruu Lesotho - Maseru
Libeeriyaa - Monroobiyaa Liberia - Monrovia
Liibiyaa - Tirippolii Libya - Tripoli
Lishtenistaayin - Baduuz Liechtenstein - Vaduz
Lituweeniyaa - Bilniwus Lithuania - Vilnius
Luksamburgii - Luksamburgii Luxembourg - Luxembourg
Maaldibis - Maalee Maldives - Male
Maalii - Bamaakoo Mali - Bamako
Maaltaa - Balleettaa Malta- Valletta
Maasedooniyaa - lskoppiyee Macedonia - Skopje
Madagaaskaar - Antananariboo Madagascar - Antananarivo
Malaawii - Lilongiwee Malawi - Lilongwe
Maleesiyaa - Kuwaala Lumpur Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur
Mawurishees - Poorti Liwus Mauritius - Port Louis
Mawuritaaniyaa - Nakushoot Mauritania - Nouakchott

Meeksikoo - Magaalaa Meeksikoo Mexico - Mexico City

Mikroneesiyaa - Palikir Micronesia - Palikir
Moldoobaa - Chisiniwaa Moldova - Chisinau
Monaakoo - Monaakoo Monaco - Monaco
Mongooliyaa - Ulaan Baatar Mongolia - Ulan Bator
Morokoo - Rabaat Morocco - Rabat
Mozaambik - Maputoo Mozambique - Maputo
Naajeriyaa - Abujaa Nigeria - Abuja
Namibiyaa - Windook Namibia - Windhoek
Nawuruu - Yaren Nauru - Yaren
Neezarlaandii - Amsitardaam, Netherlands - Amsterdam
Neppaal - Katamanduu Nepal - Kathmandu
Nijeer - Niyaamee Niger - Niamey
Nikaraaguwaa - Manaaguwaa Nicaragua - Managua
Niw Zilaandii - Welingitan New Zealand - Wellington
Noorwee - Osloo Norway - Oslo
Odoolota Maarshaal - Majuroo Marshal Islands - Majuro
Odoolota Solomon - Honiyaara Solomon Islands - Honiara
Omaan - Muskaat Oman - Muscat
Ostiriyaa - Biyaanaa Austria - Vienna
Paakistaan - lslaamabaad Pakistan - Islamabad
Palawuu - Koror Palau - Koror
Panamaa - Magaalaa Panamaa Panama - Panama City
Pappawaa Niw Giinii - Poorti Moresbii Papua New Guinea - Port Moresby
Paraguwaay - Asunshiyoon Paraguay - Asuncion
Peeruu - Liimaa Peru - Lima
Polandii - Waarsoo Poland - Warsaw
Portugaal - Lisbon Portugal - Lisbon
Republika Afrikaa Jiddugalee - Baanguwii Central African Republic - Bangui
Republika Cheekii - Piraag Czech Republic - Prague
Republika Dominikaa - Saanto Domingoo Dominican Republic - Santo Domingo
Rumaaniyaa - Bukarestii Romania - Bucharest
Rusiyaa - Moskoo Russia - Moscow
Ruwaandaa - Kigaalii Rwanda - Kigali
Saan Mariinoo - Saan Mariinoo San Marino - San Marino
Samowaa - Appiyaa Samoa-Apia
Sarbiyaa fi Montenegroo - Beelgiraad Serbia and Montenegro - Belgrade
Sawo Toomee fi Pirinsippii - Sawo Toomee Sao Tome and Principe - Sao Tome
Sawudii Arabiyaa - Riyaad Saudi Arabia - Riyadh
Sechiliis - Biktooriyaa Seychelles - Victoria
Seenti Binchentii fi Girenadiin - Kingistaawon Saint Vincent and Grenadines - Kingstown
Seenti Kitii fi Nebis - Baseterree Saint Kitts and Nevis - Basseterre
Seenti Luchiyaa - Kastiriis Saint Lucia - Castries
Sengaal - Daakaar Senegal - Dakar
Seraliyoon - Firii Taawon Sierra Leone - Freetown
Singapoor - Singapoor Singapore - Singapore
Sippiras - Nikoosiyaa Cyprus - Nicosia
Siri Laankaa - Kolomboo Sri Lanka - Colombo
Somaaliyaa - Maqadishoo Somalia - Mogadishu
Sooriyaa - Damaaskoo Syria - Damascus
Sudaan - Kaartum Sudan - Khartoum
Surinaam - Paramaariboo Suriname - Paramaribo
Taayilaandii - Baangikook Thailand - Bangkok
Taayiwaan - Taayippee Taiwan - Taipei
Tabuluu - Funafutii Tuvalu - Funafuti
Tajikistaan - Dushaanbee Tajikistan - Dushanbe
Tanzaaniyaa - Daare Salaam, Dodomaa Tanzania - Dar es Salaam, Dodoma
Tirindaadii fi Tobaagoo - Poorti lspeen Trinidad and Tobago - Port of Spain
Tokkummaa lmiroota Arabaa - Abu Daabii United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi
Tongaa - Nuku'alofa Tonga - Nuku'alofa
Toogoo - Loomee Togo- Lome
Toopphiyaa - Finfinnee Ethiopia - Addis Ababa

Tuniisiyaa - Tuniis Tunisia - Tunis

Turkemenistaan - Ashgabat Turkmenistan -Ashgabat
Ugaandaa - Kampaalaa Uganda - Kampala
Ukraayin - Kiib Ukraine - Kiev
Uruguwaay - Montebidiyoo Uruguay - Montevideo
Uzbeekistaan - Tashkentii Uzbekistan - Tashkent
Yaman - Saanaa Yemen - San'a
Zaambiyaa - Lusaakaa Zambia - Lusaka
Zimbaabwee - Haraaree Zimbabwe - Harare


CAPITAL CITIES Los Anjeles Los Angeles
Maarsee Marseilles

Atlaantaa Atlanta Madiinaa Medina

Baabiloon Babylon Magaalaa Hochi Minii Ho Chi Minh City
Barseloonaa Barcelona Makkaa Mecca
Benesiyaa Venice Milaanoo Milan
Bombee Bombay Mombaasaa Mombasa
Firaankifurtii Frankfurt Montireel Montreal
Hamburgii Hamburg Muniik Munich
Haag The Hague Niwu Yoorkii New York
lbaadan Ibadan Osaakaa Osaka
lskindiriyaa Alexandria Riiyoo Di Jeneroo Rio de Janeiro
lstaanbul Istanbul Roterdaam Rotterdam
lstiraasburgii Strasbourg Seenti Peterburgii St. Petersburg
Jenebaa Geneva Shaangaay Shanghai
Johaannisburgii Johannesburg Sidinee Sydney
Kaalikutaa Calcutta Tumbuktuu Timbuktu
Kaasabilaankaa Casablanca Torontoo Toronto
Karaachii Karachi Yerusaalem Jerusalem


Afrikaa Africa
Ameerikaa Kibbaa South America
America Kaabaa North America
Antaartikaa Antarctic
Asiyaa Asia
Awustaraaliyaa Australia
Oroppaa Europe


Maanya Kaabacabbii
Garba Boroo
Garba Diimaa
Garba Jiddugaleessa
Garba Kaaspiyaa
Garba Meditraaniyaa
Maanya Atlaantikaa
Maanya Hindii

N ean Arctic Ocean

same as Garba

Maanya Kibbacabbii Antarctic Ocean

Maanya Nagayaa Pacific Ocean

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